#*gunshots* shut up sage
hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Joel Miller X Fem!Reader - Last of Us - Part 12
A/N: read part 1 ! read part 2 ! read part 3 ! read part 4! read part 5! read part 6! read part 7! read part 8! read part 9! read part 10! read part 11!
Taglist: @midgetpottermills @casssiopeia @flyingmushroomss @amethystwonders11 @hiphopdancer101universe @kiszkawagnerwhore @littleshadow17 @rh1nestonecowg1rl @alm0501 @ch4rcuterie @lodeddiperrodrick @amandalove1355 @laurathefahrradsattel @moshpot24x @middleof-thenight @kettlechips3 @happymakercollectorsworld @alainabooks143 @mikariell95 @superbreadsoull @twd-rocks-blog @livmadsen11 @sage-bunn @emmy626 @somenerdyuserr @vitavenio @yjnicks @littleshadow17 @honeybunzzzz @thenovelcarnival @shypositivitywritinghorse @kik51199 @lovelyygirl8 @adriennemichelle98 @imobbssed @sofsofsposts @axshadows @ipadkidsworld @dorck26 @somebodytookmyusername @bubblebuttwade @tartiflvtte @simplycomplicatedlifeofdenisa @zbeez-outlet
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Warnings: dark themes; substance abuse; post-apocalyptic dystopia; death of reader's minor child; probably a lot of non-canon details since I've never played the game; not proofread; spoilers if you haven't seen the show/played the game Word Count: 1581 Abbreviations: QZ = quarantine zone; FDRA "Fedra" = Federal Disaster Response Agency
The echo faded to quiet, the only sounds now were three sets of breathing. Joel felt his mind clear as the realization that the fight was over began to sink in. The feel of you clinging to him brought him back to reality. 
“Nice shot, kid,” he murmured appreciatively, looking up at the teenage girl. She was staring at where the man with the baseball cap lay limp against the wall, a weak trickle of blood spilling from the gunshot wound in his forehead down one side of his nose.
Joel’s voice knocked her out of a violent reverie. She gave him a dazed look, like she’d woken up from a dream. You let out a small, choked sob, bringing both of their attentions to you. 
Joel ran a hand over your mussed hair, smoothing it down against your scalp. The fade of adrenaline in Joel’s blood was giving way to something darker. He couldn’t bear to look at your face: he knew what he’d see. Between the gunshot on your stomach and the knife driven up between your ribs, you only had a few minutes left at best. Joel was glad your last few minutes wouldn’t be surrounded by terror, but Joel knew that wasn’t enough of a consolation to keep the bottom from falling out of his world when you left it. He squeezed his eyes shut, a tear slipping out as his voice broke.
“You’re alright, y/n. I’ve got you.” 
Jaime squatted down next to him, suddenly pawing at you and burrowing one of her hands between your cheek and Joel’s shoulder, turning your face outward to face her. Joel’s brows furrowed in puzzlement. 
“Ellie, oh my god, Ellie!” Your voice sounded strong despite the fading terror. 
Much to his dismay, you broke free of Joel’s grasp and threw your arms around Jaime’s (Ellie’s?) neck. Joel took in the scene with perplexity, his mind whirring with all the questions he needed answered. Jaime made eye contact with him over your shoulder, and as if sensing the mounting questions he was about to unleash, she shook her head. Later, her expression told him. Deeply unsatisfied but unwilling to ruin the unlikely reunion, he settled for another soft sweep of his hand down against your hair. 
You released your arms from around the girl’s shoulders as you beamed at her. She gave you a half-smile back, her gaze still somewhat glassy from the rush of the fight, and reached up to half hug you back. Her hand grazed yours in mid-air, and Joel saw you wince as you reflexively jerked your hand back. His eyes immediately honed in on your hand; it was mangled and your fingers were curled in an unnatural, stiff position. Most of your shirt sleeve from the wrist halfway to your elbow was soaked in blood, and Joel saw the dark, ragged edges of a gunshot wound in the soft flesh between your thumb and palm. 
“Your hand,” he stuttered dumbly. “Your hand… it’s shot.” 
You looked up at him, your eyes clear and bright and burning with anger.
“That fucking cannibal prick shot the knife out of my goddamn hand,” you spat out, jerking your head toward the dead man a few feet behind you. 
Your words hung in the air for a second before Joel felt the pieces begin to click into place. A sudden realization struck him, the need to confirm his theory overwhelming. Holding you gently but firmly by the shoulders, Joel leaned you back enough so he could see your torso. Your shirt was stained with blood from where your hand had touched it, but there weren’t any gunshots or bleeding wounds on your stomach. He’d seen your bloody hand during the fight and assumed the blood had been from under your hand, not from your hand. You didn’t have a slug buried in your gut after all. Joel couldn’t help but let out a surprised, barking laugh, his heart pirouetting in his chest as his tears turned from grief to happiness. 
In the next instant, Joel’s eyes fell on the knife, still protruding from your ribs. 
His heart turned to sand halfway through its leap of relief, crumbling mid-beat and leaving an empty cavity in the center of his chest. Your eyes followed Joel’s to the knife. You looked at it as if you’d forgotten it was there before you let out a dark chuckle. Joel watched as you went to touch the hilt. The knife shivered slightly as you winced away from the contact. Joel’s eyes darted back and forth between the knife and your face for a few seconds, waiting for you to pass out or the color to drain from your face or some blood to appear around the knife wound. Strangely, nothing much happened, except your expression morphed into annoyance as you continued to gingerly probe the hilt of the blade. 
With a resolute set to your jaw, you wrapped your hand confidently around the hilt. Joel opened his mouth to argue, knowing that the blade was probably safer if left inserted until he could get you back to the QZ and a real doctor could look at it (if he could get you back in time…) 
But you were too fast, yanking on the blade with a swift strength that surprised Joel. You gave the knife a look of pure consternation through slitted eyes as you wiped it on the sleeve of your shirt. Joel could barely breathe, searching your face for some indication of the pain you must be feeling. 
“You… y/n, you should be… are you…” Joel couldn’t find the words. 
“Dying?” you offered with a laugh. Joel couldn’t process it. Had he been shot? Was he the one hallucinating, his brain feeding him comforting images with its last stores of oxygen?
Joel ran a hand raggedly through his hair as he nodded, unable to reconcile the reality of the moment with what he knew should be happening. 
“Lucky for you, my ribs were already broken.” 
Seeing his continued confusion, you pulled away from him enough to lift the hem of your shirt. Joel tried to avoid the hungry surge in his gut at the sight of your bare skin, the thought of his fingers digging into the soft flesh that sat atop your hips threatening to completely derail what little composure he had left. His throat went dry as he forced himself to focus on what you were showing him. Lifting his eyes up higher, he noticed a constellation of dark blue and purple bruises peeking out from where a few solid ice packs were packed against your ribs. A thick layer of gauze held the ice packs against your side and wrapped around the circumference of your body. One of the ice packs was oozing a pale blue gooey substance from a small slit where the knife must have penetrated it.
Joel touched his fingers to the oozing ice pack, the blue slush no longer cool under his fingertips. You smiled as he tried to process, his brain yoyo-ing between bewilderment and bliss. You reached out and placed your uninjured hand palm-side flat against his cheek, running your thumb along his days-old stubble. 
Joel could hardly breathe, his head spinning so fast it felt completely immobilized in incredulity. There was no way he’d gotten this lucky.
Your gentle smile faded slightly as your eyes ran back and forth over his face. The happy light in your eyes melted as your gaze settled on his neck. Your hand slid down the side of his face, over his jaw, until Joel felt a biting pain. He grimaced, pulling away from your touch.
“You’re shot.” You lifted your fingers in front of his face, the tips red with fresh blood. Joel slapped a hand to his neck like he was swatting a mosquito, feeling the tacky, half-dried blood adhere to his palm. A vague memory of pain in that exact spot sometime during the firefight drifted back to him. 
The wound wasn’t deep, but it hurt like a sonofabitch. Joel could tell he’d probably need stitches from how much blood he’d already lost, although it had mostly congealed and was beginning to scab in places. What he needed - and you needed - were real medical supplies. 
He stood up, remembering why he’d originally come here in the first place. Tessa’s stash had plenty of first aid supplies in it; there’d be enough in there to patch them all up until they could get back to the QZ. He held out a hand for you. You took it, rising slowly, every inch of your body beginning to feel sore and broken. Jaime had wandered off a few steps down the hall, her expression grim and her eyes glued to something a few feet in front of her. 
“Let’s go, kid,” he called over to her as he swung one of your arms around his shoulders. Truth be told, you probably didn’t need his help to walk, but Joel wasn’t willing to lose contact with you now. When he saw the emptiness in Jaime’s eyes, he followed her gaze until he saw what had occupied her. 
Within arms reach of Jaime was a body, hanging suspended from the ceiling. Joel recognized her instantly: her clothes, the color of her hair, the machete strapped to her thigh. 
He froze, his knees locking up as the last piece of the mystery snapped into place. 
read part 13 (end) here
we are approaching the end my lovelies! thank you for everyone who has hung in there for this story! *shameless plug: i am planning to do a joel miller request event after this series wraps up*. as always let me know if you want to added to the taglist!
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cainluvr69 · 10 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 13
Previous Chapter
Hwylryn outdid himself, easily pushing his speed and strength past where he'd been just before, racing through the full length of the sky. He must have been holding himself back because of my being there. A sea dragon at full throttle felt like a completely different beast. It was…terrifying to behold. Snow got caught in his icy breath, instantly freezing half of his body.
Snow: Aaahhh…!
White: Snow!
He had no time to try and free himself from the ice before Hwylryn's tail slammed into him, sending his small body flying through the air.
Snow: …gh!
Snow couldn't put himself back on his feet, and so he sank beneath the waves, just like that.
White: Snow…! Damn you! <Noscomnia>!
Spears of ice once again formed, but this time, White was on his own. He launched them at Hwylryn and they chased him down in White's desperate attempt to protect Snow. But Hwylryn simply ignored him, instead diving into the sea. It didn't take long for Hwylryn to show himself above the water again, surfacing with a huge splash of water. He had Snow in his mouth, dangling from between his teeth by his right leg. Snow was hanging limply, as weak and powerless as a doll.
Snow: … Cough…cough…
White: Snow…! Damn you, why are you only going after him…?!
White's bitter howls were caught by the wind. Snow weakly opened his eyes. And then, as if on cue, they chanted their spell together.
Snow & White: <Noscomnia>!
The darkness the twins created wrapped around Hwylryn's body like storm clouds. Hwylryn twisted and writhed, trying to shake it off. He plunged into the ocean again, Snow still in his jaws, diving down to the bottom of the sea.
White: Snow…!
It all happened in the blink of an eye. I'd finally screwed up my courage, because the moment where I would crash into the water's surface was finally upon me.
Akira: (I know my fall got slowed down, but was it slowed down enough?! I hope this doesn't hurt…!)
I squeezed my eyes shut, and then I heard a familiar voice.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Owen: <Cure Memini>
Akira: …!
The snow globe-like dome around me popped and disappeared, leaving my body gently floating. And the next thing I knew, I was landing in Owen's arms with a thud. He was riding his broom scarily close to the surface of the water, and he raised a single eyebrow at me.
Owen: Just what are you doing, Master Sage?
Akira: Owen…!
I saw a spatial door open over Owen's shoulder, and Mithra's head popped out.
Mithra: Excuse me? I was waiting to catch them too.
Owen: Which is exactly why I got in the way of that.
Owen had a thin, sneering smile on his face. And then his eyes went wide. With me still in his arms, one of his feet got caught on his broom and then we were upside down--
Akira: Glublublub…!
The top half of my body got dunked into the ocean. I didn't have any more breath left in my lungs, but Owen was there in front of me, his bangs swaying gracefully in the seawater. A gunshot echoed from above the water. As if that were a cue he'd been waiting for, Owen pulled me back up out of the water. While grabbing onto me by the back of my neck.
Akira: Cough, cough…! Wh…Why did you do that, Owen?!
Owen: If you have a problem, tell it to Bradley.
Akira: …Bradley?!
Owen's words made me jerk my head up to look at the sky. Standing atop his broom, gun at the ready, was Bradley, and he was aiming at Owen.
Bradley: Tch… Missed. Yo Sage, get out of the way! Are you tryin' to get hit by a stray bullet?!
Akira: Obviously I'm not!! What are you even doing?!
Bradley frowned, looking annoyed.
Bradley: I'm tryin' to splatter Owen's brains on the water! Even if he was just tryin' to get us to stop actin' like mussels, the shit he did to me to do that is somethin' I don't even wanna say out loud!
Owen: Ahaha. Sorry, remembering it just made me start laughing again.
Bradley: I'm never letting this one slide, bastard! I'll kill you!
Mithra & Akira: Acting like mussels?
By chance, Mithra's voice overlapped with my own, and Owen and Bradley answered us in unison, too.
Owen: I'll show you later.
Bradley: Just fucking shut up right now!
While we were caught up in talking, a huge, white pillar suddenly shot out of the water, dousing us all with seawater. That pillar was Hwylryn. Spears of ice dotted his face like thorns, blood streaming down from the wounds, as he stubbornly refused to release Snow's leg from his jaws.
Snow: …uwaaahhh…!
White: Snow! How dare you, Hwylryn…!
Owen: You know you can't win. Snow, White.
Owen sat atop his broom and crossed his legs, his words almost disdainful.
Owen: Want me to save you from the sea dragon?
White: Owen…
Owen: Provided you'll forgive me if my claws get caught on that picture frame of yours. I haven't forgotten how you tried to turn me into a laughingstock.
Bradley: Same here. Just because I think a dragon's worth takin' down doesn't make me your ally. If you don't wanna bow your heads and beg us for help, then get crackin' and call Oz. If you don't hurry, the day's gonna be over.
White: Mmmgh… I suppose I have no choice… Snow!
Snow: …kh…
White: I'm going to call Oz!
Snow: Stop that, White! We don't need him…!
White: But…!
Bradley: Better decide quick. That dragon's a smart one. It was a good choice, decidin' to only go after Snow. He must know that turnin' Snow to stone will make you disappear too, White.
Akira: …No…
Hwylryn's roar shook the heavens and earth. I wondered how much time was left until the end of the day. The sky was already so dark I couldn't tell. A sea dragon with the power to match Oz… When the sun sank beneath the waves, leaving Oz unable to use his magic, no one would be able to stop him.
Riquet: I hope Master Sage is okay…
Rutile: That man didn't seem like a bad person, and Mithra went after them, so I think they'll be fine…
Mitile: Rutile, Riquet! Look at that…!
Rutile: Hm…? It looks like a storm is coming in from the water.
Mitile: No, not that… Ah, did you see that? Right under the flashing clouds!
Rutile: Flashing clouds…?
Riquet: Could you describe it a bit more, Mitile?
Mitile: Ah, umm… Under that big cloud and the scattered-looking ones, where I'm pointing…
Rutile & Riquet: Hmm…? Oh…!
Mitile: Did you see it?!
Riquet: There's something flying over the ocean!
Mitile: But, thinking about how far away we are, doesn't it seem like it's kind of…huge…?
Riquet: …A dragon…
Rutile: A dragon?
Riquet: I'm sure that has to be a dragon! I've seen one before! Only for a few moments, but I still saw one!
Mitile: That's right! You brought back one of its whiskers to show me, right?!
Riquet: Yes!
Rutile: Wow! That's so cool! Seeing a dragon, huh…
Natalie: Kyaaaa…! There's a dragon over the water…!
Borda Island Resident (Hat): There's what?!
Borda Island Resident (Glasses): Woah…! Yeah, that's definitely a dragon!
Borda Island Resident (Baggage): We've been seein' a lot of big magical beasts lately! Just a while ago we had a leviathan and a kraken fighting off the coast!
Borda Island Resident (Blackbeard): It ain't every day you get to see a dragon! I need to show my son! Heeeey! Quit your workin' and get over here…
Natalie: Hold on! That dragon is what's causing the storm! Don't you think it's dangerous?!
Borda Island Resident (Hat): That's true…
Natalie: Its rampage might bring it all the way here. Maybe the wizards summoned it…
Borda Island Resident (Light Clothes): It's not out of the question.
Natalie: I heard the wizards were trying to poison people in the market just this afternoon, too…
Borda Island Resident (Forehead Scar): Poison?!
Borda Island Resident (Out of Breath): What?! What's going on?!
Borda Island Resident (Hat): There's a dragon! We think the wizards might've summoned it!
Natalie: It's a storm-calling dragon! It might even be the one that sank Adams Island!
Borda Island Resident (Short Hair): What?!?! The wizards summoned the dragon that sank Adams Island?!
Mitile: Wha… All the people on the island are in a panic now… That was so fast…
Riquet: If they keep running around like that, someone's going to get hurt… I will guide them.
Mitile: Wait, Riquet!
Riquet: What is it?
Mitile: If they find out you're a wizard, they'll do something horrible to you. Humans always try to go after weak wizards like us at times like this!
Riquet: But you aren't weak anymore, are you, Mitile?
Mitile: That's true, but… No matter how strong my magic is, a whole crowd trying to blame me for everything is still scary…
Riquet: Mitile…
Rutile: …You two can wait here. I'll try to talk to the townspeople.
Mitile: Don't do that?! If you do that, things are just going to turn violent like they did before! Not to mention that you won't be able to talk to all of them when they're all worked up like this!
Rutile: I'm not going to talk to everyone. A lot of the people here are very scared right now…
Riquet: …Like that black-haired woman…?
Rutile: Yes. Good job noticing her, Riquet.
Riquet: …I'll go with you. Guiding lost lambs that have succumbed to their fear and anxiety is my duty.
Rutile: But…
Riquet: It will be okay. Mitile, what will you do?
Mitile: …I'll go, too. I need to protect both of you.
Natalie: Everyone, you need to run…! It's dangerous to be on the shore! A dragon is going to attack! An evil dragon that the market wizards summoned is coming in from the ocean!
Borda Island Resident (Scarf): The wizards summoned a dragon?! There are children living here!
Market Wizard: Hold… Hold on, you. Are you completely sure about that?
Natalie: …Who are you?
Market Wizard: I'm a wizard, but summoning a dragon requires an immense amount of mastery in the magic arts…
Natalie: You're a wizard?! You're the one that summoned the dragon?!
Borda Island Resident (Buff): The wizard that summoned the dragon?! Who is it?!
Market Wizard: …You think I was the one who summoned it? I haven't said a single…
Rutile: Everyone, please calm down!
Natalie: …
Rutile: I am the Southern wizard, Rutile.
Borda Island Residents: A wizard?!
Borda Island Resident (Hat): Which one summoned the dragon?! Or did they both do it?!
Rutile: I am the Southern wizard, Rutile, and one of the Sage's wizards.
Borda Island Resident (Braid): A Sage's wizard… Didn't they attend Queen Liliana's coronation ceremony…?
Borda Island Resident (Glasses): Oh! Right, those wizards!
Rutile: The dragon is still far from the island. You don't need to panic yet. If you run around so recklessly and aimlessly like that, people are going to get hurt. If anything happens, I will protect all of you. So please, let's all settle down now.
Mitile: I'll protect you, too!
Borda Island Resident (Big Brows): …That's all true… Everyone, let's try to calm down! It hasn't hurt anyone or damaged anything here yet!
Borda Island Resident (Tough Guy): Even a kiddo like this ain't cryin' and panickin' like we were. You're a brave one, kid.
Mitile: Thank you very much!
Borda Island Resident (Red Clothes): Sorry about that, mister wizard. And you too, gramps…
Market Wizard: Good grief… I can't believe you wouldn't even want to listen to my advice. What a tiresome lot you are.
Borda Island Resident (Blackbeard): What was that?!
Borda Island Resident (Tough Guy): Knock it off, man. We were the ones in the wrong here…
Rutile: It's only natural to get scared when a dragon as big as that one is so close to the island. I'll make a report to the local lord as soon as I can. Is there anything else I should tell her?
Borda Island Resident (Tall): She ain't gonna help us… She prioritizes the wizards so much she doesn't even bother listening to what we've got to say.
Rutile: …
Borda Island Resident (With Child): Sorry for kicking up such a fuss, but… With how everything's worked out, we gotta protect ourselves these days.
Mitile: It seems like the townspeople don't really trust Miss Dianne yet…
Rutile: Yeah…huh? Where's Riquet?
Mitile: Huh? Riquet?! Where did you go?!
Natalie: … Tch…
Riquet: Excuse me.
Natalie: …!
Riquet: Are you alright? You seemed quite frightened.
Natalie: Oh… Yes, thank you. You should run and tell your parents about all of this, too! Tell them a wizard summoned a dragon and it's coming to attack the island! Hurry…!
Riquet: Did a wizard summon that dragon?
Natalie: It seems like it. That was what someone said, at least. You should go let the grown-ups know!
Riquet: I am a wizard.
Natalie: … Oh, that's right…
Riquet: Seeing the dragon overwhelmed your heart with fear, didn't it? My heart started pounding too when I first saw it… But when I see something that makes my heart start racing like that, I know that there are other people who will be just as frightened.
Natalie: Right… Well, I have something I need to do, so…
Riquet: While there is no shame in feeling fear, it isn't good to convey it to others improperly.
Natalie: …
Riquet: Your words only served to drive the island residents into a frenzy. The panic only grew bigger.
Natalie: I'm sorry if it seemed like that. I just thought I needed to warn them and guide them as best I could. I didn't want anything bad to happen to any of them.
Riquet: Guide them…?
Natalie: Yes.
Riquet: You only guided them to chaos.
Natalie: If that's what I ended up doing, then I need to apologize. But… If they're living idly while thinking nothing is ever going to happen to them, only to be suddenly faced with something terrible… Then it's only right to want to warn them and set them on the right path, don't you think? I've faced so many terrible things already. I don't want anyone else to have to face those same things…
Riquet: …I see…
Natalie: Yeah… If that dragon off the shore attacks, if everyone listens to my precautions and prepares in advance, many lives will be saved. If they listen to you instead and calm down so they're walking away and not running, it'll kill them all. That's why I was so desperate to convince them all to run.
Riquet: …
Natalie: What is it?
Riquet: …I'm not exactly sure… What is right…? What does it mean to set people on the right path…?
Natalie: Yeah… I understand how you feel. I like wizards perfectly well, but there's so many people who say it'd be better if none of you existed… I think it might be best if you gathered yourself and your wizard friends up, told them what's happening, and got out of here as soon as you can… There's probably going to be a big conflict on this island soon… Poor souls…
Riquet: …What do you mean by that?
Natalie: Oh, don't feel bad… I'm just warning you so that nothing bad happens to you.
Riquet: …Are you trying to guide me?
Natalie: I wouldn't say it's anything that dramatic.
Riquet: …
Natalie: Thanks for coming to talk to me. I think I was saved because I had you near, little wizard.
Riquet: …You're very welcome.
Next Chapter
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roblingoblin285 · 1 year
Can you write something with 2, 11, and your favourite from the ask game in your masterpost? Hope you can catch up with your daily prompts soon. Take your time, don't rush it, though! ~💜
i am so sorry this took so long! i had trouble picking a third, but i landed on 5. in all, it's touch starved + scar/wound reveal + rapid blood loss. hope you enjoy! (i did not proofread this well, very sorry if it's not great)
“You look sort of pale,” Rob murmured, pressing the back of his hand to Sage’s forehead. He didn’t miss how they leaned into the touch, eyes fluttering shut as they gave a shuddering exhale. “And you’re colder than usual. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were pretty sick.”
Sage nodded, opening their eyes as Rob lowered his hand, trying to not look dissapointed. “My stomach hurts,” they whispered, wincing a little as they shifted where they stood.
“Yeah?” Rob felt more than a little terrible about seeing Sage in such a vulnerable state. “Here, take your overshirt off. I’ll get you a warmer one.”
  Sage hesitated, crossing their arms over their black shirt and swaying dangerously. “It’s- uh-”
“Hey-” Rob crossed the room quickly, reaching Sage’s side as their eyes fluttered shut. “Sage, talk to me, what’s- hold on, you need to sit down.”
“‘M sorry,” Sage whispered as Rob helped them to the floor. They leaned their head against the hardwood, silent tears streaming down their face. 
“Sage, what’s wrong?”
The villain grasped at their dark shirt, and Rob watched in horror as their hands came away covered in blood. He pulled the hem up over their stomach quickly, and gasped in sync to Sage’s pained whine.
Their entire stomach was covered in blood, stained so badly it was hard to find the source of the carnage. After another moment, Rob could see it; a small, ragged hole, still gushing blood over Sage’s skin and dripping onto the wood floor.
“Is that-” Rob pressed his hand to the wound, blood bubbling over his fingers instantly. “Is this a gunshot?!”
Sage cried out at the pressure, pain shooting through their system. “I-I’m sorry,” they moaned. “M-make it stop-”
Rob winced sympathetically, putting his other hand on the side of Sage’s face. “I got you,” he murmured. “Just stay still.”
The hand over Sage’s stomach began to glow, heat coursing through Rob’s fingers to an almot painful degree. He furrowed his brow in concentration, feeling the flow of blood against his hand begin to wane.
After another few moments Rob lifted his hand, breathing a sigh of relief as he saw the wound was now fully healed; a simple round, pink scar in its place.
“Stay here,” Rob said softly, brushing his thumb across Sage’s cheek. “You lost a lot of blood, alright? I’ll clean you up, but you need to rest.”
Sage nodded dimly, keeping their eyes closed as Rob stood and fetched a wet cloth from the bathroom. They only stirred as he began to wipe the blood from their stomach and chest.
“Th’nk you,” they said, voice hoarse and weak. 
“Of course,” Rob assured, brushing their hair out of their face with a smile. “Just- don’t hide things from me, okay? I can help.”
The villain tried to smile back, but it was more of a grimace as their head throbbed. “Sorry,” Sage muttered. “Dizzy.”
“It’s alright, pops. You can rest for a bit, yeah? I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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weedplantar · 2 years
My brain is hell because I'll forget things like my best friend's birthday or my own phone number but miraculously be able to recite entire episodes of amphibia word by word as well as every book of the bible in order despite having not gone to church in 10 years
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years
hii can i please get a sova x reckless! reader who is kinda impulsive when they see something injustice that they almost risked their life once? tysm !!
I’m NOT DEAD, uni is just starting up again and my brain is suffering the consequences :,) I hope you enjoy nonetheless, Anon!
Reckless- Sova
Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
You didn't need a ton of context clues to tell you probably looked like shit, but low and behold, you kept picking them out. You were hardly able to stand without leaning heavily against Sova. The strip of fur he cut from his own cloak looked painfully out of place on your arm, the pelt knotted tightly to your shoulder to slow the bleeding from your newly acquired gunshot wound. Your breathing was ragged despite the fact that both of you were walking; it was your body’s way of ridding itself of any lingering adrenaline.
By far the biggest indicator came from Sova himself. The pissed expression on his face softened considerably every time he stole a glance at you, which on its own spoke volumes.
Both blood loss and the previous rush of epinephrine put you in a hazy sort of mental state, making everything immensely amusing. Your fingers slowly losing feeling, Sova's hushed curses in Russian, the way you almost tripped after every step- it was all hilarious. You were doing a good job at keeping it to yourself, but it was becoming more and more of a task.
I finally lose a fight and it's not even over a damn spike.
You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip at the thought. The subtle action didn't go unnoticed by Sova. His eyebrows knitted together.
"Are you doing okay?"
You couldn't even muster together the self-control to give him a measured response, your head filling in the blank for you with multiple different answers that would undoubtedly get him up in arms.
I hope that cloak wasn't Versace, 'cause I'd feel really bad.
Blood is supposed to stay on the inside, so you tell me.
Sova, my dear friend, there is a bullet in my arm-
You bit down even harder but a chuckle still forced its way out of your throat. Sova’s face hardened so fast it was almost comical, nearly making you laugh out again.
"Care to enlighten me about what's so funny?"
You shook your head.
"Nothing's funny, nothin'..."
You immediately regretted the action. Your vision went swimming for a moment, causing Sova's blatant frustration to immediately melt into concern. His arm went tighter around your waist, pressing you more firmly into his side so you were better supported. Once it felt like you weren't spinning anymore, you finally spoke.
"I'm seeing stars."
He opened his mouth like he wanted to say more, but hesitated.
"We're... we're almost there. Sage is waiting for us."
Even in your state, you knew that piece of information wasn't exactly at the forefront of his mind. He was probably dying to chew you out, to talk your ear off about getting into trouble all on your own. Hearing him hold back when you both knew what he really wanted to say was a unique kind of aggravating. You felt your bubble of amusement deflate slightly as you rolled your eyes.
"Come on, Sova."
"Yell at me."
He was slow to respond.
"Not now. Later, when you're in better shape-"
"Oh please, spare me the special treatment," you interrupted, your nose wrinkling.
"I got shot, big whoop. It's happened to everyone on the protocol at least once. Now I'm part of the club. So go on. Yell."
Sova let out a controlled sigh, his breath visible in the cool weather. His eyes squeezed shut, his lids scrunched up for a moment before they smoothed over.
"I just want to know what you were thinking," he said. He was calmer than he usually was when reprimanding you about your close calls, but it was better than feigned neutrality.
"I wasn't looking for trouble. I just wanted hot chocolate, but then I saw a mugging in progress on the way to the convenience store," you started, shrugging your good shoulder as best as you could.
"I thought I was just gonna pop in, flash my powers a little, and watch them scram. I never thought-" you winced slightly as you accidentally jostled your arm.
"Ow- they'd have the guts to pull the trigger."
"This area isn't like the city. They don't care whether or not you're a radiant- they're unafraid to shoot when you give them the opportunity. You were briefed on that before we came out here."
"I know, but-"
"And going out on your own in the first place. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"
"I mean, now I do-"
"You're lucky I came back from patrol when I did," he grumbled.
"I don't want to think about what would've happened if I didn't hear the gun go off."
The strain in his voice was palpable. He was just worried at the end of the day, you knew that. But he was always like this when you went off by yourself, even if you didn’t wind up hurt.
He never got this way with the other agents when they did their own thing. Not if Viper left on her own to follow a lead. Not if Raze slipped out to buy some more components to fix her boom bot. Not even if Breach decided on a whim to spend the evening in a marketplace, browsing its selection of dried herbs and chatting with local artisans to collect intel.
You had to admit, you could be a little reckless at times. But you weren't entirely sure why Sova made it his personal mission to try to keep that in check.
'I am the hunter', ha. More like 'I am the mother bear'.
Another giggle bubbled up in your chest.
"It's not funny," he said, his tone flat.
His hold on you shifted slightly as the two of you rounded a corner, the hand on your hip tightening as your feet stumbled slightly on the icy ground.
You let out a sigh.
"I'm never going to live this down, am I?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you're gonna bring this up whenever I try to go solo on something. Aren't you?"
He spared a glance down at you, a slight frown growing on his face, but he didn't respond. It was all the confirmation you needed.
"I'm perfectly capable of doing things on my own. Just so you know."
"You've proven that quite well this evening," he replied dryly. You rolled your eyes.
He’s at it already.
“I'm talking about in general, like the time I found that guy snooping around our pickup point."
"You really should've told someone you were going there on your own-"
"Or when I defused the spike alone on B site while the mirror agents were keeping the rest of you guys distracted on A."
"You were very lucky there was only one hostile you had to deal with-"
"Or when you got knocked out during our mission together and I had to secure the location by myself."
"I-" he faltered. You knew that was a point he couldn't as easily dismiss, so you dug in a little further.
"Weren't you the one who talked Brimstone into letting you go with me, anyway? It was supposed to be an individual mission to begin with and- well, it kind of stayed that way, didn't it?"
Sova didn't immediately respond. You could see his jaw working, but that was about it. You were waiting for him to finally admit it. To admit that he didn't think you were as strong as the other agents, or as quick, or as trustworthy of responsibility. You were bracing yourself for a low blow, yet found yourself taken aback by the next words that came out of his mouth.
"I just... I like making sure you're okay."
You fell silent, instead focusing on trying to wiggle the fingers of your bad arm as the two of you continued your slow trek forward. Was this a kinder way of telling you the truth? A subtle bite at your tendency to act more spontaneously? You weren't quite sure. As if he could hear the cogs turn, Sova finally let himself look at you.
"Is that so hard to believe?"
"Not entirely. I'm just trying to figure out... what exactly you mean by that."
There was an amused expression on his face as he adjusted his cloak so part of it draped across you. As soon as his arm lowered, a particularly strong breeze picked up.
"I meant what I said."
"Okay but is it because you feel like I need someone to watch over me?" You started, silently relishing the warmth the thick cloth provided you.
"That I'm not capable or something? It's always kinda sucked that... ugh, I don't know. It feels like you have faith in literally all of the other agents except for me."
"That's not true," he said firmly. You simply scoffed in response.
"I'm being honest. You're... you're very strong, even for a radiant. And you're skilled in combat. I won't deny it because I can't."
"Then why do you treat me so differently?" You asked, exasperated.
"You're always babying me compared to the others. You sit next to me on the carrier whenever possible, you try to get assigned to the same places as me during missions, and you- you take care of me when I’m sick-"
You paused for a moment. Sova suddenly seemed unable to look at you, keeping his gaze firmly fixed forward. You could still catch the reddening of the top of his cheeks.
"You patch me up when I'm hurt, even if you act like a bit of an ass. You make me dinner when I don’t ask... you..."
You trailed off, your mind going blank. You realized there was a pattern there- the puzzle was right in front of you. But given your physical state, it was taking you a bit longer to put the pieces in place. Like Sova could see the gears were turning and knew it was only a matter of time before you figured things out, he let out a soft sigh.
"I'm sorry if that's made you feel inferior, in some way. That- it wasn't my intention. I know I'm stricter on you. It's hard to help myself at times, and you're right, that's not fair to you or your capabilities. I just... I care about you."
He swallowed hard.
"More than I probably should."
There were a million things running through your mind, but your mouth simply wasn’t with the program. It didn’t help that the two of you were so close, that Sova felt so damn warm. It was like you were helplessly blue screening.
The two of you crested a hill and the temporary base came in sight- a small, rundown apartment building. Sage was already making her way down the stairwell, arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to fight the cool weather as she took the steps two at a time. You continued your slow shuffle along, gripping Sova's sleeve tighter than before. He immediately stopped to gauge how you were doing.
"Sorry. Are we moving too quick?"
"No," you said, thankful the word managed to escape your lips. You cracked him a small grin.
"And call me unoriginal, if you want. But... I care about you, too, Sasha.”
You hesitantly met his gaze, his blue eyes piercing into yours.
“Also more than I probably should.”
His cheeks blushed violently- nothing like the light dusting of the pink just moments before. He didn’t scold you about using his real name even though you weren’t at the protocol, which all things considered, was probably a good sign.
All too soon, it seemed, Sage had joined the two of you. Although she was fretting and fussing over your arm, eventually moving to your unoccupied side to help the man bring you inside, he was hardly able to keep up with her flurry of questions. He couldn’t manage to bring himself to tear his gaze away from your face, either, keeping a careful watch on you as you all made your way inside.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Kinktober #19: Paperback Romance: Eijirou Kirishima & Katsuki Bakugou
You, Kirishima, and Bakugou have some things to figure out. Luckily, you’ve got somewhere quiet to do it. 
Characters: Eijirou Kirishima/Katsuki Bakugou/f!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ please!), aged up characters, fingering, awkward threesome, the softest bullshit you’ve ever seen
Notes: I... am not sure how I feel about this one. But we’ll see. I think I should change Kinktober to Mushtober, because as it turns out, I have a squishy heart. Today’s prompt was “Threesome,” and I had every intention of making this one filthy, I really did. But then this came out. There’s also, like, not a whole lot of talking in this one. Idk. It’s different.
Kinktober Masterlist
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The breeze is salted velvet on your cheeks as you race along the oceanside highway.
Bakugou’s been driving for the last hour and a half. You’re in the passenger’s seat and Kirishima’s stretched out in the back with the windows open. The ocean stretches brilliant and navy out the driver’s side. The distant cry of gulls backs the slow thump of the breeze past your window.
If this were any other road trip, you’d be blasting tunes. You and Kirishima would be singing your hearts out. Bakugou would probably still be driving, but he’d look a whole lot grumpier than he does right now.
For the last eighty miles, you’ve all been… quiet. It’s like the reality of this trip is finally starting to sink in.
Kirishima and Bakugou have been your best friends since high school. You crammed together, partied together, graduated together. You were the first one that they told when they’d decided to become more to each other.
You remembered that day above any other. The way your stomach dropped out. You’d known, you’d always known, but they’d never made it real before. For as long as you’d known each other it had been the three of you. But from that point on, it was them and you.
You’d never been able to pinpoint why that bothered you so much. Why your heart crunched just a little smaller, whenever they had to be a couple around you.
But on the night that it fell into place, it fell fast. You’d been in love with them, both of them, for as long as you had known them. It wasn’t enough that they had one another. You wanted to have them, too. Those feelings that had been bottled up for so long came spilling out one night, among tears and wine and bitter words that you’d wished you could take back.
But buried among all that bitterness and jealousy was the truth. They felt for you. The way you did for them. They’d only ever wanted it to be the three of you. But that gap felt unbridgeable.
Even now, just a few days later, it’s growing wider between you in the silence of the car.
You’d decided to take off for the weekend, drive somewhere remote where you could remove yourself from the prying eyes of the public and just figure everything out. That somewhere turned out to be a beach house well out of the city. You’d been on the road for hours.
The afternoon’s waning into evening by the time you pull up to it. It’s just as cute as the booking site promised- all whitewashed boards and sage green shutters- with a little path winding its way from the back porch to the ocean.
Kirishima- who, by this point, is just waking up from his backseat nap- speaks first.
“Wow, it’s cute!”
You and Bakugou both give a little sigh. He kills the engine, and you both step out and slam the doors shut at the same time. You’re both taking in the sight of the little cottage, and then you both peek over the roof of the car to glance at one another.
You skirt your gaze past him to the ocean beyond. It’s killing you that things have become so awkward between you. But that’s what this weekend is for- knocking down all those walls, all at once. Kirishima and Bakugou tell you that as soon as they had broken down their barriers, everything came naturally.
You’re just hoping it works the same way for you.
Bakugou cooks you dinner that night, and he’s still far more stoic than usual. Though his explosive temper has calmed down since your teenage days, he’s never been very good at expressing himself through words. You taste it in his cooking, though. When the three of you cluster together around one end of the dining table, things start to feel normal again.
Until all three of you volunteer eagerly to pitch in with the cleanup.
Finally, the kitchen is sparkling, the sun has set, and there’s nothing else to think about but the bedroom upstairs and the single king bed that the three of you have promised to share.
“Hey,” you speak up. Bakugou looks up from the paperback he’s been thumbing through. Kirishima peers inquisitively over the top of his phone at you. They both look so honestly interested in you it makes your heart break.
“Listen.” You can’t take the silence anymore. Silence isn’t you. Any of you. You’ve been able to talk to them about anything, for as long as you’ve ever known them.
But this is different.
“I just wanna know.” You scrape your fingers through your hair. Your cheeks are hot. You’re clamming up, something you’ve been doing far too often around them lately.
“Are either of you half as fucking nervous about this as I am?”
For a breath, there’s silence.
Then laughter.
You don’t know who started it but you’re finishing it, peals of relieved mirth bubbling from your chest. Kirishima crosses the room in an instant, climbing into the recliner, smothering you with a tight hug.
“We couldn’t sleep a wink last night,” he chuckles into your shoulder. Bakugou bristles across the room, but he doesn’t disagree.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” he mumbles. “Let me take you upstairs.”
“Us,” gruffs Bakugou from across the room. Slowly, he shuts his book and rises from the couch. “Let us take you upstairs.”
You sit on the edge of the gigantic bed. The windows upstairs are all open with gauzy curtains fluttering inward, crisp cotton sheets damped down by the humid sea air.
Kirishima kisses you first. It’s not the first time it’s happened, but you’re far from used to it. His lips cover yours so gently it makes you ache. Especially when Bakugou grabs you by the jaw and pulls you to him, and his kiss is insistent and rousing and you feel yourself easing into it already.
They know each other’s bodies well. Seeing them together is like paging the worn paper of a well-loved book; spine creased, corners folded.
You’d like to know how this story ends.
You tumble into the sheets in a messy tangle of limbs. You’re not sure what to do with your hands as Bakugou licks into your teeth and Kirishima’s trailing kisses down your chest. His forehead bumps Bakugou’s thigh as he works to push your clothes away. You have to stop three times to untwist yourselves before you’re all stripped down to your underwear.
But they want this with you. They want to be all of you again.
You climb boldly between Bakugou’s thighs, cupping and stroking his thick cock where it stands out through his undershorts. Kirishima’s behind you, kissing his way down your back and peeling away the last shreds of your modesty.
“I haven’t been with a girl in a while,” he mumbles, kissing the swell of your hip. “Tell me if I hurt you.”
He slides a finger into you from behind, pumping slowly. Below you, Bakugou’s grabbed your hips and holds you fast against him, letting you rock your pleasure into his firm muscles. Kiri’s fingers move earnestly, dipping into your tight heat while his other hand finds the swell of your clit and begins to rub.
“Ah-“ Your voice breaks as your chin falls forward. Bakugou holds you tighter.
“That’s it, sweetness,” he gruffs in your ear. “Let him make you feel it.”
“Kiri,” you whine, “I’m not gonna- I can’t,”
“Go on,” Kirishima whispers against your skin. “You’re so beautiful like this. Y’know that? Let me see you break for me, baby.”
You come hard, as if on command. Your body quakes with pleasure as it races up your spine like a gunshot, tightening your thighs and making you bury your head in the crook of Bakugou’s shoulder as you scream.
They’re looking at one another over your shoulder- you can feel it. And when you stir to life again, Kirishima collapses beside you and Bakugou rolls you into the middle.
It’s complicated and awkward and messy, but the three of you find your pleasure that night. And you fall asleep in the same sweaty tangle of limbs with your boys on either side of you.
As apprehensive as you’ve been, as badly as this scared you for so many years, now that you’ve got it, it feels peaceful as the dawn. This, you, the three of you, is how it always should have been.
And you know nothing will tear your boys from you. Not anymore.
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Little Pierce || Part 2
part 1 | masterlist
pairing - stefan salvatore x fem!reader
type - fluff, angst
note - this was a requested by @butterflycloss​, enjoy!! request was: Stefan and y/n having feelings clearly and either one isn’t doing the first move, maybe y/n being angry because katherine turned stefan and then running away? And stefan finding her and elena? 
summary - after your sister, katherine, turns stefan into a vampire, you run away. 164 years later, you run into stefan again and things are not the same
warnings - language, mention of suicide, little violence, lil frisky at the end lol 
*gif isn’t mine* lets just acknowledge how hot stefan looks with that expression. like mmm i have my username like that for a reason 
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Mystic Falls, 1864
“Hello, Lady Y/n,” Stefan smiled and walked down the stairs of his house. 
“Hi, Stefan. Fancy meeting you here,” you smiled and curtsied. 
Stefan smiled and took a look over you. You were absolutely ravishing. You were wearing a sage-coloured dress. The bottom of the dress puffed out below your waist and the sleeves went across your shoulders with ruffles hanging off, exposing your shoulders. 
“Well, this is my home,” Stefan said. 
“I know. Your father had said you were going to be out with Damon, though,” you said. 
Stefan furrowed his brows, “Damon is upstairs with Katherine.”
“Oh, really,” you raised your brows. 
Stefan nodded and went in front of you. He took your hand in his, shyly intertwining them. You smiled widely and pulled him closer to you, looking at his lips. Oh, how you wished you could pull him into a kiss.  
“Yes, they have been upstairs for a few hours. Are you hungry? Dinner’s being made,” Stefan said. He scooted closer to you, touching your forehead with his. 
You heard his heart beat loudly in your ears, the blood pulsing in his veins. You controlled yourself, though, not wanting to scare him off. You liked Stefan. A lot. You were practically in love with him just in the few weeks you’ve known him. You two hadn’t done anything since your first kiss at your first meeting. You were nervous about insinuating anything again. It was silly, you knew, but you weren’t sure if he liked you back or not. He gave you mixed signals that turned you off from the idea of kissing him again. 
“I would love to join you for dinner, thank you,” you smiled and leaned back. 
You saw Stefan’s gaze at your lips and you smirked. Even if you were scared of insinuating anything, that didn’t mean you could tease him to the world’s end. 
“Do I have something on my lips, Stefan?” You asked and lifted your free hand up to your lips. You seductively wiped the corner of your lip. You saw Stefan’s eyes widen and face flush.
“I-I, no,” he muttered and looked down shyly. 
You giggled and walked toward the kitchen, still hand-in-hand with Stefan. 
“Hello, Miss Pierce,” Giuseppe Salvatore smiled at you. 
You quickly let go of Stefan’s hand and straightened up. “Hi, Mr. Salvatore. How are you today?”
“Just fine, you?” Giuseppe asked. 
“Fine, thank you,” you smiled politely. 
You then heard screaming upstairs. It sounded awfully like Katherine’s. Your breathing quickened, a wave of worry washing over you. 
“Excuse me,” Giuseppe said and hurriedly brushed past you two. You furrowed your brows and followed him, taking Stefan with you. 
Stefan and you followed Giuseppe up into Damon’s bedroom. Giuseppe threw open the door and you gasped at the sight. 
Katherine was lying on the floor, gasping for air. Damon was on the bed, confused and a vampire bite bleeding out from his shoulder. 
“Father, what?” Damon asked. 
Guards pushed past you and Stefan in the doorway, picking up Katherine. 
“She’s a vampire, Damon, I’m sorry,” Giuseppe said. 
“No! Kathie!” You exclaimed as the guards carried Katherine down the stairs. You ran down the stairs and followed them outside where a carriage awaited. Tears flooded down your face as you saw your sister being thrown into the back of the carriage. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. Your sister is a monster, though, she needs to be killed,” Giuseppe said. 
You wiped your tears and growled. Your fangs came out and veins flowed under your eyes. 
Giuseppe exclaimed in fear. “Vampire! Vampire!”
More guards came at you fast, but you were faster. You snapped their necks, stalking towards Giuseppe. Giuseppe stumbled backward, tripping over a stick on the ground and falling. You growled again and dove down to Giuseppe. You put your hand around his neck, choking him.
“Y/n! Stop!” You heard Stefan behind you. “Please, Y/n! I love you, stop!” Stefan shouted again.
The veins under your eyes disappeared and your eyes became soft once again. While still having you hand on Giuseppe’s neck, you turned around to see Stefan. He was crying and on his knees, begging you to give up his father. 
“Yo-you what?” You asked. 
“Guards, get it!” Giuseppe exclaimed. 
Before you could react, a needle was being punctured into your neck. You screamed in pain, feeling the vervain surge through your veins. You collapsed in the guard’s arm.
“Y/n! No!” Stefan shouted and ran to the guards as they threw you in the back of the carriage with Katherine. 
“I’m sorry, son, but she’s a monster. She has to die. Go inside with Damon to stay safe,” Giuseppe said quickly and ran to the carriage. 
Stefan groaned helplessly. He decided to go back to Damon and get him fixed up so they could go and rescue you and Katherine. 
“Damon! Are you okay, brother?” Stefan asked as he saw Damon crying at the stairs. 
“They took Katherine,” Damon cried. 
Stefan sighed, “They took Y/n, too. Come on, we need to rescue them.”
Damon nodded his head and wiped his tears on his sleeve. Him and Stefan went out in the dark of the night, listening for the sounds of shouting men and gunshots. Damon and Stefan finally found their father and other men throwing vampires into carriages. They stood behind a bush, seeing if they could spot you and Katherine. 
Stefan looked at his brother, putting his arm on Damon’s. “Circle around that way. I’ll distract them.”
Damon looked at Stefan and nodded. He ran off while Stefan went over to Giuseppe. 
“Over here! There’s another one!” Stefan exclaimed. “Come with me!”
He then started running into the woods, his father and the other men following him. While Stefan ran, Damon snuck up behind a guard and hit him over the head, knocking him out. Damon grabbed the keys out from the guard’s pocket, while Stefan ran back. 
“We don’t have long,” Stefan said as Damon hurriedly unlocked the carriage. 
They threw the door open. Their hearts ached at the sight of you and Katherine.  You both were dozing off, rope tied around your hands and muzzles around your mouths. 
“Y/n,” Stefan gasped. You looked up, foggy from the vervain. You opened your eyes and saw Stefan and Damon, reaching their hands out for you and Katherine to grab. 
You reached your hand out for Stefan and he pulled you out with ease. He carried you and set you on the ground next to Katherine. Stefan took off the muzzle and untied the bonds that held your wrists. 
“We’re gonna get you out of here,” Stefan said. 
You nodded, finally gaining consciousness. Damon and Stefan hurried with untying your hands. In the distance were horses.
“Stefan, hurry,” Damon said while getting the last of the rope off around Katherine’s wrists.  
While Stefan threw the rope aside from your wrists, a gunshot punctured Damon in the heart. Your eyes widened and you sat up, your hand reaching for Stefan’s. 
“It’s going to be okay, Stefan,” you said and looked in him the eyes. 
Tears formed in his eyes and he shook his head. You nodded and put your hand on his cheek. You leaned in and kissed him passionately. The feel of his lips were something you hoped you would feel again. 
Stefan pulled away, giving you another quick kiss on the lips before running over to Damon. 
“No, no!” Stefan exclaimed. 
You got up to help, but when you went next to Damon, he was already dead. 
“No, Damon,” Stefan muttered. You put a hand on Stefan’s shoulder comfortingly. 
Just then, horses and men came back. Giuseppe shouted at his partners, saying that there was another vampire. Stefan looked up at them, standing up quickly. He grabbed a shotgun quickly and aimed it at Giuseppe, but Giuseppe was quicker. He shot Stefan right in the heart. His fall made you scream. 
“Stefan, no!” You cried and rushed over to him. Tears flooded down your face as you tried to resuscitate him. 
“Stefan, please. Please, Stefan. I love you. Don’t die,” you sobbed. “I can’t live without you, baby.”
Before you could give him another breath, hands went around your arms. 
“Get off of me!” You kicked and screamed, but it was no use. You saw Katherine being loaded up with you.
“Stefan!” You shouted as the guards locked the carriage door. 
You put your hands to your face, sobbing uncontrollably. You heard Katherine laugh beside you. You took your hands off from your face, furrowing your brows and looking at your sister. 
“What the hell is making you laugh? Your boyfriend just died right next to you,” you spat. 
“They aren't dead, Y/n,” Katherine giggled. 
You sat up and turned to her. “What?”
“They have vampire blood in their system. In a few hours, they’ll wake up. Hopefully they are smart enough to feed. I’m not sure Damon is smart enough, but I’m sure Stefan is,” Katherine explained with a smirk. 
Your jaw dropped. “Whose vampire blood?”
“Yours for Stefan, mine for Damon,” Katherine smiled proudly. 
“What the- Katerina Petrova!” You yelled.
“At least I didn't feed Stefan my blood! You’d be a lot angrier,” Katherine stated matter-of-factly. 
“Shut up,” you groaned and ran your hand over your face. “You are so crazy. How is Stefan supposed to get through this alone? He doesn’t know one thing about being a vampire. I need to be there to help him. How did you even give him my blood?”
Katherine waved her hand in the air, “Stefan is smart, like I said. He doesn’t need you babysitting him. Also, I knocked you out with vervain few times a took your blood.”
“You are freaking psychotic. And It’s not babysitting, it’s helping! I helped you when we were first turned,” you protested. 
Katherine rolled her eyes, “Yeah, whatever. Stefan has Damon, they’ll be fine.”
You groaned again and shook your head. “Screw you, Katherine.”
“I love you, too, baby sis. Now, you’ll be thanking me once I get us out of here.”
“How?” You asked. “You’ll see,” Katherine smiled. 
You rolled your eyes and the carriage stopped. The door opened and guards grabbed everyone. They put your hands behind your back they walked you to the church. You looked around and saw men lined up with torches. 
“Kathie, they’re gonna burn us!” You exclaimed.
“I have a plan, don’t worry,” Katherine said as you two were thrown onto the floor. 
You scoffed in disgust at the men as they went away to get more vampires. Katherine looked around and waved over a man who held a torch. He came over to her nervously.
“Hello, kind sir. I have a proposition for you to set us free,” Katherine said. 
“What are you doing!” You whisper-shouted. Katherine ignored you and proceeded to talk to the man. 
“I.. I can’t set you free, Miss, I’m sorry, “ the guard said. 
Katherine sighed, “What if I could make you immortal.”
You watched as the guard’s eyes lit up. You bit back a bitter smile, you didn’t know how Katherine did it. 
“I... you can’t. They say that you are monsters.”
“Yes, we are, but we live forever. What’s your name?” Katherine asked. 
“Stuart, Miss,” the guard said. 
Katherine smiled sweetly, “C’mon, Stuart. Be the good boy your mother raised you and save two, helpless young girls.”
Stuart sighed helplessly. He looked around to see if anyone was watching, then went over to Katherine. 
“Great. Your service is greatly appreciated,” Katherine smiled and lifted her wrist up. She bit into it, holding it up to Stuart. 
You watched as he drank the blood. His eyes lit up and he threw his head back in ecstasy. 
“Now, you have to kill yourself in the next 24 hours otherwise you won’t turn. Make sure to feed right after you wake up, too,” Katherine instructed. 
Stuart nodded, “Thank you, Miss...?”
“Pierce. Miss Pierce.” Stuart smiled, “Miss Pierce. I will go and distract everyone, you two go ahead and get out of here.”
“Thank you,” Katherine smirked and got up. You got up with her and walked to the back of the building. You ran out the back door and into the woods. You two used your vamp speed until you were far enough away from anyone. 
“Where do you want to go?” Katherine asked.
“I’m not going anywhere with you,” you said.
“What? We always stick together, Y/n. C’mon, you can’t still be mad at me for turning Stefan,” Katherine scoffed. 
You shook your head with a bitter smile. “You don’t get it do you? You always hurt people to save us, yourself. This time, I’m not standing for it.”
“Really, Y/n? Without me “hurting” all those people, you wouldn’t be alive today. You would be in the woods with a stake through your heart, you know that, right? Don’t break us up and run off because of some boy. There will be plenty of boys. Plus, if Stefan does turn and lives, you two might meet later in life!” Katherine smiled. 
“I know you didn’t truly love Damon, Kathie, but I love Stefan. He is the love of my life, I believe that. I have to find him. I’m sorry Kathie, I love you, but I have to find him,” you explained. 
Katherine’s eyes filled with tears. “Fine, go. I’ll see you whenever, if you don’t get killed.” Her voice cracked as she spoke. 
“Meet me in Chicago in 50 years, this exact month and day, at our spot okay? We can spend the whole day together, okay? I love you, Katerina. I’ll see you soon,” you said and intertwined your fingers with her’s. You gave her one last look before going off to try and find Stefan. 
Mystic Falls, 2010
You looked at yourself in the mirror of you apartment. Katherine came up behind you, running her fingers through her straightened hair. 
“Why did you change the way you dress again?” You asked. 
“Because there’s a girl here, Elena Gilbert, who looks exactly like me and I love messing with her and her friends. Plus, I have to get Damon back and he is all over her trashy little ass,” Katherine rolled her eyes in disgust. 
You smiled in amusement, “You’ve changed since the last 15 years I’ve seen you, huh. No more being polite.”
“Well, it’s not me whose changed. It’s the world. I’m sure you’ve picked up on that,” Katherine said. 
You nodded in agreement. You looked over your outfit. You had chosen to wear light-wash jeans and a long-sleeved, red v-neck shirt that you tucked into your jeans. You had your hair done in your favourite hairstyle and a little makeup to look presentable. 
You were in Mystic Falls, Virginia once again. You came here the night before to stay with Katherine. You came to Mystic Falls to see Stefan and Damon Salvatore, which were rumoured to be here, and confirmed to be here by Katherine. Katherine had told you Stefan had changed. Hanging out and fliritng with pretty vampire girls and drinking at this restaurant called The Grill. It made you jealous to hear that he might’ve moved on, but you knew that he couldn’t. After all, you hadn’t. 
“Ready to go and make everyone’s head turn?” Katherine smirked. 
“Yep,” you smiled and went out of the bathroom. You put black, heeled boots on and grabbed your purse. Katherine and you went out of the apartment and to her car. 
“You think he’ll recognize me?” You asked. 
“I do. Why wouldn't he? You’re the most gorgeous girl he’s ever been with,” Katherine said. 
“How do you know that’s true? It’s not like you’ve been spying on him,” you said. 
“True, but you’re a Petrova. We are sexy, charming, and witty,” Katherine smiled.  You laughed at her, nodding in agreement. You two arrived at The Grill. 
“Are you sure he’s here?” You asked nervously. 
“100%,” Katherine said. She took a look at you and noticed the worried look on your face. 
“Don’t be nervous. He will recognize you and he will fall in love with you all over again. I don’t think you realize how hard he fell for you in 1864. You’ll be back together again in no time,” Katherine said and put her hand on your shoulder reassuringly. 
You smiled gratefully at her, “Thank you. Now, let’s get this show on the road.”
Katherine nodded with a smile and opened the door to the restaurant. The smell of burgers and whiskey hit your nose, making your stomach grumble. You looked around to see if you could spot Stefan or Damon. It wasn’t until you laid your eyes on the pool table when you found both of them. 
Stefan had a pool cue in his hand, smiling and laughing. Your heart swelled at the sight of him. Katherine was right, he had changed. He looked to be more social, more outgoing. His body structure changed, too. Now he was more muscular. His hair also changed a lot, too. Instead of being in a middle part, it was brushed upwards. Nonetheless, though, you found yourself falling in love with him all over again. 
Stefan and his friends heard the sound of the door open. Stefan didn’t pay much attention, focusing on his shot at the pool table. A small blonde was the first one to speak. 
“What the hell is Katherine doing here?” She scoffed. “And who is that with her?”
Stefan furrowed his brows at the sound of Katherine’s name. When he looked up, his breath got taken away. He stumbled back, shocked by the sight. 
“That’s Y/n Pierce, Katherine’s sister,” Damon said, shocked with Stefan. 
Stefan took a look at you. You were gorgeous, like always. He looked over your attire. You were for sure a sight for sore eyes. With your hair shining, lips plump and looking soft, your outfit accentuating your body. His brain practically exploded at the sight of you.
“Stefan? Stefan? You okay?” A brunette who looked like Katherine asked and put a hand on his shoulder. 
Stefan averted his gaze back to her and nodded. “Yeah, I just... I know her.”
Elena furrowed her brows, “How?”
“She was my first love. Back in 1864,” Stefan looked at you again and took a deep breath in. 
Everyone around him was shocked with the information he just provided. The brunette looked at you quizzically, trying to figure you out. The blonde and Damon looked at you, too, shocked at how Katherine had a sister and that you were still alive.
You noticed everyone staring at you and blushed. You looked at Stefan’s friends and was taken aback by the brunette. 
“Wow, she really is your doppelgänger,” you muttered to Katherine. 
“Mhm, and a bad one at that,” Katherine said. She grabbed your hand and gestured over to them, “C’mon, let’s go say hi.”
You nodded and made your way over to them. Your palms became sweaty and your legs wobbled as you got closer to Stefan. His scent filled your senses and made butterflies go down from your stomach to your core. He looked so beautiful as you got closer. 
“Hi, Katherine,” the petite blonde standing next to Stefan scoffed. 
Katherine rolled her eyes, “Don’t be rude, I have company. This is my sister, Y/n Piece. Y/n, this is Caroline, she's a vampire, and Elena Gilbert, the golden girl, and well you know Stefan and Damon.”
You smiled at them kindly, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you all.”
Damon gave you a warm smile and hugged you. “I haven’t seen you since 1864! Where have you been?”
“Around,” you smiled at him. 
“You’re friends with a Pierce?” Caroline asked. 
“Y/n is different than Katherine. She actually has a heart,” Damon gave Katherine a sarcastic look. 
“Oh, well, then it’s nice to meet you, too,” Caroline smiled and held her hand out. 
You shook her hand, your eyes going back to Stefan.
“How can you stand to be her sister?” Elena blurted. You raised your brows at her, amused. 
“She's my sister, my best friend. She's the reason I’m still living. She’s not a bad person once you get to know her,” you shrugged. 
“I bet to differ,” Damon smirked. 
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics. You went over to Stefan, hesitantly putting your hand on his. 
“Hey, Stefan,” you smiled. 
His dead heart burst at your smile. It had been a long time since he’d seen it, and boy was he glad he finally saw it again. 
“Hey. Can you guys give us some privacy?” Stefan asked his friends. They nodded, going away. Elena looked at him longingly and Katherine smiled at you excitedly, giving you a thumbs up. 
“So, where have you been?” Stefan asked. 
“Everywhere. I’ve been trying to find you, but you’re always gone once I reach the place you were in. I even tried to find you after you got shot, but you weren’t there. I knew I couldn’t go back to your house, so I went west,” you explained. “When Katherine told me you were here, though, and probably staying for a long time, I knew I had to come here and see you.”
Stefan smiled and nodded. “I’m glad you’re alive and okay. You look beautiful.”
You giggled and smiled shyly. “Thank you. You look handsome, like I remember.”
“Thank you. Do you want to grab a drink?” Stefan asked and nodded to the bar. 
You nodded and followed him and took a seat. “So, I have to ask, are you with anyone?” 
Stefan shook his head with a smile. “I was with Elena, but we broke up a few months ago. She's in love with Damon.”
Your heart sunk slightly, but you kept your hopes high. “Any feelings left for her?”
“No. I love her, I do, but not in the way I did. Not a lot of relationships work out for me,” Stefan admitted. 
“Why?” You asked. “Because of you,” Stefan smiled and looked at you in the eyes.
You raised your brows. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was standing in the way of your love life,” you joked. 
Stefan smiled with you, “No, no, it’s okay. It’s just that, you’re my one true love, Y/n. No one can compare to how you made me feel. I love you, Y/n. I always have and always will. You were the one thing that kept me going after all this time. The thought of seeing you again always picked me back up.”
Tears sprung into your eyes at his words. You interlocked your fingers with his. “It’s the same way for me, too. There hasn't been a day where I haven’t thought about you. Now that I’m with you, I feel like my life is complete now. I know it’s cheesy, but it’s true.”
Stefan smiled widely, “Well, then. Y/n Pierce, would you mind accompanying me on a date tomorrow night. We can go to The Grill and get dinner and then go back to my place.”
“I would love to, Stefan,” you smiled.
Stefan leaned in, “Great. Since we are in the 21st century, I don’t think I have to be so shy.” With those words his lips met yours. 
You closed your eyes instantly, fireworks appeared in the back of your eyelids. Stefan’s lips were soft and tasted of bourbon. They fit just right with yours. You missed this; him. After all this time of not thinking you were going to be able to kiss him again, hold his hand, see him, you were so joyful that you were able to do this now. 
Your hand moved to the back of his head and your fingers played with his hair. Stefan’s hands went on the small of your back and thigh, moving your seat closer. His touch gave you a wave of butterflies in your stomach and it shot down south. His touch was one of the things you missed the most. Being in his arms, smelling him, tasting him.
You pulled back, hearing a whistle from Damon and Katherine. You smiled and looked into Stefan's eyes. 
“Why don’t we move the date part to now and skip dinner,” you suggested. 
“Or you could be my dinner,” Stefan smirked.  His words caused butterflies to swarm in your stomach, but you played along. 
“Deal. Escort me to your house?” You asked and stood up, connecting your hand with his. 
“I’d love to,” he winked. 
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doityourselfbombs · 3 years
S1E2 A Touch of Evil
alternate title: all the out of pocket shit that happens in each episode of Riverdale part 2
I did this instead of my child studies homework. you're welcome <3
CW for adult/minor relationship
episode 2 opens with ANOTHER JUGHEAD MONOLOGUE and an alarmingly detailed shot of Jason Blossom's dead body (hot new info: he was shot in the head).
immediately after this we transition to shirtless Archie, who is feeling angsty because on July 4th he heard a gunshot but didn't say anything bc he'd been hooking up with his teacher at the time.
this is a good time to mention that obviously this is not a consensual relationship because he is a minor and she is an adult. thankfully, the show stops trying to make it aesthetic and cute and starts addressing how toxic and not-okay it is in this episode.
Betty is refusing to talk to Archie so instead he shows up at Ms Grundy's house (still with no shirt) to try to convince her that they need to tell the police what they heard. she tells him, "this is not a negotiation, Archie. if anybody knows that we were there, I could lose my job, you could be expelled, we could go to jail." there's.... a lot to unpack here, but thankfully Jughead does that for me later.
Betty's toxic mother Alice shows up to try to make her more upset with Archie and Veronica for "betraying her" over the weekend... which they did technically do when they kissed at a party, but Betty doesn't actually know that. Betty agrees with her and then goes to hang out with them anyway bc she's a girlboss.
Jughead shows up at Archie's locker to try to reconnect and there's really ominous music playing over the scene for no reason.
"what? sardonic humor is just my way of relating to the world" homie you need therapy shut up
Kevin has bounced back from finding Jason's body and is making sexual jokes about Archie again. also, he tells us that he's the sheriff's son, which is important later.
Veronica apologizes to Betty by sending her flowers and cupcakes and booking them a spa appointment, which is a really cute gesture until you remember they've been friends for two days.
the sheriff starts to tell the students that they've found Jason's body and that there's going to be an investigation over the loudspeaker, and Cheryl just steals the microphone from him to threaten the killer with the electric chair. honestly, good for her.
Archie and Cheryl are paired up for a frog dissection, and Archie offers to take the lead in case the dissection makes Cheryl uncomfortable. Cheryl responds, "why? you mean because my brother is being dissected with a blade just like this one, possibly at this very moment?" and then stabs the frog. I love her.
Kevin is hooking up with a guy called "Moose". just felt like you should know that.
Archie starts awkwardly singing at lunch, and Betty is so upset by this that she runs off. the feeling is mutual.
Jughead walks in on Archie and Ms Grundy making out in the music room, which they are doing despite the WINDOW INTO THE CLASSROOM.
Cheryl and Betty are hanging out, and Cheryl keeps asking questions about Betty's sister Polly, and eventually admits that she thinks Polly might be involved in Jason's murder. naturally, Betty responds by telling her, "Cheryl, get the hell out of my house before I kill you."
Archie tells Jughead what he heard on July 4th, prompting the first logical thought from any the main characters all episode: "a kid is dead, Archie!"
he also points out that, hey, she's not worried about your relationship, she's worried about GOING TO JAIL.
this scene smash cuts to Alice Cooper entering Betty's room with "sage, to banish the evil spirits!"
she then partially predicts the twist ending to the mystery of Jason's murder halfway through the second episode.
some football players ask Jughead if he's the killer, for no discernible reason other than that he wears dark colours.
"we're not gonna hug in front of this whole town. so why don't we do that bro thing where we nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions?" Jughead please stop talking I stg
good news: it turns out that super talented musician and her girl group from the last episode is also the mayor's daughter. nepotism wins again!
bad news: we now have to watch a musical number and dance performance from Josie and the Pussycats and the cheer squad
Cheryl hallucinates that Archie is her brother bc apparently she's never seen another ginger play football before. this triggers a breakdown when Cheryl finally processes that Jason is truly gone. this scene actually made me tear up a little – for as bad questionable as the writing in this show is, the actors are very talented.
the next morning, Archie goes to tell the sheriff what he heard on July 4th, but the sheriff has already gone to arrest Cheryl (at school, for some reason). Jughead's narration tells us that Jason had not actually died on July 4th - he died over a week later.
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - hotch confronts his worst fear when drugged by mr. scratch
warnings - angst, injury details, mentions of case, character death (in vision)
word count - ?
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you knew you shouldn’t be at your dads work as they were working a pretty intense case, but jack was with his aunt and you weren’t comfortable being home alone. after one text to your dad, he told you to come down to the bau to sit in his office.
after responding with a simple ‘okay,’ you grabbed your things, just some extra homework and your phone.
the entire bau team was on edge, you could tell that just seconds after walking in. most of the team was standing around the board in the corner, your dad and rossi being the only ones absent. your eyes avoided the board, not wanting to see the crime scene photos as well as what you thought was monster sketches, no doubt done by spencer.
“hey,” you greeted. “where’s my dad?”
“hotch is down with some of the victims doing interviews. rossi’s over seeing them,” derek explained. you nodded to his words, “alright, i’m going to go sit in his office.”
there was barely any movement for the next two hours, the only noteable thing being your dad greeting you with a wave.
you did, however, jump up when a phone began ringing, followed by the teams expressions shifting and then all grabbing their kevlar vests.
“what’s going on?” you asked.
kate headed up the stairs and towards the office. your eyes darted around as the rest of the team exited the bullpen quickly. “kate, what’s going on?” you repeated.
“we think your dad may be in trouble,” kate stated. “he went to interview someone involved with the victims and he hasn’t come back.”
you gasped sharply, already begining to panic. kate noticed this, placing her hand on your back and leaded you into the office once more. you took a seat in the chair while kate sat on the couch.
“something tells me there’s more,” you mumbled.
“the unsub is after the woman hotch went to interview,” kate added. you pulled your knees up to your chest, drumming your fingers on your leg. “hey, he’ll be okay,” kate offered. you couldn’t do anything but hope her words would be true.
meanwhile, hotch stepped inside dr. susannah’s home. his gun was held low, just in case of emergency. after seeing the woman, he opened his mouth to talk to her. however, without warning, dr. susannah stabbed herself, bleeding out in seconds.
a fine mist was sprayed in his face, the familiar sent of sage spreading across his nostrils. knowing how dangers this could be, hotch did everything he could, even dunking his head into a stray bowl of water. another spray, more sage. this time, hotch could do nothing as the delusion took over.
one gunshot, spencer was down.
that was made clear by j.j.’s panicked screams. blood stained the door where spencer was shot, it was sickening knowing that it was from the hole in the back of his head.
hotch only managed to hear it. he didn’t know what he would have done if he had actually seen it.
second gunshot, dave doubled over.
the unit chief watched in agony as his friend and mentor was shot in the neck. and then derek appeared, kneeling beside rossi and applying pressure to the wound.
the third gunshot hit derek square in the chest, just above the vest. the profiler went down, his breathing stopping in just a few short moments. “morgan,” hotch gasped, in shock at seeing the agent killed right in front of him.
hotch couldn’t move, could barely speak. his entire team was down and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.
“hotch!” you yelled.
why were you calling him hotch? you rarely called him anything other than dad. aaron or hotch was only used if you needed something or just to annoy him.
the unit chief lazily turned his head to see you rushing over to where he was tied up. you were wearing the same kevlar bed as everyone else. what were you doing here? you were only seventeen, not even done high school. why were you with the team?
“get out of here,” hotch commanded.
you began to work towards untying the ropes holding his wrists. “i’m not leaving dad, we need to get you out of here,” you replied. “besides, if i leave your then you can’t wear that tie jack got for you when shopping with jessica,” you joked.
that was all cut short ever so quickly.
one final gunshot rang out, you dropped on the floor, blood pooling out from the gunshot wound in your neck. you chocked, airway not cut off. the pain subsided after a minute, much like morgan, your breathing stopped.
“no!” hotch cried, thrashing around with tears in his eyes. almost everyone he loved was just killed in the matter of minutes.
“it’s a shame i know what your fear is now,” scratch taunted. “seeing your team die in front of you when there’s nothing you can do. oh and of course, how can i forget your daughter? or should i even call her that. she isn’t really your daughter is she.”
hotch thrashed around at that. “shut up,” he growled.
“i mean it isn’t biological. how does little jack feel about having an adopted older sister?” hotch wished he could lean forward and slap the smirk off of scratch’s face.
a car door slamming was heard from inside. “well your team is here for real this time. you might want to shoot me before they come in,” scratch shrugged.
“i need my gun.”
scratch handed his gun over just as spencer and rossi appeared in the doorways. still weak from the psychological torture, hotch lazily held up his gun to fire a shot. scratch easily avoided them, running out of the room and through the house.
“are you okay?” rossi asked, kneeling down beside the younger agent as spencer chased after the unsub.
“fine,” hotch answered. “i just want to get out of here.”
with the unit cheif being helped out of the home and scratch now captured, it was time to head out. scratch, however, managed to turn out of morgan’s grasp, grinning at hotch and tapping his head.
despite rossi’s wishes for hotch to go to the hospital, he shrugged it off, wanting to get back to the bau to make sure you were okay.
the car ride back was painfully long, no one saying anything. hotch was still in a fragile state, the team remained quiet as one thing could potentially set him off.
the second you saw hotch through the glass doors of the bullpen, you were out of the office.
“dad,” you sobbed, rushing forward to hug your father.
hotch sighed, hugging you tightly and cradling you’re head with your hand. you were okay, you weren’t hurt and that’s all that mattered.
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @tinylumpiaa @rumplebutterbitch @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @the-quarantine-diaries @ah-blossom @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @kissessforharryyy @garcias-batcave @spenceneedsahug @jjandreidsgirl @zoseph @spencerreidxoxo @marvelxmendes @mggstyles @ogmilkis @cm-is-kinda-cool @ssa-morgan
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years
Where The Sky Touches The Sea [prologue]
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for over a month and I’ve been debating on posting it or not. Here goes nothing. Another series before I finish Whiskey Straight? Yep. I’m a bad person lol
Our lovey mermaid doesn’t make an appearance yet, but it sets the stage. It’s a prologue after all.
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x Mermaid!OC (eventually)
Word Count: 1.3k
Rating/Warnings: PG - Light mentions of PTSD/dealing with the aftermath of war, talk of superstitions. 
Summary: Frankie needs a change of scenery, a change of pace - it leads him to a lovely house on a (haunted?) lake
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When Frankie had seen the listing for the house, he was cautiously in love. Even from the listing he could see flaws, but that made it all the more appealing to him. He set up a viewing, anxiously awaiting the chance to see the house for himself. When the day finally came, he tried to lower his expectations. Had he worked himself up for disappointment, thinking of what seemed to be the perfect house for the past week? The entire drive out of the city, watching the buildings make way for more trees and greenery, he tried to talk himself down. It wouldn’t be as great as he thought it was.
But then it was.
The house was a small, rustic thing just under an hour’s drive from the city. Most would call it a cabin, but it was fully equipped to be a year-round home. There were other houses on the lake, but they were pretty far off from the property. The lake’s surrounding rockiness and cliffsides had left little area to build without a major demolition project. With the beauty of the area, he was lucky some millionaire hadn’t taken on that task.
It had an entire unfinished section, an addition of an extra bedroom and en-suite that had been abandoned partway through by the previous owner when a family emergency took them out of state. There were other little upgrades he could do throughout as well. So far, three big check marks were on Frankie’s dream home list:
It was quiet. He was out of the city. No more fireworks - or worse, gunshots - waking him in the middle of the night, making him think he was back in combat. No loud neighbours or block parties disrupting the peace on days where he just wanted to be alone.
Secondly, he could work on the addition. Something that would put his hands to work and keep his mind busy on days he needed to just shut down. Even better, the lack of neighbors meant he could work on the house in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep. Once the addition was finished, it would tick off his third item: room for his daughter during the times he got to see her.
He didn’t mind the drive to and from the city, and the hangar he flew out of for work was on the outskirts of the city anyway. It wouldn’t be a long commute.
Frankie had always liked the outdoors, camping and fishing often in his youth. The lake a short walk from the backyard - by all technicalities of where the property line was, but really the lake and surrounding forest was his backyard - would provide him the chance to reconnect with those hobbies. The expansive land would give him space to get a dog, something he’d been considering for months but couldn’t justify living in the city.
The last and maybe the most important check mark on the list - he could afford it. He’d already gone to the bank to tally up his finances and find out what kind of loans he was eligible for. His military pension, his meager savings, plus his current piloting for the charter company, he had himself a decent little nest egg. He wasn’t rich by any means, but he knew he could afford to change his lifestyle in a way that his own mental health desperately needed.
He wanted the house within the first five minutes of the viewing but he stayed quiet as the agent showed him around. She pointed out the features, talking up the selling points, glossing over the issues as a “weekend project” or “quick fix.”
He thanked the real estate agent for her time, and put in his offer. Now he had to wait.
Frankie considered himself a patient man, his years of service had instilled that in him, but he still couldn’t help but to check his old flip phone several times a day. No missed calls. There was no way for him to miss a call anyway, he rarely took the phone from his pocket and he had the ringer to full volume.
“Alright, give it up, Fish. Who is she?” Santi demanded. They were out for dinner and drinks and he had caught the pilot checking his phone for the third time in 20 minutes.
“Who is who?” Frankie answered with his own question.
“Don’t play dumb,” Santi laughed. “Who’s the girl that has you checking your phone like some teenager?”
“Oh, uh, actually… she’s a real estate agent.” Frankie admitted.
“Where’d you meet her?”
“No, it’s not- I put an offer on a house.” Frankie corrected his friend’s assumptions.
“You did? That’s big news, hermano! Why didn’t you tell me?” Santi seemed happy for him, despite it being kept from him. He knew Frankie was interested in moving - the house he was in right now was too big, too loud and too quiet at the same time. The noisy suburbs, big enough for his little family to grow. Now though, it was just a reminder of that broken family.
“I don’t know if I’ll get it.” Frankie brushed it off, “I don’t wanna get ahead of myself.”
“Where’s it at?”
“It’s out on Goldfinch Lake.”
Santi sputtered, nearly choking on his beer. “Goldfinch Lake? Isn’t that place supposed to be haunted or something?”
“You can’t tell me you believe that shit.” Frankie scoffed. “That’s campfire story bullshit.”
“I dunno man. Mi abuela always followed those superstitions-”
“It’s a house on a lake, man.” Frankie argued. “It’s nothing.”
“Yeah well, put some pennies under the carpet or something before you move in.” Santi visibly shivered.
“We’ve literally been to war together. You’re scared of a haunted lake and think pennies are gonna fix it?” He shook his head in disbelief.
“You’re right. I’m gonna call Tia Maria Carmen later and get some advice for you. She knows this kind of stuff.”
Thankfully their food arrived, stalling the conversation in favor of eating. He knew Santiago meant well, but he had to take it one step at a time. First, get the house.
Frankie climbed out of the moving van, looking over the- his property. He took a deep breath of the fresh air, hearing the rustle of the wind in the trees and the crunching of the gravel driveway under his feet and the tires of his friends parking beside him. It was his house, soon it would be his home.
“Nice digs, Fish.” Benny praised as he climbed out of his truck, taking in the property.
“Not bad.” Will agreed with a nod.
“Nobody go in yet!” Santi yelled as he scurried out of his car. The other three men stopped to look at him, watching as he dug through his backseat.
“Dios,” Frankie mumbled under his breath, rubbing his forehead. He fixed his hat as he called over to the man “what are you going to do to my house?!”
Santiago popped up out of the car, a coconut in one hand and a small bundle of sage in the other. Will and Benny looked to each other in confusion, turning to Frankie for a hint to what was going on.
“You’re kidding.” Frankie deadpanned.
“Tia Maria Carmen said this is the best way to bless the house,” Santi explained, ignoring the stares he was getting from his friends. “If any of those rumors of this lake being haunted are true, you’re going to need it.”
“He’s not making cocktails, is he?” Benny asked, still confused.
“I doubt it.” Will supplied.
“Unlock the door for me. You guys can start unloading the truck while I kick around the coconut.” Santi instructed. “Don’t take anything inside until I’m done, though.”
“Is he serious?” Will questioned. Frankie just sighed and unlocked the front door.
The men watched as Santi lit the sage and began kicking the coconut into the house. Benny laughed, taking out his phone to take pictures.
“I can’t believe we’ve been to war with that man.” Will muttered, pinching his nose. He sighed and turned to Frankie, who was resigned to it all. “Welcome home?”
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chmpgnpearls · 4 years
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 & 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 !
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prompts & tropes list  — send me a request and i’ll write it <3
— this is a detailed list of prompts and tropes that i’ve come up with or found online,, 
— if you wish, send me a request with your preferred prompt/genre/trope (from this list or not!) and i’ll write it,, 
— also feel free to mix and match the prompts you most like, no restrictions!,,
— just a little reminder that i write for nct ot21, i do not write smut but i do write suggestive scenes!  
— also, please don’t request anything sexual or suggestive about chenle or jisung,,
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cryosleep ;
circus ;
freakshow ;
greek god / demigod ;
witch / warlock ;
Harry Potter au ;
photographer + model (member or reader) ;
stylist + brand ambassador (member or reader) ;
end of the world ;
post apocalypse ;
Avatar the last Airbender au ;
soulmate / twin flame ;
first date ;
rich kids ;
painter + muse ; (member or reader)
exchange student ;
boyscout ;
summer fling ;
royal ;
historical ;
fallen angel ;
guardian angel ;
college boyfriend ;
single parent ;
skater boy ;
stoner ;
best friends ;
enemies to lovers ;
spirit/ghost (member or reader) ;
fairy, siren, elf, vampire, werewolf, shapeshifter, nymph or whatever creature floats your boat ;
friends with benefits ;
“Oi, do you have a thing for my best friend?”
“Is that my shirt?”
“Talk later, cuddles now.”
“Could you get that on the top shelf?”
“Fancy seeing you here!” “I literally told you where I was going to be.” 
“You look...breathtaking.”
“Yeah well, you owe me a kiss.”
“Let me walk you home, please?”
“There’s no way that dish is supposed to smell like this.”
“Ohh I get it, you're jealous!”
“Do you trust me?”
“Come here, your hair is a mess.”
“Is this seat taken?”
“If you don’t tell me to stop, I’m going to kiss you.”
“Blanket hoggers don’t get morning kisses, sorry.”
“What the hell?” “Fuck, I guess this is not the bathroom then?”
“You’re so fucking cute.”
“Hello, it’s me again.”
“Whatever happens, I’m by your side, always.”
“Oh I’m never gonna let you live this down!”
“Wait, you actually remember that?”
“Alright, bet!”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“You smell really good.”
“I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.”
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say yes.”
“If I ever die, I’m gonna haunt you forever.” “What do you mean IF?”
“I didn't get soaking wet through walking to your place for you to say no to pizza. I have beer too. I know you’re sad, so let me in.”
“Let’s drink wine and trash talk our co-workers!”
“I’m the pun-master, you'll miss me when I’m gone.”
“Are you really suggesting to go to a cemetery at night?” “We’re smoking weed, it’s literally like burning sage!”
“This is not stonage, this is past stonage.”
“Do you know what did I even go in there to get?”
“What just happened?” “I swear it wasn't me!” “Well who was it then?” “Your cat... this little shit.”
“I’m going to die. I’m going to die with an absolute idiot!”
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“I guess chivalry is not so dead after all.”
“I’m not kissing you under the rain! You have a death wish or something?”
“God, you're so dense sometimes.”
“I want to wake up next to you every day.”
“Oh my god, we’re matching!”
“Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”
“I really want to kiss you right now.” “Do it then.”
“I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm, and I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“Alright, one more dad joke and you're single.”
"Keep smiling at me like that."
“Maybe you should leave the cooking to me.”
“Okay, patron saint of lost causes, suit yourself.”
“You’re lucky you're cute.”
“Why use doors when you can just walk though walls?”
“Make yourself at home, darling.” “Are you serious? How am I supposed to make myself at home in the middle of hellfire?” 
“Can you show me your fangs/ horns/ ears/ wings/ claws?”
“Who would live all alone in the middle of the woods?” “Well, me and my friends, for starters.”
“Your cat just told me to fuck off.” “Oh, shit, I thought I made myself pretty clear when I said ‘no swearing’.”
“So you can just bat your wings and take off.” “Yup.” “No magic powder or spell?” “That’s Peter Pan, darling.” “Oh...”
“Of course I’m not gonna tell anybody! I wouldn't want my best friend to become a lab rat for some science freak.”
“Sometimes I talk to the moon, she’s my best confidante, you know?”
“What are you gonna do about it? You and your mediocre skills in charms don't scare me.”
“What do you mean you have a pet dragon?”
“You really don’t want to eat that, it’s in a spell jar for a reason.”
“Oh god please don't kill me! I’m too young to die so soon!” “Kill you? No, listen, you accidentally came into possession of something of mine, and I really need it back.”
“So you're telling me this [object] I bought is cursed?” “Yup. Sucks to be you I guess.”
“I could swear I saw that portrait follow me with his eyes.” “Yeah, I know, that’s my brother. He has the bad habit of freaking out pretty people by checking them out.”
"Maybe the dragon is right, maybe you are just a bitter person."
"Just because I am the chosen one doesn't mean I am above killing you."
"Perhaps we should have listened to the orc, those clouds look murderous."
"So, have you always sucked at dueling?"
“How much blood could one vampire possibly drink?”
“If you don’t like my plants, pick some other house to haunt!”
“I’m so sorry. I was trying a new spell and things got out of hand....really out of hand.”
“I know it’s you...but nice try.”
“If it makes you feel any better, you’re my favorite fleshy meatbag.”
“Look, if I wanted to harm you, it would have happened already.”
“Fuck you I don't have legs!”
“Stop screaming, you're scaring my [supernatural pet].” “Oh I’M scaring it?”
“If you don't stop flicking your wrist like that you're gonna poke someone’s eye out! Let me help you.”
“Merlin’s beard! What is it with your wand?” “Oh, I accidentally dropped it in the toilet this morning and now I think it’s mad at me.”
“Again? Ugh, this is your third time summoning me this week, it better be important!”
“Oh, my plants, they love visitors! Haven't you noticed how they're all standing a bit taller, ever since you walked in?”
“Your laugh...it’s cute. I noticed it makes flowers bloom.”
“Please make it stop, the Sorting Hat is tone bloody deaf.” “Do you really wanna say that about a magical hat that can read your mind?”
“Did you ever feel the way I did at all?”
“I want you to be happy... even if it’s not with me.”
“You were not there... why weren't you there?”
“Stop being a fucking dick, will you?”
“I’m only important to you when you need something from me.”
“Please... just get out / go away.”
“I haven't really slept since you died.”
“How do we fix this?” “You can’t fix something that doesn't exist anymore.”
“You’re never gonna let this go, aren't you?”
“You don’t remember last night at all, do you?”
“I lost the baby.”
“Forget it, I should’ve never come here in the first place.”
“Maybe you should’ve thought about that when you broke up with me.”
“I don't deserve you.”
“I trusted you.”
“Are you even listening to me?”
“You’re supposed to be yelling at me! And... and hitting me! Why aren't you doing that?”
“I just wanted to help...”
“Get out of my head.”
“How stupid do you think I am?”
“Don’t you dare leave me! Not now.”
“Tell me I’m wrong...please.”
“Why do you keep doing this to yourself?”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“There’s no us, there never was.”
“If you walk out that door, it’s over.”
“I made a mistake, okay? I’m human for fuck’s sake!”
“Hang on. You’re gonna be okay soon, just breathe.”
“I don’t know who you are anymore.”
“There’s no turning back from this.”
“You don’t get to come back after years and look at me like that!”
“You fucking disappeared, when I needed you the most.”
“Just shut up.”
“Wake up! Please wake up.”
“Do I know you?”
“We’re not good for each other anymore.”
“I’ve always been honest with you. You owe me the truth.”
“Do you know what a gunshot wound feels like?”
“Shh, it’s okay. It was just a dream.”
“I wish I could take the pain away.”
“You’ve been crying, I can tell.”
“I fucking love you” “Hang up, and tell me this when you’re sober.”
“You haven't been picking up my calls.” “Yeah, I know. I did it on purpose.”
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Shackles pt5: Contact
Ilia:Who are you people?
Captor:I could tell you, but where’s the fun in that? All you need to know is come with us before things get loud.
Ilia:You knew me by name. I’m guessing whatever you want me for isn’t about who happened to the peddler at all. Old grudge perhaps? You know I’ve been absolved from those crimes ri-
Captor:I’ll give you three seconds to comply before the crowd on the main streets of Vacou start panicking from the sound of gunshots. Last thing we would want is people stampeding and trampling each other right? But I suppose you White Fang trash live for that kind of mayhem.
Ilia:.....You have a name?
Captor:Just call me Trigger.
Ilia:Okay Trigger, you and your four friends here are obviously angry and trying to make a point about something. That does not mean things have to get wild. After all ten people in a narrow alleyway sounds horrible.
A gut feeling told him to look up; it was only half the right move. Sun stood on the edge of the building with his bow staff at the ready. “Made you look.” Two clones and Neptune come rushing in from the alleyo opening. The clones managed to tackled two of the assailants while Neptune shot the third in the back. “What!?” Trigger looked back in front him with Ilia no where in sight. His eyes scanned the immediate area before something barrels passed him and towards the his final teammate. “Damn camouflage!” He raises his gun but Sun comes falling from above and smacks it out of Trigger’s hand. Sun goes for a right hook but it gets blocked and countered with a punch that lands right in the middle of his face. The hit makes him stumble into Ilia and Trigger runs into the crowd.
Sun:Agh! That was a good punch.
Ilia:Are you okay!?
Sun:Never mind me! Who was that!?
Neptune:Who are any of these guys!?
Ilia:*looking around* Your guess is as good as mine....but I’m dying to find out.
Neptune:Sounds like our night is just beginning.
Sun:First things firsts, maybe tie up these guys and put them at our hold hangout spot? These were lightweights but I don’t like the idea of them roaming about. Sage should be enough to handle them.
Ilia:Scarlet could handle these chumps, but you’re right. Neptune make sure these guys don’t go anywhere. Sun...
Sun:Yep. Let’s go see if we can find our new friend.
Blake:*peeking over the ledge*
Grimm still swarm the sands and gnaw at the bottom of rock pillar. ‘Still there...’ she moved back to the middle slowly in defeat. Jacquelyn has set up a small fire for warmth while Yang slept far away from both of them with her bag. She wasn’t really in a talking mood; Blake couldn’t help but feel a bit responsible. This was supposed to be a time to reconnect after all yet she let all fly out the window the moment Adam was brought up. ‘Maybe I haven’t changed much after all. Still letting have weight in my life aye Adam?’ She thought while hugging her knees.
Jacquelyn:You know silently being emo doesn’t solve anything right?
Blake:I’m not really in the mood to chat.
Jacquelyn:Why do I have the feeling you never really are?
Jacquelyn:You’re regretting helping me aren’t you? Can’t say I’m surprised. What I can’t figure out is how much of it was before we got ourselves into predicament.
Blake:I’m not the one asking for help and antagonizing those same people.
Jacquelyn:Doubt is a negative emotion too. I bet those grimm are just as hungry for you as they are for your wife over there.
Blake:What? Yang isn’t my wife. I’m not married at all.
Jacquelyn’s eyes went big for a moment. She turned to Yang and could see the glimmer of a ring on her finger. She then turned back around towards Blake who was showing both hands that where indeed free of any ring.
Blake:Told you.
Jacquelyn:But....last time I saw you both-
Blake:Things happen. If I looked left then she’d look right. Not that we had to agree on everything together but some of the choices we- I chose, really upset her. So we took a break, then never stopped taking it.
Jacquelyn:Hmmm sounds like you have a real problem deciding how you’re going to be around people; letting yourself conform to the actions of others. Only thing that makes you is a liar.
Venom dripped from those words unapologetically. Blake hadn’t expected or appreciated it. Her eyes narrowing at Jacquelyn who still stared into the fire.
Blake:I am not a liar and maybe things would be different if you and Adam stop butting into my life. Me helping him save you is one of the main things that split Yang and I up in the first place.
Jacquelyn:Last time I checked, Adam didn’t ask for your help. You chose to run after him and help us escape. Though I can’t imagine why.
Blake:Because I thought he was dead.
Jacquelyn:To me that sounds like you would’ve wanted to fight him, not help. So the million lien questions is what would possess you to do something so crazy?
Blake:For the same reason you have so much faith in him! But frankly Yang might’ve been right. I’m just wasting my time on someone who is too used to hurting people.
Jacquelyn:You don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s different.
Blake: I’ve said those words too you know. It didn’t go well for me either.
Jacquelyn:Sweety, you and I are far from the same.
Blake:And what’s that supposed to mean? *glares*
Jacquelyn:I think that would’ve be clear by now.
Blake:*Stands up* What’s your problem with me? I’m out here risking my neck to help you and-
Jacquelyn:Are you trying to help? Or are you showing pity!? You said it yourself, you doubt that he’s changed and believe I’m making your mistakes when news flash, I’m not dumb enough to not notice how dangerous he was from the beginning!
Blake:No but you’re dumb enough to fall for him!
Jacquelyn:I....I’m not....
Blake:Save it. It’s written all over your face; it’s been on my face. You need to accept that fact you are not thinking straight. That’s just a fact. I know I sound hypocritical but doesn’t make me less right. A piece of me wants to believe that maybe you’re right and he is by some miracle he is the person that I used to know but I won’t let that hope cloud my-
Jacquelyn:He never was that person.
Jacquelyn:That’s your problem; what makes us different. He never was that person you thought he was. *stands up* You know why I have a problem with you? It’s because I think you’re selfish; blinder than he was.
Her voice starts to tremble and the fire burns brightly. Slowly she walks towards Blake who’s red in the face from frustration as well.
Jacquelyn:You’ve done nothing but cling to version of him that did not exist in the first place. He didn’t align with your views of a world where people can change and hate can die out so you left him; understandable. What pisses me off is anytime I hear someone utter your name it’s filled with admiration about how devoted you are to your beliefs when you aren’t.
Blake:Who are you to say that? I’ve made significant strides to reach equality. Human and faunus are more united than ever. I’m finally one my way through cutting through the hate peacefully and it’s working! *tearing up* My beliefs run right through my core and I’ve never strayed from it!
Jacquelyn:If that was true then I would’ve never found Adam dying in a river.
Jacquelyn:High Leader Blake Belladonna, the woman who is always willing to turn the other cheek. Showed mercy to the girl who burned her house and tried killing her parents without a second thought. Yet the moment there isn’t a single witness but her friend, the true test of her beliefs standing in front of her on a ledge, she faulters. Stabbing her former mentor through the chest him and lets him fall. You don’t count that as straying?
Blake:*trembling* Shut up....
Jacquelyn:You’re here right now because you feel guilty, or do you just want me to be wrong? The one person who claims to be succeeding at what you desperately wanted to achieve. You’re a fraud....
Blake:I said shut up!
The cry echoed and startled Yang up. Her eyes scanned quickly, believing they were under attack. All she found was the two girls face to face in front of a dying fire. Still, there was enough light to see the tears running down her teammate’s face.
Blake:You think you have me all figured out don’t you!? Well have no idea how hard it was to make the decisions I did! How much it killed me inside. I hate that how powerless I felt that day but I made a promise to protect Yang and till this I put that vow above my own feelings. So yeah, I compromised my beliefs and drove a blade through Adam. Abandoned my hope of saving him to keep the connection I still had. Not that it didn’t mattered. He lived, and I didn’t have it in me to rid myself of him twice. Not when you’re around trying to tell me that maybe him changing wasn’t as crazy I people thought. The difference being I’m the one actually losing something here if we’re both wrong! Status, trust, friends.....I doubt because I’m scared of losing more than what I’ve already had.
Jacquelyn:You think I have nothing to lose if I’m wrong about him? That I’m doing this out of some since of pride or ego? Blake if I’m wrong or he’s dead then......then things are gonna be real hard for me.
Fear starts to creep into her mind and her hand rest on her stomach. Jacquelyn’s eyes start to water as she stares at Blake, anxiously trying to keep calm. Blake’s hardened expression crumbles at the gravity of Jacquelyn’s words and only leaves pure shock in its place.
Blake:Y...you’re preg-
Both of them are taken out of heated exchange as Yang runs up and stands in front of Blake with scarlet eyes.
Yang:Mind telling me why Blakyis crying!? I swear Jacquelyn you have some nerve to go around and picking fights when you’re asking for help. If you gotta problem then we’ll just-
Blake:It’s fine Yang.
Yang:But you’re crying...
Blake:We, we were just clearing the air. *wipping tears* it’s fine. We are all just a little stressed out for different reasons and I think we just need a minute. So why don’t we all just give each other some space. The grimm are still around and I think we all need a little more rest. Right Jacquelyn?
Yang:Weren’t you the one pushing us to hurry up before?
Blake:Give her break. She’s......she’s been through a lot. We all are.
Blake doesn’t even wait for an answer before walking as far as she can from them and laying down. Yang simply looks at Jacquelyn irritated before going back th we bag and taking watch. Jacquelyn found herself still standing and holding back a wave of different emotions that threaten to make her burst into tears. She had went a little too far. Yang chastising her about her attitude was true; even it hurt to admit it.
Blake’s eyes might have been closed but sleep was far out of reach. It had to have been at least two hours by now but still her thoughts plagued her. She just needed a moment for everything to stop. To have a single piece of clarity. It never came. Instead, a faint voice reached her. One so tiny that no doubt she only heard it because of cat ears. “Thank you, for keeping quiet...” it said meekly. She opened her eyes and Jacquelyn hadn’t moved from that spot. Her hands covered her mouth to chock back sobs and tears ran freely. She looked so frail. So.....defeated. Blake was still a bit furious but seeing this sight was not something she wanted. Her eyes darted towards Yang who was still scouting the area. Blake quietly got up and made her way back over to Jacquelyn. The closer she got the more she realized just how exhausted the girl looked. It was almost had bad as yesterday. Finally Blake was face to face with her again. Slowly she put her arms Jacquelyn and whatever willpower the maiden had left began to vanish as she dropped both of them down to their needs. Her grip on Blake absolute.
Blake:Does Adam know?
Jacquelyn:I never got the chance to tell him. I genuinely have no clue on what happened. Blake, what if....he did find out?
Blake:Adam....is a lot of things. He’s done unspeakable things. Yet, I find it hard to believe a man who’s number one gripe is people leaving abruptly would casually do it. But maybe that’s wishful thinking on my part.
Jacquelyn:I could really use some of that?
Blake:Jacquelyn you...you really are in love with him, aren’t you?
Jacquelyn:.......Crazy right? You would think I know better right? After learning about what happened to you. I told myself to keep him at arm’s length. My only goal was to see if maybe I could my experiences and show him that life doesn’t have to only be hatred.
Blake:Your experiences. You mean how you got your powers?
Jacquelyn:I didn’t tell you the whole thing. One day when I was older I went back and saw how my dad moved on. Another wife, kids, everything. The village acted like it never stole my mother from me and crushed my hands. So I....you know. Lashed out.
Blake:*eyes widened* Everyone? Jacquelyn that’s-
Jacquelyn:Fucked up? Believe me, it still makes me sick. I’ve only taken one other life since that day but I make it a point to refrain from resorting to drastic actions. I was trying to teach Adam that; it’s all I wanted. At first anyways. I don’t have to tell you what happens when you spend day after day opening up to someone.
Blake:*looks at Yang* Walls crumble; you get attached. A few people have done that actually. No matter how hard I try to keep them out. Things always get a little intimate.
Jacquelyn:I’m no exception apparently, but I’m not the only one. I know you might not believe me but he’s changing. I have to believe that.
Blake:You said the two of us aren’t the same. That there was difference that I failed to see. What is it.
Jacquelyn:*wipping her face* You saw him as a man fighting his demons. I looked upon a beast that only knew how to thrive off them. The worst of him was where I started and I never turned away from it. You’re clinging to what you saw, I’m searching for what’s there.
Blake:And...what do you think you’ll find.
Jacquelyn:A better man...
“Oh come on. Ahahaha! Is that all the great Adam Taurus can take!? I’m disappointed!” A gaurd brandished his bloody knife in front of the restrained man before placing it at is left torso. Slowly the gaurd glided the blade across Adam’s flesh until it reached is ribs.
“Aaaaahhhh! Huuuu. Huuuu. That....that all you... got?” He could barely hold his head up. Two hours of public torture will do that to a person. Another gaurd pistol whipped his face while a third swung his boot into Adam’s already bruised ribs. He’d scream if there was any air left in his lungs.
Most prisoners partook in his torture in some shape or form. Slander, laughter, the occasional rock never seemed to miss. Sure it was a hellish experience, but hey, so was most of his life. The first gaurd yanked his head up by his hair and spat right in his face. “Tell me, how does feel to be hated by not just your own kind, but also your own people? I’m sure they’re dying to know.”
Adam:Pr-cough! Probably...not as...bad as your position. Heheheh.....
Gaurd:What was that....?
Adam:I’m saying....at least they liked me for a time. You though, man I bet they love to get there hands on someone they hated from the start heheheh..... I know I would......
Gaurd:Still a funny guy huh? Let’s see for how long. *cocks gun*
Sobek:Gentlemen, what have I told you?
Everyone’s gaze was diverted to the lab door where Sobek stood. His right hand holding to Jasmine’s wrist while the left held another girl with horns, but that girl...she was different from Jasmine. Her eyes were glazed over and she looked almost entirely limp. Like if Sobek was holding a doll. Adam watched Sobek release her and the child immediately fell on the ground.
“Noooo!” An older man with similar features to the girl screamed while quickly running to her. He held her tightly as he wept. Adam could tell she was alive, if you could even call whatever condition she was in living. Jasmine was doing better than the other girl, but just barely. The child’s eyes were still alert and pacing back in forth. Her body however, it looked weak and her clothes were drenched with hopefully sweat or water from what Adam saw. Yet she wasn’t limp. Strangely enough, the girl only looked tired and in visible pain. Her brother stood up and ran to her before a glare from Sobek stopped him dead in his tracks.
Adam:(The feisty one is still kicking huh?)
Sobek:Going overboard makes you no different from a monster like him. Wouldn’t want him going into shock on us either. You’ve had your for fun, now clean up the mess. Including his wounds; infection is a dreadful thing.
Rajah:Jasmine, s...say something.
Jasmine:D...do you.... have any bread?
Rajah:Sigh....you’re still okay.
Sobek:Of course she is. Unlike my men I know moderation. Now, you better do a good job keeping her out of trouble. My leniency only extends so far. Next time.... I might have to be more....assertive.
His finger runs across her tiger ears and causes her to flinch. Feisty or not, the girl displayed a deep fear and panic from his touch. It almost looked like she wants to cry. “We wouldn’t want that now would we,”
“N...no sir..” Both children said right after another. The man finally let go of her. All she can manage was a few steps towards her brother before collapsing into his arms tired and shaking. Sobek walks to the elevated platform Adam resides on.
Rajah:Jasmine? Hey are you okay!?
Jasmine:Please...my head hurts. Everything is so....blurry.
Rajah:(She’s burning up!)
Sobek:Enjoying your stay A-
Adam:Give that girl water and some ice.
Sobek:Pardon me?
Adam:You talk restraint but I can tell from here she’s coming down with a fever. Looks like one bad one might snuff her out.
Rajah:Come on, please stay awake. Please, she needs water!
Sobek:I think yours delirious. Prisoners don’t make demands. Maybe if they-
Adam:Shut your face and give the girl my rations already? Children are dying. That goes against your method right? Unless that never mattered to begin with?
Silently the room judged their hear captor. He could feel the eyes on him relentlessly before caving in and giving a hand signal that told the gaurds to not just give her water, but everyone. Except Adam of course. Sobek was displeased by being called out into question like that.
Sobek:On second thought, rough him up a little more. Within an inch of his life preferably. Since he wants to act high and mighty. He needs a humbling experience.
Adam:You don’t scare me.
Sobek:A foolish decision really.
Adam:Keep telling yourself that. Remember you’re dealing with someone your own size now.*stands up* So be careful not to slip up....
“Or this monster might wrip your scrawny throat out and watch you bleed out.” His words held a weight to it; a level of insanity. Adam stared the reptile faunus down and never blinked. Something had his blood boiling and he couldn’t explain it. Maybe it was the environment, or the circumstances around it. All he knew was he was used to things feeling like hell, and just because it’s been a while does not me he forgot how the game is played. First rule, never break in front of them.
Sobek quietly walked around him and back to whatever private room there was in the awful place. More gaurds soon approached Adam; fully ready to follow through on their orders. He did not care. Before he was surrounded however, he noticed the girl was still conscious and staring at him. All he did was nod at her before the gaurds went to town on him. It wasn’t going to be pretty, yet Jasmine never stopped glancing at him. Trying too see what exactly made him different from the rest; lethal like a weapon. She drink his share of water.
Jasmine:(Hmph, so maybe he’s a little tough.)
Part 4
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reddeadgarlicbread · 6 years
All I Have - A Red Dead Redemption 2 Story - Chapter Twenty Three
Requests are CLOSED while I catch up!
Sage Marston is the younger sister of John Marston, member of the notorious Van Der Linde Gang. After being separated as children, John finds his sister and invites her to run away with him and the gang.
As Sage quickly becomes a member of the family and valued member of the gang, she also falls in love with the charismatic leader, Dutch Van Der Linde. But little does she know, another member of the gang is falling in love with her, as well.
How will Sage cope with being a member of the gang? And what will happen when Dutch begins to lose himself?
Dutch Van Der Linde x OC Arthur Morgan x OC
Major spoilers for RDR2
Sage stood, running into Arthur’s arms. He held her tightly, embracing her. He felt different. He was much smaller than before. Sage immediately began to worry - something was wrong, she could feel it. But right now, she was just happy to have him home again.
Arthur ran his hand through Sage’s long, soft hair as her tears stained his shirt. She never wanted to let go.
“Hey Arthur, they got John,” Abigail said, walking up to the two of them cautiously, concern etched on her face.
“Yeah, he got arrested,” Sadie said.
“He ain’t hung yet?” Arthur asked, reluctantly parting from Sage and moving to sit next to Abigail.
“Not yet…” Sadie said. “They moved him to Sisika. He’s been working on a chain gang.”
Arthur sighed.
Pearson brought Arthur some food over, and he took it gratefully, immediately taking a bite. Sage sat next to him, leaning in so only he could hear her.
“Arthur...have you seen Dutch?” she asked.
Arthur looked at her, sadness in his eyes. “We split up when we got back on land. I’m sure he’ll find us soon enough.”
Sage nodded, the worry staying with her.
Later that night, things were quiet. Most of the gang was asleep, including August, but Sage, Arthur, and a few other members remained awake. Sage looked up from where she was speaking with Arthur as they heard the door to the small cabin open.
“Dutch!” she gasped, immediately jumping up and running to him. The rest of the gang called out cheerful greetings. He looked terrible, but he was alive.
Dutch patted her gently on the back, never giving her his full attention. “Where’s August?” he asked.
“Sleeping in his crib,” Sage said.
Dutch quickly made his way over to the crib, scooping up his sleeping son and holding him to his chest. August woke, but Sage was surprised he didn’t cry. Instead, he made happy cooing noises as he grasped onto his father’s shirt.
“He’s gotten so big,” Dutch remarked, emotion in his eyes.
Abigail ran over to him quickly. “Dutch, Dutch, they got John,” she said.
“Okay, okay,” he said to her, trying to calm her. He kept his attention on the baby, a huge smile on his face as the rest of the gang crowded around him to welcome him back. Sage stood in the corner, feeling left out and a little rejected.
“How did you folks find each other? Can...can somebody get me a cup of coffee or something?” Dutch asked with a laugh as he sat August on his hip.
“It was Mrs. Adler who saved us,” Strauss said. “After the robbery in Saint Denis, she got us away from the camp before the Pinkertons turned up. Then, Mrs. Adler and Mr. Smith drove away the degenerates who were living here.”
Dutch turned to Sadie, a warm smile on his face. “Mrs. Adler, we owe you.”
The gang cheered for Sadie, including Sage.
“It’s been real hard, Dutch...we been surviving, but only just. What we gonna do?” Tilly said.
“Things have been tough...there ain’t no doubt about that. Trust me...I am gonna get us out of here. This ain’t over.”
“Ain’t none of you folks interested in our adventures?” Micah asked, cutting in.
“Guess we’re more interested in escaping the hangmen on our tail,” Abigail said.
“Cheerful nymph of the prairie, wasn’t you, Abigail?”
“Oh sure, my fair heart jumps for joy when I set eyes on you, Micah.”
Micah laughed, before the mood began to turn somber.
“We buried Hosea, Dutch,” Abigail said. “Charles, Sage and I stole his body from the law one night and gave him a proper burial. It was real nice.”
The gang nodded in agreement, just before the door to the cabin burst open.
“Well here you is,” Bill said, angrily. “Well I asked everyone I could find, and eventually someone knew. Said you fools were out here. Shit...get me a drink or something.”
“Get your own damn drink!” Sadie shot back.
“In our absence, Mrs. Adler has been looking after things,” Dutch said. “Now sit. down.”
Bill grumbled, but sat down without a word anyway.
“This is Agent Milton with the Pinkerton Detective Agency!” Came a voice from outside.
“Already?” Dutch gasped, holding August closer. Arthur wrapped an arm around Sage, pulling her into him protectively.
“On behalf of Cornwall Kerosene and Tar, the United States government, and the Commonwealth of West Elizabeth, we are here to arrest you!”
“Here we go....” Dutch said, handing August to Sage and pulling his gun out. Sage grabbed her son and moved back away from the windows.
The gunshots began flying through the cabin without warning.
“Sage, get down!” Arthur called.
Sage ducked down, the now crying baby in her arms. A fire started in the cabin, and Charles grabbed onto her, helping to pull the two of them out of the cabin. Charles led her to another small building off to the side of the property, pushing her and August inside.
“Stay here,” he said gruffly, then shut the door before she could say a word.
Sage wanted to help, but her instinct to protect her child came first. She sat against the wall of the small shed, clutching the baby to her chest and trying to quiet him down. She could hear the battle raging on outside. A tear ran down her cheek, which she ignored. She couldn’t handle losing any other members of the gang. But she couldn’t think about that now. She had to be strong.
Finally, after a while, things quieted down. Arthur called for Sage to come out of the shed. Cautiously, she stepped out, making sure there were no more Pinkertons hiding about. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she made her way to the rest of the gang.
“You saved us, Arthur,” Dutch said.
“Well, me and...Bill and Sadie,” Arthur said, out of breath. He coughed a few times.
“You okay, son?”
“Sure,” Arthur said, waving him off. “What...what do we do, Dutch?”
“Clearly we need to leave. It’ll take them some time to regroup. Mr. Pearson, Miss Grimshaw, start packing up. Javier, you and Bill...get outta here. Go scare off any scum still loitering about. We need a couple of days. Now! Please, gentlemen!”
Javier and Bill took off as Mr. Pearson and Miss Grimshaw began packing up the camp. Sage stood next to Arthur, watching as Dutch leaned against the wagon Arthur was leaning against.
“What next, Dutch?” Arthur asked.
“We just need some time. I just, I, I need some time. Now, we can’t go east, ‘cause then we’ll be in the ocean, so we’re gonna have to go north, I guess? I just need somebody to buy me some…” he slammed his fist on the wagon, “goddamn time, one of you.”
Sage looked at him with worry. He seemed to be losing it a little bit, and it scared her.
“You’ll figure it out boss, you always do,” Micah said.
Dutch walked off with Micah, Abigail running after him, asking about John. Sage was worried about John, too - he was her older brother, after all - but she had to deal with things one at a time or she would drive herself crazy.
Which was something she worried some members of the gang had already come to.
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theoddcatlady · 6 years
Walter the Ghost
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Two months ago we moved into our new place. It’s honestly amazing, huge property, beautiful forests, and an old barn out back that my wife Lydia hoped to remodel into a workshop. She loves wood carving.
We have two sons and a daughter. Elliot is ten, Joey is eight, and Samantha is five. The old house is big enough for the kids to have their own rooms, but Joey gets night terrors still so he bunks up with Elliot. Elliot doesn’t complain, he’s a solid big brother.
Course, no move is without its difficulties. The kids miss all their old friends, they’re still adjusting to a new school, a new schedule. The job I had lined up told me I was no longer needed so things went belly up there. Bills got a little tight.
So that’s why I didn’t bat an eyelash when Samantha started talking about Walter.
Samantha has always had a hell of an imagination. She tended to make up a new ‘friend’ every week. A few weeks before it was Paula, a girl about her age wearing a bright red dress. Before that it was Ruby, Mary, Nick… you get the point. Typical attention span of a little one.
But Walter stuck around. Walter was an ‘old man’, which by Samantha’s standards meant probably around forty or fifty. He lived in the closet and Samantha would leave him strawberry Kool-Aid in plastic cups and saltine crackers. Thankfully I never had to clean it up, Samantha was good about keeping after that. For being five she’s quite tidy.
I blew it off at first. Every kid has imaginary friends. I had them, my wife had them. The stress of the move probably just had her cling onto this one a little longer.
Then Joey started bringing Doritos into the closet.
Doritos were his favorite snack. Cheesy fingerprints typically stain his shorts, it makes laundry a pain but that’s life when you have kids. Joey was never the imaginary friends type though. He maybe had one when he was Samantha’s age, and that phase lasted no more than a week. So this was a little weird.
I decided to ask more about Walter.
I walked into Samantha’s bedroom to see Samantha and Joey kneeling next to the closet, quiet as mice. I cleared my throat and both jumped like they heard a gunshot. Joey instinctively kicked the door shut. “Hi dad!” He said.
I walked in and opened the closet door. Nothing in there except an empty plate with Dorito crumbs and a cup that had spilled a single drop of red juice on the carpet. “So, Walter likes your Doritos, bud?” I said.
Joey nodded. “He likes snacks,” He mumbled.
“What is Walter like?” Satisfied the closet was empty, I closed the door and turned to my kids.
Samantha and Joey brightened up before they both began sharing bits of info with me.
“He’s blonde!”
“He’s starting to go bald, just like Uncle Craig!”
“He wears suspenders!”
“He’s very quiet!”
“He’s got a big ole hole in the side of his head!”
“He’s here to protect us!”
“He really likes Doritos!”
I raised my hand. “Hold on, back the train up. What do you mean protect us?” I wasn’t even going to touch the hole thing.
It was like they knew they said too much. Samantha’s hands flew up to cover her mouth while Joey looked at the ground. Samantha spoke up first.
“… He says there’s something in the forest. Something in the barn… something really, really bad,” She said, barely above a whisper.
The bedroom door slammed shut and I nearly screamed. I walked backwards to the door and slowly opened it back up.
No one in the hall. And today had been too cold to leave the windows open.
I’m probably different than most people in this situation. I actually believe in ghosts. I had some experiences as a teen that turned me into a believer. Lydia laughed out loud when I told her I think our daughter had a ghost in her closet, but I didn’t expect anything different. She’s the skeptic of the two of us.
So I decided to dig into the history of the house.
This place had been tossed around quite a bit, most owners didn’t keep it for over a year. Heck, one couple and their daughter actually moved out after two weeks. I kept digging. And before the house was built I found something.
I found Walter.
His full name was Walter Griggs, he had three kids. He was a widower. He hadn’t remarried. But one day the house was burned down with Walter inside. The kids were never found. The common theory was that Walter killed his kids and then himself when he couldn’t live with the guilt. God knows what he did with the bodies.
I was chilled to the damn bone when I realized my kids were talking to a murderous ghost. I called a family meeting, Lydia was less than impressed but she went with it.
“Guys, we need to stop talking to Walter and giving him snacks.”
Lydia rolled her eyes. “Kurt...”
“It’s just to be safe. Walter might’ve done some bad things.”
Elliot blurted out, “But he’s nice! He tells stories and talks about the good ole days!” He immediately regretted speaking as he saw my face go pale. Even Lydia looked unsettled.
Elliot was too old for imaginary friends and far too practical. Even as a tiny tot he wrinkled his nose at the idea of having a friend he made up. This only confirmed my theory- Walter was a ghost and the original owner of the property.
Samantha sniffled, her eyes filling with tears. “But… but what if he gets hungry?” She asked.
“And what if the… the folk come around? The ones he warned us about?” Joey shivered.
I sighed. “Guys. I don’t know what Walter really is, but I do believe he’s not something Samantha made up, and I believe he’s not safe. Samantha, we’re going to move you into the other room for now. We’ll start hunting for a new house as soon as we can, but until then, leave Walter alone. Do not talk to him. Do not give him snacks. All right guys?”
Samantha bolted from the room crying. Joey turned into the couch to hide his tears. Elliot was the only one who nodded and said yes, but I knew he was upset too.
I surrounded the closet with a ring of salt, I would’ve burnt sage or whatever you do but I had no idea how to get my hands on some. So salt was the best I could do. Plus, I’d be able to tell if the kids tried to approach the closet this way. I looked up tips on how to make ghosts fuck off, Lydia for once not laughing at my ‘crazed paranoia’.
Samantha was the most resentful of the kids. I caught her at least twice trying to sneak into her old bedroom with a plate of Saltines. Each time she was scolded and I reminded her it wasn’t safe, but I knew she didn’t believe me.
Perhaps she knew more than I did.
Things were finally settling, I got a new job and we were house hunting once again. Samantha still sulked but Joey was over it, running about in the big backyard we had and playing games with a few of the neighbor kids.
Then one night I woke up and there was Walter, sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
He was as solid as you or me and exactly as the kids described him- middle aged, blonde, balding. Suspenders over his blood spattered shirt. And the ‘hole’ in his head? It looked like half his skull had been blown clean off. One eye had gone with it while the other, a deep blue, stared me down.
I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t even wake up Lydia.
Walter sighed before he got up and motioned for me to stand and follow him. Like pulled on strings, I got up.
Walter’s voice was quiet and hoarse, like he’d had strep and still couldn’t speak. “It’s not too late,” He whispered. “Go, hurry. I lost my children to the Folk, but you can still save yours.”
I ran to the kid’s bedrooms, feeling Walter’s cold breath on the back of my neck. Each bed was empty, the sheets pulled away and their windows open. I almost collapsed but Walter’s ice cold grip dragged me back to my feet. “No time for panic, son. Go,” He said between gasps.
I didn’t even put on my shoes. I ran out into the backyard. The forest was now glowing with bright lights, I could hear the piping of flutes and the pound of drums. I took off running, Walter on my heels.
I pushed through the bushes and nearly tripped on piles of old leaves, following the source of the sound. I stumbled into the clearing which was now bright as day.
My three children were standing around a woman wearing a white gown. She was in every way perfect, beautiful with dark curls cascading down her back. She was tall, taller than me even and I’m no short guy. Her hands were spread out and Samantha was reaching for her.
I heard the scream of a man in agony.
Walter rushed in, growing bigger, bigger, bigger… his essence swallowed the light. The clearing was now ice cold, I could see my breath coming out in puffs in front of me. The woman stumbled backwards, eyes growing in shock as Walter now towered over her.
“These children are not going with you, Fair Folk!” He howled. “Not this time!”
The woman turned and fled, before my very eyes she stepped into a ring of mushrooms and vanished into thin air. Walter shrunk back to the size of a man before he turned to look at me.
I couldn’t say anything. I wanted to apologize. I’d horribly misjudged the ghost of a grieving father who’d lost his children to something otherworldly. And he’d saved my children from the same fate.
Walter smiled crookedly before he vanished. I ran up to my kids. They were still entranced, pupils blown out and they didn’t recognize my voice. I got them back home and rushed them to the emergency room.
The doctor had no explanation. About an hour after they’d been checked in they came to with no ill side effects and no reason why they’d been out of it. Elliot said he’d heard a woman’s voice outside the window and that she was offering treats, but that was the last thing he could remember.
They were in observation for a day before they were released, but by then I’d changed my protection plan. I didn’t put scissors or knives in their beds but my wife did get ahold of some pieces of iron from a friend’s garage and she created small statuettes of our kid’s favorite animals with the iron set inside of it- a tiger for Elliot, a monkey for Joey, and a bunny for Samantha.
I’ve now taken to going up to that old closet with a glass of whiskey and a portion of whatever was for dinner.
I haven’t seen Walter again, but I have caught glimpses of his smile as I’m closing the closet door. I think he was getting a little tired of strawberry Kool-Aid.
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tidesage-crestwell · 5 years
Haunted Mirror (AU)
[Music/Video Inspiration] Trigger Warning: Blood, Self Harm, Gore, Horror.
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Gen, Caelin, and Joe had gotten lost from the rest of the team and left wandering a darkened forest. Even Fletcher couldn’t seem to find them among the thick gnarled branches. Fog lolled about the groups feet, and strange noises left them all tense. Night was falling fast but finally they found shelter in what appeared to be an abandoned mansion.
“Weird.. I don’t remember seeing this when scouting.” Caelin spoke quietly, glancing over her shoulder towards the forest.
Gen shook her head, “The village did say it was up here.. but..” She trailed off at the tugging on her mind.
Joe kept a hand on Gen’s shoulder as he looked around, growing uneasy.
“No use sticking it outside.. Who knows what manner of creature is in those woods.” Caelin rationalized, though not fully liking the idea himself.
As they entered through the creaking door, they were met with a sudden slam and click behind them. Candles lit inexplicably and all led to a single room.
“Y-You think something wants us to go in there?” Genny swallowed hard, resting a hand on her lantern as she slowly stepped towards it.
Caelin tried to speak but a shadow covered his mouth and he felt himself yanked elsewhere, without the other two looking behind them. As Joe and Genn stepped into the room, there was a single mirror on the far wall, covering it but showed no reflection yet. As they stepped closer, they began to see their reflections but they were warped and covered in blood.
“W-Wha-” Gennesy started, only to have a blackened hand reach out and cover her mouth, causing her eyes to widen in alarm.
“Shh..” The voice whispered, sounding between the Tidesages and an echoing wind.
“Gen!” Joe reached to yank Gen away, only for a blade to fly from the mirror and pierce his shoulder.
The tidesage stumbled backwards in terror, falling on her butt as out stepped the warped visions. The man holding the sword hilt that was stuck in Joe, a maddened grin on his face as his eye was bright red. The woman stepped out with bare feet before Genn, her torn and burned robe the least of the sight as her entire left hand up to her elbow was blackened and crackling with blue lightning.
Clucking her tongue, the other Genn grinned, “Such naughty children.. Entering this forbidden place.”
“Who are you!” Joe demanded as the man ripped the blade from him.
“Why I’m you.. but better.” The man laughed, flicking the blood off the blade.
“That’s impossible..” Gennesy whispered, still trying to back away on her hands from the mirror.
The other’s black hair shifted, revealing the blood streaking from her blackened eyes, “Is it?”
The couple felt immediate fear stricken their hearts. Genn found her back against someone’s legs, causing her to look up.
“C-Caelin?” Genn asked in vain.
The bright white grin that crossed its face was answer enough, the edge of his mouth holding bloodied scars as his clawed hand reached to grab Genn by the hair and yank her up, causing a scream to come from her lips.
Joe turned to call, “Genn!” Only to feel shadows wrap around his throat, leaving him gasping for air.
“Hmph.. Taking my fun.” The red eyed man stated, glaring at the bloodied sage.
“No need to worry.. You’ll get your fun.” Her echoed voice cooed, “There’s always more where these came from.”
A gunshot rang loudly as the ‘Caelin’ looked down in annoyance at the bullet hole now in his chest. He turned and threw Genn into a wall, causing the wall to crack along with her to let out a cry of pain as she was knocked unconscious and bleeding from the head.
“Put them down, you fucking bastards.” Caelin growled out, aiming his gun despite his vision blurry as blood dripped from his forehead and one eye was swollen.
“Hmph.. I thought I finished you.” ‘Caelin’ sneered, his voice rough, almost demonic.
Caelin shot again, this time for his counterpart’s eye, “I said get away!”
The creature raised a hand to the black blood that came from the shot.
“Struggling, C̳͇͔̜̗̩̞̝̫̎̄͊̕͘͘̚̚͝â̷̢̠̦̱̯̲͖̾̓̔̄̐̉̚ͅé̖͇̥̱͙̘͇̝͑̈́͆́ḽ̨͉̯̠̬̌͐̊̚͡i̻̥̦̫͚̹͚̞̻̒͑̈͐̑̀ͅn̸͕͕̣̠̰̪̟̺͒̈́̊̾̅͆͆̌̚͜͡ͅ?” The woman snickered.
. . "̯̼̝̪̻̹͇̑̿̌̃́̆͞S̷̤̺̯̞̯̞̠̻̎͆̿̔̾͊̑͑͆͟͜i̯̹̦̙͉͍̤̙͊̈́̽̓̍͘̕͟l̵̨̟̹̟͎̂̓̾͋͋̚͡ẹ̸̛̛͖̩̫̫̜̏͋͘̕ͅn̜͙̬̣̞̫͂̓̽̎͡͝c͔̗̝̪̱̼̒̎͋͒̚̕̕e̷̛̩̣̰̭̬̜̗͉̋̂͋́͂̔̇̕͟͝ Ḇ̭̠͕̬̜͙͗̎̅͊̾͌̈͊͝l̢͙̖͚̖̣͒́̐̓̌̍̉̏ͅọ̰̳̣̪͍̊̏̿͗̀͑͂̚͟͢͡͝ȍ̶̢̢̠̬͚̳̦̘̰̀̌̊͋̄d̖̙̺͙̙̍͐̉̋͋̈́͘͢-̡̻͇̜̺̉̀̉͌̑̓͢͠b̷̧͉̤͔̼̖̫͗̄̾͒̈́̎̂i̷̢̲̠͍̻̋̇̈̿͗͆̚̕͢͢͝͞t̳͍̮̜̩̩̞̐̆̓́͂͟͜͞č͎̣̟̜͉̪̫̮̻̙̋͗̀̈́͗̍́͗̔h͕̻̳̰̰͔̗́̓͛̑̊̽͘͢.̷̡̞̝̙̹̭͉̯͇̈͋̈́̀̍͂̚̚͠͞"̡̢̣̘̮̃̍̋̃̈́̓̓͂͛͘
She held her hands up, giving a shrug before another shot rang out, this time into her shoulder causing her to drop the shadows around Joe.
With a gasp, Joe fell to his knees, speaking weakly, “Caelin run..”
“Grab Gen and go.” Caelin ordered Joe as C̳͇͔̜̗̩̞̝̫̎̄͊̕͘͘̚̚͝â̷̢̠̦̱̯̲͖̾̓̔̄̐̉̚ͅé̖͇̥̱͙̘͇̝͑̈́͆́ḽ̨͉̯̠̬̌͐̊̚͡i̻̥̦̫͚̹͚̞̻̒͑̈͐̑̀ͅn̸͕͕̣̠̰̪̟̺͒̈́̊̾̅͆͆̌̚͜͡ͅ begun to fight him for the gun.
“You aren’t going anywhere.” The red eyed Joe brought his sword up over his head.
“Stop you fools!” The Bloodsage shouts as a misfired bullet nearly hit the mirror, causing her to glare at the fighting Caelins.
"̛̣͍̮̩̤͎̫̘͎́̉̎̂̋͐͐͟͡Ȋ̧̺͚͎̦͑͋̑̆̍͐̕͝ ṡ̸̛̠̙̙̥̟̻̖͙̫͋́͛̈͝ą̶̧̘̠̤̟͚̤̇̇̽̊̽̚͟ȋ͙̦̪͇̬̥͓̟͑͂̈́̾͗͌́̓d̹̱̖̦̳̺̰͕̆̿́̈̎̓͡ s͍͚̗̜̫͖̗͒̌̊̀̀̍̿į͈͉̮̺̠͇̻͛͆̋̓͠l͙̦̹̘̈̎̿́̂̃ͅe̸̢̛̘̝̥̲̟̮͉̅̿̒͊́͗͟ṉ̶̪̞͖͋̄͑̀̑͝͞ͅc̴͍̗̺̣̖͚̙̿͌̋̌̏̚͟͞ȩ̛̳̪̘͖͗̀̋̎̎͞͞ B̡̮̮̯͔̬̪̮͎̂̌̾̀̋͠l̶̡̪̼̭̻̑̿͑̇̓͟͠ͅo̵̡̱̞̪͔̥̫͈̪̖̔͆͌̀̃̅õ̴͈͈͙͓̩̂̃̆̕͢͠͞ḍ̛̣͇͖̭̗͑͊̆͑͌͊̚͟-̸̧̢̬̖̘͔̼͔̦͙̈́̑͊͋͌̈͆͠b̝̲̜͔̫̳͋́͋̐̄į̶̨̦͙͕͔̔̀͐͒̐̃͆͊̽͝ẗ̰̮͔͔̪́͐̿́̉͆͘c̢̪̥̳̲̄̐̽̋̈̚h̸͈̫̝̻̺̐̓͊̾͐̈́͝͠!̸̛͎̻͓͇͕̜̙̎͋̄̍͑̈́̂͝"̶̧̣͎̻̲̖̦̳͉͔̈́̋̌̅̕
The house began shaking angrily, a deep red mist coming from her fists. Noting the woman’s concern, Caelin manages to kick back C̳͇͔̜̗̩̞̝̫̎̄͊̕͘͘̚̚͝â̷̢̠̦̱̯̲͖̾̓̔̄̐̉̚ͅé̖͇̥̱͙̘͇̝͑̈́͆́ḽ̨͉̯̠̬̌͐̊̚͡i̻̥̦̫͚̹͚̞̻̒͑̈͐̑̀ͅn̸͕͕̣̠̰̪̟̺͒̈́̊̾̅͆͆̌̚͜͡ͅ  and shoot at the mirror, leaving the three entities eyes going wide and moving to try and get between the shot. With them distracted, Joe scrambled to grab Genn and leaving with Caelin on his heel while twisted demonic screams filled the air.
Caelin slammed his shoulder against the front door, to no avail. “Damn it.”
“What are we gonna do?” Joe looked towards where the entities were.
“We need to see if there’s a window or something we can get out of.” Caelin turned, quickly darting up the stairs, “Come on.”
Joe hurried, keeping Genn cradled close. The Tidesage was stuck in her mind.
Deep within the subconscious... ((Music))
“You’re pathetic.” The Bloodsage laughed at her, “Too weak to use your birthright to save your stupid friends.”
“Shut up! You’re a damn witch!” Genn screamed at the image, blackness all around them.
“Face it. Tonight, you either die or become me.” The Bloodsage laughed harshly. “I should be impressed, but.. You’re all destined to die.”
“I said shut up!” The blackness began to shake, Gen glared at the entity.
“You can’t even wake up.. How do you plan to defeat me?” The woman stretched her arms out, “Face it. You’re a failure, just like always.”
Gen began to lurch for the woman but found her wrists and arms bound by darkness, keeping her put, “DAMN YOU!”
The woman kept laughing at Genn, “We’re coming~.”
Back in reality..
“Tick tick tock.” The man’s voice echoed through the halls as Joe and Caelin kept trying to find escape.
“Why is everything boarded?” Caelin growled in exasperation, before kicking open a door.
. . "̸͇̘̯̦̤͕̻̃̉̅̅̌̇̕͢͝͞͡J̶͕̙͍̣̘̥̿͌̓͋̈͑̉̈́̎̐u̷͙̠͕̳͎͙̼͗͊̌̂͗̃́͝ͅs̷̢̗͖͇̦̻̟̪͋͐̃̑͐͢t͗̍͛͒͑͐͘͞��̸͚̻̲͢͜ s̛̻̖̙͓͓̣͖͔͙͛̓͐̊͌̓̑͠ṭ̳̩͎͈̰̪̌͑̓͂̅͡o̘̹̜͖̘͔͒̊̂͂͜͠͝p̸̛͍̪̲̙͙̺̽̏̔͑̕͜ ṟ̵̨̼̠̫̳͍̞̆̌̈́̑͘ͅȕ̷͚̠̗̥͓̩͔̔͂͟͠͝͝n̨̢͈͈̭̪̳̯̟̓̏̿͐̂̀̐͋̐̚ņ̴̡̰̣̫̼̳̪̥̑̔̋̒͡͞į͓̦͈͎̪̗́̀̔͑͋n̶̳̭̙͖̻͋̐͑͒̈́g̢̨͖͉͔̜̺͖͔̾͛̓̅͆̿͜.̢̻͚̰͚̯̬̜̓̈́͐̓̎̎̓̕͠͡ͅ"̧̪̣͔̠̪͓̥̎́͆̈̂͟ . .”Crap crap crap.” Caelin curses under his breath before shutting the door behind him and the couple, “Looks like we might have to fight.”
“C-Caelin..” Joe’s voice was weak and frantic.
Caelin turned to see Genny standing with blood dripping from her eyes with shadows closing the room and choking Joe. Caelin’s eyes went wide as he looked at Genn then heard the door shatter behind him.
To be continued...
(( @brandstonethings, @brennandimarzo ))
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zrtranscripts · 5 years
Season 8, Mission 3: Big Mistake
A dark and stormy night
[rain pours, thunder rolls]
JODY MARSH: I really can't decide what I like best about this storm. How dark it is, the way it's whipping the rain around us like a rain duvet, or that it's actually picking up pebbles and hurling them at us! Maybe it's that it got our friend killed because of a stupid accident in the dark! A stupid accident!
SAM YAO: Well, I like how Jones, a homicidal maniac, is at large and the people who shot and killed Ellie are still chasing us! Shona, are you sure it was an accident? Can't you make them stop?
SHONA: We've no flashlight signal for this. We havnae needed one. No people ever come onto the island the way you did. Boats always land on the north, on Bas Sands.
JANINE DE LUCA: Where Jones' boat is.
SHONA: Aye, that's right. The island has perfect natural defenses. The north side has deep, strong currents that pull away any zombies walking on the seabed, so it's safe for boats. The south side is all rocks and caves. We wait there and shoot the zoms as they come up. It's like the island was built to fend off zombie attacks. [laughs]
SAM YAO: That's great, unless you happen to be coming in via zombie alley.
SHONA: They're chasing because they still think you're zombies. Believe me, they won't rest if they think they're letting a zom roam free on the island. Okay. I've no walkie-talkie. I'm not on duty tonight. Jones is on Bas Sands. We'll take the hill path and then through the ruins of Gaisgeach Village. There's an emergency call point there I can use to call the chief. But we have to hurry. This storm's barely begun.
[thunder rolls, wind whistles, rain pours]
[rain pours]
SHONA: We'll be safe as long as we keep moving. I know these paths better than anyone, better than that police chief, Duncan Macallan, anyway. The outlander.
TOM DE LUCA: You're born and bred here?
SHONA: I am, and proud of it. Ach, it's a beautiful place. When this storm's over, you'll see it. There's good grazing land in the center of the island and good arable fields to the east. Cliff paths and fishing rocks. We've everything we need. You'll be at home.
JANINE DE LUCA: As is Lachlan Jones. This storm may be dangerous. He is more so.
TOM DE LUCA: We need to know everything you do about Jones. If we understand his motivations in being here, we may be able to predict his intentions.
JODY MARSH: You said he contacted someone here wanting forgiveness. For killing your uncle, right?
SHONA: Aye. I intercepted one of Jones' messages by accident. Couldn't imagine who'd want to bring that murderer back here, so I started digging, looking at old messages and records. I still don't know who Jones was talking to, but I've narrowed it down to three. Well, four, I suppose. Everyone who's had access to the long-range comms system.
JANINE DE LUCA: And who are those people?
SHONA: My dad, but he'd never forgive Lachlan. And then there's Chief Macallan, and Joan and Derek MacLean. Morag Grounds, she knows everything about everyone, and she told me the MacLean's never did think Jones was guilty, so it makes sense if it's them. But I've not found any proof. 
That's why I was heading to the meeting point they'd arranged with Jones. Thought I could catch them in the act. What an idiot, trying to handle it on my own! Please don't tell anyone else. They'd be so angry. This is all my fault!
PAULA COHEN: All of us think it's our fault, Shona. It's only natural. But it was an accident. Tell us what you can. It might help. How did they contact Jones?
SHONA: Aye. So Mor Island is the main one in the Far Hebrides. We have the most contact with the mainland. We traded with Colonel Sage. He offered us guns, ammo, grenades.
JANINE DE LUCA: In exchange for some technology?
SHONA: Aye! There's an island to the north, Dearg Island. There's some scientists there, have been since before the zombies started. They don't allow any visitors. But we send them meat and milk and a few other things. They send us radios, walkie-talkies, parts of the wind generator.
TOM DE LUCA: And you asked them for something a bit more specialized recently. Something Colonel Sage wanted?
SHONA: Aye. A numbered project from before the apocalypse. Dearg Island sent it to us in a sealed box.
PAULA COHEN: They didn't know you had traded it to the mainland?
SHONA: No. My dad arranged it. We'd been running low on guns. Now the armory's bursting at the seams! It was when I was looking at the messages we were receiving from Sage that I... a few of us had a wee code when we were kids. A silly thing, like an island tradition. Extra letters in a typed message. Looks like typos. They spell out words. It was him. He was using that code to talk to someone else!
JODY MARSH: And he said he had the missing chapter of the Edda, that he could bring it home?
SHONA: Aye. It's been gone from the island for 400 years, nearly. Stolen long ago by the English and then lost. All we have is sketches and records of what people said about it. I'd give anything to see it, to hold it in my hands.
SAM YAO: My friend Ellie wanted the same. She was so excited to come to the place the Edda came from. She had all these theories about what we could learn about the zombies here. You'd have liked her, I think.
SHONA: Where's she lying?
JODY MARSH: Exit to the caves, near the cliffs.
SHONA: There's time for Chief Macallan to bring in her body if we tell him what's happening. The radio's at the top of this hill. Let's hurry!
[rain pours, wind whistles]
SHONA: Here we are. We'll run through these stone house frames. The radio's in the last one, nestled into the side of the hill. Nobody's lived here for ages. See how the grass has grown over the buildings?
SAM YAO: Ellie would have loved this! She studied ancient cultures. She did so much research about this place. Hey, you said you had some notes about the missing bit of the Edda. Anything about zombies?
SHONA: Zombies? Oh. You think the Wakened Warriors were zombies? I never thought of that. The Wakened Warriors were supposed to be very noble defenders of what's right. Your friend Ellie sounds wonderful. Like my uncle Callum. He loved the history of these islands.
JODY MARSH: That was your uncle who Jones murdered? He's killed so many people on the mainland now. How did he escape justice here?
SHONA: He didn't escape. He left. We ran him off, really, best we could. The chief couldn't prove what he'd done, but we all knew the truth. We shunned Jones. Wouldn't sell to him. Wouldn't even say hello when we saw him in the street. He headed for the mainland within a year. Ah, look. There. There's the radio. Just – just give me a moment. [radio crackles] Chief Macallan? This is Shona.
DUNCAN MACALLAN: Oh. Is this about the sheep?
SHONA: No, it's not about the sheep! [continues in the background]
TOM DE LUCA: You doing all right, Jane? You look exhausted.
JANINE DE LUCA: I'm fine. It's been a long march uphill. Five, you're the only one still looking fresh.
PAULA COHEN: You have to pace yourself, Janine. The whites of your eyes are inflamed. That's the nanites.
SAM YAO: She's got 25 days though, Paula. You and Veronica said 30 days in total. 5 days gone. 25 days!
PAULA COHEN: But they won't be days of good health! I'm really sorry. Janine, exertion won't help. Please, take a moment to sit down now. This is good news. If we can't catch Jones today, at least the islanders will help us find him.
SHONA: I've spoken to the chief. Patrol are going to help us. They're coming to the south. We'll head west, to the beach, and catch Jones together. Come on. We must hurry!
[waves crash on beach, seagulls caw]
JODY MARSH: Wow! The cloud's clearing from the moon and I can see all the way down the beach from this cliff path. It's beautiful! The sea is all silver in the moonlight, and the beach looks really sandy!
SHONA: The storms go like this here. We'll have a few minutes of peace, then it'll go rough again. But you'll need to watch your feet now. The path's slippy. Only way over is by stepping on the blue rock.
SAM YAO: Wow, you really know this island.
SHONA: It's in my blood. Can I ask you something?
SAM YAO: Sure. I mean, I think you've probably saved our lives.
SHONA: What do you want with Lachlan Jones? To execute him for killing those folk on the mainland?
JANINE DE LUCA: He... has something of value to me.
SHONA: Not the Edda?
JANINE DE LUCA: No. We would love to see the Edda, of course, but if the island is its rightful home, it should stay here.
SHONA: So what does he have?
JANINE DE LUCA: He... poisoned me before he left. A technological poison. It's slow-acting, and he has a control box which can reverse its effect.
SHONA: [?]. In his messages, he said he was living quietly, just wanted to be accepted back home. If I'd know any of that... well. I'd not have come out late at night to try to find him.
SAM YAO: So, you know what we're doing here. We know what you're doing here. The question is is what Jones is really doing here. I can't see him peacefully taking up Hebridean farming, somehow.
TOM DE LUCA: We'll find out soon enough. Look through my binoculars, Five. That's his boat, isn't it, at the far end of the beach? He hasn't set sail. If we hurry now, we'll reach him before he has a chance!
PAULA COHEN: The wind's picking up again. Five, do you see that? Are those nets strung between those causeways? Won't they blow away?
SHONA: Those are my dad's idea. The high winds throw up all sorts – fish and crabs, driftwood and metal we can use. The nets are elasticated. When the weight in them is heavy enough, they snap shut. We pick them up when the storm dies down.
PAULA COHEN: Clever. Reminds me of our rainwater collectors at Abel.
SHONA: My dad's a proud islander. He's always wanted us to be self-sufficient. We have a wind farm, weaving, a distillery. All of it. He never wanted to be laird, but he's very good at it.
JODY MARSH: Sounds like it.
SHONA: Just don't tell him I said so.
TOM DE LUCA: Look, down by the boat. There's a body lying face down.
JANINE DE LUCA: Everyone back, out of the line of sight. It could be a trap.
SAM YAO: Hey, can I borrow the binoculars, Tom? That is the same outfit Jones was in when he left. I'd recognize that jumpsuit anywhere. I think he's... I mean, he's either taking a long nap in the middle of a hurricane or... or he's dead.
SHONA: Plenty of people here want him dead.
JANINE DE LUCA: Did any of them know he was arriving this evening?
SHONA: Only the one who sent the message.
TOM DE LUCA: If he is dead, we need to get to his body now. If we don't get there quickly, he'll wash out to sea. Go!
[waves crash onto beach, wind whistles]
SAM YAO: Bloody hell! That storm's really coming now.
[storm warning siren blares]
SHONA: Storm warning, urgent! We've only a few minutes to get to shelter.
JANINE DE LUCA: Jones is definitely dead. Shot through the head. We must search his body. With luck, he'll have the Edda and the nanite controller in the pocket of this jumpsuit. Five, Tom, Doctor, can you help me flip him?
TOM DE LUCA: Got it. Lift and flip on three. One, two, three -
JANINE DE LUCA: That isn't Jones.
PAULA COHEN: He's wearing Jones' clothes.
SAM YAO: Hey, just a sec! No, I know him. He worked for Sage. He was on the oil rig.
JANINE DE LUCA: Yes, I've met with him on several occasions with Mr. Lynne. His name is Arnold. A composting specialist. He's roughly the same height and build as Jones, dressed in his uniform, with his name badge!
JODY MARSH: So Jones brought him here to try to fake his own death, knowing that his contact was expecting him here? Thinking the body would wash out to sea before anyone got a good look at it.
DUNCAN MACALLAN: Shona, is this them?
SHONA: Aye. Abel Township friends, this is Chief Duncan Macallan.
DUNCAN MACALLAN: We've taken your friend's body, respectfully. We... nothing like this has happened before.
SAM YAO: You're the one that shot Ellie. She bloody loved this island! She was the one who kept telling us over and over how amazing it was, and the history and the culture and everything and you shot her!
DUNCAN MACALLAN: I am so, so sorry! I thought you weren't moving like zombies, but only zombies ever come through there, and it was dark and the storm, I can't - ! There's nothing I can say. [storm warning siren blares] Please. You have to get to shelter. Is that Lachlan Jones? Is he dead?
JANINE DE LUCA: No, Chief Macallan. Unfortunately, that is not Mr. Jones. So you have a storm brewing, a murder and a homicidal man on the island whose plans are as yet unclear.
SAM YAO: And it's midnight. So we've only got 24 days left to find him.
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