angel-of-the-moons · 11 months
A Rose Under The Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Jake/Steven) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Mentions of sleeping aids, some alcohol
A/N: For this chapter I've given Layla a helmet one for protection and two, like... I have this badass design in my head I plan on sketching out. But imagine it slides over her head like this. Also, featuring another hobby headcanon for the boys done by the lovely @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction!
Taglist: @bad4amficideas @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @shirukitsune @lokisremainingsanity @mundivagantsoul @furblrwurblr
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Chapter 6:
Whiskey Rose
Layla put her hands on her hips as she paced back and forth on the rooftop.
"There is just no way they haven't figured it out at this point. No absolute damn way!"
Taweret sighed, her hands clasped in front of her as she refrained from smiling at Layla's frustration.
"Well, dear, we both know how--ehm--daft those boys can be, at times... It doesn't surprise me that they haven't noticed their soulmate has been living down the street from them for ages..." She said.
"Ugh!" The woman said, ruffling her hands in her curly hair. "I know that! But her? How could she possibly be so blind? She's smart! Did they not even notice that she just happens to have vegan-friendly items on the menu? Marc's favorite coffee? Steven's favorite tea?!"
Layla tossed her hands up in the air, sighing. "This is ridiculous! It could all be a coincidence, sure! But her hand! Her hand, Taweret!"
Layla grabbed the same hand that you had burned, the same hand Marc felt pain in the day you said it happened. "No way is it a coincidence on that!"
"Well yes, of course, there is that..." The goddess smiled finally, her tone even and soft so she could soothe her frustrated Avatar.
"But you can't always force soulmates to realize these things. They just have to happen naturally. Maybe because they haven't realized it yet means that they're not ready to realize it yet?"
Layla stopped in her tracks and squinted up at her.
"You said you were going to help me on this."
"I am."
"You're literally contradicting that promise by basically saying it's "not their time, yet"."
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I could just be helping in a different way."
Layla made a frustrated laugh and rubbed at her temples. "Why are Egyptian gods like this?!"
"Part of our charm, I s'pose, dear." Taweret giggled.
"Okay, okay, fine. I'll drop it for now." Layla sighed, looking up at her with a tired smile.
"But you're not off the hook for this." She warned playfully.
"Oh, but of course, my dear!" Taweret replied, her hand over her heart in a dramatic gesture. "I would never break a promise to you!"
Layla shook her head and snorted in an effort to keep down the fit of laughter that wanted to escape. She lifted her gaze and looked out on the cityscape of London, the grimy dirty streets that were teeming with life.
But also teeming with crime and cruelty. It was like lifting a rotted log; look in the right place and criminals will scatter like bugs beneath the surface.
"...I wish they boys could talk with Khonshu like I do with you. Their lives would be so much easier." She murmured, crossing her arms.
"I know, darling." Taweret sighed softly, her ears flattening in distress. "That old codger! He's so... so rough with them! I would hate to see how poor Steven gets spoken to. He's such a sweetheart!"
"Oh, trust me... Steven, when he wants to be, can be very, very, very sassy." Layla smirked playfully up at her. "From what Marc has told me, he can give as good as he can take verbally, especially to Khonshu."
"Oh? But Steven is such a doll! It's hard to imagine him saying such things." Taweret gasped in surprise. "I would love to see it if he ever does snap at the old bird, though!"
"Oh, definitely. Next time it happens? I'm having Marc spill everything. Or Steven. Whichever feels like talking."
"Oh, I'd rather be a fly on the wall next time it happens!" Taweret giggled, rocking on her heels.
She had such a cute appearance and personality, despite being a large gal, her little physical tics just served to endear her to Layla even more. She was so sweet; the only thing she was missing were tiny little glasses at the end of her muzzle and a little bonnet to complete the look of an adorable cartoon animal mum or grandmum.
"Ugh, so do I!" Layla laughed along with her, laughter finally tumbling out from where she kept it held in.
The two laugh amongst one another for a moment, until their levity dies down. After a pregnant pause, Layla looked back up at Taweret and sighed deeply.
"Well... Should you do the honors?" She asked. "But... Let's keep our suspicions about her a secret from him. Last thing we need is the old bastard using her as a bargaining chip with the boys like he tried to do with me."
"Of course." The goddess replied, giving a curt nod of her head.
She lowered her head and closed her eyes, her hands clasping in front of her once again.
When her eyes reopened, they were glowing with a soft golden light, her ears flicking about.
The moment stretched on for what felt like an uncomfortable length of time. She finally blinked and the light went away from her eyes.
She looked back at Layla and let her gaze. "He should be here momentarily. Though, I will warn you he is very cross you "took" the boys from him for the night."
"Oh, please! They need sleep! They can't go out every night and do his dirty work for him and he just expects them not to suffer from sleep deprivation!" Layla scoffed.
"I know, but he seems more angry that it wasn't brought to his attention first..."
"If that old bastard has a problem with it, he can--"
"I can what, Layla el Faouly?" Khonshu's gravelly voice rumbled out, a chill sweeping through her body.
Layla frowned and glared at him where he sat, perched on the edge of the roof, his staff resting casually against his shoulder.
"You can shove it and go get your kicks somewhere that isn't at my ex-husband and his alters' expense! Or better yet I can kick your ass!"
"I'd like to see you try, little bug." Khonshu sneered.
She knew he couldn't emote, with that stupid, dessicated skull that hovered in place of his head. But she could feel the condescending expression he surely would be fixing her with just by his tone of voice as well.
And boy, did it piss her off.
"Oh yeah? Why don't you keep trying that shit with me. I'm not Marc, or Jake, or even Steven. I will fight your bony, mummified ass!"
Khonshu stood, taking lumbering steps towards her.
"You insolent little worm. I will--"
"Do nothing. Layla is my Avatar, Khonshu." Taweret said, her tone unusually hard as she stepped between Layla and Khonshu.
Her motherly role decided to come out. And nothing was scarier in the animal kingdom, logically, than a pissed off hippo.
Let alone a pissed off hippo goddess who happened to be one of motherhood.
"You will not lay a finger on her. You are still in deep trouble with the Ennead for the stunt you pulled with the night sky, and having Jake kill Ammit and Harrow. Do you really want to push your luck by attacking another god's Avatar because you can't take a few quips?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously, a sharp glint to the normally kind and warm depths.
Khonshu leaned back a bit, turning his head with a scoff, rolling his shoulders.
"Fine. Now, tell me why you have taken my Fist from me this night. Tell me why you two kept them from performing justice on those who have harmed the innocents under my protection."
Layla had to physically bite her tongue to call him out on his hypocrisy.
"Because, Layla and I agreed we would arrange a deal with you. Whilst Layla is here in London, she will handle the dispatching of justice on those you deem need it." Taweret huffed.
"The boys need rest. You are overworking your Avatar to a dangerous degree. Lack of sleep can and will kill. Then what would you do? You can't exactly serve justice without your Moon Knight. And the time you spend looking for another deserving of the title, too many evildoers will slip through your net, yes?"
Khonshu stamped his staff on the rooftop, not speaking.
Layla smirked.
'You go, Hippo-Mama.' She thought. 'Tell that bastard what-for.'
"But you will understand that Layla will only kill if she absolutely has to. If it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, she will leave those individuals for the authorities, understand?" She jabbed an authoritative finger at him.
Khonshu was silent for a long moment, his grip tightening on the bleached wood of his staff.
"...Very well. I agree to your terms. I will let Marc and the other two rest. For now."
"Now that all the unpleasantness is out of the way..." Taweret rubbed her hands together as she spoke. "Who do you want Layla to go after, first?"
"There are individuals tied to the trafficking group that Jake Lockley eliminated not too long ago. They will be what you start off with. They have already moved on to other groups and are already stalking their next kidnappees." Khonshu grunted.
"I want you to stop them before they move. Start at the Avernice Packing Plant. It is a front."
"Human trafficking, eh?" Layla sighed. "Disgusting. I'll help, like we promised."
"Yes, you will." Khonshu growled.
He stomped his staff twice and disappeared in a puff of mist.
Layla cracked her knuckles, "Well, let's get this done."
"Oooh, of course! You go get em, babygirl!" Taweret said, pumping her fists in encouragement.
Layla turned and stepped to the edge of the roof. Shrugging her shoulder softly, a golden and bejeweled helmet slid in place, her hair tucked safely away inside.
"Let's go save those people."
She threw out her arms, her gleaming golden wings slinging out from her sides as she leapt off the rooftop.
For the next few days, Layla would come to visit you, chatting you up and listening to you talk. You had the feeling that something was bothering her, but you didn't want to pry. It seemed to be weighing on her a little bit.
Perhaps you'd ask about it. Later
Today, on the other hand, Layla was already there, perusing your stock for any more books she may have been missing. You were happy you had already set the kettle to boil and had the coffee freshly brewed before she arrived.
You'd given her a polite smile as you passed, carefully balancing the tray of tarts you had finished, and Layla gave you a small wave and smile in return, plucking a book off the shelf in front of her.
What you didn't expect however, was to spot a man in one of your nooks.
He sat like a dark shadow being cast; a golf cap hanging low over his forehead, raven hair slicked back beneath, a dark leather jacket and worn leather gloves made up most of his attire as he sat with his fists balled on the table, watching people walk past the windows of your shop.
Like Marc, he looked a dead ringer for Steven. But unlike Marc and Steven, this man looked absolutely miffed about something as he sat in quiet thought.
This must be the third brother. Jack, or something like that? Marc had told you about him but his name slipped your mind. He mentioned they were triplets or something like that, so... maybe...
He had dark bags under his eyes, making him look exhausted and... well... pissed about something.
You decide to forgo your usual greeting and leave the man to himself, carefully slipping the fresh treats into the display case.
Then, you turn and walk over to the counter that held the mini fridge, coffee machines, and tea kettles along with all the proper dishes you'd need to serve such things you had on your menu.
You grab the pot from the coffee machine and pour the bitter black brew into a freshly cleaned mug.
Something tells you to skip the sugar and cream, leaving it black.
You take a half a step before looking at the small drawer beneath the checkout counter.
You decided to add something after all.
Jake sat, glaring out at the passerbys as they went about their daily lives, never the wiser about the evil creatures that walked amongst them.
The monsters that were laying in wait to pounce like a predator on their prey the moment the sun went down. The very monsters that he wanted to protect everyone from.
The very monsters Khonshu gave him bidding to hunt each night.
Except he hasn't been hunting them all night. Not as often as before. Not since Layla decided to come to London and stay for a while, taking the load off their shoulders a bit.
Jake knew Khonshu was pissed that he and the other two gave in to Layla and Taweret's urging that they rest. As much as he hated passing the reins off, as much as he hated not doing his duty, he relented. They were indeed overworked and exhausted.
It wasn't easy to go against Khonshu's will, let alone without warning him first.
But Marc and Steven welcomed the rest, even if they weren't precisely well-rested. The nights they were used to prowling the streets, they couldn't help but wander the flat. Steven would clean, or cook new things, Marc would watch recorded sports events, and Jake would sit in the recliner by the window and knit. He decided on making something for Layla, as a bit of a thanks.
He knew she didn't trust him still, not very much anyways, but she deserved to be rewarded for her hard work covering for them and trying to help. Maybe he could even knit something for Taweret...
However, their respite didn't last long. The three of them were in agreement that they didn't want Layla to bear the burdens of dispensing Khonshu's justice alone. That while her intentions were noble, she simply couldn't do it alone. She wasn't used to it like they were, and the short time she was doing it, the strain was already taking a toll on her.
So, the past few nights they'd all been up well into the wee hours, hunting criminals, fighting and defeating them together.
Jake was a bit overbearing at times, but it was only because he didn't want Layla to get hurt. Even before Marc or Steven or even Layla were aware of him, he did what he had to do to protect them. To protect her.
Like killing Harrow and Ammit.
She just didn't fully understand that he wasn't cruel, or callous. He simply knew what--
His thoughts were cut off when a mug was placed in front of him, the steaming dark contents waiting up into his nose.
He lifted his gaze to meet yours, and your sheepish smile.
"Uhm... Sorry to interrupt you. But uh. Here..?" You said to him a bit nervously.
"...Thanks." Jake muttered, taking the mug, feeling the warmth seep through his gloves.
"So, uh... You're... Er..." You tried, your expression twisting slightly.
John? Jack? Joe?
He nodded, looking back up at you, raising a dark brow in curiosity.
"Sí, I am." He told you.
You couldn't help but grin.
"So we have the Brit, the American, and the... Spaniard?" You tried to joke.
He laughed tightly, almost like dry leaves blowing in the wind. A bit chilly, but not entirely devoid of humor.
"Something like that." He said, tipping the mug to his lips. He was impressed. Most people tended to put cream, milk, or sugar in it despite his wishes. Insisting he needed flavor. It looked like you left it entirely black, for him.
Only... You didn't. He could taste it.
He pulled the mug away, looking down at the coffee and back up at you.
"...Did you put whiskey in this?"
"Well... Um. Yeah... I keep a flask under the counter for... uhhhhh... emergency... purposes..?" You saif, your sheepish smile returning.
It looked cute on you.
Jake blinked at you in shock. He reached into his pocket and fished out an old, beat up and tarnished flask.
"I... was actually going to add some of my own." He replied.
"You kinda looked like you needed it..."
Jake stared at you in shock for another moment more, his jaw clenched not in irritation at your assumption, but in an effort to keep it from dropping.
'...I think I'm in love with this woman.'
"So, um. Welcome to my shop..." You tell him, introducing yourself and the name of your store.
He repeated your name under his breath, finding that it blended well with the taste of the smokey honey whiskey and coffee he'd just sipped.
"It's nice to meet you. My... Brothers and Layla have told me about you. I'm Jake. Jake Lockley." He offered you a hand to shake in polite greeting.
After you pulled away, you noticed his sleeve ride up a bit on his wrist and spot the edges of a tattoo? Or maybe... a mark?
It wasn't any of your business... You only just met the man, after all. You pushed your curiosity aside.
"It's nice to meet you too, uh, Mister Lockley." You replied curtly.
"Ah, just Jake. Please, señorita. "Mister" just sounds awkward and too formal." He chuckled.
You giggled softly, "Er... Yeah. Sorry about that. So uhm. Are you looking for anything in particular today? Or did Layla drag you along?"
Were you... teasing him? He couldn't tell.
It takes him a moment for him to come up with something. Deciding to ignore how you might look at him, he goes for it anyway.
"I was looking into making a gift for someone." Jake said to you.
"Oh? You're looking for craft books then? Something specific?" You chirped, your eyebrows raising.
"Eh... Knitting, if you can believe that. I'm looking for patterns I haven't tried before, and I hate looking them up online. Because at the start of those stupid articles..."
"Someone writes a ten page essay about their god-forsaken childhood?" You finished with a smirk.
"Exactly." Jake grinned at you, flashing his white teeth.
"Well, I actually don't know if I have anything on knitting in particular, but I can check for you."
"Ah, gracias señorita."
It wasn't until you walked away, that he realized Layla was looking at him, a wide, shit-eating grin on her face.
His expression immediately soured as he sipped at his spiked coffee.
"What're you looking at?"
"Nothing." She hummed, opening her book to flip the pages innocently.
"I see you're reading another one of your bodice-rippers." He sneered softly, jabbing at her preferred genre of romance.
"And I see you were gawking at the store clerk." She shoots back, not looking up from her book.
"Maldita mujer tonta! I was not!" He hissed, careful not to slam the mug down too harshly.
He feels a presence envelope him, a pressing feeling like someone just sat on either side of him.
Marc's voice comes from within.
(Jake. We heard you.)
Chapter 7: Link
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prettyinpikk · 6 months
What Cha' Gonna Do For Me
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Part 2 of Ain't nobody. Part 1 here
Chaka Khan inspired fem!black reader x Sevika
I decided to make this a series with many different parts and a lot of tea to come 👀. I'm trying to feed y'all fr 🤭 but I hope you enjoy.♡
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You enter for your next shift at the Last Drop going to the back to get ready quickly because you were already a bit late cause of your son Camron, not wanting to let you leave, having to put him to sleep while your sister watches him.
Going to the dressing room you put on your green matching set and touched up your hair and as you're walking out, you see the one and only Sevika herself kickin it with her poker friends with a cup of her favorite whiskey and a half lit blunt resting in-between her thick lips. From what you could see, she was in her element admiring her from where you stand. Your band mate had to remind you what you were really there for by calling your name to move your butt to the stage.
“Right, sorry I'm late. Baby boy wouldn't let me go.” Laughing it off as the band all dismissed it, knowing it's hard taking care of a kid by yourself.
“Alright, let's get this show started.”
At the sound of your voice being illuminated by the mic, Sevika looks up to the stage to see you getting into the song. At this point, she forgot about the card game she so easily could win. Instead, she's invested in the graceful voice that has taken up her senses. She couldn't stop staring at the gorgeous Black woman who danced and sang on the stage in front of her.
As you sang you take notice to Sevika’s staring so you take the advantage of the song changing and move to dance in the opened bar space, moving to dance towards her while singing, you realize damn near the whole bar was looking at you like you lost your last mind turing back to the stage you continue your show ending a bit early to let the band play for the rest of the night you walked over to her table and as you make you way over there everyone gave their attention to you, the group applauded for you as you thanked them shyly.
“Aww thank you. There's no need for that, really.” Smiling sweetly at them, you turn your full attention to her. “I was wondering if it was okay if I sat with you?”
Sevika takes this opportunity to really have a conversation with you without being interrupted, and she can finally ask you about that kid you’d mention. She then tells her poker friends to leave you two. “Have a sit doll face.”
“Doll face, that's new. I bet you call all the pretty ladies that, huh ya flirt.” Sending her a smirk of knowing.
“Well seeing that you are one of those pretty ladies, it seems so.”
Humming back a reply, you sit in a small silence, sensing that she wants to ask you something. “You look like you want to ask me something, so ask it.”
Sevika shifts in her seat before exhaling the smoke from her mouth. “So about that kid, how old are they?”
“Hmm straight into okay. Um, well, my boy Camron is 3, and he's turning 4 next month. How about you, got any kids?”
At this, Sevika barks out a laugh and shakes her head. “Hell no, you wouldn't catch me walking around with no brat.”
“Why they got to be a brat? What's wrong with kids away, I think they're cute.” You say with certainty, folding your arms over your chest, leaning forward on the table.
“Yeah well you just keep thinking that. They're just little pests that grow up to play loud music in the middle of the night while you try to sleep. That's what they are.”
“That sounds very specific. Are you beefin’ with a child, Sevika?” Laughing at her very serious and aggravated face.
“Beefin’ please, I despise the little maggot she's always over the place and has these mental breakdowns and expects me to fix them.” She huffed out already over it.
“Oooh let me guess, it's Jinx that you're talking about. Yeah, she's wild, but she's a sweet girl from the times I've talked to her.”
“Tch you don't know half of it.”
“Aw don't be too hard on her Vika. We used to be the same way when we were small she just trying to figure it out is all. Now give me them cards so I could kick yo ass in some spades. Oh, and don't act like I didn't see you staring at me while I was singing.” You say in a cocky tone with a smile on your face.
“Oh really now, don't go crying home when you lose love, and I was admiring the performer like everyone else.”
“Please lady I saw you looking into my soul, plus I had to go through all 7 of my uncles and my 3 of my aunties to get at least one win so I know you can't be that good because I can definitely hold my own in a game of spades.”
“Well that's not going to matter when I win. You want to put something on it?”
“HAHAAA hell no, that's my grocery money girl, you must be crazy.”
“Well it was worth a shot. So what does your kid dad do?” She asked, watching you shuffle the card deck.
You paused shuffling for a second, not expecting to go over those memories of Camron's dad again. “Don't know probably off somewhere with the broad he fucked.”
“Oh… I didn't mean to…-”
“No you're good, you were just curious and plus it was a while ago. Now back to this game don't get soft on me now.”
“Mhm you wish.”
“First one to win 5 rounds buys another one to drink.”
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Congrats, Star!!! Will you write Rooster with smut prompt 10?? 💕
Hi Em! I think you're going to really love this one! 😜😜😜For @roosterforme You want me to ruin you, don’t you?💕💕💕
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Surfer Boy
God bless San Diego, and god bless the US Navy. It’s a thought you’ve had probably a hundred times a day since you moved into your parent’s vacation home on the beach permanently. It’s become something of a morning routine for you. Every morning you brew a carafe of coffee and sit on the wicker furniture on the veranda as you watch this cluster of ridiculously sexy Navy guys gambol in the waves. There are always a few different guys in the group each morning, but one guy is always there. He’s about six feet tall, muscular, with a mop of shiny chestnut curls on his head. On his lip is a mustache that looks straight out of a porno from the 80s. It shouldn’t look as good as it does, but he makes you swoon. So yeah, you’re crushing on the Navy boy with a mustache. You have no idea who he is, what he does, nothing. But each morning, like clockwork, you perch yourself on your veranda furniture, coffee mug in hand, and watch him play in the sand. 
On Tuesday afternoon, when you’ve just gotten home from work, you meet him in person. There’s a persistent knocking on your back door. You open it warily, not sure what to expect. You still remember hiding with your mom in the corner between the sofa and the loveseat when a couple of drunks had been knocking on the back door. You have a high level of surety that it’s not a drunk, though, seeing as how it is about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s not a drunk.
 On the contrary, it’s all the Navy boys you’ve ever seen on the beach in the early morning on the sand in front of your deck steps. In the center stand two, your mustached man and a blonde with the biggest shit-eating grin you’ve ever seen. They both wear wetsuits and look like they’ve swum in the waves. It’s the blond who pushes Mr.Mustache towards you.
“Hey, Darlin’. This here’s Rooster. He’s been ogling you for months. We’re sick of it. He’s your problem now. Fuck him, Kiss him, Feed him, Water him, I don’t care. I’m done being his keeper. Bye, now!”
Your mouth is half open, mid-word when they all turn around and walk away in unison. They don’t stop where they usually play on the beach, either. They just keep walking. That leaves you staring down at one flustered-looking man. His big eyes are glancing pleadingly up at you, and you can feel yourself folding like a cheap lawn chair at that look in his eyes.
“C’mon in, I guess. Shoes off on the mat. Do you want anything to drink?”
He’s oddly silent as he follows behind you. You can feel his presence behind your shoulder as you putter about in your small kitchen reaching for glasses and fetching a pitcher of iced tea from the fridge. You press the glass into his hand and lean against your counter, sipping the cool liquid.
He drains the glass with one smooth movement before finally speaking to you.
“I’m really sorry about this, doll. I should’ve stopped them.”
He’s dragging his hands through his curls, pulling one to rest over his eyes.
“What do you have to apologize for? It sounds like you were as taken aback as I was.” 
You set your glass down and step into his space, carefully pulling the glass out of his hands. 
“And, if what they said was true, baby, I’ve been thinking about doing bad things with you for a very long time.”
He blinks at you for several moments as you hoist yourself onto the kitchen counter next to him. From your new spot, you’re near enough to see the flecks of gold in his whiskey eyes. You tug on his hand until he’s standing between your parted thighs, and that’s when you know he wants you as much as you want him. You wrap an arm around the back of his neck and pull him in until you can feel the puffs of his breath on your lips. 
“D’you want this, honey?” Your voice is deeper and a little rougher.
You crash your mouth to his, gasping at the feeling of his mustache brushing against your sensitive skin. He lets you drive the kiss and move his head and hands until your skin hums with arousal. When you finally pull away, his eyes are blown wide, and his wetsuit has a considerable bulge. 
“Oh, you’re such a pretty boy.” You coo, clambering off the counter and softly pushing him back before tugging your shirt and pants off. You kneel in front of him, nuzzling at his bulge before pressing kisses against it and his thighs. His hands flex against his sides as you stand before him again.
“You want me to ruin you, don’t you?” Your voice is a sinful purr as you trail your fingers across his chest and stomach.
“Yes, what, honey?” You cup his cock with firm fingers as he whimpers and jerks his hips into your grasp.
“Y-yes, ma’am.”
You drag him into another kiss for being such a good boy before letting him go. He whines at the loss of your touch as you walk to his back and drag the wetsuit's zipper down. It falls open at his waist, and it’s only moments before you have the most beautiful man naked in your kitchen. You drop to your knees and finally relieve your sweet boy's misery. The first gentle, wet drag of your tongue over his cock has the most beautiful punched-out moan spilling from his lips. At that, all your resolve fades away. You want this man’s cum in your mouth. It’s filthy and wet as you gag on his cock. 
“Baby, it’s okay, fuck my mouth.”
He takes that as the permission it is, fucking your throat as hard as he can. You look up at him with pleasure-hazed eyes as he chases his pleasure, every muscle in his body working in unison to bring him pleasure. He cums with a bit-off groan when you roll his balls between your fingers. That’s when you end up with a naked six-foot-tall man curled into your lap on your kitchen floor.
“Bradley, darling. How do you feel?” Your voice is soft as you run your fingers through his salty, sweaty curls.
“I feel so good, baby. I love you, Mrs. Bradshaw.”
“I love you, Mr. Bradshaw. Tell me what your squadron says when they realize you were ogling your wife.”
His laugh has your own spring forth, and that’s how the two of you spend the rest of your night. Laughing and still as hopelessly in love with each other as you were the day you got married.
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Want to request something for my 100 Follower Celebration? The guidelines are here! Please leave me a request in my inbox with your ask!
- XOXO Star
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
Never Again Pt. 3
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Brock Rumlow x F! Reader
Warnings: Some swear words, alluding to smexy time, violence, some fluff
Word Count: 3.9k-ish
Summary: Part 3 of 3. You’ve been staying with Brock for about 2 weeks since your ex tracked you down, and you’re trying to figure out what to do next because it’s only a matter of time before he finds you again.
Part 1
Part 2
A/N: I had such a good time writing this series, and I appreciate the 6 of you that have read it. 🤣 I’m kidding, I’m kidding 😆 It won’t deter me from writing for Brock again, he’s fun to write for, plus have you seen him? 🥵 I had a hell of a time figuring out how to end this, it was giving me some problems but I hope you like it! ♥️ Oh and I have an ask for Billy that should be out REAL soon! Ok I’ll stop.
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
The dream you were having wasn’t exactly exciting. The dripping candles in the middle of the table, the crisp white tablecloth, and the dim lights of the restaurant were all very romantic.
Brock looked very handsome in a suit, he wasn’t wearing a tie but it didn’t suit him anyway, the top buttons undone, and he was taking a sip of his whiskey.
“What’s so funny, doll?” He asked.
You continued to chuckle. “I don’t know why you brought me here, Rumlow. You look so uncomfortable right now.”
“Well I thought I’d take you somewhere nice for our first date. You don’t like it?” He asked.
You continued to smile. “Oh I like it fine, clearly you don’t though.” You said, taking a sip of your red wine.
“But it’s not for me, it’s for you.” He said.
You reached across the table to touch his hand. “Well it’s very sweet of you, Brock but I would have been happy with bar food and a cold beer.” You said.
He looked down at your hand as your fingers brushed against his knuckles and brought his gaze up to meet yours. “I’ll remember that for next time, sweetheart.”
This dream was a lot different than the nightmares you had been having. Seeing Danny’s fist coming straight for your face, you could almost feel his fingers squeezing your upper arms, and the pain in your side when he pushed you into the bookcase. Everything felt so real, like the tears streaming down your face as you begged him to stop.
From the violence to all of the apologies, they played on a loop in your mind. You remembered all of the flowers and gifts he brought you and when you thought about it now, you felt so stupid for taking him back all of those times.
Back then, you felt weak, defeated, and worthless but you had become strong enough to leave, not take it anymore and for the first time in your life, you felt strong and in control of how you wanted to live your life.
It had been a long couple of weeks. The tension between you and Brock finally coming to a head earlier tonight and letting go of that tension that sparring couldn’t get rid of. He fucked that tension right out of you and you couldn’t remember the last time you had been that calm or relaxed.
The man was absolutely crazy about you.
You tried to make tea after the shower but as soon as Brock saw your nightshirt creep up to reveal your panties reaching for the box of tea, he was all over you.
The loud sinful noises he continued to pull from you over and over again echoed inside his apartment, you were starting to feel bad for his neighbors for having to listen to it all.
You felt like your entire body was trembling from overstimulation coming down from your high but you managed to ask him, “I may have a hard time walkin’ tomorrow. How much tension were you holding onto, anyway?”
“I’ll admit, at first I didn’t wanna like you but I hated seeing those marks on you, that bruise around your eye made my blood boil and to see how determined you were to learn because you didn’t wanna be afraid anymore. You impressed me, sweetheart and that ain’t easy to do.” He had said.
You imagined that no one else really saw the sweet side of Brock that you had witnessed the past two weeks. The moment he came home with supplies for Peanut, you knew that he was soft but only a little.
You had even caught him petting the cat a couple of times.
“Were you just petting Peanut?” You asked, the corner of your mouth curled up revealing half a smile.
He turned to face you and even though he was caught, he denied it.
“No!” He said, emphatically.
“Because from here, it looked like you were scratching him behind his ears.” You had said, trying to control your laughter.
“Well I wasn’t.” He said.
“Ok, then why is he rubbing up against you and purring? He doesn’t do that unless you pet him first.”
“I dunno.” His gaze aimed at the floor.
You walked over to him slowly, he was facing away from you. Snaking your arms around his waist you pulled him flush to your chest, pushed yourself up on your toes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Whatever you say, Rumlow.”
Falling asleep in an unfamiliar location was difficult but being able to dream and remember that dream was against all odds but you had managed to do both sleeping next to Brock.
You hummed against his chest as he laced his fingers with yours, trying to keep your eyes open but your eyelids just became heavier and heavier.
“So I’m guessing I don’t have to sleep on the couch anymore?” You joked.
You felt him smile against the top of your head. “Not unless you want to, doll.”
“Well I don’t want to.” You said.
He rolled on top of you, his hips in between your legs, and gazed at you with his warm golden eyes. “I don’t want you to either. Go to sleep, sweetheart.” He said, his voice sounding extra raspy as he swept a stray hair away from your face and kissed your forehead.
As soon as he said that, your eyes closed and were too heavy to open again. It felt like you had just closed your eyes when you felt the hand clamp over your mouth. Your eyes shot open and struggled for a brief second when you heard Brock’s voice.
“It’s just me, doll. It’s just me. I need you to be quiet, do exactly as I say and keep calm for me, can you do that?”
You nodded slowly as you tried to adjust your eyes to the darkness.
“Someone’s here.” He whispered in your ear.
Brock slowly moved his hand away from your mouth, reached under the bed and pulled out one of his guns. You started to get out of bed when he stopped you, whisper yelling at you to stay put even after you offered to help.
“Stay there, do NOT move!” He whispered again.
You nodded again.
Carefully, he moved over toward the bedroom door, you could see the faint warm glow of the kitchen night light and then he was gone.
Suddenly, you heard a crash, followed by a struggle and incoherent yelling before you clearly heard a voice yell, “RUMLOW!!! IT’S ME! IT’S JACK…ROLLINS!!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!! I could have shot you, asshole!” Brock yelled.
He called out to you from the other room. “It’s alright, y/n!”
Quickly, you threw on some sweats and walked out into the other room and saw a tall angry looking man standing next to Brock.
“What the fuck are you doin’ here, Jack?! And how did you get in here anyway?!” He asked and then glanced in your direction. “Oh, y/n…this is Jack Rollins. We work together…Jack, this is y/n…we, uh, sleep together.”
Warmth spread across your cheeks, you were flushed with embarrassment as you covered your eyes and reached out to shake Jack’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” You said.
“Likewise.” Said Jack before turning back to Brock. “Your phone was off and Fury needs us for something, he didn’t say what. And I still had your key from when you were away and you wanted me to water your plants.”
You started to chuckle and bit down on your thumb. “You don’t have any plants, Brock.”
“Not anymore, thanks to this guy!” He said with a raised voice.
You continued to laugh and finally took a good look around. “Well you two made a hell of a mess, didn’t ya?” You said.
“He’s lucky I didn’t fuckin’ shoot him. I should shoot him anyway just for scaring you.” Brock said in a disappointing tone, glaring at Jack. “Lemme just get my stuff, hang on. Will you help me, doll?”
“Sure.” You replied, following him to the bedroom. “Where’s the bag with all of your--?”
Brock turned, pulled you in flush to his chest as his lips crashed against yours. His lips parted and his tongue glided against yours making it difficult to catch your breath.
His touches sent tremors of pleasure down your spine. Your breath was caught in your throat and you could only let out a muffled gasp as he kissed up and down your neck and throat.
“Not that I mind but what is all this for?” You asked, gently tugging on his hair.
He pulled back to look at you. “Just sayin’ see ya later.”
“Oh, ok.” You said with a wink.
“I want you to keep this with you.” He said, placing the gun in your hand. “I’ll let you know how long I’ll be and when I’ll be back, hopefully it won’t take too long.”
Jack called out from the other room. “Come on Rumlow, we gotta go! Fury’s gonna be pissed!”
“I’ll clean up the mess you two made.” You said with a warm smile.
He smiled back. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but when Fury calls, I gotta answer.”
“Are you ever gonna tell me what you do?” You asked in a joking tone.
He kissed the tip of your nose and said, “Maybe.”
“I gotta find Peanut, you two probably scared the shit outta him…be safe, baby.” You said, gently pressing your lips to his.
Brock turned and walked out of the bedroom, leaving you alone for you weren’t sure how long. “I’ll see you soon, doll.”
Before they closed the door behind them, you heard Jack say, “Dude, she is super-hot, does she have any single friends?”
His comment caused a smile to stretch across your lips and you smiled even bigger when you heard Brock’s response. “No, let’s go…you wrecked my house. Get out, now!”
The door closed behind them and you were alone with a mess to clean up and a cat to find.
You decided to wait until the next day to clean up the mess Jack and Brock made. It was late so you stuck the gun under the bed next to you and tried to get some sleep.
You did end up finding Peanut and he slept in the chair Brock had in the bedroom, but it was a little lonely sleeping by yourself.
The next day was spent cleaning up and you even went further cleaning his entire place which wasn’t a complete disaster considering he lived alone.
Brock texted to say he would be back later that night so after you had finished cleaning, you spent the day cooking and even baked some cookies.
You did remember to bring the gun with you to every room you went into even while you were taking a shower.
As you sat on the couch watching a movie, your mind wandered and you were lost in a daze thinking about last night, thinking about Brock touching you, kissing you, and leaving a trail of love bites that only he could see. Goosebumps peppered your skin as you clenched your aching thighs together thinking about it all.
You wanted him home.
Three quick raps on the door snapped you out of your daydream. Without thinking, you walked over to the door and threw it open, as you said, “Did you forget your keys, baby?”
Standing in the doorway was Danny. You tried to slam the door shut but he pushed his way through.
“Hey beautiful. You shouldn’t open the door for strangers.”
You pulled the gun Brock gave you and aimed it between his eyes. “Get outta here, Danny and I won’t have to shoot you.”
Just then, Peanut jumped onto the counter and started meowing.
“Ah, there he is.” Said Danny, walking over toward him.
He leaned down to give him a pet and Peanut swiped at his face, scratching him above the eye. Danny cried out in pain and touched the cut the cat just gave him.
“I told you he never liked you.” You said with a slightly wicked smile, still pointing the gun at him. “Now, get out!”
“You just gonna shoot me, y/n? You don’t wanna try and put those fighting skills to the test? You got lucky last time, knocking me out with the freezer door. Put the gun down, lemme see what you can actually do.”
The day you met Brock, you remembered what he said to you before your first training session. “Leave those bruises uncovered. I want you to take one more look at them because after I’m done with you, those will be the last set of bruises he’ll ever give you.”
You switched the safety on and set the gun on the kitchen counter behind you.
Danny was never going to stop coming after you, he was never going to leave you alone, and you realized that this has to end. It has to end tonight, you didn’t want to have to look over your shoulder anymore when you walked down the street or wonder if he was going to show up at your door again.
You were tired of running and you were going to make him leave.
Brock said you were strong, one of the strongest people he’s ever trained and you didn’t want to let him down or more importantly, let yourself down.
He knew you were very capable of taking down someone larger than you, and that fierce look you had in your eyes when you kicked Brock’s legs out from underneath him.
It excited you and gave you the confidence you desperately needed and the confidence Brock was trying to give you every time you trained together. Rage burned throughout your body, it felt like white hot fire and something inside you just snapped.
You took two steps toward him, took a swing and landed a punch to the nose. Danny’s eyes began to water and his nose started to bleed. His only response was to laugh and when he was done laughing, he said, “Now that’s more like it.”
While Jack was driving back to the apartment, the feeling Brock had in the pit of his stomach was a feeling of uneasiness like there was something wrong back at home. He didn’t want to leave you even just for the day he was gone, not because he knew you couldn’t take care of yourself but because he…missed you.
He had grown to care for you in the past six months and even more so in the past two weeks since you had been staying with him.
“Drive faster, Jack.” Brock said sharply. He had a piercing dryness in his throat which made it difficult for him to swallow.
“I’m goin’ as fast as I can, I’m sure she’s fine.” Jack replied.
Softy and under his breath, Brock said, “I hope so.”
He remembered the day he met you, the pale greenish-yellow bruise on the top of your cheekbone, and the bruises around the tops of your arms…he remembered how angry it made him, how it caused his muscles to tighten and his face to flush with rage.
Brock could tell you were nervous to talk to him. He was hyper aware of how scared you were to even approach him, but also how it took a lot of guts to do that.
You didn’t even lie about why you wanted to learn from him, not that you could with the bruises that were visible.
He didn’t exactly have the best track record when it came to relationships, or even friendships for that matter but he knew that he cared about you and couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong at home.
And he was hoping that he would get to you before it was too late.
Once you started landing punches, it was difficult to stop. Danny tried countering but he was predictable. You knew his patterns of how he would go about trying to hit you or grab you, trying to make it so you didn’t get up again but you weren’t going to let him.
Brock was right. There WAS a lot of blood in the face.
With every crack to his body, he would let out a loud groan and wince in pain, yet he would still try and come for you. You didn’t need the help of a freezer door to subdue him this time and you didn’t need to run either.
Using duct tape and rope, you tied him up so he couldn’t escape. A piece of tape also went over his mouth in case he came to and decided to try and call out for help.
“He said he was on his way.” You whispered to yourself. “Please don’t wake up yet.” You said, pointing the gun in Danny’s direction again. “Please don’t wake up.”
Even though the apartment was warm, you felt cold and your teeth chattering together sounded like tap shoes against a dance floor. Wiping the sweat off of your upper lip, the taste of salt and blood danced across your tongue although it wasn’t your blood you were tasting.
It was Danny’s.
Looking around, there was blood and broken glass everywhere and when you looked at Danny’s unconscious body, that’s when you finally let go. Your eyes welled up with tears and you broke down sobbing.
Everything you had been feeling up until that point, all of the anger, frustration, hurt and betrayal hit you all at once like a wave crashing against the shore.
He wasn’t going to do this to you or anyone else ever again.
Time seemed to stand still before you heard your name being called from the other side of the door followed by a few quick knocks.
“Y/n? Sweetheart, it’s me and Jack. I’m gonna open the door.” Said Brock.
They were stunned to see the state of the apartment and a man lying unconscious and tied up on the floor, his face slick with blood.
Their guns were drawn when they opened the door but quickly put them away when they saw Danny.
“Check him!” Brock said with a deep growl to Jack as he rushed to your side.
“He’s alive but he is OUT!” Rollins said.
He was a little difficult to make out because the tears in your eyes made him blurry but as soon as he got to you, Brock brushed the tears out of your eyes, told you to put the gun down, and pulled you close to his chest.
He pulled away to look you over. “Are you hurt?” He asked, gripping your face by the chin and turning it from side to side and looking at your neck.
Danny did get one hit in, he managed to cut your lip and your knuckles were badly bruised and sprinkled with tiny cuts but other than that, you were unharmed.
“Lemme see your hands.” He took your hands in his and saw how badly they were marked up. “You’re gonna need some ice or they’re gonna swell.”
You heard the faint moaning sounds of Danny waking up and watched him struggle to free himself but getting nowhere.
Brock’s face stiffened and suddenly his eyes glowed with a savage fire as he pulled his knife from its sheath, walked over to Danny, pulled him up by his hair, and held the knife to his throat.
“I oughta kill you right now, you piece of shit!” Brock shouted in Danny’s ear.
“Brock, don’t!” You pleaded.
He flicked his gaze over to you and you could see in his golden eyes that he wanted to. He wanted to open Danny’s throat and spill his blood all over the floor. Brock’s lip curled back to reveal gnashed teeth, trying so hard to reel in his anger.
“Please. Put the knife away, Brock. He forced his way in here, let’s just call the police.” You said softly. “I’m ok…really.”
After you hung up with the police, you watched Brock put his knife away and shove Danny’s head forward so hard that it made a “thud” noise against the floor.
Your mouth narrowed to a fine line. “Was that really necessary?” You said in a slightly sarcastic tone.
Brock pointed down at a bloody Danny and asked you, “Was THAT?! You beat the shit outta him, doll.”
“Yes I know I did.”
Brock pulled Danny by the hair again. “You are never gonna bother her again. I’ll kill ya myself if you come near her, tell me you understand, asshole. TELL ME!!”
Danny tried to nod but Brock was still holding on to his hair and he still had the tape over his mouth but he managed to let the both of you know that he understood.
“Mmmm hmmm…” He mumbled.
The police took Danny away and said they would be in touch. Watching him being led away in handcuffs gave you a sense of relief, like for the first time in a long time you could exhale and just…be happy.
Brock never took his eyes off of you. After the cops left, he gently touched your shaking hands. His hands felt warm against your cold skin as he pulled you in close to his chest.
You could hear his heart racing as it beat rapidly against your ear and the fabric of his t-shirt felt soft against his cheek.
“I swear the apartment was clean before all this.” You said, cracking a smile. “I’ll pay for everything I broke, just let me know—“
Brock interrupted and captured your lips in a soft kiss, his stubble scratched against your chin and cheeks, and his hand migrated to the back of your neck.
He held onto you tightly, like he never wanted to let you go.
“You know I don’t care about that. I’m just glad you’re safe, sweetheart.” Brock said, kissing your forehead.
Jack looked over at the two of you with a confused look on his face.
“Wait…so y/n can break a bunch of your shit and gets a pass but you’re still mad about me killing a few houseplants?!” He exclaimed.
Brock gave you a wink.
“She’s a LOT prettier than you are, Rollins! And since you brought it up again, how ‘bout you replace the plants that you killed…right now.”
Jack was trying to stop Brock from pushing him further down the hallway.
“Right now?! Ok well, if I get you new houseplants, will you ask her if she has any single friends?” Asked Jack.
A wide smile stretched across your face and you let out a slight chuckle.
“I’ll think about it, now get out of our house.” He said.
You felt your heart jump into your throat.
“Our house?” You asked.
Brock gave you a devilish smirk. “If you want it to be, I kinda like havin’ ya here.”
“Oh, just kinda huh?” You said with a laugh.
“Yeah, plus you’re a much better cook than I am, doll.” He said.
You raised your eyebrows in agreement. “Well, I can’t argue with you there Rumlow, I don’t know how you manage to mess up scrambled eggs but you do.”
He gave you his signature subtle smile and closed the distance between you. His presence was solid and reassuring as he tilted your chin up and tenderly pressed his lips to yours.
“So what do ya say, doll? Will you stay?”
You returned his kiss before telling him with a smile, “Yes Brock, of course I’ll stay.”
Others that might enjoy: @munsonownsmyass @itwasthereaminuteago @fluffyprettykitty @qu1etwolf @redstarsandnightmares @gijos @nutmeg17 @k-marzolf @randomlittleimp
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scarfacemarston · 3 years
Things that existed: 1890′s-1914 (For fanfics, hc or rp!)
For me to reblog in the future with more. Notes: I did not include most of the cigarettes, guns and alcohol. These are mostly American brands or international brands in the U.S at the time. Lots of wars, psychological studies, economic recessions, inventions, and media published in this time. This is obviously not an exhaustive list. Spans from a bit before canon to RDR 1′s epilogue  Pre 1890′s: (Just for fun) 1883: The Monopolist (Yes, an early rendition of the board game) The game of Logic, Oscar Mayer, Pinocchio, Long John Silvers,
1884: First modern Cash Register (Imagine the gang trying to figure out how to open one of these)
1885: Dr. Pepper (the soda), first automobile
1886: Heinz Beans, Coco-Cola, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
1887: Sherlock Holmes Book 1 by Arthur Conan Doyle
1888: Vending Machine, Drinking Straw, Four Roses (Bourbon Whiskey) Kessler Whiskey, Seltzer's for upset stomach/heartburn, Mum’s Deodorant, Hunts (the brand)
1889: Lysol 1890′s: 1890: The Picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde,  Prom (The event for teens)  Matryoshka doll, The Edison Talking Doll (Yes, those creepy ass ones), Lipton Tea, Vicks, Marston’s Brewery, 
1891: Basketball, Rayon, Fig Newtons, Swiss Army Knife, Hormel, 
1892: The second bicycle boom, the “modern” clothes washer, Maxwell Coffee House, Ithaca Kitty - an early paper doll, later stuffed toy?
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1893: Cream of Wheat, Juicy Fruit Gum, Johnson’s Baby, Good and Plenty, Wrigley’s Gum, popcorn maker, toaster, Diesel Engine, moving walkways, meth, Ferris wheel, The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, Sunkist Co,
1894:Corn flakes, Phonograph, Silent Films, different fonts for typewriters? Hydrogen Peroxide (The fizzy stuff that burns like hell), lobster thermidor, mousetraps, Purina animal feed, 
1895:Rugby leagues, Volleyball, Budweiser, T. Martzetii Dips, Whittaker’s Chocolate,  X-rays, 1896: Cracker Jacks, Movie theaters, Frank Merriwell’s Books (A children’s series), Del Monte canning
1897: Jell-O, Cotton Candy, Grape-Nuts (cereal), mufflers, vasectomies, Smucker’s (jelly company), Dracula by Bram Stoker,  1898: Pepsi, Palmolive (Brand), steering wheel, heroin, Walker’s Shortbread, Nabisco, War of the Worlds by H.G. Welles, 
1899: Martha white (food),  Pall mall cigarettes',  Wesson cooking oil, Lux soap, flashlights, revolving doors, first early telephone 1900′s: 1900: Wizard of Oz Book 1 released by L. Frank Baum, Chiclets, Hershey Bars, Kodak cameras, Triskets, escalators,  1901: Disposable Safety Razor, Sweethearts (The candy) the Scholastic Altitude Testing (Standardized Testing that American high schoolers take. Jack would have to take one, I think.) Necco’s candy,  The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (All of her books then)   1902:  Neon Lamps, Teddy Bear, periscope, air conditioning, polygraph tests, Peter Pan,  The Virginian by Owen Wister - A western novel
1903: Kraft Food’s Company, Crayons
1904: Banana Split, tea bags, Ovaltine, Canada Dry, French’s (The brand),  K-Y Jelly, Discoll’s Berries,  1905: Cadbury Dairy Milk, Hebrew National Brand, popsicles, RC Cola, Planters brand, Kellogg’s Brand,  Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc (Stories about a master thief) 1907: Gumball machine, rear-view mirrors, tootsie rolls, Hershey's kisses, 1908: Coffee filters, Ford Motel T engine, Hydrox cookies (Oreo’s lemony older brother), Milk-bone the biscuit (For Rufus),  Anne of Green Gables, by  L. M. Montgomery, Mr. Toad - the kid’s character, 1909: More modern lightbulbs, Pearson’s candy company, Tillamook Creamery, Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux  1910:  instant coffee, milkshake machines,  1911: Wall plugs, Nivea products, Midol (pain reliever), Crush Soda, Crisco, processed cheese, Mars brand,  1912: Edison Disc Record, Goo Goo Clusters, Oreos, LifeSavers candy, Lorna Doone Cookies, Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs 1913: Zippers, Crossword Puzzles, Camel Cigarettes, Hellman’s Food company, 
1914: Traffic Cone, Gasmask, Tinker Toys, Listerine, Salad Cream,  Heath Bar, Mary Jane Candies, Grapico Soda, Turkish Delight, Mother’s Cookies (The rainbow animal cookies with sprinkles), Chicken of the Sea, TastyKake,
Bonus: Modern Slang they would know. Sorry for the tags, but I worked hard on this and I want it to go out. Edit: Wow, thanks, guys! I didn’t expect this to gain traction. At all. Anyway, I’m a historian so feel free to send me asks about stuff like this! I will probably edit it for medical stuff. 
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pillow-anime-talk · 4 years
daddy, please.
synopsis: “Hey, daddy. I have a little surprise for you.”
# tags: headcanons + scenarios; current relationships & crush culture & sponsorship; romance; smut; nsfw
warnings: mention of sex and sexual activities, daddy kink, size kink, lingerie, pet names & more
includes: female reader ft. rei amayado, hitoya amaguni & jakurai jinguji {hypmic}
author’s note: let’s fucking gooooo!!! here are my wet thoughts and dreams 😳🤚 don’t judge me, pls.
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↘ You met each other at one night when Sasara took Rei and Rosho to a small but very nice bar on the outskirts of the city. Of course, the green-haired twenty-six-year-old praised the local alcohol and service earlier, so his two friends had no choice but to agree to a few drinks and many hours of talks about their group, work or other life difficulties.
↘ Then you appeared in front of three men as an extremely enchanting and full of smile barmaid; you charmed two new guests. Two, because you knew the leader of Dotsuitare Hompo for several days by served him the best and strongest alcohols and small starters. So now, everyone was delighted with you, which is why they showed up at your bar more and more. Rei himself was there practically every day, and you quickly got used to the presence of his deep voice, the same orders and nice, sometimes confident compliments or small gifts that were of unknown origin.
↘ You couldn’t hide that his person also interested you indescribably. He was so damn handsome, and literally no one of your age could compare to his extravagant outfits, silly smirk or the way he held a cigarette between his long fingers.
↘ And when one day he brushed a few stray hairs from your pretty face and tied them up with a golden hairpin – or rather another, new present for you – your cheeks were never as red as at that moment.
↘ Of course, he was much older than you, but it didn’t make you feel bad; how could you feel like this when Rei often walked you home or just asked about how you were doing in college and work? The fact that the bar was practically empty that evening resulted in an honest, lengthy conversation in which you admitted that you have a hard time trying to reconcile so many things at once. You didn’t want to be a ‘victim’, but you admitted that your parents rarely helped you, so you lived and supported yourself completely alone.
↘ Rei thought it was a good time to offer you some help; he asked if you would like to ‘work’ for him, so you could earn more while not overworking your body like you would when you were a barmaid or waitress. This proposition caught your interest, so you nodded, still ruddy on your both cheeks. Meanwhile, Rei took off his sunglasses, making eye contact with you; his orbs were more than mesmerizing.
↘ “... I’m a little old now and well... Wouldn’t you just like to come live with me and spend your free time with me? I must admit that having such a cute doll would be really worth coming home every night.”
↘ You would be an idiot if you didn’t agree to the offer of the man you liked from the first appearance at the bar, where he always ordered golden whiskey or bourbon.
↘ In addition, the gifts you got from him... were so wonderful and always suited your taste, so you were curious what else the older conman could give you.
↘ As it turned out, entering into this seemingly innocent relationship with the dark-haired one was the best thing you could have had.
Rei always came home around eleven at night, and you were always waiting for him patiently; sometimes with a good book in hand and sometimes with a glass of wine, relaxing in front of your favorite series or movie. On that day, however, you wanted to surprise him pleasantly and thank him for the last few weeks during which you lived as you never dreamed of before; after all, you could use his money and credit cards, his whole house, his cars, his everything without worrying about anything but your own studies, which you still attended.
Therefore, covered with a delicate, white bathrobe that showed through your lace lingerie, you waited for the arrival of your lover. You knew that he would bring you a gift as every day – a watch, new shoes, a bracelet or an invitation to the SPA, that’s why you wanted to pay him back this evening, obviously with your tiny, magnificent body marked with countless bites, bruises and colorful marks.
When you heard the sound of the key and the door opening, your legs tightened and you felt a feeling of uncertainty in your heart, but also of great exhilaration. You quickly got up from the black, leather couch and then moved towards the hall to greet the black-haired man. Your tender voice reached Rei’s ears, who turned to you with his signature smirk. However, seeing your current outfit, his facial expressions changed immediately. Still, this didn’t demotivate you before your next step.
“Hi, daddy, I’ve been waiting for you. Do you want to spend some time with me, please?” Looking innocently at him and flapping your eyelashes you instantly made his pants tight. A second later, he approached you, not caring about his favorite hat fell on the wooden floor.
“You look as beautiful as always, my pretty doll.” He said in a warm tone of voice, cupping your soft face with his big, right hand. His strong grip on your cheeks caused big and hot blush. “I didn’t expect you to call me that. It’s quite brave, don’t you think?”
“You don’t like it, daddy? Should I speak to you differently? By your first name or something else?”
“No. Of course that I like it. You don’t even know how much I like it, doll. I’m so fucking hard thanks to you, you know? So what are you going to do with it now, baby?” He asked, sticking his thumb in your wet mouth. You politely sucked his finger, still staring into his glowing with excitement eyes.
Your hand, in meantime, found a bulge on the white fabric, causing a low hiss from the forty-six-year-old.
“I want to make my daddy feel good, so... can I sit on you, daddy? I want your fat dick in my little pussy, daddy. I was polite, I swear by my little finger.”
Of course you were. 
Rei had no doubts about it, so he willingly gave you everything you wished for tonight; all he wanted in return was for you to keep calling him by that lascivious phrase, because... well, well, well. It turned out that he had a huge kink for it.
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↘ Your first meeting was in a sense accidental, but at the same time it wasn’t something unusual or unimaginable; sooner or later you would meet your little brother’s two best friends, and that it happened faster than you thought, it’s just a funny twist of fate.
↘ Jyushi on that sunny day asked you to bring him lunch to the place indicated in the text message. Knowing that he would be as always spending time with the two men he often told you about, you decided to make dinner for all of them. So you prepared three large bentos filled with white rice, fried chicken, broccoli and in each plastic wrapper you put a small chocolate cupcake, because you baked a large amount of them the day before. You also got them something to drink, in this case it was iced, peach tea in a bottles. Ready, you could meet with your two years younger brother and his friends from the rap team.
↘ Kuko liked you right away. He had a lot of respect for you because you were a year older than him, but he was also eager to joke that you were completely unlike your siblings; you were much shorter, a little calmer and more open to new friends. You shrugged with amusement at this sentence, in meantime trying to calm your brother, who blushed furiously on both cheeks and the tips of his ears.
↘ On the other hand, Hitoya was watching you closely; maybe he did it because of his lawyer work, but he couldn’t hide the fact that it was nice to watch your gentle smile, your reddish face and how you took care of your brother and also of the second, younger than you teenager.
↘ Over time, the thirty-five-year-old noticed how tired you seemed to be because of working, studying, cleaning the house, making lunch or shopping. Of course, every time a man politely asked you if you were feeling well, you assured him that yes, you were fine and it was just bad weather or atmospheric pressure. But, oops. You couldn’t cover the bags under your eyes and pale skin with even the best cosmetics.
↘ “Let me take care of you, okay?” It was an innocent request that slowly turned into something more. Naturally, at first Hitoya just offered you mental support and money to pay fee for an apartment and shopping. But then, his hands started rubbing your tense back and more and more invisible traces of sweet kisses appeared on your forehead.
↘ You didn’t even notice when you started looking at a handsome lawyer as a potential partner, and when your heart was beating much faster when you had the opportunity to call him or read the messages he sent you.
↘ You confessed your feelings to him first because you couldn’t stand the rising warmth in your heart when an older man took you on his lap or when he brought home your favorite junk food and wine to celebrate your passed exams or his own, successful trials. He spoiled you so badly and thanks to this you finally felt appreciated and felt what you have been missing over the years, and it was a feeling of indescribable protection and loyalty.
↘ You wondered how you should thank for all of this because you had nothing to offer but yourself.
It was a stupid thought that had haunted you from the last week. Last Wednesday you read an erotic book in which the main, female character called her partner ‘master’ and it was something new for you, something very interesting. However, the word ‘master’ itself wasn’t as encouraging as ‘owner’ or ‘daddy’, which was definitely more suited to the delicate personality and sense of safety that Hitoya gave you from the beginning of your relationship. That’s why you’ve read a few articles on role-playing in bed, and you had to admit that the thought of calling your man ‘daddy’ made a strange feeling of warmth and wet between your legs. You had to take a few deep breaths when you ordered on Tuesday afternoon a pretty, slightly pink lingerie that your lover would definitely like.
Three days later, on Friday, when Hitoya was at work, you at the same time were preparing your whole body and mind for what should be coming around 8pm. You took a relaxing bath, you used a goat’s milk lotion, you loosened your muscles with one glass of dry red wine, and created a sensual playlist with songs that were more than perfect for night with your beloved one.
At twenty minutes past eight you heard the characteristic clatter of shoes in the hall, and your arms tensed slightly in anticipation of your lover; but still, you were still sitting politely on the bed. Your body was surrounded by a delicate lace, and you also hung a cute collar with a metal heart around your colorful neck. You heard Hitoya pacing around the kitchen, living room and bathroom, less than a quarter of an hour later the door to your enormous bedroom opened and you looked shyly at the man who stood with a brown towel wrapped around his thin waist. Seeing you, his left eyebrow lifted and a small smirk appeared on his front.
“Oi, oi?”
“Surprise?” You looked hesitantly into his light green eyes, and then your face flushed at the sight of the towel under which an huge erection began to form. “I... I just wanted to give you some joy as a thank you for what you do for me all the time... daddy.”
Hearing how sweet you pronounce the last word, your partner’s smile only widened. Slowly, but confidently, he moved towards the king sized bed, and as he sat down next to you, his hand was immediately on your smooth, pouty cheek.
“Just being here with me is joy enough for me, darling. But thank you for dressing up so gorgeous for me. Daddy is very, very happy.” You breathed a sigh of relief to hear that the two of you are playing the same game.
“So... could you please lie down, daddy?” You asked softly, and your loved one’s hand moved much lower to your waist, and then to your hot thigh as well. He squeezed the skin lightly and you sighed with satisfaction. “I... Umm...”
“I know you probably wanted to please me tonight, but... But when I look at you, my pretty one, I can’t let you do that. I prefer to take care of you, so will you let me do it?” The warm look that was sent to you from the older man made you jump slightly, nodding your head. “Good girl. Open your legs for your daddy, dear.”
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↘ You started working in a hospital as part of extra-curricular activities at your university. You quickly liked all the staff, and your warm, even captivating personality added joy to everyone in the building; doctors, other nurses and patients, especially children who considered you ‘super onee-chan’. So Jakurai was no exception and was very eager to answer all your curious questions, as well as the gentle smiles you would send him whenever you passed each other in a bright hallway or doorway, when you finished or started work at the same time and shift.
↘ Sometimes he also helped you with the material for your classes, so that you would get even better grades and join the work in the hospital permanently.
↘ Jakurai liked you a lot, maybe a little more than ‘a lot’, because the fact was that he cared very much about your well-being and whether you were feeling well in the hospital, in your clothes, in your office. He has always asked you how your day or night has been, if you have anything to eat or drink, when you finish your work that day or if you are staying overtime, and even if you want him to walk you home or go with you to the store for shopping. You were totally and irreversibly charmed by it, but you didn’t think that something more would come out of your relation. So you continued to act as before, just thinking it was his natural behavior towards younger women.
↘ But then Jakurai tried to change your job position and you became his assistant who spent more time with him than before. So you talked even more lively and longer than normal, and sometimes after work, if you both had some free time, you would go for a walk to talk about something more peaceful and down-to-earth; about your favorite types of teas or coffees, about the countries you visited, about your favorite music, even about the worst alcoholic drinks you have had the opportunity to try in your lifetime.
↘ With the passing of time, you started going to your apartments on weekends to watch a random movie, cook dinner or bake a cake together. From time to time, if the weather was good, the thirty-five-years-old also took you to the lake and thus shared his passion for fishing with you. You felt really special with the thought that you were the only girl in his environment who could and was so close to him.
↘ The fact that he would sometimes buy you small gifts such as jewelry, science books, or pay for your shopping at the gallery was an added bonus of being able to feel like someone really, like really special to him.
↘ And at the same moment, you felt indescribably safe in his company – Jakurai was unusually tall compared to you, and his soft, warm hands perfectly suited to your small head or tiny body that he stroked every time you did something right or when you passed another exam in a row. He was a bit like an older brother, supportive father, vacation/summer lover, and longtime partner. You have never felt so loved and respected as with him.
↘ That’s why one evening, when you were spending time at your home cooking Italian pasta (it was his idea, btw!), you didn’t notice at what point your attention was shifted from arranging plates and cutlery to his handsome face and focused eyes that looked at the boiling sauce. He was definitely perfect in every way, both inside and outside, and you would be really pathetic not to admit that you had crush on him... or even you were in love with him. Naturally, your staring at his body didn’t go unnoticed. Jakurai chuckled under his breath as his head turned towards you.
↘ “Do you like what you see?”
↘ “Yes, daddy.”
↘ You turned pale and panicked when you understood what you said.
↘ However, Jakurai didn’t seem to be angry, disappointed or disgusted with you. On the contrary. The man turned off the cooking red sauce, improved the locks of hair falling on his pale face, then moved away from the burners, walking towards you. You automatically stepped back, of course, but when his smooth hand was on your cheek, you knew you could still feel safe and valuable with him.
“... So you like talking to men like that?”
“N-No, I don’t know what got into me, really. It was the first time in my life...! You’re just so nice to me, you always buy me so many things and I... I don’t know. If it was uncomfortable for you, I’m so terribly sorry and I promi...” You started, feeling again that what you did wasn’t quite right, but at some point Jakurai put his long, index finger to your soft mouth and you calmed down immediately, looking up into his warm, understanding and gentle amusement, blue eyes.
“I didn’t say it bothered me. Why don’t we talk about it on the sofa?” The low voice reached your ears one more time, and you nodded hesitantly.
You wanted to sit on your regular place next to the fluffy, gray pillow, but the man frowned as he patted his both, huge thighs. You blushed immediately, but obediently took your seat next to his crotch. You could swear he was already hard, that’s why your pussy got wet.
“I have long wondered if you like me any different than as a coworker and friend. Because you see, kitten, I personally thought of you more than you might think.” He smiled slightly and you bit your lower, sweet lip between your teeth, nodding your head once again in confirmation of his words.
It took a while to get your mind ready to answer, but after a few longer seconds you turned your head towards a calm and masculine face, admitted that you also thought about him and about whether he will accept your feelings, if you ever confess them. Your pinkish cheeks and glowing eyes were by far the most wonderful thing Dr. Jinguji had ever seen. So he was the first to take your heated left cheek, then close his own eyes, pressing his lips to yours. His free, other hand moved to your right thigh and squeezed the soft skin covered with the fabric of a skirt. A few moments later, you moaned as warm fingers touched your cool skin. Jakurai lost his mind.
“Have you ever touched yourself while you thinking of me, princess?”
“I... Well, I...” You moved away from his mouth, and then you felt your ears and the tip of your nose burn with shame and delight. “Yes, daddy. Three times. B-But my fingers were never enough. I prefer your cock, daddy. It certainly is fat and big, and perfect for my little pussy that has never be fucked by such a mature and gorgeous man.”
“Oh, my love. Daddy’s cock will definitely be perfect for you.” His hands passed under the light blue fabric of your clothes, and after a short while, picked up the colored material. “Hmm. I feel that this situation was planned. Am I wrong?” He stated by touching his finger to your still wet slit, which was covered with white lace. You blushed once more, but you didn’t have a chance to respond to that remark, because your lips again tasted the lips of a man fourteen years older than you who after a quick moment laid your fragile body on the dark couch.
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capitainelevi · 3 years
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Thank you for this, hope you like it!!
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After his mother passed away when he was young, Levi was taken in by his uncle, Kenny, who was the head of a criminal organization. Kenny knew Kuchel wouldn`t want her son to get caught up in his lifestyle of crime, but he still taught Levi how to fight, at least to protect himself from the danger that came with being associated with him.
When Kenny was ambushed in their home by a rival organization, Levi managed to disarm one of the men, and when he pulled the trigger to save his uncle, he felt like he traded his soul away. Thinking he was damned already, Levi asked Kenny to join him on the day after. His uncle didn`t deny his request, as apart from himself, his nephew was the strongest man he knew. Levi became Kenny`s right hand in a matter of months, taking on missions by himself.
Levi drowned himself in his work, not caring much about his personal life. The only indulgence he allowed himself was his daily routine of having a cup of tea and a croissant at the cafe run by pretty ginger. Levi tried to stay away from her, being content with just watching her making small talk with every customer who crossed her threshold. Petra sensed Levi was closed off from the start, but that didn`t stop her from giving him a bright smile and wishing him a good day every time he came by. Levi was usually cold when a stranger tried to make small talk with him, but he couldn`t find it in himself to be rude to Petra. Most of the time, he just nodded at her in response, but she was happy to get even this reaction out of him.
Petra lost her parents in a car accident when she was little, and she went to live with her grandparents, who ran the cafe before her. She used to help around after classes, but her favorite part was baking with her grandmother. Petra moved to a bigger town for college, and after she finished her law studies, she decided to move there definitively. She found a good job and moved into an apartment with her best friend, Nifa. After she lost her grandparents, Petra struggled with the choice regarding her inheritance. Nifa advised her to follow her heart, and she realized how much she missed being in her childhood town. She reconnected with her childhood friends, Oluo, Gunther, and Eld, who helped her run the cafe.
After a particularly sour mission, Levi felt the need to drown his sorrows in alcohol. He was already half a bottle of whiskey in when a pretty girl sat next to him at the bar. Petra was already tipsy and was drawn to Levi`s dark aura instantly. She figured she could try her luck and asked the handsome stranger if he would buy her a drink. The one drink turned into two, and then three, and after they finished the bottle, Levi asked her if she wanted to go back to his place. It took them an hour for a ten-minutes walk because they couldn`t keep their hands off each other. Levi stopped her and kissed her every chance he got, and he got so impatient, he took her up in his arms and carried her upstairs. They were both so drunk and so into each other that they didn`t recognize they had met before.
Petra woke up with a headache and ten missed calls from the guys, and she cursed herself for oversleeping and ran to work without bothering to wake up Levi. She left him a note with her name and her workplace to come for coffee if he wanted to. Levi was a bit disappointed to wake up to an empty bed, and he was shocked when he found the note and realized whom he slept with the previous night. He liked Petra, but she didn`t deserve the darkness he would inevitably bring into her life. He got dressed and decided to go end this as soon as possible.
Levi felt worse when Petra greeted him with a big smile on her face when he entered the cafe. After she got his order, Petra was about to say something about the previous night, but he cut her off and told her that she was nice, but he wasn`t looking to get into a relationship. Petra deflated instantly, but she told him she understood and didn`t bother him until he left. Levi stopped coming to the cafe after their encounter, and Petra found herself missing even the scowl he used to give her other customers. Levi`s mood got even worse to the point that even Kenny asked him if someone pissed in his tea.
Petra didn`t think much about her night with Levi until her missed period the next month forced her to. She stayed in front of the supermarket shelf for an hour before she got the courage to pick up a pregnancy test. Petra called Nifa for moral support after she took it, praying it wouldn`t be positive. Her whole world turned upside down when she found out she was pregnant with a stranger who decided he didn`t want to be part of her life. Nifa came to stay with her for a few days to offer her support while she decided if she wanted to have the baby. Petra didn`t consider Levi when she made up her mind, but she did try to find him after she decided to keep the baby. But since she only knew his first name, her search proved unfruitful.
Levi tried to keep his distance from Petra and try to forget her, but he still felt drawn to her. Seeing her was the highlight of his day, and one day, he gave in, and he only planned to watch her for a bit through the window of her cafe. Levi even gave a small smile when he got a glimpse of ginger hair, but when Petra turned around, he felt dizzy at the sight of her bump. Levi did the math, and when he realized there were high chances of him being the father, he strolled around the cafe for what felt like hours to him before he got the courage to go in.
Petra gasped when she saw Levi come through the door, especially a Levi so pale she was worried he was going to pass out in front of her. She hurried and took his hand in hers and sat him down at one of the tables, and asked someone to bring him a glass of water. After Levi calmed down, Petra confirmed that it was his baby and told him she was going to keep the baby no matter if he wanted to be involved or not. Levi cut her off and said he would be present in his child`s life without hesitance in his voice, and Petra had nothing against it. She told Levi she tried looking for him, and he apologized for making it hard on her. He decided to come clean from the start, and Levi told her everything about his background. Petra was shocked, but she told Levi she didn`t care about it and only cared about his safety. Levi asked her when he could see her again, and she told him he would find her at the cafe whenever he needed her.
The first place where Levi went after was his mother`s grave to announce that she would be a grandmother. Levi decided then and there that he wouldn`t put his child through the pain of losing his parent and made his way to Kenny`s house. Kenny choked on his saliva when Levi announced he would be a father, but the news that he wanted out of the business was not as surprising. Kenny told him he would try his best to protect them but advised him to be careful. He asked Levi to bring Petra for dinner, and Levi refused until Kenny worked on his fucking manners.
After Levi announced to Petra that he quit his criminal life, she asked him what he planned to do next. When he replied that he`s still thinking about it, Petra shyly let him know that there was an opening for a job at her cafe. Levi accepted it on the spot, eager to spend time with the mother of his child. When Petra entered the cafe and found Levi fighting with a stain on her floor, she just touched her tummy and whispered to her child that she hoped he wouldn`t inherit the cleaning freakiness from his father.
They spent their free time between customers getting to know one another, even if it mostly consisted of Levi asking Petra questions. Petra realized Levi wasn`t very talkative, but he was trying his best to be open to her, and she appreciated it. Levi decided she was a crazy woman the moment he realized she liked his toilet humor. Levi insisted to walk her home every evening, and Petra always invited him up for dinner. It became a habit for them to cook together, and most of the time, he ended up sleeping on her couch.
Levi never missed a doctor`s appointment. He was both ecstatic and terrified at the thought of being a father, and after he found out that they would be having a baby girl, he went home and spent all night reading about parenting. Levi even bought a doll so he could learn how to braid hair.
Petra`s friends were cold towards Levi at first, and after Petra convinced them that he didn`t know about the child at first, they warmed up to him. They started hanging out at her cafe after work, and Oluo especially took a liking to Levi. To Eld`s surprise, Levi asked him to hang out at the bar one evening. Levi told him he cared about Petra and that he wanted to ask her out on a date, and Eld just answered that he`s a blind bastard if he hadn`t noticed how much Petra likes him. He asked Petra out the next day, and she answered his question almost instantly.
For their first date, Levi took Petra to the diner she used to come to with her grandparents when she was little. Levi liked Petra so much he even agreed to share a milkshake with her, but still with different straws. Petra pouted when he asked her if she was ready for leaving, thinking the date would end so soon. But Levi drove outside of town, on a hill where they would get a good view of it. They laid on the hood of his car and stargazed together. When she laid her head on his shoulder, he cupped her face and kissed her. Levi told her he liked her, and she knew this was the equivalent of Levi`s "I love you". Levi asked if she would like to go on a second date with him, and she asked him if he would stop paying rent for an empty apartment and move in with her officially.
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wjbsart · 3 years
A complete, very long list of all GBoard-combinable emojis because I can't find one anywhere.
Ok so for those who haven't seen my stuff (or have only seen my Bionicle posts), I sometimes emoji mashup redraws, with the recent fourth one using GBoard-based fusions. Frustratingly, there's no actual list of fusion-compatible emojis, so I'll attempt to compile them, in a list below the "Read More" thing:
Green/▢ = compatible with fusion Blue/△ = only works with certain emojis Red/◯ = not compatible with fusion
Also, since other people's terms for specific emojis might not match up with mine, I recommend using CTRL+F and then doing this to find the specific emoji you're looking for. This list is in the order presented in GBoard's Emoji menu. Some of them will be generic unicode symbols, I don't know how to change that, sorry for the inconvenience. Also, I won't aknowledge multi-category Emoji.
Smileys and Emoticons
😀Open-mouthed smile▢
😃Wide-eyed smile▢
😄Closed-eyed smile▢
😁Closed-eyed grin▢
😅Sweating smile▢
😙Kissing, closed eyes▢
😚Kissing, blushing▢
😘Kissing, winking w/ heart▢
🥰Surrounded by hearts▢
🥳Noisemaker and party-hat▢
☺Blushing, smiling▢
😏Looking off to the side▢
🤭Hand over mouth▢
😶Nightmare fuel Mouthless▢
😋Licking lips▢
😛Tongue out▢
😝Tongue out, eyes closed▢
😜Tongue out, winking▢
🤪Tongue out, wide-eyed▢
🙄Rolling eyes▢
😡Angry, red▢
🙁Frown but less▢
😳AWOOGA Flushed▢
😰Distraught, sweating▢
😧Distraught, shocked▢
😦Distraught, neutral▢
😮Open mouth▢
😯Open mouth, surprised▢
🤯Your head asplode Mind blown▢
😢Crying, single tear▢
😥Crying, less sad▢
😪Sleeping but different?▢
🌛Left-facing moon▢
🌜Right-facing moon▢
🌚New moon face◯
🌝Full moon face◯
🌞The sun▢
😷Masked up▢
🤠yee haw▢
👽Ayy lmao Alien▢
😈Demon 1▢
👿Demon 2▢
☠Skull and crossbones▢
💫Star with trail▢
🌟Star with bits▢
💢Anime anger symbol◯
💦Sweat Droplets▢
🎉Party popper▢
🎊Confetti ball▢
😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾Literally all the "cat in different emotions" emojis▢
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤Literally all the coloured hearts△
♥Heart suit▢
💘Heart with arrow▢
💝Heart with ribbon▢
💖Shiny heart▢
💗Growing heart▢
💓Beating heart▢
💞Swirling hearts▢
💕Two hearts▢
💌Love letter▢
💟Heart in square▢
❣Heart exclamation mark▢
💔Broken heart▢
👥Two silhouettes◯
🗣Talking silhouette◯
👃👂🦶🦵💪👍👎👏🙌👐Every other body part and hand gesture, seriously this isn't even all of them◯
Seriously, I don't know why none of the people-category emojis are Fusion-compatible. Let's just move on.◯
Animals and Nature
💐Bunch of flowers▢
🥀Wilted rose◯
🌺Hibiscus flower◯
🌸Cherry blossom▢
💮White flower◯
🍂Falling leaves◯
🍁Maple leaf◯
🌾Rice plants◯
🍃Falling leaves again◯
☘3-leaf clover◯
🍀4-leaf clover◯
🌴Palm tree◯
🌳Deciduous tree◯
🌲Coniferous tree▢
🏞National park◯
🌀Tornado symbol◯
🌁Foggy scene◯
☃Snowman (with snow)▢
⛄Snowman (without snow)▢
🏔Mountain with snow◯
🏝Desert island◯
🌅Sunrise/set (water)◯
🌄Sunrise/set (mountains)◯
🌤Sun with cloud◯
⛅Sun and cloud◯
🌥Cloud with sun◯
🌦Sun and cloud with rain◯
☔Umbrella with rain◯
🌙Crescent Moon◯
🌠Shooting star▢
🌌Milky Way◯
🌆City in the evening▢
🌃City at night▢
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘The moon◯
🙈🙉🙊🐵Monkeys, wise or not▢
🦁Lion face▢
🐯Tiger face◯
🐱Cat face▢
🐶Dog face◯
🐺Wolf face◯
🐻Bear face▢
🐨Koala face▢
🐼Panda face▢
🐹Hamster face◯
🐭Mouse face◯
🐰Rabbit face▢
🦊Fox face◯
🦝Raccoon face◯
🐮Cow face◯
🐷Pig face▢
🐽Pig nose▢
🐗Boar head◯
🦓Zebra head◯
🦄Unicorn head▢
🐴Horse head◯
🐸Frog face◯
🐲Dragon head◯
🐃Water buffalo◯
🐿Squirrel (why does the squirrel of all things have a Unicode symbol?)◯
🐠Tropical fish◯
🐛"Bug" yeah sure ok◯
Food and Drink
🍎Red apple◯
🍏Green apple◯
🍠Sweet potato◯
🍳Frying pan◯
🥚Egg (somehow)◯
🍗Chicken leg◯
🍖Anime meat◯
🥙Stuffed flatbread◯
🍲Pot of food◯
🍤Fried prawn◯
🥡Takeaway container◯
🍚Cooked rice◯
🍙Jelly Donut Rice ball◯
🍘Rice cracker◯
🥠Fortune cookie◯
🥮Moon cake◯
🍧Shave ice◯
🍨Ice cream◯
🍦See above◯
🍰Cake slice◯
🍮Custard mate what kinda custard have you been eating, this is clearly a créme caramel◯
🎂Birthday cake▢
🍬Boiled sweet◯
🥤Soft drink◯
🍼Baby bottle◯
🍵Green tea◯
🍻Beers, plural◯
🥂Champagne glasses◯
🍷Red red wine◯
🍴Knife and fork▢
🔪Kitchen knife◯
Travel and Places
🛑🎡Everything from the stop sign to Ferris wheel◯
🎠Merry-go-round horse▢
🎪🏕Everything from circus tent to campsite◯
🌇City at sunset yes I'm surprised as you are▢
🛤Train tracks◯
🗾Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and it's beautifuul!◯
🌐Globe with meridian lines▢
💺Plane seat◯
Activities and Events
🧨Dynamite Firecracker◯
🧧Red envelope◯
🎐Wind chime◯
🎏Fish streamers◯
🎎Japanese dolls (that's what the emoji's called, don't @ me with the actual name for them)◯
🎑Moon viewing ceremony◯
🎍Pine decoration◯
🎄Christmas tree▢
🥌Curling stone◯
🛷Rosebud Sled◯
🎣Fishing rod▢
🎽Running shirt◯
🥋Martial arts uniform◯
🥊Boxing glove◯
🧩Puzzle piece◯
👾Videogame alien◯
🎰Slot machine◯
🎴Flower playing card◯
🀄Mahjong tile◯
🎩Top hat◯
🎚🎛🎙📻Assorted audio stuff◯
🎥Film camera◯
🎭Comedy and tragedy masks◯
📱🧻Everything from smartphone to toilet roll◯
🧸Teddy bear▢
🧷🧢Everything from safety pin to baseball cap◯
🎒💍Everything from backpack to ring◯
💄👓Everything from lipstick to glasses◯
🥽📁Everything from goggles to folder◯
🗞🔎Everything from rolled-up newspaper to right-pointing magnifying glass◯
🔮Crystal ball▢
🧿🔓Everything from Nazar amulet to open lock◯
There are no compatible non-repeated Emoji here.◯
Aaaaand none here either.◯
Feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong.
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47-shades-of-hitman · 4 years
Seven days of Valentine with Agent 47 | Day 1
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Day 1 - Semi-date | SFW
Your date leaves you hanging, but Agent 47 always shows up at the most unexpected of places. 
Warnings: Attempted sexual assault
Link to my Hitman-related Discord server
A heavy sigh left your lips and you rubbed your furrowed brow before bringing the glass of watered down whiskey to your lips. Whatever trace of make-up you were wearing was gone anyway. Not that it mattered – it wasn’t like you were meeting anyone… Not anymore.
You stared at your dark phone screen, waiting for the display to light up. He didn’t even text, and you were getting an inkling that he wasn’t going to show up at all.
“Fuck.” you swore, unlocking your phone and deleting the dating app altogether. Right after, you threw back your drink in one big gulp, flinching at the sharpness of the liquor.
You gestured over to the bartender to pour you another. His eyes locked with yours and you felt your stomach churn – a familiar shade of blue, a whole different man than the one who had given you your first order.
“Forty-sev—” “He didn’t show up.” he interrupted, grabbing a bottle of whiskey before pouring it into your glass. “What are you doing here?” you asked him. “What happened to the bartender?” He grabbed a rag and began to clean the bar right in front of you, leaning closer. “See that man over at that table next to the painting?”
Discreetly, you looked over your shoulder. “The one in green?” “Yes, with the cigar.”
You huffed. It was almost too much of a coincidence that you met 47 outside of your own working hours, let alone that your supposed-to-be date took place at the exact spot his target was currently located.
The target sipped from a glass of scotch and had a blonde bimbo on his lap, his fingers scooting ever closer to her ass. You flinched at the sight, for the girl was obviously half his age.
“You knocked out Johnny?” “Who?” 47 quizzed. “The bartender.” “Oh, he’s in the closet in the hallway.”
You hummed, looking at his target again. The man caught your gaze and winked, causing you to shudder.
“So, your date didn’t go too well.” “You don’t need to rub it in…” you muttered, taking a sip from your drink.
Agent 47 studied your dishevelled state – your mascara was smudged under your eye and in the corner of your mouth there was a trace of lipstick.
“How many drinks did you have, (Y/n)?” “Four? Five?” you replied. “You should go home. You don’t want to be here.”
You looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “First of all, you’re not my mom. Secondly, I haven’t finished my drink. Lastly, fuck you. I just got left hanging for a date and you want to send me home to rot in my own misery.”
Agent 47 scoffed and shook his head. “You’re far gone, (Y/n). Sleep it off.”
“This is the worst fucking Valentine’s Day ever.” you stated, drinking the rest of your liquor. Gripping at the edge of the bar, you stabilised yourself.
Next to you, the man brushed up, ordering some drinks. 47 set to work, and meanwhile, the man eyed you with much interest.
“What’s a pretty doll like you doing here on your own? I got some boys over there, in case you want to sit with us. Romeo thinks your ass looks really good in that dress. He’s the one on the left.”
A boy way younger than you nodded at you and grinned, a toothpick between his teeth. “No, thanks.” “Damn woman, your loss. After all, it’s not like you’re getting anything else soon, seeing your current state. Date didn’t show up? He dodged a bullet there—”
With a slam, 47 placed a full glass of scotch onto the bar. The empty tube of rat poison on the counter, just out of his target's line of sight, said enough. “Your drink, sir. And stop harassing my fr—Customer.”
You wryly smiled at him as the target rolled his eyes, stalking off. “Thanks.” you breathed, taken aback by how a man like that could compliment you one second and completely insult right after.
Agent 47 narrowed his eyes at his target as he witnessed him take a drink. “Don’t look behind you,” 47 said, “I’ll be back.”
He tossed the rag onto the counter and strode around it, tailing his target on his way to the bathroom.
Your legs felt numb, the alcohol settling in your abdomen and leaving you in a pleasant haze. Staring into nothingness, you didn’t notice the younger man named Romeo sit down next to you.
“Hello señorita, damn, I put my eyes on you and my pants felt a whole lot tighter!” “Get lost.” you huffed. “You look like you’ve had better days. Come on, baby, let’s have some fun.” He sneaked his hand onto your leg and you slapped it away immediately.
“Are you deaf? I said, get lost.” “Oh, I know you want it. Women your age are desperate. Stop playing and let’s get back to my place.”
“She won’t be going anywhere with you.” 47’s voice sounded behind you. He handed you a random coat and donned one himself as well. “Let’s go, sweetheart. We had a rough day and you need to rest.”
The young man frowned. “Wait, where did you come from?” “Oh, there you are, babe.” you played along, quickly hugging 47. A pleasant tingle surged through you at his warmth.
“I couldn’t find you anywhere. I get that you’re upset about my mother being in hospital, but I just returned from visiting her and the doctor said that she’ll be fine.”
“Really?” you said in feign relief, “Oh, that’s fantastic. Shit, I really need to work on my drinking problem, do I not?”
Agent 47 let you hook your arm around his and guided you outside, “Yes, sweetheart. We can discuss that tomorrow, let’s go home now.”
Upon leaving the muggy building, you let out a breath you didn’t realise you had been holding. “Thanks for that.” “No problem. I had no idea how else I could’ve gotten you out of that situation.
You released him, but immediately wobbled on your feet again. The whiskey was taking its effect now. The fact that you were wearing heels wasn’t exactly helping, either.
“Easy, (Y/n). Here, just keep holding onto me.” He didn’t need to tell you twice.
“Hey,” you began when he was about to get you into the getaway car, “Why don’t you come over to my place? I think I owe you a drink.”
“I think you’ve had enough drinks for tonight, (Y/n).” You breathed a laugh. “I mean tea, coffee, whatever.”
47 blinked a few times at the request. “I need to report to Diana, though.” “You can do that at my place. I need to change out of this dress anyway.”
He seemed to think for a second.
“Okay.” “Okay.” you smiled, feeling a flush build on your cheeks, blaming it on the alcohol, looking at 47 from the corner of your eyes, something else pleasant fluttering in your stomach other than the buzz of the whiskey.
Perhaps this Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad, after all.
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Whisky Secrets (sequel)
Here's something different. Before I ever thought about posting fanfic here, I used to write things inspired by fanfic I found by some of the incredible writers I found on tumblr. I've never posted any of them but I've really felt like writing something for Aleister Black/ Tommy End lately.
So I reached out to one of my original favourites on this site, @ghostofviperwrites and asked her if she'd mind if I published this sequel I wrote to her story Whisky Secrets. She gave me the ok (for which I thank her very much).
You absolutely have to read her piece first or this won't make any sense. It picks up literally at the point where hers leaves off and the entire premise is based on what she wrote. I think this goes in a very different direction than what she had in mind, though.
Since this is an old story, some of the characters are very different than they are now. It was set at around the time I wrote it. Based on events in the story, it's pretty clear when that was.
It's a bit dated but I hope you enjoy.
Pairing: Aleister Black x OFC (hints of Roman Reigns x OFC)
Word count: 7,031
Content advisory: graphic sexual content, language, incidental roughness that some might find stressful
You rested on the sofa for too long, knowing that you had to get to work, that you were already behind on an assignment that was due that afternoon. As much as you desperately wanted to cling to the scent and the feeling of him being there with you and the idea that he might someday want to be there with you for longer, you knew that you were only wasting time by indulging in a fantasy. Once again, you reminded yourself, he saw you as a friend, a landing pad after he was finished his adventures. And so you dragged yourself to the computer and tried to focus.
It was a fluff piece you’d been hired to write: places for new residents of Orlando to meet people. You’d accepted it because the pay was good and it had seemed easy. But what the hell did you know about meeting people? You’d barely met anyone and the only ones that you’d call friends were the ones you met when you’d done an in-depth profile on the WWE and their development territory NXT. Of those, only Aleister had remained close and even then, you couldn’t say that the two of you had ever properly opened up to each other. Nevertheless, you’d stayed in touch with a number of them, occasionally meeting for coffee or drinks. None of this was in any way useful when it came to recommending locations to connect with strangers.
You’d tried to start the article the day before but now when you opened the file, you discovered that you’d only come up with a half a dozen corny titles and one word of text:
The word was too painfully appropriate.
When were you going to run out of luck and be unable to find further work as a journalist?
When were you going to admit that what kept you here, rather than moving to another state and pursuing more secure work, was the fact that you were in love with a man who was only interested in your capacity as a friend and caregiver?
When was your hopeless love going to break you beyond repair?
Annoyed with yourself, you deleted the word and tried to start again. You could meet people at the gym classes that were ubiquitous in this city. You could meet people at get-togethers for shared hobbies like hiking or pottery or basically anything. No one had to meet people by getting thrown into their orbit and being unable to extricate themselves.
About half an hour into your resentful hammering on the keyboard, you were startled by your doorbell. For one sweet instant, you imagined that it was Aleister dropping by to pass some time with you. Then you realized that he never came to you without an invitation unless it was dead drunk in the middle of the night. Even when you invited him, it was only every fourth or fifth time that you asked that he agreed to come over and watch a movie or go for a walk in the nearby park. There was no way it was him at your door at eleven o’clock in the morning.
In fact, the person at your door was Bayley, chipper and warm as always, returning the spare laptop you’d lent her a few weeks before.
“Thank you so much,” she beamed, thrusting the computer into your hands. “You are a lifesaver. I’d have lost my goddamn mind if I hadn’t had this while mine was in the shop.”
“It was nothing,” you insist, smiling at her unconstrained warmth even though you didn’t feel very positive about your life at that moment. “Do you want to come in for a minute?”
She nodded cheerily and stepped across the foyer. You never really knew how you fit in with the women of WWE, even though you’d spoken to many of them in depth. Bayley stood out because she was determined to be your friend despite your introvert’s reluctance. And, indeed, she was irresistible. Much like her in-ring character, she cast sunshine wherever she went and her glow was contagious, even in your darkest and lowest moments.
You motioned her into the kitchen, offering her a choice of lemonade, iced tea or water. Her eyes immediately fell on the empty whiskey bottle you’d left on the counter, her expression growing more serious as she focused on it.
“Getting started early?” she cajoled.
“A friend left that here,” you replied guiltily.
She narrowed her dark eyes as she looked at you. Sweet and optimistic as she was, Bayley was not naïve. She knew exactly what friend had left the bottle behind and she knew how you felt about him.
“I’ll have a glass of lemonade,” she said, the smile slowly returning to her face.
You joined her and the two of you jokingly touched glasses before drinking.
“So, a few of us are getting together tonight,” she said hesitantly. “I thought you might like to join us.”
Your first instinct was to ask if Aleister would be there, but you thought better of it. Instead, you responded, “Well, I have an article I need to finish.”
Of course, your article was due by the end of the afternoon, which meant that your evening was free regardless, but part of you wanted to be at home in case Aleister came staggering over again.
Bayley’s jaw set in a determined expression you’d only seen from her in the ring. “We’re having a party for Roman, to celebrate him going into remission.”
Well now you felt like a bit of a bitch for making excuses and didn’t know what to say.
“It won’t just be wrestlers there. Some other journalists are even coming. And I know that it would mean a lot to him if you were there.”
When you’d done your article on the WWE, you’d interviewed Roman Reigns and he’d been incredibly generous with his time. He’d even contacted you after your interviews to confirm that you had all the detail you needed. He was the face of the company and had done everything possible to make sure that the company had provided what you required. He’d clearly wanted to make sure they’d left a good impression and you couldn’t help but be impressed by his PR skills. Although you knew it wasn’t true that it “would mean a lot to him”, you were touched by the idea that he remembered you and might like you to be there to celebrate his great news. At the same time… you needed to be there for Aleister.
“Look,” Bayley insisted, “I’m going to text you the details for the bar where we’ll be. It’s not a big deal, just a bunch of us getting together to be happy for our friend.”
There was no way that you could refuse that, so you shyly thanked her as she gulped the rest of her lemonade and made for the door.
“I’m serious,” she said as she departed. “You work so damn hard you deserve a night off. Finish what you’re doing and come have fun with us.”
As soon as she’d left, you once again sat down at your computer. Before you could return your attention to your work, however, you couldn’t resist checking Instagram.
Someone had tagged Aleister in a photo on Instagram.
Yes, you were that pathetic that you always checked.
With trepidation, you clicked the link to look at what was there. As it too often did, the notification came from an airbrushed-looking woman, her collagen-enhanced lips pressed against his. She looked arrogant and proud, while he looked smug and inebriated.
“Guess who I got to hang with last night?” the caption gloated.
You knew damn well what “hang” was a euphemism for. He never cared that the Barbie dolls he hooked up with advertised their conquest on social media. He was single and hot. Why should he care if people knew that he always scored with the sort of women other men lusted after? Why should he care that it ripped your heart to shreds every time you saw him with another woman so unlike you in every way?
The woman had posted a few other photos of the two of them together, embracing. Every part of her magazine-ready body was on display, save those parts that would have gotten her in trouble. Her artificially perfect breasts were spilling out of a tiny tube top while her endless legs were shown in their full glory between the edge of a skirt that likely required her to trim her pubic hair and the sky high heels that raised her enough to press her lips to his without having to stretch herself awkwardly. She was nothing like you, with your unkempt hair and loose, bohemian dresses, your comfortable ballet flats and blandly natural face. She had all the glamour that you lacked and he ate it up.
The images of the two of them cut into you like a laser and, for once, all you desired was to break free from the pain of feeling. A few minutes later, when Bayley sent the text she’d promised with the details of where you could find the party tonight, you immediately responded.
“I’ll be there. I promise.”
To hell with Aleister and the designer women he adored, you told yourself as you returned to your article with a vengeance. Tonight you were going to do whatever it took to break the spell he had cast over you.
It was just after nine when you found yourself teetering to the entrance of the bar where the party was taking place. It was marked only by a subtle sign, no words, just a stylized anchor, and it was hidden away on a tiny street that was hardly more than an alley. In your fit of pique, you’d finished your article two hours before your deadline and then, having examined the options in your closet and found them wanting, headed out and spent entirely too much money on a new dress that clung perfectly to your breasts before flaring out to highlight the movements of your body, while covering just the bare minimum to maintain decency. You’d also picked up a stylish pair of ankle boots with heels higher than you were used to and that posed a legitimate threat as you made your way down the roughly paved road to the speakeasy-style bar.
A little further down the alley, you see a couple leaning against a car, taking turns swigging from a liquor bottle. The woman is one of those glamorous animals that makes you so insecure, laughing in drunken delight in a way that only confident people can. In one quick movement the man spins her around and bends her over the hood of the car. He immediately takes out his cock, stroking it a couple of times before he thrusts into her, one hand on her back while the other holds the bottle that he continues drinking from. And it’s a moment before you realize that it’s Aleister, fucking away at a woman whose name he won’t remember in a few hours.
The sight makes you want to curl up and die, makes you want to say that you’ve made a mistake and run along home so you can bawl your eyes out while you wait for his inevitable drunken arrival. But, if nothing else, the damage that you’ve done to your credit card in order to make yourself look just a bit more sexy and edgy than usual, as well as the glasses of wine you had already consumed to fortify your courage, push you forward. This is a test. In order to pass, you need to be able to ignore the man whose indifference is killing you and enter the world of others, where someone who wasn’t up to the standards of the rarified model girls might be willing to give you a second look.
Aleister doesn’t even glance up as you enter the bar a few feet away from him, can’t feel the dark weight of your eyes on him or the force with which you tear them away as you step through the door.
As soon as you do, you are once again frozen with the idea that you’ve made a mistake. When Bayley characterized this as a “get-together”, you’d assumed it meant a group of people spread out around a few tables chatting away and toasting Roman’s health. Instead, what greets you is a basement club full of people with a dance floor alive with writhing bodies. You recognize a few journalists but for the most part, the space is taken up with every WWE and NXT star you’ve ever heard of. It’s a convention of beautiful people and you can’t help but feel dowdy even in your overpriced finery.
You slowly descend the stairs, fully intending to look around, say hello to a few familiar faces and then bolt for the exit, but you’re immediately greeted by a familiar voice that fairly shrieks. “Oh my god woman, just look at you!”
It’s Sasha Banks, standing at the edge of the stairs with Bayley, who gives you an exaggerated round of applause.
“Miranda, you look amazing,” Sasha continues breathlessly. “Seriously, you’re putting everyone to shame.”
You don’t feel like you’re putting anyone to shame, least of all Sasha in her body suit that hugs every curve of her perfect little hourglass, but you blush at the compliment.
“Come on,” Bayley gushes, “we need shots to celebrate your hotness!”
She pulls both of you through the crowd to the bar and somehow is able to get the bartender’s attention almost immediately, ordering two rounds of tequila shots because, she tells you and Sasha, there’s no point in getting just one round when you know you’re going back for seconds. The three of you toast and toss down the shots and then immediately do so again and you have to admit that you’re feeling the warm glow already. Sasha, apparently feeling something herself, wraps her arms around you and once again reassures you that you are devastatingly beautiful.
Another shot is thrust into your hand, this time by Dash Wilder, who’s arrived with his Revival partner Scott Dawson. Wilder has always been attractive to you, so you give him as radiant a smile as you can manage and you swear he blushes a little just before he downs his shot. Dawson is hugging Sasha and Bayley close to him, allowing Dash to edge a little closer to you and you’re feeling a little high on yourself when another voice cuts through your circle.
“Miranda? Holy fuck I can’t believe you’re here!”
Roman Reigns pushes right through the bodies close to the bar and grabs you firmly by the shoulders, his eyes gradually focusing on yours. He’s grinning with an intensity that clearly comes from his being a little past feeling no pain but it doesn’t hamper the thrill it gives you when he wraps his arms around you and nearly crushes you in a hug.
“I mean, shit, I don’t think I’ve even talked to you since you did that interview,” he pouts. “Thank you so much for coming.”
You smile as another shot is pushed into your hand, biting your lip self-consciously. You down about half the shot before Roman grabs it from you and finishes it, breaking up with laughter. He signals the bartender for another round, keeping an arm around your back until the tray of shots arrives. You’re all toasting each other and you wonder why you ever questioned yourself for coming here because this is exactly what you needed.
“Come dance with me,” Roman chuckles, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards the dance floor. He’s clearly floating on a sea of drunken bliss, goofing around and happy to have someone to have fun with, someone he didn’t expect to be there. Even if you wanted to resist his offer, you couldn’t because, while he isn’t doing anything that might hurt you, his grip is strong enough and the rest of him powerful enough to compel you forward.
The two of you deliberately dance like complete nerds in high school, awkward movements and ironic posturing until you’re both laughing so hard you can barely stand. It’s then that you realize that you’ve become the focus of some attention; Roman goddamn Reigns, the face of the company, the locker room leader, the man who everyone has come to celebrate, is dancing with you. Most of the people here have no idea who you are but because you’re with Roman, you are somebody. Basking in the subtle attention and envy, you close your eyes and allow yourself to get lost in the music, swaying to the beat until you feel a large pair of hands on your hips.
You open your eyes to see Roman pulling you closer to him with a devilish grin before spinning you around and pulling your back against his massive chest. You continue to move but at a slower pace, your movements limited by how close he’s holding you and the sensual way in which his body moves against yours. Keeping one arm loosely around you, he lets his other hand fall against your thigh, lightly playing with the hem of your dress. It makes you gasp.
“You never responded to any of my texts,” he murmurs gruffly in your ear.
You remember at least half a dozen messages asking if he could clarify anything or if you needed any additional material for your article. You hadn’t needed anything else but you suddenly feel terribly rude for not answering.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, “you were very professional and I should have at least told you that I had what I needed.”
His voice drops even lower as he speaks. “I didn’t mean to be professional about them. And I was hoping that you didn’t have everything you needed.”
He pulls you up and firmly against him and for the first time you can feel his hardening cock through his pants. You can’t help but thrust your hips into him, barely able to process what’s happening to you. The two of you are still ostensibly dancing, although it’s more like a rhythmic grinding to the music as he reaches down and pulls the hem of your dress up, rubbing your thigh and then your ass as he presses his lips into your neck. His hands are everywhere on you and you’re aware that your entire lower body is basically on display for anyone who cares to look but you don’t care because it feels like you’ve won the lottery. You moan at the feeling of his growing excitement against your flesh, both his large hands grazing up the front of your thighs and for a moment you think that you’re ready to beg him to take you right there when you’re violently spun away from your dance partner, a bruising grip on your arm.
It’s Aleister, eyes incandescent with rage as he tells Roman, “I need to speak to her for a minute.”
Roman looks confused and tries to speak to you but Aleister drags you away and a gaggle of women immediately descend on Roman, desperate to take your place.
Aleister flings you against the wall, glaring at you with an intensity that you’ve never seen outside the ring.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he growls.
“I was dancing before you interfered,” you snap back at him, rubbing your arm.
“Dancing?” he repeats with derision. “That’s what you call that?”
“I was having fun.”
“What the hell are you wearing?”
For the first time since you saw him with his woman of choice outside, you feel ridiculous, like a girl trying to look glamorous by donning her mother’s clothes.
“I wanted something a little different.”
“A little?” he hisses back. “Do you realize what you look like? You’re all tarted up and letting some guy grab at you and get you half naked in front of a bar full of people.”
“What I look like?”
“Everyone could see practically your whole goddamned body. They could see what you were letting him do to you.”
“You mean to say I look like a whore.”
Aleister crosses his arms and glances away, refusing to confirm what you’ve said.
“So what, Aleister? So what if I’m letting a man touch me and show me that he wants me? Who cares who else sees? Maybe that’s what I want!”
“Are you so stupid that you think he wants you for anything other than a one night stand?”
The accusation stabs at your heart and your confidence but you’re determined not to let him see that.
“Again, so what? Maybe I’m happy to have this big, gorgeous man want me. Maybe I’m fine bringing him back to my place for a few hours of fun because at least it means someone is thinking of me as a sexual being for a change.” You pause, knowing the danger of what you’re about to say but unable to stop yourself. “Maybe I’d be fine if he just took me outside and fucked me over the hood of a car.”
For a second, you think that Aleister is going to strangle you. The look on his face is like the moment before the sky erupts in thunder and lightning. Truthfully, you expect that he’ll turn on his heel and walk away from you and never come back, and perhaps that’s what you need him to do so that you can get over him.
Instead, he grabs you, pinning you to the side of his body and pulling you towards the door. His movements make you stumble, and the more you try to resist him, the more ungainly you look.
“She’s dead drunk,” you hear him assure a few people, “I’m going to make sure she gets home.”
And while it’s true that you are drunk, you’re not nearly as drunk as he’s making you out to be. The second he has you outside, you try to twist away from him and go back, only for him to wind you closer, pulling you off balance so that you look even more inebriated.
You hear him whisper to Seth Rollins, who’s observing the spectacle through the corner of his eyes. “Look, tell Roman that she’s falling down drunk and I just had to get her home. No disrespect meant.”
Seth has a confused expression on his face but nods and tells him, “Sure thing.”
Realizing what Aleister is doing, you once again try to rush past him, but he blocks you, gripping your arm and pulling you after him so that you really do appear pathetically unable to take care of yourself.
“Why the fuck are you doing this to me?” you shout at him, figuring that there’s no reason to worry about who might hear you, there being no further you can sink in their estimation. “Why can’t you just let me enjoy myself?”
“Jesus, Miranda, you’re loaded. You can barely stand up.” He emphasizes this by jerking your arm forward, which almost causes you to keel over onto your face. “You’re just embarrassing yourself.”
“No,” you insist, pulling yourself to a halt. “I knew what I was doing. I knew what I wanted. Sure I’m a bit tipsy but-“
“You don’t want that,” Alesiter snaps, threading his arm through yours and continuing down the street. “You don’t just want to whore yourself out for a night because you think it might help your self-esteem.”
“You don’t get to decide what I want, Aleister.” You’re crushed against his side and he’s moving so quickly that your feet only graze the ground every third or fourth step. “Let me go. I’m sick of playing the surrogate mother for someone who’s incapable of seeing me as a real woman. I want to go back there. I want to have someone make a show of wanting me. I want to get fucked so hard I can’t walk tomorrow.”
Aleister shakes his head like a parent frustrated with a misbehaving child. “Stop it. You’re being ridiculous.”
“So let me be ridiculous!” you yell back, trying unsuccessfully to extricate yourself from his grip. “What the hell is it to you? Are you worried that for once I’m not going to be there when you need a place to collapse at four in the morning?”
The two of you reach the corner where the alley meets the street and he swings you to face him, glowering at you with a terrifying expression, gripping your biceps so hard you know you’ll be bruised in the morning. He says nothing but stares at you until he whips his arm out and hails a taxi seemingly out of nowhere.
He launches you, there’s no other word for it, into the back seat of the car and snarls your address to the driver as your tears start to fall. The cabbie is noticeably uncomfortable with your quiet whimpering and seems confused by the fact that Aleister does nothing to comfort or engage you. He sits with his arms folded, scowling, until you arrive at your building. Reflexively, you reach for your purse only to have Aleister swat your hand away and pay the driver himself. You try to keep pace as he yanks you towards the door, but stumble because of your unsure footing in these strange heels and because your vision is glazed by the tears you’re fighting to hold in.
When Aleister pins you against the door and rummages through your purse to find your keys, it somehow feels more invasive than Roman gripping your ass for an entire bar full of people to see. You feel, for a moment, that he is looking at you with tenderness. But when the door opens, he simply guides you through it. As you hear it click shut, the last of your strength, physical and emotional, gives out and you drop to your knees, finally allowing the tears to fall. It’s a full-on ugly cry, punctuated by guttural, anguished sounds you’d never allow anyone else to hear. Despite everything, you desperately want to hear the door open again behind you and to hear him say that he’s realized he loves you.
But no, in the end, he’s just found it gross that the woman he sees as his caregiver might have another side. He found you pathetic in your overpriced dress and shoes. He knew that you were desperately trying to act like something you could never be: like someone who could compete with the perfected Instagram beauties he fucks every night. You could never be that. He knew that you were just a sad little woman decked out in a gaudy outfit. You’d never be that sexy, desirable person who stopped men dead in their tracks, no matter what your dance with Roman had temporarily led you to believe.
You’re on your knees for what seems like hours, choking on tears and snot and trying to restrain yourself from howling. Just as the sound overpowers you and a low wail escapes your lips, you’re startled by a pair of arms, familiar, tattooed arms wrapping around your waist from behind.
“Shh. There’s no need for any of that,” he grunts into your hair.
And while you’re shocked and thrilled that he actually stayed behind to make sure that you were ok, it’s also even more humiliating that he’s seen you fall apart so spectacularly. Your body feels limp with defeat and unable to react at all as he gathers you up and carries you into your bedroom, setting you gently on the edge of the bed. He rests his hand on yours for a moment and you’re able to stem the flow of tears until he stands up and heads back towards the door. This time, you’re determined to hold in the worst of your misery until you’re sure he’s gone, even though you can’t stop the tears from running down your face.
But after a few minutes of straining to hear the door close, you see Aleister return, a damp washcloth in hand, and he sits once again beside you on the edge of the bed. He presses the cloth, cool and soothing, against your cheeks and then holds your chin as he delicately wipes it across your face. It takes you some minutes to realize that he’s removing your smeared makeup, cleaning you off so that you look good as new, so that you look more like the plain girl who lets him into her home in the middle of the night, his touch filled with a tenderness that you never imagined him capable of. When he’s satisfied with his work, he tosses the cloth aside and wraps an arm around you, pulling you close against him. The sweetness of his friendly gesture makes you want to cry all over again but you choke it back, knowing that you’ll have plenty of time for that when he’s gone.
“Can I stay here tonight?” he whispers, the sound of his voice making you feel weak.
You nod and roughly pull back from him, unsure of your ability to stop yourself from throwing yourself at him and begging him to wreck you. You fumble with the zipper of your boots until Aleister slides off the bed and onto his knees and removes it for you. He glides his hand along your calf, up to your thigh and then moves to your other boot. As he slides it off, he presses his head against the side of your knee, giving the skin a light kiss before rocking back on his haunches. You know he’s being gentle with you because he feels sorry for you. He finds you pitiful, which is even worse than finding you asexual.
The feelings are too much for you to take and all you can think of is that you want to get into bed where you’ll be safe and where you can sleep off the nightmare your evening out has become. You clumsily shed your dress, stockings, bra and panties without thinking much of the fact that you have an audience. Why should it bother him seeing you naked, after all? Normally, you put on some nightclothes but you don’t even have the strength to bother. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see that Aleister has turned his head towards the door. He’s embarrassed for you, the way you would be if a parent or sibling was undressing around you.
You crawl under the covers with a grumbled “good night” and immediately start to feel yourself drift off. You’re jolted back to wakefulness when Aleister climbs in beside you. In all the time you’ve known him, as many nights as he’s come and collapsed on your sofa, you don’t think he’s ever seen your bedroom. Now, having seen it, he’s apparently happy not to leave it, indulging in the comfort of your bed without even asking permission. It makes you a little self-conscious that you’re nude but it’s hardly the most humiliating thing to happen to you tonight, so you let yourself ignore it. If you can just fall asleep, this night will be over and you can begin the process of trying to forget it.
It’s only a matter of seconds, though, until you feel his body pressed against yours from behind, one hand coming to rest flat on your stomach and pushing you back against him so that you are acutely aware that you are not the only person naked in the bed. The hand on your stomach flutters downward until his fingers are moving lightly over your pussy, like he’s plucking the strings of a harp. His other arm wraps around your shoulders and keeps you flush against him, close enough that you can’t mistake the feeling of his erection against your back.
He presses his lips and tongue against your neck, making you whimper as you try to keep your heart rate stable. Your little noises seem to motivate him further, his touch becoming more insistent and one of his legs snaking over yours, pulling it back to give his hand greater access.
“Such a little fool,” he murmurs, his fingers stroking insistently along your fleshy folds. “Thinking I don’t see you as a sexual being.”
He sinks his teeth into your shoulder, making you cry out- more from the shock than the pain. His mouth continues to move around your neck and shoulders, nipping and sucking on the skin there, his grip on you tightening until it’s nearly painful.
“What are you doing?” you manage to ask.
“Leaving marks,” he says matter-of-factly.
You’re at a loss for what to say, but are saved from having to answer as he pushes two fingers inside you, his thumb rubbing slow circles over your clit. You’re embarrassed that he must have felt how wet you were just from being in his presence but he says nothing, quickening his pace and giving satisfied little growls when his touch elicits gasps and cries of pleasure from you.
It’s pity, you remind yourself; what he’s doing to you, he’s doing it because he feels sorry for you and because he’s drunk and horny despite his encounter earlier in the evening. But the thought gets whisked away as he brings you closer and closer to what you’ve desperately needed from him for so long. You let out a little shriek when he removes his hand, unable to believe he’s so cruel as to bring you to the precipice and then deny you. But he simply flips you onto your back before pressing his fingers inside you once more, watching your reactions to be sure he’s hitting just the right spot before burying his face between your legs. His tongue, lips and fingers work together like an orchestra. Your knuckles are white from the force of clenching on the sheets and you’re biting down so hard on your lip to muffle the sounds you’re making that you’re worried your teeth will end up permanently embedded. He unexpectedly raises his head and stills the movement of his hand inside you and the shock is almost enough to make you start crying again. You look down at him, his eyes sparkling in the low light with an expression you can’t read.
“Why won’t you let me hear you?”
Because you don’t want him to know how good his merciful little gesture is making you feel. Because you don’t want to admit to yourself that it’s better than you’d imagined. Truthfully, whenever you’ve thought about the mechanics of sex with Aleister, you imagined that it would be fast and rough and hedonistic, much like his other sexual encounters seem to be. But he’s chosen this moment to take his time, to focus on his partner, rather than go for a quick, dirty fuck in a darkened corner.
You don’t tell him any of this, instead croaking out, “I’m shy.”
He raises himself up and over your body with the effortless grace of a serpent, pressing his head close to yours and kissing along your jawline.
“What do I have to do to make you not be shy?”
“I don’t know… I just… am.” You wriggle a little under him, turning your face away when he looks directly into your eyes.
He cups your face in one hand and runs the other, still wet with your juices, over your breast, teasing the nipple and making you shudder involuntarily.
“Am I moving too fast?”
You shake your head, not quite trusting your voice.
“Is there something that you’d enjoy more? Something you want me to do for you?”
You give him another little shake of the head.
“You don’t have to be shy with me. Whatever you want, I want you to tell me so I can give it to you. Anything.”
For the first time, he kisses you on the lips, his tongue, that still tastes of you, slides against yours and the hand at the side of your face slides to hold your neck, cradling your head so that you don’t have to tense any muscles to stay in that position. Your body has nothing it needs to do but experience the sensations he’s creating. Of course, you still answer his kiss, hungrily flashing your tongue against his, reveling in the light scrape of his lip ring against your lips. His hand glides back down between your legs, and even the proximity is enough to draw a couple of little mewls of pleasure. You feel him smile a little against your lips at the noises and he pulls away from the kiss.
“Am I making you feel good?”
You nod as he starts to work his fingers around your entrance once again.
“Do you want my mouth down there again?”
You nod even more vigorously than the first time but he shakes his head.
“Tell me. Say it out loud.”
You open your mouth to do so and he immediately thrusts his long fingers into your g-spot and your clit at once, making you yelp in pleasure. It’s almost enough to make you cum on its own but he eases the pressure before you reach that peak.
“Yes?” he asks again.
“Yes, fuck, yes!”
“Then let me hear you. Please.”
He returns his attention to your core and has you making all manner of unholy noises in short order. He expertly teases you and then holds back, so many times that when he does finally take you over the edge, you feel like you might pass out from the intensity of it. Your gasps for breath sound cavernous in the quiet room.
He keeps the palm of his hand firmly against you as he leans forward and presses his lips into your neck, letting out a satisfied purr every time an aftershock rolls through your body.
When he’s satisfied that you’ve fully come down, he raises himself up on his arms, giving just the hint of a smile when you grab onto his biceps to steady yourself.
He’s so rigid that he doesn’t even need a hand to guide himself into you. He simply presses forward in one slow but sure moment, his eyes closed as if it’s a kind of religious experience, not opening them until he’s fully seated inside you. It’s been long enough since you’ve been with anyone that the feeling of being stretched draws a little whimper from your throat. He remains still, his eyes open and bearing down on you with a delirious kind of excitement, aching prick twitching inside you, desperate to proceed but waiting for a signal that he can.
And it’s at that moment that you allow yourself to think that this isn’t pity or a drunken mistake, that he’s as hungry for you as you have been for him and that what’s happened tonight has just served to connect a circuit. The fiercely possessive look in his eyes as he watches you, the fury when he thought someone else was claiming you, the need to mark you to make you his, the flush of pure lust on his face and chest… it is just a little frightening, something you suspected was in him but never that it was focused on you. But you’ve always known you could handle his darkness if he let you in. So you thrust your hips a little and wrap your legs loosely around his waist to show him that he can continue. Just as he starts to move, he cups your face and presses his mouth to your ear.
“You deserve so much better.”
“Stop trying to make those decisions for me,” you moan, feeling your insides flutter with his movements.
“I’ve never felt anything like that jealousy.” He’s staring into your eyes as he confesses. He lifts one of your legs over his shoulder pressing deeper inside you and gasping at the feeling. “Knowing that everyone could see how sexy and beautiful you are… And I’m an idiot for waiting for that to happen before I did anything, I just…”
He grimaces and slows his pace a little, obviously trying to prolong the sensation.
“You mean it?” You have to ask because you still can’t quite believe that this has been on his mind for all this time when he’s shown no sign of it to you.
“God yes,” he answers through gritted teeth, once again allowing himself to move faster and more urgently.
You can’t completely banish your fears that he’s going to regret this in the morning and just shut you out again but every second with him is pushing them further away. You lace your fingers through his hair, nipping at the shell of his ear as he lets out his own stream of desperate, lusty noises, running your nails gently down his back as he approaches his crescendo.
His head drops to your chest and he cries out as he releases inside you.
“Fuck I love you, fuck I love you, fuck I love you.” He repeats it like a mantra that brings him back down from his high, saying it a final time as he looks into your eyes.
Slowly, he rolls onto his side, gathering you close to him like he thinks an errant breeze might carry you away.
“I have…” he begins quietly, “… there’s a lot that goes on in my head… Bad things, I guess. I thought you’d run away. Or that I’d pull you down with me. I still don’t know that won’t happen.”
He looks so vulnerable that it makes your heart hurt but at the same time you have to stifle a smile.
“Well I’d rather you let me try to deal with it. I’m a lot tougher than you give me credit for being.”
His expression grows a little guilty and he nods. He wraps his arms tighter around you and you do the same until the two of you are lying in your bed, wound around each other.
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aseioh · 3 years
Of Stars and Moonlit walks pt.2/?
Notes: Some housekeeping first. Donna for the purpose of this story will be based partly on her unused content from the game as well as some canon info. This means that she has a darker background than the one that was used in the game proper as I would really like to incorporate those into this story.
Another thing is that as you’ve probably read from the previous chapter. The characters here are slightly out of character, I’m afraid this is entirely my problem as I’m not used to writing stories
Chapter 2: Dinner with a show
Dinner with the Dimitrescus’ was never a quiet affair, in fact it is the very definition of a happy family dinner. The three daughters vying for their Mother’s attention, retelling their afternoon adventures. Alcina sitting at the head of the table patiently listening to everything her daughters tell her, her smile so much different from the usual smirk or predatory grin she sports during the meetings with Mother Miranda and the other Lords.
It made her look softer; Motherhood seems to suite her like her gloves.
At the back of Donna mind, she remembers her childhood before things went bad. Sunday roast dinners made by Mother, Father sneaking from behind to leave a kiss on her Mother’s cheek. Yes, everything seems so simple back then.
The dining room itself is small and cozy, Donna guesses that this room is where the family usually dines compared to the cavernous dining hall that exits into their courtyard.
Across the table Bela has been silently studying their mysterious guest. Of course she has been joining her sisters retell their afternoon escapades in the garden and how they had manage to scare the new maids. But throughout dinner she has been subtly glancing at Donna.
The women certainly is interesting, so quiet compared to her doll that you would have imagined that the chatty doll is the Lord and the woman is the puppet. But she had listened to her Mother’s lesson unlike her two sisters. She knows who Donna Beneviento is, what the woman is capable of.
What an interesting study, I wonder what is behind that veil.
‘She must be pretty.’ She thought as she swirls the wine in her glass.
“So Angie, wanna play hide and seek? Bet you can’t find us! We’re very good at that game” Daniela challenges Angie. The moment that the youngest sister saw the moving doll she has become utterly fascinated by it.
It was obvious that Angie was the greatest doll Donna possesses, as she has mostly used the doll as an extension of her psyche. That said, the doll seems to be capable of autonomous actions based on the way she flitters around the room inspecting various stuff that catches her attention.
“Ha you’re talking to the greatest hide and seeker! Hehehe, alright. Let’s play” Angie exclaimed hopping up and down Donna’s side.
“she really is one of a kind huh?” Cassandra muses.
“Yes, my Father built and gifted her to me on my birthday, we’ve been inseparable since. When I’ve received my gift from Mother Miranda I’ve decide to share some of my psyche with her. In a way she is an extension of myself, albeit a rather excitable one at that.” Donna explains as she looks on fondly at Angie.
As Alcina stands up from her chair and offers her hand to Donna “Yes well enough of that melancholy dear, shall we retire or will you join me for a short night cap.”
“And girls if you are going to play with Angie make sure that you don’t cause too much noise. God knows we need some rest after today.”
“Yes Mother!” the three answers in unison
“You guys hide, and I’ll seek” Daniela announces as she grins predatorily. The ‘preys’ have already scattered before she even finished her sentence. After counting to ten she proudly bellows “READY or NOT, HERE I COMEEE!!” with that she disintegrates into hundreds of flies intent on ‘hunting’ her preys.
Adjourning to another room the two Lords sit in front of a roaring fire. Alcina casually cupping one of her finest vintages, while Donna content on sipping her tea.
“Donna when I asked you to join me for a night cap, I didn’t expect you to drink tea” Alcina chuckles at Donna’s preferred drink.
Donna having removed her veil as she was alone with Alcina responds by standing up and taking the crystal decanter by the table. She pours a fingers worth of aged whiskey into her cup. Smirking she raises her tea laced whiskey to Alcina and gulps down a mouthful.
Seeing this Alcina roars into laughter. “You really can surprise anyone” Wiping a stray tears from her eyes “and that is why anyone who underestimates you meets their end.”
“At that I can only blame them” Donna answers. The two fell into a companionable silence, the silence only broken by the occasional cracking of the fire.
“Tell me Donna, how is your project with Heisenberg. I do hope the man is not running you haggard. I know that it concerns Mother Miranda’s plan but you shouldn’t run yourself to hard. Let Heisenberg sweat a bit”
“Thank you for your concern Alcina, but you shouldn’t worry. Believe it or not Karl and I are very efficient with our work, and yes, I let him do all the heavy lifting. I’m just there when he needs a second opinion on the new ‘soldat’ hardware.” Donna levels Alcina with a grateful smile, who knew that the tallest and blood thirsty Lord of the village have a soft spot for her ‘siblings’.
“Yes, yes I’m just worried that Mother Miranda has been running you ragged. Lord knows she’s been going full tilt with her so called ‘plan’.
“Actually Alcina, may I ask you for a favor?”
“Depends, does it involve the depletion of our whiskey stores?” At that Alcina couldn’t help but give a short chuckle.
“Very funny. But no. I would never deprive Karl of his favorite drink.” Donna shakes her head, pin it to the back of her head ‘Alcina is a funny half-drunk.’
“No, I was wondering if you would allow me to tour your greenhouse. I would love to see your plants and roses.”
“Is that all? Of course, I’ll ask Bela to take you tomorrow. She’s usually the one to tend to my roses, she’s picked up the hobby after reading some books and my roses have never looked livelier.”
“Thank you.”
A knock on the door alerts Donna that her companion for the day has arrived. From what Angie has relayed to her last night, the girls had fun with their game with Angie being declared the ultimate victor followed closely by Cassandra. Apparently being a small doll makes it near impossible to find her inside the huge castle.
“Good morning Donna, shall we go to the greenhouse?” Bela extends her arms towards the hallway as they make their way to the greenhouse.
“You look pretty today Bela! I love your dress, it suits you so much it brings out your eyes!” Angie says as she turns her head to face Bela. Donna who has been carrying Angie had to think hard on not dropping the doll or stop walking.
Bela for her part slightly blushes at the compliment. “You really think so Angie?” Angie enthusiastically nods her head, fearing that it might fall off Donna decides to intervene.
“Angie’s right Bela, you look really beautiful today.” At that Bela’s blush blossoms like one of her Mother’s roses. “Thank you, Angie, Donna”
“I must say though, your hands are beautiful Donna, they look so soft-“ Bela stops herself before she could say more and embarrass herself further. ‘Really Bela, her hands are pretty, Mother Miranda above what are you a child!?’ she chides herself.
Not knowing how to respond to such a compliment herself, Donna instead slows down her walk and whispers, “Thank you, Bela” Although Bela doesn’t seem to hear as she was busy chiding herself.
Thankfully the two arrive at the Castle’s greenhouse without any hitch.
Entering the great building Donna is surprised by the sheer number of plants that the building houses. Exotic plants that can only survive in tropical climates seem to thrive even in their Romanian climate. At the center of place is Alcina’s roses, the bushes so lush its as if each rose were painted there. Truly they were the main attraction of the greenhouse.
“They’re beautiful, and is it true that you yourself tended to these flowers?” Donna enquired as she caresses the petals of a rose amazed at the softness of it.
“Well, yes. I read in the library on the optimal way to care for the roses. I though that I could try my hands on caring for them. To ward off boredom of course, Mother said that we should look for hobbies and stop terrorizing the hired help” Bela explains as she tries not to blush on how Donna touches the plant.
“I don’t think it’s just that Bela. You have a big heart. You’ve managed to grow something from this barren and frozen place. You gave it your time and love and in return, they bloom for you.” Donna says quietly voice soft it’s as if the wind itself is talking.
Bela blushes furiously and is left speechless. ‘this is the third time she’s been made to blush! What the hell Bela get a hold of yourself’.
Donna sensing that she has said too much tries to back paddle. “I’m sorry it’s just how I see here. I hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable.”
“No thank you Donna, really that’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me.”
Thankfully the awkwardness of the place changes when Cassandra barrels through the greenhouse. “Lady Beneviento, may Angie play with us again? We want a rematch with her. This time we’ll definitely win” She says with fire in her voice.
And even though her sisters have said that she can sometimes gloss over and ‘cannot read the room’, Cassandra knew for certain that something has happened. It might be the blush her elder sister is sporting or the subtle twitch of Donna’s hands.
But there are more pressing matters at hand, a Champion needs to be dethroned. Therefore she filed the weird atmosphere around Donna and Bela for another time.
At the mention of the challenge Angie becomes animated and hops off to run into Cassandra. The three leaves Donna alone to ponder the situation inside the greenhouse.
Perhaps her stay at Castle Dimitrescu would be full of surprises after all.
Another note: I’ve also been made aware that Donna may suffer from Agoraphobia. I’m sorry that I haven’t taken that into consideration when writing this story, in this case Donna just suffers from a slight fear of unknown people and will not talk at all if she’s in front of new people (which won’t technically happen in this fic)
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wheresmybuckyhoes · 3 years
The 3 forbidden words
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Summary: What does Bucky do when you accidently let slip the 3 words everyone fears to say first in a relationship?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: Angst, loss of loved ones, swearing, references to sex, depression, numbness
This is another wonderful ask from @summerdaughter. This is quite an angsty fic, but as promised I ended it with a lot of fluff. Enjoy my lovelies x
*2 years ago*
You let out a satisfied sigh as you finished leafing through the mission briefing, sliding a rusted paper clip onto the thick stack of paper to hold it all together. You tossed it carelessly onto your bed side table, reaching over with a small groan to switch of the night light. You fell back into the warm embrace of your bed, eyes fluttering shut. Finally some rest. Finally you can silence your thoughts and drift off into blissful sleep. Finally you can quieten thoughts that you don’t dare let yourself think of even for second, for fear you will spiral back into the numbness that had consumed you since Thanos... Finally, you can sleep. But almost as soon as relief washes over you, your body tenses up once more and you see their faces in the darkness, eyes snapping open, you almost cry out into the silence.
You always hear people blaming a restless night or two on stress, insomnia or having a lot on their mind. No one ever talks about what losing that which you love can do to a person, when you’re all alone in your bed, accompanied by only the still silence of the empty room you spend most of your time in and your own prison - cell of a mind. It’s then, in the dead of night, that you miss them most. You miss their playful jokes, the way they would laugh with you, the way they would cry with you, the way their touch felt upon your skin. You missed Tony’s stupid inventions he gifted you when you were sad. You missed the feeling of Nat’s careful fingers braiding your hair when you were too tired to do so. You missed feeling like nothing could hurt you ever again when you were in Steve’s arms. For most, when darkness fell like a blanket upon the Earth, it was time to go to sleep. Not you, apparently.
You pushed yourself out from between the blankets, exposed feet making contact with the cool wooden floor. You swept the hair off your neck into a loose ponytail, the slight draft from the open window tickling your nape. You didn’t mind it in the slightest. You cringed at every creak and whinge of the floorboards, knowing you wouldn’t forgive yourself for waking Sam or Peter who both also barley got enough sleep as it is. You mindlessly made your way to the kitchen, lost in thought. You wanted some sort of alcoholic drink, something to dull your senses and numb your body. Maybe you would make some tea and spike it with vodka, or maybe you would just skip the tea and go straight for the vodka. You were surprised to find Bucky pulled up to the bar as you turned the corner, sipping generously on a whiskey, your breath catching as you took in his moon - lit frame. He was wearing grey sweatpants, tied loosely, but evidently he had chosen to wear nothing to cover his toned back which you found oddly calming to watch as he inhaled and exhaled slowly. You tried to match your speed with his, only just now noticing how quickly you had been breathing. He turned around, not a single hint of surprise or shock registering on his face as he beckoned with his head for you to sit beside him. You obliged gratefully, happy to have some company for once.
*one week ago*
‘and Wanda?’ you ask, Doctor Strange’s hologram stood in front of you as you nibbled on some toast. ‘We’re not sure. Last we heard, she had broken into some SWORD facility. I’ll update you if we find anything else’ he replied, giving you a sad smile with a million different meanings behind it. ‘...and how are we dealing with Morgan?’ you asked, voice breaking as you tried not to think about how she has to grow up without a father, just like you did. ‘Pepper is doing just fine with Happy’s help. Don’t worry about her, y/n. You’ve got enough on your plate as it is’, Strange replied sympathetically. You nodded dutifully, thanking him and switching off the device. ‘They’ll find her, y/n. Don’t worry. They have to’ Peter comforted you, patting your shoulder apologetically. He may not have known Wanda for long, but he knew how close you two were, and don’t get me started on how closely he sympathised with Morgan Stark. 
Peter soon left after he had downed a few cups of shitty coffee, promising to return in the afternoon. You had seen him try to grab his suit without you noticing, but you decided to leave him be, saying nothing to Sam as he also left to go help out with something in Wakanda. You had been alone for an hour or so at most when Bucky strolled in, humming to himself a song which seemed all too familiar. ‘What’s that song. I know it’ you questioned, patting the couch as Bucky slumped down beside you. ‘I don’t know the name, doll’ he sighed, swinging his arm around the back of your shoulders, in a way that almost seemed like he was sort of shielding you. You always felt safe beside Bucky. You pulled his face against yours, kissing him softly as he cupped your face gently with his metallic fingers. ‘I was worried Spidey boy was going to hog you forever’ Bucky laughed, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip making you giggle. You sighed contently as you melted into his warm embrace, inhaling his heavenly, euphoric scent. Without thinking, the 3 forbidden words poured out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. I love you. Withdrawing his hand abruptly, you noticed Bucky’s eyes widen slightly in a panic, his hands meeting each other in his lap, flesh fingers tracing over metal ones as he always did when he was uncomfortable. ‘...this couch. I love this couch’ you corrected yourself awkwardly, not wanting to make eye contact for fear of tears from your eyes at once, like blood from a wound. Uncontrollable, painful.
But as Bucky laughed nervously, getting up to grab a mug of tea, you bit your lip in deep thought. You had been dating for almost 2 years, now. It was easy, and made sense, finding comfort in each-other after suffering the same loses. It had been going well, even better than well. Great. You had slept together after only a few weeks, finding his touch not only pleasurable, but comforting, almost filling one of the many holes puncturing your heart. You never felt the need to label yourself, confident that Bucky wanted and felt the same as you, reciprocating your love for him. But what if you were wrong?
But if he felt the same as you, why then, was he so scared of saying ‘I love you’ back? You got up, shaking slightly as you walked around the kitchen island to stand in front of him. ‘I love you, Bucky’ you stated, looking him straight in those big blue eyes. Bucky on the other hand suddenly found his cup of tea super interesting, staring at it intently. You shook your head with frustration, taking the cup out of his hand and placing it down harshly on the countertop with a sharp bang, tea spilling over the sides. ‘Why won’t you say it back, Barnes?’.
Bucky almost choked on air as ‘Barnes’ fired from your mouth. Now he knew you were angry, but he didn’t understand. ‘I don’t understand’ he said truthfully, finally finding your eyes with his own. ‘Why do we need to say it out loud when we’re both thinking it anyway?’ he asked you, a look of genuine confusion splayed across his face. ‘That’s what people like us usually do’ you replied, reminding yourself to hold your tongue carefully and not let your bad - temper take over.
‘What do you mean, people like us?’ he continued with his previous style of stupid questioning, and you wondered how someone could be this daft. ‘A couple, Bucky! Boyfriend and girlfriend. People who are dating. Lovers. Partners. Must I continue?’ you replied, losing your patience with him. You had already been through so much pain, did he really need to inflict even more. ‘I told you when we started this thing, doll, I wasn’t ready to date. I had just lost Steve...’ you noticed a slight waver in his voice at the mention of Steve, and you too slightly winced upon hearing the name of your beloved friend who had left you both when you needed him most. At the same time, hearing him call you doll when you were so enraged just ticked you off even more. ‘...and I wasn’t ready to be romantically involved with anyone’ he finished, waiting to see your reaction. If ever there was a time for Bucky to be scared, it was now.
You bit down harshly on your tongue to stop yourself from crying, because you knew once you let the pain in, it would never stop. ‘But it’s been 2 years Bucky. I thought...’ you waved your hand dismissively in the air as if you were waving an actual thought away. ‘So it was just sex to you?’ you finally dared ask, the question almost a punch to Bucky’s gut, causing him to writhe under your burning gaze. ‘No, doll, no it wasn’t just sex I never -‘ he tried to scramble for some sort of logical explanation, but you were hurt beyond belief.
You exhaled humorously, laughing to yourself. ‘You’re the winter soldier, Bucky. Enhanced to live many more years than the average human. You and Steve both. Need I remind you I’m just a weak mortal, like them. Just like Tony, and Nat, and look where they ended up. Dead’ you spoke the last word with such pain and sharpness, it was like you had stabbed Bucky with one of his own knives, and Bucky almost trembled. You forgot he could hear your heartbeat, part of the perks of being ‘enhanced’, as you called it, and your heart was racing faster and faster with every passing moment. All he could do was listen to it race away, and try not to let his own one break.
‘You may still have battles to fight. People to avenge, people to make amends with. But I am so done with this bullshit Bucky. I’ve lost enough to know that I never want to kill another soul again. Thanos was the last. Thanos is the last. I want to settle down. Maybe even start a family one day, I don’t fucking know. I was hoping it could be with you’ Bucky tried to interject but you held up a red tipped finger, silencing him.
‘If your not ready, that’s fine. I’m ok with that. You know why, Barnes? Because I fucking love you, and I’ll never stop loving you, till the end of the line’  your lip quivered with that last sentence, shoving him back and racing to the elevator to escape this place, to escape him. You don’t know how many hours you were gone for, but when you came back, he was gone.
‘It’s not your fault he’s gone, y/n. Don’t you dare blame yourself, he made his choice’ Sam spoke gently, a solemn, understanding look passing between him and Peter. You plastered a fake smile on your face, one not quite reaching your eyes as you reassured them you weren’t blaming yourself. A lie.
Bucky was gone when you came back the day of your fight, all that was left was a note scrawled in his old-fashioned handwriting. You noticed parts of the ink was slightly smudged in an odd sort of way, like salted tears had fallen upon it. I’m sorry doll. I love you so much, I really do. I’m just so unbelievably scared that if we became serious, I would just end up hurting you, just like I did them. You blinked back tears, realising he was referring to Steve, Nat and Tony. ‘It’s not your fault baby’, you whispered to the empty room.
The ringing of the doorbell stirred you from your thoughts, causing you to jump. ‘Wait here’ Sam commanded you as him and Peter entered the elevator and travelled down to see who was bothering what was left of the avengers. You watched the numbers go all the way from 6 down to 0 as the elevator evidently reached the ground floor.
A few minutes passed. You sat at the kitchen table, sipping gingerly on that shitty coffee you all loved so much before you heard the elevator ding as it slid open to reveal Sam, Peter and Bucky stood inside. It was then that Peter suddenly decided he had to help Sam with ‘stuff’, as the spider boy so poetically and subtly put it. You glared at the boys as they shuffled around in the small elevator, swiftly making a getaway, as Bucky timidly stepped out. You crossed your arms.
‘Back again so soon? Here to hurt your other friends?’ you shot at him, pushing down the feeling of guilt as soon as the words left your mouth. You seemed to have forgotten the words of his note as quickly as you had read them. Bucky walked up to you, nervously to say the least, reaching into his pocket. You raised your eyebrows in confusion awaiting his response, as he took a deep breath.
The look of confusion soon morphed into shock as the super soldier gracefully got down to one knee, pulling out what you recognised with awe to be a ring. ‘I’m so sorry I hurt you doll. Took me a few days to get my shit together, realise Steve would kick me for leaving if he was still here, find the right one (he nodded towards the ring held so carefully in his hands), and I couldn’t let you down again...won’t let you down ever again. I love you more than I could ever put into words and would love nothing more then to be with you...till the end of the line’ You struggled to hold in tears as you hands flew to your mouth, the first real smile of many days growing to cover your face. Your shaky breaths only quickened as Bucky smiled at you like a happy puppy, at last sure of where he wanted to be, and who he wanted to be with.
‘Y/n S/n, will you make me the happiest super soldier alive and...’ Bucky tried to say as he held the ring out to you from beneath you, but a high pitched ‘Yes’ escaped from your mouth muffled by your trembling hands as you nodded, cheeks now glistening with tears. ‘You didn’t let me finish, will you...’
‘Yes’ you stopped him again as his sweet eyes crinkled at the sides from both laughter and frustration, as e stood up and you quickly brushed your lip against his impatiently.
‘Marry me, doll’ he finished, as he slid the ring perfectly onto your finger, diamond sparkling in the sunlight as you heard a small squeal from the direction of the elevator followed by the sound of a man elbowing a teenage boy playfully in the ribs. Before he could get another word out, you pulled Bucky in by the collar of his tight leather jacket with one arm ripped off, kissing him deeply, pouring in all your love and affection. You pulled back, reaching for his hand and pulling him towards the bedroom, away from a few certain someones prying eyes.
‘I thought this relationship wasn’t about sex?’ the handsome motherfucker grinned. ‘Oh so you don’t want to fuck me then, Barnes?’ Oh, now he was in trouble. ‘I never said that...’ he replied smugly, tossing you over his shoulder bringing you both to your room, onto the bed and under the covers.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
A Date with an Angel // Part Two // Hidan and Obito
“Order whatever you want; I swiped the old fuck’s credit card so dinner’s on him!” Konan panics at this, and refuses to pick up her menu until Hidan takes out his wallet and proves that he was just kidding. Today was Hidan’s turn at entertaining the lovely little lady, and he had originally intended to take her to a heavy metal performance at bar downtown (he was friends with the lead guitarist so they would have gotten in free). However, after he informed Nagato of his plans, he was met with a disappointing “Konan hates heavy metal.”, so he decided to take her to dinner instead. She seemed entirely suspicious when he approached her earlier (wearing a dress shirt and tie instead of his usual dirty muscle tank and ripped sweatpants), but nonetheless agreed to go with him to a quiet little cafe a few blocks down from the house. Konan has never really known what to make of Hidan. He was just slightly older than Deidara, but (in Konan’s opinion) ranking much higher on the “immaturity” wheel. He’s been nicknamed by the rest of the group as “Mr. Never-Dies”, because no matter what happens, what job he takes on, how badly he’s hurt ... he just keeps getting back up. One time he came home with blood running from the crown of his head and flowing into his boots, but rather than let anyone take him to a hospital, Hidan took out a needle and made Kakuzu stitch the gash on his forehead. No painkillers, no alcohol, not even any flinching. Anyone else would have been substantially messed up after such a heavy blood loss ... but Hidan was just fine, in fact laughing and talking like nothing was amiss. He’s extremely foul-mouthed and has a thing for telling dirty jokes, but today, on his date with Konan, he’s making a great effort to restrain himself. Hidan wants very badly to put his arm around her waist as he walks along beside her, but resists as he knows Nagato will tear him a new asshole if he makes her in anyway uncomfortable. He’s at a loss for what to talk to her about, so he simply asks her how she’s feeling. There’s a pause, and she goes “I’m not really sure. I lost my mood ring yesterday.” He bursts out laughing, so hard that she blushes. “That’s pretty damn funny, lady.”Konan tilts her head in surprise; nobody had ever complimented her humor before. In fact she’s usually told that the few jokes she does make are very flat, or somewhat dark. Fast forward to the cafe, where Konan is surprised again that Hidan asks for a table that’s “quiet”, and pulls out her chair for her. The waiter comes back and Konan is amused by the amount of food that Hidan is ordering. When it’s her turn, her mind is a blank, so she just orders the last thing he said (which was spaghetti and meatballs). “That’s all?” he asks, as the waiter collects their menus and leaves. “No wonder you’re so slender.” She asks him how in the world HE’S so skinny when he eats so much, and he explains he has a fast metabolism, like his mother. Konan is interested; she’s never heard him mention his family before. As if reading her mind, he says, “Me and those guys just don’t get along. They wrote me off as a brain-dead bastard when I said I wasn’t goin’ to college.” “College isn’t everything, you know. People have to do what’s right for them.” Hidan agrees, and begins telling her his much he enjoys working for Nagato, and the type of jobs they do. It’s interesting; when you got him away from the others and in a calm, quiet setting, Hidan was ... normal. Normal and actually very charming. And although he never says it out-loud, Konan gets the strong impression that Hidan has come to consider the rest of the group as being a surrogate family. Then the food comes out and Hidan turns into a different creature altogether. He eats much like an animal, viciously and indiscriminately. But instead of being disgusted by this, Konan ... feels relaxed. There’s an unspoken feeling here, that with Hidan, she can let go and be herself. She doesn’t have to worry about looking pretty, or eating daintily, or acting “like a lady”. In fact Hidan orders them ice cream sundaes for dessert,
then challenges her to see who can eat theirs the fastest. Hidan ends up winning, but they end up with a horrible case of brain-freeze that leaves them both paralyzed for several moments ... yet laughing pretty hard. Even though Konan ate far less than Hidan, she feels quite stuffed nonetheless and mentions this to Hidan, who immediately offers to give her a piggy back ride home. She hesitates to accept; it’s a ways home and Konan feels she’s not the lightest woman in the world (especially after a big meal). But he insists, and she lets him hoist her into his back and trot back to the house with her. They laugh and joke the entire way, with Hidan making numerous comments about how light she is and how good she smells. “That’s one thing about living in a house full of guys for so long; I got so used to the smell of ass and dirty socks and Doritos that I forgot there’s people in the world who know what the fuck deodorant and shampoo are!” Konan laughs so hard at this that she slips off Hidan’s back and lands on her knees in the grass, holding her stomach and howling. Seeing that she likely won’t calm down anytime soon to grab onto his back again, Hidan picks her up and carries her in his arms the last two blocks home. He sets her down gently outside the front door, telling her how much fun she is to be with, when she throws her arms around his shoulders, squeezing him. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard,” she says as she lets him go, wiping tears from her eyes. “Thank you.” He hesitates, then leans down and very gently kisses her cheek, before telling her that she’s welcome to hang out with him anytime, because “I’ve got a million more jokes, doll, and I’ll gladly tell ‘em all to you.” He walks her to her room and chances giving her another kiss, this one on the forehead, before bidding her Goodnight.
“Can I ask you a question?” “Yeah?” “When we’re at home, when we’re around the others, why do you wear that thing?” It’s the next day, and Konan is at a bar (ironically, the same one that Hidan wanted to take her to the previous day) with Obito. Out of everyone in the house, Obito is the one that strikes Konan as being the most mysterious. To begin with, the day she met him he was wearing a unique orange half-mask over his face ... and never took it off. She questioned Nagato about it but he seemed reluctant to speak on Obito’s unique fashion choice, and none of the others acted as though there was anything strange about it. He joined he others for dinner each night but seemed to prefer sweets to actual food, and he was quiet. Nagato told Konan that Obito was more or less his right hand man within the organization, and had helped him recruit the other members. Obito never spoke to her unless she spoke first ... so naturally she had been surprised when he approached her as she was coming out of her room, and asked if she minded joining him for “a quick drink”. The bar, like everything else, was in walking distance of the house; but Obito took her on the back of his motorcycle. It was a short ride but an exhilarating one ... and it got even more exciting when, upon entering the bar, Obito glanced around, saw there weren’t many people, and took off his mask. He found them a seat at a table near the back, and ordered them both a glass of wine. Konan had tried her hardest not to stare at his face ((which was difficult; aside from a few jagged scars on the left side and what looked like a damaged eye, he was quite handsome)) but eventually he caught her looking, hence giving her the bravery to pose her question. Obito paused for several moments, as if contemplating what to say. “Why do women wear makeup? Why do people dye their hair or get piercings or tattoos or wear crazy clothes? It’s because they have something about themselves that they don’t like, so they try to cover it up. I don’t like my face. I haven’t since my accident.” Konan blinks, genuinely surprised at Obito’s answer. She chances it to ask “Accident?” He gave her a wry smile and ordered himself a shot of whiskey (and her an ice tea) saying he needed something stronger to tell her about it. “When I was a kid, my parents liked to go rock climbing. Took me with to National parks every summer. One year my dad got drunk and took me and my mom up a dangerous path. He pulled on a rock the wrong way, and it came out of the mountain, along with a bunch more, and crashed down on us. Really long fall; mom and dad killed right away. But me ... I guess the devil decided he wasn’t done with me. A boulder crushed this entire side of my body, and my face got fucked ... but I lived. Had to go to a lot of physical therapy. Also had to go live with my uncle Madara — that guy’s a piece of work. But anyway I lived and here we are, right?” Konan is quiet for a long while, watching the ice cubes float around in her glass. “I like you like this,” she finally says, and this time she’s looking him directly in the face. “I understand if you want to be someone different, or like, if you feel like your mask makes you different, but, if you ever want to be THIS Obito ... please come to my room. We can talk, we can listen to music and eat junk and watch movies and talk about books and —“ Obito interrupts her by putting both arms around her, squeezing her warmly. “Thank you, Konan.” They stay for another few hours, and Konan is pleasantly surprised to find that Obito without the mask, Obito away from the house ... is fantastic. He teaches her how to play pool, he keeps her laughing with countless stories about growing up with his “crazy uncle”. At one point in the night he convinces her to join him at the karaoke machine on the stage, and the two sing duets of Disney songs (to the thunderous applause of the few people at the bar).The ride back home is mostly quiet, him driving slower this time and her holding on to him, each filled with their own thoughts. Before they get to the front
door, Konan lifts Obito’s mask just the slightest bit, and kisses his cheek. “This is the best night I’ve had in a long, long time. I appreciate you letting me get to know you.” He smiles and blushes, then slides the mask back into place before opening the front door. Some of the others are in the living room, and Obito quietly greets them before heading to his room. Konan was awed by how effortless the switch from animated and somewhat goofy to reserved and calm seemed to be for him ... and found herself wondering if any of the others were putting on a facade as well. She takes her shower and goes to her room, intending to go to sleep early, but after about an hour of restlessly tossing back and forth, she gives it up. She turns her light back on and picks up the remote to her tv, thinking that maybe a good, boring show will put her to sleep. But before she can find anything, a knock comes on the door. She goes to open it, and is surprised to find Obito standing there. “I saw the light underneath your door. Can I come in?” She takes him by the arm and pulls him inside. Once inside, he slides off his mask and, looking around, finds a seat for himself on one of Konan’s chairs. He opens up his jacket to reveal a small book, worn and obviously read many times. “I saw you reading this last week. I remember you telling Sasori that you finished it. I was wondering; what did you think in Chapter seven, when —“
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niksixx · 4 years
New Generation: Meet the Kids
I know many of you have been waiting patiently for anything New Generation related, and I am happy to say I have finally completed a list of the NG kids! I hope you enjoy reading about my little characters, and I can’t wait to write a few little stories about them. 
A few shoutouts first. To all of you who have contributed to the characters’ personalities by sending in messages to my inbox, thank you. You have all made this series possible. I did my best to incorporate my own vision of the NG kids as well as your ideas to create something fun for us all. Second, a big shoutout to @pepeu-stuff for inspiring me. They have gone out of their way to draw a few characters (Farrah, Ezra, etc.) with their own interpretation and have inspired some of the traits for my characters. I truly cherish all of you, and I hope you enjoy the NG kids as much as I do.
A/N: Also, this is just a fanfiction. I tried my best to incorporate Crüe’s and GNR’s personalities into their ‘children’ but we all know kids can 100% be completely different from their parents. 🤗
Meet the Sixx Kids
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Nash Sixx 
Nash Sixx is the nineteen-year-old son of Nikki Sixx. He has dark hair and blue eyes with specks of green and a jawline most men would kill for. Like his father, he has an outgoing personality and a killer smirk that’s manipulated people into giving him what he wants more than once. He’s a college student that is studying music education, as he would like to be a music teacher. One of his best friends is Declan Rose, and he’s taught Declan a few tips and tricks when it comes to schmoozing the ladies. He’s also a big partier, and loves having his friends and cousins over to his college apartment. Nash’s favorite pastime though is sitting around the bonfire, glass of whiskey in his hand, while his father tells him stories of life on the road with Mötley Crüe.  
Harlow Sixx 
Harlow Sixx is the six-year-old daughter of Nikki Sixx. She has dark brown hair with clear blue eyes and free-spirited energy. Harlow and Penelope Lee are a package deal and will go nowhere without each other. She’s creative by nature, and sometimes will paint during rainy days. For a six year-old, Harlow is ridiculously intelligent. And just like her father, she has interests in photography and art.
Colby Sixx
Colby Sixx is the two-year-old son of Nikki Sixx. He has Nikki’s natural light brown hair and light blue-gray eyes. He loves finger painting with his sister, playing with toy cars, and putting together puzzles. 
Meet the Lee Kids 
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Penelope ‘Penny’ Lee
Penelope ‘Penny’ Lee is the five-year-old daughter of Tommy Lee. She’s a little girl with wavy brown hair (usually in pigtails with little bows attached), big brown eyes, a love for bright pink tutus, and has a bubbly, outgoing personality. She’s the spitting image of her father, and she has him wrapped around her tiny little finger. Penny Lee enjoys her dolls, her teddy bears, and tea parties. She’s been raised to be an independent child and loves exploring nature and making pretty flower bouquets. Penelope can be friends with anyone, and at five-years-old, she’s already shutting down the bullies who make fun of the other kids at preschool.
Meet the Mars Kids
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Dillion Mars 
Dillon Mars is the seventeen-year-old son of Mick Mars. He’s tall, lanky, with soft brown hair, blue eyes, and a sarcastic attitude. He’s not as quiet as his father, but he has his moments. Dillion tries not to take life too seriously, which is why he and Isaac Stradlin get along extremely well. Dillion has no interest in school, although he’s extremely smart in math and science. He’s president of his school’s mathletes club though he was pressured by his teachers and hates disappointing others. Most of his time is spent on the living room aimlessly playing his guitar,  Luckily, Dillon did not inherit his father’s bone disease, but he is a huge vodka drinker and occasionally will smoke cigarettes with the Stradlin twins and Ryan McKagan.
Meet the Neil Kids 
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Katerina ‘Kat’ Neil 
Katerina ‘Kat’ Neil is the eighteen-year-old daughter of Vince Neil. Kat’s thin blonde hair is usually styled straight or into two space buns on the top of her head with a few pieces framing her face. Green eyes the color of emeralds, she’s the chick every girl wants to be, and the girl every guy wants to be with. Katerina is friendly to all, but she’ll never let anyone take advantage of her kindness. As a senior in high school, she takes pride in being the captain of the cheerleading team, a lead choreographer in the dance club, and the president of the drama club. While the most popular girl in high school could have any boy she wanted, there’s only one boy that Katerina has ever been interested in. Unfortunately, that boy is Declan Rose, the son of her father’s arch enemy, Axl Rose. 
Carson Neil
Carson Neil is the fifteen-year-old son of Vince Neil. Carson’s shoulder length blonde hair resembles his father’s, and he was gifted with a singing voice that could cure the world’s problems. He’s mature for his age, which is why most of his friends are a few years older than him. Carson can be a bit stuck up though and a bit of a prima donna. When he’s not busy rehearsing lines for his school's theater productions, Carson is confined to his room blasting Aerosmith, Ozzy Osborne, and writing his own lyrics to songs he’ll never share. 
Meet the Rose Kids
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Declan Rose 
Declan Rose is the eighteen-year-old son of Axl Rose. He’s the spitting image of his father, except with shorter ginger hair with longer pieces framing his freckled face. Declan is unique in the fact that he refuses to follow in his father’s footsteps. While he enjoys listening to rock and his father’s old vinyl collection, Declan prefers hip-hop and rap music, much to his father’s dismay. Like Axl, Declan is extremely intelligent, and would decide to major in philosophy or psychology in college. He also does have his father’s temper, and while sometimes his father was misunderstood, Declan is lucky to have Katerina Neil around. She calms him down and supports his true personality, even if they have to keep their relationship hidden from their parents. 
Easton Rose 
Easton Rose is the eight-year-old son of Axl Rose. Easton was lucky enough to inherit his father’s hair color, but instead of the long locks, Easton’s hair is shorter and usually styled with gel. The eight-year-old is as stubborn as they come with a hyper and fiery personality to match his hair. He’s an athletic young boy who is also extremely personable and will talk to anyone. He’s impatient, especially when he wants his older brother Declan to help him with homework or play baseball in the backyard with his best friends Logan Adler and Hunter McKagan. Easton is a little flirt and has no problem charming ladies of any age. Easton also has a big crush on his brother’s girlfriend, Kat. 
Calla Rose 
Calla Rose is the five-year-old daughter of Axl Rose, and she is the queen of the household. Calla is the only child with blonde hair, but every now and again Axl dyes pieces of her pink (with temporary spray on hair color of course) to match the large gemstone on the tiara she wears around the house. Calla Rose is quite shy around other people, and it takes her a good twenty minutes before she’s able to muster up the courage to play with other children in preschool. Axl Rose is fully wrapped around his daughter’s finger, and it’s not shocking to catch them in the midst of coloring, ballet dancing, or playing with dolls. 
Willa Rose 
Willa Rose is the four-month-old daughter of Axl Rose. She’s a chubby baby with ginger hair and big hazel eyes. She loves making faces at her big sister and listening to her daddy as he sings her to sleep at night. 
Meet the McKagan Kids 
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Ryan McKagan 
Ryan McKagan is the sixteen-year-old son of Duff McKagan. If teenage girls could use one word to describe this boy, it’s this: heartthrob. He’s tall with wavy blonde hair and a welcoming smile, it’s no wonder the girls in high school drool over him. Ryan can be found exercising (as he’s a hockey player) or running around his neighborhood five days out of the week. Ryan does smoke cigarettes and drinks on occasion, much to his father’s disapproval. Ryan tries not to take life too seriously and would have definitely picked up on some of his dad’s lame jokes. Around his neck is the letter ‘F’ attached to a gold chain as it’s the first initial of his girlfriend’s name, Farrah. Even if they have a rough relationship (thanks to Ryan being a typical flirt around other girls) he’s confident Farrah is the girl for him, so he never takes the necklace off. While Ryan didn’t necessarily inherit many of his father’s traits, what he did receive is the ability to sing. His father has taught him how to play guitar, and they’ll sit on the porch outside in the fall, singing and strumming to Guns N’ Roses old songs.
Hunter McKagan
Hunter is the seven-year-old son of Duff McKagan. Hunter’s hair is darker than his older brother’s, but lightens up in the sun. The seven-year-old boy loves to swim and skateboard (lessons are provided for free by Dillon Mars, Issac Stradlin, and Ezra Hudson), and he’s an absolute terror when he chases his family around the house shooting Nerf gun darts at them. He’s also the reason Duff cannot find his cowboy hats, as Hunter will usually steal them and wear them throughout the day. 
Meet the Hudson Kids 
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Ezra Hudson 
Ezra Hudson is the eighteen-year-old son of Saul ‘Slash’ Hudson. Ezra is a bit shorter than his father, and yet could be his brother. Ezra was blessed with the most beautiful curls, and unlike his father he usually keeps them out of his face with headbands or ponytails. Ezra doesn’t have just one style, either. Somedays, he’ll dress head to toe in leather. Other days he prefers flannels and jeans, or button ups and khakis. Ezra is definitely a gamer. He also enjoys hiking, fishing, and hunting. He’s also into music, but is still learning how to play acoustic guitar. College is not in the cards for Ezra, as his dream is to form his own band. As for Ezra’s love life, he’s a total chick magnet. Unfortunately, he’s invisible to the only girl he wants: Isabel Stradlin. 
Mali Hudson 
Mali is the six-year-old daughter of Saul ‘Slash’ Hudson. She and her sister Maya were also blessed with their father’s glorious curly hair, and they’re damn proud of it. Mali’s hair is only to her shoulders, which is how you can tell twin from twin. At just six-years-old, little Mali has a plethora of hobbies such as origami, bracelet making, and flower pressing. Many of her crafts are given to either her parents or Farrah Adler. 
Maya Hudson
Maya is the six-year-old daughter (also the oldest twin between herself and Mali) of Saul ‘Slash’ Hudson. Maya has no problem wearing identical outfits with her sister, but their personalities couldn’t be more opposite. Maya loves to wrestle with her older brother and cousins (especially Declan who refuses to wrestle back for fear of hurting her) as well as having interests in dinosaurs, rock climbing, karate, and reptiles (she convinced her family to adopt two snakes and a lizard). 
Meet the Stradlin Kids 
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Isaac Stradlin 
Issac Stradlin is the seventeen-year-old son of Izzy Stradlin. With dark shaggy hair, bright eyes, sharp jaw and toned body, Isaac comes off as intimidating at first glance. He can be intense about the things he is passionate about (music, poetry, history) but more often than not Isaac is laidback and easygoing. Isaac’s musical knowledge comes from what his father has taught him through the years, and he’s incredibly talented when it comes to playing instruments such as guitar, drums, keyboard, flute, and trumpet. He doesn’t particularly enjoy his father’s dark and gloomy style of dress that includes black jeans, black button ups, and even black hats, as he feels more comfortable in sweatpants and tank tops. As Isaac is the only boy that doesn’t mind babysitting and playing with the little girls, he has accidentally found himself a fan club whose members consist of Penny Lee, Calla Rose, Harlow Sixx, and twins Mali and Maya Hudson. 
Isabel Stradlin 
Isabel Stradlin is the seventeen-year-old daughter of Izzy Stradlin and the younger of the two between her and her twin brother, Isaac. Isabel marches to the beat of her own drum and has what most would call a ‘bone to pick with the world’ attitude. Isabel has had many different styles, but her current wardrobe is grunge. Isabel considers herself a humanitarian, constantly joining in protests while simultaneously volunteering at homeless shelters and soup kitchens. Because of her compassionate heart, it’s no secret that she and Farrah Adler are inseparable. Isabel would inherit her father’s artistic ability, but her art would range from pottery to graffiti portraits. 
Meet the Adler Kids 
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Farrah Adler 
Farrah Adler is the sixteen-year-old daughter of Steven Adler. Her blonde hair is mostly straight with a few layers here and there, and she has the same vibrant and playful eyes as her father. Farrah’s style is mostly hippie influenced (but on occasion she can rock a leather jacket and bandana), and she has more of a laid back personality, something she absolutely did NOT get from her dad. As someone who treasures the beauty of the Earth and its creatures, Farrah would join in rallies such as ‘save the sea turtles’ and volunteer at animal hospitals, where she discovered her calling as a veterinarian. Oh, and she’s 100% vegetarian. Farrah has a peaceful aura, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that she enjoys yoga, astrology, essential oils, journaling, and smoking weed. She also has an on-again-off-again relationship with Ryan McKagan, who she drags to many wildlife rallies.
Logan Adler 
Logan Adler is the nine-year-old son of Steven Adler. He has wavy blonde hair past his neck, playful gray eyes, and a love for drumming. Logan inherited his father’s happy-go-lucky spirit, and loves to meddle into his sister’s business when he’s not playing sports or building legos. He definitely is the class clown and loves being the center of attention, which usually results in him being sent to the principal’s office. He’s a jokester, a prankster, and loves getting into trouble.
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
A pretty Price (final fantasy 7)
Tifa, second in command of avalanche, stared in disbelief at the man sitting around the table from her. His flashy clothes were well made and stuck out among the rabble in this sector, and the fact he had two bodyguards behind him marked him as someone important. though till he had opened his mouth, Tifa had had no clue who he was. 'Dear god..Don has a son..who..clearly got his looks from his mother.' she thought, admiring the well muscled mass of Vincent the man had said his name way, and the long blond locks. Add in the offer he'd just made and Tifa wasn't half wondering if she'd been hitting the whiskey a little too hard.
"Miss Lockheart? are you alright?" Vincent asked, looking worried. He'd just made his demand in return for information on his bastard of a father though truth be told he wasn't THAT much better himself. Tired of his dad wasting all the possibles for power they had to just run his sleazy little club and be a disgrace, Vincent had big plans for himself, for the gang and for the fund that they gang had, but his biggest problem would be taking out his father without it being clear HE was the one who took him out, least he lose the loyalty of his men. Of course if known rebels and trouble makers avalanche took out dear old daddy well.. Still he had to make the reason he was selling his father out look goodish lest the silly little rebels snuff him out too to prevent him from being like his father. "I just..Let me get this right. you're willing to betray your father, because you say what he does is wrong, and you wanna get out of crime..but you'll only do it if my boyfriend takes you on a date?" Tifa asked. "well, I'll be taking him on a date. while he's dolled up. I know, sooo gray area but nothing will happen between us unless I can wow the socks off of miss cloud. and you'll have the info you need before our date. " Vincent said and smiled. "Deal?" Tifa looked thoughtful for a second and then smirked. "Deal..buttt the date only happens if the info is good." "heh, of course."
It was only after Vincent left and Tifa was congratulating herself for her good deal, and thinking about how awesome it was gonna be to bring down the don one small detail popped into her brain. 'Uh..you know you never asked CLOUD how he feels about this right? and now you're gonna have to tell him you just rented him out as a sissy date.' the nagging little voice in her head said. '...Oh poop.' Tifa gulped and looked up. 'who knows, maybe Cloud will be a flaming sissy who's just looking for a chance to break out of the closet and he'll thank me!' 'Yeah, and then you'll go to naruina and slay the jabberwoky.' the nagging voice shot back. "if your not gonna help shut up!' Tifa shot back and then steeled herself to go and talk with Cloud.
Cloud was off being a tragic moody edge lord in the corner, thinking about how bad ass and awesome he was when Tifa came up behind him. "what is it? anther mission?" Cloud asked, not turning around and looking out the window. "Kinddddd offfff. Uh.. Cloud. I need you to do me a solid.." Tifa said, rubbing the back of her head as he turned around. "..you only say that when shits about to hit the fan. what did you do?" Cloud asked. "I only made a verrrry good deal that's going to let us take out the don." Tifa huffed and put her hands on her hips. "what did YOU do today aside from brood?" "..Bold stance when you 'need me to do a solid.' just so you know." Cloud pointed out. ".." Tifa held up a finger to argue with that, but nothing came to mind and she shook her head. "Look Cloud, we pay you A LOT of gil to work for us, and it's time to get some of that investment back. So you're going to do this and that's final!" She huffed and turned to stomp off. "Tifa?" "WHAT!?!" "...You STILL havn't told me what it is you want me to do." Cloud said smirking. "Oh right. that.. youhavetobeasissydateforthedon'ssonbye!" Tifa said in a rush and then took off. "..." Cloud raised a eyebrow, trying to figure out the FUCK she had just said, mulling it over in his head and then it clicked and his cheeks went bright red. "WAIT WHAT!?"
A hour or so of heated arguments between Tifa and cloud, then Cloud and Barret vs. tifa, the tifa and Barret vs cloud and they finally had come to a understanding. 1) Cloud would be going on the date as long as the info was all new. 2) they were going to use the info after cloud got back from his date, to give him a excuse to keep it short and sweet. 3)Tifa and Barret would be getting him drunk, VERY drunk after. those set up, they contracted Vincent and set up for the date, which would be that night and had a outfit sent over with a make up kit. "..The fuck does he expect me to do with this?" Cloud said, looking in at the loaded makeup box totally clueless. "you know 27 different ways to kill someone but not how to do your make up?" Tifa teased. "Somehow that never came up in SOLIDER training."  Cloud said dryly. "Go get a shower and I'll get your outfit ready for you then do your makeup for you little lady." Tifa giggled, grinning ear to ear. "..None of the cheap stuff I mean it. when you get me drunk I was the grade A shit." Cloud grumbled and headed for his bathroom with a stand up shower in it.
with the water running Tifa got busy getting the dress out of the black plastic bag it had been in to protect it and gasped a little. the dress inside was dark purple, down to the thigh and it would hug Cloud's body for sure, and with no sleeve Vincent would be able to show off his 'girlfriend' as much as show off a 'bodyguard' of sorts. The dress came with a low pair of black heels which worked because having cloud topple and fall on his face likely wouldn't of given the best impression. the also came with a pair of pantyhose and a light purple pair of panties, and a base colored padded bra that would give the appearance of b cups. "..hoooo boy. and this was gonna be a fun to begin with." Tifa said, glad cloud had agreed without looking at all the clothes out. hearing the shower coming to a stop, Tifa got ready to dress her boyfriend up and make him a girl.
The next hour and a half was one of the most humiliating of clouds life as he was poked, prodded and helped into his outfit, then had to sit in front of a make up mirror and keep his eyes closed till Tifa was finished with him. 'I swear to go, this is the last solid I do for her. at least this one doesn't involve me in diapers and in a basket pretending to be delivered by the stork..' Cloud thought and shook a little, getting a slap on the shoulder. "Stay still Missy unless you want me to have to start all over again!" Tifa scolded. if his eyes wouldn't of been shut he'd of rolled them but cloud stayed still till Tifa finally gave the ok and he opened up and looked in the mirror. Looking back at him wasn't the whorish image he'd mentally had for how he'd look. it was over the top girly either but well done and took away a edge of masculinity away from him and make his cheeks burn as he squirmed. "uh..Ok..wow." he said in a small voice. "I know right? even I'm shocked at how good you look." Tifa said and then had Cloud stand up, admiring him in his outfit and then his makeup and gave a wolf whistle. "Mothers, lock up your sons!" she said and then slapped cloud on the ass lightly. "Your SO not funny." Cloud growled.
even if they hadn't originally been going with Cloud for the exchange, Tifa and Barret would of walked with the blond sissy though the streets to the meet up point. Cloud was just getting a lot of attention and his confidence was all but gone as he basically hid behind Barret for protection. making it to the cafe Vincent was dressed in a yellow and red suit and wearing shades, that he tilted down as he drank in the site of cloud. "oh my~ Very, very nice." he said and whistled. "T-Thank you." Cloud said, voiice squeaking and horse as he tried to sound more girly. "Your welcome, and you can use your normal tone with me cloud. it doesn't hurt the illsion at all." Vincent said and tugged out a chair next to him and patted it with one hand, slide a folder over to Tifa. "I trust this pays my end of this in full?" Tifa took the folder and opened it, scanning though. floor plans, blueprints, shift rotations..with this her and Barret could of done the assault with just the two of them! "Yeah, this will more then do. thanks." Tifa said and then turned to Cloud. "Cloud, you be a good girl and stay out as late as Vincent wants, we'll be pouring over this all night." with his last shot of a quick night gone, Cloud plastered a fake smile on his face and turned to his date. "S-So.. W-what did you have planned?"
what Vincent had planned first was for them to get some bubble tea and sit and talk about each over for a bit. Following that Vincent took Cloud out for a wonderful seafood dinner. though there was a small issue Cloud betraying his delicate appearance by ripping apart the lobsters with ease with his bare hands and wolfing down the food with unladylike grace. 'Well, I suppose this is a work in progress and I can get him lessons if he wants to keep dating.' Vincent thought watching Cloud wolf down the sea food, his plastic lobster bib working hard to protect the dress he was wearing. "You know, it's not just anyone who can wear a dress worth over 5 thousand gil and not seem to care if they wreak it." Vincent said with amusement. "..It's worth that much?" Cloud asked, pausing then started to hack as food had gotten lodged when he stopped. one quick heimlich maneuver later and they were walking out of the restaurant with Cloud blushing and sheepish, and leaning to Vincent as the night air got colder. "S-Sorry about that." Cloud mewed and snuggled in more. Of course this bothered Vincent sooo much, that he put a arm around the cold sissy and then stopped under a street light. sliding his jacket off he put it over Clouds shoulders and then kissed his cheek before leading the sissy on and making Cloud swoon.
They're next stop even though both were clearly warming up to each other was a Opera in town, though Cloud again was less then restrained and didn't know how to behave. this was made clear when he called horse shit from their box to the stage when the hero on stage sliced a prop monster flann in two with one hit. As they were escorted out Cloud kept making his case and Vincent noted that dating cloud, there was NEVER going to be a dull moment clearly. "Hey watch the arms bucko unless you want anther black eye! I'm telling you, you need magic to defeat those, I know what I'm talking about! even a 2nd grader knows this shit an-" "Cloud sweetie, I think they got the point." Vincent said. "..They better! Next time I come here I expect the play to be up to snuff!" Cloud said and jabbed a finger at the opera's manager then turn away and stomped off. "..She does know I just banned you both right?" The manger asked. "I'd think twice about that..my card." Vincent said and smirked, then raced over cloud.
"...sorry I ruined your show." Cloud said with them again walking in the streets, and Cloud again leaning into the bigger man. "It';s ok, if they can't stand a little excitement from time to time then they shouldn't be in business., I got us unbanned anyways." Vincent said and kissed Cloud's forehead, sending a shiver that had nothing to do with the chill in the air though Cloud. "mmm..How'd you do that?" Cloud asked, closing his eyes and letting this wonderful warm man lead him. "Well I'm the one who helped them open up, Dear old dad didn't see the value but I'm a little more refined then him." Vincent said. "and by help them open up?" Cloud asked, opening his eyes and looking up. "I owe 54 percent of the damn thing. so the manger will call my partner, confirm I'm who I said I am, and expect all sorts of 'I'm sorry' presents in the next box we get..if you wanna go on anther date that is." Vincent said, stopping. they were in front of Tifa's bar with the hours starting to run late and always the gentleman when it came to love, Vince didn't wanna keep his date out too late. "Heh, what if I'm not ready for THIS date to be over?" Cloud asked and winked. "well what does my little lady wanna do then?" Vince asked, taken back but totally not arguing with the boldness. "well..Normally if I was with a girl I'd bring her back here to my room here.. buttt something tells me if I walk in with her regulars here dressed like this you'll have to be my knight in shining armor and kick all their butts when they molest me with their eyes." Cloud giggled playfully and then smooched Vince's cheek. "well of course my fair maiden." He said. "So..got a room somewhere close? because same reason Tifa's is out is why your place is out if you live with your dad." Cloud said. "..I know a motel by here." Vince said cluing in for the first time what the increasingly bold sissy was getting at.
One 15 minute walk later, and five minutes of dealing with the front desk, and Cloud and Vince were in the pent house suite at the hotel, and kissing and groping at each other as soon as the door to the room was shut. "S-Should we *kiss* take a *Kiss kiss* Shower first?" Cloud moaned as Vince switching to lightly biting down and sucking on the sissies neck, giving him a nice big hickey. "Only if you feel dirty." Vince chuckled and started to help cloud out of his dress, the top down and fondling the blonds flat chest.  "mmmm.. what was I thinking giving you fake tits. your nipples are just so cute like this!" Cloud was trying to reply he wanted to get the make up off because he stained the bedding, but the feeling of having his nipples pinched and twirled by this man was melting his brain and making his panties damp. "If./.if you keep doing that I'm gonna squirt." Cloud mewed out, grinding his ass against Vince and feeling just how ok with tat Vince would be as his manhood poked and and prodded between the cheeks of Cloud's bubble butt. "Think you'll still be willing to keep going after you cream princess?" Vincent asked chuckling, preparing a final assault, at least on the nipples, and at least for now. "O-Only one way to find ooooouuuTTTTT! DADDY!" Vince had twisted Clouds nipples just so fucking good and bit down on his neck again, giving him a matching hickey for the other side and clouds hands went for the front of his crotch but far far too late. hands free his cute little member lost the battle and twitched and throbbed as dollops of cum formed first, then full on shot out and though not only his panties but his dress. '..I hope they comes out with dry cleaning.' Cloud thought feeble as he tried to catch his breath. Vince let him go and watched with amusement as Cloud stumbled a little, almost as f drunk and then plopped onto the bed, face down and ass up as he tried to catch his breath and hiking up his dress. a hand going between his legs came back sticky with cum and Cloud mewed softly, looking at Vince who was watching him with interest..then Cloud started to lick his fingers clear. "I-I never knew you could cum just from your nipples.." Cloud purred, between licks and sucks. Vince was enthralled and couldn't look away. "I heard you can finger a guys butt and make him do that too." Cloud said, and Vincent slowly nodded and Cloud waited. and waited. "..Oh for heaven 's sake, get over his and finger my fat sissy ass!" Cloud snapped. Jolted out of his stupor, Vince smirked and nodded. "anything for my little lady." as he came over and started to work a finger in and out of Cloud's tight little ring and slowly moved up, All Vince could think of was how lucky he was to of found out what a good girl Cloud could be. "Oh..Ohhh.. feels sooo good daddy~ finger me harder!" Cloud squealed then pleaded. Oh yeah. so SO glad he gotten first dibs. he was totally gonna be taking this little sissy out at least 3 nights a week if possible. "Whatever you say princess."
the end
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can u do another peggy is tony’s birth mom but from a 1 night stand w/ Howard (maybe she’s wasted or up 2 u, resulting n a late n life pregnancy. Howard and Maria adopt him b/c of reasons (up 2 u)
Hopefully, this is what you imagined! Just a warning, abortion is mentioned several times
 Things just happened. 
 Peggy isn’t sure how point A and point B ended up together to make this triangle sort of events, but here they are. Here she is, sitting on the bathroom floor of her new office in DC, staring at the positive pregnancy test.
 She was filled with some complex emotions that she didn’t know where to start with first. Frustration for herself? Angry at herself for letting her guard drop? For not thinking at the moment, no excuse of alcohol in her system despite it was a reason to celebrate. How could she be so stupid?
 A pregnancy was dangerous to her in general, the doctors had told her when she had the distant thought of wanting to start a family. Shrapnel from an explosive had cut through her lower stomach, tearing through several important organs. She told me she had almost died on the table twice during surgery and pregnancy was out of her future if she wanted to see the ripe age of at least fifty.
 That reality had hurt, the idea that she couldn’t get pregnant without risking her health, but Peggy had packed away the pain as she always did to visit on a rainy day. She made peace with this reality. She threw herself into her work. She focused on the tasks at hand with the SSR, Howard, Leviathan, Howard, Whitney Frost, Michael, Howard, Shield, and Howard.
It’s not that Peggy didn’t want kids, she loved kids. She just never found herself the mothering type, even as a child. She would rather roll around in the dirt, get her dress dirty, and play pirate than to learn how to take care of a baby doll or even sew [even if that skill would come in hand at a much later date in her life]. Her mother had frowned upon the idea, told her that she would never get a husband, that no man would want her, and even as a child, a teenager, she shrugged it off. 
 She lived for no man. 
 The problem wasn’t the pregnancy so much, she could deal with the pregnancy if she was to keep the child. Was it even too late? Too dangerous to abort? Surely her medics at SHIELD could think of something. The main problem lied in her job. A pregnancy meant things on hold because of the danger of the situation. A pregnancy meant no more field missions, a pregnancy meant she was exposing herself as a weakness to the world by carrying a child. Especially this late in life. 
 Then there was the fact of actually birthing this child. Of raising it. Could she even do it? Did she even want to?
 She felt guilty for even thinking no. Not that she wouldn’t love the child, she was sure she would, but looking in his face? Seeing who the father was made her sick. How could she do that to Maria?
 It wasn’t just that. It was exposing a child to the daily life of leading Shield would result in the child being in danger, expanses she wasn’t sure they could afford to be stretched to protect the child too.
 No, she couldn’t go through with this. For the better good of herself, of the world. The best she could do was get an abortion and move on, put it all behind her, and tuck this into the nice little box to visit on a rainy day.
 “I’m afraid no,” the doctor with gray eyes and a mole on his cheek sighed at her, tapping the clipboard on his arm. “Going by your lab results and your history, it’s far too late to do as you ask. If there’s an emergency, then yes, we can risk it, but given your age and your medical history, there are ways around the main risks with constant monitoring.”
 That’s not what Peggy wanted to hear. She expected it was far too late. How long had she been sick and put it off as just stress? Nausea, vomiting, heartburn. She just chucked it up to the lack of self-care. Now, it was coming to bite her in the ass. 
 She could press if she wanted to, she knew that. There would be some doctor in some part of this city to say yes, but part of her was relieved. She didn’t want to. She wanted some excuse, to put reasoning behind this budding guilt in her that she had to do it for her health. 
 Now she had to carry to term for her health too. 
 And maybe there’s a chance she lied on the forms, on the questions, her subconscious told her. Her period had been far earlier, the date of conception had been different. In reality, she wanted to keep this child that was now growing inside of her and had been for some time. 
 So pregnancy was dangerous in both her late age and her war-torn body, but it was doable. She should be upset, raging, storming off to find another doctor. So why did she feel so relieved? 
 And where in the hell was Howard Stark?
 The answer was her office. Helping himself to a tall whiskey, a sour look on his face that had nothing to do with the glass in hand. She rolled her eyes as she marched inside, snatching the bottle and glass from him to put it out of his reach. The smell made her stomach roll.
 “Tastes like shit anyway, all watered down,” Howard grumbled, scrubbing a hand over his salt and peppered hair. He set Peggy with a hard look, eyes dropping instantly down to her belly and back up to her. “So, when were you gonna tell me? Why did I have to find out through Shield gossip that you’re pregnant?”
 This is not how she wanted to do this. 
 Peggy sighed as she shut the door, instructing her secretary Rose to please push her meetings back by an hour. She sat behind the desk and slipped her heels off, feet already starting to swell in them. 
 “I only found out today.” At Howard’s look, the brunette sighed and leaned back in her chair. “I’m serious, Howard. It’s not like I would keep this from you! I only found out today and took that pregnancy test on a complete whim. I already went to medical and I’m too far along to consider...anything but carrying it to term.”
 Howard was still giving her a funny look, turning the information over in his head.
 “Whose the father?”
 The silence stretched between them as she stared at him, turning that night over in her head. Plenty of drinks. Celebration. He had kissed her. 
 “You are.”
 Howard’s face paled of all color, making the dark strands in his hair and mustache stand out. He’d aged as they all had, carrying SHIELD and Stark Industries on his back. More recently he’s been talking about diving into weapon trade, and designing weapons for more than just SHIELD to create a steady income and a good source to fall back on. She’d voiced her displeasure but until she saw the proof, there was nothing she could do. 
 “You’re serious,” he sighed, dropping his face into his hands. “I thought...I thought…”
 “We did.” It had been a wild night. She’d just made Director. Phillips had officially passed the mantle on to her and she’d just moved to the office in DC. It had been a private celebration between them, to honor the falling as well. Her thoughts had faded back to Steve when he kissed her. And maybe it was the loneliness that had crowded in on her at night, or the illusion that she was drunk, or the fact that Howard, despite all her reserve to admit it, he was a good kisser. Regardless, it had happened. 
 She’d woken up to Howard gone from her bed, the memory of that night filling her mind. He’d left shortly after looking smug as he used to in his young age when he’d bed someone. Not just smug, he looked...relieved, almost longing in those eyes. She had fooled herself to think so, too desperate for human contact she denied herself.
 “And,” Peggy continued. “We need to tell Maria.” Howard looked just as panicked as she felt but she shook her head, continuing firm. “I will not lie to my friend about this, Howard. She deserves to know how we both screwed up.”
 Maria was a beautiful woman and quick to wit, never afraid to put Howard in his place. It was one of the many reasons Peggy had liked her from the start. She helped them out plenty of times, no matter if it was three in the morning, she stumbled in with a bleeding shoulder from a stray bullet or just to gossip about her day. She could pick up the signs that no one else noticed or well ignored. 
 Peggy liked her, loved how good she was for Howard, and hated this reality.
 “You’re pregnant,” Maria said the second the pair had sat down for their earlier-than-usual afternoon tea. She held the cup in hand, looking at Peggy over the steaming rim. “And it’s Howard’s.”
 Peggy blinked, feeling her body run cold. Feeling sick to her stomach from more than just the smell of coffee wafting from the kitchen. All she could do was nod, eyes dropping down to her steaming cup. Maria had purposely fixed her ginger tea.
 “How did you know?” She finally asked when she found her voice.
 The woman shrugged, a smile curling on her lips was the last thing Peggy had expected. She should be angry, she had every right to be. Not only did her husband cheat on her, but he cheated on her with her friend. 
 “You’ve been sick for a few weeks now, complaining of lack of sleep, but a lady knows.” Her hand moved to cover the back of Peggy’s, giving a gentle squeeze. “As for how I know it’s Howard’s… He told me. I know underneath it, he’s sorry. He’s sorry for putting your life at risk, our marriage. I’m not angry, I should be but… You were always the exception to him. He loves you, Peggy, to a degree that is not the same as he loves me. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s no competition between you and me for his love, but it’s there. And I’m not mad about it. I’m glad that you’re okay.”
 Peggy was not a crier. She’s never broken into tears, hysterically sobbed before. Yes, maybe in times of stress. Maybe during the war a time or two or when she forced herself to say goodbye to Steve far before she was ready, but never now. Yet she did cry, holding onto Maria who, bless this woman, was calming her down.
 Nine months later, Anthony Micheal Stark was born. 
 The pregnancy had been an easy one to Peggy’s relief. She had managed to hide the pregnancy for as long as she could. She took maternity leave straight away, working from home when the pregnancy abled her. When it came time to give birth, she opted for a c-section to avoid the unnecessary process, even if that meant another scar on her body.
 He was beautiful. Brown eyes. Black hair. Screaming on top of his lungs. Her heart ached for him. Yet, as Peggy looked at this bundle of joy in her arms, the way he held onto her finger and smiled, her life was not meant for him.
 She could provide, yes but, she couldn’t trust herself to be there for him as a mother should. It’s why she made the difficult decision to give Anthony up for option - to entrust him to be cared for by Howard and Maria. 
 It might be a reminder of what happened, as will the scar that will always be on her body, but Peggy could keep a secret. She’d know they would love him in the same manner that she did.
 “Are you sure?” Maria asked one night, a hand over Peggy’s belly. “You don’t have to say yes, just because Howard-”
 “I’m sure, Maria. You and Howard will give Anthony a loving home. I couldn’t entrust him with anyone better,” Peggy sighed, feeling Anthony’s foot collide with the underside of her hand. 
 It seemed like Anthony agreed.
 This was the best choice she could make for all of them, the difficult choice, but the best one to ensure Anthony had the future he deserved. 
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