#... i don't think the writers are this intelligent. but a girl can dream
coraniaid · 2 months
#19 for person of interest and #2 for willow rosenberg
#19 ... one behind-the-scenes trivia fact I've learned somewhere and my thoughts on it.
I honestly don't really know that much trivia about Person of Interest. One thing I think I remember reading somewhere once is that the writers originally cast Amy Acker to play [a version of] Caroline Turing and only quite late in production decided on the twist that Caroline Turing was actually an alias for Root [at which point, presumably, they renamed her character, because she probably wasn't called 'Turing' before that].
Which is kind of amazing to me, if it's true: Amy Acker as Root is such a huge part of the show that's it's strange to think it almost didn't happen [and, presumably, the show itself would have gone off in an entirely different direction in Season 2 without Root: we'd have seen a lot more of Alicia Corwin for a start].
But, well, I can't find the original claim now and even if I did it probably didn't have any particularly solid proof to back it up. So maybe it's not true at all. (I think it's obvious that the writers hadn't yet cast Amy Acker as Root in Season 1's Root Cause, but that's a much less interesting claim to me).
#2 ... ...how I would have chosen to change their story from canon
Not an original take, I suppose, but to me the big problem with Willow's arc is the way that everything the show has been building up to since (at least) Becoming gets utterly derailed by the Willow-as-a-metaphorical-drug-addict subplot in Season 6. And, yeah, I can see arguments for this subplot: magic had been used as a metaphor for drug abuse before, and it does fit with Season 6's wider theme of exposing the characters to more bleakly quotidian problems like bills and dead-end jobs and (metaphorical) battles with social workers. But it just doesn't work for Willow or her arc. Willow's descent into villainy ends up being almost something that happens to her [because of bad actors like Amy or Rack or Warren] rather than something that evolves naturally from her own flaws.
And that's frustrating, because the show's already spent a lot of time setting up Willow's character flaws and how they will surely lead to tension between her and Tara and her and Buffy. We know Willow has self-image problems ["I'm not your sidekick!" she snaps at Buffy in Fear Itself], that she's afraid that people won't like her if they see the real version of her [see her dream in Restless for example], that she compensates for this by trying to help everyone and make herself useful ["I want to help", she tells Buffy in The Harvest, "I need to"].
We know Willow is prone to being jealous when other people get attention despite (in her eyes) not working as hard for it as she's had to or when they threaten to come between her and the people she loves [see: Faith in Season 3, Anya in Season 5]. We know Willow is very often unsympathetic to other people's problems if she can't personally relate to them [see ... well, many examples, but in particular Buffy in Dead Man's Party].
We know that Willow's been getting into magic to an extent that worries all the other sympathetic magically-aware people we know. We know that Willow has a strong sense of herself as a 'good person' despite the fact she often does things that are illegal or dangerous or unwise. We know that Willow is proud of her intelligence and her accomplishments and that she often ignores advice she doesn't like or lashes out at people she thinks are talking down to her [see, for example, the way she talks to Tara in their fight in Tough Love]. We know Willow has had trouble respecting other people's wishes and that her first reaction to relationships going wrong is to try to work out how she can "make" people forgive her [how she reacts to Oz discovering her with Xander in Season 3, for example].
None of this has anything to do with Willow being tricked into being a magical drug addict by a girl who used to be her pet rat. It just doesn't.
In my ideal version of Season 6, Tara still leaves Willow (for much the same reason she does in canon: Willow not respecting her boundaries, using magic to mess with her memories to 'resolve' arguments they have) and Willow still reacts terribly (and manages to de-rattify Amy). But Rack doesn't exist and more generally Amy is not at all the person she is in canon who pushes Willow to use magic more and more because she's some sort of self-destructive hedonist.
Amy should be more or less the same person she was halfway through Season 3. She shouldn't be luring Willow into drug dens [drug dens which she shouldn't even know about!]. She shouldn't suddenly be recast as a Bad Influence. She should be more or less the person she was in Gingerbread. She should be (honestly) amazed by how much better at magic Willow's gotten since high school. She should think of Willow as her friend and try to 'stand up for her' because she (thinks she) knows that Willow lets people push her around too easily. She should (unintentioally) feed Willow's ego: tell her that she's perfectly in the right and it's everyone else who's over-reacting to her growing magical strength.
And yes, maybe eventually she should start directly encouraging Willow to misuse magic (to help her 'fix' her relationship with her Dad, for example, or to get back into college despite technically not finishing high school). But it should be a gradual process. It shouldn't be something that starts fan theories about Catherine Madison somehow posessing her again. And the narrative should [and I can't stress how much it doesn't do this] care the slightest bit about Amy herself as a person, and recognize that she has gone through something awful and traumatic.
Amy's role in the plot of Season 6 should be to encourage Willow to keep telling herself she can use magic all the time whatever anyone else says because she's a good person. She should enable Willow, sure, but not intentionally. She's been a rat since she was 17; she shouldn't know things about the world she didn't know three years ago (except rat things, I guess). She shouldn't force Willow to do magic or trick her into it, because then what happens to Willow is no longer a consequence of who Willow is as a person.
You can make Amy a catalyst for Willow's continued bad behaviour without making her deliberately evil. You just need to make Willow the more active partner in their relationship. Wilow should be the one to decide to keep using magic but just keep it hidden; the one who keeps finding excuses for why she can treat people like objects and still be a good person; the one who keeps redefining where the line is everytime she steps over it. Until eventually Willow goes too far even for Amy, and she has to reckon with what she's been doing all this time.
And that makes Season 7 Willow works better too, because she's actually got something real to feel guilty about. She's not just sorry that after Tara died she reacted by temporarily going a bit crazy and having a relapse into her former addiction [and then being persuaded by some bad magical energy she absorbed into wanting to end the world]. She should be sorry about what she deliberately did to Tara (and to Amy, and to Buffy, and to Dawn, and to everyone else), not what she almost did to the world when she wasn't in her right mind.
I mean, sure, you can keep Warren killing Tara if you want [I'm not sure I would, but...]. Play up the parallels between Warren and Willow, even. Keep Willow killing him and trying to kill Jonathan and Andrew. Keep her trying to end the world, too. But the fundamental moral agency should be Willow's.
Her arc shouldn't be a temporary drug habit she's tricked into by her Bad Friend followed by going cold turkey for a bit and then relapsing after a random horrible event. She shouldn't decide to end the world because a coven of witches we've never met use Giles as a proxy for some elaborate and almost self-defeating 11-dimensional chess game (I quite like Grave, all in all, but that particular twist is infuriatingly stupid). Willow should drive her Season 6 arc by being Willow, only worse. By being the same "callous and deeply strange" Willow we know from the high school seasons, just more so, one who ignores Buffy's advice from Ted to "use [her] powers for good".
The writers shouldn't be afraid to acknowledge that Willow Rosenberg (who, to be clear, is one of my favorite characters in fiction) actually does have the capacity to be a bad person without external factors forcing her into it.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
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Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime.
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batrachised · 1 year
inspired by the rubio quote on emily - I understand believing the LMM heroines leaving their ambitions behind is somewhat necessitated by the historical context, and I sympathize with those who would have preferred a different ending for Anne or Emily...but also (esp w Anne), I find it the line of thinking frustrating because (1) it's a false dichotomy that's (2) belied by the text imo and (3) somewhat dismissive of marriage as less than. Anne keeps writing after her marriage. She reads her poems aloud to her family and (iirc) inspires her children to do the same. Just because Emily is marrying Teddy doesn't mean she'll stop writing. The text gives us literally no reason to think that, and in fact explicitly states the opposite when Emily says that she has to write. No matter what, she has to write. If Anne, who doesn't demonstrate Emily's level of ambition, keeps writing, it's nearly laughable to think that Emily wouldn't.
What's especially frustrating is that repeatedly, LM Montgomery's stories focus on the importance of community and family in shaping, sourcing, and strengthening creativity. In Emily, it's explicitly stated that she couldn't have written her breakthrough novel if she had moved to New York and followed her ambitions as such. That's doesn't necessarily translate to romantic support, but romantic support is one form of that! Certainly, these heroines all have domestic endings; it's almost as if LM Montgomery's defining characteristic is finding beauty and power in domesticity, all while acknowledging domesticity doesn't exclude talent and ambition. Her thesis is that women can, and do, contain both. Anne can dream of handsome princes one day and publication the next because you know what--quite a lot of girls do! Emily can fiercely chase publication and long for companionship because you know what - that's the most human thing imaginable!
Acting as if marriage is an imprisonment or hindrance of some sort while LM Montgomery's heroes are marked by being supportive of their wives' talents and ambition (Gilbert is unthreatened by Anne's intelligence; Teddy understands Emily's ambition) ignores the major themes of the novels. It also fails to grapple with the historical barriers faced in a substantive or satisfying manner; it simply poo-poos the semi-requirement of marriage as the happy ending all while ignoring how radical the statements that first, women have ambitions and, second, their ideal partner would support those ambitions, were for the time.
The position also assumes that publication is the only legitimate form of success for writers, and similarly, "real" success requires recognition. It ignores the inherent value of creativity, inserts its own standards for success, all while ignoring what the heroines themselves state they want. Anne wanted marriage and babies; Emily is deeply lonely at the end of Emily's Quest and desires a companion who understands her. LM Montgomery actually directly addresses the idea that Gilbert stole Anne from her ambitions in TBAQ, and Anne laughs at the idea. For Emily, it's more understandable because she does value publication and is very ambitious, but that's where point number one comes in. Would the critics of her (admittedly rushed and slapdash) ending prefer that she stay alone surrounded by people who don't fully understand her? If anything, it's implied that Teddy will enhance Emily's creativity by providing the support she needs, and has in the past when he literally gives her the idea for her first novel, A Seller of Dreams.
I understand the cut and paste ending of "love husband marriage babies" can get to be tiring, especially when presented as the "right" path for women. I admit that the historical context - and pressure - here is impossible to ignore. After all, the examples I gave above are only legitimate to the extent LM Montgomery legitimized them; there could have easily have been a version of the story where Emily only succeeded because she moved to New York. Even LM Montgomery, as mentioned above, writes Gilbert explicitly saying that he regrets that he stole Anne's talent from the world. Sexism is definitely present in these novels. Still, the condescending tone when talking about these ending irks me. In the end, I guess I find the sainting of ambition as ridiculous as I find the sainting of marriage and babies as paths for women. One's as gross a simplification as the other.
At the end of the day as well, LM Montgomery writes slice of life novels based on the charm of rural PEI and local community. She focuses on the everyday purposefully. Complaining that she doesn't have heroines who move beyond domesticity (although really, she does with Sara Stanley) is like going to a pizza parlor and complaining when you get served pizza. Again, this only works to the extent that you agree with LM Montgomery's presentation - but there's something silly in complaining that her slice of life semi-romance novels from the late 1800s-early 1900s all end in marriage for the heroine.
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heloooo! hows life? and also, what jobs do you think the aouv crew would have?
Hello!! I'm so so sorry it took me this long to get around to answering, I started it and then promptly forgot it in my drafts for a really long time :/ This is a fun question to think about!
Alistair - I've seen people on here talking about how Alistair would be a writer post-canon, and I agree wholeheartedly. He's a natural storyteller and I think he would love the chance to channel that creativity without terrifying himself in the process. Also, the relative anonymity and privacy would be good for him in the aftermath of the tournament.
Isobel - Let my girl follow her dreams of going to fashion school! I think she'd be incredible at it and the deviation from the Macaslan "jobs" and spellmaking she's expected to follow would be good for her. Many years in the future, her designs become famous, which is perhaps the biggest fuck-you to Cormac (ppl hear Macaslan and they don't think of the "family business" anymore)
Gavin - He goes through a series of temporary jobs until Fergus is an adult so he can keep a roof above their heads, then once Fergus leaves Ilvernath for university he kind of flounders a bit. Eventually Gavin ends up leaving the city as well and gets a good job in land surveying—something with a physical, hands-on element that still requires a lot of intelligence and precision.
Briony - Everyone expects her to pursue politics or some other profession with a lot of publicity, but Briony surprises everyone by becoming an attorney. She'll never let go of her desire to help and save people, but she doesn't want to be associated with the Thorburns (minus Innes) anymore, and she's become less obsessed with the idea of being a hero. She gains a reputation for being a fierce advocate for her clients against injustice.
Finley - ???? Part of the reason why it took me so long to get to this ask was because I have no fucking clue what job Finley would have. This may be partially due to the fact that I am 100% convinced this poor boy will have the worst case of burnout post-canon that leads to several breakdowns. I also think he'll feel very aimless, because so much of his life has been about living up to expectations. Please chime in if anyone has ideas about what Finley would end up doing with his life, because I'm getting very hung up on the inevitable mental health issues in his immediate future.
Elionor - She becomes an engineer and specializes in integrating magick with otherwise mechanical designs. She barely makes it through her internship because of her attitude, but she becomes known for her creative and innovative work.
Carbry - Carbry becomes a professor. What better way to make a life out of learning, and bestowing it upon others? He does a lot of hands on research focusing on the history of curses and other magickal occurrences.
Hendry - For a while, Hendry isn't sure what he wants to do with his life, especially since he's never had any of the normal experiences that he's heard about up until this point. He encourages Alistair to pursue writing and tries out a few different paths before opening up a small indie bakery. He gets a few opportunities to expand but never takes them because he wants to keep it a warm, homelike setting where you can taste the love that went into every pastry.
Reid - Reid never writes another book. He keeps the MacTavish shop running, but years down the line, he moves more into the research aspect of cursemaking and develops some theories that he handles more responsibly than his previous experiments. Some of them get studied academically and developed into modern cursemaking/breaking advancements.
Diya - Of course I had to include her :) Diya rightfully tells the spellmaking society to fuck off and starts to do her own thing. Ten years down the line and she's known throughout Kendalle for being one of the best magickal fixers.
Thanks for the ask :) Please don't let the excruciating amount of time it took me to respond dissuade you from sending me more lmao, I love to talk about this series and my schedule seems to be a bit less hectic for the time being!
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pretentious-blonde · 2 months
I just saw that matchup ask with Steve and it was so great! I loved how you detailed the reasons why you thought they were a good match. If you're still accepting requests, can I have a matchup with the Stranger Things characters (any gender) too? If so, then:
I'm an INFP 9w1 and a Libra (Cancer rising) girl. I'm the eldest of three siblings and I really have that eldest sister energy (responsible but stressed lol).
I'm very introverted and I hate having to interact with people and leave my house, but when I do I can easily pass myself off as an extrovert or at least an ambivert because I really enjoy talking, even though I feel more comfortable chatting to people I'm close to. I'm also very sentimental, a bit of a crybaby and all that. I empathize and get very sensitive to other people's pain, yet I don't like showing everything I feel and think to others. I kind of prefer to keep my things to myself, I guess? Like, I'd kill and die for someone important to me, but it's not like I'm going to keep saying that to them. I think my opinions are my own and other people's opinions are other people's and I respect that and I also expect my privacy to be respected. I've always been at the top of my class, so I guess I could consider myself intelligent (or at least the people around me say), I'm usually quite funny/goofy, sarcastic (when I feel comfortable to be) and organized, but I can also be quite lazy and not even a bit proactive. I always try to be polite and friendly with others, but I won't shy away from a discussion if I have to (btw, I'm very argumentative in discussions lol) And also, as much as I'm an introvert, I don't mind "attracting attention" because I don't really care what people think of me.
About my appearance, I have light brown skin, shoulder-length curly dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I'm Latina (Brazilian), short, around 5'2 and my body is chubby and curvy. I don't have any tattoos or piercings. My style is very much inspired by the late 90s and early 2000s (if I had to choose some reference icons, it would be Lorelai and Rory from Gilmore Girls). I'm not a big fan of makeup, usually I just wear gloss and blush at most, and I only wear earrings or rings as accessories.
Things I like are basically movies and series, music, some books, and cooking. I'm obsessed with everything that involves history and I just love A LOT the 80s (especially movies) and the regency period. My favorite color is purple, my favorite season is autumn, my favorite drink is tea and my favorite animal is dog. My Letterboxd TOP 3 movies are "Mamma Mia", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and "The Breakfast Club". My dream job would be to be a writer (but I know I probably won't be one). I don't like (most of) indie artists, hot days, coffee, movies and TV shows about superheroes and I rarely like the genres of fantasy or dystopia (I'm not the least bit nerdy lol)
I'm not a fan of clingy people; I prefer those who are funny and intelligent (even a bit of an asshole if it's within the bounds of being a decent human being). For me to fall in love with someone, they'd really need to have been my best friend first, because what I prioritize in my relationship is feeling comfortable. My love language is quality time (receiving) and acts of service/gifts (giving).
I think that's it! I'm sorry if there's anything missing (or if it's too long). I've tried to include everything I think is important about me. Thank you for reading it all <33
I feel like you and Eddie would fit together so well!
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Your personality types actually complement each other very well, with you being an INFP and Eddie fully embodying ENFP, you are pretty good at evening him out and vice versa. He kind of realised you were more of a homebody a few weeks into seeing you, even if you can display extroverted energy around others. He doesn’t vocally raise it, but instead just suggests more sweet ideas to hang out when it is just the two of you. Renting a movie to watch in his trailer, just driving around with him in his car listening to music (and yes he does let you always pick what you listen to/watch!). He is a sap over the little moments you share together, watching your face light up when you find a film you want to watch, curling up on the couch with you under his arm, the rest of the world forgotten about. He is able to read you like a book after a while, gaining the ability to know when you are overly stressed or overwhelmed. As your relationship progresses his feelings just continue to grow, he sees it as such an achievement as you get more comfortable around him and let your more goofy side show. You match his sarcasm perfectly, bantering with him and playfully pushing his buttons. He has never laughed so hard.
He is a man of many words but is always calm during these moments, knowing that his loud nature wouldn’t be favourable. Gently coaxing you into his lap and shushing you softly as you babble about whatever has been plaguing your thoughts recently is something nobody has really seen from him. It’s special to you. When the time does come for you to meet his friends, he waits until he gets the all-clear from you, not wanting to push you out of your comfort zone. He has given his friends a thorough warning as well, not wanting to make you feel even the least bit uncomfortable. He has nothing to worry about though, the way you are able to weasel your way into their hearts is almost immediate. They immediately see how gentle and kind you are to their friend and able to pull him back when he becomes too boisterous, that is tied with the way his gaze always seeks you first when he cracks a joke tells them everything they need to know. 
He won’t admit it but he was slightly intimidated by your intelligence, with him struggling all the way through school he felt he wouldn’t be able to keep you mentally stimulated, thinking you would quickly become bored of him. After a few discussions with you about your academic work he is immediately in the library, checking out a few books in an effort to understand what you are talking about, his eyebrows furrowing as his eyes scan the pages. You eventually find a few of these books tucked away under his bed, hastily pushed under to try and hide them. When he realises you have noticed he begins to stumble over his words, trying to distract you from what you have seen but you can’t hear anything over the feeling of your chest tightening. You reassure him that he doesn’t need to stress himself out over trying to match you intellectually. You chose him for reasons completely unrelated, for which he is more relieved than he would care to admit! This doesn’t stop him from asking questions in the future about whatever interesting things you are currently learning about, multiple times. You have all the patience in the world for him and will explain it ten times over if needed.
He tried to explain dungeons and dragons to you once, you asked him about it in passing out of pure curiosity, he began to tell you. However, he soon notices the way your eyes glaze over slightly as you try to follow along with the words coming out of his mouth and he has to hold in a chuckle. It’s adorable how you want to understand what gets him so excited but alas, fantasy is not exactly your favourite genre! He assures you it is no worries and instead just keeps you up to date on what his DnD group is up to, leaving out the world-building and keeping it easily understandable as to not bore you with words you will not know the meaning of! He doesn’t mind you have different interests, you both have your outlets and can focus on different things, even if you are sitting in the very same room. Spending quality time together without needing to be constantly talking.
As soon as you mention any of your favourite things to him, it’s over. You let it slip that your favourite colour is purple and he has run with that ever since! He insists on being a romantic when he can, I don’t think he is really a words of affirmation person, rather he is an acts of service or gift giving. He can’t help but get you small things here and there, absolutely getting you purple flowers when he can or random purple trinkets from vintage markets or thrift stores. Even when you scold him lightly for spending money on you he just shrugs with a small smile gracing his face, telling you the same response every time “It’s purple, your favourite”. Speaking of acts of service, he doesn’t want you to do stuff he can help with. Every morning without fail he wakes you up with a cup of tea, even going as far to have a small cabinet shelf just for the ones you like (far away from the coffee!). He just enjoys you drinking it around him, it might sound ridiculous but just allowing him to see you be pleased with something he has done for you fills him with a sappy feeling he can’t explain. 
The song I associate with you two would be "Shine Silently" by Nils Lofgren! A 70s/80s legend (since you said you love the 80s), he is a member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band as well!
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moonsb1996 · 10 months
How to write convincingly, part 4
hello everyone ! I'm not dead yet. And come back with the regular series while waiting for MHA to end so that I don't have to write and complain about them again. This time I think We have to talk about the unforgivable mistakes that Kohei Horikoshi made as a writer. (As a writer I felt very insulted) and that was it. “Show, don't tell” > “Tell, don't show” As mentioned above, how are these two things different? As I am a writer These two things are very different. It is the imagination of the reader that will make whatever story you write believable, apart from the history. Character stats when fighting and reasonableness that is still within the laws of the created world Another thing that is indispensable is “Show, don't tell.” So what do you do with it? With showing, don't tell? Let's take a look at the information we have on what to do and what not to do regarding the above topics.
example “UA is Japan's leading hero division school. If you want to be a top hero, there is a strict rule that you must graduate from UA.” From the words above, the general conclusion is that MC or Izuku must go to UA school in order to become the number 1 hero in Japan, and we have seen that there are quite a few pro heroes in the Top 10 who graduated from UA. At least 4 people, but! Out of a total of 10 people, only 4 were from the UA. The remaining 6 were graduates from hero schools, but I don't know where they came from! You see the different numbers, right? If UA were to be a hero school that says It is a true rule to become a top in Japan. There must be more than just 4 students from UA who are in the top 10 in Japan! This is the result of your choice to "tell and not show" when it enters the reader's brain. When we saw the real thing It's a disappointment. Or another meaning is Getting incorrect information
character intelligence oh ! I have to come with these two people. Which is the first person that we all know about: Gray Stu, Bakugo, the beloved son of Horikoshi Kohei, who is revealed to have talents and special powers that are as great as God's blessing. (Excuse me, go pick up the paper bag for a moment.) First thing! You have other characters (Yoyorozu and Todoroki) tell the reader about Bakugou's godly abilities. despite the fact Destroying the enemy's vision It's a very basic method because Izuku uses it too. AKA, do you remember who burned down a commercial district because he was being held hostage? yes ! Bakugo!
Lots of deadly moves But the benefits are the same: bigger explosion + loud random shout. What followed and we saw was the same as before, explosion, explosion, explosion, even though it changed shape until it could shoot like a machine gun. (which I don't know how to do) still had the same effect, exploding. When he went to help the teacher himself (which was only 7 days when he went for an internship, I don't know how a close relationship can be expensive??) it just exploded so loudly that it got faster (and now it's so fast that it follows. Villain drama on Saturday and Sunday. Just in time. I vomited for a moment.) Already upgraded (again?! What the fuck?) The technique is the same as before. Bigger bombs = faster ??? I'm sure Bakugou is really smart. Met a villain Bakugou : Blast you bastard ! People are being held hostage by villains. Bakugou: Blast you bastard! People will commit suicide. Bakugo: Explode. Is this… really a smart person?
Toga Humiko (I Hate You OK), the girl with the cutest smile in the world. The type that when praised becomes A psychotic killer's wet dream which the mouth says “I'm a normal girl.” (Grabs the paper bag for a moment.) Okay…where do I start? First of all, when Ochako knew her name when she entered the camp, if the writer (Horikoshi) wanted the readers to think that she was Really smart killer Who has been through life and death throughout the era of escaping. She…must not reveal her name and surname to anyone outside of LOV. You're imagining it. When you have a database of your special powers that includes your name, surname, address, and parents, when your name is “Toga, this is Toga Himiko!” and “I really “like” blood,” and her victims. (Ochako and Tsuyu) didn't die or lose consciousness. Won't you tell the police this SSR level information? The answer is, you have to tell the police! When taking the information and the case that Toga had committed In the end, it points to the only suspect still escaping, “Toga Himiko (kanji).” Easy, right?! At least the police and heroes know what she can do. And some of the police would definitely know her face. (At least if you check it in your former student register) Even if the people don't know But do you think she's going to walk around invisible without being caught by the police or any hero? Except that the hero and Lazy police actually do their job, but hey! Now the hero is a good person. Police are good people, stop thinking too much! (Grabs another paper bag for a moment.)
bad hero They say there's Endeavor (and I don't deny his badness), but aside from Endeavor, are there any other heroes that appear? We're not talking about MLA heroes, because that's a cult (= villain). Where is the evidence that says there is? Bad heroes live in MHA society. Don't take the words of AM fan club psychopaths who call themselves. The hero assassin is the judge. Where? Where is the evidence or events that indicate that there are bad heroes and corruption in MHA's superhero society? Letting characters talk like this without evidence showing it to readers is okay? And although in the end there was confirmation from Lady Nagant's story, in the past several episodes (Including her story Happened long before the matter of stain) The weight that stains words does not have. It's almost ethereal. Until the reason for attacking Iida's brother He became a crazy person when he saw a person wearing a costume and took a knife and cut him to injure him… Such strong evidence.
Look at him! He's changed! Don't you see it? Wah wah (Hold still, let me throw the bag in my vomit for a moment) By having other characters tell the reader, “He/she has changed,” while their actions remain the same. consistently Look to the edge of the universe, Andromeda and black holes. I didn't see anything substantial.
example Bakugou called out to Izuku with all his might. But in the end, he let out the word Deku until other characters (Izuku) came and said that if it's difficult for you, don't force it, Kacchan (PS, I encountered this incident in X, it's a drama CD) or a legendary scene By throwing a mask and drilling into the MC's brain that everyone saw as a funny joke.
Toga who helped Ochako By direct blood transfusion (Do not clean the equipment or close the wound before taking action) because a world without Ochako I don't want that to happen. Oh! God, she has changed. Did you see that she helped her girlfriend? Even though the truth is “A world without favorite things You have to destroy it.” Ochaco = things you like + don't let the police catch you = make yourself lifeless. Successfully saved Ochako. Everyone will pity and understand me.
Wall of TEXT Ah…what I really hate about reading MHA Volume 34, America, is our villain's struggle to get a new power that ends with an analysis of the enemy's special power in multiple essays. Even though in reality…it doesn't have to be that long. Because throughout the fight that occurred between both of them If you're really smart, you'll be able to read the game from the beginning of the fight (page 5 of chapter 330 and page 7). Page 5: First use of power I saw her hand first. And then she continued. and captured Shigaraki and use her power to do something (I can't remember much) Page 7: Hand holding the laser and continuing talking (again) Do you know what these two pages are telling the reader? Yes! Show, don't tell! which is the same as when it happened at Shigaraki knew that. Aizawa uses his power and his hair floats into the sky. And time will continue to decrease! Does it need to be explained at such length? Are readers like me this stupid? Okay, this is getting long. Thank you for reading until the end.
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I know what your said on that ask game about homework but. Steve Harrington :)
Favorite thing about them- THE MOST BABYGIRL OF ALL TIME. Also he's just? Like such a caring dude and seems like he'd give killer hugs, 100 out of 10 I love him an unhealthy amount fr
Least favorite thing about them- how he's handled by the goddamn writers. Like. They don't address anything he does, right or wrong, and just treat him like some dumbass there for intelligence jokes and never acknowledge anything about his actual character other than "oooo Nancy" ugh I fucking hate how one-dimensional they're trying to make him
Favorite line- "Ahoy there ladies!" (mainly because my whole family quotes it as a joke and I love my cringefail slut girlfriend Steve)
OTP- Steddie my most beloved. I love two silly little guys who are so very in love
Random headcanon- that boy can BAKE, I just know it. Look at him and tell me he doesn't make the best goddamn brownies this side of the galaxy
Unpopular opinion- I dont care about character arcs or whatever, they better not DARE kill off my baby boy. I'm proud of his selflessness and all but if they even think about killing him?????????? Its on fucking sight
Songs I associate with them- Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Hammer To Fall, I'm Your Man, Freedom (and basically every Wham! song ever), Holding Out For A Hero, Girls On Film, Just Can't Get Enough, You Make My Dreams Come True
Favorite picture of them-
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(I am so sorry skdhskehhsksbdkdbd)
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ramyaknox · 1 month
My thoughts on the message of fangirls
I think Yve Blake is such a talented writer for pulling this off because the show manages to balance comedy with really genuine moments and important points about society. I'm colour coding what I think are the key 3 messages and then I've highlighted how they all come together in the finale number. Yes I have been thinking about this show all week 😂
Spoilers under cut!
Firstly, it's not shameful to love a boyband but they are not the only ones who can love you.
Heartbreak nation sing "nobody loves you, loves you like me" and at first I heard it as just an echo of what the fans felt for the band, they love the band and the band loves them back. But by the end of the show (and maybe sooner I don't know if I just missed this) we realise it's a literal reflection of what the fans believe and maybe what heartbreak nation or at least society want them to believe. The seemingly innocent pop song that even the audience sing along to is a symbol of the narrative edna sings about in silly little girl. The narrative that when you're all alone the only thing that is there for you is the band, that nobody else could love you in the same way or maybe even at all,that you need that love. But the show shows that this isn't true, that the real love isn't between edna and Harry but between edna and her friends and her mum and between the fans for each other. The show says it isn't bad to love a band or music, in fact it's powerful, but it also reminds you not to let them contain all your hopes and dreams, or lead you to forget the people that love you closer to home.
Onto message 2, you are powerful and your feelings are powerful and they are meaningful.
This really starts to hit in justice but is there throughout. The fans organise vigils, the spreadsheet so there's always someone to talk to, the fans are intelligent and they want to help each other and Harry. "we want to make a difference to something greater than ourselves" is the line from justice and I think the show shows that they really succeed in that because they make a difference to the lives of other fans. This power is also shown through the negative events of the show like jules leaving Edna out of the concert and and Edna kidnapping Harry. These 2 instances show the negative impact one person can have but I feel this still contributes to the message by encouraging the audience to use their power to make different choices. Another important aspect of this is that despite the shows points about the way boy bands are marketed and the problems with this, the characters are not belittled or blamed for loving them. Brave thing to love really encapsulates a lot of this too.
In nobody reprise salty sings that the way the media treated the fans has made him realise he's not afraid to stand for what he believes in or to love. The fans are shown to be resilient, to have strong morals and overall they are the heroes of this show in a way fans so rarely are. I think that is what really carries this message through because the show tells a story that is so often skimmed over, ignored or dismissed as silly and unimportant and then it is this beautiful, funny, amazing story which I think leads people to question what they might've been dismissing in terms of their own feelings and power .
Message 3, the patriarchy is trying to make you forget the above 2 messages!
Again justice really hits this one. Some of the lyrics are so closely linked to the points yve covers on her Ted talk "because it isnt what the boys do?" and brianna's point about men crying at football specifically. The speech by ednas mother about the way boy bands are marketed to young girls who are insecure and then ednas own realisation of this in silly little girl also contribute to this aspect of the message. The way fangirls are portrayed in the media diminishes them and their power despite the fact they are acting in a way society has pushed them to do and the show is exposing this.
I think these 3 messages are the core of the show and they all come together in the finale number
"we were tryna win a competition, that we never asked to be in the world told us we were never enough so we got stuck in trusting we were just disgusting
But though this world is messy and cruel we'll build one that's better
And now I know thanks to you that it's a brave thing to love
And the bravest thing you can do, is to decide you are already enough and let nobody take that from you
This world is messy and cruel and always tryna tell us
What we should be
but maybe we're more than silly little girls
Just you wait "
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kindchenschema · 4 months
greys anon back again👋uni was kicking my ass but the semesters over and im caught up now! didn’t really care for the finale/season but i loved reading ur thoughts! im also giving the show an out this season because ik the strike messed things up but how uneven things were made me long for the end tbh😭 bc if this is the writers running on empty it’s kinda embarrassing and cliche and they need to get all the OGs back for s22, give everyone closure and wrap it up on a high note. i need greys to end with dignity lmfao like that’s the bestie
& so is bailey, who was the best part of this episode (saw ur tots about her and simone and although i don’t go there—they had cute tender moments but i rly wanted simone and maggie to smooch last season & im loyal plus ive always been partial to bailey & callie lezzing out together) and amazing in the end. the fact that they’re did all that for lucas tho, laughable—simone needs 2 let that mf go already my god! ik she won’t but im choosing 2 believe they’ll free her next season bc im over it. she’s better than this) as is the fact that lucas is staying and yasuda is leaving. just nasty and cruel and lesbophobic to me specifically. hers and jules’ almost kiss moment was so intimate and convincing i almost looked up fanfic of them but i don’t think there would be any at least not yet. greys non canon lesbian ships are so under-appreciated tbh 1/3 (this is so long sry in advance!)
hey greys anon bestie <3 finally replying to you!! (same here, this one comp sci class i'm taking is like. consuming my life. but in a good way)
aww thank you ^^
girl, i've thought about this SO MUCH like from a writing/showrunning standpoint I have literally no idea how the show could end. imo it has to be some kind of a full circle moment with meredith and ellis and carousels and alzheimers, and probably derek and just as many OGs as they can get to come back. kind of like what they tried to do in season 17, only way less shit. but they would need dempsey&co back for that not to mention ellen (which btw i do not get like is she back or is she not back? wasn't she supposed to leave? like wasn't everyone freaking out that meredith was leaving? So much ado about nothing smh) so i kinda doubt that will happen
it would also be a slay if the last scene of the show is zola visiting meredith in the nursing home (a parallel to meredith and ellis) and meredith has alzheimers but there are photos of derek, lexie, cristina etc beside her bed and zola is telling her how her surgical internship is going and meredith is like "i think i used to be a surgeon once" and zola is like "yes, mom, you were" SDFGHJ or however it went in s1. but ik everyone and their mom has this as their theory for the ending so i doubt it will happen also.
AND something that would be a huge wig in orbit moment is if they already filmed the ending back in 2004 and it's meredith waking up after her one-night-stand with derek in the pilot and it's like woa.. it was just a dream.. and then derek is like hey i'm derek and meredith is like cool can we skip to the part where your wife struts in bc i wanna marry her. which might happen tbh ! we will see 😌
anyway NO I DO NOT WANT IT TO END SOON i need it to get me thru my bachelors at LEAST (which is gonna be a long time bc i'm not the brightest candle on the cake 🤠)
Simone and maggie is also intelligent 🙌
omg yes literally after i posted my finale yappings i was like oh shit wait yasuda is leaving 😭 why would they do this to us. i don't super care about them but i like them better than helmika just bec i don't get what helm was trying to do at all, it was funny when she was all about having a crush on meredith (like, same) but she can emigrate to paris with levi now that's ok
i fully block out the fact that simone/lucas is a thing (their scenes are usually my tea breaks tbh) like i feel like my brain isn't entirely processing that info even tho i know it is technically true. i mean simone is a full on dyke in my mind because you expect me not to project onto her? with THOSE mommy issues? when she had that scene with addison in the nicu... i was like 🤔🏳️‍🌈❓ ok now kiss
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moohnshinescorner · 11 months
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Book details:
Breaking Point by Bailey Thomas (Mill Creek Mystique) Publication date: October 9th 2023 Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense
FBI analyst, Noah Parker, receives credible intelligence on a kidnapped woman from a ghost in his past who happens to be the man who shot him. The catch, he must act alone to obtain the geographic coordinates of her location. Terrified and alone, Jasmine West doesn’t know if she’ll survive another day. When a lone man appears in her makeshift prison, they forge an alliance to survive. Can they find the middle ground between analyzing and action when corruption and deceit surround them?
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199141296-breaking-point
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3PRaaSK
MY REVIEW⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jasmine the ever curious, freelance photographer and journalist gets a hint to a huge story that could make her career. But she stumbles into something much bigger than she anticipated and winds up in a dangerous situation.
Noah is FBI and now living in Mill Creek. He is putting down roots and slowing down. His new promotion allows him more freedoms and to be close to his friends. When a phone call from the man he never expected to speak to calls with a tip to save a girl, he doesn't think he just springs into action. Little does he know that this phone call has set his life up for changes I don't feel he is ready for. And so the mystery and danger begin.
I wish I would have read the first two books in the series, just because the backstory to his friends would have only increased the enjoyment of the banter between them, but this book can be read as a standalone. It was full of adventure, kidnapping, military operations, deception and hidden secrets. The book will keep readers on the edges of their seats and trying to figure out the who, what and how. It is a non-stop ride of emotions.
I really enjoyed the book and it's wonderful characters. I like the town of Mill Creek, it's citizens and charm. It has a real home vibe to it. I hope there will be more in this series, as I loved the writers style and story telling. A little bit of spice, love interest, danger and mystery all rolled into one great story.
Bailey Thomas lives in the beautiful but hot southwest with her husband and their adorable four-legged children. An only child, Bailey’s active imagination and adventurous nature always kept her busy. Now, she channels those creative powers into storytelling.
Her wonderful husband encouraged her to chase her dream of becoming an author and continues to be her greatest champion. Being able to write these stories has been a thrilling experience that is truly special to her. 
When she’s not behind a computer working on her next deadline, she’s reading her favorite authors, playing with her fur babies, and spending time with her husband. They love to watch movies and sports and play all types of games. 
Author links:
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
Nandermo shippers: omg the djinn gave Nandor a few more wishes! He can still fix things with his relationship with Guillermo!
Me, a Colin Robinson lover: Nandor can use a wish to bring Colin Robinson as we knew him back from the dead from his last point of existence! He'd get to keep his character development that he got over the first three seasons! He'd get to keep his relationship development that he had with the others, most importantly Laszlo! None of it would be all just thrown away like it has been! We'd get Colin back! THIS is how Colin Robinson enjoyers can still win-
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captainsyswhore · 2 years
Unspoken Affections
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Footman John x Fem Reader
A/n: Honestly I was rewatching Bridgerton and this character was giving me life and now I'm writing about him cause I think he deserves the world.
Summary: Based on the scenes with Theo and Eloise, essentially the same story but its about Eloise's Ladies maid and their very own footman, John.
Warnings: All of them, Minors DNI
Eloise was quite an extraordinary young lady and very forward thinking. She was a very intelligent and pretty girl, that being said for you, her ladies maid, she was a but of a handful. And surely to be more so now that she is to be out for the season.
Or at least that is where she is supposed to be, because where you were currently was not a ball. Eloise decided she wanted to take a "lecture". Pfft as if anyone could believe that, Eloise Bridgerton taking a flower arranging lecture? That's where you wish you were.
Now you were in Bloomsbury, one of the servants who was supposed to keep an eye on Eloise while she was "shopping" lost track of her within a matter of minutes.
"Y/n! Y/n!" she ran to the carriage in haste, "Miss Eloise, she---"
"Ran away?" You questioned with a smirk, "Don't worry yourself I will find her." You say stepping out of the carriage
"Wait!" an urgent voice says behind you. You turn to see a fellow servant, more specifically your favorite footman, John. "Let me accompany you." He says catching up
"Thank you, John." You say
You make your way down the street looking for a place that could hold a large sum of people without being overly suspicious, "You know you really didn't have to come with me, John."
"I know Miss Y/n. But I wanted to." John speaks truthfully
"Once again, John. It is just, Y/n, and it will always be just Y/n." You say grabbing his arm with a smile and coming to a stop in front of an assembly hall. You let go of John leaving him there to smile where you had touched his arm before hurrying after you.
When you walked into the hall there was a woman up on stage speaking loudly about how women need not rely on male counterparts but should be able to take control of their own lives.
You spotted Eloise talking to a boy around her age maybe a few years older. You stood at the edge of the hall and watched as they bantered back and forth. Deciding that Eloise was not in imminent danger you chose to listen to the enrapturing lecture on women's rights.
Looking at the woman on stage taking in the surroundings. The giant banner that hung behind the woman read, "UNITED AS ONE AGAINST THE OPPRESSION OF ALL."
"I do wish these things were possible." You said turning to look at John. "By what do you mean?" John asks. "Being united as one against the oppression of all. Women being able to choose what they do in life without it being dictated by a man. Being able to live my life as I choose, not judged by my families fortune or title, not by my sex, I just...want more." You explain
"I see." John smiles. "Do you not want those things? Freedom I mean, to choose your own path." You ask
"Yes, I do." He says simply says. "What would you do? What would you want your life to be, I can't imagine being a footman was your dream."
"I'd want to be a writer, travel the world, and have a wife to travel with me. Write sonnets and poems about the woman I love, sing to the people her praise. Sell art and paint portraits of all I can. Find deeper meaning I suppose, to life. And someday shack up in a house near a lake with my wife and maybe a few children if she so allowed me the pleasure." John confessed, gazing longingly into your eyes, who was noticeably closer than before.
Enraptured by the man in front of you, you inhale and shake your head clearing your thoughts of a life with John you could never have, "That's beautiful, John." You say taking a small step back.
"Perhaps we should collect Miss Eloise and make haste back to the Bridgerton household?" You suggest noticing the assembly concluding. "Yes of course." He speaks clearing his throat.
You look for Eloise making eye contact once you find her. you wave your hand signaling for her to come pointing at your wrist as if you were wearing a watch. Eloise pouts before saying goodbye to her friend and making her way toward you.
You all make your way back to the carriage, you and John lingering a little behind. You glance and see his hand hanging at his side closely to yours. You take your pinky an hook it with his. He turns to you beaming, you return a smile. When you reach the carriage you let your pinky detach from his, sad to let his out of arms reach. You all enter the carriage and return to the Bridgerton house.
Mabey you could have a life with John one day, but love is a game and the move is his. You just hoped he would actually do something about your affections toward him. Hoping that he has the same affections toward you.
The End
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charmixpower · 2 years
Final thoughts on season 4! I fucking hate it
Random insults about this piece of shit season from off the top of my head:
Why the fuck do the girls keep picking up shitty group jobs?? Teachers, love and pet, then the band???? Your telling me this group of very diverse women who all have very different and clear hobbies likes and dislikes all want to do the same thing all the time??? Are you fucking sure???
The bullshit drama, only Flora/Helia and Aisha/Nabu escaped with a nay stray comment—and that's only because the writers wanted Nabu dead and don't care about Flora and Helia
Rivusa. Like in general. This season nearly made me hate my two favorite characters in this show!! Impressive!!!! They continued degrading Riven's character until he was acting like a sixteen year old again and THAT'S NOT MUSA
Fuck Andy for the band thing, I will never forgive you for this mother fucker!! Also you were useless for the plot of side of stupid fucking drama aND STELLA ENCOURAGING BLOOM TO CHEAT WITH YOU DONT THINK I FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT THAT
The wizards of the black circle were boring, they had no fun charisma or stage presence like the Trix or Valtor
The earth fairies weren't given enough time! Them bitches were fun as hell and had a interesting dynamic with the Winx!!!!! Plus they had something that no other antagonist before them had! The ability to be reasoned with!!!! That's so fucking interesting!!! I want more of them dammit
Musa playing "will I, won't I" with Riven and making it blanetly obvious that he was the second choice rebound. Girl if you don't fucking like him, which you clearly don't, break the fuck up and say that shit with ya chest—why do you keep pulling this hot and cold thing, I'm so lost
Nabu being the most annoying mouth piece for the writers. When Riven tried to express how he was feeling instead of bottling it up, which he did do before the Jason thing, Nabu guilt tripped him and recentered everything on Musa! Like Riven can still be wrong and you can listen to his feelings my guy
What ever the FUCK happened to "then suffer in silence" Helia. He has soft boy enegry now and it makes me break out in hives
Riven immediately after the break up genuinely acting like his s1 self...you can just say you hate Riven show, you don't need to do this. They destroyed all his comrade and willingness to work in a group because he cares about the people in the group, and for what?????
Stella becoming stupid. Stella was a book dumb, emotionally and fashion intelligent ditz with loyalty and determination in spades. She complained but not this much guys!! Stella would buckle down when she needed too, prefers to handle things by joking about them
Bloom contracting main characteritius and steam rolling Musa's dream and Aisha's revenge, while being a huge fucking hypocrite. Bloomy I am so sorry that this ugly ass bitch—
Believix is the beginning of the samey transformations, they just weren't as bold about it
The fashion in this season is offence to me! It's cute like out of context but so many outfits are completely out of character and it drives me crazy
The winx are now famous bc duh and Valtor, not a single mention about how the whole magic dimension knowing their name affects them at all outside of autographs at Alfea
Love and pet, it was useless and a dumb idea and why the FUCK would they start a pet shop??? Do they even all like animals???? You mean to tell me Stella agreed to this???
Each of the girls having their own fairy pet that will never be seen again after this season. Why are they even there
Mitzi v Stella. The whole fake Fairies thing was VERY FUN, but if the earth fairies were introduced sooner then I would even need a fake one—it just fucking sucks that some really fun moments are connected to Stella being jealous over fucking Mitzi of all people. Mitzi wears fucking beige, Stella would never
The fact that the Roxy Bloom parallel isn't explored! It's implied but nothing interesting is ever done with it!!
The lack of screen time for Aurora!!!! And Lovix!!!!! I want to see them FIGHT
The boring as hell fights. In s1 and 3 they were fighting army's, and now they can't handle small fights??? Really???
The immature tone of the whole season then suddenly smashing into Nabu dying like this season earned it. S2 and the stupid fucking pixies had a more universally darker tone that earned it's character death, and it kept this dark time despite reviving both Riven and Sky! It's like s4 was trying to be s2 but was playing a game of telephone with a blackout alcoholic about the important parts
Jason McQueen, who looks to be late 20's early 30's, flirts with a 19 year old girl that hasn't finished mental puberty who will soon be under his employ. If this man wasn't setting Musa up for abuse of power idk what the fuck he was doing, AND NO ONE MENTIONS HOW FUCKING CREEPY HE IS!!! HES SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD THING AHHHHHHH
The Believix powers are super creepy, they just mind control people into acting right—remind me to never argue infront of Tecna
Have I mentioned my desire to push both Musa and Riven off a cliff??? Bc I thought about that multiple times while watching this season. Bloom and Stella can join them
No mention on how fairies being on earth affects humans
The Believix wings and the hand out fairies. The Believix wings were dumb, but the hand out fairies made everything so fucking boring man
Nabu gets fridged, by Orgon's ugly ass too. This show has managed to be dark without permanently getting rid of a member of the main cast, and due to the shitty writing of this season they had to fall back on permanently ridding of Nabu
During parts of s1-3 I could forget I was watching a kids show bc I was so enraptured, s4 won't ever let me forget
Stella, Flora, Aisha, and Tecna all giving up on their dreams to live Musa's. Because Stella obviously wanted to be a guitarist and not a fashion designer like she said all of s1-3 jfc
Flora and Diana not getting the boss battle they deserve
Why were Sibylla's fairies weird sayter things??? Aren't they supposed to be earth fairies???? I'm not even mad they're like that I just want an explanation
Flora not getting enough screen time in general
Nebula should of been allowed to fight Tecna too, I think they're similar and strong personalities would of made for an amazing dynamic and Nebula just deserved more fights in general. This show honest to God wasted time on some four boring ass goth bitches with no motivation outside of murder, when we could of had Nebula going crazy for all of s4 as the main antagonist
Neither Roxy or Bloom pulling the "I WAS RAISED BY HUMANS, DIPSHIT!" line on Nebula, what the fuck was she expecting
Morgana wanting to kill humans but being in love with one is never explained. I think Moragana should of been the extreme passive counterpart to Nebula, who took power years ago
The fact that Aisha's joining of the revenge fairies barely lasting any time. I think Tecna would of been a better choice for this (change Nabu dying to Timmy I guess) bc Tecna was always shown to be agressive first vs Aisha being passive until forces persuade her to be agressive. Tecna and Nebula would have a terrifying dynamic too! Tecna would of been a much scarier commander of the earth fairies, and been harder to convince, AND it would of given her an arc that isn't the same "Tecna learns to express herself" and it would give poor fucking Aisha a break. She was blinded last season, and nearly murdered before that. LET THE GIRL REST
The Winx choosing to stay on earth for some fucked up reason that I hate and don't understand. Earth was fun, we can leave now
Aisha not being allowed to drop Orgon. Cowards
Musa's and Bloom's civilian outfits. Musa would never and Bloom hurts my eyes. If there is nothing else you remember about me it's that I fucking hate Musa's s4 outfit so fucking much
The near constant shitting on Enchantix in the beginning of the season. Put some respect on her name
The weird drama between the guys and girls because the girls suddenly have egos the side of Riven's when he was a villain
Believix in general, form the way it was introduced to the way it is was earned
Stella and Brandon not being the best and most healthy couple, I call bullshit
The sheer amount of dick sucking that Believix gets. You will never be Enchantix
The fact that they still have fairy dust and never use it
Stella being a bitter single bitch at Aisha for no fucking reason
Morgana is fucking boring and only exists to have a reason Roxy is special
The fact that the Winx accepted Orgon's surrender after they were hunting down and trying to murder Roxy
The destruction of Nabu's weird personality to make him the perfect victim, and the warping of Aisha's and his relationship to make his death sadder
The fact that Aisha and Riven never talk or hug or anything when they're both the closest to Nabu! I want them to bond dammit
They guys being happy to work a public service job. Everyone but Riven is being a liar
Things I liked about season 4:
The lack of magic on earth was set up in s1, and going back to explain that was fucking amazing
Roxy, in general. She's an amazing Bloom analog and if utilized correctly she could of been the perfect book end to Bloom's arc. Tho I wish she was more obviously different from Bloom's story
Fairy on fairy violence, both with the earth fairies and Mitzi. Yesssssss!!!
Stella's designed outfits. They were nearly all fucking wins in the pretty aspect. That's my girl!!!
The earth fairies, all of them and in general. The show only really became fun after they were introduced, before that I was dragging my feet though this nonsense
Nebula. Cool, sexy, as a agenda. Should of been the main antagonist above Diana and Aurora and I'm right. She has presence and she's nothing like Icy and Valtor. She has her own thing going on, and her redemption could of been so much stronger if she was allowed to go ape shit for longer and have more time for Bloom to convince her to not blindly attack everyone and only attack the people who actually wronged her
Literally all of the cute Tecna moments. This season was the era for cute Tecna along with Tecna Enchantix and I am THRIVING
The dark fairies. Give me more fairy villains, they're so much fucking fun. They'res a vibe to girlie on girlie violence that is so much fun to watch. The girlies are much fun to watch, only Valtor and Riven make it to this level as villains. The rest could be improved by being girlies
Diana. Sexy, powerful, gets bitches, didn't fucking hesitate, is a girlie. Must I go on? She was fucking unhinged and I loved her for it!! Now this is a villain with some STAGE PRESENCE
Sophix and Lovix, Sophix is superior. Like I don't care for it narratively as a sub form of Believix, but I love the designs. If they were additional specialized forms on top of Enchantix I'd have nothing from stopping me form saying I love them
Aurora, ma'am are you single?? I love her soft girl enegry while she also pulled out the most violent and deadly plan between her and Diana. I wish she got a fight like Diana, and was much harder to convince while seeming more reasonable on the surface
Bloom throwing Mitzi and Nebula—Bloom's fairy v fairy fights in general
In conclusion
Season 2 > season 3 > season 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> season 4
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pappydaddy · 2 years
Ohh totally the writers regressed Steve's entire development to be solely Nancy's love interest again. His other relationships suffered so much, especially the one with Dustin. He seemed so angry with being paired up with him it was so ooc. Like it's actually criminal that we got a Eddie and Dustin hug before Steve and Dustin, like wth.
Even his relationship with Robin was watered down to push for Stancy. I still stand by the fact that Robin should have been the one who jumped in first to save Steve, but then Eddie wouldn't have given his true love speech to Steve later. And Robin actually pushing Nancy to persue Steve, while being Steve's bestie and probably knowing how fucked up he was after the breakup. The writers don't see heaven for this I'm afraid. Robin needs to talk some sense into him, like please.
I'm so mad at the writers, I hope they look through fan reactions and see that 80% of the fandom doesn't want this kinda shit. Plus it's so fucking unfair to both characters. Steve got rejected twice there at the end and he was clearly hurt, if he takes her back after all the shit Nancy put him through (cheating, calling him bs and making him insecure about his intelligence) what kinda message is this for his character? Like does he really feel so insecure about himself, so worthless that he doesn't think he deserves better??? Or worse if the writers kill him off for Nancy I'm gonna commit a crime if they do that.
And Nancy deserves an arc that isn't centered around guys, let her be single and move away to persue her dream career. Nancy won't ever be the perfect woman for Steve to carry his 6 kids, she said herself in season one. I fucking hate how they ended s4 with setting up Nancy cheating on Jonathan in s5 like she did with Steve in s2. Plus most likely not even facing any repercussions for her behavior because the show excuses any mistake so idk she gets a fee pass for anything really. I tried to like her but after s2 I just can't bring myself, the only scenes where I truly started to appreciate her more were the ones with Robin tbh.
My dream dynamics or hope for s5. Steve and Robin plus party all together fighting evil monsters. We deserve Steve and El interactions, Steve comforting Dustin and Lucas. Plus for once let him actually display feelings, I want to see him grieve Max and feeling guilty for not being the protector like he thought he was. Plus the arc I hoped for s4, realizing he doesn't need romantic love, he already has a family rn and that friendships can make you just as happy. Like I really thought for vol2 he would finally move on and come to that realization but instead we got a love confession.
Nancy and Jonathan can do their investigation shit, stay far away from the group like they always do every season and talk about their feelings like mature adults they claim to be. Like the Duffers talked about s1 pairings definitely Jancy was together for 80% of the time despite Nancy dating Steve so please just go back to that lol.
Sorry this was kinda long, but every time I see Stancy content or discussions I get once again so angry at like everything. We could have so much better but nope.
Obx anon
oh my gosh! it's great to see you again obx anon! how have you been lovely?
i agree with you full-heartedly! i loved nancy in season one and (a little less bc of the steve situation) in season 2, but in season 3 i liked her again because her storylines were something other than conflicted feelings for a boy. in season one, the writers were laying the seeds for nancy and jonathan (even tho they had jonathan take pictures of her???) so they had her dating steve as a way for her to break free of the good girl in the suburbs mentality. this is seen with her losing her virginity, going to the party, shotgunning, etc. they used the relationship with steve to give her character depth and create a change within her.
then in season 2 she ruined steve which allowed for steve's character growth. this growth had the kids involved with it. steve went from king steve to momma steve and that was because of the kids. even in season 3 when he only had dustin and erica with him, he was still momma steve. then he started chucking fireworks at the mind flayer and he was momma steve saving el because he had the kids.
there was no momma steve content in season 4. it was annoyed and borderline king steve content. i hated that scene where he tried to go with nancy and he was visibly annoyed that he had to go with dustin. like i was excited for some steve and dustin content - i look forward to steve and dustin content. on top of that, there was no robin and steve.
everything with steve was so ooc in season 4. i also hate how it seems like they are trying to make the viewers hate nancy. she doesn't seem to be someone who it whishy-washy, yet, every other season she is unsure of her relationship.
but, i did read natalia agreed that robin and nancy would be a good pair and that it would be cool to see that relationship. i feel like that would also explain why nancy seems to jump between steve and jonathan. she seems to be drawn to any guy that is showing any form of affection/romantic interest to her regardless of her relationship status. so, maybe (and i am just brainstorming here), what if she doesn't have romantic feelings towards steve or jonathan? what if she feels like because they like her and she is a girl and they are boys, she should like them and date them?
but, back to canon. i was also upset that there seemed to be no resolution in the two-day jump of any of this. nancy can break up with jonathan if she wants, but steve and her better stay friends. there was also no steve/dustin dynamic. or steve/robin dynamic other than steve seeing her talking to vickie. but i think seeing this shift proves how nancy and steve wouldn't work. (a) they want two completely different things in life like you pointed out and (b) they bring out the worst in each other.
tik tok seems to love stancy and i've had to hit not interested so many times bc it keeps showing me stancy content and i hate it. i feel much better on tumblr where there are so many people who agree with me about this. also, i saw someone on here say that hopefully steve admitting he saw nancy having his six-kids for the longest time was steve's way of saying 'i am finally getting over you and moving on and being happy'. but we really won't know until season 5 comes out (which i hope isn't long from now).
and don't worry lovely! i hate stancy so much too. it fills me with rage that people cannot seem to realize how bad they are for each other. i am also mad that they ruined steve's character (slightly) in this season and i hope they don't ruin it further.
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alirhi · 3 years
10 Sebastian roles as boyfriends
Because... I'm bored and I feel like it. 😂 Probably some spoilers for, like... everything? So yeah... That.
Putting it under here for easy scrolling:
10: Chase Collins
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Who doesn't love a goofball? In the first half of the movie, Chase is basically perfect. He's sweet, funny, not all caught up in his ego, and actually pays attention to what the girls around him are saying, not just to what he wants to hear. If not for the whole... it was all an act to get close to Caleb and try to steal his magic thing, Chase would actually be a damn good high school boyfriend. He's adorable and would be a fun date, but he's also only 18 so best not to start making long-term plans lol. Also, y'know... the whole psycho revenge/power grab thing.
9 Jack Benjamin
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Y'all. Y'all. Words cannot describe how much I love Jack. Pretty sure I've made this clear. As a person/character in general, he's absolutely in my Top 3 - not just of Sebastian's characters, but any character ever. ❤ But as a boyfriend? Boy's got baggage. It's what makes me so protective of him, but seeing as how he's trapped in the closet thanks to his overbearing homophobic family and the insane expectations heaped on him, as the show left him, he can't handle an honest relationship. He's too easily influenced by all the wrong people, poor babe.
8 Chris (Destroyer)
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On paper, undercover cop sounds cool and exciting, but even if you ignore the fact that he, y'know, dies... Chris got in too deep and kinda lost the mission, so to speak. Best case scenario, you're his sexy partner and in on it all with him and end up on the lam for the rest of your lives. Worst case, this man lies for a living, so can you even trust him? And... yeah. The whole dead thing. Chris is hot af but getting involved with him is a recipe for disaster.
7 Ben
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Min and Hathor have mercy, I love Ben! He's smart, he's snarky, he's caring and loyal... he's an absolute disaster. He's another one who seems allergic to honesty, until his lying and avoiding nearly kill his girlfriend. Not exactly relationship goals lol. Everything before totally was, though! Ben's adorable, and I love how he stayed up all night to protect his girlfriend (from a ghost/demon thing... with a baseball bat. I said he was smart, not perfect, okay? XD points for effort lol)
6 Mickey Henry
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I. LOVE. MICKEY. Oml I love Mickey. He's a spazz and - even more so than Ben - an absolute disaster of a human being, but I love him. Pros for dating Mickey Henry: he's fun, he's carefree, he'll cook for you even though he's kinda bad at it lol, he loves his son and wants to be a good dad, he wants his partner to be happy and to love life as much as he does. Cons, and the reason he's not higher on the list: He's a pushover; easily influenced by the toxic people in his life, and it gets him into a lot of trouble. Being easily influenced by toxic dumpster fire of a human being Chloe almost lost him the partial custody of his son that he barely even had. He's an absolute sweetheart, but he's a complete man-child, and dating him would often feel more like raising him.
5 Frank "Suffer Buddy"
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Come on! You know he and Mickey had to be back-to-back - they're practically the same character! 😂 Frank is Mickey... slightly more grown up. He's still a disaster, but he's respectful of boundaries, he's caring, he's funny in a dry, witty way that I just adore, and hoo lordy that man is a giver! 🥴🥵 Honestly, if he didn't smoke and didn't ditch Daphne in the middle of a party hours away from everything familiar to her surrounded by strangers to go do drugs, I'd call Frank perfect. He listened, he respected her wishes, he tried to keep some distance between them when he found out she'd gone on a date with his best friend (it failed utterly and brought us to the "damn that man's good with his mouth" portion of the movie lmao but still)... I don't have a whole lot of experience with men who actually give a shit, okay? So Frank is like a goddamn unicorn to me lmao. But that drug thing... That keeps him at the bottom of the Top 5 for me. Sorry, bb
4 Bucky
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I can already hear everyone on here raging at me for placing Bucky so low on this list, but hear me out: I love this man. I love all four iterations of this man. Flirty 40s Bucky was a doll (fun date, not commitment material). Post-POW camp 40s Bucky had a fire to him that set me on fire. The Winter Soldier can choke me any damn day. Unf. And TFATWS Bucky... Oh, lady above, 2023 Bucky is a gem! He's sweet, snarky, and broken. He feels utterly, wretchedly alone in the world, and everyone around him, including his only friend, is telling him to "man up" and "make amends" for shit that was never his fault to begin with, rather than helping him come to terms with all that he's suffered and all that he's survived. Bucky needs and deserves love. A relationship with him would be so solid, if he found the right person... But it would take a fuck ton of work. He needs someone strong, patient, and more stubborn than he is to prod him until he finds a better therapist and actually opens up, and to keep him on track because even good therapy comes with homework. He does have to "do the work," Sam was right about that much, but he was way off base with what that "work" is. Bucky needs help and understanding, and he would be an amazing boyfriend... if he found someone with the strength to help him weather his nightmares and flashbacks, and help pull him out of this PTSD pit he's been in since 1943.
3 Chris Beck
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Big brains turn me on, okay? 😂This man is an astronaut and a surgeon! Yes, please! Come here, you sexy genius! He's smart, he's funny - pretty sure Sebastian is incapable of playing anyone who's not delightfully snarky lol. He's pragmatic when he needs to be but there's also nothing he wouldn't do or risk for the ones he loves. This man is husband material and I cannot be convinced otherwise! So why isn't he #1? Cuz of the whole... spending years in space, thing. Super cool job and I'd be his biggest fan on the ground, but god damn, I would miss him while he's away!
2 TJ Hammond
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Look, I'm gender fluid and he's a little bit bi 😂😂😂 Let me have my fantasy, okay? TJ's definitely got a lot of shit to work through, but love brings out the best in him. Before that fucking closeted shitbag broke his heart and stomped on it for good measure, TJ was clean and sober for months, he was happy, he was playing piano again, he was pulling himself together. Not only would he be an amazing boyfriend, but his partner would get the extra joy of getting to watch their love and devotion to him be the thing that saves this beautiful man's life. It's not healthy overall to tie your self worth and will to live to a relationship, but if he found the right person who would be there for him through all of life's shit and stick it out, I think he'd be okay. Even after his lowest point and without the support of his family, TJ still had a dream and he still chased it. He's not just the sweetest person to ever grace our screens, but he's ambitious and business-savvy, too. Keep him off drugs and watch this man take over the world, I'm telling you!
So why is TJ only #2? Well, besides the fact that he's like 99% gay and I have no bits he'd be interested in lmao, there's also the fact that this guy owns my heart:
1 Will Franklyn
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And not just because we get to see him wet and mostly naked lol. Will is fucking perfect. I would die for this man... because he's already shown that he would die for his love. He almost fucking did, and they weren't even together yet! He's smart and very aware, he's a writer so we'd get to bond/geek out over books together, he's not all full of himself (self-deprecating humor ftw!) and he's willing to help a total stranger despite actual mortal peril, just because it's the right thing to do. Fierce, intelligent, sassy, strong-willed, and a flawless moral compass? YESYESYESYESYES! Forget boyfriend - let me MARRY this man! 😍🥰
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Irresistibly Yours
Chapter 4 - My Apologies
Summary - Y/N Y/L/N moves to NYC in hopes for a fresh start after a nasty breakup. There she meets her neighbor, the cynical lawyer, Dean Winchester. A love-hate relationship starts evolving between them ever since they met in the elevator one morning but a desperate situation and a string of lies forces the two friendly rivals to go on a date or rather a fake date. Will sparks fly between them when Dean gets to know Y/N real and up close? Will Y/N finally find her Prince Charming in the grumpy, workaholic, divorce lawyer?
Pairing - Lawyer!Dean Winchester x Y/N
Warning - None
WC - 2551
Square Filled - Fluff ( @girl-next-door-writes's Make Me Feel Bingo); Neighbours AU ( @anyfandomfluffbingo )
A/N - A new chapter! Hope you enjoy reading this!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Beta'd by @miss-nerd95 <33
Series Masterlist Masterlist
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Click. Click. Click.
Adjusting her glasses on the nose, Y/N toyed around with the pen in hand, blankly staring at the kitchen wall. The empty sheet of paper sat there on the table, glaring at her. It was a bit old-school, considering her laptop was lying only a small distance away but this was how she preferred to work on her novel. It had nothing to do with her laziness.
The fear of another rejection was weighing heavily on her and she was really close to giving up on her dream of being an actually published writer. However, after her little pep talk to herself last night, she had this new indomitable spirit ignited inside her. Though that spirit was fading away with every passing minute now.
Y/N dropped the pen on the table with a huff, its metallic body hitting the wooden surface of the table as she got up to make herself a cup of coffee. Now, she might not want to admit it, but her novel wasn't the only thing that was troubling her.
A stranger’s callous comments should never hurt so much but when Dean called her stupid or rather a brainless idiot, for some reason, Y/N took it to the heart. She had then come to the conclusion that he was an ass and it was futile to even try and start a healthy relationship, but the bouquet of flowers sitting on the counter in front of her changed every perception of him yet again.
Ms. L/N, I didn't have any intentions of humiliating you. I'm really sorry. I hope you accept this small token of apology.
Walking up to the counter, Y/N picked up the small, white card and read the handwritten apology for the hundredth time that day. She didn't know if she should be impressed at his tacky methods of apologies or be annoyed at him for wrecking her mental sanity. Shaking off her thoughts, she was just about to dive back right into her writing when the coffee machine beeped.
“This is not gonna work.” She sighed, pouring one cup of the warm liquid and bringing it close to her lips. After finishing her drink, she decided to go out on a walk to clear her head but just as she stepped out of her house, she heard soft pitter patters of feet out in the hallway before a small figure of a hazel-eyed girl came into her sight.
Y/N tilted her head in confusion as the little girl ran in the halls. She looked around for her parents, but didn't see anyone else.
“Hey, pretty girl. What are you doing out here all alone?” She called out to the girl, making her stop in her tracks and look at Y/N.
“Daddy says not to talk to strangers.” She said while she cautiously approached the woman anyway.
“Where's your Dad?" She smiled softly, " I'm Y/N. See now you know me.”
“I told you to stay inside, babygirl.” Y/N’s heart skipped a beat when she heard the all too familiar voice of her ridiculously handsome neighbor before the tall figure of the man himself appeared in front of her. His eyes were focused on the little girl as he walked up to her. Dean crouched down to her height, hands gently placed on her shoulders. “Never go anywhere alone again. Alright?”
Does he have a daughter?
But she had never seen the girl before. Y/N was in awe as she saw the grumpy facade fade away when he talked with her. She realised that there were so many things about Dean that she truly didn't know. Maybe she had, after all, misjudged him on some petty conflicts.
“At least your kid was within the building.” Y/N said.
“Ms. L/N.” Dean regarded and turned to look at her. He shuffled on his feet which made Y/N raise a curious brow.
“Hello, Mr. Winchester.” A look of guilt with an underlying hurt flashed in his eyes when she didn't acknowledge him by his first name. He was very sure his effort at a decent apology had been appalling and it made him wince, thinking of the awfully cringy card he had curated by his own hand to convey his regrets.
“She is pwetty.” The girl tapped his knee, attracting his attention while looking at Y/N.
“Y-yeah.” Heat crept up Y/N’s neck when she heard Dean agree with the kid. A moment of awkward silence passed as Dean looked back up at the woman, this time his gaze not faltering making the woman’s cheeks warm up even more. “She is pretty, baby.”
“You are prettier. Look at you! You look absolutely stunning in that dress and hair!” Y/N jumped in deciding to not make the situation more awkward. She hoped that Dean was maintaining his usual poker face, but instead, the corner of his lips tugged up in a little smile as the girl diverted her attention to Y/N.
“Uncle De did my hair.” She said proudly and Y/N stared at Dean. Uncle De? Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought of him to be such a gentle soul. She now remembered that the last time she saw Dean, he had told her about meeting up with his brother.
“He did an excellent job, I see.” The woman said as Dean got up and stood up straight. “What's your name, pretty girl?” She looked up at Dean, as he nodded his head.
“Ava.” She muttered.
“So Ava, remember next time to not go anywhere without Uncle De’s permission. Promise?” Y/N said and walked up closer to the two humans as Ava nodded her head agreeing to her proposition, all the while Dean’s eyes trailed along the woman's every movement. He was the best in his profession and he excelled at reading his client's body languages to figure out conflict, but Y/N was like a puzzle to him right now so he decided to take matters in his own hands.
“I hope you liked the flowers.” There it was, subtle, but at least he owned up to his apology. Y/N observed him for a moment, watching as he was nervously wringing his hands together. He seemed nervous around her. This wasn't the Dean Winchester she had come to know in the last few, quite unfortunate encounters.
“I did.” Y/N wasn't going to let him off the hook that easily. He tightly held Ava’s hand to not let her out of his sight.
“De-” she pouted, “Uncle De!” The said man looked down at his niece.
“Stay put for a moment, babygirl. Uncle De needs to talk to this lovely young lady. Then we can go and get ice cream, like I had promised.” He said, before looking up at Y/N. “Listen, I'm sorry for what happened that day. I did not-” Sighing, Dean said before he was unceremoniously cut off by his phone vibrating in his pocket.
His face scrunched up as he stared at his phone screen. Sucking in a deep breath, he let the phone ring until the caller reached the voicemail. He chewed on his plump, pink lip when his phone lit up with a voice message. Y/N had an instinct he was avoiding someone, maybe an ex. Dean must have had some girlfriends.
“I'm sorry, I was saying-” the phone rang again and Dean was so close to throwing the little device against the wall.
“I think you should take that, which seems important. And I would leave you with your work things. I was going out for a walk anyway. Have a good day, Winchester.” Y/N said and walked right past the man.
“Hold up!” Y/N stopped walking before turning around to face the lawyer. “I never had the intention of hurting you.”
“Then you know the story wrong.” She said, shrugging
“Well if we study closely, the scarecrow was actually very intelligent but he never realised it.” Dean shrugged.
“So you're saying that I act stupid.” This time Y/N wasn't offended but she liked watching him squirm.
“N-no I didn't mean that-” He struggled to come up with yet another apology. “Can we drop the subject of the scarecrow? Let's just pretend the story doesn't exist in this context.” Y/N chuckled at the poor man, making him shake his head lightly.
“It's okay, Dean. Go, get the kid some ice cream.” She smiled.
“Join me for a drink sometime.” Dean blurted out without thinking. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he stared at Y/N, trying to gauge her reaction.
“I never pegged you for a guy to ask me for a drink.” She raised a brow at him.
“The card and flowers were pretty lame, I agree…but I do owe you a drink, or maybe a coffee, whatever you prefer.” He said. He knew his method of apologising was crappy but at that moment it was the best he could come up with. Dean never was a man of many words and he sucked at expressing his feelings so it was near impossible for him to think of anything better than this, but now he realised it would have been much better if he would have just knocked on her door.
“Sure.” Y/N nodded.
“How does tomorrow sound? Ava will be back with my brother by then. As you can see I kind of have my hands full right now.” He smiled. Y/N pondered over the sudden change in her hot neighbour’s behaviour. If this was the way Dean chose to open up to her, then so be it.
“Tomorrow sounds good,” she smiled back.
“G-great then!” Heat crept up his neck as he looked at Ava, a bit flustered. He didn't know what her deal was but she always rendered him speechless or stumbled on his own words, trying to form a good comeback. Y/N had an effect on him that neither Jo nor Lisa had ever had on him. Her perky attitude made him want to spend any time he got with her. They were poles apart but Dean found a sense of familiarity in her.
“I won't hold back you two any longer.” Crouching in front of the girl and ruffling her brown hair, Y/N said, “Don't settle with anything less than a triple scoop.”
“Don't give her any ideas,” Dean teasingly warned, “I have no idea how to deal with a kid on a sugar rush.”
“Then don't shy away from asking for a little help. I had to babysit my cousin's kids many times. I know a thing or two about babysitting,” Y/N said.
“I'll definitely take you up on that if things get out of hand.” He said, “See you tomorrow night. Have a good day, Ms. L/N.” He grabbed Ava’s hands tightly, pulling her close as he started to walk towards the elevator. Y/N shook her head, an amused laugh leaving her lips. Some things never change.
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“I think the cupcakes worked their magic!” Dean teased, sharing a laugh with Y/N over a glass of Manhattan. This was the first time she had ever seen him laugh. Apparently, he was a happy drunk.
“Some roots of jasmine, rose thorns, a pinch of pearl dust and voila! You have the friendship potion,” She barely made it through with a straight face before bursting out in fits of laughter.
“I had a feeling that there was some kind of sorcery involved.” He said, signalling for another glass for both of them.
“This one’s on me,” Y/N said, making Dean scrunch up his face in an adorable pout.
“No it's not. I'm payin’, I was the one who asked you out.” His eyes immediately widened when he realised what slipped out through his mouth. “Not like an ‘asking out’ asking out. This is-” Dean waved at the space between them “-just a gesture of goodwill.”
“You're adorable.” Y/N giggled.
“I know this isn't a date. Just two friends hanging out on a Sunday night.” She shook her head, chuckling as the man picked up his refilled glass and took a sip.
Even if Y/N said it was platonic, the ungodly amount of time she had spent in front of her closet to pick out a perfect outfit would definitely make her rethink her answer. She had skimmed through her closet, trying to find the dress that said ‘just friends’ but to her all the dresses she owned screamed ‘I want you to fuck me’.
Nevertheless, she had settled on a simple pair of blue jeans and a crop top. But she had felt seriously underdressed when she knocked on Dean's door and it had opened to reveal the man in a jeans t-shirt and black slacks, staring at her with a smile on his face.
“Well duh! My first impression of you kinda sucked.” Y/N said.
“I did warm up to ya, didn't I?” Dean chuckled. “Another round?”
“Nuh-uh. Sparkling water for me. I don't want to show up at work tomorrow puking my guts out. And that while nursing a painful hangover? No thanks” She laughed.
“You're no fun!” He chuckled with her.
“I am no fun? What about you, Mr. Turn-down-the-volume?” She said as the bartender pushed a glass of water towards her and poured out another to the man.
“You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?” He shook his head.
A moment of silence passed as Y/N looked across the nightclub buzzing with people just like any other Sunday night. She never thought Dean would be the person to even know about nightclubs around the city but guess she didn't know him that well.
“You wanna head back home? I can walk with you to your place, be all gentlemanly,” he smirked. She liked this drunk version of Dean. He was happier, far more cheesy and funnier than his workaholic version.
“Of course. It's not like we live in the same apartment,” she teased. “Hey, you wanna hit the dance floor before we go back?”
His eyes widened at her sudden question. “No, I don't dance.” He shook his head furiously, clearly stating that dancing was definitely not on his agenda.
“Oh come on, don't be shy.” She said.
“Fine! You are no fun!” She rolled her eyes, “Let's get outta here then.”
The walk back to their apartment was filled with drunken giggles and cheesy banter. “I had a fun time tonight. Apologies accepted.” Y/N said, unlocking the door to her home.
“Glad to know that. I couldn't have lived knowing you hate me,” Dean teased, “I had a good time as well. I really needed a break from work.”
“So you do accept that you work too much?”
“Agree to disagree.” He shrugged, leaning against the doorway, “Night, Y/N.”
She walked up to the man and pecked his cheek, making his eyes go wide at the sudden affection. He swallowed hard as she stared up at him with hooded eyes. Patting his arms lightly, she said, “Night, Dean, see you in the morning.”
“Only if you're running late.”
Chapter 5
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