#*** as in theyre all fake as fuck
hindahoney · 7 months
So many of you are genuinely monsters and you think you're the heroes. Forgive me for not believing that any of you ever actually gave a shit about Palestinians, as you sit here in your pro-hamas rallies with swastika flags while you chant "gas the jews!" and tear down posters of kidnapped hostages. You glorify Hamas, the terrorist organization that uses and abuses Palestinians, that shoots them if they try to evacuate from zones that Israel has warned they're going to strike.
You have been silent for decades while Lebanon and Jordan keep their Palestinian population in refugee camps. You have been silent when no other neighboring country has given Palestinians citizenship status that would enable them to live a comfortable, normal life. You were silent when Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas rockets misfire and kill innocent Palestinians. You were silent when Hamas steals aid meant for civilians. You were silent when Hamas dug up water pipes from the ground so that they could make more rockets.
If you were silent then, you're using Palestinians as a mask for your Jew-hatred. If you want to really advocate for Palestinians, keep the same energy for every country, not just the only Jewish state, and try to educate yourself on what Israelis have been doing to try to help Palestinians, because I promise you it's way more than you've ever done in your life.
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chiquilines · 3 months
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Silly togachako uni doodles since I havent drawn them in a minute
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unexpectedbrickattack · 8 months
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experimentin w shit heehee
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lollytea · 2 months
I need to watch Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure to reach my final conclusion on if she's even attracted to men
#girl help i keep thinking about sharpay and ryan being each others only friend growing up#theyre not very good at interpersonal relationships#romance is foreign to them. they dont care about playing romantic interests because they only view romance through the lens of theatre#fake. not real. an act to entertain an audience. so they dont understand why it would be weird#neither of them have ever kissed anyone#sharpay likes things that make her look better#because her whole life is a performance#so she wants troy because hes a shiny accessory to her#thinking about hsm 2 where once again when she tries to perform a romantic song (with troy this time and not her brother)#she still barely fucking looks at him#all of her attention is on the (nonexistent) audience#and ryan. ryan hm#ryan usually performs alongside sharpay#its usually an in universe performance. theyre on a stage. theres an audience#and all of his attention is on pleasing that audience#an exception to this is during the gay baseball song#where theres a different kind of audience BUT#ryan barely looks at them#most of his attention is directed solely to chad#talking flirting teasing being cocky and annoying but clearly addressing him directly through most of the song#first time this has happened with ryan. take that as you will#ANYWAY i can see sharpay as completely uninterested in romance but she hasnt realized that about herself#and she THINKS she wants it. because she sees it as glamorous#or maybe shes a lesbian i dont know#she might be a lesbian#the deciding factor is sharpays fabulous adventure#if she has chemistry with the guy in that movie then shes just repressed and clueless#if she doesnt shes aro#or possibly lesbian
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mejomonster · 6 months
Modu by priest was truly such a good read. If you like romance? It has a sweeping romance, with a well done bisexual and gay lead (and straight best friend) all written in ways that manage to feel realistic, it's got features people likely found it for when looking for a danmei - rich manipulative younger man, older investigator who's got a hero streak, and yet those categories don't really do justice to them (and of course tao ran is the more grounded detective story lead who keeps his theories to himself and worries about dragging others into his mess).
They're so much more... Fei Du is a traumatized young man who's worried he's as monstrous as the people who scarred him, who is preparing to take the leap and cross the line to become an even more terrifying version of himself if it will destroy the corruption poisoning this city and harming so many, Luo Wenzhou is a cop that used to want to be a hero and learned he will fail people and be unable to save people and holds onto Fei Du as someone who reminds him he DOES fail but also reminds him why he wants so hard to keep Trying to help people even when it seems impossible... why trying and putting in effort to care and help Even when its too late to fix things is Worthwhile. Tao Ran is a contrast to them both, Fei Du living in a world where there's only monsters and victims and Luo Wenzhou desperately trying to force the world to be a place where justice CAN prevail and win even as he sees it fail over and over, trying so hard to believe all people have the capacity for everything and are worth trying to save. Even though Fei Du doesm't believe that, being around Luo Wenzhou makes him want to consider it. Tao Ran, their contrast? Believing the world can go either way, and its up to people like him to create any justice at all, any structure at all, or else everything is just meaningless suffering chaos. As characters, the three of them serve to explore how the world works and views on it in terms of a detective murder mystery encompassing the whole city, the small scale version of the world. Modu is a romance, but its also fully commited to being a murder mystery that wants to tackle the kind of themes that come up in the setting it's created. Its characters are so much more than Insert Character Ship types here. These characters were made this way to explore these ideas (just as the villains are all made to parallel and contrast Fei Du to explord these ideas in comparison to our point of view Fei Du moments, our impressions of Fei Du from Luo Wenzhou and Tao Rans varied perspectives, all of them are different lenses to view humanity and how it works, if the world is just or if we have to make it good, if we can be inherently good and if good people will reach out to us if we just keep treading water to survive, if its luck and chaos, and how much... and much more frankly).
Modu is like. If you want a story about a corrupt city and its victims, symbolizing a corrupt world and all of us at its mercy, and you want to see the heart of the people doing something about it. First the main trio, but also every victim Fei Du recruits to help, every murderer recruited to the corruption, all the people in the cases swayed to some side. Thats what Modu is about.
The romance is just one facet of exploring that, the personal debate about what these things mean about the world as told through two people who view this world incredibly differently. Yet find some way to exist in the same space, same mutual world, when together. It hooks you in and doesn't let you go and youre wondering right there with them, left to draw your own meaning in the end. Hopefully that its worth trying, that doing something is worth trying even when its just the trying you can do and not the succeeding, at least thats what I got from it (at least in regards to Fei Du and Luo Wenzhou meeting each other, unable to live up to the pillar they put each other on but trying anyway, is what I felt from them).
Then like? Modu gives you THAT story, which in its own right is enough to make you contemplate.
And if you're like me and care about people, about characters? Well it gives you, like I said, those big themes and a city's nightmares symbolizing the world, and brings them down to an individual level. You read from the mind of the little girl who grew up in this (one of my favorite scenes and when I felt this novel was going to not shy away from dark psychological moments and bringing them to you). You read from the mind of Fei Du when he knows himself, when he doesn't. You read from the minds of all kinds of people, and the heart of much of the investigation is peoples motives and things they'd gone through and how that shaped what they'd do next. Why they'd do it. Leaving you to wonder who's right. Jaded idealist Luo Wenzhou who wants to believe in the goodness of the people he loves, but also is willing to risk that strangers may have good intent? Fei Du who thinks theres only victims and perpetrators and everyone is going to fall into one in the right circumstance? Tao Ran, who feels the world is too messy to dare declare predictable, who thinks even your closest can betray you and even you can accidentally hurt them, nevermind strangers, and the only thing you can control and rely on is your own choices? Some mix? None of them? The side characters as they come up, grow and evolve, do they understand the world better or worse, and is the world they experience different than anothers and justify why their worldview is likewise different? Modu gives you that up close and personal, over and over. Im still thinking about it. And the way its done, they all get to feel like lived in people. Not structures to tell the themes only. But on their own, there's a personal struggle between Fei Du feeling like a monster who'll destroy Lup Wenzhou if he loves him, like his dad destroyed his mom, and Luo Wenzhou carrying the guilt he could never save Fei Du and desperate to believe in Fei Du (and keep trying to save him in that way if only that way) as person who can do good despite not being saved and despite Fei Du's fears. You could cut the entire city's plot away, all of the crimes and make the city calm, and still that core of their plot would be carrying a Lot of weight. Theyre playing a game of "enemies" to lovers sure, or whatever romance story structures they fit into. But they're also made to be deeply rooted into each other, their personal beliefs tied into the outcome of what they hope or fear happens if they are close together. Modu made me care about that. Its like the fears many people might have, abiut theur own flaws, about getting close to others, about trusting and being unsure if that trust is safe to give. Its that and magnified into bigger form, in this landscape of a fucked up city and the tragedy of Fei Du and Luo Wenzhou's meeting and former lives.
Its like. Id love to to read another danmei (Ive got a lot on my to read list). But what's going to give me roo
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real love by big thief (masterpiece, 2016)
#!: ☆ more posts like this: gallavich x this velvet glove ; mandy, lip and karen x till' you're mine ; gallavich x paul ; shameless x arctic monkeys ; shameless moodboards ; shameless playlists
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fauvester · 1 year
Not sure if you meant for the questions to be askes BUT 9 for like iskra or something would be interesting since there is a mix of human and cardassian culture, does julian celebrate any terran holidays with them?
omg I wish I was a better worldbuilder, people come up with so many fun fake little holidays. Thanks to that one throwaway line in ST:D I've unilaterally decided that Cardassian culture is very food-centric, so you know baby Iskra got taken to lots of street food festivals celebrating military victories and elections..
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Julian trying to figure out which terran holidays can be safely transported and re-potted on post-Fire Cardassia (I feel like he still tries to celebrate Federation day at home just so the kids can have some positive associations. Cue him and Lim trying to figure out how to cook a desert lungfish without soliciting their neighbors' help with removing the fibrous capsule..)
Halloween is a safe bet, I think. Scaring the spirits away is vaguely Hebetian and the locals enjoy both tricks and treats. Julian gives his coworkers at the hospital candy to distribute to her.
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Still got to be lots of nationalist holidays to celebrate after the war, but now they're very much tinged with bitter memories. Now they're more of an opportunity to complain about the current administration and get drunk (both activities Iskra vigorously enjoys as an adult)
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graceful-not · 6 months
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this guy joining Echo in Ninjago Characters I AM Going To Be Thinking About Forever btw.
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sodrippy · 2 months
modern au one piece should always have the vinsmokes be french but (zeff and) sanji be quebecois simply bc nothing would piss judge off more than meeting his failson after fifteen years and now he fucking Sounds Like That
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mihai-florescu · 1 month
Maybe im looking at it wrong maybe the technology eichi provided wataru with is, like, one of those home bike training thingys. A treadmill. An apple watch. Bit of a downgrade from the pyramids and dvd rental stores he's promised in the past though smh.
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sendmyresignation · 10 months
something I've been thinking about lately. i do think it's incredibly telling that almost 80 percent of the conversations around 'gatekeeping' and 'posers' and shit end up just becoming vitriolic hatred of 'alt girls' like i hate shit spotify playlists and dollskill fake leather edge and tiktok recommendations as much as the next person but this is a very big attitude coming from a website full of people who spent their formative middle school years shopping at hot topic for multi-colored skinny jeans while listening to like. falling in reverse or 21p unironically (this is a self-own btw). first of all teenagers having shit taste isn't killing punk music. but also why is the object of your hatred always boil down to a woman faking it? as if it isn't the single oldest stereotype in heavy music? like am i insane for thinking this is an issue
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chiquilines · 1 year
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Currently obsessed with her. What's better than a cocky man? A cocky woman next question
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yonpote · 1 month
I said i would block them because after years of them hinting at a romantic relationship if everything turned out to be a lie/a skit/ mkt strategy i would feel lied to and my trust in them would be completly gone. Not saying their personal stuff its any of my business but my feelings and perception of them are my business and i would relocate my interest somewhere else
how would you know it was a lie or a marketing strategy tho. like this hypothetical already makes no sense but ok lets pretend it does and go along with the logic.
say next week, after everything they've ever posted after all these years, dan decides to upload a video saying he has a boyfriend who is NOT amazingphil!!! how does that mean all of the past experiences that he has shown us that he's had with phil is suddenly a lie or a marketing ploy? the whole "dnp gay as a business scheme" thing is so stupid cuz they would have Actually played it up if that were the case. yeah whatever the tatinof fanfic section is playing it up, but in their regular degular videos for years they would try so very hard to no homo. even once they were done with ACTUALLy saying they werent gay and dan wasnt as publicly defensive online, it was still friends and thats it, no hinting at anything more, the most Teasing we would get are innuendos and feeding each other lmao. and dont get it twisted. they did that on purpose to tease us, but it was never any sort of """"bait"""" or trying to make us believe in phan or some shit it's just them having fun with us as an audience. it's so insulting to think that dnp would be that manipulative to their audience, that in this unrealistic hypothetical scenario in which they announce that theyre seeing different people that would mean everything that we have seen of them is suddenly a lie.
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brainrotdotorg · 2 months
thank you supereyepatchwolf for making me enjoy my failing major again because i get to make video games in it < 33333
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mothslimes · 2 months
said it before i say it again. maybe it's less internalized misogyny and more "girls who look and act like this literally bullied me from kindergarten to 12th grade and beyond" so no i would rather not talk to girls who treat female beauty standards as the holy law
#mik talks#if you think criticizing female beauty standards and those who impose them on others = criticizing all women then you might be the sexist#like im so fucking tired of feminism being all about the poor stereotypically beautiful women wearing pink skirts who are soo forced into i#hey what about the girls on the playground who were their perpetual fucking victims in their pursuit of gaining mild power#those who coulkd never even dream of fitting the mold because they werent white or straight or skinny or cis or whatever the fuck#like even the fucking barbie movie is about some beauty standard white blond skinny feminine woman being sad about sexism#this is what many terfs dont understand lul. for some feminity is a cage they dont even fit into#they have no fucking safe area of just performing their societal role#if i see one more 'fixed' 'pick me' comic where they make the author kiss the girl thats based on their bullies i will kill something#yeah blablabla the plastics in mean girls are actually victims yaaalll.... its so sad theyre the real victims......#when will yall accept that stereotypically beautiful (especially white) women still hold power. and are often bullies.#my mom is being harassed at her workspace by her exclusively female colleagues but u tell me again how female spaces are so wholesome#and oh tell me more about the perfect female commune and the matriarchy. god you guys make me sick#oh you felt forced into performing feminity and your friendships seemed a little fake? i was called slurs in 6th grade#they stole my stuff. destroyed my things. hit me. cyberbullied me. but oh you had it so bad#to be clear this is not to say these women hold the same power as men but yeah lets not infantilize girls who CHOSE to put others down#nerdy girls who make fun of popular girls being shallow were never the problem :skull: but you all called them misogynists for being pissed#for being bullied....and wanting to feel some mild sense of superiority in their lower social role
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rotting-brains · 5 months
a lot of people dont understand that symptom holders arent the only ones who show symptoms of whatever disorder the system might have, they simply show them more frequently and/or more strongly/obviously, often because when symptoms are showing, they get pushed in front automatically to act their part.
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