#-winning over connor in schlatt's mind
apollos-boyfriend · 11 months
absolutely no one asked for this but. divorceverse timeline for ur viewing pleasure <3
mianite s1 takes place when jordan is 17 to 18, mostly sticking to canon, although with two exceptions: capsize doesn’t die, and the void-hopping works, landing them back in their proper universe.  the heroes semi split from there. after saving the world, jordan decides the logical next best decision is to seek higher education. obviously. 
the two end up at the same college. jordan’s there for chemical engineering; schlatt’s there for business.
they meet at a houseparty, with jordan having been invited over by antvenom, a mutual friend of theirs. they don't exactly hit it off, but they don't not get along, either. jordan becomes schlatt's weed dealer, become a couple a week after, then break up two weeks after that. this cycle repeats indefinitely.
schlatt gets pregnant at the end of their first year. at that point, jordan was already considering dropping out, as college was Not as filling as he thought it’d be, so fatherhood gave him a perfect escape. he had plenty of riches from ianite, and his upcoming clothing company was looking prosperous, so he jumped ship. 
both of them had off-campus housing, but schlatt lived with roommates, while jordan lived alone. they decide to have schlatt move in with jordan for the time being. 
tubbo's born when the two of them are 19. schlatt lives with them until he graduates three years later, although he ends up crashing on jordan's couch more often than not, at least when the two are actually together.
when the two are 24 and tubbo is 5, ianite calls jordan for a favor. a young godling somehow stumbled into their reality, and while she'd been looking after them since they were found, her increasing duties have made it harder and harder for her to be a good parent. the pirates are busy, and jordan is the only person she trusts with such a task. jordan accepts, and crumb joins the family.
(this is why the void-hopping worked, btw. crumb's quintessance mixed with what remained of dianite in tom was enough to balance out the scales, so there was no need for the other heroes to intervene)
the two are 37 when adam is born. tubbo is 17 going on 18, and age is hard to calculate with crumb, but it's Somewhere in its teens. schlatt once again moves back in with jordan after adam's birth for the first few years of his life.
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Howdy! Under my post you offered to talk about Purpled's lore/character and it would be really cool is you did that!
You have unlocked an unskippable cutscene I could literally talk about this for days on end
under the read more cause this is gonna be LONG
okay SO the very basics of Purpleds character is just he’s a really skilled fighter, so he became a mercenary to put those skills to use
ccpurpled said himself that cpurpled just wants money and power
but despite this, he’s not a fan of conflict at all, and prefers to avoid fights and wars whenever possible
a favorite quote of mine, “I’m like Switzerland, I don’t really fight, but when I do fight, I win” (not word for word I forgor)
he greatly prefers to keep to himself, and just gather materials and chill with his dog and mind his own business, because he’s seen what happens to everyone else, and doesn’t want any part of it
Early in the server, before he did a lot of serious lore, he had a decent amount of relatively positive relationships with a couple people, and he didn’t necessarily hang out with them or anything but he trusted them
he mostly just sat around and built stuff, the first big thing he was a part of was the Manberg vs Pogtopia war
-karl recruited him against his will
-he ran around for like 30 minutes just rambling about how he had no idea what was going on ever
-he fought for like 3 minutes before switching sides
-*getting killed by fireworks* “IM ON YOUR SIDE” “YOU WERENT BEFORE”
-was dead silent for like 40 minutes as he just ran around fighting people and no one acknowledged him
-schlatt fucking died “did he just have a heart attack?!?” “He just fucking died!!” And then went silent again
-the whole thing were no one wanted to be president
-it ended up being tubbo
-no one could figure out who the traitor was
-watched wilbur die right after lmanberg blew up
-killed one of the withers and was very proud of himself
-Connor joined the game, left the game, joined the game, stole purpleds pants, and left
-purpled went home, reiterated that he had no idea what the fuck just happened, and ended stream
this is so long already but wait, there’s more!!
not a whole lot important happened after that, he was still living in a cabin of the main path, and his UFO was just kinda vibing (that’s a surprise tool that will help us later)
he kinda chilled on his own, and suddenly the Eggpire is a thing! Purpled has no friends, so he doesn’t care!! (There are vines all over his UFO but he doesn’t live there anymore so he doesn’t do anything about it)
suddenly Ponk wants to talk to him, and now uh oh, BadBoyHalo is in some random ass cave trying to hire Purpled to kidnap Puffy
purpled has nothing better to do, so he takes the job
he doesn’t log on for months, so Quackity puts bombs in his house
suddenly purpled logs on and Quackitys like “I understand this looks bad but I want to hire you”
“what’s this another mercenary job?” God forbid someone hire him to do his job
he accepts, and badda bang badda book now he’s working against the Eggpire
Q, purpled, and Techno are going to take down the red banquet, and then Quackity decides to be an asshole (Purpled and Techno want to go in and help, but Quackity makes them wait and foolish dies, then Quackity goes in and plays the hero)
they beat the shit out of the Eggpire (bad is not happy with purpled)
purpled leads everyone out of bads creepy basement “you’re a hero, purpled” “I try my best”
purpled wants his payment for helping the duck man
Duck man pays him, and then breaks the entire fandom and blows up purpleds ufo right in front of him!
purpled wants to kill him, Quackity tries to convince him not to, tells him that he’s basically nothing now, and purples goes home
fucking dumbass blows up his own house after having 37 mental breakdowns
slime is spying on him and purples wants to strangle him
he goes to las Nevadas, “I just want to make it very clear that I don’t think there will ever be a point in time where I respect you as a person,” and joins LN just like Q wanted!! Surely nothing bad will happen!!
Quackity has an anxiety attack, purpled leads them to the most unnecessary trap ever, he and Q yell at each other, Quackity does a fucky wucky, and now Slimecicle is dead
purpled just fucking walks away like the girlboss he is, and later kidnaps slimes corpse and traps him in a cave
Punz shows up, says some stuff, purples agrees to work for him and dream (this will not go well)
they raid las nevadas!! dream blows some shit up, foolish releases an army of slimes, and purpled yells at Quackity some more
slime reveals he’s not actually a dumbass and shoves purples of off a balcony
and then the server fucking ended so I guess that’s that!
so, long story short, purpled is pretty much just a badass but also cringefail assassin, who does not like people or conflict, and has cared about two things ever (his ufo and his dog, which is thankfully still alive), but is also still just a teenager, and has some shit going on.
he doesn’t care about a lot, but he does have silly little feelings sometimes and the only two times he ever showed that he blew up his own house and the second time he fucking died
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astraltrain · 3 years
watching tommy's exile meeting vod from december 2nd, will update with things i find interesting as i watch
"if the roles were reversed, i wouldn't even think about exiling you" - tommy. haha foreshadowing for the actual exile haha
tommy: you have bees.
tubbo: i do have bees!
tommy: if they all died, that'd be fuckin...
tubbo: that'd be awful. probably all of humanity would die with them.
"i am addressing the elephant in the room, which is me. although i am not the size of an elephant. in height i am! not in weight. if i was the size of an elephant though -" *laughs* "if i was stretchy, this world would be real different right now." what goes on in tommyinnit's mind.
tommy preemptively preparing everyone for him to fuck up the meeting and no one listening... tommy knowing he was going to ruin it for himself and knowing he'd somehow let tubbo down.... fuuuuuck
tubbo: minutes man, we summon you!
ranboo, materializing in the seat next to tubbo with a book and quill in hand: hey
tommy: what the FUCK,
we all talk about wilbur's acting with his facecam, but tommy does it a lot too. the way he rolls his eyes and shakes his eyes with a confident smirk every time dream speaks, the way he looks shocked when things go wrong. goddamn
jack manifold watching the whole meeting, listening the whole time, just following them around with very little input. hmmmm
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he was taunting him. the fucker knew
tubbo desperately wanted a way out for tommy. he wanted to give him probation to escape whatever dream had planned. he never ever wanted to do what he had to do.
dream: "tommy, let the adults speak." hmm, sounds familiar... almost like a line techno would repeat almost exactly a month later, when talking with dream about the favour.
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he was taunting him the whole meeting. trying to provoke tommy into snapping.
"this isn't some "insanity arc," i'm not following down wilbur's path!" ouch ok tommy
the way tubbo's voice flattened in tone when he said "you're speaking out of line." he knew tommy had fucked it from the moment he brought out spirit.
god, the second it seemed tommy knew what he was doing, fundy and quackity were on his side. tubbo was the only one who remained serious the whole time, knowing dream had something up his sleeve.
everyone turning on tubbo the second it seemed like they were winning because he was the only one to realize something was wrong. fuck, man
"i don't give a FUCK about spirit." holy shit way to pop off with the voice acting???
the fact that c!tommy genuinely can't imagine being unable to care about things because himself and c!dream are such polar opposites when it comes to attachment. tommy loves with ALL his heart, he cares so deeply and so warmly and so fiercely. dream cares for nothing unless it gives him an edge, an advantage. that's why tommy was certain that holding spirit's remains over dream would help them win. he couldn't picture being unable to care about anything.
"l'manberg can be independent, but l'manberg can't be free." *dream leaves the call.* DANGGGG
tubbo, very softly and calmly: "tommy. you had one job." hoooly shit
the way tubbo snapped at quackity and fundy and began to argue with them while tommy zoned out and stared at dream as he began to extend the walls upwards in disbelief. god
"you couldn't do one thing for me! you couldn't do one! you couldn't do one thing, and it was for your own good! so yeah, if the roles were reversed, you probably wouldn't have exiled me - because i would have actually listened! i would have had a couple ounces of respect! ... you've messed this up for no one but yourself." *pause* "you're selfish." c!tubbo.... :stress:
"tubbo, you said that tommy was selfish. that he doesn't care about anyone else. that's not true. i robbed george's house too. i did it with him. but in court, he said that it was just him. he could have pinned the blame on me, he could have said it was me, there was evidence it was me - but he didn't. he's not selfish. he can't be selfish. me and tommy robbed george's house. we didn't mean for it to burn. we didn't want to burn anything down." HOLY FUCK WHY HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS SCENE BEFORE
tommy: tubbo, you can't become what you hate. you can't become the next schlatt. if you exile me, you're following in that man's footsteps.
tubbo: .. ok. well, if i can't be the next schlatt, you can't be the next wilbur.
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tommy: the only thing dream wants is the one thing i care about. *realizes, glances at ranboo* well, not the one thing.
tubbo, deadpan: mhm. the one thing you care about.
literal chills from tubbo's voice acting what the FUCK
"what do YOUUU think, connoreatspants?" ok now we're onto the lighter stuff thank god hakshsksjk
fundy: so if eventually the people choose not to exile tommy... what happens to l'manberg?
tubbo, about to come up with a serious answer: i guess -
tommy: it gets fucking simpsons movie'd, bro, we get boxed in
tubbo, immediately breaking character: I LOVE THAT MOVIE
tommy: this guy's a wrongun, ranboo.
techno, literally just vibing: •_•
tommy explaining server history to ranboo? telling ranboo that techno was at fault for the crater of l'manberg? wuh oh
"wilbur died in action, so he didn't live long enough to face the consequences." o h
tommy taking ranboo to the bench to watch the moon go down, not turning to see the sunrise like usual. hey i could make symbolism out of this
c!tommy has nightmares about wilbur, huh. interesting interesting interesting interesting
"i knew that if tubbo was president... it would pull us apart, ranboo." IMAGE OF A CAT CRYING HERE
ranboo and connor's first meeting being tommy getting ranboo to help him evict connor from his house hsksbskdjsk
connor: "never trust a british man. that's what my parents taught me, in the 1800s." IMMORTAL CONNOR HAS ALWAYS BEEN REAL WE WERE ALL SO BLIND
"hey jack you've actually just been exiled from this land here" "no" I FORGOT HOW FUNNY THESE TWO WERE
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tommy: i've never seen dream that angry.
ranboo: well, this is the first time i've actually ever heard him speak
tommy: oh
"this is a very wide taco stand" i love dream smp lore
"i don't wanna go. there is no wilbur anymore. i'm on my own. i don't want to be on my own." OK NEVERMIND GO BACK TO THE TACO STAND LORE
wow ok that really was just IT, huh. what the hell man that was heartbreaking
in conclusion. ouch
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amintyworld · 4 years
Dream SMP Fusion AU:
Certainly not me thinking about a Steven Universe AU for Dream SMP because fusions
Also, just to note: Not all fusions are for romantic relationships, so please no shipping since many of the creators are uncomfortable with that. The one somewhat romantic relationship fusion mentioned is between the characters Schlatt and Quackity, and are the only ones classified as such for the lore and story already created - I do not ship them whatsoever. Thank you.
Also, feel free to use these ideas with credit!
TW: Abusive Relationship, Toxic Realtionship, manipulation.
So like, what if during the L’manburg Independence War L’manburg was the only ones who really fused with each other, and the Dream SMP just never really thought it was useful and therefore didn’t really use it all that much for battle, pvp, etc. 
They discovered fusion one day while building the wall when a bit of debris was about to fall on Fundy and Wilbur swooped in to save him, and suddenly... a whole completely different person stood in their place. It didn’t last very long, but Wilbur from then on was determined to learn all he could about it and understand it. 
Wilbur couldn’t seem to explain his findings much scientifically, but he wrote up a journal on all he learned - how the fusion seems to combine and showcase the best parts of each individual person.
An iconic Steven Universe Scene takes place (For you SU fans, when Smoky Quartz first came to be) when Tommy in a effort to get his discs back one day tries to take Dream head on, pushing away Tubbo’s help. Tommy gets throughly beat up by Dream and in a heartfelt moment Tommy tells Tubbo that no matter what he does Dream will always win against him because he’s not strong enough. Then, Tubbo says that that’s not true, that Tommy doesn’t have to be like Dream, if anything Tommy’s like him because they both aren’t like anybody else, and it sucks, but they have each other. Finally Tommy accepts Tubbo’s help as they fuse for the first time.
Eret and Niki fused once while hanging out and dancing one day, which led Wilbur to discover how to trigger the fusion in a more controlled manner - through dancing. 
The war happens with the revolution holding better against Dream and his posse for the short fact that they had fusion on their side - they weren’t totally confident in the ability yet, which lead to some close calls to unfusing at the wrong time, but a few prominent fusions came out of it. In the end, they won and Wilbur continued to write his findings in the journal.
The election came about, and with it the exile of Wilbur and Tommy - this time the two were on the receiving end of fighting with fusions.
Wilbur even suggested on fusing together for survival - together they were more combat skilled, and better focused. After all, there was lesser chance of hurting one target than there was two. So, for a while they stayed together, at least, until Technoblade came to help.
Techno was very awkward at the whole fusion thing - it seemed stupid, and the poor pig hybrid didn’t exactly dance very well, though he was often too embarrassed to admit it. Techno didn’t understand how his two brothers could fuse so easily while he just... couldn’t. (I’m imagining Wilbur coaching him in Pogtopia while Tommy has to wear paint cans in order to each his height)
While out together, the sight of Tubbo causes Wilbur and Tommy to become so distressed they unfuse as Tubbo tells them he wants to help, and becomes their spy.
Back in Manburg, a certain goat hybrid finds Wilbur’s fusion journal and does some light reading. Schlatt thinks that he needs fusion soldiers to fight for him - from what he’s reading, these fusions are practically unstoppable. If he were to have that kind of power at his disposal, no one could stop him.
Being the ‘selfless’ leader he is, he uses himself as a test subject as he fuses with his militia - Punz, Ponk...
Quackity at first makes fun of his attempts as always within five minutes the fusion quickly falls apart. This only pisses of Schlatt more, until he comes up with an idea. 
He confronts Fundy and tells him that if he was loyal to Manburg, and their desires aligned, they’d be able to fuse no problem. Fundy agrees and they become the first completed fusion in Manburg - Fundy only does it because he wants to keep suspicion low and his cover a secret, and it somehow works. Schlatt doesn’t question Fundy much after that.
As the festival gets planned Schlatt continues his tactic of sniffing out traitors through fusion, which does not bode well for Tubbo, who keeps narrowly escaping having to fuse (Looking at the ‘I’m pregnant’ excuse-).
Back in Pogtopia, tensions rise as Wilbur and Tommy become more and more distant as Wilbur plans to blow up Manburg during the festival. 
Festival happens, not much really changes except Schlatt tries to get Niki to fuse with him to prove she wasn’t a traitor and not get killed like Tubbo - Wilbur overhears and intervenes, running away with Niki back to Pogtopia, fusing with her to help both of them escape.
When Quackity tries to leave, Schlatt forces him to fuse to stop the traitor from escaping, and for the first time, the two get trapped in a mixed up mess of a fusion - nothing is combined of the two, it’s all a mish mashed up mess - thankfully they aren’t fused for long and Quackity escapes, but both have the feeling of agony, sorrow and pain of the forced fusion in their minds. 
They take back L’manburg with some awesome fusion v fusion fights.
In a last attempt to keep from dying, Schlatt forces Quackity to fuse with him again in exchange that he release Tubbo, who was on his last cannon life (Schlatt held up a knife to his throat.) Once again, Quackity is trapped down in the painful and dark abyss as their fusion makes mass destruction. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno all fuse to take  the unstable fusion down.
They succeed in doing so, fatally wounding Schlatt enough to corner him, the stress, drugs, and alcohol combing into a panic attack and he dies. 
From there, things proceed as normal - Techno releases the Withers, Wilbur pushes the button. 
New L’manburg is thriving with Tubbo as the new president... everyone can finally be who they want to be - wounds of course are still healing.
Quackity talks with Tubbo about his bad experience with Schlatt, and Tubbo is there to listen and always tells him that he doesn’t have to fuse if he doesn’t want to... of course fusion can be helpful (Some fusions have been helping repair the TNT and Wither damage) but, Tubbo insists, you don’t have to fuse to be able to help.
Ranboo gets a crash course in fusion basics by Phil and Ghostbur. (It’s like gem classroom, it’s all so cute guys-)
Phil also helps out Fundy who’s still iffy about Wilbur and all that he did for him... namely, fusing with Schlatt to avoid suspicion. It’s all wholesome and sweet, even with Ghostbur and his failed attempts to help in the background.
Things play out as normal in terms of plot - Techno retires, Tommy gets exiled...
Dream, at first, is very committed to blowing up Tommy’s stuff - one day, he says he won’t do it only if Tommy fuses with him, because he’s curious in how it works. 
This turns straight up unhealthy during the Beach Party when Tommy remembers all the times he used to have and how he feels so lonely, and Dream tells him that he’s always gonna be there for him even if they don’t, which results in Tommy and Dream fusing for a while whenever he comes to visit so Tommy won’t feel as lonely or as depressed. Tommy becomes dependent on Dream and the fusing and clings to it to an unhealthy amount, though Tommy of course wouldn’t admit that.
Eventually, Dream blows up Logstedshire and leads to Tommy running away in a brief moment of clarity. 
Phil gets under house arrest as the Butcher Gang try to take Techno down to kill him, but Phil, the ever to clever, gets there before they do and fuses with Techno to help take them down. They unfuse when Quackity threatens Techno’s horse, revealing that Phil snuck out. Techno covers for him and tells them that he broke Phil out, that it’s his fault and Phil had nothing to do with it. They believe him and Phil is in the clear.
The attempt fails, Techno finds Tommy and the two continue to practice fighting while fused - Tommy’s idea from his experience fighting with Wilbur - and they’re pretty strong. Ranboo and Ghostbur hang around and ooo and ahh over their moves.
Tubbo visits Tommy and as in cannon believes he’s dead but for a different reason - he finds evidence of when Tommy and Dream were playing around while fused and thinks that they’re permently fused - Dream forged a letter claiming that exact thing. Tubbo of course blames himself for losing his best friend.
Back in New L’manburg, the Butcher Gang gets fusion training too (except for Quackity) and Ranboo finally fuses for the first time with Fundy, the fusion turning into what a 12 year old would be like on redbull.
While on house arrest, Phil tries fusing with Ghostbur and to his surprise... it works - not for very long, but it works. They come to the conculsion that since Ghostbur is a ghost, that maybe it wasn’t two people fusing but instead a soul and a person, leading to the imbalance.
While Techno and Tommy are fused, they hold Connor captive and ask for ransom... leading Tubbo to be extremely confused when someone he doesn’t know is asking ransom from him who appearently knows him-?!
Only after they unfuse... Tubbo realizes that Tommy’s still... here. He’s still here and not in a fusion with Dream. Things go as in cannon.
Finally, after Dream figures out where Tommy is and tells Techno, any chance he gets with Tommy alone he tries to tell him that they could fix everything if they just fused again, and Tommy keeps finding himself refusing.
Anyway, what do ya’ll think? Should I do a follow up post for the fusions?
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One afternoon five year old Tommy asks if his friends could have a watch party at Phil’s the next day. “Please please please! The Blade is going to be in a big tournament run by Lake!”
“The Blade,” Wilbur teases. “Some days it seems like you love him more than us some days.”
“Never!” Tommy shot a distraught look a Wilbur. “Please please please!”
Phil laughed. “How many friends?”
“The whole gang.”
“How many Tommy’s do I need to feed?”
“Just one!” He smiled. “And eight friends.”
“Well I’m not staying then. One Tommy is enough.”
“You love me!”
“Do not!”
“Do to!”
Wilbur stuck out his tongue at Tommy. “Minecraft Monday right?”
“I’m gonna go watch it at the Soots’ if you don’t mind. We’re going to cheer on Schlatt.”
“Schlatt’s in it?” Tommy wore the most adorable conflicted facial features.
“Awww. Tommy.” Wilbur brought Tommy in for a hug. “You watch your beloved Blade. Schlatt can tell you about it next time you come to MineVille.”
“Okay!” He batted Wilbur off of him. “I’m ready to go to Hypixel now!”
Phil laughed. He once again wondered if it was save to just let his five year old son run around Hypixel where there was nothing stopping from playing the same dangerous games as the Blade. He wondered if he should really be letting his ten year old son play with the type of kid to get invited to Minecraft Monday with the Blade. Oh well, too late to change. Besides, both of his sons have never come back home hurt.
Both MineVille and Hypixel were infinite life servers. None of that three important cannon death stuff. So they could always return to the server no matter what and they were never hurt.
After dropping his kids off, he reopened the book he had gotten in the mail. “Minecraft Monday.” He had declined the invitation but if both of his sons were excited about it, then maybe he’d have to reconsider.
Of course, it seemed that neither of his boys would be watching his perspective nor cheering him on, but they might get a kick out of seeing him in the background.
Other problem, should be really be leaving nine Tommy aged kids alone in his house? Absolutely; live life on the edge.
- - -
Wilbur ran off to meet up with Connor before stepping through the MineVille portal to prepare to watch the event with the Soots.
Phil went in with Tommy to pick up his friends. He’d met Tommy’s friends before, none of them lived in Hypixel and sometimes they’d run into each other in the Hall.
Phil followed Tommy around the Hub Server to the designated meeting spot: Hub 1 in the TNT Games Lobby. They played around in TNT run while waiting for Tommy’s friends to arrive. One by one they all arrived; Jack, Cyber and Badlinu, Tubbo, Rudy, Bitzel and Deo, and Luke.
“You’re parents are all chill with this right? I don’t think I’ve met all of them yet.”
“Yes Mr. Tommy’s Dad,” Tubbo said for the crowd. “My Homeworld is 2B2T so my parents don’t really care.”
Deo lightly jabbed the other boy in the side. “Bad example. We want to be reinvited.”
“What! I’m just being honest!”
“It’s fine,” Phil soothed the jokey tension. “Just making sure I’m not kidnapping anyone.”
“We are kidnapping someone. You!” Tommy grabbed Phil’s arm and started to run towards the portal.
“Tommy!” Phil tripped over himself a few steps but he was eventually running along with the kids. He must look crazy. It was fine. He loved his boy. Boys, but Wilbur wasn’t here right this very second.
- - -
Phil was impressed with the technology used. Lake had gotten some really good engineers working on his show. All of the competitors seemed to be outfitted with a camera on their person that’s connected to a live video feed, so anyone from any world could watch their favourte competitor.
Going in, the Blade seemed to be the favourite to win. That was a given given the audience on Phil’s couch, but some of the other competitors seemed to think that as well.
The ten of them watched the Blade’s perspective on the big screen TV. Phil kept Schlatt’s feed open on his handheld just to keep an eye on him, and gauge how Wilbur would be feeling when he got home the next day.
Over the course of four hours Phil got more and more invested in the Blade. He watched this guy tear down the competition all the while making jokes with his teammate. Like it was nothing. Like he was having fun. Like he was simply running around with his friend on the play ground.
Phil watched the Blade’s team intersect with Schlatt’s team near the end of one of the rounds. He looked to his handheld, and saw pink. This man, this killer, this winner, was a piglin. No wonder killing seemed second nature. He slashed through Schlatt in two hits.
Comm from Wilbur “This Blade guy is good.” and “No wonder Tommy likes him so much.”
- - -
Phil is in the roaster the second week of Minecraft Monday. He’s a little on the older side of the competitors at 27, but he’s put with Jerome, someone as old as he. The two mingle and bond. They get to know each other, they play off each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Well. Not yet. But they’ll get teamed together for weeks to come and they’ll learn.
He knows that his sons are watching; Wilbur over at the Soot’s in MineVille and Tommy with his buds in his kitchen.  He left his girlfriend Kristen to watch over the kids. He hopes that both she doesn’t strangle them and that they don’t send her running for the hills.
Phil spends a few minutes catching up with Schlatt, wishing him well.
He doesn’t get close to the Blade. Jerome doesn’t seem to care for him and Phil doesn’t want to make a bad first impression.
In his first encounter with the Blade he expects to know what’s going on. He’s heard plenty from Tommy and watched the first week, and he’s not a bad fighter himself. He doesn’t stand a chance against the piglin. He gives it his all, going down swinging.
He laughs as he gets teleported out of the game. He sends a comm to Tommy “Dishes for a week if I ever take him down.”
Techno wins the whole show again.
Phil goes over to congratulate the piglin on his victory. The Blade tells him that he fought well.
 Tommy doesn’t shut up about that encounter all week.
- - -
Phil continues to compete week after week; getting a feel or Jerome’s play style. They become a solid team.
He also watches the Blade. He says it’s to stake out the competition. Really it’s to make sure that Tommy is picking a good role model to look up to. And maybe to learn a few things along the way.
The week that the Blade and Schlatt are teamed together and win is a very loud one for Phil.
- - -
Two weeks after that, Wilbur gets letter in the mail asking him to play in Minecraft Monday. His new friend Jack Sucks wanted to team.
He looks up at his father expectantly. Tommy is bouncing on his toes, excited for Wilbur. His older brother, in Minecraft Monday with the Blade!
“How old are you again?”
“They really don’t have a minimum age on this event do they?” He puts his face in his hands. He can’t say no to his kids.
- - -
Two weeks later, Phil gets a letter in the mail regarding the next event. “You’ll be teamed with Technoblade.” He doesn’t tell Tommy.
 Phil arrives at the Lobby for the event. He gets is camera and his team placement. He, like many others, is here early and there’s still time before he needs to hook up the camera to the live feed.
“Hello Philza.”
He turns. “Technoblade.” He extends his hand for a shake.
“Techno please.”
“Phil then.”
“That works. I hope you don’t mind the teammate swap. They’ve been carting me around every week and they let me pick this time.”
“And you chose me?”
“You’re good. And cool. And I’ve heard of you before.”
“You’ve heard of me?” Phil found that hard to believe.
“Of course; you’re the hardcore guy. Working away on his world on one life for years.”
Phil blanched. “It’s nothing special.”
“As someone who neva dies and kills so very often, yes it is.”
“Oh. Well. I’ve heard about you as well.”
“Good things I hope.”
“The best things.”
 They decimate. They win by a landslide.
Phil decides that he likes this guy. They exchange comms information, and promise to stay in touch.
After the feeds turn off of course. Tommy would freak and die on the spot if he heard that interaction. Wilbur almost did, bounding up to Phil with his eleventh place ribbon in hand. He managed to keep his cool and give off a good first impression.
He teased Tommy about the conversation all week.
 Phil and Wilbur teamed the next week. They played a little game of hide and seek in the Lobby with Technoblade and Connor while they waited for the event to start.
 The week after that Wilbur got to team with Techno. Phil felt it was safe to leave his son with the piglin. He was capable, and he’d keep Wilbur out of too much trouble.
- - -
Tommy and his friends barraged Phil and Wilbur, begging to know what the Blade was like; some more than others. But once the boys were all gone, and Kristen had left back to her homeworld, and it was quiet.
Wilbur told Tommy was Technoblade was really like. How he looked out for his teammates, even when they were weaker and generally bringing down his efficiency. How he was actually just a chill dude.
Phil told Tommy about how cool it was to watch him fight up close. How you could see hoe effortlessly he used any weapon the games bestowed upon him.
They told that to little Tommy and little Tommy only. They told him how he was more than the legends said. How he was a person. How he told Phil he could call him Techno.
 As sat on the couch, his boys asleep beside him he wondered. How old was Techno? He had to be old enough to do all those things Tommy had told him about. But he still must have been pretty young if he was still as dexterous as he was. Twenty-three maybe, that sounded right. He had the build and voice for twenty-three. Maybe he’d ask one day.
The question never seemed to come to mind whenever Techno was around.
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Part 14
Jordan wasn’t one to just hang around the house very often, really it wasn’t even a common occurrence for him to just take the day to himself. However, in all honesty, he was quite frankly exhausted. The last week or so had been busy, and not in the way a normal week living in SMP was usually busy.
He had taken his monthly visit to Mianite about five days ago, staying for almost three days. Now, his visit to Mianite was almost always the best part of his month, but it was an absolutely exhausting trip to take. Despite that it never really put him out of commision. What really did him in was what happened when he got back, because he was barely back in SMP one day before Connor and Ty of Schlatt & Co. approached him.
“Sparkles, you're a helpful dude, right? A real go getter?”
“I suppose so.” Jordan already didn’t like where this was going. He had been asked over and over to invest in Schlattcoin and if he was given one more marketing pitch he might explode. He wasn’t specifically expecting what came next though.
“Good, good, cause we could use a bit of help!” Ty stood nervously behind Connor as he launched into an explanation, “So, Schlatt’s headed out of town for a business trip tomorrow and he wanted us to clean out and organize our storage room while he was gone, but it just so happens that a, uh… emergency arose with one of our investors this morning, and me and Ty here need to handle it, like, fast, before Schlatt gets back in a few days and gets word of what’s going on.”
“I’m not quite seeing where I play into this.” Jordan stated. He wasn’t lying, he really didn’t see where this was going, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t interested.
“Well, you see, since we have this emergency to take care of we’re a bit worried we won’t be able to get around to the storage room, and then Schlatt’ll start asking questions, yada yada, not a good time for anyone. So, we were interested in perhaps… outsourcing the job.”
Jordan raised an eyebrow, “Is that so?”
“We thought you might be a good candidate, you know? Since you’re such a helpful guy and all, and very organized at that.” Connor was obviously trying to use flattery to win him over, “And we’d be willing to pay.”
“By the hour?”
“If you insist.”
Jordan had agreed to the job without asking too many questions. The job didn’t sound hard, and he wasn’t about to turn down a chance to collect some extra diamonds. He learned when he came into the Schlatt & Co building the next day that he probably should’ve asked a bit more.
Their storage room was huge, and it was the most disorganized mess he had ever seen, as if someone had gone in the day before to purposefully make a mess of things. However he had already committed to the job, so he went forward with it, not quite comprehending his mistake until an hour into his work.
In all it took almost fifteen straight hours of work to get things the way Connor wanted, alone. Sure, he earned like sixty diamonds for the work, but was it worth it? Maybe. Probably not.
So, after all of that, he was finally taking a break. A day to himself, reading through a book Waglington had lent him awhile ago that he hadn't found the time to get to until now. At least, he thought he would be taking the day all to himself, but a familiar tapping at the window just had to prove him wrong.
He sighed and pushed himself out of bed. He opened the window and a grey and yellow cockatiel sauntered in proudly an envelope hanging from it's beak. 
He stroked the birds head gently, "Hey there, Pepper, what's Tucker sent you with?" He took the envelope from the parrots beak and the bird immediately abandoned him and flew deeper into the house to find Jordan's own bird, a blue and yellow macaw which he had named Jay.
The two birds had been adopted and trained as a system of communication between him and his friends back in Mianite after he had left, but they didn't really end up sending letters all that often so they had really just become glorified pets. He realized that because Tucker had opted to send a letter at all, it was probably fairly important.
He opened the envelope hesitantly and unfolded the paper inside with a sigh.
So, there was a bit of an incident after you left, and I think it's something you'd probably like to know about. Actually it's probably a pretty big deal that we all need to talk about. I really think you should come back as soon as possible. You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
Plus, Mianite wants to talk to you. He didn't say what about, but it's probably about what happened today. So there's that.
Hope to see you soon.
- Tucker'
Jordan reread the letter to make sure he hadn't missed anything. It was too vague for him to even guess what might've happened, but Tucker's handwriting was far messier than it usually was. He must've been writing quickly, or perhaps he was just that upset over whatever mystery event had gone down in Jordan's absence. Either way there was a sense of urgency to the letter despite how tame it may have seemed on the first read through.
Jordan sighed once more. He couldn't leave Tucker and the others hanging, but he definitely wasn't prepared to take the journey back to Mianite again, especially any prolonged stay. Disappearing for more than maybe two days after already having been gone for three days would be suspicious.
He sat down at his desk and reread the letter one more time. He had to go, that was it.
He decided he would take another two days to rest and prepare himself, then he would go and figure out just what had Tucker so worked up. He would figure out what had happened, do what he could, talk to Mianite, and then get back home as soon as possible.
With his mind made up he went to go hunt down the parrots.
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