#*sorry i forgot frieda
number1spongebobfan · 4 months
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Finally saw The Great Race today! Here are my international engines designs!!!!!
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juniaships · 2 years
What are the inspirations behind each of your Power Rangers OCs and who are each of them named after? ✊🏻💥🌈📝🎨
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Most of their inspos gonna have to be on individual bios since i put a LOT of research into them. To keep it brief
Created my ocs to fill in extra colors/elements/motifs as is fandom tradition but also to have more female nonwhite rangers in non stereotypical roles
Overall myth arc is set up like a generational saga so most rangers come from the same family barring a few exceptions
Moat of the names I just made up on the spot but some do habe thematic ties
Maria and Bianca came out of the desire to have a sibling team and for Maria to already establish a candidate to replace her. So they're the leads from MMPR to In Space
Maria is inspired loosely on Maria del Barrio, but also Cassie from Animorphs, Katie Kazoo, and several rl musicians
Bianca was based on Lois Lane being an active stubborn journalist trying to uncover the Rangers identities. The conflict was Maria keeping a secret from her own sister
After Space I thought maybe Bianca could continue being a ranger as the purple galaxy ranger; then i came up with Phenomenous's niece
Dr. Phenomenous is shortened to Dr. Phenom, and she had ice powers to contrast Leo's fire (being love interests, sorry leo x kendrix/karone fans!!) She's loosely based on the source material Gingaman which is why she has an interest in horses and has a unicorn Galactabeast
Alya's name from Miraculous Ladybug obviously; she was going to be a cop but after some time...ACAB baby!
Kyra was created so Cole could have a closer connection to his biological family; her surname sounds like 'lion'
Wendy is based on Devon Aoki's character from 2Fast 2 Furious; she is also Eric Meyers' love interest. I thought about making her Quantum Pink since their romance are foil to Wes x Jen.
Allison is meant to be the dutiful Star Student to contrast the antics of the Ninja Storm's trio her arc was learning not to take everything too seriously. Also to fill in the missing element Fire
Rosita was introduced into mmpr lore as a toddler; Dino thunder has her became a ranger in freshman year of HS. She's based disney channel protagonists like Miley & Raven. Her name is because of pink roses and she's the Pink Ranger.
Violetta's name is for her ranger color; ppl just call her Letty for short. Her number is actually 7 for good luck
Originally Opal Octavia and Olivia were all going to be purple Rangers then i decided to give them unique to better distinct them from one another. So Opal is silver (jewellery), Octavia is Violet, and Olivia is pink
Silvia's name sounds similar to silver and her element is Metal. Also played around her being the Silver ranger opposite to Gold Ranger Antonio. Her originally faceclaim was Demi Lovato
Bobi was originally a yt redhead and her name was at random. But now She's a black redhead. Also she and Silvia went to the same middle school
Frieda is named after rhe blue haired girl from El Tigre i thought her name is so pretty. Also fills in for yellow bc omg how they forget yellow???
Forgot about the rest but these should help you understand the core basics!!
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dingdongitsbees · 3 years
Hi, i was thinking of Attack on castes and i really like the idea of janitor levi, wannabe Hitch and so, would you write a one history teacher Erwin x lawyer reader, where she is friend to Frieda who is a teacher in the school asked her to pick Historia up for her and that's when Erwin sees her for the first time and immediately fell for her.... Hope you can accept it
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offer up your heart
↪ WC: 3.3k ↪ Ao3 Link ↪ Genre: fluff, light-hearted, soft
Attack on Castes for those who haven’t read it! (it’s the reason some characters may seem oc)
Just send an ask to be added to the Erwin taglist!
Attack on Titan Masterlist  | Main Masterlist
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You were already late and by god did you not want to be there. You were glad to leave high school behind you when you graduated, promising yourself to never set foot in one ever again. Gossip, bullies, shitty teachers, stupid drama and a mind crushing amount of work. Sure, good things too, but nothing that couldn’t be found in the adult world.
In the adult world you got adventures. You got to fight to bring people the justice they deserved, their livelihood in your hands. They offered up their hearts begging you to save them. It gave you purpose. Whether or not they shed tears of grief or joy would be for you to decide. Nothing quite came close.
Or that’s how you would have felt if your current client wasn’t being such an annoying little shit. He had lied to your face with three wildly conflicting stories about what happened, and then when he got cross-examined by the prosecutor, he decided to go completely off script and implicate himself even further for something he didn’t even do.
The evidence against him were fables and rumours at best but he had begun to make it look plausible through his shifty character. You would get the “not guilty” verdict at the end of the trial, but you were going to have ripped out most of your hair by then.
When you were busy screaming in your hands during the intermission, your friend Frieda rang you and asked you to pick up her younger sister from school because their bastard of a father surely wasn’t going to. You nearly yelled at her then.
Frieda had done favour after favour for you in the past years with your insanely busy and gruelling schedule, so refusing the one time she asked for something in return would put you up with the likes of your client. You agreed, for some reason not asking what time, and then promptly forgot about it.
So there you were, heels clicking rapidly against the school’s hallway, the oranges hues of the sunset streaming through windows and the entrance. You really should have asked for Historia’s number, though you weren’t sure if the girl would bother to reply.
Historia was the epitome of “I think I will cause problems on purpose” simply because she’s bored. To be fair, you couldn’t really blame her, you had no such positive attitude towards school either, but with her being at the top of the pecking order she had the ability to make those problems quite substantial. Freida’s hair was probably going to go grey soon.
You thanked any god that would listen that she had cheerleading practice or you might have genuinely cried. The amount of stress that blonde girl was putting you through simply because she refused to take the bus home was nearly unparalleled.
You looked around the school, each corridor breaking off into another. The same basic lockers and same ceiling lights, same everything. You were fucking lost.
You jogged down some corridors hoping to find someone, turning your head frantically, letting you slam full force into something hard, tall and…blond?
Erwin may love being a teacher but my lord did it get tedious sometimes. He loved the younger ones, brimming with hopes, dreams and potential. Though nearly all of them seemed to be misusing it, putting it on the backburner or simply didn’t care. Kids were good but they certainly could be better. Of course, there’d be the standout kids like Armin and Marco who took their schooling seriously and asked questions that allowed him to gush about things that weren’t just on the set curriculum. But what he would give so all of them were that engaged…
He just wanted them to offer their hearts to him, to trust him and put faith in the information he was giving forward. History is something, that he believed at least, was unparalleled in its importance. You learn from the mistakes done by the generations before you, using the knowledge to guide the current decisions needed to be made. On top of that it just let you understand the world around you; how it came to be and your place within it. History was unparalleled in its importance.
That’s why he was still at the school, marking very obviously last-minute written essays, so he could give them back with thorough annotations and advice that he was sure most of them wouldn’t even glance at.
He had popped off to the teacher’s lounge to get a cup of tea, and was making his way back, eyes glued to the swaying liquid as not to spill it, when a smaller figure came barrelling into him. He instinctually moved the tea away, not wanting the scalding water to hit this unfortunate stranger full in the face. Some of the brown liquid dripped to the floor, Levi would surely have his head for it later, but it was better than any burns.
When he was sure the tea was steady, he looked to the stranger on the ground.
He swore he saw a deity.
Erwin peered down at you in pure awe. Albeit being a bit dishevelled and frazzled, you were clearly a force to be reckoned with. Your pant suit was tailored to fit you perfectly, your heels matching your simple jewellery and watch, your hair which was now a little ruffled, was obviously put together with precision in the morning. You were immaculately put together.
And your face, your face. Everything was right where it needed to be in the exact size and proportion to everything else. It was like you had been perfectly carved for over a millennium by only the best sculptors available.
Your aura was something else. Even if he had found you in pyjamas, the power you would exude would be to the same effect. Something in the way your face shifted as thoughts flew across your mind, the way every bit of movement seemed controlled and purposeful. Erwin had read hundreds, maybe thousands of myths all around the world, and none of the gods in them had never been as ethereal as you.
You were the definition of a muse.
You on the other hand were trying to keep down your groans about your ankles as much as possible. Heels were a mistake enough to attempt to run in let alone fall in, god could this day get any…better? Oh no. He was hot.
You swallowed harshly as he looked down at you, tilting his head and eyes wide. You noticed the tea spilt in a little puddle behind him and felt a little guilty, but he seemed to pay it no mind, his piercing blue eyes only on you.
After a silent moment he offered his empty hand. You took it with a hasty thank you under your breath and gripped on. His hand was so warm, so steady, so comfortable to hold. The moment was over quicker than either of you wanted it to be.
You looked to the ground, smoothing down the ruffles in your clothes, some that existed and some that certainly didn’t, so you could reset yourself. You were not going to be flustered by the first man you saw outside of work though to be fair he would be a good reason to let that rule lay down. He was certainly a fine specimen.
You looked back up, coughing to clear your throat. His gaze was already glued to you, it hadn’t been torn off since the moment you bumped into him. His eyes didn’t even shift now you were staring into his. His mouth was slightly agape, his cheeks dusted pink, his eyebrows raised. You were getting nervous but wanted to know what was going on in that head of his.
“Uh, hi…” you started, leaning your head to the side, “Didn’t mean to bump into you there, sorry for spilling your tea.”
He blinked.
“You’re…” he trailed off, having caught himself before he said something stupid. He coughed into his fist, finally looking away, the student poster about splitting atoms on the classroom becoming suddenly riveting. “Sorry, could I help you in anyway?”
You scratched the back of your head with a small smile and Erwin short circuited. “Yeah actually, I’m meant to be picking up a friend’s sister, but I got lost.”
“What’s the student’s name? I may be able to direct you?”
“Historia Reiss.”
“Ah indeed.”
It was no question that the girl would be infamous to teachers as well, the girl tended to make quite an impression. Hopefully she wouldn’t be rolling her eyes at you more than necessary when you finally found her.
“Miss Reiss is likely at the gym.” He pointed down a corridor, the one you had come from.
You opened your mouth and closed it again, you would probably get lost again but you couldn’t convince yourself that’s why you asked the next question. “Sorry, do you think you walk me there?”
A colourful array of curses flew through your mind as he stilled, a deer in the headlights. You were about to apologise for being a bother and go on your way when his face brightened to an almost blinding degree and his eyes crinkled with his accompanying smile.
“It would be my pleasure.”
The walk started in silence for a few moments as you both scrambled for something to talk about.
“So um,” you said, “What do you teach here? You are a teacher, right? Not just some random guy taking advantage of the tea?”
He was already panicking being in the vicinity of you, so he almost didn’t pick up your teasing tone. The fact you were making fun of him just made his heart hammer even harder.
“I can confirm I’m not some stranger, to this school at least.” His added smile made your heart skip a beat; you should sue him. “I teach history here, but I won’t burden you with the specifics.”
“Burden me with the specifics. The teaching path wasn’t for me, but I admire those who followed it,” you sent a smile of your own back, “Plus, you seem like the kind of guy to know your stuff. You look like a passionate teacher. I wish there were more of those when I went to school.”
He took a second to compose himself, you being very cruel to him right now. He’d known you for approximately two minutes, but you were making it increasingly difficult for him to not declare his inevitable love right then and there.
“Oh well um,” he stumbled over his words, trying to string a few sentences together that would be worthy of your time. His hands were already extended, ready to add a visual focus. “War is quite an obvious favourite to go to, but I’ve always been more interested in the things that went on behind the scenes, the life of soldiers and nurses who lost their lives, the lives of those who stayed behind, anyone trying to look for peaceful solutions. Those have always interested me more. And then going far past the world and civil wars of the past three centuries, going back to when England and France were nowhere near the superpowers they became, and of course focusing all around the world. Europe has honestly been pretty lacklustre with their stories compared to everywhere else.”
He looked back to you, half-expecting you to be twiddling your thumbs, but your sight hadn’t moved. Your eyes were wide and bright like the ones he had seen in Armin and Marco except with an added adult understanding and perspective. This was quite unfair on his heart.
He turned his head down a corridor, taking the opportunity to calm down his heated cheeks. Really quite unfair.
“So what do you do?” He tried his best to make the words come out as smooth as he hoped. You didn’t seem to take notice that they didn’t.
“I’m a lawyer, so definitely a different world from yours.” Your laugh was awe-inspiring, he wished it were his morning alarm. There was no way he could come to hate it.
“It suits you,” he noted. It made perfect sense, everything about you commanded attention, thinking about you controlling a court room was easy to picture.
You sputtered out a few sounds, not sure if they were sophisticated enough to be called words and looked down a corridor as you passed, trying to figure out what the angry looking janitor was thinking about instead of what your brain was. This man was having quite the effect on you, and it wasn’t even his looks! Rude!
“Thank you, assuming that’s a compliment.”
Erwin simply nodded, not wanting to let you be privy to his thought processes right then. He would never recover.
“What area do you work in if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Currently represent for murder and manslaughter cases, anything that usually ended up with a person dead or nearly dead.”
A different world from yours indeed.
“I imagine that’s quite intense.”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “The paperwork numbs a lot of it, honestly most of my clients aren’t any different from students.”
“I’d hope not.”
“You’d be surprised. Some of those annoying kids in school tend to keep being annoying, annoying enough to land themselves as a suspect for a murder case.”
Now he couldn’t stop thinking about you intimidating a client into submission and to just listen to you and let you take the reins. He would like to see that. He may possibly want to be subjected to it if he was in the right mood. He towered over you, but he would fall to his knees in a second if you told him to as a joke. He hoped that was a wild exaggeration done by his brain, but he knew most things come from a semblance of truth.
You really were something else.
You couldn’t believe you were talking to someone like him. He seemed so self-assured and at one with the flow of life, not needing to seek more to find contentment. He clearly loved his job as much as you loved yours, both acknowledging the downsides but knew it was worth it in the end.
He seemed to be taking up more and more of your brain as he continued to talk, only adding to the list of positives, there hadn’t seemed to be any negatives yet. You were concerned that there didn’t seem to be any. From his looks to his personality to the way he held himself, it was honesty too good to be true. Right?
When he looked at you, your cheeks would burn, and you’d feel like you were in high school all over again. That was one of the things you had forgotten, although small, they had been of the good parts about school. Crushes had always been a little fun.
But the way his lips pulled into an easy smile should be illegal. You could deal with murderers, not this. If he was ever on the stand in court, you would be a stuttering mess when trying to cross-examine him.
As you two kept talking, you’d take turns left and right, seemingly with no real reason. You were pretty sure you had seen those maths posters before, but you didn’t mention it. You were plenty happy to let this be dragged out a little longer. You were flattered to say the least.
Erwin knew that he couldn’t “trick” you without you noticing eventually, he couldn’t do that to save his life, but he also knew that if you had caught on to his little game, you would mention it if you wanted him to stop. That fact made his chest flutter, though perhaps it probably was time to take you where you needed to go so you didn’t have your friend yelling at you. He wasn’t that cruel.
The sound of cheers reached your eyes, your shoulders deflated. Guess this is it then. The gym doors came into sight and you could spot the cheerleaders practicing their formations through the open door. They all looked exhausted, so it was probably near the end by now.
Against the wall you could see Historia’s “friends” watching and applauding whenever Historia so as much breathed. No wonder she got bored.
Your feet came to a stop, just outside the entrance and you looked up to him. He shifted slightly, unsure of what to say.
“Thank you um…” you said before your eyes few open, “Holy- I can’t believe I didn’t get your name?”
He chuckled, deep and clear. “Erwin, Erwin Smith.”
You gave your name to his and his lips mouthed around it silently, feeling the shape of all the letters. It made you a little flustered how earnestly he was printing it into his brain.
Neither of you moved, you didn’t want to go into the gym, and he didn’t want to leave. To put it simply, you were smitten with each other and it was embarrassingly obvious to everyone including the both of you.
The cheerleaders stopped, grabbing their bags and chugging down litre water bottles. Historia would snitch on you in an instant if she saw you hitting on her teacher, so it was time to depart.
“I guess this is it then…” You dragged out the sentence, still trying to stall.
“I suppose it is.”
“Thank you, I do mean it. I guess I’ll see you when I see you.”
He nodded, swallowing. “I guess I will. Have a pleasant evening, both you and Miss Reiss.”
You cracked a grin. “I can’t promise she will have one, but I know you definitely made my evening a good one. See you, Erwin.”
He smiled softly. “See you.”
He waved as he walked back through the corridors, he snuck a look over his shoulder when he had almost disappeared from view to find you still looking at him. Both of your faces burst into flames and you looked away from each other.
You took Historia home after she (mainly her friends) questioned why you were there instead of Frieda. Reiner, you believed his name was, offering to take her home as suavely as he could to be shot down so quickly by Historia you got whiplash. Her friends bid her dramatic goodbyes which she didn’t reply to, and you two made your way to the car.
“Were you talking to Mr Smith?” She didn’t even bother taking her eyes off of her phone to ask.
“I…I was. I got lots trying to find you so he helped me get to the gym.”
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “He didn’t need to take you all the way there though.”
“He was…he was just being nice.”
She hummed, no emotion behind to hide whether or not it was full of doubt. You really didn’t want her to tell Frieda or you’d never live it down.
“I finally get your ass out of the court room and you flirt with the first guy you see? Bold as ever.”
Though maybe, just maybe, it meant you could offer to pick up Historia more often. Maybe.
Everyone knew it wasn’t a maybe.
Erwin made his way back to his desk and he plopped himself down on his chair with a sigh. He leant his head back to look at the ceiling, projecting the past minutes on the white ceiling.
He didn’t even ask for your number.
He cursed at himself and dragged a hand over his face before getting back to his mountain of paperwork. Perhaps it was too bold to offer up his heart this quickly.
But you had said “see you”, and maybe it was too much for him to assume, but usually that meant a second meeting was anticipated. Maybe.
Everyone knew it wasn’t a maybe.
His tea had gone cold, but that was alright. He had met a goddess that evening after all.  
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a/n: to the person who sent this in sorry it took so long! this was my first time writing for Erwin so i hope it’s alright! thank you for reading :)
Just send an ask to be added to the Erwin taglist!
Attack on Titan Masterlist  | Main Masterlist
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mosneakers · 3 years
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Morgyn affectionately rubbed and squeezed Coraleye's legs much like a needy cat, as she filled them in on missed life events.
Coraleye: Someone's feeling pretty frisky...
Morgyn: I'm sorry, I- It's been so long...
Coraleye: I know it has. One day-
Morgyn: Yes, I can't wait, I- What else? What else has been going on? Tell me more.
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Coraleye: Uhh... Well... My Dad's sibling, Sage, got married to Alice. They adopted a plant-sim baby, named Nym... Brick built Sawyer and the boys a house, and now they're back together. Charm and Frieda got a pig, my parent's remodeled their kitchen... umm...I summoned some evil spirits at the Maritime Manor... haha, Kush and I overheard Mira talking on the phone, we misheard what she said.
I went around for days thinking Mira had a crush on me, but she was really talking about Starling all along ... SO embarrassing. I was racking my brain convincing myself she was somehow the one I was supposed to end up with.
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Morgyn giggled, then the giggles turned into laughter.
Morgyn: You're so cute. You know... that's a pretty good plan if you think about it. You marry Mira, then her mother couldn't force her to be a vampire. That would also mean I could be sage again, and we could be together secretly.
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Coraleye: Oh right... I forgot about the secret relationship thing. So that's still the plan? Morgyn: Oh honey I was just joking, I- I don't have to be the sage.
Coraleye: No, no. You do. The spellcasters have waited long enough. You were born to be the Sage. I just hate how brilliant that plan would be.
Morgyn: No, I -
Coraleye: Morgyn... [clears throat] I need to tell you something...
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abt the historia and zeke are technically related, it got me thinking. We get a lot of yeager bros content and im sure there’s content of frieda being hostoria’s older sister but... where’s the content of zeke being a protective big bro to historia? Feel like they can bond well since they both got dick dads
historia taking the first few steps to breaking away from the nice, submissive type everyone knows her to be. she’s not perfect and there would be times that she’d doubt herself and go back to being insecure and playing herself down. in comes zeke who met her through his mother’s side of the family and is all for that personal growth. he relates to her wanting to stick it to her father, having gone through something like that in the past. he says stuff like, “like hell they can get away talking to you like that, tell me who they are and ill give them a piece of my mind.” and “your dad can go fuck himself, you can stay with me and mom if you need somehwere to stay. mom doesnt like rod either so you’re more than welcome.”
idk idk hahah :p
...i hope you don't mind me just wirting some headcannons and scenrios real quick, because wow anon you just opened my third eye for all this potential.
Historia and Zeke family bonding modern au below cut
They probably met for the first time at large family gathering when Dina took teen Zeke to meet his relatives and one of his uncles mentioned that his daughter from his ex-wife just started living with him after moving from the country side.
He was 17 at the time, and so while the adults were busy with each other as the topic of his mother's divorce came up again, he felt too uncomfortable to stay in the room so he just excused himself to the bathroom.
Only to sneak outside the house instead, knowing all the rooms in his uncle's big mansion were probably filled with maids or other relatives and he didn't want to risk getting caught.
The back garden was beautiful, the grass overgrown and not as bright as the front yard fake lawn, it was clearly an overlooked part of the house that the gardener seemed to forget from dried crunchy leaves collecting at the bottom of the old tree.
Zeke took a breath of fresh air, before reaching into the hidden pocket of his jacket and pulling a cigarette.
He knew if his mother found out she'd kill him, not to mention his concerned grandparents, but what they don't know can't harm them.
Getting out his lighter, he was too focused on covering the flame so the wind won't snuff it out before lighting the cigarette
"You shouldn't do that, it's not good for you." Came a high pitched voice that took him off guard, almost making him drop the lighter and cause a fire hazard.
Looking in front of him, a seven year old girl stood with messy blonde hair with some leaves stuck to it, she was clutching a patch of dandelions and weeds pulled from the ground.
Putting the lighter back in his pocket, Zeke took a deep breath before slowly letting the smoke out, pushing what she said aside, he said "And what exactly are you doing with those?"
She gave a big toothy smile before explaining how she's cleaning the garden, she said "they keep stealing the other plants' food, most plants here are dead and i wanted to help."
Zeke stepped closer before leaning down to be on eye level with her, judging by the dirt staining her white dress and between her fingernails, she must have been doing this for a while. He chuckled at the way she crunched her nose at the smell of smoke, before attempting to mask her features.
Wanting to mess with her, he held the cigarette with two fingers before offering it to her, "wanna try? i won't tell your parents, pinky promise."
Audibly gasping, she clutched the dandelions to her chest protectively before stumbling to politely reject it in a way that was clearly meant not to offend him, her eyes glancing at the garden fence door like she's considering running.
Deciding to end the joke before she would yell stranger danger, Zeke put out the cigarette with an amused smile before offering his empty hand to her.
"I'm sorry for the awful joke, please don't tell my mom, will you forgive me? Pretty please?" Putting on his best pout, Zeke almost couldn't hold back chuckling when the kid in front of him seemed actually moved by his act.
She reluctantly took his hand, tangling their pinkies together before nodding, with the most serious expression she said "okay...i won't, but you have to stop okay! My dad does it and he coughs a lot."
"Your dad huh..." Zeke stared into her eyes, "so you must be Historia."
"Mhm! Do you know my dad? He said some people will be visiting today and i should stay somewhere they can't see..."
"Hmm, well Historia " standing up, Zeke pushed his glasses back, "I'm Zeke, what do you say we become friends?"
Looking up at the tall boy with stars in her eyes, Historia enthusiastically noded, too happy to dwell on the fact that her first ever friend had offered her a smoke some minutes ago.
"That's the spirit, now" taking off his jacket, Zeke folded it before putting it aside on the fence, "what do you say we finish pulling these weeds so i can teach you a really fun game called catch."
That day, Zeke dragged dirt and mud into his mother's new car with his now ruined suit, Dina was too busy scolding him that she forgot the fact he never came back from the bathroom after leaving the room.
And after that, each year at Christmas and family gatherings, Zeke and Historia would see each other for a single day.
He slowly saw her confidence grow more and more, each time she held her head a little higher, smile more genuine than the fake polite one.
At age 15, She told him about her first girlfriend, he bought her alcohol with His ID and of course she was quick to refuse it and scold him, Zeke started worrying she's starting to resemble his mother more and more.
At 16, when her father found out and threatened to kick her out, Zeke was the person she first called even before Ymir, not wanting to worry her.
To his surprise was the fact she didn't shed a single tear as she packed her bags before getting in his car, not giving a single glance to her father staring with a horrified expression from the front gate.
No, she smiled instead as both of them went to grab some food.
He asked if she knows where she's staying, she said she knows some friends but still haven't asked anyone yet.
After arriving at his grandparents house, Dina was the first to pull her into a hug before saying how sorry she is and how she just ended a call with Riess after giving him a piece of his mind.
Zeke, knowing very well how his mother is like when she's angry, he smiled knowing the guy now definitely has a headache from all the yelling, his mother has great lungs after all.
Zeke was almost 26 at the time, and so he offered her his old room while he's away in college.
They definitely grew closer after that, although Zeke never mentioned a word to his friends neither did Historia tell anyone beside Ymir.
They just never mentioned their personal life while hanging out on the days Zeke came to visit from college.
His grandparents adored her and treated her like their granddaughter after his mother moved to another country, they even met Ymir a couple times.
Zeke never talked with Ymir but he met her on the times Historia brought her over at christmas, his grandparents were quick to praise her for landing such a beautiful girlfriend before side eyeing Zeke and asking if he will ever give bring someone home.
Zeke was there for her to see her actual sad side that she hid from everyone, both of them bonded over the burden they hold on their shoulders for having to be the "perfect reliable" person all the time.
She rarely cried, but whenever she did it was either with Zeke or Ymir.
While Zeke would vent to her about Grisha and how much the fear of turning like him is what prevents him from being in a commited relationship, while Historia listens to him before sharing her own experience with both her dad and mother and how both of them just abandoned her.
After that they just go out to get ice cream.
Fun fact, Historia can handle spicey food and like it's nothing, meanwhile Zeke will choke if he even smelled peppers.
At age 20, Historia moved with Ymir in an apartment after high school and Zeke moved back home to a house near his grandparents after finishing college and opening his own clinc.
She still sends them cards each Christmas and even visits at times, Zeke picks up each time she calls no matter what he's currently doing.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 8
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
Clad in a strawberry pink dress, Tori tightened her brown combat boots as she tied her white ribbon above her curly locks. With permission from Riyo, she applied a darker pink blush to her cheeks and glossy lipsticks, highlighting her beauty.
Throughout her entire career as a clone commander, she never got to dress up nicely, and this mission allowed her to feel what it was like wearing civilian clothes. The strawberry dress originally belonged to Riyo, but thanks to her sewing skills, it fit perfectly well for her height.
She twirled in front of her mirror and played with her hair, smiling at her outfit. I am keeping this outfit after this mission.
“Mama, you look pretty,” Frieda praised her, sitting on the dresser. Tori could only smile as she grabbed a hair ribbon and tied her hair into a small ponytail.
“You’re a pretty girl too,” she complimented her, as she dusted off her matching dress. “Do you want a kiss on the cheeks?”
The little girl shook her head. “No, thank you, mama.”
“Alright then,” Tori respected her boundaries, as she put on a white shoe for her child. “Now come on, Uncle Fox, Uncle Dipper, and Aunt Riyo are waiting for us.”
“Yes, mama,” she said, as Tori walked out of Riyo’s quarters and headed towards another ship, where she found the others in the cockpit, with Commander Fox in the pilot’s seat, dressed in a tuxedo.
“Took you long enough,” he scolded her. “We’ve been waiting for you for almost 20 minutes.”
“Oh, yeah?” Tori rolled her eyes, holding her child in her lap. “Well, try dressing up for two. You know it’s difficult being a mother these days, especially when you’re fighting in the frontline.”
“That’s not an excuse. Every minute we waste, Senator Amidala is closer to danger. Now come on, we should leave right now.”
“Sir, yes, sir,” Dipper said, his eyes glued to his datapad. “By the way, where’s Riyo? It’s been a while since we’ve waited for her.”
“I’m here,” Riyo walked into the cockpit, dressed in her salmon pink beret and blouse. “Sorry I’m late. I had to deal with my period.”
“No worries, dear,” Fox’s lips curled upwards, passing her a heating pad. “Period can be painful and exhausting for women. I hope you pack your menstrual cup though.”
Tori squinted her eyes at her brother with exasperation. A few minutes ago, she was chastised for being late. But when his partner was late, he showed his concern to her. What a sly fox.
“So, shall we get going?”
“Of course, senator,” the Marshal Commander winked, as the ship took off from the Raxus base, heading into space. Frieda felt her ears pop when she was above ground, but then cooed when she saw the enormous amounts of stars surrounding her.
Even though she had followed Tori into battles many times, the little girl never got bored with the colourful galaxy she saw with her eyes. Everything fascinated her, even when it was the same object. “Mama, stars,” she pointed with her fingers.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Tori responded positively, holding her hands. “How many stars can you count right now?”
As the child counted, Fox placed his hands on the gear and was about to jump into hyperspace, but observing Frieda’s curiosity made him delay his actions. He was once like her as well, except he counted raindrops instead of stars.
It was always raining on Kamino, so he never had the same privilege to enjoy the wonders in the sky. But it was fun though. Fox enjoyed watching the raindrops on the window racing against each other, wondering which one would win. Come on, Lenny, you can do it. You can win this race this time.
He wished he could experience something like that again, where everything was simple and less terrifying. “So, how many stars did you count, Frieda?”
“There are 150 stars in the galaxy,” she answered, much to his amazement.
“150 stars? That’s a lot of stars you counted, kiddo.”
“150 is a big number,” Riyo chimed in. “I only reached that amount when I was 8 years old. You’re such a clever girl.”
“What can I say?” Tori shrugged, proud of her daughter’s accomplishments. “Frieda is a smart kid.”
Pulling the gears, their ship jumped into hyperspace, prompting him to turn around and face his crew members. “Alright team, we’re on our way to Coruscant and I’m only going to explain this plan once, so pay close attention.”
Dipper bobbed his head as he put away his datapad, his gaze focused towards his superiors.
“So, when we arrive at Coruscant, we will stand by for inspection by the patrols, along with our chain codes. So make sure we all relax and act naturally, like what normal people do.”
“That’s not so hard for me,” Riyo stated. “I can act as natural as possible.”
“I know you can do it, Riyo, but I’m not sure about those two,” Fox gestured to Tori and Dipper on their outfits. “I mean, you both stick out like a sore thumb.”
“Choerry said that ripped jeans and neon green hair are a trend,” Dipper defended his style choice. “Plus, I look handsome as hell.”
“I like your hair,” Riyo praised him. “I thought you looked like a rockstar.”
“See, she agrees with me. You’re just jealous that you can’t pull off this style.”
Fox shook his head. “We’re going on a stealth mission to help Senator Amidala, and you both look like you’re going to a Moachella instead.”
“That’s the whole point, Foxy,” Tori raised her eyebrows. “We’re dressed like average citizens of Coruscant. But you look overdressed. I mean, who wears a tuxedo on a normal day?”
“First, it’s Fox,” he corrected her. “And second, every secret agent in movies wears a tuxedo, and it makes me look smart too.”
“But you’ll get caught easily,” Dipper gave him a reminder, which irritated him. “I mean, isn’t a tuxedo inconvenient, especially since you’re running and all?”
As much as Fox hates to admit, the ARC Trooper made a good point. But it was too late for him to change clothes, as he’s already in hyperspace. Besides, Riyo was the one who suggested that he wear a tux. She told him it highlights his good looks.
“Whatever, do you remember to bring our chain codes, Dipper?”
“Yes, sir,” he said, as he took out five chain codes from his backpack and passed it around to the others. “These are from General Brinks. She was the one who taught me how to make a fake one.”
“These chain codes looked genuine,” he praised his efforts. “The Empire will easily be fooled. Well done, vod.”
As Tori received two chain codes for her and Frieda, she read the names on the card. Rina and Lara Young, well, that’s a pleasant way to remember Lira and Eva Bella Young. They would have loved to go on a stealth mission as well.
“So what are these for again?” she scratched the side of her head.
Fox turned to her with a scorned look on his face. He couldn’t believe that Tori wasn’t listening. “In case you forgot, the Imperial used these as IDs. Not having one is illegal and could face two years in prison.”
“That’s harsh,” Riyo gasped at what she heard. “But it’s also an efficient way to keep track of their citizens.”
“And outlaws too,” Dipper growled, remembering the plot to one of his favourite novels, where Big Brother was watching everyone’s moves, even if they’re innocent.
“Anyway, so what happens once the Imperials allow us to enter the planet?” Tori asked another question.
“Once we got in, we parked our ship at Level 1312,” Fox continued, explaining his plans. “From there, we’ll have to take a taxi to Senator Amidala’s place.”
“Wait, why can’t we land near her penthouse?” Riyo wondered, seeing that was rather difficult.
“That will make us more suspicious, and that’s the last thing we want.”
“Okay, so what do we do once we make it to the senator?” Dipper raised his hands.
“We’ll help her with the investigation of the Chancellor’s death, and then we get her out of here,” Fox finished his briefing. “Now, do we have questions about this mission?”
Tori, Dipper, and Riyo exchanged a glance of confidence within themselves, determined that their mission will be successful. Things will go just as planned, the Pantoran was sure of herself.
“No questions, Uncle,” Frieda spoke, shaking her head. Her response brightened the cockpit as Fox chuckled and ruffled her hair, when the panels were beeping rapidly, signalling to them they had arrived at Coruscant.
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 27th, Friday 12:34
This went much better than the two boys had thought. 
They had finished their breakfast and afterwards just stayed at the table. Talking, joking and bonding. Especially their moms who had no shame but to unpack every embarrasing story on hand. It must be a parent thing to do. It also was a lot of fun, because Jens now knew about Lucas having fallen of a branch of an apple tree once, just barely a meter and a half of the ground, and still managed to break his arm. Yet unfortunately his boyfriend in return was told about the one time Robbe and him had stuck marbles up there noses, which lead to Jens crying for the whole duration of getting his best friend to the hospital to free him of his anguish, as only Jens had barely gotten it back out himself.
He had forgotten half the things his mother talked about. He wondered how long it would take to forget about the last couple of years as well that he spent with her in his life.
Sure, they had pictures, but it wasn’t the same.
So he watched her standing next to Frieda, laughing about something he couldn’t hear from the doorstep of his house. Their moms were busy packing their bags in the trunk. Suddelny it felt all too real. His mom wouldn’t be there for the next two weeks, without a garantuee that she would even be allowed to return home afterwards.
„Hey, you are drifting off again.“
Lucas pulled at his hand, bending his head just enough to get Jens to look at his face instead of the car behind his boyfriend. 
„Sorry.“ Jens apologised, closing the door behind him with the other hand that was still holding onto the door knob.
„It’s fine, just don’t do it while driving us maybe?“
„Good point.“ He replied, able to smirk at his boyfriend before he leaned in to kiss him. Just shy enough as they stoof infront of their parents, who didn’t actually paid them any attention to warrant caution.
„So what’s wrong suddenly?“ Lucas asked quietly pecking another kiss on Jens’s nose, that he wrinkled in return. It certainly did lift his mood.
„I know how much this sucks.“ His boyfriend continued as he only had recieved a shrug for an answer. „Let’s do one thing after another, okay? We drop of your mother first, then my mom, then head to my place to get my stuff and then pick up Lotte from school, and that’s all. Just four things. We can go to bed right away, if you’d like. End of today.“
He loved this boy winking at him after he had talked him through the short list of tasks ahead. It sounded much less overwhelming when it fitted all into one sentence.
„No it’s okay. It’s just gonna be weird to not have my mom around.“
It really was. He didn’t feel as sad as it was more the fear of loosing his mom so soon, that caused his weird emotional state right now. He also needed to get the house ready for his friends tomorrow and catch up on schoolwork anyway.
„I know.“
The smile on Lucas had fallen from his lips, his deep sigh, reminding Jens who the boy infront of him was. Obviously his boyfriend had brought his mom often to the hosiptal recently, but he also knew about a couple of times Lucas had worried for her life, as she had broken down at home more than once. Jens hadn’t dared yet to ask him if she had been violent or suicidal because of her illness.
„Sorry, you are right. Forgot for a second who I was talking to.“
Lucas nodded lightly, both of them somehow managing to bring their smiles back. Even if just to encourage each other.
„I love your smile. You look so much better with it. Try to keep it.“ Jens told him genuinly, as well as he was teasing just a little bit.
„Are you boys ready?“ Frieda called loudly for them from the car, breaking the boys out of the quite shared gaze the two had resided in til now. They both took a step back from each other, without ever letting go of their hands. Be it for support or just the generel feeling of having a loved one close.
„Are we?“ Lucas asked tilting his head lightly. Jens simply having to kiss his adorable boyfriend again, before he nodded and lead them away from the doorstep in order to join their moms in the car.
„Then let’s go. Get the Stoffels ambulance service on the road. We don’t want your mom to be late.“
They had enough time. Jens knew it and Lucas did too as he joked about it. Didn’t meant that it wouldn’t allow for Jens to have enough time to hug his mom goodbye. Preferably for the whole duration of the next two weeks, so he never actually had to leave her there.
A thought that comforted him as much as it made him hate himself for having at all, was the assurance that it wasn’t something he had to do often enough to get used to in the future
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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shizekarnstein · 5 years
Zeke is determinated to save his brother from the shackles of Grisha's poisonous influence. If Eren is refusing to go along with their dream the only reason is more than obvious: their wretched father has brainwashed him and only Zeke himself is able to free him of that burden. Only once he manages to undo the damage will the two of them stand together as brothers and put an end, once and for all, to the cursed fate of the eldian people.
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Xaver stoods in his mind as Zeke's personal saviour. From his pov he was his real father: a father who listened and played with him, an adult with whom he felt safe and comfortable. The person who finally opened his eyes to the monstruos nature of his birth parents characters, and encouraged him to turned them over to the marlean authorities instead of joining them in utopia.
Zeke has never questioned his mentor's motives or the type of person he was. He only saw one side of him: the loving man who had his best interest in mind. To this day he never pondered over the fact that this very man basically turned him into the executioner of his own parents and how terrible is to put that burden on a child. How cruel and manipulative is to tell a seven years old that his own parents never loved him.
Claiming that Grisha has brainwashed and mistreat Eren as he did with Zeke himself all those years ago, refusing to even consider the possibility that he could have been a better parent to Eren, and not even listening to Eren's thoughts on the matter, he goes ahead and brings their foreheads together. To show his brother the truth.
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But forcing your ideals and pov into another person is no different from what both his parents and Xaver did to him. So I have to ask: by using the FT powers to force his own convictions onto Eren, at the end, is he really that different from those he claims to loathe? Who is really trying to brainwash Eren at this point?
The brothers enter Grisha's memories and witness how this man interacted and raised his younger son.
This quest objetive is to reveal the true face of Grisha and all his wrongdoings. But along the way I can't help but wonder if what Zeke was really looking for, on an unconciouss level, was seeing their father again. Zeke was conditionated and encouraged by Xaver to hate and despise his father, but little Zeke loved him more than anything. He tried to put up with all the things he and Dina asked of him. Even when he thought those things were wrong and put him in danger, he did soldier on. What really brought him to a breaking point was not only his parents neglect, but the possiblity of all of them together being shipped off to paradise. For someone who to this day is still craving affection as a starved animal, I have no doubts that even if he convinced himself of hating him, a part of him is still that little boy who adored him. In order to move forward he had to believe his father was a monster.
When confronted with the reality that Grisha really seemed to care for his new wife and son, his bitterness and denial are palpable. He's jelous bc some part of him still wished he could have had something like that. Eren himself is going along this painful trip down memory lane, having to endure witnessing all those dear and simpler days with a deep sense of longing.
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But no matter how hard he searchs, nothing seems to match Zeke's expectations. He's desesperatly trying to find the instances when Grisha acted as a selfish man who puts his own ideals ahead of the safety of his family. The months pass and all he can find are wholesome family moments. They get to see how Eren was clearly loved and doted upon, how his father spent countless hours playing with him, taking him on walks, witnessing his very first steps. The tranquil family dinners where no talk of politics or revolution ever graced the table.
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Even then Zeke keeps searching for the devious facet that he knows must exit. Grisha infiltrated the walls to locate the FT and restaure the Eldian Empire. His new family is an accessory, just like his previous one.
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Eren himself is done with this futile quest. Unlike Zeke, he knows the two sides of the story. He knows his father's faults, even believed for a time the worst of him when Rod Reiss triggered the memories of the chapel massacre. He has come to terms with the fact his father was a flawed man who payed dearly for his dreams and came to repent and love his new family in all the ways he couldn't with his former one. Eren knows all about his guilt, about his sins and regrets. About how much he cherished him and his mother, and how he never forgot about Dina and Zeke.
But what good does it do to argue with someone who's utterly convinced of his own truth? Trying to force his biased version on Eren is nonsense and Eren is very aware of this fact. Of course father is a demon, isn't that what you want to hear? We can move on and euthanize our own people next now that I know your true Zeke. What an evil man! Forcing your vission onto others without giving a damn about their own side of the story or experiences is such a wonderful and foolproof plan. Can't you see how the brainwashing is coming undone thanks to you showing me all these things? It's useless to try to talk with someone who doesn't listen.
But then both Eren and Zeke learned that they didn't even knew all there was to know about Grisha and how far he had evolved from his younger self.
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He gave up on his old dream. He learned from his faults. When faced with the choice between his mission and his loved ones, this time he made the right choice. He was able to cast away his old self and previous mistakes and return to his family, finally deciding what was really more precious to him and clinging to this choice.
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Humans change and grow. But without taking the time to sit down and listen to other people we are unable to trully grasp who they really are as persons. We allow our own missconceptions and prejudices to blind us to the facts. What Zeke is experiencing now is a total subversion of what he was convinced was an absolute fact. But in order to allow himself to consider this possiblity, he had to witness it with his own eyes. Ignorance itself is a formidable enemy after all. That is the brothers motto, but the only one living by those words was Eren.
All the doubts Zeke still harboured and his last sanity rope was the utter conviction that his father never loved him. Mister Xaver told him so. It has to be true. Even if he changed in regards to his other son, Grisha never cared for Zeke. He was nothing more to him than a tool, a royal blood vessel that would help him to make his dream come true. Grisha found happiness with his new family, merrily forgetting all about his past one and the hell he put them through. Listening to Grisha utter "I'm sorry, Zeke" has began to utterly shatter this view.
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While Zeke was blabbing, Eren noted how his father still gazed and kept close his only memento of Dina and Zeke. He never forgot about them. How could he?
Kruger himself said that anyone can become a god or a devil, all it takes is for someone to believe in it. For Zeke and Rod Reiss Grisha Jaeger was a monster who gladly crushed children and anything that stood on his way. Marley and Willy Tybur convinced the whole world that Eren Jaeger is a demon hellbent on destroying everything in his path. We as readers were convinced that the Beast Titan was a devil who utterly lacked even an ounce of human compassion. Xaver appears to Zeke as a wonderful person; we as readers know better than to believe such a thing of someone who installed the idea in a child that his parents hated him and forced him to tarnish his hands with their blood. Just going by the flashes we saw this chapter about Grisha, an uninformed party would conclude that he was a good man with not a single fault to his name. To trully grasp others we need to get rid of our bias and missconceptions and learn to actually listen and see for ourselves what's true and what isn't. That has always been a theme in SnK. Zeke's journey isn't different.
Now both brothers experienced radically differnet sides of Grisha. Just bc he came to regret his previous actions and worked to better himself as a man, spouse and father doesn't mean all is forgiven. Zeke has the right to still resent him and the way he treated him. But he can only make that choice freely once he knows for certain all there is to his father's story. And the journey has only started.
I find intriguing how at the beginning it was Zeke who command the pace of their journey and kept selecting to continue. Now that his convictions have been shaken, and not Eren's, is Eren himself who seems to be in charge of the itinerary.
If inside paths realm the stronger mental will is the one who prevails, then the outcome of this little journey is very much on Eren's favour.
What's Zeke going to do? It's there a way to make him give up on his dream too? Or is he still fully convinced of the true of Xaver words? Memories of the previous shifter have a degree of influence on the current one. If Zeke can say with security that Eren was being controlled by their father, then how deep is the real hold of Xaver in all of this? Is this really only Zeke's dream? Xaver shared this dream with him when he still lived, and the two of them agreed to make it a reality. Even now he remains a dear person and highly respectable in Zeke's mind and heart. At the end I don't think it trully matters if his hold on Zeke is being reinforced by his memories living in him. The only one who can decide what to do is Zeke. Time may be infinite inside paths realm, but even so the clock is still ticking.
This chapter was monumental and has so many things to comment upon. I plan to do another post pondering over something I've been wondering for a long time: can shifters actually sense when someone down the line is witnessing/reviving some of their memories? Going by Frieda and Grisha this chapter, my tentative answer is yes. Hint: Grisha sees Zeke in front of him, but there was someone else behind Grisha who had the same view as him, and that someone would later be the vessel that holds all of Grisha's memories.
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deafblindshorty · 5 years
My Fave OITNB Moments
Piper screaming when she sees Alex at Litchfield
Taystee trading some supplies for a strand of Piper’s hair
Taystee and Flaca fighting over ice cream
The tampon sandwich
Pretty much every Paystee moment
Pennsatucky wanting to hang a giant wooden cross on the ceiling on the chapel and it ends up breaking the ceiling which causes Pornstache to yell at her.
Alex secretly giving Piper a piece of cornbread
The chicken chase/hunt
The WAC election (”Just like high school”)
The inmates scaring the juvies (or trying to)
The Christmas program auditions
The Christmas program itself
The Fight (You know the one)
The inmates dancing/partying and Boo getting down
The Thirsty Bird painting
Piper hugging Alex after Trisha died to annoy Healy
Piper talking to Lolly about almost killing Pennsatucky
The job fair
The Golden Girls plotting to kill Vee
Tasliz mistakenly shivving someone thinking it was Vee
“Okay, I know she fruity pebbles, but...”
Rosa killing Vee
Red greasing the oven and Gina burning herself (I’m sorry, but it was funny)
Daya’s mean comics about the prison staff
Piper annoying her mother by talking about dating girls
“By the way, someone did rat you out. It was Boo.” (That whole scene in the bathroom)
Caputo catching Pornstache doing Daya
Two of the COs (I forgot their names) bribing the hunger strikers with pizza and Angie and Leanne giving in.
Sister Ingalls and Sophia’s friendship
Norma getting revenge on Vee for attacking Red and Gloria helping her
Alex kissing Pennsatucky as payback for sending Piper to SHU
Maxwell and Bell taking Pennsatucky with them when shopping
The pinata not having any candy in it.
Poussey saving Brook
Chang’s entire flashback episode
The Lake (aka the Calm Before the Storm)
Gloria’s abusive ex-boyfriend getting burned to death in that small room 
Pennsatucky making fun of Vee and Suzanne nearly “potato-ing” her
Nicky and her friends trying to steal a cab
Red punching someone’s tit
Cesar’s house being raided by the DEA
Cindy and Alison’s little war
Cindy trying to get a picture with Judy King
The Peaceful Protest turned tragedy
Red trying to stop Dwight’s snoring
The start of the riot
Either Dixon or Luschek trying to get Stratman to pee (that was funny!)
Cindy walking down the dimly lit halls encountering Flaritza and the prank phone call from the methheads.
Boosatucky’s friendship
The skinheads, Yoga, and Anita making Judy’s life miserable during the riot
Alex and Piper playing house during the riot
Piper’s conversation with her mom
Cindy and Janae preventing Suzanne from getting to Taystee with a dead Humps
Cindy singing Suzanne to sleep
Trisha’s memorial
Poussey’s memorial (”Oh, shit, it’s a grief-off”)
Piper proposing to Alex
“One, two...” (Scene change) “...Three years without a pap smear...”
Frieda shooting the guards with “poison” in order for them to let her and a few other inmates out.
The hostage situation (Red’s family) and the rescue
Lorna realizes she’s pregnant
Maureen and Suzanne coming up with ways to kill Humps
Suzanne’s hallucinations in Ad Seg
Red trying to get the message out about Piscatella
Vauseman’s reuinion
Taystee’s and Tamika’s flashback
Max Flava radio show
The ending kickball game
Vauseman wedding
Chatty Cathy’s commentary and pretending to be murdered or something
Taystee beating Badison up
Sophia’s ending
Blanca and Diablo’s ending
All of the Nicky/Shani scenes
Flaca helping Maritza and convincing Gloria to help, too
Suzanne helping Pennsatucky study
Aleida going ape**** on that pedophile
Aleida killing(?) Daya
Cindy getting out and reuniting with her mom and daughter
Suzanne taking peoples’ pudding and someone just saying “Goddammit.”
Flaca continuing to prank Clitvack
Chang’s sudden appearance in the finale
Piper getting her life back together and ending up with Alex
The cameos of former Litchfield inmates
Cindy working on healing her relationship with her family
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devillainsarchive · 5 years
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My official canon divergence starts with the end of D2 and will cover all of Book 4 and D3 and beyond. 
Please read. I will eventually put all of this in smaller head canons.
If this post is too long for you here is my shortened version - x
Pre Book 4
Book 1 is mostly canon on this blog. It should be noted that Carlos and Uma, and her crew and the pirates used to hang out or at least were acquaintances. He has an unspoken beef with Harry Hook. They also taught him to swim and sword fight. Carlos’ symbol the cross bones is a partial reference to his pirate history. Carlos’ mother is very awful but has a vice like grip over him. Carlos deeply loves his mother, and knows his mother does not love him but that never stops him from trying to earn her love. He is also protective over her because of this. He hates himself for his feelings like this.
D1 is also largely canon. Book 2 is also canon. Book 3 is canon, except his and Jane’s friendship are not as rushed (and later relationship starts building immediately after D1. D2 is mostly canon with the caveat that he and Mal have talked prior about the truth gummy and his mom hence why his mom’s voice appears in Ways to be Wicked. Carlos barely does any actual fighting with the pirates as they are his friends and he is torn. He likes being able to to the smoke bombs because it acknowledges his accuracy, and his desire to not actually fight.
After D2 Jane and Carlos do become official. They are not without their issues, not listening to each other is a main one. They often speak over each other, and don’t listen to each other’s ramblings. Their is alot of trust issues between them. They are both nervous about everything, and second guessing everything. But they are trying, and they are a cute couple.
Dude cannot talk still. The spell wore off shortly after D2, when he took his first poop really. He is however good at tracking, because he’s a dog. He helps in that matter, but that alone.
Book 4
Due to rules at Auradon prep, even though Carlos should have graduated early, he does graduate with the rest of the Core 4, he just is not allowed to walk across the stage. He is a junior in title alone. He graduates with the rest. Dude stays at Auradon prep, and does not graduate. Dude stays to help the next mascot. Dude also officially gets adopted by Gil when the time comes in D3.
Carlos does not participate in the senior things, and it kind of crushes him. He doesn’t even know if the school will let him graduate and it eats him up. Even if the school does, he will be away from his friends which doesn’t help either. Jane figures out a way to fix it by having him help plan the scavenger hunt. But that’s alot on him.
D3 and VK DAY
VK Day is not a thing. It does not happen. It was brought up and Carlos shot it down. He does have a place on the Isle for kids though, but some of their parents are bad. The location is a secret, and the place is run in part by Diego, and in part by a few of the other older kids who Carlos trusts. Carlos is not a fan of the applications, and pushes for if they are going to be a thing then kids need to be coming over at least monthly. To help prepare he proposes for a place to be built in Auradon for kids both Auradon raised, and not to find solace and help if they want it.
Carlos hates being on the isle, he hates going back. His mother is not okay for various reasons. He does not like it there. He never truly will. He cares about the kids and those in situations similar to his, but going back to the Isle is panic inducing for him.
Jane’s Birthday and Relationship
Carlos helps Jane plan her birthday, and even has some surprises for her. Like a cake and gift. However because of things going on he misses her party due to the fact that he has to go back to the Isle again. That begins the strain on their relationship. She thinks he forgot. And the cake he made is slowly being eaten by people which doesn’t help. Jane does not find out about the cake, because the new VKs hide their evidence of eating it.
Carlos does try to give Jane her gift, a way of saying sorry now for missing the party. It is a bow made out of scrap metal that Carlos made. Because of nerves between both of them, its not really well received. Carlos says that he’s not sure about them anymore things have been building after all over months.
When Jane meets Harry and Gil, she does not intentionally flirt back. But Carlos sees it, and gives her a look. They never officially say they are broken up. They remain friends for sure. But they both realize they are not going to be each other’s happily ever after. And they are okay with that, because at least they are friends.
Fight Scene
Carlos Recognizes the fighting style as Chad’s because he is in control of the armor. Carlos does not know how to voice this to the others, but he does have an advantage that they now don’t. He and Chad are a pretty equal match.
Carlos is much more open to accepting Harry and Gil. The icebreaker is not needed so much because he did in fact use to be friends with them on the Isle. He and Harry still don’t speak about their beef. But their lack of speaking about it, allows them to move on from it.
The Barrier and Aftermath
Carlos does not want the barrier down forever. Yes people deserve second chances. Some people however do not. He spend years atoning for his mother’s wrongs because she couldn’t. So in the aftermath of the barrier coming down, he sees Diego, which excites and confuses him because he loves his cousin. His cousin is coming to warn him about his mother.
Carlos tries to bring this to Ben and Mal but its a happy time. People are happy. The VKs are happy. Celia and Facilier are happy. The kids with good parents are happy, and Carlos can only thinking about the parents who aren’t good. A different solution has to be made or he will live the rest of his life in fear because his mother will find him. He wont get to go to Camelot University (Oxford and Cambridge Auradon Equivalent) and join their ROAR team like planned, he got a full scholarship.
So as soon as the celebrations end, he talks to Chad who he has gotten really close to. Chad suggest some thing, and Carlos goes with it. He asks for a meeting with Ben, some select adults in Auradon, and the VKs. He is terrified. None of them realize what is going on. His meeting begins with him saying that they need an alternative. Some villains are still bad. Some need to go to an actual prison. People object. Carlos for the first time then shows people who aren’t Mal, Evie, and Jay, his scars. He talks about the years of abuse his mother put on him. Things are going well until the air changes.
Cruella enters, and Carlos’ demeanor changes completely. Where he wants was confident he is no longer. Normally she speaks, but she doesn’t, and Carlos knows its going to be bad. She takes him out, but not before Fairy Godmother stops it. She freezes Cruella, and agrees they need an alternative for the not so good parents. There will always be bad people who are just bad.
College and Afterwords
Carlos visits his mother, even if it goes nowhere. Diego stays on the Isle, but Carlos is much more comfortable being there now. He also gets to see his cousin. Diego’s band becomes quite a hit in Auradon, they got alot better than when they were on the Isle. A true rock band. He goes to Camelot University, and plays ROAR there.
He has two focuses, veterinary medicine which covers science, but he also takes extra chemistry classes, because while at school he gets used to Animals. With help, he gets a service dog, Laurie, then a second dog Frieda both from the Dalmatian Plantation. His second focus is engineering.
He lives with the Charmings. They support him as if he was their own son. He and Chad have really bonded, and become close friends.
Eventually he gets access to Cruella’s money that was put in a trust, he gets access to her estate as well. He also gets all her cars out of the museum, if he steals them one at a time, no one tries to stop him. They have his name on them after all. Everyone in college knows that if they need help with cars or things need fixing he is the one to go to.
He feels pretty fulfilled. A life where he could not hope, leads to a life where he can.
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devillain · 5 years
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My official canon divergence starts with the end of D2 and will cover all of Book 4 and D3 and beyond.
Please read. I will eventually put all of this in smaller head canons. Additionally, most of this can change depending on who I am writing with, I made it flexible on purpose.
If this post is too long for you here is my shortened version - x
Pre Book 4
Book 1 is mostly canon on this blog. It should be noted that Carlos and Uma, and her crew and the pirates used to hang out or at least were acquaintances. He has an unspoken beef with Harry Hook. They also taught him to swim and sword fight. Carlos’ symbol the cross bones is a partial reference to his pirate history. Carlos’ mother is very awful but has a vice like grip over him. Carlos deeply loves his mother, and knows his mother does not love him but that never stops him from trying to earn her love. He is also protective over her because of this. He hates himself for his feelings like this.
D1 is also largely canon. Book 2 is also canon. Book 3 is canon, except his and Jane’s friendship are not as rushed (and later relationship starts building immediately after D1. D2 is mostly canon with the caveat that he and Mal have talked prior about the truth gummy and his mom hence why his mom’s voice appears in Ways to be Wicked. Carlos barely does any actual fighting with the pirates as they are his friends and he is torn. He likes being able to to the smoke bombs because it acknowledges his accuracy, and his desire to not actually fight.
After D2 Jane and Carlos do become official. They are not without their issues, not listening to each other is a main one. They often speak over each other, and don’t listen to each other’s ramblings. Their is alot of trust issues between them. They are both nervous about everything, and second guessing everything. But they are trying, and they are a cute couple.
Dude cannot talk still. The spell wore off shortly after D2, when he took his first poop really. He is however good at tracking, because he’s a dog. He helps in that matter, but that alone.
Book 4
Due to rules at Auradon prep, even though Carlos should have graduated early, he does graduate with the rest of the Core 4, he just is not allowed to walk across the stage. He is a junior in title alone. He graduates with the rest. Dude stays at Auradon prep, and does not graduate. Dude stays to help the next mascot. Dude also officially gets adopted by Gil when the time comes in D3.
Carlos does not participate in the senior things, and it kind of crushes him. He doesn’t even know if the school will let him graduate and it eats him up. Even if the school does, he will be away from his friends which doesn’t help either. Jane figures out a way to fix it by having him help plan the scavenger hunt. But that’s alot on him.
D3 and VK DAY
VK Day is not a thing. It does not happen. It was brought up and Carlos shot it down. He does have a place on the Isle for kids though, but some of their parents are bad. The location is a secret, and the place is run in part by Diego, and in part by a few of the other older kids who Carlos trusts. Carlos is not a fan of the applications, and pushes for if they are going to be a thing then kids need to be coming over at least monthly. To help prepare he proposes for a place to be built in Auradon for kids both Auradon raised, and not to find solace and help if they want it.
Carlos hates being on the isle, he hates going back. His mother is not okay for various reasons. He does not like it there. He never truly will. He cares about the kids and those in situations similar to his, but going back to the Isle is panic inducing for him.
Jane’s Birthday and Relationship
Carlos helps Jane plan her birthday, and even has some surprises for her. Like a cake and gift. However because of things going on he misses her party due to the fact that he has to go back to the Isle again. That begins the strain on their relationship. She thinks he forgot. And the cake he made is slowly being eaten by people which doesn’t help. Jane does not find out about the cake, because the new VKs hide their evidence of eating it.
Carlos does try to give Jane her gift, a way of saying sorry now for missing the party. It is a bow made out of scrap metal that Carlos made. Because of nerves between both of them, its not really well received. Carlos says that he’s not sure about them anymore things have been building after all over months.
When Jane meets Harry and Gil, she does not intentionally flirt back. But Carlos sees it, and gives her a look. They never officially say they are broken up. They remain friends for sure. But they both realize they are not going to be each other’s happily ever after. And they are okay with that, because at least they are friends.
Fight Scene
Carlos Recognizes the fighting style as Chad’s because he is in control of the armor. Carlos does not know how to voice this to the others, but he does have an advantage that they now don’t. He and Chad are a pretty equal match.
Carlos is much more open to accepting Harry and Gil. The icebreaker is not needed so much because he did in fact use to be friends with them on the Isle. He and Harry still don’t speak about their beef. But their lack of speaking about it, allows them to move on from it.
The Barrier and Aftermath
Carlos does not want the barrier down forever. Yes people deserve second chances. Some people however do not. He spend years atoning for his mother’s wrongs because she couldn’t. So in the aftermath of the barrier coming down, he sees Diego, which excites and confuses him because he loves his cousin. His cousin is coming to warn him about his mother.
Carlos tries to bring this to Ben and Mal but its a happy time. People are happy. The VKs are happy. Celia and Facilier are happy. The kids with good parents are happy, and Carlos can only thinking about the parents who aren’t good. A different solution has to be made or he will live the rest of his life in fear because his mother will find him. He wont get to go to Camelot University (Oxford and Cambridge Auradon Equivalent) and join their ROAR team like planned, he got a full scholarship.
So as soon as the celebrations end, he talks to Chad who he has gotten really close to. Chad suggest some thing, and Carlos goes with it. He asks for a meeting with Ben, some select adults in Auradon, and the VKs. He is terrified. None of them realize what is going on. His meeting begins with him saying that they need an alternative. Some villains are still bad. Some need to go to an actual prison. People object. Carlos for the first time then shows people who aren’t Mal, Evie, and Jay, his scars. He talks about the years of abuse his mother put on him. Things are going well until the air changes.
Cruella enters, and Carlos’ demeanor changes completely. Where he wants was confident he is no longer. Normally she speaks, but she doesn’t, and Carlos knows its going to be bad. She takes him out, but not before Fairy Godmother stops it. She freezes Cruella, and agrees they need an alternative for the not so good parents. There will always be bad people who are just bad.
College and Afterwords
Carlos visits his mother, even if it goes nowhere. Diego stays on the Isle, but Carlos is much more comfortable being there now. He also gets to see his cousin. Diego’s band becomes quite a hit in Auradon, they got alot better than when they were on the Isle. A true rock band. He goes to Camelot University, and plays ROAR there.
He has two focuses, veterinary medicine which covers science, but he also takes extra chemistry classes, because while at school he gets used to Animals. With help, he gets a service dog, Laurie, then a second dog Frieda both from the Dalmatian Plantation. His second focus is engineering.
He lives with the Charmings. They support him as if he was their own son. He and Chad have really bonded, and become close friends.
Eventually he gets access to Cruella’s money that was put in a trust, he gets access to her estate as well. He also gets all her cars out of the museum, if he steals them one at a time, no one tries to stop him. They have his name on them after all. Everyone in college knows that if they need help with cars or things need fixing he is the one to go to.
He feels pretty fulfilled. A life where he could not hope, leads to a life where he can.
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ahhhhhhhhh88-88 · 6 years
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amarauder · 6 years
chapter eighteen ❥ original
it’s a hate-love thing original version.
james potter x reader.
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"Oh, y/n, we always knew you'd make it!" shouted Arabella, hugging her friend.
Y/n smiled, and fingered the Gryffindor Prefect badge on her chest carefully and proudly. Her three girl friends were gushing at it with awe and respect.
"You will let us get away with stuff, won't you?" asked Jennifer mischievously.
"Of course, Jen." She chuckled. "D'you guys have any idea who the other Prefect is?"
"Remus," replied Jennifer happily. "Isn't that wonderful for him? I think he deserves it, since he's not so much a troublemaker as James or Sirius."
Y/n's smile faded slightly. She had been almost positive that the other Gryffindor Prefect would be James. However, she wouldn't mind working with Remus, since he was so much more understanding and less annoying.
Fortunately, none of her friends saw Y/n's hesitation, and continued to chat about her duties as a prefect. The compartment slid open, and the Marauders walked in.
"Mind if we sit here, girls?" said Sirius, grinning. "Our ickle Moony is growing up, being a pref—Y/n?" He stared at her. "You're a prefect, too? Oh, the shame!"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, Sirius. Congratulations, Remus."
Remus smiled. "You too, Y/n. I always thought that James would be a prefect, though, since he—"
"Aww...shut up, Moony," said James affectionately. He didn't seem bothered at all that he wasn't a prefect. "And it's Prongs, not James."
"Yeah, yeah."
"It was so obvious that Y/n would become a prefect," said Violet with a big grin on her face. "I mean, she was prefect material ever since our first year..."
"Don't make me sick, Vi," said Y/n.
Violet smiled. "I'll try, n/n."
"Hey, Flower, shouldn't you be in the prefect compartment with all the other prefects?" asked Sirius innocently.
Y/n's eyes widened. "Oh, damn! I forgot!"
"Well, come on then," urged Remus.
The two rushed out of the compartment amid snickers from James and Sirius, and rushed into the prefect compartment. Everyone else was already there, and the Head Boy and Girl were not pleased to see them late.
"L/n, Lupin," acknowledged Kevin Sharp, nodding at them curtly. "I'm glad that you've finally showed up."
Bellatrix Black let out a shrill giggle.
"Black, what do you think you're doing?" snapped the Head Girl, Teresa Chamberlain.
"Nothing, Chamberlain," said Bellatrix sulkily.
"Good. Now, I want you all to carry out your duties as a prefect well this year. You may not deduct points from any Houses, but you may give out punishments when it is completely necessary. Also, you will be escorting and helping many of our younger students at Hogwarts, and you will keep watch when there is danger and be alert at all times. Also, I warn you, do not abuse this position, or you will be handing over your prefect badge to another person who is more worthy of the position. I'm sure that you will all be successful in carrying out this job, as Dumbledore chose you all personally." She gave a tight smile toward the Snape and Bellatrix, the Slytherin Prefects.
"I wonder how long Dumbledore took to choose the Slytherin prefects," muttered Remus under his breath. Y/n stifled a laugh.
"Can we go now?" asked a fifth-year Ravenclaw rather loudly.
Several people chortled, and Teresa looked highly affronted.
"Absolutely not, Goldstein! You must patrol the corridors for forty-five minutes to make sure that everything is all right."
"Forty-five minutes?" said Mark Goldstein incredulously. "Is this some kind of joke? No one told me a prefect was this hard!"
Kevin chuckled. "Well, get used to it, mate."
Teresa sniffed. "Well, I don't know why Dumbledore chose you for a prefect, then, if you can't handle the job. I'm sure that there are many other willing Ravenclaw boys in your year who will do the job without complaining."
Mark sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, making a face at Teresa when no one was looking. Y/n giggled.
"It looks like we have to be stuck with a Gryffindor Mudblood for forty-five minutes, Severus," said Bellatrix, loud enough for everyone else to hear.
Y/n turned red, as all eyes rested on her. "And look, Remus, we have to get stuck with slimy snakes for an hour. But they're useful, really, since they're so cunning and deceitful, so we can get whatever we want if we learn a few tricks from them."
Remus laughed, along with the other House prefects. Even Teresa, a strict seventh-year Ravenclaw, smiled.
"Don't mind Bellatrix, y/n," mumbled Snape under his breath.
Lily stared at him. "What, it's 'y/n', not 'Mudblood' or 'l/n'?"
"Look, I'm sorry if you're mad about those comments, but I have to be like that around my friends..."
"I'm sure," said Y/n coldly, and she went off to join Remus.
"What was that about?" he asked, bewildered, as she caught up with him. "Did Snape threaten you?"
"Nah. Stupid git doesn't have the brains or the guts to do that."
They both laughed, and set off patrolling the corridors, and watching out for misbehaving students fighting, using magic, etc. After fifteen minutes of this, however, everyone was tired of walking up and down the corridors, and eventually, one of the Hufflepuff girls fainted.
"At least it was something to talk about," reassured Mark to a frantic Head Girl. "I mean, it's so boring, watching for stupid first years trying to do a bit of magic. At least it was exciting."
Teresa glared at him. "Why are you even a prefect?"
"Why?" Mark looked honestly frank. "Well, I don't know, really, but I found the badge with my usual Hogwarts letter. Mum and Dad were thrilled though and bought me a new broom, I s'pose that was a compensation—"
She gave a frustrated shriek and grabbed Kevin, who was currently chatting, with a lovesick gaze on his face, with the other Ravenclaw prefect.
"Looks like Teresa really has it this year," commented Y/n, sniggering. "Poor Goldstein is making her life a living hell, and school hasn't even started yet."
"Don't worry, we'll find them in each other's arms before long," assured Remus, grinning at the thought. "It'll be quite a show, too."
"Hey, Remus!" Mark waved, and came over to them. "How's it been?" Without waiting for an answer, he said, "Oh Merlin, prefect duties are so boring! I can't believe I got stuck with this."
"The companies won't overlook it when you start finding a job," said Y/n wisely. "It'll look good, saying that you were a prefect at Hogwarts."
"I s'pose..." He looked at her doubtfully. "But then again, l/n, you've always been prefect material, so you wouldn't know how I feel."
Y/n rolled her eyes. "I do think this is boring as well, Goldstein, so don't say another word."
Afraid that he had gotten onto one of Y/n's famous redhead tempers, Mark sauntered off with Frieda Lawrence, the other Ravenclaw prefect.
"You just scared him away, y/n," said Remus, pouting.
"Oh, quit that, Remus. C'mon, we have to do our job before Teresa reports us."
After another half an hour of walking tediously, Teresa finally announced that they may go back to their regular schedule, unless if they would like to remain in the prefects' carriage the rest of the trip. All the prefects, relieved that their constant marching was over, grabbed their belongings and nearly trampled each other while trying to get out of the carriage as quickly as possible.
"How was it?" asked Arabella eagerly, as a disgruntled Y/n and Remus entered the compartment and collapsed into seats.
"It was hell," groaned Remus, shaking his head.
Not only were the prefect duties a "living hell", but the fifth years were to take their first standardized test this year—the dreaded O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizard Levels). The teachers made sure that they had plenty of homework the first week by giving them essays and readings from the book, and also plenty of review work as well. McGonagall and Hurst took this advantage very pleasantly, so to speak.
"This—is—hell," breathed James, as he dug his fingers painfully into his messy jet-black hair.
"Oh, don't be such a wet blanket, Potter," said Y/n cheerfully. "This isn't as bad as I had expected."
"WHAT?" He gave her a hollow stare.
"Yeah, I expected worse," she said, nodding and smiling.
James groaned and let his head fall onto the table with a loud "thump". Everyone in the Gryffindor common room glared at him, especially the fifth and seventh years, who were also struggling with their O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. homework, respectively. He glared right back, and everyone quickly went back to their work again.
"Stupid people," he muttered.
"Oh, don't be so cynical, Potter," continued Y/n in the same singsong voice.
"Y/n, stop pestering the poor boy so," chided Violet. "He's trying to do his homework. Merlin knows we have so much of it, and we're not all as clever as you."
"Do stop it, Vi. I'm not so clever as you think, and I'm definitely not finished yet. I need some serious tutoring in Transfiguration." She groaned loudly.
"Transfiguration?" repeated James, almost laughing. "I finished that ages ago! And Perfect Prefect L/n hasn't finished it before me?"
"Oh, stuff it, Potter," snapped Y/n. "I can do without your taunting, you know. I'm having enough troubles as it is without you challenging my Transfiguration abilities."
"I have high Transfiguration abilities," boasted James. "I can help you if you like, L/n. That is, if you help me with Charms."
Y/n thought about it for a moment. She could have James help her in the cursed essay, and be finished with all the homework, and still have it easy with helping James in Charms, as it was her easiest and best subject. But she still had her pride at stake. Having James help her would mean that she was giving into his pleas and woos, and Y/n did not want to be subdued of her hatred for him.
"Sorry Potter, no deal," she said simply. "I can handle it myself, thank you very much."
James cursed silently to himself. He knew that she'd say no. He knew that Y/n had a lot of pride in herself, and did not want to lose that pride if she agreed to get help. He knew that she was very independent and did not want to depend on others to do the nasty work, in this case, a Transfiguration essay, for her.
"I can help you, y/n," offered Arabella, thinking that her best friend simply refused James' offer because she hated him.
"No, but thank you anyway, Bells."
Arabella was surprised and exchanged bewildered looks with Sirius. She thought that she knew Y/n L/n very well, but now there was a new outlook on this.
"Why should Y/n refuse my help? I'm not that bad at Transfiguration!" She whispered to Sirius.
"Y/n has pride, Bella. She doesn't want to give in that easily...only if it's a desperate situation, then she might as for help."
"What?" Arabella was aghast. "I'm her best friend!"
"Doesn't matter."
"I hate you, Sirius. You are officially the bearer of bad news."
"What did I do?" Sirius was surprised. "Don't peck at me; I was just stating the mere truth."
"The truth is bad, Sirius. You should only state the good truth."
"Well, you did want to know. So I told you."
"You could have told me 'no Bella, but the truth will cause you great distress'."
Sirius let out a yell of frustration, causing the study-absorbed Gryffindors to jump in alarm.
"What's gotten into you, Padfoot?" said James.
"Bella's mocking me," was his brusque reply.
"I am not!" cried Arabella defensively. "I was just telling you what I expect of you, as my boyfriend."
Several people snickered at this comment, but many boys looked suddenly downhearted. Rumors flew since Arabella and Sirius had broken up last year, and they were now upset that their chances with her were very slim, now that they made up again.
"Hey, Arabella!" called out one brave sixth year. "Go out with me. Dump Black and go out with me, and you'll have anything you want."
The Marauders roared with laughter, and the girls giggled at Arabella. Her face flamed red.
"Not a chance, Demise!" she shouted back. "Black's my man and no one's going to replace him."
"Ha! You only want him 'cause he's a pureblood and that his family are all noble, not to mention snobby and are mostly Slytherins."
Sirius glared at him. "Shut it, Juan, before things get bad. Don't you DARE insult my family, you low-life—"
"Yeah, yeah, dirty half-blood," said Juan Demise, rolling his eyes. "I've heard it before, Black, I've heard it before."
"Actually, I was going to say arrogant jerk," replied Sirius calmly. "I really don't care what type of blood someone has, unlike the rest of my family. But I saw you flirting with my cousin Narcissa last week when old Lucius wasn't looking. Shame on you, Denise."
"You flirted with Narcissi?" choked James between coughs. "Oh, Juan, you are a joker, mate."
Juan blushed. "I didn't know who she was!" he cried helplessly. "I thought she was one of those gorgeous girls from Hufflepuff. It never occurred to me that she was a Slytherin, or a Black."
"Or Malfoy's beloved girlfriend," added Sirius.
"All right, I get it, Black! You don't want to dump your girlfriend. I'll ask her best friend then. Hey, L/n, want to go out with me?"
James closed his eyes and sucked in his breath, waiting for the answer. For some strange reason, he didn't want Y/n to go out with Juan...but what did it matter to him? She wasn't his girlfriend, so she had the freedom of deciding whatever she wanted.
"Oh, shut up!" screeched Y/n, standing up. "I'm trying to do my Transfiguration essay, and I still have a whole roll of parchment to write! And no, Juan, I will not go out with you."
The dark-haired and dark-skinned boy looked rather grim, but didn't mind. After all, it wasn't really L/n he was after; it was her best friend, Arabella Figg. And he'd do anything for Arabella's lips on his own.
James let out the breath that he had realized that he was holding. Thank Merlin L/n didn't say yes to that Denise...wait, why do I even care?
His thoughts were disturbed, however, when Jason Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, had stormed right in front of him.
"Potter! There you are." He looked highly delighted about something.
James and Sirius exchanged nervous looks, waiting for the worst.
"Since this year is my final year at Hogwarts." He paused, as if for special effect, before continuing again. "I want that Quidditch Cup. I know that we've held it for quite some time, but I want the bloody Cup all the same. You got that? Good. I want us to train hard, hear? We lost the stupid Cup to Slytherin last year, much to my grievous disappointment, but we will NOT lose it to those gits this year if I can help it. Now, practice this Friday."
"Wood, we've already had a whole week of practices last week," explained James reasonably.
"Merlin, we have to prepare for our O.W.L.s, too!" exclaimed Sirius, outraged. "I got a 'D' on my Potions essay last week!"
"Well, that's your problem, isn't it, Black?" said Wood coolly. "I got a D as well on one of my Potions essays—and am I complaining? Hell no. We're going to beat Slytherin this year, and we're going to get that cup. Any words you'd like to add, Potter?"
"Huh?" James wasn't listening to the two-way bickering between Wood and Black.
"Potter, McGonagall's promoting you to captain next year, so I hope you can do Gryffindor proud."
"I'm—I'm going to be the captain next year? Bloody hell, are you serious, Jason?"
"No, he's Sirius."
"Oh, come off it, Wood. Seriously."
"Yes. I've spoke with McGonagall, and she thinks you are the best choice. Now, I hope you'll train hard this year, Potter."
"Yes, sir!" James did a mock salute, and Wood was highly pleased as he walked off.
"Going to snog Cassia, Wood?" called Sirius after him.
"Leave the poor guy alone, Padfoot," said James, rolling his eyes. "He deserves to win this year."
Sirius ignored him and looked at Peter. "Hey, Wormtail, get Moony for me."
Peter nudged Remus, who was sitting there next to him, absorbed in his Divination reading.
"Padfoot wants you."
Remus looked over at Sirius. "Yes, Padfoot?"
"The full moon's in two weeks."
"Don't think I didn't notice, Padfoot. What's your point?"
"The point is, we get to try it out for the first time! It'll be so cool, you being a you-know-what, and then us being—er—you-know-what, and we can rule the school grounds!"
Remus smiled. "And discover new secret passageways."
"There we go, Moony. I knew you were a prankster at heart!"
"Oh, what are you guys planning now?" said Jennifer, sighing. "Really, if you can just leave Snape alone, he isn't too bad, for a Slytherin at least..."
"Jen," said Sirius sternly, "first of all, we're not plotting against Snape again, as disbelieving as it may sound. Secondly, you are a mad woman, saying that Snape isn't bad for a Slytherin. All Slytherins are bad, if you know what I mean."
"Don't contradict my girl, Padfoot," warned Remus threateningly.
"Whatever, Moony. Anyway—Prongsies? What's wrong? You look—fazed."
James rolled his eyes and sighed. "Seriously, Padfoot, what's with the 'sies' suffixes all the time? And when did you learn such a hard word like 'fazed'?"
"Aww...I know you're just joshing, Prongs. Oh, and I think Prongsies is a cute name, don't you think, stag-boy?"
Remus choked and jabbed Sirius sharply with his arm.
"Ow! What the heck was that for, Remus?"
"Ooh, careful there, Moony, Padfoot's using real names...that means trouble." James smirked.
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind, Prongs, when we're all sent to Azkaban, thanks to the ingenious Mr. Padfoot. Or, at least, you three will be. I'll be visiting often, however. I'll attend Padfoot's funeral as well, and say very nice words about him."
"I'm sure you will, Moony."
"Hey, I'm here, you know!" said Sirius, annoyed.
"Who are you?" asked James innocently.
"Prongs? Since when did you know my little nickname? Only my best friends, Remus and Peter, know it. Who are you?"
Sirius sighed in defeat. "All right, I'm sorry I let that stupid 'stag-boy' comment slip. Happy?"
"You four do know that you are having the most pathetic conversation, don't you?" asked Y/n, bemused.
"What did you hear?" demanded James at once.
"I heard you saying something about a stag-boy," she said, raising her eyebrows at James' alarmed voice.
"And—?" prodded James eagerly.
"And...what? That's all I heard." Y/n stared at him strangely. "Are you all right, Potter?"
"Are you sure? Do you know what 'stag-boy' means?"
"Well, you're as proud and arrogant as a stag." She shrugged. "Why? What's it to you? Is this some kind of prank again?"
The four Marauders looked at each other nervously.
"We just came up with nicknames," stammered Remus, chewing his lip.
"Yeah—amusing, aren't they?" James laughed nervously.
"Whatever. Look, I'm going to take a walk to the Astronomy Tower."
"I'm coming with you," said James at once.
Y/n and James set off to the Astronomy Tower. After about ten minutes or so, they finally made it to the top and saw the beautiful grounds of Hogwarts from below.
"Well, well, if it isn't Potter and the Mudblood," came a cold, sneering voice.
It was Voldemort, and he looked more sinister and menacing than ever. The two teenagers exchanged glances.
"Why don't you leave us alone, Voldemort?" shouted James.
"Don't make me hunt you down even more, Potter," he spat. "And don't get too cocky now. The Ministry's starting to worry about my fellow Death Eaters and I. They're even starting to fashion a new name for me—You-Know-Who, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and my favorite: The Dark Lord. But of course, that's what my darling Death Eaters use as a code signal." He laughed cruelly.
"We're not cowards!" screamed Y/n. "I'll be calling you 'Voldemort' for the rest of your days, though it won't be long before you—"
"Stupefy!" roared Voldemort.
Y/n fell to the ground, unconscious.
"Y/N!" cried James in alarm. "Y/n, wake up...please."
"Tut, tut, really Potter, you're not as strong as people say you are. The Mudblood is Stunned, and there's nothing you can really do about it, is there?"
"Expelliarmus!" said James, his wand pointing straight at Voldemort.
Voldemort's wand came soaring to him, and he caught it along with his own, triumphant.
"Don't get too confident, Potter. I know more about the Dark Arts than any other Dark wizard that's ever walked this world..."
"Unfortunately, Voldemort, I hate the Dark Arts. It's all evil."
"Avada Kedavra!"
James missed the Killing Curse by a few inches. His heart was pounding endlessly, and he could barely catch his breath.
"Enervate," he whispered, pointing his wand at Y/n.
Y/n stirred feebly and got up to her feet, staring. Then she finally realized where she was and let out a high-pitched wail that sent Voldemort screaming.
"Shut UP, you stupid Mudblood!" he shrieked.
"You won't get James nor I, Voldemort," she said, quite calmly. "No matter how hard you try."
He laughed. "Ah, but the Dark Lord will get you, L/n, no matter how hard it takes. I won't let you or your son stop my reign of terror."
"You—" But before she could finish, he vanished.
"How did he get to Hogwarts?" said James. "I mean, you can't Apparate or Disapparate on school grounds."
"I'm glad you read Hogwarts, A History, Potter," said Y/n dryly. "But then again, he is a Dark wizard, and he has his ways."
"Evil git," mumbled James, and they started to head off to Dumbledore's office.
"Er—you do know the password, right, Potter?" asked Lily, as they stepped in front of the stone gargoyle.
"Come off it! You're the genius in this school, I thought you knew!"
"Oh, sod off. Let's see...Peppermint Humbugs."
James gave her a strange look.
"Stop staring, Potter, and help me."
"All right! Er—Pepper Imps?"
The gargoyle came to life and jumped aside. They entered Dumbledore's office and felt the same warm and cozy feeling as they sat down nervously. Dumbledore smiled at them from his large desk.
"Professor, Voldemort attacked us in the Astronomy Tower," said James quickly.
Dumbledore looked grave. "Has he attempted to kill you?"
"Yes, sir, and he almost did. And he Stunned Y/n, too."
"I wasn't hurt too badly," said Y/n hastily. "I mean, James revived me again..."
No one seemed to notice the pink tinge that appeared on her cheeks when she said this.
"I see. Well, I am very sorry to tell you, Mr. Potter, Ms. L/n, that you shouldn't wander around the school grounds without anyone accompanying you. From now on, if you would like to go somewhere, please bring your friends or a teacher. That is, unless if you can go about being unseen." He seemed to be looking straight at James when he said this.
Y/n sniggered and James turned beet red.
"We'll be going now, Professor," said the former, still giggling. James went after her stoically.
"You should have seen your face, Potter!" gasped Y/n, still laughing. "I mean, Dumbledore knows you have an Invisibility Cloak!"
"Oh, shut it, L/n," snapped James irritably. "I was just attacked by Lord Voldemort. Really, you can be more thoughtful about my feelings, you know."
"Potter, I was just Stunned by Lord Voldemort."
"Oh yeah. Oops, my bad."
As soon as they reached the Fat Lady's portrait on the seventh floor, Arabella and Sirius came bounding to them and crashed into each other. Y/n and James took one look at each other and started to laugh.
"Oh yes, very funny, laugh all you want," said Arabella sarcastically, as both she and Sirius got up and dusted themselves. "Be that way and worry your best friends to death."
"I knew you guys were snogging up there, but Bella insisted that we find you anyway," said Sirius smugly.
"Snogging? Do you really think so, Sirius?" said Lily wryly. "Enemies snog all the time in the Astronomy Tower, oh yes!"
"Really? I knew it!"
"Oh, Sirius, Y/n was being sarcastic," sighed Arabella.
"Padfoot, you are pathetic," laughed James.
Sirius had a maniacal glint in his eyes. "Prongs, can I be best man?"
"Huh?" James frowned.
"At the wedding of you and Y/N."
"Oh, that." He waved it off casually. "Whatever. You probably are the best man anyway, since you're the godfather of Harry, too."
"What a random topic, Sirius," remarked Y/N.
"I had to say something before I die for Bella, like the prophecy says," he said solemnly.
"Who knew you were going to be so heroic later on, Sirius," said Arabella, smiling.
"If only we knew..." whispered Y/N.
"That was the best experience of my life!" said Sirius, grinning, as they went into the Great Hall tired and yawning.
"Yeah," said Remus, smiling. "Thanks guys. It really made the transformation—er—easier."
"No problem, Moony," said James, looking delighted.
"Now that we found the passageway to Hogsmeade through the one-eyed witch's hump, what are we going to do?" asked Peter.
Everyone looked at him. "What do you mean?"
"Well, this opens a list of possibilities, doesn't it? We can do anything now! We can even go to Hogsmeade during the full moons."
James grinned. "Wormtail, you are a genius. Really. We should create a map that shows every single passageway of Hogwarts, and with everyone's name labeled on it, so we know where all the prefects and teachers are at, so we won't get in trouble. What do you think?"
"Yes, Padfoot ol' buddy?"
"The students of Hogwarts have now the opportunity to know the greatest minds and pranksters that this school will ever see."
"I second to that."
"We can have it as a blank parchment, so no one will suspect a thing," said Remus. "We can call it 'The Marauder's Map', and we can have passwords to make it show, or make it blank."
"Moony, you are a wicked, wicked genius," said Sirius complimentarily.
"Thank you, Padfoot."
"But," said James doubtfully, "we do have to do a lot of charms to it..."
"Not to worry, Prongs," assured Remus. "We'll manage it. And if we're stuck on something, I'm sure we can get some help from Y/N if we know how to be as vague and unsuspecting as possible."
Sirius dangled his arms around the three other Marauders. "Fellow Marauders, we have just entered a new era of Hogwarts history."
"Why?" came Arabella's amused voice as she grinned at her boyfriend.
"Bellsies! What are you doing here?" Sirius was flustered.
"I'm here for breakfast, you twit," she said jokingly.
"Bells, there's no point of trying to reform, Sirius," said Y/N, rolling her eyes. "He's totally hopeless."
"Wait a minute, you wanted to reform me?" cried Sirius in alarm. "Why hasn't anyone told me this before?"
The two girls looked at each other and shrugged.
"Now, why should we tell you, Sirius?" said Jennifer, grinning. "After all, you'd object like you're doing right now—"
"All right, I get it! Good Merlin, people these days..."
James gave a loud gasp and covered his hand over his mouth.
"What are you doing, Prongs?"
James shoved the Daily Prophet into the middle of the table so that the girls could read the front page.
The Dark Lord: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Rises
A new Dark wizard is fashioning his name as Lord Voldemort, writes Danielle Henderson, Special Correspondent.
This wizard is very dangerous, and we must all refer to him as "You-Know-Who" or "He-Who-Must-Be-Named". He has been reported at appearing at the Potters' house this summer, so says Sarah Potter and her husband Daniel Potter, as well as Headmaster Professor Albus Dumbledore.
"He threatened to kill my James and his friend," says Mrs. Potter weakly. "I don't know about the rest of you, but he's not as harmless as you think. This Voldemort will destroy many lives, I warn you all."
Unfortunately, Mrs. Potter is quite right. One of You-Know-Who's followers has recently murdered the Prewetts, a very powerful pureblooded family next to the Potters and many others. This young man (so called "Death Eater"), is no older than nineteen, named Antonin Dolohov, and he and his other fellow Death Eaters are planning more deaths ahead, so predicted.
Yet, many of our fellow wizards and witches don't think You-Know-Who at all harmful; in fact, many think that he has the right idea by trying to get rid of Muggle-borns (people of non-magic descent).
"The man is quite right about getting rid of these Mudbloods," says Tricia Black confidently. "Mudbloods are stinking up our world, and if they aren't rid of immediately, then our whole Wizarding community will be going to the dogs soon."
Why is this mad wizard killing off many families?
"Lord Voldemort is quite capable of many deeds, I imagine," says Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "He is killing every wizard and witch whom he believes will thwart or threaten his reign in power."
Minister Bagnold is quite nervous of this Dark reign that Dumbledore mentions, and urges the magical community to remain calm. She thinks that this wizard will be as bad as Grindelwald, if not worse, and suggests constant vigilance.
"He will not take over our world if I can help it," she states flatly.
What will become of us, you ask? Well, we shall see about You-Know-Who and how far he will get before we can start sending out our best Aurors against him.
"Mum and Dad will surely fight him," whispered James worriedly, as they finished reading the article. "They're two of the top Aurors in the Ministry."
Sirius faced his best friend seriously (no pun intended). "Prongs, I'll be by your side through thick and thin. You can count on that. And you know I'd rather die than to give you up."
Despite the situation, James smiled. He knew that he was beyond lucky to have such a best friend like Sirius. Even though most people thought him stupid and only good for his looks, Sirius was much more. He had dignity, honor, and bravery—three qualities that the Blacks were never known for, and only his cousin, Andromeda, had, besides him.
"I know, Padfoot," he replied quietly. "I know."
"I will stand by you at the end as well, Prongs," said Remus. "You guys have done so much for me—I can only do the least by sacrificing myself if needed."
"Me too, Prongs," said Peter, but his voice wavered. He wasn't as brave as his three best friends were. No, he was a coward that didn't belong in Gryffindor. What was the Sorting Hat thinking? It considered putting him in Hufflepuff and then Slytherin, but at the end, it had decided Gryffindor. Who knew—maybe he'd become some sort of hero, sacrificing himself for his friends. The blond boy smiled at the thought.
"We're by your side, too, Potter, even if I don't like you too well," said Y/N, grinning, as she shook James' hand.
"Does this mean what I think it means?" said Arabella.
"Nope." Y/N withdrew her hand quickly from his grasp.
"We'll be friends through all this, right?" asked Violet hopefully. "Even if not all of us will survive?"
"Definitely," they all chorused together.
The Marauders and the girls were currently stuck in the Forbidden Forest. None of them really knew why or how they had gotten there. One moment they were in History of Magic catching up on their sleep, and the next, they suddenly were jerked awake and found themselves under the clutches of livid centaurs. To put it mildly, they were very not pleased.
"I swear this was Voldemort," said James furiously. "That damn git—"
"James!" whispered Peter fearfully. "Don't insult him...what if he hears you?"
"Prongs, shut up," said Sirius, rolling his eyes. "You aren't helping the situation."
"Yes, Potter, yelling for Voldemort can only increase our problems," added Y/N dryly.
"Look at it this way, James," said Remus quietly. "We are in the Forbidden Forest, which is forbidden to all students, as you can tell by the name. We've just narrowly escaped a pack of mad centaurs that claim we disturbed the planet rotations, and now we have no idea where we are in this forest. Now you're starting to curse at an invisible Voldemort. Maybe you can think of a better solution than that, Prongs."
Some people might have thought Remus said this sarcastically, but they all knew him too long, and knew that he was dead serious.
"You're right, Moony. But what can we do?"
"What about—IT," suggested Sirius.
The girls looked at them with puzzled expressions on their faces.
"Nah, I don't have it," said James, shaking his head. "Besides, the girls are here, we can't risk them knowing..."
"Knowing what?" demanded Jennifer. "Really, we're your friends, we won't tell."
Sirius sighed. "Look, Jen, it doesn't matter—"
"It does if it'll help us out of this stupid mess!" she shot back.
"Well, it won't!"
"Does everyone have their wand with them?" asked Y/N tiredly.
There was a chorus of "Yes" among the group.
"Good. We'll light our wands and be on our way. There's no point of arguing. We should just go with the flow and see if we can find our way back to the castle."
"Why didn't we think of that?" muttered Sirius. "Lumos."
The others did the same, and they all looked for the lightest path. When they found it, they started to follow it, hoping that it would lead them back to the castle and to safety. From then, they would go to Dumbledore and tell him what had happened.
"This light isn't working," said James, squinting at the path. "No, wait...blimey! I think I see Hogwarts!"
They all rushed through the path, and sure enough, the castle was in view, with many students looking at them with surprise and interest.
"What were you doing in the forest?" asked Alex Opalisk, a fourth-year Gryffindor. She fluttered her eyelashes at James and Sirius.
"Ditz," muttered Arabella under her breath.
"Er—Hagrid sent us there to do something for him," stammered Remus.
Alex smiled at him seductively. "So—Remus," she said slowly. "The next Hogsmeade trip is on Halloween. Care to go?"
Remus stared at his friends, silently pleading for help.
"He already has a girlfriend," said Y/N coolly.
"Who? You?" She sneered.
"No, actually..." Y/N looked at Jennifer.
"What about you, Jamie?" she cooed. "You going with someone?"
James gulped. He liked Alex very much, since she was very pretty, but he felt intimidated by her all the time. His hazel eyes locked in with Y/N's E/C ones, they begged her for help.
"James is already going with me," said Y/N swiftly.
Everyone stared at her, especially Arabella, who's eyes widened in surprise and delight. Y/N shot her friends a look that said, "Yeah, well, this is only one favor for Potter in my lifetime".
"Oh." Alex looked severely disappointed and walked off.
James let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Y/N."
"Just don't expect any more favors from me again, Potter," was her brief reply.
"Never again will I have the pleasure," he agreed readily.
They all quickly headed into the castle and to Dumbledore's office. When they told him their story, the professor quickly stood up and sighed, his blue eyes tired and feeble-looking.
"I'm afraid you all—especially you five—are in grave danger, now that Voldemort knows of the prophecy and how Harry James Potter will thwart him in his reign of power." Dumbledore looked at Y/N and the Marauders.
"But—Professor—" began Y/N, but she could say no more.
"Why did it have to be us?" said James, sighing. "Why us?"
Dumbledore looked at the black-haired boy sympathetically. "It's just fate, Mr. Potter. It's just fate."
When they left his office, James let out a loud groan, causing everyone look his way.
"What's up, Prongs?" asked Sirius.
"It's just—I don't get it," he said quietly. "Why us? Why Y/N and I?"
No one had an answer for his questions, and they all slipped into Gryffindor Tower, except for Y/N. She lingered, waiting for James.
"It's just fate, Potter," she whispered, smiling slightly. "Fate's bringing us together, and fate's killing us together. But we'll stick by...together."
James grinned at her. "I thought you hated me."
"Oh, I do. In fact, I believe I loathe you very much. But you see, Potter, we still have to work together, no matter how difficult it is for the both of us."
"It won't be difficult for me, L/N. I don't hate you; I just don't like you too well. But I'm sure it'll change by the years. We were meant to be together, unfortunately."
"You know, Potter, you're not half bad sometimes. I mean, you do have your moments, like now. Yet other times, you're completely unbearable. I s'pose, however, that we were made for each other and nothing can change that."
"You're absolutely right, L/N. So—how about that Hogsmeade weekend?"
"In your dreams, Potter."
"Oh, I know something that'll change your mind." James started to tickle her.
Y/N shrieked with laughter and chased James around in circles in front of a very disapproving Fat Lady. But the portrait smiled as she saw true love right in front of her eyes. Only the lovers did not see it—but will soon, after all they will go through together.
It was like what Dumbledore had said: it's just fate. Y/N and James were two very wonderful and powerful wizards, and they did not deserve to have such a sad and horrifying fate. But that was just it. No one chose who they would marry, or what job they would get. It was all up to fate. Sometimes fate would be very nice and give you a devoted husband and lovable children. But sometimes, like their situation, it wasn't so nice. Y/N and James would have a short life together, for less than three years, but it would be one of warmth and tenderness, for both themselves and their future son. And nothing could change that...except for fate. All they could do is wait and let it all happen.
tags: @theredheadedwinchester
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. One of your exes keeps coming to your house, an your 12 year old son keeps answering the door. He does as you say, and tells him you’re not home, until one day he messes up and says to him, “Mom says she’s not home.” What does your ex do and how do you respond?
He’d push past my son, and come into the kitchen. I’d think he was Kevin and turn around and once I saw it was him, we’d start screaming at each other before I push him out of the house and tell him to leave. I don’t tell Kevin so as not to worry him.
2. You’ve been super busy at work lately, so Kevin has been getting your kids ready for school in the mornings. One morning you go downstairs and see him making their lunches, and a bit of ash from the cigarette in his mouth falls onto a sandwich. He doesn’t notice, and before you can say anything, he puts the other bread slice on top and boxes the sandwich. What do you do?
“Kevin, you just got ashes in that sandwich. You might want to make another one.” “I did?” “ Yes, please don’t smoke while making the kids’ lunches.”
3. Kevin is being extra bossy with you today, and after a while you tell him to cool it. He just looks at you and yells, “Respect my authority!” How do you respond?
“Respect your authority? I would if you weren’t being so bossy and sassy towards me.”
4. You got really drunk at a party with Crue one night, but somehow you ended up back home. Someone knocks on your door the next morning, and you open it to see Nikki. “Hey, sweet thing, how about some more sugar for Daddy?” He says. You ask him what the hell he’s talking about, and he just says, “Last night. You wanna go at it again?” You have no recollection of anything from the previous night. How do you respond?
“What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t remember anything from last night.”
5. You’re staying at Kevin’s great gramma’s house in Colorado in the middle of BFN. She’s got grey water hooked up so that her trees get water during the hot weather. One day, very early in the morning, you all hear a loud boom. You roll over while Kevin gets up to investigate. He goes downstairs, and you hear a muffled, “Oh God” before he comes running back upstairs, yelling, “Gramma Frieda! We got a problem!” You get up and are greeted by a terrible smell. You follow Kevin and his great gramma downstairs to see that the pipe used for the grey water exploded, and now there is raw sewage seeping through the basement. What do you all do?
We’d try to stop the sewage and call a plumber to get it fixed so there’s not too much damage.
6. You are on tour with your band and notice that your wind player reads one book like it’s the Bible. When you ask, she gladly tells you that it’s Ozzy Osbourne’s autobiography. One day, when you’re all on the bus, your bass player says something along the lines of, “Why do you read that book so much? It’s the same story over and over again.” The wind player angrily shouts, “It’s because my dad was an asshole and I used this book for fatherly guidance instead of him!” The bus goes instantly quiet before the wind player locks herself at the back of the bus. What happens next?
I’d head back and knock on the door “sweetheart, are you ok? I’m sorry about him he can be oblivious sometimes. Is there anything I can do?”
7. You’re at a family reunion when one of Kevin’s cousins comes up to you guys. “So, Kevin, where’d ya find this hot piece?” he asks. How do you two respond?
I’d blush like crazy and Kevin would smile and say, “ I found this “hot piece” at one of our concerts.“
8. You’re going through and doing some thorough spring cleaning when your twelve year old son comes up to you with a shoebox. “Mom, what’s this?” You look at it, and it’s some, shall we say, dodgy photos from when you and Kevin were touring with your respective bands. How do you respond?
“Oh, that’s nothing. It’s nothing interesting mostly old papers of mine and your dads.” I’d grab it from him and put it in mine and Kevin’s room.
9. Your band has been on tour for a few weeks, and you feel like shit. Everyone’s experiencing a little jet lag, but you’re just feeling awful. Upon further investigation, you find out you’re pregnant. You don’t recall sleeping with anyone since you left for the tour, but you don’t know if you can go on without receiving medical attention. What do you do?
I’d confide in my wind player because she’s my closest friend and then I’d try to find an obgyn that I could go to while on tour.
10. You and Kevin have lived in the same house for 20 years. The old couple down the street have just passed away, and a new couple from Texas move in. Kevin looks out the window a lot, and he always comments how at night there are never any lights on except for the one in the basement. One night when he comes up to bed, he says to you, “I am a thousand percent sure that they are cooking meth in Old Man Waterman’s house. There’s no other explanation. How do you respond?
“How do you know that?” “They’re always down there. What else could they be doing?” “You watch too much Breaking Bad.”
11. You come home one day to hear that Kevin is on the phone. He sounds upset, so you just wave in greeting when you walk in. He halfheartedly waves back before his face falls. “Well, that’s great, then. You get to blame your life on me. Congratu-fucking-lations.” He hangs up and sighs. “What was that about?” you ask. How does he respond?
“Yeah, my brother just blamed me for most of what happened in his life.” “Aw, honey, I’m sorry.”
1) Your band enters a “battle of the bands” with Crüe and QR. How does your band do? 
 2) You tell Randy your pregnant and at first he is elated. But over the coming weeks you can see that he’s less excited. When you ask him about it he says, “I’m just worried about being like my father. I don’t want to be like him.” How do you respond? 
3) Randy is putting your six month old son to bed and you go in to check on them because it’s been a while. When your enter the room, you see Randy walking around with him and hum singing QR. “Is that one of QR’s songs?” You ask. How does he respond? 
4) You went to QR’s practice and while getting ready to leave you’ve lost your car keys. You and Randy spend twenty minutes looking for you keys when Kevin comes up and says, "Are these your keys? I found them on the floor.” How do you respond?
 5) You’re daughter has been awfully quiet. You and Randy go to look for her and find her about to flush your four kittens down the toilet. What do you you? 
6) You and Randy are staying in a really seedy hotel and were given a room that hadn’t even been cleaned from the last people who stayed. You voice your opinion and while you’re unpacking the desk clerk tells you that you need to leave because you complain too much. How do you and Randy react? 
7) You’re sitting at the table with Randy working on school work. Kevin comes over and says, “Are you done yet, you freakin’ nerds?” How do you and Randy react? 
8)You’re at a bar with Kevin and Randy. You order a beer and take one sip before saying, "I now remember why I hate beer.” Kevin takes your glass and downs it all at once. You look at him and he says, “Well we can’t waste it.” How do you and Randy respond? 
9)You and Randy are rushing around to finish last minute things for Kevin and his girlfriends wedding. You are setting up the hall at the hotel and your six year old son is trying to help. You leave because it is getting late. As you are halfway down the road, Randy looks in the back and screams, "Crap, we forgot James." What do you you? 
10) You're staying at the hotel for Kevin and his girlfriends wedding. When you get back to the room you find Randy wearing your pajama pants. "Why are you wearing my pants?" "I forgot mine and didn't realize until we got here." How do you respond? 
11) You and Randy are taking care of your cousin's baby. You're taking to him and walking around with him. You're trying to keep him from fussing too much because your at a family function. All of a sudden Randy goes, "You'll make a great mother to our kids one day." How do you respond? 
@osbournebemydaddy your move love
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nightly-valkyrie · 7 years
Love and Loss Part 1 (Roses and Thorns)
Frieda walked out of the therapy room thanking Wilson for the time. “Remember same time next week!” Wilson yelled out the door after her. Frieda felt better all the secrets, fears, and guilt she held all seemed a little lighter and for the first time in what seemed like years she smiled. Frieda deciding to head home rather than spend any time around the town she lived in. As she walked people averted their gaze as she walked past because despite feeling mentally better her physical state was still awry. Though this wouldn’t bother Frieda she had gotten used to it over the past years. As Frieda walked the cold wind bit at the parts of her face exposed through the hoodie making her wish she had worn some warmer clothes. Walking through the town Frieda felt a faint vibration in her pocket. Pulling out her phone she noticed a message from Heaven saying that she and Wendell were coming back from their colleges for break and they would be in town the next day and wanted to meet up. Frieda happily answered saying she would love to and agreed to meet at a shop for lunch. Frieda was so happy that she would see Heaven and Wendell again that she nearly passed her home. Correcting her mistake and walking in she was greeted by her parents. “Welcome home. How’d it go?” Frieda’s mother immediately started questioning. “It went great! I feel alot better; not perfect but better,” Frieda replied taking off her hoodie noting that she should remember a scarf and gloves when meeting up with her friends. “Well that’s good, how about you come and sit down and we can talk a bit.” Frieda’s father said in a firm yet calm tone. “Sure what do you want to talk about?” “Your depression; it’s getting better and your father and I believe it’s probably a good idea for you to start medication. To help speed up the process,” Frieda’s mother said matching the father’s tone. “Mom we talked about this; I don’t want to take any medication.” “I know but you need to get over that Ami girl she died; years ago too, and you need to get over her and the only way to do it is with the medication.” Frieda was aghast at hearing those words, “What? How could you say something like that, just because she’s dead means she doesn’t matter? I loved her, but I guess that doesn’t matter; I guess the other people I lost like Toby and Aki don’t matter either do they? Should I just forget them too?” Frieda practically screamed this at her parents tears threatening to stream freely from her eyes. “Honey, that’s not what I meant,” Frieda’s mother said trying to correct what she had caused. “Well that’s what it sounded like!” “You will not speak to your mother that way!” Frieda’s father yelled, but it was too late Frieda had already left and began walking toward her room, slamming the door as she entered. Frieda’s father tried to follow but was held back by Frieda’s mom shaking her head, telling him that their daughter needed time to herself. Frieda stormed into her room, the argument completely undoing the progress made that day in therapy. Frieda had tears flowing down her face and her body spasmed with each silent sob. Frieda curled up on her bed still crying; her fingers tracing the scars on her arm, some from the night she lost many loved ones, others from different more recent times. Eventually the tears stopped and Frieda slowly fell into a sleep she never wanted to wake up from. The next morning Frieda had gotten up late so she decided to just get dressed for her meet up with Heaven and Wendell. Remembering to wear warmer clothes Frieda put on a scarlet red scarf, black gloves, and exchanged her hoodie for a black button up jacket that would provide her more protection against the elements. Frieda wordlessly put on her winter shoes and left the house passing her parents neither saying anything to Frieda as she left. Frieda walked to the meeting spot noting she had been the first to arrive she ordered herself a coffee at the counter and found a table that seated three. She quietly sat and drank her coffee until she noticed two familiar faces walk through the doors. Recognizing Heaven and Wendell, Frieda waved them over to where she was sitting. “Frieda!” Heaven says practically running over to grab Frieda in the tightest hug she could muster. “Hi g-guys.” Frieda wheezes out through the hug. “I’m so glad to see you,” Heaven says finally letting go of Frieda. “It’s great to see you too,” Frieda said as she greeted Wendell with a hug. “How are you?” Wendell said entering the conversation. “I’m getting better, I started therapy yesterday,” Frieda lied the truth being she felt way worse after the argument she had with her parents. “Oh good, how’s that going?” “Really well, talking about it helps.” “Well that’s good to hear; hey I’ll grab coffee Heaven what do you want?” “Um could you actually get me an apple cider?” Heaven asked Wendell before he walked up. “Sure thing.” “So how have you been?” Frieda asked Heaven as she sat next to her. “College? It’s been great I love all my classes, my roommate’s nice and I’m making the honor roll.” “I’m glad to hear that, seems you have it pretty easy.” Frieda said genuinely happy for her friend. “Yeah, so are you in any colleges?” Heaven asked. “Nah, until yesterday I really couldn’t function.” “Seriously? Come on Frieda this can’t be because of the ones we lost can it?” Heaven asked very surprised. “Yeah it is, I’ve been having issues since we lost them,” Frieda said slightly annoyed. “One apple cider coming right up,” Wendell said putting Heavens drink on the small circular table. Frieda was completely distracted by this and forgot about the conversation. The three of them talked and caught up on what had happened since they had last seen each other. Hours had passed and it was soon becoming early evening when Heaven decided to try and push Frieda toward getting over her lost friends. “Hey Frieda?” Heaven started. “Yeah what’s up?” “I know it may be hard Wendell and I went through it too, but you can’t let something that happened years ago completely stall your life.” “What do you mean.” Frieda played dumb hoping she had misunderstood the statement. “I mean start your life, you need to get over what happened like Wendell and I have had to.” Wendell noticing the look in Frieda’s eye as Heaven finished her sentence decided to interject “ Why don’t we-” “Wendell please, stay out of this,” Frieda abruptly cut him off. “Frieda it was just a suggestion,” Heaven said realizing what she may have done and trying to undo it. “I can understand my parents saying that, but you?” Frieda said looking hurt “You knew from the start! You of all people were supposed to understand why I am incapable of doing anything!” “Frieda, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you would react this way.” “In fact I’m surprised you’re even able to function. You lost someone you loved with too!” “Don’t you dare.” Heaven threatened Frieda. “Aki; yeah he’s dead too, and don’t think we didn’t notice yeah we knew you two were dating.” “Why? Why would you say that?” Heaven yelled at her friend while on the verge of tears. “Yeah there we go, see how it feels and know that that is the feeling I have lived with for the last two years except a thousand times worse!” “Well at least Aki died for a reason! All Ami did was die alone in the bushes unable to help anyone, especially you!” Heaven screamed tears flowing freely immediately realizing the weight of her words upon seeing Frieda’s face. “I hate you,” Frieda practically whispered now. “No w-wait. Frieda please!” Heaven begged reaching out to grab her friend only to have her back away. “I fucking hate you. You fucking-!” Frieda screamed at Heaven as she left the last words inaudible as she ran out the door of the coffee shop. Only Heaven and Wendell were left at the table. Heaven in tears and Wendell sitting silently sorrowed by seeing the unbreakable friendship between Frieda and Heaven finally crumble to the ground. Heaven was the first to speak after many minutes of sitting in silence. “Do you know where she’s going?” “No.” “Do you know what she’s doing?” “No.” “Do you know what she might do?” Heaven finally asked resignation in her voice. “Yes, and we need to stop it,” Wendell said standing up taking Heaven by the hand pulling her out of the coffee shop sudden determination in his voice. Frieda stood atop the the building on the edge looking into the horizon. The sun had started to go down and the sunset danced across the deep blue sky with beautiful and tranquil pinks fading to purple then eventually to a deep blue. The colors accented by a flaring orange and red that made the clouds appear as if they were on fire, and any clouds left dark only made the bright ones stand out all the much more; the sun halfway below the horizon casting a dying orange light across all the buildings below. The bitter air of winter bit at Frieda and made her tears freeze as if they were glued to her face. Her crimson scarf flowing in the wind behind her along with her long hair which had long since lost its shape from the morning. To Frieda everything hurt, not just from bitter cold but from the pain that had obsessed her life for the past two years; the pain that had only been magnified by the past couple days, and all Frieda wanted was for the pain to end. “I’m coming Ami; sorry about the wait,” Frieda apologized over the howling wind. All she had to do was jump and it would all be over in an instant; then she would see Ami again she would be with her forever. That moment Frieda climbed onto the ledge the wind growing stronger almost as if it were pushing her back; blowing back tears, hair, anything it could. But just as Frieda was about to take the step that would seal her fate the wind stopped her hair and clothes falling to their normal place and through the silence Frieda heard a voice. Frieda knew instantly that the voices belonged to Heaven and Wendell; calling her name, looking for her. Frieda didn’t care she knew they didn’t care for her so why should she care for them. She had made her decision and nothing could change that. But it wasn’t just Wendell’s and Heaven’s voice she heard there was another but it was much closer. “This is not the decision you want to make,” Said the mysterious voice at that Frieda turned to face the voice a creepy woman with many wrinkles covering her face wearing a dress layered over by scarves, shawls, and other clothing of the sort. “You don’t know anything,” Frieda replied angrily; how dare someone intrude on her. “I know more than you think. Like why you do the things you do, I know the pain that drives you to these extremes,” The old woman said accentuating her words with hand gestures. “Then you know why I want to die, and why I want you to go away. Now leave me in peace to do my will,” Frieda said only growing more annoyed as the conversation went on. “Ah, but will the pain go away?” The old woman asked, “Or will it just get passed on to another? Like say your friends down there.” “They aren’t my friends! I guess they never really were,” Frieda said with a look of defeat in her eyes. “Oh, try taking another listen, and this time listen harder,” The woman instructed pausing and waving her hand just a little before the last word. So Frieda did this she closed her eyes and listened; she heard the first two voices she heard the desperation in the cries the regret and love behind every word as if apologizing from within. Then she heard another voice one she hadn’t heard for years Ami’s voice pleading for Frieda to stop, begging her to change her mind and be happy. Frieda that moment felt sad so sad, that she had hurt her friends, but that sadness quickly evolved to anger, anger at the old woman for replicating Ami’s voice Frieda didn’t know why or how but she knew she was mad about it. “How dare you!” Frieda accused the old woman yelling at the top of her longs. “Ah, so you did hear her. For a second I was afraid you hadn’t,” The woman said keeping her demeanor. “Was this all just a sick joke? Talk me off the ledge then make me feel worse?” “On the contrary actually I want to help. My name is, well you can call me The Medium. And that voice wasn’t a trick it really is the voice of your dead girlfriend,” The Medium said finally revealing her identity in a way. “How is this supposed to help me?” Frieda asked still angry but confusion and interest growing behind the anger. “It was a test to see if Ami has already done her half of her job, and by the fact that you could hear her that means she has. That should make this whole ordeal go much smoother.” “What does that mean, she died I held her lifeless body in my arms.” “Well of course she died, but I guess you could say she’s a ghost. And the help I want to offer you is a way to bring her back even save her from her own terrible fate,” The Medium finished. Frieda considered her options; end it all now let all the pain go away in an instant only to have it passed on to another but have it be over for herself, or she could take the chance and follow another creepy and suspicious choice; a decision that at one point had cost the lives of multiple people, by doing this she would risk putting herself in more pain only to just kill herself anyway. The upside to the latter is that the entire experience could result in the revival of Ami from wherever she may be, then she and Ami could live out their lives peacefully. As Frieda considered her options it seemed as if hours had passed, even though it had likely only been minutes. Finally Frieda made her decision. “Do it then,” Frieda said jumping safely down from the ledge, “Help me.” “Excellent decision. You won’t regret it, I promise” The Medium said slowly. Read the Prologue here.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 35
3301. When someone is 'crazy' why do we call them 'nuts' or 'fruitcakes'? i actually have no idea. 3302. What's the dillio? oh no... i hope this survey isn’t gna be full of nonsense questions like this. 3303. Where did the slang term 'dillio' come from? idk, google it. 3304. How many even whole numbers are there between -5 and 5? idk. 3305. What words can you make useing only these letters: E N O? one, neo, eon... i think that’s it?
3306. What's the differance between foods that are low fat and foods that are lite? i’m assuming light foods like have more fat in it idk. 3307. White or brown rise? did you mean rice? lol. 3308. Can you be content if you are physically uncomfortable? i guess so. if you don’t plan to be physically ‘comfortable’, isn’t that being content? 3309. What is the differance between discomfort and pain? i’m assuming pain is more uncomfortable. 3310. What is the most uncomfortable thing you can think of? being around someone that smells with no escape. 3311. What do these names make you think of: britney spears? walt whitman? buddah? william shakespere? pablo picasso? adam ant? franz kafka? nietzche? madonna? orson scott card? frieda kahlo? god? salvidor dali? david bowie? jesus? lars ulrich? jim henson? cbf answering. plus many of these names are spelt wrong. 3312. What are your favorite games to play? cranium, taboo, the resistance, codenames, monopoly etc. i just like board games i guess. 3313. Are you quick to judge something as stupid just because you don't understand it? nope. 3314. Are you obnoxious to others? no, unless they’re being obnoxious to me. 3315. Do you feel superior to anyone? no. 3316. Shouldn't people take a good look at themselves before they criticize others? they should but they don’t. 3317. Which is better and why: writing or saying obnoxious things about someone who isn't around to defend themselves or saying it straight to them? saying it straight to them. i hate finding out that people have talked about me behind my back and don’t have the courage to just say it to my face. Which do YOU do more often? i’m not an obnoxious person, but i’d say saying it straight to someone’s face. 3318. Do you appologize too often? eh, not really. 3319. Does your mind play tricks on you? sometimes. 3320. Have you read (any of): the bible? only this. the koran? the torah? the kama sutra? the satanic bible? Are these mystical texts or historical ones? they can be taken as both. 3321. Do you own any possessions that you hide from parents, friends, visitors? nope. What? - 3322. Why does the cheese stand alone? idk. 3323. Do you watch any soaps? no. 3324. Have you learned something new today? yes. 3325. Do you believe in an 'oversoul' of all humanity? eh, never heard of it. 3326. Have you invented your own style, just for you? well i guess so. i just wear what i want. 3327. have you invented your own religion, just for you? nope. 3328. What files have you recently downloaded? e-books for my kindle. 3329. Some people think little girls should be seen and not heard but I think: they should be heard too. 3330. Do you dance around a lot? no. 3331. Is the unexamined life worth living or not? why not. 3332. What are you like when you're at your most beautiful? haha i have no idea. 3333. What are you like when you are at your worst? probably a blubbering mess. 3334. Why do you hide things about yourself? i don’t usually tbh. 3335. Why is anything 'too personal' to talk to others about? it just means they’re not comfortable enough to talk about it with others. 3336. Why should we be embarressed, afraid, or appologetic for ANYTHING we think, say or do? it’s just the way society works. 3337. Can true freedom exist in this world of doubt and guilt? to some individuals, yes. 3338. What do you have no control over? the dollar. 3339. Do you own a vibrating pillow? no lol wtf. How about a vibrating back massager? we have one somewhere in the house. 3340. Can you dance away your emotional pain? sure. 3341. When you dance is it a celebration of life? you can put it that way i guess. 3342. When do you feel the most immortal? que? 3343. Are you more of a painting, a poem or a song? painting. 3344. Is lonliness a crowded room full of open hearts turned to stone? possibly. 3345. Is YOUR heart ever stone? no. 3346. Are we alltogether all alone? idk. 3347. Does life end in a happily ever after way? idk. 3348. What's the warmest part of your body? my neck. 3349. Are you more verbal or visual? visual. 3350. What do you long for? happiness. 3351. True or false: When someone hates you it is because: they're jealous of you? false. the things you say are frightening to them because what you say makes them think about things they would rather avoid thinking about? w t f. they don't understand you? bye. 3352. True or false: When you hate someone it is because: you're jealous of them? false. the things they say are frightening to you because what they say makes them think about things you would rather avoid thinking about? you don't understand them? 3353. Have you ever been fascinated by someone who hated you? nope. 3354. Since the human brain has defense mechanisms against feeling bad (meaning the brain lies to itself to avoid feeling bad about something it said or did) how can we ever know if we are truly being honest? just ignore the damn mechanisms and take it for what it is. How do we know our brains are not tricking us into believeing we are good people when we aren't all good? we don’t know, so whatever. 3355. How highly do you value innovation? very much so. 3356. Is there a name where all the people you've ever met haveing that name had something in common with each other(ex. all the jens you've ever met had blue eyes)? nope. 3357. Are you focused more outward or inward? outward. 3358. What is the most affectionate nickname you ever came up with for someone? haha idk. 3359. Are the questions STILL still interesting this deep into the survey? no, sorry. i’m getting really bored of them but i’m too far in to give up. 3360. If someone else makes their desicions based on their intuition instead of on facts and proofs what do you think of that person? that’s fine. it’s their life. 3361. Do you trust your own intuition? yes. 3362. Finish the phrase... danger is the: just keep: never trust: the way I live my life: don't change: maybe someday: no. 3363. Would you rather live in Frodo's world or Harry Potter's? harry potter’s. 3364. Do you believe that the dead are with us? in some ways. If yes in what form? memory. 3365. Do you believe that those who haven't been born are with us? possibly. If yes, in what form? dreams. 3366. Are you made of timid stuff? no. 3367. Is there anyone in this world who is not CRAZY? yes. 3368. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? shorter. 3369. Can you mashed potatoe? lame. Can you do the twist? lame. 3370. What does your family do for thanksgiving..or if you don't celebrate it what do you picture when you think of thanksgiving? i picture family gathering together and having a huge feast and sharing what they’re thankful for. 3371. What is your earliest memory? running to my dad after coming back from vacation with my mum. 3372. Have you ever taken an IQ test? yes. What'd you get? i forgot. i’d probably do one again. What do you think of those things? no that accurate since i just do them online. 3373. How do you make 'fishcakes'? idk. Put the potatoe in the fish... cool. 3374. Which is the better band..the offspring or the damned? i don’t listen to either. 3375. Do you ever think about world destruction? not really. 3376. Do you think humans are becoming more robotic? yes. 3377. Do you think we'll ever be replaced by robots? it’s possible. some jobs are being replaced by robots. 3378. What do you feel a part of? my family. 3379. Does it freak you out to know that yogurt is ALiVe?? no. 3380. What current band d o you think is doing something particularly interesting or innovative? majid jordan. 3381. Golf course, do you remember? what. 3382. Which is more important, books and cleverness or friendship and bravery? friendship and bravery. 3383. If i promise to miss you, will you go away? no. 3384. stool, ball, powder...Can you think of a 4th word that connects these three? no. 3385. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? no. 3386. Why are blondes considered 'dumb'? idk. 3387. What's more important..intuitiveness/creativity or factual knowledge and practicallity? i possess creativity and practicality so idk. 3388. Who are the two worst terrorists you can think of? they’re all terrible people. 3389. What is jello made of? gelatin. 3390. Pick a country: australia. What do you believe is wrong with that country? everything. we are so backwards, it kills my life. 3391. Do you have strong opinions? yes. 3392. Do you do what it takes to stand up for those opinions? yes. especially when people are arguing over something they have no knowledge about. 3393. Have you ever been to a rally, protest or demonstration? no. If yes was it effective and in what ways? 3394. When people say, 'yeah it sucks but there's nothing I can do' do you believe them? it depends what the situation is. 3395. Do you know what you can do to make this world a better place? sure. Do you care? yes. 3396. Why is peace so important anyway? it’s not like it isn’t important? Why is freedom important? everyone has the right to be free. 3397. As long as you have your house and your family and you can go to the movies and the mall who cares about peace and freedom. Right? wrong. 3398.Do you try to avoid anything involving work? no. 3399. If you are not actively wrking to stop the horrors and injustices of the world (war, hunger, poverty) than aren't you partially responsible for them? thanks for assuming i’m not doing anything.... 3400. Are you in denial? nope.
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