chloebeale · 4 years
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honestly i couldn’t think of a caption, so there’s a little bechloe drabble under the cut instead. feel free to enjoy the gif set with or without!
(approx. 1k words)
Sure, maybe the Bellas are three time collegiate a cappella champions with a surprising amount of glory and notoriety to their name—the a cappella world is...weirdly way more expansive than Beca would’ve ever imagined—and sure, maybe they have found themselves invited to entertain the troops during the USO tour alongside other (way more legit) groups (no, bands. Legit bands.), but even now, even after touching down in their first destination of Cádiz, Beca still...doesn’t really get the hype.
Performing with the Bellas is fun, they really are her family at this point, and Beca enjoys singing alongside each and every one of them, but she really doesn’t understand how this level of acknowledgment has happened—or why in the hell they have the a cappella world’s most annoying podcasters following them across a freaking ocean to keep up with their lives as if they are literal celebrities or something.
Still, over the years, as irritating as they may be, John and Gail have become something of a staple in the Bellas’ lives, two people Beca has kind of just given up on trying to avoid—after being followed to work every morning, it becomes difficult to really give a damn anymore, anyway. They are technically not harming anybody, so it is easier at this point to just do what they ask, which is how Beca now finds herself seated in front of their camera, brows lifting in response to the two excited faces beaming back at her from behind their equipment.
“So, Beca,” Gail begins enthusiastically, “What do you hope to gain from this tour?”
It is a simple question, in reality a pretty broad one, too, but Beca cannot help but find herself momentarily stumped for a response. Honestly, after spontaneously quitting her job and essentially finding herself kind of stuck, she really does not have any expectations. This tour had simply been a distraction for her, something for her to do so as not to find herself crawling back to the office and begging the BFD higher ups to take her back… She cannot very well say that, though. Can she?
Evidently noting a lack of input, Gail adds helpfully, “Any dreams? Fears?”
“Fears,” John echoes. “Of course you have fears, women are scared of everything.”
Although Beca only responds with a neatly arched brow, she notes the immediate look of disdain to pull itself across Gail’s features in response to her co-host. “Uh, I don’t know,” Beca says flatly, “I’m not scared of anything.”
“Really?” John questions curiously, mouth twisting into something of a knowing smirk as he exchanges a brief glance with the blonde seated beside him. Beca can see the same look drawing itself onto her face, too, and finds herself entirely confused. “Not even bear traps?”
The way Beca’s short, black polished nails clamp onto the arm of her seat is something she rectifies quickly, and silently prays has gone unnoticed by the two eager sets of eyes piercing into her from behind the camera. What do bear traps have to do with this, anyway? It is not like they are at Aubrey’s campsite from Hell anymore, after all.
“Bear traps?” Beca echoes with as much nonchalance to both her voice and expression as she can manage. She quickly clears her throat. “No, they’re whatever.”
In response, John and Gail only continue to watch her expectantly, and the amusement painting itself onto John’s weathered face tells her he knows something she doesn’t. Sure, these two show up everywhere, but Beca knows for a fact that they had not been at the retreat, and despite the fact that she’d never explicitly said so, she has always been under the assumption that there is a mutual agreement among the Bellas to never bring up that particular incident again—ever. To anyone.
Beca’s eyes narrow in on his expression, before adding in that same nonchalant tone, “I mean, I don’t, like, love them, but I’m not,” she air-quotes the next word, “scared of them.”
By now, Gail’s subtle smirk has settled into something of an almost sinisterly kind smile, though John looks just as outwardly smug as he had done before. “That’s not what a little red birdy told us,” he muses proudly, and Beca’s nostrils instantly proceed to flare.
A little birdy.
A little red birdy. Fucking Chloe.
“Chloe, yeah?” She says in a blank tone, lips pursing in defeated thought. She stares upward in a half eye roll, head shaking disapprovingly. “Dude, I swear, if she wasn’t my girlfriend…”
The good thing about a John and Gail interview is that the Bellas are under no actual obligation to see it through, so with a scoff and another more obvious roll of her eyes, Beca pushes herself up from the seat, deciding that their pointless interview is effectively over.
While Gail attempts to reel her back in, John says in an amused tone, “Watch where you’re going, little woman. You might run into a… Bear trap!”
The only reason Beca jumps in response is because of his increasing volume and emphasis, not because she cannot even hear the very term since the unfortunate incident at the retreat, duh. Without looking back to even glare in response to the loud, obnoxious laughter echoing from the hosts, Beca grumbles petulantly and tugs open the door, closing it loudly behind her.
“Hey!” Chloe’s voice is the next thing Beca hears, head lifting to take in the sight of those vibrant eyes shining excitedly. Beca only glares in response, though Chloe doesn’t seem to notice. She simply rocks on her heels, meeting Beca with natural Chloe Beale enthusiasm. “That was fast. Their questions are kind of weird, huh?”
Rather than respond to the question, Beca approaches her girlfriend with folded arms, the look of helplessness on her face entirely unintentional. “Dude, you told them about the retreat?” Chloe only stares at her curiously, so Beca adds in a lower tone, “You know… the bear trap thing.”
Chloe’s lips pull inward then, and Beca cannot tell whether she is trying to bite back a grin or if she looks kind of...embarrassed? She does note that no verbal response comes, though, and that serves as confirmation for Beca to release an annoyed groan, shoulders slumping defeatedly.
“I thought we were never bringing that up again?” she half-whines, hand rising to brush her fingers through her straightened hair. As it falls, her palm easily covers her eyes, and Beca releases a long sigh through her nostrils.
Familiar fingers wrap comfortingly around her wrist, and Beca’s lids flutter open to watch Chloe’s apologetic expression as she gently pulls her hand away from her face. She is kind of annoyed, obviously, but as her gaze meets that overwhelmingly calming blue, fingers parting to make room for Chloe’s to naturally slot between them, her own expression melts into something a little less angry, a little more calm.
“I’m sorry,” Chloe pouts, thumb brushing instinctively over the back of Beca’s knuckles. “It just slipped out.”
Despite the look of disdain Beca had been wearing only moments before, there is just something about that look on Chloe’s face, that adorable, apologetic wide-eyed stare that causes Beca to easily melt, for her shoulders to relax and her defenses to fall. Chloe has always had that kind of spell on her, truth be told.
It makes it hard to stay mad at her for long, no matter the circumstance.
She stares for only a moment longer, before easily relenting with a small puff of air through her nostrils. “Whatever.” She doesn’t even know why she does it, but Beca finds herself lifting their connected hands toward her mouth, lips brushing reassuringly over the back of Chloe’s fingers. “Just...don’t tell anybody else, yeah?”
The guilt written all over Chloe’s face begins to melt away at that, and is instead overtaken by a small, soothing smile. She uses the grip she has on Beca’s hand to easily tug her closer, and Beca does not resist as Chloe’s lips, familiar like home, push a delicate peck to her own. “Okay,” Chloe nods, gently nudging the tip of her nose to Beca’s. “Deal.”
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dreamystuffers · 3 years
hey! i found your blog recently and i fell in love, so im here for a request :3 could you do the ,placing hands under the other's shirt making them gasp at their cold hands’ please? maybe with johnny or jae? thank youu
johnny x reader | fluff, domestic au, established relationship au | w: 0.1k words | tw: kisses | a/n: i am not sleepy enough for this which is an odd contrast from the rest of my drabbles anyways yikes
"Oh my god don't steal my blankets," You whine as your boyfriend slips into bed.
Johnny's constant need for midnight snacks always leaves him coming into bed a little later than you. The Netflix series you've been binging has kept you awake long enough for you boyfriend to settle in next to you.
"Sorry," He pouts fakely at you, scooting closer to your swaddled form. "Are you cold?"
You nod and Johnny smiles suspiciously cutely. It's only as you feel his cold hands slipping under your shirt that you understand why.
You gasp as he pulls you closer to him while you try to squirm out of his reach.
"Johnny!" You squeal as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. "Your hands are so cold!"
"And you're so warm sweetheart." He peppers you with kisses.
You sigh softly before kissing the top of his head.
"Nerd." You mumble, playing with his messy hair making him chuckle.
"I love you too sweetheart."
my requests are open for my 100wtsily and tys series!
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ahgaseda · 4 years
dreams and desires | mark (got7)
↣ info: sexy, explicit
↣ a/n: a two can keep a secret drabble
↣ song: listen to “love is madness” by thirty seconds to mars
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you are insane, my desire, a violent daydream, you are crazy, a perfect liar, said you’d save me...
Mark stopped the car on the gravel path, near the break in the trees. He didn’t say a word and neither did she as they both watched the sun go down over the coast.
He finally turned to look at her, seeing the sky painted between her lashes. Mark never imagined she would be here, in his car, by his side. Never had he laid eyes on a girl so beautiful.
She turns to him then, feeling his stare. He knows why she’s here. It’s no secret they’re both angry and hurt and desperate to get revenge.
But Mama always said vengeance was like holding fire in your hand and expecting the other person to get burned.
She didn’t care. The minute their parents revealed their engagement, she was on the path of retribution. And Mark was on the road to self-destruction.
Mark thought he would drown himself in alcohol, drink away his sorrows until he became numb to his pain. Maybe he would drown himself in her instead.
She felt her blood boil at the memory of their engagement party. Her father had given her no indication he was taking the next step and the announcement nearly knocked her off of her feet. He had no right to surprise her like that and he certainly had no right to disrespect her mother, resting in her grave.
Mark remembered how the two of them stood in the crowded hall, the party in full swing. Everyone was alight. Smiles in every corner. The newly engaged couple accepted congratulations endlessly.
But Mark stood there with his soon to be stepsister, unmoving, and with no joy to be found on their faces. And to rub salt in the wound, their parents never even looked for them among the sea of people.
She drifted to him, eyes full of tears and the words that fell from her mouth nearly broke his heart.
“Please, get me out of here.”
That was how she ended up in his car, next to him on a bluff in the middle of nowhere about to make a really bad decision. He knew he would take her anywhere she wanted to go.
He was relieved not to be alone.
He was glad someone shared in his wrath. And his hurt.
It was selfish, but Mark didn’t care. He had forgotten how it felt not to be lonely.
Mark reached over, taking her hand in his. He wanted to give her some gesture of solidarity. To let her know all those emotions colliding inside of her were no different in his own chest.
Without a word, she unbuckled her seatbelt and crawled into his lap.
Mark pushed his chair back, slipping his hands over her hips and guiding her to straddle him. She took his face between her palms and kissed him hard, like only he could save her.
Which wasn’t far from the truth.
The windows fogged over. The car rocked softly on the bluff. Bass steadily thrummed. Anyone who drove by could tell babies were being made.
Sweat and moisture made her hair cling to her neck. Still mostly clothed, she rode him with abandon.
Mark ripped her shirt just enough to bury his face in her breasts. His hands were heavy on her hips, kneading and pulling to match her rhythm.
This was self-indulgence, plain and simple. She felt empowered to be riding him. Mark thrust up to meet her, refusing to submit.
If only their parents could see, she thought. If only they knew what they had driven their kids to do.
Mark growled against her neck. Fuck, she made him so hard. He would take pleasure from her body night and day, if he had his way. She made him forget his pain.
Their lust was all-consuming, almost as powerful as their need to spite the ones who hurt them.
She rode him harder, finally making noise in his ear. Mark felt her nails dig into his skin and he hissed at the sting, though he would never make her stop.
Reckless, a little voice sang in her head.
Mark groaned when she met her end on top of him, cursing at how tightly she clenched around his cock. He gave her little time to catch her breath and grasped her waist to drill inside of her.
She howled with sensitivity, begging for him to find release, and Mark moaned in ecstasy when it finally came. She cradled his head to her chest, humming little nothings as he kissed between her breasts.
“Mark,” she whispered, tugging on his hair until he looked into her eyes.
“Turn on the AC. Crank up the music. And join me in the back seat.”
Mark nodded, never taking his gaze from her as she clambered off of him. He did as told and followed her without a second thought, mouth watering at the sight of her on her back with legs spread.
He made himself comfortable between her thighs and kissed her again, slipping his tongue inside her mouth.
Love all this anger out of me, she wanted to say.
Fuck all the pain out of me, he would have replied.
It was the start of an ill-fated secret and a dangerous addiction.
i never said that i would be your lover, i never said that i would be your friend, i never said that i would take no other...
Hey there, beautiful! If you enjoyed this, please leave a like or reblog or follow me! Or maybe buy me a coffee so I can keep writing? Or check out my masterlist here for more stories! Thanks for reading :) - Katya
This work is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, but is licensed and protected under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives 4.0 international license. Any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Do not re-post or translate without my permission.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // all rights reserved }
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06love · 7 years
Drabble for anon ♡
Prompt: ‘Jimin - “will you forgive me if I cuddle with you?”’
Genre: Fluff :’)
Warning: swearing
Words: 0.4k
a/n: Requested on my old blog, repost. 
She turned grabbing the covers to hide her face again, and Jimin could swear that she was pouting under that blanket.
“Baby, I’m sorry, hey look at me.” He begged as he tried to lower the sheets to reveal her face, but she didn’t allow him. “Are you gonna be mad forever?” She didn’t reply. “Hey” He caressed her head over the blanket “I didn’t mean it like that, I didn’t mean for you to feel bad. Ok? I didn’t know you cared so much if I went out with the boys this weekend.”
“How could I not care?” her voice sounded muffled under the blankets.
“Baby, please take them off, I can’t understand you.” He asked, hoping to see her face again soon. She removed the blanket immediately and looked at him straight in the eyes, repeating
“How can I not care? You know how long I’ve waited for your day off, but even worse…” her voice went missing as she looked down in anger.
“What, what’s worse? Tell me so I don’t repeat the same mistake again. Please.” Jimin said concerned.
“The worse part is, is that you fucking decided to go eat meet at that Brazilian place I’ve been begging you to go to, without me!” She bursts in anger, and Jimin looked confused.
“Wait… you’re not mad because I’m going out with the boys? You’re mad because-”
“Because you’re a fucking cheater!” She grabbed the pillow and threw at Jimin’s face making him jolt out of bed. “ You fucking cheated on me with the boys! You’re gonna eat meat with them and I’m gonna have to stay home because it’s a guys night out!” She whined and covered her face again with the covers and laid down.
Jimin did his best to try and keep in his laugh, he had to admit it was a rather funny situation, where he thought he had done something wrong to his girlfriend, but in the end, she was jealous of the meet he was gonna eat.
He controlled himself and crawled back into bed to place himself next to her.
“I’m sorry for going to eat meat with the boys, I promise to take you out next weekend. Ok? Please forgive me?” He asked kissing her head over the covers.
“No!” her voice sounded muffled again.
“Will you forgive me if I cuddle with you?”
“Go cuddle Hoseok while you eat filet steak.” she whined.
“Fine~“ he gave up. “I’ll buy you the large pack of meat, and we can go get Oreo ice cream afterward. Forgive me now?”
She took a few seconds and replied: “Can I get Oreo ice cream 2 days in a row?”
Jimin sighed and complied, so she took the blanket down and turned around scooping on his chest. “I forgive you” she pouted and quickly stole a kiss from him. Which he loved and released a soft giggle in surprise. ♡
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springdai · 9 years
Dean is a caretaker. It obviously stems from his relationship with Sam. He had to cook,clean,bathe,and raise him on his own. All of his relationships seem very protective. And even with people he has barely met,especially kids, he's the most genuine and caring man. He appreciates everybody he meets regardless of what their flaws are or what they've done in the past. But Dean doesn't know what it's like to be taken care of. He catches glimpses of it every blue moon. Like the years before his mom died. And his relationship with Bobby. But Dean will never really understand what it's like to have that someone who raised you and cared about you more than anything. Even though Sam tells him time and time again that he has family and he'll never be alone, he's never felt more alone. Dean Winchester is a human embodiment of self-loathing. It's in his blood. It always has been. He looks into a mirror and hates the man staring back at him. He puts the weight of the world on his shoulders though many would be glad to share the load. He loses a friend and it drives him mad. His life is a never ending cycle. Drink. Pass out. Wake up. Repeat. No matter how good it gets Dean will always know that it'll never be good for long. Dean Winchester deserves better.
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vagrant-ghost · 11 years
Next Time
"We're brothers."
"You're going to live, you hear me, bastard?" Naruto firmly tells his friend. He presses down on the large gaping hole on Sasuke's chest, desperate to stop the bleeding. The battle has been won. Madara and the Juubi have fallen. He has saved the world. Now he needs to save his best friend.
"Naruto..." Sasuke rasps.
"Come on, man," Naruto choks, lightly slapping the Uchiha's face when his eyes begin to drift close. "You can't do this to me. Just stay with me for a few more minutes. Sakura'll be here soon! She'll help; she can definitely help."
"Naruto," Sasuke repeats, weakly.
"I swear on the Sage of the Six Paths, if you die before she gets here, she's going to kill me, too, you know?" Naruto laughs forcefully amidst his tears. "Come on, man, you can't do that to me, right? We're brothers."
"Brothers," The ebony-haired teen hums, cracking a smile as he reminisces of the glory days of his life, the sweet recollection of his childhood, and the unforgettable memories of his brother. It is in those flashbacks that Sasuke realized that he has two.
"Yeah, yeah, brothers," Naruto nods. His hands quiver, feeling ice cold despite the warm red that soaked them as it continues to flow (and it does not stop, would not stop, god, why wouldn't it stop? Just stop already). "Alright? Hell, you can be hokage's assistant and we can work together. And maybe next time, when you're not busy from all your dumb paperwork, you, me, Sakura, and Kakashi-sensei can get together and have dinner at the ramen shop. I'll even pay so you can eat as much as you want. How's that for a deal, Sasuke? Come on. What do you say?"
Sasuke's lips move, but it is barely audible. Naruto, wanting, needing, to hear what he has to say, leans a little closer. "W-what? What is it?"
He wishes he hadn't.
Naruto wished that his story would have a happy ending. He'd always thought that in the end, he'd be able to fix everything, to achieve that dream as long as he worked hard enough, tried hard enough.
If only if it were as easy as that, to think that everything would be okay as long as he ended up victorious. Oh, the naivety that thought.
But, Naruto discovers, it isn't that simple, because reality has a way of reminding him that not everything can go his way. It is never that simple. It can never be that simple.
Instead, reality slaps him, and it slaps him hard. Instead, Naruto becomes a little wiser, a little more aware that this is reality, and that farfetched dreams like his hardly ever come true.
Reality has the harshest methods of teaching him. Naruto wishes, as he silently cried alongside a newly-arrived and tear-stricken Sakura, that it had come in a different form than his best friend poking his forehead with a bloody hand with the final words he wishes he hadn't heard.
"Sorry, brother. There won't be a next time."
He'd never felt this genuinely lost in years.
Kakashi ponders silently in the alternate universe. He lingers for the longest time, because he is afraid that when he leaves, he would be faced with the enemy that was--is--his best friend. He wishes deeply that he could prolong this moment of isolation, to be blissfully ignorant of the harsh reality outside.
He realizes after a long moment, a very, very long moment, that it is only worse to stay inside and not knowing what is happening, because his students are still outside, and as much as he trusts them, as much as he trusts Naruto, he isn't sure just how bad it can get.
Being left alone with his own imagination is worse than the ignorance he wishes for.
But by the time he returned to the real world, weaving his way out of the road of life, he comes to the harsh realization of something much much worse than what his imagination could ever think of, and he regrets for staying too long.
For the first time in Kakashi's life, as he stood silently above his three students--two crying, one lying in a pool of blood--he regrets genuinely, and his voice cracks as he uttered a painfully familiar line that he wishes that this time, his two students would accept. "Sorry I'm late; I got lost on the road of life."
But it came out as an inaudible whisper compared to their deafening silence.
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tonight is one of those nights
also i lied candy i didnt make it my summary but i could
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fictionalarsonist · 7 years
「 17_wonwoo | It’s Just Me 」
Requested by jeon anon
pairing: wonwoo ⨯ reader; genre: chessy fluff, little angst, neighbor!au; rating: PG-13; type: drabble; word count: 1.4K;
premise: Wonwoo secretly leaves flowers at your door.
a/n: I hope you like this ending. let me know what you think jeon anonnie. +++ it’s not proof-read, so there might be mistakes.
「 masterlist | request 」
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“I didn’t know they would survive this much”, Wonwoo mumbles to himself without realizing, reaching out to touch a petal.
The pad of his finger brush against the delicate and soft petal as he looks up, his eyes dart around the room, he wanted to say something to you, but whatever he says could end up denouncing him and even though you kept all of this, it doesn’t mean you’d accept and keep him and what if he confessed and you rejected him?
Wonwoo gazes at the room, all the flowers he sent are beautifully put together, he glances at the windows knowing why he could never see this from his place, he’d never see it if you never brought him over.
“Sorry, y/n, but we kind of-- need you downstairs”, Wonwoo turn to see one of your relatives he was introduced to earlier looking between you and him, “Am I interrupting something?”, the person raises an eyebrow
“Ah, no, no!”, he waves his hand in denial and accidentally knocks off a vase with flowers near him.
Immediately he reaches for the vase, but his attempt almost result in another disaster that you manage to prevent, however, that one was already on the floor. Wonwoo steps away as you gather the flowers and arrange them neatly in an empty vase that was sitting across the room, he looks at you with his lips parted and an almost horrified expression on his face.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to-- I’m really sorry, y/n”
You don’t look at him and he can’t say anything else, just stare at you when you shake your head.
“y/n--”, your relative calls you again and you look at the person.
“I’m going”, you make your way to the door and he follows after you as the other person pulls you away.
As soon as he steps out of the corridor, Wonwoo walks away from the crowd, finding a good spot to stay quiet. Maybe he had a small chance with you before, but now he screwed up for good, sitting on the open window’s frame, he leans back, staring at the cars passing by outside and people walking by on the sidewalk of the building, he doesn’t want to think about what he did, how he blew up his, most probably, only chance with you.
Wonwoo leans aside to pull his phone out of his pocket, he leans back again, unlocks his phone and stares at the conversation he’s been having with you and his heart’s ache at the thought that, at least, he has this and as long as you don’t know it’s him, then it’s okay, he can still talk to you like this even if you decide he did that on purpose and shut him out whenever you see him.
“Bullshit!”, he shoves his phone back in his pocket.
It’s not enough, Wonwoo can tell that it’ll hurt even more to feed a blind faith knowing that is a dead end, if you ignored him from now on than what’s the point of keeping this going?
His heart beats loud and painful in his chest as his thoughts flow like poison, only hurting him further and all of that because of the flowers he sent himself. 
“Ah”, leaning his head back, Wonwoo closes his eyes, “so this is what people call self-sabotage”, he sighs and his shoulders bend to the heavy load of sorrow roaming over him.
“Wonwoo?”, you call his name.
Your frown grows into concern when you see that he seems to be sleeping on that window and you rush to his side, grabbing his arm with both your hand, calling his name again in a more alarmed tone. Wonwoo turns his head and when he opens his eyes you’re right there, standing a few centimetres from him and his breath’s caught in his throat, he gulps down and blinks to make sure his mind is not playing tricks on him.
“You can’t sleep here, what if you fall?”, his eyes cast down to your hand gripping his arm tightly.
Wonwoo licks his lips and looks up again, his free hand reaches up to touch your cheek and, yes, you’re real and too close to him. Just for now he silences his doubts and fears, that little voice telling him he has no chance now more than before becomes an undefinable noise in the back of his head and he doesn’t notice when he’s leaning close to you, but he swears there are fireworks inside of him when you kiss him back.
His fingertips brush against your cheek the same way he touched the petal before, but he swears you feel much softer, cupping your cheek he moves his body to face you before slowly pulling back, his eyes glance down at your swollen, pink lips and he wants to kiss you again, but he looks up instead, you’re panting just like him and all of what he threw away earlier is threating to come back to bite, the thing is, he doesn’t want them ‘what if’ anymore, they can bite on him later, when you tell him your straight no, he doesn’t mind, he knows a kiss sometimes is just a kiss.
At first he struggles with his voice and pulls his hand away from your cheek, closing in a first and placing by his side, on the small space of the window frame, touching you made his hand warm, stinging to touch again.
“I’m sorry”, his eyes seek yours as he presses his lips together and forces himself to continue before you could say something else, “That person who sent the flowers--”, Wonwoo can feel his hand shaking and he gulps down again, “--It was all me, just me”
You don’t let go of his arm and he’s not sure if he can take it as a good or bad sign.
“Wh-- What do you mean it was just you?”
Wonwoo looks down, closing his eyes for a moment before looking back up and looking at you again.
“I’ve liked you ever since you moved in”, he hesitantly starts blurting out, “somewhere along the way I fell in love with you, but I’m not good with this kind of things and I didn’t know how to tell you, I tried to tell you, but I got scared and I ran and left the flowers and when I heard you liked, then I kept doing it--”, the words pour out of his mouth and he trails off, desperate to take that off his chest, he’s prepared for the answer you’ll give him, but he needs to tell himself before he becomes a coward again, “--I’m sorry for what I did I really--”
His body sways when you throw yourself against him, wrapping your arms around his neck with a smile, Wonwoo can’t seem to react, his whole body tenses up even when he feels you smile against his shoulder, through the fabric of his shirt.
“All this time... I really hoped it was you”
I-- didn’t hear it wrong, right? - he thinks to himself.
“You-- did?”, Wonwoo forces the words out, it sounds almost robotic, you only nod on his shoulder.
“I really wished it was you, I like you, but we became close friends and I--”, you pull away to look at him, “I didn’t want to be pushed away for being the only one who felt something”
You make a small pause and Wonwoo looks in your eyes, astonished by the sincerity he sees in them.
“I fell in love with you a little bit every time we were together”, you look down and chuckle to yourself, “I know it sounds cheesy, but I don’t think I could say it differently”
It is true that his cheeks hurt, Wonwoo can’t remember the last time he smiled like this before and he loves it, all those bad those and bad feelings just vanished and he barely noticed. Wonwoo wraps one of his arms around your wait, cupping your cheek with his other hand to make you look at him.
“Be my girlfriend, y/n”, he bites his lip, expectant and smiles widely again when you hug you close, the hand on your cheek snaking around your wait to hold you closer and he looks up, pulling you close between his legs, he looks up at you, “I’ll buy you flowers every day to make it up for the ones I knocked off”
“You owe me a vase too”, he nods happily.
“It’s on the list, I promise.”
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fictionalarsonist · 7 years
「 exo_chanyeol | Deceptionist 」
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pairing: chanyeol ⨯ reader feat. exo’s junmyeon ++kyungsoo, baekhyun and jongdae genre: angst, some fluff, idol reader!au, guitarrist pcy!au (plotwise) rating: PG-13 (slight cursing) type: drabble word count: 4.5K
… As it has been said in a song _Drabble Series 11. “I’ve got slicked back hair Skin tight jeans Cadillac car And a teenage dream" - Rocker by AC/DC
a/n: the story’s not edited, so there might be mistakes.
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A stable boring but well-paying office job with a leash around his neck, drinking some trendy caffeine filled poison every morning and meeting his colleagues every night to lose the leash for a few hours, but only enough because the next day there’d be more of the same. Such a predictable future where he’d come over to his parents’ house during every weekend before seeing some chick playing hard to get while looking down on him until he’s making enough money to buy his upgraded version of anything she wants to live in that’s better than any of her nosy friends’, next thing a baby and he’d go to some of the back in the day’s routine with his old friends looking for an easy to get younger catch that’d last a night if he’s not too tired.
If life’s a train track, carefully planned and set by his well-off parents, then Chanyeol’s a train wreck, not the least sorry for destroying all this utopia and get on his own way, decided to be the worst disappointment of everyone lives. He doesn’t mind walking out of his house when his father told him to after going through a crazy range and breaking Chanyeol’s beloved guitar in pieces with bloodshot eyes, Chanyeol can’t really believe his mother tears are for him, it just seems like she’s crying for the now deconstructed image she has of him, Chanyeol can’t help but cry too, he’s not sure for what reason, but he cries as well. The dirty, small house doesn’t even have a proper door, let alone a locker, is much different from the house he came from, but it’s better than living in the streets and is far better than living a lie. There’s this guy, older than him, who lives a life he doesn’t know well but has no choice but share the small house with, his incomes are too short to pay for it alone and since he takes most of his times to dedicate to his dream, going for auditions and whatever he can get as long as he keeps playing his guitar.
Confined in a very small bedroom where his bed is a dirty comforter on the floor, Chanyeol’s past the time where he’d tell himself he made the right choice, he hears when the front door is slammed shut, a tell-tale that his roommate arrived, he doesn’t mind the sound of things falling on the floor echoing the background, nor the mumbled, incomprehensible talking, muffled not by the almost paper-thin walls but probably from the alcohol, at most, Chanyeol knows, Junmyeon probably brought someone in and he reaches out for his headphones.
Holding the pencil with his teeth, Chanyeol keeps his eyes narrowed at the music sheet in front of him while his fingers are drawn back to play with the well-known chords with a heartfelt familiarity, he stops every once to write down the new outcomes, to correct something, to write down a side-note, too distracted into his music and eager to ignore any other sound aside from his guitar to notice anything else.
It’s not a sound but a smell that makes Chanyeol stop everything he’s doing, it’s different than the smell of old sweat and dirty laundry that lingers around the house, not him nor Junmyeon are the cleanest people in the world, as long as he’s comfortable, he doesn’t mind wearing the same clothes as much as possible, it means he doesn’t have to deal with that confusing machine too much. But, again, it’s none of those smells, it smells like food and Chanyeol doesn’t stop to notice that it smells delicious and appetizing, he simply places his guitar and headphones down, jolting up towards the kitchen as fast as he can, the remembrance of Junmyeon almost setting the house on fire the last time he tried cooking while drunk almost causing him to panic.
The sight of Junmyeon passed out on the small sofa in the room between the two bedrooms, the even smaller bathroom and the insignificant kitchen makes Chanyeol doesn’t help.
“Do you want to kill everyone?”, he doesn’t want to look at whoever you are, instead, occupies himself with turning off the stove and whatever else he can find.
“What are you doing?”, you turn away from the vegetable you’re cutting to push Chanyeol away and he looks at you outraged.
He watches as you turn it all on again and checks on everything, his mouth agape and a dumbstruck look on his face.
“Me?”, he points at himself with a tasteless side-smile, “you’re the stranger cooking in my house!”, he protests, looking up and down at you.
Maybe at first, Chanyeol’s in doubt, but at a second glance he’s more convinced that he’s not seeing things and knows exactly who you are, the casual, training clothing and your bare face don’t really hide you as much as you’d want to.
It’d be hard to find a single person who wouldn’t recognize you, your face is everywhere, the newest girl group from one of the top three entertainment company, trending number one in every chart right after debut and though Chanyeol admits the music’s good, he’s already sick and tired of listening his friend and band member Baekhyun sing the chorus over and over again, whenever there’s a break in the rehearsal earlier the night before, Kyungsoo’s the one who spoke what went through Chanyeol’s mind.
“There must be some talent in the middle of this brainwashing bullshit”, the guy sounded much colder than he would, but still they shared the same thought.
No one in the band, not even Baekhyun who couldn’t stop talking about how hot you are, was very fond of mainstream artists when they work so hard with so little opportunities, so every now and then a discussion like this comes out. Now, looking at you up close there are two things Chanyeol can say for sure, the first is that, indeed, Baekhyun was unfair by saying you’re hot because seeing you up close like this and using no makeup, saying that you’re hot doesn’t even get close to how good you look and he tries to think about how’d be to have you wearing one of those revealing clothes he saw on that poster he passed the day before, and, the second thing— What are you doing in his house?
“What the fuck are you even doing here?”, his words mixed with frustrations and irritation went a little higher than he thought he could go, much like a teenager in the embarrassing beginning of puberty.
A small and amused side smirk plays on the corner of your lips, eyebrows tilting up beautifully, Chanyeol observes against his will, just the slightest, mocking him, Chanyeol gulps down not as subtle as he wishes, trying to keep a straight face despite the creeping blush on his cheek, not to say that you find it adorable, but the moment where you could say something passes when the sound of the food shimmering loudly makes you step away to turn off the stove.
“I’m here just to take care of my brother”, your stern tone sounds nothing like the sweet talker you are on the TV, “I’ll leave when I’m done”, you tell him over your shoulder while keeping your attention on the food once again.
“Brother?”, Chanyeol frowns and glance at the passed-out image of Junmyeon on the couch before looking back at you in disbelief, “you mean him?”, Junmyeon snores loudly as if to make Chanyeol’s outraged point even clearer.
“Yeah”, you reply giving little to no importance to his question even though your nerves are sky-rocketing, no one supposed to see you, no one!
“Kim Junmyeon”, Chanyeol tries again with insistence, “that Kim Junmyeon”, he points at the older guy as he walks to your side, “That guy’s your brother?!”
“I already said he is!”, you reply with impatience and try pushing him again, but this time he doesn’t let you, so you draw your hand back, “get away, can’t you see I’m cooking?”
Stubbornly Chanyeol crosses his arms over his chest and looks at you up and down before glancing back at Junmyeon again and just now he can see the similarities.
“That hard to believe, huh?”
“Almost impossible”, he mumbles, looking at you up and down.
You try turning away from you to focus on the food again, but his grip on your arm makes you stop, you look at where his hand holds you before looking at him, there’s already a lot in your head.
“You’re y/n, right? I mean… I already know it’s you, but—”, he licks his lips, tilting his head.
“y/n”, you see Junmyeon walking in the kitchen, rubbing his forehead, “why’re you here?”, he seems confused.
Junmyeon comes closer and when sees Chanyeol’s grip on your arm, he stops where he is and glares at his roommate.
“What are you doing? Let her go”, the threatening tone is obvious and Chanyeol draws his hand back, Junmyeon looks at you again, “y/n, you have to go back”, his voice is tender again and you’re not sure if he’s still drunk or not, but you can tell he’s hurt.
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The stylish finishes the last few touches in a hurry and you run after the other members, the youngest grips on your arm with nervousness.
“I’m worried”, you smile, offering a hug in return.
“Don’t worry, it’ll be alright”, you tell her even though you’re worried and nervous just as much.
There’s a group of seniors and you greet them, bowing and smiling as you walk in, there’s the typical exchange of introductions and some of their curiosity fade in the next moment, focusing on themselves, you and your group do the same.
Instead of worrying about the performance there are other things swimming in your mind, you wonder if your brother went home safely after walking you back to the dorm, you wonder how things ended up when he went back home and more importantly, why didn’t say anything about how bad everything’s going for him sooner? You’d try to help him. He always posed as if he was doing just fine and has money enough to send you and maintain himself in Seoul, but maybe you’re too stupid to notice.
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“You saw it wrong”, Junmyeon claims, stuffing his mouth with the food you left that morning.
Chanyeol scoffs, shaking his head and tries stealing some of the food just to annoy the other and gets his hand slapped hard with the chopsticks.
“Ouch!”, Chanyeol draws back his hand, two clear red marks from the chopsticks on the back of his hand.
“I didn’t say you could eat it”, Chanyeol shrugs, “don’t go around saying anything stupid”, the younger of the two clicks his tongue and leans back against the strangely clean balcony behind him.
“Hyung”, he starts leisurely, “if you want me to keep the secret”, Chanyeol gestures his hand calmly, closing his eyes and enjoying his moment, “all you have to you is ask me”
Opening his eyes with a small smile, Chanyeol leans his upper body closer, seeing the irritated and wide-eyed expression on Junmyeon’s face and enjoying every second of the older guy’s torture.
“Just ask nicely”, your smug expression could make Junmyeon puke, “You don’t need to lie to me.”
It’s obvious just how Junmyeon wants nothing but to strike a punch Chanyeol’s face, but he won’t, the older holds back the best he can, knuckles white from how tight he grips on the chopsticks and the edge of the table.
“Park Chanyeol, I swear—”, Junmyeon a low tone makes his threat even more valid, “if you try to screw up my sister’s career–”, the unapologetic expression on Chanyeol’s face makes him angrier.
“If I were you, I’d be nice to me”, Chanyeol does his best version of the ever so shameless Baekhyun. 
Looking at the time in his watch, Junmyeon sighs, jumping from his seat.
“All right!”, the older hisses at him grabbing his jacket thrown across the table, “What’ll take you to not say a word about it?”
And that’s where Chanyeol wanted to get at, he licked his lips parted to form a content smile. Maybe this was him being the worst version of himself, but this was a rare opportunity, a precious golden ticket he wants to grip with all his might and never let go. 
“Nothing”, he shrugs.
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“Is your brother here?”, one of the girls asks, seeing you scan the people crowd holding merchants displaying the group’s logo, you’ll be up next.
“No!”, your voice quivers with nervousness and you bite your lip, feeling her massage your shoulder, an attempt to calm you down.
“He’d never miss our second single debut, y/n. Don’t worry, he’ll come!”
It’s only when you taking the position on the stage that you finally see him sitting on a corner holding a banner with a cheering message and your name on it and you smile, Junmyeon smiles back at you. That guy’s there too, almost hidden in a shadow, hoodie pulled over his head as he almost lay down on the chair with his feet over the backrest of the chair in front of him, not caring about the angry glares of the girl who’s sitting there, you wonder why since Junmyeon never brings anyone along with him when he comes to see you, but you have to brush the thoughts away, smile and the song starts.
You have to perform again and again to guarantee a good content, then stage changes and you have to go again, but this is your dream, so you do it gladly, smiling brightly, a little too much when you glance at your brother whenever you have the chance, only to see him standing and dancing along with the choreography, the exchanged looks between you and your members tell you that the girls are amused by your brother’s antics as well.
The song ends for the last time - for this program’s recording at least - and the group stays in position until told otherwise, breathing in relief when it’s done, you follow the others out of the stage and wave at the crowd, waving at your brother and the grumpy guy beside him as well.
As usual, the group rushes back to the waiting room, your smile becomes a frown when you think about the state you saw your brother the day before and you wonder if he remembers calling you in the first place.
“y/n!”, you hear his voice when you’re sipping on an ice-cold water and smile instantly, behind him, that guy and the door closes behind them quickly.
Junmyeon isn’t subtle about how he stands protectively between you and the other guy who, you notice, is wearing something different than the day before and you hope that is clean, now that you know that house you wonder if there’s anything remotely clean in there.
“I think you already met Chanyeol, he’s my roommate”, Chanyeol nods at your direction.
“We met last nigh–”, Chanyeol’s words are cut by a pointed punch on his stomach, Junmyeon seems to be very much satisfied with it while Chanyeol winces in pain.
From all the times your manager offers Junmyeon to join the team, this is the first time he does, you recall how he’d say that he’d never hurt his pride working for the same guy he used to fight the most at school but, this time, he doesn’t only joins in but let Chanyeol tag along.
Setting his foot in that industry’s backstage is Chanyeol’s golden ticket and he knows it and all he needs to do is keep quiet about the fact that you sneak out the dorm at night.
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“He’s not a bad person”, Junmyeon tried to explain.
“Then why can’t I talk to him?”, you asked Junmyeon once when he pulled you away from a nice talk with Chanyeol.
“I’m your brother, you just need to trust me"
And by now you’re already fed up with just doing whatever people tell you without question, pretty much just nodding and agreeing pathetically.
“You expect me to just say ‘amen’ to whatever you say?”, you half-yells at him.
Part of you know this is wrong, you acknowledge the hurt in his eyes when you just snap at him like that, but this irrational and frustrated part of yourself is overpowering your thoughts as you push past your brother, just wanting to get away from all the oppressive feeling that seems to crush you from inside, but there’s nowhere you can go, no one you can talk to that would understand you except for your brother, the other members wouldn’t understand either.
“Hey, hey! Wait! Where you going?”, you look up in anger to see Chanyeol holding you by your shoulders and you haven’t noticed you began crying, through blurry eyes you see him frowning and take a hesitating step closer, “what happened?”, his voice is softer.
You hear your brother’s voice in your head, telling you that Chanyeol’s not someone you can’t trust and you know you should listen to him, but you let Chanyeol place his arms over your shoulder and pull you close, you grip on his jacket when and hides your face on his shoulder and he lets you cry there. You don’t notice he’s not alone until he speaks again and obviously is not with you.
“Kyungsoo’s our vocalist and manager, so he’s usually better at this kind of things.”
“Of course”, your grip on his jacket tightens when you listen to the unknown male’s voice, “don’t worry about it”
Next thing you know, Chanyeol’s taken you to the group’s van, it’s the only place you can be alone and away from everyone, he lets you cry on his shoulder, he lets you talk about what’s in your head and he listens to you, he understands and comforts you until you’re feeling better again. Chanyeol manages to lift your mood with silly stories about your brother you never thought you’d hear about, it’s the first time you listen him laugh wholeheartedly, clapping his hand loudly as you tell him about something that happened when you were a trainee in the company. The grumpy Chanyeol you knew at first is someone you barely see, except when he seems like he needs some sleep, but except for that, from then on, he’s always there when you need it, always making you smile with silly jokes and antics.
Chanyeol helps you sneak out of the dorm with his friends and band members even your brother wouldn’t know about it, you meet the guy you heard the name that day, Kyungsoo and also, Baekhyun who seems to have too much unnecessary stories to tell, all of them funny, but makes you blush in embarrassment, there’s also Jongdae and along with Baekhyun, he makes lots of jokes about your “relationship” with Chanyeol and at that you gladly notice that Chanyeol blushes a deep shade of red just like you and not from the alcohol.
You don’t mind the fact that they don’t take you to an expensive restaurant as other people would do, you simply enjoy their company, somewhere in the back of your head you hear your brother’s advice, but this makes you smile so genuinely that you don’t mind them. Chanyeol takes you back to the dorm, without the other and if you thought the night couldn’t be any better, it’s because you didn’t expect him to press his lips on yours, testing the waters at first and smiling when you kiss him back, feeling butterflies in your stomach when you feel one of his hands cupping your cheek and the other intertwining his fingers on yours.
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You are most definitely in love with Park Chanyeol and the best part is that he’s with you whenever he can, he helps you sneak out of the dorm every now and then to see his rehearsal or a presentation somewhere and he always sneak away from his members to spend time with you afterwards, always being caring and considerate, listening to you and cheering you up when things aren’t quite as they should, the more popular you become, the more overseas schedules you have and that’s when you have to say goodbye to him and that hurts, but he always guarantee you that everything’s fine, that’d he’d be there when you’re back and he always is there for you.
Junmyeon’s not stupid and even though you and Chanyeol try not to be so close or affectionate when you’re brother’s around, still he manages to catch on it and one day, he follows you and Chanyeol on one of your attempts to escape from the crowds to be alone for a moment, needless to say he’s mad about it.
“Didn’t I told you to keep away from him?”, it’s the first time Junmyeon raise his voice at you.
“Wait, Junmyeon--”, Chanyeol tries to step between you and Junmyeon only to be pushed away harshly.
“You stay out of this and stay away from my sister, you hear me?”, with his finger pointing threatening at Chanyeol’s face, Junmyeon yanks you away from your boyfriend’s side.
“You’re not my father, Junmyeon!”, you pull yourself away, closer to Chanyeol, “stop being so overprotective, Chanyeol’s not a bad guy”
“What do you know about him, huh?”, your brother steps closer, glancing between you and Chanyeol, “have you met his friends yet?”
“Yes! I did! They’re not bad people either.”
“Don’t you think this is a little too weird, y/n? Are you blind?”, Junmyeon tries to get close to you and you step away, “did he ever told you anything about himself? I live with him for the past four years and all I know is his last name and his age, what do you know about him?”, he points at Chanyeol.
It is true that Chanyeol never talks about himself, he listens to your stories but never tells his, at least not something that tells you anything about his past.
“y/n, I’m your brother and I only want you to be happy”, Junmyeon’s voice is softer, but you can still hear his anger, you can see it in his eyes when he glances at Chanyeol, “I know just how hard you worked to be where you are right now and I don’t want some stupid guy to come in and ruin it for you, it’s not fair”
Maybe the worst part is that Chanyeol didn’t say anything to defend himself the whole time, he didn’t try to say anything back, he stood there, listening to Junmyeon and only interfering when things started to get too hurtful for you.
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The group is global trending and you hardly have time to breathe properly, of course, you’re glad that your hard work’s paying off, Junmyeon gets a position as your personal assistant as soon as the fans push for a solo debut and he’s always with you, you find out that it’s not bad as you thought it’d be, he’s always protective but not as much as before, it’s good to see your brother goofing around your and the girls and is nice to tease him when he gather fans for being good looking just before you expose his dorky self on social media.
Something changes, Chanyeol almost disappears from your life after that day saying little to nothing, just like you met him and never explains himself and when you ask him, it’s when you don’t see him again. You miss him, you miss how sweet he’s always been with you, how he’d take the weight off your shoulders and act as if you’re just another normal person that doesn’t need to be perfect to be loved, you miss the way he kissed you and the way you’d feel so at peace when Chanyeol had his arms around you, how he’d make you laugh and blush, you miss the way he looked in your eyes sometimes and say it’s nothing when you’d ask him, kissing you instead.
Chanyeol’s not there when you come back from overseas anymore, he doesn’t reply your messages, doesn’t call you and you try not to feel hurt because there must be a reason, you just wish you had a reason to think that way, Junmyeon doesn’t mention Chanyeol anymore as if he never happened, he does try to introduce you to other people you end up being friends with, you meet other guys Junmyeon assures they’re nice and they are, but your heart’s with somewhere else.
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“y/n! Come see this!”, one of the members calls you from across the dance studio.
You push yourself off the floor against your will to sit beside her on the couch, she’s smiling at the video playing on her phone and turns the volume up so you both can hear the interview 
“Isn’t that Chanyeol Did you know he had a rock band?”
Indeed, it’s him, makeup and all, along with his band members that you met and two others you never met, they introduce themselves as EXO and Chanyeol’s introduce himself as PCY, your eyes are eager taking everything in the interview, Chanyeol’s charming but shy and Baekhyun does most of the talking, strangely enough, Kyungsoo looks even more introverted than he already is.
That’d explain everything, if he’s been a trainee, then you understand why he couldn’t be with you as much. You look up when an agitated Junmyeon walks in.
“y/n, come on!”, he goes around gathering your things, not carrying about shoving them inside your backpack, you know something’s wrong, “we have to go, the general manager’s waiting in the car”
You stand up, watching him going around the room and making sure he got everything.
“What happened?”
“You didn’t bring a hoodie? A cap?”, you shake your head and he takes off his jacket to give you this hoodie, with the corner of your eyes you can see the girls getting their phones and you start to panic.
Junmyeon reaches inside his backpack for a cap and a mask.
“There are too many people outside, the security will drive my car so they’ll follow him and we’ll leave in the van, alright?”, you nod, but grab his wrist when he tries to pull you along with him.
“But why?”, you watch him tense and shot a side glance at the other girls before stepping closer so just you’d hear, he takes his phone out of his pocket and unlocks, the browser already filled with news about yours and Chanyeol’s affair, pictures of the secret dates coloring the screen.
“I told you to not trust him”, you can feel the wild loop your heart goes through before dropping on your stomach, “come on”, he grabs your hand, “the CEO’s waiting for us, y/n. We really have to go.”
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fictionalarsonist · 7 years
bap_daehyun | Cogito Ergo Doleo
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Requested by anon
pairing: daehyun ⨯ reader feat. b.a.p himchan genre: angst, blood, death rating: PG-13 type: drabble word count: 3.1K
… As it has been said in a song series 08. “Following the road.. with no end as I wander to find you~ I’m afraid I will lose you and be sad” - In Heaven by JYJ (Feat. Kang Jang Eun)
a/n: this went totaly different from what I planned, blame on my halloween enthusiasm. I’m sorry I took too long to write this, anon, I hope you like it. +++ it’s not edited, so mistakes might happen.
「 masterlist | request 」
Cogito ergo doleo_ (latim) “I think, therefore it hurts”, it’s a twisted version of René Descarte’s “cogito ergo sum” (eg I think, therefore I am).
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‘This shouldn’t have been happening again’
Daehyun thinks to himself, laying on his bed in the dim lit bedroom, staring at the ceiling where the last vestige of his dream faded into thin air and, most certainly, back into his memories. Daehyun tries blinking a couple of times and takes in a shallow breath before reaching for his phone on the nightstand, the screen reads five and twenty-four in the morning, turning his eyes back to the ceiling, Daehyung lets his arm fall flat on the bed.
The phone’s screen turns off and the bedroom is once again drowned in nothing but the poor moonlight that manages to slip through some gap between the curtains, Daehyun awaits for the tiredness from the day before to take over him for couple more hours to sleep, hopefully, a dreamless sleep.
Everything gets engulfed in darkness and nothing more when Daehyun closes his eyes.
‘another dreamless sleep’ - he thinks to himself as he turns to his side, only to realize that the sound that woke him up is persistent and, reluctantly, he pushes himself to sit up, he can barely open his eyes, his eyelids are heavy, his vision is foggy, but his son is crying. Daehyun feels you moving beside him and reaches to touch you.
“It’s okay”, he tries to see you, but the darkness in the room and his tired eyelids blocking his view doesn’t allow him to see you, his body is half-numb, but still he can move and the drowsiness surrounding his mind doesn’t let him be as agile as he wants to be, “I’ll check on him”.
Daehyun kicks the covers off and swings his leg numbly off the bed, battles with his numbness to slide his slippers on and the only sound that surrounds him is the crying baby and his slippers dragging across the floor, his body feels so heavy, he can’t really raise his leg to walk properly.
“You really don’t like being alone, right buddy?”, Daehyun smiles sleepily to the small baby in his arms as he leans back on the armchair next to his son’s crib, the baby is already asleep and the barely drunk bottle of milk is laying on the table beside the armchair.
“Dae?”, your voice sounds distant like you’re speaking to him from another room, through a crack on the wall, but when he looks up, you’re there, beside him and he smiles at you too.
“He just felt lonely, I guess”, he tells you as you sit on the armrest beside him and reach to caress your son’s face, “maybe we should move him from my office”, Daehyun looks around his office immersed in darkness before looking up at you again, he tries opening his eyes a bit more, he doesn’t feel all that sleepy, but the drowsiness in his mind and body is agonizing, it bothers him that he can’t see your face nor his son’s, but he knows that’s because he had a very tiring day.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knows he’s dreaming, somehow, but he forgets that easily because you hug him and kisses him and the five-year-old jumps on his shoulders, the air is filled with laughter and the sunset colors the day beautifully. The grass under his feet is warm and fresh, Daehyun smiles as he he carries his son, playing with him and you have to pull away from him to play as well.
“Dad! Can I give a treat to Tigger?”, his son asks.
“Don’t give him too much!”, his son jumps off his arms and rushes back into the house.
“I better give him the treat or he’ll try climbing the cupboard again”, you sigh playfully and walks away.
Daehyun smiles along with you, knowing how much of a daredevil his son is growing to be and he’s so happy, he leans up to steal a peck from you, the sun hits his eyes and he can’t see your face properly just like he couldn’t see his son’s. Tigger rushes to his lap and lays down, licking his face, Daehyun closes his eyes, laughing and trying to push the jumping poodle away from him slightly.
“I’m not the one who’ll give you treats! Why are you here? Go look for ---”, his son name effortlessly leave his lips, but he can’t hear it nor feel the way his lips move, but he knows the name, or does he?
Daehyun frowns, pulling away from the hyper poodle and stands up, tripping on nothing with his urgent steps and he runs back into the house. 
The hospital has people running everywhere, no one stops to say a single thing, not about you nor his son, those faceless strangers shove him away in disgust when he tries to get any information from them, something that resembles panic takes over him and Daehyun holds himself up the way he can with his hand on the nearest wall, but his legs give up on him, he tries to loosen his tie, but his hand trembles too much, he looks down to see hands and dress shirt painted in crimson red, Daehyun mutters your name, but no sound, not even a whisper escape his lips.
It’s hard to stay on his knees when the weigh of the world is on his back, the weigh of guilt. It’s his fault, this is all his fault. His hand reaches to grab the leg of the person who stands next to him and he doesn’t know when he sat down, but the disturbed image becomes clear as Himchan, your brother, kneels down next to him, the ceiling becomes darker, the corridor becomes darker, too many voices at once, too close.
Daehyun opens his eyes again, he doesn’t want to be here, he doesn’t want to listen to what the doctor’s saying.The hospital’s lights are too bright, everything is too overwhelming, he wants to throw up.
“It’s your fault, you know that, right? Are you happy now?”, the poison dripping from Himchan’s voice soak his soul, everything hurts, but in a different way, he wishes he can feel real pain, but this, it’s so much worse.
He wants to wake up, Daehyun desperately wants to wake up, this is too much, he needs you, when he wakes up you’ll be there and everything will be alright. He hates here, he needs you. He wants to wake up, but he can’t even move a muscle. Your family, the doctor, the nurses, everyone’s seems to look at him sideways, glare at him, pointing at him.
Daehyun snaps his eyes open and he’s sitting on his bed, covered in sweat, panting hard as if he just ran a marathon, his eyes shot at the empty space beside him where he unconsciously tried reaching out for you, his heart drums an unsteady beat against his ribcage and, before he can acknowledge them, his tears cascades down his face one after another, the sun slips past the curtains and into the bedroom, so grounded in reality it hurts. Everything hurts so bad.
Daehyun covers his face with both hands and doesn’t have any strength to hold back his tears, your name escape past his lips more than once, he barely realizes how his body trembles as he cries.
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His fingers still tremble when he tries buttoning up his shirt, Daehyun licks his lips and takes a thousandth deep breathe, he doesn’t want to cry again. He reaches beside him for his tie and looks in the mirror to try putting it on himself, he recalls when you’d step in and smack his hands away to do it yourself, “how come you never learned this properly?”, you’d say, “how did you live without me?”, you’d smile at and give him a peck.
The image disappears before his eyes like smoke and he sees how his tears fall on his shirt, his hand stopped midway through their work, Daehyun stares at his beaten up image in the mirror, the weight loss, the dark circles under his eyes, the distant eyes, he understands he’s barely recognizable from the usual lively and hectic man he is, always greedy and dynamic. Daehyun tries to focus on his tie once again, but his mind easily diverts somewhere else, the way his memories come to haunt him, to drown him and suffocate him.
It has been so long since he had a dreamed of you and though it hurts, he missed those dreams, they tend to fade with time, like a curse, but he always tries to keep the bits he had, just to feel close to you in some way, to have a few more memories with you, he knows he could have more, he could have you, but he was too stupid to see what he had when you’re there. He might remember how you’d smile and peck his lips, but he just ignored how he’d mutter a unhumorous ‘thank you’ and walk away because something at the company wasn’t going his way.
He’d like to think that he never realized how hard was for you to smile at those arrogant men he had to get close to, at those obnoxious parties, those men meant more influence and power and money to him, but he did know, you told him yourself in one of those stupid fights he could’ve avoided if he took you out on a date and enjoyed time with you instead of tossing you his credit card, or, as he joked with his so-called friends before, “an expensive treat” whenever there was something wrong. Daehyun knew fairly well, he hurt you too much, too deep to fix it at some point, but he still wouldn’t let you go, he knew he wanted you, just didn’t understand he loved you, he knows now that’s not an excuse.
Two things were the main component of his character, they’re selfishness and blindness, he could never see anything but money and power, that’s all he ever wanted and he never saw you. Daehyun never saw, never really cared when you told him there was a baby on the way, a boy as he always wanted to, of course, he cheered for the future heir with his friend, something that was nothing but a business party that you really couldn’t be part of.
“Why did you left?”, his alcoholic breath fanned on your face as he stepped closer, his voice loud and angry.
“I felt sick, I couldn’t stay. I told you I--”
“We were celebrating our son and you escape through the back door?”, he groans on your face.
“You were celebrating the safe future of your company not our son!”, you step close, talking as loud as him, eyes defiantly fixed on his, “and I was tired, I told you I had to come back and lay down. I didn’t “escape through the back door”, I asked the driver to take me home”
The loud voice seems to ring loud and clear even now, most of the memories he has from you are as good as this one. Looking in the mirror, Daehyun sees the mess his tie has become and he tries to stay away from any other thoughts as he tries it again and he manages something good enough.
Daehyun looks at his watch, fixing his suit on his shoulders, the piece of clothing is a bit too large for him now, he sighs and walks to the kitchen. All the lights in the house are turned off, curtains barely open, but he doesn’t mind it, it’s spring and he can hear the birds from the kitchen and that only cause him more melancholy. The house’s too big, it has too many things he doesn’t need, it’s loaded with too many memories he doesn’t want to touch. Daehun takes off the fridge what’s left from what he ordered the day before for lunch.
The counter’s covered with a thin layer of dust, Daehyun stares at the food sat at the dirty surface, choosing not to seat to not ruin his clothes, the food is cold and tasteless, but he forces himself to eat it anyway, throwing the package in the garbage when he’s done and leaving right after, the sound of the door locking resounds through the lonely, empty house and his steps echoes in the parking lot as he walks towards your car, the one you used instead any of the others. Daehyun always complained how denigrated was for you to use such an old model when there you had much better ones, you never cared.
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The blue sky with small clouds scattered around, the warm sun and uncertain chilly breeze of spring, you loved this kind of weather, you really liked spring. When Daehyun has to stop the car at the traffic light he realizes how much of a bad idea it was to take your car, it smells like you, everything’s where at you left.
“Daehyun?”, he looks beside him to see you smiling down at your fingers, fumbling with your nails on your lap, he hums in response and looks back at the road, changing lanes.
“What is it?”, he insists when you don’t reply, “is there something wrong?”, his eyes dart from the road to you in worry and lick your lips.
“No, it’s-- I’m fine.”
“Then what?”, his eyebrows are almost knitted together as he tries to steal another glance at you and attempts to pull over the car, but you place your hand over his to stop him from doing it, “y/n if there’s something wrong--”, his voice wavers a bit, trying to keep his attention on the road, but too worried about you.
“It’s stupid”, he grows impatient by your hesitancy, he doesn’t like beating around the bush and you know it.
Keeping one of his hands on the wheel he takes yours with the other, brushing his thumb on the back of your hand, remembering how the doctor told him to not let you go through any sort of stress or strong emotions Daehyun tries to calm himself.
“You know you can tell me, right?”, his voice is soothing like he hasn't spoken with you in so long.
“Do you still love me?”, the uncertainty in your tone, the genuine worry sounds stupid just as much as it gets him. Daehyun finds himself thinking about it for longer than he should.
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Daehyun deviates from the truck just in time, his heart hammers against his ribcage and jumps up to his throat making him sick to his stomach, a glance at the review mirror and he sees how much paler he looks, there are bids of cold sweat running down his face and he pulls over as fast as he can, the tires scratch the dirt and the car slides before stopping, Daehyun jumps off the car, not caring to close the door, and rushing towards where the trees start and the woods invites him in, he reaches for the nearest tree, supporting his hand there and another on his knee, curving his body forward and vomiting what he ate that morning and the evening from the day before, his body repulses everything and he feels scared when the first bits of blood are spilled out, Daehyung carves his nails on the tree, trying to support himself up when his legs tremble, shivers run down his spine like a cold knife, Daehyun can feel his dress shirt getting dampened, his hair sticks to his skin and he can barely stand still.
“Do you still love me?”, your voice is so real and so close.
His throat hurts when he gulps down and he tries to clean his lips with the back of his hand before looking up to see you standing there, beautiful, more beautiful than he could ever remember.
“I--”, Daehyun tries pushing himself up, his breathing is shallow and hurts, “y/n, I could never stop loving you”, Daehyun leans on the tree, trying to maintain his balance, his other hand clutches on his stomach, it hurts too much and he can barely stand still.
Daehyun blinks and tries to smile at you, leaning his back against the tree he reaches out for you with now free hand, you’re really y/n and he can see your face. He can see you!
“Y/n!”, he calls you and you take a step closer, his fingertips barely brush on your hair, but, as always, he needs more than just that, “I’m sorry I didn’t know how to love you, I’m sorry I didn’t protect you--”
That’s not what he wants to say, he knows it, but he can’t think of the right words, he can’t remember.
“Stay with us”, you step closer and finally he can touch you again, his smile trembles and he can’t hold back his tears as his free arm enlaces your waist, pulling you close to him.
You look somewhere behind you and a boy, about five years old, is peeking from behind a tree, Daehyun smiles and his son's name easily comes out of his lips, the boy runs to the two of you and you step away from Daehyun to carry him.
“Yes”, his smile grows wider and he steps away from the tree, forgetting about the pain he no longer feels and catching his son when the little boy reaches for him, “I want to stay with both of you”
With his free arm around your waist, Daehyun leans down to peck your lips as your smile at him.
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“Channie, isn’t that y/n’s car?”, Himchan’s wife whispers at him and points at the car smashed against the trees.
“Stay here”, he advised and jogs towards the car, the family gathers around soon, some follow Himchan while the others stay back.
Himchan looks inside the empty, trashed car and is the first to see Daehyun’s pale body in the woods nearby with his back against the tree and he rushes to it, checking the pulse.
“Jung Daehyun? We told him not to come near here”, the older man complains, looking at Daehyun with disgust.
“We’ll say it again later”, Himchan snaps, “right now we need to get to the hospital.”, he kneels next to Daehyun, “call emergency, now!”
“Why should I? You know what he--”
“I know what he did!”, Himchan tries not to glare at the older man next to him, “you don’t need to remind me”, he hisses at the man, “now call the 119 or you’ll be just like him”, reluctantly the man pulls out his phone.
Himchan takes sees where Daehyun’s white dress shirt is soaking in blood and sees the pool of vomit and blood next to him.
“Hey! Jung Daehyun! Jung Daehyun, stay with me!”, he tries, taking off his jacket and pressing against the wound, he hears as the person next to him talks on the phone, “Daehyun, can you hear me? Can you hear me?! Wake up!”
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fictionalarsonist · 7 years
got7_mark | Convergence: The Imitation of Life
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Requested by anon
pairing: mark ⨯ reader (gender neutral) genre: angst, fluff, gang!au (subtly), foster child!reader rating: PG-13 (smoking, cursing, implied violence, blood) type: drabble word count: 3.5K
… As it has been said in a song _Drabble Series 19. “I don’t want to go back to a time when you weren’t there. Me without you is insignificant” - 사랑해주세요 (Love Me, Please) by Gummy
a/n: sorry this took too long, i had to trim the story over and over again. thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy the story! +++ this is still not properly proof-read, so there might be mistakes.
Convergence [in biology]_the process whereby organisms not closely related independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches.
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“This time will be different”, you told yourself with confidence as you stepped out of the cheaply bought, old and overly-used Ford, that was all you could afford with the money you managed to gather with so much hard-work over the years as a foster child, jumping from different houses, different families - if you could ever call them such thing.
Once you’re out of the car, backpack hanging loose on your left shoulder, you glance at the uninspiring building in front of you proudly, the dubious neighborhood looks even more threatening under the irregular shadows cast by the dusk, it’s almost hard to believe that you’re finally out of the system now, on your own.
“No one can take from me what I going to build by myself”, you try to sound more self-assured than you actually feel.
For the first time, you wouldn’t be carrying your things in a garbage bag and you wouldn’t be meeting some random people that wouldn’t really be anything to you. Ignoring the lurking thoughts you pull open the door to the back seat with force because it’s broken and take two boxes out of the car, you have to force the door closed.
“Need some help over there?”, you turn around and glare at the man, disgusted by the ugly smirk playing on his lips.
“Fuck off”, you snapped when he tried to step closer and the next thing you know the man has a firm grip on your arm.
Kicking the boxes out of his way, he doesn’t care about the sounds of your things tumbling, getting tossed and disarranged inside the boxes as he shoves you against the side of your car.
“Think you something, you fucking whore”, he spit the words on your face, “imma gonna put you on your fucking place, you fucking bitch--”imma gonna put you on your fucking place, you fucking bitch--”
Using the sudden peak of adrenaline, you push him away, trying to get away from him when he stumbles back, but before you know it you’re back against the car. Biting on the inside of your cheek to avoid wincing from the pain that strikes your back, you fight off his hands trying to get another firm grip on you.
It’s so sudden you don’t see it a single move, but the next thing you know, that man’s yanked away from you and thrown on the dirty sidewalk, stunned and confused you can only stare at his helpless figure, slowly turning to look at this boy using denim ragged pants in front of you, face hidden under the shadow of his cap. The man curses under his breath and when he looks up you can see the blood streaming down his chin, staining the sidewalk, from his earned broken lips, he looks more threatening than before as he pushes himself up again.
More words fused with poison are lashed out from the man’s lips along with the blood he spit out in your direction, but his impotent figure halts as soon as he catches a glimpse of the boy standing there patiently, staring at him from under his cap, your eyes flutter from one to another, mouth slightly agape, just waiting for an opening to leave, the man on the floor seems as eager to escape as you.
“Ma--Mark-- ?!”, his eyes wide open and a stupid expression plastered on his face as he stares at the other, obviously much younger than him, “wa--what’s wro--wrong man~?”, you tell how daring it is for him to attempt a broken half-smile and an almost unnoticeable mechanic-like shrug that suppose to be casual.
Despite the hectic state the man is, this Mark guy seem relaxed, not really putting up a real threat, standing there pacifically - if you could say such a thing -, but the moment you feel his eyes more than you see them under the shadow of his cap you understand why the other’s so guarded, the shiver that scratches down your spine is no joke, you feel relieved when Mark looks away and there’s not a glimpse of sympathy within you as you watch Mark taking a calculated step closer to the other, instead you use this small gap to sprint into the building.
The elevator’s doors barely opens and you can already hear the hideous fight that sounds more like a household war bounces on the walls towards you and maybe that’s wrong but you’re glad that, for once, you’re not in the middle of it, carrying the boxes and your backpack, now hanging uncomfortably on your wrist, you step in the narrow corridor that has only two flickering artificial yellow neon lights, something you have to put up with even though you hate it.
The cramped apartment is far worst than you remember, you must have been in a daze from the newly discovered freedom to picture something a little cleaner than this or maybe you just decided to fool yourself, either way, this is your home now. There’s this broken mirror in the small, and disgustingly stinky, bathroom where you see the bruise left on your back and that explains the nauseating pain that holds you back from following your plan of cleaning the apartment and settling yourself nicely that same night, instead you open the boxes and picks up one of those old books you stole from some public library, you’re glad it’s not ruined and you let yourself drown in its pages, trying to pull yourself away from the rotten apartment and the pain that makes you feel lightheaded.
Easily enough, it works, soon you’re surrounded by the world you’ve read about many, many times, the characters and their antics, not by reality, your pain doesn’t bother you that much anymore, it’s your anesthesia from reality, it has always been. You didn’t think you’d need it just yet.
“New beginnings are never easy”, you try telling yourself when you’re laid on your arranged bed later that night, the book laying on top of your backpack on the floor beside a flashlight, you are in the engulfing darkness that came with the night, the street lights and the cars passing outside are the only sources of light in the apartment.
It’s not comfortable, the whole apartment has a rancid smell, you try your best not to think about it, the bed squeaks when you try to shift into a better position, but your back hurts, leaving you stuck in an awkward position that doesn’t hurt your back, but it’s even more uncomfortable for the rest of your body. There’s a turmoil that never seems to cease inside you, a mix of everything you went through and kept bottled inside for so many years, never daring to let it all when you felt exposed under someone else’s roof, about everything ahead of you because you know it won’t get much easier for someone who feels as if is just starting life, all that is both, good and bad, just everything and nothing at the same time.
You don’t know why everything is creeping up on you, but without realizing your vision becomes blurry and you press your hands on your face, shutting tightly your eyes to not cry, the problem is those stubborn tears that slip through any gap they find. 
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The next morning looks promising with its clean blue sky, bright yellow sun shining above, perfect weather, not much cold nor hot, not humid, just perfect, oddly perfect you’d say, the sound of sirens is soothing in the distance and you’re not surprised to hear the same loud voices from the day before so early in the morning, your back still hurts a lot, but you can’t just sit around and do nothing, in order to live this life of yours you need to get a job, get some money.
Stepping out of your apartment, that you realize the idea of keeping a distance from Mark would be a little more difficult than you thought when you see his undeniable figure walking down the corridor towards you, the yellow neon lights cast somber shadows around him and just like the day before, Mark has his face hidden by the shadow of his cap and because of that you can’t really see, but you certainly feel that when he tilts his head, just slightly, he’s looking at you.
The small plastic bag sways as he walks silent steps towards you and you grow anxious, accidentally breathing out a sigh of relief when he walks past you. Daring to glance over your shoulder you see him stop by the door a few steps further across from yours, Marks breathes out a long, emotionless sigh before twisting the doorknob and pushing the door open, every move of his is a calm and calculated.
The loud voices that were echoing around you a moment earlier stop even before the door closed behind him, the silence that comes after is almost deafening. It takes you a moment or two to realize you’re still standing in the hallway and the realization makes you go on your way.
What happened the day before was in everyone’s mouth this morning and it didn’t take long for you to feel the aftermath of it, somehow you’re known as “Mark’s protege” and saying that you’re pissed you off was an understatement seeing how people have this romanticized tunnel vision of things, something you never really got into your life.
Even when you’re far enough from the neighborhood those rumors seem to tag along, the cautions and hesitantly nervous rejections from people gets you more and more frustrated, it was obviously nothing against you, you’re nothing to them, it’s all about that Mark guy, that for whatever reason showed up and went against that man, whatever people were picturing it was far from the truth and you, yourself, doubt he did that for you.
You’re very much used to side-glances, to be the alien, to be talked about and pushed aside, be rejected, all of that is fine, but this? It’s a reckless impulse, driven by your frustration that tosses whatever rational and self-protective thought away when you see Mark walking out of a backdoor, into a dirty alley, the heavy black door’s rusty hinges squeak while closing behind him and even louder when it's pushed open again, three men come out, two of them, taller and much more built than the one ghostly walking between them almost being carelessly dragged by them.
In your lack of awareness you don’t notice the man’s clothes kneaded and torn, hanging loosely on his body and you’re still too far to hear what they say to him, you don’t see Mark nodding, waving his hand dismissively at them, you only see the men walking away towards the other end of the alley as you stroll your way in and a little voice in back of your head tried to tell you how much of a bad idea this is when you notice very much clearly the way Mark tilts his head up to look at you for a short moment before focusing on digging his hand into his pocket, knuckles tainted with fresh blood, and pulling out a pack of cigarettes, your frustration speaks louder and soon your reasonable thoughts are strangled shut.
It’s not intentional the way you stomp your foot when you stop before him, seeing him tuck the pack back in his pocket after having the cigar lighten between his thumb and index finger, that stupid, stupid cap of his doesn’t let you see his face clearly even if the sun is at its peak, in all honesty, you didn’t think you’d come this far, you don’t have anything to say and you know he’s not looking at you, his head hung low as he takes a lungful of the smoke and, as you noticed before, his movements are always calm and calculated.
Mark doesn’t fully raise his head to look at you, stepping back to exhale the smoke and lowering the hand holding the cigarette so the smoke won’t bother you, he waits patiently for you to say something. Of course, he knows about the rumors going around, you seem pissed off so he can only assume you’re not happy about it, he never expected you to. Mark doesn’t like pulling his cap off, but the way you seem to be looking for his eyes makes him pull the cap higher for you to see his face, he’s not sure what in you draws him to do such a thing, but it doesn’t feel uncomfortable for him, for once.
Your now dry lips part, but not a word comes out, you expected that the words would miraculously possess your lips making you say the right thing, but looking at him now, you can’t. It was like expecting a miracle to drop on your head, except that you don’t believe in miracles.
“You’re not here to thank me”, the cold statement is followed by another drag from his cigar.
“No”, you hate how your voice waivers and your lips quiver while you look in his eyes.
Generally, Mark doesn’t like looking into people’s eyes, but yours are different and he takes a step closer, you are too dumbstruck in something akin to cautiousness but borderlines fear, that you can’t move back as you wanted too. You can’t tell what but there’s this thing that surrounds him, all of him, emanating danger through every pore, it makes you want to run away, fast, you can’t control the way your body leans back, your heart pounds, hammering uncontrollably against your ribcage, the way your eyes grows two sizes when he steps close, too close you’d say.
His dark orbs hovering yours, digging for something that makes your throat constrict painfully, feels like being at the end of your lifeline and you don’t care how dramatic that sounds in your head. Holding in a breath you just wait, for-- well, something?! Something to say or-- you’re not sure yourself.
Shifting the weight on his feet, Mark lets a frown surface to his expression, the cigar burning away thoughtlessly between his fingers, the faint smell of nicotine and mint mixing with the wind and what everything’s gone, except for him, Mark’s still there hovering over you, but his eyes soften, somehow the darkness bathing them soothe somewhere hidden behind the almond colored irises, you wonder how can someone those eyes, they’re so different from before, like someone else’s. Your instinct of running fades away and saying that Mark’s intrigued is an understatement.
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Instead of running you stay, instead of avoiding, you look in his eyes, so instead of bringing you in and try getting your life in his hands, Mark falls in love with you and that’s the only way he can label what he feels for you even though he never saw, apart from those movies he dislikes, nor felt it before, he doesn’t really understand how it supposed to work.
“Does it bother you?”, Mark never learn how to be subjective and you learned that about him very quickly.
You shrug, feeling his eyes on you but it’s different from those two times when you met him, he never looked at you that way again.
“Not really”, you sigh, dropping your shoulders, “people talk however they feel like it”, licking his lips Mark looks ahead and nods, he still hides his face under his cap, but being this close to him all you have to do is look up at him, “does it bother you?”
“Not at all”, a distant small smile plays on his lips and you smile to yourself, a secret, small smile when you look up and see it, you miss the way he looks at you when you look away.
His steps are always silent, but he’s more casual than calculating with you, more easy-going as if the world is his permanent 9-5 office job where he has to keep this tough front all the time and then there’s you, you’re not sure if you’re a vacation or a weekend, either way, it’s good to see him like this.
Mark was never one to think if something was a good or bad idea when wasn’t related to his job, but he tried doing that when it came to you, letting you in or not, his impulse spoke louder and the way your voice called his name the first time was a good reward, then you kept calling him ‘Mark’ and when you called him, you never sounded like you were calling the trouble maker, psycho kid, the scary boss, none of that, none of the other things, just Mark and he gladly got accustomed to that.
The sky is painted a beautiful watercolor of yellow, orange, red and fainting blue and white, the lights along the street become brighter gradually, the cars passing by becoming more frequent and he walks quietly by his side, it's something so mundane that weirdly enough put his heart at ease. When you stop, looking at a grocery store, he stops by your side, looking at it before seeing you turn to look at him and scratching your head, tilting your head a little, he doesn’t like when you look away from him.
“I have to buy some things--”, you trail off and he smiles at how cute you look just this way.
His smile surprises you when you look at him and see him nodding assertively at you.
“No problem”, his hand’s soft and warm when he holds yours and walk you inside the store and you hate the fact that you’re blushing, you know he’s looking, you always know when he’s looking.
These romantic cliches aren’t your thing, not Mark’s but the both of you see yourselves caught in it numerous times, to the point where you don’t mind anymore.
You don’t mind him helping you to get a job at this coffee shop slash bookshop you found fascinating but got disappointed when you’re turned down for having an “unclear background” for being a foster child, at least that’s how they put at first before apologizing for their mistake and taking you in, you don’t mind him taking you to the local clinic he claims the services are free of charge because he’s friends with the owner just so you could treat your back that worsens with time, you don’t mind when he knocks on your door during a random Friday and start fixing your car - and to your surprise he’s really good at it.
There’s this weekend where Mark helps you redecorate the apartment and by the end, it looks like something you always stared in a magazine or someone else’s computer, and you accept the gifts he gives you and even knowing he’s reluctant you buy him things when you can and he takes it gladly.
Mark finds out that there’s nothing better than being with you, doing whatever you want to, talking about whatever you want to, just... being with you. He also loves your smile and the way you open up to him, when you listen t him, listen to his story willingly with genuine attention.
Feels as if the world is renewed right before his eyes, more than anything, he trusts you and he definitely loves you, he’s sure now, he loves you. He loves every single thing about you. The way you can talk for ages about those old books you stole, the way you smile when you tell something about them, how your cheeks tint a beautiful color of red when you laugh and the different smiles you have, every single one of them, every joke you say he laughs at because is funny the way you tell them even if he never liked jokes that much before, he does now.
There are things he doesn’t like as well, such as the way you’re close in yourself when you see him working and he knows it’s ugly and he hates when you tell him why he hates it, hates even more that he can’t change your past, he hates that he can’t erase bad memories nor stop nightmares, so he wraps you in his arms and lets you cry as much as you want, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, finding his voice to sing you a lullaby, some stupid old song you end up claiming as your lullaby after some time and he sings whenever you want him to.
But, the more Mark loves when you tell him about your dreams, the more he hates how they become veiled and distant when he see that spark of hope fading because reality’s not easy and whenever there’s a thing he can change, he does, so he’s decided to create a new reality for you. Mark never knew anyone who provokes this side of him, it’s the first time he’s decided to pursue a future beyond the cramped apartment and a predictable future.
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dreamystuffers · 3 years
hii, i was the anon that asked if you were up to writing for enhypen, and since you open request for the kiss prompt list i wanted to request one with sunghoon “ an unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it” and if you can’t do it with sunghoon, you can totally write it with any other nct member you’d like <3 i’ll really appreciate, i hope you have a wonderful day/night~💗💗❣️
sunghoon x reader | fluff, first kiss? au, date au | w: 0.2k words | tw: kissing | a/n: i sure hope i watched enough sunghoon introductory videos on yt for this,, sorry in advance anonie
"So, what'd you think of your first time at the fair?" You ask Sunghoon, tugging your intertwined hands closer to yourself as you turn to look at him and the neon orange squid hat on his head.
"It was nice," He says, pausing to take a bite out of the cotton candy in his hand. "But honestly, I would enjoy going anywhere with you."
You scoff slightly before giggling, squeezing the small teddy bear that Sunghoon had won from a stand for you. "That's so cheesy."
"Is it?" Sunghoon questions bashfully, eyes on the ground as his cheeks redden. "Jay told me it would be a good line to use."
Rolling your eyes, you step closer to Sunghoon and lean in to give him a peck on the cheek.
"It's cute," You smile brightly at him. "Just like you."
Sunghoon eyes widen in shock and he turns even redder if possible, but musters the courage to ask you anyways.
"Would it be alright if I kissed you?"
You smile softly as you tuck your teddy bear under your arm before cupping Sunghoon's cheek with your free hand. One thing's for sure, the blended sugary taste of cotton candy and cherry cola will always remind you of your first kiss with your boyfriend.
kissing prompt drabble anyone?
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fictionalarsonist · 7 years
got7_jackson | Us Against the World
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Requested by @eh-exoh
pairing: jackson ⨯ reader genre: angst, ceo!au rating: PG-13 (drinking) type: drabble word count: 1,211
... As it has been said in a song _Drabble Series 20.“Through these days with nothing but darkness and conflict in view, we walked, holding tightly onto our weakness that refused to give in.” - Ranbu no Melody by Sid (Bleach - The Singles I)
a/n: thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy the story! +++ this is still not properly proof-read, mistakes might happen.
The well-recognized sound of the heels echoes through the silent and dark penthouse and Jackson’s heart ricochets in his chest, his mouth’s dry and eyes hazy, the beautiful landscape bathed in the breathtaking sunset colors outside is duly blocked by the expensive curtains, except for the small gap between them that leaves a fading trail of light in the middle of the large bedroom. Sitting on the cold floor, arms thrown on his knees, legs pulled against his chest, and head hanging low, Jackson doesn’t look up when you stop by the doorway, he doesn’t move an inch. 
Your eyes travel to the corner of the room, across from him, and you hold weekly on the wooden doorframe for support, eyes stinging with the tears that are now threatening to fall when you see the laptop and phone broken, the wall damaged; taking a deep breath, you lick your lips and look back at Jackson, seeing him move an arm from his knee and reaching for something you can’t see, but the glass sparkles in the faint sunlight when he leans his back against the wall behind him and downs the half-filled glass of whisky like it’s water, your heart sinks, biting your lips you take uncertain steps towards him, taking uneven turns biting your lips nervously. This is not him, this is not Jackson you love, this far from the man you’re married to, the man that one week ago would wake you by straddling your sides and kissing his way up your back or tickling you when you’re too stubborn and when you’d glare at him he’d simply give you the smile you prize so much and that you, with all your heart, you’d see him wearing now.
“why haven’t you left yet?” his words cuts through the emptiness, reaching you like a cold blade and you step back, stopping in your tracks, you can hear him filling the glass again, his tongue darts out to taste the alcohol on his lips, you gulp down and part your lips but you can’t say anything.
“Jackson.” the way you say his name with so much fondness, he wants to believe it’s pity or that you’re faking it, but he knows you, it’s neither of those just love and caring. If by any chance, it were any of those, he could send you away easily, at least he wants to believe that much.
He wants to say more and hurt you so you’d leave, but the words don’t come out, Jackson is incapable of hurting you deliberately, so he hears you walking closer to him, the sound of your heels piercing through his ears, sending waves of pain throughout his body and you watch him drink what he poured himself earlier at once, his nose scrunches and he sniffs, you wonder how much he drank already, the smell of alcohol lingers around him strong, stronger as you get close enough to see his face tainted with the blush denouncing he already had too much despite how clear he sounds.
The familiar warmth that spreads from you is familiar and inviting when you kneel next to him, this small part of him wants nothing more than drown himself in his tears instead of the whisky that burns his throat when he pours himself another glass and drinks in one go, being this close you can see where the tears stained his skin and his dress shirt, the ones in his eyes are being held back and that’s another foreign trait on Jackson, his stern expression would scare anyone but you. 
“it’s over.” he still sounds clean from the drunkness he’s probably chasing so desperately, looking away from you and pouring himself another drink, Jackson sounds dull and hushed but loud in the empty bedroom. Holding the glass filled by half, he places his arm on his knee again, holding loosely and watching as the golden liquid swirls awkwardly. You wish he’d look at you.
“I lost--” his throat is dry and he chokes, hitting his head against the wall, “the company, our money, our house...everything.”, Jackson stops talking when he feels like he’ll cry again, “I lost everything.”, Jackson has nothing else to pour in his voice for you to hear except for how sorry he is and he the sound of his tears would be too pathetic now no matter how much you heard it before, “you really should leave”, the sound of his casualty comes out with ease but he closes his eyes slowly, trying to cope with the thought and the anticipated pain of seeing you go.
The touch of your hand on his arm, even through the tailored suit and dress shirt underneath, set his skin on fire, giving him hope, something he doesn’t want to feel. Jackson licks his lips again, flashes of the forty-eight hours passing behind his eyelids so vivid he almost feels everything is happening all over again and makes his gut twist in an odd way, less painful because you’re there and he lets you take the glass out of his hand and pull away his arm blocking you from getting any closer, before sitting beside him and resting your head on his chest. 
It’s impossible not to cry again when your arms are around his middle and Jackson feels so at home, so protected and loved, when he opens his eyes his tears falls one after another, Jackson feels himself melting and you whisper to him a new breath of life.
“Let’s start again”, you speak louder than his fears, than his self-pity and the darkness, brighter than the stubborn light maneuvering its way through the smallest gaps between the curtains
His arms are tired and heavy from the weight on his shoulders, but Jackson wraps them around you, pulling you as close as you can and hiding his face on the crook of your neck, his breathing hitches and he greets his teeth to hide the sobs that threaten to escape past his lips while his tears stream down his face freely, staining the delicate and expensive material of your dress as much as you’re ruining his suit.
Shoulders quivering and chest sinking with each swallowed sob and hiccup, from all those numbers with the negative sign before them and red colored, past the threats from associates to the broken promise he made your parents, seeing everything built with hard work been taken away so ruthlessly by the greedy mouth of low-life kind of men edges him near desperation, but surrounded by your warmth and everything that is you Jackson remembers why you’re his safe harbor.
Tomorrow’s struggles and hardships will prove their point and Jackson knows it’ll be twice as hard for you then it’d ever be for him, but where he lacks you’re his strength to start anew. Through your blurred eyes you see his fingers intertwining with yours and you close your eyes, feeling him pressing his lips on the back of your hand leisurely, Jackson pulls you to his lap, still holding firmly your hand and the damped “I love you” he whispers in your ear makes your heart stutter, all you can do is press your lips against his messily while Jackson pulls you close again.
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dreamystuffers · 4 years
starry night - lty
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summary: taeyong’s a very good kisser and also a very good boyfriend
genre: fluff, f2l | idolverse
length: 2k words
pairing: idol!taeyong x reader
warnings: making out, reader wears a dress, food
note: this is an edited repost from my old blog + based off of one of @scftaeyong​‘s posts :3
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Every year, SM hosts a massive New Years' Eve party. As one of Johnny's closest friends, you've been guaranteed an invite every year since NCT's debut.
Stepping into the lavish venue, you're floored by the number of people there. Admittedly, you are quite late, only fifteen minutes left until the clock strikes midnight. You shoot the group chat a quick text saying that you're here as you head towards a balcony, feeling overwhelmed by the crowded space.
"Oh hey," A familiar voice greets you.
Whipping around, you're greeted with Lee Taeyong's brilliant smile and you can't help but smile in return.
"Hey Yongie," You walk up to him to give him a quick hug, which he quickly returns.
"When did you get here?" He asks, flopping around his sweater paws.
The winter night was beautiful but you feel as if your outfit was a bit thin at the moment.
"I got here a couple of minutes ago."
"Perfect timing," He pulls out his phone to show you the time. "There's about five minutes left until midnight so we can enjoy that together."
You giggle at how cute Taeyong is.
"We sure can." Your reply warrants another cute smile from Taeyong but it quickly drops as he notices that you're beginning to shiver.
Taeyong's arms quickly find their way around you once again as he attempts to transfer some of his warmth to you.
"Do you want to go back inside?" The worry in his voice is palpable and you feel your heart melt at his words.
"Let's stay outside for a bit longer. It's almost midnight anyways."
The countdown has begun loudly inside the house as people begin to countdown the thirty seconds that lead into the new year. Taeyong hums in agreement, not making any move to pull away from you anytime soon. You look up at him as the countdown reaches the last ten seconds only to find Taeyong looking fondly back at you.
"Happy new years," He whispers to you as the countdown reaches zero.
The loud cheering within the house will never interest you as much as Taeyong's lips do right in this moment. You're not quite sure who closes the space between you first but all you can process is Taeyong's lips pressed against yours.
You're sure that there's no better way to start off the new year than in Taeyong’s embrace.
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You can't stop thinking about Taeyong. The way he tasted of vanilla lip balm and cherry coke. The taste was addictive and haunted your every waking moment. The two of you hadn't even spoken since the party. Instead, Mark was the one to let you know that the group had been busy as of late due to their upcoming comeback. You aren’t even sure where the two of you stand now, but given the words that he'd spoken shortly after midnight, you weren't too anxious about it.
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The next time you see Taeyong is a few weeks after their latest comeback when the boys invite you over for dinner.
"____!" Taeyong practically pounces at you as soon as he opens the door, enveloping you in a soul-crushing hug.
Fortunately, you haven’t dropped the chicken take-out you’d picked up on your way here.
"Taeyong! I haven't seen you for such a long time," Your free arm easily finds its way around his torso, pulling the two of you impossibly closer together. "How have you been?"
"I've been good." Taeyong seems as if he has no intention of moving his arms from their current position, instead opting to bury his face into your neck. The barely-there neck kisses that follow leave your face feeling hot.
"Please no PDA in the doorway in the common spaces," Johnny teases as he swoops in to grab the chicken from you, very much aware of the kiss that you and Taeyong had shared during the New Years Eve party.
He had questioned you when you'd asked why the boys (especially Taeyong) had been so busy as of late. You feel your face heat up as you walk towards the dining table where the rest of the boys are seated.
The night passes quickly with the easy conversation and the relentless teasing of the boys. So quickly that you lose track of time.
"It's almost two am," You frown at the time glowing on your phone. "I should probably start to head back to my apartment."
"No!" Taeyong exclaims suddenly. "I mean, why don't you stay the night?" His face is flushed and he can't quite seem to look you in the eye.
"It is quite late," Doyoung comments looking at the darkness of the city from the window.
"You can take my bed." Taeyong insists.
Reluctantly you agree but only if he wouldn't take the couch.
"We can share the bed then," He proposes, making your face flush at the thought of sleeping next to Taeyong.
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It’s hard for you to stay asleep when you feel as if your heart is going to beat out of your chest with Taeyong next to you. You’re already a fairly light sleeper, so when the sunrise begins to peek through the white curtains of Taeyong's room, you wake almost immediately.
The first thing you become aware of is Taeyong's arms wrapped around you and how the oversized t-shirt that he lent you was slowly starting to creep up your legs.
Flustered, you try to wiggle out of his grasp.
"_____?" Taeyong's deep voice rings out in the silence of the room. The sleepiness in his voice and the way he pulls you closer to him makes you feel lightheaded "Go back to sleep, it's still early."
You feel yourself melting into his embrace but you can't help the words that escape from your mouth.
"Taeyong, why don't we date?"
In the early hours of the morning, you suppose that anything is possible as he places a quick kiss on your lips and smiles a lopsided smile at you.
"I'd really like that."
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The next time you go over to the NCT dorm is for yours and Taeyong's first official date.
"Dress nicely!" He had texted when he'd asked you to come over.
The velvet dress you'd slipped on was a far cry from your usual style but you figured you should go all out for your first date with Taeyong.
"Wow," Taeyong breathes when he opens the door. "You look beautiful."
"You're not too bad yourself." Pulling on his tie, you press your lips against his briefly only for him to reconnect them, deepening the kiss.
It's a coincidence that as your kisses begin to get more heated that the door bursts open.
"I forgot to get my phone charg-" Haechan starts before his sentence turns into a scream. "I wish I did not have eyes!"
Taeyong huffs as he quickly throws a charger at the younger boy before pushing him out the door.
You and Taeyong share a glance before bursting out laughing.
"A great start huh?" He asks, making you giggle.
Taeyong, being the complete gentleman that he is, ensures that the two of you have a nice, uninterrupted, rest of the night. A home-cooked meal, courtesy of Taeyong, had been prepared for the both of you. He'd even gone so far as to decorate the dining room with candles and had tucked in your chair when you sat down.
You feel that it's inevitable, the way that your heart begins to beat faster at the sight of him. You're not sure if it's love, but there's something undeniable between the two of you that makes you feel as if this is simply the beginning of your relationship with Taeyong.
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With Taeyong's birthday quickly approaching, you consult Johnny for advice on what to buy your boyfriend.
tol one: Tyong's been raving about that new chocolate place that opened recently
tol one: Just buy him something from there
That's how you end up at the NCT dorm with a lace bag filled with dark chocolates.
"Happy birthday!" You greet your boyfriend as soon as you see him.
He pulls you into a quick hug and gives you a slight peck.
"What's this?" He asks, referring to the lace bag in your hands.
"Your present," The bag is promptly placed in his hands and he opens it.
"Chocolates!" Almost immediately you're enveloped in another hug. "I love you so much, thank you."
Your eyes widen at his statement.
"Love?" You repeat softly.
"Yeah," He looks away shyly. "Unless you don't feel the same, then just forget I said anything."
You cup his face and give him a quick peck.
"I think that's more than okay."
The grin that blooms on his face makes you think that your confession may have been even better than the expensive chocolates you'd gifted him.
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Recently, Taeyong's been spending more time at your apartment. He stays over so often that you now have a drawer full of his clothes. Not that you're complaining. That just means you have more oversized shirts to wear.
The thing that you love the most about the newfound dynamic that you two have is the feeling of comfort and safety in the arms of someone you love. The nightly cuddles are something that you look forward to.
"I'm sleeping much better now than the first time we shared a bed."
Taeyong looks at you cheekily.
"So do I now that I can do stuff like this." His hands snake up the shirt that you have on and stop to rest at your sides before he pulls you in for a kiss. "Really enhances the experience."
You hum in agreement as you snuggle into his chest.
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As the weather began to get warmer, you and Taeyong began to take nightly walks. There was something soothing about walking hand in hand with your boyfriend down the once busy streets with the starry night sky above you.
"Look! Puppies!" Taeyong practically darts towards the husky puppies, trailing behind him you attempt to match his pace.
After asking the owner, Taeyong spends a few minutes patting as many of the huskies as possible.
"Do you think we could get a dog someday?" Taeyong turns to you, eyes sparkling at the thought of the two of you having a dog prancing around your shared apartment.
"Someday sweetheart." You reply fondly.
The two of you part from the dogs shortly after that and you can't help but admire the way your boyfriend's hand fits in yours. When you'd returned home from your walk that night, you'd started looking into buying a dog.
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A corgi was the breed that you'd decided on feeling that it was extremely cute and also having seen Taeyong looking at a few corgi videos on his phone.
"I have a surprise for you." You say one day once Taeyong gets back from his practice.
"Oh really?" His eyes sparkle as he smiles at you. "What is it?"
Almost as if you had timed it, a bark comes from your shared bedroom and you smile at him as you open the door. Your newly adopted corgi comes charging at him and immediately hops onto his lap to lick his face.
"You bought a dog?" The awe on Taeyong's face is palpable and you beam.
"You mentioned that you wanted one and I see you looking at those corgi videos all the time so-"
You feel arms around you and Taeyong immediately begins to litter your face with kisses.
"I love you so much," Is his only reply.
His smile is brighter than the sun itself and the absolute purest form of happiness. That's the moment where you know that you're the luckiest person in the world.
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Despite the fact that you two had been dating for so long, you don't think that you'll ever get used to the way Taeyong looks at you. His shy glances remind you of the love you share and make you feel as if you're falling in love for the first time all over again.
"Hey, Taeyong?" You grab your boyfriend's hand as the two of you walk towards your shared apartment.
"Yes, sweetheart?" The name makes you flush even after all this time.
"I love you."
He beams.
"I love you too."
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thank you for reading :3
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dreamystuffers · 4 years
“well, what do you want to do?” - jjk
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summary: the things you’ll do in a closet for your boba popsicles
genre: mutual pining au, idiots to lovers au | fluff
length: 0.9k words
pairing: jungkook x reader
warnings: alcohol, profanity, being locked in a closet
note: this is a repost from my old blog + modified slightly + part of my 100wtsily series!
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You and Jungkook had always been painfully oblivious about your feelings for one another. So painfully oblivious that it was also paining your friends.
"Why don't you just tell him that you like him? Tonight would be a great night to do it!" Yoongi forces some encouragement into his tone making you shake your head violently.
Tonight would not be a great night to do it. Tonight is some stupidly large frat party that Yoongi had dragged you to with the promise of free alcohol. Tonight is another night of dragging a drunk, nagging Yoongi back to the dorms. Tonight is a night where you should probably be studying. Tonight is not the night and quite frankly, neither is any other night.
"Have you seen him? There's no way he would go out with someone like me." The pout on your lips only serves to frustrate Yoongi further.
"Alright," Yoongi relents, leading you into a room that looks like a closet but seems much too lavish to be one. "Wait here for a sec. I'm gonna go get us some drinks."
A quick nod of your head is all Yoongi needs before he's darting out of the room.
Yoongi pulls out his phone and opens his KakaoTalk at lightning speed.
yoongo: operation dumbass get together is a go
tae: would it kill you to come up with a shorter name
yoongo: shut up get dumbass #2
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"Why am I delivering drinks into a closet?" The two red solo cups filled with sparkling apple juice occupy Jungkook's hands, making it hard for him to put up any real fight against his roommate.
"It's barely a closet. That thing is almost the size of our dorm." Taehyung refutes easily, nudging the younger boy towards the closet. Jungkook can't help but agree with his statement, his big doe eyes surveying the vast expanse of the massive frat house. "Plus Yoongi said that he was supposed to deliver a drink to someone but he needed to piss really badly."
Jungkook's nose wrinkles at that.
"I kinda didn't need to know the last part but okay. I'll be back in a bit!" Jungkook exclaims before stepping into the closet.
"Hello?" He says upon first entering.
"Oh hi, Jungkook. What're you doing here?" Standing up from your current position on the hardwood floor, you move towards the boy. His arm holds what you suppose is your drink towards you and you smile at him as you accept it.
Perhaps it's the pounding of both of your heartbeats or the way that you tunnel vision at each other that you both manage to miss the sound of the locking door.
"Oh, Taehyung told me that Yoongi wanted to deliver a drink to you but he had to take a piss." Jungkook sputters out quickly, wincing at the vulgar detail he would've been better off leaving out.
You can only laugh at him as you take a sip of your drink. The red tinting his cheeks is something that you take note of but you assume it's the influence of alcohol instead.
"Well thank you very much Jungkook." You shoot him a smile and you swear his cheeks redden even more if possible.
"It's nothing really," He says, heading back towards the door. "I should probably get going since Taehyung is waiting for me but text me if you need anything."
You can't stop your smile from widening at his words.
"Will do!"
Jungkook doesn't get very far though, the doorknob only jiggling but refusing to open.
"Fucking Kim Taehyung," Jungkook mumbles under his breath as he pulls out his phone at an alarmingly fast rate.
"What's wrong?" You've caught on quickly to Jungkook's distress and he heaves a deep sigh before replying.
"We're locked in."
"What do you mean we're locked in?"
"I mean," His hand reaches out to jiggle the doorknob once again only for the door to remain in its place. "It's locked and we can't get out."
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you pull out your phone to text Yoongi.
you: why’s the door locked
yoongo: you two better get together before i get back to the dorms :3 those boba popsicles look very tasty :3
yoongo: send pg 13 proof in the next half hour :DD
It was absolutely undeniable that the alcohol and Taehyung have gotten to Yoongi's head. Perhaps the very few sips of alcohol that you had drunk were getting to your head as well since you were actually considering confessing.
"Hey Jungkook," You call out to him before you can stop yourself. He hums in acknowledgement and tilts his head towards you. "I'm going to do something stupid but very slowly so feel free to stop me if you don't want to do it."
He simply cocks his head sideways, a noise of confusion escaping him before you cup his face. You hear his breath hitch and you lean in to kiss him.
Jungkook wastes no time, kissing you back almost immediately once your lips have made contact with one another. His hands quickly find purchase in your hair as he pulls you even closer to him, the kiss growing more and more heated as the seconds pass.
"I really liked that," Jungkook is breathless, practically panting out the words and you can feel his heavy breaths brush against your face.
"Yeah, me too." You're holding his shirt as if it's a lifeline and he smiles at you. "Well, what do you want to do?"
"Take you on a date for sure but maybe we could kiss a couple more times?
"Maybe we should do it a couple more times?" He's leaning in to close the distance between you two but you stop him before his lips touch yours as you suddenly remember the contents of Yoongi's messages.
"Absolutely but first I have some boba popsicles to save."
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thanks for reading! feel free to tell me what you thought and also requests are open for my 100wtsily and tys mini series!
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dreamystuffers · 3 years
things you said through your teeth - pjm
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summary: all things aside, a bit more trouble can’t hurt if it leads to your best friend back by your side
pairing: class president!jimin x idiot!reader
genre: fluff, angst, high school? au (idk it’s academia), unrequited love
length: 0.5k words
warnings: i mention barry allen (he’s the flash LOL like the superhero) but yeah i guess no real warnings
note: this is part of my things you said mini series and a repost from my old blog but slightly edited!
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“Seriously _____? Again?” Huffs Jimin as he plops down in the seat across from yours.
You can only sigh knowing what’s coming for you.
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t help it!” You defend weakly, slinking defeatedly into the hard blue classroom chair. "Isn't it common knowledge to know you shouldn't cross me?"
Jimin looks at your messy uniform and puppy dog eyes, giving you an unimpressed look.
"No,” He replies almost immediately, ignoring the exaggerated pout on your lips and your whine of protest. “But I'm sure you know how to treat people with a bit more civility than that!"
"Taehyung should've known not to diss Barry Allen in my presence!" You respond quickly, arms flailing in a desperate attempt to get Jimin to understand your perspective. “He’s truly the best boy and I can’t believe you expect me to stand for this!”
Jimin can only look at you incredulously as he hears your comment.
"You’re really an idiot."
A soft giggle escapes your lips escalating into full-out contagious laughter and soon enough, you and Jimin are laughing, clutching your stomachs as your eyes water from your silly antics.
"Why am I best friends with a defensive idiot?" Prods Jimin breathlessly as the giggles die down.
"Why am I best friends with the class president who can’t even contain my idiocy?" You shoot back, the giggles returning ever so slightly.
"Cause we love each other." Jimin teases.
An overly dramatic gasp leaves your mouth as the pull your hands to your chest.
"Park Jimin, do you love me?" You ask teasingly, hoping your best friend can’t hear your heartbeat the way you hear it pounding in your ears.
“Of course.” He replies without hesitation, an equally teasing tone coating his words and a cheesy smile plastered on his face.
You slap his arm in a desperate attempt to divert his attention away from your burning cheeks but he only chuckles as he pulls you into a tight hug.
"You know you really gotta stop picking fights with people?" Jimin mumbles softly into your ear, rubbing your back softly.
"Yeah, I know,” You mumble back, lifting your head up slightly to unmuffle your words. “I'm sorry." 
"It's okay _____.” He pulls you closer to him if possible. “As long as you're alright."
Tears spring to your eyes and you laugh softly as you try to shake them away.
“Gosh,” You say laughingly as you pull away from him. “I’m such a mess.”
"You’re fine, don’t worry,” Jimin says as he pulls out his cell phone to check his notifications.
You can already tell by the loving expression on his face that his girlfriend has texted him likely asking about his whereabouts and you wince knowing that he needs to go. 
Jimin’s expression is apologetic when he looks up from his phone but you simply wave him off as you plaster a smile on your face.
“Go,” You say, the smile on your face getting harder to maintain. “I’m sure she’s been waiting a while for you.”
You hold your breath as Jimin sends you a smile and mumbles a quick apology before exiting the classroom.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you hold your face in your hands. 
“You, Park Jimin, are definitely the reason I’m such a mess.”
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requests are open for my tys and 100wtsily mini series!
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dreamystuffers · 4 years
“wow.” - sjn
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summary: maybe your best friend is a bit denser than you thought.
genre: fluff | best friends to lovers au, mutual pining au
length: 0.2k words
pairing: johnny x reader
warnings: profanity
note: this is a repost from my old blog from the prompt game i did!
part of my 100 ways to say i love you mini series
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"Oh for fuck's sake ____," Curses Johnny as he pushes you onto his bed. "Quit calling me your 'best friend.' I don't want to keep being reminded that it's all I'll ever be."
You stare back at him speechless.
Is that really what he thinks? You couldn't possibly understand it. Johnny had always been extremely dense, even when you literally listed him as your ideal type in front of all your friends. Everyone had been telling you that there was no way Johnny didn't love you the same way you loved him. Why else would you show up at his dorm in the dead of night holding some fried chicken and asking for cuddles?
"You show up to my dorm dressed up all cute and I just want to cuddle with you but I'm awkward as hell and you're such a tsundere."
Giggles escape your lips against your will and turn into full-blown laughter as you catch Johnny's annoyed gaze.
"Wow. Idiot," Laughter now dying down, you catch Johnny off guard as you grab his arm and pull him onto the bed with you.
A soft "oof" escapes him before you wrap your arms around him.
"You know we don't have to just be best friends right?" The words are spoken into his chest coming out slightly muffled but it doesn't stop the grin from settling onto your face. "We could be extra best friends."
"Oh fuck off," He huffs as he tries to push himself away from you only to have your grip tighten around him.
"I'm kidding." You laugh as you climb into his lap making his cheeks flush.
"Then what can we be?" He asks shyly, his arms coming to wrap around your waist.
You hum as you move your hands to cup his face.
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requests are open for my 100wtsily & things you said mini series!
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