#* cassian : ask memes.
acotarmemes · 3 months
Drunk Eris posting while definitely missing Lucien:
AHH THAT'S SO GOOD 😭😭😭 He has TOTALLY done that, and I will add that he's also done this:
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I headcanon that Lucien does this little hand thing where he rubs his fingers when he's touched something that leaves residue. It's not an elitist thing, it's a sensory thing! It won't stop him from doing things.
Azriel saw Lucien do the finger thing while colouring on the street with children and their chalk in the Rainbow Quarter, that's how he knows. I headcanon Cassian also knows the answer to these questions because he's always at the Spring Court.
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icons @copypastus and @thrumbolt
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ireallyamabear · 11 months
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choosing to interpret the free day of andor appreciation week as stupid post day...........sorry
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astromechs · 9 months
how about 💕 kissing somewhere other than lips please and thanks
this takes very non-specifically in my college AU because i missed them; jyn and leia share an apartment and that's all you really need to know for this one :) from this list; also on ao3!
The creak of her bedroom door opening might as well be nails on a fucking chalkboard right now, with the way that the sound absolutely grates on every single one of Jyn’s last nerves. On top of all the congestion in her sinuses causing so much pressure that she can’t think straight and the fact that more trips out of her bed leave her falling to the floor than not, she doesn’t need this. Hadn’t she told Leia to leave her alone? Even if she hadn’t, even if she’d literally fever dreamed saying that, Leia should know better than to barge in here.
She groans, and refuses to open her eyes. Says to the door she’s not looking at, with all the strength she can muster:
"Fuck off —"
"Is that how you say hello to everyone who comes to bring you soup?"
Well, that isn’t exactly the voice she’d been expecting to hear cutting her off.
Jyn cracks one eye open and lifts her head to find Cassian standing on the opposite side of the room, just barely through the doorway, holding a bag that, she can see through the plastic, contains various tupperwares of food. It’s not that she isn’t glad to see him, because there’s always a part of her that is, but there’s: one, the obvious, and two, the fact that the small smile just barely visible on his face is too amused for her liking, which remains even as her scowl deepens.
Still, though, he has the decency to let it drop as she starts the slow process of propping herself into a sitting position. Considering the past few days, she considers it a victory that she manages to get three pillows standing comfortably behind her back while only wanting to flop back down to the mattress once, and the ringing in her ears actually manages to stop after a few seconds.
By the time she’s settled, her head feels clearer than it has in days.
“After I didn’t hear from you for a while, I figured things had to be bad.” He lifts one shoulder in a shrug as he gives his explanation, dropping his eyes to the floor and awkwardly shuffles on his feet. “So I texted Leia. She let me in.”
In that moment, it feels like all the breath has been knocked out of Jyn. Not in a way that means she’s about to start coughing, but — this is such an incredibly kind gesture that she doesn’t know what to do with it. Even her lingering anger at Leia fades. Her mouth opens, once, to let some form of words out that she never finds; she sneezes before she ever gets the chance, and by the time that’s dealt with, she forgets what she’d even been trying to find in the first place.
Eventually, all she manages, in a soft voice, is, "Don't get any closer." She sniffs, emphasizing a point that really shouldn’t have to be emphasized, just looking at her. "I'm a biohazard."
He shrugs again. "I'll take my chances."
"You're a f—" she starts, but then that’s when the coughing attack comes, the fifth one she’s had in the past half an hour, with really shitty timing this time. And fuck, she thinks they’re getting longer and longer every time.
"What was that?" Cassian asks when it finally subsides, a twinge of mischief in his voice that she can also see returns to his smile. "Didn't quite catch it."
"I was going to say —" The last of her coughs sputter out, and she’s forced to reach for the water bottle beside her bed before she can continue. "That you're a fucking idiot. But now I'm adding asshole to that list, too."
Cassian, the asshole, actually laughs at that, and he makes no attempt to hide it. Granted, she must look as pathetic as she sounds, so any threat or otherwise coming out of her mouth has to be hard to take seriously, but that doesn't make him any less of an asshole. That doesn't make her less likely to scrunch her stuffed-up nose and purse her lips into the best approximation of a pout that she can manage right now, which, of course, doesn't make him less likely to just laugh harder.
But she's been stuck in this apartment — this room, specifically — for days now, and the way that she can see his eyes light up from that laugh even when he's still barely through the doorway has her heart skipping a beat and her congested chest suddenly light with a stupid sort of feeling that comes close to something that might be described as giddy.
Ugh, she really is pathetic — for all the obvious, and for reasons that have nothing to do with the collection of empty Kleenex boxes strewn all over her bedroom floor.
That doesn't stop him, though, her patheticness. He does, in fact, take his chances, stubborn fucking idiot that he is, stepping across the room until he's by her bedside, close enough to set the bag of food he's carrying onto the nightstand. Kicking his shoes off of his feet, he sidesteps the Kleenex boxes to climb up onto the bed, settling comfortably just beside her as she shifts, unconsciously, to make room for him; he’s warm and soft, filling every desperate need for comfort that she hasn’t even bothered to acknowledge.
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, and she closes her eyes and rests her head against his chest, too tired to fight anything at all, much less the one thing she wants most in this world.
There's no question that he'll end up sick, too, within the next three days, if that; maybe she’s never been great at biology, but even so, Jyn is positive that she has to still be actively contagious, and cuddling a sick person definitely isn’t going to do him any favors.
But there’s also no question that when he inevitably is, she’ll be returning the favor.
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firstelevens · 2 months
for the intimacy prompts: "wearing someone’s clothes" (dealer's choice for ship/character!) 💕
23. wearing someone's clothes
get in the time machine losers we're returning to the au that has made me want to write a parks au for every single fandom I encounter: parks and rebellion
When he reflects on this moment somewhere down the line, Cassian will choose to blame the fact that he got too much sleep last night. He's pretty sure he's gotten by on four hours a night at least since he was in college, and getting the full physician-recommended eight hours is such a foreign concept that he woke up this morning terrified because he couldn't feel his shoulders and then realized that he couldn't feel them because they weren't actively tensed for once.
He'd been disoriented, to say the least, but he's already running late to meet the rest of the Parks crew for the Harvest Festival setup, so he moves through the house in a rush, dressing in the first clothes he can get his hands on and fielding Kay's increasingly impatient texts as he fills a travel mug with coffee and flies out the door.
The rest of the team is assembled and waiting for him by the entrance to Starloft Park: even Tonc, who'd literally laughed out loud when Cassian said they'd all need to be there by 8 AM.
"I'm so sorry," he says, as he hurries over to join them. "I was up late working on the copy for the radio spot, and it all just..."
He gestures with his hand, like that should save him from offering any more explanation. It's not a lie, technically. He'd texted Jyn to cancel the movie night that they were supposed to have and then she'd appeared at his door with a pizza and multicolored index cards to help with the script. Cassian just wasn't built to resist an overture like that.
Still, while he's willing to bet that Bodhi knows what's going on, that hardly explains the strange look the entire rest of the group is giving him.
"So you finished the script?" Chirrut finally asks, with an inexplicably knowing smirk on his face.
"Uh, almost," says Cassian. "I was up pretty late last night, so I should probably proofread it again." And maybe actually write more than a sentence of it, he adds in his head. They can probably hit the 30 second mark if he works in a few of the ideas that he and Jyn batted around last night.
"Perfect," says Bodhi. "Since Cassian's got that taken care of, we can all focus on handling our assigned stations."
As he reads off the spreadsheet that Cassian emailed everyone yesterday, there's the sound of gravel crunching underfoot, and Cassian looks over his shoulder to see Jyn joining them. She's the one who's technically supposed to be at City Hall instead of out here, but for some reason, her eyebrows shoot up in surprise when Cassian turns to face her.
When he raises an eyebrow in response, though, she just shakes her head.
Bodhi pauses in the middle of rattling off assignments to greet Jyn as she comes to stand between Chirrut and Cassian.
"I thought you said you had back to back meetings this morning," says Cassian, eyeing her work boots and paint-stained jeans.
She shrugs. "I rescheduled. Figured you might need help from someone who knows how to use power tools," she says, with a significant look at Kay, who scowls back at her.
"Glad to have your help," says Baze, before the two of them can start arguing. "We'll need it."
They're joined by some vendors before Bodhi can continue, and just as everyone is splitting up to tackle their assignments, Jyn leans towards Cassian and says, "Nice sweatshirt, by the way."
He blinks at her, confused until he looks down at himself: in his too-well-rested daze, he'd grabbed the first warm thing within reach and put it on to guard against the October chill.
The 'first warm thing within reach' had, in this case, been Jyn's faded and much-beloved Lah'mu State Park hoodie, which she'd tossed over the back of his couch at some point in the evening and hadn't been awake to retrieve before Cassian left the house today.
Cassian looks from Jyn, smirking delightedly at him, to his departing co-workers, some of whom are glancing back at them curiously.
"Thanks," he says, and feels and exhilarated swoop in his stomach before he adds, "it's my girlfriend's."
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ambafaerie · 2 years
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They drive me insane in the best way possible. I love them so much your honor.
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(tagged by both @ladyfenring and @keefechambers) (going to try to really diversify this selection to make it more interesting)
tagging @indexcard @renee561 @gingerpolyglot @ourladyofmars and whoever else would like to do this!
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terapsina · 6 months
(for this ask game)
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I don't know. I started reading fanfiction and eventually wanted to try creating stuff myself. One additional factor might be that as a kid I kinda enjoyed coming up with stories, so once fanfiction was a thing that I knew existed it was probably kind of a natural next step.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Alright, I'll rec 3 fics, each from a different Star Wars fandom.
Padawan's Return - Not sure how familiar you are with Ahsoka Tano. But this is a fic where Fulcrum day Ahsoka gets dropped into the past to before Anakin was brought to the temple. And... two things: one, she doesn't manage to hide that she's vastly out of time from the Jedi, but she DOES manage to convince them that she's been brought FORWARD in time from the Sith Wars, and it's HILARIOUS; and two, she's dead set on killing Darth Vader... if only she could figure out where to look?
to treat everything as if it were a nail - My favorite Rogue One AU story. Where Jyn gets picked up alongside her father, grows up in the Empire... and still becomes a rebel. This time through a road bricked in espionage. Slow burn Jyn/Cassian and background Baze/Chirrut.
A Leap of Faith - Obi-Wan is in the middle of his Melida/Daan civil war days when a tiny youngling... Yoda(?) drops into his hands and he has to figure out how to reunite him with his family. Unfortunately the comlink code the baby manages to telepathically convey doesn't connect to the baby's father. It DOES however connect to Jaster Mereel, because of course it does 😁.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
I received this one in a previous message, you can find it here.
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notasapleasure · 8 months
Ahhh so excited to see the fabulous WIP list!!! I would love a little teaser for C: We decided we were thirsty, and you wanted to go to Cavo's - if that sounds fun. <3<3<3
Thank you my dear!!! <333 Here you go - I hope it's as fun to read as this bit was to write! It was sort of a challenge set by @r0b0tb0y to figure out what it would take to get Brasso to lamp Cassian, and how much Cassian would enjoy it...
The draft's getting awfully long and needs some editing, but hopefully it'll be ready to post soon.
(ask me about my wips!)
Cassian fell to the floor and felt a bruising jolt in his arse and pelvis, felt the bare stone graze his palm where he tried to break the fall. He anticipated the sharp crack of his head against the floor to follow, but Brasso dived down to catch him, his hands buried in the lapels of Cassian's huge coat.
He was half straddling Cassian, a knee on the floor to one side of his hips, and a boot planted on the other side of him, so he looked like he might be about to propose before nutting Cassian squarely in the nose.
His expression didn't actually do much to dispel that notion, and, as he felt the pain swell in his jaw, Cassian thought he could probably live with that general turn of events.
"Cass, I'm sorry, shit, I thought you were coming for me, you stupid bantha fucker." Brasso released one hand from Cassian's coat to take his chin and turn his head from side to side. His fingers probed Cassian's scruffy beard for blood or swelling and their tips were hot where they met skin. Brasso's eyes were warm and worried, his lips parted a little, grease on his cheeks and brow from work, and nog still glinting wetly in his stubble.
With sudden conviction, Cassian's cock gave a twitch and heat throbbed in his guts - harder than it had done earlier when Brasso had gripped his wrist. The pain in his jaw and his bruised arse cheek seemed to throb in time with it, and Cassian licked his lips quickly, composing his argument as well as he could: "Do that again."
"What?" Brasso squinted at him.
Cassian gave Brasso the most honest look he could muster and tossed his chin. "Again. Hit me."
Brasso pulled a face and his eyes slid away from Cassian's like he hadn't noticed the element underlying his request. He placed a thumb and forefinger to either side of Cassian's eye-socket and peered into the depths, anywhere but directly into the fierce centre, muttering about knocks to the head and concussion.
There was nothing for it, Cassian figured, feeling each touch of Brasso's hand on his cheek like a branding iron. He grabbed the back of his friend's neck with his grazed hand and pulled him into a kiss that bumped teeth against teeth with the initial force of the gesture.
Brasso made a sound of surprise, muffled against Cassian's bottom lip, and Cassian tilted his head to press his tongue into Brasso's mouth. He tasted of the same damned nog - but on his tongue it was mellow, sweet but not cloying, something Cassian pushed for sample after sample of.
Brasso did kiss Cassian back eventually - slowly, carefully exploring and meeting Cassian's movements, his hand slipping away from Cassian's face to hold him up by both lapels again.
When Cassian let him pull away, Brasso looked down at him with a measured expression that did more to tighten Cassian's pants than swooning adoration would have done. Brasso's cheeks were flushed, yes, and his hair rumpled and spiked in disarray from Cassian's fingers, and there was a smudge of blood on his cheek from Cassian's grazed palm - but his expression was that of a man standing on the gallows scaffold, resigned to his fate, a little stunned by it, but relieved, at last, to see an end to uncertainty approaching.
"That's it...?" he said softly, almost like he was unaware of the words emerging.
Cassian laughed and squirmed, trying to rub his cock against the inside of Brasso's thigh and inject some equivalent urgency into his partner. "Doesn't have to be...hit me again and let's see where it goes."
"You stupid - " Brasso started saying again, more decisively than his previous words.
Cassian cut him off, figuring it didn't much matter what kind of stupid he was this time. He pulled Brasso into a kiss again and it was only brought to an abrupt end when Brasso moved back to brace himself and haul Cassian to his feet by his lapels.
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championsofthegate · 16 days
✧ - @ gale maybe
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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r0b0tb0y · 11 months
Cassian/Bodhi for the horror meme!
I'm gonna use Rogue Street AU for this (unless stated otherwise) because then there's definitely horror movies in their everyday lives:
Which one is more fond of scary movies:
Cassian, because Bodhi is very sensitive and jumpy. Cassian kinda treats them like research, which is not a traditional definition of fond. Kay loves them, so it rubs off on Cassian.
Which one gets the most excited about Halloween:
Bodhi - Cassian knows too much about real monsters and Bodhi's a joiner.
Which one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse:
unfortunately I have to say Cassian. canonically neither, but still Cassian by a few minutes
Which one would literally kill for the other:
Cassian loves killing and he's great at it (in canon at least). Bodhi can in a pinch
Which one likes to scare or startle the other:
Bodhi, because scaring Bodhi would be TOO mean. Cassian leaves all the jumpscares to Kay and isn't particularly good at it himself.
Which one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked:
Again, Bodhi, because above all things Bodhi needs a hug and a cup of tea. Cassian's bitey when he's scared.
Which one always puts on a brave face:
ooh this is tricky - while I do think Cassian often puts on faces to hide his real feelings, Bodhi's the one who puts on a brave face when he's terrified
Which one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent:
again, canon tells us this is very much a core Cassian trait. Bodhi is stronger than he looks, and he will fight when he needs to, but he's had less practice than Cassian (even in Rogue Street, I would assume)
Which one would be more likely to commit a crime:
Cassian. breaking and entering to explore haunted buildings, calls himself an electrician when he doesn't know shit fuck about keeping things up to code. and in canon, this man is a pile of crimes in a large jacket
Which one believes in ghosts:
ooh ok - Bodhi in canon, Cassian in Rogue Street. Both believe by the start of Rogue Street, but I don't think canon Cassian lets himself believe in ghosts.
Which one likes to watch spooky show on television:
Bodhi is easily spooked, but shows lure him in because he gets emotionally attached easily. Cassian doesn't get super invested in serial narratives. Again, in Rogue Street this is Kay's area.
Which one would propose the idea of holding a seance:
Rogue Street: Cassian, definitely. But he wouldn't do it without Bodhi to help.
Which one has nightmares more often:
lmao Bodhi in canon and Rogue Street. I think Bodhi's kind of in a waking nightmare for the entire of Rogue One. I can't remember if it's explicitly stated in Rogue Street, but Kay has been secretly blocking Cassian's nightmares whenever they're together.
Which one would want to explore a real haunted house:
Cassian's obsession with exploring haunted houses is the reason 1 Rogue Street happens!!! and to throw a bone to canon, well, he loves chasing lost causes
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grimmusings · 6 months
Cassian (ACOTAR) + Nesta (ACOTAR): This asshole is finally starting to talk to me again after months of silence, and I screamed when you posted something about modern AU ACOTAR. High fantasy can be a struggle for me sometimes, but they would slay in a modern verse!
Frank Castle (Daredevil) + Harley Quinn (DC): Idk I just really want to throw Harley at one of my gruff guys like Frank or Brock and watch them have to deal with her chaos (but probably come to love her because she's adorable, obviously???).
Daryl Dixon (TWD) / Paul Rovia (TWD) + Ellie (TLOU): I looove crossovers, and mashing up these two zombie apocalypse universes would be so much fun! I could see Jesus as part of the Fireflies initially. Not sure what Daryl would be up to, but I'd love to find out!
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acotarmemes · 3 months
What else has the suriel been publicly wrong about? And how many libel court cases does it have pending? 🤔
They've been wrong about SO many things. I like to imagine a lot of the darker canon stuff was just the Suriel exaggerating + all kinds of nonsense.
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icons @copypastus
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bookofmirth · 1 year
headacanon ask: #1 for the inner circle
Thanks! I had fun with this one.
1) Who would take care of the other when they went out drinking?
After the years, they've devised a system in which they play a game before going out to decide whose turn it will be to play the mom friend.
They originally had a rotation going but then it got too complicated and accusations of misremembering got out of hand. The solution was a board where they kept track (cue me wondering if they have chalk) but then there was the scandal where it got stolen one night, and it took a long time for them to recover from those accusations. Rhys said that perhaps the maids misplaced it, Mor said he was lying because obviously he just didn't want to have to be the mom friend on his birthday, voices were raised, oaths were made, fists clenched. So they decided it was best to leave to the Mother and the flip of a coin.
You can imagine how reliable that is when you're playing against a High Lord who can flick things magically, but at this point they've all come to accept that Az will never let himself get that drunk anyway, and he's always on high alert, and he has those wings which are good for transportation.
So it's Az. Rhys is good backup but even a High Lord has to let loose sometimes.
some headcanon prompts :D
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astromechs · 10 months
rebelcaptain 💙 / 💖 / or both?
for you, my dear anon, the tipsy prompt 💙 that's what immediately grabbed me from this list; also on ao3!
In retrospect, maybe Cassian should have intervened somehow before things had gotten to this point. Or, well, tried to intervene, at least; there isn’t much anyone can do to change Jyn’s mind after she’s made it up this definitively, and once Solo had said, “Bet you 500 credits that you can’t outdrink me and Chewie,” it’d all been over. It hadn’t even taken the fire sparking in her eyes, or her slow, determined lean over the table, to see that coming.
Jyn is incapable of backing away once she’s been challenged, even if the challenge is impossible. It’s one of the many things Cassian loves about her; it’s also what now has him forcing to stop every ten or fifteen steps to catch his breath, forcing to readjust her weight in his arms so he doesn’t aggravate his back before he can get to their quarters and set her down in the bunk to sleep this off.
The thing is — Wookiees have extraordinarily high alcohol tolerance, and the game had been rigged from the start. He knows Jyn had known that, too; knowing that had probably just made trying to win all the more appealing to her, if he’s honest. For a while, though, she’d put up a hell of a fight, and had even had him considering the possibility, not for the first time, that she might actually manage to pull off the impossible.
She’d certainly lasted much longer than Solo had, at any rate; Cassian had been the first in the crowd that had gathered around the table in the mess to snort his laughter at how wide the man’s eyes had gotten in the moment just before he’d slumped over — and at the smile that had tugged on Jyn’s mouth in response, the one that brightens the fire in her eyes and that he’s come to know appears whenever she feels particularly satisfied about something she’s accomplished.
Any fool could be distracted and lose their sense in the face of that — himself included.
In the end, it’s clear the Wookiee had provided her mercy without making it obvious to her that he had; when she’d started to sway in her seat, even while gripping the edge of the table with one hand, he’d started to take his present drink much more slowly, only downing the last of it just before Jyn’s eyes had closed. Cassian supposes that’s a skill anyone who’s formed a long-term friendship with someone like Solo has to have well-honed, and he respects it. Especially tonight, appreciates it.
One day, he’ll figure out how to repay that debt.
Now, though, it’s taking every effort he has just to make it down the corridor with precious cargo that’s doing him absolutely no favors.
Against his shoulder, Jyn groans softly; it’s the first sound she’s made at all since forfeiting the challenge, and his exhale is long and relieved. Her arms, which had, up until now, been flopping uselessly by her sides, wrap around his neck — and he can feel a noticeable difference in how that helps to distribute her weight. His back, at least, isn’t screaming at him quite as loudly as he starts walking again, rounding the final corner that takes him toward their destination.
She’s fully stirred by the time they’re inside, her head lifting from his shoulder, and one of her hands lifting to his face, as the door slides closed behind them. There’s no anger, irritation, or indignation in her eyes at the realization that she’s been carried off her battlefield she’d been determined not to leave without her knowledge — which he’d expect at least a little of, and the surprise has him pausing, searching her gaze with a raised brow. And even then, it doesn’t come; no, instead, there’s only a dopey sort of smile lighting up her features.
This, more than any glimpse he’d caught of the bottle that had passed back and forth across the table, tells him that it had been the Corellian stuff.
Her thumb grazes idly over the rise of his cheek for a time, before she brings him closer and presses a kiss to his mouth. She stays close, whispering like it’s a serious secret, when she says:
“I like your face.”
“You’re drunk,” he tells her, matter of fact, because it is a fact.
Jyn shrugs. “A little.”
“Still like it, though.”
That’s when he can’t help but laugh, a brief, soft thing that still manages a grip on him before ebbing. Only Jyn would try to continue to argue something so stupid, even in her current state.
Fondness warms in his chest as he finally walks over and sets her down onto the bunk, leaning in to brush his lips against her forehead as he does.
“I’ll make you some tea. You’ll feel better.”
The more she can hydrate now, the less severe her headache will be tomorrow. He’ll keep an eye on her to make sure she does just that, then grab his datapad and catch up on some paperwork for a while after she falls asleep.
Only that isn’t at all in Jyn’s plan.
Her hand clasps around his arm, firmly enough for him to know she means it; her eyes find his, all hints of amusement gone, and she asks, “Stay with me?”
It’s not a question she’s put to words more than once or twice, even after all this time, and as she does now, her voice sounds so small, so uncertain, that it almost breaks his heart in two. He has doubts himself that will always linger at the back of his mind, doubts that hands covered in blood deserve to hold someone as good as her in them, and he knows these are hers; there’s the way that she grips him just a little more tightly than usual before releasing when they’re going to be separated for a significant amount of time, and there’s the way that he can feel her shake in his embrace whenever they’re reunited after that. And —
There���s no hesitation before he climbs into the bunk beside her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and pulling her close to his chest, tucking his face into her hair.
The paperwork can definitely wait.
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firstelevens · 2 years
aaand 27 for Jyn/Cassian, if I may 📚💙
27. I’ve read all the books beside your bed
Of all the things that Cassian expects to encounter when he comes home, a board game the size of the kitchen table complete with a play-doh mountain range is not one of them.
“Jyn?” he calls out hesitantly. He can’t see her anywhere in the kitchen or family room, but in fairness, there’s enough crafting supplies out that she could be hidden behind one of the piles and he wouldn’t notice.
“Out here!” comes her voice, drifting in from an open window. 
He pivots to the backdoor and opens it to find her holding a paint sprayer, goggles down as she covers a few dozen tiny foam pine trees in green paint. She moves a little, adds some coverage to a cluster on the left, then sets the sprayer down, pushing her goggles up.
“Did you leave work early?” she asks. “I thought you had that budget meeting.”
“I did,” he says. She’s been wearing the goggles long enough for them to leave an imprint; odds are that she lost track of time. “It’s almost six; I had to stay a little late to wrap it up.”
“Six? Already?” Jyn stretches her arms over her head, rolling her shoulders. 
There’s green paint on the sleeve of her Indigo Girls t-shirt and a little bit smudged on her jaw as well. Whatever is happening here should be concerning, but Cassian isn’t above admitting that there’s something very attractive about Jyn when she’s totally focused on something.
“So I see you’ve been busy,” he says, because he’s not sure how else to broach the subject of the spray painted trees or the model mountain range on their kitchen table.
Jyn’s face lights up. “Yes! Yes, I have.”
“I thought you said you wanted a low-key week before you started the new job?”
“I did! I did some woodwork with Baze on Monday, and yesterday, I finished Ted Lasso, and then today I realized I’ve read all the books you keep on the bedside table, so I went to the library.”
He furrows his eyebrows. “And that led to this?”
“Well, I was in the nature section, and I realized all of the pamphlets are so old and so dense. I can’t imagine anyone reading them, which sort of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?”
Cassian makes a vague noise of agreement.
“And then I was thinking of how Saw used to teach survival skills, where he would just take us into the woods and have us defend ourselves against the elements, and that would probably end in the Parks department getting sued if you did that in real life, but what if it was a board game?”
He feels his jaw drop slightly.
“It’s very simple,” says Jyn, and proceeds to explain a complex four to six person game involving dice, two decks of cards (“One deck for supplies and advantages, one for unexpected interventions from nature,”) and a token system (“Because when you treat nature with respect, it benefits you in the long run.”)
“You finished this in eight hours?” asks Cassian, flipping through the card decks.
“It’s not done yet,” she replies, adjusting the placement of a park ranger’s cabin on the board. “I still need to add the Yavin-based expansion. That one has cards for squirrel swarms and sinkholes.”
“And do those replace the bear attack cards from this stack?” he asks. “Or the bear-steals-your-food cards? Or the- Jyn, are all of these just about bears?”
“Of course not,” she says, waving a hand. “At least three of them are about wolves.”
Cassian snorts, pulling Jyn close so he can kiss the side of her head. She maintains an admirably steady grip on the game pieces while he does it. 
“Waffles for dinner?” he asks. “Since the table is out of commission?”
“You really will take any excuse,” laughs Jyn. She lets go of the miniature cabin and turns her head to kiss Cassian’s cheek. “I’ll go change.”
He doesn’t say, ‘Please don’t,’ because he knows he’d be teased mercilessly for it, but it’s a near thing.
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trudemaethien · 2 years
Hello, can I ask for droidcaptain, codymaul and stormpilot for the ship it or not game?
droidcaptain is…gotta check, too many droids and captains out there… oh! Cassian/K2SO! yes!
What made you ship it?
the snarky old married couple banter and well-worn arguments. can just tell they are a team, a unit, for better or worse.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
robot person ❤️ organic person is such a good dynamic and the imagination possibilities are so much, like. canon size difference. complex power dynamics. the mechanics of robofucking. and not even just the nsfw! like, i want to know how they met! how that relationship developed! how they think about each other. i think about them often they are so cool
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I have no clue what the popular opinions are actually and I think im happy living in ignorance. Maybe that Kaytoo is sort of indebted to Cassian by programming and circumstance and struggles with that in his own way, and Cassian is not unaware of it but can’t really interfere more than he already has? idk
codymaul: oh hell yeah i ship it! (and you’re one of my favorite writers of Them 😍😍😍)
What made you ship it?
it’s your fault for sure because I never thought about it prior and now i have a wholeass wip languishing nearly finished that i’ve been working on forever. the kenobi connection is really attractive and fun to subvert, and also the bastard on bastard violence potential energy is off the charts
What are your favorite things about the ship?
see above and also BITING. lol, actually, that there’s so much potential even within canon and adjacent because of maul’s cockroach status and cody’s unknown fate, so it’s really sort of impossible to fall into a formulaic portrayal. maybe that’s just because there’s not enough fic out there to have caused that sort of fanon to develop, but whatever. it’s just a cool pairing and every story is its own thing.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Cody should also get to be force sensitive as a treat. and go a little dark side bc there’s nothing quite like second servings of dessert, plus also fuck with maul in the force as the cherry on top of all that. idk if that’s unpopular, but i like when they are villains, okay
stormpilot: hmm i do think they are totally husbands shippable but im not into the sequel trilogy in quite the same way so I don’t really have specific answers for them.
but they could and should have kissed in that jacket scene fr, if the moviemakers weren’t cowards
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