#* &  jeon pildo  ━━  ❮   headcanon   ❯
peaxhxhair · 1 year
Hello!!🤗 hope you're doing well. I would like to request boyfriend headcanons for Taeju and Jeon Pildo from My Name with gender neutral reader.
A/n: HELLO!! Thank you SO much for the request! HOPE YOU ENJOY!! <3
Consider buying me a coffee? <3
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Jung Taeju
Does the weirdest things for you that you had no idea you needed.
Like, he’ll write emails for you? If you don’t want to write an email to someone, he’ll do it for you - especially if he knows you won’t be professional about it.
He doesn’t have time to grocery shop with you, but he’ll leave you a little list of things you need for your (shared) apartment. Like dish soap or dryer sheets.
Even if he’s in a rush, he’ll make sure that you straighten his tie for him. He can’t leave the house without you telling him that he looks good.
He’ll take every chance he gets to kiss you.
Since his job is very demanding, he’ll take every free moment to kiss you somewhere; lips, cheeks, forehead. Anywhere you’ll let him.
Always tells you he loves you, but especially before he does something dangerous (literally everyday)
He obviously can’t meet your family, but he’s viewed very highly by them - from what you’ve been telling them anyway.
If you’re going to a family gathering, he’ll drop you off and pick you up, but he can’t spend any time with your family. That kind of hurts his feelings though.
Takes care of you when you’re sick or hungover.
The most caring guy ever, he just struggles to show it sometimes.
Good at communicating. He struggled at the beginning of your relationship, but he trusts you more than anything now.
Always thinking about you. Like he’ll do something dangerous at work and be like “They wouldn’t like that I did that…” and then would just…Stop doing it??
If you don’t like it, he won’t do it. He’s lucky that you’re fine with his job.
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Jeon Pildo
Love Language? Physical Touch.
LOVES to have his hands on you at all times.
Just the simple places, like your hips, shoulders, hands.
He’ll get upset if he can’t be near you, but he knows that he can’t be next to you all of the time.
The MOST protective boyfriend.
Will threaten to arrest a person who tries to flirt with you. It will always scare them away.
Your family LOVES him. He’s definitely popular amongst the women in your family.
Will keep his hand on your back at all times; especially in large crowds.
Great at buying gifts; terrible at wrapping them.
You try not to chuckle at his terrible wrapping skills.
He knows it’s bad, but at least he tried.
Actually a pretty decent cook, but he doesn’t have the time for it because of his job.
If he takes some days off, he’ll make your lunches for you; and dinner too.
He’s your favorite chef.
He knows what you like, and he’ll try his absolute hardest to make you happy.
If you can’t drive, he’ll drive you everywhere you need to go - no questions asked.
If you can drive, he’ll happily be a passenger princess.
Bonus points if you put your hand on his thigh while driving.
The two of you will joke about it, but he secretly really likes it.
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tewwor-moving · 2 years
specifically during & post #crusher because i have thoughts.
first of all….. i’ve mentioned it before, but the way he attempts to free himself from the cuffs for 0.001 second before immediately going to help jiwoo. instead of being paralyzed with fear he acts in any way possible to get her out. he kicks the metal frame (?) loose to yank jiwoo’s cuff out, goes back to try at his own again for 2 seconds, and then yells at jiwoo to leave and get herself out before the car caves in too far.
secondly… while pildo might be okay enough to generally be in a car after that incident ( driving or not ), i’m certain there are hairline triggers lurking about. things like hearing glass shatter, hearing metal groan or warp, seeing a car get slammed from impact.. even if it’s not ‘near’ him. even if he’s not in a car himself. i think just witnessing a wreck within eyesight is enough to have him subconsciously touch the scar around his left wrist, feel a dull throb from the right temple, be robbed of air as alarm sets into the beginnings of panic.
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andornism · 2 years
– late night confessions
jeon pildo x gn!reader
genre: fluffy
warnings: scars mentioning
request: could you please write something really cute with pildo from my name??
author's note: i miss him so much it made me emotional also for recommendation i have butterfly - stayc idk the song is nice and romantic in my perception
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you and pildo have been friends since you two met when you were freshmen on the police station, always going out just the two of you together to vent about work or personal situations, overall, you were "partners in crime" (that's how everyone liked to call you).
"can you hurry up, dumbass?!" pildo calls you from the outside the bar while you say goodbye to your other friends who had chosen to stick together.
"i'm coming, idiot!" you control the volume of your voice due people around you, smiling softly at your friends and running at the man.
when you step outside, you see his smile and feel you heart skipping a beat, as usual – but unknow for pildo, – making you smile back at him and hide your face with your scarf to prevent a blush from occuring in front of him.
"are you cold? let's go to a warm place, i really need to tell you something." he pouts looking the snow falling on top of you. "it's worth it, i promise."
"okay! we can go to my house then." you agree with your head and lead him to the way where you live, not too far from where you're at.
the silence between you was always comforting, but for some reason you felt pildo tense and it made you nervous too. 10 minutes after walking side to side you unlock your front door and signal him to enter.
"make yourself at home." you head to the kitchen, wishing a cup of coffee or tea.
"you know i do." he laughs shyly, following your movements with his eyes.
meanwhile, pildo is in the living room looking respectfully at the decoration. "i'm falling in love with their taste in decoration too?!" is what goes through his mind, making him shake his own head to distract himself from these thoughts.
you come back from the kitchen with two mugs in hand, sitting on the sofa while putting the mugs down at the table in front of you. you take a sip of the content inside and signalize him to sit on your side, what he does almost immediately.
"thank you." you hear his low voice and give him a confused look.
"hey, what is bothering you?" you take his hand with your free one, caressing softly, feeling his scars. "you can talk anything to me, dumbass." his eyes meet yours, making you put your mug down to pay full attention to him.
he sighs and laugh a bit, hiding half of his face with his other hand, making you smile with a thin line on your lips. feeling flustered about being sharing this moment with him made you get lost in your mind, appreciating all of his traits.
his eyes glowed every time he talked to you, his lips always formed a little smile after seeing you walk out the place, his hands were always hesitant about touching your hands or back while guiding you. and you never noticed any of those things, as he never noticed your blushes or stuttering when you get to close to him. you always tried to cheer him up when he got hopeless, helped him with the work he didn't have time to get done.
you were tuned with each other since you met.
"i think i'm in love with everything about you." he says laughing shyly, feeling like a teenager while his face starts to get hot.
you open your mouth a bit in shock not sure if you heard right. you laugh at his face getting red but you knew yours already was too.
"well, i'm sure i love everything about you." you confess your feelings to him, taking his hand close to your face and placing little kisses on it.
you felt his right hand slide on the side of your face, making you stop your previous action. both your eyes have this soft look as he leans to kiss your lips slowly and softly.
oh god, this was better than anything you lived before, his gentle touches made you melt in every emotional way possible, making you embrace him in the middle of one of the many sweet kisses you were sharing.
the snowy night became warm now with pildo.
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
hi, hello, let me babble into the nothingness of my soapbox that is this platform thank you.
mn spoilers(ish) below!
in my third verse ( bite the bullet ) for pildo, i’ve noticed a fairly stark difference of personality and it won’t leave my head. like, yes, he did almost get shot in the head before jiwoo yoinked him out of the way. but it’s never really been about the physical trauma he experiences himself. it’s always what other’s go through that leaves a deeper and longer impact on him, so i think.
going back to the car scene ( again — no i won’t shut up about it ), pildo either has some serious compartmentalization skills going on to chat with jiwoo like normal when she wakes up and he deals with the trauma off screen, or nearly being pancaked by a car crusher really didn’t have a big impact on him ( which i personally highly doubt — which is why i have my hc of certain triggers for my version of him ).
also, when giho’s tapdancing on the line of dying, the shock and hurt you see pildo go through is visceral before and after the incident. in my mind, he becomes a little more desperate to get to the bottom of things ( whichever way that may lead him ) and open.
i know he has that whole speech of wanting revenge so badly that he began to lose himself in that shack on the beach. he didn’t recognize who he was anymore, etc, etc. but i think.. that maybe... after jiwoo ( in this third verse ) decides to continue her pursuit of mujin outside of the law ( because he’s still alive, he’s still here, danger can and will always follow so long as he breathes — even if it feels as if his own is linked with hers because of roots planted in betrayal ) that pildo breaks a little. he starts to revert back to that time where he doesn’t know his face anymore. where he’d do anything to catch whoever he’s seeking, albeit without wanting to harm them this time since it’d be jiwoo after she barely makes it out alive ( which he wouldn’t even allow himself believe ).
so he’s more rough around the edges. more brash and bold ( if you can believe that ). less peppy and outwardly annoying ( he doesn’t have the time to fool around anymore ). even quicker to anger, quicker to lash out, quicker to reprimand. more.. careless. but he’s still got a good heart underneath all of that. it’s just hidden for the time being as he sorts through ( or doesn’t ) the pain of understanding how jiwoo thought that was for the best. that, despite the deep trust they’ve developed, it’s better to continue that cycle of violence because it’s the only finality that will stop mujin.
last thing. even if pildo and jiwoo do cross paths again and — let’s say the best happens and they partner up again or at least stay constant in each other’s lives — i don’t think.. that pildo will ever revert back to how he is for the majority of my name. some of that light-hearted cocky arrogance will come back, sure, but never fully. like he’s almost.. mellowed out juuuust a little bit in a weird way. i also think he clings to those he loves that much harder and closer.
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prttydoli · 2 years
♡ — MY NAME !
( ♡ ) — fluff
( ❆ ) — angst
( ❀ ) — smut
( ✦ ) — yandere
— choi mujin
— do gangjae
— jung taeju
— jeon pildo
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tewwor-moving · 2 years
hi, hello, let me babble into the nothingness of my soapbox that is this platform thank you.
mn spoilers(ish) below!
in my third verse ( bite the bullet ) for pildo, i’ve noticed a fairly stark difference of personality and it won’t leave my head. like, yes, he did almost get shot in the head before jiwoo yoinked him out of the way. but it’s never really been about the physical trauma he experiences himself. it’s always what other’s go through that leaves a deeper and longer impact on him, so i think.
going back to the car scene ( again — no i won’t shut up about it ), pildo either has some serious compartmentalization skills going on to chat with jiwoo like normal when she wakes up and he deals with the trauma off screen, or nearly being pancaked by a car crusher really didn’t have a big impact on him ( which i personally highly doubt — which is why i have my hc of certain triggers for my version of him ).
also, when giho’s tapdancing on the line of dying, the shock and hurt you see pildo go through is visceral before and after the incident. in my mind, he becomes a little more desperate to get to the bottom of things ( whichever way that may lead him ) and open.
i know he has that whole speech of wanting revenge so badly that he began to lose himself in that shack on the beach. he didn’t recognize who he was anymore, etc, etc. but i think.. that maybe... after jiwoo ( in this third verse ) decides to continue her pursuit of mujin outside of the law ( because he’s still alive, he’s still here, danger can and will always follow so long as he breathes — even if it feels as if his own is linked with hers because of roots planted in betrayal ) that pildo breaks a little. he starts to revert back to that time where he doesn’t know his face anymore. where he’d do anything to catch whoever he’s seeking, albeit without wanting to harm them this time since it’d be jiwoo after she barely makes it out alive ( which he wouldn’t even allow himself believe ).
so he’s more rough around the edges. more brash and bold ( if you can believe that ). less peppy and outwardly annoying ( he doesn’t have the time to fool around anymore ). even quicker to anger, quicker to lash out, quicker to reprimand. more.. careless. but he’s still got a good heart underneath all of that. it’s just hidden for the time being as he sorts through ( or doesn’t ) the pain of understanding how jiwoo thought that was for the best. that, despite the deep trust they’ve developed, it’s better to continue that cycle of violence because it’s the only finality that will stop mujin.
last thing. even if pildo and jiwoo do cross paths again and — let’s say the best happens and they partner up again or at least stay constant in each other’s lives — i don’t think.. that pildo will ever revert back to how he is for the majority of my name. some of that light-hearted cocky arrogance will come back, sure, but never fully. like he’s almost.. mellowed out juuuust a little bit in a weird way. i also think he clings to those he loves that much harder and closer.
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peaxhxhair · 2 years
Consider buying me a coffee!
Choi Mujin
Regrets - Mujin voices his regrets.
A Little Bit Dramatic - |Request| Y/n gets a little jealous of Jiwoo
Stop That - DRABBLE - Mujin cleans up Y/n’s wounds
Surgery - Mujin helps his partner recover from his surgery.
Jung Taeju
Cuts and Bruises + Brawl + Annoyance - Dongcheon’s doctor gets to know Taeju a bit more.
Cold Weather - Someone forgets their jacket.
Glasses - Men are 10x hotter with glasses.
Midnight Snacks - Y/n relives their convenience store visits with Taeju.
Secrets - |Request| Y/n finds out about Taeju’s secret.
Deceit - |Request| Y/n betrays their lover.
Gym - |Request| Sometimes the gym isn't a safe space
Do Gangje
Shower? - IMAGINE - What it’s like showering with him.
Yoon Jiwoo
Coming Soon!
Jeon Pildo
Coming Soon!
Jealousy and Dating - |Request| C.M, D.G
Them Crushing on you - |Request| C.M, J.T, D.G
Kidnapped by their enemy - |request| C.M , D.G
Child Antics - C.M
Please read my RULES before requesting anything!
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
ignore these next tag drops thnkx
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