#..................... on the OTHER hand.......................... I could change it.... to Ghost Trick perhaps.......
krourou2 · 1 year
... Real talk, I'm debating changing my blog theme again, bc my brain's not microwaving KagePro hardcore anymore, but don't exactly.. have any one solid Active Brainrot to theme it around right now???
........ So I guess it's just staying like this.
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ghuleh-recs · 7 months
♡ Fandom Faves Tag ♡
Tag 1-3 (or as many as you want) of your favorite creators (writers, artists, outstanding members of the community etc) and link your favorite creation if you can.
Thank you for the tags @midnight-moth and @coffeeghoulie! I'm gonna challenge myself to not wax poetic and keep these extra short and sweet. That way it's not as intimidating for others to participate (hope that makes sense). Oh and I'm not putting a "keep reading."
Witness my faves (ง •̀_•́)ง
@midnight-moth (who started this tag game ♡) drew THE Phantom art of all time and I recently went absolutely feral for:
Buried in Treasure - Dew x Phantom - E, 3.6k
When his eyes roll forward again, he notices more than just the same riff playing over and over. He notices Phantom’s grip on his hand simultaneously go still and tight. He notices the rosy flush on his cheeks, and the tent in his pants that he tries to conceal with the hand holding the phone. It takes more than a few seconds for all of the dots to connect and when the thought is fully formed, Dew grabs the phone and launches it to the end of the bed.
@ramblingoak hey why is there an angel in the satanic band fandom? I created this whole blog so I could shout about:
The Cardinal's Bride - Cardinal Copia x F!Reader - E, 91k (wip)
A Romantic Adventure in the Old West: After being forced into a marriage with Mr. Saltarian by your father you are sent west to his estate in Nevada. Along the way you end up meeting one of the cowboys you have always fantasized about…
@conjuring-ghouls finds the perfect moments and turns them into the loveliest gifs. On top of that she is endlessly kind and supportive. Look at these!!!
@coffeeghoulie is writing the Aeon x Swiss hurt/comfort fic of y'all's dreams and I got to do my first "official" art collab for it yay!!
Eternal Heatstroke - Aeon x Swiss - M, 17k (wip)
For once in their life, Aeon feels lucky. Whoever's opened this portal, whoever's summoning ghouls Up Top, specifically wants a quintessence ghoul. They may not be the biggest or strongest quintessence ghoul, far from it, but they'll do anything this summoner wants if it means they get to live. Or: being Topside is a drastic change from the life Aeon's used to.
@writingjourney truly the kindest soul and an absurdly talented writer. I screenshot Ibi's tags on my posts all the time because they cheer me up so much 🥹🥹
Friday Nights (series) - Papas x GN!Reader - E, 40k
“But to die as lovers may - to die together, so that they may live together.” ― Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla Each of these stories features a vampire papa and a gender neutral reader.
@anamelessfool writes some of the best world building and characterizations that I have ever read in fanfiction AND she's a fantastic artist.
Violence & Gentleness - Primo x OC - E, 50k (wip)
You made me forget myself...I thought I was someone else, someone good... LATE OCTOBER 1979 Primo has his work cut out for him as the bodyguard of the beautiful and fearsome Mater Emerita Jocasta. As mystery after mystery unfolds, it becomes harder to remain a honest man in this den of thieves called the Ministry.
@foxybouquet makes wonderful art and her colloquial Italian posts are an incredible resource for the fandom.
@angellayercake has angel in her username for a reason tbh. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I learned important things about myself and my love language whilst reading the brilliant:
Banchetto - Terzo x F!Reader - E, 22k (wip)
Papa Emeritus III is struggling to adapt to his life after the Ghost project but perhaps some good homemade Italian food will do the trick.
(I'm cutting myself off here because I could do this all day. I will probably be making another list in the near future because I love and admire so many of you. 😅)
No pressure at all but I would really love to see this tag game keep going! If you're reading this please consider adding some of your personal favorites to the list! This fandom could use some positivity right about now ♡
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creedslove · 11 months
Your friends come up with the stupid idea of going to the cemetery on Halloween night. When you hear some noises, everyone runs away and you lose your orientation and fall down. A man dressed all in black (Dave) help you stands up. You notice the gun and panic, but he calms you down and tells you that he is costume as a hitman. Then he offer to walk you home.
Dave York x f!reader
A/N: love me some Dave York, right my darling? ❤️
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• Dave York had priorities on Halloween, even if he had to do a job, he would first take his daughters trick or treating and then, after safely tucking them into bed, he would leave after his target
• and that Halloween night wasn't different, after his dad duty was accomplished, he got into his black attire and went to work
• you, completely oblivious to the fact one of your neighbors was actually a hitman, decided to hang out with your friends on Halloween night, do something different for a change, other than crash a party full of drunk people and dancing to the same spotify playlist everyone seemed to share
• your group of friends decided to hang out at a cemetery, which was kind of juvenile in your opinion, what was there to do other than walk around graves and get startled over the slightest noise?
• not to mention people could get pretty disrespectful and you just weren't in the mood for profanity of graves that night but you still went anyway, at least you'd hang out with your friends
• at the cemetery, you were a little bored, your friends had come up with the stupid idea of playing the Ouija board and drinking beers which lasted for a couple of hours until everyone was intoxicated and too caught up in the game, all it took was a couple of noises, tree branches moving with the wind and your group quickly dismissed through the graves
• you even tried to follow them but you ended up getting lost as it was unbelievably dark and weren't familiar with which direction to take so you ended up falling behind and got completely alone
• as you walked, feeling a little startled you didn't actually pay attention to where you were going so the moment you bumped into a person in full dark attire you were terrified and you tried to scream
• however, a big hand immediately muffled any sounds that could come out of your mouth, your breathing was so fast and you felt so scared, until you stared into his eyes and your recognized him
• you mumbled under his hand and looked at your friendly neighbor Dave something who was looking like a creep while holding you
• you'd seen him a few times, usually taking a walk with his daughter or the family dog and very often arguing with his wife
• and the moment he realized you recognized him, he didn't flinch, he simply let go of your mouth and gave you a smile
"Hey... There's no need to scream, it's just a cemetery, but you were pretty scared... Are you afraid of ghosts?"
• you shook your head and breathed relieved as you saw him there, looking up and down at him, and widening your eyes at the gun he carried, he immediately laughed
"it's a prop gun... I'm dressed up as a hitman, I was at a neighbor's party but had an argument with my wife and decided to take a walk alone so I'd cool down"
• he lied so smoothly as in reality he could still feel the barrel of his gun still warm and he could swear someone could smell gun powder on him since he'd just taken a target down
"come on, let me walk you home"
• he offered you being gentle and sweet, you hadn't expected it at all, but you accepted, Dave was a big and intimidating man, so you would be safe, and perhaps it was the couple of beers you'd drunk or how his body was so strong the moment he held you, but he was also very attractive
• you didn't talk much on your way home, but Dave was very protective and nice, and you felt yourself feeling at ease with him
"if you need anything, call me, and if anyone asks, just forget you saw me there, got it?"
• he winked at you and you nodded, it could be your secret with your hot neighbor, maybe one day you would get to share more intimate secrets than that one, but for a Halloween night, you were pretty glad about what had happened
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hollowwrites · 1 year
What Do You Propose? - Omi
Sebastian and Garreth here
Summary - I’m feeling some kind of way lately so expect a lot of these…How the bois would propose!!
This is basically me justifying the stupid ship name I made for own character. Sue me.
Sorry for using my MCs all the time I’m just so in love with them. Replace with Y/N or MC if you want.
Warnings - None, Just Cutesy Proposal stuff if you dont like that sort of thing
Word Count - 1006
Sebastian had gotten engaged!
What a wonderful day to celebrate with friends.
…unless you’re Evelyn.
Evelyn and Ominis had been together much longer than Sebastian and his partner and yet here he was…getting married before them.
She was happy for him, truly but…there was that niggling feeling at the back of her head that made her bitter and resentful.
Ominis and Evelyn said their goodbyes at the end of the night and walked back home in uncomfortable silence.
“Evelyn…is everything okay? Ominis broke the silence first, not standing for another second of this cold, dark and now silent existence he found himself in.
“Yes, everything is fine” she smiles weakly despite his inability to see it. The act itself almost convincing herself that everything was okay. He offers her his hand and she sighs when she looks at his ring finger, and sees it’s bare. Her stride slowed to a stop. “Actually, no, everything is not alright. Ominis, do you still love me?” She already knew the answer, and perhaps she was being a tad dramatic…but it’s how she felt.
Ominis pauses. A look of confusion flashes across his face.
"I… is this a trick question? Of course I love you."
“Then why aren’t we engaged?” She felt as though she was about to cry and she steadied her breathing so he wouldn’t know. It’s not the first time she’d tricked Ominis this way.
"You know the answer." He said flatly turning to her with his own expression of sadness. "If we were to get married, your life would be completely different. Gaunt is not a name that you want...believe me"
“I know…” she murmured. She’d witnessed this first hand. People talking about the Gaunts’ on the streets of Hogsmeade, the looks of fear she had to endure whenever he introduced himself. It pained her that people thought of him that way.
But she loved him.
And she wanted to be his.
“Couldn’t we…” she took a step closer to him and ran her hands across his chest pleadingly “…keep it secret? Or you could take my name? Or we could make our own. I don’t want to marry you for your name or…or for a wedding I just…” her voice faded as she realised this was the fifth time they’d had this conversation…and she didn’t expect it to end any differently. She sighed and took her hands away from him. “…let’s just go home” she muttered.
Before she could walk away, he took her wrists in his hands, bringing them back to his chest.
“…I’d never thought about changing my name…” he admitted "
Ominis smiled slightly. An idea seemingly crossing his mind.
“I like the idea of starting a new family with you…it would keep me safe and more importantly, it would keep you safe” he said softly as the grip on her wrists grew a little tighter.
“What if…” she smiled and traced little patterns onto his chest with her finger. “…we combine our names, to make something better. Like Gallow or-“
“-Haunt” Ominis smirked a small laugh escaping his lips. “Ominis and Evelyn Haunt”
“I like it” Evelyn grinned, her nose crinkling as she grew more and more giddy. “We could easily be mistaken for Hogwarts ghosts with names like that”
Ominis chuckled and leaned down to kiss her on her forehead.
"I think that would work” he smirked “…but only one problem remains."
“What’s that?”
"The problem is..." He took both of her hands in his pressing the palm of one to his chest and the other to his lips. She could feel the steady thump of his heart. The man was discussing completely changing his future and name and yet was as calm as the most docile of mooncalves. "I don't have a ring." He smiled and laughed softly. “…and I doubt you have one tucked away in that bag of yours”
“No but…” She pulled her hands away, patting her pockets and searching through her bag. “Oh…you can use this…” she ripped the metal band off a loose potion bottle and handed it to him.
Ominis took the ring with one hand feeling the metal between his fingers over and over before taking her hand…
…and lowering to one knee.
"Evelyn, Would you do me the honour of starting a new family with me? Would you continue to make me a better man? Would spend the rest of eternity with me? Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Her eyes were glossy with unshed tears and she grinned uncontrollably. With the utmost of care, Ominis slid the metal ring onto Evelyn's ring finger, her hands shaking like a leaf. It was huge and would definitely fall off as soon as she moved, but she would take this ring over a diamond any day.
He stood back up towering over her until he picked her up and twirled her around. His chest vibrated against hers as they laughed
"I love you, Evelyn” He set her down though his hands never left her waist “I’m sorry this took so long…I-“
“I love you too!!” She stared at her hand in disbelief, still shaking “I can’t quite believe it…I was starting to think this would never happen”
He gazed down at her, his unseeing eyes sympathetic.
“Please know it was never my lack of love that kept me from you. I just feared that…I'm sorry I made you worry. Please trust me when I say that I love and care about you. I just have a duty... to protect you" he shook his head “…it’s no matter now”
“And I, you” she wrapped her arms around him, smiling into neck “It’s just us now”
It took just three days for Ominis to buy a ring.
A proper one.
It was a simple silver band with a small perfectly round emerald in the centre. The small amount of filigree that crept up the sides of the stone kept it elegant and proper.
Though she still wore the bottle ring on a chain around her neck.
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feith-rikya · 9 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade. Feel free to ask any questions!
Danya Vetranov & anselm Godwyn & Rudolf the Vile/Danseldolf:
Unfortunately, this is not a canon ship, although it would solve many of the problems within the game. It would be dishonest to deny that Danya ever thought about it. It's a bit of a complicated situation and she's a bit kinky.
Initially, there was Anselm, a charming True Brujah, rich and attractive but also ancient and deeply connected to the Camarilla. This led him down a path opposite to the love of his life, who was ready to fight him to protect his friends. Danya made many attempts to convince him to change his mind, but he downplayed her concerns, considering them typical of a young vampire who didn't know the world. Ultimately, they both fell victim to the demon Ekron, who entwined their story with lies and deceit, leading the coterie to fight against and kill Anselm.
At the moment when Anselm seemed to have lost his mind, Rudolf entered the scene, a grumpy, meticulous and old-fashioned vampire who seemed to care neither for himself nor for others. Rudolf was drawn to Danya's light like a wounded moth and offered himself completely to her, despite her uncertainties and her desire to somehow bring Anselm back to her. (I don't rule out the possibility of a love potion, perhaps prepared by Lilith herself.)
But in the end, Anselm died and Danya accepted the love of the former soldier, starting a stable relationship destined to last. However, Anselm's story was not over yet. Inexplicably, his ghost reappeared, remaining as linked to Danya as he was in life, but in a more tangible form. Initially, coexistence was impossible, with grudges on both sides that threatened to lead to their ruin. However, during a confrontation, the truth emerged. Most of the atrocities attributed to Anselm, such as the extermination of the Ventrue clan, the destruction of the Circus, and the constant harassment, had been orchestrated by the demon Ekron, who had assumed the identity of the Archon. The ravnos had been tricked into killing the man she loved, while the powerful and ancient True Brujah had lost her identity under her nose and threatened Danya and her friends, driving away her one true love .
So, Anselm decided to teach Danya her power, her Temporis, giving her the tools to defeat the demon that had ruined everyone's lives. Rudolf, although not enthusiastic about the time they spent together, accepted the situation for the greater good, knowing that Anselm could not do much in the state he was in.
Anselm became a master to Danya, almost a sire to her, helping her with the discipline and management of the government, ultimately easing her resentment towards her. Feeling deeply guilty for her death, Danya tried in every way to make Anselm's life more pleasant, even doing things that such an ancient vampire considered unusual.
On the other hand, Rudolf still held all of her resentment for her, remembering every insult, every slight, and every blow she had received from the True Brujah during their last fight. The two men managed to reach an agreement only when they were forced to collaborate, while the rest of the time they spent with subtle insults and barbs that Danya had to constantly appease.
There's still a lot to tell about them, but I'll stop here for now. You are welcome to ask additional questions if you are curious.
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mtchacffinz · 2 years
I stumbled upon ur blog and ahh love ur writting i wad thinking maybe if ur requests are open that u could write a lil smth IF UR FREE OFC
I was thinking scaramouche x reader argument (angst to fluff :the ansgt shouldnt be brutal bc i dont handle it well heh)
Or if ur not comfy writting that u could doo
Scaramouche x reader scara accidentally confesses to reader??
Dont overwork urself and remember to eat <3
I did both.
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hello my lovely! I'm nicknaming you plasmasia if that's okay? i will always indulge in Scaramouche omg. Here you go darliinggg (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) ♡
Since I'm not sure which Scaramouche you might have wanted, I'm going w/ Fatui Scara 🍰
cw. hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, scara is not good with communication, enclosed space (storage locker), accidental confession, perhaps mutual pining..
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Scaramouche's face was grim, his eyes of dark indigo fainted with light displeasure; eyes averting your piercing ones. His arms caged your figure— grimacing cause he seemingly has no choice.
You can feel his heart beat as your arms lay on his chest. Damnit, this locker's so small it could barely fit you both. Your faces are a hairs breath away from each other.
That wasn't the only thing lying your displeasures. Currently— you're faced with his stupid face as if he just didn't tell you to go screw yourself hours ago. Knowing the Balladeer's antics and his rubber mouth; seemingly never knowing when to stop he knows he's deeply hurt your feelings when you just stood up and pretended he never existed.
Despite your face embodying an indifferent expression, relaxed and composed— he can see it from the slight quiver of your lips whenever you find his prying eyes gazing at you.
As for him, he doesn't know his eyes betray him. A lot.
There was a seemingly eternity of tension until one of you finally decides to break the ice.
"What are you doing here? Here in a place where you shouldn't even be." You ask, as if demanding an answer. A voice you use when in duty, a voice of command. Scaramouche clicks his tongue embodying the same.
"Quit phrasing it like I wandered here. I'm here for the same reason as you except here to do a better job." Scaramouche did in fact, wander there; lying through his teeth. There was yet again a moment of silence wherein nothing was exchanged. Only the quiet breathing and waiting of time to pass by, letting the ruckus outside the warehouse to die down— the suspicious workers scrambling to settle down, and lastly, to calm their heads and keep high level of integrity.
Yet strangely, it was as if none of it mattered here. It was as if it's only the two of you right at this moment. Secretly indulging yourself with the rhythmic breathing on his chest whilst he resist the urge in wrapping his arms around you never daring to let go.
Yet none of you will speak of it, as your pride's as high as the sky. But like the sky, it changes shape.
You were taken by surprise when you felt slender fingers tucking stray strands to your ear. Scaramouche quickly resumed his arms to caging you, refusing to make contact with you once again; but his voice rang moments after— as gentle as the breeze— barely above a whisper.
"Look at me." He was still a bit arrogant, so you decided to push him a little farther.
"And what if I don't want to?"
"Then I'll make you."
"And what if you can't?"
"Then I'll make you." his hand tugged your face to turn to his direction. To your surprise, your body complied with little to no effort. His face hinted ghost of forlorn, marking one of the reasons why you can't avert your eyes.
You only gazed at his frame for quite a while. The Balladeer returns your sight with the same focused look, not backing down. Inevitably— it doesn't seem like you're looking away soon so he decides to pull a small trick.
He blows on your face. Harshly. You yelp in surprise.
"Absolutely inane!"
He sticks his tongue out in response, now both holding up your frame in his hands. As if he's holding the world, he holds it firmly. He murmurs something that you couldn't quite catch.
Stupid, you're stupid, stupid, stupid..
He keeps repeating it like a matra, each word he taps your scrunched nose, stressed.
"It hurts to like someone stupid."
It hadn't quite sunk into you yet, but you rebut his statement as quick as you can due to frustration.
"Who are you calling stupid?!"
"I'm calling you stupid so you can get it can get through that thick skull of yours. Self awareness is the key to self improvement, you know?"
"Maybe if you held me a little longer I would lose my mind, you know?" you said it with so much confidence, and it suddenly dawned upon you— quickly correcting yourself. "I meant, were you aware if you keep blowing my fair face I would die? Die as in, 'cause you're bad at whatever this is and—"
Another round of blowing hit your face; you were beyond fuming.
"Are you a child!? Let go of me this instant, we're getting out of here. Outside, now!"
Scaramouche's hands were still in your cheeks, firmly grasping them like iron. He only looked at your rambling figure with a sole thought in mind.
It's so hard to like a stupid, sulky idiot.
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nothing like a little fluff before i hit the hay. thank you for the kind reminders plasmasia ❤️ hope all of you would stay hydrated and eat well as well (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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Trick or treat!
Watching Izuku tug at the hood of his limited edition Golden Age All Might hoodie with his too big black gloves making his fingers clumsier than usual, shifting and reshifting the fabric to stop it covering his eyes or set the antenna at the right angle so they didn’t flop over too badly to one side, and listening to him stammer, backtrack, and lapse into mumbling at times as he tried to answer even the most straightforward and innocuous of media questions (“And what is your costume?”) asked of every hero whose attention could be nabbed on their way into the Put Your Hands Up and SCREAM Happy Haunted Hero Halloween Bash, it was difficult to see why villains found Deku so intimidating. At least the way he kept biting the already chapped spot on his lip and worrying the skin like nervous habit was covered by the black medical mask he wore.
 The Happy Haunted Hero Halloween Bash was part exclusive party of the year, part place where regrets and tomorrow’s tabloid headlines were soon to be born if you didn’t fly or get a car out of there in time, part televised entertainment special and charity drive where top heroes would be spinning the wheel to perform tricks for or hand out treats to top donors to the cause of the year early on in the night before the cameras turned of and the real party started, but all hosted by Present Mic. And it was Izuku’s first year. He wanted to make an impression. Hopefully a good one. Perhaps, playing it safe and going as Iron Might or a ghost (Nice, normal, innocuous classic ghost) like he almost had could have served that purpose better, looked good enough in pictures but proved unremarkable enough that the focus would be on Izuku himself–though, maybe that would have just been more pressure to constantly watch what he was saying and make sure he was funny and charming enough when he still rarely felt like either. 
“Why The Crawler? You are aware he’s regarded by some as a criminal menace. Do you think it’s appropriate for a top fifteen hero to be dressed as a former vigilante?”
Hmm. The questions were getting more complicated though. 
Izuku tried to keep his chin up and tone upbeat but not flippant. Shoulders back to project confidence. No more playing with his hoodie. It was easier said than done.  “My feelings about vigilantism have changed a lot over the years, especially since…” One sentence in and he already found himself stopping himself short. “ Well, you may have seen some of the pictures and video of my own stint as an unauthorized hero before the war…though on the other hand I suppose that wasn’t quite the same since I at least had my provisional license and I was in close contact with the pro-heroes…” He took a deep breath to counsel himself to keep his answer more focused. “But that’s beside the point. I know public sentiment towards The Crawler and other vigilantes is still mixed even now, and the law’s side is even more complicated, but…he fought to protect those that couldn’t fight themselves and protected those who nobody else was protecting and that makes him a hero in my book. Plus, it’s just a fun costume and not too overdone. I hope you’ll give me some grace here…and my partner too, as he’s dressed as an even more controversial figure.”
Izuku punctuated his last words by wrapping an arm around his boyfriend and hero partner–an arm that quickly dropped lower from shoulder to back to possessive fingers wrapped around a hip as if Izuku’s hand was magnetized, finding Kacchan’s small waist exposed and emphasized more than usual in the skin tight black leotard too much of a temptation (which it was, and Kacchan should have been grateful that was the only temptation that Izuku was willing to give into in front of the press, when the explosive hero’s sullenly crossed arms pushed his pecs enough together to make the heart shaped cutout on his chest more risque than it had ever been on the original costume of the vigilante Dynamight was emulating. 
“I’ll never forgive you, nerd.” Kacchan growled under his breath as more pictures were snapped of the two of them. The pink pigtails on his Pop Step wig were already starting to droop. 
“Yes, you will.” Izuku hummed back, cheerfulness already returning. He gave the press line a wave that signaled that they were moving on and angled carefully as he turned to walk away, arm still around Kacchan’s waist, trying to cover as much of the camera line of sight with his own body as he could as the two of them retreated. He had thought a lot about what the Pop Step costume would look like from the back (And so had Kacchan. That was how Izuku convinced him of the couple’s costume. They would spar with the stakes being that whoever was pinned first for over three seconds would be Pop Step and whoever pinned them would be The Crawler. Kacchan was really confident in his own abilities. Izuku loved that about him. Confidence just wasn’t always enough though when Izuku was motivated too). He hadn’t thought through other people seeing the costume from the back though, and photographing Kacchan from the back…or how he might, and certainly would, need to worry about that even after the press cameras and live streamed parts of the evening were over. 
Pop Step was going to have to be an in-apartment only costume going forward.
Izuku still didn’t regret it though.
“Kacchan, you look so…” He sighed dreamily and didn’t even try to finish his sentence or control his blush.
“I swear, if you call me cute, I’ll blow your face off.”
“No. Bouncy,” Izuku giggled as they walked into the venue and fully left the media behind, at least for the moment, deciding to finish the thought after all. Danger sense stayed dormant, even after a wisp of blackwhip shot out to ruffle the back of Kacchan’s skirt, only to dissipate the moment after when Kacchan snarled and whirled around to try and fight the semi-tangible. 
“I’ll kill you,” Kacchan continued to threaten him, no bite in it this time.
“I’ll give you my hoodie so you don’t get cold,” Izuku offered.
The fire in Katsuki’s eyes intensified instead of dying down to the smolder Izuku expected. “I’m not wussing out. A deal is a deal. No complaining. No covering up. The full Pop Step experience. Let’s get some drinks and I’ll start singing and shit too.” He balled his fists in determination.
Izuku was going to argue that there was no weakness in taking the hoodie–especially when he was pretty sure he just saw Hawks’ wings flare from across the room (They were dyed white tonight and Hawks was wearing a halo and a haphazardly draped toga, which was cute when taken together with the devil horns Endeavor was wearing, but Izuku, uncharitably, didn’t think Hawks was reacting to anything Endeavor had said) but his attention was diverted by Shoto waving both arms at them to flag Izuku and Katsuki down. Not that Shoto was easy to recognize in a long black wig, a short white dress and blazer, and a visor that covered his eyes. Izuku almost didn’t recognize the costume, much less the man, but once he figured out one, the other was a certainty. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Icy Hot?” Kacchan sighed exasperatedly.
“Makoto Tsukauchi. Don’t tell me you already have one for the group costume.”  Shoto was a shade too earnest to be pulling a Halloween trick–though Izuku and Katsuki were two of the only people alive who could read the shades of difference in his ever placid delivery.
Izuku neither had the heart to tell his friend that Pop Step and The Crawler were supposed to be a couple costume or to regret telling Shoto his plans in the first place. Group costumes would be fun. He did feel a bit out of place now being the only one without a skirt though.
“Why not Knuckleduster? He was a Naruhata vigilante.” Izuku pointed out. 
“You know why, nerd.” Kacchan didn’t elaborate further.
Any uncomfortable moment was put off by their old homeroom teacher, Aizawa, being the next to greet them. He looked the three of them up and down, narrowed his eyes particularly at Izuku, huffed a simple yet puzzling, “No,” and then walked away.
“Sensei?” Izuku called after him.
“I need a drink if the problem kids are combining.”
Since we are already under click to read more for length conditions, here are some visual aids for those who haven't read Vigilantes.
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Pop Step my beloved
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instexcamera · 7 months
The Sinner and the Pure
The backstory for MidnightMansion!AU Tatsumi and Mayoi. How they became like they are now, a ghost and a angel. This is TatsuMayo btw.
Character death
Descriptione of violence
Religious themes
The others that wander this long forgotten place call him "the most delirious". They avoid him, too afraid of his mumblings and obsessions. Too saddend by his state. They don't speak to him, they avoid him, even the masters of this place, when they sense his presence they vanish instantly, as if a figment of the mind. Perhaps out of their guilt of this place having trapped him.
At first, he was "normal" or as normal as you can be in this place. He could hold conversations, he could laugh with others, they considered him a friend. No one  noticed it either, his descent into madness, losing himself over being a sinner. The changes were subtle, he would bring up wanting to escape, wanting to "cure" himself. They would nurse these thoughts, telling him it was possible, perhaps they have a part to play in 'his' death too.
The Puppet noticed it first, the loud laughter and rambling coming from The Delirious's room. It frightened him. He chose to ignore it, the problems of others did not concern him, he only did when his "master" wished it. The Puppet wonders if he had said something, would 'he' have lived?
The questions were next, he would ask anyone if it were possible to cut off his own horns and tail. They thought he was telling jokes, they encouraged it, laughed over it. They never thought he'd do it eventually. His descent into insanity was only noticed by one, 'him'.
Close to the end the others found it quite odd that, 'he' the most unpure and sinful was quite good friends with the most "righteous", perhaps even more. Maybe, it was because 'he' was the only one who would listen. 'He' would stay in the Maddened's room for hours at a time, sometimes days, just listening to how he could make himself pure again, worthy of god. 'He' would also offer him a place to hide when his sinful thoughts plagued him and thought he would never leave this place.
It is a wonder how 'he' could calm him down. The unpure comforting the righteous, the wolf offering protection to the lamb.
His insanity only worsened when the Magician appeared, the only human. The Maddend would go to him, plead and beg for a potion, a trick, anything which could make him a human or pure being once again, not a demon of darkness and lust.
The Magician could, and offered his help. A price, of course, would have to be paid. He wanted the Insane's horns and tail, cut off with a knife. The Maddened agreed. That is how 'he' died.
"If that is what you want, then I won't object, I am too much of an unholy being to attempt to stop you from becoming pure, I just wish it wouldn't be something that harms you."
'He' spoke those words, those horrid words which started the fight and the death.
"You are right, yet it must be done. This the only way I can achieve being part of god's creatures in this eternal night."
"Will you join me?"
"I'm sorry my angel but being a creature of the night is what I am, what I always have been, it would be rude for me to become a pure being. But I believe you can do it, become the most pure here."
This angered him, when he was to become a pure being he couldn't dare be seen with an "sinner", his love must make this sacrifice with him.
"You won't? But you're mine? You are supposed to follow me, I have told you this, why won't you listen?"
"I'm sorry, I really am, but I am scared Tatsumi. Please respect this, I'll still be here for you, I'll be with you. I promise"
The anger clouds his mind. Why won't he listen? But he has the upper hand right? He is righteous, he can make him pure too. Even if he has to use force.
"O righteous lord, please forgive this sin I will commit."
'He' didn't hear these words. They were whispered, only the Insane and god could hear what was exchanged. 'He' was on the Maddened's bed when it occurred.
'He' watched the Maddened take the knife, the long curved knife off his desk, 'He' was here to offer comfort and love once the Insane had cut his horns and tail. To be a witness of this action. That is why 'He' stayed completely still when the Delirious's approched him with the knife. 'He' did not move as the Insane brought his knife up, 'he' did not move until 'he' realized what was happening.
"Tatsumi, wait no! Please!"
The Maddened brought the knife down, a smile on his face, he could make 'him' pure. That smile turned into worry, then into despair and tears. He had not stabbed at 'his' horns. 'He' had moved, the Insane had stabbed into his only love's heart.
The crimson blood covered the knife, his hand, his loves chest. The Maddened pulled the knife from his loves heart, its cold steel, covered in scarlet, catches the light as it clatters on the floor.  He holds his love close, hearing the ragged breathes he intakes as he climbs on the bed with him, holding his love's head in his lap as he strokes his hair, whispering apologies. He realises then that he has taken his quest for being holy too far, he knows he cannot save his love. The Insane's mind is shattered.
The Broken's tears fall onto his loves face, mixing with his own. His love can't speak, all he can do is stare up at the Broken with fear in his eyes. This breaks the Shattered more, he grabs one of his loves limp hands and brings it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on it. When he focuses back on him, his love is gone, a flame extinguished to soon on a snowy night.
The Broken's tears fall freely now, onto his loves lifeless face. He places his hand back down, lightly grabbing his loves face and kissing him, the final one they will share. His loves lips are still faintly warm, the metallic taste of blood is slightly there. The Broken does not mind it, he still continues the kiss, not minding any of it. When he eventually lifts his lips off his dead lover, he rests his forehead against his. The Broken's tears still falling as he whispers more apologies, and how he loved him. His hand still stroking his dead loves hair, how he had remembered he liked it from those nights spent in bed together.
He brings his hand up, stroking the horns which he had meant to slice off with as much care as he could, feeling the cold curved ridges of it in his hand. He remembered how his love had liked the way he would touch them, messed with them trying to figure them out. He had told him he loved them once, and now he had wanted to take them away.
It was hours before he took his loves body outside, the others watched, silent. They had known, the masters had felt the life leave a physical body.
The Shattered has wrapped his love in the nicest blanket he could find and brought him outside, he would bury him in the nicest spot he could find.
The Broken did not know that his love was not truly dead, his physical body was yes. Here in this eternal darkness, if someone were to die their spirit would leave their physical body, yet stay on the premises. His love watched this happen, too scared to show himself to the Broken. He watched as his body was put into the ground, then turned away, phasing through a wall.
The Broken knew he was wrong.
Tatsumi knew it, he had went too far but he couldn't give up his pursuit of righteousness, he would continue. He had to for him. He would become the most holy being here for Mayoi, even though that is why he died. Tatsumi knew he was selfish, but he had to become holy, he knew that he would live with this guilt for the rest of his life.
When Tatsumi took the knife to his horns and sliced his tail off, he relished in the pain. When the potion he took caused white wings to rip out of his back and his right pupil to slash into a star shape, he was happy. Mayoi felt worse than when he died by Tatsumis hand, Tatsumi has no right to cry over the pain he feels.
Mayoi would watch this happen, a despair set on his face, yet he couldn't stop him. Mayoi had broken his promise too, the one to stay with Tatsumi.
Mayoi was truly the more righteous being than Tatsumi ever could have been, and in his own sin, Mayoi had died.
Notes: I wrote this instead of my Mayoi x reader bc their backstory was overtaking my mind. I'm very excited to write how they meet back up since Tatsumi is not aware Mayoi has come back as a ghost, he thinks dude just left. I am also not a TatsuMayo shipper (I am this is how I'm retaliating against that fact)
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aeviare · 8 months
" you’ve changed quite a bit since i saw you last. " Antarct for Phos :3
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how can phos be sure this isn't a figment of their imagination? surely, it must be. they have the sudden need to rub their eyes just in case. was the moon playing tricks on them again? but the sight of antarctictite doesn't vanish, their visage clear against the background. phos's imagination could only ever conjure whisps of antarc's form, never enough to fully look at. cairngorm only served as a placeholder from time to time, but they never were actually like antarc. gold alloy pools at the corners of phos's eyes, an unexplainable emotion following. there may be very little left of phos's original gemstone, and perhaps he couldn't always remember antarc's face, but at least their memories of antarc were clear.
"y-you...," he starts, taking a small step forward towards them. they glance down at their gold arms, the alloy reflecting the light around them brightly, "it worked," they whisper, a small breathe of wonder, disbelief, and awe. "you're actually here? i'm not hallucinating you this time?" phos whispers the question, almost falling back into the habit of speaking at the ghost of antarc, rather than to them. "he promised he could... the chances were low! i just thought..."
the gem takes a step towards antarc, his hands reaching for the other, a new mournful look replacing the previous excited one. "i'm sorry. if i had only been quicker... if i had reached for you, they never would have taken you. all that winter, you were teaching me to be stronger... and i failed you." phos stood straight then, "but i'm stronger now. i can control my arms and my legs are faster than ever before... i may have lost my head, but with lapis's old one, i'm smarter, too!" they trail off then, hopeful eyes, almost pleading and expectant. and just for a moment they were their old self again.
"i always hoped one day i could show you just how strong i am now."
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blehcupidd · 1 year
Jealous Girl
Chapter Eight
Xavier Thorpe x fem!oc
A/n: Taken from my Wattpad made at the beginning of 2023, some written mistakes and i had a note about what happen with Percy Hanes White, that note will put put at the end of this chapter.
Also ignore mistakes please i wrote this whilst looking at the tv show so if it says that someone looks at something but it didnt state what, ignore it im sorry.
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Students filled the greenhouse, ready for botanical science. As Évangéline walked in, she saw Ajax talking to the teacher. "I'm going to give you all the materials again," Miss Thornhill explained as she walked past. Chuckling as she walked past, she received a shove in return.
Settling in her seat she could see Wednesday talking to Thing, behind a plant pot. "I see you finally made a friend." The voice of Bianca echoed the glass walls. "Even if it is a plant."
"I go for quality over quantity." The black haired girl retaliated, not giving away Things presence.
Looking over to Xavier, he was scribbling on his notebook; obviously drawing something. Noticing Wednesday hadn't sat down, she was about to call out to sit next to her. That was until a vampire boy sat next to her. With Wednesday looking around, she gave the girl a sorry look.
"There's an open spot next to me." She heard Xavier offer, the row behind her. "If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob." He continued. This gave Évangéline a chuckle. Although she was "mad" at the boy for thinking he's using her, the snarky comeback was funny.
(Let's pretend that Xavier doesn't sit front row ;) )
She received a look from the boy next to her, he had pale skin and dark black hair; of course paired with sunglasses. She tempered him as one of the guys Yoko hung out with when they weren't together.
"Marshall. Marshall Lee? I'm friends with Yoko?" The newfound Marshall said to her. She gave a confused look, "You were staring, I assumed you wanted to know my name." He anxiously chuckled.
"Oh sorry! I'm-" She replied, then being interrupted.
"Évangéline, Yoko told me. She talks about you a lot, all good things I swear." He interrupted.
Hearing rustling, she looked around looking for the culprit. She was only met with the harsh glare of Bianca. 'What now?' She thought, wanting to know why Bianca gave her death stares.
"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Me Thorpe." Miss Thornhill droned. With Évangéline looking backwards, Wednesday gave a look almost to say, 'help me!'.
"Admit it, you're a little impressed." Xavier asked Wednesday. Évangéline was kicking herself as she was feeling a little jealous over Wednesday. She knew she didn't mean to, yet it was the second time of something like this happening.
With Wednesday noticing a glum look on her acquaintances face, she slammed her hand down onto the drawn spider. With that, the students laughed at Xavier's expense. Sending a thankful smile to Wednesday, Évangéline received a small nod in return.
"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on out journey into the world of carnivorous plants." Thornhill spoke. "Now, who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Thornhill gestures towards a plant in a glass casing; Bianca immediately raising a hand.
As she was about to answer, "Dendrophylax lindenii." Wednesday interrupted.
"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca glared over to the interrupting girl.
"First discovered on the Isle of Wright in 1854." Wednesday spoke, eyes straight forward. She received a look of astonishment from the woman in the front.
"Very good, Wednesday! Looks like you may have competition for first chair, Bianca." Thornhill praised as students ooo and snigger. "Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities."
"Resilience and adaptability." The mentioned girl immediately replied. "It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments."
"But it's main presence can change the ecosystem, bringing others down with it and causing the established plants to reject it." Bianca sounded, as if she was talking about Wednesday becoming acquaintances with Évangéline and calling herself an 'established' plant.
"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked." Wednesday added, obviously seeing through Bianca. "Nothing a weed wacker couldn't fix."
"You can most certainly try."
"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier spoke up, being bored of the conversation going on either side of him. Students chuckle at the joke.
"Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights. Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." Thornhill joked.
Waking out of the science classroom, the vampire caught up with her. It took her by surprise, to say the least.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" He asked, nervous.
Évangéline was about to answer with a 'yes', that was until she remembered Enid needed her. Looking over Marshall's shoulder, she saw the glare of Xavier Thorpe. 'What?'
"Sorry, I would but-" she started.
"No, no it's fine. Maybe some other time?" He interrupted, walking away.
Furrowing her brows, she shook her head and walked to find Enid. Not noticing the look from Xavier behind her.
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antigonewinchester · 1 year
15x02 (transcript @ the link)
BELPHEGOR Yeah, there were some over there, but they spotted us and left. Not their favorite. DEAN So you were a dick to 'em in Hell, huh? BELPHEGOR No. I did my job. It's Hell. It's not a day spa. DEAN Can't believe I've teamed up with a demon again. Think I'd know better by now. BELPHEGOR Teaming up with a Hunter. I could say the same. DEAN Why are you helping? BELPHEGOR I told you, I like Hell the way it was. I'm a good soldier. Escape attempt, 11:00.
This whole exchange is fascinating in the context of 4x06 and Dabb’s writing around Dean in Hell. This episode wasn’t written by Dabb but his framing fits with how the writers in later seasons seem to understand Dean’s time in Hell too. The ghost sickness targeting Dean for being a “dick” and how it becomes about him torturing in Hell as revealed later on, Dean later describing himself as having “serving” in Hell, Belphegor with his lines here about doing his job and being a “good soldier” -- clearly parallels going on. And while I have my issues w/ this framing in the show itself, what I’ll say is how fandom picks up on these threads and then makes them... even worse than what’s in the show proper, sometimes.
DEAN: Well, now that his cover's blown, everything that we've done is for what? Nothing? CASTIEL: Even if we didn't know that all of the challenges that we face were born of Chuck's machinations, how would we describe it all? We'd call it "life". Because that's precisely what life is. It's an obstacle course, and maybe Chuck designed the obstacles, but we ran our own race. We made our own moves. And mostly, we did well with that. DEAN: Did we? I'll tell you what we do know. Nothing about our lives is real. Everything that we've lost, everything that we are is because of Chuck. So maybe you can stick your head back in the sand, maybe you can pretend that we actually had a choice. I can't. CASTIEL: Dean. You asked, "What about all of this is real?" We are.
There’s clearly foreshadowing for Cas’s love confession to Dean here (Cas’s feelings for Dean are real) but it also fits into the idea that relationships & family & other people are what’s “real” about life, they’re what makes life matter, worth living, etc. It’s very similar to Sam and Dean’s exchange at the end of 15x01. If Dean is ‘stuck’ in doubt and nihilism, feeling like Chuck’s control means their lives didn’t have meaning, then Sam and Cas have a more optimistic view, focusing on other people and having hope and faith in relationships & others.
DEAN: Kevin's not even supposed to be in Hell, okay, so when this is all over, we're gonna send him up in Heaven where he belongs. BELPHEGOR: Yeah, yeah, not gonna happen. Souls cast down to Hell? That's the end of it. Heaven can't take 'em. SAM: That's not true. Our dad made it to Heaven after he was in Hell. DEAN: And Bobby Singer. BELPHEGOR: So God made an exception. Didn't he used to like you two? Just saying. Without the big guy... them's the rules.
Another retcon in service of making Chuck even more of an asshole & his system even more unfair & shitty. Also that the tragedy for Kevin being not just that he’s a ghost/can’t got to Heaven but also that he has to wander the Earth alone...
AMARA:  Don't. Even on your best day, you couldn't force my hand. And this is not your best day. In fact, I don't think you can do much of anything. Ah, a few parlor tricks, perhaps, but you can't leave this world, not without my help. And me? I'm done, Chuck. I've changed. I've adapted. I've... I've become the better me. And you? You are still the same... petulant, narcissistic. So... I'm leaving you here. Once, long ago, you sealed me away. Now, in a way... I'm doing the same to you. You're trapped, diminished, abandoned. So I guess you got what you've always wanted. You're on your own.
Chuck clings to people not out of love but desperation and control, like he’s doing with Amara here, and so he ends up alone at the end of this ep, and ultimately ends up alone and abandoned at the end of the season, too. Just desserts.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
So after a month of hardworking, to write 10 yandere fics, why not you read this one for you to relax, its a Halloween themed fic.
Synopsis: you are at your home, it’s Halloween and you saw the kid cookies telling scary stories, so why not do the same but with the adults?
It’s rushed.
 It’s Halloween in the human world, you heard a knock at your door, you went to your door and opened with a bowl full of candy on your hands. “Trick or Treat”, said the kids at the steps of your door, “ohhh, such scary costumes you have kids, there a go” you gave some candy to the kids, “thank you”, the kids said. 
 When the kids went to the other house, you closed the door, when you turned you saw some kid cookies looking at you, “do you want some candy too, after all it’s Halloween”, you asked, “ooOoOOh”, said Sobert Shark Cookie, “thank you Baker.” said Onion cookie with a little smile. They got some candy and went back inside a room, you decided to follow them out of curiosity. You looked inside the room and saw all the kid cookies, sitting together, telling scary stories, you remembered that you and your family would always tell spooky stories in the Halloween, after a night full of trick or treating, so you decided to do the same, but with the adult cookies.
 You placed some cookies on a table, and you sat on a chair, the cookies that you invited was Espresso, Madeleine, Eclair and Pure Vanilla cookie. “It’s really kind of you to invite us Baker”, said Pure Vanilla cookie, “yes Baker! thank you for inviting us”, said Madeleine cookie. “Ah don’t need to thank me, but well let’s start, who wants to go first?”, you said, “oh, can I go first? Of course If you want Baker”, said Eclair cookie, “of course you can Eclair”, you said, “if you feel scared Baker, I will always be by your side, ok”, said Pure Vanilla cookie, “huh- is your “scary story” about a spot on a relic?”, said Espresso cookie in a sarcastic tone, “no no no no, it’s about light magic, mr. Espresso cookie”, replied Eclair cookie, you turned off the lights, using the flashlight to illuminate the area.
 The time passed by, and each of the cookies told their scary stories, and it was boring, most of then was stories about the old stuff, werewolves, vampires, ghosts and… Jellywalkers? Finally it was your turn, “It’s your turn now Baker!”, said Madeleine cookie, “oh! Ok”, you said, “do not worry Baker, I will write every word from your story”, said Eclair cookie, already holding a scroll and his signature  feather pen. You decided to tell the story of a movie, that you watched at night while all the cookies where sleeping some days ago, and the name of the movie was, The Babadook, of course with some little changes.
 “Ok, I will start, ahem ahem”, you cleared your throat. “The story begins at a little town, there lived a mother, her son and their dog. At night, the son would always choose a book, and the mother would always read the book that he chossed before tucking him to bed, one night the boy choose a strange book, that the mother never saw, the name of the book was, Mister Babadook. In the book tells the story of the creature named, Mister Babadook, a very tall humanoid creature that wears a big black cloak and top hat, long nails, pitch black eyes, a pale face and a creepy smile Mister Babadook, would try to enter some kid’s home, so that he could be friends with them, eating their dog, killing their parents and kidnapping the kid, she stopped reading the book, and tucked her son to bet, having nightmares of that pages. After that night, the mother would throw away the book, but she couldn’t get rid of him, the object would always be there in front of her house’s door step, she tried to burn him, but in the next day he would appear again, intact. She decided to read some pages, “the more you denied, the more powerful I become”, “LET ME INNNN!”, “and perhaps your son, won’t fell the same fate as yours”, that what was written in the book. In the passage of days, things started to happen in the house, glass would appear at their food, plates would broke out of nowhere, and the mother could see glimpses of the creature, she is starting to go insane, becoming more and more paranoid. One night, her son came screaming to her room, saying that he saw the Babadook at the kitchen, the mother went down to investigate, when she enter the kitchen, she saw the creature eating their dog with a bloody smile. The mother ran towards her room, shutting the door and locking it up, her and the son hided under the bed, in hopes of outwit the creature. She could hear scratch sounds coming behind the door, but the door simply opened, with her eyes she saw, Mister Babadook, entering the room and crawling on the walls making clicking sounds in the process, she shut her eyes and started whimper, “this is not real!”, while hugging her son, “ba-ba-dook-DOOK-DOOK!”, said the creature, then everything went to silence and then… BAAAAHHH! Mister Babadook, killed the mother, and the son was nowhere to be found, the end.”
 “So, did you guys liked? I know is kinda cheesy, but… uhm, guys is everything ok?”, you could see the cookie’s terrified faces, Madeleine cookie was hugging Espresso so tight, that was almost chocking him, Eclair cookie was hiding his face behind the papers, unable to even write a word, and Pure Vanilla cookie was hugging your hand, with a very scared face almost crying.
 (Time skip)
 You were at your bed trying to sleep, but four little scared cookie wouldn’t shut up, “B-Baker! I-I think I heard something coming from the kitchen!”, “Baker! T-there’s something on that dark corner!”, “B-Baker! What if he comes while we are at sleep!?, the coward cookies said, “for the last time guys! He isn’t real, it’s a story from a movie!”, you said, “I was being good letting you all stay in the bed with me, but now I’m trying to get some sleep!”. Perhaps next time you should tone down the scary stories you tell.
(Sorry if I spammed)
Omg this is so adorable!😭💗
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inkribbon796 · 2 years
Egotober 2022 Day 29: Ghosts of the Past
Summary: Wilford is in a foul mood, and every few people can stop him in this type of mood.
A/N: Inspired by: https://at.tumblr.com/erexart/hopeless-romantic/xo5ostiaq3s4 on tumblr.
Prompt: Ghost
Characters: Wilford, Dark (Celine)
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
He’d been having a bad week. Was it a week? A year? Ten years? He could never be completely sure. Time was shaky at best, and nonexistence at the most fun.
But Wil was tired of being pulled around, and he was a bit angry. His brain was buzzing with the dozens of altercations he’d had in the past. Ones that obviously didn’t end in death because death was a lie. If it wasn’t, then he would have actually killed people, and he would never.
Life was all a joke. And he was tired of this particular joke. He was looking for something, for someone, and he was frustrated by not finding it. Like chasing ghosts, unable to see them but haunted all the same. Their screams drove him mad more often than not.
“Freeze!” Someone shouted and Wilford was already pulling his gun out and shot.
The man dropped and started sleeping, because of course he was sleeping. What else was he doing?
Wilford’s gun came up and he was pointing it at what looked to be a woman. Short hair. Dark eyes. Stern face.
And his itchy trigger finger locked up before he could fire. Before his eyes the face in front of him changed to a familiar one. A hauntingly familiar one.
A ghost from his past, but he couldn’t remember it and Wilford thought that was a tragedy.
“How’s it been?”
“Awful, he’s not the worst but he’s not helping.”
“I’m offended to call him my brother then, you deserve better.”
As Wilford stared at Dark, looking like her red soul, her aura shrill and angry at the destruction to her own territory. “Wil, if you needed to get back to the Manor you could have used a portal. You just left Bim at the station.”
Dark got closer as the gun came down, almost a reaction to her approach.
And then Wilford’s other hand came up and he gently took Dark’s hand in his and kissed the back of it. His gun disappeared in a puff of pink smoke and the crowd of officers and a couple heroes seemed to start calming down but they didn’t approach the two supervillains.
“Charmed, my dear,” Wilford said gently as he held onto her hand, not wanting to let go but not keeping the hand trapped. Then he looked up. More warm brown in his eyes than usual. “My name is Wilford.”
Dark didn’t pull her hand away. She was silent for a bit before trying to smile. “Dark. Nice to meet you too.”
Wilford smiled at Dark, as charming as Dark always thought he was. “Pardon me for being forward or taking up your time, my dear, but there’s this lovely diner I saw on my way into town and I would love to take you out for dinner.”
“Of course,” Dark smiled and kept a grip on his hand. Dark’s ringing was a little less shrill and trying to look more like Celine. “I’d love to.”
Wilford’s eyes began really playing tricks on him, seeing people and things he hadn’t seen for a long time and Wilford just let himself go. He’d long since stop fighting the pull or even try to make sense of it.
Then Wilford and “Celine” were at a diner. The same one that Dark and Wilford always went to. The atmosphere was as friendly as ever and Dark ordered the same thing she always did as Wilford ordered the first thing that looked nice to him paired with a fruity cocktail to go with it.
As the waiter took their menus after ordering, Wilford just looked at Dark’s face. “You’re very beautiful. Have we met before?”
“Perhaps,” Dark said and eventually drinks came out, the two of them got to talking and then Dark took Wilford back to the Manor. The next morning Wilford woke up his usual self.
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deathfavor · 9 months
@heartfils said: i'm not here. you haven't seen me. (sending YOU a ghost ask for a change, from pakunoda to chrollo <3)
jacob's ladder sentence starters
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Dead leaves tumble across the path, caught in a gust of autumn's final breath before winter seizes control. He stares at them, watching how they dance as a final swan's song before they flutter into the pond and fall still under the additional weight of water's grasp. It's a calm sight, one he might otherwise have enjoyed and reflected upon.
He does not today.
Chrollo's lips curve slightly, a smile that is a ghost as much as the one beside him is. In truth, Chrollo is not sure which is worse. To never be able to give a final goodbye, or to be able to when she should be resting in peace. There is, of course, the chance this is nothing more than a Nen trick - but there is also a chance Nen offers her a wobbly bridge back from the other side. Chrollo knows his spiders ; this is Pakunoda's soul.
He does not ask about the other side. He does not ask if she has seen Uvogin on the other side.
" I was told your funeral was quite beautiful. " Chrollo says instead, grey eyes staring ahead at the landscape rather than at her. " I'm sorry I could not bear witness to it. " Though she had disobeyed what he had desired for her to do, she had been true to herself. Ultimately, that was the heart of the Phantom Troupe. He could admire those who knew themselves well enough to follow themselves, even if it was in opposition to his own ideas or desires. It pains him to know that he could not be there for Uvogin or Pakunoda. It is a guilt that will linger in the halls of his heart.
Only now does he turn to face the ghost that lingers by his side the same way she had in life. He wonders if she appears the way he knows her best, or how her own soul has decided to shape itself to her whims. She looks lifelike if not for the faint outlines of the background that could be seen through her. However, it does nothing to fool Chrollo. Even should she be solid entirely, he would not be deceived to the truth of her passing.
" I can see you. " Chrollo chuckles, only a handful of notes that die out like the fading resonance of an organ in a cathedral. Grey eyes hold a knowing glint to them, meeting her eyes before he looks away. " You don't need to worry, Pakunoda. " He assures her spirit with the same calm tone he's always offered up, unshaken in the face of death and despair. " I know there is little that I can do beyond offer your soul solace, or fulfill any wishes so that your spirit may rest. "
Death is not a foe to beat, and Chrollo has never feared for the day the scythe might come to claim him. He walks peacefully with that knowledge - much to the horror of some like that musical hunter who'd despaired at the sound of his heartbeat.
" The goal is to keep the spider alive, not the individuals. Any of us may pass and be replaced. " Such was the motto of the Phantom Troupe. But that did not mean its head did not grieve for the loss of each of his spiders. To lose any of them was to lose a piece of himself. It was to lose a fraction of his identity when the only identity Chrollo had was as The Spider. But in him all those who were gone would find immortality for as long as he lived. They were never to be forgotten.
His gaze lingers over those leaves, some having already started to crumble apart. Perhaps that is why Pakunoda is here - to see that Chrollo does not do the same. He rarely reveals the weight of his emotions, keeping them instead locked within so the others needn't see. He carries the weight within himself for the whole spider. " Is there something I may do for you? " It aches, to ask this question to the departed. As much as he mourned the loss to say goodbye, it is a greater grief to know she does not rest easy.
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feith-rikya · 10 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade. Feel free to ask any questions!
Danya Vetranov & anselm Godwyn & Rudolf the Vile/Danseldolf:
Unfortunately, this is not a canon ship, although it would solve many of the problems within the game. It would be dishonest to deny that Danya ever thought about it. It's a bit of a complicated situation and she's a bit kinky.
Initially, there was Anselm, a charming True Brujah, rich and attractive but also ancient and deeply connected to the Camarilla. This led him down a path opposite to the love of his life, who was ready to fight him to protect his friends. Danya made many attempts to convince him to change his mind, but he downplayed her concerns, considering them typical of a young vampire who didn't know the world. Ultimately, they both fell victim to the demon Ekron, who entwined their story with lies and deceit, leading the coterie to fight against and kill Anselm.
At the moment when Anselm seemed to have lost his mind, Rudolf entered the scene, a grumpy, meticulous and old-fashioned vampire who seemed to care neither for himself nor for others. Rudolf was drawn to Danya's light like a wounded moth and offered himself completely to her, despite her uncertainties and her desire to somehow bring Anselm back to her. (I don't rule out the possibility of a love potion, perhaps prepared by Lilith herself.)
But in the end, Anselm died and Danya accepted the love of the former soldier, starting a stable relationship destined to last. However, Anselm's story was not over yet. Inexplicably, his ghost reappeared, remaining as linked to Danya as he was in life, but in a more tangible form. Initially, coexistence was impossible, with grudges on both sides that threatened to lead to their ruin. However, during a confrontation, the truth emerged. Most of the atrocities attributed to Anselm, such as the extermination of the Ventrue clan, the destruction of the Circus, and the constant harassment, had been orchestrated by the demon Ekron, who had assumed the identity of the Archon. The ravnos had been tricked into killing the man she loved, while the powerful and ancient True Brujah had lost her identity under her nose and threatened Danya and her friends, driving away her one true love .
So, Anselm decided to teach Danya her power, her Temporis, giving her the tools to defeat the demon that had ruined everyone's lives. Rudolf, although not enthusiastic about the time they spent together, accepted the situation for the greater good, knowing that Anselm could not do much in the state he was in.
Anselm became a master to Danya, almost a sire to her, helping her with the discipline and management of the government, ultimately easing her resentment towards her. Feeling deeply guilty for her death, Danya tried in every way to make Anselm's life more pleasant, even doing things that such an ancient vampire considered unusual.
On the other hand, Rudolf still held all of her resentment for her, remembering every insult, every slight, and every blow she had received from the True Brujah during their last fight. The two men managed to reach an agreement only when they were forced to collaborate, while the rest of the time they spent with subtle insults and barbs that Danya had to constantly appease.
There's still a lot to tell about them, but I'll stop here for now. You are welcome to ask additional questions if you are curious.
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joylinda-hawks · 11 months
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No way, Cheng Ling had already given his piece of Glazed Armor, and Gao Chong didn't need it for anything. WOH, episode 22, part 2. WKX and ZZS are walking down a city street after leaving the inn. WKX asks ZZS if they think the same. ZZS claims that DK accused GC of collaborating with Ghost Valley. He explains that he initially thought that DK was an ordinary student, but it turns out that he is the fiancé of GC's daughter, one day he will inherit the entire fortune and become the supreme leader of the Jianghu. ZZS states that they are unable to track down the person who was behind it and what tricks they used to recruit DK. WKX asks if maybe they are both wrong and DK was telling the truth. Perhaps DK valued justice more than family ties. ZZS disagrees, stating that ZCL already gave up its piece of Glazed Armor and GC didn't need it for anything. He explained that GC would not use his only daughter to woo an orphan. Since GC announced the engagement at the Hero Conference, he didn't break his promise. WKX replies that any promise is easy to break, just bribe the right people, and after ZCL's death, GXL will not marry his memorial plaque. At that moment, a beggar approaches them and asks for support, both men listen to him and see him fall to the ground. ZZS looks up and looks at WKX, who is laughing. ZZS claims that the beggar was stupid because he chose the wrong victim. WKX claims that the beggar performs work similar to that of ZZS. ZZS smiles. They both leave the beggar and walk ahead. In front of them, holding the reins of his horse, walks the fifth brother of the alliance - SS. Seeing one of his alliance brothers, WKX's expression changes. WKX turns to SS saying it's a small world. ZZS is also surprised by the appearance of SS. He instinctively goes and stands in front of WKX as if he is protecting him. Both men are so focused on the SS that they do not notice the attack that the SS is warning them about. Continuation of the previous scene. ZZS and WKX found an easy excuse to go out and talk calmly about what they learned from GX. ZZS is sure that there is someone who is pulling the strings and is invisible. He wonders who would benefit from this whole situation, worries about the appearance of the Ghosts Valley and what the ghosts could achieve through it. WKX, on the other hand, skillfully checks the knowledge and intentions of ZZS by asking questions. He is afraid of what ZZS might do when he finds out the truth about who WKX is and what his plan is. I always enjoy watching ZZH and GJ's scenes together, especially when they test each other's knowledge of one person about the other. Sometimes it looks like a fight between two demons, and sometimes like the sweet cooing of doves. ZZH and GJ showed us how to beautifully conduct dialogues between two people. Kudos to them for that.
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