#* ava / 001
wcnderfulthings · 13 days
After Sunset Beach Bar | Open starter
Ava sat alone at the bar sipping on yet another fruity cocktail. Usually this time of the year, Ava would be ecstatic about celebrating the love that she and her wife shared but this year, being without Sara in Naporia, Ava mostly just felt sorry for herself. So she sat at the bar drinking away her sorrows. Looking over when someone joined her at the bar, she tried to give them a smile but it came out really strained. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair before she sipped her drink again. "If you're looking for something strong," she said before pointing out one of the bartenders. "She has a very heavy hand."
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pvlshd · 1 year
looking at you:       @avangelines​ location:   vanity fair oscars party
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familiarity doesn’t sear his spine until maybe the third bar.  he hadn’t noticed the similarity of the words that have played in his head as many times as it has.  he remembers the night it played,  the lights reflected off the pool had danced across her skin,  glinted off the edge of her smile. 
when his chin turns in her direction,  his companions chatter turning into a background lull,  it’s with the knowledge that his eyes will meet hers — see the curve of her eyeliner compress just slightly,  the twist of her mouth.
he’s not stupid,  he knows she’s not perfect.  despite those doll eyes,  pretty mouth,  there’s ruin in her pulse,  devastation in his when she’s too close.  he could count his mistakes,  the ones that had turned him into another fuckin’ cliché,  but what use is it ?  he looks at her and he still sees possibility,  can’t help seeing her through a lens,  how her story might play out next.  ‘excuse me,’   he tells the other half of the conversation he’s having,  making as if he needs to make his rounds,  stands,  tugging on the line of her vision,  pulling her into his gravity as he strides to the balcony for a smoke. 
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ianmaliks · 5 months
where: license to grill who: @avalynnowens & ian montgomery
"Oh, I forgot to tell you -- your mom is absolutely insisting that I go on a date with one of your cousins. Samantha, I think? Or Sarah?" Ian narrowed his brows as he attempted to recall their conversation, giving a wave of his hand after a moment. "I can't remember, but I told her I had to think about it. The last thing I need is your mom 'accidentally' stabbing me in the hand with a scalpel if it doesn't work out. What do you think?" The male shrugged, leaning an elbow against the bar counter as he looked at Ava. "Anyway though, how are the kids? And yes, I'm absolutely counting your cat as a 'kid'."
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sncwstorm · 2 years
Who: Nora Mikalsen & @ava--almeida​
Where: The Medic Bay
Today was Nora’s day without a patrol shift, which meant she’d gotten a lot of errands done. She’d gone to the marketplace to pick something up for her mother’s birthday, and had been a bit clumsy as she’d come back down the stairs to the building. Nora had tripped, and in her effort to catch her self, had landed on her wrist a bit oddly. While she was pretty sure it wasn’t broken, she knew it would be a good idea to get it looked at before her next shift with security. 
Entering the medic bay, Nora glanced around to see if her sister was working. With no sight of the blonde, she went to the next familiar face - Ava. “Hey,” Nora smiled, approaching the former bartender she’d befriended over the years. “Any chance you could check out my wrist? I think I might need it wrapped.” It was already beginning to swell, though there wasn’t much bruising thankfully. 
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bulletpro0f · 3 months
@avamhollis -- a hospital, evening
One thing Ezra has always found amusing about hospitals, is the fact that the smell of cigarette smoke gets stronger the closer you get. It used to be a lot more smoking, though, or so he remembers from early 2004, when he used to walk to the hospital straight after school, when his cousin was working the late shift.
Fast forward 14 years, and he finds himself in front of the exact same hospital, waiting for the exact same cousin. Mateo -- now no longer eighteen, but 38, has been a nurse for a good while now, and it's not the first time Ezra comes to find her instead of him.
"You're supposed to make stalking less obvious, you know. Try and hide a little." Ezra pushes his hands into the pockets of his jackets, eyebrows narrowed, "It's no fun like this."
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chaosfactory · 6 months
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@darling-nini ♡ nicolette + ulysses, first thread !
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O cheiro do mar podia incomodar muitas pessoas, isso era um fato, mas para a jovem morena era como uma calmaria certeira. Nicolette nasceu no mar, mesmo que a mãe odiasse esse fato, então era nítido que quando tudo ficava insuportável ela tinha que recorrer a água turbulenta e o balançar do barco, a deixava sorridente. Era a pequena capitã do navio, a única moça entre um bando de marmanjo fedendo a rum e com boca suja.
O pai tinha orgulho em ver sua menininha na proa, olhando para o horizonte com um chapéu de pirata e uma luneta, era sua versão feminina e com mais atitude. Se fosse antes, podiam falar que estava olhando coisas aleatórias, mas desde que colocaram em sua cabeça que tinha uma criatura assombrando as ilhas ao redor, ela queria muito a capturar. Não tinham mexido consigo ou com o próprio povo, mas só de saber que tinha um ser criando problemas por ai, se tornou muito pessoal.
— Papai, as redes estão prontas? — Perguntou brevemente, os olhos fixos no objeto com tanta atenção, nem se mexia já que permanecia fixo no mar em qualquer coisa que se movimentasse fora do habitual. Não contava isso para ninguém, claramente, mas já tinha esbarrado com um desses monstros por ai, um polvo, muito sem educação e que a tirava do sério. — Ali… — Sussurrou assim que viu uma movimentação conhecida perto da terra firme, podia ser qualquer coisa, mas reconhecia aquele tentáculo em todo canto.
Só não podia alarmar ninguém, era uma caça pessoal e que queria conseguir sozinha, porque conhecia os demais marinheiros, eles queriam uma vitória. Teve que esperar o barbo chegar em terra firme para se armar, arrumando um barquinho qualquer e seguindo para o mesmo lugar de antes, se tivesse sorte, encontraria o motivo de sua raiva e se tudo estivesse ao seu lado, o capturaria com muitas honrarias.
— Onde ele está. Tenho certeza do que vi…
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simplykorra · 5 months
Why do you insist on killing me with slow burn??? I mean it's SO GOOD like hdjfhasdkfhshakgfh but also I'M LITERALLY DYING OVER HERE. I hate and love it at the same time. I swear I'm losing my mind over this fic. I try to pace myself and hold off on reading the new chapters right when they come out but I'm so weak for this story that every time I see that you posted an update I gobble it up in .001 seconds. And that little moment of Ava confiding in Beatrice UGH MY HEART!! Like what the actual fuck??? Who told you that was okay to write. And hot damn Beatrice letting her mind drift while looking at Ava... at this point I'll consider myself lucky if I survive long enough to read the final chapter but I suppose it wouldn't matter either way cause as much as this story kills me, it also gives me life! Thank you.
jkflajf;ksajf;kas you're so kind! and also just know that the only person the slow burn is harder on than the readers is the writer - but i can promise that i am almost finished with the writing side of the fic, meaning that updates will continue to come out every other day like before so the waits shouldn't be too long
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soooseductiv3 · 5 days
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Ava Iranpour Asly
Discharge for NYFW SS24 LOOK 001, 002, & 003.
via avaasly on instagram
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livinchaos · 5 months
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Relatório sobre a aplicação do Questionário: Ava Sanches
A filha de Deimos se sentou na cadeira posta em frente a um fundo branco, seu olhar refletia certa curiosidade ao ser chamada para responder as perguntas da equipe. Um dos cantos de seus lábios se elevou ao constatar a câmera pendurada ao pescoço de um dos aplicadores. Ava não demonstrou entendimento em relação a entrevista, porém também não demonstrou aversão. Respostas entre parênteses foram retiradas na íntegra.
Comentário do aplicador: Valerie Sanches parecia se divertir ao responder.
“Ei, você. Se for tirar alguma foto minha, deixe que eu mostre meu melhor ângulo.” — quote retirado de parte da entrevista.
Nome: “Valerie Sanches, ou Ava.”
Idade: “21 anos.”
Gênero: “Mulher cisgênero.”
Pronomes: “Ela/Dela”
Altura: “1,55 metros. É isso mesmo. Meu pai me odeia. Próximo?”
Parente divino e número do chalé: “Deimos, chalé 32. Me questiono todos os dias se ele exis…” — Comentário do aplicador: a semideusa foi interrompida por uma de suas irmãs caçadoras. A equipe acredita que foi a própria Tenente.
Idade que chegou ao Acampamento: “11 anos.”
Quem te trouxe até aqui? “A própria deusa Artemis. Devo chamá-la de madrinha?”
Seu parente divino te reclamou de imediato ou você ficou um pouco no chalé de Hermes sem saber a quem pertencia? “Fiquei um tempo no chalé de Hermes, sim. Novamente, meu pai existe?” — Comentário do aplicador: Tenente arremessou um pedaço de papel na semideusa, equipe informa que não a acertou por poucos milímetros.
Após descobrir sobre o Acampamento, ainda voltou para o mundo dos mortais ou ficou apenas entre os semideuses? “Fiquei por aqui. O que faria lá? Ninguém se importava comigo mesmo.” — Comentário da equipe: tom de voz indiferente.
Se você ficou no Acampamento, sente falta de sua vida anterior? E se a resposta for que saiu algumas vezes, como você agia entre os mortais? “Não senti. Já disse, nada tenho a ver com aquelas pessoas do lado de lá.” — Comentário da equipe: semideusa continuou em tom entediada.
Se você pudesse possuir um item mágico do mundo mitológico, qual escolheria e por quê? “Égide! Já imaginou ter um foderástico escudo com a cabeça da Medusa?! Acho que aumentaria minha skin em 100 levels!” — Comentário da equipe: Tenente das caçadoras decidiu sair da entrevista.
Existe alguma profecia ou visão do futuro que o assombra ou guia suas escolhas? “Não? Não sei! Sei lá… Essas histórias de profecias são bem idiotas. Pensa comigo: todos nós vamos morrer! Pra que quebrar a cabeça com metáforas mal feitas?”
Fale um pouco sobre seus poderes: “Ok, essa é legal. Eu consigo controlar o terror das pessoas. Não o medo, o terror! Pânico é tão satisfatório. Você pode ter medo de barata, mas pânico? Pânico é uma força muito maior. E, cereja do bolo, eu fico mais forte com o pânico das pessoas.”
Quais suas habilidades e como elas te ajudam no dia a dia: “Tenho reflexos e agilidade sobre-humanos. No que me ajudam? Desviar de bolinhas de papel da Tenente, saber quando tem alguém se escondendo e etc. Eu acho útil.”
Você lembra qual foi o primeiro momento em que usou seus poderes? “Nop. Dizem que foi no orfanato que eu morava. Eu era assustadora para eles… Consegue acreditar?” — Comentário do aplicador: Semideusa soltou uma risada alta.
Qual a parte negativa de seu poder: “Não tem! É um filme de terror melhorado e sem mocinhos idiotas!”
E qual a parte positiva: “Iria dizer que assustar as pessoas, mas bom mesmo é causar pânico numa luta. Pânico é igual a eu vencendo.”
Você tem uma arma preferida? Se sim, qual? “Gosto de espadas, me obrigam a usar arco e flecha. Pedi permissão e agora me deixam usar minha espada. É mais ágil, mais rápida e não precisa ficar recarregando.”
Acredito que tenha uma arma pessoal, como a conseguiu? “Ganhei do meu avô. Pois é, eu conheço meu avô mas não meu pai. Fiz um trabalho, ganhei uma espada foda. Às vezes, ser meio-sangue é divertido. “
Qual arma você não consegue dominar de jeito algum e qual sua maior dificuldade no manuseio desta? “Machado. Muito grandes. Já viu meu tamanho?”
Já saiu em alguma missão? “Em várias, mas todas pela Caçada ou por mando de Ártemis!” — Comentário da equipe: Semideusa mandou um beijo para o céu?!
Qual foi a primeira que saiu? “Caçada a um manticore solto em Manhattan. Fácil, rápido, gratificante. “
Qual a missão mais difícil? “A última que não consegui terminar. Por que foi difícil? Eu não consegui terminar!”
Qual a missão mais fácil? “Fácil, a procura de armas mágicas. Era meio lógico procurar um filho de Hermes do mal. Quem não pensou nisso?”
Em alguma você sentiu que não conseguiria escapar, mas por sorte o fez? “Não. Eu confio demais em mim mesma. Pode colocar aí: é arrogante.”
Já teve que enfrentar a ira de algum deus? Se sim, teve consequências? “Não? Não sei? Na verdade, eu não me importo. Já falei que não tenho pai?”
Qual divindade você acha mais legal, mais interessante? “Ártemis. Eu devo tudo à minha deusa.”
Qual você desgosta mais? “Deimos. Ele existe?”
Se pudesse ser filhe de outro deus, qual seria? “Ártemis, mas ela não tem filhos.”
Já teve contato com algum deus? Se sim, qual? Como foi? Se não, quem você desejaria conhecer? “Ártemis, Ares… Sr. D conta? A deusa é meio impaciente, as vezes. E Ares mente a altura, juro pelos deuses!”
Faz oferendas para algum deus? Tirando seu parente divino. Se sim, para qual? E por qual motivo? “Ártemis. Acho que já ficou clara a minha devoção.”
Qual monstro você acha mais difícil matar e por qual motivo? “Não é mais difícil, mas é mais chato: aves da Estinfália. Tão injusto elas voarem!”
Qual o pior monstro que teve que enfrentar em sua vida? “Nenhum. Todos são a mesma coisa: ou mato ou morro. “
Dos monstros que você ainda não enfrentou, qual você acha que seria o mais difícil e que teria mais receio de lidar? “Hidra. Sem paciência com essa coisa de crescer cabeças.”
Caçar monstros em trio ( ) OU Caçar monstros sozinho (X)
Capture a bandeira (X) OU Corrida com Pégasos ( ) — “Tem graça correr com pégaso? Eles voam!”
Ser respeitado pelos deuses ( ) OU Viver em paz (X)
Hidra ( ) OU Dracaenae (X)
Estaria disposto a liderar uma missão suicida com duas outras pessoas, sabendo que nenhum dos três retornaria com vida mas que essa missão salvaria todos os outros semideuses do acampamento? “Por mais babaca que eu seja, sim. Que foi, surpreso?” — Comentário da equipe: Ava percebeu fotógrafo levantando a sobrancelha.
Que sacrifícios faria pelo bem maior? “Eu morreria. Tem pior que isso?”
Como gostaria de ser lembrado? “Viveu, quase cresceu e xingou o pai. Tomara que tenha passado da expectativa de vida.”
Local favorito do acampamento: “Sala de Esgrima. Já falei que amo espadas? Ei, sem piadinha.” — Comentário da equipe: semideusa percebeu leve sorriso no rosto do fotógrafo.
Local menos favorito: “Refeitório. Todos os meus pseudo-inimigos se encontram.”
Lugar perfeito para encontros dentro do acampamento: “Não tenho encontros, sou caçadora… Praia!” — Comentário da equipe: última frase foi sussurrada.
Atividade favorita para se fazer: “Perturbar os outros!”
Semideusa terminou o questionário com um grande sorriso no rosto. Posou para algumas fotos antes de ser levada pela Tenente das Caçadoras.
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godresembled · 3 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
æther the reality stone — marvel
aurora amets — sleeping beauty (1959; modernized)
bella swan — twilight saga (anti smeyer)
belle marchand — beauty and the beast (1991)
ben solo / kylo ren — star wars (ep 1-8)
bruce wayne / batman — the batman
bucky barnes / the winter soldier — marvel
carina smyth barbossa — pirates of the caribbean
chrissy cunningham — stranger things
daemon targaryen — asoiaf
daenerys targaryen — asoiaf
daphne blake — scooby doo (the witch's ghost / on zombie island)
druig — marvel
gaston legrand — beauty and the beast (1991)
heather miller / edith sawyer — texas chainsaw massacre
helaena targaryen — asoiaf
henry creel / 001 — stranger things
jackson rippner — red eye
lancelot du lac — cursed (netflix)
laura kinney / x23 — marvel
natasha romanova — marvel
phillip altman — this is where i leave you
remy lebeau / gambit — marvel
rey virens — fandomless oc
rogue — marvel
selina kyle / catwoman — the batman
shmi skywalker — star wars (ep 1-8)
WANT TO WRITE: (maybe i will write them someday, maybe not)
i just want to write again, truthfully. but there's always muses from the last thing i've read/watched floating around my head:
if i thought i was smart enough i'd love to add some dune muses blending movie/book canons, especially chani and alia
lisa swallows — lisa frankenstein
taffy — lisa frankenstein
the creature — lisa frankenstein
jason bourne — the bourne identity + supremacy
salem the cat — sabrina the teenage witch
sabrina spellman — sabrina the teenage witch
coriolanus snow — a ballad of songbirds & snakes / the hunger games
murph — interstellar
henry jones iii / mutt williams — indiana jones
selene — underworld
i doubt i can remember them all but let's try:
several babysitters club characters (far too many to remember)
several fandomless ocs for random rpg tumblr groups i can't remember anymore
prince phillip —sleeping beauty (1959)
rey nobody — star wars (modernized and turned into my rey virens oc)
rey palpatine — star wars
violet hunter — sherlock holmes (the adventure of the copper beeches)
dahlia gladwin — fandomless oc
ava starr / ghost — marvel
ricky reyes / ghostrider — marvel
dani dennison — hocus pocus
lilly kane — veronica mars
will caldwell — fandomless oc
amelia ander — stranger things oc
lady — lady and the tramp
felicia hardy / the black cat — the amazing spider-man
aemond targaryen — asoiaf
jasmine — aladdin (1992)
harry potter — harry potter books (anti jkr)
i'd probably write any and all of them again if the muse came back or was requested
tagged by: @luckhissoul tagging: @paramounticebound @chaoticjoke @notonlyfriendsbutallies @vntagetee @sevenbulletsavior @kylo-wrecked + whoever would like to do this!
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wcnderfulthings · 1 day
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Naporia Pride Ball ft. Ava Sharpe in Teal
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angusbyrne · 2 months
LOCATION: Angus's office in D.C. DATE: September 2, 2005 TASK: How does your character react to learning of Richard’s passing?
“Mr. Byrne, you have mail on your desk–” were the first words that greeted Angus.  
“Thank you, Heather.”
“And Dana Palfrey’s on the line–” His eyes could’ve rolled back into his head, and he really wanted them to express the depth of his annoyance. Angus managed to keep his face coolly disinterested instead.
“And you told him I’d rather chew glass than hear his voice in my ear at 7 in the gee-dee morning?”
“I’ll tell him you’re preparing for an early morning meeting and that you’ll get back to him by lunch.”
It was a typical morning exchange, only made slightly different by the early usage of a curse and the fact that Angus hadn’t gone home the night before. He’d stopped at his gym an hour before for a quick shower and change, but he still felt that tacky, uncomfortable feeling from not getting to stand under the hot stream of water in his bathroom at home. He adjusted the tie around his neck, his hair curling damply over his ears. He thought unkindly about how he needed a haircut.
Inside his office, unfortunately, sat two members of his legislative staff, waiting for orders because it always seemed that everyone there was a child except for him. His pile of mail sat neatly on his dark oak desk; about a year ago, he started to forward all of it to the office. The fewer people who knew his address, the better. The extra security measure didn't hurt either. He hid a yawn behind the back of his hand, then tossed his suit jacket over the back of his chair.
Angus had been operating on fumes for two weeks straight — not even his overworked, overpriced La Spaziale could churn out enough caffeine to keep him from rubbing his eyes and slapping at his cheek. FEMA was a shit-show; slow responses and an inability to coordinate efforts with other federal relief organizations turned Congress into a hotbed of debate.
Everyone needed a statement, legislation was hitting the floor, and Angus hadn’t slept in close to 48 hours. The whip-fast, frantic conversation that unraveled between his staff did little to deter the creeping headache he felt starting in his temples and pulsing toward his forehead. 
“Fundamentally, the problem is when they issued the evacuation order: that affects poor people differently. They predominantly don’t have cars. If they wanted to do any of this right, we should have had buses lined up to take them out–” Ava Perez, 26, Princeton class of ‘02. She was a stalwart Legislative Correspondent on Angus’ team for 9 months. Angus appreciated her hard work, but she could be a bleeding heart. Great optics, poor execution.
“And just how many buses would’ve pleased you?” Ethan Wolk, 27, UC Berkley class of ‘01. He was a loud-mouthed Legislative Assistant under Angus for the better part of 2 years. His parents owned a series of businesses up and down the Jersey Shore. Opportunistic, he took the first Senate job that was offered to him. Hungry and ambitious, he often lacked that overlooked gift of empathy. 
Usually, he pitted them against each other to see what would happen – if anything, anything of substance would eventually get rattled out of their heads. Most of the time, they didn’t seem to cough up much more than thin, lackluster arguments, and rarely in words of their own; an echo of a professor, an activist, a father. Angus sat down, pinching at the space between his eyes as he mentally mapped out his schedule for the day – and for everything he needed to get done outside of work, as well.
“–Empty vans to save the belongings of those with no home or floor insurance–”
“And that’s why the President is moving forward within the federal government with a comprehensive review of all Cabinet departments and their response efforts. That’s why they’re going to work closely with Congress to make sure that they conduct a thorough investigation so that we can apply those lessons–”
“‘Apply those lessons.’” 
“Yes. Apply those lessons to future response efforts.”
Angus's eyes snapped open and he straightened in his chair. He had done something inadvisable over the past month or so for Ethan and Ava to think that they could set up shop in there when he wasn't around. Maybe he'd gotten too soft, needed too much help, offered too much guidance – these people were coworkers. Technically his responsibility, but adults in their own right. He pushed against the floor, sending his chair closer to his desk.
“Response efforts are ongoing," he poked, entertaining them for the brief amount of time it took to reach for the stack of mail. "What about the right here, right now?”
“She’s the one who brought up evacuation orders," Ethan answered, voice teetering on whiny.
“And you’re the one defending them," Ava accused.
“What do you want me to say?”
“I want you to say he fucked up.”
“He fucked up! Obviously!”
“Yeah, he fucked up! He’s currently fucking up. And what is this junk that was introduced on the floor yesterday? What the hell is a ‘core disaster area’?”
“First of all, why the hell are you in here?” Angus interrupted, not looking up from the stack of mail. Bill, bill, fundraising plea from some wildlife organization, Georgetown requesting donations… “Secondly, in a perfect world, the entirety of New Orleans would be the core disaster area. The damage to their infrastructure alone will cause ripple effects throughout the national economy."
“Yes, in the short run–” Ethan spoke up.
“In the short run, these people will need more promises than temporary – very temporary – tax relief. We have to ask why the federal government has not been more willing, not more able, and not more ready, to help. Ideally, we should finetune her response to this proposition,” Ava rejoined. "That's why we're in here."
The last envelope felt different between his fingers; the paper was softer, more expensive, not mass-produced. The sensation of it alone gave him pause, tapping the pad of his thumb against a corner – once, twice, and then he turned it. Elegant cursive: Angus P. Byrne, return address New York. Woodrow House. His dry, tired eyes stung, rendering the letters fuzzy as he stared. His stomach poised itself to drop. 
“Voting Nay on this will torpedo her chances in 2008," Ethan pointed out.
“Well, I’m not saying to vote Nay–” Ava continued.
“Do anything to argue against it and we look like fussy, money-hungry Liberals.”
“Well, Angus is an Independent, strictly speaking–” 
“And you’re talking out of your ass, is what you are.”
“And you’re talking from… which orifice that accepted a dinner party invitation from Rick fucking Santorum again?”
Angus P. Byrne, return address New York. Woodrow House. Mrs. Tristan's swoopy, neat penmanship. He recognized it almost immediately, and it certainly wasn't Uncle Richard's handwriting. Angus felt like he stood on a precipice, that this would be one of those Before moments.
Like George's face as a newborn baby, scrunched up and ready to cry. Like Angus standing awkwardly outside an office door in an old, musty building when he was 13, listening to his dad spin tales to a group of gruff men inside. Like sitting in a tree beside Malcolm, his brother's cheeks turned purple-red with frustration at Angus' words and poised to push him out. Like his mother humming softly, her locks of chestnut hair dancing out the passenger side window and past his own directly behind her; the summer air buzzed, the radio crackled, a game of I Spy trailed off.
He didn't know what was inside the letter, but he knew he didn't want to open it to an audience.
“Get out,” Angus suddenly ordered, spine straight as he interrupted their argument with a steady, hard voice. Two heads swiveled toward him, horror-movie twins eternally agog. They blinked at him, and he finally met their eyes. For a moment, no one moved. His jaw clenched, patience snapping like a wire pulled too taut, too fast. "Jesus H. – don't act stupid," he snapped. "Get the hell out."
They seemed to get the message then, scrambling hurriedly from the chairs on the opposite side of his desk, leaving them squeaking in surprise in their wake. It was when he heard his door click shut that he finally took out his letter opener and slid it under the seal flap. With tense hands, he unfolded the letter tucked inside – eyes quickly scanning, taking in information.
It is with a heavy heart...
The world around him blurred. It was like he lost track of the seconds; there didn't seem to be any real moment between him sitting and him standing, clutching a paperweight in his hand. His knuckles were white. It would've been an easy thing to give into that first instinct, to send it careening across his office. To let it shatter glass, dent metal, chip wood; to make a loud noise, to demand attention, to loudly proclaim hurt – or the intention to.
For the minute that he stood there, between two actions, Angus thought about how badly he wanted it. How badly he wanted to trust that someone else would ensure the world didn't burn down. How badly he wanted to be a son again, a kid again, to let someone else carry everything. He stood there, let it ache for a full thirty seconds, and then the paperweight fell with a thud onto the antique rug long-ago placed under his desk. Inside his coat pocket, he heard his cell buzz. He jabbed at a key on his office phone that would summon Heather to him.
Angus ran a hand through his hair as his eyes stared emptily at the framed American flag on the wall, waiting for when he'd have to jump back into action. He needed to give Ethan and Ava a list of to-do's for the next several days. He needed to call Dana Palfrey back. He needed to request bereavement. He needed to fucking pray that leaving for a week wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass.
He tugged at the damp strands of his hair, his stomach souring. He needed to schedule a haircut.
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More than one threat looms over Cair Mallplex: the raging dust storm and the huge shadow of Elizabeth Haven snuff out the last of the wan light. And there’s no escaping the specters of the past that have arrived. Featuring a one-off nickname, a mystery solved, and a question of what it means to be human.
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sapphicscholar · 2 years
For the fandom asks…this is going to be an out-of-nowhere choice…Hacks! Haha. And also feel free to answer these for any other fandom you’d like! I love reading stuff like this. :)
Heheh thank ya thank ya!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Deborah Vance
Least Favorite character: narrative-wise, the mayor (she just doesn't add anything even if she's fun! sorry jo!)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Ava/Deborah, Ava/Ruby, Deborah/Susan - anything else is mostly just a "yeah I could see this one night stand being a blast!" (e.g., Deborah/her psychic or Janet; Ava/Weed)
Character I find most attractive: Deborah
Character I would marry: tbh Ruby! Love writing about Ava and Deborah but couldn't be paid to marry either of 'em!
Character I would be best friends with: Wilson - we can go rock climbing together :)
a random thought: one day I'll get back to my fic writing...
An unpopular opinion: SO MANY but we'll stick with thinking Ava and Ruby could work out in the future now that Ava has grown as a person (and now that Ruby has seen that growth outside of the context of a romantic relationship, which I think is really important to internalizing it as a real, self-driven, lasting change)
My Canon OTP: I don't think there actually ARE any canon ships at the moment?? which is kind of amazing! Love that for them
My Non-canon OTP: Ava/Deborah
Most Badass Character: Deborah - it takes a LOT to come back from all the shit she went through and claw her way back into a life she could be proud of (and then to do it again with Ava)
Most Epic Villain: "death, taxes, and that fucking guy"
Pairing I am not a fan of: Deborah/Marty (though I actually can understand what it is that draws them to each other)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): season 2 Ava! RIP my brash asshole (it was a writing choice I could have understood if they'd made Deborah angrier about the email or really nailed down the consequences - some reason for having Ava be so cowed; instead she went from cowed to just friends with Deborah without much narrative clarity, and a lot of what made Ava such a fun spitfire to write and see sparking against Deborah fell to the wayside)
Favourite Friendship: I like the idea of Marcus and Wilson being friends! I hope they get to enjoy that space together :)
Character I most identify with: Marcus
Character I wish I could be: I could use more of Josefina's vibes in my life tbh
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I asked my boyfriend who is a chef to describe Stranger Things characters as food.
Here is the list…in his words exactly…I’m sorry.😅
Dustin Henderson: Double bacon cheeseburger
Mike Wheeler: Vanilla hot fudge sundae
Eleven:Cole steak? Cause she’s so burnt
Will Byers: Chili duh or any kind of soup, he seems like a soup guy
Lucas Sinclair: Slow cooked BBQ ribs
Max mayfeild: Tennessee hot chicken
Erica Sinclair: That one chip challenge
Eddie Munson: Luke warm PBR/ can of cold spaghetti o’s
Steve Harrington: Grilled cheese cause he’s suburban AF
Robin Buckley: fancied up top ramen
Nancy Wheeler: A vanilla cupcake with buttercream icing
Argyle: Pizza Duh
Jonathan Byers: PBJ with bacon
Billy Hargrove: Pickled pigs feet cause ew but also maybe?
Chrissy Cunningham: cracklins/ Chicharrones (I laughed so hard at this you guys🤣)
Hopper: Charbroiled steak w/ garlic herb butter
Joyce Byers: Saltine crackers with cheese whiz Ava a single pepperoni
Murray: Beautiful slice of Keylime pie
Vecna/Henry/001: Blood pudding
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wrecking · 1 year
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december!!!  been discovering a LOT of good new music this month, and revisiting some odder choices from earlier in the year, open for names and january predictions!!
OH also next month will be ONE YEAR of doing these!!  wtf!!
preface: can i say the yola album at the end is SO hard to gradient into or out of 😭 it doesn’t deserve to just get stuck at the end but what can i do... anyways
yaya kim - aka yaya // lady gaga - chromatica // perfume genius - ugly season // beyonce - renaissance // bjork - fossora
willow - copingmechanism // troye sivan - in a dream // sza - sos // maren morris - humble quest // wet leg - wet leg
ivy - long distance // cafune - running // bridgit mendler - nemesis // tove lo - dirt femme // the 1975 - i like it when you sleep [...]
maude latour - 001 // maggie rogers - surrender // remi wolf - juno // grace ives - janky star // magdalena bay - mercurial world
kucka - wrestling // luna li - duality // ethel cain - preacher’s daughter // carly rae jepsen - the loneliest time // yola - stand for myself
--- and now for january’s predictions!! ---
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preface 2: january is going to be primarily ambient music!!  in the same way i spent most of october exploring city pop.  hopefully i can find another genre to do this with later in the year
holdovers: everything up to wet leg - wet leg
recurrent: poppy - i disagree // rina sawayama - sawayama // taylor swift - folklore (+ evermore tbh) // jessie ware - what’s your pleasure? // squirrel flower - i was born swimming // fazerdaze - morningside
too late to be included this month: colleen green - i want to grow up // perfume genius - too bright // the linda lindas - growing up
new this month (ambient month section): hiroshi yoshimura - music for nine post cards, green, and wet land (all 3 in a row!) // brian eno - apollo // aphex twin - selected ambient works volumes i and ii (both!)
new this month (non-ambient new releases): lapsley - cautionary tales of youth // kimbra - a reckoning // ava max - diamonds and dancefloors
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