byronorpheus · 6 months
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bootleg-nessie · 10 days
My dog got eated by an immigrant because of Sleepy Joe Byron’s LIBRAL COMMIE border policies >:(
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vitecetf · 1 month
Grandfathers drink tea and discuss children:⁠-⁠D
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I was playing brawl and accidentally realized that Byron looks very similar to the humanized Megs. I guess it's fate.
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teabunnee · 6 months
I am very Bryon and Lorsan pilled, if you’d be willing to write something for either or both it would be so wonderful 🌸 have a great day ahead!!
S/O wants to Touch Lorson and Byron’s ears
You can’t sneak up on him. Lorsan has tried, and failed, multiple times. It was surprisingly good practice for him. 
He knows what you’re doing, and he will dodge out of the way, and you might see a cute slight smile on his face. Oddly enough, Elona won’t warn him, and instead just turns to look at you whenever you try to sneak up behind him. If you’re his romantic partner, Elona probably trusts you enough not to harm her friend. But even with the handicap, he still figures out where you are. 
He compliments you on your efforts in a way that shows he absolutely knows what you’re trying to do. 
The best way is to ask him. He’ll tilt his head, nods and kneels gracefully, like a knight. 
His ears are rather downy, and your fingers sink into them, especially the tips, which are basically fur. They probably help with his hearing and his sensitivity to the wind. 
Touching him, his shoulders drop slowly, and he leans towards you. He starts to rumble in a mix of a low groan and…purring? 
Elona ruins the moment because now she wants pets too. Thankfully, her feathers are also very soft. 
He hates being called bunny ears, but you’ve seen him brush them meticulously during camp, and they look ridiculously soft. 
If you stare at his ears, he will preen and tell you about his routine to keep them as soft and as perky as they are. Wandering around for 3 years has apparently done nothing to prevent him from taking proper care of his ears. 
If you sneak up on him, or grab his ears while he’s talking to you, he squeaks and blushes. It’s adorable. 
With a pout, he pulls off your hands by their wrists and leans towards you. 
“If you wanted to touch them, just ask! And be gentle!” 
Lorsan’s ears are super soft, like velvet, and the pink areas are particularly sensitive 
Dude basically melts under your ministrations. Curiously, you scratch the base a little, and…his leg thumps. 
Both of you stop. He blushes even more now and flees. He won't talk to anyone for the rest of the night.
Lyca tells you later, laughing hysterically, that leg thumping was something you’re supposed to grow out of by your teens. 
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chrliekclly · 6 months
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burningvelvet · 9 months
Lord Byron's first edition copy of Frankenstein (1818), one of only two known surviving copies to be personally inscribed by Mary Shelley (the other is to her friend Mrs. Thomas). Byron took this copy with him when he went into the Greek War of Independence, and it was among his personal things when he died there in 1824:
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Mary didn't disclose her name in the inscription because the novel was published anonymously and she initially wanted to keep it that way. However, Byron did reveal her identity in a letter to his publisher, correcting his assumption that Percy was the one who wrote the novel:
"The story of the agreement to write the Ghost-books is true — but the ladies are not Sisters — one is Godwin’s daughter by Mary Wolstonecraft — and the other the present Mrs. Godwin’s daughter by a former husband. Mary Godwin (now Mrs. Shelley) wrote 'Frankenstein' — which you have reviewed thinking it Shelley’s — methinks it is a wonderful work for a Girl of nineteen — not nineteen indeed — at that time."
Under Mary Shelley's consultation, Thomas Moore writes in his Life of Lord Byron (vol III):
"During a week of rain at this time, having amused themselves with reading German ghost-stories, they agreed, at last, to write something in imitation of them. 'You and I,' said Lord Byron to Mrs. Shelley, 'will publish ours together.'"
Percy, writing as Mary with her permission, mentions Byron and himself (in the third-person) in the novel's 1818 preface thus:
"Two other friends (a tale from the pen of one of whom would be far more acceptable to the public than any thing I can ever hope to produce) and myself agreed to write each a story, founded on some supernatural occurrence.
The weather, however, suddenly became serene; and my two friends left me on a journey among the Alps, and lost, in the magnificent scenes which they present, all memory of their ghostly visions. The following tale is the only one which has been completed."
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shu-shuzh · 2 months
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blonde pink townsfolk
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annakwashere · 5 days
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I don’t think I ever shared these here
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gardenbr · 18 days
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Guys don't worry I'm alive and I'm planning something (WIP)
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seashellisinmyheart · 1 month
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A full anime of this please.
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empirearchives · 7 months
“I find fault, and quarrel with Napoleon, as a lover does with the trifling faults of his mistress, from excessive liking, which tempts me to desire that he had been all faultless; and, like the lover, I return with renewed fondness after each quarrel.”
— Lord Byron
Source: Byron, Napoleon, J. C. Hobhouse, and the Hundred Days, By Peter Cochran (x)
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decaypepper · 2 months
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Not too happy Lord Byron as a reflection of my emotions now. It was a difficult month, both physically and emotionally. Especially emotionally. I'm starting to come to my senses after everything that happened. Thanks to those who noticed my absence.
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byronorpheus · 9 months
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teabunnee · 6 months
Okay so I mayyy have a massive crush on Bryon. And I mayyy have absolutely loved the one u did for him before. Any chance you could make another romantic Bryon one? If not its absolutely fine just know I WILL be re-reading the one u already made 20 times a day lmao
Byron Boyfriend headcannons 
Byron, boyfriend, Byfriend? Boyron? 
Aw thanks! I’m glad people have been liking the AFK characters! 
Byron carries himself with a certain level of grace, befitting for such a windwhisperer. 
I think Byron, like most WindWhisperers, had to teach themselves how to regulate all of the information they are able to gather. Blindfolding himself helps sharpen his hearing, but it also reduces sensory issues as well. 
Byron carries a lot of Wilder and Dark Forest secrets in himself, it’s part of his job. Some of them you’ll have to accept he’ll keep forever, not for his sake, but for the sake of others. Some of them weigh heavy on him, a child’s lament in Dahnie’s Orphanage, the coughs of a sick old man. The cries of the refugees, and their hatred during the exclusion edict in particular were…tough on him. 
Of course, he doesn’t talk about this at all with anyone else. He can seem impassive and cold, and you have to remind him not to keep everything to himself all of the time. So he does tell you, not the details, but how he felt. 
Later in the relationship, you’re the only one that can actually take off his blindfold. He’ll do it himself, most times, and it was a shock to you that he did it so casually. You stare at him in wonder, and he smiles at you, genuinely. 
he’s hyperaware of your footsteps, your laughter, your voice. He will always turn to you as you approach him. 
I think Byron does have a sense of humor, but he disguises it by being cool and collected. 
He will do the most romantic things out of nowhere and tilt his head at your flustering with almost mock confusion. Like, he’ll kiss the top of your head then go talk to Elona about some messages he got. He is doing it on purpose, you swear. You touch your head, and feel a flower he’d somehow managed to put on you without you realising. 
During his away-from-home missions, you sometimes find Elona coming by, whether it’s her own choice to do so, or Byron’s way of saying he’s thinking of you, it’s a sweet gesture all the same. Remember to give the good bird treats and a scritch-scritch. 
Byron knows the most secluded, peaceful places in the dark forest. Waterfalls, ponds, an empty clearing at the top of a hill. He takes you there for outings, and if you happen to fall asleep, he’ll keep watch for you. Pull him down and demand cuddles, and he will oblige. 
Byron doesn’t actually tell anyone he’s in a relationship until much later. Lorsan and Lyca are gobsmacked, especially Lorsan. How the hell did he manage to keep THAT from them?!
You swear he was smiling at the chaos unfolding. 
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altimorr · 4 months
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burningvelvet · 4 months
Some of the surviving clothes and personal belongings of Lord Byron (1788 - 1824)
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1) a favorite white waistcoat originally belonging to King George II (1683 - 1760) bearing their shared initials; Byron wore this on his wedding day
2) a red embroidered jacket from Albania
3) a green fur-lined jacket given to him by Edward Trelawny
4) a linen undershirt of his which Lady Byron kept after their separation
5) a gold embroidered vest from Albania
6) a ring, thought to be his engagement ring
7) a pocket-watch bearing the Byron family crest
8) pair of boxing gloves; pugilism was big in 1800s london & like many male aristocrats at the time, Byron took lessons at the academy of famous boxing champion John Jackson
9) a small infant’s orthopedic boot; one of the many unsuccessful attempts to treat the congenital deformity of his leg & lifelong limp
10) a 32in/83cm belt with the head of Nike/Victory worn in his last months in Greece during the Revolution; a popular symbol during the war.
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