#*manager walking by interveins*
allllamasarenerds · 2 years
Oh yeah. Got sent to time-out at work today. The guy started it. Undeniable. Customer man went into pickup fridge clearly marked "associate only." That conversation ending "Well I'll never place another order here again!" was not the sting he thought it was. Good.
0 notes
amberbeach · 3 years
"Where you go, I go. Remember?"
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gif belongs to me
You sighed as you flattened the pizza dough. The team had rushed out of the pizza parlour an hour ago and you were swamped with orders. You were used to the pressure, but today of all days, it weighed on you heavier than ever.
When the team returned, the parlour was running smoothly, customers had their orders and the kitchen was tidy - no signs of the hardship you had dealt with. Dominic assumed everything was fine, he found out you had taken a walk while Fran managed with the customers.
He found you by the boats, and as he approached he knew there was a lot on your mind. "Hey."
You sent him a small smile. "Hey." You didn't greet him with your usual hug, or kiss on the cheek and Dominic knew something was wrong. "I assume you won."
"Of course." He stood beside you, leaning his back against the railing while you rested your arms on the railing, looking out at the water. "Fran told me you were upset when you left."
"It was busy. That's all." You brushed off.
"I know it's a lot for you to deal with..."
"It's fine."
"If you regret coming here, I would understand." Dominic continued.
You looked at him in surprised, standing up straight. Dominic glanced away, licking his lips. "You were travelling long before we met. I understand if you miss it."
"Of course I do." You took his hands, smiling softly. "But I would follow you anywhere, you know that. Wherever you go, I go. Remember?"
"Yeah, I remember." He returned your smile. "I just wanted to make sure you were happy here."
"With you? Always." You placed a hand on his cheek, kissing him tenderly for a moment before pulling away. He took your hand, interwining your fingers as you started walking back to Jungle Karma. "So tell me about this fight."
You looked up at him as he spoke animatedly. You entered Jungle Karma, laughing with Dominic as he finished his tale with flare. You noticed tables needed clearing but before you could step in, Dominic interveined.
"No, you go upstairs and gets some rest. I'll handle this." He said.
You opened your mouth, ready to object but Dominic led you to the door. "No arguments. Go."
You smiled softly, placing a hand on his arm, leaning up to kiss him. "Thank you."
He smiled as you headed upstairs, before grabbing an apron and starting to help Fran clear tables. When the group had finished cleaning up after the last customer, Dominic came upstairs to find you sleeping soundly, a smile forming on his lips when he saw you. He leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"Where you go, I go." He whispered with a smile.
It was a promise you had made to each other that no matter what happened, you would stick together and when Dominic joined the Rangers, he knew it would be difficult for you to try and focus on work while he was fighting.
As he brushed your hair away from your cheek, tucking it behind your ear with his fingers, he knew what he was fighting for.
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aniverous · 3 years
Marcy's Escapism and How it's Portrayed
I've been reading Amphibiasideblog's analyses on the show recently, and they've repeatedly mentioned how Marcy's habit of ignoring danger around her on Earth was incredibly worrying rather than funny. I had never actually thought about it being anything more than a character trait, so this line of thinking really interested me. I've looked through more of their posts on Marcy's pre and post-box incident habits, as well as Sasha and Anne's responses to them, and find that I agree with their statements.
But then that got me thinking, most of the fandom, and myself in the past, believed these scenes of Marcy in self-induced peril were nothing more than funny moments, more of the physically and occasionally dark humor the show is know for. So here's why I think the more worrying interpretation of these scenes slipped by so many people.
First off, this is a show all about physical and dark comedy; as previously mentioned, moments of pain, suffering and anxiety are treated as normal and humorous. Seeing a 13 year old walk into a group of snakes is just something that this show would do, so when people see that, they don't think anything's wrong; it's just normal funny stuff.
Speaking of nothing being wrong, what makes humor based on pain and injury work is that the viewer knows no one is actually getting seriously hurt; they're laughing at their clumsiness and reaction to the injury, not the injury itself. This is also why how characters respond to something determines if it's a threat, especially in animation, where normal human durability doesn't often apply. A character can fall off a cliff infinite times without the audience being concerned about lasting injuries, but if the character acts like falling off a cliff will hurt them, then even if the inconsistency is mocked later, as it often is, then for that moment, them falling is no longer funny.
If a character acts like something can seriously hurt them, the audience will assume it can seriously hurt them.
This is what make Amphibia's danger-filled humor work so well; those moments of danger and pain are never shown to give them more than cuts and bruises, and the focused-on fights can still be treated seriously because the characters respond more seriously than in the passing ones. And when a serious injury does occur, like Anne's arm getting broken or Sasha dropping from the tower, no emotions or facial animation is spared. We see the character's worry, their pain and fear, and even regret and expectance. We know it matters because it's treated like it matters.
This is what makes the Marcy flashbacks so fascinating from a writing standpoint; the danger Marcy gets into, even the minor stuff, is treated seriously by the characters, but the tone says it's not serious. In the flashbacks, those around Marcy, mostly Anne, react to the danger to/damage caused by Marcy in a way that says 'this is something that will result in injury/damage that will not be minor', which tells the audience that it's something to treat seriously. However, all of these scenes are treated just as more cutaway gags; things that will not affect the characters after the scene is over.
Anne treats Marcy hitting the locker door like something that could hurt her, and she gets frantic about Marcy getting ice cream everywhere and tries to manage it. Marcy walking into the snakes is met with genuine concern for her safety from Anne. Heck, in the flashback to the play where Anne falls into the crowd due to Marcy not manning her rope, the crowd and even Sasha reacts to her fall in a way that shows they cared about it happening, even that it could have been painful. The show treats all of this just like all of it's other jokes; just part of the norm.
Because that's the thing, it was part of the norm on Earth.
Marcy got into these situations all the time. Marcy put herself in danger all the time, she caused damage and neglected responsibilities all the time. To everyone, it was part of her character, especially to Anne and Sasha. No matter that she was in physical danger, no matter how it was affecting her life and other's lives, it was just treated as normal.
And this is something that happens a lot in real life; destructive behaviors get brushed off as 'normal' because the person's been doing it for long enough. They never think to change the habit because they're just doing what they've always done, and if it's destructive, then they often think it's supposed to be. Not to mention that the people around them get used to it and don't think to say they're wrong or interveine.
We're introduced to Marcy's clumsiness and unawareness as something that's normal; it may be harmful and destructive, but that's what's supposed to be happening. It's just normal, and we shouldn't worry about it.
And it's only when you take a step back and realize 'this is not normal, we should be worrying about it' that you begin to see just how concerning it truly is.
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zairapvrker · 5 years
Teeth: Vampire!Luke // Chapter 6
Author’s Note: writing this gave me three migraines and two breakdowns followed by an existential crisis, but at least it’s out! i’m so so so so so sorry for the long wait.
Summary: Luke knows the rules and his boundaries, he has respected them for centuries. He knows he should stay as far away as possible from every human on his path. But that was before she came along.
Warnings: mentions of death, unedited.
masterlist | chapter 5 , chapter 7
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Luke made his way through the populated hallways of the high school he’d condamned himself to attend, huffing in annoyance every few steps. He swore to himself the last time he did this to never ever try and pursue this kind of torture again - but he couldn’t really argue with his motifs after all, they were the same as forty years ago. Her. 
For God’s sake, it’s not like he needed to be here - hell, he was born way before high schools were even concieved by the human mind and surely received a more than proper education - but she was, so he was.
“Stupid, moronic, unbearable teenagers” he murmured frustrated, avoiding a freshman who almost spilled the contents of his water bottle on him while tripping on air in an attempt to rush to his classroom.  He hadn’t had a good night, usually he would unwind reading while waiting for sunrise, but he couldn’t deny that scaring the hell out of the creep that had dared put his hands on Bea hadn’t been fun. They guy deserved to walk away with far more emotionally scarring memories of the encounter in Luke’s opinion, but Ashton had interveined before the blond could have his true fun. His friend was more adamant than him in keeping a low profile and causing as little trouble as possible, and the fact that he’d enrolled in high school was already enough attention in Ashton’s opinion. 
He scoffed, his train of thought interrupted as she walked into the classroom along with one of her new friends, Calum, he believed. Just before sitting down in the seat right behind the blue-haired boy’s, Bea spared him a small smile. Luke believed that if his heart was still beating, it would’ve stilled for just a split second. He didn’t like how human she made him feel, how everything he thought he’d finally suppressed for forever, came back with just a smile. This time was going to be different.
I hadn’t slept well, of course. I was already drained of all energy and emotion the second I stepped into the house. Then, of course, I had to deal with my mother’s questions, concearn and worry. It was far too late for my liking when I finally made it to my bedroom and even later when I could lay down on my bed after a trip to the police station and probably the longest shower of my life. However, sleep did not come my way as easily as I had hoped it would’ve. I could still feel the guy’s hands on me, grabbing and pulling and I could still see the fury in Luke’s eyes - somehow frightening yet comforting, foreign and absolutely familiar at the same time.  Tossing and turning was all I managed in between short and troubled sleep breaks in which nothing but dreams of him saving me, over and over again through the centuries, kept me restless. 
So it was no surprise to me when just after ten minutes of lesson, my mind slipped back to those dreams, my head hiding into my crossed arms and my eyes closing as the voice of my Physics teacher was washed away slowly. 
I found myself wandering around golden decorated corridors, with paintings hanging in every corner and soft, distant music accompaining my steps. I caught my reflection in a mirror and stopped to stare at myself in disbelief. I let my hands caress the deep purple shiny fabric of my dress, a spectacular ball gown which reached the floor and had a very poofy skirt thanks to the heavy layers of fabric weighing me down. My hair was twisted in a very complicated updo, leaving space to dangling earrings. I let out a short surprised sigh as another hand sneaked around my waist, holding me close. “You look breathtaking” lifting my eyes to find his in our reflection, I smiled. It was like everywhere I went, there he was. “Thank you” I murmured back, his lips opening into a smile as well. Truth be told, he looked far more breathtaking than I did. As soon as he hooked my arm through his and guided me to the ball room, I felt like just a spectator, as if I was remembering a memory far far away. Rationally, I knew it wasn’t possible that this was something I had lived, I knew it couldn’t be me the one dancing around with Luke at a party in the Victorian England. Another part of me, the very irrational one, was telling me a whole other story. It lasted very little, the peace, the fesivity, the light conversation and atmosphere. I realized it felt like disaster followed us, everytime I saw him in my dreams. This time I was being dragged away, screamig his name, before I fell to the ground hurting, silent, as he ran towards me. Everything went black.
I woke up wincing lightly, hoping no one had caught it. I found Calum looking at me from over his shoulder quizzicaly, before turning around quickly.  “Ms. Longford, is there a problem?” the teacher’s voice called. So much for not being noticed, I thought. Sitting up properly and emerging from my hiding spot behind Calum’s back, I shook my head. “No, everything’s alright” 
Luckily, the bell interrupted whatever he was going to say next, as students started walking out of the classroom. My blue haired friend looked at me as if he wanted to ask something, but apparently let it go. “I’ve got to run to my next class, see you in English?” he asked as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. “Yeah, see you later” I smiled, earning one back before he walked away.  As I quickly packed my stuff, I couldn’help but frustratedly sigh at the headache that was starting to creep from the back of my head. I still had too much time of school left for this inconvenience. 
“Come with me” this time, unlike every other time, his voice didn’t surprise me. I turned around, finding him there looking at me with a grave expression. “Why?” and as much as I wanted my voice to sound firm and sure, I couldn’t help but find it shaky and light. His expression softened a bit and he just offered me his hand, surprisingly, I didn’t even have to think twice before grasping it in mine. He dragged me out of the classroom, not caring for the looks people were giving us, not even when we walked past Michael and Ashley - both having weirded out expression plastered on their faces.  “Luke, can you at least tell me why am I following you? I needed to be there for my History class, we were going to start a new chapter and I really can’t afford to ditch-” “You can afford to ditch, you haven’t been absent one day” he interrupted me as he took a sharp turn for the back exit that lead to the football field. “And how would you know?” I stopped dead in my tracks, both out of breath for having to keep up with his freakishly long legs and fast pace and the accuracy of his statement. He stopped too, turning around in the middle of the path caved in the grass by generations of students who didn’t want to take the long walk to the field, and looked at me dead in the eyes. “Because I observe you” 
“What?” I let out kind of shocked, but he didn’t answer rather started marching towards the bleachers once again.  “Hey, no, Luke!” I tried to let go of his hand, but he was holding it too tight. “For fuck’s sake, can you at least let me breathe? I may come to school everyday but I sure as hell don’t partake in every gym class” I complained, almost panting an embarrassing amount, as we reached the bleachers and I finally plopped onto the nearest seat. 
“Sorry” he just said, barely seeming so from his tone. I flashed him a very little amused smile as he sat down next to me. “What have you dragged me out here in the freezing cold to talk about?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest to hug my jacket closer. 
“I now realize I probably shouldn’t have” he said staring straight at the empty field in front of us. I did too, waiting for him to say something. “I just can’t keep watching you being like this” he admitted, almost whispering. “Like what, exactly?” I asked, defensive. He looked at me briefly but intensely, as if to ask me to think twice about what I’d just said. “I’m perfectly fine” I stated firmly. “I’m just...” But I soon realized I didn’t really know what was up nor how to finish my sentence. “How is it any of your business anyway?” I asked. “I barely know you” 
He scoffed. “Oh, you do know me, you just don’t realize it yet”  “What’s that supposed to mean?” it was safe to say I was highly confused by now, yet I couldn’t let myself drop the argument. I had too many questions regarding the dreams that had plagued my nights for a month now, the fact that I felt like utter shit almost every day, how I seemed to trust him so easily and every reason why seemed to be him. But it just couldn’t be. 
“You know what? You’re right. But you’ll figure it out by yourself, you always do” he said, not moving an inch. “I just don’t want it to end like it always does” “You talk like you know something I don’t” I let slip, just above a whisper. “It’s because I do” he smiled at me, and I swore it was the most familiar smile. 
“Do you want to go study?” I asked, tired of being cold. “Since you made me ditch History” he laughed lightly, then nodded. Shortly after we were in the only classroom we found unused, the one where the school band practiced. I sat down at the first free desk and watched as Luke sat at the piano, taking a book out of his bag and started reading. Every few minutes my gaze shifted from my notes onto his figure, still focused on the pages he was reading, and had to force myself to keep my concentration. “Do you play?” I asked, giving in to the curiosity. He looked at me from over the rim of the book, nodding slowly. I smiled, secretly hoping he would understand what I meant. Luke shook his head, smiling softly, before letting go of his novel and finally letting his fingers dance on the piano keys. 
As he played I couldn’t help but observe him, how he was lost in the music and how peaceful he seemed, opposite to how he always appeared. Beautiful as a broken angel. Suddenly, I felt my heart beating way too fast for it to be normal, almost producing a ringing in my ear, as a sense of déjà vu overtook my mind. Only this time, the scene unfolding in my head belonged to a different time.
“I lied” he stopped playing as soon as the words left my mouth, facing me with a questioning look. “Maybe I do know you” his eyes sparkled with a light I couldn’t quite place, before he said “We’ll see about that”
I had only just finished to get my friends off of my back for seeing me ditch class with Luke, having to endure questions and sly remarks all the way to my house - after having accepted Calum’s ride - when my mother decided to keep asking about the day. I brushed her off, feeling a little guilty only when understanding that she was worried. Strangely enough the events of the day had kept my mind quite busy and off of the fear. But now, a new question needed answers.
Maybe Luke was just crazy and messing around with me, maybe I was loosing my mind or maybe, just maybe, he was right. All I knew was that I needed answers and he was the only one who could give them to me. With a new sense of determination and the knowledge that as soon as I closed my eyes dreams would come to me, I laid down on my bed, trying to fall asleep. 
The scene that presented itself to me wasn’t so distant like the others. No Shakespearian theaters, Victorian ball rooms, not even the reoccurring propaganda for The Great War or the bombs flying over the night sky followed by the deafening alarms. No, this felt more familiar to what I was used to seeing every day: an high school. The banner that hung up high above the school entrance read “Congratulations class of ‘84!″  So this was graduation day? Soon after I spotted what my gut told me were my friends, sitting on the stairs before the glass doors, I walked over to them: once again my own will faded away as I stood back and watched.  Conversation flowed easily between the group, but I excused myself rather quickly to go look for someone, instantly knowing who. I didn’t need to wander through the deserted hallways for too long, following the soft melody that was echoing through the walls. It brought me to the music room, where I found Luke sitting on a desk strumming along on a guitar. The same he’d played for me today.
“I knew I’d find you here” I heard myself say, resting my shoulder against the door frame. He looked up and flashed a smile in my direction. My eyes wandered across his figure, lingering for a second too long on the way his white shirt hugged him perfectly. “Why aren’t you outside with the others?” he asked with a sly smile. I watched as I saw myself blush a little. “I was looking for you, why aren’t you?” he shrugged in response and came closer to me.
Resting his forehead against mine and his hands on my hips, he whispered softly “We need to get out of town before sunset” “Why do we always have to run?” I asked. “So that we can be together” came his answer. “I know” I murmured. “I just wish it was easier” shrugging, I let my eyes lock with his blue ones. He just planted a soft kiss on my lips, acknowledging the feeling. “We’re going to make it this time” he assured me. I simply nodded, but that didn’t ease the feeling of hopelessness that coursed through me. It was a carefree afternoon, the one I watched unfold between the group of freshly graduated teens, spent mostly at the fun fair organized by the school for the event. Still I felt it was too soon to say goodbye when I watched Luke drag me away from the group and to his car, before starting to drive.
We’d made it into the next town over by the time the sun had started to set, somehow the air in the car was thick and heavy - but not from the summer heat. “We should’ve been further away by now” he murmured as he sped up just a little. “It’s alright-”  “No, it isn’t” he cut me off harshly. “Listen Luke, I’m sure this time is going to be different. They’re going to leave us alone-” “They never do, Beatrix!” he shouted angrily, leaving me speechless. I faced the other way, looking out of the car window, trying to hold back my tears. “I’m sorry for raising my voice” he said, sounding small. “I just can’t afford to lose you again” “You’ll never lose me” I wiped a fallen tear. “You quite literally can’t” I laughed softly, turning around to see the small smile that had formed on his lips.
It was night time when we stopped in the first motel on our way and settled into the room. The worry seemed to have dissipated just in the slightest, but all my senses were highly aware as I watched this version of me get into bed along with the golden haired boy. “I wish it had been me, that night” I heard myself whisper in the dark. “Don’t even say it” “But I do” I sat up. “I’ll always do” “You don’t know what you’re talking about” he sat up as well, looking at me. “Spending the rest of eternity like this, condemned to this life” he spat out the last word as if it’d been venom. “Watching you slip right out of my grasp just as we’re so close to happiness...” his voice broke and I saw myself looking for his hand and finally holding it in mine. “Then change me” I suggested, my voice faltering. “It’s not what you want” the harshness he was trying to mask was still prominent in his voice, putting a stop to the conversation. But before anyone could add anything, everything started going downhill as usual.
As a fight ensued between Luke and the mysterious man that had barged into the room, I tried to offer some aid but was immediately told to run, so I did. However, I didn’t make it as far as I had wished - only getting to the lower floor and hiding behind the ice dispenser. “You can’t hide forever!” sing-sung the voice of a woman, hearing her steps come closer and closer. I grabbed an empty bucket and tried to hit her with it as soon as she cocked her head around the corner, but she didn’t even falter and swiftly turned around, effectively kicking me to the ground. Almost unconscious from the pain I watched, powerless, as she pressed a knee down on my chest, leaving me breathless. “You’ll both never win” she murmured before stabbing me.  I had seen this all before, how he managed to find me just mere seconds before the life would leave my body, how he crouched down to listen to me beg him to find me in another life and how he promised to. But I had never seen how he‘d stay there, near me, whispering he loved me again and again. I had never seen the despair of a man who had just lost everything so clear in his eyes. 
I woke up trembling, damp from the sweat and panting. This could not just be a dream, this out of every other nightmare felt way too real to be just that. I noticed how, like the first time I started dreaming of him, my body still felt stiff and was still hurting from the injuries inflicted to me in the dream. And what was he going on about? What did I mean with change?  I tried to calm down a little, sipping a bit of water from the glass on my nightstand, before deciding that this was entirely too strange to ignore. Somehow, someway I knew Luke and he knew me.
Not even thinking about how to find him, I put my shoes on and grabbed my jacket before sprinting out of my room and down the stairs, yelling a “Be back in a while!” to my mom and not even waiting for an answer as I slammed the front door shut behind me.
 tags: @keithseabrook27​
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Imagine Being Jamie's Son and Getting in Trouble
Requested imagine. To read more Jamie Reagan imagines and fanfictions click here.
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"Hey, you ready to go?" Your father asked when he stopped at the entrance of your bedroom.
"I, uh... I don't really think I'm able to go today." You said as you got up from the chair by the desk and grabbed your cellphone from the table.
"I just won't go, okay dad?"
"I'm fine with it as long as you tell me why you can't go. I am your father, I deserve an explanation." He said as he fixed his sweater.
"I am nineteen years old, I don't owe you any explanation. Plus, why are we even going to mass and dinner with the family every Sunday? It's getting ridiculous now, it's 2018 and no one does that anymore anyway."
"(Y/N), first of all I don't care if you're nineteen or fourty, if you're living under my roof, you owe me an explanation. Second, we go to mass and dinner with the family every Sunday because it is how we do things in our family. I could care less if it's 2018 and other families don't do it, we cherrish our time together."
"Really? No one would guess that's why, most of the time it's either you or uncle Danny or aunt Erin fighting at the dinner table."
"(Y/N), this conversation's over. Get ready and get in the car in ten minutes."
* * *
"Where's the kid? I wanna show him the new pieces I bought for his car." Danny said, walking into the kitchen, where Jamie was cutting some vegetables for the salad.
"Last time I saw him he was in the living room with Sean."
"Uh... he's not there." Danny replied hesitantly.
"What do you mean he's not there?"
"I mean he is not there." Danny reinforced, his face a bit more serious now.
Jamie stormed out of the kitchen and made his way to the living room, to check for himself if he really wasn't there.
Confirming what his older brother noticed, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and called you.
"Hey, where the hell are you?"
"I-I'm sorry, I had to go, dad."
"(Y/N) just tell me what's going on, just tell me where you are!"
"I had to... help a friend. I will be back in an hour or so, I promise."
And with that, you hung up on your dad, and turned your attention to the beautiful brunette girl that was sitting in front of you.
"Maybe you should get back, you know how you're family is, they're probably worried sick." She said, although deep down you knew she didn't want you to leave.
"No, I'm staying with you. You need me right now. How was the funeral?"
You sat down in a park bench, in front of her, and put the phone back in the pocket.
"It was a funeral, you know? It was sad and it was...hard." She broke down in tears for the second time since you saw her that morning, and once again, you put your arms around her and pulled her close to your chest.
"It's gonna be okay."
"I know... I got so many great friends and you, I have no reason to be this mess!"
"Shh, no - you have every right to feel this way. It was your uncle and it was the last person you had from your family."
"It's just... so hard to let him go. I've had enough of that over the years."
"And you're the last person in the world to deserve this amount of pain and losses. If I could make it all go away, I would."
"I know that."
* * *
"It's been almost an hour, you should text him and tell him to come home." Erin said, now very worried about you and your whereabouts.
Jamie did that. And fifteen minutes later, you walked through the door of their childhood home, feeling like you were walking the walk of shame while making your way through the kitchen and to the living room where everyone had their most serious face on, clearly showing some bother towards you.
"I am sorry." Was all you managed to say.
"Right now, you owe us all an explanation, young man." Your father said, very upset.
"Right... I know. Look it's Leah... she, she lost her uncle recently. The funeral was this morning and I just wanted to be there for her. She is very sad, he was her last living relative, she's all alone now."
"I'm sorry to know that." Your grandpa said.
"Poor thing." Pops interveined.
"How long have you been seeing her?" Danny asked.
"We've been dating for almost six months now."
"You did the right thing, kid." He said, despite Jamie's look of disapproval. "But that doesn't change the fact that how you did it was wrong and we're still pretty mad at you."
"I know, I am really sorry about all of this."
"Ask her to join us."
Everyone turned their heads around to look at your father when he said those words out loud.
"What?" You were having a hard time believing it.
"Tell her to join us for dinner if she wants to. Can't let her be alone on the day she burried her uncle, plus you've been dating for a while now so... ask her."
A smile creeped on your face. "Really? Thank you so much!"
"You're still grounded." He cut your smile off.
"I figured. Thanks anyways."
And there you went to the kitchen, with your phone glued to your ear and a smile on your face, telling your girlfriend that your overprotective family wanted her to join them for dinner.
You might come from a family who doesn't forgive skipping family dinner, but that was the same family that would never leave a girl, barely an young adult, all alone on the day she lost her anchor. And you, were exactly like them.
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Styles & Co. || Chapter 19.
Authors Note: Hey everyone!! Here is the Chapter. (I managed to get it finished right before I left for my mini getaway). I really hope you like it. Feel free to give me feedback and what not. I always love hearing what you guys have to say, and what you think will happen next. :) Xx
Warning: Smut Warning!! (Mother would wash my mouth out with soap and chain me to the house if she was to ever see this).
Rated M for Mature audiences: May contain, violence, sexual content and/or strong language. Don’t forget the other links: Can also be fund on WattPad, HERE Previous parts found HERE You can find my blurb Master list HERE To Enter to win tickets for Harry Styles IN Nashville TN, HERE
I pull my eyes burning with hatred away from Charles Taylor and glance towards Niall, his own nystagmic eyes that miss nothing turning to me. His brows bump together in a scowl, his lips purse before he sighs.
“I need to go, if I stay any longer I will end up in jail,” I mutter, my eyes set on getting myself back to my Hotel without causing any sort of altercation.
I take a deep breath and Niall nods, “Let’s go.” Niall launches away from the bar, gesturing me to walk with him.
Niall and I move out of the room with all the business associates, leaving behind an opportunity as the doors shut behind us. I sigh and subtly shake my head, agitated and disappointed that I just had to make a decision to leave because of some prick that I can’t control myself around. I enter the marbled lobby that is flamed splendidly in a warm manner, nobody else accompanying the area to my surprise. I set my eyes on the tall glass doors with a gold trim, eager to step out and get myself to the Hotel so I can call Elise.
It is his voice that causes me to freeze in my tracks, my entire body going numb for a split second as my name is shifted from his repugnant margins. I jerk my body around in a sharp motion, his figure standing before me, my jaw clenching at his presence.
“What the fuck do you want?” I spit, unable to hold my harsh words from coming out. I have a lot more I would like to say, to even do, but I can’t, I can’t fuck him up while on a business trip.
He has nerve speaking my name— he has courage just being around me. He unquestionably has not learned his lesson to stay away from me. I thought I made it clear that one night, apparently he was misguided.
“How’s Elise?” He challenges as if he has a death wish upon himself.
My blood boils at her name leaving his mouth, his ruthless, revolting mouth that deserves nothing but to feel my fist hammering against it, repeatedly.
My teeth sink into my cheek as I take a profound breath, well aware that if I make a scene not only will it ruin my reputation as a businessman in this setting, but as a boyfriend. Elise will not be so generous with me the second time round if I come home after beating the shit out of someone. There is no doubt in my mind that it will just add to her stress, I don’t think she needs more of my damn troubles to become perched upon her.
“You know what, lad? She is doing great; I think the real question that needs to be asked is why you are here? And why you double crossed Logan and are now the owner of the building in Manhattan?” Niall steps in for me, not giving me a chance to spit back uncivil words that would be nothing but a string of vulgar expressions.
I don’t know what happened with Charles Taylor, or how we even managed to get in the predicaments we have with him. I don’t know where he came from or what his association is with me or Logan, all I do know is, Charles is trouble, trouble that I do not want to be associated with my business or my personal relationships.
Charles stares at the two of us with a smirk decorated across his mouth, “Me? Double cross Logan? Ha! He tried to double cross me; I just managed to get the upper hand. I’d make sure he watches his back.” Charles shrugs his shoulders without much effort, he doesn’t seem as if he cares or is in any fear at the moment. His posture is straight and firm, he is acting inferior, superior, in fact.
I roll my eyes, my fist clinching to my sides, “What the fuck do you want with the building?” I mutter, wanting answers on just what Charles has planned.
If it wasn’t for Logan, I would have the building and it wouldn’t be Charles in charge of it. Fucking, Logan.
With a tall erect posture, Charles raises a brow in an amused way, thoroughly entertained by my interest and misunderstanding of things.“It is a nice asset. You know a lot about assets and that building. Don’t you, Mr.Styles?” Charles sneers with a smile dangled on the corner of his lips.
“You’re testing my fucking limits.”
“Hmm, that pretty girl of yours has some nice assets, really nice assets… A shame if anything happened to them,” He rocks back and forth on his heels, cocky and gleeful as he taunts me.
Fuck my morals and the business.
My hands grasp his shirt and I manhandle him, thrusting him against the firm wall, a heavy huff escaping his lips as his back hits the wall with force. My anger overpowering me far more than I had expected.
I thought I could stay calm, oops.
I stare at him with dark stormed eyes that burn in his soul, but he seems unphased, he is testing me. “I bet hearing Elise’s name fall from my lips really pisses you off,” Charles grins, not seeming to be in fear of me in the slightest bit,
Crimson with fury my clenched fist makes contact with his mouth, hitting it firmly and vigorously as Elise’s name descends from them. Her name slipping from such repugnant lips sends my nerves into a furious state. He has no business pronouncing her name, he has no busy even fucking thinking about her, none.
“Harry, Harry, mate he isn’t worth it.” Niall attempts to intervein but I ignore him, my hand again making contact with Charles, something it has been desiring to do since the moment he opened his fucking mouth. He should think twice before purposely pissing me the fuck off. He has no need to be here or to be talking to me. I don’t give a damn about him, he can rot in hell for all I care.
“That’s enough, Elise doesn’t need you in jail.” Niall manages to make me release my hand from its grip on Charles shirt, my body stepping away from Charles as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
I flick my hand to the side, just now noticing the pain stinging through my knuckles from making contact with Charles.
“Don’t say her fucking name, don’t think of her, don’t even fucking breathe around her. Got it?” I mutter, “Or so fucking help me, I will put you six feet under and have no damn regrets. Stay the hell away.” I spit, not having any desire to be nice and collected with him.
Charles doesn’t say a word, he just stares at me with a slight bit of blood trickling from his lip. I take a breath and take another step back before I turn on my heel, my eyes finally looking around to see a few people have managed to catch a glimpse,
“They should take a picture, it’ll fucking last longer,” I mutter to Niall as I adjust my suit jacket and pull harshly to my front, clearing my throat as I step closer towards the doors, ignoring everyone around that may have some sort of comment to publicise in what just happened.
I step into my hotel room and let out a heavy sigh, my phone pressed to my ear as I wait for Elise to answer her phone.
When all goes to hell, I just want to hear her voice and talk to her. I never really thought I would be the man that calls his girlfriend after a lengthy, terrible day, just to hear the sound of her soft-sounding voice. But, here I am, waiting for her to pick up so I can relax for five minutes.
“Hey Harry, how are you? How did it all go?” Elise instantly challenges as I slide my jacket down my arms and throw my hotel card to the table.
“Mmm, it was terrible, Niall and I were shot down with our proposal. We are going to try again because we don’t have a plan B. I don’t know what we are going to fucking do, I hate failing.” I huff, sitting on the edge of my bed, my hand running itself through my messy hair— wishing Elise was here with me. “But, I do have good news,” I mutter, my fingers tugging at my slight curls as I hear some shuffling on the other end of the phone.
“I am sorry, Harry. You will figure it out. What’s the news darling?” Elise questions and I smile to myself, managing to hear the echo of her heels hitting the flooring of the house.
For most, hearing the tone of heels on a marble floor would become bothersome, but for me, I love it. I guess it is strange, but I love overhearing her wandering across flooring, it is soothing to me. Maybe it is because in the dead silence of the house, catching her footsteps echoing gives me a sense of clarity, it means she is still here.
When I am home, on rare occasions, and she is working late with Logan, I toss and turn in the bed worrying about where she is and how she is doing, but the minute I hear the front door open and the sound of heels echoing against the flooring, I feel at ease.
“You should be proud, I didn’t end up in jail,” I inform Elise with a small chuckle, somewhat amused with myself. The ending of tonight could have been so much worse.
“Harry,” She draws out my name, “What do you mean?” I hear her sigh on the end of the phone, her heels no longer echoing.
“Charles Taylor showed up tonight, really felt like knocking the fuck out of him, but, I was reminded that my darling wife would be very upset if I was to end up in jail.”
“Mhmm, whoever reminded you is smart… What did you do? Are you okay?”
“Ehh, I kinda… may have… punched him out a few times… but he is still breathing, he is still standing, he is fine…. anyway, how are you? How are you feeling?” I mumble my first part of my sentence,
Elise sighs on the other end of the phone, not seeming too delighted by my small disagreement.
He deserved it, he is lucky to still be alive… I want his head served to me on a silver fucking platter, but that is illegal, so I have to settle with not putting him six feet into the fuckin ground… Elise should be proud of that,
“I am great.. Thank you for asking. You need to get some sleep and calm down so I will let you go, please try not to get yourself in trouble in the mean time. I don’t want to have to kiss you from behind bars.”
“Oh, ha ha, you are funny, ye’ should be a comedian, really.” I chuckle, “Alright darling, I love you. I will talk to you at some point tomorrow.”
“I love you, I miss you, Harry.”
“I know, I miss you too,” I respond back with a smile on my face, my heart fluttering and feeling warm when I hear that she misses me.
We aren’t that overly possessive, irritating couple that can’t be away from each other without breaking down, no, that isn’t us. But, when I am away on business trips there is a part of us that becomes a little softer and vulnerable.
I am not genuinely used to waking up on my own; I am usually blessed to have Elise fast asleep beside me by the time I am needing to get up, to say the least, my bed feels empty and cold without her. My arms were cold and bare as the sheets enveloped them last night.
I heavily huff, pushing the covers off my body and sitting up, my hands running through my hair as I come to terms with the fact that Niall and I have one last shot at this business deal.
I rush myself around the hotel room, losing track of time as I ponder over what the fuck I am going to do. Their whole account is perfect for me to have, it would be one of the most successful accounts I have to date. The Consolidated Underlying Holdings the account holds such value.
I hurry out my door and close it behind me, digging around in my pocket for my phone as it rings. I hope it isn’t my possible client cancelling.
*** ***
“Hey, Elle,” I answer my call as I close my hotel room door, trying to balance all my things,
“Hey, how are you?” her voice is soft and soothing as I walk towards the elevator,
“I am exhausted but good. I have my meeting; I am waiting on Niall. How are you?.”
“I am good, do you have time to talk?.” … Elise questions with her soft voice, something telling me that this conversation is not going to be a sweet, loving conversation.
“I have a few seconds.”
“What we discussed the other night, you could be right… I don’t know if it is just stress.” Elise quietly informs me, a sniffle managing to trail its way through the line as I grow silent, my eyes widening just as the elevator doors open and I am forced to step out. “Harry?” Elise’s voice breaks, my own words becoming hitched in my chest, “Are you there?”
“Yeah, yeah, I am here, Elle,” I mumble, my head unable to fully wrap around the idea of her possibly being pregnant. When I mentioned it the other night, I was a bit unsure on whether I actually believed whether she was or not; I thought I should just pitch her the thought, just in case. Now, now that it is something coming from her lips, I feel as thought my breath has been drawn away from me and that the walls are closing in on me. “Uh.. uhm, okay..” I stutter, trying to focus as I walk the lobby of the hotel, “I-uh- are you okay? You said you were feeling better.” I manage to question, not knowing what the fuck I am meant to say.
“You sound as though you’re breathless, are you okay?” Elise challenges,
“Yeah, had to take the stairs,” I lie, “Don’t worry about me, okay. When I get back I will take you to wherever you need to go so we can find out.” I pull myself together, knowing that she is probably just as scared and worried as I am, and I am not even the one that has to carry the baby. “Hey, darling, I hate to have to do this, but I have to go… I have my meeting, uhm… we will sort it out, I love you, Elise.”
“Okay, good luck, I love you too.”
*** ***
I hang up the phone and shove it into my pocket, taking a deep breath as Niall reaches me and takes the file from my hand, his eyes scanning over the figures, my own managing to cast themselves on a small girl that is standing unobtrusively by her mother, a blanket in her hand that drapes to the floor.
The little girl, who seems no older than three presses her hand to her mother’s leg, wanting the attention. Her mother glances down, the little girl instantly holding her arms up wanting to be in her mother’s arms. She presses her cheek to her mother’s shoulder, her eyes beaming over at me as I stare in wonderment.
That could be Elise, holding our little girl or boy as they become drowsy, in need of a small morning nap to get them through the day. That could be me bouncing our child on my hip in the lobby of my building, giving Elise the morning off of the crying squeals of an infant, the gurgling mumbles filling my lobby with nothing but joy and happiness.
“Harry, did ye’ hear me?” Niall distracts me, snapping me out of my gaze and thoughts of a baby.
I look at him, clueless to what he said.
Walking from the Hotel to the conference building, all my eyes manage to see is babies, babies everywhere. Their wide eyes peering at me in an adoring way, they little legs and arms wiggling everywhere, they button noses, and their tiny bodies seem to catch my attention.
That could be me, walking down the street and carrying my bundle of joy in my arms while bundled up in fluffy blankets and adorable onesie clothes. I can only imagine how tiny the clothes would have to be when the baby is first born—so little and dainty.
The minute I stroll through the door I feel a sigh of relief escape me. I take notice of the dim light in the living room radiating into the hallway and I smile to myself, quite pleased to finally have Harry home. I gingerly make my way into the living room, discovering him on the couch, asleep. I step out of my heels and shrug my coat off my shoulders, sliding it down my arms before I throw it to drape over the coffee table. I move closer to the couch, my eyes glancing down at Harry, his arms crossed over his chest, his head tilted to the side as his hair messily falls flat around his face— poor thing must be exhausted. I am so glad he is finally home. He was due home hours ago, but his flight was delayed so I didn’t get to meet him at the airport like planned.
I gingerly lower myself onto the couch, his body instantly stirring,
“Hey, love,” he mumbles, his arms immediately moving so I can relax on his chest, his voice deep and husky like.
“Hi,” I nestle into him, his luscious scent becoming inhaled as his arm wraps around me, “I know what I want for my birthday,” I whisper, feeling content for the first time since he has been gone.
“Mhm, what’s that my darling?” He drowsily questions while I cuddle into him, his warmth radiating me,
“A puppy,” I respond, feeling his chest rise as he chuckles,
“No,” .. “I like how the first thing you say to me is that you want a puppy, not that you love me or missed me.” His voice is raspy and full of exhaustion as his draws out his words in an extra slow tone.
“I missed you,” I murmur into his broad chest, his hand benevolently flowing through my hair, “quite a lot.” I carefully lift my head off of his chest, grinning down at him before I caress my lips to his, feeling every curve of his mouth for a moment.
“I missed you too, Elle.” He whispers against my soft lips,
“You never told me if you got the clients,” I whisper, curious as to whether he managed to win over the potential clients. Harry heavily sighs, his chest rising and falling, the quietness giving me my answer.
I nestle back down to rest on him, “it is okay, there will be other clients. I still love you, darling,” I assure him, his fingers still running through my hair soothingly,
“Mhm, I love you,” Harry hums, “We should go to bed,” he whispers, stopping me from falling asleep on him.
I hear Harry’s voice echoing from somewhere down the hallway as I leave my body tangled within the comfort of our freshly washed sheets.
“Elise, where the hell is my phone?” He steps into the room and immediately stops in his tracks, “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t know you were resting.” He lowers his voice, his eyes spontaneously glancing around the bedroom.
I give him a small smile and a nod, tugging at the comforter lightly to wrap it tighter around me. “I’ll be out of here in a second, it has to be in here.” He laments, doing his best to rummage through the bedroom in an unobtrusive manner— failing completely as he opens the drawers to his side table.
“You’re very quiet, Harry.” I chuckle in a joking style, concentrating as he smirks and promptly glances over towards me, “like I couldn’t have been quieter myself.” I tease, amused by his attempt to search silently for his phone.
“Alright, that’s enough from you. I have no idea where I left it. I haven’t had it since this morning.” He closes the drawer and glances back towards me before glimpsing towards the watch on his wrist. “It’s an odd time for you to be in bed, are you alright?”
“I could ask you the same question.” I grin, unsure of why he is home at this time. He just got in last night and I assumed he would be buried in his office until an ungodly hour.
“How so?” He tilts his head to the side,
“You’re not at work. You should be slaving away in your office.” I respond with a small smile.
He rolls his eyes playfully at me, his lips pursed into a firm line.
“Do you not agree?” I challenge, raising a brow with a small smirk across my lips.
Harry shakes his head, “You act as if I never come home.” He sighs, pressing his hands to his hips,
“Well, it is on rare occasions I see you before seven.” I softly respond,
“I’m a busy man.” He nods, “why are you cooped up in bed?”
I give him a small shrug, “Just tired and cold,”
“Mhm. Jackass tiring you out with his ridiculous excuse for a business?”
“Harry.” I sigh, “don’t start.” I warn, not in the mood to deal with the whole ‘Meyer Styles’ disagreement.
Harry gives me a grin, his eyes shining as he looks over at me, straightening his posture after closing another drawer, “Baby, want me to lie with you?” Harry offers sweetly, his proposal causing me to grin.
My brows knit in a frown,“Don’t you have to work?” I challenge,
With a cocky wink and confident smile, he reassures me, “Yeah, but I don’t feel like going back to the office. I’m going to shower.“ He crawls on the bed, leaning down and kissing me sweetly.
He draws away, his scintillating eyes dip to my décolletage.
“If that is your way of asking me to join, I am not getting up.”
He chuckles and shakes his head, “No, just wanted to kiss you, my darlin’.” He mumbles, crawling off the bed before wandering towards the bathroom, leaving me to leisurely fall asleep to the sound of the water flowing,
I hear a dismal huff escape from Harry as he closes the wardrobe doors, seeming somewhat irritated.
“What’s wrong?” I drowsily request, my eyes admiring his shirtless body, appreciating every curve and arch of his abs. His hair is damp and fluffy resembling, falling around his face perfectly to my liking.
“I can’t find my business hoodie.” Harry sighs, referencing the black hoodie that represents Styles & Co.
I draw the comforter higher up my body, doing my best to hide the Styles & Co. logo sketched into me.
I give Harry an innocent grin, having no desire to take his hoodie off and hand it to him. It’s smooth, comfortable, and most of all —it emanates like him. I feel content when wearing his clothes every now and again.
“I seem to have a clothes thief.” Harry clears his throat, his eyes narrowing down on me and I bat my eyes innocently at him.
I’m not stealing his clothes— I’m simply borrowing them for an unknown period of time, at some point I’ll put the hoodie back on his side of the wardrobe, freshly clean and smelling like the laundry detergent, but until then I’m borrowing it.
“Baby, I ordered you your own business hood, why don’t you wear it?” Harry graciously requests, beginning to pick his dirty clothes up off the floor, placing them in the dirty laundry basket.
“Yours is better.” I shrug, my eyes once again trailing towards Harry’s perfectly flawless frame.
“Elise, they’re exactly the same.” Harry chuckles, picking his phone up off the bed and glancing down at it.
I beg to differ, the hoodies are not the same. One is infused with Harry’s scent, and one is infused with my own— I much prefer his lingering scent.
“They’re different. I like yours.” My hands pull at the comforter, my body getting cozy within the bed,
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll just stay shirtless.” Harry smiles, causing me to smirk. I could never dispute a shirtless boyfriend— I mean fiancé; I like him with clothes off, there’s no doubt about it. “Are you okay? You’re very quiet.” He changes the subject, “And you only wear my clothes when I am gone for too long, you’re extremely cold, or when you’re a little down. Do I need to kick someone’s ass?”
He brings a smile to my face as I softly giggle at his comment.
I shake my head, “No, you don’t need to kick anyone’s ass.” I respond and he nods, entering the bathroom.
Harry shuffles out of the bathroom, the pregnancy box I accidentally left in there, now in his hand, “Elle? Do you have something to tell me? Is this why you’re curled up in bed? Do I need to sit down?” Harry softly questions, his face seeming a bit pale. He stares at me, bringing into view the test. The test that reads positive.
I shake my head, “negative, Harry.” I respond, adjusting my position in the bed.
“Are you sure? Because this says positive, Elise.” He comments, “Elle, I need to know if you’re pregnant, it’s okay. I’m not going to run or anything, I can handle it. I just… I want to know whether I’ll be a Dad.” He trails off, his eyes dropping to look at the positive test resolution in his hand. “I’m okay with being a Dad… this says positive and you’re telling me you’re not. I’m… I’m conflicted here, Elle. ” He breathes out with a soft voice, his hand shaking as it holds the test.
I sit up in the bed, the comforter falling to my hips. I sigh with a small pout, “I’m not pregnant.” I shake my head, watching his every expression.
“But—but this says you are.” He refers again to the stick,
“It’s a false positive.”
“Are you sure? Maybe we should get a test that isn’t from a convenient store box.” He comments, his eyes staring at me with nothing but confusion and worry.
“Harry, I’m in bed because I just got my period. I’m not pregnant, Darling.” I inform him, watching as he sighs and stares down at the test before he walks back to the bathroom.
I can only assume he’s throwing the tests out.
He steps back in, his lips at first staying pursed into a fine line before he breaks the silence between us,
“Well, at least you’re not pregnant.” He shrugs, “That wasn’t sympathetic of me, sorry.” He mumbles, “want me to lie with you for a bit? Come on, let me under the covers.” He benevolently stretches at the covers, sliding between them and moving closer to me.
"Harry, are you upset about this?” I softly challenge, unable to get the look of his face out of my imagination— the look he had when I told him I received my period. He seemed shocked, but for a split second when he was staring at the test, there was a crooked grin in the corner of his lips, his eyes for a moment glistening a bit brighter.
He doesn’t respond, and the room stays quiet as I feel his chest rising and falling, his arms around me. “Harry?”
“We don’t need a baby right now, things are too hectic and we aren’t married yet.” He responds, not giving an answer but more of a statement.
It is evident we do not need a baby,  but the question I am wanting to ask is— does he want one?
“That isn’t what I asked.”
“I don’t know, Elle… since you called me and told me there was a chance, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like for us to have a baby… I was walking the streets and I felt like everyone around me had a child and I just… I—I kept wondering about us having a baby.” …. “I know a baby isn’t ideal by any means and that we probably aren’t ready right now, but the idea of a baby kinda scares the fuck out of me, but also makes me feel warm inside…. I think a baby is something I’d want once we are married.” Harry informs me, keeping me nestled into him with his warmth. "What do you think?” Harry clears his throat.
When my eyes saw the positive sign, I went blank, my mind went utterly vague— I found myself crying on the bathroom floor.
“I just don’t think a baby is something I can handle,” I mumble, unsure of how I truly feel, my mind reminding me of yesterday when I took the test. “Maybe it is something to discuss when we are married and in a different place. Maybe when we both aren’t working so much?” I respond, coming to a conclusion that the topic of a baby should be brought up once we are married and not so caught up in the world of business.
*** ***
I stand in Harry’s office waiting for him to stand from his desk so we can leave for the business dinner that we must attend. I had other plans in mind for tonight, but he had to ruin them by informing me of a dinner.
“Can we maybe skip the dinner?” I offer while he’s sliding his jacket up his arms, my fingers pressed to the file in my hand that I managed to sneak away from Logan.
I was rummaging around in Logan’s office when his secretary was meant to be going through files. For some reason, he had her do my job, (I am not complaining because I still get paid), but it did make me curious.
I managed to coax her into going across the street to buy coffee, buying me at least fifteen minutes in Logan’s office without anyone knowing. I searched the obvious places before I remembered all the times I saw Harry pulling things from the most random of places, such as, but not limited to— inside  the plant that I forced him to have in his office for decoration, taped under the third shelf of his large bookcase he once pulled a file, and one time he had things hid in the lamp shade without anyone noticing. He can be crafty and sneaky, to say the least.
I found the file with Harry’s name on it taped under Logan’s desk, the place I managed to look, the last place I had left in mind after scouring the whole damn office in under fifteen minutes.
“Why?” Harry questions, unsure of why I would want to skip a free dinner,
“Kinda have other plans in mind,” I whisper, biting down on my lip as he raises a brow, reading my eyes, understanding my intentions, my wants, my needs.
“Do you still have bruises?” He questions and I shrug, “let me see your back.” He instructs, being sweet and protective.
I turn around and he discreetly lifts up my top, allowing it to fall back down over me, “Nope, you have bruises still.” He shakes his head, grabbing his keys from his desk,
“Harry, come on.” I whine, “do you not find me attractive anymore?”
“You’re still as attractive as the day I first laid my eyes on you.” Harry assures me, “can I have that file?” He smiles, his lips pursing into a straight line when I shake my head,
“Harry, you’re depriving me— so I’m going to deprive you.” I hide the folder behind my back, concentrating as he furrows his eyebrows before letting out a chuckle.
“Depriving you? Hm.” He hums with a wide and cocky grin.
“Do you know how long it has been since I’ve actually orgasmed?” I quietly question, his eyes narrowing down on me.
His lips prime into a line, insulted and unamused by my comment, “Oi, you’re making it sound like I’m horrible in bed.” He comments, trying to reach around me to get the file but I step away,
“You haven’t touched me since the night I got the fucking bruises. Three weeks; I promise I won’t shatter to pieces.” I inform him, “and before that, you went gently because you didn’t want to have me quivering. So, that’s almost two months.” I continue, his arms crossing over his chest as he listens to me ramble on about out currently non-existent sex life.
He cocks his head and arches a sly brow,“You’re sexually frustrated,” he chuckles, “it’s cute. Tell ya what. Give me that file, and after dinner, we can make love.” Harry proposes, “do you think you can wait that long?” He winks, stepping closer and brushing his lips against my own,
“Maybe,” I mumble, bringing the file to rest in front of us,
“Thank you, sweetheart.” He takes the file from my hand with a slow and sexy smile painted across his mouth.
“He already knows my file is missing, don’t you think he will catch on if this goes missing too?” I ask Harry, gesturing towards the file with all of Harry’s details in it.
“You’re going to put the file back when I’m done,” Harry informs me, standing straighter and smoothing his tie before taking my hand with his and leading us out of his office, not allowing me to ask any more questions regarding the file…
*** ***
I sit at the dinner and sigh, unamused by all the conversations about business, my fingers drumming to my thigh as I try to pass the time in a quick manner.
To be quite honest, I don’t care. I don’t give a damn about any of it, right now all I care about is the handsome man sitting in front of me—the one who seems to have deprived me for far too long.
A cheeky notion pops into my mind and I smirk as I slip my foot out of my heel, subtly raising it under the table to glide up Harry’s leg.
He flicks his eyes up towards me, eyes rolling skyward, his lips pursing into a fine line while I snicker to myself, everyone else far too busy worrying about a business conversation taking place.
I urge my foot past the curve of Harry’s knee, sliding it over his thigh, amused as I watch his jaw clench and his eyes widen. He clears his throat, gazing at me keenly— sexual frustration crinkled in his eyes.
I take him further by surprise when I push my foot to brush over his bulge, arousing it as I innocently stare at him, slamming his eyes shut for a brief moment. His arousal becoming an opiate I have no wish to kick. He gulps, his arousal compressing further against my foot before I delicately and subtly rub my foot against him, absorbing the feel of him—torturing him under the table.
I continue to allow my foot to explore the texture of his pants and the increasing bulge that touches the tip of my toes and gradually glides down the base of my foot with every move I make. His erection bumping against the tender touch of my foot as I give him a naughty smile that has him imagining things other than business.
The bold caress of my foot becomes unbearable for Harry as I breach his every defence— my foot coaxing him to abandon his current position across from me.“Niall, can we swap seats? I’d like to sit with Elise.” Harry clears his throat, speaking to Niall who is sat right beside me, a beer in his hand.
Without any questions, Harry is taking the seat beside me, his arm draping around my chair, his lips pressing to my ear without hesitation.
“That wasn’t very nice,” he informs me and I shrug, having no remorse for the doings of my foot.
He teases his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing circles on my inner thigh and squeezing lightly as he engages in conversation. I take a look at the time and do my best to use it to my advantage. I rest my head on Harry’s shoulder, a subtle hint that I want to leave.
To my bitter and sexually frustrated disappointment, he doesn’t take the hint, not all.
I sigh heavily, moving my hand to rest on his bulge, no longer being subtle with my advancements. He clears his throat, yet again before I feel a kiss to the top of my head.
“Patience, darlin’” he mumbles just for the two of us to hear, causing me to pout when I don’t get my own way.
I have been patient long enough.
I give up and remove my hand from his desire, settling with continuing to rest my head on his shoulder, taking note of how another girlfriend is doing the same with her business boyfriend who seems to be far too interested in the conversation with Niall.
Harry stands to his feet and takes his jacket off, placing it over my lap like a blanket, before he kisses my cheek.
“Aren’t you cute, keeping her warm… See, I told you he had a heart, Niall.” Anastasia chuckles, playfully nudging Niall— something tells me that the two of them sitting together may inflict a relationship.
“Niall, you could learn a few tips. Maybe then Anastasia will say yes to a date.” Harry winks, taking his seat back beside me, Niall instantly blushing and muttering under his breath, changing the subject.
Harry carefully shifts his hand under his jacket, his hand resting back on my thigh comfortably, his warm hand becoming even more pleasing. He squeezes my thigh and inches his hand higher, his fingers dancing over the zip of my jeans, my body stiffening at the sudden occurrence.
He can not be serious.
I take a breath as his lips kiss my cheek, “you okay?” I hear him mumble, a question he’s asking for reassurance and the go-ahead to continue to leave his hand resting where it is.
I nod, a saucy grin inviting his touch. I take a breath as I feel his fingers discreetly push the zip of my jeans down, popping the button at ease.
I can’t believe he’s serious. This is inappropriate— so inappropriate— but I don’t want him to stop.
It’s not like anyone can see.
“Can you stay quiet?” He whispers benevolently, his hand slipping into my pants, gliding over my lace lingerie, testing the waters with me. I nod, the fire burning in my soul putting my morals to flame as I allow him to continue.
His fingers dance around the edges of my undergarments, teasing me to the maximum instead of getting straight to the point. Tampering with my sanity with each slow motioned glide outside the lace.
He gradually slides his hand over me, fucking with me over my underwear, showing me no remorse.
He takes his time— his voice steady as he seems involved in conversation while his hand fucks with my sanity. I clear my throat and do my best to pretend to listen to the conversations, completely failing with his tender touching coaxing me to abandon all thoughts but one.
He takes me by surprise when he finally gives in, pushing inside me, circling inside me at ease, igniting a further passion brewing inside my body.
It’s been so long, too long.
I feel my breaths getting heavy as I stay withdrawn; my feet curling in my shoes as my hand grips the edge of my seat, a sigh escaping me instead of a groan.
I focus on keeping my lips pursed into a straight line, my head spinning with every circular motion he inflicts on me, butterflies rising inside me as I arch my back slightly in my chair. Unchaining wild, delicious feelings rattling my cage as I do my best to breathe.
I pick up my drink and sip on the straw, needing something to keep my mouth occupied as he slides upwards, relentlessly moving, dipping, swirling and circling around, adding pressure and trying to find the one spot.
A familiar hot longing squeezes inside me, his motions already spinning my raging emotions into a chaotic mess.
I let out a breath as I arch my back again slightly, allowing him easier access as I breathe out, pressure thrusting inside me with every long and slow motion that closes me tighter around him. His fingers abruptly thrust and hit me in the perfect spot, causing me to choke on my drink—instead of groaning.
“Darlin’ you alright?” He questions like a caring, soon to be husband, his fingers removing themselves from me carefully, as I catch my breath.
I nod, smiling at everyone around us as their eyes follow with concern as they stare at me.
I can’t believe he fucking did that. Fucking tease.
I assure everyone I’m fine before the attention is no longer on me and on the topic of conversation that Harry and I have managed to disconnect ourselves from.
I clear my throat and move my hands to subtly button my jeans under Harry’s jacket, before I carefully stand to my feet, excusing myself to the bathroom.
When I exit, I am surprised to see Harry leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest with a smug grin on his face— a cocky smile dangled on the corner of his lips.
“I fucking hate you.” I murmur as I still feel the butterflies in my stomach, my legs feeling shaky from his small teasing at the table.
“Why?” He pushes off the wall and I step closer to him, my hand crushing against his chest. I lean up and whisper, “my jeans are fucking wet, no thanks to you.” He chuckles, his hand settling to rest in the small of my back, putting on a small embrace of a show for anyone who may see.
“You started it… want to go back and finish dinner?” He proposes with a cheeky tone to his voice.
“I want to pin you against this wall and take every fill of you, but my morals and senses are coming back to me— so that is inappropriate,” I whisper into his ear, “so, yes. Let’s go back to dinner and hurry it the fuck up, please.” I continue before I gingerly move to gaze at him, a cocky grin painted across his lips.
He offers me his hand and I shake my head, “I washed my hands,” he mutters, lacing our fingers together as we walk back towards the table, Niall and Anastasia standing to their feet.
I raise a brow, watching as Niall grabs her coat and helps her slide it up her arms, “I wonder what they’re doing?” Harry whispers into me,
“The same thing we are,” I chuckle, “leaving,” I continue, not giving him room to dispute my wants and my needs.
Harry politely smiles as Niall and Anastasia announce their goodbyes, filling the table with a few ‘awes’ to escape the others’ lips. I gently nudge Harry, hinting for him to say our goodbyes as well. He gives me a teasing grin before listening, politely excusing us on both of our behalfs.
*** ***
The drive to his building felt longer than usual, we can blame the raging desire brewing between us for that.
To my surprise, it was him who mentioned spending the night at the penthouse because it was closer; I like his thinking, he is finally deciding on not depriving me and not making me wait any longer.
He opens the door of his Audi and offers his hand to help me out, a grin pressed across his luscious apple red lips— lips that I want to attack and taste every corner and edge of.
We step up the steps to the golden trim, glass doors’ of his building. He presses they access keys and uses his card before the doors unlock and allow us in. The doors’ close behind us, a chill spreading through me as the automatic lights flicking on, lighting up the exposed and abandoned Lobby.
“Harry, you should invest in a bloody heating system,” I mumble, tightening my jacket around me, his arm snaking around my lower back,
“Oh, ha, ha. It is always cold down here when I get in,” He responds as my heels echo against the flooring as we make our way towards the elevator.
His fingers press against my jacket, drawing small circles on the small of my back, keeping me intrigued and eager for what awaits when we get upstairs to the penthouse. I bite my lip, my eyes watching as the numbers decrease before the elevator light kindles and the doors slide open.
We step inside and I stand in the middle as Harry steps and swipes his card, pressing the floor to the penthouse. He turns to face me, his lips suddenly attacking mine as he considerately pushes me against the back wall, his hand gliding around my body to rest in the small of my back as our tongues dip and swirl, our bodies struggling to keep their distance with every luscious tasting action. I press my hands to his neck, beckoning him like a siren’s song, his hands gingerly pressing in the small of my back, pushing our bodies closer, allowing his erection to cushion against me.
The doors open and he drags his mouth from mine with a heavy sigh, his eyes full of desire as he stares at me for a moment. He allows me to step out first, my heels sounding until I reach the carpeted hallway. I turn on my heel to wait on Harry. I go to continue walking but I am stopped when his hands rest on my waist, drawing me back into him, a deep primitive tug that signaled the casual walk to the penthouse was going to be far from casual. He spins me around, my hands hitting his chest as our bodies pressed together, a small chuckle escaping my lips before I find my mouth attached to his firm male lips that know what they are doing. His hands travel to cup my behind— heart-shaped ass begging a squeeze, “jump,” he mumbles against me, hauling me up to wrap my legs around his torso, our lips reconnecting, my hands traveling all around as he walks us towards the door. The two of us focused on the sensation of our tongues dipping and swirling, the slow, passionate, kisses between us. A long, liquid kiss that rushed lust through my body, leaving me wanting more and more with each moment.
He keeps me hoisted up as his hand presses his card to unlock the door before he pushes the door open with ease, stepping inside and shutting it behind him with his foot.
He carefully places me down, my feet instantly sliding from my heels, my agile hands forcing his jacket down his arms and allowing it to collapse to the floor with ease. We step around his jacket, stumbling our way down the hallway, our mouths attached, our hands desperately trying to pry our clothes off. We stumble into the wall, my back hitting, “Sorry,” he pulls away, looking at me with wide eyes. I shake my head, my smoldering eyes drawing him in as I slide upwards against him, a groan escaping his lips before he is prying my shirt off of my body, throwing it to the floor. He grins, his chest rising as he takes a deep breath, his eyes dipping to my chest, admiring the new lace cupped at my boobs. Without taking his eyes from me, he flicks open his buttons one by one, somewhat teasing me.
I breathe out and press my hands to his pants, unbuttoning them gradually, my hand accidentally managing to glide across him, earning myself a small groan at my touch.
We stumble again, forcing our wild, reckless and restless mood to shuffle closer to the bed. I launch him against the wall as we round the corner into our bedroom—my lips parting his to rain kisses over his silky skin— his scent rising to torment me, my head spinning as I bite down benevolently on his skin, his hands unbuttoning my jeans— the last piece of clothing to not have made it to the floor.
The enraged desire and anticipation rise with every rich, sensational kiss his lips allow.
I move my rained kisses to follow his torso, crossing over the beautiful landscape of plains, tight abs and soft skin, carefully pressing my knees to the flooring, his eyes peering down at me delighted with my excited anticipation. I circled his hard length with my hands, exploring the texture of his shaft. I press my hand at the base of him, enthralling my with his touch, my lips kissing the tip of him fascinated with the soft roundness of him— the head of his staff nudges at the feathery strokes of my tongue— his breaths unsteady while his hands are tangled within my hair. Pleasure licks at his lips as I go further, taking him between my lips, “Elle,” His husky voice whispers a want and need. The familiar hot longing squeeze of my hand on at his base sends his eyes to close shut in ecstasy, his body holding back the groans as he continues to grow.
Shuddering with desire he lets out a groan, his hand moving from the strands of my hair, resting on my shoulder. “Fuck, you’re good.” He mutters as he squeezes my shoulder, my mouth slowly descending down his shaft one last time, the feather stroke of my tongue captivating him one last time.
He helps me back up to my feet, wasting no time with pushing me to the bed, hot and ready to get down to business, his hands tugging my black skinny leg jeans off of me, leaving them no remorse as he throws them to the floor.
He takes bold possession of my mouth, feeling every curve as his hand reaches down, the silken length of my thigh becoming graced by his hand, his fingers dancing delicately on the inner face of my thigh, my head already spinning as he inches higher, drawing down the lace underwear, enthralling me with his touch, sliding a finger in and beginning to dip and surge like he did in the restaurant. “Breathe, relax.” He draws away from the kiss, mumbling against my lips, my fingers pressed into his silken curls, “Elle, relax,” he again instructs, sliding another finger in, forcing a moan from my wet lips at his heart-stopping tenderness.
My toes curl into the sheets as I feel his every long motion, his name leaving my lips in small whimpers.
He knows how to work those damn fingers perfectly. Everything about him is damn potent, he is the kind of man that causes women to hyperventilate… and if he continues these head spinning motions, I might just hyperventilate.
I breathe heavily, my fingers already digging into his bare skin as I throw my head back against the pillows, his name moaning from my lips. He grins, his eyes staring into mine before he skims his tongue over my lips, causing me to whimper when he uses them to tease me. He thrusts and circles his fingers one last time, a loud moan leaving my trembling lips, my head literally spinning.
He grasps my knees and eases them apart, anticipation so keen as he crowns his thighs at my hips, his package, plumb and swollen bumps against me before he’s at my entrance, sliding in slowly. Probing in a slow repetitive rhythm he takes my breath away, his mouth kissing mine, the chain of his necklace dangling over me, lightly pressing to my warm chest, “Relax, Elle.” He groans, “Fuck, you’re tight, relax sweetheart.” He breathes, my body tightening around him as he thrusts and I raise my body to press into his, my hands gripping him, the long, gradual, ride of delight silencing the deep hunger inside me.
Our tongues dip and swirl in sweet motions, my fingers digging into his back, his strength throbbing inside me at a faster pace — transcending physical pleasure. He breaches my every defense, taking my breath away. Gravelly words uttered against his flesh with every rippling momentum. He kisses the slender column of my throat before he relentlessly moves my hips against his. Heat and power radiate between our warm bodies, bodies eager to feel every inch of each other, bodies filled with a hot longing desire. We both work together to create a fulfillment of passion and love. Unchaining wild, delicious feelings reach unbearable heights, both of us moaning into each other, my breath getting lost every few moments with his hard length throbbing inside me, my legs already beginning to quiver. “Breathe,” his lips skim my trembling lips, as tremors rise in the wake of him breaching my every defense, the surge of his possession catching me in the right spot.
I arch my back to better accept him, tensing as he goes deeper, my chest rising rapidly, my head spinning climax coming at me in drugging waves. Buried in my sweet heat, my eyes narrow to half mast. A passionate tide overtakes the onslaught of raw physical desire as he releases and fills me; my head falls back with a heavy breath escaping my lips. He gives me one last long, liquid kiss that rushes lust through me before he falls to my side.
I stare up at the ceiling, my head spinning as my body slows down and begins to rest, my thighs quivering with heat.
“You deserve some credit,” I cough, “That was the best damn orgasm of my life,” I comment, his chuckle instantly filling the room,
“I am pleased,” he laughs, “only took, what is it? five and a half years?”
“About damn time, huh?” I joke, closing my eyes as I take a few deep breaths, my head spinning. Harry pulls the sheet over the two of us, the warm sheet pressing over my sweaty body.
“I love you,” I breathe out, shifting to face him, his head tilting to shine his gray eyes at me,
“I love you, too.” He whispers, kissing my lips lightly…
What do you guys think? :) xx
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
That Day - Part 2
Fandom: Teenage mutant ninja turtles Characters: Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey. Relationship: leo/reader Request: I was thinking how bout she has been trying to peg a warlord for a long time trying to get enough evidence to get him arrested. Leo and the brothers help her, but there is a lot misadventures between her and Leo and a slow budding romance grows between the two of them. I don't know I can only think of comical fluffy misadventures between the two of them lol. Part 1 - http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/155637804729/that-day “Are you sure they are meeting here?” You asked, tapping your index finger on the map laid out in front of you. Opposite you was Leo and Donnie. “Yeah, they have been gathering here for the last two night.” Donnie nodded before going over to his desk and picking up a phone. He brought it back to the table, pressed the screen a few time and turned it to face you. A video played, showing the mob boss you had been after for months sitting at a table surrounded by men. You bit your lower lip. “Damn it, I don’t have jurisdiction to go in there.” You cursed. You couldn’t go to your work less than an hour before a meeting to get a warrant or find enough men to make it work. “What if we go along tonight and gather information?” Leo asked. He was watching you with his arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah, that’s the only thing we could do. If we intervein, they will ask why I was there. If I don’t have a valid warrant, then he’ll go free again.” You pinched the bridge of your nose as you spoke. You had been working with the turtles for months on this case and every time you got a little closer, the boss was getting away. His street name was Big Daddy and he was an infamous drug lord. You had suspicious he also worked as a pimp and other shady deals. He was known around the area for money laundering in the local businesses who were too afraid of him to say no. Last business man that turned him down suffered a gruesome death. Donnie nodded and started to gather gear from around the lab as you leaned on the table, closing your eyes. Due to the long hours, little sleep and stress, you had been getting bad headaches off and on for a few weeks. You heard Leo walk around to you and felt a hand on your back. “You okay?” He asked as you opened your eyes and looked at him. His eyes were swimming with concern. “Yeah, just headaches.” You smiled, raising your hand and rubbing your right temple as if it would help. “Do you want to lie down?” Leo asked, his hand rubbing your back softly. Soothingly. Leo always seemed so calm and collected. It was why you loved it when he would come along to these things with you. The danger didn’t seem to false him and yet, when it came to you or his brothers getting hurt, he would jump into action. “No, im fine.” You saw the look of doubt on his face. “Really, I am.” You giggled, shaking your head as you fished in your bag and pull out some painkillers. Donnie returned to the table just as you swallowed the tablets. He placed out three recording devices and three cameras. Leo looked to Donnie in confusion. “Mikey broke the fourth.” He answered Leos silent questions. “Its fine. If we take one each, Mikey and Raph can stay guard. Last thing we need is Mikey using flash. AGAIN.” You stressed the word again as the three of your laughed. Not too long ago, when you had first met the turtles, you had been following a suspect home late at night. When he was in an alley, Mikey had taken a picture, forgetting the flash was on. You still didn’t know who he ran fastest from, you or Leo. After collecting the cameras and devices, the three of you heading to the living room where Mikey and Raph were. “Come on, we’re heading out.” He called as he lead the way to the front door. Mikey and raph, who had been slouched on the sofa, groaned and stood up. “Why?” Mikey whined. “We are going after Big Daddy.” You called back as you fixed the camera to your belt. “Hey, what you call Leo on your own time is your own business.” Raph called after you. You and Leo both froze and turned, eyes wide. You could see a tint of red in Leo skin as he stared at Raph with a blistering hate. Bot Raph didn’t notice, he was too busy sobbing with laughter as Mikey collapsed on the floor in giggles. You heard a slight chuckle from behind you so you turned. Donnie was trying so hard to hold back his laughter but one look from you seemed to help him as he stopped. You noticed Leo had turned back and stormed out the lair. You quickly darted after him, running along side him when you caught up. “What, you gonna let a little sexual innuendo get in the way of our fun?” You giggled, nudging his shoulder. He glanced at you, a smirk playing at the side of his lip. “No, but I’ll still get them back.” He mumbled, nudging you back. “And I shall help.” You held your chin up as you hooked your arm in his. -----------------------time skip-------------------- “No.” “Why not, Leo? I have to be under cover.” You threw your hands up as Leo crossed his arms over his chest. You were currently standing in the living area of the lair in a short red skirt, black low cu top and 6 inch stiletto boots. “You cant go out like that!” He gestured to you. “You look like a prostitute!” “That’s the idea. Im under cover. I need to pretend to be a prostitute.” You sighed, shaking your head once again. “And what a lovely prostitute you make, [y/n].” Mikey giggled, watching with Donnie and Raph from the sofas. “Thank you.” You nodded to Mikey. “Well, im off.” You waved good bye. As you walked out the lair, you heard footsteps running up behind you, glancing over your shoulder, you saw Leo running up behind you and slowing to a walking pace as he reached your side. You looked at him, raising and eyebrow as to why he seemed to be helping you. “Gonna make sure your safe.” He mumbled, obviously still upset that you were putting yourself in harms way. He didn’t like it when you had to go undercover on the streets because he knew how dangerous they could be. “Thanks.” You smiled at him, looping your arm in his. “You gonna be my pimp for the night,?” You giggled, seeing the red flash across his cheek before he burst into laughter. ----------------time skip ------------- You practically skipped back to the lair, Leo at your heels. You had managed to not only get a load of information on Big Daddy but you even had a contact number from one of his prostitutes. You were glowing as you entered the living area. “So, how’d it go?” Donnie asked, siting up in his chair slightly. “I got a lead!” You yelled in triumph. You were met with a round of applause as you bowed gracefully while giggle. You had been stuck on the same point for a week so it was nice to get a little bit closer. “And Leo didn’t break the arm of any guy who touched you?” Raph asked as Leo walked in behind you. “No, he was a good pimp.” You chuckled, leaning up and kissing his cheek before stumbling through to the spare room (which was now yours). You didn’t hear the teasing Leo got but he didn’t care. he couldn’t get the feeling of your lips out of his mind that night. ------------------------------------- You sighed in relief as you signed the last bit of paperwork. It was over. You had finally caught Big Daddy. 5 months, 3 weeks and 3 days it had taken you. It sounded a lot but considering he had been on police radar nearly 4 years, you had done well. As you left your office, you knew you weren’t heading straight home. In fact, you barley spent any time at home any more. Your new home was in the sewers, with the turtles. With Leo. You smiled as you walked down the alleys. You didn’t quite know where things were heading with you and Leo. You seemed to be growing closer and closer by the day. As if hearing you were thinking about him, Leo stepped out from the shadows. It was dark out and he would normally meet you here but you still got a fright and jumped slightly. “God, you scared me.” You chuckled, holding your hand over your heart. Leo chuckled and walked over to you, making sure no one was around. “So?” He asked. You couldn’t contain your excitement. “We got him!” You cried out, jumping on the balls of your feet. Leo’s face broke into a broad smile as he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around you, swinging you around with delight. He had been as much part of the case as you had. But as he slowed down and set you back to the ground, you found yourself staring at each other. You were lost in his eyes for a moment. And he seemed to be the same. His arms stayed around you and yours instinctively wrapped around his neck. You heart was beating hard in your chest as you stared at him and realised something. You were falling in love with him. Every day, little by little, you were falling for him. There was a clash from the other side of the alley as you two jumped apart, Leo ready with his weapon to protect you. Only to see a cat had knocked over a plant pot from a windowsill above and it had smashed on the ground. You started to giggle as Leo relaxed, looked at you and smile. You smiled back. Leo put away his weapons before holding out his arm to you. “Shall we head back?” He asked, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Yes, I think we should.” You chuckled, looping your arm around him and the two of you started to head back to the lair.
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