#...and of course nokto is like always...
redheadkittys · 2 years
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@aquagirl1978 come sweetie 😏 collect your mans 😁...
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Book of Memories ~ Chevalier and Licht ~ Part 1
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Among the servants in Rhodolite castle, there’s a debate that has been going on for years.
“Who among the 8 princes is the best swordsman?”
The three princes most often mentioned were the three with the most distinguished. 
The popular Leon, whose natural talent blossomed after overcoming his childhood illness and is now always at the frontlines, 
The seasoned brutal beast Chevalier, a renowned genius whose capable of anything,
And recently, Licht, who uses his extraordinary reflexes to hone his swordsmanship.
Maid (1): But did you know? There was a time when Prince Licht hated swords so much that even the mere sight of one drove him mad.
Maid (2): Really? I can’t imagine that at all. How come? 
Maid (1): Who knows? I don’t know why either, but… One time Prince Chevalier came home carrying a bloody Prince Licht. I heard from the head maid at the time that after that, he got over his hatred toward swords…
The maids who were wiping the windows paused.
In their line of sight was the bloody brutal beast dragging a silver-haired prince by the collar—
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Licht: Couldn’t you have been a little more considerate… My leg hurts.
In a doctor-less infirmary, Licht bandaged the wound on his leg with a blank look.
Chevalier, who had been leaning against the wall and watching in silence, opens his mouth.
Chevalier: I don’t care. Just give me the information. Why else do you think I brought you back from the enemy base where you had collapsed?
Licht: You were on the move too… That company…was a threat to Nokto.
Chevalier: I was the one who instructed the company to make a move.
Licht: …
Chevalier: I’ve had my eyes on them for a while. Publicly, they're a newly established company, but behind the scenes, they're a large criminal organization that smuggles on globally… They’re an eyesore. Before they could use our country as their headquarters, I used Clown to interfere with the company’s public business. I did not think they would take the bait so quickly…
Licht: Don’t use Nokto as a decoy…
Chevalier: And if that’s what he wanted?
Licht: …
Chevalier: It was convenient for me too. If Clown made a move, you would also make a move in secret. It’s a way to get information without much work, isn't it?
Licht: …I’m getting angry.
Chevalier: Of course, what we’re dealing with is just the appetizer—
Chevalier got off the wall, stood before Licht, and kicked his bandaged leg without hesitation.
Licht: Ow…
Chevalier: I can’t believe you were beaten like this.
A scoff fell over Licht’s head as he crouched.
Licht: There was a child at the base… It was before you arrived…I think he got lost while playing. I let him run off because I didn't want him to see blood…
Chevalier: You got shot while distracted.
Licht: It's just a scratch.
Chevalier: And if it was poisoned? If your leg goes numb and is no longer of use, it’s the same as getting shot.
Licht: I can move…
Chevalier: It would appear so.
Licht: …
Chevalier: …Foolish.
Licht: I know. But I didn’t want him to see blood. Because the trauma never goes away.
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Chevalier: Yes…It’s a feeling that only you can understand. I have never experienced trauma.
Licht: Yeah.
Garnet eyes glanced at the sword on the bed.
Licht: It was like living hell… Until you saved me.
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dicenete · 1 day
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The stars and the simping have aligned for you, and I'm a generous goblin xDD (I made this as a quick warm up, so... the perpective isn't perfect yadda yadda, but hey!) As some older mutuals and followers know, I'm very into League of Legends splash arts. And I always have these grand ideas to draw other characters like that.
So OF COURSE I have thought about IkePri characters in that kind of scenes : DDd (Also thought about taking LoL skin lines that fit them and using those as inspirations xD Like think about: Cafe Cuties Yves and Cafe Cuties Gilbert??? Or Corsair Silvio/ Captain Silvio? Spirit Blossom Kagari? Debonair Nokto? Crime City Gilbert? Crime City Clavis? Crystal Rose Skin line in general? Dragontrainer Licht? Elderwood Keith? Blood Moon Kagari? Faerie Court Keith? Okay I'm sure you get the gist.)
But yee, now it is back to work with me ^^ IkePri Tag Team:
@scummy-writes @goustmilk @solacedeer @m-mmiy @mxrmaid-poet
@pawnkyyy @ludivineikewolf @violettduchess @floydsteeth @wistfulwanderingone
@sh0jun @lorei-writes
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leonscape · 13 days
the ways of the ikepri househusbands
jin has no problem that his wife is the main breadwinner of the family. he doesn’t mind staying home and taking care of their household. he takes his duties very seriously, even if it may not seem like it. people are often surprised when they see an intimidatingly burly man doing domestic house work. he’s the type to not wear a shirt but wear and apron while cooking lol.
chevalier is the tidiest househusband. every centimeter of the house is abnormally tidy. not a spec of dust to be seen anywhere. you could take a white glove and test any surface, any area and the glove would remain pristine. he always prepares meals in advance, especially breakfast since he doesn’t wake up early enough for it. when he finishes his chores, he quietly reads until his hard working wife comes home from work.
clavis is a proud househusband. he likes to brag about your career achievements. he picks up little skills here and there by taking classes and also from self study. he’s gone to many cooking classes but he still insists that he knows what he’s doing in the kitchen. but he also goes to knitting/crocheting or sewing classes so he makes you little plushies and stuff.
leon has always encouraged you to do your best. eventually, money wasn’t a problem and leon started taking over the household chores to help ease the pressure on you. he always makes sure that you have enough food and get enough rest. he also gives really good massages. and imo he’s a person that can’t sit still so i think he would either still have a little side hustle of some sort? whether he works part time from home, or he has his own little business? maybe he makes furniture and sells it or something idk.
yves still worries about what other people say. he’s happy he can help you. but sometimes he gets insecure when people criticize his lifestyle choices. he loves to cook and bake so he naturally took on the housework. he makes meal menus for the week so you know what you’re having for dinner everyday. he mostly spends his days making and perfecting his recipes.
licht doesn’t really like just being a househusband. he feels like he needs to do more. he needs to support you more but you reassure him that he’s doing his best. maybe he’s not the best at cooking but he’s getting better. he stopped setting the stove on fire last month. now he’s working on learning how to season the food.
nokto likes being a househusband. he keeps the home clean and cozy, ready to welcome you home. (sorry i don’t actually know a lot about him so i’m just gonna say whatever comes to mind.) he strikes me as a rich wine aunt rather uncle in his case and he likes to paint too. i think he’d throw parties or some kind of gatherings so he can make friends and such.
luke is the ultimate househusband. homemade meals, always warm and comforting. he likes sewing too so he learns how to make you clothes. of course he makes matching couple outfits too. he probably starts a garden so he can grow some food.
rio malewife he’s the best househusband you could ask for. he would do anything for you so when you asked him if he wanted to be a househusband, he happily agreed. he can do paperwork, cook, clean, fix things, develop skills on the spot if you wished for it.
this is getting too long lmk if y’all want sariel, gilbert, keith, and silvio
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The Beast Wants to Tempt the Little Rabbit (Matias vs Clavis)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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Matias End
(If that's the case, I'll keep things civil.)
Emma: "Then I'll take you up on that offer, Prince Matias."
Matias: "Of course. Since I'm taking your time, I swear to do my best."
(Whoa, the charm radiating from his smile is overwhelming.)
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Clavis: "Emma, you made the wrong choice."
Emma: "Your gratitude kinda freaked me out."
Clavis: "And how can you be sure Matias's gratitude won't freak you out?"
Clavis: "Listen, I established the Lelouch family motto for your sake."
Clavis: "Matias's gratitude is torture."
Emma: "That's rude, Prince Clavis."
Clavis: "Rude? Those in the know all agree on this."
Matias: "You always say things like that whenever I try to show my gratitude. I don't understand."
Clavis: "It's me who doesn't understand."
(Clavis is oddly insistent. But is Matias' way of showing gratitude really that weird?)
Matias: "Then, Miss Emma, as a start, let me give you this."
Emma: "..........."
Clavis: "See? This is what happens when you question my good intentions. You better take this to heart, okay?"
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The place I chose upon Matias’ request was a cafe in a calm and quiet area of town.
It might not have been a suitable place to take a prince, but Matias didn’t seem to mind and whispered something to one of the guards without any concern.
A few minutes later, he placed a thick book on the table.
It was the law book I had only seen once before in the castle.
Emma: “Is this the law book of Rhodolite?”
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Matias: “You have a keen eye. You really are talented.”
Emma: “I studied politics in the past.”
(I never thought I’d see a law book in a cafe.)
Matias: “Excellent. You seem like someone worth teaching.”
Emma: “Teaching?”
Matias: “As a token of my gratitude, I will give you a lecture.”
Matias: “Laws are the rules of a country. However, the majority of the citizens are not familiar with them.”
Matias: “Aside from typical offenses like murder, theft, fraud, and disrespect, many people don’t know much about it.”
Matias: “Ignorance of the law might result in you accidentally breaking it and dealing with the consequences.”
Matias: “Furthermore, being familiar with it can protect you from being exploited when facing any form of harm.”
Matias: “Knowing the law is synonymous with protecting oneself.”
(I never considered this before.)
His words made perfect sense, and I found myself nodding along.
Clavis: “Emma, don’t fall for it. Lectures as a form of gratitude? If I did that, you’d complain it's harassment.”
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Emma: "I won't complain. I actually enjoy learning new things."
Emma: "He's willing to teach me out of kindness, so I'll take it seriously."
Beside Clavis, who was holding his head in disbelief, Matias also widened his eyes in surprise.
Matias: "This is a first."
Matias: “You’re the first woman to accept my gratitude head-on.”
His smile exuded a melting sensuality.
(His charm is just too much!)
In fact, the women seated nearby were all blushing.
The occasional release of his dangerous charm seemed like it could kill someone.
(I guess hanging out with charming princes like Clavis, Nokto, Jin, and Leon made me develop some kind of tolerance.)
Clavis: “Have you ever wondered why women other than Emma don’t accept your gratitude?”
Matias: “They all said they weren’t interested in law.”
Clavis: “It’s good that you know the reason, but unfortunately, it’s too late now.”
Clavis: “Emma, you’re a rare woman, so I’ll leave the rest to you.”
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Emma: “Prince Clavis, where are you going?”
Clavis: “I just remembered something urgent. I’ll pick you up when it’s over.”
Clavis: “I’m counting on you to entertain Matias. Ahahaha!”
(He’s making a run for it.)
Realizing the lecture was boring, Clavis made his escape.
Matias: "I knew this would happen. Clavis hasn't changed much since our school days."
Matias: "Whenever I try to offer my gratitude, he always tries to escape using all sorts of tricks."
Emma: "Did you and Prince Clavis attend the same school?"
Matias: "Yeah. There is a prestigious boarding school in Acroite where nobles from various countries gather."
Matias: "Some of the princes of Rhodolite studied there for a while."
Matias: "Clavis is one of them. I learned a lot of things from him."
Emma: "I had no idea. So, you became friends at school?"
Matias: "That's right. I used to talk a lot with Clavis and Jin."
Matias: "There was a saying back then that Jin was for the chest, Clavis for the thighs, and Matias for the hips."
Emma: "I-I see."
(It probably means Jin likes breasts, and Clavis likes legs.)
(So I guess Matias likes hips?)
I've heard Jin and Clavis talk about women's bodies a few times when we were at the castle, so maybe Matias was also part of that during their student days.
(I'm surprised. He seems far from being a pervert just by his appearance.)
???: "Kyaah!"
As we chatted, we heard a woman scream in the restaurant's doorway.
Before I could grasp the situation, Matias had already sprung into action, vaulting effortlessly over nearby tables and dashing out of the shop.
By the time I got up from my seat, he had already grabbed and twisted the man's hand outside the restaurant.
(He's fast!)
I hurriedly followed him outside.
Man: "Let go of me!"
The man, restrained by Matias, struggled with all his might.
However, Matias' hold remained firm.
He pressed the man against the nearby wall and grabbed him, securing his hand behind his back.
(He seems quite skilled at this.)
Matias: "I saw you dine and dash."
Matias: "While this act doesn't directly correspond to any specific crime in Rhodolite, consuming food or drink without intending to pay constitutes a clear case of fraud."
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Matias: "Moreover, pushing aside a woman nearby during your escape could also be considered assault."
Matias: "Therefore, you're guilty. You better cooperate."
(Prince Matias?)
The person who was smiling just a few minutes ago was nowhere to be found.
Instead, his eyes—as cold and icy as snow—pierced sharply through the guilty man.
Even the surrounding onlookers seemed intimidated, showing signs of fear in response to his overwhelming presence.
(He's like a completely different person.)
(The way he looks at criminals and the way he looks at those who aren't are totally different.)
Man: "I had no choice! I was injured, lost my job, and had nothing left to eat."
Man: "If I didn't do this, I would've died."
Matias: "A crime is a crime. Your excuses hold no meaning."
Matias: "If you still wish to make excuses, do so in court."
Matias: "Whatever the reason, the law is something that must never be broken."
Matias: "Criminals have no right to beg for mercy."
(I'm trembling.)
As I clenched my fingertips, our eyes met.
Matias: "You, go get the nearest soldier."
Emma: "U-Understood!"
Coming back to my senses, I quickly left the scene.
Everything Matias said was logical. But for some reason, that logic seemed to stick in my mind.
(What is it that's bothering me?)
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Matias: "We had an unexpected interruption, but now we can finally continue."
As we moved from the cafe to another shop, he once again presented the law book to me.
The man who committed the crime continued to plead for mercy even as the soldiers took him away.
It was a sight I couldn't forget.
(Prince Matias remained completely unfazed.)
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Shifting my gaze from the law book to Prince Matias, I noticed he no longer wore that cold expression.
The sincere and earnest prince was now offering a lecture solely for my benefit.
(The stark contrast to who he was before caught me off guard.)
(I never imagined he could be so ruthless.)
(I'm not sure who he really is anymore.)
Matias: "Miss Emma."
Emma: "Yes?"
Pulled from the sea of my thoughts, I found him leaning forward, his hand resting gently on my forehead.
Matias: "You seem a bit distracted. You don't seem to have a fever, but if you're feeling unwell, please tell me."
Emma: "No, it's not that!"
(Crap, I spaced out. I need to focus.)
Matias: "Then is there some other reason?"
Emma: "Well..."
Emma: "It's a Rhodolite rule! You have to set aside some time to space out once a day!"
Matias: "I apologize for not being aware of such a rule. I've interfered."
(I ended up making an excuse like Clavis.)
Guilt weighed heavily on my heart.
Matias: "However, this poses a problem."
Matias: "If it's a rule, then I suppose you'll have to endure it for a little longer."
As I tilted my head in confusion, Matias' face, enveloped in his enticing allure, gradually inched closer.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Matias End ╎ Epilogue
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aquagirl1978 · 1 month
hiiii aqua! the cherry blossoms in my area are blooming, and i've been daydreaming of being taken out on a blossom viewing date for days on end. could i request nokto + fluffy cherry blossom viewing? thank you!
Thank you anon for this request - I'm so happy you requested Nokto. I tried my best to make this fluffy, he's a tricky one with that.
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You and Me
A/N: Part of my Naughty or Nice event Pairing: Nokto Klein x Reader Prompt: viewing cherry blossoms Word Count: 592 Tags: fluff
Requests open for Naughty or Nice event
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“And they lived happily ever after. The End.” After shutting the book in your hands, you gazed down at Nokto, whose head was resting in your lap under a canopy of cherry blossom trees.
“There’s no way that’s the ending of the story. It couldn’t just end there like that.”
“Oh? So you were paying attention to the story?” 
Nokto stood up and feigned offense. “Of course I was paying attention!”
“Really?” Lifting yourself from your seated position, you stood tall and stepped into his space, lifting your chin so your eyes met his. “Okay then. Tell me how many brothers the prince had.” It was a minor detail in the story, but one mentioned just enough to determine his truthfulness.
“Wrong, Nokto! He had no brothers and one sister.”
“Oh…” He averted his gaze, knowing he was caught in a lie.
“Why ask me to read to you if you’re not paying attention?” Your voice softened as you touched his arm and a gentle wind blew by, scattering pale pink petals in your hair. You weren’t mad at him, rather you were curious to know his reason.
“You haven’t figured that out, huh?” he asked softly, your mind blanking as soon as he traced your lips with his fingertip. It would be so easy to part your lips and nibble on his finger. He looked at you expectantly, and when you offered no answer, he chuckled. Leaning closer, he brushed your hair behind your ear and whispered, “I like your voice. I like to hear you speak.”
Feeling your face flush, you enjoyed the small, little thrill his words evoked. “Nokto…” Suddenly shy, your words came out breathless. “You know we could always just talk. I don’t need to read some book that bores you.”
He closed his eyes and shook his head, cherry blossom petals fell from his hair. “You have conversations with everyone. Who else do you read to, but me?”
You stared at him silently, almost in awe. “So this is all….”
“It’s just our special time. You and me. Something we do with no one else.” 
Looking around, you soaked in the scene – his soft smile, the way he held your hands in his, the pink petals stuck in his silver strands – and you thought Nokto never looked more beautiful than now. Your fox tricked you once more, but that was okay. You liked happy surprises.
Standing on your tiptoes, you lifted your face to his and pressed a chaste kiss on his lips. “Let’s take our time walking back, it’s so pretty here with all the cherry blossom trees,” you whispered, in no rush to return to the palace.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and brought his lips to your ear, teeth grazing the rim as his whispered words warmed your skin. “I can think of some other things we can do than just gaze at the cherry blossom trees.”
“Not if you ever want me to read to you again,” you replied, swatting his arm playfully. As much as you wanted to acquiesce to his wishes, looking around you reminded yourself that you were in a public park.
“You wouldn’t…” His lips curved into the cutest little pout. So cute you wanted to gobble him up right there and then. 
“C’mon,” you coaxed, tugging his arm. “Do this for me?” you asked in your sweetest voice. Nokto made a face, but quickly gave into your whim, his hand squeezing yours as he followed you on the path dotted with cherry blossom trees. 
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen
@melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage
@nightghoul381 @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra
@drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja
@sh0jun @ikesenwritings
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ikeromantic · 7 months
Read to Me
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Chevalier asks MC to read some poetry to him, much to her surprise. She soon realizes a book of poems isn't as innocent as it sounds. Approx 1600 words.
Written for the Ikemen Prince Gift Exchange! This is for @aquagirl1978
Chevalier regarded the former Belle and future queen with a bland expression. She was still explaining her idea for a family picnic and how she might include everyone -
“I think it would be easy enough to convince Yves and Licht, of course, and Clavis would show up just to cause chaos but Nokto is so hard to pin down!” Her eyes were bright with determination, showing a glint of the steel in her soul. “I was thinking of putting some perfume on his invitation - not mine, of course! And lipstick?”
He didn’t care whether or not she held her picnic, though he had no doubt she would. And every one of his brothers would be there, because she knew how to ask them. She’d grown into her position in the palace. Emissary of the Brutal Beast. The King’s common lover. Keeper of his library, and his heart. Chevalier found his lips curling into a small smile.
“Did you think of something for Sariel? I can’t pull him away from his work for even an hour and -”
“Come.” Chev stood and held out his hand. When she took it, he still felt her warmth prickle along the nerves of his arm and speed his beating heart. He didn’t think he would ever get used to the love in her eyes nor the simple trust she placed in him. His calloused hand cupped her small, soft fingers gently as if she were blown glass. 
She said nothing as he led her out of the library and into the garden. Late summer brought out the riotous colors, every plant weighted with heavy-headed blossoms. But it was only when they came within sight of the rose-entwined gazebo that she made a noise. Soft, breathy. A sigh just on the edge of hearing.
Roses in scarlet and crimson twined about the wood structure, curling up the columns and hanging in vermillion boughs at every opening. The air was scented with their perfume and even the light took on a pink tinge within the confines of that place. 
Chevalier’s heartbeat faltered a moment as the sound she made brought back a tumble of memories. Her parted lips, heavy-lidded gaze, soft breasts in the glow of afternoon sun. The feel of her skin beneath him. Perfect recall was not always a strength, he thought, mildly chagrined. 
He led her to the wood bench beneath the awning, a hidden spot, a favorite place to go and read without being disturbed. “Sit.” 
She sat down beside him, her smile more beautiful to him than the curtain of roses around them. There was no blossom to compare. “Thank you for showing me this, Chevalier. I get so caught up in palace stuff that I forget to enjoy being here.”
His snort of laughter was soft and not unkind. 
She nestled into his side with a happy sigh. 
“Here.” He fished his newest acquisition from an inner pocket. The slim volume had no title painted on the leather cover, nor an author’s name. “Read to me.” Chevalier kissed her temple, inhaling the scent of her.
“Mmm. Alright. What page are you on?” She raised an eyebrow, expectantly. 
“I have not begun it yet.” Her little gasp of surprise pushed his smile wider. “I thought to save it for you. Something to share.” He could feel the way her pulse sped at his words. The effect of such a small gesture of affection. Chevalier loved her reactions. 
She opened the book, flipping past the title page and the list of contributing authors. Eager to get to the meat of it, so to speak. “Ok. Umm, this one is . . . Come Slowly, Eden? It looks like - poetry?” Her head tilted to better regard him.
“I like poetry. Sometimes.” He couldn’t help the slight, teasing tone to his voice. “Go on.”
“Right. So - 
Come slowly – Eden! Lips unused to Thee – Bashful – sip thy Jessamines – As the fainting Bee – Reaching late his flower, Round her chamber hums – Counts his nectars – Enters – and is lost in Balms.”
She paused, read back through it again, her eyes tracing the lines, fingertips light on the edges of the pages. “Chevalier . . . is this love poetry?”
“Is it?” He raised an eyebrow. “Continue. Your question is better answered by the text.” Chev pulled her tight against his hip, settling his arm around her shoulders. 
“I had no idea.” She laughed. “Love poems. And you’ll remember every single line?”
“Of course, simpleton. Stop delaying.”
“Mhmmm.” She was flushed slightly now, her cheeks warm. “Next then.” She flipped the page, scanning the text with her eyes. 
“Carnal apple, Woman filled, burning moon, dark smell of seaweed, crush of mud and light, what secret knowledge is clasped between your pillars? -”  She paused, scanning all the way down the page now, gaze flitting from line to line, lips parted in mute surprise before she mumbled - “Kiss by kiss I cover your tiny infinity, your margins, your rivers, your diminutive villages, and a-”
Her breath trembled as she read and re-read the text. “Ah, let’s - let’s pick a different one, hm?”
“You don’t like that one?” His fingertip traced the edge of her ear.
“Chevalier!” She threw him a glare, though she knew he could see right past her faux-outrage.
“Pick another, then.” He watched as she thumbed through the pages, her eyes going wider with each printed line of dark ink. She didn’t seem likely to stop on one. Her shyness, even after all this time, amused him. As if there were any poems in this book more erotic than the love they made. “That one,” he chose for her.
She squirmed a moment and then surrendered. “You don’t even know if you like this one.” 
“I will know after you read it.” He rested his chin atop her head.
“Whatever happens with us, your body will haunt mine—tender, delicate your lovemaking . . .”
Her breath was shallower than usual, and he could feel the pounding of her heart against his chest. How silly and precious she was, this lover of his. Chevalier eased her onto his lap, enjoying the solid warmth of her pressing against him.
“Mmm . . .” She gave him a look that said she knew all too well he was teasing, but that she planned to go along with it. 
“like the half-curled frond of the fiddlehead fern in forests just washed by sun.”
Chevalier let his lips find the edge of her ear. Brushing her skin lightly there, his breath ghosting across her cheek. 
“I - I can’t concentrate when you do that. I thought you wanted me to read?” She wriggled defiantly, knowing exactly the effect such a motion would have on him.
He bit back the breathy groan and gave her the iciest look he could muster. “Read.”
The slight curl of her lips told him she was well aware of her effect, noise or no. 
“Your traveled, generous thighs between which my whole face has come and come— the innocence and wisdom of the place my tongue has found th- there—”
Her stuttering was more the effect of his teeth grazing her neck, than the text, he thought. Her skin was salty-sweet, a slight bitter tang from her perfume, sweat, and the deliciousness of her. 
She tried to ignore his touch, but focusing on the sensual language was no help. Her voice quavered as she read on. 
“the live, insatiate dance of your nipples in my mouth— your touch on me, firm, protective, searching me out . . .” 
Her entire face was hot now, and she licked the corner of her mouth with the tip of her tongue.
The gesture made Chevalier want to kiss her. “Is that the last line?” He knew it was not. He could see the page easily enough and had already learned the words by heart.
“No but . . . Chevalier . . . it’s -” She gestured to the book helplessly. 
“Read it to me.” He spoke the words against her skin. His rasping voice sent a trembling pleasure through her and she bit her lip in rebellion to it.
Her expression was one of internal conflict. The desire to give in to his demands and her natural defiance. “Alright. Here, 
your strong tongue and slender fingers reaching where I - I -”
Chevalier smiled as she stumbled over the final lines. Her breath was thready with excitement, and her heart sped faster still. He loved seeing her like this, nearly undone by a few words and light touches. Her reaction had nearly undone him as well. Though he hid it well - no blushing or gasping breath for him - his pulse was racing too, and a certain tension coiled in him. “Go on.”
She cleared her throat, 
“I had been waiting years for you in my rose-wet cave—whatever happens, this is.” 
Her eyes read over the words again, tracing the ink with her fingertip.
He lifted her hand from the page and kissed the tip of her finger, his lips and tongue and teeth tasting her. From one finger to another, her palm, her wrist. Chevalier wanted to devour her whole. To strip her here, in this blossom bower and love her with every part of him until every part of her was claimed. He nearly shook with restraint as he let go of her hand.
“Chevalier.” His name said with equal parts love and desire. She turned to face him, her fingers traced the line of his jaw. Brushed his lower lip, satin on velvet. Then she kissed him, soft and hungry. 
His arms went around her, pulling her closer. Heat like an August sun beneath the ice of his exterior burst through him. The moment stretched, shared breath and the possessive tangle of limbs and lips, tongues and teeth. Sighs stained the close-held air, petal-soft caresses kept secret by the gallery of roses. 
Come Slowly, Eden by Emily Dickinson
Carnal Apple, Woman Filled, Burning Moon by Pablo Neruda
The Floating Poem, Unnumbered by Adrienne Rich
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ikemenlibrary · 8 months
Night and Light (Ikemen Prince)
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Pairing: (mentions of) Licht Klein x MC (Emma) Summary: Nokto only wishes the best for his big brother on their birthday Word count: 1.3k A note from the author: Dusted the cobwebs off of an old fic I started over a year ago, just for a chance to share my love for the Klein boys on their special day. They really do just deserve the best.
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Night and Light.
Nokto and Licht.
Two twins who lost their way at a young age. The push and pull between them impenetrable, no matter how hard the other tries.
And believe Nokto, he tried. 
There used to be no use getting through to Licht. Nokto’d make a dumb joke at a meeting between the two factions and look to his other half, hoping to see a hint of a smile on his face. He was always met with an even gaze and downturned lips. If he tried to bribe Licht to have a brotherly chat with him with a plate full of sweets, Licht would accuse Nokto of having an agenda and walk away after grabbing a custard pie. Nokto did have an agenda, of course. But, he really just wanted to get through to his brother. When Nokto was around Licht for too long, he just wanted to grab his older brother by his shoulders and scream that He was hurting too. They should bask in the pain together, and help carry each other's pain. Nokto also knew that doing so was no good; forcing Licht to listen to anything he’s ever had to say only resulted in the black cloud of doom over Licht’s head to darken even more, the thunderstorm brewing more intimidating than any enemy Nokto has ever seen Licht off to face on the battlefield. 
But with Emma, Licht was different. She embraced his darkness, she didn’t try to get him to snap out of it, instead offering to show him everyone who would miss him, if he chose to leave them. Show him the things he was missing, such as love and kindness and sunlight - all things Nokto knew his big brother deserved more than anything. It wasn’t as if Nokto hadn’t tried to offer Licht those things; Emma was just… special. She went about things in her own way.
Nokto adored his sister in law. She was everything both of the Klein boys needed and more. She showed them both patience while they both worked to rebuild their bond, clutching tightly at Licht’s clammy gloved hands and offering Nokto encouraging smiles when Licht wasn’t responding. Thanks to Emma, the relationship had slowly started to regrow between the twins.  It wasn’t without problems though, since Licht knew Nokto loved Emma in his own way, there was tension there when Nokto would mention her unprovoked if they were alone. Licht would get pouty, and it was adorable, and Nokto would laugh carefree like he and Licht used to do when they were children and tease Licht about the fact that he was too easy to rile up. Licht would usually march off at that point, to find Emma and bury his pouty face into her chest, which only made Nokto’s heart swell with even more love for the both of them.
If the light in Licht's eyes went out on that day when they were kids, Emma flipped on the switch, once again bringing brightness to his blood-red eyes.
Nokto was currently being led down the hallway by Emma, Licht at his side. She was pulling them along, blindfolds secured tightly around their eyes as she told them how she planned something special for the both of them. 
“It’s your birthday so you can’t tell me no.” She pouted, tying the blindfold around Nokto’s eyes. It was the late afternoon, Licht was also in the room, and Nokto could hear him shift his weight from one foot to the other.
“I think it’s the other way around, Ems.” Nokto noted, his signature lazy smile falling onto his lips. “It’s my birthday so you can’t tell me no.” And just to get a rise out of Licht, he added: “We’re already off to a pretty good start though. Never knew you were into blindfolding. Pretty kinky if you ask–” Licht smacked the back of Nokto’s head, earning a soft tut from Emma as she pulled herself on her tiptoes to press a kiss to her sweetheart's cheek. “No one asked you, Nokto.”
“Behave boys,” Emma giggled, pulling Nokto up off the side of his bed with one hand, enveloping Licht’s with the other as she pulled them out of the room and down into the formal dining hall.
Light filtered back into Nokto’s blinded vision as Emma’s gentle hands untied the makeshift blindfold. Sitting at the table along Yves, Jin, Luke, and Leon were all of the sweets and pastries either of the twins could imagine. Nokto glanced at Licht, and he looked torn between fleeing, and wanting to sit himself down and indulge in the confectionaries his beloved obviously put her heart and soul into making that night after Licht went to bed.
“So this is where you went last night,” Licht murmured into Emma’s  ear, his arm wrapping around her waist as he led her over to sit at the table. Nokto’s brother was the perfect example of a gentleman, pulling out Emma’s chair and tucking her napkin onto her lap as she blushed. Nokto thought it was adorable that no matter how long they were together, they still made each other blush like it was their first date. 
It made Nokto wish to have something like that someday. 
“Well, happy birthday Licht and Nokto.” Leon mused after Nokto had taken his place at the table as well. “It’s been a while since we had a birthday party here for one of us, but Emma insisted.”
“Yeah, aren’t you two a little old for this?” Yves, haughty as ever remarked, and Emma snickered at his expression. 
“You’re never too old to have a lady dote on you, in fact, the older you get, the better it usually becomes.” Nokto noted, nudging Emma with his elbow as Licht shot daggers at his brother and moved to pull her chair further away from Nokto. 
“Does that mean you have evening plans tonight, Nokto? Because if you don’t, I was thinking we hit up that one tavern in town. You know, that one where I met that lady?” Jin put his hands in front of him, miming squishing, which made Leon and Nokto laugh. Luke was sitting quietly, pouring a little bit of tea into a cup full of honey. 
“Sure, I’ll take you up on that. All my drinks are going on your tab though. Maybe you can find me a nice lady to bring back tonight.” Nokto bit into a dariole - Licht’s favorite - and the flavor exploded on his tongue. “These are really good.” “Thanks Nokto. I made them special for today since I know they’re Licht’s favorite.” Emma remarked, placing her hand over Licht’s bare one that was laying on the table. Idle chat from there ensued, everyone careful not to breach the topic of conversation of previous birthday, instead focusing on the present.
Finally, Licht wiped his face with his napkin, a satisfied look adorning his lips as he stood up. “Thank you all for coming to join me and Nokto for some tea today. It was nice. And... thank you for the birthday wishes.” A small smile crept up on his lips and Nokto had to stop himself from clutching at his heart and exclaiming how cute his little big brother looked at that moment. “And Nokto?” Nokto’s eyes met his mirror, and he felt a similar smile crawl onto his lips. “Happy birthday.”
“Happy birthday, Licht.” He raised his hand in a lazy wave and with their final goodbyes, Licht and Emma were gone. And as Nokto looked out the window of the dining hall, he realized that Licht really took the light with him when he left; the sun had set, and Nokto only hoped that the moon would glow bright enough tonight that there’d be enough light outside for Licht and Emma to make it wherever they planned on going. That thought was enough for him to shove back his chair, and meet Jin’s expectant gaze with his own as he nodded his head and followed their eldest brother out the door.
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kaizoku-musume · 1 month
Mayday Hayday Gift Exchange
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I had the absolute pleasure of participating in this years' Ikeseries gift exchange hosted by @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes, and I got the wonderful @tulipsaisle for my giftee. She has a wonderful OC that was fun to write about and I hope I did her justice. Thank you all for the opportunity to join in on this amazing experience!
Fox Fashion
Shiloh scratched the tabby cat’s back, taking a break from running her stall at the day’s slow peak. It was so heartwarming for her attention to be rewarded with purring delight and affectionate head bumps.
Paying attention to the cat also had the added benefit of Shiloh being able to ignore Nokto Klein.
“Shi-loooooh,” Nokto sing-songed as though he’d not been yapping for the past five minutes about his latest conquest at some ball he just attended. Couldn’t he have picked a more interesting topic? It’s not like Nokto wasn’t a great storyteller: the way he could draw in a crowd as he utilized his honey-smooth voice and descriptive embellishments was near unparalleled, but he so often wasted his talents by telling tales no one wanted to hear, least of all Shiloh.
“Did you hear something, Minou?” Shiloh cooed at the cat, “All I heard was the wind. If only it would blow its hot air somewhere else, huh?”
“Come now, I’m sure there are better ways for me to put my mouth to use than just blowing air, hmmm?” Nokto purred. Shiloh clucked her tongue and turned her face away so he couldn’t see her red cheeks. She always struggled to think up a good comeback when he toed the line of vulgarity like that.
“Be honest, dear,” Nokto said, angling his body to try and catch a peek of her face, “is a cat you see every day really more interesting than a prince specifically stopping by to visit you?”
“Oh, of course not,” Shiloh waved Nokto off. She took a small toy mouse out of the pocket of her dress (it was worth  making friends with the best seamstress in town) and tossed it on the ground for Minou to play with. “If Licht were to stop by, I’d be happy to sit him down for some tea and snacks.”
“Just Licht?” Nokto prompted.
“Well, there’s also Leon, Jin, Yves,” Shiloh counted on her fingers as she listed everyone aside from Nokto, “I heard Prince Keith is a good conversationalist and knows a lot about flowers, I wouldn’t mind picking his brain about them, and there’s-”
“I think I get it,” Nokto said dryly, “so foxes rank pretty low under cats with you.” He reached out to boop Minou’s nose, causing the cat to scrunch her face adorably. “What am I going to have to do to make you change your mind?”
Shiloh raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief. “Do you really think you can compare with Minou’s gentle sweetness? Her precious curled feetsies?”
“I don’t think any human can compare to that,” Nokto admitted. That was suspicious. Usually he didn’t give up so-
“But I can show you a different kind of pleasure that’s just as delightful.”
-soon. “Unless you’re talking about the pleasure of silence, I’m not interested,” Shiloh said, dusting her dress as she stood up, ready to refocus on her shop.
Nokto laughed and said, “I’ll get you to admit my charms one day, Miss Hayes.”
* * *
“Ugh!” Shiloh groaned as she fanned herself with her hand, “Why can’t spring last longer?” Maybe she should upgrade from an outdoor stall to a shopfront-then she’d have more than just shade to protect herself.
At least she wasn’t suffering alone. Nokto had shown up minutes ago, having heard the same thing from Celine, the seamstress, about a surprise showing up around now. And Nokto wasn’t any better in the heat than she was. “I can easily say this isn’t my preferred method of working up a sweat,” he agreed, asking for the second time, “Are you sure you don’t want to close up and go to a cafe? I’d never imply you were anything other than a delight to look at, but you’re turning a shade of red that even I normally can’t get out of you.”
“No thanks,” Shiloh stood her ground, though there was a part of her that couldn’t deny being tempted, “but if you can’t handle it, I won’t think less of you for needing to escape to safety.”
“Such a kind offer. But I’m not callous enough to leave you out here all by yourself. Why, what if you were to feel faint under the-” Nokto sputtered a bit when Shiloh frantically shushed at him to be quiet, flapping her hands in his face. She’d just spotted Celine’s surprise trot around the corner.
“Oh. My. God!!!” she shrieked, taking in the sight of Minou in the most adorable little getup Shiloh had ever seen. Never in a million years would Shiloh ever imagine she’d see Minou in a dress, but here she was, watching the tabby proudly prance over to her, wearing a tiny, flowery-there were roses! And junipers!-green sundress, perfectly sized and aimed at making Shiloh lose her mind with cuteness overload.
“Well, that’s certainly something,” Nokto observed over Shiloh’s gushing, “That must have been a struggle, to wrangle a cat into that outfit.”
“It’s worth it,” Shiloh declared in awe, “she’s the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. And such a good idea! How many people would jump on the idea of outfits for their pets? Celine could start a whole line of clothing for pets-the fabric and labour costs would be much lower, too. Oh, she’s brilliant!” 
Nokto watched on as Shiloh began muttering about the process of the fashion industry and how it can accommodate Celine’s project. “This is what gets you going, is it?” he chuckled in amusement, “Regular clothes just aren’t enough for you anymore so now you need a tiny version to get excited over?”
Shiloh cut off her rambling, a hand on her hip as she addressed Nokto, “When a new line drops, I’ll be all too happy to talk your ear off about it. Don’t for one second think I’ve given up one of my big loves in life. But come on!” she gestured toward Minou, who was in the middle of grooming herself, “I challenge you to find anything cuter than a cat in a dress.”
“Sounds like a tough challenge,” Nokto said, a sudden gleam in his eyes, “what do I get if I win?”
That didn’t sound good at all. Shiloh eyed Nokto warily, wondering what the tricky fox was up to. But it wasn’t like she could take it back-withdrawing now would just make it look like she thought Nokto could actually do it. She would have to face this head on. “If you can succeed, I’ll take you up on one of your non-sexual! invitations.”
Nokto’s grin made her immediately regret her words. “Sounds like a deal. I hope you keep to your word.”
Ah, great. Shiloh blamed her poor decision on the awful heat.
* * *
Well, today was the day. Nokto had messaged Shiloh to let her know he was ready to show her something cuter, and Shiloh could only hope that he came up with something perverted; it would be a pain to deal with, but at least she lose and be dragged along on whatever plan he had up his sleeves. All Shiloh could do was count down the minutes until the time Nokto promised to arrive, her eyes boring holes at the street corner he should come down.
She’d wracked her brain, trying to think of every possibility available, but when Nokto finally rounded that corner, she realized nothing could prepare her. Shiloh slapped her palm over her mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing at the sight before her.
“Well?” Nokto twirled for her, the hem of the dress he wore flaring out with the motion, “What do you think?”
“Wh-why?” Shiloh wheezed behind her hand, still struggling not to laugh despite the realization that the dress actually looked good on Nokto. He’d gotten it tailored to his measurements and picked a colour that went well with his skin tone, so he was clearly taking it seriously . . . kinda. Nokto hadn’t passed up the opportunity to be as, well, slutty as possible: the dress was a slinky little number, the neckline was cut as low as physically possible, and there was a slit along his right thigh nearly to the waist, revealing pantyhose of all things! Why was he like this?!
Nokto struck a couple of unnecessarily sexy poses, “Because it’s clear that the only thing cuter than a cat in a dress is a fox in a dress, wouldn’t you say?”
Shiloh had a lot she wanted to say, such as “but you’re not an actual fox” and “then why didn’t you wear a cute dress?”, but none of that mattered more than telling him, “There’s no way this counts.” Nokto just smirked, like he was prepared to debate this all day if he had to, and Shiloh knew, with a dawning sort of horror, that she’d sealed her fate the moment she set up that condition.
Maybe she could still get something out of it if she convinced Nokto to wear a dress to whatever party he wanted to drag her to-at least that would give her something positive to look forward to in the face of her crushing defeat.
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violettduchess · 8 months
hii violett!!! yay october is hereee 🎃
and i’m here to put in a request for leon + superhero + fluff for your ikepri halloween costume challenge (please)
thank you 🦁💕
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A/N: Alright my sweet Leon lover. I promised you I was handling your request first and here it is 💜@leonscape I hope you like it and I hope you remember how very much I like you!
Any Pride and Prejudice fans, this one is also for you!
Leon x Reader, fluff
WC: 1.1 k
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Tonight is one of the last warm nights before autumn rises to claim control over the land. You’re snuggled up in bed, sipping a cup of chamomile and lemongrass tea, reading “Pride and Prejudice” for the hundredth time when a news notification pops up at the top of your tablet.
“Disaster averted, sinking boat mysteriously ends up on beach rather than the bottom of the ocean!”
A smile slowly lifts the corners of your mouth, not because of the lives saved, although of course that is certainly good news, but because you know the reason behind the mystery.
As if on cue, you hear the bedroom door of the penthouse open. Setting your tablet aside, you push yourself up in bed, glancing at the clock. Almost midnight. Later than you thought. Leon approaches the bed and you’re hit with the salty scent of sea water as he leans down, dropping a kiss to your forehead but otherwise keeping his distance.
“I need a quick shower,” he murmurs, a sheepish smile on his handsome face. His hair is still damp but his clothing, the black tank top and leggings he wears under his red and gold super suit are dry thanks to the suit's waterproofing.
“Did this suit survive or am I going to have to face Sariel’s wrath and ask for another one?”
Leon grins as he crosses his arms to grab the hem of his tank top before lifting it over his head, giving you a completely unimpeded view of a most impressive set of muscles.
“No worries, my love. I managed not to damage this one.”
He disappears into the bathroom and a moment later you hear the sound of running water. Leaning back, you reach for your tablet and tap open Comms.
The screen is blank for several seconds and then Sariel’s serious face appears. It may be late, but you know for a fact he is still up. The little green dot next to his name is rarely gone.
“He made it back. And the suit survived too.”
The Rhodolite Protection League’s manager nods and you note the way his shoulders drop a little as tension quietly unwraps itself from his body. Whenever any of the brothers go out, Sariel is always on edge until they return.
“He did a good job with the ship.” You notice the way his violet eyes dart away from the video, clearly looking at another screen, even as he speaks.
“Anyone else out tonight?”
He nods. “Licht is dealing with a case of animal abuse down at the racetrack. Jin and Nokto are intercepting a kidnapped heiress.”
"Of course they are."
But you also know that this means Sariel won’t be sleeping tonight. Not until all of his boys are safely home. A wave of sympathy washes through you.
“I won’t keep you then. See you at the meeting Sunday.”
He nods again, distractedly, and the video cuts out as you tap the chat window away.
A moment later, the bathroom door swings open and Leon walks in back into the bedroom, a towel slung around his hips, another in his hands as he dries the chaos of brown hair on his head.
“You reach him?”
Again the tablet is abandoned on the nightstand as you get up, walking over to him. There’s enough light pouring into the bedroom from the open bathroom door that you can now take a good look at him. He knows this routine, knows how important it is for you to make sure he is ok with your own eyes, and he remains very still, a patient smile on his face as you slowly walk around him like a patron inspecting a new car. Your gaze runs over his body, looking for injuries he may be too stubborn to tell you about, making sure that he isn’t hiding any pain. Because he does that, this man that you love. He will do whatever it takes to keep worry off the shoulders of those he cares about, even if it means he is forced to carry it alone.
“And, love? Do I pass inspection?”
You stop when you are facing him, looking up into those eyes of liquid sunshine. Your heart aches with love, every beat of it filling you with warm rays of tender affection as you reach up, trailing your palms over the smooth skin of his bare shoulders, down the muscled length of his arms.
“With flying colors, darling.”
His smile is the center of your universe, the glowing moon in your night sky.
He leans down, placing a gentle kiss to your lips, lingering there as he fully allows the moment to settle over him. The feel of your mouth against his, the scent of rosewater from your hair, the quiet of your shared bedroom.
It's moments like that keep him going, that provide the foundation of strength he needs for everything he does. You are as much the hero as he is. Your super power is loving him with endless devotion, unwavering passion and compassion as infinite as the heavens themselves.
Dropping both towels to the floor (and leaving them there til morning, a test of your boundless patience), he takes your hand and pulls you towards the bed. Once there, you settle back against the multitude of plush pillows and Leon slides under the covers and then over towards you, laying his head down against your chest. His arm wraps around you as he breathes out, holding you close.
Listening to your heartbeat calms him, especially after a mission. You run your fingers through his hair, now damp from the shower and smelling of his black walnut and cedar shampoo.
“Read to me?” His voice is a soft lull, already settling into the stillness of the hour, the protective cocoon of your togetherness. It flows through him like the gentle lapping of ocean waves on a star-filled summer night.
Your body curls down towards him so you can place a fond kiss right at his temple, his hair tickling your skin. Then you reach for your tablet with your free hand, flicking back to Jane Austen.
"Mr Darcy sat down for a few moments, and then getting up, walked about the room. Elizabeth was surprised, but said not a word. After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her in an agitated manner, and thus began- ‘In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed.’”
You pause, glancing down. Leon is sound asleep, his long body heavy and slack as dreaming takes over. His hand hangs over the curve of your hip, his cheek warm against your heart. A knot of pure emotion forms in your throat as you whisper the rest of the famous passage to him, soft as the lambent moon.
 “You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.'
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @portrait-ninja @queen-dahlia @scorchieart @nightghoul381 @ozalysss @xbalayage
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dandelionstars · 5 months
I started playing Ikemen Prince and I just have to say a couple of things bc this game is driving me crazy.
1. I’m annoyed that it’s “highly recommended” that I play through Chev first before just doing Nokto’s route bc it gives you “important information” like nooooo I want to do noktos route NOW and doing chevalier’s route is gonna take me like a MONTH but I also don’t want to miss out important info
2. Since, of course, I took a peek into the nokto route, why are my options like “A. Shut up! B. Get away from me C. I don’t like you!” Why is there no option to be a floozy on day 1???? Im just sayin,,,, he promised to seduce me and yet the game won’t let me be seduced????
3. Since I am reluctantly playing the chevalier route I’ve discovered that Im kind of into Clavis???? Why is it always the sly tricksters smh…. ALSO his name is LELOUCH???? Like code geass???
Anyways stay tuned for updates on whether I start to like chev or not I guess …
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maries-gallery · 11 months
Rio, Licht, Clavis and/or Nokto comforting mc when she’s having rlly rlly bad period cramps? I feel like Rio would be the absolute best at this ;;
Hi anon! Am sorry to hear you struggle with bad period cramps, I do too and know just how bad and incapacitating these can be :,) So I hope this can bring even the slightest bit of comfort!
Am going to sound like an old woman but a few things that work for me during this time of the month is to cancel coffee from my diet (as for some reason I find it makes cramps worse?), eat chocolate for the magnesium and try to add ginger to your diet too (it's full of good nutrients and actually really helps me personally). ANYWAYS ON WITH THE REQUEST!
(Keep in mind that I've undergone surgery like two days ago so don't know if this will be perfect writing, but I gave it my all <3)
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Rio just knows. 
He knows when your periods are around the corner before you even notice the changes in your own body. How? Because he tracks your periods, to be ready when the first signs of discomfort show themselves on your face. 
However this doesn’t prevent Rio’s heart from tightening in his chest every time he catches sight of you, crouched down and holding onto your stomach as cramps crash over you, features twisted in agonizing pain. 
And he wishes he could take your place, take away your pain and make it his own. As he hates seeing you like this. He knows there is close to nothing he can do to relieve you of mother nature’s burden. 
So Rio does his best to make this time of the month easier on you, less painful. Scooping you up in his arms and carrying you over to your room as soon as he catches sight of a pained frown between your brows. 
“I believe it is time for my mistress to lie down, isn’t it?” He says with a comforting smile, leaving no room for argument. His lips pressing a peck to your forehead as you snuggle up in his arms. 
You know it’d be useless to fight against your lover anyways, as once Rio has set his mind onto taking care of you, there is no denying him. He will take care of you, and you will let him.
All day long he remains by your side, ready to tend to your each and every needs. Anything you might need brought to you on a silver plate that he places on your bedside table. Painkillers, a glass and pitcher filled with fresh water, your favourite hot beverage that is not caffeine and some chocolate. Of course Rio hasn’t forgotten some extra pillows for comfort too, although he wouldn’t mind if you used him instead. 
Only ever leaving your side to refill the pitcher or cook you something he knows you'll like, something that warms the soul and bones.
He also knows you are probably worried about work, but not to fret, he took care of this as well and let Sariel know in advance that you’d probably be incapacitated for a few days. So Rio took it upon himself to claim your tasks as his in the meantime. By your side during the day and out taking care of your workload once the sun sets. 
Of course these weeks are always intense for him, taking care of both you and himself. But for your smile and happiness, Rio would gladly take on the world. 
“I’ve got you.” He says, cupping your cheek in his hand, placing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “You just stay here and rest. I am taking care of everything.” 
The first time he is confronted to your cramps, poor Licht is clueless.
Of course his heart aches to see you like this, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you twist and turn in bed in an attempt to alleviate your pain. His stomach falling over as another tortured groan comes from your throat. 
He remembers this one time Yves mentioned how sweets could make up for everything though, and he did hear that chocolate could help during that time of the month from Nokto. And although Licht is less than confident in his abilities in the baking department, he will try anything to bring a smile back to your lips. 
Even if it means destroying the kitchen and giving poor Yves a heart attack in the process. 
Fortunately though, the fifth prince is more than happy to help if it means giving a hand to his brother and relieving you of your pain. 
Licht spends the whole afternoon in the kitchens, listening to Yves’s advice as he chops chocolate and cuts fresh strawberries. Mixing melted chocolate with cloud egg whites, combining it into an even mousse and putting it into a bowl for you, placing the cut berries on top for a touch of summer and a pop of colour. 
Something simple and tasty, light and comforting. And something he knows will bring the grin he loves oh so much to your face.
So after putting the bowl on a tray with a glass of water and some painkillers, Licht goes up to your room, eager to soothe your pain and be back at your side. 
And his heart sings when you bring the spoon to your lips and manage a smile, when you finish the bowl and pop the last piece of strawberry in your mouth. But Licht also knows that nothing beats him lying next to you and hugging you close, the warmth of his hand on your belly to chase away the pain. 
The two of you falling asleep in each other’s arms, your cramps fading away in your lover’s embrace. 
As much as Clavis loves to share his exploits in the kitchen with his dear brothers and you, the love of his life, he knows that a trip to the kitchen would be the very last thing to do to relieve you of your pain. Making you sick with his concoctions would be the very last thing to do. 
So Clavis makes sure to take care of you in other ways, by keeping you happy and entertained, and healthy. 
Much like Rio, Clavis knows when your periods are about to start, not because he tracks them but because he is incredibly perceptive, especially when it comes to you, his darling. And no change in your behaviour or body goes by unnoticed by his attentive gaze. 
So when he knows the time is coming, he makes sure to get any work he might have for the week out of the way, diligent and efficient as ever in his tasks. As he won’t have anything standing between the two of you when you need him. 
He makes time for you, even if it means sacrificing days and nights for him to be by your side when the first cramps hit. 
“Didn’t you have work?” You ask, as he settles in bed beside you, draping an arm around your shoulders to let you lean against his chest. 
“Work? What work? My only job here is to make my darling fiancee feel better.” He answers with a smile that intimates you to just trust him. And you do, snuggling up to his side as his lips fall to your hairline for a kiss. “Now, where do we start? Has my darling drunk her water today?” 
Of course you haven’t, and that is why Clavis came prepared with a glass of water and some pain killers at the ready. 
“You know my dear, if you do not drink the cramps won’t get any better. And coffee does not count.” 
He remains by your side all day and all night, entertaining you with jokes and stories of his latest pranks played on poor Yves, with sweets he sneaked into his pockets from the kitchen. And with kisses stolen when you fall asleep in his arms. 
Nokto has dealt with his fair share of women, and for the first time he actually sees this as a chance. As it gives him the upper hand when dealing with your cramps.
Nokto knows what he is dealing with, knows what works and what does not.
He knows that pain killers are a must, all whilst knowing that letting you snuggle up to him in bed works just as much. And his hands work wonders on your cramps as they rest on your stomach and lightly massage the pain away. The heat of his palm spreading a comforting peace through your limbs as you relax in his arms. 
“Does it feel good?” He asks, arms around you as your head rests back on his shoulder, cocooned in his embrace. 
You answer with a light hum, eyes closed as you let his hands wash away the pain. And the softest of smiles graces the corners of his lips as he gazes down at you. 
However, Nokto isn't a stranger to the benefits of intercourse and pleasure on period cramps either, and if you are feeling up to it he is more than eager to relieve you of your pain with his talented fingers and tongue. 
Blood will not stop him, he does not care.
Your lips fall open in a sigh, Nokto's fingers slowly edging up your thigh as he holds you from behind, a towel neatly laid underneath you.
“Just lie down and let me do the work, okay?” He whispers in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple, "I promise this will feel good. And if you want to stop, just say the word."
He takes his time unravelling you, coaxing your release out of you, digits curving over your sweetest spot and thumb drawing gentle circles on your sensitive bud.
Until you either ask of him to stop or the cramps fade away replaced by the warmth of pleasure.
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @rhodolitesrose (some Clavis content for you <3) @candied-boys @altairring @outofthepapers (Rio fans for the win <3)
star banner by the wonderful @/saradika
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candied-boys · 1 year
Ikemen Prince
Head Canons
How many times can they cum?
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This has been rolling around in my head for days and I just had to get it out 🤭
You might anticipate he could cum at a ratio relative to his size or strength, ie a lot. After all, the bear is quite greedy when it comes to things he likes - honey, your attention, and… honey…
Yet in spite of how incredibly dedicated he is to thoroughly fucking you, he can only cum once. But be warned, he takes absolutely forever to get off. His stamina is unparalleled - for better or worse.
You can ride him all night if you want. He can keep you pinned up against the wall for hours without breaking a sweat. But you better pray he doesn't overstim you before he gets started himself or you'll be soulless well before he cums. Don't ever try to suck him off. You're jaw will break first.
Pretty virgin baby didn't do much by himself before he met you. Only the minimally required stress relief when his body demanded so. It's not exactly easy to get into the mindset and try to imagine someone who would want to fuck you when the whole country hates you almost as much as you hate yourself.
But with you he's learning he has more kinks than he even knew existed, and cumming until his mind is essentially non-functional is one of his favourites.
The best way to ruin him is to edge him all day long. A handjob in the morning beneath the covers, a boob job after lunch when you get a chance to steal him away to the gardens, a blow job under his desk when he insists on working longer than anyone else in the faction.
But of course, you never let him cum until after dinner when you can straddle him on the bed and grind down on him until he's a babbling mess begging you to milk him dry.
For the man renowned as the palace whore he can't cum nearly as many times as you would expect. He prefers to have his play things seeing stars rather than to shake with ecstasy himself. Pumping them full more than once only risks knocking them up anyway.
Besides, why should he bother exacting such a toll on his body when all he needs to do is to wind them around his elegant fingers just enough to get whatever it is from them he needs before he casts them aside.
It's not like cumming multiple times would make him sleep any better anyway. He's guaranteed to wake up at some ungodly hour of the night in a cold sweat from another nightmare no matter what.
At least that was the case until he met you. Now that he can finally let himself feel his own emotions he wants nothing more than the most sensual sex. The kind where he can hold your gaze while rocks so slow, so deep, and so gentle that the climax builds almost imperceptibly only to absolutely ruin the two of you at the end.
Unless he wants sex in the bath. That's always raunchy af and guarantees he'll fill you to the brim multiple times because the bath is always round one.
Though he used to fuck his hand over and over every night until his legs were shaking and he could hardly remember his own name, his only wish now that you're finally together is to obey your orders. This means he can cum as much as you want or not at all if that's what makes you happy.
If you want him to edge himself for a day, a week, or a month he'll do it in a heartbeat. If you want him to breed you until he's dehydrated, he will command his body by sheer will alone to keep making cum. He never goes soft. He's always praying for more. He would ask you to cock warm him 24/7 if he thought you'd say yes.
But usually he's content just to focus on your pleasure and lose himself in your sweet depths once or twice at the end.
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leonscape · 3 months
my honest thoughts/criticisms of chevalier
i’m gonna get canceled so hard for this. but it’s fandom and we are all allowed to share our opinions and discuss them
i know i am in the minority. of course we will always have a few people who like or dislike a certain thing so im not going to claim that im the only one that feels like this.
this is not to disrespect chevalier or his fans. i just wish to share my opinion and i know im subjecting myself to criticism as well. i’ll just cry about it later
you probably shouldn’t read if you don’t want to hear someone complain about chevalier 😅
but do read if you wish to see chevalier from the point of view from someone who isn’t a fan of his.
with his cold nature and emotions, as a reader, it is very difficult for me to develop a connection to him. he has nothing to latch onto.
i will go into detail on what i mean by something to latch onto so i will go off on a tangent here, feel free to skip this. for example on this idea of something to latch onto: with jin, the comedy is easy to connect to. his story is able to explain why he does the things he does and it does build up emotion between emma (or you the reader) and jin. with clavis, it is easy to admire his hard work. he also purposely pokes and prods to bother emma which brings out emotions. for leon, he brings comfort and warm emotions, it’s easy to get attached. yves is also quite comical as well, but he’s also very kind and it’s not hard to connect with him. licht, nokto, and luke’s stories are very heavy as it deals with abuse and negligence so it’s not hard to develop empathy for them.
for chevalier, he simply just is. no event has influence over chevalier. he is described as always being the way that he is. he was born a genius. he was reading books on complex topics, seemingly ever since he learned how to read. he always appeared emotionless; he sheds blood without batting an eye. it came to a point where it scared his own mother. he just has photographic memory. i know it’s possible for some to have such a thing, but it’s simply just given to him. i dare say he has never worked for anything in his life. everything has been given to him and he’s never struggled. if he’s so intelligent and everything is so easy for him, he doesn’t need to break a sweat in putting in effort. there is nothing to inspire a sort of connection. it’s hard to feel bad for someone who is quite apathetic and unbothered.
although, i do think it’s perfectly fine to have a character like this. there is a way to have chevalier be this inhumanly perfect person. for me, i actually really like the idea of him being into romance novels. it is very endearing and it does bring out a human side. but they don’t do anything with it! i say this because it feels like emma and chevalier’s relationship is one sided. all the effort is coming from emma. emma is the one that has to prove to chevalier the value of love. chevalier doesn’t do anything to contribute to developing the relationship. it’s only about emma proving its worth, thus it feels like the effort falls on emma alone. when he is shown to care about emma and have feelings for her, it feels unnatural to me. because how is he gonna develop an intimate relationship with some he’s known for one month, putting in little effort, when he barely has relationships with his brothers, where he puts no effort, and some of whom do care for him (i’m trying to get at jin who cares for him and leon who’s never expressed any fear when interacting with him.)
my overall point here is that it would be nice if we did have chevalier put in effort, or more effort if that tickles your fancy. have him imitate what he reads in books since he has no experience. this would make it feel like he is putting in effort and it would really highlight his charming clumsy affection. personally, i can really relate and connect to this; when i write romance, i mimic what i read and see in media because i have not experienced it for myself yet. it’s an easy fix but it means so much!
something i noticed is that many people say that, “chevalier never received love/affection from his parents, therefore he has a hard time expressing himself emotionally [we should praise him when he does so].” this is a sound argument, i agree with this, i do think he deserves praise. however, i cannot fully support this statement. he does the bare minimum and people applaud him for it because he has never known love and affection. take leon for example. now i am not comparing leon and chevalier because leon is my favorite, i am using leon’s story to draw this comparison. leon doesn’t know his parents, therefore he never received loved from them. his “adoptive” parents also never had a lot of love to give. it would be accurate to say that he never experienced love and affection. i bring these two points up to compare it to chevalier who also never received love from his parents. this shows that receiving love from one or both parents does not affect their characters here. you could even argue the same with sariel who has little to no memories of his own parents. although i guess you could also argue that the king became his father..
so to sum that all up, his cold nature and his inability to express emotions are not the result of the absence of parental love and affection. so for me, this argument feels like something that’s meant to make you pity chevalier, when the same could be said for leon which isn’t acknowledged at all.
another thing i find interesting is that we have interpreted chevalier’s memorization of the name’s of knights as an emotional thing. chevalier himself expresses it as an obligation as a royal and i just think it’s interesting how he looks at it from a duty standpoint versus our emotional standpoint. because it’s not explicitly stated, one could assume that he doesn’t do for an emotional reason, but rather it’s just his job to honor those that have died for the kingdom in service to the royal family.
something else that i think should be talked about is how chevalier is put on this weird pedestal. he’s always labeled as a genius while the other guys never get praised for their intelligence or accomplishments. it gets tiring to hear “chevalier is a genius” over and over in the game and it doesn’t hold any weight because every brother is quite intelligent. it’s also much more telling than showing.
chevalier and charisma: i have expressed this opinion before and i would like to take this opportunity to explain and defend myself. i think the word authoritative describes him rather than charismatic. authority still implies respect and loyalty. charisma on the other hand is closer to charm and likability. the reason why i disagree with the idea that intelligence equals charisma is because you can be dumb as a box of rocks and still have charisma. there is a reason why people love sweet himbo characters. intelligence isn’t the determining factor here, it’s about how likable you are. charismatic people (with good or bad intentions) make things sound good and inspire loyalty because they are charming, they are likable. not because they are smart. they are able to get people to follow them because they know how to use their charm to play their cards, they don’t need to be a genius to figure it out. if you have to change the definition of charismatic, then he’s most likely not charismatic. chevalier doesn’t try to be likable. he never explains himself and he just does what he deems as necessary, even if it’s not the kindest thing or if the majority doesn’t agree with him. therefore, charismatic is not an accurate description of his character.
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this was actually just a long rant and not helpful at all. i don’t think anyone is gonna read all of it anyway. ok im done committing social sui/cide
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yarnnerdally · 5 months
Well, there's nothing like some timely HCs. For the sake of not giving myself a headache, all of these are modern AU or medication for cold sores exists for plot purposes lmfao
Various suitors and their s/o who gets cold sores. Sticking to IkePri and Ike Vamp for this.
They are so upset you won't let them kiss you. So, so, SO upset. “But you'll start getting them, too!” They do not care. It's been two days of nothing but cheek kisses and, of course they still show you love in plenty of other ways 😏 but they miss kissing you so much it hurts. They do always defer to your comfort, making sure you have medication and stay nice and hydrated.
Arthur, Jin, Luke, Charles, Nokto, (Leonardo)
They knew you had a cold sore coming before you did and made sure you had your medication. They lectured you a little about keeping yourself healthy and less stressed, of course. They're not wary of your cold sore and they're secretly chuffed at how much care you put into making sure they won't get one, as well. They do little things to make sure you're comfortable: making sure your tea/coffee/cocoa isn't too hot, getting you a water dampened cloth after meals so you can clean it and re-apply your medication, etc.
Theo, Silvio, Chevalier, Faust, Mozart, Matthias, Sariel, (Leonardo)
Frets and fawns over you at first, maybe a light scolding about keeping yourself healthier. Reminds you throughout the day to apply your medication or asks you about it. They're also sad about less kisses but are quieter about it. They promise to make up for it ten-fold when you are better 😉
Yves, Licht, Jean, Comte
Somehow a blend of all three? Very thoughtful and quieter about how much they miss your kisses, but they don't pester you about remembering to apply your medication. Gives you plenty of kisses and teases that you can make it up to him later.
Will, Isaac, Napoleon, Leon, Vincent, Sebastian
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syneilesis · 1 year
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She has her hair tied up today, Yves thinks.
The woman grins brightly at him, phone clutched in hand. Emma—Yves had come to remember after she ordered the bitterest coffee with the sweetest smile—has graduated into becoming a regular, and a loyal one at that. At least four times a week and usually in the afternoons. She'd come with a book under her arm and a charming smile that never fails to trap Yves's gaze for seconds longer than he'd like to admit. The second time she came by, she complimented the pastries, which filled Yves with warmth and pride and something he couldn't identify. The only hint of it was the heat that pooled in his cheeks and the way he brushed off her praise with a stuttering denial.
"Good afternoon, Yves!" Emma greets, cheerful and sprightly, that has the barista look at her funny.
"You're too happy today," he says, already preparing Emma's drink despite her not even making her order yet. Every time Emma comes to the cafe she'd order the same coffee but with different pastries. After tasting Yves's brew Emma apparently fell in love, as she had gushed to him when she returned, two days later. That time, Yves dropped the paper cup he'd been holding, which caused Nokto—his co-worker during that shift—to guffaw, much to his embarrassment.
"Of course! I'm going to do something brave today."
Yves does a double-take. "Are you finally trying skydiving?"
"What? Oh, no! Not that kind of brave." She shakes her head before bringing up her phone. With a blush she says, "I'm actually going to text this guy I really like. Ask him out. I came here because I want to be in a place that gives me comfort and courage."
Midway through writing Emma's name on the cup, Yves falters. A guy she likes? Is there even one? Is it the blond guy who hangs onto Emma like a hyper golden retriever? That can't be—Yves has seen her repeatedly rebuff the boy, friendzoning him like one can't believe. If it wasn't the blond kid, then who...?
There's a twinge in Yves's chest that he refuses to examine any further, lest he comes away disappointed and broken. He swallows his unease and musters his own courage. "I-I see ..."
Emma goes on, oblivious to Yves's internal dissolution: "Yeah! Do you—would you help me text him?"
"W-What?" It's an effort to mask the distress in his voice. "Help you?"
"Yes. Do you want to see his picture?"
And what can he say to that? First and foremost, Emma is a customer, and Yves has to accommodate her wishes as a service employee. As they say: the customer is always right—in this case, seemingly right.
"Sure," Yves says, for a lack of anything to answer. At the very least he didn't sound like he ate Clavis's cooking. Small victories.
If anything, Emma's grin widens. She raises her phone a little more and turns it around.
Yves stares back at him through the camera screen.
His brows furrow in confusion. "Huh? Your camera's open, all I'm seeing is myse—oh."
It clicks, then.
A hot rush of hope and possibility takes over Yves's body, and he feels like floating on air.
"So ..." For the first time, Emma displays uncertainty, her smile straining and shrinking. "What do you think? Should I ask him out...?"
Words of denial and rejection clamor to escape his mouth, but Yves doesn't really think, doesn't really feel that. More than anything, he wants to say yes. Very, very much.
He tries: "I—"
"No flirting on duty."
The anticipation shatters, and Jin grins toothily at them, wagging his eyebrows in a way that summons a furious blush on both Yves's and Emma's cheeks.
"I—" Yves scrambles. "I'm going to get more coffee beans!"
He practically flies to the back door, leaving an amused Jin and a confused Emma. Yves wants the ground to open up and drop him all the way to the earth's core. He's giddy, he's terrified, he wants to burst into a song. He just hopes Emma's still there when he calms down and gets back.
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