docilepillow · 6 months
March Media Diary Thing 2024
This one's a weirdo! I'm typing this first paragraph after the fact, because it's the 30th instead of the exact end of the month like i wanted to post it . This post's a two-phaser, just because the way i typed this one out was in a " Live thoughts as fresh as i got them on the day i did stuff " kind of format. I didn't realize that there'd be so many more embeds then in febuary and january, but i guess it's just that kind of thing where you end up doing alot or doing the same but having more to say on it because its Now and not Before? I guess? I dunno. Everything below this space was gonna be from the start of the month , approaching towards the end. Okay, see you at the end of the second media diary post, now ! I'm gonna mix up this one and like unlike the last two i'm gonna try and write to this as i finish stuff instead of leaving it all until the end of the month, i think. im wondering if it'll make my thoughts more consise or not, but honestly, i have no idea! the main thing i think that gets lost out from this is the fact that i'll probably have less personal anecdotes about the month itself. Ohhhh.... MIGHTY SWITCH FORCE! < Silliest 3DS Home Screen Jingle >
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i'm not giving this one a docism as a title just because it's kind of embarrasing to make too much more focal then it is, but the game's visual design and the way it flaunts itself does kind of make it a little distracting, but, i guess, more then anything else i've played from wayforward. um
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i dont think its nessisarily a bad game or anything its perfectly alright. its like a little short for the price it retailed at on 3ds at least but its like. mediocre good i think . its not like bad or anything. its mostly just a game that sells itself with cute girls. which is fine i guess. like the game design Holds but the games focus is kinda scattershot, but whatever. it doesnt overstay its welcome or anything. the design's sound its just kind of okay all around NO MORE HEROES 2 - DESPERATE STRUGGLE < voice clip game of all time >
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unintentional misogyny theming in this media diary oh no
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coincidentally as i was playing i learned that the day i chose to start this game came out 3 years after the first game, which, coincidentally , lines up with the game's actual in-universe timeline iif my opinions on this game lines up itll be like, (9) years until i play the next one thats for sure
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ok so my story with this series is that i played the first game accidentally completely handicapping my own experience with it because i didnt know you could upgrade your stuff in it and thus made everyone in the ggame into a big dumb hp sponge that wasnt enjoyable to figght and despite my best efforts to try and like this game more ( And, i will say, despite the very prevalent appeals to the male gaze, it CAN be charming ! ) i also took entirely way too long to learn about switching weapons worked functionally, just because despite SEEING the tutorial prompt for weapon switching, i didnt put it together because it takes a bit longer to activate then you'd expect, and thus, never used it. Oops! but yea this game mostly just stands on its own crass nature and in that respect its both very self aware and self indulgent. if you like that kind of vibe youll enjoy the game and its style or be mostly indifferent/uncomfortable with it . Shrug! shinobu is pretty cool. u get to play her after the events of the first game and its neat.
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one thing i like about this games like direction is that its very well established that nobody in this game is a good person like even remotely and in that aspect it does get to explore cool stuff i can appreciate. i like that much. i tthink my favorite boss conceptually is the big robot you fight at one point in the battle royale segment. but id mostly consider this game as kind of a gimmick. i can see elements in there that'd make it a classic to a certain brained kind of person, but it doesnt appeal to me. i did wanna try and i did get at least to the very end until the final boss, at least. people say thats one of the worst final bosses in video games period and i gotta say they didnt lie shit doesnt really work
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i got endeared by this sign , so i took a screenshot of it . i also like the crickets in the bug minigame.
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pretty good though the games just kind of middle of the road for me overall. i didnt hate it enough to not completely finish it and as of typing this and as is its only 3/9 , so i might still truck through the final battle of this game, but, i wont really guarentee or force myself after 3 hours straight of it ----- ok nevermind literally the next day first thing when i woke up i first tried the guy lol games charming its just very peculiar
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get fucked idiot SUPER MARIO BROS DELUXE
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I technically started this last month but this is the month where i actually sat down and finished it just because MAR 10 ran around so like. might as well fish out some random mario sidescroller to play next also. its short and ive heard some ssay its like definitive mario 1 but the way mario's speed + the screen crunch make it kinda sloppy in a way. limitations of a gameboy color i know but i guess as a standalone way of playing mario 1 its not like. the worst in the world . ive never actually finished mario 1 before on my own so this is a new experience for me !
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if you think the 3ds being retro in the modern day is extra fucked up, consider the fact that this version of mario 1 came out 14 years after the original....!!!! if you think the ds being retro in the modern day is extra fucked up, consider the fact that this version of mario 1 came out 14 years after the original....!!!!
Dōbutsu no Mori ( The Animal Crossing Anime Movie ) < Ough-est main character >
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Watched this one again for the second time in a discord movie night! A very sweet and nice little movie with very very very cute characterrs. i see the able sisters on the screen and i clap
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whats wrong with her
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shes like a frog anyway the movies cute and theres aliens at the end. id describe it as a very loving adaptation of an animal crossing player's imagined version of events going on in an animal crossing gamecube-era town. though the biggest thing of all that endears me is AI i think theyre so silly looking
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Pictured : Another Silly Subject KERO BLASTER
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another game ive played many times before, but, considering my recent cave story fix, i felt drawn to playing it again. i still think its a cute and extremely solid sidescroller game..aaaa ithink everyone should give it a try if thats ur kind of game. also theres lots of very good video game enemies in this
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very simple but effective art direction theres like a very nice feeling of atmosphere to it ( cool game ) idk what else to say ive playedd this game like five times before and this is a media diary for documenting new feelings and thoughts and not for like full on game reviews, i think. < Mid-Month Side Note >
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i still havent completed this game's story mode to this day, but, recently, cus' the efforts of the team 0% team ( group of crazy freaks with the sole goal of making sure every mario maker 1 / 2 level gets cleared ) ive been driven to try and finish my super world recently. i might feel like showing off the levels ive made at the end of the week,as well, but it's honestly really satisfying, even if i know that the userbase for this game's comparitively shrunk since launch. idk! its fun to make mario levels. i think its satisfying and ill do it even if nobody plays them. also apparently i forgot to turn off my nso subscription so thats why im extra driven to upload lots of levels while i have it. I still hate how NSO is a paid service attached to online. it just kind of paywalls large swaths of games that don't need it and it's just dumb, evil, corporate greed. Ugh! That's the price of gaming in the modern era, i guess....
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PETAL CRASH < Thank you, Bison...! >
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game i've only played very recently, and arguably, doesnt fall under regular completion criteria, as it's mostly meant to be played on a whim in short bursts ( it does have a short story mode, though, plus a bunch of challenges i haven't played yet..! ) ( I might not be smart enough, for those... ) , but that doesnt really matter! This game is absurdly , amazingly, adorably adorable! !! !
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Look at these things!
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Fairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aside from having an adorable fairy character that appeals to every aestetic i love, its also a decently digestable GBC styled puzzle game ! thats really fun!! and ive been playing it on steam deck, where, i think, it really shines!! the character design in it is really good!
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i've yet to master it , as it's pretty fast paced, but its essentially a match game that bumps stuff togetheer good with cute characters like puyo. i havent interacted with that series before but i have played kirbys avalanche and star stacker and this is pretty fun like those. if you like those games you'll like this.
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Thanks to my BF for buying this game for me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth < most symphony of the night award >
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the docism is kind of demeaning but this game is really solid i finished it just now in 6 hours ( 3/21 ) ( Wait, those numbers add up to 6! wow! ) i think this games strongest suit is how drop dead gorgeous the sprite art is . like . holy shit there are giant gorgeously animated ps1 quality era crisp pixel perfect sprites just everywhere
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the picture quality google images gave me doesnt do it justice but there are just like these fantastically rendered fantasy sprites wherever you wanna look for it and it just reminds me how awesome the ladybug developer team is. i think in terms of indie studios ive gotten attached to this is definitely like a dev i eagerly cant wait to see what they do next in the metroidvania sphere. like. considering the source material the actual designs dont stray too far from like what " conventional " fantasy looks like,( A little basic ) , they still kept my attention just from the number of moving parts and shit. and like. mechanically this game is actually pretty neat. they make you juggle a whole lot of projectiles on screen, but it becomes pretty managable when you learn how the two-prong element system works to be pretty engaging ( It reminds me alot of cave story's weapon system, actually! ) ( really cool! ) https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36872249/d5f18e9ecfb93d0547f6ccf894cd2e0bab2d12c1.gif WHAT???? tumblr posts have a 20 image limit! What! i didnt know about this! i think websites should let u post as many cool images as you want. i should make a neocities for these at some point if i keep doing them...... regardless i think this game is awesome even if the story is kind of like throwaway ( saying this as someone who hasnt engaged with the source material yet, which there apparently is, so maybe thats not a fair thought. on the games steam community page though i saw a gif of the main character in an anime adaption wiggle her ears around with a silly face, so maybe it'd appeal to me if i look into it? Huh. ----- PART TWO WILL BE POSTED SOME TIME IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS FROM THE EMBEDDING ISSUE -------------------
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
'Nuff said.
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docreo · 7 years
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#Remind Sometimes being #right is #wrong. ~ Doc Reo #Docisms #SundayMorning #My5WordLifePhilosophy #10X #Growth #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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castradiem · 6 years
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me, 1:30 am:
╰› ✧ *:・゚。 @plvywriite→ ❤︎.
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helioshero · 6 years
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vvellsprung-blog · 6 years
tag dump
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docreo · 7 years
Do not let the waters of fear drown out the fires of passion. ~ Doc Reo #Docisms #SnippetPrint #qoutes #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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docreo · 7 years
Persevere through failure and win. #success #perseverance #growth #persistence #10x #Docism #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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helioshero · 7 years
RULES  :  TAG  PEOPLE  YOU  WANT  TO  GET  TO  KNOW  BETTER, REPOST DON’T REBLOG. tagged  by: @bellcdonna   ( thank u  ;v ; )
relationship  status: taken af favorite  color: any shade of blue, just trust me and take one look at my blog  lipstick  or  chapstick: chapstick because i’m a pussy last  song  i  listened  to: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) last  movie  i  watched: casino royale ( the daniel craig one with ya’ boy mikkelson ) for the fourth time.    i have a problem.   please help me.  top  three  tv  shows: it’s always sunny in california, star v. the forces of evil, hannibal futurama top  three characters: this fucking asshole, veronica from fallout nv,  jack crawford from hannibal bc he deserved better even tho he was a dick top  three ships: will graham x happiness, danny devito x a dumpster the size of an apartment complex, handsome jack x a brick wall moving at a speed of 890 m/s :) books  i’m  currently  reading: elie wiesel’s night     ( it’s for my ap english but it’s such a good book )
tagging: @willbeshot, @hyperioncompanyman, @companysman,                          @heisenbcrg, @exsolutio, & @tcmbraider 
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docreo · 6 years
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#Regain Taking my steps to #climb. Running on #time. Almost home still #going. Till I #cross the line. ~ Doc Reo #OnThisRoad #DocJams #Original #Music #Docisms #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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docreo · 7 years
Sometimes being #right is #wrong. ~ Doc Reo #Docisms #SundayMorning #My5WordLifePhilosophy #Growth #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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docreo · 7 years
The #pen makes money and #money makes moves. ~ Doc Reo #10X #PenMoney Wow! That’s a great domain name. Mine! #MakeMoves #Docisms #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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docreo · 7 years
The pen is mightier than manual labor ~ Doc Reo #30SecDoc #10x #ReoB2B #Docisms #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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docreo · 7 years
Lost Track of #Time Stay Tuned #Docisms #ReoB2B #Replays #10x #MakeMoves #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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docreo · 7 years
#StayTuned Next Week, for the complete #YearInReview That’s highlights from last years #Curated #Posts. I’ll be sharing the #MostViewed and #MostEngaged posts in 2017 as per my #Twitter analytics. #Docisms too. #10x #30DocismDec #VapeOn #Vaping #Clouds #cloudorgy #cloudporn #ejuice #Smok #StickV8 #LuckyX69 #BabyBeast #Vapeline #juicing #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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docreo · 7 years
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#Recap Know the size of the mountain #before trying to move it. ~ Doc Reo #30DocismDec #WednesdayWisdom #10x #Docisms #docreo #docreotv #docreoradio
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