#*shakes cane*
honeyjars-sims · 1 year
I guess I'm back, btw. I still want to "rebrand" and I keep getting the itch to change my username but it seems like a hassle with links and reblogs. If anyone has any insights into making name changes easier, feel free to share. I would probably make a sideblog with this name so I don't lose it completely. I also have no idea what I would change it to lol.
I've also been toying with the idea of changing the name of my story as it was based around the main plot in the time period I started it in but makes less sense with the time skip. It played off of Evergreen Harbor and it was going to lead to the current arc with the kids going to Del Sol Valley and how they get there. Again idk what I would change it to anyway.
Speaking of my story, I have most of Chapter 1 written and it will include some flashbacks. Also it's all combined now instead of separated by family. That was just too much and there will be more intertwining with characters now anyway. I'm mostly focusing on the twins and Cece. Other family members will show up but I'm not stressing myself out with giving them individual plots (unless I have something specific in mind).
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dulcetash · 2 years
Still enjoying the heck out of the “dracula daily” tag for the most part, but lord, some of these uptight, morally pure, Tumblr Tot hot takes are tedious. Lighten up, children! This whole genre is about exploring the dark shit.
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muffinlance · 6 months
That moment when you have to completely stop using Google docs for your writing because the AI spellchecker is actively, insistently wrong, when it catches things at all
Anyway here's me crawling back to LibreOffice and Scrivener like the disloyal hussy I am
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conceptofjoy · 5 months
as much as i love karkat she would be like kids (people of earth c) these days have it so easy they dont even have to fight their 6 foot animal guardian for scraps of splorngus meat. what do you mean they dont make sopor anymore, yeah it gave some trolls brain damage but whats the fucking point if you dont live a little. everyone are such fucking pussies.
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sunnythefreakus · 9 months
Why do ppl call it "dead dove content" when "dead dove: do not eat" just means "Check the tags for warnings." In fact why does it exist at all? When did people stop looking at the tags to determine whether they want to read something or not? Why not just use "darkfic" and "hurt no comfort" and "whump" and "angst" alongside other specific warning tags that apply to the work? Since you're already doing it anyway? Why are we reminding people to check the tags all the time? If a reader fails to check an adequately tagged work, that's on them. It's like some kind of shift happened when I wasn't looking. I'm not like.. a fandom founder or anything what Happened when did it become an indicator meaning "this is not your mommy's fluff fic"
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youngchronicpain · 8 months
I just woke up to our chickens screaming, about an hour after we had fallen asleep. A raccoon somehow made a hole into their coop. We were too late. Our favorite girl Bea was killed. (She would always follow us around the yard, like a puppy.) I will miss her dearly. I am so heartbroken. Give your animals an extra tight hug for me tonight.
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ltleflrt · 2 months
Just saw a tiktok with a young woman demanding that people publish more non-spicy books, and I'm like gurl. If you're in the romance section of the store/library, that's the ENTIRE POINT of that genre. If you want something non-spicy, walk over to another section. There's SO FUCKING MUCH fantasy and sci fi westerns and horror that have romantic sub plots and zero smut. You want to read romance with less spice? Look for older books. There were already thousands and thousands of romances published before you were born that have zero to mild spice, and you can still find them in libraries. Look for the Harlequin label, they'll feed you.
And QUIT READING THE RECS FROM THE SPICY SIDE OF BOOKTOK. Fuck's sake, if the books they're recommending are not to your taste, then STOP READING THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS. Start exploring other genres and make your own fucking rec lists you goddamn whiny baby.
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stimming-puppet · 2 months
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lesbian stimboard with themes of being an idol x/x/x|x/x|x/x/x
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st-hedge · 1 year
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Assigned moron at birth
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state-of-franklin · 5 months
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You may proceed
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detectivenyx · 4 months
whenever someone says 'rendering' and they're talking about a 2d illustration
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 1 year
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Funny bits from Rhys Darby's twitterverse today
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wyndlerunner · 1 year
“I go by Moonlight,” the woman said. “We like code names. It’s one of our things.”
“I… have never heard that word before.”
“You wouldn’t have, since you have no moon here.”
Spotting Worldhoppers used to be about noticing when a background character in a Stormlight book swore on “Merciful Domi” instead of on the Stormfather
Now world hoppers appear on page with big signs on their foreheads reading “I’m from a different planet”
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oh so we’re doing this again are we?
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his-red-right-hand · 2 months
Questions 3, 9 and 22 for Danny :)
*rubs my grubby little hands together*
3. Least favourite canon thing about this character?
Okay, so my boy has a pretty solid canon, what little we have of it. But I do have a quibble. Sneaky sneak stealth man wears very strong cologne? I know it's to make people go "Huh, what's that smell?" but it just feels weird. (Also more lore plz.)
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Given that most of the being roommates experience with me is just occasionally seeing me in the kitchen otherwise I'm just hiding in my room all the time, I feel like this is a yes. Although I may get murdered as I would be in the kitchen at 5am getting snacks when Danny comes back in post-murder.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
His dick. I kid. Him actually being examined as a character based on his lore. This terrible gremlin man has a really fun personality through what we have and it seems like a shame to disregard it for Generic Sexy Slasher Man.
What I dislike, as someone who remembers the 90's, is when people don't bother to check when certain things were invented and popularised. Like DVDs. And AOL messenger. Those were like a decade later, it makes me feel so old when you think those were around in 1993.
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zeezu-ix · 2 months
first time using a cane today, the imposter syndrome goes WILDD
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