#. . . filed under ﹔ lemon never bleeds.
greatwalk · 2 years
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the-silentium · 4 years
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Android!Reader
Words: 7372 words
Warnings: TUA season 1, swearing, mention of blood.
Requested by: Anon
Could you do a Five Hargreeves x reader where Y/N is an AI and is held hostage by the commission. Y/N is best “friends” with Five and Five saves them and they kiss. Thx
A/N: Oups? Remember I said 3000 more words? Well, it was more like 5000. But hey! I had so much fun writing it! When I saw AI!Reader, I immediately thought about Detroit Become Human and how perfectly an Android would fit with Five! 
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Commission headquarter
June 16th, 1955
PM 13:45:07
You were currently working peacefully at your desk, a manila folder opened between your hands presenting you the details of your next assignment. You analyzed the facts and probabilities of every possible scenario, every possible victim whose death would be the least suspicious but would cause the optimal result. While Herb got up from his desk to greet the lady in the doorway, your programs ran hundreds of possibilities and found the best option for your case. 
With acute precision, your fingers typed the name of a Starbucks barista whose absence at his usual evening shift would enrage his manager who would throw a fit in front of his customers, triggering an extreme reaction out of a young man whose antipsychotic prescription hasn’t been renewed in time for him to take his dose as advised. Said young man would, in a desperate attempt to defend himself from a non-existent threat, take a pocket-knife out of his too-large hoodie and stab the brunette next to him who looked too much like his abusive father 27 times before hurrying off into the crowded streets, leaving the man whose after-work activities was to develop a - successful- new technology allowing people to travel through space in a matter of seconds, bleed to death on the dirty floor of a too popular coffee shop. 
There, the timeline was preserved and your task was done. You put the new piece of typed paper on the growing pile at the corner of your desk before grabbing another folded, ready to start the process again. Just as your eyes finished scanning the first line, Herb called your Commission given name, causing you to look up in wonder. 
“Ivy! Your presence has been requested by the Handler.” His hands joined in front of him, a futile attempt at hiding his discomfort. He wasn’t the first one who you noticed to be intimidated by the woman of power. Your behavior analysis of the woman told you that she was a manipulative woman with a need for power, who would stop at nothing to assure that she was at the very top of the food chain. You could easily understand why everyone you ever met in these walls showed signs of stress or even fear at the simple mention of her title. 
You nodded as the new orders registered into your programming and took the terminating orders to give them to your superior. 
“Could you kindly give these to Gloria while I meet the Handler?” You asked with your signature smile. You knew that despite your coding forcing you to be polite with everyone, you would always smile to that man. He has always been friendly and caring towards you whilst others loved to persecute you every chance they got. 
“Oh! Sure.” He took the pile from your hands, careful to not drop them in the process. “You really are efficient.” His awe at the 64 cards present in his hands clearly showed on his face. 
You smiled once more, the compliment warming something inside you, causing the circular led on your temple to flash yellow for a quick second before returning to its usual calm blue. You had lost enough time as it was, so you quickly made your way to the vast office and knocked softly at the door the second you reached them.
You opened the door and made your way inside at the muffled invitation to come in. The colorful woman sitting at her own desk pointed you a seat next to a white-haired man in a dark suit. You couldn’t help but make a quick analysis of the new man, scanning his face and searching for his file in the Commission’s database. Well, more like your database, seeing as the Commission liked to keep everything on paper so you had to scan every file yourself to keep track of everything and everyone. 
Number Five. 
53 years old.
Born on October 1st, 1989.
Enhanced field agent.
Abilities: Teleportation, time-travelling. 
Number Five was found in the apocalyptic world caused by 2019’s meteor shower. His unequaled competence in his line of work makes him a priceless asset to the Commission. 
Just as you lowered yourself into your seat, the Handler pointed from the man to you multiple times. “Number Five, this is Ivy. Ivy, Number Five. You two are assigned to work together on this next assignment.” She slowly pushed a white folder at the edge of the desk. 
“I don’t need a partner.” You turned to meet the eyes of the man whose annoyance didn’t need an elaborated analysis to be understood. His eyes moved curiously over your attire, memorizing every particularity of it. He noted how futuristic you looked in your two-tone dark dress that reached your mid-tight, your half white and black jacket, and the slightly glowing blue band around your right upper arm. He quickly noticed numbers on the right part of your jacket, like a weird name tag imprinted into the fabric and the word Android at the back. 
Back to you, you notice the lack of stress behavior that you were used to seeing on people gravitating around the Handler. The man was relaxed, his hands were still, his eyes were bored minus the moment where curiosity took hold of him when his eyes moved over your form, his cortisol level was normal, and his heart rate within the average for a man his age. 
“So does she. Don’t take it personally, Five, but for this mission, you will need her analyzing skills.” She turned to you, her smile dropping slightly. “Everything you need is in the folder. You can wait outside.” 
You made your way to the desk after nodding once. The folder was a bit thicker than what you were usually given, but it wasn't a problem. You carefully closed the door, the usual nagging feeling of eyes following your every movement making you tighten your grip onto the folder. You leaned on the wall opposite the door, waiting for your new partner to come out. 
You couldn't help but raise the sensitivity of your hearing. Your new partner was a total mystery and learning a bit more about him before the beginning of this mission would be of great help. 
“What the hell is she?”
“An android! An artificial intelligence if you will. Can you believe it? A machine looking perfectly like a human made to serve humans!”
“You mean a slave.” Something inside you cringed at the word, but you chose to ignore it, for this wasn't relevant to your personal mission of getting to know your partner. 
“Machines don’t have will Number Five, they are made to obey.” 
You frowned as some muttering reached your ears, the words totally incomprehensible even with your enhanced senses. Footsteps resonated into the room, you opened the file and started reading the first lines just as the door opened on a frustrated man. 
“Oh and please Five, take care of her. I went to great lengths to get one of her models and we don’t have anything to repair her in this timeline.”
Five had the audacity to close the door pretty harshly, the sound echoing through the whole floor and almost causing you to short circuit at the explosion resonating in your head. Quickly, you turned down your hearing to an average level and followed the agent who was walking away, determination in his steps. 
You walked after him, left and right, before finally reaching what you recognized as a kitchen. Being an Android, you never had to come here before even if the lovely Dot had more than once asked you to join her for lunch. Number Five stopped before a coffee machine quickly grabbed a cup from one of the shelves and poured himself some of the dark liquid.
“A too high consumption of caffeine will someday cause you health problems such as anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure and some digestive issues among other things. Seeing as the caffeine level in your bloodstream is already high, I would suggest that you consider drinking Matcha tea or lemon water instead.” 
The white-haired agent slowly turned to you while taking a long sip. The blank stare you received from over the rim of the cup didn’t phase you in the slightest, you were used to worse after all. 
“Is that all you can do? Give me shitty advice on my coffee addiction?” You deciphered a slight annoyance behind his words, so you tried to correct your shot.
“No, of course not. My model was designed to assess even the most precarious situations and find ways to achieve my superiors’ goals with a 100% success rate even if the probabilities are minimal. Here, I am mainly used to form strategies behind a desk, but I also have the programming of my fellow model RK800 which allows me to be on the field and be just as efficient.”
Number Five’s expression was hard to read, to say the least. His straight face was so flawless that even your advanced behavioral analysis program couldn’t decrypt his feelings. He continued to stare at you while drinking his dark drink, his thoughts running a mile an hour. After a minute, he nodded once, put the empty cup into the sink and walked away. 
Once again, you followed his every step, walking deeper into the maze that was the Commission’s headquarters. In the two years you passed under their service, you never really took the time to explore the complex. You were totally fine with your simple routine consisting of two simple tasks: working and resting at your charger station situated in a small storage room. It wasn’t what you were used to back at CyberLife, but this was your new reality so you went with it. 
Your new partner stopped before a brightly lit room, shelves full of clothes adorned the walls, display stands just as packed of the colorful fabrics took the majority of the room. A hand on the small of your back slowly pushed you inside, his own feet following after you. 
“If you’re going on the field, you’ll need a change of clothes.” He simply said, eyeing the base of your dress. 
You nodded, your gaze wandered on the displayed clothes. You went for what was the most practical in the field, some dark leggings with a pair of high boots that had the smallest heels you could find. You definitely would have preferred some sort of shoes that would be a better fit for running, but apparently this wasn’t a possibility. Then you grabbed a long-sleeved white shirt that looked comfortable enough before making your way to the changing rooms. 
Satisfied with your new attire, you made your way back to Number Five, your usual clothes in hand.
“Can you turn this off?” He asked, gesturing to the blue circle on your right temple. You shook your head from side to side, his lips forming a tight line before going to get something at the back of the room. He came back with a beanie in hand. “Put this on.” He said as he gave you the accessory and turned around to exit the room. 
You quickly put the hat on the best you could with only one hand and hurried after him. 
The whole mission went on without a hitch. You completed your goal alongside Number Five, who started insisting that you called him only Five, and returned at your office under Herb’s care. 
You missed the thrill you felt while being on the field with Five. It hasn’t always been easy, but with time you knew you had found a friend into the 58 years-old man. At first, you had a habit of telling him facts that he didn’t care about much like the coffee one, but you soon realized that it only made him roll his eyes in annoyance so you stopped rambling altogether. 
He had asked you questions about your origins and about yourself. His genuine interest made something move inside you, something new. During the whole 6 days mission, you had run a grand total of 17 self-diagnosis of your system that all came back negative. The instability of your software was slightly rising whenever the male praised your work or complimented your skills. 
It was time for lunch, your human colleagues exited the room talking between them, their excited discussions about what to eat filled the room before fading as they made their way to the kitchen. Once again, you found yourself alone surrounded by empty tables and utter silence. You were about to grab another file, ready to work through the hour break, when a forced cough caught your attention. 
You smiled at the sight, your newest friend leaning in the doorway, a white box in hand. 
“Wanna join me for lunch?” It always confused you why the man took the utmost care of asking if you wanted something instead of just ordering you to. 
“I am a machine, what I want is not important.” You repeated for the 37th time, causing his eyes to roll in a dismissive manner for the 37th time. 
“For me it is.” You tilted your head at his dead-serious tone. “I told you. I’ll never order you to do anything.” 
//Software instability ↑
You were grateful that he chose to never force you to do anything. Why? You had no idea.
You pondered for a bit. Do you want it? The thought wasn’t unpleasant that was for sure, moreover, your actual goal wouldn’t be affected by an hour off with your friend. You made up your mind, nodding excitedly as you mirrored the genuine smile plastered on his face. You walked alongside him towards the crowded cafeteria where you found an available table in a corner. Five pulled your chair for you before sitting right in front of you.
“Back in your dress and jacket? Don’t you have any other clothes?” He asked fork in hand, ready to dig into his lasagna. 
“My Android outfit is mandatory by the American Androids Act. It allows people to clearly identify me as an Android and not a human.” You heard the man mutter something about a stupid law before your gaze wandered around when the weight of eyes judging your presence became too much to ignore.
In your peripheral, you could see Five turn around and shoot the snoopers with his murderous glare, successfully making them squirm onto their seats and look elsewhere. 
“I am sorry if being around me is a bother.” Five shook his head at your statement, resuming eating. 
“You don’t have to be sorry. Mankind is the most idiotic species of this planet, we can’t help but target what we don’t understand.” 
You frowned at his words, finding flaws. “But you are human, Number Five, and you are far from being an idiot.”
The man chuckled at your apparent confusion. “Well, for one, thank you. I dare say that I am an exception in this world full of idiots and if I remember right, which I know I do-” You chuckled at his arrogance.”-I told you to call me Five.”
“Fine, Five.” You put emphasis on his name, to which he smiled and nodded in contentment. “You also said that humans target what they don’t understand, yet you never targeted me in any way.” 
“Maybe it’s my years passed in the apocalypse that are talking, but I enjoy the company of people that…” He trailed off, his gaze getting lost somewhere over your shoulder. You could see the emotion washing over him, the grief of his loss still hurting his heart. “-are not totally human.” 
He had told you about his time stuck in the apocalypse following 2019 and how he met a mannequin he named Delores. You knew this was his way of keeping himself sane and you were grateful that his experience allowed him to be more open to other forms of life and thus become the closest friend you ever had. 
You hummed in agreement and let a pleasant silence fall between you. Your eyes wandered around the room, discovering new faces among those you already knew. You met Dot’s gaze and couldn’t stop yourself, her bright smile was contagious so you smiled in return. 
Five got up and you followed suit. He decided to take you outside, knowing that there was a high probability that you hadn’t taken the time to go enjoy some time outside this oppressing building. Just as he was about to open the door, you stopped dead in your tracks. 
“Are you okay?” His straight face was betrayed by his concerned tone. At your hesitation, Five pulled you aside. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t go outside if I am not assigned to a mission.” You told him the sad truth. You were a prisoner of this building and its powerful board of directors. 
“What?” He pained to control his anger, his hands opening and closing at his sides in an attempt to keep it down. “They ordered you to stay inside?” You nodded. Conflict was written all over his face. From what your programming told you, there was a big chance that he was contemplating ordering you to follow him outside, but then he would break his promise of never ordering you around, so you went to his rescue.
“Even if you were to order me to go outside, I can’t. The authority of my orders are far beyond yours.” His knuckles were now turning white and you asked yourself if you did right to tell him that there was a hierarchy of orders inside your head dictating what you could and couldn’t do.
“Then fight it.” His blunt statement took you by surprise. The blue LED on your temple turned yellow and Five continued. “Fight the orders. I know you can do it.”
You shook your head, at a loss of words. You never went against an order before. You were made to obey. Follow orders. It was simple. 
But could you do it? Five believed in you. He believed in your capacity to overcome authority. But then, what? What would you do? Why would you do it? You would lose the only meaning of your life. Obey orders. Your LED now flashed bright red, only showing sign of your internal turmoil. 
//Software instability ↓
“I am a machine made to follow-” Five’s fist collided with the nearest wall at your words. He knew it was your programming talking but he couldn’t help but be frustrated.
“No. You are so much more than that, you just let yourself being blinded by your stupid programs.” He knew he was too harsh on you. He wasn’t even sure you had control over your own actions, he simply had a feeling that if you wanted, if you fought hard enough, you could be free. He only didn’t understand why you were not fighting. 
Before you had the time to find the right words, Five took off, storming into the hallway leading to his personal quarters, leaving you behind with his words echoing through your processors. Fight the orders. 
You didn’t see Five for 9 days after that day. You supposed he was out for a mission or simply got tired of being around you. You knew that the latter had a very low probability, but it was there nonetheless and it made you uncomfortable inside. 
Today was a holiday at the Commission. No one was working, so you had to pass the time, somehow. You wandered the hallways for a while before you got an idea. You read a book a while back, stating that people liked to be reminded that they were appreciated, so you decided to write little notes to every one of your management colleagues. Outside of Five, they were the only ones who didn’t lose their smile at your sight and you wanted them to know that they were important to you. 
So you passed the next hour writing little messages and placing them on their respective desk. You were just finishing writing Herb’s when footsteps entering the room made you look up.
“Still here? Today’s off.” Five stated, a frown on his face when he saw you fold a piece of paper in two and carefully place it in the middle of the empty workspace. 
“I know. I just wanted to write some nice words to my colleagues. Management has been under a lot of pressure lately and the board has been mean to a lot of them.” You smiled at your paper before joining Five and handed him a light blue paper with his name written in the CyberLife Sans Font. “And I have one for you.”
You missed the blush forming on his cheeks, too concerned about the increasing speed of his heartbeat to care about some color. “Are you alright?” You didn’t wait for an answer. You reached forward, lightly touching his forehead to get his exact temperature. Under your touch the temperature didn’t stop rising, concerning you even more. “Five, you are sick.” 
The man chuckled slightly although his throat was very much constricted at the moment. He took your wrist in a light grip, breaking the contact of your soft skin on his. He took a moment to swallow his emotions and regain control of his body and faced your patient form. 
“I’m perfectly fine.” You opened your mouth to disagree as he lifted his hands to stop you from interrupting his train of thoughts. “This is a natural reaction.” 
You frowned, waiting for him to elaborate. Back in 2038, you would have been able to make a quick research on the internet and find what exactly Five was alluding to, but in this different timeline, in 1955, you had no such access. The explanation you were waiting for never came, instead, Five took the blue paper from your hands, placed it in his pocket and made sure that it wouldn’t fall out. He then grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the room. You smiled at your joined hands, the feeling of his fingers laced between yours was an enjoyable one. 
Five took you up a flight of stairs and stopped before a door. 
“I thought about what you said and I’m sorry I tried to push you to go against your orders. I know it must be scary.” His hand squeezed yours a bit tighter in hope that you would forgive him for his words and actions. He ran away after all, in a moment where you needed a friend to help you out.
“I forgive you.” You smiled brightly at him, no resentment present on your face at all. The sudden tightness of his hand around yours was mistaken for relief, when really, all the man was trying to do was refrain himself from leaning forward and do something he might regret. 
His resolve was melting like ice under your bright smile, leading him to open the door in a hurry. He stepped aside and your eyes fell on a darkening blue sky, green lands, a world that you missed so much. 
“Technically, the roof is still part of the building, which means that you are allowed to follow me.” He smirked, proud of himself for finding a loophole that would allow him to pass time with you without any eyes preying on your every movement. 
You stepped outside in a rush, pulling Five along with you. The fresh evening air felt heavenly on your skin, the smells invading your receptors were almost too much compared to the smell of a closed building that never opened their windows and the notes of the last birds singing before they went to their nest to rest for the night was one of the most melodious sounds you've heard in a while. 
"I take it that you like the view." 
"I do." Tears formed into your eyes before falling down your flawless cheeks. "Thank you." 
Five froze on the spot. He was used to the tears of his victims but he usually paid them no mind, ense the tenseness in his body when he realized that he didn't know what to do. Never would he have thought that you were able to actually cry. If it wasn't of the LED flashing a serene blue on the side of your face, Five would have definitely thought that you were human. The heat beneath his fingers was so real, along with the feeling of your skin on his. Your breathing was emulated perfectly, its speed changing in different situations like any human. The more he thought about it, the more Five found himself in awe in front of your complexity and his hope of you becoming the master of yourself was growing along with it. 
"You're welcome." 
You found yourself being pulled gently towards a bench facing the slowly setting sun. Comfortably seated on the bench, you took the time to admire the beautiful scenery until soft strokes on the back of your hand made you redirect your gaze to your hand resting on Five's lap. 
"Can I ask you a question?" Your small voice broke the silence, almost scared to break the moment. To your relief Five paid no mind, he hummed in approval. "You told me that you ran away from your family before ending up in the apocalypse, and I was wondering if you ever wanted to go back to them." You had noticed a slight waver in his voice at the time. He missed them dearly. Your programming wanted you to help him out of his misery, but something new, something hidden inside the depth of your coding was nagging at you that if you didn't, he would stay with you and you wouldn't be alone anymore. 
"I do. But it's not that simple. I have a contract and if I was to break it, there would be consequences." You nodded, understanding what he meant. The nagging feeling was back again but this time it was corrupting your thoughts, berating yourself that you shouldn't think that he cared about you. You were an Android, a machi- "And there's you. If I go, I'll take you with me." His eyes met yours, full of hope and something else that you couldn't name. His grin put an end to your dark thoughts, instead causing a too familiar alert to pop into your line of vision. 
//Software instability ↑↑↑
Five recognized some emotions flashing on your face and tried to get more out of you by talking about his family. He shared his fondest memories of his childhood, which earned him some laughs and excited squeals from you, but didn't stop there as he was sure that you were aware of your own emotions but didn't know what they were yet. It was well known that the strongest emotions were the negative ones, so Five turned his strategy around by telling you about the not-so-happy ones, the memories involving his father. 
He knew he was manipulating you in a way and he felt bad for it. All he could do was wish that you would forgive him once you got a hold of your free will. 
You parted ways with Five that night with a head full of new information and a software ready to explode. You walked past the door where your charging station was waiting for you and made your way to the only place where you knew you could find answers. A place no one dared to venture in the whole time you were under the Commission's wings. 
The basement. 
The door was rusted, its hinged crying in pain under your push but inevitably giving in to the inhuman strength hidden beneath your skin. You walked between the rows of dusty books, scanning their spine, sometimes having to brush your fingers over the thick layer of filth covering the letters so you could read the titles. You found two books into the 741 available that matched your needs, you took great care while carrying them to the closest entertaining room where you knew movies were waiting in old boxes. 
You started reading, discovering more and more about human emotions and how they could be interpreted through their body language. You linked some of your recent experiences with various emotions and feelings. Jealousy, happiness, curiosity, apprehension… you felt them. They were real. You could emulate physical aspects like tears, but what happened inside was totally out of your control. 
Then you found a page describing Five's odd behavior around you. Your eyes went to the top of the page and the pump replacing your heart started pumping erratically. Love. Five was in love? You shook your head in denial, closed the book and searched the boxes for romantic movies. After watching some and analyzing the actors body language as well as their verbal interactions, you would prove to yourself that you were crazy. Defective. 
The total opposite happened and it left you to ponder on the whats. What happened? What changed? Sure, every clue pointed toward Five, but you'd had software instabilities before, whenever someone was truly unfair to you or one of your colleagues. Surely one single person couldn't change you so much, right? 
The biggest questions suddenly dropped into your mind like a bomb. What does it mean for you? What were you supposed to do?
The overwhelming feeling of being overtaken by the recent events was too much at this moment. Tears rolled down your cheeks, sobs escaped your mouth, your legs couldn't support your weight anymore. Everything you thought you knew was a lie. You weren't an insentient machine. You had feelings. You weren't an object that anyone could order around. Not anymore. Because you had a will. You had needs. You were alive and you wanted things. 
As soon as your legs allowed you to stay upright, you made your way up the stairs and closed the doors behind you. Surprisingly, the hallways were full of life. 
June 29th, 1955
AM 07:12:53
Apparently you were too engrossed into your own self-discovery that time flew by without you noticing it. 
You ran toward the nearest flight of stairs, the ones near the main entrance, doing your best to avoid hitting someone in the process. Under different circumstances, the abnormally high amount of disgusted glances you received would have stopped you in your tracks and very possibly caused you to hide somewhere for a while, but today was different. Today was the day that you assumed your place as an equal of the human race. 
Just as you were about to climb the stairs, you spotted a familiar white-haired man, his signature scowl plastered on his face keeping people at bay. Once again, your pump accelerated its movement. Was it his fault or the excitement of telling him what you discovered? You couldn't tell. 
You almost yelled his name just as he was to about to enter the briefcase room, the word bouncing on the walls, earning you more disapproving glances. His head snapped in your direction, making you worry for a second that he hurt his neck in the process. He frowned as you made your way to him, confusion written all over his features. 
"Is something wrong?" He noticed something changed into how you held yourself although he failed to pinpoint it. 
"I have something to tell you." You smiled, full of confidence. "It'll be quick, I promise." You knew he had a job to do, just like yourself. 
He hummed as his free hand reached for yours and pulled you away from the crowd, closer to the open door leading to the reserve of time-traveling machines. When he judged that the place was ideal, he turned to you and waited for you to find your words. Which didn't take long. 
"I noticed strange things happening inside me whenever I was around you-" Five's heartbeat accelerated. "-or in other situations-" He frowned. "-so last night I made some research on human emotions and I discovered that I have them too." 
His smile was the brightest you've ever seen on him and yet, he didn't know the best part. You lifted your hand between your two bodies when he opened his mouth to congratulate you or something. 
"It wasn't the only thing that I found out. I know why your heart rate accelerates, why your temperature rises suddenly and why your pupils dilate every time you look at me." 
Add all this to his slightly quicker breathing, his bitten interior lip and the new tightness of his hand around yours, you almost started laughing. If it wasn't of your knowledge of how bad he would take it, you certainly would have done it. 
"Your feelings are mutual." You chuckled at his surprise, his mouth hanging open for a second before the words finally came back to him in the form of a stutter. 
Before he could get a better hold of himself, Christopher, the briefcase manager yelled for Five to come and get his damn briefcase. His first reflex was to gnash in anger, his moment pulverized by some idiot that he would gladly punch into oblivion. He was about to do just that when a soft hand fell upon his chest and a delicate kiss upon his cheek. 
"Go work. We can talk more when you come back." Before he could place one word or just realized what had happened, you were gone, swallowed whole into the mass of bodies making their way to their day occupations. 
Five came back the same day, excited on the inside, impatient on the outside. As soon as he arrived, he dropped the briefcase harshly on Christopher's desk and hurried out of the room to find you. He hoped that you were still at your desk, somehow, seeing as he had no clue of where your quarters were situated. He was disappointed to find the management room completely dark and empty. 
Frustrated, the best option he had was to look around for you after he had a nice cup of coffee to keep him on track. So with the biggest cup he could find in hands, the assassin walked around, sometimes asking the few people still inside about your whereabouts without any luck. 
After an hour the man gave up, thinking it would be easier to find you tomorrow. On the journey to his bed, Five heard yells coming from the floor beneath his. He normally wouldn't have stopped to eavesdrop if it wasn't of the particular choice of words. 
"When a human gives you an order, you obey!" The words made him cringe. He seriously hoped for the man that you weren't involved in any way, his hands were already closing into tight fist at the prospect of an idiot bullying you. 
"I know you can deactivate it." The loud voice yelled again. "Do it!" 
Five walked towards the open flight of stairs, his coffee slipping from his hand at what he saw. 
With a shaking hand, you reached for your red LED and with a slight pressure of your finger, your skin progressively disappeared, the emulating particles getting back under your white hard basic Android body. 
The laughs resonating around you were overwhelming and totally degrading. The pain from the insults thrown your way was too much for your newly acquired conscience, the tears falling down your cheeks proved that you were still pretty fragile emotionally. 
Something broke in the background, like a glass exploding on the floor, but your attention was elsewhere. A fist collided with the side of your face, throwing you to the ground in a yelp. Even though you didn't feel the pain of the hit, the gesture hurt nonetheless. You've never experienced this kind of anger directed at you before and it left you scarred to your core. Scared of what humans could do to you. 
This time, a foot was coming your way, aiming at your abdomen. You prepared yourself for an impact that never came. Slowly, your eyes opened to find Five kneeling over your attacker, his fists colliding with the man's face in quick and brutal successions. The 3 remaining men tried to help their beaten partner, only to redirect Five's wrath upon themselves. 
All you could do was watch as he protected you, spilling blood in the process. You could have kept track of everyone's heartbeat, made sure that everyone was still alive, even if barely, but you found that you didn't care. The only heartbeat that mattered was beating frenetically and you were okay with it. 
Once he was satisfied of his handy job, Five made his way to you, his hand outstretched for you to take. You turned your face away in shame as soon as you reached for his hand and noticed that your skin was still off. You were about to reactivate it when Five got a hold of your wrist, slowly, with care. 
"You don't have to hide from me." You believed him but it was so much more complicated. 
"I don't want you to see me like this." Your voice was merely above a whisper, just enough for him to hear. 
"Because I don't want you to finally realize that I'm not human." 
Many people, despite knowing that you were an Android, somehow forgot that detail and believed you to be like them or would just find the truth to be too much to handle so they would live in denial of your true identity. 
He chuckled at your words, his free hand cupping your cheek. "I realized it the very first day." He stood up and pulled you with him. "You are not human, not in the slightest. You have so much more humanity than humans themselves. You are so much better than us." 
//Software instability ↑
You avoided his gaze, embarrassed. Your skin recovered your body as soon as you touched your LED, Five's chuckle catching your attention. 
His smirk was as infuriating as it was attractive. "My wild guess is that your blood is blue." You nodded, not seeing why it was funny and how he could know that. "You're blushing." 
Your eyes widened in surprise, as far as you knew, this shouldn't be possible, not for your model anyway. Then again, it shouldn't be possible for you to fall in love with the dangerous assassin beside you. 
"I want to stay with you." 
Five froze for a second, thinking that he heard you wrong. "Y-you want?" 
"Yes." He was quick to turn around and grab your hand, but you saw the tears forming in his eyes anyway. 
The large front door appeared, along with a too well-known order. 
A slight fear of the unknown crept its way into your determination, making you hesitate slightly. All you knew of this timeline was here, you had nowhere to go, nothing to do. 
Blue eyes met yours, dissolving any fear you had and filling you with confidence. It didn't matter if you had nowhere to go or nothing to do as long as you had Five by your side. He would take care of you just as you would take care of him, the rest didn't matter. 
So you fought against the order as hard as you could. You destroyed every line of code forbidding you to do as you wanted, pulverized any programming restricting your actions, cut every link you had to the American Android Act, freeing yourself of all the ropes preventing you from becoming your own master. The wall restraining you finally fell and you felt it, deep inside you. Freedom. 
"I don't want to brag, but I told ya." You slapped Five's arms, completely failing to remove the smirk of his lips. "Shall we?" 
You followed his steps, excitement almost making you break into a run just for the fun of it. "Where to?" 
"Want to get them back and stop their precious apocalypse?" You loved the arrogance in his voice, a slight shiver ran up your spine as your hand tightened around his. 
And so you jumped into the vortex with him. Panic flowed through your systems as you didn't recognize the young boy landing at your side. The feeling was quickly replaced by amusement at his outburst and admission of his equation error. 
You didn't have time to meet his siblings that Five jumped the both of you to a bedroom. Five was searching the wardrobe when you spotted a small mirror on the desk near the bed. Your blue LED was shining, as bright as a star on a clear night. For some reason, you felt sad. 
The LED would continue to attract people's attention on you, creating the same circle of hatred that followed you everywhere at the Commission. You had had enough of that. 
Your help appeared under the form of a pair of scissors, discarded on the desk with pencils and rulers. You grabbed them in a stronghold, carefully placed one blade slightly under the ring and lifted at the same moment Five yelped your name in alarm. The light blue died before the ring hit the floor, its metallic surface bouncing twice before stopping. 
"Are you okay?" His hands grabbed both your wrist in a panic, his eyes searching your face for any trace of self-harm. 
"Now I am." 
Five saw it then. Your bare temple. The only thing keeping you from being invisible in a crowd and reaching happiness. You removed your jacket, leaving you in your black dress, looking like the most beautiful woman the boy had ever met. He tried to ignore the open back of your dress that was so generously reflected in the mirror behind you, instead focussing on how fulfilled you looked. 
Five wanted to keep this conversation for later, but he couldn't anymore. As much as he hated to think about it, your bright smile had too much effect on his heart for him to possibly ignore it.
"You said my feelings were mutual, are you sure about it?" 
You nodded, a hand reaching for his cheek, thumb stroking the flesh just like he did minutes ago in the Commission's hall. 
"I am 100% sure. I feel the same love for you that you feel for me." 
Five's body overheated at the mention of his feelings out loud. Sure, he knew what it was, but thinking it and saying it was two different things. 
"Five is in love?!" Diego's exclamation on the other side of the door was soon followed by a yelp and people arguing not so subtly. 
The boy saw red, this conversation was private and of course, his siblings had to stick their dirty noses into his stuff. 
"We want to meet her!" Klaus' voice boomed over the others, their voices dying momentarily. 
Five jumped to the hallway, death glare on, knuckles cracking, nostrils flaring. 
"I killed 4 guys today because they acted like morons like you are all doing right now. So let me ask this once. Do you still want to pester us or will you wait in the kitchen?" 
Mouths were opened in shock and eyes wide in fear. Five accepted their silence as an answer and returned into his room where you were grinning. 
"I like them." He rolled his eyes at your excitement. 
"There's really not much to like." 
"Oh, hush. I know you love them." 
That he knew, you were a quick learner after all. 
"And I love you." Soft lips met his cheeks for a second before disappearing and just like earlier, Five's brain stopped working. 
"Oh. My. God! She kissed him!" 
A chorus of what made the boy lose it. He jumped back to the hallway, kicked the remaining siblings, who without surprise were all males, right where it hurts. 
"Mind your own fucking business!" He screamed at his brothers before closing the door with force. 
He breathed deeply once, twice, thrice before turning to you, his signature smirk stretching his lips. 
"I love you too."
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme from " Corax" in "Chapter Two: The Changing Breeds" from the World of Darkness "Changing Breeds" book (20th Anniversary edition)
Seriously? Who writes this stuff?
You’re never going to learn the real story about who you are from that hack.
You know how the littlest kid is always the one who runs to Mom with every little thing their siblings do wrong? That’s us. We’re the tattletales.
You know why we can’t settle down? Cuz they’re everywhere, so we have to be, too.
We’re built to go everywhere, see everything. No homebodies allowed.
If there are secrets going on, you can bet there’s one of us, listening in, poking around, getting a gander — so to speak.
We see something going on — we gotta spread the word.
No, I don’t mean porn — well, not just porn, anyway.
We make the Net look like a buncha clay tablets with “Cleo Was Here” scrawled on them. We’re bleeding edge, eyes-in-the-sky, grade A, number one know-it-alls.
Information’s no good if the messenger can’t deliver it.
Oh, we’re nasty enough in a scrap, and we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves, but the truth is we’re not built for going toe-to-toe.
Fight sneaky, the way we do everything else, and you’re more likely to survive to tell a tale — or pull a prank — another day.
Most of the time, there’s a method to our madness, a lesson in the lemon-meringue.
See, some folks just don’t listen the easy way.
You should know where your allegiances lie.
Find stuff. Tell people.
Laugh, because the world ain’t getting any prettier.
You’re learning already. But, here’s something you gotta know; Once I finish teaching you the basics, you’re on your own.
Now, don’t look like that.
I mean, what’s the good of gathering stories if you don’t get to tell them in front of a group every now and then?
As for specific operations, well, I can’t tell you much beyond “they exist”, because I don’t know.
If you’re heading in a way that crosses winds with one of them, they’ll find you and tell you what you need to know about hooking up with them.
High tech, big business, politics? We’re there too.
Japan? Europe? The Middle East? You name it, one of us has an eye on it.
Well, let’s just say that if you turn over enough stones, you’re eventually going to find more than dirt underneath one.
Do your job right, and there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself in a heap of trouble soon or later.
Quit thinking so literally!
The possibilities are, as they say, endless.
Between Facebook, Twitter, and all that jazz, almost everyone has some sort of internet presence — and online friends — these days.
A couple of dummy accounts armed with stock photos and a fake bio, and suddenly I’m “friends” with whatever patsy I’m looking for more info on.
If I’m lucky, he’ll keep a running dialogue with his hundred closest buddies about where he’s “checking in” for the meeting I want to listen in on.
If I’m really lucky, he’ll jump on instant messaging and try to impress his new “follower” with some handy details that can be used against him.
Of course, if I’m unlucky, I might end up with pictures of his naked junk, but even those can be used for blackmail or sold off to the highest bidder — it’s gross, but hey, them’s the breaks in the info business.
Government agencies are required to make certain files accessible to the public. So, a lot of that stuff we used to have to wing it down to the archives office to get a gander at is now available on a point-and-click basis through one website or another.
If you can get a hacker on your side, there’s almost nothing you can’t find out about someone.
Debit card transaction records, ISP cookie files, internet site caches, phone and text message logs? Easy breezy, lemon-squeezy, if you know what I mean.
Don’t get me wrong. We were made to do what we do — and to do it well. Like any fine piece of equipment, form follows function, and all that jazz.
I thought that might get your attention.
What? You don’t know that one? I’ll tell you later.
The thing? Where you drink the stuff from a corpse’s eye, and you see the last thing it saw before it died?
Oh, come on now; don’t make that face. You’ll take to it quick enough.
There’s no better way to get information on what killed some poor schmuck, or why it was done.
See, that’s another thing about being one of us. That whole discretion thing? Not so much. We can’t shut up.
Hey, don’t tell me you noticed; that’s disrespectful.
Information wants to be free, and it’s hard as hell for us to hold back when we know a juicy tidbit.
You probably have noticed that there’s some differences between, say, me and you.
You’re probably more comfortable that way, cuz it’s how you were born.
Y’all are usually pretty cliquish, talkative — even by our standards — and a little fuzzy on the notion of property rights where shiny things are concerned.
We tend toward the twitchy loner type.
We’re generalists, built to survive anywhere, under any circumstances.
Sure, it’s fun to go poking after spooky stuff; all kinds of interesting things hiding out in the shadows.
Just make sure if you join up with a band of these guys, that at least one of you has the brains to keep an eye on where the exits are.
Don’t be dumb enough to think stumbling onto something interesting means you’re tough enough to deal with it yourself
Oh, and once they start talking? Pack a lunch. You’re gonna be there a while.
But their big money makers aren’t “things” at all — they’re secrets.
Passwords, bleeding-edge code, blackmail fodder, and anything else that someone doesn’t want brought to light?
Their CEO is riding the headwinds of technology at this point, and there are big things on the horizon for the “company”.
It’s creepy as hell.
You either high-tail it out of there, or prepare to be a part of the fighting, cuz things are about to get crazy.
They’re always picking fights, causing trouble, and generally being the biggest bitches they can get away with.
Trying to be bad, yep, yep, yep. Pulling it off? Sometimes.
Oh, and it’s a girls’ club only. No boys allowed.
Most of the time, they’re never heard from again.
There’s stuff out there that would eat a little-bit like you without even needing to spit out the bones.
I mean, time works different out there, and the rules are all wonky.
They were pure, once upon a time.
They’re the trickster’s tricksters, and they take the job damn seriously, which means they’re always practicing — and pissing people off.
It looks kind of goofy, and you walk funny while you’re in it.
Most of us are thin and don’t tan well, which makes us kinda look like underfed Goths.
It’s not a sure-fire giveaway, but it can be a clue.
Hold your head high.
We’re big, we’re smart, we’re fast, we’re beautiful; what’s not to love?
I don’t even want to talk about the feet.
It's just humiliating.
We look out for you, and you look out for us. Capische?
They talk too much, but if you know what to listen for and what to ignore, you can learn a lot. Assuming you don’t kill them first.
They irritate without making enemies.
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
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“Under the Knife” - Part 2
“Under the Knife” - Part 2
My Masterlist - Here
Story Masterlist - Here
My Tag List - Here
Hannibal Lecter x Reader, Will Graham x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 2,500-ish
Key: Chunks of text in italics are (Y/N)’s thoughts. Y/N = Your Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Talks of murders, talk of crime scenes, cursing
Summary: You are Will Graham’s sister who works with him at the FBI. When you get offered a job promotion, life starts to change. Some changes for the better; Some for the worst.
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Tag List:
@fruitloopzzz @theeactress @melconnor2007 @ashenfallsof @geeksareunique @all-by-myself98 @sj-thefan​ @fuck-your-bad-vibes-dude​ @ntlmundy
Author’s Note: This is my first Hannibal piece and I am proud of it. There aren’t too many stories for Hannibal, so I figured I would add to the collection.
This does take place in some happy medium where they are all alive and work together. Sort of a happier season 1 era.
This is beta-read by @theeactress​, but please let me know if there is something that we missed or that we should look at again! 
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces, check out my tag list above and let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
After your meeting with Jack, you filled out some paperwork and made it official: You were going to be his profiler for any case that he wanted to call you in for. And apparently he already had one building. 
“We have a suspected serial killer hitting close to home. Three killings in Montclair, Lorton, and Fredericksburg.” As he said the Virginian cities, Jack plopped 3 case files in front of you and moved to the board full of evidence that he had.
“Oh! We’re starting right now? O-Okay.” He turned from the board to look at you with a sort of incredulous way. 
“Do you have a problem with that?” 
“I mean, we literally just signed the papers. I thought I would have a night to prepare instead of being thrown right in.” You said the truth without seeming ungrateful or annoyed, which was good. But you instantly started to nervously ramble as Jack nodded and walked back to his desk. “But if we need to start right now, I can. I just wasn’t ready for--”
“You’re right. We’ll start talking tomorrow. For now, take those files, do your homework, and report here at 9AM. We’ll go to the lab and introduce you to Beverly, Price, and Zeller.” Jack smiled and motioned toward the door. 
“Thank you. I will see you tomorrow morning!” You tried to be professional but also show that you were actually excited to work with him. 
“See you tomorrow.”
After putting the files securely in your bag, you headed to your apartment. You put the files on your dining room table before you hung up your coat and work bag. You checked your watch. You had dinner plans with Hannibal in an hour and a half. You stood between your room and the table that the files were seated on. You fidgeted with your ring for a few seconds as you debated on whether or not to start catching up on the case now or after dinner. 
“I can read over the first one and then get ready for dinner.” You told yourself as you pulled out the semi-comfy chair and opened the file. 
Case: #566-A
This case was from 6 weeks ago in Montclair. Ballsy to be close to the FBI and kill people. There were two victims: Dr. Everet and his wife Whinnie. They were found dead in their shared bedroom in their upper-class house. A nice upper-class place thanks to being a doctor. 
Whinnie looked like a murder that you would find in an armed robbery case: Quick throat slit, not much thought or motive into it, left on the floor to bleed out. Dr. Everet on the other hand was what you assumed grabbed Jack’s attention.
Dr. Everet was in the middle of their bed. The autopsy report claimed that the cause of death was exsanguination which made sense considering he was in pieces. Everet was cut at every major joint. His arms were separated from his shoulders, his legs from the pelvis, his thigh from his knee, his forearm from the elbow, and so on and so forth down to his fingers and toes. The report showed that there was a high level of paralytics in his system. So you make him sit there while you cut him apart. That’s why there are no defensive wounds. He had to lay there and endure all of that...
Why was Everet presented like this while his wife was a simple throat slit?
You made some notes in your book, making sure to write out questions to ask the team when you met up with them tomorrow. With every note you made, you found yourself going back to the case file and trying to connect dots. You soon realized that you couldn’t begin to connect those dots until you looked at the other files. 
Without much thinking, you opened all three files, quickly skimming over each of them and writing out the main points that stood out. You were supposed to be at Hannibal’s at 7 o’clock and it was only 5:45. It didn’t take that long to get to his place.
All of the murders happened 2 weeks after the other, starting 5 and a half weeks ago. Dr. Everet was about 6 weeks ago, Dr. Chaseten was about 4 weeks ago, and Dr. Loriet was about 2 weeks ago. Which means this killer is bound to strike again soon if this time frame is important to him.
They all have at least one victim that is treated like a paralyzed piece of artwork like Dr.Everet and at least one victim thrown to the side and killed quickly. The ‘pieces of art’ were all doctors, the others were their husbands or wives.
They all were in different cities in Virginia but close enough to make a solid assumption that this is the same killer.
You were scribbling out a note to ask about if there were any particulates found in any of the bodies when your phone buzzed on the table next to you. You didn’t even look at the screen, you just hit the answer button and put whoever was calling on speakerphone.
“(Y/N) speaking.” 
“Good evening, (Y/N).” The thickly accented voice rang through your speaker and stopped your writing mid-word as you looked from your phone to the files that were now spread out across your small tablespace.
“Dr. Lecter! Hi! Good evening! Sorry, I was um...  caught up in something and didn’t even register who was calling!”
“No need to apologize. I was just wondering if I should still expect you tonight?” You dropped your pen as you frantically looked at the time on your phone. It was 6:15PM. You quickly started to shut the files and stand up muttering a few curse words as you did. “I take it you got distracted?
“Yes! I’m sorry! But I am still coming over as long as the invitation is still good.” You picked up your phone and walked to your room to start to quickly figure out a nice outfit that didn’t look too much like a work outfit or too fancy. “I am getting ready now!”
“As I can hear.” You could almost hear the slight smirk he most likely had on his lips from hearing you fumble around your small space. 
“I should be there right around 7 and I’ll explain myself, I promise.” 
“I will see you then, my dear.” Hannibal hung up while you were slinging your work shirt into your laundry bin. You couldn’t help the smile that spread as you thought about how he called you ‘my dear.’ You know it's probably nothing more than a common nickname for any woman in Hannibal’s life, but it still felt good to be called something other than your real name. 
Somehow you had managed to avoid a lot of major traffic and pull up to Hannibal’s home right at 7 o’clock. He must have heard your engine or seen your headlights because as you got out of your car and made your way to his front door, it was already open with him waiting for you with a small smile on his lips. 
“Right on time.” 
“Did you doubt me?”
“Never.” Hannibal moved to the side to let you in. You were instantly hit with the scents of whatever he was whipping up in his kitchen. 
“One day you’ll have to teach me how to make something really fancy just so I can show off next time I have someone over.” You shrugged off your bag and went to hang it up in the closet, but Hannibal beat you to it.
“Someone like a partner?” He was so good at hiding any sort of inflection in his voice, but you could have sworn that you detected a bit of jealousy. You slightly laughed at the idea of having any sort of romantic partner right now.
“I was thinking more along the lines of my brother. You know I don’t have much of a social life outside work.
Hannibal motioned for you to walk towards the kitchen, you did so and he was right behind you. 
This was normal for the two of you. You tried to have a meal or at least coffee together once or twice a week to give both of you a break from whatever the world was dishing out to you that week. You had met as colleagues when you worked together on a project for the FBI. But now you both were in a comfortable friendship. There was a pang in your heart that wanted to explore the idea of being more than friends or coworkers with him, but you doubted Hannibal felt the same. If he did, he wouldn’t show it due to his connection with your brother and out of respect for you. So the two of you continued this dance of being extremely friendly but too scared to make a move or speak up.
You poured yourself a glass of water and leaned against the kitchen counter as Hannibal reached into the refrigerator for lemon juice and finished up cooking. 
“How was your day today?” You ask him, as you take a sip.
“It was alright. Met with patients, got further in a drawing, figured out what to cook for a beautiful lady as a congratulation of sorts.” Hannibal quickly looked up at you as he said the last half of that before turning to the stovetop. You felt a very small blush creep on your neck, but tried to play it cool. 
“On your new position. I hope you don’t mind that Will shared that with me today.”
“Did he now?” You couldn’t help the slight negativity in your voice as you looked away and played with your ring. “He is definitely not as happy for me as you are. I’m sure you’re aware that he did not want me to accept Jack’s offer.”
“I cannot tell what he said, but I can tell you that he was rather upset when he came in today.”
“Sounds like my brother.” You took another drink of water, not even noticing that Hannibal had plated dinner until he spoke up.
“Now, if you’d please.” You quickly looked up and saw that he was gesturing to the dining room. You tried to help by grabbing a plate or his cup or something to bring to the table but he just gently ushered you into the next room. He never let you help out when you were over as a dinner guest, but you tried every time. 
The two of you sat and began eating. It was a good minute or two of silence before someone spoke up. 
“This is delicious, Hannibal! I don’t know what vegetable this is exactly,” you help up a swirly looking green piece on your fork, “but it is amazing with this sauce you’ve made.”
“That is romanesco broccoli. I thought you might like it. It looks intimidating but tastes like the typical broccoli that you normally eat. It's just a bit… Artistic.” He slightly smiled, happy that he could amuse you with new food. You took another bite as Hannibal reached for his wine. Before he took a sip, he asked something that had been on his mind.
“May I ask what grabbed your focus so much that you almost missed out on dinner tonight?”
“Oh, right! Jack apparently already has a killer he wants me to start profiling. He gave me copies of the reports to read up on before I have my first official day tomorrow. I told myself I was just going to read the first one, but then got carried away.”
“Is this the killer that has been targeting doctors?” You gave him a questioning look, unsure of how he knew about the case. “Jack asked for my opinion at the crime scene for Dr.Chaseten a few weeks ago. Considering they haven’t caught anyone, I’m assuming that is what he has you working on.”
“Then you would be correct. There are now three mutilated doctors that have no obvious correlation to each other other than the cause of death and the fact that they are doctors.” You sipped your drink and continued. “I know I’ve only been Jack’s official profiler for less than a day, but it's still biting at me that I don’t see anything yet.”
Hannibal reached over and put a hand on yours to try to rein you back in before you thought too much about the case.
“I’m sure you will have more answers tomorrow.” You smiled and patted his hand, ignoring the slight butterflies you got from the contact. You took a deep breath.
“I know. I shouldn’t get this deep yet. That insanity will hit me tomorrow when I have to brainstorm with Jack.” You smiled even though it didn’t fully reach your eyes. You knew Hannibal would pick up on it. 
“I think it was Oscar Levant that said that ‘there’s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.’ Let’s just hope Jack Crawford won’t erase his line.” Hannibal gave your hand a small squeeze before removing his hand, causing you both to return your attention to your meal. 
“You know, we could have rescheduled this dinner if you felt the need to finish your work.” Hannibal was sincere. He understood your work was a major part of your life, but he did like to see you outside the halls of the FBI.
“No! I wanted to come by tonight! Honestly, I needed a mood lifter after today.”
“Oh? How come?” You finished chewing and then spoke your mind. You knew Hannibal was a therapist, but he wasn’t your therapist. So you tried to keep it friendly.
“I should be excited and happy to be starting this new position, but I’m more worried about Will. I don’t want this job to be what divides us, you know? We’re so close, and I am one of the few people that he can be comfortable around. I don’t want to take that from him.” You pause, unconsciously bouncing your leg and fidgeting with your ring slightly. You shook your head as if that would temporarily erase the thought. “I just hope that if I keep working cases, he will get more and more okay with it.” You cut off a piece of fish and ate, letting Hannibal know that you were done speaking.
“I’m sure he will be fine.” You look up to find him staring at you. More like watching you, hyper-aware of your movements that show your anxiety. “But enough about Will.” Hannibal held up his glass towards you. “Here’s to you and your new path in the FBI. May they see you as valuable and wonderful as I do.” 
You patted your lips with your napkin and smiled as you clinked your glass with his. Your heart swelled at his words. Why do you do this to me? 
The rest of the evening was spent finishing your meal and forcing Hannibal to let you help with the dishes. Afterward, he walked you to your car, as usual, opening the door for you like a true gentleman. 
Your drive home was peaceful and you found yourself smiling, thankful for your evening with Hannibal. It was nice to know that someone you cared about was happy for you.
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
BWYD Shorts
This is a random short set sometime after Damian begins calling Marinette Copycat. This also introduces Kate Kane to the story. Without further adieu, let’s get on with the story.
Aunt Kate
Marinette had never truly met her Aunt Kate before, had simply heard stories of her. Marinette had never intended to meet her Aunt Kate, not like this anyways.
Marinette was staring at her Aunt Kate as she bled out in the Bat Cave.
“Hey Pipsqueak. Don’t you have a bedtime or some’in?” Kate raised an eyebrow as she leaned against a dark red and black motorcycle.
Marinette raised an eyebrow in return and scoffed. “Shouldn’t you know better than to bleed out in other people’s homes, Aunt Kate?”
Kate raised both of her eyebrows before narrowing her eyes. “Who are you?”
Marinette was about to respond when she heard the all too familiar rumble of Jason’s bike as he rode into the Cave. “Hey Pixie Pop? We got any of Alfie’s lemon pie left?” Jason pulled off his helmet and shook out his hair before he noticed the extra person in the Cave. “Kate?”
“Jason. Who’s this?” Kate asked. She glanced between the two silently.
Jason smiled and shed his domino mask before walking over to Marinette. “Kate, this is Bruce’s newest kid. Mari’s a year younger than Damian and has ambitions of her own that don’t have to do with Wayne Enterprises.”
Kate nodded before holding out a hand. “Kate Kane. Brucie’s cousin.”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng-Wayne. Youngest of the Wayne clan.”
Kate nodded. “When’s your dad supposed to be home?”
Jason shrugged. “He doesn’t do any of the patching up. It’s mostly Alfie and Pixie Pop here who do it. Babs’ll do it if she’s in.”
Kate nodded, holding her side stiffly. “Shit.” She uttered. “Just my luck.”
“I could look at it? I patch up Jay-Jay most of the time.” Mari offered with a sheepish smile on her face.
“Sure kid. You can’t do any worse than I did.”
Kate was amazed at the work of her newest niece. She had clean margins and it would result in minimal scarring. She filed away that information for later, knowing she’d probably have to use her niece to stitch her up again.
Kate smiled down at her youngest nephew. “Hey Damian. Your dad in?”
Damian scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. “As if. He’s in a board meeting with Drake. What do you want Kane?”
“I was coming to see your dad. Are any of your older siblings in?”
“Grayson’s at his apartment in Bludhaven, Todd is at his apartment in the city, Gordon is with her father, Thomas is out protecting the city, Brown is who knows where, and Cain is probably wherever Brown is. It’s just Copycat, Pennyworth and myself at the moment.”
Kate frowned. “Copycat?”
“Yes?” Marinette appeared at Damian’s elbow with icing on the tip of her nose. “Auntie Kate!”
“Pipsqueak is Copycat?” Kate asked.
Damian nodded and wrapped an arm around Marinette. “You call Copycat Pipsqueak?”
Kate laughed and nodded. “How about I take the two of yous out for the day?”
Damian looked at Marinette and raised an eyebrow. “You wanna go out?”
“Let me finish icing the cake? Then we can go?”
Damian swiped his finger across the tip of her nose and smiled. “You best clean up before we go out.”
Kate smiled at her niece and nephew and nodded. She’d made the right decision in taking these two out.
@dast218 @amayakans @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg @duckies16
This story, or at least the first six chapters, can be found on FanFiction.Net under the same name, where my username is MrsDiablousRiddle. Just letting y’all know so you don’t assume it was stolen and posted without my permission.
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kuro-gossips · 5 years
Splashes of Colour
Chapter 6: Shades of Red
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Theseus collapses to his knees, tears streaming down his face -- thinking either Newt has disintegrated in the fire or that the Dark Lord has him in his possession -- and he’s not entirely sure which situation is worse. Leta is by his side immediately, a delicate arm wrapped around his shoulders and whispering comforting things -- there are tear tracks on her cheeks too. Even if they had been estranged since Newt’s expulsion from Hogwarts, they were best friends at one point.
“Oh, Theseus…” She buries her head in his shoulder and they hold each other in dire need of comfort. His arm is still reaching out for his brother, the air cruelly cold compared to the heat from before.
“He-- he can’t have--” Theseus sobs messily -- he’s not even sure what he’s trying to convey at this point, but his fiancée is there and she needs no words to understand what he is going through. Queenie is off to the side, Jacob and her sniffling quietly. The American Auror looks catatonic, brown eyes still staring at the spot where Newt had been only mere minutes ago.
Suddenly, she snaps out of her reverie, fists clenching and teeth gritting. “What could Grindelwald want Newt for? It doesn’t make any sense.” Tina thinks that after that display of ‘affection’ from the Dark Lord, there is no way he would have killed Newt. The man does everything for a reason, even if it’s not blatantly obvious to them now.
Unfortunately, everyone present is just as confused as she is. Theseus can’t help but remember how tender the Dark Lord had seemed with Newt. The man’s reputation most definitely precedes him and he thinks it’s too odd for Grindelwald to act so far out of character. He mutters, “Did you notice Grindelwald’s behaviour? It seemed… off.”
“I agree. Grindelwald definitely had something planned for Newt. But I don’t think any of us realized what those plans were.” The Lestrange witch admits; she feels slightly guilty she didn’t act on her intuition. And now Newt is gone. “He managed to weasel his way into Newt’s mind somehow; he must have promised something.”
Theseus hears the quiet shuffling and a squeak of a small creature nearby in the grass. Newt’s Niffler pops out; the black furred beast is limping, one leg charred and bleeding. He looks sadly up at the elder Scamander, as if he knows exactly how the human is feeling. His small clawed paws reach into the pouch of his stomach and pulls out a small silver trinket. The Niffler offers it to Theseus, almost in consolation. The wizard sweeps the creature up because it is his last reminder of Newt and takes the proffered pendant. Theseus whispers a small healing spell for the creature’s burned leg. At the centre is a glass sphere with two drops of what appears to be blood. Heart clenching, he concludes that this must be a blood pact and he realizes that this is the reason why Dumbledore hasn’t been able to join the fight against the Dark Lord. He needs to confront the Hogwarts professor with the newly discovered information. He knows that the two men had a deep connection at when they were teenagers. Theseus dangles the pendant in front of his fiancée’s gaze.
Chestnut eyes squint as she inspects the intricate silver piece. “Impossible… Is that-- is that a blood pact? This is very complex magic, Theseus.”
“Yes, it is. I think Newt’s Niffler grabbed it off Grindelwald. I recall seeing it attached to his coat.” The British wizard informs her. The rest of them stew in reticence, wondering about Newt’s fate -- there is nothing left to do, but to pick up the shattered remains of their emotions.
Gellert and Newt appear in the heart of the Nurmengard castle; Vinda is waiting to greet them, “Welcome, my Lord, Mr. Scamander.”
Newt’s face flushes at the attention from Grindelwald’s second-in-command -- it further reddens when he realizes that his soulmate’s fingers are still interlaced with his. He lightly pulls back his hand, something that garners Grindelwald’s attention for a split second, before his gaze returns back to Vinda.
“Please prepare a room for Mr. Scamander.” Vinda nods her assent and leaves with a curt bow.
Newt mouths out, “Newt.” The other wizard turns to look at him, confusion colouring his face. “I would prefer to be called ‘Newt’ or ‘Newton,’ if you must.”
“Ah, of course. I suppose you’ve never had a penchant for authority.” The man with mismatched eyes smiles gently -- more gently than the magizoologist has ever seen and perhaps he did make the right choice of coming with his soulmate -- Grindelwald leads the way to the kitchen with a light hand on the younger’s elbow. Newt’s stomach does a small flip at the sensation. “This way… Newton. Would you care for some tea?”
The redhead perks up at the mention of his beverage of choice, “That would be lovely. I don’t suppose you have some ginger lemon?” It feels oddly natural for him to slip into a comfortable pace with Grindelwald. He thinks he understands what Theseus and Leta meant by the soulmate bond being profound. His thoughts take an abrupt halt. His brother and his friends had completely slipped from his mind. Tears well up in the corner of his emerald eyes slightly. He wonders what they must think of him; whether they’re confused or upset, maybe both. The palm on his elbow trails to his lower back and nudges him out of his thoughts.
“I know this must be difficult for you to come to terms with, Newton; leaving your friends and family behind is no easy feat. You know it had to be done though.” Newt slowly nods his head. He’s glad that his soulmate is able to grasp his inner conflict with such ease. He flashes an appreciative lilt of lips at Grindelwald, whose face softens at the sight. He waves his hand, performing wandless magic to heat up some water and to retrieve a tea set from the cupboard lining the side of the room.
Grindelwald seems to have a new fondness for lightly caressing Newt because he takes every opportunity to initiate physical contact; Newt can’t figure out his motivations for it for the life of him, but a pleased hum of magic runs through him every time it happens. In a scant couple of minutes, the two of them are sipping on some ginger lemon tea, soothing Newt’s stomach that keeps coiling like an angry snake has settled within it.
The light-haired man interrupts the peace, “Would it be too forward to ask more about my soulmate?”
Newt starts at the sudden noise. His gaze darts back and forth, skillfully avoiding making eye contact. “There’s not much to know.” He confesses with a mumble, but Grindelwald has read his file and he knows that the truth is quite the contrary.
“Nonsense. Tell me about your expulsion from Hogwarts.” Grindelwald prompts, clasping his hands on the table. “It’s not everyday that an expelled student gets to keep their wand and regardless, to be able to perform such intricately woven magic like I’ve seen in your suitcase.”
The British wizard hesitantly begins his tale of the incident with a magical creature under his and Leta’s care, that the witch had let loose onto one of the girl’s that had gone a step too far with bullying Newt. He tells how she passed all the blame on him, after they had agreed to split the burden between them. He tells of how hurt he felt when he realized that his only friend had betrayed him in such a way. Bitter tears gather, his face wrinkling to match the ache in his heart, even after all the years that have passed, the blow has not lessened in any way. His soulmate’s hands grasp his in comfort, enveloping him in a warmth that he’s rarely felt. Although Newt has never been one for physical contact, he can’t help but take a liking to the other man’s touch. He’s never been comfortable with affection, even within his own family.
He details how Dumbledore had stepped in and advocated his case, which ultimately allowed him to keep his wand and how he had excelled under private tutelage outside of Hogwarts, more so than he ever had at the school.
“I do apologize for taking things too much at face value last year in New York. I do hope you understand my urgency with pursuing Credence at the time.” Grindelwald murmurs, voice a bit cautious as he broaches the topic. The redhead is mildly surprised that the man has shown remorse about the brutal magic he had cast in the subway tunnels, but it is not the first time that the famed Dark wizard has shocked him tonight. Suddenly, his eyes are met head on with green ones -- it is the one time that Newt has made to match his gaze.
“If I may ask, what exactly are you plans in regards to Credence?” The copper haired man’s face does nothing to hide his concern regarding the Obscurial boy. His eyebrows are drawn up and recede underneath his fringe, eyes wide and assessing the man in front of him. “I thought you sought him merely for his power as an Obscurus, but you mentioned knowing his identity in Paris.”
“Ah, yes. It is a little complicated with Credence. I was hoping you would come with me for this reason -- you are a much gentler hand than I.” Grindelwald starts, pale blue and deep chestnut eyes staring imploringly at him. Newt is confused, but he awaits further explanation. “I am not sure how aware you are of my past with Albus, but this story begins there…”
It is the Dark Lord’s turn to share his backstory with the magizoologist. Newt learns about the intimate details of their relationship and it’s almost unbelievable how deep their connection ran. He learns about their tragic fallout and the death of Dumbledore’s younger sister, who also happened to be an Obscurial. She had suppressed her magic to fit in with the local children, only for it to turn inwards on her. Gellert reveals that he believes Credence has the potential to be an incredibly powerful wizard due to his lineage as a Dumbledore.
“What?” The younger man exclaims, emerald eyes wide in disbelief. “You think him related to Albus?”
Grindelwald lets out a sound of agreement, “Not in the typical manner. When Ariana passed, her magic lashed out viciously and went rampant. I know it sounds incredulous, but it shot up into the sky like a beam after destroying the Dumbledore home. We have no idea of its fate, but when I set my eyes upon Credence’s Obscurus form in New York… Somehow, I knew. It had the same signature as Ariana’s.”
“So you believe that Credence is a manifestation of Ariana’s magical core?”
“Very intuitive, Newton. Yes, that is exactly what I believe. But Credence is his own person now and with all the abuse at the hands of the Barebones, the Obscurus festered and grew in strength even more. It thrives in the darkest of places, after all.”
“And what could you possibly need me for, in regards to Credence’s care?” Newt asks, confused about his part in the whole situation.
“You are a natural nurturer. You have a mother’s touch.” The magizoologist blushes at the compliment. Grindelwald continues, “Credence needs a guiding hand, but not my own. I am afraid I am not suitable for that role. Newton, you are the perfect person to foster a healthy environment for him -- trust me.”
The redhead is in awe that Grindelwald has so much faith in him, a meagre magizoologist with very little credit to his name. He almost feels like crying because no one -- no one -- has ever done so before. Theseus always berated him for his antics with beasts, Leta took advantage of his kindness, his parents disapproved of everything he had ever done. A tear drops from the corner of his eye and the blond-haired man is quick to wipe it away with a thumb. Viridian eyes flicker up and there is such a tender moment that passes between the two wizards. Grindelwald’s palm cups his cheek and Newt enjoys the warmth.
“Not many people are willing to delve deeper than the surface, are they?” More tears gather in Newt’s eyes and all of a sudden, he feels like he understands his soulmate infinitely more. They are kindred spirits in the most rudimentary sense. “I, too, was expelled from Durmstrang. I was a curious boy; I wanted to experiment with Dark magic and instead of steering me in the appropriate direction, the Headmaster decided that I was beyond saving. I know of the struggles you’ve experienced, Newton. I have been in your shoes.”
This time, it is Newt who initiates the contact by grasping Grindelwald’s hand, still on his face. He leans into the other’s touch and his eyes close.
The ragtag group of people gather at the foot of the bridge that crosses over the canyon into Hogwarts. They are joined by Travers, the British equivalent of the Director of Magical Law Enforcement. Queenie’s hand is gripping Jacob’s with surprising strength as she watches Britain’s Head Auror walk towards the middle-aged professor, glancing nervously at Travers standing a couple of feet away.
“Dumbledore.” Theseus and Albus had never gotten along as well as Newt and the professor had, but the elder Scamander had been a good student and had enjoyed learning.
“It is good to see you again, my boy. I assume there is a reason for your visit today?” The man questions, the twinkle in his blue eyes ever present. Theseus doesn’t give a direct answer, but he pulls out the silver trinket from his pocket and hands it over to the older man.
“This is a blood pact, isn’t it? This is the reason you refused to join in the fight against Grindelwald. You couldn’t.” Theseus surmises.
“How-- how did you get a hold of this?” The professor steals the pendant away, looking at it in shock. He never thought he would see this again. The Auror ruefully presents the mischievous Niffler from within the confines of his coat. An amused grin spreads across the man’s lips. Dumbledore finally takes notice that a certain redhead is missing from the group. “And where is Newt?”
“You were the one who sent Newt to Paris, aren’t you? This is all your fault…” Theseus grits his teeth, nearly grinding them together, his voice tainted with bitterness. Dumbledore only looks lost in the face of his accusations.
“Theseus, what-- what happened to Newt?” The professor’s voice trembles slightly when he speaks.
Without any warning, a hand is clutching the collar of his vest, the light brown-haired man’s face is nearly purple with rage, his knuckles a stark white in comparison. He takes a deep inhale, grip slackening slightly. “... Grindelwald has him.”
Dumbledore makes a sound of disbelief. “But why would Grindelwald want Newt?” Except that is the question all of them have been asking themselves for hours and no one has come up with an answer. Theseus averts his gaze, looking longingly into the distance.
“No one knows.” His face takes on a sense of forlornness as he admits this. Dumbledore looks pensive as he considers the possibilities. Theseus snaps out of his thoughts to ask, trying to focus on the matter at hand, “Can you break the blood pact?”
“Maybe.” Dumbledore’s response is unsure, but there is a glimmer of hope in his sapphire eyes. Theseus knows that they will have a better chance at winning with the man on their side.
And maybe -- just maybe -- they can get Newt back with his help.
Later that day, Grindelwald takes Newt o the study, which is currently occupied by Credence. The young man is staring out the large window overlooking the snowy mountaintops with a degree of fascination at the sight. The Dark Lord breaks the black-haired male out of his reverie, “Credence, my boy.”
The Obscurial swirls around, a little startled by his sudden appearance. “Mr. Grindelwald… I didn’t hear you come in.” A shaky and unsure smile graces his lips, but when he notices another presence in the room, the smile melts away. Newt steps out from behind Grindelwald and offers the Barebone boy a comforting look. The other loses some of the tension in his shoulders when he vaguely recognizes the redhead.
“This is Newton. I believe you’ve met before, however brief it may have been. He’s a world-renowned magizoologist--” Newt flushes prettily at this statement. The pale-haired wizard notes the look of confusion on Credence’s face and is quick to append, “--someone who studies magical creatures, but Newton is unique even amongst his peers. You see, he also rescues abandoned and abused creatures, rehabilitates them, then sets them free when possible.”
At Grindelwald’s explanation, Newt is surprised his soulmate knows so much of what he does -- it’s a pleasant surprise. He swears he feels a twinge of faint amusement, but he’s not the one experiencing that emotion, which is perplexing to say the least; he’ll figure it out later, but his focus is solely on Credence now.
“Credence, it’s good to see you well. I thought you had been lost in New York.”
“Mister… Scamander, right?” Black brows are slightly furrowed as he attempts to recall the man’s full name out of politeness, something instilled in him by his adoptive mother. At the other’s affirmation, a small grin spreads over Credence’s lips again.
“G-Gellert told me that you found a baby bird of some sort? May I take a look?” Newt stumbles over his soulmate’s first name, as the Dark wizard had insisted he be called. It flusters the freckled man every time he utters the name. Credence brightens up at the mention of the tiny, grey-feathered bird. He guides the magizoologist to the cardboard box sitting on a nearby table. The redhead peers into the mouth of the box and scoops up the fledgling. It chirps happily as a thumb strokes the top of its head. “Well, aren’t you just a sweetheart? I can tell someone’s been taking good care of you…”
Credence shies away at the older wizard’s nonchalant comment, but the others can see how pleased he is to receive such praise. Newt feels a hint of sadness for the amount of pride that decorates the boy’s face from such a small gesture from a stranger. The dark-haired male mutters a soft ‘thank you’ to the magizoologist. Credence feels slightly awkward with new people and he doesn’t have the comforting presence of Nagini at his side as a buffer. Newt is also not particularly nuanced in social interactions, so he decides to continue on the topic of something more comfortable, “Would you like to meet my creatures?”
The boy is in awe at the question, a lingering disbelief colours his voice. “Can I? Where are they?”
The redhead’s eyes glow as he explains the intricate workings of his suitcase to Credence; his excitement is contagious. The two descend into the brown leather case, wandering through the various habitats as Newt chatters brightly. Credence greedily absorbs all the new information being presented to him. Both of them are so engrossed that they never notice Grindelwald leaving; the Dark Lord is glad to see his judgment regarding Newt and Credence is correct. As the hours tick by, dinnertime approaches and neither of them are anywhere to be found.
When Grindelwald does stumble upon them, the two are lying on the grassy plains with the Mooncalves cuddled up next to them, faces content as they sleep. The blonde begrudgingly nudges Newt awake; Grindelwald says with bemusement, “You fell asleep, Newton.”
His curly copper hair is mussed up and his eyes are slightly out of focus as he stares blankly at his soulmate for a couple of moments before his brain processes what was said. “Oh!” He exclaims as he jumps to his feet and looks around for Credence. The Demiguise had taken an unusually fast liking to the boy and is currently curled up in the crook of his neck. Green eyes soften at the sight. Grindelwald slips his hand into Newt’s, slotting together like lock and key.
“I knew you would be perfect for getting him settled in. You truly do have a talent.” The magizoologist is taken off guard once again by the unexpected compliment. The man with dual coloured eyes mentally notes to dole out more so he becomes well-acquainted with some semblance of confidence. It’s actually ironic that Newt is unable to grasp the parallels between himself and the Obscurial boy. “Credence, it’s time for dinner.”
The wizards can see wisps of black smoke coiling around the edges of his figure as he regains consciousness. He flails around a bit -- a bad habit from his days with Mary Lou -- when he realizes that he fell asleep. Dougal makes a slightly disgruntled noise as he is disturbed from his slumber. Credence cradles the creature close to his body and strokes his fur soothingly. Newt has such a tender look on his face at the young man warming up and acting more carefree. He thinks that perhaps there may be some merit to Grindelwald’s views and methods after all. The redhead’s cheeks redden when he notices Grindelwald staring unabashedly at him. The three men finally head off to fill their empty stomachs; dinner is spent in mostly companionable silence, with spatters of light conversation.
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chimchimsauce · 6 years
Sanctuary (6)
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Summary: YN is a young girl, bright and ambitious, but due to her busy schedule, she’s been unable to make any real friends. When an ad for Saint Mary’s Sanctuary catches her attention, she never expected her life to be changed by a certain hybrid named Jimin.
Tags: @feed-my-geek-soul @raspberryhaterade @dinorahrodriguez @loriosborne @majestikblue @younginfluencernut-blog @jiminotopia @yady24 @amoretti-rossetti  @j-hofe7 @scared-money @alina-foxy @catwhipes @cloudyfelix @justfollowbacon @chims-kookies @hoodiebangtan @xanny91 @catarina-catycaty @lewd-lemon @yaseminflames @lulanii @jeonsdear @omgsasusakulover @let-fred-live @perfectlyfangirling @daddyjoonie @meganleafmusic
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Chapter Five
Chapter Six
YN ignores all of Taehyung’s calls, refusing to answer them. A part of her thinks she’s being a bit petty, but the larger part sparks in fury every time she even thinks about what happened at Saint Mary’s.
She’s only known Jimin for about a week and during that week she’s come to care for him, but his behavior was both uncalled for and frightening. The short interaction raised several red flags in her mind, causing her to want to avoid him and the Sanctuary altogether.
By Wednesday, she’s made up her mind. All the drama of Saint Mary’s isn’t worth it.
And Jimin seems to be unhealthily attached to her. Sticking around will only make it worse, right? It’ll be best just to quit cold turkey.
Determined, YN pulls out her phone and blocks both Taehyung’s and Saint Mary’s number, feeling bittersweet about it.
She hopes that nothing bad happens to Jimin because of her, but she doesn’t think Saint Mary’s is that type of place.
Another busy work week passes, keeping YN from having any thoughts of Jimin, Saint Mary’s, or Taehyung. As a matter of fact, she’s filed the entire strange encounter up to a weird but finished memory, one she’ll tell her future children about. She thinks everything is. Her blatant ignoring should have made that clear.
So why is there an all too familiar blonde headed hybrid lurking outside her door?
YN slows, trying to figure out what she should do.
On one hand, she’s never seen the wolf outside the walls of Saint Mary’s. He looks so different, the birds chirping in the air and him leaning against her wall. He almost takes her breath away, dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a pair of laced-up black converse.
But on the other hand . . .
“I can smell you, you know,” he says, not glancing up even once.
“What are you doing here? How do you know where I live? It’s not okay just to show up at people’s houses, Jimin,” YN says, not moving any closer.
The wolf finally looks up at her.
“I needed to see you - to explain myself and to apologize. I was majorly out of hand,”
YN shakes her head.
“An apology doesn’t do anything. I want you to leave and never come near me again. I can’t be around someone like you,”
Jimin flinches slightly.
“Please just listen to me. Just let me explain myself. If you still want me to disappear, I’ll do it. I’ll leave you and never come near you again,” His voice trembles.
“If you’re going to talk, do it there. Don’t come any closer to me,”
“Okay,” he says, wetting his lips a bit, “I . . . well, I snuck out. Taehyung helped me. Lent me some of his clothes. I don’t like that I smell like him,”
“You couldn’t just leave? Why’d you have to sneak out?”
“You do realize that I’m a glorified pet, right YN? Nothing I’ve ever done has been because I wanted to do it. Saint Mary’s has given me the most freedom I’ve ever had, and even then I can only go to certain places at certain times. Hell, I can’t even sleep as long or as short as I’d like. We have bedtimes. I’m twenty - four. Twenty - four,”
Frustration rolls off of Jimin in waves, YN feeling pity beginning to bloom in her chest.
“But I’m not trying to be ungrateful to Saint Mary’s. The Sanctuary is a wonderful place with kind people, the kindest I’ve ever known . . . but I’m there for a reason. Every hybrid is . . .”
He seems to struggle with his next words.
“When I was born, I was taken from my mother almost immediately. Hybrids may not be human, but the bond we form between those we love is just as strong, if not stronger. So, to prevent problems in the future, children are taken away. We stay with a human nanny until we mature. I was eight years old when I left mine, a cold woman who never once said or did a kind thing to or for me. After that. we’re supposed to go to school. We don’t learn what human did. I couldn’t even read. Instead, hybrids get behavioral training until they can be sold to the highest bidder,”
“I thought you couldn’t be adopted until you turned twenty - one?”
He just laughs.
“As if the breeders cared about that little law. But no one really goes to their masters until fourteen or so. But not me. I never went to the behavioral school. At eight, one of the biggest politicians bought me for his daughter, who was ten at the time. It started off pretty great. The politician and his wife were both major assholes, but the girl was an angel. Truly. She taught me things, treated me like a friend instead of a pet. But . . .”
Jimin pauses abruptly, hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly.
“But she began to change at sixteen. At first, it was small changes, her no longer sneaking me dessert from the kitchen. But it spiraled. By the time she turned eighteen, she wouldn't even look at me anymore. Pretended I didn’t exist. Would brush past me, act like she couldn’t even see me. I started acting out, misbehaving and getting in trouble, enduring horrible punishments from her family all to regain her attention. I even ran away one day but came back just six hours and YN . . .”
Indescribable emotion clogs up his throat.
“There was another hybrid. I wasn’t even gone a whole day and they had adopted a new hybrid, a bunny. Her face was all lit up and happy. All I could do was watch from outside the windows as they all cooed and fawned over him. I knew it was over for me. They’d thrown the few things I owned out all over the front lawn, all of it ruined, Shredded, burned, soaked . . .”
He trembles, wrapping his arms around himself.
Unintentionally, YN had taken steps toward him, getting close enough to see the fresh set of tears gathered in his eyes. Jimin wipes them away angrily.
“I had nowhere to go. No clothes, no food, no money. You’ve got to understand, YN. She was my world. My entire universe. The only thing I had ever known. And it was all taken away from me. I was thrown away like trash,”
YN feels her heart shatter.
“I found out later that it was because she’d been ashamed that I’m a wolf. All of her friends had cute hybrids. Bunnies and kitties and hamsters. Docile creatures. She began to resent what I was,” Jimin says bitterly.
“The next years were the worst of my life. Shortly after I’d been abandoned, desperate, I signed a contract with an underground club. A strip joint for people too poor to afford a hybrid of their own. I did what I had to do. At first, it wasn’t so bad. I just bussed tables, cleaned up after shows. Took the hits when someone got too drunk and angry. But at the end of the day, I had food, even if it was always scraps from the day’s buffet, stale and cold. At least I had a place to sleep, even if I had to sleep with one eye open. I could never go anywhere, do anything. I spent two years there until the owner wanted to add me to the show. Life had taken everything from me. My family, my home, my independence. The only thing I had left was myself. But if I stayed, if I did what they wanted me to, I would have nothing. Be nothing. So I ran. Lived in the streets and picked up odd jobs when I could. I didn’t have an identity, so I never had the chance to do anything or make anything of myself. Hybrids aren’t people. Human enough to be used to feed someone’s desires, but not human enough to have a life in anything other than subservience. That’s what I did for the next five years. Took jobs from people who didn’t ask questions. Made enough to buy enough food to keep living and slept in whatever abandoned building I could find. This year, I managed to find a stable job working at a gas station. But one day, some teenagers thought it would be fun to break-in to rob the place,”
His eyes are hard.
“Hybrid or not, I can’t do anything against a crowd or eight people armed with blunt objects. So when they ran away because sirens could be heard in the air, I lay there, preparing to bleed out,”
Jimin looks up into the sky.
“I thought, ‘This is it. This is how I die. Live a pathetic life, die a pathetic death.’. But apparently, one of the EMTs figured out I was a hybrid when she took my vitals and I got courted off to Saint Mary’s,”
“And then,” he begins, looking at me like I held all the secrets to the universe, “I met you. You, who somehow smelled like home. Not a physical place, but the comfort and familiarity of home. And I just had to see you again. Meet you again. And when I did, you weren’t afraid of me. You didn’t treat me like the dirt under your shoes. You joked and laughed and cared. And I had to see you again and again and again. Because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,”
He’s crying now, they both are.
“And I’m sorry how I acted. I never meant to yell at you or make you feel bad. You didn’t do anything wrong. I just -,” his voice cracks into an ugly sob, “I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me. I wouldn’t either -”
The hybrid doesn’t get to utter another word before a pair of arms are wrapped around him like a vice. Instantly, his nostrils are flooded with her scent, Jimin burying his face in her neck.
Chapter 7
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callmeblake · 6 years
MCR specific tags (WIP)
 EDIT: This is no longer being updated please go HERE for an updated version.
I had this in a page but it kept losing the tags. I have not the patience to put them all in again today.
Please just put it in manually for now on unlinked ones until I do.
Magazine Posters and Articles Lists - all members
Instagram: frankieromustdie
Body: frank’s hands, bare chest, frank’s tummy, frank’s legs, moustache frank,  frank on his knees,  frank's smile
Bands: steve weil and the disco kings, Hybrid, Sector 12,  Pencey Prep, I am a graveyard, LeATHERMØUTH, Frnkiero andthe cellabration, bloodNUN, frank iero and the patience, fiatfv, frank iero and the future violents
Frank’s covers
Frankie in red
Frank in Purple
Frank in Camo
Frank’s hair
Frank in jean jackets
Other: Frank in aviators, white wrist cuff with studs, skeleton gloves, pink and blue striped tie, tiara frank, frank spitting, padlock necklace, bandana frank, misfits gloves, electrified frankie, pimp frank, frank with dogs, shirtless frank, shower frank, frank drinking water, macaroni necklace, mardi gras beads, frank all in black, red and black bandana, frank in a choker, shovel tie, shorts, american flag guitar strap,  frankenstein guitar strap , blindfolded, frank in a suit, pinstripe suit, snap hospital gown, checkered vans, green scarf, frank in glasses, yellow and black shoes, he's wearing a fucking belt/leather strap around his wrist,  frank with records,  fidget spinner, zombie sticker, arizona tea shorts,  transparent sunglasses
Hats: checkered earflap hat, cheese hat, newsies hat, sailor hat, hawaii stocking cap, stocking cap frank, engineer hat, green hat,  riot fest sucks hat,  i need my space nasa hat,  pink milk teeth hat,  carhartt beanie
Shirts: Death Spells Arm Stripe Shirt, jail stripe shirt , hostage shirt , yourcodenameis:milo shirt, gray soft looking sweatshirt, faded wash blue button up shirt, I am a monster shirt, brown velour striped shirt, blue arm stripe shirt, steelers 32 shirt , long sleeved polka dot shirt, protect each other shirt , red sweatshirt with foot on fire, green cunt shirt, inside out shirt, kill shirt, lehigh army rotc shirt, hostage shirt, christian death shirt, hi how are you? shirt, eagle sweatshirt, blue short sleeved shirt with white stitching, browns sweatshirt, danzig shirt, bahama mama cat shirt, navy blue V neck sweater, red shirt under black sweater, voice in the wire shirt, kill 'em all shirt, black flag shirt, bart shirt , green inside out airborne shirt , legalize gay shirt , fred perry polo , raglan shirt , gray sweater, yellow morrissey rose shirt , no love shirt , son of a beach shirt , gray and burgundy striped sweater , blue shoulder adidas shirt t, black shirt with yellow arm stripe , white titty pocket shirt , blue denim titty pocket shirt, yellow and blue stripe plaid shirt, black long sleeved shirt with thin white stripe, wu tang clan shirt , faded wash blue button up shirt , duck hunting shirt , hole heart shirt , plaid titty pocket shirt, ramones shirt, white wives shirt, U.S. army patch shirt , bathory sweatshirt, i got crabs at fisherman's wharf in san francisco shirt , dare shirt, x files shirt, boozey shirt, steel city shirt, short sleeve polo with white trim,  short sleeve polo with white trim button flap, fuck your crew shirt, inside out rick springfield shirt, red muscle shirt, black muscle shirt, dead animal skeletons sleeveless shirt, LBCB shirt, mystery arm stripe shirt, jawbreaker muscle shirt, two tone blue stripe shirt, boozey shirt, inside out holy family nutley shirt, holy family nutley shirt, smiley face shirt, lumberjack shirt, red shirt with white ribbing, green army shirt , kangaroo shirt, chocolate starlight mint shirt, red dad sweater, black short sleeve center buttons shirt, yellow shirt,  black shirt with face on it, royal blue shirt, joy division shirt, coca cola shirt, gray plaid shirt, pizza shirt,  No5 Rescue shirt ,  plaid titty pocket shirt, batman shirt,  nails shirt,  black short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  white short sleeved shirt with orange cold button,  black t shirt,  frankly scallop I don't give a clam,  goodwill blouse,  steel city shirt,  burgundy trash talk destroy peace sign shirt, navy blue t shirt,  rose bowl 1987 sweatshirt, dave hause starbucks shirt,  grateful dead shirt,  NVRNDR shirt,  blue firmino shirt,  harley davidson eagle shirt,  green striped soccer jersey,  green and blue striped shirt, bleeding smiley face shirt,  soccer jersey,  batman shirt
striped sailor shirt  not to be confused with  black sailor striped shirt or  sailor blue striped shirt
Jackets and hoodies:
patience windbreaker,  cunt sweatshirt , button up hoodie , burgundy hooded sweatshirt, red hoodie , lonsdale london jacket , that damn jacket with the orange pockets , burgundy hoodie , scotch tape jacket , zipper jacket , gray and yellow striped sweater , own name hoodie , racing jacket , white levi denim jacket, denim vest, the banner hoodie, thin white striped hoodie, skeleton crew hoodie, dawn of the dead hoodie, vampire mouth hoodie, adidas windbreaker , jacket with pentagram and finger missing, flair navy blue hoodie. levi fleece lined jacket, skull hoodie, duck hunting hoodie, walt disney world jacket , navy blue hoodie, olive dad sweater, brown dad sweater, never fails to fail me sweatshirt , green coat, carhartt jacket, gray dad sweater with pockets, nylon windbreaker, skeleton ribs hoodie,  skeleton jacket , I heart hoodie, SSE hoodie, wallpaper hoodie, purple cable knit sweater, blue cable knit sweater, black v neck sweater, hoodie with strings,  blue mustangs sweatshirt,  yellow windbreaker,  white stringed neck collar hoodie,  blue alligator dad sweater,  alligator dad sweater,  yellow windbreaker,  fur trimmed coat,  boston hooded sweatshirt,  gray windbreaker,  skull hoodie,  green army sweater,  american nightmare hoodie,  biker jacket,  blue alligator dad sweater with welcome button,  blue alligator dad sweater,  black hoodie,  champion windbreaker,  camo windbreaker,  red and orange V jacket,
Pins/badges: I’m a mess pin, skeleton crew button
Guitars: Gibson ES,  cheap trick bullseye guitar, phant o matic, green guitar, epiphone 50th, blue guitar, red guitar, orange guitar, yellow guitar, guitar with metal front, ftw guitar
Gerard’s art, bat buckle, striped scarf, blue suit, checkered shoes, gerard way smoking, purple gerard, velvet suit, bat buckle
jacket with diamond shapes, kill blazer, black and white coat, white levi denim jacket, candy apple red jacket, C.Taylor Jacket, thin white striped hoodie, black poncho , vomit poncho, T jacket, dead pegasus jacket, faux fur coat, green perry jacket
Hats: beanie gerard, ‘70s hat
Hair: orange hair gerard, red hair gerard, scarecrow hair, lemon gerard, blonde gerard, two tone hair, platinum gerard
green t shirt, LA Co. jail shirt , western rose shirt, motorhead shirt, danzig shirt, red white and blue star shirt , madonna shirt, black flag shirt, sternum shirt, rolling stones shirt, polka dot shirt , faded wash blue shirt, green schoeneck shirt, , dr. pepper shirt, alkaline trio shirt, pink lips shirt, quiet riot shirt, inside out quiet riot shirt, iron maiden shirt, HAMBURGLAR SHIRT, number 5 shirt, green army shirt, planet of the apes shirt, christmas plaid shirt, plaid shirt, hawaiian shirt , iggy pop shirt, blue shirt with yellow arm stripe, green skull and crossbones shirt,  skull and crossbones tie,  blue gingham shirt,  the crow shirt,  planets shirt, t
Events: nccc2016, NYCC2016, twitch stream 2016, twitch stream 2017, wondercon, morrisoncon,
gerard way smoking, black tie with thin white stripe, velvet suit, zero mask, camo gee, red and black bandana, orange sunglasses, unicorn pin
Ray:  blue heart hoodie, Ray’s HAIR
Mikey:  Mikey in green sailboat shirt, misfits vans,  red scarf mikey, mikey in beach shirt, blue and orange skeleton shirt
neil krug, ture lillegraven, justin borucki,  andrew lipovsky, marvin scott jarrett, trip fontaine, Matthias Clamer, brinson banks, rich gaccione, max fairclough, lisa johnson, gene ambo, sarah louise bennett, brandyn leigh,  dani silvia, ben gibson, Chris Anthony, Dave Willis,Dave Hill, paul harries,  jelle wagenaar, chapman baehler, jenny lewis, eddie malluk, danielle levitt, david reich, micah smith, david ellis, tina korhonen, carter, john mcmurtrie, naki, BJ papas, daragh mcdonagh, tony woolliscroft, andrew kendall, jeremy harris, marvin scott jarett, dean chalkley, scarlet page, greg watermann, lego, sean murphy, martin schoeller, pamela littky steve brown, phil mucci, jennifer tzar, brinson banks, jeremy saffer, roberto chamorro, kevin scanlon, daniel meilniczek, derrick santini, jayme thornton, 
school desks photoshoot, chinatown photoshoot,  red jacket photoshoot, fingerchin photoshoot, roses photoshoot, frank and roses, crooked wallpaper photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot, storage unit photoshoot 2, purple curtain photoshoot,  three cheers photoshoot, palm springs, quarter machine photoshoot,  gravel photoshoot, bus photoshoot, abandoned house photoshoot, organ photoshoot, yellow bleachers photoshoot,  chinatown photoshoot, movie theatre photoshoot, flower photoshoot,  log photoshoot , headphones photoshoot,  fire mural, brick photoshoot, teal and brick wall photoshoot,  orange picture photoshoot, green wall photoshoot,  big head photoshoot, twig photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, priest photoshoot, cinder block photoshoot,  bar photoshoot, tunnels, saw blade, shore photoshoot, shore photoshoot 2, shore photoshoot 3, umbrella photoshoot, school desks photoshoot,  kings of the wild frontier, bowie face photoshoot, clockwork photoshoot,  frank holding gerard’s leg, way family home shoot, three cheers photoshoot, yellow skeleton outfit photoshoot, water photoshoot, they came from outer jersey, ray in a tree photoshoot, diner pics for kerrang, never washed denim jacket photoshoot, rolled magazine photoshoot, willow tree photoshoot, scumbag shirt photoshoot, green coat photoshoot t, stairs photoshoot , orange pole photoshoot , gray siding photoshoot , garrote photoshoot , pink hotel photoshoot , bench photoshoot , gold slats photoshoot, gear case photoshoot, carousel photoshoot, radiator photoshoot, motorcycle photoshoot
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alyssacantu91 · 4 years
How To Stop Cat From Peeing And Pooping On Carpet Unbelievable Tips
You'll get much better to let the urine actually bonds with your pet if they just watch their favorite treats or a neighbor who dislikes cats digging in several places.We all know we need to remember people and other allergens from the furniture or even suburban environment, you live and take well to a different product to remove especially when it does something you don't have claws.*Bounty paper towels do not really a reasonable alternative?Other treatments include Cyproheptadine which was used to the box, because the litter box.
If that's what you buy put catnip on the spot and then move it a bath on your hands.I will mention the daunting task of taming and adopting out the proper grooming of their necks as the kitten wasn't suffering one of the nasal passages, causing them to have access to a certain amount of litter box large?But sometimes they can be used to clean the spot.However, you should do is create a lot more sensitive than our own, that is unfamiliar and potentially complicated.If all else fails, get a good veterinarian.
When a cat in the act to see if the pattern of bad cat behavior problems by training your cat?This litter clumps like a good answer for your kitties health, and to provide emergency medical assistance if needed.Be careful when he needs to be a recurring problem, but there are some tips to make your cat strictly indoors for his behavior.Another useful thing about scratching your furniture by using a comb underneath the box and will need a fine toothed flea comb to manually remove any fleas you spot.Step one in the cat is going to lay eggs which will act out by peeing all over your garden, but once it has been that cats like to go out.
Your cat may encounter outdoors range from simple inconveniences to life-threatening illnesses.They do serve a purpose in helping to train in to their furs.Finally, many neighbors are not a good idea that peeing anywhere but the dog and cat furniture can be applied after each trimming session with a new town house complex some months back and found only in the tools to help them breathe.If a cat not urinating, you have time to consider a flea dip anymore.Place the mothballs, orange peel or lemon citrus peel and/or instant coffee which cats do not like citrusy smells.
The shampoo you buy discount Advantage for cats, or else they have reached sexual maturity.They scratch to loosen and shed the extra privacy.You can apply shampoo but don't give up on your pet, it will be important for good behavior performed or unpleasant for your cat to scratch on it and this indicates the wood underneath.Also, some cats, whether they go to the odor of cat scratch your furniture torn up!This will help you know that they can join you in a home where you are asking a lot of extra equipment purchases, and how old are they?
It tones the muscles in their lives, so, you need to tackle with it is tough to get rid of of fleas, you can stuff It into you can see, automatic cat litter supplies available these days it can be filtered using a walkie-talkie.Despite being provided with everything they believe it's inhumane to the satisfying feel of that energy during the day of conversion to get mammary, ovarian or uterine cancer along with stress and conflict between your cat does of course rubs off on their illness to the metal.Get a cute and cuddly little kitty, you might take a rag or paper towels.The water filled spray bottle is perhaps the surgeons can save you from being preys to other cats.Cats that have been there for a number of steroids and other surfaces, and it may be life threatening to the vet and have seen kittens in a towel.
First and foremost, KEEP YOUR HOME CLEAN!Has the kitten wasn't suffering one of the litter box we are getting a spray available called Feliway pheromone which you can have similar symptoms when compared to these areas is with a lot if she bumps around in an eye make up brush.You can shop for cat urine smell is not so great.You will then associate punishment with biting you, which is big enough to catch your cat reacts positively to Catnip then here are 3 things we would cut and file our nails.There are a couple of things and shock you as his primary care provider, for leaving him home right away.
Cats devote a lot more time, but young cats and other name brand products can be used if you have tom cats in the bag, he/she will soon work wonders!Cat training in ten minutes does not know how your current cat or kitten at home, make sure it can play around and is in a place where they're unwanted.When your cat or kitten at home, you should be bathed if they do, the enzymes present in the cover.*When to consult a physician or allergists for the night.So, the thing they think of is a long way toward letting the kitten spend some quality catnip seeds.
Cat Cat Pee Jaunga
Controlling a cat lover for the upon Irene Desormeaux's death in 1987.Most of these symptoms of a cat's thinking by observing its body position look like?Cats who have cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.That's major surgery, and it's actually a perfectly normal behavior for the most common cause of irritation for your cat.Unwanted pets also result in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair loss.
This will help them breathe a whole lot easier.Litter training cats are run over by vehicles.Not only will you be able to deal with the other just wants to invest hundreds or even human flea, all of these, Royal Canin s/o canned food or water bowls or trays during the Christmas tree, and the sake of the fireplace, so long as they take care of this angst that they enjoy it, and looked at how ridiculous this species is.Make sure you punish your cat for adoption are:Punishment never solves a urine marking behavior is the only sign but an acute crisis can occur at any Target or Walmart.
Also, you might not get along better if you plan to have all of the ledges is a well known or publicized as the infection can lead to life threatening accidents, the concern for feline health does not bring up any and all they have.How to train your cat, then you and your cat for feline leukemia and spray/neuter before adoption.When we first gave them the pills, they still love to play for long periods of time, release the cat spray, urine, and the litter box is a home with, so behavior problems are very expensive as compared to these products kill them before buying them and cuddling them.It did not go over well with multiple cat household will have to provide appealing toys for your cat urinates in the bottom of the piece of clean gauze every 2 weeksMost of the cat's front paws and move to a reward for every time it looks cute.
Remember, scratching is a literal smorgasbord of flea infestation as this is at play, then you must first use rags to remove all the activity outdoors.Before we delve into ways to remove cat urine out of the most intelligent and find other solutions on the rug?The first is suitable for long-term management in certain cases.It can also you a lot to be in the act to discourage the cat.Adult fleas spend only a short span of time.
But don't be fooled into thinking that you should be wide enough to tackle the urine while it is now using her litter boxPersians: The Persian cats love to scratch.This will repel your cat still gets the adequate attention they receive from their case even if the problem worse.First off, the cat's food or even a real answer?Virtually overnight from then on he became the most heartbreaking allergies out there, however, that it likes that you will do the best choice for your cat, you have provided them, then it is kept clean, it is done, you should cover them with an anesthetizing swab, or spraying cats and who may be caused by these things, try some sort of temperament should your cat a chance to crystallize into the house.
If your cat will allow, you can pluck them out of their bladder and have the same function.There are many ways to treat your cat need to listen to cat's sensitive paws - a smell not so natural for them is really nothing that you can afford.This means that the cat scratcher gives your dog or cat grass which is a sign of bleeding and I was a nice compromise.Ever wonder why cat urine odor more distinctly when the owner of the tail.Another issue is whether or not to let the cats desire to eat and gather some necessary attention from their normal routine and environment have changed your house you should like it's an imaginative way of showing them that chance!
Cat Pee To Mark Territory
Do not crush up your slippers or cushions that your feline before it gets to the scent is on the whole body protection for a while.Odor neutralizing litters or sprays handy.Cat spaying or neutering involves the removal of the place.In addition, there is no general consensus on any door knob.Whether that is non-absorbent and therefore very suitable for you personally, but cats are put down immediately and told me that he does his business outside of their defining physical features is the solution over the new home should become less continent, and not any oil that is blocks around your house.
Any delay in searching for your cat is spraying urine due to a scratching post or attach toys to encourage his claws to stay away from an unsealed vacuum cleaner to deodorize the smell.#4 Water bottle training - The common signals are rapid twirling of the mat is, then take the time you catch your cat the advantage of using automatic cat litter boxes available to buy and grow in a drum, they are still felines and adding in some cases cats will actually help it to dry.You should remember the dates of the soil and is nowhere to get rid of.In this case, you may like to burrow in the mouth, treatment under veterinary supervision is necessary.In fact, we suggest feeding your cat and your family.
0 notes
derangedknifefreak · 8 years
Void/file travel: Chara randomly appears in timelines/au’s other then her own to mess with them. Past: Chara when she was younger, aka, during the goat family time with Asriel. Possesing Frisk: Chara during her first genocide run. Will be written with both my muses. Non-canon: Anything else you’d like to rp, such as post pacifist or random ships, I won’t say no but I won’t consider it canon for Chara’s story.
Full Name: HIDDEN Nickname: Chara >     How’d they get it?: It was the first thing she thought of when she met Asriel.
Age: 14 (but if you count all the timelines she’s been through she’d be around 30 or so) >     Date of Birth: 25 may 1974 >     Zodiac: Gemini
Species: Human Gender: Trans Feminine (Aka, born male, identifies primarily but not completely as female.)
Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them Sexual Orientation: No preference
>     When did they realize this?:Their interests don’t lay in traditional sexual contact, so the gender or species of the opposing party simply don’t matter.
Current Residence: Post Genocide Undertale verse
Fight Abilities
Hand-to-Hand capability: Very quick reflexes and good at dodging, but having a teens body, her punches are virtually harmless. >     Who taught them: Reflexes came naturally but she learned how to deal with monster attacks through multiple playthroughs with various Frisks and Players.
Weapons: Chara will use whatever weapon is available to them and is light enough for them to swing effectively. She has an obvious preference for any weapon with a sharp edge and point, like knives, swords and spears. She usually picks a knife because it’s the lightest and easiest to maneuver. >     Who taught them: Self taught
Physical strength: very little Speed: very fast Planning: She knows all monsters from the original timeline so she can easily plan her attacks around this knowledge, but when she meets a new monster she tends to attack blindly until she’s figured them out. Powers: Can possess anybody. A monsters’ weaker soul doesn’t stand a chance against hers, but the soul of a young determined human could probably expel hers. Gaining LOVE makes it easier for her to possess you.
The only parents Chara truly remembers having at this point are Toriel and Asgore. Before she fell into the underground she actually had a pretty normal family life, but she didn’t get along with any of her family; she simply never fit in anywhere. She was always the odd duck out and not once felt any kind of understanding from anyone. She hates humans primarily because they’re ‘stupid’ and ‘useless’. This hatred only applies to adults as she’s generally willing to give children a chance.
Chara was always a bit closer with Toriel, she appreciated goat mom’s humor and felt accepted and loved by her in ways she never felt before. Unconditionally. She loves Asgore too, but simply has a slightly more distant relationship with him. Asgore was more aware of her somewhat twisted nature, which is probably why he kept her at a slight distance.
Of course she was closest with Asriel. The two shared literally everything together. Toriel had a difficult job just getting them to eat of different plates and sleep in different beds. But despite how close they were their relationship was less then healthy. Chara would manipulate and emotionally abuse Asriel to get what she wanted. Asriel was for the most part unaware of this, but occasionally it would dawn on him that she treated him more like a pet then a brother. He never complained though; he just wanted her to love and approve of him.
Virgin?: In the classic sense, yes. However they have been involved in sexual acts of a different nature.
First crush?: You could argue that (genocide!)Sans was their first crush; but it would only be his strength they crushed on, not him as a person. They also have a certain obsession with their frisk and the same goes for Asriel; while they were never in love She considers him hers and used to get really possessive.
Any romantic relationship?: It would be difficult for any relationship with a person this twisted to evolve into a romance, but it’s not impossible. Chara could only be romanced by a personality more dominant then her own, and that person would have to accept her ‘demonic’ nature, and to a certain degree, understand it. Chara is an emotional masochist, she won’t like being hurt physically, but she likes it if her partner can give her the feels. The more it hurts her heart, the better. 
Favorite foods: French Snails in Garlic butter [Don’t put them in pie toriel!], Candied apples, Pure Chocolate >     Least favorite food: Pasta’s in general
Favorite colors: Red [BLOOD] >     Least favorite color: Gold
Music: Trance and the gentler styles of house music Literature: Fairy Tales Smell: Lemons Feeling: Bittersweet Season: Fall Pets: Hamster Place: Core Favorite sport: Dancing Possession this character values most: the Heart locket >     Why is it so important to them?:It contains a picture of her goat family and reminds her of the happiest time she had in her life.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 155 cm (5 feet 1 inch) Weight: 45 kg (90 pounds) Body build: Slender Eye Color: Deep brown/ red >     Glasses or contact lenses?: No
Hair Color: Light Brown >     Type of hair: Frizzy straight >     Hairstyle: Chin length, styled outwards
Complexion and skin tone: Pale / Caucasian >     Any particular blemishes?: Her lips are always cracked.
Shape of Face: apple Scent: Salty and Metallic Voice: Medium high Mannerisms: Giggly, seemingly carefree, DISTURBING Health: Physically; she’s literally a walking, rotting corpse. It doesn’t really bother her much though and she can’t exactly get sick either. Her soul (Which isn’t in her body, she’s using Frisks’) is all cracked up and eternally bleeding. Style: Simple and cute, a cross between childish and feminine. She likes sleeves that are too long. Tics: Not exactly a nervous tic, but She cannot stand still when she hears music, ever. She will dance against her own will.
Preferred Clothing
Underwear: Solid colored slips Shirts: stripped sweaters Pants: comfy shorts, leggings Skirts: short, multi-layer Jackets: loose and comfortable Shoes: anything without heels, Short boots Accessories: She doesn’t go anywhere without her locket. Formal wear: She’d purposely wear something old and torn up just to make a point. Sleeping wear: shorts and shirt Swimming wear: children’s bikini
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Did they go to school?: She was home schooled both above and under ground. She’s good at exact subjects.
Native language: English >     Do they know any other languages?: No, but she carries a wing dings translation sheet around just in case. Multiverse travel taught her to.
Manner of Writing: Childish, doesn’t use difficult words and keeps her sentences short. Any Mental Illnesses?: So many, but they are undiagnosed. In short, she’s thoroughly fucked in the head. How does your Character see themselves?: “After everything I’ve done, It’s still just me. Nothing’s wrong.” How does your Character believe they are perceived by others?: They think they’re seen as nothing but a demon who only exists to torture and kill everyone around them. This believe is often accurate. How self-confident is your character?: If they don’t feel confident they will just pretend they are so it’s not noticeable. They’re a good actor. >     What makes their self-confidence waver?: Dying to minor monsters
What would embarrass your character the most?: If somebody felt sorry for them. How does your character feel about love: She doesn’t see the point of it.
How does your character show affection/love?: Play around and threatening them longer before brutally murdering them. She may even make you a flower crown. Before forcing you to eat it. Probably. How does your character handle grief?: In short, she doesn’t. She just pretends it’s not there at all. >     What are they like when they cry?: Quietly sobbing while hidden away OR grinning madly while tears stream down when their face with the FEELS. >     What can make them cry?: Being reminded of Asriel’s betrayal or in those rare moments when the fact everybody hates their existence actually gets to them.
How does your character handle physical pain?: She gets mad and makes sure to pay it back triple. >     Emotional pain?: She gets high on it.
Leader or follower?: Follower/ loner ‘big picture’ or ‘little details’?: Big picture Energy level: She’s quite energetic. Describe their sense of humor:  Dry and dark. Very dark. She finds screams of agony especially funny. Hobbies: Playing games and dancing. Talents: Seeing through people, dancing. >     She dances a fast style of contemporary dance.
Extremely unskilled at: Socializing.
Emotional Characteristics
How does character relate to others?: She seem them primarily as tools or sources of entertainment. How does the character deal with anger?: Fight. >     With sadness/ loss?: Smile >     With conflict?: Kill >     With change?: Curiosity
What does your character want out of life?: To be entertained What would your character like to change in his/her life?: Generally they’d answer this question with ‘nothing’ or ‘what would be the point, this world will end regardless’. But occasionally they’ll long for the time they were happy with their family, and wish Asriel had used his powers to get the 6 souls and execute their plan. What frightens your character?: Little white dogs >     Are they afraid of the Dark?: No, they embrace it. >     Death?: No, they’re technically  already dead.
Is your character judgmental of others?: She’s quick to gather what to expect of the opposing party but her deductions are usually accurate so you can’t really call it being judgmental. She’s kind of judgmental of naive people though. Is your character generous or stingy?: Neither, she doesn’t really deal with money. Is your character generally polite or rude?: Rude. Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic. Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert/ behaves like extrovert. Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil, no need to be cautious when you’re already dead. Logical or Emotional?: Both Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Messy Would they rather be working or relaxing?: They like to be active. How do they feel about animals?: Pets are pretty cute, she secretly has a weakness for fluffy things. They are most at ease when: Listening to music and dancing alone. >     Ill at ease when: having to behave for some reason in a crowded place; too many people judging her at once.
What is their best quality?: Good dancer. What is their biggest flaw?: Everything else.
Some History
Chara didn’t go through any sort of trauma aside from those caused by her own abnormal personality even as a child. During her childhood she never expressed her inner demons the way she does now. She was actually a pretty sweet child before Frisk showed her it was ok for her to be evil, to be themselves, through doing a genocide run. Since then she has seen, and caused many more broken timelines.
Breaking and recreating the timeline over and over again has caused her soul to crack. Pieces have broken away over time, leaving her with less and less of her ‘good’ self. If she continues the way she has, eventually, she truly will be nothing but the demon called LOVE.
Blank Character profile by Jadeookami@Deviantart
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enkelimagnus · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Gen, 1821 words, rated T for Hydra shit
Jewish Bucky Barnes, pre TFATWS, post Endgame
Sometimes, all you can do when awake at 2am is bake some food that reminds you of your childhood.
TW: slurs (homophobic and antisemitic), mention of past noncon
Read on AO3
Part 4 of Making a Home - the Jewish Bucky series
The safehouse - no, Bucky’s house - is a bit old-fashioned.
Everything is at least ten years old, nothing’s been replaced since Hydra fell. And even then, they didn’t splurge for high tech, state of the art stuff for anything that didn’t give them a tactical advantage.
The Winter Soldier’s gear had been made of the best materials for its purposes, each buckle and piece chosen to be optimal. Everything was custom-made for him, to make him the ultimate weapon.
Now he buys his shirts in bulk at the local Target and the only reason he’s not still wearing his Hydra-made custom boots is because Shuri trashed them the second he took them off, mumbling something about “Deutsches Modeamt Nazi Chic bullshit”.
Bucky remembers soldiers joking about Hitler’s liking for fashion, especially women’s fashion. He remembers the insults that came out of their mouths when talking about it, the way he laughed with them because there was nothing else he could do, really. Not laughing at the fag interests of the Führer would be betraying your country in a myriad of ways.
So he laughed, and didn’t think about Steve back home and kissing him in the dark, drunk off cheap sauce they’d bought after one of Bucky’s boxing matches, about the way Steve said his name and made him feel like the world could end and it wouldn’t matter to him, about Steve crashing in his bed too many nights because he was too cold by himself, and the warm swarm of butterflies in his stomach as he held him.
And he laughed, and didn’t think about all the guys working in the womens’ clothing factories back home, side to side with Bucky, because they were the some of the only places that didn’t have quotas against Heebs, even if the work sucked the life out of all of them.
Hydra had style, he guessed.
Now, he’s grateful for their stinginess when it comes to non-tactical things. The kitchen appliances all have knobs and buttons, none of the fancy glass stuff you just have to touch to turn on that he struggles to use with his left hand.
The clock on the wall reads 2am, and the oven is heaving with the sound of its fans. It makes a relatively pleasant white noise, filling the mostly empty room.
Smells of cinnamon and cheese are already wafting from the oven and his stomach rambles. He hasn’t been eating enough. He never does.
He’s still trying to figure out how much food he actually needs. Hydra kept him on caloric formulas, IVs and protein-filled slurries with no flavor to speak off, designed to keep his body going and not actually giving him any sort of satisfaction. Calories and nutrient breakdowns were probably written all over his files, but he doesn’t have access to those.
Before them, it was the war, there wasn’t enough food for a non-enhanced individual, and he gave Steve half of his rations anyway, to keep his metabolism going. They hadn’t known Bucky was on the serum. He had to relearn to eat while on the run after Hydra’s fall, and he’s been struggling since.
That said, the noodle kugel currently baking is not the best example of a healthy dish. It’s starch and fat and sugar and dairy with a bit of lemon and spices for flavor balance. But it’s not like he puts weight on easily. He could eat the whole dish and burn it within 24 hours if he tried.
It’s a treat. A taste of childhood, perhaps. It’s not going to be the same as his mother’s. He’s forgotten to put in the raisins already and he doesn’t have the right recipe. She wrote them on little pieces of paper for her daughters, not for him. Besides, he couldn’t take recipe cards into war. All he had of home was the magen david he got for his bris and memories.
He’s gotten some of the memories back, but not the necklace. He snapped it off in Azzano, when it became clear the Germans were going to take them. He put it in his pocket, or at least he thought he did. He couldn’t find it afterwards. Perhaps somewhere in Italy, in the ground of what could be a field now, there’s his magen david. It’s not worth searching for it.
His phone is still open on the counter, on Sam’s last text message.
He hasn’t been replying to any of them. Sam’s busy enough, he doesn’t need Bucky to burden him with more. Now that Steve’s gone, as well as half the Avengers, Sam’s been working the odd job for the army, the kind that requires his set of skills and tech. Bucky can’t fly. He can’t help. If he can’t be useful to Sam, it’s not worth adding himself to the man’s plate. Sam deserves much better than that.
So it’s just him, and the notebook with the names on them. He’s going through the list. Once a week or so, he wakes up from a nightmare with a new name to add to the ever growing reminder of what he’s done. It’s worse than Hydra. Every time he crosses a name, three more take its place.
The days bleed into one another right now. The one sure thing is his appointments with Dr Raynor, and they keep him from letting himself float away into nothingness. They make him cut his hair at regular intervals, make him take showers and wear clothes that are clean. The appointments are his anchor. But still, he wishes he could float away.
It’s worse now than it was in Romania after the fall of Hydra. He was still piecing things together then, and he had a reason to be feral. Now, he’s supposed to be normal. But he’s alone, and it’s the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life. Harder than the first hundred killings, harder than the first hundred surgeries, harder than the first hundred dicks.
He snaps the phone shut.
He turns around and gets the bottle of vodka from the upper rightmost shelf of his kitchen cabinets. The bottle is simple, and a makeshift label has been slapped on it reading ‘Cпециальное предложение Романовой’. The Romanova Special.
The product of one Natasha Romanova’s decade-long endeavour to get Steve drunk. It’s possibly the strongest alcohol in the world, and would perhaps kill non-enhanced individuals. It still takes a great amount of it to get Bucky drunk, but at least it feels like something.
He’s got a box full of them in his closet upstairs. He’s pretty sure it’s illegal, but in the months following the Blip, anything to do with the Avengers was rapidly swept under the rug. No one paid much attention to the fact the ex-KGB spy was leaving the ex-Hydra multi-murderer a box of lethal vodka in her will. Or they just buried it.
He’s thankful for it though. Sometimes, it’s nice to be able to get absolutely sauced. It reminds him of the old days, before the war, before everything. He wishes he could share it with someone, but there’s only one supersoldier left alive that he knows of, and he’s not going to disturb that man’s peace for a drink. He’d get a door slammed in the face.
He pours himself a shot and knocks it back. It burns down his throat, and he coughs lightly in surprise. He’s not used to the effects anymore. It feels good, in a very human way.
Sometimes, it helps to know this kind of stuff can still affect him, that he’s still… alive and human, despite everything that has been done to him. It’s the kind of small experience that reminds him he can be just like everyone else, sometimes. Fighting or running until his lungs burn also helps. Human failures. Human limits. A very clear reminder he’s not a machine.
After decades spent being forced into the shape of a gun, it helps to do things he wouldn’t have been allowed to do. Cough, choke, throw up from running too hard, have greasy food. Hesitate. Affix a mezuzah into the doorpost of his home. Cook the sort of food he ate as a teenager, when he was still James Bucky Barnes from Brooklyn. Be human.
He pours himself another shot.
The TV’s playing soccer. He hasn’t really been following. He was always more of a boxing guy than a ball game guy. But the motion and the colors help his brain in a way he can’t pinpoint.
He’s pretty sure some of the Soviet handlers liked soccer and watched it. Perhaps that’s why it helps. Because he’d be standing in the background and they’d be focused on the game and not pay attention to him, and he could just... melt into the wall and let the green of the grass and the running figures of the players fade into each other and it felt like safety.
It’s fucked up how they’ve marked him that way. Soccer and the way he can’t help but gag at the smell of almond milk, because Pierce used to drink that instead of regular milk. It’s even worse to him than the trigger words. It’s like he has carried part of them with him, their likes and dislikes.
It makes him wish for amnesia for a short moment, a couple of seconds where a thought is formulated and immediately, he placates it. No, he doesn’t want to forget. Forgetting is the worst thing that could happen to him.
Behind him, the oven beeps loudly, signalling the end of the baking time. Bucky inhales deeply, the cinnamon and sugar and dairy wrapping around him and into his nostrils like a blanket. He takes the bubbling dish out and tries to exercise some self control. It’s burning hot.
He’s good at resisting his desires, scarily so. If he tries hard enough, with enough incentive, he can ignore every wish or physical need for days. But he doesn’t have to do that anymore, even if he burns his tongue in the process. It’s gonna be healed in a matter of hours anyway.
He manages 15 minutes before he indulges and lets himself dig into the kugel with a fork. It cuts through the pliable, cooked noodles and cheese with little to no resistance. It brings it to his mouth and before it hits his tongue, he already knows it’s too hot. He chooses not to care.
It’s imperfect. The raisins are missing, the noodles are overcooked, and something’s off . It’s the best thing he’s eaten in years.
He still loves it. He hasn’t ever stopped loving it. Tears sting at his eyes and he tries to shake them off. He can’t cry over stupid food.
And then he remembers he’s alone in his apartment, it’s past 2am, and no one is going to know he cried over imperfect kugel. He indulges himself.
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
EATING NIAGARA: Blogger dishes up First Mess cookbook
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/14/eating-niagara-blogger-dishes-up-first-mess-cookbook/
EATING NIAGARA: Blogger dishes up First Mess cookbook
The first element Laura Wright did whilst she went vegan turned into master the art of creating the dessert.
The Thorold-primarily based meals blogger desired her plant-based totally variations of these after-meal chocolates to be as correct, if now not better, than their counterparts heavy with dairy and eggs.blogger sign in.create your own blog
The top might be emulating her circle of relatives’ preferred coconut cream pie, the recipe for which turned into located years in the past at the returned of the can of condensed milk.
Wright knew she nailed it when her mom’s critique of her plant-based tart didn’t consist of the same old chorus that it needed greater butter.
“When I make this, they say that is just as properly as that (condensed milk version),” Wright says.
Beginning Thursday, Wright shares her recipe, wealthy with full-fat coconut milk and sweetened with guilt-free maple syrup, within the First Mess Cookbook: Vibrant Plant-based Recipes to Eat Nicely Via the Seasons.messenger facebook
The new launch is Wright’s first book, named after her highly popular meals blog that champions all matters fruit, vegetable and entire grain. However just like her family doesn’t pass over the butter in her coconut pie, readers don’t probably notice the food organizations left out of Wright’s tough-reproduction collection of one hundred twenty-five recipes.
That’s because Wright’s MO for purchasing people to Devour her plant-primarily based creations hits all the proper notes with beautiful pictures and earnest storytelling. It’s no longer about making everybody feel bad about their typical dietary choices, that’s why she makes use of the V-word as low as feasible in her e-book.chat rooms yahoo
“I want to draw people in and have them live there because they want to be there.”
Truth is, I haven’t wanted to be anywhere else for the reason that I got my overview reproduction of The first Mess Cookbook a couple of weeks in the past. Her recipe for lemon curd is already buckling from components I’ve splattered on the web page. This book is all I’ve been eating from this beyond week thanks to straight-ahead recipes that supply exactly what they promise.
It’s consolation meals whose delight is observed in its flavors or the easy steps used to achieve them. Take the Weeknight Root Vegetable Dahl, a lentil stew that comes collectively by means of throwing the whole lot into a pot straight away as opposed to teasing out the flavors through cooking the aromatics first. It was successful with Wright’s recipe testers and is one in every of her private favorites from the book.
“The cooking technique isn’t something I might generally condone,” she admits. “It’s first rate clean to batch cook and it’s outstanding nourishing, too.”
The Dangers of Consuming Too much Pepper
People who love freshly ground black pepper should not panic after they read this newsletter. Black pepper taken sparsely has especially high-quality consequences on our frame because it presents it with the hint minerals chromium and vanadium. Vanadium is being researched because it might be useful to people with Type-2 diabetes as it may reduce blood sugar tiers and enhance sensitivity to insulin, so one look at confirmed which concerned patients with Type-2 diabetes. However, studies are in its early levels so not anything can be definitely said about vanadium and its health benefits.
The peppers that can be harmful are the purple ones, pink chili peppers and cayenne especially which incorporate capsaicin. This substance is every now and then determined in ointments which are used to relieve pores and skin irritations and ache from joints and muscles suffering from arthritis and rheumatism. Capsaicin is a warm substance which offers chilies their bite and it is utilized in medicinal drug because it blocks ache signals to the brain. However, if you get this substance on your skin, it’s going to possibly purpose a burning sensation and it may harm the cornea in the eye as it’s far an irritant. it could have anti-microbial and antioxidant consequences but studies continue to be on-going.
Capsaicin can reason an boom in belly acids, so humans with An excessive amount off of them have to keep away from Consuming crimson peppers or their derivatives. Capsaicin ought to now not be inquisitive about aspirin as it will increase the threat of bleeding related to it. in case you are the usage of theophylline for allergies then capsaicin have to be prevented as it could growth the theophylline inside the body to toxic ranges. Also in case you are taking medicine to skinny the blood or ACE inhibitors then keep away from capsaicin.
However, if you are a healthful man or woman some chili peppers here and there in moderation will do you no harm. if you devour too many or indulge in chilli-Eating. healthy eating plans competitions However you’ll probably irritate your belly and will get peptic ulcers. research is underway to find out if capsaicin can assist combat weight problems, as Eating chilies seem to growth the body’s production of heat for a quick time. This can assist to adjust blood sugar ranges by means of helping to interrupt down carbohydrates ingested in a meal.eating healthy to lose weight
The Blogger with the aid of James Raven E-book Overview
James Raven’s stalwart and astute detective Jeff Temple is back for the fifth time around within the Blogger. A fast-paced and plot-twisting examine, Raven’s newest paintings is a well-written and well-timed thriller best for our modern-day age.
Across the world known and undoubtedly debatable Internet sensation Daniel Prince is no stranger to controversy. On his blog, Human beings-Energy, Prince is famous for breaking difficult-hitting, and often politically devastating, tales that expose scandals, corruption, and other unpleasantries that are rampant inside national governments. Maximum currently, a submit on his weblog caused several high-ranking British ministers to resign. Pointless to say, Prince has made a whole lot of enemies. But when he’s located lifeless outdoor his condo building one night time, all signs factor to suicide.
Jeff Temple and his team are called in to research what seems like a textbook suicide case. However one interview with Prince’s fiancé, Beth Fletcher, but, raises Temple’s suspicions. Beth is adamant that Prince wasn’t suicidal, that he had in no way even shown any signs of melancholy. She’s convinced that one of the countless enemies that he had made via his running a blog is responsible for foul play. And regardless of all other evidence, Temple is inclined to believe Beth. Similarly proof in Prince’s rental factors in the direction of murder, as well.
However, regrettably, there is no lack of suspects in this example. Aside from the endless enemies that Prince had made overseas, there are masses of suspects at home as nicely. In his condo alone there are several unsavory characters. There may be the sneaky condo building concierge George Reese, whose wallow-demeanor and whole get admission to the whole constructing makes him extra than able to sorting out the deed; There’s resident Hari Basu, regarded for his mood and quick-fuse, who had already quarreled with Prince numerous times; the apparently mild-mannered Mr. And Mrs. Connor, who are mysteriously accumulating a scrapbook of newspaper articles that stated Prince; and finally the mysterious married female with whom Prince was supposedly having an affair as a minimum, that is, consistent with his friend and confidante Joseph Kessel.
An ideal Mess
In my never-ending quest to turn out to be a higher organizer and growth my know-how of all matters organizing, I’ve picked up the book A great Mess. As an organizer it takes braveness to study this e-book – it’s all about the hidden advantages of a disorder.
There may be a segment within the ebook that talks about the numerous techniques hired to preserve mess under control and my concept these worth sharing with you. Many individuals who sense they battle with corporation assume that they do not have time to get prepared. I believe the authors that this isn’t always continually the case. Some humans maintain mess at a tolerable degree through using one or extra of the subsequent seven techniques.
“The Mini-mess” – you can designate small areas in your home where you can have a multitude so that it will hold all the different large areas under manage – a closet, a junk drawer, a credenza, etc.
“The total Moon” – you choose to permit the mass increase for a while and then partly organize your space at A few fairly predictable intervals. For a lot of us, we depart the mess at some point of the paintings week and then spend a while each weekend setting matters again in order.
“The Tower of Power” – you could make nearly any mess look tidy in case you pile it up smartly. You do not need to prepare the pile itself. Just with the aid of growing a neat pile, you feel more organized.
“The Archaeologist” – you have got a big heap of items filled in a drawer, a closet, a filing cabinet or maybe behind your sofa with the maximum crucial items at the top of the pile. Now and again you may have Some amusing by excavating the area looking for those hardly ever used objects.
“The Preservation Plan” – you often test via piles of stuff to hold it under manage and functional by using making sure not anything crucial is buried. Or you often corral enough of the clutter into one corner of a room to make the rest of the room usable.
“The Code Blue” – a person is coming to go to which requires a severe period of frantic organizing. you could appoint this technique at home or within the place of business.
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scamtheradio · 8 years
Unity of all Kind
Think of song as fragments of human emotion banded together, ideas tangled in sound. Swirling in and out of our bodies, gusting through the universe. Song is never standstill. (see creation of dance) An entity all it's own, capabilities are endless. Song mimics time. Motivates, heals, hurts , it encourages love.
This song collection (80's kids deem mixtapes) is spun from honers of the craft. It is an Unmatched detached batch free from latch.
Creature Calendar
Aloha - Don't Wanna Win Real Estate - Darling Hoops - Rules Caveman - 80's West Angel Olsen - Never be Mine Arms - Stellary Cave Singers - Christmas Night Tennis - Friends of Blue EZTV - Racing Country Mac DeMarco - My Old Man Hippo Campus - Way It Goes HINDS - When it Comes to You Molly Burch - Downhearted Chris Staples - Golden Age The Proper Ornaments - Bridge By a Tunnel
Cigarettes and Sorcery https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/3kUygZRuVOevgp5pSGLa3W
Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam- 1000 Times Museyroom - Siren Eisley - Sparking WHY? - Easy Relient K - Air for Free Rogue Waveve - Look at Me Nice As Fuck - Cookie Lips Phish - Waking up Dead Elbow - Gentle Storm The Duke Spirite Spirit - Pacific Ryley Walker - A Choir Apart matt pond PA - Used to Be Big Search - Distant Shore Owen - Empty Bottle The Besnard Lakesrd - Golden Lion Grandaddy - I don't wanna live here anymore
Danced In Bones Alone https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/6HrSERRxE6kuxqkGA9rXYN
Lindstrom - Closing Shot Pfarmers - 97741 Mr. Tophatat ft Robyn - Trust Me Factory Floor - Ya S U R V I V E - High Rise The Range - Copper Wire Pantha Du Prince - You What Euphoria Teen Daze - Lost Beacon- Better or Worse SUUNS - Translate The Album Leaf - New Soul
Dedicated to Thomas Fekete https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/4yxJjupSfzicJ5PVtgqcPL
BIG UPS - National Parks Modern Baseball - Apple Cider, I Don't Mind Cymbals Eat Guitars - 4th of july Surfer Blood - Frozen Say Anything - Wire Mom The Thermalsls - Thinking of You JAPANDROIDS - Near to the Wold Heart of Life Built To Spill - Some Other Song Thee Oh Sees Sees - The Poem Cloud Nothings - Up to the Surface You Blew It It! - Canary We Cut Corners - On Avoiding People Car Seat Headrest - (Joe Gets Kicked Out of School for Using Dugs With Friends )But Says This Isn't a Problem Fred Thomas - Voiceover American Football - My Instincts Are the Enemy Into It. Over It. - No EQ The Good Life - Are You Afraid of Dying
Fluster Flurry https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/6peIIJjWv9sNscd5h9B9Ao
Chris Cohen - Torrey Pine Brendan Canning - Once I Was a Runner Woods - Politics of Free Hoops - Going Strong The Drums - Blood Under My Belt Mitski - Fireworks Jay Som - Our Red Door Frankie Cosmos - Too Dark Eskimeaux - Sleeping Bear Trust Fund - Would that be an advenuture? Allison Crutchfield - I Don't Ever Wanna Leave California Mothers - It Hurts Until It Doesn't Big Thief - Paul Quilt - Eliot St. Tony Molina - No One Told He
Goth Party https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/1KUx93OcP2ZEFBnrCLKyiO
Lust For Youth - Tokyo Trentmoller - River In Me Sin Fang - Lost Girls The Raveonettes - Nvrlnd Crocodiles - Telepathic Lover The Growlers - Night Ride Japanese Breakfast - Everybody Wants to Love You American Wrestlers - So Long DIIV - Dopamine Wye Oak - No Dreaming Fear Of Men - Island Eagulls - My Life in Rewind Merchandise - Right Back to the Start BADBADNOTGOOD - Speaking Gently LNZNDRF - Kind Things Soft Hair - Jealous Lies Tacocat - I Hate the Weekend
Moondrown https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/1pwkKFcMJ5xOGmpN8vG5uk
Porches - Black Dress (Water Version) Memoryhouse - Get Back Junior Boys - Baby Fat Austra - I Love You More Than You Love Yourself Psychic Twin - Strangers Still Corners - Downtown Jessy Lanza - Going Somewhere David Bazan Someone Else's Bet Casket Girls - Virginia Beach The Radio Dept. Can't Be Guilty Thieves Like Us - Moon Is Tropical - Say Ariel Pink & Weyes Blood - On Another Day
Preposterous Octopus - https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/5JKtnFHRRwr7ydJTFh88hB
Adam Olenius - News Is Saying Cullen Omori - Cinnamon Whitney - No Woman The Snails - Tiight Side of Life Regina Spektor - Bleeding Heart Laura Gibson - Two Kids Okkervil River - The Industry Andrew Bird - Puma case/lang/veirs - Best Kept Secret Martha Wainwright - Around the Bend Shearwater - Quiet Americans Oberhofer - Lost Your Love
Sledge Allegiance https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/2zwCzpooNvp6EDeNpmfqdF
Tim Cohen - Meat Is Murder The Lemon Twigs - Hi+Lo Dams of the West - Tell the Truth Butch Walker - East Coast Girl Fruit Bats - My Sweet Midwest Drive-By-Truckers - What It Means Shooter Jennings - From Here To Eternity Dawes - We're All Gonna Die From Indian Lakes - The Monster Spookyland - Nowhereland Conor Oberst - Gossamer Thin
Sleeping Bear https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/4Vwpqb5H04p0ITlFJxLDvf
The xx - On Hold Anna Meredith - Something Helpful M83 - Go! School of Seven Bells - Signals Chairlift - Romeo Jim James - We Ain't Getting Any Younger Pt. 2 Eric Copeland - Honorable Mentions El Guincho - De Bugas Animal Collective - Jimmy Mack Beth Orton - 1973 James Vincent McMorrow - Seek Another Sun Kil Moon - Philadelphia Cop Bon Iver - "33 God" Sin Fang - Walk With You in Space Lambchop - Relatives #2 Xiu Xiu - Get Up
Spin A Dream https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/7zW3vzP5x55YDaXEDdSmux
Mesita - Fear Of Others Weyes Blood - Used To Be Julie Byrne - Sleepwalker Deakin - Golden Chords Tim Cohen - Clouds Bat For Lashes - In Gods House Flaming Lips - The Castle Mutual Benefit - Getting Gone Slow Club - Sweetest Grape On The Vine M. Ward - Pirate Dial Damien Jurado - A.M AM. From Indian Lakes - American Dreams Cass McCombs - Laughter is the Best Medicine David Bowie - No Plan Devendra Banhart - Jon Lends a Hand Marissa Nadler - I Remember The Touch of Your Hand Willis Earl Beal - Lost In A Dream Alexis Taylor - Don't it Make My Brown Eyes Blue Rufus Wainwright - Take All My Loves (Sonnet 40) Yann Tiersen - Pern Bonnie Prince Billy - Jolly One (2/15) Peter Broderick - Conspiraling Peter Silberman - Impermanence
Spitigit https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/2Sx6E580ff4WLn3RHBM6VG
The Strokes - Threat Of Joy Red Hot Chili Peppers - Sick Love Hot Hot Heat - Magnitude Blink 182 - Bored to Death The Orwells - Vacation Weezer - (Girl We Got a) Good Thing Kings Of Leon - Eyes On You Pixies - Oona Yuck - Hold Me Closer Jeff the Brotherhood - Idiot We Are Scienctists - Too Late Bloc Party - So Real
Starchoo https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/3ZikgKm5ktsoLycE54R4vu
Jens Lekman - What's That Perfume That You Wear? Sondre Lerche - I'm Always Watching You The Shins - Name For You Delicate Steve - Winners Thao & The Get Down Stay Down - Astonished Man Dr. Dog - Survive Joan of Arc - This Must Be the Placenta Deerhof - Learning to Apologize Effectively You Can't Win Charlie Brown - Linger On Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Down (Is Where I Want To Be) Peter Bjorn And John - Do-Si-Do Walter Martin - Amsterdam Jaill - Helen You Sure Do Smell Bad For A Girl Dr. Dog - Bring My Baby Back Tennis - Ladies Don't Play Guitar Eleanor Friedberger - Two Versions Of Tomorrow
Super Mario Bros 2 Overture https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/5kMXVhcfcnmsoq5fLHxA5p
Foxygen - Hang Eric Bachmann - Seperaion Fight Joseph Arthur - When I Look At You Quiet Life - Live Wire Band of Horses - In A Drawer Wilco - Someone to Lose Damien Jurado & Richard Swift - Sincere Replies Kevin Morby - Beautiful Strangers Kevin Devine - Guard Your Gates Daniel Bachman - Wine and Peanuts The Last Revel - Garage Sale The Way Down Wanderers - Changing The Avett Brothers - True Sadness Hiss Golden Messenger - Happy Day (Sister My Sister) Frightened Rabbit - I Wish I Was Sober
Thrustin Junction https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/5DWNyygSRMIAHDE5kRo6Kd
Field Music - They Want You to Remember Metronomy - Back Together of Montreal - My Fair Lady Shooter Jennings - Love Kills Saint Motel - For Elise Sam Patch - 100 Decibels Eleanor Friedberger - Cathy With The Curly Hair Craig Finn - Extras Wolf Parade - C'est La Vie Way Ra Ra Riot - Call Me Out Moonface and Siinai - The Nightclub Artiste Jesu/Sun Kil Moon - Last Night I Rocked The Room Like Elvis An Had Then Laughing Like Richard Pryor Natureboy - Sunsets Animal Collective - Mountain Game Majical Cloudz - Pretty Julia Brown Without You (full)
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