#... everything is just so well done... I can't get over it.💘💘💘
stargazerlillian · 11 months
Okay, so "Once Upon a Studio" was cute... and I may or may not have felt like crying a few times while watching it...
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mrsbarnesblog · 11 months
Hi dear ☺️ could I ask for an imagine with Bucky where you can't sleep, so you walk around through the compound enjoying the silence. Just as you find a wide awake Bucky as well. You then just talk about senseless stuff till you find yourself in each other's embrace on the couch where he finally gets the guts to kiss you and tell you how much you mean to him. Eventually you fall asleep and the others find you both tangled together the next morning and are very happy for you 🙊
masterlist ko-fi ao3
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: just fluff
Author's note: thank you for the request, love. this is my first attempt to write it, so I hope you'll be satisfied with it💘
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Walking around the quiet and empty compound in the middle of the night was satisfying. No arguing, no screams, no laughter—just long corridors and free common rooms that gave you a place to distance yourself from thoughts and feelings. 
You have done it a lot lately. Since the missions were always unexpected and not always easy, your whole sleep routine got quickly ruined, and now you couldn't fall asleep at a proper time. 
Your feet in fluffy socks softly tapped on a cold floor when you headed towards the connected kitchen and living room, where the Avengers spend more of their free time. Humming some song that you heard earlier, you turned on the low lights and opened a fridge for an ice cream, too lost in your head to notice a figure sitting on the couch. 
You found your favorite one and scooped the whole spoon, quietly moaning at the flavor on your tongue. Still with a spoon in your mouth, you turned around and almost choked when you saw Bucky sitting a few feet away from you and intently looking at you. 
“Oh my god, Bucky! I almost had a heart attack!” Your free hand flew to the left side of your chest, trying to calm down your heartbeat. “What are you doing here?” You smiled at him, noticing that he was sitting in complete darkness and looked exhausted.  
“Nightmare.” He gave you a sad smile and moved to the side. “Wanna sit with me? I see you’re far from being asleep too, doll.” His nickname made redness creep onto your cheeks. You took another spoon and sat by his right side. 
“Yeah, my whole night routine is messed up, and my eyes won't even close.” You chuckled, not missing how Bucky’s eyes studied your face. He saw that you had caught him and quickly looked away, pretending to be interested in the pint of ice cream in your hands. “I– um, do you want to talk about your nightmare? You know I’m always here if you need me, Buck.” 
Before you could even think, your hand covered his in a supportive gesture. Bucky was slightly taken aback, but the warm feeling at the fact that you had always been so nice and open to him blossomed in his chest. He slowly turned his hand over so your fingers slipped in between his, and gave you a soft squeeze. 
"No. We can talk about anything except for this. But thank you, doll.” He looked at you again with those soft blue eyes and a little smile on his lips. 
You were talking for at least an hour, discussing news in the compound and the book that Bucky had read recently. The ice cream pin was almost finished. You moved closer to Bucky, starting to feel sleepy, and put your head on his shoulder. He smelled so good and basically radiated that comfortable warmth, so you wanted to burry yourself in him. His low and muffled voice above your head worked as a lullaby on you, but you tried everything to stay awake and finally spend as much time together as you could. 
“Doll, you’re barely staying awake.” He couldn’t resist himself and placed a soft kiss on your hair. “You’re ready for bed.” The moment he started moving to stand up, you gripped his forearm, not letting him go. 
“No, Bucky, can we stay here for a few more minutes? Please? I really like talking to you.” You mumbled against his shirt. Bucky looked down at you, surprised and happy at the same time. 
“You do?” His lips curled into a smile, which he really tried to control but completely failed. You just slightly nodded, still holding eye contact with him. 
You both were silent for a few seconds, suddenly too lost in each other’s eyes, until Bucky couldn’t hold back any more and looked at your soft lips. You were so close to him, all sleepy and cute, that it was impossible to deny the fact that he had been hiding his feelings for you for too long. He could ruin everything, but it felt right to do so in that moment, so he just gave in. 
Your eyes instantly closed at the feeling of Bucky’s lips on yours. Pint had fallen somewhere on the floor when you emptied your hand to place it on his stubble cheek. The kiss was slow and sweet, as if Bucky tried to savor you as much as he could. His metal hand held the side of your neck, slightly moving you closer to him. 
You had never gotten butterflies from a simple kiss. It was exactly what you needed—what you craved for so long. You felt secure in Bucky’s presence, feeling like your body was flowing when he slowly moved his lips against yours. 
“Fuck.” He slightly pulled away and connected your foreheads. It was so intimate, like you two were in a bubble in your own world. “I wanted to do that for so long.” 
“Mhm.” You hummed with still closed eyes. Bucky’s thumb gently rubbed your cheek, and you leaned closer to his touch. “Me too, Buck. I thought about it more times than I can admit.” 
“You’re amazing, so pretty, and cute, and kind... Gosh, I don’t remember the last time I felt this way. Will you go on a date with me? If you don’t want to, it’s o–" 
“I want. I really do. I wish other people saw this side of you. You are so sweet.” You bit your lip, and now, without hiding it, you studied his face. Then, without a warning, he just hugged you, as if he were holding himself back from doing it. Your body melted into his, and you let out a satisfied sight, feeling so warm and secure. The sleepiness started to crawl back again, and your eyelids became too heavy to keep them open.
Still holding you in his arms, Bucky laid back on the couch and covered your bodies with a soft blanket that was nearby. You nuzzled into his neck, enjoying that overwhelming scent, and wrapped your arms around Bucky’s torso. 
“G’night, Bucky. I'm happy to be here with you.”
“Me too. Sleep well, doll.” He placed another kiss on your forehead, but you had already fallen asleep. 
Bucky felt happy. The aching feeling in his chest had finally calmed down, and he held the girl of his dreams right near him. 
He didn’t think that he would fall asleep—not after that horrifying nightmare, but the grounding weight of your hands and legs on top of him, your soft breathing, and the whole feeling of calmness that you had always surrounded him with made it’s job. Just in a span of a few minutes, Bucky was sleeping, holding you even tighter than before. 
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“Am I seeing it right?” Tony froze in the doorframe, looking at the picture in front of him.
“What do you m–” Steve stood near him, true shock and disbelief written on his face. “How did that happen? Did they– oh my god.” He whispered not to wake either of you up.
“Don’t tell me that you didn’t know about their feelings for each other.” Natasha gave him a cocky smile and snached a cereal box out of Sam’s hands.
“Hey! Give it back to me, Romanoff!” Sam tried to take it back, but after receiving that look from Nat, he just sat back in his place. “He looked at Y/N like a kicked puppy every time she wasn’t paying attention. Barnes finally made a smart decision.” 
“Can all of you just shut up and let us sleep?” Bucky covered your ears with a blanket and hissed at the people who were bothering you. 
“Sorry, buddy. I’m happy for you.” Steve whispered back with the biggest and brightest smile on his face, pushing his friends out of the room. 
“You’re m’ hero.” You mumbled from under the blanket, still mostly asleep. Bucky smiled, laying back in his place and wrapping his hands around you.
“Always for you, doll.”
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egg-emperor · 28 days
Do you think eggy would take long naps after gorging himself on the finest food, almost like how a real bear goes into hibernation after eating lots of food?
Yes absolutely, with the way he eats, you'd think he was genuinely preparing for winter hibernation, he makes sure his gut his well supplied for all the hard work his mind and body does, it needs the energy and care! It's an example of his love for himself, believing he should always be very well fed. And in the cookbook he says he eats to maintain his signature feared figure so he makes sure to keep living up to his name! It feels right when it's full of all the finest food and rounded out nicely to emphasize his glorious shape 💜
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He really knows how to dine like the emperor he knows he's meant to be, the cookbook had just a few examples of all the delicious food. He's happiest when he eats grand feasts where everything is lay out before him like his personal buffet table all for one man, or multiple courses of a big meal and he'll gorge happily to his heart's content. Such big warm meals of rich delicious filling food are very comforting and results in one of the times he's the most relaxed and content that his constantly energetic or angry self can be XD
This official LINE sticker is the exact visual of how he looks when he's done, kicking back rubbing his full content gut, picking at his teeth with a toothpick, grinning proudly for finishing all of the stack of plates 💘
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If he doesn't unpin the front flaps of his jacket from his bodysuit, the buttons will pop off like this! And if he does and the buttons remain intact, he won't be able to pin them back down for a while after hehe
Naturally, having lots of warm rich food sitting heavy in his gut makes him very sleepy and while he's very hard working and very busy and will sometimes postpone sleep to prioritize it, he can still enjoy his naps, so he doesn't fight it when he feels he's got the time. It's most common to take place after his lunch because a mid-day early afternoon nap is the perfect little break that separates all the hard work he does in the morning from the evening, so he can recharge his energy ready for the late night work ahead.
He always enjoys taking his full tummy somewhere nice and comfortable for a nap. He'll waddle to bed carefully or if sleepiness hits strong and the heaviness discourages him from getting up, he'll slip into a food coma there and then. His gut working hard to process and digest can wear him out! And a full belly makes him feel so cozy, he can't resist. If someone is there to give him belly rubs to support and comfort it'll send him off even faster, it's so pleasant and soothing that it lulls him to sleep in no time 🥰
Orbot and Cubot try to advise against the naps he takes immediately after his biggest feasts because none of those calories are getting burned and they want him to somewhat watch his weight but he'll just groan and roll his eyes like "Oh blah blah shut up, this is my me time, I deserve this! And such a powerful genius brain like mine burns calories enough at all times, no matter if I'm awake or asleep!" And they know there's no arguing with their boss so they quickly let him win but can at least say they warned him.
He doesn't care though, nothing ruins the delight of his experience! He loves the cozy bliss of laying back with a full tummy and peacefully drifting off. He'll fall into the deepest slumber like he really is going into hibernation after supplying his gut with all the good food he needed. He can be seen with his hands clasped over his full gut, head tilted back with his jaw hanging open and drooling, and the loudest snores over the gurgles of his digestion. It's a rare adorable vulnerable sight from him 💕
His naps are very important and all his creations must let them happen in peace, otherwise he'll wake up one very angry grizzly bear! It's actually very difficult to make him stir when he's in a sleep so deep unless it's the blaring alarms of his bases when there's an emergency but you can count on the likes of Orbot and Cubot to fuck up so bad that they still manage to disturb him sometimes lol. But if he successfully makes it the whole nap without interruptions, he'll awaken in a very pleasant mood!
So yes, a grizzly bear of a man like him is sure to eat and hibernate just like one too! 🥚🐻🧸
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focusontheheart · 4 months
I am in LOVE with your game! I only stopped playing today to fulfill my essential human needs. You’ve all done such an amazing job with the text, backdrops, music, and all the characters! I have finished two routes so far (Talanah and Drakka) and I’m currently playing the Petra one. I’m dedicated to finishing all of them to see all the hard work you’ve put into FOTH. They're all so captivating and the collectables are absolutely stunning! I already know I'll be replaying this as soon as I finish all of the storylines. I still haven't gotten THE endings, but I also haven't gotten the bad ones. One more reason to do it all over again (gladly of course)! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for making such an amazing game!!! I can't wait to play more of it tomorrow! I hope you all know how proud of yourselves you should be for undertaking and finishing such a project. Not to mention how well done it is! Congrats once again! 💖💖💖
Oh my goodness, please stay hydrated and have lots of snacks at the ready!! We're absolutely tickled pink that you're enjoying the game so much -- so many big props to the team effort it took to bring everything together.
We're so excited that you're playing the various routes, please do use our tags/ send in more asks here to let us know what you think!! We're sharing all the positivity in our dev server, and we could not be happier that everyone is having such a good time. 🥰
It's wonderful to see & hear that the replay value is so good already, especially to see the script variances & get all the different endings. (There's also an easter egg ending if you're keen enough to find it! 👀)
We're all still in a bit of a fugue state -- the adrenaline is just starting to wear off, then we see more reactions and get hyped again that so many of you are having fun playing! We're all so incredibly proud of the team and what we've accomplished; this is truly a unique fandom experience to be a part of. We hope you continue to enjoy this love letter from us to you, to fandom, and to these characters 💘💘
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inkedroplets · 3 months
what if. what if.
💘 for quakecorp
OK This grew unruly and will probably connect up with the MCU fic I'm working on so I'll only post a snippet. Fake dating for the best Luthor and this dork:
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Some things never change…
While it was maybe the furthest thing from funny, Lena still couldn’t help but find it amusing that even on an Earth so much different than her own, without the inescapable baggage of her name weighing her down, she was once again having to deal with another attempt on her life.
From the way Skye was watching the door like a hawk, reclining back in her chair as much as it would allow her to, Lena knew she must be waiting for someone. The self-satisfied smile that spread across her face instantly like a cat that had gulped down a particularly tasty canary made it abundantly clear that it was Lena she was waiting for. 
“Hello, Dear.”
“Sweetheart,” Lena replied without missing a beat, sitting down on her left. 
Jemma watched this exchange nervously, gaze flickering from Daisy to Lena and back again a number of times before finally settling on Coulson. “I really think we tabled the safehouse idea too quickly.” 
“We tabled it quickly because Lena refused,” May said. 
“Refused to entertain something so patently ridiculous,” Fitz said, repeating back what Lena said verbatim..
“If I went into hiding every time there was a threat on my life-”  
“I think an exception can be made this once,” Jemma reasoned. She looked around the table, hoping to rally support but only managed a halfhearted nod from Fitz on her second pass around which looked to upset her more than if he had simply avoided her gaze entirely. “She jabbed a finger at one of the screens that had Lena's would-be assassin’s dossier displayed. “His name is Bullseye for heaven's sake!” 
“I would like to avoid breathing the same air as someone with such a stupid name,” Lena said fairly. “But I’d also like this matter settled as soon as possible.” “To be fair, Poindexter isn’t that much better than Bullseye,” Daisy said fairly. 
Jemma gaped at the both of them. “I wouldn't classify a price on your head as trivial as a mere matter.” 
“I still can't believe you had other people trying to kill you back on your earth,” Fitz said, sounding genuinely mystified at the concept which Lena decided to take as a compliment. 
“The last one,” Lena said, taking a moment to think, “poisoned me.” 
“Tried to poison, you mean,” Fitz said.
“No, I don't,” Lena said darkly as the face of Morgan Edge floated to the surface of her mind. She wondered vaguely how close she had actually come to dying that time around. If not for Kara… She was struck by just how long ago that felt. A lifetime. Several lifetimes. 
“I’ll be fine, Jemma,” Lena assured her. “Not the first time someone’s wanted me dead. Not the last either.” She tried to ballpark the number of times there had been a credible threat on her life and figured it had to be well over a hundred by now, although she knew better than to tell Jemma that. “She will be fine,” Coulson said reassuringly. “We had Stark move his expo indoors so that Mr. Poindexter will need to get in close if he wants to get to Lena.” “How big of a fit did Stark end up throwing when you told him?” May asked, looking amused. 
“Not big at all. I promised I'd owe him a favor once everything is said and done,” Coulson said, clearly used to it being the other way around.
“My condolences,” May replied. 
“There will be agents in place disguised as guests. They’ve all been instructed to keep their distance until we can locate Mr. Poindexter.. We'll be watching every way into the building so we’ll know when he arrives. When he does, we’ll apprehend them. If all goes according to plan-” 
“Which is always the case,” Skye murmured under her breath.
“-Skye and Lena won't even lay eyes on him.” 
“And if they do?” Jemma asked, sounding more curious than worried, maybe hoping that Coulson had an ace up his sleeve. “Then they follow the plan to the letter.” Coulson explained, which didn’t seem to alleviate Jemma’s concerns in the slightest. “Lena, Skye?”he said, turning towards the both of them. “Yes?” “To. The. Letter. I don’t like putting either of you in the crosshairs but you insisted on doing it this way,” he said looking at Lena. “And we need someone close on the off-chance that they get close enough to engage.” “I still think May would be better suited for that, don’t you think?” Fitz asked. 
Coulson shook his head. “May’s a known entity. If he suspects something is off he might run and that would mean Lena looking over her shoulder until we could apprehend him. Skye’s been photographed together with Lena in the past a few times. Not such a stretch to think they could be dating.” “I don’t know,” Skye said, looking sideways at Lena. “I’ve lived with Lena a while now and considering the dates I’ve seen Lena bring home, I really don’t think I’m her type.”
“How many dates are you bringing home?” Jemma asked before she quickly began shaking her head. “Never mind. Pretend I didn’t ask.” “That means not engaging with Mr. Poindexter,” Coulson continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted, unless you’re forced to. Just get to Stark’s safe room. We’ll do the rest.” 
Skye giggled. “All alone in a safe room together. How romantic.” “I’ll try my best to control myself,” Lena said, rolling her eyes. 
God, Stark, does everything you do have to be so loud? 
As if Skye could read her mind she leaned close to her and said: “You know better than me. Are these events always so loud?” 
“No,” Lena said baldly as the canned overly rehearsed voice of Tony Stark blared out over the loudspeakers informing guests that he would make his appearance at nine on the dot. She glared up at the nearest one as if that alone might shame it into turning itself off. “This is…” The word asinine was what first came to mind but she held that back as a kindness. “Unorthodox,” she finished as she steered Skye back towards the center of the room.
They were supposed to keep as far away from the entrances as possible and Jemma had already chided them over their comms for (in her words) gadding about when they should be keeping their eyes peeled for the gun-for-hire.
“They’re normally quite dull,” Lena admitted. “Schmoozing and glad-handing while you try and make sure your smile doesn’t look too painted on gets old fast. Especially doing it in heels.”
Skye made a face. “Sounds like a bore,” she admitted before snatching a crab puff off the tray of a passing waiter.
“They could be,” Lena said fairly. “But that was a small price to pay for all the good it accomplished. And if these antics,” she said as another pre-recorded message from Tony began to blare overhead, “are what people have come to expect from a Tony Stark hosted gala  then I can't get too annoyed. Not too annoyed, anyway.”
“You miss it,” Skye marveled. “All this hoity-toity stuff. Rich girl,” she teased affectionately through a mouthful of crab puff. 
“I don't miss it exactly,” Lena said, although even to her own ears it sounded untrue. “But I was good at it and throwing a gala was devoid of the moral pitfalls that my other attempts at being a force for good were rife with.” “Vanity?” Skye asked, pointing at one of Tony's older suits on prominent display where a small crowd had gathered around as if it was an art exhibit. 
“If only,” Lena said drolly. “But that's hardly an appropriate topic for a date.” She pretended to try and get a better look at Tony’s old armor on display while she eyed the entrance, spotting one of the SHIELD agents milling about in the crowd. 
“Was there a list of approved conversation topics in that doorstop that Jemma prepared?” Skye asked. “I only made it through the first few pages. Goodbye insomnia…” “It’s called being thorough, Skye,” Jemma insisted, her voice filtering in smoothly through their comms. “Which is an exercise in futility if you don’t actually read the material.” 
“I read the whole thing,” Lena said kindly but a moment later caught Skye’s eye and shook her head, vowing to read it in its entirety later on. “Well,” Skye said, sneaking a peek at the time, “what’s the plan when the gala’s almost over and he still hasn’t shown himself?” “We find him without you two marching around like ducks at a shooting gallery.” “I don’t know if it would feel like a proper gala if somebody didn’t try to kill me.” “That’s not funny, Lena.” “It’s a little funny,” Skye whispered. “Lena!” “Not funny,” Coulson agreed, his voice joining Jemma’s in her ear. “We have eyes on Poindexter near the front entrance.”
“Just eyes?” Daisy asked. “No one’s going to move on him?”
“Too many bystanders,” May explained. “If he doesn’t spot you, we can pick him up when he tries to slip out.. “Saferoom,” Coulson ordered in his best don’t you dare try to argue voice.“You didn’t set all this up just to get me alone, did you?” Skye teased as they cut their way through the crowd.
“You got me,” Lena said, completely deadpan. “When we get inside I’m going to pretend to yawn and put my arm around your shoulder as well.”
“Classic,” Skye said approvingly as they began to walk a little faster. They slipped past a couple of guests who looked as if they had made very liberal use of the open bar, talking over one another as they held onto each other for balance, when a tiny wooden skewer whizzed past Lena’s head missing her by millimeters.
“Was that a fucking toothpick?” Skye asked as they dashed around a corner. As if in response to this, a fusillade of wooden skewers shattered against the wall where Lena had been just moments ago before turning the corner.
“You might want to send your date home early, Miss Luthor.” The voice was wholly unfamiliar but the man to whom it belonged to was not. Benjamin Poindexter strode towards them, not hurrying. He moved past the two inebriated men who were still engrossed in their overly loud conversation, not even noticing him. In fact, no one besides the SHIELD agents peppered throughout the crowd had noticed that there was a killer in their midst. Not so surprising considering his unconventional choice of weapon.
“Not such a bad idea,” Lena agreed, resisting the urge to peek around the corner to see how close he was to them, knowing that was likely to get her killed. “Chalk it up to a lack of chemistry.”
“Like hell,” Skye said dismissively as she pulled an I.C.E.R. from her concealed thigh holster. “I’m having a marvelous time.”
“That doesn’t sound like running,,” Coulson admonished. “Why aren’t you two running?”“Well, I’m not the one who insisted on wearing heels,” Skye replied.
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theninthdoor · 1 year
I see you've done this! Tysm. May I please request the same of stray kids as well? Have a nice day!!
request: Stray Kids' questionable/bad sides again… before you read: make sure that you take everything with a grain of salt and put your common sense to good use! no human being is 100% angel; no one is perfect + some of these things we, ourselves, do or think of doing from time to time. still, if anyone is expecting idols to be some sort of perfect demi-gods, the internet might not be for you 💘 also, of course, i’m not claiming anything as facts. feel free to dismiss my interpretations, if you wish.
Bang Chan || knight of swords rx, the chariot: Domineering. Wants to lead + to feel the strongest, even if it requires some gaslighting. Lacks tact, at times. May miss some social cues without realizing. Uses rudeness as a way to mask his insecurities. Uses his career achievements as his whole identity.
Lee Know || the hermit, the world: Keeps too many secrets; really bad at communicating and being honest about his thoughts and opinions. Silence is always the solution for him, just not for everybody else. It's never him that has to change, but others; others must adapt to him, not him to them. A know-it-all, too.
Changbin || nine of wands rx, two of cups: He wants his friends/family/partners to have the exact same opinions and tastes as him. Plus, he can't stand feeling left out, so bet he's going to be jumping through hoops to be everywhere all time just so they don't have a chance to keep things from him - he must be present and informed, at all times! Changbin is also very paranoid and overprotective, has poor boundaries and may sometimes become quite co-dependent. He simply can't be alone for too long.
Hyunjin || knight of cups, justice: He knows how to sweet-talk someone to get whatever he wants. Hyunjin will become whoever you wish him to become in order to accomplish his own goals. He's well aware of his image + the of the power he holds over others, and he's not afraid of using it. Besides that, he also gets way too invested in things, even to the point of being completely unrealistic with his plans and expectations. Everyone is "the one" for him at least once.
Han || knight of cups, eight of wands rx: Loses interest very quickly; starts or buys things on a whim, but forgets about them overnight. In love with the idea of love, but doesn't feel like going through all of the hard work that relationships require. Often lets his emotions control him more than he controls them; definitely keeps his rose tinted glasses close by. But, again, soon he's onto the next thing (or person of interest)…
Felix || the hanged man rx, two of pentacles: He's never happy with what he has; always thinks others have it easier or better than him. Very impulsive; regrets his decision as soon as he makes them. Felix never learns… he'll make the same mistake a thousand times and still not understand what he's doing wrong. Keeps busy to avoid certain people/situations/issues.
Seungmin || four of pentacles, queen of wands: Greedy; what's his is his, and he's not going to share it with anybody. Way too proud. Likes attention and compliments a little too much. Materialistic; uses material things to get the attention/compliments that he's looking for.
I.N || the tower rx, nine of cups rx: Tends to sweep things under the rug instead of facing his issues properly. I.N's always expecting the worst, so quite often he might run away before the situation has had time to develop. Hates change more than anything - even good and necessary change! Might throw a big ol' tantrum every now and then.
(Disclaimer: All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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acourtofthought · 1 year
It's not the first time I've read about the author's disappointment about Az/El ship when she specifically stated that Lucien was supposed to be Nesta's mate until ELAIN came in the picture and in the interviews she keeps writing them as MATES.
We have already the dark lord and the heroine(Feysand)so there's no need for a second couple with that dynamic; it would be boring repetitive and from your analysis,Az and El don't fit at all and look I LOVE moon/sun couple but they just don't fit; there's nothing.
Physical attraction?Absolutely
But Love?I don't think so.
Also some fans are blind because they believe Rhys doesn't want Az's happiness(from the bonus chapter)what if in Az and El's dynamic he sees his parents?
His father was cold, vicious and cruel, his mother soft and kind(familar eh?)they were mates but they didn't work as a couple.
Az is shown to be cruel and impulsive(HE TORTURES PEOPLE AND ALMOST KILLS ERIS)El doesn't like violence at all and it's stated SHE DOESN'T FIT AT ALL in NC.
Who doesn't fit in NC as well?Az? No.
He doesn't feel welcome at all in the court, he's confused with the mating thing, he doesn't force himself on Elain and gives her space(THEIR SCENES TOGETHER ARE SO CUTE☺ THE LONGING, THE STARES😖💘)
And their dynamic WOULD BE GOLD😍
Dark x Light?Nahhhh
Light x Light-Yes baby
They are so similar, they just fit, THEY ARE SOULMATES and it's stated that for Elain to glow she needs TO LEAVE the NC.
Three brothers?three sisters? BORING-also ew-(It's bad that I'm going cackle when this trope won't happen and it's confirmed in the bonus chapter and Az would find love(before he needs to heal) in the embrace of a priestess we have come to love🤭)
I prefer two souls that have lost the thing they love: Family.Their home. The love of their life.Their identity and try desperately to cope with it, to fit in the NC but they can't pretend to be fine.
Everything is foreign for them then they find each other.
You're right! Feyre and Rhys are light and dark in terms of Rhys having the power of Night and Feyre having Helion's Day powers but, is Feyre optimistic? Is she bouncy and happy and full of life? Feyre is a bit jaded. She's willing to do whatever needs done to save the people she loves even if innocent bystanders are hurt in the process (i.e. what she did to the Spring Court). She's also constantly worried about taking care of everyone and enjoys revenge. So when people say Rhys and Feyre are light and dark, I don't think it's that deep since the only light and dark things about them are their powers at times. Because I don't really think Feyre is all that light based on her personality. And Az is even darker than Rhys or Feyre. While Elain has not shown any bit of real darkness to her. She stabbed the King to save her sister but there's nothing indicating she took joy from it. We're actually told the opposite, how she gave TT back to Az and "didn't look back", how the cruelty of the Hewn City troubles her. Elain has been forced to step into the darkness that the members of the IC regularly step into and she's not embraced it the way Nesta or Feyre have. Do people honestly believe a character like Elain who prefers to have nothing to do with weapons and violence is well suited for a character who enjoys torturing people on a regular basis? Over her own Mate who has very similar ideas on hurting others and wanting revenge (which is to say they don't prefer it at all?). SJM doesn't do the complete opposites attract trope so people trying to force E/riel is refusing to acknowledge the writing style of this author. And you're so right, Rhys didn't have a problem with E/riel because he doesn't think Az deserves to be happy. He has a problem with E/riel because as his best friend and brother, he knows Az is still in love with Mor and he knows Az is just jealous of not getting a bond and he knows Az is really just using Elain to mask the real issues he needs to deal with. And....Rhys does not want his sister in law being used like that. People get so fixated on the politics of it but even if Lucien weren't an ally, even if Lucien weren't involved at all, I am convinced Rhys STILL would have a problem with Az about to hook up with Elain while knowing he wasn't over Mor. I love what you wrote here: "I prefer two souls that have lost the thing they love: Family.Their home. The love of their life. Their identity and try desperately to cope with it, to fit in the NC but they can't pretend to be fine." Because it's so true. There are no two characters better suited to understand one another and what they've both lost beside Elain and Lucien. Az's love was not forced away from him by someone else (Mor just never had feelings for him). Az has not known what it's like to not belong and to be chased out of his own Court (he was 11 when he found Rhys and Cassian and they have been his brothers in the NC for centuries after). Lucien was forced out of Autumn and Elain was forced out of the Human Lands. Az does not know what it's like to try and build a life in a place where you don't completely fit in (Lucien does not fully fit in with the Humans and Elain does not fully fit in at the NC). I want to read about two characters like that finding a life together over Elain having to accept all the things about Az that usually make her uncomfortable and living in a place that represents everything that she prefers not to be around.
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elliebean714 · 2 years
In sorry it was so good I needed a part two ( if you're comfortable with that of course) when reader explains how Josh didn't mean for them to be almost killed and if he did know that then he would have done what he did and bringing their boys back together.
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Please and thank you 💖
I LOVE THAT SHOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!😭💞💕💘💜❤💙💖 Sorry that's irrelevant, happy reading👍
Josh Washington x GN!Reader x Matt Taylor
Angst With Comfort, Fluff
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It'd been months since S/O and Josh had seen Matt, since he walked out of the police station and never looked back. It'd been months since anyone from that night had spoken to S/O, everyone had collectively villainized them for being the one who stayed.
The first thing they did once everything calmed down was help Josh get the elp he needed. They changed his therapist, got him the proper diagnosis and medication that would help him feel better. S/O made more of an active effort to help Josh instead of trying to ignore it as they had before that night. They spoke with him when he needed it, held him when he was hurting and stayed up late with him when he had his nightmares.
S/O had their own trauma after that night, the things they saw that night haunted them. The creatures on the mountain and the awful things Josh did to them played in their head on repeat, they had frequent flashbacks and panic attacks because of that night.
They could only imagine what horrors the rest of the group were experiencing but their mind kept wandering back to Matt. He was extremely angry last time anyone had seen him, the more time that passed S/O grew more and more concerned for him.
As did Josh, he often found himself drowning in guilt from his choices that night. He truly ment no harm to anyone, but his intentions ment nothing when he caused extreme mental, and even some physical, trauma to all his friends, and both his lovers. Whilst he was grateful for S/O's forgiveness and company, Josh longed for his boyfriend's presence, his warmth, his comfort, his gorgeous smile.
He was zoning out, lost in a world of his own, whilst he laid his head on S/O's lap. A common occurrence now.
"Where's your head at baby?" S/O gently asked, playing with Josh's hair absentmindedly.
"I miss him." Josh sighed sadly.
He didn't elaborate, but he didn't need to. S/O knew exactly what he ment, they felt their heart begin to hurt with their loss all over again. They tried to push their feelings deep down, for Josh's sake, but, in the quiet of the spring midnight, feeling Josh's sorrow as well as their own. S/O finally broke.
Salty tears began slowly flowing from their sparkling eyes. They quickly tried to find a something to wipe their eyes with before Josh noticed, but a stray tear landed on his cheek. He turned his head to look up at them just as they brought their sleeve upto their face.
"Hey..." Josh sat up to face them. "Hey hon, hey..." He gently took their soaked face in his freezing hands, rubbing his thumbs along their reddened cheeks.
"I'm sorry Joshie Baby. I'm sorry" They hiccuped through the tears, he guided their face into his shoulder to comfort them as they had every time he needed them.
"Don't be sorry hon. He left because of me. It wasn't your fault. Not at all babe." Josh holds their trembling form close to his chest.
"No, I'm sorry I'm crying Josh. I need to be strong for you." They sniffled.
"What? No no no, you shouldn't feel like that. You're allowed to cry. Please don't feel like you can't cry." He petted their head softly, "After everything you've been through... I'm sorry I made you feel like you had to be strong. Everything you're feeling is okay. It's okay to cry S/O. Doesn't make you any less strong."
They wiped their eyes with their thumbs gently. "I love you." They mumbled, snuggling closer into him.
"Love you too." He says softly before kissing their head.
After staying in each others arms for a few moments more, so speaks up.
"Should I text Matt? See if we can meet with him soon so you could explain yourself." S/O offered.
"You think he'd want to see me?" Josh asked, surprised.
"Maybe, maybe not, but we can try." S/O shrugged, Josh took a moment to think, then nodded.
Hey Matt. Josh wants to explain himself.-
Would it be alright if we met soon?-
We're free all week.-
We understand if not, we just want to talk.-
-im free on thursday at noon
-we can meet at our spot in the library?
We'll be there.-
Matt entered the cold building, breathing deeply to steady himself. He made his way towards the quiet corner the trio had spent the majority of their study time. When he arrived, the two were already waiting for him. Matt took one final stabilising breath before continuing toward the two people that he missed more than anything.
"Hey." Matt sat opposite them, avoiding eye contact.
The two greeted him then they were thrusted back into silence. A few awkward moments pass before Josh starts, "I was alone," and the loves of his life look at him, one with love and sympathy in their eyes, the other skeptical and hurt, "I was mad. At you both, at myself, at them..." He drifts off, lost in a world of his own, before continuing, voice shaking, "If I thought, for a second, anyone would be in danger, I never would've done it. I sware."
S/O gently takes Josh's hand to comfort him, Matt continues to avoid eye contact. A million thoughts going through his head at once. Slowly, he takes Josh's other hand.
"I know. I know, I was mad, and scared, and I thought you died then find out you didn't die but actually faked your death so you could take revenge on us. It was, a lot, to take in. I was so mad at you, and S/O, I thought you betrayed me when you stayed with him." He took their hand, "But you were put in a terrible position, having to choose between us... I'm sorry I abandoned you both. I'm sorry I abandoned you twice Josh. I love you, both of you, I could never tell you enough. You're both my entire world, all this time away from you made me realise how much you ment to me."
Eventually he stops, finally looking at them.
He is met with glistening eyes and bright smiles.
"I love you too Matty, we love you so fucking much!" S/O wraps their arm around him, Matt pulls Josh into the hug.
"I missed you babe." Joshs smile is wobbly, on the brink of tears.
"Not as much as I missed you!" Matt kissed him softly.
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What I Write
Requests Always Open 🦋
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
The top 28's comments on their fancams, translated
Hi team!
As we wait for Episode 11 to be fully available and translated and whatnot, here is a bit of content for you. 
Each trainee posted a comment on their fancam. I translated the comments with google translate, so I apologize for any inaccuracies or confusing phrasing (there is a lot of that). My Korean is extremely limited and at least Google translate gives us the gist! I’ve also chosen ten of the fancams to link to, based on nearly random choice, so don’t read too much into it. 
It's all after the read more.
Note: When it says “SK”, I think from context they mean “Star Creator” not “South Korea” (it’s a transliteration thing that it’s a K not a C)
I'm also listing how many views each fan cam has, as of the time of posting.
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1. Sung Hanbin   340k views
🔔 Ding Ding Ding 🔔 I'll call attendance!
As expected.. All-in-one everyone.. Everyone came without missing a single person💯
Thanks for always anticipating and waiting for me
I feel like I gain new strength every time I prepare for a mission🙈
Because I think that we are together every moment, that feeling has reached me well :)
I think this 3rd mission is the most special mission in my steps.
The reason is‼ You can share your daily life more closely with star creators.
It's because the first sound source with my voice comes out🐱🐹
Just imagining it makes my heart flutter and my heart races🤤
If you look closely at the lyrics of <Say My Name>
You can better feel what we want to convey to our star creators💌
Jiwoong hyung, Matthew, Seungeonie, Yujinie, and me, Hanbinie, please show a lot of interest and make sure!! Please do a lot of covers too haha
I will think a lot and work hard so that I can be with you in the future ☘
💘Be sure to listen to <Say My Name> and cheer up on your way to and from school💘
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2. Zhang Hao  443k views
Hello, this is Zhang Hao!
Thanks for voting for me to sing Over Me!
The song is so good that I get goosebumps every time I hear it.
Actually, I had never done a sexy concept before coming to Boys Planet...
It was so amazing that I really found Zhang Hao here, and I was very happy too hahaha
It was hard to make a good stage with my teammates in such a short period of time, but it's fun and I'm happy!! Over me😘 over me❤over me😍
You guys have already come to my heart
What I want to convey through the Over Me stage is that if you have determination and confidence, everything you do will have good results!! Let's fight together!!!😝 (Yes!)
I hope you listen to it with anticipation for the first new song that contains my voice and passion.
Lastly, please enjoy Zhang Hao's Over Me fancam!!
Also, please show a lot of interest in our overdose team members' fancams!! Thank you 🥳🥳🥳
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3. Han Yu Jin  238k views
Hellooooooooo star creators!!
I am Han Yujin, who has returned to the real real water clothes I mentioned before🍑🍑
Among the lyrics of <Say My Name>, there is a line that says ‘I want to do something appropriate for my age’.
In the meantime, I only showed strong performances to the star creators,
These are the lyrics I wrote myself with the meaning of 'Actually, I'm back with a refreshing and cute concept that I've never done before' haha
Since this contest song is our new song, not a cover song, I was more greedy, so I prepared a lot!!!
As much as I was in charge of the killing part, I prepared hard to show you a lot of pretty images.
Star creators, please love our <Say My Name> a lot 😍😍💗💗
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4. Seok Matthew 366k views
Pomegranate 🦊 Star Creators💖!!! I missed you so much😭❤
While doing Boyz Planet, this mission was the most fun!
The reason was that it was so amazing to hear individual voices while recording with our team members,
The new dance (penguin dance) in the <Say My Name> choreography is so cute.
I hope the star creators do a cover dance for the penguin dance in the future! (I can't wait to see what you do)🐧🤧
I was able to create such good memories thanks to the support and love of the star creators🌠
And thanks to the star creators, I got a chance to stand on stage again!
While preparing for the stage, I thought a lot about what I wanted to achieve the most.
As much as we prepared the stage happily, I hope that many people will feel good enough to fly away after seeing our new song.
Also, I hope you will see the <Say My Name> stage and laugh a lot and be happy!
So, if I did well (but I don't know if I did really well), when you're reading this comment, I hope the star creators hahahahaha!
Star creators, take care of your health, love yourself a lot (of course I love star creators), and eat a lot of delicious food!
Pomegranate🦊Star Creator💖 You are incomparably more precious 🍄
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5. Kim Ji Woong 249k views
Hello Star Creators~❤❤❤
My name is Kim Ji-woong, who will be your butterfly💛
I challenged a refreshing and cute concept for the first time while doing a mission in Boyz Planet! Ho haha
I had a lot of trouble at first but😭💕
Thanks to Matthew, Hanbin, Yujin, and Seungeon, my personality has gotten brighter hahahaha :)
Now I'm enjoying the song <Say My Name>🐥
Our star creators also give a lot of love to <Say My Name>
Our Yujinie, Matthew, Hanbin, Seungeon and
The cutie hahaha please look at Jiwoongie prettily and love him a lot hehehe💙
I'm still not cuter than Yujin hyung, but I'm working hard
Yujin hyung-chan ❤❤ I will learn a lot
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6. Kim Gyu Vin  160k
[9회/직캠] #김규빈 #KIMGYUVIN ♬En Garde (준비,시작!) @아티스트 배틀
Hello Star Creator!!!😺
First of all, thank you so much for allowing me to perform on stage with an En Guard song that I really wanted to do this time!🤡
It's not the cover stage we've always shown!🤖
🧋This time, we have our stage full of our voices and ideas with our songs!!!
Maybe that's why I hope you can watch our stage 🌜🌛 and let us know how it is in the comments hehehe💂‍♀
As this is my first new song in my life❤‍🔥 I hope Star Creator will look even prettier hahaha
En Guard's main rapper, the lyrics for this contest! I tried it with Gunwook 🙊I practiced more expressively!👾
Please watch more 🌚 and listen to more music, and we will continue to show you the ever-improving Gyuvin🧟‍♀!👊
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7. Kim Tae Rae 162k views 
Hello, I'm Taerae Taerae Kim, a cute and lovable dog from Star Creators!😎
This contest contains my new challenge!
I prepared a stage where the performance could stand out a little more!
It was a valuable time to prepare while sweating hard and learn a lot! 😅
It's lacking a lot, but please look at it nicely
Star creators who always give me the strength to prepare happily
Please continue to be by my side! ❤❤
I will continue to sing and dance for you too! 😍
Always thank you and love you!
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8. Keita  212k views  
Hello Itai Tayo Keita~~ This is my name🤓
While preparing for this stage, I met good members and good songs and performed on the stage.
It was so much fun and I hope the Star Creators can feel the way we enjoy it✨⚡✨⚡
Thank you so much for letting me put on a happy stage every time and please vote for me today as well.
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9. Park Gunwook 210k views 
Hello SK guys, I'm Gunwook!!!
First of all, I am so happy and grateful that I can do the enguard song that I wanted to do.
While preparing this song, it was personally very difficult to say that it was Gun-wook's ordeal.
I thought a lot because I wanted to show a new side of myself, tried my hand at vocals, and felt a lot of pressure as a top nine and a killing part.
Still, it was a valuable time for me to challenge my limits, bump into, and grow.
I was assimilated into the passion of the team members and practiced really hard together, and I burned my will to work hard even for the rest of the members who unfortunately passed away🔥
The difficulty of the song itself is too difficult, and the concept and atmosphere are too difficult.
In the next mission, I will come back with a better and more mature image. Until then, please continue to love me!! I'm a man who always reciprocates hahaha
I ask for a lot of love for my Enguard fancam. I love you❤‍🔥
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10. Kum Jun Hyeon 108k views 
This is Kum Jun-hyun who transformed into the strongest prince in the universe.
I was really looking forward to being able to play Enguard... … Aaaaaaaaaaa!
I prepared hard while thinking of the people I couldn't be with unfortunately.
Actually, I haven't done much until late to death like this, but Hotaek hyung
I really worked harder because I and the other team members were burning their passion so hotly that it was about 5723 degrees 🔥🔥
I did it right before sunrise ,,,,, With this mission, Kum Jun-hyun was able to develop further.
Seriously, this fancam could be the last, the strongest cutie in the universe
I'll explode your heart, so please watch it a lot
Owner,,,, Please join me,,,, Alabyung ~😘
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11. Lee Hoe-taek (Hui) 99k views
Hello Star Creators!!
It's Hoetaek!!🐔
Finally, we can show you the stage of the 3rd mission “Artist Battle”.
From the first time I heard the song Angad, I thought, “This is the song,” and from the moment 10 of us were together❤ to now🔥
From stage ideas to choreography and lyrics, there is no part that our hands have not touched.
It seems to be a stage prepared after thinking really hard!!
As much as all the team members ran with one mind for the perfect stage🏃🏻
Star creators, please enjoy watching!!
Because it is a stage filled with our sincerity and our story of challenging every moment and bumping into each other.
I would be very, very grateful if you watch me sing🎤 with sincerity!!!
Star Creators, I love you so much
(then he writes “I love you” in English, Japanese, and Chinese as well)
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12. Jay  228k views
Korean message, translated: 
Hello Star Creators and J Stars!!! 🌟 How are you~
You already know that I really, really, really really want to do the song ‘Over Me’ for this artist battle!! I was so proud and excited because I was able to do Over Me.😁
First of all, thank you so much to Star Creators for choosing Over Me for me, and thanks to Star Creators, I'm also grateful that I can sing such a great song!! 🙏
And it was really fun to be able to enjoy this stage with good teammates this time. 💕
Over Me is the first time I've tried my dark and sexy concept, so please understand and I hope you like it ㅠㅠ
I will work hard so that I can show you a good stage and a cool image next time! promise promise! 🤙
This was his message that was already in English:
Hey Star Creators and Jaystars~ Hope everybody's been having an excellent first quarter of 2023! 🗓 
First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for voting me into this wonderful song~ 
It's a pleasure and an honor that you chose me to be a part of this memorable process and I hope I was able to sing it well enough! 
This was my first time trying a dark and sexy concept so I hope I did okay... This time the choreography was on the difficult side for me and singing live was as well. 😅 
Anyway, thank you for supporting me this far and I will make sure to work even harder to show you guys even better stages in the future. 💛 Love you guys, never forget! 💛 INOUIO ❤
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13. Park Hanbin  116k views
Hello Star Creators!
This stage is a bit more you guys💦 Surprising!!
Cute and lively!! 🔆 I'm back in shape!!
I'm so sorry that SKs spend their valuable time watching my fancams, and I'm always grateful.
Thank you for always showing interest in me and I'm so happy every day because you like my lacking side 🎶
Now it's the last stage before the finals, and I think it'll be another stage that I'm very satisfied with, including the 1st and 2nd mission stages!!✨
It's too bad that I couldn't come back with a better look because I didn't have enough practice time🌻
Still, please support my dancing and singing a lot in the future and watch my progress!!!
I love you so much, thank you so much, and thank you for making me unforgettable moments in my life.
Until now, it was Wake One Park Hanbin!!😛
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14. Ricky  253k views 
Korean message, translated: 
Thank you so much for watching my fancam!
And thank you so much to Star Creator who made it possible for me to stand on stage with the song I wanted!
It really wasn't hard no matter how many times I listened to the song Over Me while practicing, and I was so excited to show it to Star Creator!
And the sound source came out, I hope you listen to this song every night😉
There are still many concepts Ricky can do, so please support me a lot until the end!
English message: 
Thank you for voting me into this amazing song, when I first heard of "over me'' I knew that I need to do it, thank you for giving me this chance, because of you guys I got the opportunity to do my favorite dark and sexy concept and rnb song. 
From practicing, preparing the stage, to recording this song, I enjoyed every moment. 
Although this is a hard song to perform live, overdose teammates helped each other to overcome the problems, we will be coming back😉.
Hope this beautiful song can be with you every night, and hope you always be over me.
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15.  Yoon Jong Woo   97k views
Hello Star Creators!!
This 3rd stage...I prepared really hard🔥🔥
While preparing in a shorter time than other teams
To the star creators so that they can somehow get on stage
We prepared really hard with the goal of only showing our cool side.
At first, I lost a lot of confidence and was upset.
Looking at my friends who are working hard next to me, I also resolute myself
I tried my best to avoid damaging the team as much as possible.
Our switch that was completed like that 🕹 How do you like it?
Even though we lacked a lot, we did our best, so we have no regrets😤
I practiced a lot for the last gateway to the final, and with a more relaxed and satisfied appearance
I wanted to finish it but...😭
Still, thank you so much for allowing me to experience a lot while preparing for the 3rd stage🥰
So that I can go to the finals and reap the beauty of the end
Please vote a lot...👏🏻🙏🏻
I love you sincerely❤❤
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16. Haruto  112k views 
(Haruto put a message in Japanese, Korean, English, and Chinese, because OF COURSE he did)
Message 1: Korean 
Hello, this is Haruto
It was a leader who lacked a lot, but I am so grateful that the members believed in me and followed me.
There were a lot of adversities and hardships, but I'm so glad that I was able to overcome them and successfully finish the stage, and I'm proud of how hard I prepared.
I hope you continue to support our members and me!
Thank you for always supporting and trusting me
I want to continue to work harder and meet you guys on the final stage❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥
I love you Star Creators❤❤❤💖💖💖
Message 2: Japanese
Every time I did a mission, I thought, ``I've never been pushed like this before,'' but this time, too, I managed to break the record.
As a killing part, I feel that I had a lot of hardships because I had a great sense of responsibility as a leader.
However, I had a lot of regrets about the second mission, and I was determined to push myself to death this time, so for some reason I felt that it was painful.
And I am grateful to have been blessed with such wonderful members.
Thanks to the gals, I was able to laugh all the time even when I was having a hard time, and I am grateful that they took care of the maknaes together. The maknae did their best even when they were half asleep! Thanks dear~
And I appreciate Hiroshi Ouji* more than anyone else. (*That’s the translation but it must be Wang Zihao from context -- I don’t know why it says this, it’s probably an inside joke.)
He was the only one who came to SUPERCHARGER on his own will, but when he was kicked out of Over Me and when I asked him why he chose SUPERCHARGER, I fell in love with him when he said "for you". As expected, I thought that my husband really loved it.
It was very reassuring just to have Hiroshi on the team, and he's a beautiful human being who keeps wiping my tears with a tissue when I cry almost every day.
I love you Hiroko💘💘💘💘💘
I would be happy if you could continue to support me as well as the members of Superchajaa. I will always be grateful to all the star creators. I love it. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Message 3: English
Honestly preparing Supercharger was not easy at all.
But thinking about star creators and not wanting to disappointing you guys gave me so much power.
I'm always grateful for star creators, who are the reason for my existence.(sounds weird but true i don't know how to word it differently)
I am just SO GLAD we finished successfully and I am  SUPER relieved we're all satisfied with our stage. The crowd screaming "SUPERCHARGER" in unison was absolutely LEGENDARY and INCREDIBLE 😎😎😎😎😎
Also, I'm very grateful to have been able to he in such a great team. 
Our teams unnies helped me so much babysitting the maknaes when i was tired parenting , and they always gave us a good laugh when we needed one. And our maknaes worked so hard for our perforamance so plaese check their fancams too !😋😋
And lastly special thanks to my husband Zihao for always being there for me when i needed someone to hug.
For always wiping my tears with a kleenex everyday. Since he was the only one who actually willed to come to Supercharger, one day out of curiosity i asked him why he chose to come to supercharger. You know, when he said he made that choice 
FOR ME..........................😢😢😢
I knew i chose the right person to marry. 🥰🥰🥰 Lol
He is such a pure and warmhearted hyung, one of the best hyungs.
Thank you so much hyung, love you.
Thank you star creators once again for coming to watch and please keep on supporting our Supercharger team!!
I hope i can see you guys at the finale.
I promise ill work my butt off more until it dissapears. 🍑
Message 4: Chinese
Thank you, Starcreator
Hope you enjoy our stage!
Then. . . . .
Zihao brother I love you❤
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17. Yoo Seung Eon 98k
 Hello Star Creator!
🐰 Cool 🍧 Cool 🍃 Visual memo that came back with <Say My Name>‼ 🎤 This is Yoo Seung-eon!!🐣
Thinking that this is the last stage🕺 I prepared really, really hard!!!🔥🔥🔥
And now, while recording with the intention of letting you hear our song, not a cover song,
Even while preparing, I thought of star creators so much hehehe❤💜💓❣
It's been a dream since I was a trainee to stand on stage with my own song😽
Thanks to Star Creator, I was able to stand on the stage of this 3rd Mission‼
💓Thank you so much 🥺
I feel like I'm one step closer to my dream... ? That's why I worked even harder!!!
💪 My bright~ high ✨🤩 cool~ energy ⚡
I hope it was delivered well🐥
And lastly, the star creator who watches my fancam🌟 Thank you so much‼
Thank you so much for gifting me with my first soundtrack‼🙏
To all the star creators who like me, thank you so so so much‼‼
I love you too
And lastly, our Hanbin hyung❤Matthew hyung💜Jiwoongie hyung💓Yujin 💘 who made such a wonderful stage together
Thank you so much and you worked hard TTTTTT I love you my team!!!!!
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18. Seo Won 56k views
hello! 🌟 Star creators~! 💋Seowon from sexy boy to 👊 hip hop boy!☝~!!
Although we unfortunately couldn’t perform the precious say my name stage chosen by the star creators😭
I thought it was an opportunity to show Seowon, a hip-hop boy, and I prepared really hard for a short time of almost 3 days.
(I didn't even imagine that I would do a super charger.....😥 hahahaha)
Our members really went through a lot of mental and physical trouble, but they overcame it well and performed well on stage 🤗
We're lacking a lot, but we did our best, so please give a lot of love and interest to our super charger stage~💌
Also, please give us one precious vote from the few remaining star creators.
Star creators who always send lots of love! Thank you so much 😉
Have a happy and beautiful day with Woniee ~~♡♡♡♡🥰😍😘❤‍🔥
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19. Wang Zi Hao 487k views
Message 1: Korean
Hello Star Creators!🍭🍭🍭
We met again👋🥳
First everyone! Thank you so much for your support and voting.
Today I showed you the concept of hip hop hao 🔥🤟💥 I hope you like it 😆😆
Please give a lot of support to our team members who completed this stage together.
Thank you❤❤❤
Message 2: Chinese
Star creators 🤩! Let's meet again~ First of all, thank you for your support, you have worked very hard to vote for me! 😬
What everyone 3 saw today is HipHop Hao^I hope you will like it, and also support the teammates who completed the "Super Charger" stage together! Thank you for your support~🤗🤗🤗
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20. Na Kamden 57k views 
Message 1: Korean 
Hello Star Creators~ This time, I am Pink Boy Kamden who came back with a cute cutie.
Are you all doing well?
I was so excited and happy to challenge a new concept this time🥰
Does this cute concept suit you well?
While preparing for the Switch stage this time, I practiced aegyo while looking in the mirror by myself.
Please find a point of cuteness on stage💘
I hope the star creators liked it😋
Message 2: English
Hello Star Creators!How are you guys doing☺ 
For this ‘switch’ stage, I came back with cute concept and I tried full pink outfit this time🧸 
Does my outfit look good on me? 
I hope it made you guys happy🍪 
Thank you guys always for supporting me and love you guys so much💓
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21. Lee Seung Hwan 79k views 
yes! Hello, this is Seunghwan Lee!🙋🏻
Showing the performance of En Guarde, the 5th song matched by the star creators, reflects the desire to receive a good song and do well.
Since it was a song that matched me with a look I wanted to see, I think I prepared it with the mindset that I should do well at the same time!!
Also, this member is really... 🙃 I think I prepared harder because I'm such an elite member😂
How many ideas meetings are there? I am really looking forward to and very excited to prepare and show a better stage by putting our heads together, researching, practicing, and repeating to show you a better stage after worrying a lot!! (I stayed up all night… heh)
Since it's a new song, we prepared a lot, so it would be nice if all the star creators could enjoy watching and listening to it!!
(1st place stage, 1st place sound source Gazza!!😚)
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22 Chen Kuan Jui    173k views
🌟 Hello creators~
I am Shining Bling Bling✨ Cheon-gwan “Louis”.
I came back with a new look this time with the new artist battle song “Over me“.👏
As soon as I heard this song, I kept feeling that I had to do it unconditionally, and I never got tired of it no matter how many times I listened to it, so I was so happy when I practiced.
The third mission is very important to me, so I practiced really hard because I wanted to catch the concept well, so thank you for watching the fancam.🥰
While researching the meaning of the lyrics of the song Over Me, I kept thinking, “Can I really do well?”, but as I gradually found a feeling in the music and choreography, my confidence increased.
I hope the star creators are very good to me.
And whenever I perform on “Boys Planet,” I always think of it as the last stage and I want to show you what I have prepared.
In the future, I will continue to challenge different concepts and appear as a new “Louis” in front of star creators.
Please give lots of love and vote. Thank you!!!💛🧡💛
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23. Zhang Shuai Bo 42k views 
Message 1: Korean
Thank you for clicking my fancam and watching this video.
This song is the one you chose for me.
I put a lot of effort into preparing for this stage.
And thank you so much to the team members who helped me with my dancing and pronunciation.
Also, thank you for letting me stay and complete this stage.
Thanks to everyone.
Wherever you are, I hope you are all healthy and happy every day! Fighting!
Message 2: Chinese
Thank you very much for clicking on my direct shot (fancam)
Watch this video, the song you chose for me,
I put a lot of effort into preparing this song,
I'm also grateful to my teammates for helping me dance and pronounce,
Thank you very much for allowing me to stay and complete this stage, thank you, thank you everyone,
No matter where you are, I hope you are all in good health.
Be happy every day! Jiayo! (like a Chinese version of “fighting”)
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24. Lee Jeong Hyeon 138k views 
Hello ✨Star Creators✨!😊
Lee Jung-hyun is back with the new artist battle song, Over Me!
As soon as I first heard Over Me, I thought I had to do this song.
Thanks to the star creators who voted for me to do Over Me, the time from practice to preparing for the stage was so happy and fun☺
So I just wanted to say thank you so much
To be honest, I was really taken aback at first because I chose the song without knowing it had no rap, but thinking about it again, I've never shown my vocals to you on stage.
So, I prepared this stage with the idea that it would be a great opportunity to show a new side of me!
As much as you let me do the song I wanted, I really ran harder than ever to repay you with a great stage🔥🔥🔥
I am so happy to be able to show you the stage with a new song with the most confident and suitable concept.
Please give lots of interest and love to the new vocalist Lee Jung-hyun!!
(+) Don't forget to vote for Lee Jung-hyun💚💚💚
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25. Takuto 46k views 
hello. Thank you for coming to see my fancam.
This time, we performed our song <SuperCharger>.
This song is addictive in the chorus!
Please listen to <SuperCharger>, which you will never forget once you hear it!
I'm still lacking a lot, but thank you to the star creator who supported me a lot!
I will continue to work hard and show you a better image!
I love you❤ See you again!!
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26. Cha Woong Ki 52k views 
Hello Star Creator ✨ 💕
Receiving lots of love from all of you, the 3rd mission
From the artist battle to the 'Super Charger' stage
This is trainee Cha Woong-gi who greeted me once again 🥺
First of all, thank you so much for giving me one more chance 💘
I don't want to disappoint you
To the star creators who like and support me
To make people think, ‘Oh, I did a good job picking Cha Woong-gi’
It's a short time, but I prepared really hard!! ⚡
In Boyz Planet, a new look that was hidden tightly
I also challenged the main rapper to show you 🎤
I didn't know it would be me either ☠🎀🌈🌷🔨🧸🦩
But I hope you like it 🤑
There are many cool images to show you in the future!!
If you pick me up so that I can stand on the next stage too
Good luck in everything in the future,
You will work less and earn more, etc. 😍
Please vote for Cha Woong-gi on Mnet Plus!!
Please Police 🚓🚨🚔🚨👮‍♂❤
The Boyz ,Stray Kids, NCT, TXT, Enhypen, Seventeen, BTS, EXO, SHINee, Monsta X, BTOB, ATEEZ, Astro, Infinite, Super Junior, Shinhwa, Treasure, GOT7, 2PM, NU'EST, Golden Child, VIXX, SF9, Highlight, TVXQ, BAEI73, Victon, TNX, Block B, B1A4, ONF, CIX, Sechs Kies, Teen Top, DKZ, Mirae, Drippin, Up10tion, MCND, EPEX, AB6IX, Berry Berry, Tempest, B.A.P, Ghost Nine, Kingdom, Cravity, And even if you're not here, I really respect the cool seniors 😍 (The order doesn't matter)
I'm Doebi, Stay Czennies Moa Engine Carat Ami Eri Shawl Monbebe Melody ATINY Aroha Insuk Elf Shinhwa Creation Teume Agase Hottest Love Goldness Starlight Fantasy Light Cassiopeia Els Alice Thanks BBC Vana Fuse Fix Yellow Kiss Angel Club Now Dreaming Honeyten Gem This is Zenith Avenue Better Eye Baby Gosty Kingmaker Luvity (Really) 🧸❤
(In this last paragraph, he’s saying that he’s a fan of various groups, the same groups he listed above in the same order-- for example, a “Stay” is a fan of Stray Kids, a “Carat” is a fan of Seventeen, a “Monbebe” is a fan of MonstaX, etc.)
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27. Ollie 29k views 
Hi everyone, I'm Ollie🍫🍩🍪.
Thank you for watching my fancam 📸. I fractured my knuckle🦴 at the Planet Field Day event, so the practice was a bit difficult this time😣.
Still, I wanted to show you a good performance, so I worked hard as always! ⛄
This song had a lot of difficult choreography, but the team members helped me a lot💙💛💙💛💙💛.
To be honest, while preparing for this stage, I thought that this was the last time, but I think that the star creators gave me a third chance like this, thankfully! 💖
And we prepared really hard for this stage, so you should watch it a million times!😜
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28. Hiroto 152k views
First message: Japanese 
Hello Star Creators!
Did you enjoy watching our cool stage? ? 🔥
I put in a lot of effort to show everyone a different image than before! 💓
In this team, I was the only one in the g group, so I did my best not to cause trouble for everyone!
Last time I was ranked 28th, so there were times when I was mentally tough, but I think I was able to do a stage that I won't regret even if it's the final stage! 😎
I will do my best to raise my rank and reach the end, so please continue to give me a lot of support! 😘
Second message: Korean 
Hello Star Creator!
Did you enjoy watching our cool stage?
We worked hard to show you a different side of ourselves.🤓
In this team, I was the only one in G group, so I worked hard so that the other team members would not be harmed.😊
There were times when it was mentally difficult because I ranked 28th the other day, but I will raise my ranking so that I will not regret it even if it is the last stage, and I will work hard so that I can reach the end, so please support me a lot in the future!😎
I love you.😍
Trainees listed in order of fancam views:
Wang Zi Hao 487k views
Zhang Hao  443k views
Seok Matthew 366k views
Sung Hanbin   340k views
Ricky  253k views 
Kim Ji Woong 249k views
Han Yu Jin  238k views
Jay  228k views
Keita  212k views  
Park Gunwook 210k views
Chen Kuan Jui  173k views
Kim Tae Rae 162k views 
Kim Gyu Vin  160k
Hiroto 152k views
Lee Jeong Hyeon 138k views 
Park Hanbin  116k  views
Haruto  112k views 
Kum Jun Hyeon 108k views 
Lee Hoe-taek (Hui) 99k views
Yoo Seung Eon 98k views
Yoon Jong Woo   97k views
Lee Seung Hwan 79k views 
Na Kamden 57k views 
Seo Won 56k views
Cha Woong Ki 52k views 
Takuto 46k views 
Zhang Shuai Bo 42k views 
Ollie 29k views 
Ok, that’s it! See you guys in the next one. 
I know that the eliminations will hurt this time, but remember, these trainees have good futures ahead of them regardless of whether they make it into Bepler or not, so don’t be too sad, ok? 
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fillyoursoulxx · 1 year
🍡🎶💘 - for louis :~)
☠ ― 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠.
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🍡 - Can your muse cook? Can they bake? How well can they do either? Do they have any kitchen disaster stories?
"Ha, yeah did someone tell you I dabbled in the culinary arts for a bit? Cause yeah, I did and it was fun. I'm pretty good at a few key dishes, messing around with seasoning and all that but wasn't a great fit. So I stick to those same meals, perfecting them a bit each time. As for fucking horror stories, I set my dorm up in microwave smoke once cause I was too damn lazy to put my biscuit under the plastic cover. Thing charred so bad it burned a hole through it. Baking goes over similarly. I get-- distracted. So unless you like burnt baked goods, I'm not your guy for that,"
🎶 - What kind of music does your muse listen to? Do they have a favorite genre? Do you think the aux cord would be taken away from them?
"Little of everything. I have a soft spot for movie and game soundtracks. Like my morning runs? A lot of people think I'm listening to some sort of mainstream pump up music but it's almost always the Legend of Zelda or some anime soundtrack. Other than that, classic hip hop, Atmosphere, oldies. Like I said, a little of everything,"
💘 - What is your muse like when they’re in love? What does your muse find attractive in someone else? What are their love languages? How do they show affection? Do they show any distinct signs that they’re in love?
"Talk about an in depth question. Ah-- well, probably a red fucking flag, but I can be obsessive. Nothing insane like stalking but they're on my mind a lot. Might be grocery shopping and see a chocolate I know they like or remember that time I spotted them with a coke. I pick up stuff like that and I can't resist the little gifts. So gift giving, quality time, acts of service, all top on my love languages. Physical touch...fuck, all of them really. But I think Acts of Service is king. I wanna do things to make their life easier. What else? Oh, attractive? A big smile, dark eyes. Sass and some less than 'normal' humor. Terrible I know, but be a little fucking mean to me at times. Challenge me. Don't just take every ounce of my bullshit and I'll likely fall in love with you. Really though all joking aside, I don't hide when I feel something for someone. I've been there, done that shit and it's pointless. I'm not wasting my time playing it cool and anyone averse to that? They just aren't for me then,"
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ditttiii · 2 years
My name is 🐻. I'm 16 years old. A humanities student studying in 3rd year of highschool. My hobbies are singing, dancing, reading, writing (atm i have a block😭), sleeping, doing nothing and my most favourite- randomly complementing people. I don't particularly hate anything for i feel hate is a very strong emotion which stems out of lack of gratitude, jealousy and at times envy. Although I do have a strong dislike towards homophobics, fatphobics, racist, sexiest and people who treat elders nd kids like thrash. I also don't like bottle guard but i love bitter guard. Currently I'm suffering from recurring uti and am showing symptoms of IBS. I also have issues with my menstrual cycles but ik I'll get by. All this started when I was chubby but with perfect bmi but teased by everyone for being "fat". I went on a very unhealthy diet and also my mental health wasn't stable that time. I developed eating disorder. Btw this happened during 2020. During dec that year I drank less water and binged often. Developed uti but didn't tell my parents until July this year. Now am suffering terribly. Hate myself for this...
I did lose weight but not how people usually do. I fell sick(2021). For 3 days I had high fever, tonsil stone, period, diarrhoea and willingness to die. My body couldn't even take water. I used to puke everything and was still constantly having my stomach run. In those 3 days i lost approx 6 to 7 kgs of weight. My stupid 15 year old ass still wanted to be slim fit so i did what i SHOULDN'T have done. Regulated my diet which was again not something my body begged me to do.
I suffered from depression from the age of 11 when I was first passively bullied. I wanted to die when I was 12. Just survived without any reason at 13. Thought to heal but went nuts at 14. That was the time i was most creative though. Actually wished to die and gave myself an ultimatum that if I didn't heal by Jan or atleast got better, I'll swallow chlorine. And am now sitting with some anxiety but WAYYYYY better than before. It's true that u need to be patient with your self in order to actually grow and heal.
I don't regret anything but am just a Lil concerned about my fucked up health. I know I'll be alright though. I just hope I get out of my writing and reading slump. I now see the wonders of the world and am happy with where i am. I don't truly love myself but I don't hate myself as much as i used to.
Now i don't know what I'll do in the future. I know one thing that I've kept neuropsychology as my backup but how funny it is that I'm clueless about what it is for.
I mean it got serious so....
Ahem Ahem
Im happy you got out of a relationship that didn't work for you instead of sabotaging yourself with false hope of having wonders of the world with the person who your weren't meant to be with. And ofc we'll both love jaykay afterall he has been my greatest muse as well.
Though i can't write even an ounce as brilliant an you but ig I'm improving.
Love you loads and have a great day ahead🫂🫂🫂🫂
I look forward to reading your replies because they are so cute and bubbly and vivacious and effervescent. You're just.... EPITOME OF EVERY TAYLOR'S LOVE SONG...... EPITOME OF MY FAVOURITE SUMMER WITH SUNSHINE BLAZING OVER ALL THE SHITTY THOUGHTS I HAVE ......
You're indeed enchanting. I don't know what you look like or perhaps if youre pretty to the eye. Butttt let me tell you. YOURE BEAUTIFUL. the vibe and aura you radiate isjust so pure and comforting. Would love to be real life besties with you....
Send you lots of love 💘💕
oh you sweet sweettt soul i have the absolute strongest urge to hug you and just somehow cuddle the heck outta you until you know that you are not alone even though ik it may feel like it a lot. my gosh bee, you r such a strongass trooper heck ya! i have had both health struggles, mental and physical, for the last decade of my life so i really do understand a lot of where you are coming from. i ofc absolutely in no way can fully know how hard it has been for you, cant even come close to imagining it but my heart is with you through remembering it all :') idk if anyones told you this before but you are so so brave for keeping your head up and holding on. Sometimes its the hardest thing to do and it takes someone with a heart of literal fucking gold that bleeds goodness to be able to withstand and overcome those hardships so just. i am proud of you hun. really really proud.
also god i feel u on the health struggles. with recurring uti, i suffer from it too and often end up on antibiotics and even with those sometimes it takes like 2 weeks to fully recover. My suggestion would be just to look after ur hygiene and try to keep things dry while really buckling down with the hydration. the second you feel that burning or the weathers hot/humid and u are wearing tight jeans or you have been travelling, using more public restrooms -- just start gulping down water. trust me water and peeing more is actually the best cure for uti and also improves your natural immunity and i have learned that the hard way (i.e building resistance to antibiotics after multiple courses) with irregular menstrual cycles? i had terrible cycles all through out my highschool too. took meds for like a year i think and gave it a lot of time but it eventually sorted itself out so dont stress over it too much.
you my love are beautiful just the way you are. and if something ever changes do it for noone but yourself 💕 weight and body types and the stereotype of what is good and what isnt and whats okay and whats not it just. its freaking impossible. if your bmi is good, you feel healthy then you are absolutely a 10/10 and noone can change that despite whatever they say. if you feel good, the rest of the world is irrelevant.
Also letting your creativity ground you at your worst? i am so glad?? 😭 i get what that feels like because in a way the creative outlets are an escape and just a moment and bubble in time when you dont have to think about the things that worry and stress you out and can just instead be. be in the moment and be content and be calm and like amidst the shitstorm and all the noise sometimes its the only sound. and i m so hella glad that you held onto that creativity and let it be a support system for you. Its always tough being there for yourself and not having anyone else who really gets you and i havent found someone like that yet either so i rely on my creativity a lot to get me through the bad times and funnily enough it usually flourishes when i am at my worst. so lol if i am writing a lot and writing good i m prolly depressed 🤡
and lastly, this reply is a piece of all that my thoughts are and is only covering a portion of them but i am so honoured you trusted me enough to share it all. i do feel like i know you better know and its such a warm gushy realisation.
you my bear-chan are adorable and sweet beyond belief and i am always looking forward to hearing from you more and knowing what you have been upto.
sending back nothing but tons and buckets and seas full of my love 💕
-ditttiii xoxoxoxoxox
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Double Agent: Part 3 | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi, friends! This is part three to my Double Agent series, so please read the first two parts first :) Part One can be found here, and Part Two can be found here.
Send me your comments, requests, and / or suggestions! 🥰
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @glxwingrxse @psychoticmason @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy 💘
Tags for this series: @cjand10 @leyannrae @blessedwedgie @vampire7595 @onlyjamesbuchananbarnes ♥️
Part four!
Warning: mention of panic attacks, nightmares, PTSD
Bucky's arms remained tangled around you for a while, gently stroking the length of your spine to try and help you calm down a bit. The feeling that you were crossing a line began seeping in all at once, forcing you quickly pull yourself from Bucky's grasp and reclaim your spot next to him.
Another thick silence hung in the air like fog until Bucky hesitantly spoke up, "hey, um, I think I know the answer to this question, but...do you wanna try to go back to sleep?"
Almost nothing sounded worse than falling asleep and letting the horrors of your subconscious take over. Bucky read the expression on your face with ease, knowing he'd shot Steve, Nat, and Sam the same look countless times when they'd suggested he get some sleep.
Being on the other side of the familiar look made him understand just what his friends had felt when put in this exact situation. He saw the dark circles under your eyes, the way you anxiously picked at your cuticles, and the hundreds of tiny red blood vessels that had appeared along the white surface of your eyes.
The evidence of your emotion and exhaustion was written all over your face, giving you a small, almost pathetic look. In that moment, all he wanted was for you to get some rest-which is exactly what his friends had always told him.
"You had a really long day," he said gently, "the mission was...hard on you. And all of the, um, the crying-"
"The emotional breakdown?"
"Hey, your words, not mine. But seriously, I know you've gotta be exhausted. Getting some rest might be a good idea...just food for thought."
It shocked you again and again just how kind Bucky was- just how much he cared- after everything you'd done to him. He sat next to you with his hand on yours, stroking your knuckles and wishing you'd let yourself rest- the man was a saint.
"I know that you're right, Barnes. But I just- I can't..."
There was an unspoken understanding between the two of you that didn't require Bucky to answer.
"I'm just gonna put on a tv show or something", you told him, "you can feel free to stay-or go- whatever you want."
Bucky gazed at you with expectant eyes, searching your face for what you wanted. If you wanted to be alone, he'd give you your space- but he secretly hoped you'd ask him to stay. You made him feel understood, you made him feel seen. And he was genuinely worried about your well-being; if you'd asked him to leave, he would've spent the rest of the night up worrying about you.
The look in Bucky's eyes made you nervous. More than anything, you wanted him to stay, but he'd already done so much for you. You were entitled to exactly zero kindness from him, and yet he was giving you all he had. His stare burned through you and wore you down, pulling timid, "please stay" from your lips. That was all the convincing Bucky needed to remain camped out in your bed for the rest of the night, and he did so happily.
"Thank you so much for staying... for everything, really" the words had you feeling sheepish, but the sentiment was genuine. You appreciated his kindness, his warmth.
"You don't have to stay up if you're tired," you continued, "you can get some sleep, I know you're probably exhausted".
A perfectly timed yawn pushed its way out of Bucky's mouth as you spoke, "I'm gonna do my best to stay up, just in case...but no promises",
The two of you settled in for some New Girl, but Bucky only made it through an episode and a half before he was dead to the world. Schmidt and Nick's hilarious antics continued to play in the background as you stared at the beautiful, broken man next to you. After the relentless abuse he'd endured for years, he should've been a cold, isolated individual devoid of all kindness- but he was the opposite.
He was kind and thoughtful and sweet, selfless beyond belief, and surprisingly funny. Admiration actually brought a few tears to your eyes as you stared at him, and nothing could pull your eyes from his perfectly sharp features and stubble-covered jaw line. Eventually, after you didn't know how long, exhaustion gripped you tight and pulled you down into the swirling, black rabbit hole of your subconscious.
Just as the birds began to chirp outside your window, a loud, metallic clanking sound woke you up. In a panic, you bolted out of bed, your eyes scanning the room for potential dangers.
"Hey, hey- that was me, you're fine. You're okay," Bucky murmured, "I'm sorry, I smacked my arm on the doorframe as I was coming out of the bathroom...clumsy moment".
The completely innocent explanation should've put you at ease, but it seemed that your panic attack had already sunk its teeth into your flesh, gnawing at you from the inside out. Bucky rushed to your side, knowing exactly what you were going through and how to help you out of it. He forced you to focus on nothing but him as he spoke: the steely blue color of his eyes, the gentle whirring sound of the mechanisms in his arm, the deep timber of his voice. The strategy helped calm your nervous system down after a few minutes, but the anxiety still left you breathless.
Bucky's quick reflexes caught you as a dizzy spell tried to send you to the floor. Concern furrowed his brow as he helped you sit down on your bed and stared down at you disapprovingly.
"We need to get some food in you, when's the last time you ate?"
Food hadn't really been a priority over the past 36 hours, and your search for the answer to his question come up empty. A huff left Bucky's chest as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, "alright-get changed and we'll go downstairs for some breakfast. Meet you in the hall in ten". He strode out of the room and shut the door behind him, off to have a quick shower and change the shirt you'd stained with your tears.
After getting yourself a shower and a fresh t-shirt and sweats, you joined Bucky in the hall and headed down for some breakfast. What you hadn't expected to find was a sea of new SWORD recruits swarming the first floor of the building like gnats. Excited chatter filled the air, but suddenly flatlined as the Bucky Barnes stalked through the room. Hushed whispers began popping up as the two of you made your way into the kitchen, which was filled with other residents of the compound.
"We're hiding from the newbies", Sam told Bucky as he sipped his coffee. Everyone's eyes locked on you, the woman who'd abused Bucky, standing awkwardly in their kitchen.
Bucky immediately read the uncomfortable vibe in the room, quickly making a plate for you before making one for himself, and gesturing toward the door.
"We can go eat out on the patio, it'll be quiet out there and-shit..." Bucky groaned, "I forgot to grab us some coffee. I'll be right back".
He turned back to the kitchen and left you standing alone in the hallway as cocky new agents appraised you from afar. More pointed whispers caught your attention, drawing your eye toward a table of particularly douchey looking men.
"She's ex Hydra..." you heard one of them say, followed by "we should just kill her right now- she doesn't deserve to be alive".
Their comments sounded awfully similar to the horrible things you'd said to yourself over the years, prompting tears to gather in the corners of your eyes.
"Got the coffee. Ready?" Bucky asked as he reappeared, but his casual tone was demolished by the look of hopelessness in your eyes.
"Thanks a lot, Barnes, but I, um, I'm just- I'm gonna go back to my room..." you placed your plate full of food on the decorative side table that sat only a few inches away and tried to scurry back to the elevator.
Bucky blocked your way, letting out a "Woah, hey- what happened?" as he stood between you and your desired path. It was embarrassing to tell Bucky just how much the comments of a few random strangers had hurt you, but there was no getting around it- or him.
"I'm gonna go talk to them..." he said as he placed his food and the coffees next to your plate. Your hand caught his bicep and gave it a squeeze, effectively stopping him in his tracks, "please don't, it's not that big of a deal".
He shook his head and gently removed your hand from his arm as he gave you a pointed look, "you need to eat. Just give me one second..." Before you knew it, he was crossing to the table of douchebag trainees. Embarrassment forced you to turn your back on the scene, only looking in Bucky's direction when you heard a loud commotion.
Steve was gripping Bucky by the shoulders, attempting to drag him away from the man he'd just punched. With a satisfied smirk, Bucky shook off Steve's grasp and rejoined you, murmuring a quick "ready?" as he led you to the patio.
The cloudless blue sky greeted you cheerfully as you stepped outside, pulling your lips into an involuntary smile. After being held in such a dark, cold cell for so long, the bright, warm morning was more than welcome. Bucky watched as you took in the fresh air and golden sun and for a moment, he felt like you were doing okay- that was until he noticed that you'd stopped eating.
About eighty percent of the food Bucky had put on your plate sat completely untouched, pulling Bucky’s features into a frown.
"Hey, come on, you need to eat".
"Oh, um…” There was no way you could possibly stomach another bite, and you knew you needed to tell Bucky why. “I can't eat very much in one sitting. Hydra didn't feed me all that much- or all that often- and so I…if I eat a ‘normal’ sized meal, I get sick".
Once again, you felt your cheeks reddening with embarrassment as you revealed yet another dark detail of your captivity.
After hearing your explanation, Bucky didn't push. He simply finished his food before taking your plate and digging in. "See, this is why we can be friends- I get all your leftovers". Hearing Bucky actually use the word "friends" when referring to you almost stopped your heart. He read the shock on your face and shot you a wink as he devoured your French toast and bacon without hesitation.
After Bucky finished his food-and yours- you sat together in comfortable silence, enjoying the warm weather and peaceful atmosphere. Suddenly, Bucky turned to you with something on his mind, "You said I could ask you anything, right?" With a nod, you allowed him to pick your brain a bit more, "So, how long ago were you, uh, rescued?" The timeline was still fuzzy to you, and it took an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out the answer to his question, "Just over a year, I think".
Bucky was beside himself. Everything had happened to you so recently, leading him to believe that you were actually suffering way more than you were letting on. Just then, another question popped into his brain, "So if they found you about a year ago, where have you been this whole time...?"
There was no way to stop yourself from cringing as you thought over the last year of your life, and part of you wanted to keep it to yourself- but you'd promised Bucky complete honesty.
"Okay, so, Hill and some other agents infiltrated the base and found me", you began slowly, "and I spent a few weeks, I think, in the hospital. I wasn't- uh, I wasn't okay.” A dark look clouded your eyes as you thought about being in the hospital, broken, bruised, and alone. Bucky didn’t push you to keep going, and simply sat quietly as he waited for you to return from your memories.
“After I got out, I wanted to throw myself into work- anything to keep my mind off of what happened- but I obviously couldn't go back to Shield, cause- it had fallen apart. So, I got a gig at this really intense private security firm and I was f-fine...kind of. I started slipping a little, missing work- PTSD is a fucking bitch". Bucky nodded emphatically and mumbled "goddamn right" before motioning for you to continue.
"And then Fury reached out to me…set me up with this therapist, who I fucking hate, and-"
Bucky almost spit his coffee on you as he yelled, "Is it Dr. Raynor?!"
A powerful laugh threw your head back and made your stomach hurt until you couldn't breathe. "Yes! Dr. Raynor!" you finally gasped, sending Bucky into another laughing fit.
"Oh, I fucking hate her!" he almost yelled. The two of you sat locked in hysterics for a long time, until Bucky finally composed himself, "okay, sorry for the interruption. I just- God, Dr. Raynor sucks…anyway, please, continue.”
"Right. So, I started going to see her but I honestly think she only made things worse? I missed a lot more work, got fired, stopped seeing Dr. Raynor, and just kind of holed up in my shitty apartment for a while. It was...fine. I wasn't eating or sleeping, but I- anyway, because I didn't have a job, I, um, ran out of money. My landlord said he was gonna evict me, and...that's when Fury called. Told me he wanted me on the team. I agreed almost immediately, regardless of how fucked up I was- or, am. I needed something to do, you know? And then I asked if I could live here, since I was about to um, be homeless…and he said yes- but only if I go to my therapy sessions."
An exasperated sigh left Bucky's chest at the ultimatum you’d been saddled with, "yeah, did the same to me. I missed one and got fucking arrested..."
A long, intense eye roll overtook you, "seriously? That’s a little extreme.”
Bucky scoffed, “you’re tellin’ me”
An idea crossed your mind and you hesitated for a moment before voicing it, “Okay, I have an idea…" you proposed, "I'll make sure you go to your therapy sessions so you don't end up in prison, and you make sure I go to my therapy sessions so I don't end up homeless. Deal?"
Bucky offered you his metal pinky and linked it with yours, before shooting you a wink and promising to uphold his end of the bargain, "Deal".
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jayflrt · 2 years
Ahhh Alice how are you!! I celebrated finishing my third exam for econ (just one more to go!) by reading some of your works hehe it was such a nice reward 🥰 they were all so great ahh I'm gonna finish a bunch of homework and work for my internship today so hopefully I'll have more time to read in the next few days 🥰 and I'm jeonghan biased! And Hoshi bias wrecked hehe they're both so chaotic I love it 🤩 My roommate and I are almost done rewatching iland ahhh we're halfway through the final episode 🥺 have you seen the first episode of &Audition??? It was so good omggggg I won't leave any spoils if you haven't (or any of your followers haven't) but I'm falling so hard for Nicholas and Gaku jdnsjsjsj and my love for K is just growing even more like 🥺 god I'm so glad he isn't getting an evil edit. I saw through it the first time but it was so unfair and I hated it soooo much he's such a good guy idk like 🥺 I was losing it in the first episode tho like he is LITERALLY A DAD OF 14 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺 I'm about to be so delulu over him it's not even funny 😭 I just love him so much 🥺
And the enha album omgggg I liked future perfect!! We got a little more rap line content and I am absolutely here for it 👀 but I will admit, drunk dazed will always have my heart as fav tt. I actually can't imagine anything beating it jdjsjs I was a little sad foreshadow wasn't a full song 🥺 I saw some engenes in the comments of a lyric video asking for the extended version in an upcoming album and I am here for it 🙏🏻🙏🏻 plus I mean it's called foreshadow maybe its a sneak peek into their new sound or the beginning to a future song 👀 you never know!! I hope you've been doing well 💙 I love you!
hihi kelsey i’m doing well !!! 🥰🥰 slowly getting through my asks omg at first there were 55 and then i thought i responded to a lot but there’s like 45 left HAHAH 🤧 but congrats on finishing your exam !! when is your last one? :o AHH I SAW YOUR REBLOGS I WAS SWOONING i still need to answer the one you wrote for my spiderjake fic but i was soooo 🥺🥺💖💖
ALSO JEONGHANS MY ULT AS WELL 🤩 but tbh i bias practically half the group so it’s not much of a surprise HAHAH and omg hoshi in the cheers mv was everything <33 how did you feel about their album repackage?? 💘💘 _world is such a cute song <33
omg i haven’t watched &audition yet ! :o i still don’t quite get it tho like is it a survival show?? but k, taki, ej, and nicholas are fixed members??? and omg yeah k got evil edited a lot in iland :// a lot of them got evil edited except jungwon and sunghoon i believe sobsob BUT IM EXCITED TO SEE K IN THIS SHOW
omg i’m glad you’re a fellow future perfect enthusiast 😌 i actually rlly like it even tho some ppl don’t vibe with it HAHAH but omg i was so sad about foreshadow too 😭😭 like i would 100% be looping it if it was a full song and didn’t have like a minute of narration LOL
but that’s true !! since it’s an outro maybe it’ll connect to their next album 🤭 i’m excited to see what they do next ♡
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chaoticallycosmic · 2 years
👠 💑 💘 - Elijah | Hasani | Alexander
👠 What was my muse’s last serious relationship like?
Elijah: Elijah was married before and it was to his high school girlfriend, it was wonderful at first, she was his best friend at the time but then he joined the Marines and everything changed, she thought she could handle the time he was deployed but after a while, she couldn't and it ended, despite his attempts at trying to make it work. His last serious relationship after his divorce lasted two years and it was amazing, actually. Filled with love, adventures, and open communication, it just simply didn't last.
Hasani: Hasani actually had a fiance for about three years or so, at first it was wonderful, they wanted the same things then, to explore, travel, etc, but then things changed, as they do, and suddenly, they found themselves wanting different things in life and since their paths didn't align they decided to break it up mutually. He hasn't really been in a relationship since then, has done more casual dating but isn't opposed to being in a relationship.
Alexander: His last serious relationship didn't end well, especially when he found his girlfriend of five years in bed with his best friend, safe to say that they aren't in his life anymore. He has tried dating but with his career, it's hard to find someone who truly understands the time constraints or how there are just some things he can't share.
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner?
Elijah: Someone who is understanding, has to like kids as he has nieces and nephews are they over often and he always runs a rec-center, loving, caring, someone who isn't afraid to be themselves, who challenges him, etc. He likes making dad jokes, though he calls them uncle jokes, so a sense of humor is needed. Someone driven and passionate.
Hasani: Someone adventurous, who doesn't mind going with the flow, someone who is kind, even to anyone who can't do anything for them, loyal, funny, and who doesn't mind his ramblings when he gets going on his history about something he's passionate about or something he found at a dig site.
Alexander: Someone who knows what they want, who can be daring and bold, independent, someone kind and loving, someone who can be playful at times, someone who can make him smile and laugh because sometimes his career does make him feel heavy, someone whose presence is calming and can understand that his career isn't fixed on a schedule.
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
Elijah: Acts of service, if anything needs fixing he will gladly do it, making time for them, taking them places they want to do, doing things for them that while he might not like, he'll do it for them because it'll make them smile, lots of forehead and cheek kisses, hugs, etc.
Hasani: Bringing them back mementos from his travels, sending texts or photos of beautiful sites because he was reminded of them/wants to take them there so they can experience it, giving gifts that are specific to that person.
Alexander: Quality time, taking his partner on vacation, if possible, words of affirmations, definitely a lot of support for whatever they want to do if it makes them happy, cleaning around their place, cooking for them, making sure they have emergency kits in their cars, homes, etc just in case.
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taeyungie · 2 years
sorry if this will be long em 😟
my mother had surgery too. only a few days after you!! i'm the one taking care of the food and i was afraid of this, 'cause i can't cook, but it's been good so far... she has been surprisingly patient with my questions and it is all tasting well at the end 😅
the thing is (this is not related with my mom's surgery) i quit doing my obligations for almost a month now and this is just the worst that could happen. this is a very important year for me, but i can only exist and that's all i've been able to do so far. i know that for people who struggle so much with their own minds only existing can be a big and important thing, but i also think that i cannot be self indulgent and that i must know the times when i'm only being lazy and avoiding to try harder. and i think this is what's happening :( i'm not surprised at all though. do you also think like this sometimes? i don't know how much i can trust my thoughts, but this really seems to be the truth.
the things that i've been doing for my mother seem a problem when i start with them, but then the process becomes fine, 'cause i get to think alone a lot while i'm doing them and i just have to get those things done. maybe it's easier because i'm doing them for someone else? but my own accomplishment would bring good things for her too... i don't have the choice to give up on doing this or that, so it's scary that i can get up and do something that i don't know how for someone else who needs it, but at the same time i can't get back to something that will determine my future and will do so well for me, something that i do know how to do alone. it's pathetic in a way hehe i even have a "prize" that i really want just waiting for me if everything goes well and yet i'm stuck here.
but i'd also like to ask how you are <3 :') how are you holding up? do you feel better? right now i hope you have someone who's cooking for you too, even if that can be hard for them 💙💙 if you're making your own food, then i have to say: what a badass... and take care!!!!
oh hello! 🥺 oh my, i hope your mom is feeling okay and recovering well! I'm sending you guys lots of love and strength! 💘 I'm sure she appreciates any way you'd be taking care of her, she's your mom in the end 🥺🥺🥺
i'm not sure if i could relate to the way you're feeling but i understand what you're going through and i think i've been in those places too. i feel like you're a little afraid, right? it's important that you remember to take your time. it's hard for me to give you any advice since, truth be told, i totally don't know what is happening, what are the things that you're dependent on and what are the circumstances.. but when you're feeling lost or not ready for something (even if you think you are but you hesitate) it's better to just.. wait. wait until you can gather your thoughts, maybe try talking to someone who knows you and your situation better. if you feel like you can't meet up your own expectations, maybe you need a break? maybe you need rest and time, just to think. putting additional weight on yourself won't help, if anything it's bringing you more stress and makes you even more confused. remember that you have time, there's always a second chance to everything, too. i know it's hard but try not to stress about thing you have no control over, yeah? if there's something you can't change or are not ready for it, just try to exist and take your time. don't blame yourself for not being high functioning all the time, love, we're not robots. it's going to be okay <3 please try to talk to others, don't try to deal with things like this alone, even if the last decision is yours.
thank you so much for asking, you're so sweet 🥺🥺💕💕 I'm doing a little better but still in a little bit of pain, but the recovery takes a long time so it's okay haha i'm staying at home these days <3 everything is healing just fine and that's what's most important hehe <3 thank you again, love, and I'm really sorry if i wasn't much help.. i really hope things will work out for you in the best of ways <3 please stay strong and remember it's okay to pause sometimes <3
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