#*admin notes
updatingranboo · 3 days
updatingranboo’s tagging system
hiya! it’s been a while since i updated my tagging system so here’s a whole new post about it :D if you’ve ever wondered “man, admin sure uses a lot of tags, how do i know how to find stuff using those tags?” you’re gonna wanna check this post out!
all updates are tagged with “#ranboo” and “#ranboo update” for searchability.
all other creators included in posts are tagged with their username (ie. charlie is tagged "#slimecicle", sneeg is tagged "#sneegsnag", michela is tagged "#darkeyebrows".) the only exception is moonzy, who is just tagged as "#moonzy".
all posts including generation loss across all platforms are tagged with “#generation loss” and “#generation loss update".
generation loss posts are also separated by specific projects, including: #the social experiments - #the founders cut - #chronicle 0 - #the story of lostfield
some notable events like weeks, cons, and trips also have tags, including: #twitchcon paris 2023 - #twitchcon las vegas 2023 - #vidcon baltimore 2023 - #spooky week 2023 - #ranboo rebrand 2023 - #ranbathon2024 - #the streamer awards 2024 - #austrailia trip 2024 - #vidcon anaheim 2024
specific platform updates:
#twitch update - #main stream - #ranboobutnot stream - #end of stream - #twitch vod link - #guest star* - #offline chat - #twitch clip
#youtube update - #ranboo upload - #ranboovods upload - #ranboowaslive upload - #ranboowaslive short - #generation loss upload - #white noise upload - #sorry upload - #youtube comment
#twitter update - #twitter reply - #going live tweet - #ranboosaysstuff tweet - #ranaltboo tweet - #whenranboolive tweet - #generationloss1 tweet - #generationloss2 tweet - #thechronicle0 tweet - #whiternoises tweet
#tiktok update - #main tiktok - #ranbooliveclips tiktok
#instagram update - #insta story - #instagram post - #threads update
#tumblr update - #textpost update - #ask update - #ranboo reblog - #aimsey reblog - #guqqie reblog
#discord update - #ranmail v1 post
thumbnail artists: #holographicros3 thumbnail - #mushroom21888 thumbnail - #sleepy_cheeky thumbnail - #ingapotejto thumbnail - #breisnotperfect thumbnail
prominent community member tags: #kertoir - #mochiflxwer - #bioloveds
other notable tags: #dnd - #garfield - #guest appearance** - #irl photo - #merch update - #mirror selfie - #momboo - #moose the cat - #r800 vtuber - #ranboo house update - #ranboos art - #video
admin tags: #not updating ranboo - #updatingranboo ask - #admin notes
*guest star is for stream appearances, **guest appearance is for all other posts including ranboo, but not made by ranboo
i'll continue to update this as i find more tags i frequently use!
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Here a post to promote this artist! Relevant since she draws some of the sexy men in the race!
And I just think it’s very cool!
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eyelessdoll-y · 2 years
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ヾ(´¬`)ノ Important!! ヾ(´¬`)ノ
Everyone!! I created courage and did more arts accounts out of this Diabolik Lovers fandom blog, and with that, I also made an linktree to link every new account in any site I create. In other accounts (Instagram/Twitter/Ko-fi) I'll try post more drawings and receive more comissions (and get a job)!! There will be my general arts in any anime, game, movies; studies, animation, design!! If you really love and have interest in my general art, you might be following and supporting me!!! 🥺🥺💜💜
>>♡ https://linktr.ee/doll__amanda ♡<<
And I finally created a Ko-fi, the link is also right on the linktree!! If you want to help me and don't want to pay for a whole commission, you can support me at Ko-fi paying as much as you want and can!!
Also, I ask sorry if the text doesn't have much to do with the photo. I did this drawing of Shuu to draw attention, as I realized that the amount of followers who read and interact in my important text/warning posts is highly disproportionate to the amount of followers who interact in my arts and drawings. And it's okay, because my blog is focused on drawings so it's normal for this to happen, I just needed you guys to come read this warning so I ended up appealing with Shuu... A little. But come on, there's nothing explicit in this pic !!! 🥺🥺
Here's a short short of him listening to G-Idle's "Nxde" in bath. It's simple, nothing woooow in animation, but I just wanted to show it!! Shuu's photo in the full tub will be on one of my accounts, click on my linktree to find it! 😘😘 (if you are under the age of 18, you will not see. And I'm not sorry about that!!)
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elvisabutler · 1 year
masterlist of all masterlists | request details
requests are open! ( mostly )
particulars for if you are going to request something from me, i don't really have limits- especially in this fandom beyond the big no nos that most everyone have. however, if it gives me the ick- as they say- i may have to decline, but i'll have the decency to tell you if i do. if i don't respond or take a bit to get to the request, don't be alarmed, i am both a very quick and very slow writer when i want to be. so it's likely in my drafts somewhere with somewhere between a word written and basically everything but an ending sentence.
in addition, do know that my inbox is always open just to talk. i may be busy running after a 2.5 year old and being an adult but i like hearing from y'all even if it's to just ask when i'm updating. because hey, that's a legit question.
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masterlist is under the cut, last updated: 10/10/2023 ( mostly )
latest elvis fic posted: down home southern cooking ( rated m, fameless elvis x female oc ) - posted 09/26/2023
latest austin fic posted: purest of them all ( rated m, biker austin x female reader ) - posted 09/18/2023
austin butler masterlist
elvis presley masterlist
miscellaneous masterlist
other masterlists
celebration masterlist kinktober 2022 wet hot smut summer 2023
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Hello all! Just a brief admin note - as spam bots are on the rise, I'm being much freer with the report/block button as I get new followers. I hate the thought of blocking someone who isn't a bot, so if you don't want to get blocked, please:
1) Change your icon from the default.
2) Add a title!
3) Post or reblog something - anything! A note saying hi, a picture you like. Just not a suspicious link :)
The first thing I look for is default icons and untitled blogs. Then I check for empty blogs or blogs with only suspicious links.
This is all pretty standard for tumblr - if you're new here, welcome! Consider this some friendly advice on how not to look like a spam bot :)
Thanks all, and have a great day!
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rafefuckingcameron · 2 days
Admin note:
UPDATE: both have been filled <3
Just throwing this out there, I know it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I play Drew Starkey in a RPG and I'm looking for an Odessa A'zion or Josephine Langford to write with. No hate, I know not everyone likes Odessa. I do. Anyway, it's a celeb RPG and there's a bunch of other cool writers in it who play awesome actors. If you have any interest in joining send me a DM or comment on here and I'll message you with the group info.
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imagine-all-the-elves · 10 months
Dear people, I need imagines. The askbox is empty, and my brain feels perforated and incapable of producing new ideas right now. A little help?
Thank you!
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officerwaltons · 11 months
hi all! welcome to my multi-muse. my prompts can be found here, & all the characters i write are down below. original character are denoted with an astirix. muses i write for include :
Jack Kelly & Mary Richards (Newsies), Courfeyac, Musichetta, & Joly (Les Miserables)
Peter Pevensie (Chronicles of Narnia), Steve Rogers (Marvel), Carlisle Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Winifred Hale* (Twilight Saga), & James Potter and Pollux Black* (Marauders Era).
Quinn Walton (Titanic-based OC), Anne Neville, Arthur Tudor, Henry Tudor Duke of Cornwall (Alternate History/The Tudors based), & Martha Wayles Jefferson.
admin info & rules below the cut :-)
hi there, thank you for reading so far! my name is tanny, & i use she/her pronouns. this blog is minors dni. i do not post any nsfw content, but since i am 24, i don’t feel comfortable having minors interact w my page.
unless otherswise stated, my ask box is always open for prompts/starters. i prefer writing full length plots on discord, so feel free to pm me for that. this blog is also run on mobile, so i apologize for any formatting issues that may not translate well onto the computer.
i am working on getting a muse info doc set up, so please bare with me on that front. i look forward to writing with you all !
a few other misc. things: i don’t write smut. if you do, please put that under a cut. this blog is also not mutuals exclusive, although i do my best to follow everyone back ! the only time i won’t is if i don’t see any fandoms that intersect.
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fuckyeah-hetalia · 11 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
This is very kind, but I prefer to keep this blog primarily for just sharing/reblogging others' work. I don't use it as a personal blog, so I prefer to keep any of my personal stuff off of it.
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sightlight · 5 months
"no art?"
thats because school is tomorow! i also need to help my local mutual N with things especially with the school things! and i do have heavy or soft art block sooo stay focused!
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updatingranboo · 3 months
hello! quick update for you all:
this is your favorite (and only 😅) updatingranboo admin here with a little update :D
tomorrow 4/5 i am leaving on a 2 week out of state vacation! because of this, updates are gonna be very sporadic and definitely late. i will still continue to post updates when i have downtime (because trust me i love running this account and it doesn’t inconvenience me at all) im just gonna be spending more time off the internet than not, so i will definitely be late to posting.
i won’t be making going live announcements either, just linking vods when streams are over. i am gonna try to get insta stories up fairly regularly just because they disappear after 24 hrs, don’t wanna miss any of those!
anyways just wanted to give all of you lovely people a heads up. i will be back to normal posting hopefully 4/20!
happy boobing and stay safe while im gone 🫶 -day
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zimtober · 2 years
Whether you drew one or a schmillion Zims (and really who could blame you?) or liked and reblogged the art, you ALL have helped the CONQUERING OF OCTOBER.
Any late entries will still be reblogged. It may just take time due to schemeing and stuff.
But rest assured.
Hello! Person running this blog here!
First off thanks again for all the participation! Wasn’t sure how much traction this would get on tumblr but I am glad so many people enjoyed it!
Second, sorry things got a little slow towards the end of the month. Got busy with a lot of things, but I think I am mostly caught up now!
I will keep looking at the tag occasionally for things to reblog but the best way now to let me see your art is to tag this account on it.
Lastly, I definitely want to encourage people to go back through the blog and see some of the art you might have missed!
I will almost certainly be running this again next year and as I mentioned in another post, I will try and reblog other community events I see onto here.
Thanks again everyone!
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eyelessdoll-y · 1 year
I came here to apologize for my absence from fandom, I'm sorry. Lately I'm very active in AOT fandom and I'm starting to draw there as well!
If yall are also in AOT fandom, or just want to chat over there, I'd love to see yall too!!!
Nonetheless, I'll still keep comissions for Diabolik Lovers fandom normally and i add that if you want about another anime, fandom and etc you can look for me too!! Maybe I'll come up with a new drawing around here, who knows!
Thank you so much!! I hope you are well and have a good day! 🙏🏻🙏🏻💕💕🚶🏻‍♀️
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elvisabutler · 8 months
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so hi y'all, so full disclosure this month has not even remotely gone the way i planned. as i am sure y'all can tell with the fact that i have barely posted anything, let alone fic, and i have, in general, been not so much around. it wasn't my intention to do that, and honestly, i had planned on giving y'all a feast of fics. so i figured y'all deserved a little explanation in the form of this month was a perfect storm of my honestly chronic sleep deprivation ( if I was lucky i was getting fours hours of sleep before work, which isn't good for how much i am on my feet ) for the past year plus coming to a head, a schedule shift that happened just this past monday that i haven't ironed out the kinks with ( and won't for another weekish ) and some years long personal business that's finally getting all settled next thursday.
sprinkle in a tiny bit of sickness at the beginning of the month, and you have me with half finished fics everywhere and me becoming a hermit. all this to say, i have been trying to work on things, and i have made progress so ideally ( and i mean really truly ideally, i am not gonna make a single promise about this ) by/on halloween y'all will get spark among some other fics and i should be able to get back to a weekly fic posting schedule. i can't thank y'all enough for being patient, especially when it comes to spark and it should be worth the wait now that i think i have fully busted through a writing block i had with regards to it.
i know i kind of have fallen off reading and doing much of anything as well, but with any luck, i am gonna do more of that, too. as always, my inbox is open for whatever y'all want to swing by and drop in whatever you want in it, be it screaming about a fic or asking if i am updating or just saying hi.
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limbusinfernum · 1 year
Working on AOT fandom currently!!
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