#*stefan voice*: this fic has everything
disasterbiwriter · 1 year
literati au - snippets
because sharing the writing is (sometimes) more fun than DOING the writing, that's why.
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Luke is a grouch, Jess eggs him on - some things never change.
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Updated cultural references! Mostly so Rory can be into bands that aren't just drawn directly from Daniel Palladino's cultural catalogue!
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Y'all, this version of Lane is now my official headcannon and she will steal your hearts.
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Our boy will be immediately smitten with Rory no matter what universe, this much is true.
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The next chapter of divine intervention is a big boy
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fandoms--fluff · 9 months
I wanted that events of the fic would take a place during season 2-3 where Caroline just become vampire, and Damon and Stefan's relationship were complicated. So, Stefan and Damon would get into a big argument. Stef leaves with hurt feelings. Elena and Caroline meets him in town and asks whats wrong. Stef is not in the mood, he snaps at them and says nothing. Then he leaves, gets ambushed and kidnapped.
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Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore x Caroline Forbes
Warnings: kidnapping, mentions of blood, swearing I think
A/n: My inbox is flooded with requests, I am trying to get them all written and posted to the best of my abilities. So if you have recently requested something, don't worry, I haven't forgotten. They will get written as soon as I can!
Stefan storms out of the boarding house after just having a fight with his older brother. He wipes away the glistening tears from his eyes.
This isn't how it used to be between him and Damon. When they were human, they had the best relationship. He could go to Damon about anything and his older brother would always be the one to comfort him and he knew he could rely on his big brother.
"Just think about it, everything that happened is your fault! Mother died because you were born, Katherine stayed and turned us into vampires because she saw you, you forced me to transition, and countless other things!" Damon yelled, which resulted in Stefan leaving.
All the guilt he has tried so hard to push away comes crashing back like a wave. He keeps his composure up, walks to the park in the square, and sits on one of the benches. He takes deep breaths, not wanting to have a breakdown in public.
Caroline calls Elena, telling her about the fight that had taken place and Stefan running off in the direction of town. She had been about to leave her car which was parked outside the house when her vamp hearing picked up the screaming voices and then saw Stefan leave in a hurry.
Caroline drives as quickly as she can to Elena's house, picking her up on the way deeper into the busier parts of town.
She parks by the grill, the sun setting and she and Elena jump out of the car.
After not even two minutes, they spot Stefan hunched over on a bench, leg moving up and down repeatedly.
"Stefan!" Elena calls out to the vampire.
"Oh, Elena, Caroline, hi" Stefan looks up, surprise evident on his face.
"Are you alright?" Caroline asks softly, sitting on the bench beside him. He looks over at her, confusion in his eyes. It takes Stefan a moment until he figures that she and Elena will find out about the fight and then tell him that Damon's right. It's the knowledgeable answer, considering he just got his humanity back and trying to get back into his old routine.
Not waiting another minute, Stefan gets up and quickly vamps away. He keeps running until he's out of town and just walking through the woods.
As he's passing massive trees and stepping on fallen leaves, he gets the feeling someone is following him.
He turns around, thinking it's Caroline. But he's wrong, the last thing he sees is a muscular, tall man before getting grabbed from behind and slammed against a tree repeatedly til he passes out.
Caroline and Elena sigh. "What do we do now?" Elena asks, worriedly.
"Let's just give him some space, I'll try talking to him tomorrow," Caroline says softly. Elena nods, knowing her best friend has good judgment.
They head to the grill to have dinner.
The first word that comes to Stefan's head is pain. It feels like his entire body is on fire. He opens his eyes, only to find he's trapped in a room with no windows, only a small vent, and a door with a handle that's most definitely locked.
Looking down, he sees where the pain is coming from. There are two small stakes in his hands, pinning them down to the chair's arms. Three stakes lodged into his stomach, but not too close to get his heart. And a stake in each of his thighs, by the feeling of it, they're all the way through and sticking out at the bottom of his thighs.
He lets out a small whimper of pain, hoping whoever took him couldn't hear.
The next thing he knew was someone who walked into the room, the key to the door, he assumed, in hand and a wicked smirk playing on his face.
This can't be good, Stefan thinks to himself.
It's been four days since Caroline and Elena saw Stefan in the park, and neither of them could reach him on the phone, and couldn't find him when they searched.
Caroline made the decision to go to Damon. If anyone knows where Stefan is, it's going to be him. Well, other than Katherine, but of course this is one of the only times she can be useful and she's not here.
Without knocking, she walks into the boarding house. She walks through the house til she finds the oldest Salvatore in the library, drinking bourbon.
"Ever heard of knocking, blondie?" Damon quips.
"Oh, please, you never lock the door anyways" Caroline rolls her eyes. "Anyways, I was wondering if you know where Stefan is, I haven't been able to reach him or find him for the last four days. The last time I saw him, he was on a bench in the park, and when I asked if he was okay, he just vamped away" she tells Damon.
Damon pauses his movement to bring his glass to his lips. His head tilts, and he puts his glass down, walking toward the baby vampire.
"That may have something to do with our argument that happened," Damon says, thinking about how he hasn't been at all worried about his brother, but he isn't going to show that in front of Caroline.
"I know, I heard you guys yelling before he stormed off after" Caroline crosses her arms.
"Well then, we should go start a search party," Damon says with a smirk, hiding the fact that he's extremely worried about his baby brother.
Caroline follows Damon out of the house and into his car. "He looks at her with an eyebrow raised. "What? You think I'm going to let you look for him by yourself" Caroline says.
Damon doesn't even try to fight with her on this, starting up the Camaro. He drives up, out of town. "Where are you taking us?" Caroline asks.
"Well, if you've already checked the entire town, I'm guessing you didn't go out of town?" Damon tells her. He stops the car two meters into the woods. Caroline sends another questioning look towards him.
Damon sighs, "When we were kids, and our father was drinking more than usual, I would bring Stefan into these woods, and to a cave that I found before he was born," Damon tells her, walking towards where the cave is.
"That's...really sweet of you" Caroline shocks herself by saying this.
Stefan tries his best not to cry out in pain, he's been stuck in this place for days, and the only person he's seen was a man who he still doesn't know who he is.
"I hope your brother comes to get you soon, it'll be real sad if he gets here too late and finds his baby brother dead," The man says from where he's standing in front of the teenager.
"H-how do you know my brother?" Stefan looks at him with tired eyes.
"We used to be good buds in the eighties" The man shrugs, obviously holding back information. Stefan grunts, knowing he won't be getting any more.
As Damon and Caroline near the cave, Damon stops suddenly. The movement making Caroline bump into him. "What-"
"Shhhh. Do you hear that" he whispers to the blonde.
Caroline focuses her hearing, picking up on two shallow voices. She nods her head. They turn right and start following the voices, both familiar to Damon, one his brother's and the other he just can't place.
"Oh, it seems we have company" the man whispers into Stefan's ear before taking the screwdriver in his hand and stabbing it into the teen's neck. The action causes Stefan to cry out before his eyes glaze over and he falls unconscious.
Damon and Caroline approach an old, beat down, abandon looking cabin. Just as they step up on the porch, the tall, bulky man appears in front of the two.
"Where's Stefan?" Caroline demands more than asks, fire in her eyes.
"He's not in the best shape" the man smirks, looking at Damon the entire time.
Recognition flickers in his eyes. "Jake" Damon says. "Long time, hasn't it, Damon. I've been waiting for the day to get my revenge on you, and I must say, it feels amazing. I mean you or your brother never even saw it coming, I wonder if he's okay? I'm guessing not" Jake tells, a sadistic smile on his face.
Before he can utter another word, his heart is found in Damon hand. Caroline goes into the run down cabin, he follows right after her. "So, how exactly did you know him" Caroline brakes the silence.
"We met in the eighties and blah, blah, blah, got into a battle let's say, and he wants revenge. And that's all you get to know" Damon answers her, obviously skipping on key details.
Caroline goes one way while Damon goes the other. She finds a passage leading down to a basement. She walks down the stairs and through the hall until she comes up to a door.
Looking through the small barred area of the door, she sees Stefan slumped forward in the chair.
"Oh my god, Stefan" she gasps. "Damon, get down here!" She yells as she goes into the dungeon, torture chamber room, as she likes to call it.
Damon vamps down to the basement. He freezes when he takes in his brother's appearance and what has been done to him. Quickly coming out of it, he races over, helping Caroline pull out the stakes jammed in his little brother.
Stefan's eyes start flickering open. He looks up at the two people pulling the stakes out of him. They're...saving him? His head starts to pound, quickly closing his eyes, he passes out.
"Come on, let's go," Damon tells Caroline. He picks his brother up in his arms. He's lighter than he expected.
Carrying Stefan to the Camaro reminds Damon of carrying him to bed or through the woods when he was little. He lays his little brother in the backseat.
He drives the three of them back into town, to the boarding house. During the drive, Stefan squirms around, feeling relief in his body after sitting in that chair for almost five days. Damon's eyes go to the blind spot mirror multiple times in the short drive, making sure his little brother's alright.
When they're back at the house, Damon carries his sleeping brother into the living room and lays him on the couch. Caroline sets a fire in the fireplace as he does so.
Damon stares down at his brother's relaxed face. His eyes wander down to a bright red vein on his brother's neck. Getting a closer look, he pulls down on the collar of his shirt, revealing a nasty bite. And by the looks of it, caused by a werewolf.
"I have a surprise for you today" Jake smiles toward Stefan.
Stefan looks behind the vampire, seeing the other man from the woods. His eyebrows knit in confusion. What's so special about a random man?
Before he could think of another question, the man came over to him. Fangs emerge from his gums and the next second, Stefan cries out in pain.
"There we go, a little spicing up" Jack chuckles. And in a second, the hybrid's head was on the ground, caused by Jack's hand slicing through his neck. "Can't have any loose ends, now can we?"
"Blondie," Damon says. Caroline walks over and gasps at the bite mark on Stefan's neck.
"Oh my god...what are we going to do, go to Klaus? Will he even listen or-" Caroline starts working herself up. "Calm down, I'll get this all sorted out. What I need you to do, is look after Stefan, got it?" Damon looks into her eyes.
She nods before he vamps out the door, heading to a certain Original's mansion.
Caroline sits down on the other couch, across from Stefan. She takes deep breaths, trying not to freak out.
As she's spaced off in her mind, Stefan starts twitching. He soon regains the motions to move and control his body. He opens his eyes, looking around the room he's in until his eyes land on the blond sitting across the coffee tables.
"What happened? How did I get here?" Stefan croaks out.
Caroline immediately snaps out of her thoughts. She faces the other vampire, a smile growing on her face. "You're awake! Damon and I brought you back here half an hour ago, Stef" she tells him softly.
Stefan moves to sit up, but whimpers as he does. A searing pain washes through his shoulder and across his chest and neck. Caroline vamps over beside him, putting an arm around his shoulders.
"Hey, take it easy. You've been tortured for almost a week and have a werewolf bite"
"I'm gonna die," Stefan says what he's thinking.
"No. No, you're not. Damon is out fixing this right now. We just have to wait until he gets back" Caroline says with a confident attitude. She won't let Stefan die on her watch, no way in hell.
Stefan slumps against his friend, exhausted. His head is lying against her shoulder. The fabric of the shirt she's wearing is nice and soft and feels good on his cheek.
Caroline wraps her other arm around Stefan, pulling him close in her arms. They sit there, cuddled up, as they wait for Damon to come back.
Twenty minutes later the door slams open and shut, ruining the peace and quiet.
Damon vamps into the room, a glass in hand, filled halfway with blood. Blood, she can only assume is Klaus'.
"Drink, Stef," he says in the most gentle voice Caroline has ever heard him use. He holds the glass up to the younger's lips and tilts it up.
Stefan drinks the blood until there's no more to come out. He sighs as he pulls away, feeling the pain of the bite vanish.
"You feeling better now?" Damon asks. Stefan nods his head, sitting up straighter.
Caroline unwraps her arms from him and stands, "I'll leave you guys to it" She smiles lightly before leaving the room quietly.
Stefan looks up at Damon, "How did you get Klaus to give you his blood?"
"That is something that I'll never reveal" Damon answers the younger vampire, and sits beside him.
"...I'm sorry I ruined everything" Stefan quietly says, looking down at his feet.
Damon stiffens before turning to face his brother. He places a hand on his shoulder. "I didn't mean that, you didn't ruin everything, Mom's death wasn't your fault, and I know you didn't want to be alone. I'm sorry I told you they were, Stef" Damon says softly.
Stefan looks up at him, tears in his eyes, "You mean it?"
"Of course I do. Come here" Damon pulls his baby brother into his arms, hugging him close to his chest. Stefan tightly hugs him back.
"I love you, you know that, right?" Damon asks his little brother. Stefan looks up at him, nodding "I love you too".
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livlepretre · 4 months
I'm really curious (sorry if you answered this question before), but do you see canon Klaus doing the same kind of things FE Klaus does?
Yes, absolutely.
FE is my unvarnished interpretation of the characters, as they were presented in the earlier seasons of the show. The entire plot of FE is even taken from a scenario Klaus himself voices: he declares in 3x05 "what I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid, and get out of this one pony town." Obviously he wants to kidnap her in order to use her for her blood. The whole thing about wanting to make sure Elena settles down with a mortal to bear children and continue her bloodline is taken from his stated intentions in the episode "The Dinner Party," also season 3. Please keep in mind that I started working on FE when season 3 was first airing, so the characterizations are GREATLY taken from that era. So, when I was first working on this fic, Klaus had no canon romances save for what we saw of his affair with Katerina in 1492. Lines like "love is a vampire's greatest weakness" had huge influence over how I envisioned him-- and the fact that his early characterizations bear this out only added fuel to the fire. Wondering things like, why use Jenna in the sacrifice??? and speculating on his psychology all fanned the flames. I saw him as emotionally cowardly, and vengeful, but also, that there was no line he would not cross. That's the fun thing about writing Klaus. If I'm trying to figure out how he will respond to something, the worst and most dramatic possibility is OBVIOUSLY the answer. Whenever I wonder if I should dial it back, I think about that time in the season 4 Christmas special when he slaughtered all of his hybrids in a mad rage and then drowned Carol Lockwood and I go LOL NO Klaus is going to Klaus, I might as well let him go as far as he wants to go.
As for other various things-- like, I think the tv show had various constraints as a teen tv show-- a lot is implied in tvd but not explicitly stated because the show couldn't. It wasn't on HBO. So, while there is a weird amount of gore (heads falling off shoulders, hearts ripped out of chests), the sex stuff is all pretty tame. I have to assume the debauchery (and the viciousness of the gore) would all be dialed up without those censorship limits-- they're vampires. Like, Stefan is called "ripper." What does that mean? What are their habits? what are their cavalier attitudes about human life?
So, for me, when I watch tvd, I absolutely do interpret it as "oh, Stefan and Klaus were fucking in the season 2-season 3 hiatus, and Rebekah is obviously incestually invovled with Klaus and in a threesome with him and Stefan"-- the subtext is there and is just too strong a vibe to interpret it otherwise, for me. But the network wasn't going there. The spiciest sex dynamic they were willing to imply was a Rebekah x Sage x Damon threesome; which, ffm is just not that big of a deal on American tv; I doubt the show would have ever gone for a mmf threesome, let alone an incestuous one, let alone with their male romantic lead (and the woman isn't even the heroine). Like, mainstream network tv just isn't going to jump into that, even though this dynamic is basically screaming itself from the rooftops.
Uhhhh and do I think Klaus would fall in love with Elena?
I mean, to me it seems like the obvious ship, which is why I keep writing about it?
I am not one to let the fact that Elena has so many love interests stop me from adding in more or seeing the potential for more.
And one of the main goals of FE was to try to write this ship as I think it would realistically play out: this is why it is so slow, and painful, and full of so many set backs.
It's the sort of ship that sets fire to everything around it and then, MAYBE, some sapling will grow out of the scorched earth.
(Well, I say maybe. Yes. Definitely some young green shoot is going to burst out of this and turn into a majestic ship tree. Or something.)
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marksbear · 1 year
Thank you so much I woke up from a nap and got your great surprise of the recent sub Steven grant fic. So how about famous writer Dom reader who has very popular books. But some of them have smut in it and steven proof reads all of them. But was surprised to who have read one of his smut ones. So Steven gets his reading glasses and walks over there with just a shirt on because reader works from home. So he placed in between readers Legs and he asked him to read it to him out loud. And it's so filthy that he was blushing really hard but then reader asks him to read aloud to see if it sounds weird. Steven stutters and says thing really loud but then finds out some features remind him of him in the reader and a name that is almost the same as him too. So then reader does to Steven what is happening in the book such as opening his legs,putting his fingers in his mouth which would be use to tease him and word for word Steven is speechless because of both but he won't complain.-🐻‍❄️
Oh my goodness I love this idea! I really hope you enjoy this fic! 🐻‍❄
Editor bear: Right when I was fucking done I realized I messed up the plot of the request. 😭 Please 🐻‍❄ forgive me imma make it up to you later!
Y/n L/n. One of the best authors in this time. His books touched every single topic and genre. lots of his books get performed on Broadway and the others get played on the big screen and television. Winning Grammy's and Oscars.
In Y/n words none of those would have ever happened if his boyfriend didn't proof read them.
Even though Y/n has a legal team and people can just read it for him. He sometimes forgets hes wealthy and begs his boyfriend to do it for him. To which his boyfriend doesn't mind at all and reads them for him. Steven loves reading and his boyfriend is one of the best writers in the world win-win for both of them.
"Steven honey! Can you come here for a sec and read this for me?!" Y/n shouts from his office.
Steven stops what he was doing and finds his reading glasses before going into his boyfriends work office wearing nothing just one of Y/n shirts that looks huge on him covering his crotch.
Y/n smiles at the sight of his boyfriend and gives him a kiss on the cheek as a hello. Y/n spreads his legs open for Steven to sit with him to which Steven quickly takes the offer making himself comfortable between his boyfriend.
"Okay since we were both ready how about I read half the chapter to you, then you read the rest? Sounds good Stevey?" Steven crosses his legs nodding a yes.
"Once Cohen cracked open the door and laid his eyes on Stefan's naked body he froze. Stefan's wet body shines in the dim light showing his curves and his muscles. Stefan's body was in full display."
Steven's body trembled and squirmed. And interrupts his boyfriend. "I didn't know you wrote smut." Y/n chuckles and says "You're surprised? you should read some of my older books."
Y/n clears his throat going back to his narrator voice.
"Cohen feels his blood rushing down to his cock as he stares at Stefan's naked body. The way Stefan moves in his body is like he knows Cohen is staring at him and hes throwing a show for Cohen. Stefan moves his hands around his chest pulling and twisting his own nipples before going down to his soft cock. He gives his cock a few lazy tugs before getting his hand wet using the water from his still wet body and begins to slowly massage his soft cock."
"The sight makes Cohen slowly unbutton his pants pulling them down to his knees and palms himself through his boxers. Once Stefan cock is fully hard he spits into his hand and properly touches himself feeling Cohen's eyes on him. Cohen watches every single movement Stefan does matching his own pace jerking himself off as well."
Everything seems so intimate even though they're a couple feet away from each other and a door between the two. They know the other is making them feel that way and it makes both of their hearts beat in the most greatest ways possible adding a forbidden trust that most people want in a pinning friendship like theirs."
Y/n finishes half the character like he said he was looking at Steven. "Your turn glasses~ I left the real fun for you." Y/n teases taking Steven's reading glasses and puts them on Steven. Steven ignores his boyfriend tease and begins to read.
"Stefan's moans gets louder and louder. His legs begin to tremble as his eyes tear up looking like a doll and his toes begin to curl. Some of his moans are replaced with fast whimpering. He speeds his cock up and down at a fast pace. His cock twitch and precum leaks out of the tip making his cock look even more shiny. Stefan's eyes roll back into his head when he feels the knot in his stomach forming. Drool runs down his chin. "cumMing~ I--im cumming!~" Stefan crosses his legs and arches his back closing his eyes tight not seeing the door open away and Cohen kneeling in front of him. He opens his eyes and gasps seeing Cohen holding onto his cock and covering his tip preventing him to cum..."
Steven stops reading and goes quiet. "You alright love? Is it too much--- oh?~" Y/n worries goes away once sees his boyfriend boner under the shirt. "So it is too much~ The scene even made my boyfriend dick hard. If that's the case I did a good job. Imagine when people read this." Y/n says to himself and laughs. Y/n raises Steven's shirt revealing the aching cock that's currently leaking precum like the character you based him from. "I gotta add more dialogue may do it later. I just wanted to focus on the actions. So~ how about we create that last scene later huh?"
Steven gives y/n a slap on the thigh before getting himself back together as Y/n puts his hands on his cock covering the tip.
"Cohen spreads open Stefan's legs. And hooks his arms under his leg and switches the positions. Stefan's back is leaning on Cohen's chest as Cohen places him on his left thigh. Cohen uses his left hand and rubs all over Stefan's chest twisting his sensitive nipples. Cohen uses his free hand to jerk himself off spitting into his hand more making his cock even easier for when he puts it inside of Stefan."
"Then it just stops..." Steven says a bit disappointed. Y/n laughs picks up Steven. "Because I wanna rest with you~ My dear Stefan."
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kirythestitchwitch · 9 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - waffle house fic - Eating Habits
Okay okay here's some Rebekah! 😊
Rebekah Mikaelson sat down in her booth.
“Oh my god, is this where you’ve been?” She dropped her large, obnoxiously designer purse on the tabletop, scattering Caroline’s pens. “Truly, this is tragic.”
Caroline blinked, frantically wondering if vampires could have hallucinations, if maybe she just hadn’t noticed being bitten by a werewolf recently. “Rebekah?”
“Well spotted.” Digging in her purse, she pulled out a compact and a tube of lipstick. “Did you also notice that one tends to stick to the booth?” She squirmed slightly, looking disgusted.
Marcy bustled over, pulling her notepad and pen from her apron. “Well, I’ll be! Company.” She beamed at Caroline, who smiled stiffly back. “Can I get you anything?”
Rebekah paused halfway to freshening up her lipstick to examine the short, round woman. “Does everything here come with grease on it?” she asked.
The server’s smile went sharp. “No, we put the grease on special for flavor.”
Rebekah frowned. “Then no.” She returned to fixing her lipstick, Marcy clearly dismissed from her mind.
Caroline exchanged a look with the server, trying to convey some kind of wordless apology and mutual irritation. Marcy rolled her eyes but left with one finally squinty-eyed look at Rebekah.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t get anything, she probably would have spit in it,” Caroline said, reaching out to corral her pens in a pile away from her booth guest.
Looking up from tucking away her makeup, Rebekah looked disgusted. “Gross. Would you have warned me?”
“Not even a little.” She flashed Rebekah a smile as polite as it was fake.
The other girl offered her own version of the same. “It’s a wonder we left any of you alive,” she said, digging back in her purse.
Caroline tapped the end of her pen against her notebook. “So, about that: what are you doing here and how quickly can you leave?” Rebekah’s dorm was on the other end of the row closest to campus, and Caroline made an effort to avoid bumping into her when she walked past. Unfortunately, seeing her in Biology on Thursdays was unavoidable. They very diplomatically sat on opposite ends of the classroom.
“I’m hungry for a midnight snack.” Her tone of voice made it clear she thought this was obvious.
With a shrug, Caroline picked up a highlighter and started going down the list of vocabulary words. “Well, you had your chance for pie, I’m afraid.”
“Don’t be daft.” Rebekah pulled out a small, collapsible brush and started working invisible tangles out of her hair. “I don’t want pie, I want a nice brunette. Maybe a blond.”
Freezing mid-highlight, Caroline glanced at Rebekah and then around to see who was paying attention. June was busy with a table that had just been sat, and Marcy was in the back. The other tables had cleared out. No one paid her any mind. "Rebekah," she hissed quietly, "You can't just eat people in a Waffle House. Marcy's already had to clean up after some drunk kids who hurled on the bar tonight, she doesn't deserve to find a dead body in the bathroom."
The air of disdain with which Rebekah looked at her might have peeled paint. "What have the Salvatores been teaching you, baby vampire? I'd understand Stefan having no self-control–he never did–but surely Damon is old enough."
Caroline huffed bitterly. "Damon hasn't exactly been known for his self-control, either, historically. Elena's mostly guilted him into using blood bags, but I'm sure he has his cheat days."
Rebekah shuddered dramatically. "Ugh, blood bags. There’s always a plastic aftertaste, I don’t know how you stomach them.”
“Well, I’m not about to start Stefan’s bunny diet anytime soon. I don’t know how he stomachs the fur in his teeth,” Caroline said, making a face. Rebekah gave her a look she probably saved for unfortunate Dickensian orphans to lure them in before draining them dry, like Caroline was the most pitiable creature on Earth. “You know those aren’t your only options, right? Stefan’s guilt-fueled eternal Lent or the refrigerated donations intended for the injured.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder with a flippant hand. “I mean, I don’t care about that sort of thing, but you seem like the type that would. A Good Vampire, and all that.” Smiling as if that was funny, Rebekah seemed like she was trying to invite Caroline in on the joke.
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moonshinemagpie · 14 days
What I Watched in April: Mini Movie Reviews
In January 2024, I made the New Year's resolution to start watching more and better films. April was a big month for me because I inadvertently discovered Bollywood!! Now I can't believe I lived almost 30 years without Indian cinema in my life.
Jan's mini reviews Feb's mini reviews March's mini reviews
Here we go:
1. Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995): On a long plane ride, I look up international films, and the only one I find is DDLJ. I never heard of it before. I press play, noting the 3-hour runtime. And I'm...absorbed. I'm watching on a tiny, dimly lit airplane screen, but I cannot look away. 
I'm fascinated by the dancing, how expressive the actors' faces are while they dance, and the way the voices singing are so clearly not the actors'.
(I now know this is all normal for Indian cinema.)
When I got home, I looked up the movie online and learned it's probably India's most famous romance musical, it was the most successful Bollywood film of the 90s, and the male lead, Shah Rukh Khan, is a huge deal in Indian cinema. Immediately, I crave more... Grade: A
2. Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani (2023): This was the perfect next movie for me. Released almost 30 years later, it still has all the things I loved about DDLJ while being much less sexist. It's also so gorgeous. Maybe the prettiest movie I've ever seen. I have "Heartthrob" on my Spotify playlist. I need it in my ears weekly for my health. Grade: A++
Note this is also my first time watching a film starring the actor Ranveer Singh.
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3. Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998): Another romance musical starring Shah Rukh Khan. I didn't love this one, honestly. It was just too sexist, and I wasn't a fan of the plot. Grade: C–
4. Star Wars (1977): It sounds fake to say I'd never seen the original Star Wars before, but I hadn't. Campier than expected but not my thing tbh. Grade: C–
5. American Fiction (2023): This movie was...fine? I don't get its Oscars attention, but I also disliked all the other big movies at the Oscars this year, so. Grade: B
6. Hero (2002): YEAH!!! This is like kung fu Rashomon. The cinematography is gorgeous. I loved it. Grade: A
7. Satyaprem Ki Katha (2023): This is about a beautiful, suicidal girl and the guy who forces her to marry him (don't worry, he's the hero!1). Yeah... A lot of this was...not well-executed. But it kind of felt like they'd picked a hurt/comfort fic off of AO3 and gave it a cinematic budget, so... Grade: B
8. Weekend (2011): Directed by Andrew Haigh, who also directed Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal in All of Us Strangers. Weekend feels very connected to that movie, and they're both excellent. This one leaves you with a similar bittersweet ache. Grade: A
9. Rotting in the Sun (2023): Director Sebastián Silva stars himself in movie about an asshole, depressive director who's of so little use to the world that he might as well just, like, kill himself. Yeah. This movie is A LOT. I really loved it. Everyone talks about how there are 800 penises in this movie, but I found that to be not at all its biggest talking point. If you've never been depressed before, this might expand your empathy. Grade: A
10. Coolie (1983): I don't know where to start. It's an action movie. Starring an impoverished train station worker. *Stefan voice* This movie has everything: amnesiac moms, a commie who pretends to be a statue, a dash of sexual assault, and a telepathic falcon that fights gangsters. I don't know!!! Wild! Grade: B
11. Monkey Man (2024): I am fascinated by Dev Patel's directorial debut. It's an action film meant predominantly for Western audiences, right? But it makes no effort to explain Indian cultures, myths, religions, or politics to the viewer, even though the story is dependent on them. The main character's arc is all about fulfilling his dharma, so if you don't know what dharma is, good luck!
I watched this movie one time, felt like I didn't sufficiently understand it, spent a week reading up on Modi's politics, the hijra community, and the Ramayana, and then went back to the theater to watch it again. My conclusion? Good movie. Grade: A–
12. Padmaavat (2018): This historical tragedy musical romance (Bollywood films are just whatever they want to be) was controversial when it came out for being historically inaccurate and depicting jauhar (mass suicide). I, on a personal level, loved it. I found it deeply moving, cathartic, and utterly beautiful. My second Ranveer Singh film btw, and I was NOT expecting him to have that acting range. Grade: A+ (personal grade, not a commentary on its politics)
Going forward:
I want to watch more Indian cinema, and not just movies in Hindi. That's honestly all I can think about right now. I'm obsessed.
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zalrb · 1 year
oh my that steferine story got me 🤩 you portray katherine getting into stefan's head pretty well and elena's irrational jealousy was spot on. The thing is, she does have every reason to feel betrayed by stefan (katherine hurt her loves ones, killed her brother, tried to ruin her life...) but because of her relationship with damon, any complain she might have is automatically seen as hypocritical on her part and you showed that sooo well 1)
you're going to whine about katherine when you've been riding damon's dick like your life depended on it literally two seconds ago, elena? really? everyone in your story is side-eyeing her hard and it's glorious. But more seriously, what really got me is the convo between stelena in the end. Truly, I felt that one. I felt Elena's pain/heartbreak. I felt her finally acknowledging that she had no right to voice her feelings when it comes to Stefan. Idk if you'll continue this fic but wow."
So, the thing about this:
The thing is, she does have every reason to feel betrayed by stefan (katherine hurt her loves ones, killed her brother, tried to ruin her life…)
is I've always felt like in the show when Elena would be jealous over Stebekah or Steferine, those reasons were more like excuses and didn't really have much to do with why she was really upset. Like, antis would always be like she isn't jealous that Stefan slept with someone else or is spending time with someone else, she's mad that he's doing it with Rebekah/Katherine and they tried to kill her and I would always be like that certainly makes things worse but Caroline, for instance, didn't do any of those things and Elena's reaction when she has no humanity is still
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with Rebekah, it's made very clear that her issue is the possibility of Stefan having feelings for her again, like besides this
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she calls her easy
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and if they kept the deleted scene it would further emphasize that because she keeps ranting about it: "Whatever he wants to do with his life is his business but I mean, come on, Rebekah?? At least have some taste!"
then in season 4 when Stefan stops Elena from killing Katherine, she doesn't say 'Katherine has destroyed my life, you should just let me do this after everything I've been through' she's just like,
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(and in the masterlist I talk about why season 6 Caroline is different)
When Matt sleeps with Rebekah, Elena is just like, Oh they're in Amsterdam in her voiceover in 5x01 but Stefan sleeps with Katherine and she's like
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and if the argument is that Rebekah hurt Matt as well, Katherine ruined Stefan's life, so....
Like even with Tessa, she's freaking out when she thinks they slept together
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the minute she realizes they didn't sleep together, she's like oh OK then bye
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but when she's forced to stay she gets agitated seeing her touch him
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Which is all to say when I wrote this fic, Elena's sense of betrayal has nothing to do with the fact that Katherine killed Jeremy, that's kind of incidental because Damon killing Jeremy is incidental to her, there's no sense of her being on a high horse, which is also why I didn't write everything Katherine did to her, I had her talk about what Katherine did to him but even with that Stefan being like, okay .... and what about what Damon did to you? You still have no leg to stand on here.
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lambden · 2 years
A Blessing of fertility
In their decades of friendship Jaskier has had plenty of fantasies where he’s been mostly naked in front of Geralt, but he never imagined the man’s family standing around too. Geralt, disappointingly immune to Jaskier’s body as always, says, “What’s the curse?” “It’s— well, I’ve been blessed, technically, according to the old priestess,” Jaskier winces. “It wasn’t my fault this time, really! I didn’t know I was fulfilling some ancient ritual just by playing a song about fertility, and before I could even thank my audience Nenneke had summoned me, chanting all this nonsense about Melitele and sacred rites. She’s very scary when she chants, do you know that? Not sexy at all, for a priestess of Melitele. I always pictured—” “Jaskier,” Geralt sighs. “Right, the blessing, yes. It revolves around repressed urges,” Jaskier says, feeling shamefaced for the first time in many years. “When people are in my presence, those urges will come to life, and they won’t be able to contain themselves.” He falls silent, expecting the assembled witchers and their sorceress to laugh in his face. Astonishingly, none do; Geralt and Eskel don matching scowls as Lambert and Yennefer step away, eyes wide with what Jaskier could almost mistake for fear. The Griffin backs away too, gaze twitching nervously around the room. The only person who offers him any response is Vesemir, slowly shaking off the cloak from around his shoulders. For a horrific, hilarious moment Jaskier thinks Vesemir intends to strip, but thank the gods, the old man only holds it out to Jaskier. “You must be freezing,” he explains, and Jaskier nods, gratefully accepting the fur. For some reason Geralt bristles, backing into a table and accidentally overturning a pitcher of water. Without hesitation, Eskel strips out of his armour, tearing his undershirt from his shoulders and hastening to mop up the spill with it. “Jaskier,” Coën interrupts, sounding like he means business. With great reluctance, Jaskier tears his gaze away from the muscles flexing in Eskel’s back. The Griffin moves past Vesemir, taking the bard’s hands in his and squeezing them gently. “How do we free you of this, my friend?”
this is another fic i'm VERY excited to share, i've been busy with life & events & etc but i still desperately want to finish this one. the premise is stated above and originally it was just going to be PWP but quickly it spiralled into something longer; story of my life. i hope this snippet pleases you and that i can publish the full fic soon!
ask me about one of my works in progress!
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Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester | Rated: M (non-explicit)
In this AU, Ellen and Jo never died, Ellen and Bobby are together, and Bobby was never there for the final showdown with Lucifer and Michael.
After Sam sacrifices himself, Dean doesn't know where else to turn and goes to Bobby's for the night and delivers the bad news. There, he's forced to confront an old friend he'd wronged, and try to make things right while he figures out what to do in this new reality without his brother.
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two
Jo watched him as he did it, taking note that there was only one bottle left in the six pack after the one he took. "Is that your fourth?"
"You counting my drinks now, Harvelle?" He teased with a tinge of a smirk.
"How long has it been since your first one?"
"You must be fun at parties," He snickered, taking a sip. He glanced over, only to find her incredulous look still fixed on him. "I'm good, Jo," he pat his hand on her knee. "Promise."
Though Jo still worried about him, she had to admit he did seem like he was finally relaxed. The classic Dean Winchester was even peeking through a bit. Plus, given his circumstances, she didn't want to prod him any further about it.
"You never went to any parties, did you?" He said, making more of an observation than asking a question.
"What makes you say that?"
"I don't know... Getting drunk, acting like a jackass in front of a bunch of people, it doesn't really seem like your scene."
"Oh yeah? And what do you think my scene was?"
"Wherever the hell you wanted to be," he smiled fondly to himself. "You definitely weren't going to be anywhere just cause everyone else was, or because it was cool. I'd guess you were somewhere your mom didn't want you to be, doing something she didn't want you to do."
Jo cracked a smile, a laugh escaping her lips. "Damn. You're good."
"Be honest, did you ever date a bad boy just to piss off your mom?"
She didn't answer.
"I knew it." Dean grinned in gratification.
"How did you know?"
"Cause girls like you dated me in high school for that very reason."
"Why does that not surprise me? You know, most guys grow out of the whole bad boy thing."
"So you think I'm a bad boy, huh?"
"I think you think you're a bad boy."
"So what would you say I am, then?"
"Fishing for compliments."
Being with him now, laughing, teasing, it all felt exactly the same- they'd picked up right where they left off as if no time had passed at all.
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withahappyrefrain · 2 years
Fully here for a needy subby Peter fic 👀 🙋🏼‍♀️
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Like as much as I love reading fics where he's a dom.....subby Peter just....does something to me
My personal headcannon is that he's a switch and leans more sub at the beginning stages of his relationship, ESPECIALLY his first relationship after Gwen also the man confirmed in NWH that he hasn't dated since Gwen so he would be needy
Oh man, I'm so excited to write this I'm going to make a playlist
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babybluebex · 2 years
i am egg sausage bc i'm watching my nephew tonight and he's 2 so yknow how that goes. but he's asleep now. and if you liked my tommy shelby fic you're really gonna enjoy tomorrow morning :)
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painboyridesagain · 3 years
Tim stares up at the aforementioned sheared cross, which tops the church’s shingled spire. It’s missing the arm-parts, and what remains has been carved into a jagged spear. Definitely spooky enough to earn a nickname. He tries to let an overwhelming fear and awe of god fill his soul at the sight, but it doesn’t really work. Maybe if he wasn’t Jewish. Or more afraid of clowns.
Tim gets paired with Jon for his first big research assignment. Things don't go that great.
Everything I write is good, but this is really good. Check it out!
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qlala · 4 years
i made the mistake of asking for prompts in december and now y’all are getting a full-fledged holiday one-shot instead of a drabble fill, i’m so sorry
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one-night-story · 5 years
I Got a Premonition that Tonight is Getting Strange (Arthur Curry/Aquaman)
Allie walked through the door of her old home town pub that she hadn’t been in since she was way younger than she should’ve been. She looked around at the “fisherman chic” decor that hadn’t changed since she had left. She took a breath and made her way to the bar. The bartender had her back to her, so he didn’t immediately see that she had sat down. Her usual spot felt almost comforting if it weren’t for the sense of whiplash she felt being there. The wood was scored the same from the knives she had scratched into it, the seat felt different from the crease she had carved when she was younger, and the pens and paint marks were still there from when she had finished school projects there. The bartender turned around and looked in awe at Allie.
“Baby sis you’ve gotta be kidding,” The bartender, or more accurately her older brother Mark said with awe.
“What? Thought I wouldn't come?” She asked with a sly smirk. Mark got out from behind the bar and hugged her tight.
“No, it’s just… life’s been so weird since you left.” He said.
“Yeah I heard.” She said with a chuckle. “Sounds like we’ve got a celebrity.” She remarked as she let him go back to his job. Their tiny town of Amnesty Bay had made headlines recently for being the hometown a superhero. She had only heard bits and pieces, but she knew the media called him “Aquaman” and conspiracy theorists thought he was from Atlantis. Amnesty Bay knew his name was Arthur Curry and as far as they knew, human.
“Didn’t you two date?” He asked. Allie felt the blood and warmth rush to her cheeks. She quickly hid it by running her hand through her hair.
“No, the thought didn’t even cross my mind. You know how I am about relationships.” Allie lied as her brother made her a rum and coke. The thought had crossed her mind. Multiple times. Though she never wanted to admit to herself or anyone.
“Yeah, yeah, “if you wanna be my lover, you have to tell me in exact words because I am oblivious.”” He said verbatim from her old mantra when they were in high school. “I am glad you’re back home though. Haven’t seen you in ages baby sis.” He added. Allie rolled her eyes at being called baby sister again. They were only a year apart, but she got the “baby” label.
“Whatever old man, just wish it were for circumstances that didn’t involve you getting married...” She replied. The duo went silent for a moment as Mark rolled her eyes handed her drink over to her.
“You know she’s not that bad once you get to know her.” He replied.
“Well, you guys didn’t really make an effort to come out and introduce her to me.” She stated. Mark conceded and she smirked. She made a gestures in cheers and took a sip of her drink. She found herself not flinching at the taste. Her older brother had remembered she liked more coke in her rum in coke. Truth was she had never gotten drunk because she couldn’t stand the taste of straight alcohol. Didn’t stop her in college and even late high school, but when you grow up in and around a bar, the idea of getting blackout drunk doesn’t really appeal as much. She watched her brother as she took care of the other patrons around the immediate bar. Allie zoned in and out, running her fingers over the carvings in the bar. They were stupid, but they made her smile a little on the inside. A sign that no matter how much she had changed; this place would be here. Hell, this place could probably survive the apocalypse. She wouldn’t put it past the place. When she came zoned back into her present space, or perhaps what had caused her to zone back in, was the sudden appearance of someone who the bar greeted fondly. Someone sat down next to her and initially she didn’t pay them any mind, if they were a problem, Mark would warn her.
“Mark, how’s the evening treating you?” The person asked. She smiled a little at that. His voice was deep and kind, she recognized it, but she didn’t know where from, seeing as he knew her brother’s name was as good as a sign as any that he was a regular.
“Well it improved with your arrival.” Mark joked as he put a beer down. The man laughed, seemingly catching on her brother’s subtle innuendo.
“What would your fiancée think?” He said.
“Ah, for you Arthur, I think she’d understand.” Mark replied. Allie felt her hair stand up. Arthur? Their local celebrity superhero, her for a period of time unadmitted crush (junior year was a dark time, and he gave the best hugs when one is coming out of a bathroom post crying session, not to mention the handful classes they had together and him going out of his way to bond with her when he could). Allie glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and was greeted with an arm covered in tattoos and about the size of her head and the guy attached had thick curly hair tied up in a bun and a beard. She looked down at her glass and would’ve downed it, had there been anything in it.
“Big bro, what’s a girl gotta do to get a refill? Turn into a burly super hero?” She joked. Mark rolled her eyes.
“And here I thought I was gonna give you an employee discount.” He said.
“Hey, I’m still on the payroll, I’ll give myself a discount thank you very much.” Allie replied. She felt Arthur’s eyes on her.
“Oh no you will not.” Mark replied as he placed a new drink in front of her. “Arthur, you remember my baby sister Allie.” Mark said causing Allie to have to acknowledge Arthur sitting next to her. She turned slightly in her stool and offered her hand.
“Yeah, I remember you. You nearly tore Mrs. Ball’s head off verbally for a year in World History.” Arthur said with a smile and accepting her hand. Allie felt her cheeks glow red, of course that would be the thing he remembers about her, it’s not like she did much else (though she would forever be proud of the event in question).
“That would be me. Nice to see you again Arthur.” She said. The door opened again, and Allie barely looked over her shoulder to see the woman in the power suit to match it to the pictures Mark had sent.
“Mark, I thought you were supposed to be off work already?” She said, Julia Moore, soon to be Julia Wilson. Allie tried not to grimace too much at her voice. It reminded her of something out of a bad rom com.
“Sorry baby, but my switch hasn’t come yet.”
“Yeah it has.” Allie said. Mark looked to her and she felt Arthur’s gaze on her as well. “Bro, get out from behind the bar and go hang out with your fiancée.” She stated. Mark reluctantly came out from behind the bar, and when the siblings passed each other, they did their secret sibling handshake that Mark had made her make with him when they were 10 and 9 respectively. Allie then proceeded to tie up her hair that wasn’t shaved into a messy bun on the top of her head. Julia looked at the woman now behind the bar.
“Did I hear you address him as “bro”?” She asked. Mark slapped his forehead.
“Julia, this is Allie, she’s my baby sister. Allie, this is Julia in person.” He said. Allie reached her hand across the bar and offered it to her soon to be sister in law. Julia shook it.
“Thank you for doing this for Mark.” She said.
“Hey, it’s my family bar too.” Allie said. Arthur looked at the two of them, trying to make heads or tails of the whole situation. “See you guys at rehearsal yeah?” She said. Mark laughed and waved to her as the two left the bar. Allie promptly got to work, learning everyone’s orders and what round everyone was on. She returned to in front of Arthur who was looking at her with slight confusion. “What?” Allie asked.
“Did he say, “in person”?” Arthur asked.
“Yeah, Julia’s schedule is hectic as hell and I don’t exactly live around here, so they never got around to visiting me before they got engaged. So, I only know about her through photos, text descriptions, and as a voice in the background of FaceTime calls.” She said, listing things off on her fingers. Arthur’s eyebrow raised and he took a swig of his beer.
“And based off of that, what do you think of her?” He asked. Allie furrowed her brow and took care of some customers before returning to the question.
“She’s… alright. I don’t know anything about her other than she works for an ad firm but has enough seniority to work from home, and she wants to be there for whatever kids they have. I don’t like her voice. But other than that, she seems, fine. I find it odd that my brother is marrying outside this town. I figured if he was gonna get married, he would marry someone from here.” Allie said.
“You have a favorite ex?” He asked. Allie laughed.
“Oh yeah, Janet. They dated from sophomore year to the end of the summer senior year. I was convinced for the longest time that she was gonna be on the other end of the aisle walk. Plus! She was the only one of his girlfriends who bothered getting to know me.” Allie said.
“I remember them. I remember when someone told me they had broken up they finished the statement “so clearly love is dead now.”” He said with a hearty chuckle. Allie smiled, that didn’t surprise her. She remembered being teary about it. Especially since she and Janet didn’t stay in contact as much as she would have. “There was a rumor at one point you weren’t gonna come to the wedding.” Arthur said. Allie cleaned some glasses and rolled her eyes.
“God, a girl is bad at RSVPing and suddenly her brother starts town gossip.” Allie said. “I didn’t even consider for a second not coming to my brother’s wedding. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. I am very bad at time management and spaced RSVPing until literally 11:56 before the day change where I pinged my brother and said “yes I’m coming. No, I don’t have a plus one.”” She stated. Arthur chuckled and took note of her saying she didn’t have a plus one. “I assume you’re going,” she said.
“Yeah, I’m one of his groomsmen.” He said. Allie raised her eyebrow as she tried to imagine Arthur in a suit. She saw a lot of sad fabric trying to hold it together and at least one button bailing before it was too late. She shook the thought out of her head and took care of some more customers. She poured Arthur another beer and then leaned against the back counter. She watched as he did, surveying the bar and feeling a bit at home. A man in a business suit came in as well as an older woman who was trying to look younger than she was. They came up to the bar but didn’t sit down. Allie furrowed her brow and looked at Arthur, mouthing a “do you know these people?” Arthur shook his head and Allie wandered over to where they were, putting on her best customer service voice.
“Hi, welcome. Can I get something started for you?” She asked.
“Yes hi, are you Allie Wilson?” The older woman asked. Allie furrowed her brow and looked at the couple suspiciously.
“Who’s asking?” She asked.
“I am Mary Moore, I’m Julia’s mother.” She said. Allie allowed her form to ease now that she knew she wasn’t in any immediate danger.
“Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Moore, what can I do for you?” Allie asked with a little less of her customer service voice.
“We wished to talk to you about the wedding.” She said. Allie went back to being confused.
“What do you mean? I know nothing about the wedding.”
“We noticed that you RSVPed without a plus one,”
“Yeah, I don’t really… date.” Allie said. She picked up a glass to clean so she was still being productive.
“Well you are the only one without one, I’m going to ask you to find one.” She stated in a matter of fact tone. Allie’s eyes went wide.
“Excuse me?”
“We look forward to meeting the lucky man.” She said as she and presumably her husband left the bar. Allie had the sudden urge to tear out her own hair. Or strangle someone. She turned to Arthur.
“Did you know about this?” She asked.
“Yeah, Mark mentioned something about it. Julia’s family’s big on balance or something so everyone was asked to bring an opposite gender plus one.” He said. Allie rolled her eyes.
“And he didn’t feel the need to tell me?”
“You RSVPed so late, I don’t think it was high on his priority list. Plus, you’re his sister, I have a feeling that he knew that this would be your reaction.” Arthur defended her brother. She groaned and dropped her head to the bar briefly.
“How the hell am I gonna find a date in two days?” She asked.
“I don’t wanna be too forward,” Arthur started to say.
“If you’re about to propose faking as each other’s plus ones you better have a damn good pitch.” Allie said. Arthur laughed.
“I’m just saying, we kill two birds with one stone,”
“She said everyone had a plus one,”
“Yeah well my plus one is more of “proof of me having one” than an actual plus one.”
“So, you don’t have one, but told them you did?” Allie asked.
“Yeah exactly.” Arthur said. Allie laughed and rolled her eyes.
“Alright Curry, count me in. On one condition:”
“We have to let Mark in on it,”
“Fine by me.”
After the bombshell was dropped on them, the rest of the night was quiet and peaceful. Allie closed up shop and Arthur left to go settle some last-minute things. Allie locked up with the key her father made her carry on her at all times and then she proceeded to call Mark. One ring, two rings…
“Hello?” Mark said his tone a little groggy.
“When were you going to tell me about the whole “Everyone must have a plus one?”” Allie demanded. Mark groaned but chuckled a little.
“Mary told you? I wasn’t gonna force it on you baby sister. But apparently Mary is instant the whole wedding will have “bad omens” if the guest list isn’t perfectly balanced.”
“You do realize you are spewing horseshit right now, right?” She asked. Mark laughed on the other end of the line.
“Yeah I know, but Mary’s paying for the whole thing and keeps throwing tantrums every six minutes about tiny details.” He said. “So, who are you gonna call in on such short notice?”
“No, Arthur Dayne, of course Arthur Curry!” Allie snapped.
“He already RSVPed with a plus one,”
“Apparently his was fake so he agreed to take me in a sort of “fake dating” scenario.”
“Think you can pull it off?”
“Oh yeah, it’s not like it’s something I’ve been mentally practicing since I was sixteen or anything.” Allie remarked. She groaned, oh this was gonna kill her. “You so owe me for this brother.” She added.
“Made a note of it baby sister. Get some sleep.” He said. Allie hung up and sighed. She then got into her car and drove back to where she was staying for the weekend.
Two days passed and the wedding was upon them. Allie had shown up in the dress she was forced to wear by the dress code, another proof against “bad omens”, and she found herself stressing out a little. Her brother was getting married. There was something jarring about that. They were only a year apart and were so close before real life got in the way that when he had told her he was going to propose she didn’t believe him. Her brother? The guy who went through three shirts in the morning and couldn’t put his phone on shuffle ever? That guy was getting permanently attached to someone for better or for worse? The concept seemed entirely foreign to her. She was starting to wonder if she was going to have to find her seat (the other thing about this new age wedding, assigned seats) on her own, when Arthur jogged in through the front door. He wore a suit, which was so drastically different from his t-shirt in jeans that Allie felt the urge to brace against something, but still had little hints it was still him. From his hair in a bun, the jade around his neck, and the absurd amounts of rings on his fingers, he was still Arthur Curry. Just in a suit for the day.
“Hey sorry, the groomsmen needed to meet before the wedding.” He said. He pulled her into a hug and suddenly Allie felt like she was sixteen again. “Go with it,” he whispered in her ear. He then pressed a kiss to her temple and for the rest of the conversation, had her pulled into his side.
“Right, I’m gonna go get in my assigned seat because that isn’t bonkers or anything.” Allie said. Arthur chuckled and gave her a squeeze.
“You do that, the real challenge will be the reception.” He said.
“Oh yeah,” Allie muttered. Arthur released her and went back to where the groomsmen were. Allie’s side still felt like the pressure and heat were there. This man was going to ruin her, she could tell.
The ceremony was nice enough. A bit too “new age” and about 20 minutes too long. But by the end of it, in the eyes of the State of Maine, her brother was married. The multiple parties got into their cars and drove to the restaurant they were hosting the reception at. Allie thought about how she had only been a handful of times when she was younger and usually with Mark or their father. It felt odd coming here with so many strangers. It was in this moment Allie realized that her moving away had really isolated her, both from her brother and her hometown. She wasn’t the lead singer in a pop punk band, she didn’t hate the place. But it just seemed small compared to whatever she was going to do with her life. So, she watched the merry making of the wedding. Her brother seemed genuinely happy and for that she couldn’t be happier. Arthur came over to her side and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side.
“I’m happy for him. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Allie stated.
“I wouldn’t imagine anyone saying that,” Arthur said.
“Mary’s glaring at us like that’s what she wants to say.” Allie remarked. Arthur chuckled and stepped into her line of sight.
“Then don’t think about her,” He said. Allie looked up at him and was greeted with a smile that could put bottled sunshine to shame if that was even a thing. “C’mon, let’s dance.” He said. He took her hand and the duo wandered onto the makeshift dance floor that had a handful of other couples there. Arthur held her and Allie tried her best. But the height difference between them was edging on comical. Arthur chuckled softly at this as they swayed to the soft music. Allie seemed completely content in that moment. But something was nagging in the back of her brain, something that she couldn’t stop thinking about.
“Hey Arthur,” she probed. He looked down at her, “why cook up this fake dating plot?” She asked. He lightly chuckled.
“Your brother was right you are oblivious as sin.” He said. Allie furrowed her brow.
“Wait, you’ve been flirting with me?” She asked.
“Did so for four years. Thanks for noticing.” He joked. Allie let her forehead drop to his chest as he laughed a little.
“Don’t worry, it was an enlightening experience.” He said.
“Why didn’t you just ask me out you idiot?” She asked.
“At the time? Lack of confidence and fear. Now, distance and my side hustle.” He said. Allie rolled her eyes.
“For your reference. I would have and still would say yes.” She stated.
“Then Allie, wanna go out some time?” He asked.
Allie popped up on her tiptoes and pecked his cheek. “Sure, count me in fish dude.”
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
Morningstar’s Rec List
Part 1 - Canon Divergence
To celebrate @klarolineauseason I’ve piled together all the fics I know and love into one place, to share with y’all. I’ve tried to include the well-known classics in the fandom that I adore, but also some more obscure ones. Hopefully there are some you haven’t read!
Deal of a Lifetime by Anya-Paradox
One-shot. Caroline meets Klaus when she’s still human, while on vacation with her father. They have a summer fling while she’s still sixteen, and a few years later after going their separate ways, she finds out ‘Nick’ is actually Klaus Mikaelson, the same guy who’s trying to kill her friends. I loved reading this fic, as it captures all the innocence of Caroline at sweet sixteen and falling for her first love, but also the character development that comes in their years apart, and how Caroline is a little older, a little wiser when she meets Klaus next. She’s in love with Klaus, but she’s not about to let him walk all over her. She’s worth being put first. And she knows it.
O’Holy Night by BelleMorte180 / @bellemorte180
One-shot. Another ‘Caroline meets Klaus early’ au. However, this time she’s a freshly turned vampire, confused and alone, forced to relive everything Damon did to her as the compulsion slowly wears off now she’s no longer human. Klaus finds her before her friends do, and it changes everything. At first, Caroline is aware she’s just a pawn in Klaus’ game, but as they spend more time with each other and Caroline learns of what Klaus wants - and he of who Caroline Forbes really is - this begins to change. It’s a beautifully crafted fic, and I loved how it slowly had them fall for each other, even though it’s only around 30k. And hey, because it’s one of Erica’s fics, you know Damon will get his due in the end. 😈
Their Nightly Ritual by bellyamywinchester
Multichap. Complete. Now this? This has to be my favourite canon divergence fic EVER. Dear god, it’s so good. It’s quite an old fic now, and it may not be a 500k enemies to lovers slowburn that you read at 3am, but it gives just as much serotonin for your brain. Set right after 5x11, Caroline is at college and Klaus has kept his promise to walk away and never see her again. But we all know Klaus - he’ll find a loophole if there is one. And fortunately for us, the loophole turns out to be he promised she would never see him ever again - he never specified about never hearing his voice again. And so, begins an exchange of nightly phone calls where Klaus asks Caroline about her day. Both of them are never even in the same room throughout the entire fic, but somehow this author has captured every nuanced aspect of Klaus and Caroline’s relationship, the insecurities on both sides, the struggle Caroline has in allowing herself to love Klaus and the easy love Klaus bestows her in contrast. It’s just a masterpiece. Go read it.
like a wedding dress needs dirt by coveredinthecolours / @definedareasofuncertainty
One-shot. This is so beautifully written, honestly fills me with joy. The concept and ideas behind this fic are so original too - it’s certainly nothing I’ve seen before. Fresh from leaving Stefan at the alter, Caroline spends her wedding day in a graveyard, burying her past life of make-pretend. Klaus is there, simply because she asked him to be, like always, and the fic ends hopefully, promising a new beginning for our favourite otp.
The Way Back by Cupcakemolotov / @cupcakemolotov
Two-shot. Complete. Another treasure. Having spent a near-distant future with Klaus only for it to end in tragedy, Caroline ends up sent back into the past by Bonnie to fix things before they go so very wrong. Little does she know, she wasn’t the only one sent back in time.
the guilty ones by grim grace
Multichap. Complete. Probably one you’ve already read as its a fandom classic, but amazing all the same. Caroline falls in love with Klaus without knowing he’s Klaus, and as always, things spiral from there.
Give Me Love and it’s follow up Love Interruption by idiot-wind89
Multichap. Complete. A classic canon divergence au in the sense it diverges directly from canon, Caroline and Klaus becoming endgame. To this day, I still vividly remember a scene in this fic where Klaus takes Caroline horse riding, when she’s supposed to be distracting him from her friends’ plots. Which is why I blame this author entirely for my obsession to read as many fics with these two interacting with horses, or riding together once more.
Til I Tasted You by KiryTheStitchWitch / @kirythestitchwitch
Multichap. Recently completed! Bonnie completes a spell to find Caroline’s mate, both of them expecting it to be Tyler and well - you already know how this goes. There is a magnificent quote from Klaus in this fic that honestly had me swooning: “As if I could be jealous of a boy who has no concept of what it is like to touch the sun and then spend a millennium looking for daylight in every strangers’ face.” Like. Take a moment to let those words sink in. Like dear god. Klaus you smooth motherfucker - thank you Kiry, for forever ruining my expectations for men, I hope you’re proud.
Blood and a Quick Murder (and isn’t this how it always is?) by KS_Caster / @ks-caster
One-shot. Has to be one of my favourite one-shots in the fandom, due to its originality and the utter brilliance of it all. Through magical hijinks, Caroline ends up human again and goes straight to Klaus, asking for his blood and a quick murder - hers. This fic showcases the differences between Caroline and her friends, how they always hated vamprism while she never regretted becoming a vampire, despite it not being her choice. It also sees Caroline finally arrive in New Orleans. What more could we ask for?
Red Queen by KS_Caster / @ks-caster
Multichap & Series. Part 3 of the series is still a WIP, but parts 1 & 2 are complete and waiting to be read. This was probably one of the first klaroline fics I read, and it still holds up now, years later. I love it immensely, mostly because it explores so much with the characters. There’s some in depth lore of the author’s own making, Klaus doesn’t shy away from his werewolf side which I ADORE OKAY and Caroline is pretty badass too, seeing through Silas’ lies. Klaus also puts Caroline first, seeking The Cure for her in order to save her from dying, rather than for his own ends. It’s an amazing series, highly recommend.
not for him a watery grave by MyLadyElise
Multichap. Complete. This is a lovely what if au for 3x21. The Mystic Falls gang succeeds in dropping Klaus at the bottom of the ocean, and while her friends celebrate the victory, all Caroline can feel is a paralysing wrongness to it all. So she calls Rebekah, and then she plans a rescue. Absolutely love the idea of this one, go check it out.
The Stubborn Grace of Being Loved Regardless by perfectpro / @helpless-in-sleep
One-shot. I will scream about this fic til the end of my days and then I will scream some more because it’s too fucking perfect, seriously Jenn. How did you come up with this piece of pure perfection? Unlike in canon, Caroline doesn’t become a vampire in this fic and instead becomes sidelined from her little group of friends, kept out of the loop about supernatural drama. Which is probably for the best, as there is no way in hell I could see this Caroline Forbes spending any time in close proximity with Damon Salvatore. This fic explores the full extent of what he did to her while she was human, and at it’s heart, the one-shot is about Caroline’s trauma and recovery. Along the way, she falls for Klaus yes, and - slight spoiler here - there may even be some Damon murder involved offscreen, but’s it’s Caroline’s story told here, first and foremost. And it’s beautiful, so bloody beautiful. Never have I read a fic so beautifully crafted with such fine detail and respect. Honestly, leaves me lost for words.
Wayfarer by perfectpro / @helpless-in-sleep
One-shot.  The perfect little fic to cure the woes canon bestowed us. Years in the future, Caroline is travelling the world. But travelling alone isn’t what she expected it to be, and Paris certainly isn’t wowing her either. Almost deciding to call it quits and leave, her mind is changed when a familiar face appears. Perfect for solidifying these two are endgame, this fic is short but packs a great hit all the same.
she’s a rainbow by sunnydaisy / @little-miss-sunny-daisy
One-shot. Original!Caroline. The relationship built between Klaus and Caroline in this just incredible. They’ve been a couple for centuries, but like all relationships, this one has its struggles, and they work through it and come out stronger than ever. The fic is also so much fun. The Mystic Falls gang are oblivious to who Klaus and Caroline really are, which leads to some great moments.
Wisteria by sunnydaisy / @little-miss-sunny-daisy
One-shot. Another ‘Caroline meets Klaus early’ au, and probably my absolute favourite of the trope. This fic is packed with so much fluff and make-you-smile moments you’ll be grinning madly by the end. Carolines flees to the coast to escape Mystic Falls for a few days, saddened by Matt’s rejection and still coming to terms with being a vampire herself. In a bar, she meets Klaus, unaware he is also a vampire, and they hit off from there. It’s so cute guys, I just can’t. She tries to compel him and Klaus goes along with it because you can tell he finds her adorable, this blond baby vampire full of sunshine and- god. Just read it before I start crying again over the perfectness of it all.
Ghost by sunshineandfangs / @sunshineandfangs and it’s sequel Help me, please!
One-shot, or technically a two-shot if you count its sequel. This is my other favourite one-shot of the fandom. IT. IS. AMAZING. Like seriously, drop dead, scream into your pillow a-m-a-z-i-n-g. Go read it. Caroline dies when still human, killed by Damon. She watches as Elena softens to her murderer, as Bonnie helps him and Stefan turns into a similar monster. Hate and anger festers and grows, until she’s strong enough to interact with the world she’s barred from. As a ghost, she meets Klaus, and with any loyalty she held for her friends lost the day they left her to die, she helps him break his curse. Spooky, rife with betrayal and thus revenge, this is a great read for fellow chaos demons like myself.
Pet Wolf by these-dreams-go-on / @these-dreams-go-on
Multichap. WIP. Come for the klaroline, stay for the wolf!klaus who is a menace and an absolute delight. Seriously. The chapters where Klaus is stuck in his werewolf form and Caroline unknowingly adopts him as her pet is pure genius and the true highlight of this fic. He chews her dad’s shoes. He growls at boys. He watches freakin TV, fur and all. Asdfghjkl- It’s amazing go read it.
Wicked Schemes by willowaus
Multichap. Complete. A classic. Caroline inherits some badass powers from a forgotten relative and is pulled into the supernatural political shitstorm that is New Orleans. Looks like the city finally has its new Queen.
...My god that was a lot of recs. You can tell canon divergence is my favourite au, heh. Now go forth and devour them!
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