horiznwlker · 2 months
a little help , please . ― @b4didea, wynonna.
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no one has ever played her nerves like a poorly - strung guitar worse than wynonna earp. she is relentless, infuriating, and somehow always manages to wrangle herself and anyone close to her into trouble. but, against odds, nicole still (be)grudgingly admires those things about the eldest earp, among many other qualities. it's why she'll never refuse the call for help -- rare as it is, especially with a please at the end of it. ( being inseverable from the earp sisters is a fate she has long - since accepted. ) even when her lips thin and she still rolls her eyes in annoyance.
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❝ i'm not even going to ask, ❞ she sighs, stooping down to grab the ankles of the thick - muscled revenant the heir downed behind the bar, praying no one sees the sheriff scurrying a body into the shadows with the town pariah. but what would it even matter at that point? ❝ i should have known as soon as i got that disturbance call, you'd be involved somehow. ❞ they shift awkwardly, bumping into the brick at her side, and nicole grunts as her arms strain. ❝ where exactly are you planning on putting him? ❞
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girl4music · 5 months
They’re pretty damn significant. Hit all the traits and tropes I love. Have some slow burn between them. Not much but a nice amount before Waverly just blazes through that Sheriff’s office and seduces Nicole. A girl that knows what she wants - who she wants - and when she wants it. I can relate to that definitely.
But I think the thing I really love most is just how real they are within a supernatural Universe. Which is very reminiscent of Xena and Gabrielle and Tillow. They’re realistic. Nothing is forced. It’s a natural and organic progression. Even when everything else isn’t. Which is kinda the draw because I love supernatural/fantasy shows that play around with tone, theme and vibe. That are creative and versatile in what they do all the while keeping to the core of what it actually is. The creator/showrunner deserves all the credit for this.
I always tend to have a crush on at least one of them in the WLW ship. It usually tends to be the redhead.
Especially with the stetson and cop uniform on.
It’s funny. Kat got asked in one of the Clexacon conventions by a fan what Nicole would do for Waverly as far as sexy roleplay goes because Waverly does a cheerleading and Mrs. Claus dance for her. And DomKat were wracking their brains for an answer.
And I was like “Are you kidding me right now guys? She’d do cop roleplay obviously! She has handcuffs!”
Kat came up with this building a treehouse in sexy underwear rubbish and they all were like “Yeah!”
Anyway, this couple has it all. Everything I love and then some. They are main characters with their own individual arcs. Well, Nicole starts off as a side/recurring character. But regardless, she’s treated as main from the beginning of her appearance because they do a hell of a lot better with her and her story than what was done with Tara Maclay from ‘BtVS’. When she eventually becomes a main character in Season 3, they flesh her backstory and arc out properly and it just makes the ship all the better.
Also the showrunner subverted Bury your Gays by putting a bulletproof vest on Nicole when she was shot. Because a cop would be smart to do that.
Consider me a WayHaught shipper. They’re worth calling another one of my OTP ships along with Xena and Gabrielle, Willow and Tara and Calliope and Juliette because they hit all the marks of what I love to see in a WLW ship. I’m pretty obsessed with them. And I can’t wait for my DVDs to arrive so I can watch the show all over again and watch them all over again. For now I’m just making do with YouTube videos on them. And there really is no shortage of them. So many people really seem to love WayHaught a lot.
I am really not surprised in the slightest that they are considered one of the all-time greatest WLW ships.
They have great chemistry. They’re well-written. They’re both gorgeous. They’re realistic. They’re funny. Their sexual intimacy scenes are 🔥🔥🔥
But most of all. The most important thing of all. They both survive and have a happy ending. Which is rare.
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iheartintelligence · 3 years
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The reigning redheads
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thegreenreader · 4 years
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
Nicole Haught: she’s a planner
Nicole Haught has a backup magazine of wooden bullets. Wooden. Bullets. Because just in case Holliday goes off the rails and gets too bitey, she’s prepared to kill a bitch. With tiny, tiny little fast moving stakes. I love this woman.
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whiskeyfluent · 6 years
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This uniform
But also, THAT face
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freedom-of-writing · 4 years
A Wynonna Earp minific:
(Post WayHaught proposal)
As Waverly and Nicole are still beaming in each other’s arms, Wynonna slips out of the house. She‘s happy for them, she really is, but she‘s just not in the mood right now. Plus, she doesn’t want to ruin the moment with her stupid problems.
“Hey! They’re not stupid if they make you feel bad.”
A little Waverly inside her head says as she drops down on her bed. Burying her face in the pillow, she finally lets go of the tears she’s been trying so hard to push back, so that the others wouldn’t see them.
She doesn’t know how she stays like that, crying her heart out. But after a while, she hears Nedley and Jeremy leaving the Homestead and bidding the others good night.
“Good night!“ Waverly and Rachel say cheerfully in unison.
Wynonna does not hear Nicole’s voice, though. Weird. But she assumes the redhead must’ve stayed inside where it’s warmer. But there she is, a moment later, entering Wynonna’s “room” without knocking first.
Wynonna sits up quickly, wiping away the tears from her cheeks. But it’s too late, and her puffy eyes cannot hide what’s happened.
“Haught, jeez! Didn’t they teach you to knock before entering someone’s room?!” She exclaims as she keeps wiping away the remaining tears from her cheeks.
“What... I thought it was against the rules of house...” Nicole jokes.
Wynonna gives her a look, but it’s not very convincing since a small smile forms on her face.
Nicole smiles back at her lovingly, and she walks towards the bed.
“I come bearing cheering up beers.” She states mimicking what Wynonna had told the day before and showing her the two bottles she‘s holding in her hand.
“Shouldn’t you be having some Haught sex with your fiancée right now?”
“We got a whole lifetime for that. I’d rather be with you right now.” Nicole says as she sits down on the bed beside Wynonna, who turns away.
She’s still getting used to the idea of having a best friend who cares for her.
Since Wynonna doesn’t show any intention to look back at her, Nicole takes her hand into hers and she gives it a comforting squeeze. Then, she asks: “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“How do you do it?” Wynonna asks as she finally turns to look at her friend. Her blue eyes are welling up with tears all over again.
Nicole gives her a confused look, so Wynonna continues.
“How do you and Waverly make love look so easy? For better or worse, you never turn your backs on each other. But Doc and I...” Wynonna shakes her head and a few tears run down her cheeks.
“Hey...” Nicole stops her placing her hand under Wynonna’s chin. As gently as she can, she turns Wynonna’s head to face her. Then, she moves her hand up to her cheek to wipe away the tears with her thumb.
When she lowers her hand, she continues. “Look. I’m not saying it’s gonna be okay. I’m just saying that... I’m here.”
At those words Wynonna feels her heart skip a bit, because that’s exactly what Waverly had told her when she was pregnant.
“I got you, Earp.” Nicole adds to further prove her point. “I swear, I’ve got you.”
And with that, Nicole wrap her arm around Wynonna’s shoulder as her friend lies down sobbing onto her lap.
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afy2018 · 3 years
Roll in the Hay *Updated* Ch. 1
A crack of bright morning light arose through the flat Canadian fields, pouring across open farmlands and flooding throughout Purgatory. The rays cut into a small homestead, breaking through the parted curtains to wake the household. It shone in her eyes, waking her before her alarm had the chance to do so, making her initially turn away from her window. The alarm blared by her head until their local radio station booted up. She sat up, turning off the white noise to begin her day, starting off with her sister. Through a thin sheen of sleep, she found her way one door over, barging into the unlocked room where her sister was still sound asleep. She kicked her mattress, watching the frame shift as she woke up.
She groaned at the rude awakening, only verbally protesting after the third kick, “HEY! Okay, I’m alive, Jesus woman.”
“It’s time to wake up,” she informed her.
“Too frickin’ early.”
“Same time as always, Wyn,” Waverly informed her.
“Still too early,” she whined.
Wynonna sighed in defeat and grabbed her jeans from the night before, yanking them on while she hobbled to the small wardrobe to grab a shirt and bra. Stretching as she made her way to the bathroom, the siblings split paths with the elder one still getting ready at her usual lackadaisical speed while Waverly went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Even with her sister’s inability to play nice with others, she found it efficient to do most of the more menial tasks her sister chose to avoid.
She pulled out strips of venison from their icebox and onto a hot pan, where they sizzled until an enticing scent drifted down the basement where their farmhands were living. Xavier, their transporter ascended the stairs, his loud footsteps clomping against the old wooden planks until he hit the first landing.
“Smells good, need any help?” he asked, rubbing his hands together.
“Yeah, can you go grab the milk and water from the fridge?”
“Of course, anything else, Miss Earp?”
“Yeah, can you wake up Doc, I need him to do a quick check on the goats to make sure they're okay. They were a bit loud last night.”
“Of course,” he said, walking back down.
Waverly sighed and cleared her throat, flipping the meat onto a plate before moving to the next part of their meal, English muffins. She placed them in the oven until they turned golden brown before pulling out butter and setting their food on the table with four plates. Waverly turned back around and grabbed a bowl of fruit from the window sill, to top off a healthy and nutritious breakfast.
Wynonna came back in through the kitchen door with her full report. “The blueberries look almost ready. Same as the strawberries.”
“Peaches and cherries?”
“Pfft, nowhere close. They need maybe another two weeks to be ready for picking,” she added, popping a fractured piece of bacon in her mouth. “Hot, hot.”
“Yeah, they’re fresh off the pan,” Waverly half-heartedly warned.
“Yeah, I guessed,” she playfully bit back, flicking the back of her sister’s head.
“Did we ever get a claim on the job posting?”
“I don't know… maybe,” her sister shrugged.
“Great,” she sarcastically remarked as she took her seat at the table.
“What was with the goats?”
“Already have Doc checking on them.”
“Good,” Wynonna said, looking at their breakfast displayed out on the table. “Looks great, need any help?”
“Just tell the boys breakfast is ready.”
Doc moved out of the way for the older Earp and looked at his crew. “Waverly,” he greeted, tipping his hat as he left for the barn. “Y’all can start without me.”
The other two returned from the fields, taking their places at the small table as they began to feast, taking a small share of everything their chef had prepared. Wynonna smiled and licked her lips, taking a piece of bacon then a few of the sliced nectarines and an English muffin. They continued to engorge themselves, leaving enough for Doc until the mustachioed gentleman came back, sitting down with them.
“Didn't see anything outta the ordinary. All of them are still there,” he reported.
“Okay, thank you,” Waverly replied.
“I heard we were getting a new farmhand. Any ideas?”
“We haven't gotten any applicants, yet,” she disappointedly informed them, “Due to the latest yield, Dolls, you’re moving to the arbor, Wynonna in the greenhouse, and I’ll work in the fields. Doc, you’re in charge of the grass fields until a greenhorn comes along.”
“Okay, so I’m still with the goats, right?” Doc asked
“Yeah, you remind them of their kin,” Wynonna quipped behind her glass of water, earning a sarcastic smile.
Once they had all finished, Dolls and Wynonna cleaned up while the others went off to their posts. Waverly grabbed the large baskets from the doorway and left the rest for Dolls. She went out towards the rising sun, checking the crops, seeing that her sister was right in saying that the blueberries were almost ready. She began to harvest the ripe ones, leaving behind the pink and purple berries. From that session of picking, she plucked over a hundred berries, making it now only barely over two-fifths of the projected yield so far, but good for midseason. She went back through, checking for the others she had missed.
Waverly walked over to the homestead again, continuing to the cooling room as she washed them and left them to dry. She came back inside, checking the time, three hours had passed. She sighed and washed the purple juice off of her hands, distracted until there was a firm knock on the door. Waverly walked over, thinking it was Dolls or Wyn accidentally locking themselves out. She opened the door, surprised to greet the shoulders of a tall and pale woman. Waverly looked up and met the kind brown eyes of the redheaded.
“Hi,” she quickly greeted in surprise.
“Hello ma’am, I’m here about farm work? I’m Nicole Haught.”
“Haught? Oh, sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone. Come in,” Waverly beckoned, moving out of the way.
The taller woman took off her leather jacket, holding it over her shoulder as she followed the owner inside. She looked around, smiling at the cute quaintness of the farmhouse. There were old crocheted blankets and embroidered throw pillows on the couch comfily decorating the living room. She noticed the pictures around the house. Most of them were recently taken with the owner and a few other people she suspected they worked or grew up with. They both sat down at the small dining table decorated with a simple plaid cloth where Waverly began to interview her.
“Really, I called yesterday morning? Are you Miss Wynonna Earp?” she inquired politely.
“Oh, no. I’m her sister Waverly. She must have forgotten,” she pleasantly smiled, settling into her chair. “Anyway, we plan to have you do mainly prep work for us, you know, working the grass fields for the winter. Help our goat handler, fetch water for the crops and animals. Are you planning on living here or off-site?”
“Off-site. What would my hours be, ma’am?”
“7am-5pm, 8 hours of work with two one hour breaks whenever, Monday thru Friday. Pay will be $13.60 per hour, so $1360 for your biweekly paycheck.”
“Sounds great. So, when would I begin?” she smiled, resting her arms on the table.
“Work begins in four days. We’ll need some time to file the paperwork and get it approved.”
“Okay, thank you, ma’am.”
Waverly smiled and walked off to grab the employment papers from Wynonna’s desk. She returned a moment later with them and a pen, pulling them away for a second to ask, “Wait, you’re not a murderer right?”
Nicole glanced at her in shock and sincerely answered, “Well… no, of course not, Ms. Earp.”
Waverly only smiled, making her new coworker relax, and turned the papers around for Nicole to fill out. She watched the young woman intently read the contract before signing with her neat and curly calligraphy. “Nicole Haught. Perfect,” Waverly thought.
Nicole sat up straight and gave the contract and pen back. “Thank you. You won't regret this,” she finished with a genuine smile.
“We need another girl on the team. Even better when there’s someone as muscled as you. Have you worked on a farm before?”
“Yes, I grew up on a ranch, so I worked there until I was 19,” she divulged, relaxing back into the chair as she studied the bright woman in front of her. Nicole watched as her eyes flicked from her to the contract spread out in front of her, then back up to the redhead. Her hands sorted through Nicole’s papers before she continued to ask her questions.
“What animals?”
“Horses, chickens, and geese.”
Waverly watched as the young woman stood, quickly going to let her out, opening the door with a smile. She looked outside to catch her sister gawking over the bike by the homestead. Nicole looked at her, squinting to see who it was.
“That’s Wynonna.” she introduced.
Her sister glanced up at the sound of her name and asked, “Who’s bike is this?”
“Mine,” Nicole answered.
“This. Is. Beautiful. Where’d you get this, what’s her name, how much was it?” she asked in a flurry of excitement.
“Detroit, America. Black Beauty, or Beauty. A little more than $7k US.”
“Oh my god,” she continued to gawk, “Wait, why Detroit?”
“Cheaper from the source.”
“Hmm,” Wynonna answered, looking at the shiny black bike. “Impressive. Hired.”
“Oh, I’m-”
“A little sarcasm, she’s just being a mechanophile,” Waverly interrupted.
“Oh okay,” Nicole chuckled, watching the older woman gaze at her beautiful bike. She put on her helmet and mounted it.
“See you on Monday, Ms. Earp,” Nicole winked to them, starting the bike and driving off.
“We need to file that paperwork now,” Wynonna said.
Nicole woke to the low southern twang of a country singer, ringing through her deep slumber. With the paperwork filled out and her new boss’s updates, the young rancher took up her new tasks with a revitalized gusto she hadn’t felt for a long while. She needed this new job to distract her from the boring hermit tasks of the day that had recently plagued her life after she had finished her degree. Living an hour out of Purgatory, Nicole took to the kitchen, fixing a small breakfast of grits and sandwiches before finishing the other menial work like feeding her long-haired orange pain in the ass, Calamity Jane before escaping the small apartment in Calgary. As she took the early morning commute to the Earp’s homestead, Nicole couldn’t help but think about the quirky Earps and their goat farm, an animal she now could understand such a unique pair of sisters caring for.
“So the newbie starts today?” Dolls asked, wiping his mouth.
“Yup, Nicole, she seems like a hard worker,” Waverly answered.
“Will she live out here?”
“Nope, you two scared her off,” Wynonna sarcastically claimed.
Doc finished first, placing his dishes in the sink before leaving out the back to start loading up the truck. Dolls and Wynonna followed suit, leaving Waverly to clean everything up as she waited for their new worker. She looked over at the clock now showing 6:45 on the face and peered past the kitchen wall to check if Nicole had arrived yet. When she walked out of the house, Wynonna and Dolls were already going out to their posts while Waverly left for the barn to perform her menial task of checking on the goats before letting them out to pasture.
On her way back, she spotted Black Beauty racing over the hill. Checking her watch, the young Earp noted her perfect punctuality, regarding her new farmhand as she dismounted her bike and rested it right in front of the porch of the homestead. Nicole removed her helmet and set it on the ground behind Beauty, shaking out her hair to fix the short red locks as she approached her boss.
“Sorry, hi Nicole,” Waverly quickly greeted with a firm handshake.
“Good morning Ms. Earp, so, where do I start?” she politely inquired.
“Ready to work, nice. Well, the grass is perfect for cutting, so I’ll need you to do that, then stack it, please. Once you’re done, ask Doc in the barn or me in the fields behind the house if you can help. Doc takes care of the goats and around this time of year we weed out the ones that are ready for the house.”
“Okay,” she confirmed, catching the bright tone in those final morbid words.
“You know how to use a scythe right?” Waverly asked, walking towards the field
“Like, the old style?”
“Well yeah, modern made, not an old, you know, rusty one from the 1700s, but still a scythe,” Waverly awkwardly explained. She sighed with a smile and continued, “Let me show you where the tools are.”
After a few grueling hours, the field was cut and the browned grass had been layered across the ground to dry. Nicole set the scythe down and began towards the homestead to grab a drink before returning to the homestead for a bite and nip. Once inside, she spotted Waverly by the sink washing some berries.
“Ms. Earp,” she greeted with a nod.
“Haught,” the other farmer greeted.
Nicole refilled her bottle, “Just taking a quick break. Do you need help in the fields?”
“Wait, did you already finish in the grass?”
“And scattered it to dry?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Nicole proudly nodded.
“Fast work, well done.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
“That’s really impressive for two hours,” Waverly complimented. “I was never able to do it that fast. But then again, I enjoyed washing and shearing the goats more than the ag stuff.”
Nicole nodded in agreement, “So, this is a family farm?”
“Yup. My great-great-grandpa started the farm as a side job from being a for-hire officer.”
“Wow, so why goats?”
“Small and versatile.”
“What do you mean?” Nicole asked drinking from her bottle again.
“Well, you can eat them, drink them, wear them, and work them. Cows are drinkable, edible, and wearable, but not really workable as well as they’re large and require a lot of land compared to goats.”
“When did you switch?”
“Back when Grandpa Edwin ran this homely land,” Waverly playfully informed her, “Did you grow up in the area?”
“No, I’m from the outskirts of Calgary.”
“Oh, I love Calgary!” she beamed. “It’s so beautiful and exciting!”
Nicole couldn’t help but smile at her colleague's genuine interest in her. “Yeah, a lot happens there but definitely a nice mix of rural and city life.”
“My ex-boyfriend brought me up to the zoo there. I absolutely adored the reptile exhibit.”
“Yeah, you know, exotic creatures from around the world.”
“I always loved the aviary exhibit. They’re so beautiful. So, you’re a bit of an adventurous soul, are you ma’am?”
“Yes, well, I’ve always enjoyed traveling, but the farm keeps me grounded.” Waverly smiled and looked out at the barn before pulling her gaze back to the farmhand, “I hope I’m not prying by asking you this, but… nevermind.”
“What?” Nicole gently pressed.
“Nevermind, it’s a stupid question,” she sputtered out as she tried to cover up her mistake.
Nicole rolled her eyes and gently asked, “There’s not much that offends me, ma’am. What is it?”
Waverly awkwardly sighed and asked, “Are you… gay?”
“Well, first day and already hitting the personal questions.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn't have asked.”
“Yeah, you shouldn't’ve,” Nicole began screwing the top back on her water bottle, “but you did, so I’ll answer. Yes, ma’am, I am in fact gay.”
“You are?”
Waverly bit her lip feeling completely stupid and yet, curiosity still flared beneath the naive surface of her question. “You must get asked that often, sorry…”
“Not really.”
“I’m sorry. Um, Doc will need help in the barn, so you can help him there, I’m almost finished in the fields,” she tried to smooth things over.
“Yes, ma’am.” Nicole walked out of the cramped house to join Holliday.
She walked to the creaky building to find Doc at the doorway watching the goats as he smoked a hand-rolled cigarette, hie tilted down a bit to block the sun. He glanced up at the new worker and smiled below that dark thick mustache.
“Good morning,” he greeted in a very thick southern accent. “You must be Nicole.”
“And you’re Doc?”
“Pleasure to meet you,” he nodded as he stood up to shake her hand.
“I was wondering if you needed help.”
“For now, I just need to refill some of the water troughs. You can help me, but after that, there’s nothing else to do.”
Nicole followed him to the well and began pumping water into the buckets, lugging them back to the barn as they each took turns dumping the water into the troughs. Nicole smiled again as the kids nudged into her while she walked. She laughed as she and Doc dumped water into the last trough. He was an unassuming man, Nicole pieced, and a big softy by the way he cared for the younger livestock. In the brief time of working with him, he was a gentleman, something Nicole had misjudged as being an act from his style and sound.
“Do you guys have a hay baler?” she asked.
“Yeah, it’s in the back by the truck, just hook it up to the ol’ tractor and drive it to the field. Turn it on and you’ll be good to go.”
“Thank you Doc,” Nicole finished, turning on her heels to ask, “So, why Doc?”
“Just my childhood nickname,” he wistfully smiled.
Nicole smiled at his brief but predictable answer and walked back to the fields where Waverly said she would be. She looked for the young Earp amongst the bushes and approached her as she stood up.
“Hey, you need help?” Nicole called out to her.
“Huh? Oh, yeah,” she absentmindedly answered. “Yeah. I mean no. Sorry. Did you finish helping Doc?”
“Yes ma’am. Now just waiting for the grass to dry before I rotate and dry it again.” Nicole watched for a moment, the awkward silence filling the void that was once full of eager interest in one another. “Would you want to join me for a lunch break, ma’am?”
“Sure, I’m finishing up on the second round of blueberries today, so I can take a short break right now. I don’t have a helmet, though,” Waverly told her. “Oh, wait, Wynonna does.”
“She has a bike, too?”
“Yeah, it’s our uncle’s.”
“Perfect. So, is there anywhere to have a nip this early in the afternoon?”
“There’s this local bar in the town center, Shorty’s,” Waverly suggested with a smile.
“Sounds great.”
“It is,” she said going off to store the berries.
Waverly quickly finished her task and joined Nicole for their thrilling adventure. Her farmhand pulled on her helmet and slapped the visor down to protect her eyes from the sun then sat still for Waverly to climb on. She tentatively put her hands on Nicole’s shoulders, then slid them to her waist as they drove off. Nicole sped to the town center, the wind whipping past their bodies as they broke through the countryside. The rolling hills looked even more majestic at high speeds, and with the cloudy day, partial shadows were cast over the grass in long streaks while low winds combed over the untamed reeds. The land flattened again as she approached the main street paved through archaic shops meant to preserve the Old West. They finally happened upon Shorty’s, hard to miss by the large sign outlined in lights, and dismounted the bike, Waverly led the way to the old bar. When they walked in, almost everyone greeted the young heir.
“You seem quite popular,” Nicole commented
“I used to work here part-time,” she explained as they found a spot at the bar.
“Waitress because I wasn’t old enough to sell alcohol,” she explained, catching the attention of the current woman presiding over the saloon.
“Waverly, how are you, sweetie?” Gus greeted.
“I’m doing really well, could we have two of the house ale?”
“Oh, just one,” Nicole interrupted, “I’ll just have pop, thank you, ma’am.”
“No problem,” she nodded as she poured out two small glasses and slid them over to the farmers before attending to the other patrons.
“That’s Gus, she’s my aunt. Curtis and his friend, Shorty, own this place.”
“It’s nice. Is that why you’re very popular?”
“Not the only other reason why,” Gus cut in with a slight smile as she cleaned a few glasses within earshot.
“That doesn’t matter, not really,” Waverly instantly intervened.
“So, who are you?” she directed towards the new farmhand.
“I’m Nicole Haught, new to the Earp farm, ma’am,” she said with a smile.
“It’s great to see people still wanting to work there. I always told Waverly that she should have traveled, she’s a free spirit.”
“But we need to keep our feet on the ground,” she intervened again.
“You’re too smart for Purgatory, Waves. You deserve more than this town than that farm,” Gus berated, leaving to serve another customer.
Nicole looked at Waverly, head cocked to the side in curiosity. “What does she mean by not the only reason you’re popular?”
“My great-great-grandpa was Wyatt Earp. He owned that small farm and raised his family there.”
“The Wyatt Earp? I thought I recognized your last name.”
“Yup,” Waverly smile, sighing as she looked down at her drink.
“So exploring the world was on your bucket list?”
“Yeah, but it was only a dream. Have you explored outside of Canada?”
“I have and I have to say that once you explore the world, you’re excited at first, but then find that it’s not what you expected because of all of the issues you find at home you find everywhere else, just with a different mask. It’s better to learn about the world slowly so there’s always more to see, more to do, more to… feel.” Nicole said drinking from her cup.
“Wow, were you a philosophy major?” Waverly asked.
“I always enjoyed philosophy, but I actually majored in justice and law,” Nicole casually joked.
“Wow, any idea of what you’d do?”
“Become an officer, maybe, or become a detective. Though for now, I’m working on a goat farm for a charming lady and her bike-loving older sister.”
“Thank you,” Waverly bashfully accepted. “Why not go straight into the force?”
“Well, I wanted to take a while off to get settled again before I have to go to the academy.”
“Why law enforcement?”
“I wanted to be one of the good cops. I want to improve our system by seeing and experiencing how it works from the inside.”
“How noble,” Waverly carefully considered.
Nicole blushed and glanced away, drinking from her glass. “I’m glad that we have this time to talk.”
“Me too,” Waverly agreed.
They watched as the hour passed with only a few lapsing moments of silence, seemingly having forgotten about the awkward question that briefly made Nicole wish she had taken a different job. The two women walked out of the bar, mounting Beauty, and headed back to the homestead. Nicole left first to continue her work in the fields where she began to flip the grass. The hard labor proved to be more mindless than she had originally planned, spending most of the time recounting her small excursion with Waverly.
Once she finished the work, Nicole walked to the fields behind the house where Waverly said she would be and called out, “Miss Earp, would you like me to help?”
“Yes, please,” she called back. “I need to pick the strawberries now, they just all popped. You know how to pick these, right?” Waverly asked, wiping her fingers off on the red and purple-stained rag.
“Do they just fall off?”
“Not really,” she corrected, handing her a spare pair of clippers from the basket. “We pick them when they’re a bit green still and what ones that are too ripe we sell in town or keep for ourselves.”
Nicole knelt down next to her and began to pick the ripe red berries from the bush, gently dropping them into the basket. There must have been three fifty meter rows of strawberry bushes and another three rows of blueberries Waverly had picked earlier. They worked quickly and diligently, hoping to be able to rest for the remaining portion of their workday. The two women picked the berries side by side, talking as they worked.
“So, books or video games,” Waverly randomly asked.
“It depends,” she methodically began, “I like books a bit more but I also enjoy a well-written game, too.”
“Okay. What kind of books do you like to read, then?”
“I enjoy Sue Grafton or a well thought out novel about ancient history.”
“Really?” Waverly asked excitedly. “So, which ancient society do you believe really pushed the progression of man?”
Nicole smirked at her excitement and thoughtfully answered, “The Sumerians. With a very intricate religious system copied by the Babylonians and Egyptians which was copied by the Greeks and Romans, as well as a simple written system, I think that they really did aid in the formative years for mankind. What do you think, ma’am?”
“Wow,” Waverly murmured in awe of Nicole’s genuine interest and knowledge. She bit her lip and asked, “What about women in history, which do you believe was the most progressive?”
Nicole perked up an eyebrow about the subject, finding it an interesting one to compare with ancient societies. “Oh, I think either the Sumerians- again- or maybe Ancient East Africa because of the matriarchal rule in some tribes. Well, now that I think about it, definitely the Sumerians because there was a woman leader who is regarded positively and women could be equal to men if they tried unlike many cultures, ancient or modern” Waverly just looked at the young worker and smiled. “Are you alright, ma’am?”
“Yes, yeah, I’ve just never met anyone so passionate about history. Everyone here is either a local running their own shop or working on their farm, so there aren’t a lot of people who like to talk about history for fun. Usually, it’s because it’s their homework… and they’re just asking for their homework.”
“Well, I’m glad that you approve of my overall nerdiness, Ms. Earp,” Nicole sarcastically engaged.
“Gosh, I embrace it with all of my heart because I'm not the only nerdy person in town now.”
Haught continued to smile as they went back to work, feeling her employer’s eyes on her every moment or so. Whenever she caught her eye, a light blush would cover her cheeks in an instant and she would go back to her task. As they finished the final row of strawberries, Nicole glanced at her watch seeing that she still had two hours left on the clock.
She excused herself and went to retrieve the small green tractor, connecting it to their old baler. The young farmhand drove to the front of the lot and hopped out to bring the hay together in individual rows. She then got back on the tractor and slowly drove over the mounds of grass as they collected and ultimately turned into seven dense round bales. She drove the tractor back, taking everything apart when she spotted Waverly in the house beckoning her inside. Nicole approached the manor, brushing off all of the excess grass, and walked in.
“Hey, you busy?” her employer asked
“I just have to bring in the hay, but other than that, no, ma’am.”
“Just wondering. I can help you,” Waverly offered.
“Thank you, ma’am,” Nicole accepted, pulling her gloves on again as she led the way to the field.
They each grabbed a bale and walked to the barn where Doc must have been on a break as the goats meandered the fields to drink and graze, pushing through one another. The farmers dropped the bales on the ground and began traveling back and forth for the remaining ones. After the last drop off, Waverly climbed up the ladder to the storage space with other extra bales.
“What was your aunt saying about you moving on?” Nicole asked as she tossed a bale up to her.
“Well,” Waverly huffed as she caught it. “I was a history and linguistics major, nothing like Wynonna or anyone else in the family. Gus has been trying to get me on a different track ever since my dad passed away. She even helped me through college.”
“Why did you decide to stay, if you don’t mind me asking, ma’am?”
“This is my home, and when Wynonna left I took care of this place with Uncle Curtis, just to get by. I found happiness here. Peace,” Waverly simply added, catching the last bale and setting it down. “Love.”
“Ms. Waverly Earp,” she beckoned, climbing up the ladder, “why did my sexuality matter to you?” Nicole only earned a defiant sigh and she pushed herself onto the deck.
She merely looked at Nicole as she tried to put her thoughts in order as quickly as she could while the worker encroached upon her. “Close enough to touch,” she thought to herself. A foot apart, Waverly gazed up slightly to study Nicole’s features before nervously breaking their connection with a soft sigh.
“I’m not really great with words,” Waverly tried to explain away, “You know what, pretend I didn’t say anything, Nicole.”
“With all due respect, ma’am, I really don’t think that’s possible,” she bluntly stated.
Waverly bit the inside of her lip as she tried to fight off the urge to do or say anything out of line, especially when her counterpart was so formal. “Nothing, I shouldn’t have said anything,” she tried, nudging her coworker aside by the waist before she descended the ladder.
“Waverly,” she called down to her, “I apologize if I have been out of line in any way.”
“I’ve been out of line, Nicole,” the young caretaker affirmed as the barn doors opened.
“Good afternoon, ladies,” Doc greeted, a fresh smoke peeking out from under his mustache.
“Hey, Doc,” Waverly quickly smiled, walking past him.
Once out of earshot, Nicole approached him to ask, “Is she usually like this?”
Doc tucked the unlit cigarette behind his ear and shrugged, “Like what?”
“I guess sometimes? The best thing to do with these Earps is to let them defuse in solitude rather than intervene,” he informed her. “Thank you for the hay.”
“No problem, Doc,” she nodded, following Waverly to the homestead.
“I mean it, Haught,” he warned her. “Leave it be.”
“I still have an hour left.”
“I have to herd the goats in if you want to help, that’ll eat up a good fifteen,” he asked, lighting the end of his tab.
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sybxritiic · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER for @solaralockwood​
being an earp was hard.
wynonna and the rest of the black badge division could certainly attest to that. but , over the years , waverly had come to the decision that being an angel was much harder. not that she was trying to downplay the earp curse or even the hardships that wynonna had gone through early in life , but at least the earp heir could actually do something about their situation. meanwhile , angels ( for the most part ) were destined to survive and witness the rise and fall of humanity──which , admittedly , was MUCH easier said than done when you were part human. even her father had developed the capacity for human emotion after spending so long in the ghost river triangle.
so , to say it was difficult for a mere half-angel to understand the distinction between god’s will and the manufactured sense of morality that humans have attempted to impose on the world.. well , that was an understatement. especially since waverly full-heartedly believed in at least some of the moral laws that humans generally followed. but death and destruction were a part of the human condition and , as her father often said , there was no time to let ‘ PETTY HUMANITY ’ interfere with their task. even so , she struggled understand the point in having special powers if she was always forbidden to use them. julian assured her that she would know the right moment to use the gifts that were bestowed upon her , but that was of little to no comfort to her since she always felt like she should be helping people. luckily , she’d learned a few tricks from her clever ‘ uncle ’ , juan carlo , on how to find loopholes within the system and gently guide people in the right direction without technically interfering──like the time she managed to save a young girl from almost certain death at the hands of bulshar’s cultists.
she would later come to find out that the girl had grown up to become a police officer , but not just ANY police officer. nicole haught was a sheriff’s deputy in purgatory and , try as she might to ignore the fact that the redheaded woman had somehow found her way back to purgatory after all these years , she couldn’t seem to deny the strange sense of irony to it all. if she didn’t know any better , she might even be tempted to say that god was bringing the two of them together , but.. that would be ridiculous. even she didn’t believe that fate could be so serendipitous. after all , nicole was probably the most perfect human she had ever come in contact with. she didn’t need a powerful relic to save lives , she did that with just a gun and badge. 
the young angel wasn’t sure why she felt so drawn to officer haught. it could have been her bright and charming smile , or her vibrant red hair. or maybe just the simple fact that she had a pure heart ( waverly was certain could sense it , she was an excellent judge of character ). regardless , she found herself checking up on her favorite deputy from time to time , always careful to stay out of sight and out of mind.
except now she wasn’t so sure she’d been successful in keeping her identity hidden because , like a prayer , she could hear the distinct echo of nicole’s fading voice in her head , calling out to her like it was the last thing she’d ever do. and unfortunately , waverly had the gut-wrenching feeling that it was. so , without giving it a second thought , she allowed her eyes to drift shut so she could focus on the sound while she conjured up the strength to transport herself to its source. julian was still in the process of teaching her how to control her newfound teleportation , but she didn’t have time to worry about the mechanics or if she would come out in one piece. 
thankfully , by the time she opened her eyes , she could already sense the change in her atmosphere. the air was brisk and she could hear the wind howling through the trees , but all else seemed to fade the moment her gaze happened upon the fallen officer. “ oh my god , nicole ! ” she called out , instantly dropping to her knees next to the other woman. she lifted a hand to press against the gaping wound on her torso , but there was just so much blood──and in the deepest shade of crimson , which she knew could only be the result of a fatal wound. her father’s words echoed through her mind , reminding her that god called all of his children home at one point or another , but she couldn’t bring herself to let this one go.
“ it’s okay , i’m here. i can help , ” waverly promised , biting back tears as she ripped nicole’s uniform open to press her hand against the stab wound. there would be consequences , she knew that. but even if she had to use every ounce of her power to save nicole , she would.
and so , she did.
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captainlances · 4 years
Tagged by @viharistenno :)
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag (10) people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses // contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my (toe)nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Interests:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mum friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of Sharpies // I participate in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
Tagging: @too-haught-haught-damn and @beca-mitchell ♡
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girl4music · 4 months
Couldn’t have said it better myself. Season 4 absolutely does belong to Nicole Haught. I was always wavering on which character I loved the most from the ship - or even of the whole show - Waverly or Nicole? And as much as I love Waverly and think she’s adorable and compelling and dynamic in her own right, Season 4 has absolutely cemented it for me.
It’s Nicole Haught. She’s my favourite character. And when you see just how well they do with her character arc, not only in the 4th season but all throughout, you really would understand why it’s ended up being her.
Plus - it doesn’t hurt that the actress is gorgeous and that my type when it comes to females is redheads.
Yeah, I’m attracted. No doubts about it. But I’m glad that it’s more than that. I’m glad I really do love the character as much as I do for being that character.
I’m so happy and grateful that she isn’t just “the lover/love interest of a main character” ‘cause I hate that.
But yeah - when you watch her arc, you can see for yourself why she’s my most favourite character. It’s specifically in her Season 4 arc. Kat fucking KILLS IT playing a character racked with depression and PTSD. Katherine Barrell is so damn talented and does not let me down one bit. She had the range to portray what was necessary for me to give Nicole Haught the honor of becoming my favourite over Waverly or Wynonna.
Also, not coincidentally, this is the first time that I’ve ever fell in love with a 100% mortal human character in all the supernatural/fantasy genre TV that I’ve watched. I mean there is Gabrielle from ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ but I don’t really think she counts because - while the TV show is genre and fantasy - it’s not supernatural. So there are little to no supernatural characters in that show. Especially not protagonists.
Everything you expect to happen actually happens! Emily Andras chose to prioritize Nicole Haught in Season 3 of ‘Wynonna Earp’ as a main character. Credited in the main titles and everything being a main character comes with… she is not neglected at all. A lesbian female character that initially came into the show as a season regular/recurring character to be the love interest for another female main character… and instead ends up one of the most significant ones.
Nicole Haught is the very first only human character that I’ve absolutely fallen in love with in supernatural TV art/entertainment and I watch a SHIT LOAD of it. So it just goes to show you how rare it is to find a female queer character in TV art/entertainment that is strong, powerful and bad ass but also 100% human and that isn’t killed off half way fucking through it. That actually has a full development and conclusion. Never mind has a happily married endgame romance with the other female main character that they were originally written into the supernatural genre show for.
She’s extremely special and I just fucking LOVE HER!
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tulip-lesbian · 4 years
Tagged by: @too-haught-haught-damn​
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag (10) people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses // contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my (toe)nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Interests:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mum friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of Sharpies // I participate in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
Tagging: @iamthebonecarver @thechrysialid @lcsbianist @cosmic-queer
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dahliawolfe · 4 years
No exactly cannon, but some elements of the Wynonna Earp timeline are present
“Dammit, Wylie! I told you to stay put,” Doc rages, scooping the youngest Earp up into his arms. Blood is flowing freely from her arm, and tears are welling up in her big chocolate eyes. “Now, now. Don’t start that cryin’” he begged, nuzzling the top of her head.
Wylie was always getting into trouble. At 19, she had been in more scrapes than most twice her age. And Doc figured he wouldn’t be changing anytime soon.
“You could’ve been killed!” Wynonna rages.
“But I wasn’t!” Wylie argues, wincing as Nicole dabs her wound with alcohol. “Oww, Nic!” she exclaims, recoiling from the redhead.
“Sorry, Kiddo, but you’re pretty torn up. I’ve gotta patch you up.” Wylie pouts, looking to Doc, who usually folded upon seeing her sad face.
“Oh, no, Missy. You earned every bit of this,” he says, wagging his finger at her.
“Wave!” Wylie begs, desperate for someone to be on her side. Waverly takes one look at her little sister and sighs.
“Oh, Wynonna, she was just trying to help. Give her some whiskey to dull the pain a little will ya.”
Wylie grins at her big sister. She knew someone would help her out.
“I absolutely will not give my baby sister whiskey!” Wynonna yells, crossing her arms over her chest.
“But…But…Nonna, it hurts so bad. Please.”
“No. End of discussion. I’m going to call Dolls and see what he’s found out.” Wylie hangs her head, knowing she’s been defeated.
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Wylie studies her phone, waiting on the text to let her know what’s going on. Wynonna had promised her. And she would text. Right?
“Kiddo, I’m sure they’re fine,” Nicole assures, taking a seat on the worn velvet couch by Wylie.
“She promised me. I can help. I’m not a baby,” Wylie says dejectedly.
“I know you’re not, Sweetheart. And so do they, they just love you a lot and want to protect you. That’s all.”
“I can take care of myself!” She’s beginning to get angry. No one takes her seriously, and it is starting to annoy her.
“Calm down, Wy, everything will be ok,” Nicole soothes, coming to place her arm around Wylie.
“I’m going out. Don’t wait up.” Wylie stands angrily and storms out of the house, leaving Nicole sitting, mouth agape, wondering how she was going to tell Wynonna that she’d just let her baby sister go off alone.
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The summer night is warm, but the grass under her bare shoulders in cool. And it’s peaceful. For once. No one is dying. No one is fighting. And she’s not being treated like a child. Tonight, the open plains are her sanctuary. Wylie lies on the grass, looking up at the huge expanse of stars. She knows that they’re probably looking for her, but she doesn’t care. Because it’s just her, the bottle of whiskey she stole from Wynonna’s truck, and the open air.
Whiskey burns a lot going down for the first few swallows, but then you become numb, and warm, and fuzzy. And that’s where Wylie is at. She could almost fall asleep here. And maybe she will. Just for a few minutes.
Wylie comes back to reality slowly. Something in the air feels wrong. She’s still tipsy, but the haze of the whiskey has faded. And she’s becoming acutely aware that she’s not alone in her little slice of paradise. But she lays still. Trying to come up with a game plan. She doesn’t have a gun. Not even a knife. And her phone is at least 100 yards away in her car. What the fuck is she supposed to do? She could make a run for it, but she doubts she’ll get far. But what choice does she have? So, steeling herself, she bolts from the ground, running as fast as she can toward her little black mustang.
Her hair is pulled sharply, sending fire through her scalp. She’s yanked off of her feet. But not for long as she’s grabbed around the throat and lifted into the air. She kicks violently. But it doesn’t do much good. Her captor has turned her around and she can see his glowing red eyes. “Well, fuck,” she hisses. He smiles evilly up at her.
“Well, well, if it isn’t baby Earp herself. Pleasure to meet you, Little One.” Wylie is slowly losing the fight with consciousness, when she sees it. Her chance at salvation. She notices that he’s lowered her just a few inches to taunt her directly to her face. And her foot is lined up perfectly with his crown jewels. She gives a wry grin before rearing back and kicking him as hard as she can. He makes a sound like a gutted pig and throws her away from his body. She lands hard, hitting her head on the ground with a solid, “thwap”.
The world spins drunkenly for a few seconds before she makes her way unsteadily to her feet. She hears his boots approaching behind her, so she grabs the only thing she can reach, her whiskey bottle, and spins, putting the whole of her weight into the swing, catching him in the skull. He crumples, but unfortunately, so does she. The bottle has broken in her hand and her grip is slick with blood, but she holds the broken bottle like her life depends on it. Because it just might.
The familiar sound of boots approaches from behind her, and she smiles. Wynonna and Doc are here. Just in time. Because, she’s not sure she can stay awake much longer. She falls back into Doc’s arms just as Wynonna levels Peacemaker at the revenant’s head and pulls the trigger. Then she goes limp.
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Doc holds her hair back as she empties her stomach into the basin in front of her. Again.
“Alright. It’s alright, Darlin’. I’m right here with ya,” he soothes, pulling her back into his chest once she’s spent. She sobs, turning her face into him and clutching his shirt in her fist. The combination of the alcohol, head injury, and near-death experience have wrecked her.
Wynonna comes back into the room and kneels to place and ice pack on Wylie’s temple. “It’s ok, Babydoll. You’re safe now,” the eldest sister assures. She strokes her sister’s arm and hums quietly. Wynonna had spent many nights taking care of Wylie like this. Wylie was Ward’s youngest, but the girls didn’t share a mother. Ward met Wylie’s mother, Rachael six months after Michelle was sent to prison. She was a drifter and after having Wylie, she ran off again. Wynonna had been the only mom Wylie had known. Hell, she’d been her father too for that matter. When Wynonna went to Greece, she wanted to take Wylie with her, but she knew that a life on the road wasn’t right for a kid. So, she’d done the next best thing; left her with Waverly.
Doc makes his way to his feet, Wylie still in his arms, and she stirs, immediately clutching at him again. “Perhaps she should sleep with us tonight,” he tells Wynonna, looking down at the youngest Earp. He’d immediately taken a shine to Wylie. She was smart. Sassy. Brave. And would just as soon give you a verbal lashing as to look at ya. And Doc admired that. She seemingly became partial to him rather quickly too. The two were nearly inseparable now.
“Yeah, I suppose she should,” Wynonna replies, flicking the bathroom light off behind them as they made their way upstairs. Waverly, Nicole, and Dolls were all at the station trying to piece together who attacked Wylie in that field. And Wynonna wasn’t much for research, but she would damn well kill anybody who tried to hurt her kid.
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The smoke billowing from his cigarillo clouds out the stars as he sits on the porch. Dolls had called nearly an hour ago identifying Wylie’s would be killer as Johnathan Witham. A pedophile that Wyatt had hung over a hundred years before. Doc remembers Wyatt telling him about the man. And the sick feeling of primal hatred he felt then is still present today. What would he have done with their little Wylie? Doc shudders to think. But Doc assumes that just as in life, Witham, in death served another master. And that scares Doc more than anything. Because that means the threat to his little girl isn’t over.
The bandages wrapped around her bicep and hand, the stitches to her head, and the nasty bruises around her neck make Wylie look like she’s seen better days. And she has. Way better days. She’s tired, cranky, sore, and nauseous, but Wynonna insisted she come to the station with her today. Wylie hates being babysat. She’s a grown woman. She doesn’t need her sister to wipe her ass 24/7.
“Nonna, let me go home and sleep, please. I promise I won’t leave the homestead.”
“No. You’re under 24-hour surveillance until we find out who sent Witham to kill you.”
“How do you even know someone sent him? Maybe he came of his own free will.”
“Unlikely. Witham isn’t patient enough to watch you for that long without striking. Unless someone was there to hold him back,” Doc states, leaning against the desk in front of her.
“But why would anyone want to kill me?! I’m nobody! You’re the heir!”
“You’re not nobody, Sweetie. You’re very important to all of us here,” Waverly says, coming over to stroke her sister’s hair out of her eyes.
“I’m just saying, wouldn’t it make more sense to go after Wynonna? She’s their public enemy number one.” “They know that she would kill for you,” Dolls states, taking a sip from his X mug.
“Ok, but X Man, there’s a problem with that. Why would they want her to kill them?” Wylie asks.
“They don’t. Maybe they wanted to use you as bait and Witham got a little too riley,” Nicole suggests.
“So, they’re setting a trap for Nonna?”
“Could be,” Dolls agrees. “Doc, who did Witham hang around with back in the day?”
“Well, I did not know the man personally. But Wyatt told me that he found Witham west of Pike’s Gulch. That used to be the stomping grounds of the Warren Brothers.”
“The Warren Brothers?”
“Outlaws. Wyatt eventually hung them too. They robbed banks from here to El Paso. They  had a gang of bastards out there in those woods.”
“Interesting. Let’s find out more about these Warren Brothers, Haught.”
“On it.”
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Wylie had fallen asleep on her, and she can’t breathe. But she knows the kid needs the rest, so Wynonna stays still. Or, well, she stays still until her phone rings. She knows it’s Dolls. It’s his ringtone. And she also knows she needs to answer it. Maybe if she can just reach…
“Mama, no,” Wylie whines in her sleep. Wynonna stills again, humming to ease the kid back into dreamland. It’s not the first time Wylie’s called her mama. And for whatever reason, it warms her heart a little. Every time. It makes her feel like she’d finally done something right.
“Wynonna, why the hell aren’t you answering your phone?” Dolls demands, slamming through the front door.
“Shh!” Wynonna hisses, gesturing to the sleeping girl in her lap.
“We’ve got a beat on the Warren Brothers,” Dolls states, lowering his voice. He pulls a chair close to the Earp sisters and sits down. “Wyatt did hang the younger brother, Hank, but it was years before he caught the older one, William. Supposedly, William swore to take revenge on Wyatt. He believed that Wyatt had forgotten about him after he had been gone from Purgatory for nearly five years. So he snuck onto the homestead in the middle of the night, expecting to take Wyatt by surprise. But Wyatt shot him right between the eyes with Peacemaker and let a calvary into the Gulch the next day, taking out the rest of his gang.”
“So, what, Willy boy is still seeking his revenge on us? That’s a hell of a grudge.”
“Makes sense. Well, as much sense as any other revenant’s story.”
“You’ve got me there.”
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“This is a bad idea, guys. Something bad is going to happen,” Wylie insists. She was expected to walk into the Gulch, pretending to sacrifice herself for Wynonna. And the others would come in and take out the Warren boys.
“Nothing bad is going to happen, Wy. We’ve got you. I promise,” Wynonna assures.
“Ok. Cool. But, maybe…”
“I could do it,” Waverly offers. “She’s my sister too. You both are. It makes sense that I would want to sacrifice myself, too.”
“No! I’ll…I’ll do it. I can do it,” Wylie concedes. She doesn’t want Waverly getting hurt because of her. Dolls nods.
“Then let’s get to getting,” he says, cocking his gun.
The air is beginning to take on the chill of autumn, and Wylie rubs warmth into her skin as she makes her way through the woods.
“I know who you are! And I know what you want!” she calls, looking all around her. “And I’m here to make a deal! I’ll take her place!” Someone jumps from a tree, landing in front of her, nearly making her piss herself.
“Are you now?” the man hisses, the smell of death seeping through his yellowed teeth. Wylie steels herself.
“Yes. Now, take me to the Warren Brothers.”
“We’re right here, Darlin’,” comes a voice, as two men emerge from the trees.
“Well, you heard my terms. Me for her. Do you accept?” Wylie feels like she might spring apart, but she’s trying to keep it together and remain outwardly calm.
“Well, Sugar,” the younger of the two brothers begins, smirk lining his face as he stalks around her in circles. “I think we could work something out.” Wylie swallows through a dry throat.
“So, I have your word?”
“You can have something else, Earp whore,” he growls, dragging her to his body and  thrusting his crotch into her hips.
And that’s when all hell breaks loose.
“Get your filthy hands off of her!” Waverly exclaims, emerging from the trees, the rest of the family flanking her. She marches up to Hank Warren, punching him right in the face as Dolls, Doc, and Wynonna set about eliminating the rest of the Warren gang. Nicole leads Wylie and Waverly away from the action. She’s turned to check on the youngest when a revenant pops out from behind a tree.
“Nic!” Wylie yelps, already grabbing her knife from her boot. She throws it just like Doc showed her, and it finds its home in the revenant’s heart. He slumps to the ground, just in time for Wynonna to arrive and aim Peacemaker at his head, pulling the trigger, and sending the bullet between his eyes.
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After taking stock and patching up wounds, the Earp family sits around Shorty’s just breathing in the calm of the moment.
“The hero of the night gets a shot, on me!” Nicole declares, slinging a whiskey glass down the bar to Wylie, who immediately shoots it back.
“Hey! This is cider!”
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Tagged by @too-haught-haught-damn thank you sm
Rules: Bold everything that applies to you and tag (10) people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses // contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my (toe)nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backward (all the time its kinda embarrassing)
Hobbies and Interests:
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to TV shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own (based on my twd knowledge maybe) // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // My parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // The sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mum friend // I live by a certain quote(s) // I like the smell of Sharpies // I participate in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
tagging @my mutuals and anyone else who wants to 
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ao3-feedwayhaught · 4 years
Redheads Do It Better
by Goladyvols
Waverly comes to visit Nicole at the Sheriff's office finding her very angry. This fiery side of Nicole turns Waverly on and smut ensues.
Words: 2919, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/23772856
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wayhaughtao3feed · 4 years
Redheads Do It Better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RYDUQh
by Goladyvols
Waverly comes to visit Nicole at the Sheriff's office finding her very angry. This fiery side of Nicole turns Waverly on and smut ensues.
Words: 2919, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2RYDUQh
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