#* ﹡゚    ━━━  INTERDIMENSIONAL ALCOHOLIC (  rick  )
sofiiel · 6 months
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There & Back Again : xreader addition (fem/afab)
Monster!McKinney!Reader x Eddie Munson
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12 -> 13 -> 14 -> 15 -> 16 -> 17 -> 18 -> 19
Moodboards: Angel | Amy | Doris | Reader | Rick | Pat | Gail | Eddie | Sam
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Reader Discretion is Advised: This story may be unsuitable for readers who struggle with trauma. Read the cw's below carefully, and please avoid this fic if it sounds like too much for you ❤
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰: (adapted from my x oc fic)
Love is timeless, it is interdimensional, unbiased, deadly, and healing, it is the most powerful force any one of us has. You will learn this unspoken lesson through a misfit who saved your life.
You are ____ McKinney, an orphan, who was adopted into the McKinney family. A household dominated by an abusive father, alongside your brother Patrick. Spending the majority of your time to yourself or in fear, you will find confidence and bravery with the help of a kindred soul as they are drawn together by forces that go beyond the world they know, and even time itself.
You and Eddie are sucked into a disturbing mystery involving missing persons and strange beasts as the lines between fact, fiction, truth, and lies become blurred.
Warnings: Domestic Violence. Violence. Gore. Major Character Death. Eventual Smut (very far off in the chapters). Sexual themes. Abuse. Substance Abuse. Use of Drugs & Alcohol. Descriptions of self-harm. Many possible triggers. EDs. Mentions of Prejudice/racism. P in V protected. Oral. Pregnancy. Mentions of Stalking. Mentions of abduction & Trafficking. Mentions of BDSM. Monster girl. This story is a bit off the rails. Your character will piss you off and frustrate you ~ it's part of the character growth.
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Authors Note: (important)
Please be aware for the story's sake some things about Reader may ruin "immersion" because it might not fit you specifically.
Such as reader's dance background, biological & adoptive family, and a specific birthmark.
Warning, there are scenes where the reader has to be lifted, and (as a plus-size girlie myself) I am sorry if that is off-putting. Other triggering factors might be the reader sharing Eddie's clothing (pants/jackets). I am *not* trying to make anyone feel isolated, it's just how the original version went.
This is adapted from my OC-based fic, but I am trying to write out ultra specifics that went with the oc Myrtle. And will try to completely rewrite some scenes if I can find a way to make it work with the original plot for chapters.
I am asking for a little patience while working this out, and any advice is more than welcome if anyone has gone through this process before.
~Thank you ❤
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
yan rick headcanons?
Now that I think about it, I've only ever done scenarios and short concepts for him. I really do need to make a general concept for him, lol. No specific Rick in mind. Might be a bit off, or at least it feels that way to me, from my usual Rick content.
Yandere! Rick Sanchez Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Murder, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Slight sadism, Drugs/Alcohol, Threats, Forced relationship.
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Rick Sanchez is an interesting yandere.
He's extremely intelligent, disregards life...
But is not incapable of attraction and close bonds like love.
Also, if his obsession doesn't work out with you in one universe.
It has to in another, right?
Rick's obsession speed is kind of hard to track.
If you're a close friend of his, it could be slow with an explosive climax when he reveals it.
If you're just a fling, it could either slowly eat at him... or be passionate and fast the entire way.
He's a man hard to predict in general, really.
Rick's yandere behavior would be Protective, Caring, Sadistic, Manipulative, Slightly forceful, Obsessive, Possessive.
He is surprisingly caring to those he cares about despite being an interdimensional space criminal who doesn't mind a bit of murder.
Rick's protective of those he holds close to him.
Be it family or lovers, he doesn't flinch at holding a gun to someone's head.
Even if it requires him to pull the trigger.
Sometimes he may even be a bit overprotective towards you.
He expresses love and care to you and wants you safe.
Which is ironic due to him being a dangerous man.
His life is chaotic, always containing threats.
If someone hurt you, Rick is determined to make them pay.
He's going to take a lot of precautions to prevent such a thing from happening, however.
Protective gear slipped on you when you're unaware, for example.
Rick is an intelligent man, he'll think of something to keep you safe when he's away.
Anything's possible with him.
He'd probably take out his sadistic desires on those around you.
He seems like a man to be jealous but hide it from you.
Preferring to show those he knows hurt you or trying to take you away from him pain instead of you.
Rick could/would manipulate you.
He seems to have enough charisma to convince people during the show.
He'd easily string you along, saying lies and promises to keep you with him.
He's also a man for substance abuse, you'll probably end up having some sort of alcohol or drug in your system with him.
Deep down he wants to be better for you...
But he just isn't that man.
It was a mistake to be involved with him in anyway.
Whenever you crossed paths, your fate was sealed.
As much as he somewhat regrets his behavior...
Keeping you is so much more important.
Rick's manipulation comes across as forceful.
Whenever he does something he feels is for your best interest, he will push you where he wants you if you hesitate.
Rick also seems like a controlling person in general.
Rick could be obsessive towards his darling if you're refusing his advances.
He doesn't usually want to commit to someone this bad.
Yet here he is, chasing you down just for a chance to feel your warmth again.
He's usually obsessive if you've met once before then left.
That's because now he can't stop thinking of you.
His obsession is like a craving, a drug he can't get enough of.
Rick's also possessive of his obsession.
Like most yanderes, his overprotective behavior goes hand in hand with his possessive behavior.
He wants to chain you to his side.
To drag you with him everywhere-
Yet at the same time, he wants to keep you somewhere safe.
Somewhere he can trust you'll stay and wait for him.
This obsession of his really makes him question his life up until this point.
Also, every Rick has a similar way they act to their obsession.
They all have the base Rick yandere behavior.
Though every universe has a slight difference.
Some examples include;
Mysterious Rick leans more into possessive.
"That chip shows just who you belong to...."
Toxic Rick leans more into possessive and sadistic.
C-137 Rick leans more into overprotective/manipulative.
"Look, I just don't like them around you, alright?"
They all have similar behaviors, however.
Also, if the Rick from your universe can't have you, he'll just start anew.
If he has to, he'll travel other dimensions to take a new version of you by kidnapping.
If he kills you or not depends on the Rick.
But a Rick will always kill another Rick to steal their darling.
Again, not like they care about murder.
Overall, depending on the Rick you have, they'll lean into one or more base yandere traits a Rick has.
Mostly he'll be overprotective and possessive over you, his darling.
Even if he promised himself he wouldn't take up a relationship like this again...
It appears he can't help himself when it's with you.
"God... you have NO idea what you do to me, baby."
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cutiemarkofcain · 1 year
So, the main thing I've been working on for the past few years? A rickorty longfics series. It's got angst, fluff, smut, humor, drama, more angst, gangs, heroics, time travel, mindfuckery, and Interdimensional Cable. It's called A Tale Told By a Morty.
(I'd recommend clicking the above link before any of the ones below; that way you can see all the tags before diving in.)
Part 1 - Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Flesh Curtains (47k+ words) - Morty goes back in time and meets a young Rick. Mistakes are/were made.
Part 2 - A Citizen of the Multiverse (117k+ words) - Rick and Morty are bad at processing their feelings. But when they finally do, Rick's past comes back to haunt them both.
Part 3 - The Penitent Rick (131k+ words) - After his drunkenness indirectly gets Morty hurt, Rick swears off alcohol. While he's at a clinic, Morty deals with stuff at home, and meets up with old friends.
Part 4 - The Fears That Once Controlled Them (in progress)
Some things to note:
This series begins about four years after the end of season 5, which means A) Morty is 18 at the start, and B) It does not take the events of season 6 into account.
There's not much (percentage wise), but this series does have adult content. I mean ADULT.
This ain't just slow burn, it's downright glacial. The main ship doesn't officially get together until about halfway into part 2.
There are so many OCs and stuff.
A guide to the locations, OCs, etc
Another planet with an anthropomorphic sun. Fortunately or unfortunately, this sun is friendly and likes to sing. Populated by smoogians, cradhians, and throxoloxons.
Smoogians: They're almost all under three feet and they all resemble animal plushies. They eat plastic. The middle to upper class and abled Smoogians live in Smoogi City, while the poor and disabled Smoogians, as well as political dissidents, live in the outskirts. This is slowly changing.
Cradhians: They're an intelligent spiderlike species, about the size of a saucer, legs included. They communicate with a form of sign language using all eight legs. They emigrated to Smoogi City after their home was destroyed.
Throxoloxons: They're a hermaphroditic species that lived in the area that became Smoogi City before the Smoogians pushed them out. They're all masses of tentacles with eyestalks. They eat dreams.
Mayor Flumby: Faux affably evil (now ex) mayor of Smoogi City. Obsessed with keeping the status quo. Probably dead. Resembles a bear plushie.
Leelee: Mayor Flumby's second-in-command. Resembles a rabbit plushie.
Grobor: Blind. Mistrusts Mayor Flumby; leads a rebellion against him and the townsfolk. Sacrifices himself. Resembles a rabbit plushie.
Miss Mopple: Former friend of Mayor Flumby's. Current mayor of Smoogi City. Probably assassinated the old mayor. Married to Ilsilix. Resembles a raccoon plushie.
Zooni: One of Miss Mopple's guards. Ex-husband of Rovo. Resembles a lion plushie.
Rovo: Very tall for his species. Keeps Morty company and serves as a guide during his stay at Paerwesh. Ex-husband of Zooni. Resembles a horse plushie.
Ilsilix: Saved her species from genocide with diplomacy. Now married to Miss Mopple.
Sfilnin: Runs the daycare at Paerwesh.
Margeth: Child. Has a tendency to swear by accident.
Chlogul: Parental figure to Margeth. Takes over the rebellion after Grobor's death. Forms Paerwesh after the rebellion ends.
Smoogi City: Where many Smoogians live
Paerwesh: A building where anyone who's down on their luck can stay. Formerly a house; served as the hideout for the rebellion.
The censor: A structure that looked like a barbershop pole. Formerly used to censor anything inappropriate, if there were Smoogians around to witness it. Was dismantled and retooled, now disables hi-tech devices in its vicinity.
Goldorok Prime:
A planet with a barrier around it that prevents certain spacecrafts from getting in or out- including Rick's ship. There are pyramids in GP's sky that rain sparkles. Populated by tanglors and kithwiks.
Tanglors: They're a humanoid species with an extra set of eyes and an extra set of arms. Their skin is in shades of gray and their hair is cool tones. They eat primarily bark and bones. When threatened with serious physical harm, they will automatically teleport to a different location, although there is a limit to how far they might teleport. They also have pyrokinetic abilities, although it is not spoken of in polite company. Most can only generate heat, and at most, create sparks, but there are exceptions…
Kithwiks: They're purple blobs with snakelike lower halves. They have beaks they whistle out of, but the whistles mostly just communicate mood. For more elaborate communication, they use the long tendrils that come out of their backs, positioning them in all sorts of configurations. They can regenerate their flesh, no matter how much they lose, unless it's burned off. They have mild mind control powers, though most can only encourage others to do things they planned on doing anyway- basically, giving them a nudge. Most of the time, they have to be touching someone with their tendrils to control them, but the more emotionally close they are to someone, the further away they can be physically, while still being able to control them.
Reeshkla Ivinte: Worked at Café Sweez until she quit. Friend of Morty's. Married to Drav. Has six kids. Call her Reesh.
Barros Arbekt: (Ex)-owner of Café Sweez. (Ex)-leader of the Slingers. Currently incarcerated.
Tiersi: Deaf. Also known as Mama Tiersi. Owns Club Setweeba. Lost a son to gang violence.
Grijya Seelins: Enjoys causing trouble. Maybe Morty's friend?
Drav Ivinte: Reesh's husband. Chronically ill.
Athel, Ashek, Grente, Jevla, Natasi, Kesir Ivinte: Reesh and Drav's kids
Yotis Arbekt: Brother to Barros. Rick got him killed, maybe accidentally, and Barros never forgave him.
Zash Hezen: Unofficially affiliated with the Slingers. Is now in trouble with them after revealing one of their hideouts.
Mirsh Velliej: Slinger. Loyal to Barros.
Klavvi Merlega: Slinger. Barros' former second-in-command. Killed by Rick.
Commander Prynk: Leads the team that arrests Barros.
Szaren Vench: Knight. Tortures Mirsh for information, which he gives to Tarrin.
Gorra Seelins: Grijya's brother. Keeps getting in trouble with the gangs, but doesn't take them seriously.
Namrala Darlach: One leader of the Avatars. Usually called Mother Darlach. Might be dead.
Officer Helshon: Aided Commander Prynk in arresting Barros.
Tarrin: Prynk's second-in-command. Tasked with getting more information on the gangs.
Lorz Prennet: Namrala's second-in-command. Their motives, and fate, are a mystery.
Etebi (AKA Tenne) Kigati: Accidentally killed her parents. Kept prisoner by Dr. Mesile, who cut off her top arms. Freed by Rick.
Dr. Avran Mesile: Manipulated Etebi into killing her parents. Was going to train her to be a killing machine.
Zea: Frycook. Imprisoned by the Avatars. Freed by Morty. Very close with Charisma.
Pravash: Reesh's twin sister. Ex-wife of Barros. Overly cautious. Temporarily takes in Etebi and renames her Tenne.
Maziam: Gatekeeper. Helps Rick save Morty, betraying the Avatars in the process.
The Gateway: Protects the Avatars in exchange for sex slaves.
Frozz, the Head Frozzulator: Works at Cafe Sweez, deseeding the eefee fruits. Keeps to himself. Takes over ownership after Barros' arrest.
Seven: Works at Cafe Sweez. Learns to write English so they can communicate with Morty.
Scythe: Imprisoned by the Avatars.
Charisma: Imprisoned by the Avatars. Very close with Zea.
Skardoria: The nation where the story takes place
Café Sweez: Formerly owned by Barros, taken over by Frozz. Used to be a front, while also being a legitimate business in its own right. Unknown as of yet if Frozz plans to make it completely legit. They are famous for "eefee shakes."
Club Setweeba: Owned by Tiersi. Aside from hospitals and graveyards, is the only public spot where the gangs have unanimously agreed not to fight.
Lissal Street: A dangerous street that the gangs have completely taken over. Every building there is abandoned.
The basement: Tunnels that travel throughout the city, connecting different gang hideouts
The House of Shudrauth: A possibly sentient building that serves as the main base for the Avatars of Shudrauth. Whenever something tragic happens inside it, it will go dark and the rooms will move to random locations. The movement is not felt by the occupants. There is also a prison that is separate from the House, but considered part of it by the Avatars. The House has an anti-portal area of effect around it.
The Slingers: A gang that makes and sells drugs in exchange for weapons. They wear blue.
The Gilded Knights: A new gang that causes trouble and does the whole protection racket thing. They wear gold.
The Avatars of Shudrauth: A cultlike gang. Some of them have tattoos of eyes. A subset of the Avatars are the Gatekeepers, whose job it is to keep the Gateway happy.
Eefee fruit: A fruit with multiple uses. The juice is used in drinks at places like Café Sweez, while the seeds are crushed and either kept as a powder, or formed into "eef sticks". Crushed eefee seeds get tanglors high while disrupting their teleportation abilities, and thus can be used recreationally, or for more nefarious purposes…
Shlegmarks: Skardorian currency
A planet covered almost entirely in water or swamplands. Populated by rokaedas.
Rokaedas: They're an amphibious humanoid species. Some have fins, some have scales, and some have tentacles. They have greenish skin. They have a multi-purpose appendage that comes out of their forehead called a "prokei".
Ekos: Receptionist at Sooquea House.
Arit Patyph: Runs one branch of Sooquea House. Not as friendly as he acts, and he doesn't act that friendly.
Ujaria Dupuk: Worker at Sooquea House. Has some baggage.
Khot Sorij: Worker at Sooquea House. Rick's helper, after he rejects Alaera's help.
Alaera Asory: Worker at Sooquea House. Rick's initial helper.
Shiru Phelk: Worker at Sooquea House. Tells Rick about Firio.
Firio [REDACTED]: Alaera's old patient. Overdosed after being exposed to Alaera's experimental treatment.
Wirje: The nation where the story takes place
Sooquea House: A clinic that specializes in helping people get over their addiction by making them forget they can use. The exterior of the house looks different to everyone.
Prokei: A two-pronged appendage that comes out of all rokaedas' foreheads. They use it to taste/smell peoples' moods, and can transport someone to the "Mindscape" by inserting both prongs into the other person's ears.
Goeji: A breakfast food with a texture somewhere between a pancake and a marshmallow
Threlkai Doom Pepper, and its extract: Really spicy
Foppsu juice: Absolutely disgusting
Other characters
Skylar Andersen-Williams: Human. Morty meets her while time travelling. Dating and eventually married to Tomas. Matt was their third.
Tomas Andersen-Williams: Human. Morty meets him while time travelling. Dating and eventually married to Skylar. Matt was their third.
Matt: Used to date Skylar and Tomas. Died on a skiing trip.
Bywuth (aka Squanchette): Species unknown. Seer. Mistrusts Squanchy, but warms up to him after seeing him reunite Rick and Morty.
Here's what some of the characters look like
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fandomwe1rd0 · 5 months
the heck even happens in Rick and morty
Just gonna infodump on you cause you asked for it! Spoilers ahead! Infodump under the cut
So there is the Smith family, they are the main characters, you have Beth Smith, the alcoholic mother, Jerry Smith, the bumbling unemployed dad, Summer Smith, the badass sister, and of course Morty Smith, the 14-year-old anxiety-ridden poor boy, and the main character, Rick Sanchez, he's around 70 and is Morty's grandfather, and he has A LOT of issues. He's an alcoholic, definitely depressed, hates himself, and loves Morty more than he loves himself (Which isn't saying much since he hates himself, but still, he loves the kid a whole lot)
Ok, now we got them, I'll just quickfire everything that happens in season one, Rick has Morty shove megaseeds up his butt so they cam go through interdimensional customs with the megaseeds, and he almost gets kicked out due to pulling Mourt out of school, but the megaseeds dissolve just in time giving Morty temporary superintellgence, leading Beth and Jerry to believe that Morty spending time with Rick is making him smarter, when it's not, they leave and that opens to the first garage rant and brings up the iconic quote "100 years Rick and Morty!" Which will come back. Next Rick incepts Morty's math teacher to give Morty As in math, Scary Terry follows them, but they end up becoming his friend after Rick and Morty stop him from having a bad dream, and they get Morty's math teacher to get him an A. Next Morty goes inside a human body and tries to save anatomy park, a park inside of a human body, it breaks down at the end though soooo. Next up Rick gets trapped inside a simulation that aliens trapped him in so they can get his recipe for concetrated dark matter, the fuel for accelerated space travel. Nothing much of note, but we do get a cute protective Rick moment, when he finds out Morty was simulated, his first response was "You simulated my grandson's genitalia!? You diabolical sons of bitches!" He even tries to attack them, but is held back. Next up in a personal favorite of mine, Rick and Morty make a bet that Morty can have a simpe, fun adventure. It starts off rocky, and gets even rockier when we get to that infamous Mr. Jellybean scene, I assume I don't have to talk about it, you already know it probably. Thankfully, Rick is super sweet and understand, not only does he throw the bet so Morty will be happy, but he also kills Mr. Jellybean which has me CACKLING!
Next up is a plot important episode, Morty asks Rick for a love potion to make Jessica fall in love with him, for context Jessica is Morty's crush, Rick at first says no, but eventually relents, but since Jessica has the fuel, it spreads to the entire school, Rick comes to get Morty since he isn't affected by it, since the love potion doesn't work on any related to Morty gentically.A VERY tasteful choice in my opinion, Rick tries to fix it, but just makes a bad situation worse. Rick travels to another dimension where they died, Morty understandably freaks out, but then Rick explains the plan, they just slip into the places of their dead selves, and continue as if nothing happen. Morty is understandably traumatized from this experience, and then we move to the next episode.
Next up is a pretty meh episode, Morty gets an uhm robot, but it was actually a birthing machine, and because of this Morty gets a chld, he tries to be a good father, but fails since well, he's 14, and the baby was naturally very aggressive from the day he was born. There is a sideplot with Rick and Summer, but it's mostly just Rick being a sexist asshole
Next up is an episode I admittably really like, basically it just resolves around Rick and Morty watching interdimensional cable, and it's just nice to see them bonding, there is a pretty good side plot with the rest of their family seeing what their life could've been. Eventually Beth and Jerry divorce but get back together when they realized that they would've gotten back together in a nother dimeson. It's a very sweet scene
Next up Rick drives Summer to work and meets the devil, where his store sells cursed items, eventually he beats the devil by setting up a store that uncurses his items for cash, yeah, he's petty, and I love him. There's a side plot where Jerry goes to Pluto, but there's nothing of note there, we do however gets a sweet moment where Rick is happy to see Morty but hides it, he sees Morty and says while smiling "Hey!" then clears his throat, frowns and says "Hey." very slick Rick.
Next up is a really really good episode, its the first canon episode and it is amazing. We get to meet two iconic characters, Doofus Rick who is a precious cinnamon roll, and Evil Morty who is an evil boy. The council of Ricks think Rick is killing other Ricks, but Rick found out it was evil Morty, we also find out an important detail, Rick hangs around Morty because he uses his brainwaves as camoflague. And we also get a sweet moment where Rick cries from his memories of Morty as a baby
The last episode of season one is eh, it's not great, but it's not bad. We get to meet Rick's friends Squanchy and Birdperson but they don't do much, basically Rick just throws a house party when Beth and Jerry are out of town on their titanic themed getaway. We also get a sweet bonding moment between Rick, Summer, and Morty which is cute.
So that's season one, there are 6 more seasons, go watch it, it's great!
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ambreiiigns · 6 months
Yes tell me about "rick's crybaby backstory"! I didn't think this was a backstory type of show, that's exactly what I'm curious about! And what do you mean evil morty?? Tiny rick? Beth clone? Toilet episode? Pissmaster????? What is going on lol
rick's crybaby backstory. that's what he calls it. he had wife (diane) and kid (beth) for whom he was going to give up science entirely (big deal for a rick, apparently he's the only one who was willing to do that !) enter Rick Prime. remember how the multiple realities and multiple versions of characters is a big plotpoint. yea. this Other Rick shows up and tries to get our rick hooked on interdimensional traveling but he refuses! bc he says it sounds lonely! ARGH so prima kills his wife and kid. oh well. we Later find out he's been killing everyone's diane and in fact invented a device that allows you to kill evert version of someone throughout every dimension. so rip diane forever and ever
so our rick goes on a revenge spree. he invents his own portal gun - apparently every other rick borrows their portal gun from prime who's the only one who built it himself. besides Our rick. and starts tracking prime down killing a bunch of other ricks in the process. so many in fact that those remaining build. the citadel of ricks. stay with me. it's like. idk a space station something where a bunch of ricks and their morties live and or stop by to mind their business. whatever. so this haunt for rick prime and killing himself over and over is what eventually gets our rick, who was gonna choose his family and human connections over science and adventure, to be as jaded and nihilistic and Alcoholic as every other rick before and after him. f in the chats for my man
so when the premise of the show is "rick had abandoned beth as a child and randomly crashed into her garage and settled down w her a couple of decades later" we know that's Wrong and that he's been on a quest to avenge her and her mom for all those years. aight. now it also ties into the overarching Plot of rick and morty bc during his quest to kill rick prime our rick also got in general trouble w the Galactic Federation who's like. big ass space government. and made friends w people who want to overthrow it. so he helps fight it yippie. this is how he meets my BELOVED birdperson and squanchy The Boys™ gang gang. we don't have time to discuss that rick's in love w birdperson maybe next time. the federation seems to be permanently dead rn if you care
by evil morty i mean THEE mvp i think some of the most iconic episodes revolve around him he got fed up w his rick and almost killed him put like some computer shit inside of him to control him like a little mechanical puppet. slay. then he went on to. become president of the citadel. slay. and revealed his Final Plan of killing a bunch of ricks and morties to create a portal that would get him out of the. my god. central finite curve. which we find out it's basically. every universe in which rick exists as the smartest being. evil morty's Evil Plan is simply to get out from under ricks' collective thumb and live by himself for himself. there's like a whole morty black market around the universe bc ricks use morties GOD I DON'T WANNA GET INTO IT IT'S SUCH BULLSHIT ACTUALLY but evil morty is my sweetheart he was right he did nothing wrong. he had a convo w our morty that knocks your tits clean off that goes like "if you've ever been sick of him you've been evil too" or "he's attached to us infinitely through his weakness and our forgiveness" like it slaps. it slaps i'm sorry what can i say
i feel like i end up talking too much abt rick when i love morty so much more but ofc the old man who goes on space adventures has more to be said abt him than the 14yo boy. but i do love him to death he's had such good if slow growth he's such a. victim to rick lmao even tho we find out very early on that ricks are usually SO much worse to their morties but he's been growing balls! he tells rick off now and finds him annoying and gets mad at him and all that! i love to see it. in fact rick is just as attached to morty at this point. it's so cute to see. grandpa's little buddy FUCK yeah and the other ricks make fun of him for that HA
tiny rick is. one time he turned himself into a teen and went to school w morty and summer. i like that bc he became pathetic and kept admitting he's Sad. beth clone is umm whenever we find out beth is in fact her father's daughter and is probably just as clever and violent as he is he proposes to make her a clone that will watch after jerry & the kids while she gets to go on space adventures like he did. and she doesn't decide she lets Him decide but instead of deciding her fucking. randomizes it so now there's a SUPER FUCKING COOL SPACE BETH RUNNING AROUND BEING BADASS and her own dad doesn't know which one is the original. top 10 most pathetic rick moments. the toilet episode good lord rick has a special planet where he shits and some alien guy finds his special shitter and rick gets really mad at him. the guy tries to make friends but rick refuses until guy Dies and then it's sad. it's sad. pissmaster episode? EVEN FUCKING SADDER it's like rick has a bunch of random enemies that bother him pissmaster being one of them jerry fuckin Destroys him and it's so humiliating that pissmaster. kills himself and his daughter's looking for him and it pulls at rick's weak spot so he. dresses up. as pissmaster. and sets up this fucking. suicide mission where he saves people from a bomb but dies in the process to kinda. give pissmaster a. proper sendoff. give his daughter closure. you know. it was SAD OK!!!! IT WAS REALLY GOOOOD
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picturejasper20 · 2 years
Maybe i’m overthinking this too much, I think that one of the reasons Rick expresses distaste for Jerry, aside from thinking he is holding Beth back, it’s because he reminds Rick of the man he once used to be- who looked for a simple life with his family and reject the idea of becoming this powerful interdimensional god. Jerry has everything that Rick lost decades ago and later drove him to depression and alcoholism, searching for the murderer that ruined his life. I think could be some envy in there. How Jerry is able to go just fine in his daily life while for Rick the control and power is never enough to fill the emptiness he feels inside him. Worth of pointing out that when Prime Jerry lost Beth and Summer he more or less adopted the same cynical view that Rick has. He acted very cold and distant to Morty once the met again (which was partially justified).
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countlessrealities · 8 months
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Unconventional first meetings
@muses-inn sent: [ MIXED ] : in a restaurant or cafe, both muses’ orders are swapped due to a mix up (Morty getting served the 3 cups of water that Ashton ordered for Creepy, Weepy and himself)
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In spite of what he might say while he and Rick were going through a fight, Morty doesn't make it a habit to go on adventures on his own. At most, he heads back to the places where Rick's drunk rampages have created more trouble than favour and fixes them, so that they don't have yet another piece of the multiverse hunting them down, but those trips don't count as adventures in his book. Not really.
After all, as his grandfather would say, adventures, to be called such, need four things: conflict, stakes, a way for Rick to benefit from them and, clearly, the two of them as a duo. Even if he wouldn't admit it, to avoid being mocked, the boy is extremely fond of this definition.
So, him sitting in a tavern in a world that's a mixture between high fantasy and sci-fi counts, as most, as an interdimensional trek. Not that it could have been more than that. He knows too well what the scientist thinks of that sort of planets.
Morty's thoughts are abruptly interrupted as three cups of water are set down in front of him, instead of the slightly alcoholic local drink he has ordered. The teen stares at the for a long moment, eyes wide with confusion, and then whips his head up to inform the server of the mishap...just to find out that they have already walked away.
Oh geez, this is really awkward.
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"...Uh..." He lets out, carefully looking around for a group who might have ordered the three cups of water.
Most of the patrons are alone or in pairs, so he has no luck until his eyes land on a guy who has two dragons' heads sprouting out of his back. Is that kind of thing normal around there?
Still, he seems to be the only one who counts as a "trio", so the teen gets up, balancing the three cups in his hands, and carries the drinks over to the man's table.
"H-Hey, sorry for bothering you, but...Uh, I-I think these were meant for you and your...friends?" Amber eyes skittishly glanced at the dragons. They don't seem particularly friendly or cheerful. "A-Anyway, here's your...water."
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advnterccs · 10 months
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀 👀 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 || accepting
@dynamoprotocol sent; [LAP] (Chance for Rick!)
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The one thing that Rick hadn't done in a while was relax. His mind was too lost in fixations on different devices. That he found himself holed up in the garage for about four days straight. No food, no shower. Just the constant fuel of alcohol running through his system.
So when his boyfriend came over, talked him into stopping and taking a shower, he complied. Now finding himself on the couch, in front of the television in the living room. Interdimensional cable played some random commercials and a show that looked half-decent. Something that he could allow himself to escape into and get invested without feeling bored.
So lost, in fact, he didn't feel the hands sliding towards his waist. Nor did he register the grip. What caught his attention was the pull backwards. Blue eyes widened at the realization that he was now on Chance's lap.
Then came a smirk. One that was mischievous and knew exactly where this would be going.
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His head tilted back, leaned against a shoulder. "Damn, l-look at you, got me on your lap all to yourself, huh?" He purred out the words. "Guess that means we should get ourselves comfortable~"
Slowly, he pressed his lips against that neck. Softly closing them around a piece of skin, taking a sharp but delicate nip at it. Something playful and teasing that hinted at going even further.
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cloudydreams21 · 2 years
No Turning Back
Chapter Song: Little Dark Age- MGMT
Check out my Archive of Our Own and Wattpad under the same username cloudydreams21 ☁️
Just a moment
Chapter 3|Part 3
He groaned rubbing his forehead before reaching into his lab coat to withdraw his portal gun.
He wasn't looking forward to heading back to his family. He felt like a stranger in the home, even though Beth had been so incredibly welcoming. Summer and Morty seemed to adore him, and he enjoyed fucking with Beth's idiotic husband Jerry. He had taken Morty on many of his adventures, it was nice to have company on the trips. It had only been a couple months since he had only chosen to impulsively connect with his daughter. But once he finally met her, he couldn't imagine not staying to get to know her.
He was one of the few Ricks that hadn't abandoned Diane and Beth, he had chosen them above all else. Rick had refused an alternate version of himself when he was offered the key to interdimensional travel. In retaliation the alternate Rick had chosen to kill his family, Beth had just turned fifteen. She never even got the chance to live.
Fuelled by grief, he barely slept or ate for months before finally cracking interdimensional travel for himself.
After a decade of searching, murder and revenge he had reached a dead-end, the Rick who killed his family had disappeared into the sea of infinite Ricks. Drowning in his own sorrow, he had spent the other decade inebriated and hateful. He used alcohol to stave off his failures. He hated himself and everything he had become in his pursuit for revenge. He was guilt ridden and alone.
The day he chose to visit the family he had lost in another dimension; alcohol was hazing his judgement more than usual. He had felt the intense urge to check the interdemensional goggles, to see if other Ricks were as fucked up as he was. He refused to use them, and instead pulled out his portal gun, typing in the coordinates to the dimension one of the Ricks he'd killed years ago had originated from. In his drunken state he finally admitted to himself how desperate he was to not be so alone anymore.
He had crashed into the garage of the house, as he crawled from the wreckage, a drunken mess, he had come face to face with his adult daughter. She was filled with emotion and threw herself into her fathers arms. Despite everything she had welcomed him 'back'.
Rick learnt more about her original Rick. That Rick had abandoned her when she was just fifteen, the same age his own family was murdered infront of him. He didn't bother informing her that he wasn't the same father that had abandoned her, even when she spoke of his abandonment of her with such anger. Even though he would never have abandoned her, or her mother.
At the end of the day Rick was still an asshole and a bad father, he couldn't save his wife and daughter, and was too much of a coward to even learn about his alternate selves lives.
That day, he chose to open up his heart again. Even just briefly, even just for a moment of comfort. He would always be a cantankerous prick. But he had never dreamed he would have his daughter back, that he would even get to have a relationship with his alternate grandchildren, his original family had never even got a chance.
He knocked back the rest of the vodka bottle before opening up a portal and stepping through into his garage. Not knowing the time and hoping the rest of the family would be absent he began making tracks to his bedroom, so he could pass out on his bed in peace.
He slinked into the house, determined to stay silent. But he failed almost immediately when he knocked over a broom which had been precariously propped up on a wall near the garage.
It had been perfectly positioned to trip him up, and he smiled to himself knowingly. Of course Beth would boobytrap the garage.
Before he could even react or try to sneak back into the garage Beth's voice came calling from the living room, "Dad? Dad is that you?".
Internally groaning Rick replied trying to keep his words neutral rather than laced with frustration and intoxication. "H-hi sweetie, j-just gonna-gonna head to my bedroom, I've been doing a l-lot of work."
Beth's reply was immediate, "Wait, wait! Dad before you do, come in here, there's someone I would like you to meet."
Failing to hold in his groan this time, he reluctantly changed course to the living room. "What-w- who did you want me to meet, it's- it’s just- I'm r-really tired swee-." Ricks sentence stalled in his throat as his eyes settled on her, she was sat next to Beth smiling pleasantly at him.
The scene is set! Hopefully it starts to pick up some speed now! Rick's emotions are complex, I don't think he fully understands why he can't face other Rick's lives. I like to think he wanted to visit Beth sooner, but the pain of his past and the guilt he carries for his original families death held him back. I like the idea of the interdimensional goggles being a continued temptation he fights. His curiosity fighting his deeply ingrained fears. What's the worst thing that can happen looking at your alternate selves lives.
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Rick & Morty
Another animated Sci-fi Sitcom, created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's night-time programming block Adult Swim, which a simple idea made at home was brought to air using Harmony Toon Boom. It was then distributed internationally by Warner Bros and has a huge Fan base. This series predeceasing the Solar opposites they learnt to refine their characters. To most likely save money and have more fun Justin voiced most of the characters.
The idea came from a a parody of back to the future in which a grandfather and his son, Rick and Morty would travel inter-dimensionally together for Ricks Projects. A total of 6 seasons already and confirming a long term deal with Cartoon Network.
The premise surrounds the Smith Household, Parents Jerry and Beth, whom is Ricks Daughter, and their Children Summer and Morty . Using Morty as his supposed Side Kick to travel interdimensional. Rick being an eccentric mad alcoholic scientist.
Overall this series has been a great watch and a character like rick who can represent depression and other mental problem though extreme is a good contrast to watch and inform ourselves on our morals.
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shyujikl · 2 years
Rick And Morty Grinder
Rick And Morty Grinder is a weed Grinder with Rick And Morty stickers,And Rick and Morty grinder is a great way to show off your love of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. Their general use is made out of zinc alloy, which makes it durable and resistant to rusting. Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his fretful, easily influenced pland who their time between domestic family life and interdimensional adventures. The series was renewed for a fourth season and premiered on July 30th, 2017.   Rick Sanchez is a genius scientist who has been shunned by society for his alcoholic tendencies. He lives with his daughter Beth, who he clearly favors over Morty, his grandchild. He spends most of his time traveling across space and other dimensions with his grandson Morty , who often has to save him from trouble he gets into on these travels. His catchphrase "Wubba lubba dub dub" means nothing in any known language, but is always used when he addresses someone or something that frustrated him.   Morty Smith is Rick's 14-year old grandson who lives with him in a small house in the suburbs of one of Earth's major cities (possibly Columbus). He was once described as being "unintelligent", although this may simply be because he cannot understand things that are,ok, We know who's rick and morty later, we need to know What are the benefits of a Rick And Morty Grinder? The Rick and Morty Grinder has been made from high-grade aircraft aluminum, which allows it to be very lightweight while still being strong enough to withstand years of use. This means that you can carry it around with you wherever you go without having to worry about it breaking or losing its shape over time.   Rick and Morty Grinder is the most famous, most popular, and most effective portable grinders in the market. It works with a great deal of materials like herbs, weed, tobacco, and others.   The Rick and Morty grinder comes with a storage compartment in the bottom that can be used for storing your herbs after grinding them. The storage compartment also has an integrated screen that allows you to collect kief from your ground herbs as well as an herb chamber for collecting pollen from flowers. The herb chamber also has an adjustable pollen scraper that helps you clean out any excess pollen from the chamber without having to open it up or touch any part of the grinder except for its handle.     To use this grinder, simply twist the bottom piece until it comes apart from the top piece, then load up your herbs into the top section of the grinder by placing them on top of one of its two screens (either one will work). Once they're loaded up, simply twist back together until everything locks into place again and start twisting! You will notice once your herbs are ground down enough that they start falling through one of two holes located at either end of the top section's screen area The Rick and Morty grinder is the best grinder for you if you love to smoke weed. It has a cool design, which will make it look great on your coffee table. making this a great gift for any fan of the show.   The Rick and Morty Grinder is made from sturdy zinc alloy metal, making it incredibly durable. This means that you won't have to worry about breaking it or having it become damaged over time. The high-quality metal also ensures that this grinder will last for years to come, so you won't have to buy another one!     And Rick and Morty grinder generally comes with four types of teeth: diamond cut teeth, razor sharp teeth, shark tooth teeth and classic sickle teeth. These different types of teeth allow you to grind up your herbs with ease!   You can use this grinder to grind up your buds into pieces about half an inch long or smaller depending on how much smoke you want from each hit. This means that there will be plenty of smoke for everyone when smoking out with friends! very suitable as your best weed grinder. If you are interested in Rick and Morty grinder, we will introduce you the hot selling Rick and Morty grinder on the market The 4-piece Zinc Alloy Rick And Morty Grinder is made of zinc alloy, which is an alloy of the metals zinc and aluminum. It is very durable, which makes it a good choice for grinding your herbs.   Pros:   It has a wide chamber so you can fit more material in it at once. This makes it much less time consuming to grind up your herbs.   It's also very easy to clean, which means that you will be able to use it for a long time before having to replace it.   The design of this grinder is very unique, which will make it stand out from other grinders that people have in their homes or offices. 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder This 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder has a shape designed as a Rubik’s Cube. It allows you to easily grind your dry herbs and tobacco. The cap is made of plastic so it won't get hot when you use it.   Advantages:   1. Rotatable. This product can be rotated as many times as you want, making grinding easier than ever before.   2. Rubik's cube design. You can enjoy the fun of solving a Rubik's cube while grinding your cannabis or tobacco.   3. Portable and compact design makes it easy to carry around with you wherever you go! HERB GRINDER RICK & MORTY ASSTD - 4 PART 63MM If you are a Rick and Morty fan, then this grinder is the right choice for you. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material, so it is durable and sturdy. The zinc alloy material is non-toxic, so you can use it without worrying about your health. This grinder also comes with 4 pieces of screens that make it easy to grind your herb into different sizes.   Pros:   1. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material.   2. The grinder has 4 pieces of screens to grind your herbs into different sizes easily.   3. This product is suitable for all kinds of herbs including tobacco and kief as well as any other dry herb that needs grinding before smoking or vaping it. The Rick and Morty backwoods grinder is made from high-quality zinc alloy material. This means that it will last for a long time without rusting or melting when exposed to extreme temperatures. The design also makes it easy for you to use this product because it has teeth that are sharp and durable. Furthermore, the design also makes it easy for you to clean this product when necessary as well.   The best feature about this product is that it comes with a kief catcher which catches all the kief from your weed so that you can store them separately without wasting any precious materials or losing any important ingredients in your herbs or other dry materials when you grind them into small bits using this great product! -The Rick and Morty grinder set is a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. -The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. -The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably built to last. -The set is also affordably priced, making it a great gift for any Rick and Morty fan.   If you're a fan of the show, then you'll love this grinder set. It's a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably Weed grinders are a must for any marijuana smoker. While it's possible to smoke weed straight out of the bag, grinding it up releases more THC and other cannabinoids, making it more potent and easier to smoke than whole buds.   Once you've buy the right Rick And Morty Grinder for your needs, it's time to get down to business. Here's how to use a weed grinder:   Place your cannabis into the herb chamber of the grinder (some grinders will have separate chambers for herbs and spices). If you're using a 2-piece grinder, screw together the top and bottom pieces until they're tight but not too tight — they should be able to spin freely without resistance.     Turn the top piece of your grinder in a circular motion while keeping pressure on the bottom piece so that all parts of your herb chamber are moving in unison. Do this until all buds are broken down into smaller pieces or dust (depending on how much time you spend grinding).   Read the full article
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frjdtf · 2 years
Rick And Morty Grinder
Rick And Morty Grinder is a weed Grinder with Rick And Morty stickers,And Rick and Morty grinder is a great way to show off your love of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. Their general use is made out of zinc alloy, which makes it durable and resistant to rusting. Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his fretful, easily influenced pland who their time between domestic family life and interdimensional adventures. The series was renewed for a fourth season and premiered on July 30th, 2017.   Rick Sanchez is a genius scientist who has been shunned by society for his alcoholic tendencies. He lives with his daughter Beth, who he clearly favors over Morty, his grandchild. He spends most of his time traveling across space and other dimensions with his grandson Morty , who often has to save him from trouble he gets into on these travels. His catchphrase "Wubba lubba dub dub" means nothing in any known language, but is always used when he addresses someone or something that frustrated him.   Morty Smith is Rick's 14-year old grandson who lives with him in a small house in the suburbs of one of Earth's major cities (possibly Columbus). He was once described as being "unintelligent", although this may simply be because he cannot understand things that are,ok, We know who's rick and morty later, we need to know What are the benefits of a Rick And Morty Grinder? The Rick and Morty Grinder has been made from high-grade aircraft aluminum, which allows it to be very lightweight while still being strong enough to withstand years of use. This means that you can carry it around with you wherever you go without having to worry about it breaking or losing its shape over time.   Rick and Morty Grinder is the most famous, most popular, and most effective portable grinders in the market. It works with a great deal of materials like herbs, weed, tobacco, and others.   The Rick and Morty grinder comes with a storage compartment in the bottom that can be used for storing your herbs after grinding them. The storage compartment also has an integrated screen that allows you to collect kief from your ground herbs as well as an herb chamber for collecting pollen from flowers. The herb chamber also has an adjustable pollen scraper that helps you clean out any excess pollen from the chamber without having to open it up or touch any part of the grinder except for its handle.     To use this grinder, simply twist the bottom piece until it comes apart from the top piece, then load up your herbs into the top section of the grinder by placing them on top of one of its two screens (either one will work). Once they're loaded up, simply twist back together until everything locks into place again and start twisting! You will notice once your herbs are ground down enough that they start falling through one of two holes located at either end of the top section's screen area The Rick and Morty grinder is the best grinder for you if you love to smoke weed. It has a cool design, which will make it look great on your coffee table. making this a great gift for any fan of the show.   The Rick and Morty Grinder is made from sturdy zinc alloy metal, making it incredibly durable. This means that you won't have to worry about breaking it or having it become damaged over time. The high-quality metal also ensures that this grinder will last for years to come, so you won't have to buy another one!     And Rick and Morty grinder generally comes with four types of teeth: diamond cut teeth, razor sharp teeth, shark tooth teeth and classic sickle teeth. These different types of teeth allow you to grind up your herbs with ease!   You can use this grinder to grind up your buds into pieces about half an inch long or smaller depending on how much smoke you want from each hit. This means that there will be plenty of smoke for everyone when smoking out with friends! very suitable as your best weed grinder. If you are interested in Rick and Morty grinder, we will introduce you the hot selling Rick and Morty grinder on the market The 4-piece Zinc Alloy Rick And Morty Grinder is made of zinc alloy, which is an alloy of the metals zinc and aluminum. It is very durable, which makes it a good choice for grinding your herbs.   Pros:   It has a wide chamber so you can fit more material in it at once. This makes it much less time consuming to grind up your herbs.   It's also very easy to clean, which means that you will be able to use it for a long time before having to replace it.   The design of this grinder is very unique, which will make it stand out from other grinders that people have in their homes or offices. 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder This 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder has a shape designed as a Rubik’s Cube. It allows you to easily grind your dry herbs and tobacco. The cap is made of plastic so it won't get hot when you use it.   Advantages:   1. Rotatable. This product can be rotated as many times as you want, making grinding easier than ever before.   2. Rubik's cube design. You can enjoy the fun of solving a Rubik's cube while grinding your cannabis or tobacco.   3. Portable and compact design makes it easy to carry around with you wherever you go! HERB GRINDER RICK & MORTY ASSTD - 4 PART 63MM If you are a Rick and Morty fan, then this grinder is the right choice for you. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material, so it is durable and sturdy. The zinc alloy material is non-toxic, so you can use it without worrying about your health. This grinder also comes with 4 pieces of screens that make it easy to grind your herb into different sizes.   Pros:   1. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material.   2. The grinder has 4 pieces of screens to grind your herbs into different sizes easily.   3. This product is suitable for all kinds of herbs including tobacco and kief as well as any other dry herb that needs grinding before smoking or vaping it. The Rick and Morty backwoods grinder is made from high-quality zinc alloy material. This means that it will last for a long time without rusting or melting when exposed to extreme temperatures. The design also makes it easy for you to use this product because it has teeth that are sharp and durable. Furthermore, the design also makes it easy for you to clean this product when necessary as well.   The best feature about this product is that it comes with a kief catcher which catches all the kief from your weed so that you can store them separately without wasting any precious materials or losing any important ingredients in your herbs or other dry materials when you grind them into small bits using this great product! -The Rick and Morty grinder set is a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. -The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. -The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably built to last. -The set is also affordably priced, making it a great gift for any Rick and Morty fan.   If you're a fan of the show, then you'll love this grinder set. It's a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably Weed grinders are a must for any marijuana smoker. While it's possible to smoke weed straight out of the bag, grinding it up releases more THC and other cannabinoids, making it more potent and easier to smoke than whole buds.   Once you've buy the right Rick And Morty Grinder for your needs, it's time to get down to business. Here's how to use a weed grinder:   Place your cannabis into the herb chamber of the grinder (some grinders will have separate chambers for herbs and spices). If you're using a 2-piece grinder, screw together the top and bottom pieces until they're tight but not too tight — they should be able to spin freely without resistance.     Turn the top piece of your grinder in a circular motion while keeping pressure on the bottom piece so that all parts of your herb chamber are moving in unison. Do this until all buds are broken down into smaller pieces or dust (depending on how much time you spend grinding).   Read the full article
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dhbfgchf · 2 years
Rick And Morty Grinder
Rick And Morty Grinder is a weed Grinder with Rick And Morty stickers,And Rick and Morty grinder is a great way to show off your love of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. Their general use is made out of zinc alloy, which makes it durable and resistant to rusting. Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his fretful, easily influenced pland who their time between domestic family life and interdimensional adventures. The series was renewed for a fourth season and premiered on July 30th, 2017.   Rick Sanchez is a genius scientist who has been shunned by society for his alcoholic tendencies. He lives with his daughter Beth, who he clearly favors over Morty, his grandchild. He spends most of his time traveling across space and other dimensions with his grandson Morty , who often has to save him from trouble he gets into on these travels. His catchphrase "Wubba lubba dub dub" means nothing in any known language, but is always used when he addresses someone or something that frustrated him.   Morty Smith is Rick's 14-year old grandson who lives with him in a small house in the suburbs of one of Earth's major cities (possibly Columbus). He was once described as being "unintelligent", although this may simply be because he cannot understand things that are,ok, We know who's rick and morty later, we need to know What are the benefits of a Rick And Morty Grinder? The Rick and Morty Grinder has been made from high-grade aircraft aluminum, which allows it to be very lightweight while still being strong enough to withstand years of use. This means that you can carry it around with you wherever you go without having to worry about it breaking or losing its shape over time.   Rick and Morty Grinder is the most famous, most popular, and most effective portable grinders in the market. It works with a great deal of materials like herbs, weed, tobacco, and others.   The Rick and Morty grinder comes with a storage compartment in the bottom that can be used for storing your herbs after grinding them. The storage compartment also has an integrated screen that allows you to collect kief from your ground herbs as well as an herb chamber for collecting pollen from flowers. The herb chamber also has an adjustable pollen scraper that helps you clean out any excess pollen from the chamber without having to open it up or touch any part of the grinder except for its handle.     To use this grinder, simply twist the bottom piece until it comes apart from the top piece, then load up your herbs into the top section of the grinder by placing them on top of one of its two screens (either one will work). Once they're loaded up, simply twist back together until everything locks into place again and start twisting! You will notice once your herbs are ground down enough that they start falling through one of two holes located at either end of the top section's screen area The Rick and Morty grinder is the best grinder for you if you love to smoke weed. It has a cool design, which will make it look great on your coffee table. making this a great gift for any fan of the show.   The Rick and Morty Grinder is made from sturdy zinc alloy metal, making it incredibly durable. This means that you won't have to worry about breaking it or having it become damaged over time. The high-quality metal also ensures that this grinder will last for years to come, so you won't have to buy another one!   �� And Rick and Morty grinder generally comes with four types of teeth: diamond cut teeth, razor sharp teeth, shark tooth teeth and classic sickle teeth. These different types of teeth allow you to grind up your herbs with ease!   You can use this grinder to grind up your buds into pieces about half an inch long or smaller depending on how much smoke you want from each hit. This means that there will be plenty of smoke for everyone when smoking out with friends! very suitable as your best weed grinder. If you are interested in Rick and Morty grinder, we will introduce you the hot selling Rick and Morty grinder on the market The 4-piece Zinc Alloy Rick And Morty Grinder is made of zinc alloy, which is an alloy of the metals zinc and aluminum. It is very durable, which makes it a good choice for grinding your herbs.   Pros:   It has a wide chamber so you can fit more material in it at once. This makes it much less time consuming to grind up your herbs.   It's also very easy to clean, which means that you will be able to use it for a long time before having to replace it.   The design of this grinder is very unique, which will make it stand out from other grinders that people have in their homes or offices. 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder This 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder has a shape designed as a Rubik’s Cube. It allows you to easily grind your dry herbs and tobacco. The cap is made of plastic so it won't get hot when you use it.   Advantages:   1. Rotatable. This product can be rotated as many times as you want, making grinding easier than ever before.   2. Rubik's cube design. You can enjoy the fun of solving a Rubik's cube while grinding your cannabis or tobacco.   3. Portable and compact design makes it easy to carry around with you wherever you go! HERB GRINDER RICK & MORTY ASSTD - 4 PART 63MM If you are a Rick and Morty fan, then this grinder is the right choice for you. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material, so it is durable and sturdy. The zinc alloy material is non-toxic, so you can use it without worrying about your health. This grinder also comes with 4 pieces of screens that make it easy to grind your herb into different sizes.   Pros:   1. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material.   2. The grinder has 4 pieces of screens to grind your herbs into different sizes easily.   3. This product is suitable for all kinds of herbs including tobacco and kief as well as any other dry herb that needs grinding before smoking or vaping it. The Rick and Morty backwoods grinder is made from high-quality zinc alloy material. This means that it will last for a long time without rusting or melting when exposed to extreme temperatures. The design also makes it easy for you to use this product because it has teeth that are sharp and durable. Furthermore, the design also makes it easy for you to clean this product when necessary as well.   The best feature about this product is that it comes with a kief catcher which catches all the kief from your weed so that you can store them separately without wasting any precious materials or losing any important ingredients in your herbs or other dry materials when you grind them into small bits using this great product! -The Rick and Morty grinder set is a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. -The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. -The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably built to last. -The set is also affordably priced, making it a great gift for any Rick and Morty fan.   If you're a fan of the show, then you'll love this grinder set. It's a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably Weed grinders are a must for any marijuana smoker. While it's possible to smoke weed straight out of the bag, grinding it up releases more THC and other cannabinoids, making it more potent and easier to smoke than whole buds.   Once you've buy the right Rick And Morty Grinder for your needs, it's time to get down to business. Here's how to use a weed grinder:   Place your cannabis into the herb chamber of the grinder (some grinders will have separate chambers for herbs and spices). If you're using a 2-piece grinder, screw together the top and bottom pieces until they're tight but not too tight — they should be able to spin freely without resistance.     Turn the top piece of your grinder in a circular motion while keeping pressure on the bottom piece so that all parts of your herb chamber are moving in unison. Do this until all buds are broken down into smaller pieces or dust (depending on how much time you spend grinding).   Read the full article
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sgvdhgfh · 2 years
Rick And Morty Grinder
Rick And Morty Grinder is a weed Grinder with Rick And Morty stickers,And Rick and Morty grinder is a great way to show off your love of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. Their general use is made out of zinc alloy, which makes it durable and resistant to rusting. Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his fretful, easily influenced pland who their time between domestic family life and interdimensional adventures. The series was renewed for a fourth season and premiered on July 30th, 2017.   Rick Sanchez is a genius scientist who has been shunned by society for his alcoholic tendencies. He lives with his daughter Beth, who he clearly favors over Morty, his grandchild. He spends most of his time traveling across space and other dimensions with his grandson Morty , who often has to save him from trouble he gets into on these travels. His catchphrase "Wubba lubba dub dub" means nothing in any known language, but is always used when he addresses someone or something that frustrated him.   Morty Smith is Rick's 14-year old grandson who lives with him in a small house in the suburbs of one of Earth's major cities (possibly Columbus). He was once described as being "unintelligent", although this may simply be because he cannot understand things that are,ok, We know who's rick and morty later, we need to know What are the benefits of a Rick And Morty Grinder? The Rick and Morty Grinder has been made from high-grade aircraft aluminum, which allows it to be very lightweight while still being strong enough to withstand years of use. This means that you can carry it around with you wherever you go without having to worry about it breaking or losing its shape over time.   Rick and Morty Grinder is the most famous, most popular, and most effective portable grinders in the market. It works with a great deal of materials like herbs, weed, tobacco, and others.   The Rick and Morty grinder comes with a storage compartment in the bottom that can be used for storing your herbs after grinding them. The storage compartment also has an integrated screen that allows you to collect kief from your ground herbs as well as an herb chamber for collecting pollen from flowers. The herb chamber also has an adjustable pollen scraper that helps you clean out any excess pollen from the chamber without having to open it up or touch any part of the grinder except for its handle.     To use this grinder, simply twist the bottom piece until it comes apart from the top piece, then load up your herbs into the top section of the grinder by placing them on top of one of its two screens (either one will work). Once they're loaded up, simply twist back together until everything locks into place again and start twisting! You will notice once your herbs are ground down enough that they start falling through one of two holes located at either end of the top section's screen area The Rick and Morty grinder is the best grinder for you if you love to smoke weed. It has a cool design, which will make it look great on your coffee table. making this a great gift for any fan of the show.   The Rick and Morty Grinder is made from sturdy zinc alloy metal, making it incredibly durable. This means that you won't have to worry about breaking it or having it become damaged over time. The high-quality metal also ensures that this grinder will last for years to come, so you won't have to buy another one!     And Rick and Morty grinder generally comes with four types of teeth: diamond cut teeth, razor sharp teeth, shark tooth teeth and classic sickle teeth. These different types of teeth allow you to grind up your herbs with ease!   You can use this grinder to grind up your buds into pieces about half an inch long or smaller depending on how much smoke you want from each hit. This means that there will be plenty of smoke for everyone when smoking out with friends! very suitable as your best weed grinder. If you are interested in Rick and Morty grinder, we will introduce you the hot selling Rick and Morty grinder on the market The 4-piece Zinc Alloy Rick And Morty Grinder is made of zinc alloy, which is an alloy of the metals zinc and aluminum. It is very durable, which makes it a good choice for grinding your herbs.   Pros:   It has a wide chamber so you can fit more material in it at once. This makes it much less time consuming to grind up your herbs.   It's also very easy to clean, which means that you will be able to use it for a long time before having to replace it.   The design of this grinder is very unique, which will make it stand out from other grinders that people have in their homes or offices. 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder This 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder has a shape designed as a Rubik’s Cube. It allows you to easily grind your dry herbs and tobacco. The cap is made of plastic so it won't get hot when you use it.   Advantages:   1. Rotatable. This product can be rotated as many times as you want, making grinding easier than ever before.   2. Rubik's cube design. You can enjoy the fun of solving a Rubik's cube while grinding your cannabis or tobacco.   3. Portable and compact design makes it easy to carry around with you wherever you go! HERB GRINDER RICK & MORTY ASSTD - 4 PART 63MM If you are a Rick and Morty fan, then this grinder is the right choice for you. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material, so it is durable and sturdy. The zinc alloy material is non-toxic, so you can use it without worrying about your health. This grinder also comes with 4 pieces of screens that make it easy to grind your herb into different sizes.   Pros:   1. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material.   2. The grinder has 4 pieces of screens to grind your herbs into different sizes easily.   3. This product is suitable for all kinds of herbs including tobacco and kief as well as any other dry herb that needs grinding before smoking or vaping it. The Rick and Morty backwoods grinder is made from high-quality zinc alloy material. This means that it will last for a long time without rusting or melting when exposed to extreme temperatures. The design also makes it easy for you to use this product because it has teeth that are sharp and durable. Furthermore, the design also makes it easy for you to clean this product when necessary as well.   The best feature about this product is that it comes with a kief catcher which catches all the kief from your weed so that you can store them separately without wasting any precious materials or losing any important ingredients in your herbs or other dry materials when you grind them into small bits using this great product! -The Rick and Morty grinder set is a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. -The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. -The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably built to last. -The set is also affordably priced, making it a great gift for any Rick and Morty fan.   If you're a fan of the show, then you'll love this grinder set. It's a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably Weed grinders are a must for any marijuana smoker. While it's possible to smoke weed straight out of the bag, grinding it up releases more THC and other cannabinoids, making it more potent and easier to smoke than whole buds.   Once you've buy the right Rick And Morty Grinder for your needs, it's time to get down to business. Here's how to use a weed grinder:   Place your cannabis into the herb chamber of the grinder (some grinders will have separate chambers for herbs and spices). If you're using a 2-piece grinder, screw together the top and bottom pieces until they're tight but not too tight — they should be able to spin freely without resistance.     Turn the top piece of your grinder in a circular motion while keeping pressure on the bottom piece so that all parts of your herb chamber are moving in unison. Do this until all buds are broken down into smaller pieces or dust (depending on how much time you spend grinding).   Read the full article
0 notes
dsgd151 · 2 years
Rick And Morty Grinder
Rick And Morty Grinder is a weed Grinder with Rick And Morty stickers,And Rick and Morty grinder is a great way to show off your love of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. Their general use is made out of zinc alloy, which makes it durable and resistant to rusting. Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his fretful, easily influenced pland who their time between domestic family life and interdimensional adventures. The series was renewed for a fourth season and premiered on July 30th, 2017.   Rick Sanchez is a genius scientist who has been shunned by society for his alcoholic tendencies. He lives with his daughter Beth, who he clearly favors over Morty, his grandchild. He spends most of his time traveling across space and other dimensions with his grandson Morty , who often has to save him from trouble he gets into on these travels. His catchphrase "Wubba lubba dub dub" means nothing in any known language, but is always used when he addresses someone or something that frustrated him.   Morty Smith is Rick's 14-year old grandson who lives with him in a small house in the suburbs of one of Earth's major cities (possibly Columbus). He was once described as being "unintelligent", although this may simply be because he cannot understand things that are,ok, We know who's rick and morty later, we need to know What are the benefits of a Rick And Morty Grinder? The Rick and Morty Grinder has been made from high-grade aircraft aluminum, which allows it to be very lightweight while still being strong enough to withstand years of use. This means that you can carry it around with you wherever you go without having to worry about it breaking or losing its shape over time.   Rick and Morty Grinder is the most famous, most popular, and most effective portable grinders in the market. It works with a great deal of materials like herbs, weed, tobacco, and others.   The Rick and Morty grinder comes with a storage compartment in the bottom that can be used for storing your herbs after grinding them. The storage compartment also has an integrated screen that allows you to collect kief from your ground herbs as well as an herb chamber for collecting pollen from flowers. The herb chamber also has an adjustable pollen scraper that helps you clean out any excess pollen from the chamber without having to open it up or touch any part of the grinder except for its handle.     To use this grinder, simply twist the bottom piece until it comes apart from the top piece, then load up your herbs into the top section of the grinder by placing them on top of one of its two screens (either one will work). Once they're loaded up, simply twist back together until everything locks into place again and start twisting! You will notice once your herbs are ground down enough that they start falling through one of two holes located at either end of the top section's screen area The Rick and Morty grinder is the best grinder for you if you love to smoke weed. It has a cool design, which will make it look great on your coffee table. making this a great gift for any fan of the show.   The Rick and Morty Grinder is made from sturdy zinc alloy metal, making it incredibly durable. This means that you won't have to worry about breaking it or having it become damaged over time. The high-quality metal also ensures that this grinder will last for years to come, so you won't have to buy another one!     And Rick and Morty grinder generally comes with four types of teeth: diamond cut teeth, razor sharp teeth, shark tooth teeth and classic sickle teeth. These different types of teeth allow you to grind up your herbs with ease!   You can use this grinder to grind up your buds into pieces about half an inch long or smaller depending on how much smoke you want from each hit. This means that there will be plenty of smoke for everyone when smoking out with friends! very suitable as your best weed grinder. If you are interested in Rick and Morty grinder, we will introduce you the hot selling Rick and Morty grinder on the market The 4-piece Zinc Alloy Rick And Morty Grinder is made of zinc alloy, which is an alloy of the metals zinc and aluminum. It is very durable, which makes it a good choice for grinding your herbs.   Pros:   It has a wide chamber so you can fit more material in it at once. This makes it much less time consuming to grind up your herbs.   It's also very easy to clean, which means that you will be able to use it for a long time before having to replace it.   The design of this grinder is very unique, which will make it stand out from other grinders that people have in their homes or offices. 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder This 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder has a shape designed as a Rubik’s Cube. It allows you to easily grind your dry herbs and tobacco. The cap is made of plastic so it won't get hot when you use it.   Advantages:   1. Rotatable. This product can be rotated as many times as you want, making grinding easier than ever before.   2. Rubik's cube design. You can enjoy the fun of solving a Rubik's cube while grinding your cannabis or tobacco.   3. Portable and compact design makes it easy to carry around with you wherever you go! HERB GRINDER RICK & MORTY ASSTD - 4 PART 63MM If you are a Rick and Morty fan, then this grinder is the right choice for you. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material, so it is durable and sturdy. The zinc alloy material is non-toxic, so you can use it without worrying about your health. This grinder also comes with 4 pieces of screens that make it easy to grind your herb into different sizes.   Pros:   1. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material.   2. The grinder has 4 pieces of screens to grind your herbs into different sizes easily.   3. This product is suitable for all kinds of herbs including tobacco and kief as well as any other dry herb that needs grinding before smoking or vaping it. The Rick and Morty backwoods grinder is made from high-quality zinc alloy material. This means that it will last for a long time without rusting or melting when exposed to extreme temperatures. The design also makes it easy for you to use this product because it has teeth that are sharp and durable. Furthermore, the design also makes it easy for you to clean this product when necessary as well.   The best feature about this product is that it comes with a kief catcher which catches all the kief from your weed so that you can store them separately without wasting any precious materials or losing any important ingredients in your herbs or other dry materials when you grind them into small bits using this great product! -The Rick and Morty grinder set is a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. -The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. -The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably built to last. -The set is also affordably priced, making it a great gift for any Rick and Morty fan.   If you're a fan of the show, then you'll love this grinder set. It's a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably Weed grinders are a must for any marijuana smoker. While it's possible to smoke weed straight out of the bag, grinding it up releases more THC and other cannabinoids, making it more potent and easier to smoke than whole buds.   Once you've buy the right Rick And Morty Grinder for your needs, it's time to get down to business. Here's how to use a weed grinder:   Place your cannabis into the herb chamber of the grinder (some grinders will have separate chambers for herbs and spices). If you're using a 2-piece grinder, screw together the top and bottom pieces until they're tight but not too tight — they should be able to spin freely without resistance.     Turn the top piece of your grinder in a circular motion while keeping pressure on the bottom piece so that all parts of your herb chamber are moving in unison. Do this until all buds are broken down into smaller pieces or dust (depending on how much time you spend grinding).   Read the full article
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ewsgde · 2 years
Rick And Morty Grinder
Rick And Morty Grinder is a weed Grinder with Rick And Morty stickers,And Rick and Morty grinder is a great way to show off your love of the hit animated series Rick and Morty. Their general use is made out of zinc alloy, which makes it durable and resistant to rusting. Rick and Morty is an American adult animated science fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Cartoon Network's late-night programming block Adult Swim. The series follows the misadventures of cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his fretful, easily influenced pland who their time between domestic family life and interdimensional adventures. The series was renewed for a fourth season and premiered on July 30th, 2017.   Rick Sanchez is a genius scientist who has been shunned by society for his alcoholic tendencies. He lives with his daughter Beth, who he clearly favors over Morty, his grandchild. He spends most of his time traveling across space and other dimensions with his grandson Morty , who often has to save him from trouble he gets into on these travels. His catchphrase "Wubba lubba dub dub" means nothing in any known language, but is always used when he addresses someone or something that frustrated him.   Morty Smith is Rick's 14-year old grandson who lives with him in a small house in the suburbs of one of Earth's major cities (possibly Columbus). He was once described as being "unintelligent", although this may simply be because he cannot understand things that are,ok, We know who's rick and morty later, we need to know What are the benefits of a Rick And Morty Grinder? The Rick and Morty Grinder has been made from high-grade aircraft aluminum, which allows it to be very lightweight while still being strong enough to withstand years of use. This means that you can carry it around with you wherever you go without having to worry about it breaking or losing its shape over time.   Rick and Morty Grinder is the most famous, most popular, and most effective portable grinders in the market. It works with a great deal of materials like herbs, weed, tobacco, and others.   The Rick and Morty grinder comes with a storage compartment in the bottom that can be used for storing your herbs after grinding them. The storage compartment also has an integrated screen that allows you to collect kief from your ground herbs as well as an herb chamber for collecting pollen from flowers. The herb chamber also has an adjustable pollen scraper that helps you clean out any excess pollen from the chamber without having to open it up or touch any part of the grinder except for its handle.     To use this grinder, simply twist the bottom piece until it comes apart from the top piece, then load up your herbs into the top section of the grinder by placing them on top of one of its two screens (either one will work). Once they're loaded up, simply twist back together until everything locks into place again and start twisting! You will notice once your herbs are ground down enough that they start falling through one of two holes located at either end of the top section's screen area The Rick and Morty grinder is the best grinder for you if you love to smoke weed. It has a cool design, which will make it look great on your coffee table. making this a great gift for any fan of the show.   The Rick and Morty Grinder is made from sturdy zinc alloy metal, making it incredibly durable. This means that you won't have to worry about breaking it or having it become damaged over time. The high-quality metal also ensures that this grinder will last for years to come, so you won't have to buy another one!     And Rick and Morty grinder generally comes with four types of teeth: diamond cut teeth, razor sharp teeth, shark tooth teeth and classic sickle teeth. These different types of teeth allow you to grind up your herbs with ease!   You can use this grinder to grind up your buds into pieces about half an inch long or smaller depending on how much smoke you want from each hit. This means that there will be plenty of smoke for everyone when smoking out with friends! very suitable as your best weed grinder. If you are interested in Rick and Morty grinder, we will introduce you the hot selling Rick and Morty grinder on the market The 4-piece Zinc Alloy Rick And Morty Grinder is made of zinc alloy, which is an alloy of the metals zinc and aluminum. It is very durable, which makes it a good choice for grinding your herbs.   Pros:   It has a wide chamber so you can fit more material in it at once. This makes it much less time consuming to grind up your herbs.   It's also very easy to clean, which means that you will be able to use it for a long time before having to replace it.   The design of this grinder is very unique, which will make it stand out from other grinders that people have in their homes or offices. 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder This 60mm Rotatable Rubik’s Cube Rick And Morty Grinder has a shape designed as a Rubik’s Cube. It allows you to easily grind your dry herbs and tobacco. The cap is made of plastic so it won't get hot when you use it.   Advantages:   1. Rotatable. This product can be rotated as many times as you want, making grinding easier than ever before.   2. Rubik's cube design. You can enjoy the fun of solving a Rubik's cube while grinding your cannabis or tobacco.   3. Portable and compact design makes it easy to carry around with you wherever you go! HERB GRINDER RICK & MORTY ASSTD - 4 PART 63MM If you are a Rick and Morty fan, then this grinder is the right choice for you. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material, so it is durable and sturdy. The zinc alloy material is non-toxic, so you can use it without worrying about your health. This grinder also comes with 4 pieces of screens that make it easy to grind your herb into different sizes.   Pros:   1. It is made of high-quality zinc alloy material.   2. The grinder has 4 pieces of screens to grind your herbs into different sizes easily.   3. This product is suitable for all kinds of herbs including tobacco and kief as well as any other dry herb that needs grinding before smoking or vaping it. The Rick and Morty backwoods grinder is made from high-quality zinc alloy material. This means that it will last for a long time without rusting or melting when exposed to extreme temperatures. The design also makes it easy for you to use this product because it has teeth that are sharp and durable. Furthermore, the design also makes it easy for you to clean this product when necessary as well.   The best feature about this product is that it comes with a kief catcher which catches all the kief from your weed so that you can store them separately without wasting any precious materials or losing any important ingredients in your herbs or other dry materials when you grind them into small bits using this great product! -The Rick and Morty grinder set is a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. -The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. -The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably built to last. -The set is also affordably priced, making it a great gift for any Rick and Morty fan.   If you're a fan of the show, then you'll love this grinder set. It's a great way to show your support for the show while enjoying your favorite herbs. The set comes with a grinder, a storage jar, and a keychain, all in the iconic Rick and Morty style. The grinder is made of high-quality materials and is durably Weed grinders are a must for any marijuana smoker. While it's possible to smoke weed straight out of the bag, grinding it up releases more THC and other cannabinoids, making it more potent and easier to smoke than whole buds.   Once you've buy the right Rick And Morty Grinder for your needs, it's time to get down to business. Here's how to use a weed grinder:   Place your cannabis into the herb chamber of the grinder (some grinders will have separate chambers for herbs and spices). If you're using a 2-piece grinder, screw together the top and bottom pieces until they're tight but not too tight — they should be able to spin freely without resistance.     Turn the top piece of your grinder in a circular motion while keeping pressure on the bottom piece so that all parts of your herb chamber are moving in unison. Do this until all buds are broken down into smaller pieces or dust (depending on how much time you spend grinding).   Read the full article
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