#- that my brain is constantly doing. i want to bite and maul that part of my mind
famewolf · 11 months
honestly, I think I'm going to wait awhile longer to finish bg3. been working on allowing myself time and space to let my whims flow where they may, and I recognized I was getting stressed for not having finished it in a 'timely manner'
me shaking myself: it's a fucking game!! play it as much or as little as you want!!!
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
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Part One ¦ Part Two ¦ Part Three ¦ Part Four ¦ Part Five ¦ Part Six ¦ Part Seven ¦ Part Eight ¦ Part Nine ¦ Part Ten ¦ Part Eleven ¦ Part Twelve ¦ Part Thirteen ¦ Part Fourteen
Epilogue (Thank you to everybody who has read along with this - I appreciate it massively! I hope you've enjoyed.)
Slow. That was the mantra. Slow.
Any slower and Cassian might explode.
Their first moments together had consisted of a bath where Nesta hid her body then they had fallen asleep on the bed for a few hours. When Cassian had awoken, Nesta was gone. His heart had lurched with panic until he found her enjoying a very late breakfast at the table with her sisters and Lucien. He took a moment to admire the scene; his beautiful mate never letting Lucien Vanserra apologise for holding a knife to her throat. Every time the male tried to speak, he was shushed or clipped or spoken over. She was as sharp as steel, all bite and edges. Cassian loved her.
But he really was going to explode soon if he couldn’t have her.
It took coaxing, but Nesta did share his bed each night though only to sleep and her cheeks still dotted with pink when she entered the room as if it were a scandal.
‘You haven’t even started the frenzy yet,’ Azriel said with bewilderment.
‘It’s not like I’m not trying,’ Cassian replied, watching Nesta lead Feyre through the library to collect a book.
They spent hours kissing then Nesta was curl up to sleep and Cassian would lay as still as a tomb stone trying not to combust. Soon, if Nesta so much as touched his knee, he might come in his pants. Showers were taken with cold water, he said prayers to the Mother constantly to distract his brain. If Rhys ever sent him to Illyria, he’d be too out of focus to do anything worthwhile.
‘Does she actually know you are mates?’
‘Surely she feels the bond.’
Azriel rubbed his temples. ‘She is mortal. She doesn’t have any idea what is happening. Cassian, you prick, you need to speak to her.’
It was a strange conversation to have. It felt like explaining the fundamentals of life. Cassian had to track right back to the formation of Prythian itself and the magnitude of the Cauldron. Nesta pressed her hands together, taking it all in with a sceptical expression.
‘Faerie magic has bound us together forever. I bound us together without realising. Because I fed you.’
‘That’s ridiculous.’ It cut Cassian in two to hear how clinically she spoke as if the bond meant nothing to her. It was all he could think about, this all-consuming need for her. ‘We’re not even married.’
‘Do you want to get married?’
Nesta gaped at him. ‘That was the worst proposal I have ever heard.’
This impossible female.
Cassian grabbed a slice of bread from the table and gnawed at it until it resembled a ring. Like the mortals did, he got down onto one knee. ‘Nesta Archeron, will you marry me?’
‘That was the proposal? That’s all I get?’
Cassian heaved himself to his feet. ‘So, that was a no?’
‘I didn’t say that,’ she snipped. Nesta took the mauled chunk of bread from him and slipped it onto her finger. ‘Although you will need to replace my ring every time it grows mould or gets soggy. Or if birds start pecking it.’
Feyre was not adjusting well to Velaris. A pretty city didn’t suit her, she was more used to getting her hands dirty and running wild with boys like Isaac Hale. Nesta had tried to help her grow more comfortable with activities like reading or needlework to occupy the time, but Feyre was more used to throwing a knife or climbing a tree.
More often, she sulked alone in her rooms, lamenting the life they left behind. As soon as it was safe, Feyre could return to the village. Rhysand had promised her as much and even would buy her a more comfortable house. Nesta had tried to explain to her that a return to the village with wealth would make her the prime target for eligible bachelors to descend upon then she really would be forced to be the dainty wife.
And then, one day, a break through came. They had tried taking Feyre into the city, to cafes and restaurants to try new food, offered to take her flying but she balked at the heights involved, Elain roped her into gardening alongside Lucien, Nesta had tried to find books for her. It was Rhysand who managed to find a way to reach Feyre. Painting sparked her interest until it became an inferno. A whole room had been cleared out solely to be her studio as she learnt. He found teachers for her. He scoured Velaris to bring her different kinds of paint and canvases. Hours and hours would be spent there, blanketing every surface Rhys supplied with blocks of colour. She’d forget to eat if somebody didn’t drag her out each day. When Feyre emerged, green stained the ends of her hair or blue was smeared across her cheek.
Nesta was able to breathe a little easier once Feyre settled. She wouldn’t go near Amren with her strange eyes and glasses of what Nesta suspected was blood. Mor and Azriel would spend time with Feyre – likely out of duty to their high lord – but the man himself was happy to try his hand at painting too in between his duties. Sometimes, Nesta would go to her sister, but hear her laughing and speaking with Rhysand so she’d return to her own sanctuary and leave them in peace.
Once, Nesta had even seen them in the library together. Feyre had always struggled with reading. She said the letters moved around the page or flipped when she tried to read them. She could be defensive about it. Didn’t like when others knew. But Rhysand seemed to be trying to help her which meant a lot.
‘Are they friends as well?’
‘Mates,’ Cassian corrected as he slipped his arms around her body then rested his chin on her head. ‘I don’t know. You don’t know until the bond snaps. You want her to stay here?’
‘Of course, I do; she’s my sister. She’d have a better life here. I haven’t seen either of them smile so much since before we lost our money.’
The wedding would be soon for them, thank goodness, as Nesta had a one-track mind. It was only her stern morals stopping her from locking the bedroom door with Cassian inside and not emerging for days. Even now, feeling his body behind hers made her knees feel weak.
‘Did Elain ever tell you she dreamt of Lucien?’
‘Certainly not. I thought she was smitten with Graysen.’
‘I suppose seeing him as part of the hunt for the witch in the woods turned her off of him.’
‘Quite frankly, I want you nowhere near my city. You have options, Lucien. Do not think I am not benevolent.’ Rhys languished in his chair, doing a very good job of pretending he was completely bored by Lucien’s presence. Or he might not have been acting. ‘The first is that I tear through your flimsy mental shields and remove any traces of my city then dump in you in Spring. Or you could remain here for eternity.’
‘I might still push him from the roof,’ Amren supplied.
‘The first, of course the first.’
Rhys winked. ‘I thought as much. Poor Elain will be devastated.’
‘You wouldn’t remove my memories of them.’
After her initial obsession with Lucien, they thought she might have grown bored after a day or two. But Elain still followed him like a shadow, smiling at all of his jokes, sharing every meal at his side like a diligent keeper. Lucien had warmed to her quickly too and could be seen helping her to prepare flowerbeds for spring so both had hands black from soil or they’d talk easily over a cup of tea until both were yawning and Nesta escorted her sister to bed. The male was not as bad as they thought. Beron had exiled him after carving out his eye simply because his youngest had played a trick and wasted his best barrel of wine. Cassian wouldn’t ever forgive the male for attempting to harm Nesta, but he swore he’d panicked in front of Amren and just wanted safety. He was tolerable, Cassian supposed.
‘And run the risk of the Archerons being hurt when you scurry back to your master?’
‘But Elain is my.’ He cut himself off.
‘What is she, Lucien?’
No bond had snapped yet, but it seemed to be a waiting game. They all expected it to happen at any moment. Lucien and Elain were already finishing each other’s sentences; they had developed a harmony in such a short space of time where they moved in synchronisation with each other. It didn’t seem possible for another mating bond to snap with a mortal – but maybe the Archerons were different.
‘You wouldn’t be so cruel.’
Rhys examined his nails. ‘Wouldn’t I?’
‘You could always denounce your ties to Spring and pledge allegiance to the Night Court.’
Perhaps if the suggestion was offered up by anyone other than Amren, Lucien might have been more inclined to agree. He was still terrified of the female. One look from her could quell him entirely.  
‘That’s not fair.’
‘Return to Spring,’ Rhys said, ‘If it’s meant to be, you’ll find each other again. In this life or the next.’
‘Elain’s not immortal.’ Lucien’s voice was wracked with pain. ‘She doesn’t have the same luxury of time as we do. Rhysand, this isn’t fair.’
‘Decide what’s most important to you – your loyalty to Spring or a future with Elain.’
They left Lucien to dwell on it in the library, and sure enough, seconds later, his shadow was entering it inviting him to eat lunch with her, with a kind smile brightening her lovely face.
‘We don’t really want him in our court, do we?’ Mor could not move past her revulsion of his older brother.
Rhys’ face twitched into a smile. ‘Doesn’t Lucien look familiar to you?’
‘He looks like a snake,’ Mor said, ‘he’s a Vanserra.’
‘Is he?’ Rhys winked. ‘We’ll let him stay for the wedding. Maybe the declaration of love will make the bond snap then I’m sure it will sway his opinion.’
The wedding planning was a nightmare. How could Nesta think about frilly table cloths when all she wanted was for Cassian to bend her over the table? They had set the wedding for two weeks’ time which apparently would be plenty of time – and would motivate them to plan it quicker.
Doubts were creeping in. Cassian had stopped his over-familiar touches, stopped sitting practically in her lap or pawing at her. At night, he had begun to hesitate before kissing her, offering a chaste peck instead then would lay like one in a coffin with his hands crossed across his body, staring up at the ceiling taking deep breaths.
‘Is this a punishment? Or have your affections changed so readily?’ Nesta sat up in the bed then leaned over him to light a candle.
Cassian clamped his hands over his eyes rather than seize the opportunity to peer at her breasts in her scooped nightgown. She had specifically picked the most outrageous night clothes she could find when Mor had taken them shopping in Velaris. And still Cassian was not touching her. It wasn’t right for Nesta to make the first move. He was the man. He should be the one touching her.
‘We are waiting until we are married,’ Cassian said through gritted teeth.
Nesta let out a little whine. ‘But. But we will be married soon. And we are faerie friends.’
‘Mates,’ he groaned
Nesta straddled his lap then prised his hands away. ‘Why won’t you look at me? Am I hideous?’
‘Mother hold you. Mother carry you. Mother take you to the eternal land-’
‘Are you praying?’
‘I have to,’ he rasped, his hazel eyes would look at anything but her.
Nesta swallowed. ‘You don’t love me.’
‘It is because I love you that I am clinging to this last thread of sanity so I don’t lock us in this room for a year.’
Heat bloomed up her neck along with a sense of pride. ‘You want to bed me?’
‘Witch, I wanted to bed you the first night I saw you. Stop wiggling on my lap.’
‘Like this?’ She asked rotating her hips in a slow circle.
‘Sweetheart, stop. If you carry on, I won’t be held accountable.’
There was a fire inside of her that could not be quenched. She needed him. Had needed him for a long time. ‘What will you do to me?’
Cassian inhaled through his nose. ‘Nes, you wanted to wait until marriage.’
‘No, I didn’t. I just wanted to ensure we were engaged and that you would marry me. I’ve been waiting for you to touch me.’
She could not tell if Cassian was about to cry. His face certainly passed through a wide range of emotions in a short space of time. ‘Say it.’
Nesta ran a finger against his bare chest. ‘Touch me.’
Cassian was a starving male at a banquet, a pauper in a treasure vault. He didn’t know where to touch Nesta first. His body was convulsing already in anticipation. Slow, he reminded himself.
First, he tossed away her obscene scrap of a night gown so she was naked before him. His tongue brushed against the seam of her mouth then Cassian moved to her breasts. They filled his hands and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of them endlessly. The skin was soft beneath his lips, her darkened nipples already peaked.  
He lay her down to the blankets then slowly kissed along her inner thigh. She tasted of sweet vanilla and jasmine petals. Cassian paused to look upon her sex. It called to him, the scent dizzying. His tongue parted her, stroking against the soft skin with tender touches before pressing further in.
At Nesta’s deep moan of pleasure, his heart and soul fell into her. His mate, claimed at long last.
With reverent touches and delicate kisses, Cassian explored his mate. The drive wasn’t solely for pleasure, more to lay claim to her. He wanted every male in Prythian to know that she was his. Each primal sound that tore from Nesta bolstered Cassian’s enthusiasm.
Her thighs clamped around his head, each clench of them more powerful than the last as her orgasm built. The only sounds in the room were Nesta’s moans and the sound of his tongue lapping against her sex.
Cassian continued through Nesta’s trembling. He had to be careful with her, he knew, but she had so readily taken two fingers. The ring of muscles clenched around them as her back frequently lifted itself off the bed. He crooked them faster, driving them in and out in time with her ragged breathing.
Tremors rolled through Nesta’s body as she finally gave in and came. Cassian’s cock pulsed with her moans. Her cries were a symphony, the way her entire body shook with her climax was a gift from the Mother herself. So beautiful. All his.
Cassian winced as he eased off of his knees.
‘What are you smirking at?’
‘You’re moving like an old man.’ Nesta lay back on the pillows with her breasts on full, glorious display.
‘I am old. I’m five hundred and thirty-seven.’
Nesta patted the space beside him. ‘Come here then and I’ll take care of you.’
She steeled her nerves then a hand clasped around the shaft of his cock. Her touch was curious, testing all the ways to make his hips jerk. With how tightly-wound Cassian was at the moment, he surprised himself when he didn’t come at the first brush of her fingers against him.
Her hand moved in a steady motion, gripping his cock tighter at the base then loosening near the top. Once Nesta had found her rhythm, she twisted her wrist at the end or pressed her thumb against the head. It was bliss to watch her. Her fingers explored just as much as his own had done to her. The soft touches had Cassian shifting on the spot, driving his hips upwards into her hand.
Then Nesta took him against her lips. Her lips nuzzled against the underside of the tip, kissing it sweetly. It sent a jolt up his spine and the dam burst.
Before he could stop it, a streak of cum jetted across her face – but Nesta, his wonderful mate, enclosed her mouth around the head of his cock and sucked down every drop spilling from it.
‘I don’t think I could have waited another two weeks,’ he breathed, flopping back onto the pillows. 'It won't always be that fast. I promise.'
Nesta pushed back his black hair from his face then kissed his forehead.
‘You want to stop?’ He asked.
‘Absolutely not. That wasn’t nearly enough.’
There was a driving need to have Cassian inside of her. Nesta knew she would not be able to think straight until she did. She straddled his lap again to give herself the illusion of control. She was fully spread open across his massive, muscled thighs. The black tattoos stood out on his toned chest, so Nesta allowed herself the chance to kiss her way along them, imagining a younger version of Cassian fighting his way to a mountain to earn them. What a life he'd had. And she would learn all of his history.
The tip of his cock rubbed against her slit as she rolled her hips in torturously slow back and forth movements. It was slick with pre-cum and her own wetness as Nesta sank down onto it.
Cassian held her still, preventing any further movement. He kissed her. ‘You say stop when it hurts.’
It might be sooner than he expected. The size of him was enormous. Nesta had barely been able to enclose her hand around it, but she let her body lower a little more, taking in another inch then another before Cassian had his hands around her hips to lift her back off.
The moment she was without him, Nesta needed him again. Needed that sensation of being filled and stretched by her mate.
Nesta pushed through the discomfort until it gave way to pleasure. Cassian thumb circled the apex of her thighs until she could no longer function.
‘I can’t do this when you do that,’ she breathed, tipping forwards towards his chest.
‘Then let me do both.’
Cassian went his knees between her legs and continued his languid touches as he thrust inside of her. Although the movements were slow, the intensity was dizzying. Nesta didn’t even know her own name. All she knew was this man was giving her everything she ever wanted.
They came again together, Cassian’s seed spilling inside of her as Nesta’s legs shook around his body.
Together, they flopped on top of the blankets, his wing coming around her to shield from the chill in the room.
‘You tired?’ Nesta shook her head and his face turned into a grin. ‘Good, because you’re not getting any sleep tonight, sweetheart.’
The wedding planning had been left to everybody else. Meals were left outside their door the first couple of days, but the House of Wind had been evacuated. Cassian couldn’t feel too much guilt. It gave them more rooms to play in. There wasn’t a room he hadn’t fucked Nesta in. She was worse than him, demanding sex constantly, him on his knees, her on top of a table. He didn't know where she was getting her ideas from, but Cassian was a willing victim to all of her experiments. But after two weeks of mindless consummation, Mor and Rhys had arrived to drag them to their own wedding.
Mor took Nesta off to her sisters – and even in that brief absence, Cassian already missed his mate.
‘I’m glad you’ve not snapped her in half.’
Cassian winced at the visual. ‘She’s trying to kill me off. I can barely keep up.’
Rhys laughed at that remark then his face became pensive. ‘I have an early gift for you. I’ve been in the library a lot and found a spell that Helion could cast. It will tether Nesta to you,’ he explained. ‘When you depart this world, that’s when she will go – and no sooner.’
‘I can have more time with her?’
It was a thought that Cassian pushed to one side each time it bubbled up in his mind. The thought of Nesta turning old and grey, never really bothered him. It was the idea that he’d have to continue on without her that was worse.
‘She’ll be tied to your life. If you were to fall in battle next year, she’d also die. But if you live to two thousand, then she’ll be there every step of the way.’
‘Old and grey together,’ he mused. ‘She won’t age like a mortal, will she?’
His horrified face made Rhys titter with laughter as he looped his tie around his neck. ‘No, fortunately not. I don't think mortals can manage more than eighty years before they start decomposing. I’ve also told Lucien that it’s a possibility with Elain – but only if he remains with this court.’
‘The bond snapped?’
‘Three days ago. She cut her hand trying to cook with the wraiths and Lucien went berserk at the sight of her blood. Likely why she dreamt of him since she was a girl. Some latent part of her always knew he was hers. Mor has the pleasure of filling Nesta in on the parts she’s missed – and about the spell. It’s both of your decision. Think it over.’
It required no thought from Cassian. Of course, he would want more time with Nesta. He’d take every drop of it the Cauldron would give them.
‘Is Feyre still painting?’
A blush swept across Rhys’ cheeks before he could turn his body away. ‘Yes. We flew a few days ago too. Not too high. Just around Velaris.’
‘Poor Azriel.’
‘Lost both of his brothers to an Archeron.’
Rhys shook his head. ‘Feyre is just a friend. I’m helping her to settle in. For your benefit. For Nesta.’
‘What an altruistic high lord you are. I’ll ask you again in a week if she’s still just a friend.’
Nesta owed her thanks to Mor who had taken on the bulk of the wedding planning alone. It was exactly how she would have wanted it. Simple yet elegant. Flowers wreathed the arch where Cassian stood. If she didn’t know him any better, Nesta would say that he was nervous. He was shifting his weight between his feet, fiddling with cuffs, and murmuring constantly to Azriel and Rhys. Or maybe being in formal attire made him that way.
Her sisters were resplendent in long gowns of periwinkle blue and bouquets of white lilies. They walked the aisle together in lieu of her father doing it. It had been her sisters who Nesta had leaned on; her sisters who had nuzzled together in the frigid cottage for that extra bit of warmth. They would manage this new world together.
They presented her to Cassian and Nesta couldn’t stop herself from beaming.
‘You look beautiful.’
Mor had also chosen her dress; it was white silk gathered into a cowl-neck and slunk along her curves to the floor.
‘You saw me less than two hours ago.’
Cassian shrugged one shoulder. ‘You looked beautiful then too.’
Likely because her mouth was filled with his cock beneath the table after they'd slept together on it. That memory resurfaced in him too and a smile flitted to both of their lips.
A priestess had been commandeered to lead the proceedings though she read the mortal ceremony with uncertainty, the words unfamiliar to her. Nesta didn’t care. She was marrying Cassian, the man who had been kind enough to teach her how to light a fire easier and hunt so she could survive without him. The man who had teased her and coaxed fun back into the dire days of the cabin. Nesta would never give thanks for the injuries that had shot him out of the sky, but she was glad that of all the roofs to land on, Cassian had chosen hers.
‘Nesta, I promise to cherish you always, to honour and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us.’
His hands were gentle holding hers. The sun shone through his wings, making them glow red like the stones he wore. He was hers.
‘With this ring I, Nesta, take you, Cassian, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us.’
Cassian repeated the words too. Behind her, Nesta could make out Elain’s sniffing and weeping. She’d always been a romantic.
‘By the power vested in me by the Mother and the Cauldron, I now pronounce you husband and wife.’
Cassian grazed his knuckles down her cheek like one of the first times they’d met. That time, he’d smacked her in the mouth with a wing. She knew now to avoid them.
He pressed a kiss to her lips. ‘Husband and wife. Mortal and fae.’
‘The exile and the injured.’
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justadreamforus · 4 years
Can I ask for lwj/wwx with abo pregnancy smut? Hehe thank you so much!
A/N: I wasn’t sure if you meant them having sex while Weiying is pregnant, or if you meant them having sex and Weiying becoming pregnant after, so I just went with the first one! Anyway, thank you once again for your request and I hope I did them justice~
PS: I might also post this on AO3 if you don’t mind
WC: 5, 702 words (this was longer than I thought) 
When Weiying had first woken up in Mo Xuanyu’s body, he had realised the latter was an omega instantly, the coy scent of ripe oranges and summer skies giving it away. And when he had received a shoe to his face a minute later, several inappropriate curse words that would have made even his dearest Shijie flinch had flown through his mind. It wasn’t because he hated omegas, oh no, he was very much a gentleman to them, but the glaringly obvious difference in strength was enough to have his teeth grinding as he looked around his abode, shame and anger interwoven with each other.
Because omegas were physically weaker in all aspects, their golden cores taking longer to mature as their bodies were born soft, wide hips and fragile bone structures enticing alphas to mate them, pup them full. Which would have been fine, if it weren’t for the objectification of their body, the amazing blessed fertility turning them into breeding bitches every heat. And that had been the case for Mo Xuanyu, Weiying had realised with startling clarity as he sat in the middle of a ruined shack with barely a blanket for a nest.
 It was cold, the scent of salt sharp in the air as Weiying had cautiously sniffed the material, identifying tears and the bitter tang of blood. This was the scent of depression, of an omega huddling underneath covers in stark fear every heat praying for salvation, and it had made his long gone alpha instincts snarl. His ire only grew more as he noted the treatment he had received from the Mo family, had glanced around the depilated shack with white fury as he finally understood the abuse his summoner had given him, the liberties they had taken with someone weaker, quieter, gentler.
 But Mo Xuangyu had gotten his revenge, painting the Mo estate with blood, and Weiying was proud to call the body his own, alpha or not. Experiencing his first heat had been, well, interesting, to say the least, and mating with Lanzhan had turned his entire world upside down. It was fun, invigorating, life changing, and Weiying was happy to settle down into pillowed forts and hundreds of blankets, safe and comfortable within his nest at Cloud Recesses. It only got better at night, when he could snuggle into warm arms and bury his face into the crook of Lanzhan’s neck, breathing in the euphoric scent of sandalwood and cotton, a happy pleased alpha crooning into his ear.
 He was starting to understand the joy of being an omega, why some would revel in their dynamic even with all the abuse they may have had to face. Because it was a power trip watching Lanzhan melt when he batted his eyes and pushed out his bottom lip, the alpha immediately caving and letting Weiying sleep an hour longer. It made a darker part of him crow with delight whenever he would pinch his inner thigh under a blanket, hidden from view, until his eyes began to water, and Lanzhan would drop his scrolls, rushing into their nest to thumb away his tears. Perhaps it was a tad mean, a little rude to play on the alpha’s overwhelming desire to provide, but Weiying had been dead for sixteen years, damn it he deserved attention!
 And it wasn’t as if he had to do a lot to receive it. Lanzhan was happy to indulge him, happy to be distracted whenever Weiying would climb into his lap and mouth at his scent gland, little whimpers escaping his mouth as he kneaded Lanzhan’s thigh greedily. It was just so easy, letting his robe slide down one shoulder to show off his mating bite, proud and dark against his snowy white skin that would have his alpha sharply inhaling, fangs beginning to emerge. There was a certain level of intoxication to having Lanzhan listen to his every whim if he lowered his eyes just right, the satisfaction of having stone cold perfection give into his warmth, melting under his touch.
 Don’t tell anyone, but it was also highly entertaining to watch Lanzhan’s calligraphy brush tremble, the alpha’s ears cherry red whenever he’s forced to look away, as if he could possibly ignore Weiying’s sobs as he fingers himself open, the scent of slick and an eager omega thick in the air.
 However, he was beginning to think karma was finally finding his way to him when one robust heat later had declared him pregnant and heavy with Lanzhan’s litter. Suddenly everything was too much and too little all at once, and Weiying found himself swinging between cooing at his alpha and, well, dragging his claws through all twenty of Lanzhan’s robes whenever the other irritated him. Which would have been fine if it weren’t for the fact that Lanzhan irritated him plenty, something Weiying hadn’t thought would be possible once they were mated. They were in love for crying out loud! He didn’t know why or what the alpha did wrong to warrant such visceral hate at times, and his logical brain constantly found issues with his weird responses, but Lanzhan was having none of it. And neither, unfortunately, was his omega.
 “I don’t want this blanket! I already told you I don’t like the texture! I don’t like it, don’t want it, don’t need it, don’t want anything to do with it!” Weiying snarls, fingers digging into the pillow he has in his arms like a shield as he glowers at his alpha from his cocoon, canines bared dangerously. He had been antsy since morning, pawing at the blankets and sniffing them carefully as he repositioned them throughout the day, but hadn’t been able to figure out what was wrong.
 At first, he had thought it was the pillows, but the moment he had laid them outside of his nest his inner omega had begun to cry in earnest, and Weiying had practically scrambled onto the floor for them, eyes wild and scent heavy with distress. Perhaps it’s the bottom layer, Weiying had guessed, peeling back the cotton sheet that covered their mattress, aware that it was due for a wash soon. Except he had barely handed Lanzhan the sheet before his omega had screamed, no return it mine part of nest mine mine mine, and he had almost mauled the other in an attempt to get it back, fingers shifting into claws as he spat viciously into Lanzhan’s face. But the alpha was patient, so kind and good to me, what a man, my man, Weiying had thought dazedly to himself as Lanzhan offered him blankets, soothing his omega’s rising haunches.
 And then he had offered that particular set of blankets and well.
 “I hate it! I hate it!” Weiying shouts, chest heaving as he clutches the pillow even closer, violet eyes tracking the alpha who’s standing hesitatingly in the doorway, blankets behind the line separating both rooms. “Everything’s wrong,” he growls, and oh, everything is wrong, and suddenly Weiying is gasping for breath, eyes beginning to water as he sniffles, his bottom lip wobbling as he stares at Lanzhan, at his amazing alpha who’s trying and him, stupid omega who can’t even get a nest right, a nest where we’ll be having their pups and raising them and I’m a failure of an omega-
 “Weiying is not a failure.” Lanzhan’s calm voice cuts through his thoughts, and Weiying finds himself letting out a wet gasp, choked laughter bubbling in his throat as he watches Lanzhan get on his knees, carefully placing the blankets behind him. “Weiying is trying, and that’s all that matters,” Lanzhan reminds him gently, and Weiying growls, a displeased rumble emanating from his throat even as the praise makes him preen, makes his inner omega purr.
 “How would you know that huh Hanguang-jun?” Weiying mumbles peevishly, rubbing his eyes onto the sleeve of his robes as he glares half-heartedly at the alpha. “I’ve been here all morning,” he swallows, eyes beginning to fill with tears once more as he stares dejectedly at his nest, his pathetic excuse of a nest, “been here all afternoon,” he gulps, voice rising in pitch as his omega wolf paces, lips pulled back angrily because wrong, wrong, wrong, it’s all wrong, “and I still can’t fucking figure out what’s wrong!” With a loud yell Weiying threw the pillow, the low thump as it clipped Lanzhan in the chin emphasising his point as he hissed, inner omega growling and digging its paws into the ground because stupid, everything is stupid, everything is wrong, stupid nest, stupid omega, waiting in stupid nest for stupid alpha feeling stupid and angry and empty and-
 The realisation hits Weiying like a slap to the face, and with both hands busy cradling his baby bump now that the pillow was gone, Weiying barely manages to stop himself from tumbling backwards in shock. Because now he’s aware, aware of his hole that’s steadily licking slick, wetting his robes, scent muffled by the mountain of blankets he had added to his nest once he realised he was expecting. Because now that Weiying is paying attention he can feel it, feel the way his thighs are quivering and the way his hole itches, aches for something inside. Because now that Weiying has noticed, desire is welling up in him, calling for strong arms to hold him in place as something thick and hard sinks into his fluttering hole, for big hands to grab onto his hips and hold him down, breed him silly and god am I stupid or what?
 “Lanzhan, I need sex.” Weiying says calmly, eyes wide, and is gratified to see Lanzhan choke, the alpha accidentally knocking his head against the frame of the door in surprise. It makes him want to laugh, and he can’t help the cackle that escapes him as Lanzhan hastily rights himself, back straightening even as the pink flush blossoming across his cheek bones give away his embarrassment. It’s hilarious, downright funny to Weiying because who would have thought I was angry because I wasn’t having sex and oh god I need Lanzhan to sex me up even though we already do it every day and Jiangcheng is never going to let me live this down. But those thoughts will have to wait, Weiying thinks as he licks his lips gleefully, eyes growing half-lidded as he casually runs a hand down his chest to his belt.
 His action earns him a spike in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the musk turning deep as the alpha begins to pay attention, spine straightening as he takes note of Weiying’s casual posture and splayed legs. Playfully toying with the knot, Weiying smirks as he slides his calves out from underneath the blanket, revealing pale lily legs, and accidentally chokes on his own scent, mandarin orange heavy with arousal, the sharp tartness of fruit swept away by the pinpricks of heat and spice. It’s alluring, practically engulfs the entire room, and that thought has Weiying grinning, fangs on full display as Lanzhan’s hands curl into fists, the alpha’s irises blowing out as his nostrils flare, breathing in the scent of slick, fertility and lust.
 Purring softly, Weiying allows the tail end of his belt to slip through his fingers once, twice, watching indulgently as Lanzhan’s eyes follow his movements, the alpha beginning to pant even as the sound remains minimal, quiet. But it’s there, and Weiying is riding on that wave of adrenaline, on that fixated gaze as he winds the tassel around his index finger, shooting Lanzhan a coy smile. There’s a flicker of wry amusement in those honey gold eyes before they darken with desire, and Weiying doesn’t hold back as he lets out a desperate mewl, back arching prettily as he yanks away his belt with a single finger, opening his robes.
 He’s wet, literally gushing, and Weiying feels himself gasp in relief as his heated skin meets the cool air of the room, baby bump proudly on display. It’s small, the curve not quite prominent enough for him to start waddling instead of walking, but it’s enough to force Lanzhan to hyperventilate, the rapid rise and fall of the alpha’s chest making Weiying’s lips curl into a victorious snarl. Slowly, he runs his fingers through the viscous translucent liquid, scooping it up from the inner junction of his thighs and drawing patterns over his skin. He makes a show of it, lifts his fingers into the air so Lanzhan can see the thick strands that drip over his fingers and palm, and when he’s sure the alpha is watching, completely riveted by him, Weiying pushes two fingers into his mouth and sucks.
 “Weiying-!!” Lanzhan rumbles, voice tight, and Weiying smiles sweetly back at his alpha, eyes lowering demurely before he jams his fingers further into his throat, making him gag. It doesn’t taste like anything but himself, salty and a tad flowery, but it’s worth it for the way Lanzhan inhales sharply, hands reaching up to grip at his headband, the alpha vibrating with need. So needy, Weiying thinks greedily to himself as he shifts in his nest, rocking into the sheets and staining it with his slick, so desperate for me. Swallowing around his fingers and letting out a muffled moan, Weiying lets Lanzhan watch him taste his own slick, tongue chasing after the dripping liquid and sliding over his digits before he stops.
 “Weiying…” Lanzhan whispers brokenly, and Weiying sweeps a cursory gaze over his husband before his eyes find the rising bulge between Lanzhan’s thighs. It’s pushing against Lanzhan’s white robes, and Weiying finds himself puffing his chest out proudly, preening at the answer from his alpha, at how much Lanzhan wants me in his lap, wants me spread and ready for him, and that image makes his mouth water. It has him palming his cock from root to tip, grinding into the palm of his hand as he locks eyes with Lanzhan, panting from exertion. The sexual tension in the air is palpable, but Weiying has always been a little cruel, a little mean. After all, how could he not be when his darling Hanguang-jun allowed him to get away with everything?
 Which is why Weiying refuses him entry, refuses to allow Lanzhan into their nest, instead running his hands over his chest and pinching his nipples. Watching as Lanzhan’s knuckles turn white from how hard he’s gripping his knees as Weiying moans, thrashing from the tiny bolts of pleasure is riveting. It feels good, makes him whine and sob as he flicks them playfully with his fingernails, making them harden. He rubs them between his index finger and thumb too, twists and plays until they’re swollen and puffy, areolas pink and heavy, stopping only when a hysterical grunt escapes Lanzhan’s lips. Not too much Weiying, not too much, the omega reminds himself as he lets go of his nipples and heads over to his hips, pulling his thighs apart to display the part Lanzhan wants most, is salivating like an alpha in rut for.
 “Weiying!” Lanzhan’s voice is sharp and furious, and Weiying does cackle at that reaction, eyes flickering up to meet incensed golden eyes as he traces his wet rim, massaging it with the pad of his thumb. His scent blooms even more, the mandarin orange bathing Lanzhan in desperate pheromones that’s a siren call to the alpha, crooning breed me, fuck me, don’t you want me alpha? Weiying’s rim gives way easily, how can it not when we do it every day, and Weiying arches with a relieved mewl when his finger slips in with a loud squelch. Patting his walls, Weiying lets himself adjust to the intrusion, the curl of his finger, before he drags it out and plunges it back in with a loud spurt of slick. Then, with Lanzhan quivering before him from the door way, Weiying begins to talk.
 “Look at what you did to me H-Hanguang-jun,” he whispers breathlessly, biting back a smug grin as Lanzhan visibly flinches, “I wasn’t this lewd when I was here at Cloud Recesses w-was I?” Head rolling backwards in bliss, Weiying lets himself rock against his finger, hole fluttering greedily around his digit, “Was this what you wanted Lanzhan? All w-wet and desperate f-for you?”
 “Ridiculous.” Lanzhan grinds out from behind clenched teeth, and Weiying grins, fangs and all as he spots Lanzhan’s canines grow, digging into the swell of his bottom lip.
 “A-Ah you think so?” Weiying murmurs, panting as his hips begin to shake, rutting furiously against his hand, slim fingers curling in the deepest part of him and making sparks fly up his spine. “But you m-made me like this Lanzhan,” Weiying arches, ass grinding against the sheets as he spreads his legs, swollen rim clenching down greedily on his fingers in full view for the alpha, “you b-bred me, bred me every n-night,” letting out a sharp whine, the omega’s hips began to roll, thighs trembling as his head knocked against the pillows, “you knocked me up-ah!” Eyes rolling backwards from the pleasure that was steadily building in his lower half, heat swirling in his lower stomach, the omega whimpered into the blanket, latching onto a corner with his mouth as he fought through the tremors, legs twitching from his close orgasm. Now, his inner omega howled, and Weiying shuddered, head heavy on the walls of his nest as he sucked on the soft material, breathing in Lanzhan’s sandalwood scent, the scent of mate, love, protection, mine.
 “C-Come here.” Weiying whispers, eyes bleary as he pulls his fingers out with a sickening slurp, more slick pouring out of his sensitive hole that has him spasming, mind blank as he whimpers into the sheets. “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whines, and this time he raises his head to stare at his alpha, irises blown, and cheeks flushed pink from arousal, “come here.”
 That permission, that command is all it takes for Lanzhan to snap, the alpha letting out a bloodcurdling snarl as he rips off his head band and practically throws himself into the nest. Squealing loudly, Weiying moans as a hot mouth engulfs his own, plush lips immediately prying his own apart and Lanzhan’s tongue plunging into his own. He gets a sharp nip on his lip for his troubles, for teasing, and Weiying whimpers as Lanzhan slides a hand under his neck, supporting him as he ravages his mouth. It tastes of home, of a furious desperate alpha, and Weiying finds himself pawing at Lanzhan’s robes, yanking the belt off and tossing it aside. More, more, his omega screams, and Weiying finds himself manically sobbing, canines snapping at Lanzhan’s ear as he snarls at the alpha to go faster, move, hurry up. It’s a scramble to get each other’s clothes off, and Weiying lets out a yelp as Lanzhan rips his to shreds, whimpering as the alpha snarls into his ear, angry and animalistic.
 “Lanzhan,” Weiying whispers, chokes as the other runs his nose down the side of his neck, “Lanzha-ah!” With a low growl, the alpha sank his teeth into Weiying’s scent gland, the smell of copper and blood permeating the air as Weiying wailed, head thrown back in ecstasy and pain. It’s everything he needs, everything he has been craving for since this morning when he had woken up grumbling and aching, inner omega whining that something isn’t right, need something, something’s missing. His annoyance was now all melting away under his alpha’s careful ministrations, roaring desire making his omega preen and hum, leaving him pliant as Lanzhan spreads his legs and sets a pillow beneath his hips, taking care of me like always, touch gentle even as his eyes glow, amber glinting deliriously.
 It doesn’t last though, as Lanzhan sinks two thicker fingers into him with voracious intent to drive him wild, scissoring Weiying open with rapid movements. “Hng, ngh, mmhng!” Weiying gasps at the sudden intrusion, mind turning blank with pleasure as he lets out a soundless scream, legs clamping around Lanzhan’s torso as he fights a delicious shudder that wrecks his body. It has his hands scrabbling over Lanzhan’s shoulders, eyes filling with tears as he bounces on those fingers, long and rough from hours of playing guqin, and it shouldn’t be amusing, but it earns a soft huff from Lanzhan, and Weiying laughs too, high and hysterical as he undulates, clenches tight around those fingers every time they try to pull out of his body.
 “L-Lanzhan,” Weiying whimpers, and the alpha stills as the omega tugs at his hair, lashes dotted with tears as he heaves, trembling. “R-Ready, I’m ready, Lanzhan, please, alpha,” and with an answering croon, Lanzhan twists his fingers one more time, watches greedily as Weiying arches and wails, clamping around him as he fights through another almost orgasm, hole squeezing and fluttering around the alpha’s fingers. There’s another gush of slick, thick and heavy, and Lanzhan mouths at Weiyng’s scent gland, his bite mark as he pulls the omega’s legs apart for the final main course.
 That move reveals Weiying’s core, his swollen puffy rim, and Weiying has to bite down on his fist as Lanzhan pries his hole open with his fingers, putting him on display for his mate. It doesn’t help that he’s lying on his back, that his womb is swollen from carrying Lanzhan’s pups, and shame, for the first time in his life, wells up in him as he feels his channel weakly spurt, slick dribbling out from his gaping hole. He tries to hide it, as he always does, but his face must show it all, for Lanzhan is leaning in, and Weiying sighs as the alpha rubs his nose against the other’s, rumbling reassuringly as he slides a large hand over the baby bump. Alpha is good, Weiying’s inner omega purrs, alpha will protect us, alpha has waited sixteen years for us, and with a soft sob because how lucky can I be, how lucky am I, Weiying cradles Lanzhan’s face and pulls him closer, kisses his forehead.
 “Weiying?” Lanzhan questions softly, and really this is unfair, Weiying thinks to himself as he looks up at his husband, really looks up at the man who has risked everything for him. Those sun gold eyes that peonies and all the gold of Lanling Jin could never compare to, long butterfly lashes and that gentle taciturn mouth, all of it was his. From the sweat of his brow to the tips of those long flowy locks, that strong sturdy back that bore thirty discipline whip scars and that burn on his chest that Weiying would have shared back then, was all his. Sixteen years he had waited, this beautiful gorgeous man had waited, had held a torch for him, raised his son, inquired about him, lived through seasons calling his name from spring to summer to autumn to winter. Sixteen years, and staring at the slight frown marring Lanzhan’s face, the worry hidden in golden orbs that whispered is this okay, are you okay, tell me what I can do, made Weiying feel like a carefree child running around Lotus Pier all over again, lips trembling and heart just so, so full.
 “Inside.” Weiying answers instead, voice small, and Lanzhan blinks as Weiying buries his face into the alpha’s neck, presses his lips against the shell of his alpha’s ear and says, “I need to feel you.”
 “Mm.” Lanzhan murmurs softly, and Weiying isn’t crying, he really isn’t, as Lanzhan presses a kiss to his temple, the head of his cock rubbing against Weiying’s fluttering entrance. Nodding his head in permission, Weiying gasps, eyes squeezing shut as he feels Lanzhan move, cock nudging at his inner walls and gliding even deeper. He can feel the burning heat that follows, the stretch making him writhe as he feels Lanzhan’s cock throb within him, an answering pulse as he clenches down on it, overwhelmed. They’re doing the same thing, but everything is just so much more, and Weiying finds himself sobbing as his alpha’s cock spears through his wet heat, loud and wet amidst the little worn out cries and whines that escapes his lips, those sounds kissed away by Lanzhan, the alpha crooning softly into his ear.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzhan,” Weiying babbles, tear tracks running down his face as he turns his head and latches onto the alpha’s scent gland, a desperate broken wail muffled as he laves at the raised flesh, walls trembling from where Lanzhan is sheathed in him. It feels like a million fireworks are going off, the heat of their bodies building on each other, cresting higher and higher the way drinking alcohol on a cold night always feels. It makes him dizzy, the beat of his heart echoing as he’s pressed chest to chest with his lover, the Wen sect scar a dark mark on a pure pristine canvass, a mark of ownership Weiying had placed on the alpha before he had even realised Lanzhan was his.
 Sucking harder, Weiying trills, voice garbled as he breathes in satisfaction and happiness, sandalwood flooding his senses as Lanzhan slides a hand over his baby bump. The alpha caresses the curve lovingly, and Weiying lets out a wet laugh as those fingertips dance over his stretched skin, palm hot and steady. He can feel the answering churn, of pups twisting in response to their father’s touch and these are his children, Weiying thinks dazedly as he splays his own hand over Lanzhan’s keeping the alpha’s touch there. There’s life in him, and it’s his, his and Lanzhan’s, and this time Weiying can’t help but smile, eyes filling with tears as he purrs, kneading the alpha’s forearm sweetly. It earns him a happy chuff, Lanzhan’s own rumble escaping the alpha’s throat before he decides to move.
 Grabbing Weiying’s hips, Lanzhan slides out and Weiying whimpers at the loss, nosing the base of Lanzhan’s throat as the wet sound of flesh meeting flesh meets in tandem with the slow drag of cock inside him. It’s sweet torture, feeling Lanzhan pull out, grazing his most tender spots and ignoring the way his walls clung onto the alpha’s cock, wet and leaking. It makes him weak and wanton, hips jerking upwards desperately as he mewls and paws at his alpha, screaming for attention. Inside, come back inside, his omega cajoles, hole fluttering prettily around air as Weiying looks up at the alpha through his lashes, light-headed. Lanzhan’s brows are furrowed in concentration, beads of sweat running down his temples, and beautiful, my beautiful wonderful husband, when he moves. And the sound that escapes Weiying’s mouth is visceral, unholy, as he feels Lanzhan’s cock dive right into his deepest recesses.
 “H-Hah! Hng, hn, mhn,” liquid pleasure is runs through Weiying’s veins as Lanzhan begins to move, and while the other is quiet in bed, nothing quite beats the satisfied grunts and huffs of air his alpha gives every time he pulls out only to chase the tight heat of Weiying’s hole. “G-Good, Lanzhan s-so goo-ah!” Weiying whines, head lolling backwards as he feels his lower abdomen begin to twinge, his thighs twitching as heat pooled in his lower half and slick spurted out of him. Babbling, fingers still splayed over his baby bump, Weiying moves to touch his cock only to whimper as Lanzhan slaps his hand away, growling threateningly as he slows.
 “N-No!” Weiying cries, bottom lip trembling as he rocks his hips weakly, each move punctuated with a gasp. “P-Please, alpha, a-alpha d-don-” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence as with a rumbling purr Lanzhan’s thrusts begin to pick up speed once more, a feverish light in those golden orbs as the alpha buries his head into Weiying’s neck and begins to mouth at his scent gland, tongue massaging that swollen flesh and raking his fangs across it. There’s no pain to it, only an overwhelming scent of lust, of sandalwood piqued with heavy flora, the scent after a rainstorm, and Weiying feels himself moan as Lanzhan’s grip on his hip tightens. It’s going to bruise, and a vicious sense of triumph runs through his veins as he drools, mouth gasping for air as he stares at Lanzhan, the esteemed Hanguang-jun with his eyes glowing and lips pulled back in a dangerous feral snarl, debauched, tainted.
 I did that, he thinks delightedly, fingers entwining around ebony black hair and yanking greedily, I put that expression there.
 “K-Knot m-me.” Weiying manages to utter through the rapid abuse of his body, words stuttering out as he pants, locking his ankles around Lanzhan’s torso and tugging the alpha closer. “W-Want a k-knot. W-Want Lanzh-zhan’s knot-hng!” It earns him a soft hum of delight, the light airiness of cotton making itself known as the alpha begins to move even faster, meeting his omega’s demands and oh it feels so good, Weiying thinks to himself as he keens, throwing back his head as he wails, hole wide open for his alpha to use. There’s something about this that’s finally scratching his itch, his instinctual craving that’s been gnawing at his insides all morning, and Weiying lets it be known, lets his alpha bask in the happiness that he’s satisfying his omega with every loud cry that accompanies his thrust.
 “Weiying.” Lanzhan murmurs and the omega makes a soft inquiring sound that sounds more like a ragged sob, and the alpha croons, voice a melody as he knocks his head against Weiying’s. “Weiying.” Lanzhan repeats, more breathlessly, and oh he’s close, and Weiying arches, hips shoving upwards to meet his alpha’s as he gasps out “Yes, c-come on, almost-” and is greeted with the tell-tale swell of an alpha’s knot. Moaning, Weiying grabs onto Lanzhan’s arms and moves with renewed vigour, chest heaving as he bounces on the alpha’s cock, eyes rolling backwards as his thighs begin to shake, balls pulling tight. A desperate low “Weiying” made through gritted teeth is all the warning he gets before his alpha is shoving his knot inside him, and Weiying chokes at the fullness, rim stretching tight to accommodate the cock which lodges within him.
 “Lanzhan, Lanzh-ah! A-Ah, hng, mmhng!” Weiying wails, spine bowing as he lifts off the nest, lips parted in a silent scream. It feels like he’s dying, spirit barely anchored into the mortal realm as pleasure erupts, sending his blood boiling with heat. Lanzhan’s playing dirty, grinding against his prostate and mean, alpha’s being so mean but oh how Weiying loves it. Thrashing weakly, fingers digging into Lanzhan’s biceps so hard he almost draws blood, Weiying is on the cusp of something, abdominal muscles beginning to curl as he’s fucked into his nest, the brutal abuse of his prostate by the head of his alpha’s cock making him drool and his thighs quiver. Please, please, his omega screams, wailing as it comes even closer to the high it’s desperate to reach, pup me, fill me, keep me full always, always-
 A firm hand on his cock jerks him out of his thoughts, and Weiying squeals as Lanzhan begins to stroke him, head shaking wildly as his fingers begin to morph into claws, digging into his alpha’s white soft skin. “N-No,” Weiying gasps, eyes wild as he stares at his alpha deliriously, his curved womb blocking his cock from view and wobbling with every aborted shove of Lanzhan’s hips. Pupils dilated, and lips parted in a broken wail, the omega can only shudder as his alpha rubs the head of his cock, fingers ghosting his silt and making pleasure burn through him. It’s building, the tension in his abdomen, and Weiying can’t hold back his howl of delight as the pleasure peaks, cresting magnificently as he cums, sobbing on Lanzhan’s cock, teeth bared and eyes alight.
 “Weiying, Weiying, Weiying.” Lanzhan chants, voice tight, and the omega whimpers as he feels his alpha abuse his prostate, pressure unforgiving. But this is Lanzhan, alpha, alpha who was so good, sated his omega so well, “Lanzhan,” Weiying purrs gently, fingers carding through Lanzhan’s hair as he noses at his alpha’s neck. “Lanzhan, I need you.” He whispers, voice weak as he locks eyes with glowing amber hues. And just like that the alpha is coming, breath hitching and body stilling as enlarged fangs find purchase on Weiying’s neck, the alpha shaking as he cums, spilling inside Weiying’s body in drawn out spurts.
 It’s gone now, the need to pace and to shred and to have something. Was gone the minute Lanzhan gave a low grunt and snarled, nostrils flaring as his seed flooded Weiying’s hole. Shivering from the aftershocks, body oversensitive, Weiying can only murmur soft words of endearments, breathing in the scent of sandalwood and cotton, basking in the post coitus glow. “So good, so good Lanzhan.” He murmurs, voice soft, and Lanzhan snorts, the sound muffled from where his jaws are still clamped around Weiying’s scent gland. The overwhelming scent of mandarin has faded, Weiying’s omega finally sated, and slowly, like he’s handling something infinitely precious, Lanzhan carefully dislodges his canines. It’s sore, and the wince that escapes Weiying doesn’t go unnoticed as the alpha lets out a frustrated sound, tongue soothing over the mark as he looks up at the omega worriedly.
 “It’s fine, really.” Weiying whispers, lips beginning to curl as he presses his forehead to Lanzhan’s, the headband still wound around his wrist. More than fine, his omega purrs, rubbing its head against the alpha, tail flicking lazily in happiness, alpha is perfect, perfect. Slowly moving the alpha’s hand back to his distended womb, Weiying blinks back tears as he feels the pups move, stirring slightly before nestling inside him. Mine, this is mine, he thinks, awed, and there’s no helping it as a tearful grin breaks across his face, as he rubs his nose against Lanzhan’s, heart warm and body perfectly sated. A low rumble echoes across the room, and Weiying huffs as Lanzhan pulls him closer, wrapping his arms around him and cuddling the omega close.
 He’s lucky to have his Lanzhan with him.
 “Hey, I don’t think we should let Jiangcheng name them. He sucks at names.”
 “Mm. Whatever Weiying wants.”
 So, incredibly, lucky.
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hellimagines · 5 years
Please, Don’t Take it Back -- Nathan Young
*My masterlist link can be found in my blog description*
Request: “Requesting shamelessly. If you have time can you do a Nathan/Reader where shes like his go to. He goes to her with all his problems and she helps him. And thensomething big happens and he realizes he hasnt been doing the same for her? Bonus points  if theres a sudden and aggressive declaration of love!  I love your face!!!” @stargazingwithcassidy
Summary: After another altercation with your boyfriend, you pick Nathan up from the Community Center, and the truth comes out.
Warnings: domestic abuse, graphic injury depictions
Pairing: Nathan Young x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,000+
A/N: Everyone, Cassidy is the best and I love them and please go give them a follow! Also, lemme know if you liked this bitch
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“You know I love you… right?”
You paused, your palms pressed against the kitchen flooring of your boyfriend’s house. Blood dripped from your nose and the corner of your lip, dribbling onto the white tile below and causing tiny mouse-like puddles. Lifting your head you saw Drew knelt beside you, his face full of false concern and pity. His hand was gently placed on your shaking shoulders, his knuckles split, bruised, and bloody from all the punching and attacking he had done. His eyebrows were furrowed over his brown eyes, but they held no emotion.
“Right,” you replied simply, finally looking away so you could raise yourself onto shaking legs. You were forced to stumble over to the counter, your broken fingers gripping onto the marble to keep from falling back to your knees. Pain ricocheted from the tips of your fingers to the back of your shoulder blade, but you ignored it in favor of staying upright. A weak smile spread across your lips as you looked back to your attacker, trying to convince him (and yourself) that you were okay. “Can I go pick Nathan up now? His mum called earlier and she won’t be able to grab ‘im. I’ll be back within the hour.” It was a lie, Nathan had been the one texting you non-stop to grab a bite with him, and you weren’t planning on being back until later.
Drew looked at you carefully, still crouched beside your puddle of blood on the floor. He breathed in, “Fine. Be back by 4, or we’re going to have another talk, got it?”
“Yes, I’ll be back before then,” you nodded, willing yourself to straighten out as he stood up. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now go.” Drew flicked his hand towards the door and you didn’t hesitate before scurrying away, tail metaphorically tucked between your legs.
You rushed to the car, practically stumbling over your own feet in your haste as the front door slammed behind you. Tears trickled down your face and mixed with your blood, causing pink droplets to fall from your chin. Opening the car door took you a minute, but once you were safely inside, you managed to finally take a handful of calming breaths. Your eyes were shut and your hands loosely gripped the steering wheel. You didn’t have much time to think about the past hour- Nathan was probably already waiting for you, and making him wait much longer would only cause a boatload of questions. So, with a deep, ragged breath, you drove away in pursuit of the Community Center and its resident dumbass.
“Oi, Cunt Face! Took you long enough, I’ve been out here for days!” Nathan howled across the parking lot, dramatically trudging himself over to your car. A cigarette hung from his pouting lips, but he flicked it away before approaching your car. “The starvation and dehydration has already started kickin’ in! I mean look at me! I’m skin and bones,” he cried, swinging open the door and sliding in.
“Nathan, you’ve always been skin and bones. Shut up,” you laughed quietly, pulling out of the parking lot without looking at your best friend.
Nathan gasped, “Are you skeleton shaming me right now? Because I don’t appreciate that.”
“You know what? Maybe I am- there’s too many skeletons out there, it’s like the pirate days all over again,” you giggled. “I mean honestly-”
“The hell’s happened to your face?” Nathan suddenly shouted, cutting you off and startling you into jerking the car. “You look like you’ve just gotten out of a fight ring- and lost!”
You laughed nervously, “D-Don’t worry about it, Nath’, just an accident. Besides, we all know I’d kick ass in a fight ring.” You were hoping that with enough jokes and playful laughs, Nathan would drop the subject.
But Nathan was an observant pissfire and rarely gave up on things he became fixated on. “Bullshit! That ain’t no accident, love. Your fingers are all fucked, and your face is every shade of black and blue in existence. What happened?”
You let your eyes wander over to Nathan briefly, before focusing them back on the empty road ahead. You didn’t want to tell your curly-haired best friend what had truly happened to you for a multitude of reasons. For starters, Nathan would try and shove you into a clinic, or worse, fix the injuries himself. Just the thought of Nathan attempting to fix your fingers made you shiver. Then, after making sure you were okay, he’d march his scrawny-ass over to Drew and pick a fight. A fight, he would no doubt lose. You had no intention of letting your best friend get mauled just because your boyfriend had a temper.
“(Y/N), please. Tell me what’s going on? It seems like every week you’ve got a new injury and a newly broken heart. I’m a jerk, yeah, but I’m not stupid. He’s hurtin’ you, isn’t he?” Nathan snarled- his soft voice now filled with enough venom to make his Irish accent nearly incoherent. “I’ll fuck him right up if he is. Make ‘im piss and vomit blood for months. ‘Ow’s that sound? Make sure ‘e never bothers you again.”
You sighed heavily. Gripping the steering wheel with your unbroken hand, you veered into an abandon store parking lot and shut off the car. Nathan was uncharacteristically quiet, probably sensing that you were finally about to open up. You shifted in your seat, pressing your aching back against the door so you could fully face him. His green eyes were narrowed with worry and concern, his lips pulled into a deep frown, and his fingers tugged on the various holes of his orange jumpsuit. Over the past few months, you had grown tired of constantly having to lie to everyone around you, including yourself. Drew didn’t love you, not anymore, and it hurt to admit. But you had to tell someone about what was going on; even if that someone had never taken anything seriously in his life.
“Just… just let me talk, okay? No interrupting, no nothing. Because if I stop I won’t get going again. Okay?” Nathan nodded, so you began. “We’ve been dating for like two years, yeah? And shit was amazing in the beginning: flowers, books, trips, coffee, texts, car rides, meeting everyone, all that crap. But after the first year, he got mean. He was controlling and kept looking over my shoulder. Everything I did and everywhere I went, he was there. Then, one night, I went out without tellin’ him. I figured that a night away would do the both of us good. I went out with you and the others, smoked a bit and fell asleep on your floor. Shit we used to do all the time. But when I got home that morning, he was… he was mad. Like, really mad. He hurt me until I passed out, and when I woke up, he had gotten me flowers and another book. So, to me, things were okay. One time thing, yeah? But then it became a monthly thing. Then a weekly. And now, I’m lucky if a day goes by that I don’t get slapped or something. I don’t know how to get out of it. I don’t know what to do, Nath’.”
After your admittance, the car was filled with a heavy silence. You had tears falling freely from your eyes, while Nathan had barely-concealed ones that he refused to let fall. He needed to be strong for you, the same way you had been strong for yourself. Nathan’s heart hurt at the fact that you had been dealing with near-constant abuse for over a year. That he had no idea about any of it, and that he wasn’t there for you or there to help you during any of it. He had been so focused on his own issues, his own demons, that he didn’t take a second to consider the devil by your side.
“I’m sorry,” he began, the words tumbling from his quivering lips. “I’m sorry that you felt that you couldn’t trust me, or anyone, to help you. I’m sorry that you haven’t felt true love and happiness, that wasn’t followed by being hurt, for two years. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you like I promised I would. I’m sorry, for everything.”
“It’s not your fault-”
Nathan shook his head, “I’m not saying it’s my fault. And it’s not yours, either. It’s Drew’s fault for being a fucked sack of shit. But, what I’m saying, is that I’m sorry. And even though I haven’t been there for you lately, I’m here now. I will do everything in my immortal power to keep you from ever going back to him, from ever getting hurt by him. I love you too much to see another one of these injuries on you. Come back to the Community Center with me, sleep there. We’ll grab some food, like we planned, and then figure all this shit out,” Nathan said, reaching across the console to grab your uninjured hand. “But first, let’s go to the clinic to get this hand fixed.”
“I can’t go to the clinic, they’ll ask questions- but wait, what did you say?” Your brain was turning in mushy circles after Nathan’s speech, focusing on one part of his words, and then all of them, and then none. But one thing did stand out and stayed circling your mind.
“That you can sleep with me at the Center. Mum kicked me out, remember?”
“No, not about that. The love part, you said you love me,” you whispered, your mouth opened in awe. Nathan suddenly looked panicked. His worried face was now a deep red, and he began spluttering over nothing. “Don’t take it back. Please, don’t take it back,” you spit out quickly, gripping his hand tightly. “I love you too. Fuck, Nathan, I’ve always loved you.”
Nathan’s breath hitched and his eyes widened impossibly more, but his face became soft. “You have? Oh God, (Y/N), I should’ve said something sooner! I could’ve made you happy and you wouldn’t have had to deal with that douchecanoe!”
You giggled softly at Nathan’s words, a genuine smile gracing your features. “I should’ve said something, too. But at least we know now.”
“Yeah, you can love me now instead of him,” Nathan huffed, but you shook your head.
“Doesn’t work like that, Nath’, and you know it. I’m gonna need time to heal from all this, and I don’t want to use you as my medicine. I want you to be there for me, but I don’t want to rely on you to be happy. Only once I’ve officially broken up with him and know I’m safe, will I consider us dating. For now… for now, let’s just get these fingers dealt with, grab some food, and head back to the Center.”
Nathan nodded quickly in understanding. “Of course, (Y/N/N). I’ll be here for you as long as you need me to. Best friends ‘til the end of time,” he joked, flashing you a wink as you started the car back up.
“Best friends ‘til the end of time,” you confirmed with an equally goofy smile on your face. You pulled out of the parking lot suddenly feeling lighter, as though the weight of the world had been lifted off your shoulders. You still had a long way to go, and you weren’t even close to being out-of-the-clear, but you were one step closer to safety; to happiness. And that was all that mattered.
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galaxyghost4081 · 4 years
A Hyena’s Lesson
Also on Weasyl and AO3! 
       The blazing sun beamed down upon the vast African savanna. Graceful gazelles were treading across the dry lands, lions chased after zebras as they dashed away from their predators, and every animal had their own role to play. Even in the scorching heat, mischievous hyenas scouted around their territory, ensuring the safety of their clan.
       Minit laid his head on his paws as he sunbathed beneath the warm rays. He would occasionally clean his muzzle and gnaw on his fur, frustrated by how irritating his recent wounds felt. Defending the clan was “proper behavior” and all, but it wasn’t exactly all fun and games when you fought fang and claw against rival clans. Hyenas rarely escaped their battles unscathed, and Minit felt more than lucky to survive in his recent one. He closed his eyes in a desperate attempt to rest, but his act was done in vain - The endless, untamed chatter of the clan constantly filled his ears, preventing him from going to sleep. As a result, Minit merely observed his fellow hyenas with watchful eyes, wondering what they were up to this time.
       A male and a female were leaving to defend the territory. A trio was just returning with a slain gazelle to feed the baby cubs. Minit yawned as he watched the clan go about their daily duties. Every day was always the same as the last: Go hunt for the clan, go defend the territory, and try not to die. Minit believed this way of life was so boring and predictable, but he dared not to complain about it. That is, until a bushy-furred hyena chose to sit near him, making him the perfect listener for Minit’s thoughts.
       “You know, I think clan life is cool and all, but it does get pretty stale after a while," he confessed. Minit rose to sit on his haunches, hoping to catch some sort of reaction from the other hyena, but nothing changed. He was just overlooking the surprisingly controlled chaos of the clan, his expression stern and serious. However, Minit was going to bring out something from him, no matter what it was
       “All we do is eat, sleep, and fight each and every day,” Minit continued. “If you think about it, it’s only us guys who do all the hard work. Sure, the girls do their own duties from time to time, but I like to think they only like living with us to boss us guys around.”
       At last, Minit finally received a reaction from the other hyena. It may have been just an ear swivel in his direction, but he knew he was finally making some sort of impact on him. “Take my most recent clash, for example. I was out there in the wilds, surveying the land and all that, when bam! This random dude rushes straight into me and topples both of us into the ground! Don’t know why he did that, but I guess he was from a rival clan, because he started biting and clawing at me with everything he had.”
       This was when things began to get interesting for Minit. The moment his serious pal finally turned his head and gave him his utmost attention, Minit paused for just a moment, relishing his success. He then swiftly returned to talking, not wanting to let go of his only audience.
       “He gave me a couple of good scratches and stuff, but I would’ve been a lot worse if his partner was with him. By the way she looked while charging toward our little roughhouse, she nearly looked like some sort of savage leopard! She had spots, of course, but she looked more like a crazy beast than a hyena! Her pelt was splattered with dark stains and deep scars, and judging by the absolutely insane look on her face, I knew she was going to kill me. She even looked like some sort of professional executioner or something. Anyway, I didn’t want to try facing off against my death wish, so before she came, I decided to just escape the scene entirely.”
       Minit noticed an odd look appear on the other hyena’s face. It was as if he couldn’t believe the very words he was just told, and whatever came out of Minit’s mouth was pure nonsense. Nonetheless, Minit merely took note of his expression change and continued with his tale.
       “Yep, I just left the both of them out there on the dusty old savanna. I scampered out of that scene faster than a mouse being chased by a lion. It was a good thing I was fast, too - If I stayed put, I would’ve been mauled by that living threat of a girl for sure! Fortunately, she decided to check in on her beaten little buddy while I fled the heck away. At that point, I knew I was going to live.” Minit puffed out his chest, boasting about his exciting escapade, but his pride proved to be short-lived when the other hyena finally opened his mouth.
       “I think you did something you didn’t mean to do, Minit,” he said in a gruff yet firm voice. “Why did you run away?”
       “Well, Dukke, to start off, I didn’t think the male would be too tough of an opponent.” Minit used a paw to uncover a patch of fur from his pelt, revealing a painful outline of a frightening bite mark. “Like I said, he got a couple of good hits on me. I did manage to beat him up a little and pin him down, but then I spotted the female coming straight at us. I automatically knew she was going to deliver her revenge to me, so I just ran the heck out of there. I didn’t want to die, after all.”
       “So? You knew those two were from a different clan. Why didn’t you try fighting the girl instead of running away like a coward?”
       “If I did that, I would’ve been dead meat for sure. Plus, I wasn’t going to kill myself just because two pesky hyenas from a rival clan decided to trespass on our land. I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this, Dukke.”
       “Oh, I see where you’re going with it, but I definitely don’t agree with it.” A growl began to sound in Dukke’s throat as his irritation grew. “Do you have any idea how much of a fool you are to run away from a fight like that? Do you really believe saving your tiny little life is more important than saving the entire clan?”
       “Why not?” Despite hearing Dukke’s growl transform into a full-grown snarl, Minit continued to defend his ways. “If the clan needs to stay stable, every hyena needs to stay safe and alive, right?”
       “Giving your life is life to the clan is more important than wasting it!” Dukke snapped with a sudden ferocity. “Maybe if you actually used that dumb brain of yours, you’d realize your dead body could’ve been found and reported to the higher-ups. They would’ve been able to make things right, but no, you decided to be a yellow-bellied wimp and run away like the loser you are.”
       “Look, say all you want about me and my mindset, but I really think I’m in the right here.” Minit continued to speak even as Dukke rose up on his paws, an annoyed look plastered on his face. “I’d rather stay alive and be a useful part of the clan than get killed and be a useless stain on it.”
       “You’re already a useless stain, Minit…” At that moment, Dukke decided to abandon the conversation. He shook his bushy fur and padded away into the crowd that was the clan, shaking his head in disappointment.
       Minit would’ve said more, but it was no use - The other hyena had already left, his pelt having merged with the brown and black of every other hyena. However, he wasn’t fazed by his loss too much. Minit allowed the event to slip out of his mind like it never really happened, then returned to his previous position. Since he was now alone, he thought he might as well continue relaxing and sunbathing in the comfortable heat. That would help him ponder about some things.
       However, to his dismay, Minit’s time for relaxation did not last long. The sun’s rays were blocked by some sort of figure, and upon opening his eyes, fear rushed through his body faster than a cheetah dashing across the savanna. Minit scrambled to his feet as the hyena before him watched him with a glare. Her ragged pelt wore an uncountable number of battle scars, and her honed gaze sliced through Minit’s very soul. He knew she was no doubt the strongest in all the clan, and he knew better than to disrespect her authority.
       “Lyndara,” he stated, “is there anything I may help you with?”
       “I would like to speak with you privately, Minit,” Lyndara replied, her voice booming compared to Minit’s weak, pitiful one. “Come with me.”
       “Of course.”
       Minit stood up, his stature greatly lacking compared to the female’s, and followed her. The pair cut through the clan’s constant ruckus, a flurry of brown and black accompanied by a medley of barks, yelps, and the occasional giggle. Despite the many hyenas going to-and-fro, Lyndara and Minit had traversed through them, and soon enough, they had arrived at a dimmed den hidden from the rest of the clan. Its interior was darker than a starless night, while even its entrance gave off an intimidating aura. Minit raised a shaking paw, hoping to enter the den and face Lyndara in there, but her solemn tone stopped him from moving any further.
       “Minit,” Lyndara said, turning her grim expression toward the coward before her, “I have received word from one of our crew that you did something… irresponsible. Is it true you fought against a rival clan?”
       “Y-Yes,” answered Minit, his voice stuttering under her very presence.
       “And is it true you abandoned the battle instead of fighting for your life?”
       “Y-Yes, but they were formidable opponents, Lyndara. If I did not run away-”
       “I’m going to have to stop you right there.” Lyndara glared at Minit, her gaze chaining him to the conversation. “Minit, do you have any idea how important the clan is?”
       “And do you have any idea how important our pride and status is?”
       Lyndara watched Minit with her needle-sharp gaze for only a moment longer before suddenly howling into the air. The sound didn’t last more than a few seconds, but she knew it would be enough. A wicked grin grew on her face as her eyes locked onto the trembling, cowering hyena before her.
       “You see, Minit, invaders are tolerable, but us hyenas do not take cowards lightly.”
       The sound of pawsteps and laughter was coming closer and closer, and Minit knew there was no escape. No matter where he fled off to, Lyndara would be there, ready to encage him to his inevitable doom. Frozen in pure fear, Minit could only watch as rabid hyenas circled around him, ready to do whatever they were told. There was no fleeing their thorn-sharp fangs and crazed eyes, and Lyndara’s command contained the last two words Minit would hear ever again.
       “Kill him.”
       Lyndara watched in satisfaction as her hyenas pounced atop their prey and tore him to scraps. Bits and pieces of fur flew in the air as a puddle of crimson began to pool below the clash. Minit’s yelps and whimpers could be heard beyond his struggle, but to the leader, it was nothing but music to her ears. Lyndara knew she was in control of all of them, and if they didn’t comply with her rules, she knew exactly how to make them pay.
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