#* / character study ( furina. )
stardustdiiving · 2 months
I get to stressed out when ppl complain the gods in genshin dont “act/feel like gods” or feel “too human” like that’s the point…! That is the point of every single one of their characters and one of the themes of Genshin impact the video game !!!!!!!
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yandere-wishes · 9 months
♡⠀🦢⠀♡⠀♡⠀🦢⠀♡⠀♡⠀🦢⠀♡⠀♡⠀🦢 ♡⠀
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Hot Take: Swan Lake (But make it Yancore)
Act 1 Scene 1
But has anyone ever thought about the misery that lies concealed beneath the waves of Swan Lake? A love that's molded over tenfold, yet still continues to rot?
Has anyone ever thought about how in love Baron von Rothbart must have been? How desperate he was to gain Odette's adoration that he sentenced her to his own prison? None shall have her, should he be unable to possess her. It's a promise he makes in a kiss of smoke and stardust. 
Rothbart is a creature sewn of flames and feathers. Carved from abomination and power. Strong and weak all in the same breath. Yet ultimately a prisoner too, just like his dear Odette. Rothbart's bones are his glided cage, his own powers his jailer. He knows banishment and imprisonment as if they were his architects. He recognizes isolation like the kiss of a lost lover. He's lord of the swans, the owls, the crows, the birds, he's the lord of everything except Odette's heart. 
So he curses her. Not out of malice, never malice, but out of love, devotion. Maybe, just maybe if she could bear his burden. she too would come to understand. He curses her with his likeness. Curses her with a lore and a crown and everything he has always had. He turns her into something only he could love. 
And at the end of the day, it works too...
Act 1 Scene 2
Poor Odette, poor sweet Odette. Everyone knows of her tragedy, her curse, her death. Yet has anyone ever seen the sorrow that resides within her brittle bones? 
Half swan, Half human. Yet never belonging to either world.
No one's ever thought of how she's felt throughout these years. The way the feathers stick out of her flesh even when she's human again. The way her voice imitates the call of a swan, every second syllable emphasized.
Even the full moon can not fully return that which Rothbart stole. 
Oh, Rothbart. Even his name sends waves of hate throughout her body. 
There's resentment in her bones. Hate too deep and passionate for words
What is this called again? Obsession, abhorrence, loathing?
Yet even with this spirited hate, all she can do is wait, wither away until imposible love finds her. 
But when Siegfried finds her that's when the world really starts to fall apart. Because he's a prince, cold yet lovable. Soft like dandelions and as precious as the lilypads that infest the pond. 
He's everything she's ever wanted.
And yet...
There's this leap in logic whenever he's concerned. He can't understand the pain she's been through. He'll never truly comprehend the weight of the curse. How suffocating its invisible shackles are, how deteriorated her mind has become. 
Siegfried is a prince in every definition of the word... 
But Siegfried can't understand the horrors she bears in her heart. The nightmares that never seize and the burden of living between worlds.
So maybe, just maybe that's why she throws herself into Rothbart's arms one dreadful night. Because for all his countless flaws Rothbart can -at the very least- comprehend her anguish. Who better to understand the burden of a curse than its caster? Then the one born with the same spell in his veins. 
The curse is straightforward "a spell broken only once you are loved by someone who has never loved before." 
Has Rothbart ever truly loved someone? Should she try to gain his love? maybe she's had it this whole time...Maybe she's also loved him this whole time...
Or maybe she's grown addicted to the sting of his teeth along her jugular and his bruising grip on her hips when they pirouette. Maybe there's a form of deification in the burn marks his feathers leave across her skin. A silent "I Love You" too fragile to be spoken. 
There's something wrong with his kisses - they burn like a thousand hells and leave an aftertaste akin to poison- there's something wrong with the way her name falls from his lips. 
There's something wrong with him...
So why is she starting to want him?
Maybe it's the trauma he's spilled into her lungs. Or how easily he makes the nightmares go away. Maybe it's the palliative sensation as he caresses all her flaws, kissing them as if they were holy. Maybe it's because whether swan or human she knows he'll love her. He'll understand. 
How she wishes sweet Siegfried could do the same...
Act 2 scene 1 
Odile chokes on night air and stardust. Bursting at the seams to be seen. She can't remember a time when she's been anything but darkness. Anything but a second thought. 
She was born with feathers and a body meant to endure. Her mother, the dark arts. Her father, the lord of all who fly. She is more creature than human. A testament to the dark. 
So what if she grew up spoiled? With every luxury thrown at her feet. It all means very little when you've never known the touch of another soul. When isolation has been your sole companion from the moment you emerged from your egg. 
There's darkness within her that her father nourishes. Yet not even he can provide her with mitigation, camaraderie, happiness. 
So maybe, just maybe that's why when she sees the prince for the first time. The world illuminates. She's sent to seduce him. To claim another victory for her father. But she positively melts when she feels his warm hands on her skin. The smile aimed at her is brighter than every ray of the sun.
If it's merely a deceit, then why does her heart pound like a caged bird among her ribs? Why does her blood flow to her cheeks upon seeing his smile? Why oh why does she feel this way, this need? To make him hers.
The black swan falls for the prince even if it's only meant to be a ploy, a ruse, another cruel game orchestrated by the wicked baron. How painful it must be to love for the first time and know it can only end in woe. How painful it must be to rot in endless heartache. 
How she wishes to kiss him, just once. As he holds her hand and dances with her in front of a royal crowd. His eyes shine with an adoration she's never seen before. Is this love? Is this what she's been robbed of her whole life?
How she dies a thousand deaths when Siegfried utters Odette's name. 
What she wouldn't sacrifice to hear him call her name instead...
Act 2 Scene 2
Imagine the black swan and the white swan actually get a chance to meet away from preying eyes and endless expectations. Imagine they understand each other's pain like two dying stars. 
There's a lake in a forest where dreams go to die. A sparkling oasis where curses run ramped. In the glow of a lonely moon, Odette sits by the lake. Watching her fellow prisoners dance the night away. 
Her heartache is unbearable tonight, she'll deem it a miracle should she see sunrise. Odile collapses next to her, bathing in her loneliness. A shade of grey encompasses the two of them, 
They're too tired to hate. Too tired to fight. For tonight they are both just lost souls looking for the light.  
Imagine the white swan and the black swan actually understand each other. 
One cursed to be a swan. The other born into its likeness. 
"I want to die," Odette mutters her tone is all burdon and pain. 
"Death would be too easy, dear princess. We were both made to suffer" Odile replies, stating the only fact she's still sure of. 
Odette stands, a queen with no crown. Her eyes staring at her flock of swans. She outstretches her hand and beckons Odile for a dance. Just two birds trapped within the same aviary.
Odile's hand fits perfectly in Odette's. Fingers entwined as if slipping into each other's souls. Two juxtapositions, dancing as if they were one. Each step mirroring the other. 
Every jete, every arabesque, every graceful move, further entwines their fate. Guiding them to an answer, a clarification neither knew existed. 
The younger swans gather around them. Embracing them. Odette and Odile were created for this world. Both doomed by Rothbart and revered by Siegfried. Stronger together.
Two birds of a feather, who must die together... 
Final Act
Imagine the black swan and the white swan decide to die together. Standing at the edge of the lake. Hands crossed, holding each other. Legs moving in a thousand tiny Bourrees. Siegfried and Rothbart cry out, trying to reach them. It's futile, the two swans have made their choice. The waves below beckon. 
Odette and Odile, know that together no one will ever hurt them again. 
Imagine sacrificing love in its entirety to ensure the safety of the other swans, of each other. Imagine accepting the curse, believing that one must embrace it to be able to live a prosperous life. The two swans fall together, a double suicide, an act of devotion. 
Maybe just maybe the world will finally learn how devoted and mercurial a maiden's heart truly is. 
Before the Prince and Baron can shed their tears, a creature emerges from the lake. A single swan made up of halves. A testament to both princesses. A queen in its entirety. Two wings of black and white hang from her shoulder blades. A crown of white and black adorned her head. There is no longer an Odette, a cursed girl awaiting love. There is no longer an Odile a baroness of evil. There is only the swan queen. 
And she will make the world bow. 
tags: @average-yandere-enjoyer @vereya @coral-relevium @overthinkingit56
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cinnamonbirb534 · 10 months
Ai x Furina: A Comparitive Study of Love and Lies
Ok y’all strap yourselves in, ‘cause this is going to be one hell of a ride. 
To the five people who like Oshi No Ko + Genshin Impact + Read Tumblr Analysis Essays: hi how are you? Ok, now that the hook is done let’s cut to the thesis: 
Ai Hoshino from Oshi No Ko and Furina de Fontaine from Genshin Impact are incredibly similar and well written characters. In this essay I will state the commonalities between the writing of their respective characters along with their contrasting traits. 
Warning for 4.2 Update Spoilers and Oshi No Ko Spoilers. 
Furina and Ai are stellar liars. One of them managed to lie to generations upon generations of her world's population of her godhood while the other garnered a following of fans at the age of 20 who are willing to kill and die for her. A spotlight (whether it be metaphorical or literal) is always on them and they are constantly pressured to maintain their image. 
What is fascinating about both of their lies is their differing motivations.Furina lies because she quite literally has to save her country from damnation and Ai lies because she wants to figure out what love truly feels like. 
To cut things shorter, Furina lies out of love for her subjects while Ai hasn’t figured out what life is and lies for the sake of learning what it means to love. 
Let’s move on to: “ Love” as a motivator for both characters. In spite of their well made synthetic identities, love seems to be a persisting theme in both (at least that’s how I perceive it and it’s ironic considering that Furina is the archon of justice, not love). 
Ai was unable to perceive love, much less be open to giving love to other people because of her tragic past. But, she found a way to learn how to love through her performances as an idol, actress, and model. Desperate for a genuine connection with other people, she opted to be an even more convincing liar in the hopes that her lies would turn into the truth. To her, lying was her own way to regain her emotional autonomy of loving others. 
Furina’s love is innocent; it granted her the unwavering will to continue her act as the “Regina of all Waters” for 500 years. In a sense, Furina never really wanted to lie to her people; she just knew it was necessary to save everyone. Similarly to Ai, she never could really make a genuine emotional connection with anyone. But the key difference is that her lies prevented her from doing so, while Ai tried to use her lies in order to make an emotional connection. Furina managed to make emotional connections with others as “Focalor the archon” but not really as “Furina the human”. But regardless, she (as in, Furina the human) genuinely loved Fontaine as their leader but not as their god. 
In other words, both characters have my heart thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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asbestos-11 · 7 months
huhu the struggle of finding blade fics that are about him and his struggle with immortality and whatnot. huhu pleaseeee there's too little gen fics about him.
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immobiliter · 4 months
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i am fully prepared for hoyo to prove me wrong on this, but i do think that the only way furina could life a free and happy life is if she does so outside of fontaine
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the-scholar · 11 months
Your taste in genshin art is impeccable lol
Oh and, have any thoughts on Furina? (Is that how you spell it..? I don’t know.. )
omg thank you! it helps that there are so many awesome artists in the genshin community (i hope i can make art as nice as them someday 😭)
i love furina and i'm excited to learn more about her! for the most part the archons we've seen so far have generally had a vibe to them that they know what they're doing and are mostly comfortable with their position - venti is flighty (haha) and unserious, raiden is cold and detached, and nahida is not super confident in herself, but they and zhongli are all powerful, smart, and capable rulers for the most part.
furina is super interesting because while she puts on this grand facade of being a powerful god, it kind of seems like she really...isn't? she's a very "fake it til you make it" kind of person from what i've seen, and when faced with difficult situations where people turn to her as an archon for answers or help, she totally freezes and doesn't know what to do. (spoilers) we've seen her do it in most of the trials so far, especially when the oratrice gives childe a false(?) guilty judgement, and when the knave asks her what her plan to combat the prophecy is. it feels almost like she's a kid/teenager who fell into power unprepared for it, especially when her idle animations and skill have her playing with and naming little water creatures like they're stuffed animals/pets/imaginary friends
it makes me wonder what's really going on with her, it seems like she's hiding something for sure. how did she come into being the archon when she seems kind of bad at. being an archon? does she know something about the previous archon or the prophecy that we don't? or maybe she has some sort of secret side to her - the fact that she has parts of her design that oppose each other could suggest it. she has two different eyes (the only time that i'm aware a playable character does, other than eyepatches) as well as two separate "modes" of gameplay that can be switched between, and two separate outfits/appearances depending on what mode you're in.
aside from that, i really enjoy how petty and dramatic she is while secretly being insecure, it makes for a ton of really funny character moments and i like her a lot! i think i'll try to pull for her, her gameplay seems super unique as a playable character. i can't wait for the next update, i hope that with it we get more inside info on who she actually is!
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(Genshin Impact) Beidou, Dehya, Arlecchino, Chiori, Lynette, Furina, Navia, Clorinde, Jean, Eula, Lisa, Noelle, Ayaka, Sara, Ei, Yae, Shenhe, Yelan Xianyun, and Xinyan seeing their S/O in a swimsuit
Now, I hear you asking dear followers: "Chris, why the hell are you writing a non-request for 20 characters when you have 628 asks in your inbox?" And uh... ...
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Beidou can't resist a wolf-whistle the moment her S/O steps into view wearing their swimsuit.
Notably, Beidou doesn't appear to have changed out of her usual attire, something that makes S/O pout.
She smirks while her eye glances them up and down.
(Beidou) "Nice.~"
(S/O) "The least you can do is at least join me instead of ogling..."
Seeing their expression makes her laugh immediately and wrap an arm around them and bringing S/O closer.
(Beidou) "Nothing wrong with me enjoying how pretty you are. Plus, I don't really own a swimsuit. Unless you want me to skinny dip with you-"
(S/O) "Gods- Not where everyone can see!"
(Beidou) "So what I'm hearing is that you aren't opposed to that?"
S/O sighs, with Beidou playfully punching their arm.
(Beidou) "Lighten up, already! We're at the beach, let's go enjoy ourselves!"
She at the very least throws off her boots and coat before joining S/O in the water.
(Beidou) "I can throw you into the water if you want me to."
(S/O) "I might do that myself-"
(Beidou) "Hah, I'd like yo see you try!"
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Dehya doesn't swim often, being in a desert tends to make that chance very rare.
Plus, working as a mercenary group that primarily consisted of males compounded onto that fact.
So, the first time she got to go to a beach with S/O alone was a jarring one.
The sand underneath her feet was familiar, yet alien at the same time.
(Dehya) "Wow, this sand is super rough..."
She quickly snaps out of her fixation when S/O stands next to her, wearing as much clothes as she was.
(S/O) "But the breeze feels nice, right?"
Dehya's eyes quickly wander before shooting back up to their face, awkwardly coughing into their hand, flustered from that blunder.
(Dehya) "Y-Yeah. Sights aren't too bad either."
(S/O) "Hah, smooth...A-And, I don't really mind you looking. It's not like I haven't done the same myself."
(Dehya) "Hm, maybe I should let you choose a swimsuit for me then?"
She smiles back at S/O before her hand is getting dragged towards the water.
(S/O) "Before that, let's go to the waters first! We'll be here for a few days anyway!"
Dehya throws off her equipment and eagerly joining them.
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Arlecchino isn't that big on swimming, but she knows that her children enjoy doing so.
Plus, she doesn't exactly get a "vacation" in the traditional sense.
But at the very least, she can put aside some time to spend with S/O once her obligations were taken care of.
And if they wanted to swim, then who is she to stop them?
She's sitting underneath an umbrella in her chair when she hears footsteps approach.
(S/O) "Not joining me in the waters?"
(Arlecchino) "I will decline the offer. Well, for swimming at least. If you wish to walk alongside the coast, I can at least oblige you in that."
Her eyes glance over to S/O, noting the swimsuit choice of S/O.
They couldn't help but be a little flustered, having her unflinching gaze stare at them.
(S/O) "Um...S-Something on my face?"
Her expression remains the same as she gives a reply that flustered them even more.
(Arlecchino) "I admit, you are rather eyecatching when nothing is left to the imagination."
(S/O) a-ahem! "Would you like to take a walk right now?"
S/O offers their hand to her, which she gladly accepts as Arlecchino lifts herself up.
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Chiori, of course, chose both their swimwear for this trip.
And since there was going to be no one around to bother them, she could get a little...creative with her choices.
When she finished changing, she waited for S/O to do the same.
(Chiori) "Well, what do you think?"
S/O's eyes widened as they studied their girlfriend's swimsuit, taking their sweet time in doing so.
(S/O) "You...! You look beautiful!"
Chiori smirks before flicking their forehead, then crossing her arms.
(Chiori) "I meant yours."
(S/O) "O-OH! Um, right! It fits really well, plenty of room to breathe and is stylish to boot!"
Chiori laughs as she wraps one arm around S/O and both walk to the water.
(Chiori) "Good answer. And I'm glad you seem to appreciate mine just as much. I did put a lot of effort into it, since I know what you like."
She doesn't have much opportunities to try making swimwear for people, so this was both an enjoyable experiment, and a nice way to enjoy quality time with someone she loved.
The eye candy was definitely a great bonus.
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Lynette doesn't get a full on swimsuit, instead she just wears a one-piece that is very modest.
Big surprise, she doesn't like water too much so she opts to sit by the sand and space out.
Which seeing S/O wearing a swimsuit is enough to snap her attention back to reality.
(Lynette) "You look good."
(S/O) "Thanks, you look really cute too!"
Lynette's ears twitches at the compliment and she averts her gaze from meeting their eyes directly.
(Lynette) "...Mhm."
S/O sits beside Lynette, just enjoying the sound of the waves gently brushing against the sand.
With the right temperature and shade they're underneath, it doesn't take long for Lynette to doze off, leaning into S/O.
Feeling the warmth of the sun combined with their body has her become very comfortable.
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Furina would have brought something extra, something eyecatching that would make S/O's eyes bulge out their head!
A daring and revealing outfit? A sexy yet elegant one-piece?
Any one of the outlandish outfits she would have chosen.
...If she actually had access to it nowadays.
Instead, Furina is in a comically large plain white shirt, with a similarly boring pair of trunks as well.
Something that is making her very self-conscious as S/O shows up with proper swimwear.
She struggles to make eye contact, both out of embarrassment of her own outfit, and seeing S/O like this.
(Furina) "Y-You um...that's...really good on you!"
(S/O) "You can at least compliment my swimsuit if you're looking at it, Furina."
(Furina) "BUT THERE'S BARELY ANYTHING ON Y-...You that's noteworthy! I-It's just almost laughable, really!"
She scoffs, and still isn't meeting their eyes directly.
(S/O) "Well, thank you."~
With a small peck to her cheeks, she becomes even more flustered before S/O picks her up and carries her to the water, all the while she is squeaking adorably, failing to stammer out a retort.
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Navia's yellow bikini is complemented by her shades as she lays on a inflatable pool lounge, drifting in the waters casually.
And seeing S/O approach from the distance makes her lower her sunglasses with a smile.
(Navia) "Ooooh! Looking good, S/O! Come on and join me in the water, plenty of room in here!"
(S/O) "Coming, just give me a second to catch up!"
Navia giggles as she watches them approach, making her quickly take off her glasses before hopping into the water, swimming towards them.
She grabs them by the waist making them yelp, and brings them in closer.
(Navia) "Gotcha! Now let me just-"
She puts her sunglasses on them and gives a cheeky smile.
(Navia) "Now you're looking smoking hot!"
(S/O) "Hah, all I'm missing is your hat now."
(Navia) "Won't need it for this, let's see how long we can hold our breaths for!"
Before S/O can even protest the idea, she immediately dunks her head underwater, making them roll their eyes playfully and join Navia.
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Clorinde wasn't that keen on the idea of swimming considering how many media vultures were after her on a daily basis.
The last thing she needed was pictures of her in a revealing outfit.
But after thankfully shaking off every one of them, she joins S/O in swimming in a private area.
She feels a little exposed, showing this much skin, even to her lover.
But it's an intimacy she's glad to experience, truthfully. Even if It especially makes her self aware of her…upper torso area, to put it gently.
Both her and S/O struggle to maintain a level of looking respectfully without getting flustered from the ordeal.
(Clorinde) "A-Ah...Please, pardon where my eyes are wandering."
(S/O) "Long as you don't mind where mine are going..."
A moment of silence passes before a soft laughter erupts from the both of them, the slight anxiety melting away in the waters.
(S/O) "You look beautiful by the way, Clorinde."
A hum of content is her response, swimming a little closer to embrace them.
(Clorinde) "As do you."
She commits the sight of S/O's swimwear to memory, as they were no doubt doing the same.
(S/O) "Say, may I challenge you to a swimming duel?"
Their playful question gets her to ease up and smile.
(Clorinde) "I accept, let's start over there and begin on a count of three."
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Jean's in her swimsuit that Barbara and Lisa chose for her. It was cute and comfortable, while not exposing too much skin.
Perfect for the Acting Grandmaster.
With this kind of environment, her usual rigidness melts away, especially when S/O takes her hand into theirs.
Seeing their swimwear gets her to blush, but she doesn't look away.
(S/O) "No matter how many times I see that outfit, it takes my breath away."
(Jean) "Hah, thank you, my love."
She kisses the top of their hand before blushing a little harder, examining S/O.
(Jean) "I could say much of the same for you."
The couple take their time strolling by the ocean's edge before finally deciding to swim together.
Though if anything, they were more distracted by each other than anything the beach offered.
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Eula was used to the freezing waters of Dragonspine, but it was very clear S/O wasn't.
They had a full on bodysuit to keep them warm, but they were still shivering.
Eula effortlessly swam over to them, admiring how much of their body was outlined in the suit before wrapping her arms around them in an attempt to warm them.
If anything, it at least heated up their faces immediately.
(S/O) "E-Eula?!"
(Eula) "If I wanted you to freeze to death, I would not have bothered with swimming."
(S/O) "Y-You sure?! This actually does feel like revenge for something I did!"
Eula chuckled, getting bolder despite she was just as nervous as them, swimming with so little on together.
(Eula) "Oh, you did do something alright, S/O."
She put a finger to their lips, the freezing temperatures of the water disappearing from their minds.
(Eula) "You stole the heart of a Lawrence. And that is something I will personally pay you back for."
The vengeful kiss she gave them certainly made them warmer.
...Among other things.
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Lisa isn't that easy to get into a revealing outfit, even if it was for her S/O.
She's in more casual clothing, but nothing too crazy.
Most people would have been disappointed, but S/O knew she didn't like to splash around on the beach, instead deciding to enjoy the breeze and lazing about.
...Even if lazing about was what she did about 90% of the time.
Lisa lets an "Ooooh~" escape her lips when her eyes land on her lover.
(Lisa) "My, you are quite fetching today, S/O."
(S/O) "Aren't I always?"
Lisa giggles as her head lays on S/O's lap, flustering them.
(Lisa) "When you're like that, even more so."
She may detest the heat, but at least it did things like put S/O into a swimsuit.
So maybe the Summers weren't all that bad.
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Noelle has not even changed out of her maid attire as she's sweating up a storm, setting up a perfect table, towel resting spot, and everything else she brought for the trip!
Food, check! Drinks, in the a cooler with a Cryo Slime!
S/O had no idea where she kept all this, and decided that it's probably better if they didn't ask.
(S/O) "Noelle, you're supposed to be on vacation, how about you settle down for a second and relax?"
Noelle turns around from focusing on setting the tables up just right before stopping midsentence.
(Noelle) "Don't worry! I'll relax as soon as I-"
Her eyes go wide, seeing S/O's swimsuit, turning her face into a hue similar to the roses in her hair.
(Noelle) "...OH! Please, forgive my staring! I was just not ready to see you so...-Um!-"
(S/O) "Hah, you're alright, Noelle. If anything, I'm more surprised how you can wear your maid uniform in this weather."
(Noelle) "A maid must be prepared for anything!"
(S/O) "...Even at a beach?"
(Noelle) "Especially at a beach! What happens if someone needs assistance?"
(S/O) "And if they're in the water? You'd drown with that armor!"
(Noelle) "...G-Good point."
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Ayaka was so excited to go to the beach!
She had gone swimming before once or twice, but this was the first time she got to do so with a loved one.
Ayaka was both embarrassed yet excited to show S/O the swimwear she had acquired.
And when the moment came, both of them were at a loss for words.
Ayaka fidgeted under the attention as she gave a shy smile.
(Ayaka) "Um...do you like it?"
(S/O) "I love it. Judging by your face, I can assume you feel the same about mine?"
Ayaka covered her mouth with one hand as she failed to contain a beautiful giggle.
(Ayaka) "Very much so...If you do not mind me asking, could you teach me how to swim? I am still relatively new at this."
While she was kind of telling the truth, she already did know how to mostly swim.
If anything, it was just an excuse for S/O to hold her close in the waters.
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Sara was very nervous when she took off most of her usual attire in exchange for swimwear.
She felt too exposed, but that was due to her always fighting or being with her soldiers.
Now, she was just with S/O.
Sara didn't really choose anything that would stand out, in fact it looked like her undersuit more than anything.
But it still made her cheeks flush with a burning fury.
She admittedly wouldn't be in the waters too long, since her wings would get wet, but she could at least be there for a few minutes.
But those minutes would feel like hours with S/O staring at her the way they were.
(S/O) "Hi, Sara...You alright?"
(Sara)" J-Just fine, thank you. Please keep in mind where your eyes are wandering."
Hearing them laugh made her pout, especially when they hugged her from behind.
(S/O) "My eyes are only on you, Sara..."
(Sara) "Then don't you dare look anywhere else beside my face!"
(S/O) "Yes ma'am.~"
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Ei didn't really understand the appeal of swimsuits. They were just something people wore, why make a big deal out of it?
If it was an attraction thing, wouldn't wearing nothing be far more enticing?
Regardless, she joins S/O at the beach, if at the very least it gives them the excuse to drink something sweet together.
Ei is in her usual attire, while S/O was in a swimsuit.
Seeing her lover in such wear made her slightly reconsider her stance. There certainly wasn't a lot to the imagination anymore.
(Ei) "Interesting choice of clothing S/O."
(S/O) "I could say the same about yours, Ei. You're not even changing?"
(Ei) "I do not plan on swimming, so I saw no need."
(S/O) "Huh...I don't know if I should be glad or disappointed."
(Ei) "If it would make you feel better, I could change into something you find more appealing for the beach."
(S/O) "W-Well..."
They seriously considered her proposition, but seeing the genuine look of curiosity in their eyes, they decided to shelve that idea for now.
That wasn't exactly something you talked about in the open.
(S/O) "I'll...ask something like that later. Let's just enjoy the beach for now."
(Ei) "I have no objections."
She smiled and joined S/O, relaxing near the waters in a blissful silence.
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Yae was heavily considering on wearing something that would make S/O choke on their own spit at first sight.
But she shows some restraint. She has class after all.
Plus, the thing she had in mind was reserved for the bedroom, not a beach.
She has an outfit imported from Fontaine, and waits to see S/O's choice.
(Yae) "Hello, little one...Hm, I can certainly say that I like what I'm seeing."
(S/O) "M-Miko! Um...I think I would agree with you."
She laughs at S/O's flustered reaction, moving closer as she leans toward them.
(Yae) "Awww? Getting embarrassed already? You really would not have survived my original choice."
(S/O) "Should I be thanking you?"
(Yae) "More than likely. Your skin would have changed completely into the color of a cute little tomato."
(S/O) "Well, I know that I'll be seeing it at some point, so I won't say thanks just yet."
(Yae) "My my, aren't we getting confident? You already get to see me like this, you've used up years of good luck just to see my beautiful form alone!"
(S/O) "Then what does that make seeing me right now?"
(Yae) "Do you want the answer to that?"
(S/O) "Probably not."
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Shenhe almost went to the beach completely naked, had S/O not stopped her.
This was the first time she went swimming for recreation instead of training, and deciding an outfit was an odd experience.
So many people had suggested different things.
Her Master wanted to personally tailor an outfit just for her, only to realize it'd be fully mechanical, and that she'd need to make a machine for tailoring, which would nee-
Ganyu suggested something cute, but all of the suits she chose, the waist ended up being too big, something that made Ganyu seemingly die of shame.
And finally, S/O had the best choice. Something that Shenhe would be comfortable in. Which thankfully ended up being a one piece.
S/O couldn't help but stare. It made her happy yet confused.
(S/O) "You look incredible, Shenhe."
Shenhe tilted her head and asked:
(Shenhe) "Is it because I'm not wearing clothes?"
That question got S/O to choke before they corrected themselves.
(S/O) "N-NO! W-Well, I mean...Agh, how do I explain it?!"
(Shenhe) "I think you look incredible too, S/O."
That stunned S/O, but made them eventually smile.
(S/O) "Hah...Maybe I should just enjoy the waters with you instead of worrying about little things like this, huh?"
The corners of her lips faintly resembled a smile.
(Shenhe) "I would like to enjoy them with you."
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Yelan had many choices of her swimwear, but rarely got the chance to use them.
Rolling the dice in seeing what to do, she finally had the excuse to bust some of them out.
Yelan's outfit was revealing, but in a classy way.
But she enjoyed S/O's choice more, regardless if it was more flashy or simplistic.
Because it let her see them in a new way, just as much as her outfit did for them.
(Yelan) "So, ready to kick back?"
Blinking away their awe, S/O nodded.
(S/O) "Y-Yeah! Let's enjoy this day off together."
Yelan laughed at their reaction, but decided not to tease them any further.
Though she was curious what would happen if she did.
Putting aside the thought for now, she decided to jump in the waters with S/O.
(Yelan) "Water's looking great today, it's so clear that you can see everything."
She shot S/O a glance.
(Yelan) "...Including some of my more favorite sights."
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Xianyun was honestly too busy to notice S/O's change of clothing.
Yes yes, they were attractive wearing virtually nothing, big whoop.
The real big whoop was her new machine!
(S/O) "Xianyun, what the heck is that?!"
(Xianyun) "Behold! One has created a water-horse, purely powered by the engines and propellers, allowing you to feel the wind as you ride it like a terrestrial mount!"
(S/O) "So what's it called?"
Xianyun gave a proud smile to S/O as she adjusted her glasses.
(Xianyun) "I dub it, the water-vehicle!"
(S/O) "...Is that really-"
(Xianyun) "The name is still being workshopped, do not judge One for thinking on the spot! Besides, this was made exclusively for us today to enjoy anyway."
She didn't bother with a change of clothing, as both would immediately ride the jet-ski and forget about anything relating to swmisuits.
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Xinyan notices S/O's swimsuit and smiles at them.
(Xinyan) "Yer lookin' mighty fine, a bit more than usual I'd say!"
(S/O) "You're really easy on the eyes too in that oufit...It looks really cute, actually!"
Despite her usual attire, the swimsuit she chose was a bit more on the cutesy side.
Something that S/O would only get to see, despite her increasing fidgeting.
(Xinyan) "A-Aww...Thanks. Thought I'd do something nice and spruce it up a little, y'know?"
Trying her best to regain composure, she hops into the water without a second of hesitation, S/O quickly joining her.
Embarrassment quickly leaves her mind as she enjoys splashing S/O with water, enjoying this day off with them.
(Xinyan) "ACK! W-Water in my dang mouth!"
(S/O) "Hah, you know salt is good for the body!"
(Xinyan) "I'm boutta shove this salt up yer keister if ya wanna be cute with me like that!"
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stellanix · 9 months
(genshin impact spoilers incoming)
one aspect of furina's characterization that's pretty understated but that i really really really love is her intelligence and curiosity. usually in genshin, when a character's intelligence is an important trait of theirs, there are aspects of their design, writing, voice acting, etc, that very clearly tell you "hey this character is smart." albedo, for example, wears a labcoat, is always saying big sciency words in a calm, rational tone of voice, and other characters are always talking about how smart he is
but furina? nothing about her on the surface suggests that she's a "smart" character - quite the opposite, in fact. superficially, she's introduced as a bratty, conceited, overconfident person who actually has no idea what she's doing. we eventually learn in the archon quest that that was all an act, but even after she regains her freedom, nothing about her really seems archetypically intelligent, at least at face value
instead, furina's intelligence is always shown rather than told (the only exception being nahida's voiceline about her). she had an intelligence network across teyvat feeding her information, and we saw in the flashback how she directed researchers to study the prophecy and potential ways of stopping it. before things like lyney's trial or directing the two musketeers, she'd stay up all night planning and piecing things together all on her own. she loves learning new things, she has lines in the teapot about how, when she's interested in something, she wants to become the most knowledgeable person in the topic, and also how she'd like to disassemble the teapot itself to learn how it works, and she's quick to learn new skills (like surfing). and, of course, she's well read, and quite possibly teyvat's foremost expert on the performing arts
i like how furina sort of defies the concept of character archetypes. she's initially presented as an archetypical bratty, dramatic, spoiled popular girl, but that was a role she forced herself into because it's what people expected of her. but the real furina, while still retaining some of the flamboyance from her archon persona, doesn't really fit into a clear mold. she's smart without being a super-genius, and she's kind without being a soft-spoken doormat. it makes her feel multifaceted and real, and i really love that!
anyway, this is why it makes me mad whenever i see people calling furina stupid, cuz she's not!
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m1sa-w1sa · 4 months
SAGAU!!!! A headcanon on whatever genshin characters you like to choose, is about they able to access on our desktop computer, and what they do when interacting youtube videos of all kind and music in it including memes on our computer and how they use it on Teyvat. Anyway get yourself a good night and good rest, your the best!
(Okie dokie! Coming right up!^^)
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Ancient language?
•Lets say you started getting lazy with genshin, logging in less, not doing commissions yada yada yada
•But the characters got PISSED is someone else taking up their divine time with their grace?! Thats not fair! No other low life should take up their time with the all holly one themselves!!
“Why is your grace not spending time with us?!”
“The person that took them away is definitely guilty of life in the dungeons!”
“Just calm down furina..”
•Then SOMEHOW SOMEWAY they figured out how to get access to other files of yours, if your a artists, your art commission, a writer, stories that you wrote, funny videos you have, homework and even more
•If they looked at your homework they would think it was something not even their little tiny mind could comprehend (dottore is currently studying it)
•If they look at your art they would steal it and hang it up in castles, churches, stores, even trees ANYWHERE needs your glory on it
•If you liked dark humor then I feel like the harbingers would relate to you or if you laugh at people failing at something they would watch it with you 24/7
•if you read fanfics if we are being completely honest and in cannon terms they would think your weird BUT if your thinking in fannon terms they would think its ancient scrolls made by your past servants for you
(DONEOENENEJENE sorry if this is mad :c ty for the sagau requests!!)
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aritsukemo · 10 days
Their partner wants to cook them a meal but they're a terrible cook. How do they react? | Multiple Characters
Fandoms Included: Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, The Case Study of Vanitas, Yona of the Dawn, Demon Slayer, Genshin Impact, Danganronpa, Assassination Classroom, and Your Turn To Die
Warnings: Small spoilers to Demon Slayer and Your Turn to Die and potentially other animes so read at your own risk!
A/N: I don't know when I'll have the time or motivation to write write anything so for a while, you guys may only see little headcanons like this.. Thank you all for your patience! <3
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↪ Insists that they cook/Never lets you step into the kitchen/Talks their way out of it.
Whether it was due to their charismatic wording, a humble offer, or their own tricks and or distractions, they somehow steer you completely away from the kitchen and whether you two end up having a nice, lengthy chat while they prepare dinner, cuddle up to each other while you wait for takeout to arrive, or something else entirely, I'm confident when I say that the thought of cooking has completely vanished from your mind at that point, much to their ( and their stomach's ) happiness.
⇻ ITACHI UCHIHA, Haku, Minato Uzumaki, LOUIS DE SADE, ZENO, Jae-Ha, SOO-WON, Tetra, SHINOBU KOCHO, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Yoriichi Tsugikuni, Hinatasuru, YELAN, ARLECCHINO, AYATO KAMISATO, Kazuha, ZHONGLI, Ningguang, KOKICHI OMA, CELESTE LUDENBURG, Karma Akabane, GAKUSHU ASANO, Yuma Isogai, Sou Hiyori ( Shin Tsukimi ), KEIJI SHINOGI, KAI SATOU
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↪ Claims they're not hungry/Has a list of excuses up their sleeve.
Despite might've having just said that they were starving beyond belief, as soon as you offered to cook them a meal, they immediately go on to say how they mispoke; how they're actually stuffed and can't even begin to eat anything 'lest they wanted to pop like a balloon. If not that, they're quick to lie saying that they've already ordered takeout and how they wouldn't want to waste your amazing cooking nor their money. If that doesn't suffice, they'll come up with another excuse, and another, and another until you drop the topic all together and trusts me when I say that they will keep pulling excuses out of their ass until you give up.
⇻ KAKASHI HATAKE, Konan, Jiraiya, Ino Yamanaka, Vanitas, Olivier, Johann, DOMINIQUE DE SADE, Aoi Kanzaki, WRIOTHESLEY, VENTI, Ayaka Kamisato, XINGQIU, Ganyu, MAHIRU KOIZUMI, Hajime Hinata, Meg Kataoka, Tomohito Sugino, Reko Yabusame
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↪ Can't lie to save their life and ends up sucking it up in the end.
Whether their faces gives them away or the fact that their excuse/lie was just god awful, you see right through it immediately and upon questioning them about it with that sad puppy-dog face, they sigh, shake their head, and say in a defeated tone, "I can't wait to taste whatever you cook.." watching as your face lights up and you lean in to kiss their cheek while telling them that'll you'll make sure to take extra special care of their meal. When you disappear into the kitchen, they start to pray, begging whatever superior being out there to either change your mind and decide to order takeout or that something prevents you from making their meal; example, the kitchen burning down.
⇻ Naruto Uzumaki, KANKURO, Gaara, Kisame, Deidara, KIBA INUZUKA, Tsunade, Roland Fortis, Jean-Jacques Chastel, Yona, KIJA, KAN TAE-JUN, AN RIRI, Ayura, TANJIRO KAMADO, Hakuji, Sucrose, Furina, MONA, GOROU, Ga Ming, Thoma, COLLEI, KAITO MOMOTA, Komaru Naegi, NAGISA SHIOTA, JOE TAZUNA
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↪ Brutally honest/Puts themselves first.
Listen, as much as they care for and adore you, they care about their stomach just a little more. That said, when you come to them with the idea of cooking, they immediately shut you down, and whether they're as gentle and delicate as a flower about it or as harsh and cutthroat as the weapons they ( may ) wield, they'll ( maybe ) make it up to you somehow with riches, some form of their affection, or quality time. ( They may even allow you to cook! ..Under their careful supervision of course. Y'all can cook together! :D )
⇻ SHIKAMARU NARA, TenTen, NEJI HYUGA, Tobi, HIDAN, Konohamaru Sarutobi, SAI, KAKAZU, Dante, VERONICA DE SADE, Astolfo Granatum, Chloé d'Apchier, YUN, HAK, Kan Kyo-Ga, Abi, MICHIKATSU TSUGIKUNI, Muichiro Tokito, YUICHIRO TOKITO, WANDERER, SCARAMOUCHE, Albedo, Neuvillette, YAE MIKO, CHIORI, Chevreuse, ALHAITHAM, ROSARIA, Tighnari, BKYAKUYA TOGAMI, Ibuki Mioda, Maki Harukawa
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↪ Can't stand to hurt your feelings/Goes along with it.
When they see your eyes shine as you excitedly ramble about wanting to cook for them and all the dishes you'll make for them after the long day they've had, they just can't turn you down. You look so happy, so excited, all because you want to spend your valuable time making something for them, and even if the dish could kill a man, they'd be ( smart ) a fool to refuse your offer. So what if it's a little bland or a kinda ( very ) charred? They've been through worse. And besides, what's the worst that could happen ( You ended up nearly killing them with the first bite )
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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sapphiresgarden · 11 months
hiiii! i love girls too so,, let's talk!! may i request any genshin girls of your choice buying matching plushies with their s/o (reader), please?
summary ☾⋆⁺₊ getting matching plushies notes ☾⋆⁺₊ furina/hu tao/navia/yoimiya/amber x gn!reader this work is meant to be read as sapphic. short hcs. SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT GAHHH i died a little. but gods the idea is so cute??? absolutely cute??? AHHH i love matching things. i probably will write a second part with more genshin girls, but as of rn i needed something small to write as a break from studying <3 if you have any specific characters you wanna see next, pop in my inbox! men dni.
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→ You and Furina get… many plushies. Not just one pair, no, because that'd be not enough, but few pairs at least. Matching octopuses? Yes, why not, they had cute ribbons and hats. A pair of teddy bears? Why, yes! You found them cute so how could she say not to them. The list goes on for a bit longer…
→ Navia and you get a pair of plush puppies. They are both so fluffy and have matching accessories, one of them has a small, yellow rose near his ear! You instantly showed her the plush because, somehow, it reminded you of her.
→ A cute pair of a plush moon and sun, for you and Yoimiya. She reminds you of all that's warmth and nice, she reminds you of the sun and the stars, so why waste the ocassion? Even her smile as she receives the plush reminds you of the nice, sunny, warm day.
→ How could you and Amber not have matching plushies? She is the one to find the plushies and she comes back with two, cute bunnies. One has… googles and a very interesting expression. The other has a cute, red cap and… also a very interesting expression. They are very cute, you think. You get them both.
→ Do you think Hu Tao would get a pair, too? I think yes. She scares you with a ghost plush when you're distracted shopping other things. She says the look on your face was priceless, really… You end up going with her to take another ghostly plush with a great plan of revenge. You will scare her back with your own ghost plush… but as of right now, you will enjoy matching with her.
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plottwiststudios · 11 months
Furina Deserved More Empathy
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Most of you are here because you dig my writing for "Women of Xal", but please bear with me on this: Furina is a worthy character to study, respect, and love. To me, she is Genshin Impact's best character, and certainly my favorite from the game.
But although her characterization was top tier, the characters and writing around Furina were just... so ugly to her in a few areas that I believe are worth talking about. Even if you think the Fontaine arc was perfect and beyond reproach with how Furina was handled at the end, please at least hear me out. I promise I do come with not only my empathetic insight, but a writer's with a keen eye for the unfair, as well. Everyone, strap in and click that spoiler line for more~
"But Furina is only human, isn't she? Even though she has had a long life, her mind is no stronger than that of any other ordinary human being. I cannot begin to fathom what she has had to endure. It must have been torture for her." - Neuvillette
This quote comes immediately after Neuvillette realizes that his partner in crime, Furina, has been playing a role of a god far outside of her true personality every (perceived) second of every day for 500 years without end. Fooling the world, and keeping the secret that she was a mere human was crucial. If she didn't, her nation would have met oblivion via drowning, according to an increasingly real prophecy. If you don't know the story/why, it's complicated, here's the cutscene. Collaborating with her divine 'half', she commits to this agonizingly long performance willingly by weighing her own happiness with the lives of the people. And does that take a toll on her?
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Yes! It got bad enough to where she started crying without realizing she was -- in front of a citizen she of course had to deceive. She had to use her vast experience to play it off, and, well, you see how easily that citizen bought it, and you can see how Furina is handling that situation, even if you're not used to Genshin's models. What I'm trying to get at here is, Furina carried Fontaine's salvation on her back for 500 years. In complete secret and isolation. And as we are playing a video game, we naturally see to the finale of her 500 year performance...
By putting her on trial as a fraud god!
Now, although I felt grimy from the jump about the whole "Trick Furina into her own public trial", the plan itself is legitimately justified from the player / accusing party. She played her role too well, and now her own nation and allies think she's not taking the threat of her nation seriously. (The threat? Ironically the flooding she's trying to prevent) Her peers do know she's hiding something. So in a desperate gambit to get her to talk and hopefully give them something to stop the incoming flood, they trick her into arriving at her own trial. And, I believe my necessity, she is given more trauma for her troubles before this trial ends. You can watch it all here.
Even for players who didn't figure out Furina's big secret, this trial was BRUTAL to watch, and the fact the player character initiated it by trying promising Furina that her secret can be safe with the player -- WHILE the player was actively and secretly transporting Furina to her trial is just... cutthroat. Necessary given the lack of context (mostly), but cutthroat. I'm glad Furina considered her options with entrusting the player, but ultimately would have decided not to. Because we didn't deserve Furina's trust.
Long miserable story short? Furina is judged guilty and sentenced to death, but she doesn't care, because to her, she spent 500 years, only to think she "failed" and now everyone will drown and die. So she's left essentially dissociating with only tears to show consciousness. Longer story short? She didn't fail! Her trial was all part of the plan her divine half cooked up without telling her about the trial! To save the nation. (Prophecies, am I right?) And the nation is saved! All because Furina kept up the act for 500 years -- well past her emotional breaking point. Like, well, well, well past her breaking point.
Most importantly: Furina is free to be a regular human that no longer has to perform. She no longer has to rule as a god. So what's the first thing she hears from us? (Link for the conversation)
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tldr: "We sure Kathryn gave us the right address we obtained without permission? Wow, Furina's living situation got a whole lot worse different after she stepped down from ruler."
If you're wondering if I skipped a few cutscenes covering how Furina got there and how she's doing, don't worry! Same here: After the story's climax, Neuvillette tells us that Furina steps down and numbly packed her bags and hecked off for peace and quiet. Did we ever VISIT this woman after asking her to trust us before destroying that request for trust? Did ANYONE besides Neuvillette give her an apology, or go out of their way to check in on her besides Clorinde? Am I supposed to assume that the same writers who keep doing insensitive things, has a staggering fear of dark skin, and seldom have enough courage to trust the audience, are expecting us to fill in the gaps of time with the most positive outcome that Furina was apologized to and supported off-screen? And hey, if you're on team "We had no choice, given the circumstance; no apologies needed", then look at it like a human, not (just) an apologist! If YOU underwent 500 years of never being you, but an exaggerated trope for the world, and at the end, that world temporarily rejects you in public, cutthroat fashion, is this how you would like to be treated?
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An organization gave out your address to help the player
The player only visits you to help NPCs
Pressure you to perform yet again, this time for fun!!!
Express how your boundaries for no-acting actively hurt the NPCs
No noted thanks or conversation about your sacrifices
The writer to your life railroads you into feeling bad for boundaries
Someone dryly states, for her own reasons, that you were inactive
Made fun of for your lifestyle decisions post-freedom from acting
The writer of your life railroads you into singing for the NPCs
Some more I am probably going to regret not remembering
Even people who haven't played the game, but read this will note that something went amiss. One or two of these bullet points can be seen as fine or not-horrible when isolated, but literally all of this happened to Furina. Even if you want to say that all of these are properly addressed offscreen and not mentioned in the game, then what about the writer's desire to resonate with the audience?
To the writers of this game who obviously do not take words to heart: We resonate with Furina just fine. She's a beautifully written character and I have nothing but the fiercest of respect for her. But we don't resonate with how she was treated after her 500 years of torture ended. Not by the characters or writers. As writers, how did you WANT us to react to these insensitive scenes? Why? Did you think the lines of dialogue through from a humane angle, or were you stuck in the immediate present of writing a "funny"? Did you think about the cost of not letting the most tortured character in the country have any scenes after her trial until we're looking for her to help people we've never met before? Was the tonal whiplash wise in your eyes? Could you find no better way to get Furina comfortable to sing and get her vision? Why do I get the feeling that even an author with no experience might have known better than to do some of the things you decided to do to Furina? As writers, do you think everything I've stated is what she deserves, or even the natural course of events for a character as important and as good as Furina? Is that the extent of your writing prowess and creativity?
This is a story about a nation of justice. So where's Furina's justice?
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bundoesnotcompete · 4 months
Hello you may notice this is a new blog but i do not want to post this to my main so im dumping this lil thing here. I dont think its very good but i hope you can at least get ideas here. It has violence and reader is kept neutral as possible. Hopefully my anxiety will let me keep this and not encourage me to delete it. Have fun reading :)
Hunted like an animal. That is all that could be used to describe the situation you've been in for the past few months. To think that you had been so excited to meet your favorite characters after getting isekai'd into genshin. Well, after you had a panicked screaming session in the woods you had been excited. When you had wondered into Mondstat, you hadn't been greeted kindly instead, you had been meet with wary and disgusted looks.
That should've been the first warning that something wasn't right, but you had held hope that things would improve. But after some sort of declaration was told to the city, you had been driven out and hunted like an animal. An imposter they had called you. You were appreantly an insult to their divine creator for simply looking like them. As horrific as the near death experience in Mondstat had been it was nothing like what was about to become the hell of the next few months.
Liyue had been a nightmare. After escaping Mondstat, you had fled to Liyue. You discovered the fun fact that even if you died, you would return elsewhere fully revived and healed. Dying in Liyue to Zhongli's hand forced you to discover the revival process and showed you that you could not escape the hell that teyvat would become. It was also in Liyue that you discovered that you were the true divine, and that whoever sat on the throne was the false creator.
Sumeru had been a mess, not only did you die, alot, but the entire academyia seemed to be torn between hunting you down to kill you or to study you. At least the local wildlife wasn't too much of an issue, in fact they seemed to help you. It was here that you discovered that the traveler hadn't been anywhere in teyvat yet. That explained why Zhongli had taken up his morax form when executing you. Thankfully, Sumeru was large and made it fairly easy to escape. The wildlife played a part in helping you after your hunters got more agressive with every time you revived.
You had to give Fontaine credit, Furina at least had the decency to tell you that you would not be welcomed when she had found you.
"I know you are the true divine creator," she had stated, "but you will doom us if we help you, so I have to tell you to leave and we will make a show of running you out." They had made a show of running you out of Fontaine, even if Furina seemed to feel a bit guilty of doing so. Natlan had been, well you didn't even want to think about how bad Natlan had been. You had gathered more deaths there than anywhere else.
You would be liar if you had said everyone was against you. Kaeya and a skeptical Diluc had helped you flee Mondstat safely, the local wildlife and forest helping out. Xiao, of all people, helped you escape Liyue after your first death. Furina in Fontaine at least acknowledging that what she was doing was wrong. Thankfully, you had never stepped foot in Inazuma. You didn't want to know whag the Almight Shogun had planned for you to die by.
So, here you were, tired and barefoot in the Snezhnayan snow. Surprisingly, the cold did not kill you or give you any sort of frostbite. Though you exhausted and the fact that you knew that some fatui patrols had spotted you made you paranoid. Why weren't they doing anything against you? They just seemed to note you ragged and exhausted appreance and move on. They were plotting something, they had to be. Sitting down and a hard and snowy log you sighed. The sun was beginning to set and you wanted to sleep, but the thought of someone finding you scared you. You were so tired of running but you didn't want to die.
Crunch. Whipping around to face whatever was behind you, you were met with the appreance of a woman in one expensive dress. Gliterring white dress, cloak, and crown like accessory atop her head, you had a sinking feeling. The fear must've shown on your face because she stopping approaching a few feet away from you after you had stood up. She bowed at the waist and began to speak.
"I apologize for scaring you My Divine, I should have known better." She stood straight and seemed to compose herself. "I am not here to harm you. I am the Tsarista and i come with a proposal if you were here me out. First though you must be cold here," she took off the thick cloak and held it out towards you, "you may have this. If you want to set it on the ground and back away i will."
You nodded and she set the cloak and the ground backing away. Snatching the cloak, you set it around your shoulders and she gave a small smile.
"I can offer you housing and protection My Divine. I will declare you permantly dead and you be safe in my nation. Though you will have to hide yourself, I do have a plan for that. In turn, I wish for your support on a rather large project in the future."
"There has to be more to it. You wouldn't have looked for me out here just for that." You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. That was a deal too good to be true. What if she was tricking you? The Tsarista's face returned to neutrally and she nodded.
"The others do not see the crime they are commiting by hunting you down. The Imposter does not allow them too. Celestia does not allow them to. There a few who see past the haze Celestia places upon beings. Most in my nation can see past it thus allowing us to know the truth. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I believe you do not understand just how valueable your support is. That is all there is to it, protection and freedom for your support. What will you say?" Wariness and hope filled you. Could you do it? Would you do it? She could be lying but the mere hope of freedom and peace she offered was tempting. Plus, the background whispering of Teyvat seemed to tell that she was not lying to you. It was a leap of faith.
"I-" You began, "I will accpet your offer. Just know that if you are lying I won't be happy." You held your hand out to her, burrowing ghe rest of you body deeper into the cloak. She smiled and took your hand, cold fingers gently wrapping around yours.
"Come. We are near a town. Cover your face and i will take you to safety My Divine."
The following months had been much better. With the Tsaritsa declaring the "Imposter" dead, and no one spotting you afterwards, you were free. Of course, you had to wear a mask to cover your face. In the few short months with the Tsaritsa you had been shown immensive kindness and you learned much. There had been other incarnations of you, though only two were confirmed, a legendary adepti and the prince to the fallen nation of Khaenri'ah. Appreantly, the last one had broken the seals that held you power at bay. That along with the tomfoolery that Khaenri'ah was getting up to forced Celestia to destroy the nation. Odd how that was never mentioned in game.
There was another thing. Appreantly, ypur streamer sibiling was also the divine creator. The Divine Twins you were called. All powerful creators of Teyvat. That had been something else. You hoped they never came, at least until the whole imposter mess was cleaned up. You worried about them on the other side but there wasn't much you could do, so you just tried not to think about it. When you had asked about why only certain people saw through the haze that Celestia made, the tsaritsa had merely sighed and did her best summarize. Appreantly, those who saw through were something called the Children of Calamity or flat out knew that an imposter was on the throne.
The Tsaritsa had asked you to become a sort of honorary harbinger after that conversation. The Lamb she had dubbed you. The other harbingers were nice enough you supposed. Pierro being kind and answering any questions you had. Though you couldn't deny it was a bit depressing how he seemed to be seeing Khaenri'ah's prince when he talked to you. Tartaglia was excitable and La Signora seemed to have very little intrest in you other than to talk about fashion or magics. You despised Scaramouche though you knew he would get better with time. You didn't have much of an impression of the others though.
Smiling under you mask, you adjusted it as you walked down the hallway to the harbinger meeting. You shouldn't think of things like that anymore, there was other things to focus on for the meeting. Opening the door, you entered the meeting. Things were looking up and you had a feeling it was only beginning.
Hello im putting this at the bottom to let you know I DID NOT proof read this and this was slammed out in an hour.
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gayassbish · 11 months
Genshin Girls When You Have Crushes on Eachother!! Highschool AU
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Genre: Fluff <3
Reader: Gender neutral | Reader is a little oblivious in Furina’s and Yae Miko’s part
Characters: Yae Miko, Kujou Sara, Keqing, Furina, Sucrose
Yae Miko-
Thought you were the cutest little thing when she saw you on the first day of the new school year. She’s quick to make her move! Befriends you and not too soon after, confesses. She can’t help it! You think she’s just messing with you when she flirts with you. And who can blame you? First, y’all just met a couple weeks ago, and second, poor you can’t even tell if she’s serious or not with that shit-eating smirk on her face.
Yae Miko does nothing to qualm your concerns. She just likes your reactions too much. Your confused and flustered face brings her much satisfaction. You’ve turned into her piece of amusement and she doesn’t want to let you go!
She teases you so so much and you can’t understand if she actually has feelings for you or if she’s just playing with your heart! She really likes you though. Its just that she sees no problem in taking her time with you. She wants to study your reactions and really see what she can do that flusters you the most! In reality, she’s trying to treasure you, hence why she’s taking it slow, but you don’t need to know that do you?
She’s hot and cold with you but never too cold that you lose interest, just enough so she can see that frustrated look on your face.
But one day it got too much for you! You tell her whatever is going on between you two- if there’s anything between you two cause heavens you can’t figure her out- that it’s too confusing for you :(! Yae Miko didn’t think you’d break so easily, but she’s happy nonetheless. She wanted to take things a step further soon! Really wanted to be able to hold your hand and kiss you. But she tells you that she’ll explain everything in due time and leaves you stranded, but not without a kiss to your cheek and flirty wink!
On the weekend, she calls you up asking if you have a spare hour or two to hit the park. Tells you it’s an emergency and you come running thinking she might be in danger!
You come to her rescue at the park only to find a handmade banner tied between two trees and in writing asking, ‘will you go out with me?’ The cherry on the top was the pink haired girl standing beneath the banner with a bouquet of flowers.
Your eyes swell up a little. After weeks of back and forth from her, she finally gave you a clear answer. “Told you it was an emergency.” She says and she grabs you by the arm. She brings you into her arms and holds you in a big hug. “What do you say? Will you make me a girlfriend?” She asks while patting your head and she pulls away to look at you and well.. she already knows the answer from your face ;).
P.S. She had a whole day planned with you, from the park to the movies and dinner!
Kujou Sara-
Doesn’t catch herself falling for you until she’s already madly obsessed! She starts to look at (stalk) your socials, swears it’s not cause she wants to look at you but just to protect you from online haters! You quickly become the thing she thinks about the most, from right into the middle of the night to the early mornings when she wakes.
You start to notice the dark haired women popping up around you coincidentally! (She totally learned your schedule.) But Sara tells herself that she’s just there to keep you safe really (and to see your precious little smile!) She keeps her cool and calm demeanor around you, but she can’t quite look you in the eyes when she talks. She ties your shoelaces and holds doors open for you! Follows you around to the bathroom and to your car until you tell her it’s time for you to go home </3.
She starts to carry your backpack, pencil pouch, water bottle, basically everything you own. When you finally ask her why she goes through the trouble of carrying your stuff ontop of her own, she answers without thinking! Says something along the lines that a cutie like you shouldn’t be carrying such heavy stuff! Sara doesn’t realize the gravity of what she just said until she looks towards you since you’ve gotten quiet… and she’s met with the shyest look she has ever seen of yours!
Sara immediately wants to drop everything and take a picture of you, but instead you guys just walk to class in silence. Sara musters the courage to hold your hand and when she feels you give a little squeeze to her hand back, her heart skips a thousands beats! (she still living though lol.) The walk to your class is long, but it feels so short when you’re at your class door and Sara gives you back your stuff. Sara doesn’t know what comes over her as she asks you out!
“Are you free this friday?” She leans over the door looking at you as a light blush dusts her cheeks.
You nod, “please text me the details,” Sara, stunned, can’t believed you agreed. The bell rings, indicating it’s time for class as you head inside, but not without looking back to see if Sara is still there. “Sara!” You giggle. “You’re going to be late.”
“I already am, so let me look at you while I can.” Sara replies and you can’t help but wonder if Sara has always been such a smooth flirt! You finally head in, but not without the enticement of your date this friday and potentially your new girlfriend!
P.S. Sara cannot hide her feelings for you when you guys start dating so eventually the whole school knows y’all are together. Don’t worry though, she deals with the homophobes for you too <33!
Immediately notices how she feels differently around you from day one. Can’t really handle these feelings so tries avoiding you for a little to see if they die down, but she ends up just missing you even more!
She caught feelings for you once she sat next to you in class and heard you laugh. It’s such a simple thing, but Keqing got herself thinking how she wants to make you laugh more and hear all your different kinds of giggles and chuckles! She got shy at her own imagination and put her head down so you wouldn’t see her heated up cheeks! Little does she know you caught the red of her ears instead >;).
But even though you notice the red on her face when she looks at you and how she starts talking to you all fast now, no progress is made :(! Keqing is still quite the studious girl. She’s worried that you’ll become the biggest distraction ever from her studies! She uses that as an excuse to avoid you, but much to her demise, when you find her in the library that she’s studying in, and pull up a chair beside her, all that homework and those upcoming tests she thought about are now out of sight and out of mind!
She gives up on her little ploy to avoid you and decides she just has to manage her time better to be beside you! You guys take it slow for a while, it’s mainly stolen secret glances at each other that lead to you guys making eye contact sometimes where you both quickly break away but then look back to see if the other is still looking. Or its bad flirting between you two that always ends up in silence and with someone heated up in the face, but eventually… as both your feelings build up and up to its climax, you two practically burst!
Keqing and you can’t hold it in your hearts anymore. You’re both tired of waiting for the other person to make the move, so on one night when you both are out late at a cafe working on a school project. You two are sitting next to each other instead of across, and all of a sudden the cafe turns quiet with a slow song spewing in the background. You both look at each other, wanting to say something about the sudden silence, but instead you realize that the dinning room is left with only the two of you in it and that it makes you feel like it’s only you and her on the planet. You lean in a little.. she leans back.. you guys nudge noses.. she cups your face.. and you cup her neck.. you’re looking into each others eyes.. and then down to each others lips.. when you close your eyes and feel something soft on top of your mouth you realize you had the perfect first kiss!
P.S. You guys were definitely not alone. There’s always someone interrupting what would be the best kiss scene ever in the movies, and now it was your turn to feel that frustration first hand. Like its so homophobic for your waitress to interrupt y’all… (kidding I used to be a waitress and would hover over straight couples going at it like animals (T_T) with their food burning my hand off </3)
Doesn’t want to admit she has a crush on you. Denies it so hard and challenges herself to talking to you without turning red! When that doesn’t work well she takes things to the next level…
She starts to make fun of you to prove to herself that she doesn’t really like you. She reminds herself that she’s doing the right thing because she thinks this where you are… beneath her. But after a particular moment when she went too far… she sees the hurt eyes and forlorn face of yours. All of sudden it doesn’t feel so good anymore when she feels like she’s the reason you’re crying! She exclaims that it’s your fault you can’t take a joke and runs away.
It’s not until an outside force (probably Neuvillette or Clorinde) who tells her that she’s acting awfully like an elementary girl with feelings… that Furina snaps. She’s no child and knows how to deal with her feelings! Do note her progress with how instead of denying her feelings for you now when called out, she’s denying thats she’s too immature to handle them. Furina decides to herself that you must be the sole person in this whole wide vast universe that is worthy of her affection.
So the next day at school she’s holding flowers, chocolates, and a big teddy bear with an ‘I’m Sorry’ sign on its belly, and you can’t help but think it’s another one of her mean pranks! When you run away from her and her gifts Furina doesn’t throw a tantrum that you didn’t accept her love, no, she grows even more determined to win your heart!
The game of cat and mouse begins as Furina keeps thinking you’re just playing hard to get! But the longer the chase plays out the more confused you get. Why would someone who made fun of you try to win you over all of sudden? ‘No, this must be another prank!’ Is what you thought until Furina seems at the end of her ropes.
It’s been a month of Furina trying to win you over and she starts to thinks it might just not be meant to be. The last time she tries to capture your heart isn’t with her bombarde of gifts, it’s her just walking up to you after school and asking if you’d go on one date with her. She ignores the confused look on your face as she tells you this is her last chance of trying to win you over and if you really don’t like her then she’ll leave you alone for good.
“Go out with me this weekend and if at the end you admit you’ve had enough, I’ll let you be.” Furina tells you direct and bold but also tired. She’s at the end of her line and you don’t notice the eye bags under her eyes or her messy hair. She has been staying up late these nights thinking of the perfect ultimatum to give you!
You, however, are still confused at what she means by ‘date,’ still not caught onto her feelings just yet. But it doesn’t sound like a bad idea as she promises to leave you alone after.
So you agree, and Furina’s face starts to light up again! She’s lost a lot of sleep over you, constantly thinking about how to win you over but she finally did it! She tells you to get ready by 10 am this saturday and she’ll pick you up.
Furina ends up taking you to the mall. She talks about random things going on in the world until she mentions a thing you both have in common! You forget about all the past teasing for a second as you geek out on this specific thing you like and realize that this isn’t as bad as you thought. The date goes really well and at the end of it Furina’s shown a lot of maturity in the past couple hours. You realize that maybe she does really have feelings for you and you consider them in your head. But when Furina pulls back to your house and she looks a little scared.
She parks on the curb of your house and looks you in the eye. “I know I said I’d leave you alone if you went on a date with me and didn’t like it, but… if by the slim chance you did.. then can I..?” She hesitates at the end and feels like she might’ve been asking for too much from you to be your girlfriend. But she doesn’t want to lose you.
So when you throw your arms around her and promise that you’ll really consider her feelings, Furina almost turns the whole car upside down! Even though she didn’t ask you out yet, that promise means a lot to her!
P.S. And when you finally accept her feelings… then congratulations, you now have a bratty little cat named Furina on your hands!
A/N: Read Furina as your girlfriend here!
Is just a complete mess around you <3. But even though she embarrasses herself a lot around you, she just can’t find it within herself to pull away from you!
When you smile at her, call her name, or do anything remotely friendly to her, she goes into shock a little and immediately hides behind her bangs! When you talk to her, her eyes gleam but is a stuttering mess in response. She beats herself up about not being more chilled out around you :(.
You’re going to have to be the one to take notice of her feelings because she needs a little encouragement to confess. Originally you thought she was just a little shy (or your resting bitch face was kicking in and intimidated her..) But even after a while, she remains as flustered as she is around you. This leads you think there might be another reason to her shy behavior.
You straight up just ask if you’re doing something wrong and Sucrose immediately wonders as to where you came to that conclusion. You tell her that you want to get closer to her but you feel like she might be scared of you. Sucrose realizes how her shy demeanor can come off as a fearful one, and is quick to deny your concerns! However, she holds herself back from putting her feelings of you into words. Sucrose wants to confess her feelings once she musters enough courage to do so! But when you ask her what you can do to make her more comfortable around you, Sucrose just can’t contain it anymore!
She gets frustrated. Why are you so nice? And why do you have to make this so hard? She mentions that she can’t tell you the reason now, but that she will soon! Sucrose quickly walks away before you can refute.
In a couple days, Sucrose walks up to you. Looking at her feet but not without a letter in her hand extended out to you. “It’s for you…” She mutters as you grab the paper from her hands and your fingers brush against each other. “Oh really? Thanks let me open-“ Just before you can open the paper, Sucrose is quick to cut you off. “No, please look at it when I’m not here!” She finally looks at you in the eyes and you can’t deny her with the desperate look on her face. After you agree, she calms down and class continues like normal.
Once the school day ends though, you read the letter filled with pretty little handwriting as your eyes quickly skim it down. In writing, Sucrose is apologizing for worrying you for thinking that she didn’t like you. She quickly tells you it was the exact opposite case! You read how she likes you so so much that she can’t handle herself getting nervous in front of you and your heart swells! She does apologize wayy too much in the letter for the dumbest things like not being able to tell you this in person and burdening you with her feelings which makes you a little mad as to why she’d apologize for something so human. But you feel the passion written behind each and every letter! You anxiously try to find her and you’re glad she finally felt comfortable enough to tell you this.
You’re trying to find Sucrose but she’s no where to be seen! She very much so ran away after handing you the letter, not wanting to see your reaction. But you scramble around the school looking for her through the mass hallway filled with students leaving the campus. You remember that she’s in the Science Fair and head to her club and low and behold there she is. She’s helping a student with a project and man are you piped to see her. She looks so pretty as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ears and pushes her glasses up looking at the fake volcano she was helping with!
But there is no time to admire her beauty, you run over to her, breathless and Sucrose looks as if she’s seen a ghost! You ask to speak to her in the hall and drag her by the arm before she can decline. You don’t waste another second as you pop the question, “Will you be my girlfriend?” And Sucrose looks as if she might pass out from excitement? Relief? Happiness? You’re not sure as to what, but are more than happy to see her reaction. “Well… is that a yes or a-“
“Yes a hundred thousand percent yes!” This is the loudest you ever heard her speak and she runs into your arms! But her excitement turns into needlessly worry. “Oh I’m sorry! I was just so happy that-“ Before she can pull away from the hug completely you interrupt her.
“We really need to work on that apologizing habit of yours…” You sigh into her neck as you tighten your arms and Sucrose eventually lets herself relax in your embrace.
You finally found the answer to your new girlfriends shy behavior around you! And that answer has led to a newly blossoming love!
P.S. I bet Sucrose gives the best hugs ;-;
A/N: screaming crying and sobbing… where’s my gf?????
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immobiliter · 4 months
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okay so i have been thinking a lil about furina lately and how, even though i love her dearly and want to write her always, for me she is a tricky muse to throw into a situation or dynamic without any kind of plotting whatsoever. so i wanted to make a wishlist of sorts to help guide interactions with her~
obviously i crave post-AQ interactions, though there are some caveats to this seeing as i am very much of the belief that furina shouldn't and wouldn't want to be any part of any future form of government over fontaine. i also do not think she holds the kind of popularity within fontaine that she did prior to her trial and that, no matter what kind of explanation is publicly given for the thwarting of the prophecy, she is still a polarising figure in some circles. so i'm here for exploring director furina and her return to the stage in her SQ, as well as how her dynamics with other fontaine characters might change post-trial ( for those in the know and those who are not. please do not hold your muses back in this regard, fontainians are allowed to dislike her post archon quest ), but she will no longer involve herself publicly in any political stuff. privately, however? she has a great deal of experience and is an asset.
and this doesn't just mean for fontaine; furina offering expertise ( whether accidentally or otherwise ) to other nations, particularly those that have faced recent upheaval like inazuma or sumeru is very interesting to me. furina's not perfect by any means, but she does have five hundred years of experience in ruling a relatively stable nation under her belt. she knows how to manage appearances and how to be loved and adored by her people.
pre-AQ i am very much down for too! i wanna explore how furina hoodwinked an entire nation for five hundred years, i want to explore her cult of celebrity, her time on the stage, the critics of her blasé attitude towards trials at the opera epiclese ( hi navia, hi lyney ), her diva tendencies, her governing style and the work she actually did for fontaine aside from the prophecy stuff. i don't just want to write the uncertain post-AQ furina figuring things out, but the confident version of her who ruled fontaine for all that time and is sometimes incredibly unlikeable.
i also want people to get close to the truth. this is a tricky one because she kept up that facade for five hundred years and the only person who could and nearly got it out of her was the traveler, who is noted to be from another world. but arlecchino got incredibly close to figuring it out, plus it's rp so why can't we rewrite the AQ from an alternative perspective and push things a little?
shipping is suuuch an incredibly low priority for me ( though, as always, i will never say never ). i don't really ship any of her fanon pairings but even without the romantic aspect i want people trying to get close to this girl and seeing just how much of a struggle it is. try to get close to a girl who has lived behind a mask for five centuries. do it. i dare you.
visiting other nations! whether this is furina seeing the rest of teyvat post-AQ or matters of diplomacy between nations pre-AQ, i want them all. i do also think that any reputation she had outside of fontaine would have been less damaged by Events so distancing herself physically by visiting other places ( such as when she goes to chenyu vale during lantern rite ) makes plenty of sense for her.
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fandomrose · 5 months
Neuvillette - confession.
This was supposed to be a simple and cute confession scene following my previous neuvie fic. It's fluff and angst now.
You don't need to read the previous neuvie fic to get this one but there are references and more understanding of the reader and neuvies current relationship.
^--- here is the link. (I hope it works)
But yea like I said- angst and fluff. Heavy on the readers personal issues and Neuvillette's status. I won't spoil any more.
Anyway hope you enjoy. Love you 💙
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You'd gotten a letter on your most recent trip to Liyue through Chenyu Vale.  An urgent invitation to speak with Monsieur Neuvillette. You looked over the letter again wondering what urgent matter he could possibly want to speak to you about. 
You didn't usually leave Fontaine but you were in debt to a certain tea loving living wall of muscle, and had decided to take some commissions to make the most of the trip. He had liked the tea when Clorande and Neuvillette had gifted him some a while back. When you returned to Fontaine to gift the tea Wriothsley, ever the observant one, had noted the letter, paused for a few seconds, smirked and said, "you have nothing to worry about." Then shooed you on your way. Which was odd since he always asked to have tea for longer whenever you visited.
You make it back to the surface after delivering tea to Wriothsley and immediately to the Palais Mermonia. Neuvillette had become a good friend of yours over the past few months following the end of the Prophecy. The evening in his office, comforting him when he finally broke under the pressure after Furina left made you fast friends, creating a stronger bond than you'd ever expected to have with the Iudex. 
You begin to feel nervous as you approach the Palais Mermonia, feeling a sense of excitement and dread. You had begun to grow affectionate towards the Iudex, one of the reasons you'd taken extra commissions in Liyue was to get out of Fontaine to, 'set your head straight', as you'd put it. No way you could have a crush, of all things, on Neuvillette. 
He was the Iudex and you, a humble adventurer. And is he even interested in romance? Never had a discussion on the subject came up between you, and he was always so busy. You sigh and shake your head, getting ahead of yourself and assuming things would only make things worse. You decide to just keep your emotions bottled where they could never hurt you or, more importantly, him. Because that had always worked for you, yes, definitely.
Your steps slowed as you walked into the Palais, feeling nerves get the better of you. One moment from turning back and getting to more intense bottling, Sedene skipped over to you, halting your near escape. 
"Hello, Monsieur Neuvillette has been expecting you. Please, this way." Sedene began leading you to Monsieur Neuvillette's office, your shoulders involuntarily slumped in defeat, your plans of running away thwarted.
"How was your trip to Liyue, friend? I've never been but I hear the weather is lovely this time of year." 
"Ah it was a good trip, the weather is lovely and the commissions I took on were fairly simple, Chenyu Vale is quite peaceful. They also had lovely sweet tea cakes, I would have brought you some but I had no space in my pack."
"Ah it's no trouble at all, but please do bring some next time. I do love trying new cakes. Anyway here we are, Monsieur Neuvillettes office. See you later, friend."
Sedine gives the Melusine signature wave and shoos you into Neuvillettes office. Your heart beats oddly quickly and you tell it to stop.
You walk slowly into Neuvillette's office hoping he doesn't look up from his paperwork. Unfortunately for you as soon as the door closes behind you he perks his head up and smiles at you. You feel your heart shudder gleefully at the sight, and once again, you tell it to stop. 
"Hello, its good to see you. I trust you got my letter?" Neuvillette stands and walks to one of the sofas by his desk. "Come, sit. I'm thankfully done with work today so we can chat about your trip for a while. I ordered some lovely ice water from the clearest lake in Snezhnaya for us to partake in." He sits, and you knew you were too far gone when you noticed your eyes trailing after the way he crossed his leg over the other, then the way his hand patted the space next to him.
You swallow the thick saliva that had gathered in your mouth and hurry to sit next to him so you didn't appear as out of sorts as you were. If he noticed he didn't show it and you were grateful for that.
"You haven't spoken much yet. Are you feeling okay? I know I said this meeting was urgent but if you need to rest, by all means, it can wait."
Your mind was swirling so much you didn't even notice you hadn't said anything yet. You clear your throat in an attempt to focus.
"Ah well, I am tired but I can stay and chat for a while. Thank you for thinking of me, but I'll be okay."
"Hmm" He didn't seem convinced. "Well if you say so. But if you do, at any point, feel too tired to continue, do let me know. I wouldn't want to push my dear friend just because I'm happy to see them again." Neuvillette's voice was soft but firm at once, almost feeling like a command rather than a suggestion. 
Relief and hurt prick your heart at the word friend. You tell you heart to stop being annoying and confusing. "Thank you Neuvillette but I'm sure I'll be fine. I do want to catch up with you as well. It's been a while since we last spoke. Did I tell you I went to Chenyu Vale for a few commissions outside of Fontaine for the first time?"
"I believe you did mention it shortly before you left. Did I tell you that I visited around the time of lantern rite a few months ago? The weather there was lovely that time of year, cool but not cold and that water, crystal clear. Such beautiful scenery. Was it to your liking as well?"
"It was, it’s beautiful there. The grass feels so different to run through there. And the people are so much more relaxed than they are here. Even though I was doing commissions it felt like a holiday in some ways." You started to feel relieved that this was the direction the conversation was going in, like normal and normal was good. 
"That's wonderful, I'm glad you had a wonderful time and I hope, even if you were doing commissions, and favours for our dear friend Wriothsley He did tell me about the bet you lost-" Neuvillette chuckled and the sound rattled the frayed nerves of your heart. "I hope you got to have some rest. I did notice the um- uptick in the amount of commissions you've been taking-" Oh no. Was the only thought in your mind after that statement followed by an internal sigh of relief at his hext words as incorrect as his assumption is. 
"If you are in need of funds I am happy to assist as your friend."
"No no, it's not funds. I just wanted a little time away from Fontaine you know? It'd been a while so I thought I'd excuse my trip with some work, you know how it is." 
There was still a slight frown on his face at your words. "I do understand, but wasn't it you who said if we need a break we should take a break from work as well? Please, I know this is something we both need to work on but you shouldn't work if a break is needed." It was such a soft, friendly, scolding as expected from Neuvillette. It made you smile.
"I know, I know I just had some things on my mind that's all, I needed a distraction and even my holidays have never been 'relaxing' by other people's standards, I don't like just sitting around." 
"Even so, rest is important, as you yourself said to me."
"Don't worry Neuvillette, I took care of myself and did less commissions than I usually would have done."
"And another thing-" He took a breath and turned more in your direction giving you a goblet of water. "-you said something was on your mind. Is it anything I can help with, unless you've sorted it." He tilted his head a little with a very mild look of concern. He was becoming more expressive over time as small as it seemed the process was visible to see. 
Your feel your face heat and your heart beat quicker, your body responding to the source of the issue without your permission. "Ah- no, no I'm alright. I mean the issue isn't quite sorted but I'll be fine now." You nod in what you hope is a convincing manner. However, Neuvillette raises a disbelieving eyebrow. 
"I don't want to push but for some reason I don't believe you" Curse him for getting good at sarcasm. 
"It- well it's not really anything you can do for me- or anyone for that matter I just have to sort it for myself." You look down and away from him nervously. The conversation getting too close to your self-proclaimed 'forbidden topic' 
"Can you not at least confide in me?" His voice carried a small amount of hurt in it and you recalled the night he spilled his heart to you, a relative stranger at the time. Only having met a handful of times with no deeper conversations before then. Of course it was still vague and there are things about that night that still confuse you but he did open up. And now you are friends and won't do the same, you can see why he'd be upset. Not enough for it to rain... yet. 
"I-" You sigh, not really knowing what to do from here. Do you confess and potentially ruin an amazing friendship? Or lie and possibly do the same. "It's hard, Neuvillette. I'm not used to the situation I'm in."
He nods, understanding that at least. "But you understood my situation so I'm willing to understand yours." 
Ah of course, he's far too kind. It's hard to not feel touched by his care. Even if that's not quite what you wanted right now.
"... Neuvillette.." Another look at his face made you pause, your heart pounded and the longing in your chest almost caused it to hurt, especially at the look in his eyes. Concern and something else you hadn't seen before and before you could stop yourself the words flowed from your heart like a stream.
"I love you, that's what the problem is." 
You look down, your heart pounding and eyes closed not being able to face Neuvillette after the confession but not being able to leave either.
If you'd looked at him you would have seen his shocked face, flushed cheeks and ears, wide eyes and open mouth. No other time had he made such a strong expression. And to his ignorance the clouds had brightened but rain trickled from them in a growing amount. 
Time passes in agonising silence with neither moving. The sound of the rain echoing in your ears and making you doubt your very existence. As far as you were aware rain meant negative emotions and the steadily worsening storm made you think the worst. 
Tears of your own streamed down your cheeks as you couldn't take the silence. You abruptly stand from the seat ready to leave and hide away for a while. "I'm sorry." You croak just before a large hand holds your wrist.
"Don't" you freeze at his voice. It was commanding and almost desperate. "Don't go.. I just needed to process what you said."
"It's raining.." You respond 
"What about the rain? What does that tell you?" Mild confusion in his voice made you just as confused. You still couldn't face him with your response.
"You're upset aren't you. I've upset you because you aren't interested and you don't want to hurt me so-"
"No, good heavens no I'm not upset. The rain is just.. strong emotions not negative ones."
"What then, if you aren't upset?"
"I'm.. happy- I think"
You turn to his eyes wet with unshed tears. "You think?" You say back confused.
"I think-" He repeats looking deep in thought and concern for you. "It's hard to fully understand since happy doesn't cover it all. I feel deeply affectionate towards you in a way I haven't experienced and I certainly didn't expect to feel for a human. The uncertainty comes from that knowledge to- you are human with a human lifespan. As you know I am a dragon sovereign, with a much longer life span. Would you really be okay being with someone like me?" 
Your shoulders shake at the reminder. More reasons why you shouldn't be together. "I should be asking you that. Would you really be okay with the knowledge that I'll grow old and die in your arms." 
You feel the air grow heavy and hear the rain battering the windows and immediately feel guilty. The air is tense as the pause grows until it almost becomes unbearable.
"I will bear that pain if I can experience the joy of having you at my side." Neuvillette's voice cuts through your thoughts and renders you speechless. 
"Please, there is nothing I won't do to make your life happy and comfortable."
"T-hat's .. I'm.. I'm not worried about that I know you would but.. do you really care so much you'd be willing to endure losing me?"
"I do." His voice rang simple and clean. It felt like your soul shook at his words. The words of someone accepting wedding vows at a confession. 
He stepped closer, still mindful of keeping to boundaries. 
"I love you" another simple sentence filled with more emotion than you'd ever heard him muster before and you couldn't help but respond in kind, feeling as though you might break your own heart if you spoke with any dishonesty.
"I love you to Neuvillette."
A true, wide smile breaks on his face and your heart pounds at the sight. 
"I don't know if this is moving too fast-" He begins, looking uncharacteristically nervous. "But may I-" I sigh and the rain pounds harder for a moment.
You patiently wait for him to gather his wits. 
"May I kiss you?" He finally asks softly, bringing his face close to yours.
"You may Neuvillette." You whisper, wanting nothing more in that moment. 
As his lips meet yours tenderly your thoughts are no longer on your relationship's tragic end but the beautiful beginning.
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