No hay necesidad de venganza, ya no te pertenezco y ese es tu mayor castigo.
- solovivesenmimente2
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ignorvnte · 3 months
lo que hacemos sentir, eso es para siempre
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thatfrailsoul · 4 days
– The chosen path
tarot pick a pile reading ( → 1, 2, 3 )
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"Manuela", Conrad Kiesel
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This word is so vast... There are so many possibilities, so many different stories, so many journeys that we can go through and that can shape our life, who we are... So many of them, and all depend on just our choice. A choice that is not at all easy to make. Not so easy to be sure of, even if we already made the first steps.
This reading focuses on the path that you already chose, that you did already start. It focuses on letting you know if it was indeed the right one or if there is still time to make steps back. If there is something regarding it to know and to keep in mind. (And a reading focused on helping you to choose the right path and journey for you, will be posted in a few days from now.♡)
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Slow down for a moment. Take a deep breath, give yourself a needed moment of reflection and rest. Wander through the details of this painting... Which one attracts more your gaze? To which part of the painting it belongs to? Pay attention - it is showing you where your message hides and awaits.
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– Pile One,
the two of swords, the ten of cups, the page of coins
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It took a great deal of courage, didn't it? To make this choice, this uncertain step on a journey that you know so little about. It took all your strength to trust it, to trust others and their reassurance that it is alright, that you will be fine...
It is not at all something that you so often or easily do. Relying on others. Following their opinions or choice... But you were, you are still, so confused and new to this. To this phase of your life that no-one really prepared you for.
You didn't knew anything better. You weren't able to find or choose something different from what those by your side suggested you to pick... And now you just wander if it really will be so easy and right as they said. If, in the first place, their words and convictions were honest, and not just a brutal joke...
While still being so close to the very beginning of this journey, you can't help but look back and all around. Exactly like you did before, in hopes of finding the right one. But now you do it with more fear, even more anxiety than before. Hoping and at the same time fearing to see a sign, a warning, that will tell you that you indeed made a mistake...
But even though it seems so strange, so different from their usual intentions... Those that showed you this journey really did it with a genuine and honest heart. In a rare moment of openness and compassion, they saw in you that version of them that once feared the same. That was so confused and uncertain in the same way. They saw your struggles and worries that resembled so much theirs. And they saw, being someone external, those little hints and details about you and the right journey for you, that you couldn't see on your own, too pressured by the weight of a such important choice.
For once there wasn't any irony, any malice, any bad intention. For once it was just a genuine and heartfelt advice, the needed help, that they once desired so much to receive as well. It was just confidence that it can really work for you, it can really be right for you, for the way you are.
And it can. It truly can be the right path. No matter if you will decide to experience it up until the very end, or just for a period of your life. It has indeed something in store for you. An experience that is worth to be lived, lessons worth to be learned.
It can and will work out if only you go easier on yourself. If only you take your time. If only you do it one step at a time.
It is normal to feel anxious, to feel that pressure of the future that seems so influenced by this choice... But even that future can always change. It is not so scary and settled at all.
You will always be able to change things, to discover and understand more about the life that you want. But now... You already made this choice. You are here. At the very beginning, with so many different ways to live it and to go through it.
So focus your attention for a moment here, commit to this decision, and give it and yourself a chance. For it to help you make progress and create your own experience and life. And for you to enjoy it as you grow.
It was just the first step. Everything is still fine. Everything is still possible. You can still make things work for you on this path. If you so desire.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Two,
the star, the three of wands, the knight of coins
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It all just feels so fast. So overwhelmingly fast in the way this one step, this one choice, caused so many things to shift in your life. New emotions, new worries, new routines and challenges ahead... All just because you really did thought that it was the right path for you, you were so confident about your choice...
And you were right, actually. You were right in your thoughts that analysed so much all the possibilities and options. You were right in your intuition and inner voice that said that you can do it, that it is the one. You were and are right. The same way this path is still safe for you, even if it seems so chaotic and challenging right now.
It is just the beginning. But not in a fatal, dooming way. It is not just the beginning of these difficulties, problems and thousand of questions without answers that will follow you till the end of your life...
It is just the beginning of this journey. A journey that, no matter how much information you gained or how many opinions you heard, it is still something that is new to you. Completely. Even if you planned it for so long. Even if it's not the first time you make this decision, choose this person, this career or so on. It is still different and new, it will be every single time. And at every first step it will be normal to have so many things to handle and to take care of. So many emotions and thoughts to process before being able to feel confident and calm.
Everything is alright. You didn't make any mistake. You didn't choose any fatal situation or journey. You are fine. This path is fine. It is safe. It is right. Just slow down and breathe. You need a moment, just one, before rushing in.
Let go for a moment of all the things you learned and prepared for this journey. Even if it took you so long to do it... You don't need it now. At least not all of them at once.
You don't need to comprehend everything now. To have the perfect understanding and plan for every question and situation. You don't need to find answers right here and now before making another step... You can just do it. And find it a little later, on your way, perhaps in someone that will be by your side.
You are not alone, whatever this journey might be. There will always be someone that will walk close to you, that will face the same things, and that will be open to take care of them together.
But you are trying to solve it and prepare everything all on your own. Even if no one asked you to, even if there isn't any need at all.
Just slow down. Observe. Allow yourself to truly feel this new beginning. Reflect on the things you are seeing, on what you are experiencing, not on what you could've or should've know.
Spend a moment to focus on yourself as you walk through it, not on the journey as you try to rush it and escape. Take your time, breathe in and breathe out. And remember the you that felt so confident and sure about your capabilities to handle this. Because they were right.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
– Pile Three,
the moon, the two of coins, the one of coins
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You worked so hard to create new possibilities, new chances in your life... Perhaps even too much. Focusing your all, your intentions and your dreams, all on the possibility to shift for the better this life that simply didn't fit you anymore...
You gave so much of yourself, in this profound hope that things will become better... But it took so long to happen... That you simply didn't have any choice but to settle, but to go for something that wasn't at all what you wanted, but that was already here, offering some sort of reassurance and safety in the days you most needed it.
You went in a different direction from what you pictured. You got through it all. The frustration, the desperation, the anger, the uncertainty and doubt, the acceptance...
But none of them were as painful as the regret you felt once that opportunity did come into your life, exactly when you already made peace with a different reality, and started to appreciate it the way it is, the ups and downs, making progress and learning to find something good even in this...
Nothing created more conflict and disruption as the decision and choice that you never really asked: the one between the journey you never wanted but accepted and started to get used to, learning how to navigate it and even being proud of the progress you made..; and the one that you for so long dreamed of, so much sacrificed for, but never received, at least not when you wanted it and asked for it.
You weren't prepared for it, you didn't see it coming.. and now you just don't know even how to feel about it. What to do. If it's the moment to say goodbye to that dream, or if to sacrifice for it the hard work of a different journey that you did.
So you are taking time. Making steps both here and there, trying to handle everything, not wanting to choose between one thing or another. Not wanting to feel again so vulnerable and afraid of what comes next.
You are silently working on it, consuming yourself as your mind that first was supposed to choose between them... Is so dangerously starting to consider to keep it going this way. Holding onto both choices, putting on the line your own health just to not risk to ruin and lose both paths again...
But it will happen, inevitably, if you will keep pushing yourself through the days that are simply too filled with all these things. You will lose both of them, sooner or later, simply because you are one, you can take care and experience just so much. You can't do everything and be everywhere. No matter how much you desire it.
You will lose both of them by simply losing yourself. Because it is a dangerous game. It is a too heavy of a sacrifice that you are asking from yourself.
You deserve, you need, to be able to experience one life, enjoy it, love it, feel it. Not only the stress and anxiety that comes from trying to balance two opposite paths.
Step back. Do for yourself this favorur. Stay still for just a moment. And be honest with yourself, with what your heart wants from this life.
Because it is not a matter of the progress you did, of the possibilities or challenges. It has nothing to do with the time you spent doing one thing or desiring the other. You can grow that experience, that progress and passion in yourself... you can start and try, and achieve your goals whenever you want.
But what you can't do is to consume your own self, forcing you to play two games, just for the sake of not losing once.
Choose your story, choose your life. And let go of the other that you know deep down never was yours, never spoke to your heart. You won't lose anything. You will only gain more honesty with yourself and more peace of mind. The safety and stability that you deserve but that you are sacrificing because of the fear of admitting what you feel now.
P.s. And if you would like to receive more clarity and guidance about your situation (through a personal or free reading) - you can find out more about it here!♡
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Thursday, July 6.
Rhonda Perkins would like to fight you.
I mean, you've got five hours to kill...
...and say, speaking of killing, it seems you've got a decision to make. You could sit squashed in your seat and spend the time reading a book. You could flick through the inflight catalog of overpriced, well, just about everything. You could stare out of the window at the majesty of the cities shrinking into the palm of your hand; becoming lost and adrift in the mists of clouds; looking out over endless tides of white and endless blue expanse above you; at the changing vistas of sea, landscapes, and cities. You could listen to music. You could even have a little sleep. You sit and graze on snacks, with your eyes staring empty and happy into space, and your jaw chomping down rhythmically like an airborne llama. You decide to browse your phone, albeit within the limits of airplane mode. It is then, as your eyes gaze vacantly at the screen in your palm, you receive a most unexpected notification.
Because here, on this flight from Los Angeles International Airport to Newark Liberty International Airport, New Jersey (thank you @bastardofthebog), it seems you managed to get yourself a rather good seat. A window view, ample leg room, and the only seat on the plane in which you can actually lean back, kick back, and relax. It's near the toilet, and there is no one sitting next to you. The crying baby is at the back of the aircraft; it's basically in another postcode. Your seat is also near the front, next to the trolley for overpriced drinks and snacks (you don't actually buy anything, of course, it's 2023 after all, and times are tough. But it's great to feel like a VIP.) It's conveniently next to the emergency exits in case of... well. You know. In case.
This prime seat of yours has not gone unnoticed; this much is evident from the notification on your phone. Rhonda Perkins is on this same flight. Rhonda Perkins has noticed your seat, and she likes what she sees. What you have to understand is when Rhonda Perkins likes what she sees, she gets what she sees. She weighs 108 lbs and she is 5ft 2 inches. She surveys the top of your head leaning back into the chair. Her fierce gaze, direct and cast downwards, rests upon the horizon of seats like a menacing sunrise. The inexplicable notification on your phone informs you that Rhonda Perkins would like to fight you for this prized place on your journey toward New Jersey. The passengers don't know, but they will. The walkway is clear. You feelin' lucky, kid?
She is waiting x
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sendinoutsmokesignals · 5 months
¿cómo es que logras alejarte de alguien con quien has vivido tantas cosas? que complicado es alejarme de ti, pero sé que es la mejor decisión.
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sinfonia-relativa · 5 months
Se me acabaron los motivos para continuar respirando, me siento gravemente cansado.
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No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair.
- General George S. Patton
Patton never minced his words because he lived them out. The great World War Two general believed he could not lead his men effectively unless he got his hands dirty himself. That way he could understand exactly what he was asking of them. Hence his belief that a good leader should, “Do everything you ask of those you command.” His inspirational style and aura rubbed off on people fighting beside him, and it came from setting a personal example.
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savagechickens · 3 months
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CEO Adventure.
And more CEOs.
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picsfortheday · 3 months
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catfindr · 1 year
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solovivesenmimente2 · 2 years
Cuánta razón tuvo Matisse cuando dijo: “Nadie te va a dejar por un error porque todos en algún momento cometemos errores, pero si te dejaron es porque ese error lo convertiste en un hábito y cuando se repite varias veces ya no es un error, es una decisión”.
- solovivesenmimente2
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ignorvnte · 4 months
pasión para desear y ternura para sentir
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thatfrailsoul · 3 months
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P.s. See the full painting at the end!♡
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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There isn't really so much room for a risk... When you already spent so much time doing it, or to be exact imagining it, in your mind, putting yourself in the shoes of those that you were silently jealous of. Their life so different from yours.
There isn't much to check, control, be sure of. Simply because consciously and unconsciously you waited for this, you prepared yourself. Going through every way it might feel and be. It's not uncertain, it's not improvised and sudden - you were and are ready for this. You only can't find the courage to make that first step, leaving your current live behind.
But it's not so tragic, it only feels like it. Because it's something so new but at the same time that one thing that you wanted and missed for so long. But it won't be this life or that, this beginning or your older path. Nothing will collapse, shift so drammatically, leaving you without any way out of it if you won't feel convinced about this new journey and opportunity in your life.
In reality it will be much more subtle, gentle, step by step. Because this is just an opportunity for you, a chance, to taste and check this idea and desire that you've had. It's a possibility to understand it more, finally feel it, instead of only dreaming and imagining. So you can really decide if this is something of which you would like to have and experience more.
And if it will not be... If it will be so different from the image that you painted in your mind... You will still be able to make steps back. To your old but for this reason safer life. Where you will have the time to calm down and rest, getting ready for a new idea that you will want to try.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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It is not really a matter of is it safe or not... It's more about whether you will decide it to be one. Whether you will allow yourself to take this path, this opportunity and chance for something more and different... Even if there is so much that is uncertain and uncomfortable for your anxious and still so inexperienced mind.
It depends on whether you will go for it, finally and fully being aware of the fact that, as always, one way or another, you will make it work. Enjoying this journey, using those scary or confusing parts of it to transform it in something even more exiting and beautiful. Something that is worth to be proud of, of the fact that you lived and experienced it on your own.
It depends on whether you will allow this chance to help you to come out of this shell, this old and tiring life that so ironically you got used to, to the point of being afraid of letting it go. It depends on whether you will allow yourself to simply enjoy it, without thinking already now, before making even the first step, of all the obstacles and turns that you might need to face.
It depends on all of this, it depends on you. Simply because your heart and mind are so powerful. To the point that they are shaping an experience that you yet still need to do. Something that you have so little information and idea of... But that you can already picture so well in all those worse scenarios and chaos that your mind shows.
It depends on you. Because this chance it's something that you truly earned, worked, planned and dreamed hard for. But that in the same way you can deny yourself, letting it go before even holding it in your arms that deserve it all. All the emotions, positive or negative. All the moments, new and old.
All the changes and even more beginnings that this journey holds for you. And that to receive you need only and simply to allow yourself. Allow yourself to find the courage for this first step only once.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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We could look at this opportunity from all the different perspectives. We could look at the future, at what it holds for you if you follow this path... But no matter the answers, the results, risks or successes, it will be all useless in front of the one and simple fact - this step is the one desired by your heart.
And even if you will leave this chance behind, after counting the pros and cons, even if time will pass and you will convince yourself that it was for the best and you weren't really ready.... it will still never leave your mind. How it could've been, what you would've experienced, if it would've changed your perception of this world, your life or who you are.
So listen to your heart for this one. Follow this desire. Not because it's the safe or the right one. But simply because it's exciting and new for you, and this is what already makes it worth the try.
You can enjoy things just for what they are, for the moment they create in your life. It doesn't necessarily need to be part of a bigger picture, a bigger plan. It can be just for now and just for you. Gifting you the emotions that you crave so much right now.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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"Rainy Season in the Tropics", 1866, Frederich Edwin Church
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jokingluna · 8 days
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thetalesofprince · 2 years
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He hated bullies.
One day he will be able to pay them all back.
Whatever it takes.
Drawn in 2023
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neuroconflictos · 1 month
Me dolió mucho más de lo que me dolió dejarte ir
𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 🚀
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