#...wait. what if. what IF akira is infiltrating her palace on his own. when he runs into. you guessed it.
what if. i gave pt!sachiko a palace.
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cinnoasch · 8 months
Is it ok if I request an Akira scenario where he's helping Y/N achieve her 'true persona'? How would he react when she achieves her persona? Or, different case scenario, how would Y/N react to Akira's "new form" when he gains HIS persona. dunno if this would work out, I've kinda forgot parts of the plot of Persona so I don't rlly remember where or when exactly this happened-
A/N: Hi anon! I'm so so sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2427
Wish (Akira Kurusu x Fem!Reader)
You let out a sigh as you stare at your phone, occasionally typing some words and then deleting them a few seconds later. Tomorrow, the Phantom Thieves were going to steal Maruki’s treasure and fix reality once and for all. You were a bit nervous, but you had faith that things would turn out the way you hoped. The only thing that was bothering you however… was Akira. Besides the short conversations you had with the team during palace exploration, you hadn’t talked to him outside of that. You really wanted to, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to text or call him.
It was silly honestly. He was your boyfriend, yet here you were unable to talk to him. When you two first started dating, Akira told you that he would always be there for you, no matter what. Whether you needed to vent, talk or just wanted his company, he’d be there. Yet what about you? You hadn’t been there for him when he started the infiltration on Maruki’s palace. You had a hunch that things weren’t right from the start of the New Year, yet you couldn’t bring yourself out of that ‘perfect reality’. You wanted things to stay like that, even if he wasn’t by your side. Even if that was what you wanted the most.
Suddenly your phone rings, playing a ringtone you knew far too well. You glance at the screen seeing Akira's name and you answer hesitantly.
"Are you using our text messages as your grocery list again?" He asks.
“Wha- no, why would you ask that?”
“Well, you were taking a long time to type so I just figured you were typing your grocery list out.”
“I wasn’t typing out my grocery list for your information. Shopping’s the last thing on my mind right now.” You sigh. “Anyways, how’d you know I was typing? Were you waiting for me to text you?”
Akira chuckles, “I mean when your girlfriend suddenly cuts you off, a guy can’t help but wonder if he did something wrong.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Akira. It’s just… you know things have been hectic. We’ve been so busy lately with Maruki and everything else.”
“So busy that you can’t talk to me?”
You stay silent. He was right after all. Akira had made sure you all finished planning out a path to the treasure long before the deadline. You had plenty of time to talk to him, but you just felt guilty every time you thought about it.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He sighs. “It’s just… I miss you;, you know? We’ve barely talked since this whole thing started. And I’m not blaming you, it’s my fault too but if there’s something wrong, I want you to tell me.” 
“I know, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worry. I know it’s late, but I want to talk to you… can I come over?”
“No need, I’m already heading your way. Just wait for me, okay?”
You hang up and put your phone down on the couch next to you. You were glad that he called but you also felt terrible. The last thing you wanted to do was make him worry, make him feel as if he did something wrong. You hated hearing him like that. Sure, you two had your fights sometimes but this was different. Not only did you betray his trust, but you broke your own promise to him.
Akira must have been closer than you expected because a few minutes later you hear a knock on the door. You go to open it, greeting him with a smile. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replies a bit out of breath. “You weren’t waiting long, were you?”
“Please tell me you didn’t run here.”
“I didn’t. Definitely not.”
You roll your eyes as you pull him inside and close the door behind him. “Liar. Come on in, before you catch a cold.”
Akira chuckles, “I only did what you told me to. Besides, I was going to show up uninvited, but I’m glad I called you first.”
“So that’s why you said you were already headed over… Well, thank you for calling first.” You clear your throat. “Anyways, um, sit down. Would you like some tea or hot chocolate?”
He shakes his head, “No thanks.” Then he takes a seat on the couch, patting the empty space next to him. “Come here. You don’t have to be so nervous.”
“I’m not nervous…” you mumble as you sit down next to him. “Okay maybe a little, but it’s just because we haven’t talked like this in a while. Like… a serious conversation like this.”
“Would you believe me if I told you I was nervous too?”
“No. You’re always so calm and collected. If you are, I can’t tell.”
“Then here,” Akira says, taking your hand and placing it over his heart. Even through his winter coat, you could feel his heart beating at a quick, steady pace. You glance up, meeting his gaze as he smiles softly. “Now, do you believe me?”
You nod, unable to tear your eyes away from him. Just how lucky were you to have someone like him in your life? Someone that easily washed away the doubts in your mind with a single action. Someone that was so kind to you even after how you treated him. With a simple action and a smile that melted your heart, Akira washed your guilt away. It’s hard to believe that your ‘perfect reality’ didn’t have him by your side. 
“If you keep staring at me like that, we might not get any talking done at all.”
Drawn out of your thoughts, you quickly pull your hand away from Akira’s chest. “S-sorry, I was just thinking…” 
“It’s okay. Still nervous?”
You shake your head. “Nope, nerves are all gone. Thank you.” With a deep breath, you start. “Well, first of all, I wanted to apologize for how I’ve been these past few weeks. I didn’t mean to cut you off like that, and my intention wasn’t to make you think you did something wrong. It’s just… I felt guilty.”
“Mhm… the truth is, I knew from the beginning that this reality was off. I’m not sure how I knew, it was just a hunch really. But, instead of telling you, I pretended to not know. It’s just seeing everyone so happy… it wouldn’t feel right taking that away. Yet in the end, I guess we all made up our minds anyway…” You look down at your hands, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. “The main thing is that I should’ve been there when you first infiltrated Maruki’s palace. And yet I wasn’t. Despite you always being there for me, I couldn’t even be there for you…”
“So you knew…”
You nod, feeling Akira’s gaze. You knew that if you looked at him, you might just end up crying. He didn’t sound mad, if anything it was more surprise and slight disappointment. To be honest, you weren’t sure why you made that choice of not telling him. Maybe it was just how you were, you always had a habit of hiding things from people, even if you didn’t mean to.
To your surprise he ruffles your hair, and you look up, seeing him smile. “I’m not upset. So don’t look so sad. I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t tell me, but it sounds like you had your reasons, right?”
“...yeah. I didn’t want to see our friends have what they wanted the most taken away from them.”
“And what did you want? You probably weren’t affected by Maruki’s reality because you didn’t have it.”
“I…” You hesitate. Would it be selfish of you to say what you wanted? He was already right here next to you. Just like you wanted originally. However, voicing your thoughts aloud was different. If you told him, what would he think? 
“There’s that look again.” Akira says with a small chuckle as his gaze turns towards the ground. “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me now. Or ever, if you don’t really want to. But just know that whatever it was, it wasn’t selfish of you to think that way… I mean, all of us, me included, we have our selfish ways, don’t we? That’s why this ‘perfect reality’ came about anyways.”
It wasn't often, but very rarely you saw this type of expression on Akira. It was distant, but there was also a feeling of longing. As if he was trying to come to terms with something. 
“...perfect reality…” You mumble quietly. Then your eyes widen in realization. 
Tonight was the last day for Maruki to contact Akira. You felt stupid for forgetting something so important. Then you look at Akira. Did he have that same look throughout all of this? That look of loneliness? That look easily told you who else was on his mind.
"Maruki contacted you… right? To be honest it slipped my mind… even though it was something so important."
Akira nods. "Yeah, he contacted me."
"And Akechi was there too?"
He looks at you surprised. "How did you-"
"The look on your face. The last time I saw you with that expression was when he died. You two were really close, huh?"
“...yeah.” Akira sighs. “Somehow, Maruki heard of what happened to him and in order to give us another chance at being friends, this reality came to life.” Akira runs his hands through his hair. “If we don’t go through with taking back our reality… Akechi will be alive, and if we don’t… well the answer is obvious.”
You stay silent, not sure of what to say. What could you say to this? 
“It’s a lot to take in, right? You’d think it’d be a simple decision after everything. But when someone’s life is being used like that…like a bargaining chip… it just feels wrong.” Akira shakes his head slightly and glances at you. “What would you do if you were me?”
There was that expression again. How were you supposed to answer him when such a sorrowful expression painted his face?
“I…” You begin hesitantly, trying to find the words to say. “I’d go through with what we started. Of course, using someone’s life like that is just wrong, but I think it’d be best if we went through with it. I think Akechi wouldn’t be able to stand knowing that we turned our backs on what we originally planned to do. If we did that… it’d just seem like his sacrifice in Shido’s palace was for nothing… at least that’s how I feel.”
Akira chuckles, “Sounds about right.” He sits up, leaning his head back to stare at the ceiling. “I thought the exact same thing.”
“You already gave Maruki your answer then… So why ask for my opinion?”
He hums in thought, a smile appearing on his face. “Because your opinion is important to me. Why do you think I was in such a rush to get here, to talk to you? During this whole thing, I’ve heard everyone’s opinions on what they thought we should do about this reality. Yet the one person whose opinion I wanted to hear the most, the person whose opinion is the most important to me, never contacted me to talk.” Akira turns to you, a soft expression on his face. “You know I’ll always be here for you right? No matter what. So don’t keep your feelings or thoughts locked inside.”
You blink a couple of times, feeling tears start to prick at your eyes again. You chuckle slightly as you look away from him. “You sure do have a way with words. Makes sense that you’re our leader…” With a sigh you face him with a smile. “I’ve made up my mind. No more keeping to myself. It wouldn't be fair to you, making you worry. I want to be someone you can rely on too.”
You couldn’t explain it but somehow, you felt different after you told Akira that. As if your soul felt stronger somehow, as if a voice in your head told you that you had changed. You weren’t exactly sure what this feeling was, but you knew that you wanted to give back to Akira after all he’s done for you.
You hear him chuckle, about to say something but you place a finger on his lips. “Nope, I know what you’re gonna say. That you already rely on me for a lot, but let me have this okay? I want to trust in this feeling that I have, that I can be stronger for you and the team. If I can’t truly confide in you, then who am I to even wish for you?”
“You… So that was your wish?”
“I-” Your face reddens in embarrassment as you take your hand away from his face and avert your gaze. You didn’t even realize what you had said.
“Oh, what happened to ‘no more keeping to myself’?” Akira teases. “C’mon, be honest now.”
Your face reddens even more as you look down at your hands, mumbling slightly. “I wished for you.”
“One more time? I couldn’t quite hear you.”
“I wished for you! There, happy?” You shout as you look at Akira. He had the widest smirk on his face. You grab the pillow next to you and smother him with it. “Wipe that grin off your face…”
“What? A guy can’t be happy that his girlfriend wished for him? You don’t have to be so embarrassed. Y’know it’s cute that you’d wish for something you already have.”
“Just please… shut up.”
He laughs and suddenly you feel his hands on yours as he lowers the pillow so he can look at you. “But seriously, I’m really happy you told me, even though you said it without realizing. You said it with such conviction, I wasn’t sure if I heard you correctly. You feel… stronger.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“Mm, I think I can prove otherwise.”
You laugh as you look up, meeting his eyes again. “Yeah? And how can you-”
In one swift motion, Akira closes the gap between the two of you, his lips pressing onto yours. It was quick and sweet; you didn’t even have the time to react with how fast it happened.
As he leans his forehead against yours, you can hear him whisper, a bit of playfulness laced in his voice. “Believe me now?”
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letsplayballet · 1 year
so uh. this post didn't get a whole lot of attention but it did get just enough for me to start trying to write some other scenes. this piece is pretty different vibe-wise, and i'm pretty sure it's not done, but i'm tired of looking at it so!!
“Have I told you that my father was a cop?”
Akira stops, losing his mental grip on the rest of the sentence he’d been writing for his literature assignment for Kawakami. Glancing up from the paper, he sees Makoto sitting tense as a coiled spring on his perpetually dusty couch, knuckles white on her pen, staring through the textbook in front of her as if she could see into the café below their feet. If it weren’t for Morgana’s perked ears from where he’d been half asleep on the table, Akira could almost believe that she hadn’t said anything at all.
It had been a little strange, when Makoto had shown up hours early for their planned infiltration of Futaba’s palace. She’s his teammate, and he trusts her implicitly, is willing to put his life in her hands- if she’d shown up that morning asking him to go backpacking across China with her, he would only have asked if it could wait until after they’d dealt with Medjed. But despite all this, they haven’t had a lot of time to spend together individually, and Akira gets the sense that there’s still a lot he doesn’t know about her as Makoto, as opposed to Queen.
And she hadn’t asked to do anything drastic. Hadn’t asked anything at all, actually. Just stood in the entrance to Leblanc silently, exactly 15 minutes after opening, until Akira (remembering all I am is a burden to her, remembering the faintest gleam of guilty relief in her eyes when telling them I haven’t seen my sister in days) finishes brewing coffee for the both of them and just as silently brings her upstairs to his room.
They’ve been working on their summer homework for nearly an hour, quiet but not uncomfortably so. This is the first either of them has broken the silence, and it’s pretty clear that whatever is on Makoto’s mind has been weighing on her for a while.
Realizing she’s still sitting there, tense and unmoving, Akira clears his throat a little. “Once, I think? You said he’d worked the beat in Shinjuku.”
Makoto lets out a long, measured breath through her nose, and her jaw unclenches ever so slightly. It’s another few moments before she speaks again.
“He was. He was actually a really instrumental part of the Shinjuku Cleanup Operation.”
She stops again. Bites her lip. Her pen shifts slightly in her grasp.
“I… Growing up, I thought of him as a hero, you know? Idolized him, even. I didn’t know much about his job, not really, but between the few things he shared and what I would always see on shows, I definitely had this golden, untouchable image of what he did. Hunting down criminals, bringing justice to the world… I wanted so badly to be just like him.”
There’s a faint, fond wistfulness to her tone that makes Akira intensely grateful for her still-distant gaze, forcing his breathing to remain calm and even as he gently sets his own pen down and hides his shaking hands in his lap. For a moment he’s overwhelmed –
that dark, ugly fury rising up in him, blinding, screaming see, you can’t trust anyone, as if anyone would give a fuck about you when you’re nothing –
the sense memories of hands too-tight grabbing pulling and concrete hard and cold against his face –
until his battle instincts kick in and he’s able to bring his mind back to his body in the (conditional, relative) safety of his attic room. This is Makoto. She’s not an idiot, and she’s not frivolous with her words, still learning she can say more than the bare minimum she absolutely needs to. If she’s saying all this, to him of all people, then there’s something important in there.
Thankfully, Makoto has lapsed into silence again, too lost in organizing her thoughts to notice his slip. He can feel Morgana’s eyes on him, though, and makes a mental note to block out his evening for that conversation just as Makoto continues.
“When he-” she pauses once more, swallows. “When he died on the job, a few years ago, I only became more motivated to follow in his footsteps. I was… so convinced that there was some nigh-unstoppable tide of evil out in the world, that the police were gallant figures holding the line, and if I joined the police I could…”
“You wanted to help people,” Akira says quietly, filling in as Makoto trails off. Like you needed to be helped, he doesn’t continue, because maybe he’s projecting, though the resonance of his bond with her makes him think he probably isn’t.
Makoto gives a little self-deprecating scoff, turning to look at him for the first time. “I’m sure I sound like some naive idiot, don’t I? I even-” she barrels forward, frustration entering her voice, before Akira can even think to say anything in response, “- I would see stories of corrupt officers, mistreatment, false convictions, and every time I would write it off, or come up with excuses. But then I met you, and none of my excuses sat right even before I tried to blackmail you about dealing with Kaneshiro, and when his men grabbed me off the street the cops at the corner just watched as they forced me into the car and -”
The pen in Makoto’s hand snaps loudly, causing all three of them to jump as shards of plastic clatter across the table.
There is a long, frozen moment where everyone stares at her still-clenched fist and the crooked end of the pen barely kept in place by her grip. It’s broken only when Makoto lets out a loud, shuddering breath and drops the ruined remains of the pen to the table. Morgana makes a quiet noise and stands, crossing the table and sliding into her lap as Makoto presses her own hands to her face in an attempt to compose herself.
Akira gives her a minute, gathering and tossing the pen in the trash and wiping up the few stray drops of splattered ink before sitting next to her on the sofa. He leaves a little space, just in case – but it’s quickly closed, Makoto pressing her shoulder against his, Morgana’s purrs loud and soothing between them.
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rafor · 11 months
Chapter 47 - Families - The Glitch
The prophecy unfolded with each passing day, with every change marking a new step in the grand design. I could not see it, but I sensed that everything was preordained. Akira and Fyrenthos never left the kingdom after their arrival. They made it their home and their mission. They became emissaries for our realm and our ally Aura, venturing into the lands of the Hidden Shadows, as they dubbed them. They had a way of finding and infiltrating those dark domains using weapons they had acquired from their previous conquests before they came to us. That was how Akira learned to summon her light sword, a deadly blade that could slay any creature with a dark element, even me. She had used it to kill countless shadow dragons in her crusades. In time, they had a son, born around the same time as our own additions to the family: two twin female dragons named Juno and Luna. They were identical in appearance, almost impossible to tell apart. But as they grew older, their personalities emerged, and they were also alike in that regard: same preferences, same style, same bond. They were inseparable twins who did not care much for Akira and Fyrenthos’ son, whom they called Flynn. He was a half-blooded light fire dragon, the opposite of our twins, who were half-blooded shadow wind dragons. Flynn had red and white scales with markings like his mother’s, while Juno and Luna had dark scales like mine, with white patches on their chests and purple accents on their wings. The underside of their wings resembled mine as well, like a starry night sky. They both bore a moon-shaped mark with a V on their bodies, essentially both mine and Freya's markings together.
Having a son was a mistake for Akira and Fyrenthos. They were too busy with their quests and could not give him the attention he deserved. They asked us to help them raise him, and we reluctantly agreed. We were not babysitters, but we hoped that maybe our daughters would befriend him and make him feel welcome. They had other plans. Zephyrion tried to be a good brother to his sisters, but they often ignored him or mocked him. He was mature enough to not let it bother him too much, and he did his best to cope. We also relied on the caretakers who lived in our palace—the same ones who technically saw me grow after the dark crystal accident. They were like nobles without authority, living comfortably at our expense and waiting for our orders or requests. They also served as tutors for the young ones. Juno, Luna, and Flynn learned how to read and write at an early age, but they did not learn about the elements yet. That was something they would learn later at the academy or by accident, which was more common than one would think.
Flynn often asked us about his parents, wondering where they were, why they were not with him like we were with ours, and what gave him the right to live like royalty when he was not one. We had to invent a story based on what we knew about Akira and Fyrenthos to keep him from worrying too much about them. We made him see his parents as heroic dragons who were doing important work for the greater good and who might return someday. We hoped he would look up to them and maybe follow their example in the future.
Zephyrion had befriended Kari and discovered his talent for creating health crystals. One day, as he was admiring his collection, he accidentally imbued one of them with healing power. Kari was impressed and asked us if he could rely on Zephyrion for the health crystal supplies instead of always asking me to spare five minutes of my time to transform a whole room of elementless crystals into elemental ones. This included the dark crystals, which we had learned to handle with care. We agreed, as long as Zephyrion was willing and cautious. We didn’t want him to suffer the same accident that had befallen me long ago.
We were on our way to see Solara with the kids in tow. We wanted to update her on their progress and remind her more than once that there were two new shadow dragons in the kingdom that she shouldn’t attack. As we walked, Flynn suddenly stopped and stared into space. He seemed to be in a trance, oblivious to his surroundings. Juno and Luna teased him with various jokes, but he didn’t react. Freya looked at me and asked, “What is going on?” I shrugged and said, “I don’t know. He looks like he isn’t with us right now.” He was indeed in another reality, one that only he could see. He started talking to someone and moved on his own, following an invisible guide. We tried to stop him, but he passed through us like a ghost. We couldn’t call for Akira’s help since she was away from the kingdom at that moment.
I stepped in front of him and touched his head with my finger using the light element, which glowed with light. He halted and said, “What? Who is touching my head?” He waited for a response, but none came. I asked, “With whom are you talking?” He heard me and said, “It’s you, King Nox?” I nodded and said, “Yeah, it's me; what are you seeing?” He explained, “There is a very nice dragon just like you who wants to show me something.” I asked, “Do you know his name?” He replied, “He calls himself Zeno.” I recognized the name and said, “Oh, I know him. Can he hear me?” He relayed my question and then said, “No, he can’t. Can you?” I shook my head and said, “No, I’m afraid I can’t. Anyway, could you ask him to bring you back to reality, please?” He repeated my request and then said, “Zeno said he’s happy to hear from you.” That wasn’t the answer I hoped for, so I said, “Please tell him that I’m glad too, but please bring you back to reality.” He conveyed my message again, but then I got another reply: “Zeno asks if you want to join us.”
Freya and my daughters heard that. I looked at them, unsure if I should accept the invitation or not. I asked them, “Maybe I should check this out. Is that okay?” Freya nodded and said, “Just do it. I’ll take care of them while you bring him back.” I thanked her and said to Juno and Luna, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be right back.” They wished me good luck and let me go. I turned to Flynn and asked him, “Please ask Zeno how I can reach him.” He did so and then told me, “Use the light element on both of us.” So I did. I turned both of us into glowing white smoke, and in an instant we were there: in another place, in the bright city where Zeno awaited us. I greeted him: “Hi Zeno, it’s been a while.” He smiled and said, “Hi Nox. Sorry for disrupting your day a bit. It's nice to see you.” I waved it off and said, “It’s fine. But next time, you could warn me first. Maybe.” He apologized and said, “It’s not easy to contact you when you’re busy here. Forgive me."
We had a long conversation about Flynn. Zeno had a special gift that I had failed to notice when I first arrived here, but I could hardly blame myself given the chaotic events that had transpired then. Zeno led us deeper into the city until we reached a dazzling light bulb perched on a golden stand, surrounded by guards. They demanded our identities, and Zeno spoke on our behalf. “This is Raphael Nox, the king of the kingdom of the Whispering Wind and a key figure in the greater prophecy. And this young dragon is Flynn, the offspring of the light dragon Akira and the pure fire element Fyrenthos.” The guards nodded respectfully and said, “Welcome, Raphael Nox and Flynn, to the core of the bright city. May it reveal to you the way.” They gestured for us to approach the light bulb, or the core, as they called it. Zeno explained, “This is a device that allows us to communicate with the eternal afterlife and much more. If you touch it, you can converse with those who have departed from this world.” Flynn’s eyes widened in wonder, and he exclaimed, “No way, that sounds so cool. Can I try it?” Zeno smiled and said, “Sure, go ahead.” I felt a pang of apprehension as I watched him move towards the core. It shone like a star, and I feared that it might harm me if I touched it since I was not a pure light dragon. I still remembered the pain of the light sword that had pierced me. Flynn placed his hand on the core and began to glow. He said cheerfully, “Hi, I’m Flynn. Nice to meet you.” We could not hear what the voice on the other side said, but he seemed to be listening attentively. Then he said politely, “I’ll let you rest in peace now, goodbye!” and withdrew his hand from the core. I asked him curiously, “Who did you talk to?” He shrugged and said, “I don’t know, but they were very nice.” Zeno then turned to me and said, “It’s your turn now, Raphael. Come on, give it a try.” I hesitated and asked nervously, “Is it safe?” He assured me, “Of course it is, unless you’re some kind of dark lord, but you’re not, are you?” I shook my head and said uncertainly, “I don’t think so. I hope not.” He encouraged me, saying, “You’ll be fine. Trust me.” So I gathered my courage and did as Flynn had done: I touched the core with my hand, and instantly I saw a vision of a realm beyond reality, populated by all kinds of creatures, not just dragons.
I moved silently between the strangers, feeling like an outsider. None of them acknowledged me or showed any sign of recognition. I was just a lost soul among the crowd. Then my eyes caught a glimpse of a dragon that resembled Freya, and I approached her cautiously. “Hi, I’m Nox. Who are you?” I asked politely.
She turned to face me and said, “I’m a queen, or I was, of a beautiful kingdom.” Her voice was regal and dignified, but also tinged with sadness.
“Are you a wind dragon?” I inquired, noticing her sleek and graceful form.
“I was a wind dragon. What are you instead?” She countered, scanning me with curiosity.
“I believe I’m a multi elemental creature, not only a dragon.” I answered, feeling a bit awkward.
She raised an eyebrow and said, “Oh, and who are you other than a dragon?”
“A human, I guess.” I said hesitantly.
She sighed and said, “Oh, a human. I remember them. Little creatures.”
I was surprised that she knew what a human was, so I asked eagerly, “How? I never saw one. I thought I was the only one.”
“They don’t exist anymore. I’m afraid we made them go extinct for good.” She said solemnly.
“Really? Are you sure we’re talking about the same kind of creature that I mean?” I asked, hoping she was mistaken.
"They were smart living beings that could stand on two feet, hold tools, and make them. They developed technology. And they were quite aggressive. Not all of them, but a good part of them were.” She explained.
“Ok, I think we are talking about the same creatures. I’m sad to hear that. So you were slayers of humans?” I asked, feeling a pang of guilt.
“Personally, no, but my soldiers were. We were often attacked by humans, but we fought them back and eventually won the battle for supremacy in this world.” She said proudly.
“Oh, congrats. I’m glad you did. Anyway, who was your daughter you were talking about?” I asked, changing the subject.
“Yeah, my little lovely daughter. Her name was Freya. I think she’s still somewhere out there, maybe.” She said wistfully.
“Oh, I know her. She’s the queen of the kingdom of the Whispering Wind now, and I’m the king. She’s my wife. I hope you're ok with that.” I said happily.
She looked at me with astonishment, then smiled warmly and said, “I’m glad to hear that. I hope you’re happy together.”
“We are, really. And you know what? You’re also technically a grandma.” I said cheerfully.
She laughed and said, “That sounds nice. I hope things are good for you. Now I have to go. Goodbye, Nox.”
I said, “Wait, where?” but she vanished before my eyes. I was stunned by her sudden departure and felt a surge of emotion. What did I say wrong? Why did she leave me in the middle of the conversation? I didn’t know, but Zeno asked me, “So, how was it?”
“Awesome and awful at the same time.” I replied honestly.
He frowned and said, “Sigh, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, really. Thank you anyway.” I said gratefully.
He then said, “Ok, we’re done here. If you want to get back, reach again for the portal, just like last time. You should remember the way.”
I thanked him and said, “Yeah, I do. Thank you, and if you get to show us something again, please warn me next time. I don’t want to see a little young dragon like Flynn wandering around, getting lost, and going through buildings. Right Flynn?”
He said sheepishly, “What? I don't understand.”
"You were both here and in the real world, going through buildings and us like a ghost.” I said sternly.
“Oh wow, awesome.” He said excitedly.
“It’s not really awesome. It’s wrong. Come on, it doesn't matter; let’s get back home.” I said firmly.
"Ok Nox. Thank you, Zeno. See you soon.” He said cheerfully.
Zeno gave us a simple and somewhat sad wave, and we went back to the square and entered the portal back to the city. Again, a bright light drew the attention of many, but it was becoming more normal over time.
As soon as we returned, Freya greeted us with a relieved expression. “Great, you’re back, finally.” She sounded impatient.
“Did something happen while we were away?” I inquired, sensing her anxiety.
She shook her head. “Nothing. Everything is fine. Anyway, Juno just learned how to transform into a shadow and back into his original form.” She gestured towards Juno, who was grinning proudly.
I smiled at him. “Oh, but that’s good news. How was it?” I asked.
She exclaimed, “It’s so cool!” and demonstrated his new skill by turning herself into a shadow and jumping on me. I laughed and hugged her. “Glad to see you happy about it. If you want, I could teach you some tricks with it.”
Luna was there too, watching us with envy in her eyes. She wanted to learn the same thing as her sister, but she hadn’t mastered it yet. I tried to reassure her. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You’ll learn it too, sooner or later. You can still take notes while I teach your sister,” I suggested.
She muttered, “Fine, lucky Juno,” and rolled her eyes.
I felt a pang of guilt for not being more attentive to my family. I was still distracted by the events that had transpired earlier. Meeting the core of the bright city was nice and all, but it didn’t reveal much. I didn’t tell Freya about the person I had encountered there. I didn’t want to dwell on it. Her mother was terrified of me. I could see it in her eyes, her body language, and how she avoided meeting my gaze. I wondered if maybe I looked different somehow, and what exactly was frightening her so much. I couldn’t come up with an answer, so I tried to forget about it.
But there was something else that bothered me more. What was that thing about “humans used to exist in this world”? Did they really exist?" I couldn’t find any evidence of them. The books didn’t mention them, and there weren’t any remnants of their civilizations, or at least none that I recognized as such. I felt a strong urge to research this mystery. I wanted to understand what happened to humankind and why it had to be eliminated.
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philliamwrites · 4 years
i could make you need me all the time (pt.2)
Fandom: Persona 5
Pairing: Akira/Akechi
Tags: #justice rank 8 spoilers, #slight angst, #persona 5 royal spoilers, #new semester spoilers
Words: 3.4k
Summary: Akechi is counting numbered days, preparing himself for the end. Akira being himself doesn't help.
Note: Part 2 | Inspired by ‘Make it Holy’ by The Staves.
i could make you need me all the time
    Lavenza is not what Akechi has expected. Not that he’s expected anything specific in the first place, but a little child with golden eyes, staring at him with such an intense gaze that he is the one looking away first, is new. Akira being too prying for his own good is nothing new though. He stays after everyone leaves the nurse’s room, leaning against a white wall between two areca palms while watching Akechi on his quest to find band-aids he doesn’t even need.
    Nothing and everything changed after Christmas Eve.
    They aren’t fooling around in Save Rooms anymore. No one buys their ‘Forgot something and have to go back’-trick because no one leaves Akira and him alone for even a second. Akira thinks it’s rude. Akechi doesn’t really care. If possible, he doesn’t want to see him at all.
    “My sports uniform looks good on you,” Akira says. There’s a slight tilt to his voice Akechi’s heart always responds to with a little jolt—the eradicated-the-enemy-fashionably-tilt, the-I’m-your-rival-don’t-get-too-cocky-tilt, the post-orgasm-satisfied-tilt. Where once adrenaline shot through his body, only electricity remains that paralyses him.
    It’s the first time his body simply shuts down instead of running or fighting, effectively betraying him.
    Avoiding Akira is like trying to run away from a bee while wearing cologne that smells of pansies. It isn’t too evident in Maruki’s palace. Any slip-up means potentionally risking all their lives, so Akira approaches him for obligations only. Healing, consultation, strategy. Akechi lets him, always catching him staring at his ass though.
    Everything gets trickier when they’re in the real world. There’s only so long Akechi can hide in his cold one-room apartment, emptied by Shido’s henchmen at some point during his disappearance in December, before a phone call or message summons him to meet with the rest. He does want to defeat Maruki. He does not want to achieve it by pretending to be friends.
    “If you have time to simply stand there, why not use it to plan our next infiltration?” Akechi asks without looking back, pretending that rummaging through the cupboards requires his whole attention. He’s a man on a mission, adamant that if he only ignores Akira long enough, he’ll just lose interest like a child growing bored with their toys.
    He underestimates him.
    “Morgana and the rest have that covered.” Footsteps draw closer. Akechi’s body tenses into one hard, solid muscle. “I’m here because there’s something we need to talk about.”
    “Is that so?” Akechi closes a cabinet door with a loud bang, marching to the other side of the room. “Because I have nothing to say to you.”
    There are million things he wants, maybe needs to say, but simply thinking about them closes Akechi’s throat off, choking him with this bitter taste of rotten glory and ruined dreams. He’d rather die than allow this weakness to take hold of him.
    He ignores him, rummaging through a drawer that’s crammed full of snacks. No band-aids. He hates this place.
    Dull pain throbs at the back of his head. He tells Robin Hood to make Loki stop, but silence in return reminds him that since the boiler room, Robin has been gone. It’s easy to forget that sometimes. It isn’t as easy falling asleep again after waking from a nightmare where he hears Robin’s atrocious screams still ringing in his head.
    He tears through the next drawer, refusing to think about anything else except band-aids, band-aids, band-aids, what shitty nurse room doesn’t have band-aids—
    Akira is so close; he feels his warm breath on the back of his neck.
    Fight, flight or stay to be devoured. Akechi barely turns his head, eyes creeping up slowly to Akira’s face. Being this close was never a problem before—Akechi has had enough time to count every single lash, black as spilt ink, cursing them curling like crescent moons and throwing long shadows over high, winged cheekbones he can draw with closed eyes on paper. This face is as familiar as his own. He’s seen it angry, laughing, frowning; wearing a wicked, cruel smile, contort in hot, all-consuming pleasure: slightly open mouth with pink, swollen lips, blushing, hot cheeks. Dead, empty eyes. Red, thick blood between slanted eyebrows.
    In his nightmares, Akechi hears Robin’s scared screams in the boiler room, and sees Akira’s slack face slam on the prosecutor’s desk.
    No. There really is nothing to say.
    “Goro?” Akira’s voice is barely a whisper. “You’re shaking.”
    If there is a time for his body to betray him, it isn’t now. Akechi turns away, his mission forgotten. Right now, he needs to get as far away from here as possible. Akechi never feared his mistakes to catch up to him some day, but Akira, alive and kicking Akira, proves him wrong over and over again. “If there’s nothing else, it’s time for me to go,” he says.
    He shoves Akira out of his way, quickly pulling his hand back as if burnt by this simple touch. He manages to cross the room halfway before Akira’s voice makes him stop.
    “Were you looking for this?”
    He turns around. Akira is holding a partially opened package of band-aids, presenting them like bait to prey that doesn’t know any better. Akechi wants to bare his teeth.
    “I’m not here to play games,” he hisses, stomping towards Akira who beelines towards him as well, approaching Akechi too fast. Two feet until they crash like stars and swallow everything. One foot until they collide like cars and explode into tiny, burning pieces. Before they set the room in flames, Akira halts.
    “Good,” he says and takes Akechi’s wrist—far gentler than he’d expected or liked, and leads him to the sitting area near the door where he can see the exit so close and yet so far. “Because I’m not playing.”
    Akechi clicks his tongue.
    He drops begrudgingly into an armchair, folding one leg over the other and crossing his arms. Akira knees down in front of him, just a few inches away from his legs. It reminds Akechi of a similar image several months ago, only he was still acting for an audience that never cared about him in the first place, and Akira was wearing a tight, black latex cop uniform.
    Only one of those things makes him want to go back to that time.
    “Let me,” Akira says, holding out one hand to Akechi like a knight asking for allowance to kiss his maiden’s fair hand.
    “I’m not a little kid,” Akechi hisses but it lacks its usual venom. Akira doesn’t pressure. Wordlessly, he waits, the inside of his palm lying open, vulnerable.
    Akechi stares daggers at it, hoping it will simply disappear. When the result disappoints, he takes the easy route and slaps his hand in Akira’s. “Just hurry up.”
    Akira hums. He’s inspecting Akechi’s hand, searching for the injury like a scientist looking for the answer of the afterlife. His hold is light like a feather, careful and hesitant, as if the universe granted him the honour to look after a priceless treasure that builds kingdoms and burns countries.
    “Where do you need it?”
    “I can do it on my own.”
    “Oh, I don’t doubt your abilities.” Fumbling with the bandage, Akira pulls his eyebrows together in concentration, a little smile flirting with his lips. Akechi knows it, the everything-is-a-game-to-me-smile but this time stakes are too high for him to join. “But humour me. Now, where do I put it on?”
    He glares at him. Seeing no way to win, he turns his hand, his palm fitting perfectly against Akira’s, showing the little, shallow cut on one finger.
    Akira stares at it, very unimpressed. “Are you an actual child?”
    Akechi pulls his hand away—too slow. Akira’s fingers latch around his wrist, holding him in place. “Wait, wait, I’m joking.”
    “You’re not funny,” Akechi replies drily. He watches Akira put a bandage around his finger, smoothing it out with his thumb.
    “This…” He digs his thumb slightly where the wound is, making it burn but Akechi doesn’t flinch. “… looks like a ring, doesn’t it?”
    Akechi raises one eyebrow. “It doesn’t.”
    “Like a wedding ring,” Akira continues as if he didn’t say anything. Akechi looks down at the band-aid around his ring finger. He feels too awake all of a sudden, yet extremely tired. Everything buzzes, from his head to his toes, and he can’t tell if it’s Maruki’s Actualized Happy World or Akira touching him or the fact that he should not be. He remains very still, like a corpse, and stares over Akira’s curly mop of hair at the mirror hanging at the opposite end of the room. Brown eyes stare back at him—unflinching, lifeless like the glassy eyes of a dead fish until he blinks and it’s just his normal, usual face.
    “Don’t tell me you’re entertaining the absurd idea of marriage,” he mocks, a crooked smile cutting his mouth into two red lines. “What are you, a lonely housewife in her thirties?”
    “What can I say, I’m a romantic at heart,” Akira answers. He isn’t smiling.
    Akechi’s grin dies. “If you have time to think about something this foolish, then there will be no problem in securing the path to the treasure tomorrow, right?” His voice sounds weird to his own ears. He feels sick.
    Finally, his hand is set free as Akira places it carefully on Akechi’s knee.
    “You’re smart enough to figure out where I’m going with this conversation,” Akira says, rising to his feet. He seems a little absent minded, his eyes unfocused and thoughts far away from this room. “Think about my proposal.”
    “Propo—” Akechi jumps to his feet, his ears buzzing with a swarm of angry bees. He’s so close to Akira, their chest almost touch. He smells it again: coffee, washing powder, sweat. No blood this time. It feels wrong. “I have no interest in entertaining this stupid idea.”
    “Do you hate it because it’s a social construct and divorce is way too expensive,” Akira asks, his eyes snapping back to Akechi and focusing with too much determination in them on him. “Or is it the thought of living with someone that allows you to be vulnerable that scares you.”
I’m not scared of anything, Akechi wants to say. What comes out instead is, “Why did you ask if you know the answer already?”
“Because I want to hear it from you. I want to know what you want.”
    What does Goro Akechi want? No one has asked him this before, so he’s taken aback a second, speechless. A lump grows in his throat, burning every time he swallows.
    “I don’t want someone else to decide how I live my life,” he says eventually. Slowly, word for word so Akira understands that what makes Goro Akechi the person he is, is something he was never allowed to have in the first place and the crave for it now is like craving air underwater. “I don’t want to be someone’s puppet.”
    Akira’s voice grows louder. “Then what do you want?”
    Akechi’s body shudders with rage. I want to live.
    He turns around, blinking furiously against the burning in his eyes. “We’re done talking. You can contact me if there are important things we need to discuss. That’s what I want.”
    There is no answer, but he knows he’s got his point across. Some people take Akira’s silence for what it is, when sometimes it speaks louder than his words. Right now, he feels it like a solid pressure against his skin, leaving dents and reshaping his body and he’s afraid to turn around and look in the mirror again.
    Marriage with Akira Kurusu of all people.
    What an absolutely stupid, horrendous idea. What a horrifying dream and scary hope to plant into someone whose soil is home to maggots and vermin that only know the taste of blood. Akechi takes that seed and hides it somewhere deep, deep inside his chest where the dirt hasn’t reached; an almost forgotten place that still loves toy guns and collects Phoenix Ranger Featherman stickers to put them on his bento lunch box.
    That is the only part of himself he wishes Akira could get to know before the end as well.
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By BeeTeeDubya14
This is @thebigpapilio 's own fic! It is a crossover of Miraculous + Persona 5 as well! This is another submission from them! I read their first as well and this one really caught my eye. Once again, I don't know Persona 5, but the idea of Akira leaving his universe to go help the Miraculous Universe is really cool!! It also gives me a few ideas for AUs of my own! 😉😉
Even after returning to Tokyo once he came of age to move out on his own, Akira hadn’t been too eager to stop his activities as the Phantom Thieves’ leader. It felt like he’d had more purpose doing that business than he ever thought he’d have. If it hadn’t been for the government & the cost of stopping Yaldabaoth, he would have gladly continued to work in the Metaverse. Don’t get him wrong, he knew and accepted that it was a worthy cost, but he did miss being Joker and changing hearts…
He learned to be careful what he asked for when he dreamed one night of a woman calling out to him.
Chapter 1: A Dream Of New Beginnings!
Even after returning to Tokyo once he came of age to move out on his own, Akira hadn’t been too eager to stop his activities as the Phantom Thieves’ leader. It felt like he’d had more purpose doing that business than he ever thought he’d have. If it hadn’t been for the government & the cost of stopping Yaldabaoth, he would have gladly continued to work in the Metaverse. Don’t get him wrong, he knew and accepted that it was a worthy cost, but he did miss being Joker and changing hearts… 
He learned to be careful what he asked for when he dreamed one night of a woman calling out to him.
“Akira Kurusu, also known as Joker,” she caught his attention immediately with that, “I am Geretas, and my world is in dire need of your help.”
“I know you hold the desire to become Joker again, a desire I can grant at little cost,” Geretas’ voice echoed throughout the dream world, “the Metaverse will be moderated by me - I promise to use it wisely.”
“And how do I know I can trust you?” Akira inquired.
“I beg you to do so - my universe is plagued by a supernatural threat, and if the heroes rising against himare not given any aid, they will fall soon.”
“Another universe, hm?” Akira said quietly, “...fine. Let me talk with the Thieves about it.”
“I can grant you enough time to inform them of your absence, but I’m afraid I only have the power to send one person to my world…”
“Very well. Please give me that time - I should be ready in less than a week.”
“My world will be in your debt. Now then, here are the specifics…”
And so, Akira was given a crash course in the situation of Geretas’ world, as well as being told about how the Miraculouses in play worked. He was also told about the changes in his transformation abilities. The first new thing was that he could easily transform at will into Joker (and back into Akira). He would be able to summon Personas outside the Metaverse to fight akumas. Furthermore, his dagger & handgun would not be hidden as model versions in his bag like before - instead, they would appear in his trenchcoat’s pockets once transformed; plus, his weapons were unable to so much as draw blood, kill or dismember (bullets would dissipate into thin air upon contact) for as long as Akira did not desire them to do so. He would be teleported out of any Palaces he infiltrated if he ran out of stamina (meaning he would be saved from death) and not be able to infiltrate a Palace again until the next day. He would also know French for the duration of his time in Paris in order to communicate with the locals without arousing suspicion. 
“Thank you, Geretas, for giving me this chance. Keep your end of the deal and do not interfere other than saving me, understood?”
“You have my word. I do not intend to become the next Yaldabaoth.”
Akira could already feel Arsène’s power - reverted to the beginning as it was - returning to him, causing him to grin almost creepily.
“So you were asked to save another universe?” Futaba asked, “Lucky you, getting to go.”
“And what would you be able to do alone?” Akira teased.
“Still, if that Geretas chick gets the power or whatever it was to bring us over, don’t hesitate to call us over!” Ryuji exclaimed.
“Good luck, Akira.” Makoto nodded. Ann flashed him a thumbs up and winked cutely. Haru smiled a serene smile, as did Yusuke.
“It really is a shame we don’t get to come along, especially me…” Morgana frowned slightly. He’d be staying with “his Lady Ann” for the duration of Akira’s vacation, and now that Akira had let all his Confidants have a decent idea at least of what would be going on (which meant for his other allies such as Yuuki, Yoshida & Iwai that he was ‘taking time to explore something new,’ and ‘would be out for an undecided period of time’), he was prepared to enter the alternate universe.
That night, Geretas visited him again - this time, however, Arsène was waiting with her. Arsène transformed into his Joker mask, then floated towards his face, latching on and fitting as perfectly as it always had. Light trickled from the top of Akira to the bottom of him, his pajamas reforming into his Joker costume.
From behind the mask, Joker smirked.
It’s showtime.
Chapter 2: A New Worls & An Old Beginning
Groggily, Akira opened his eyes. He quickly realized that he was not in his usual bed back in Tokyo. I’m in Paris already?!
The sun was shining, at least. How fitting for a new beginning… yawning, Akira hopped out of bed, and on a desk he found a note and a large trash bag filled with enough cash to pay for him for a few months. The note stated:
Dear Joker,
This apartment is fully paid for, and you will never have to worry about rent or anything like it for the duration of your stay here. You have all the supplies for house upkeep that you’ll need, but the fridge is empty - you will have to buy food for yourself, as I don’t know what you like.
Taking his wallet and stuffing it with a chunk of the euros, Akira went to some markets nearby and bought enough groceries to last him a while. He also got some bread from a fantastic patisserie he found while walking around. The woman manning the register was quite kind, and when she learned he was new to Paris, she halved the cost of his purchases from her as a welcoming gift. Smiling, he soon returned to the apartment, and after putting up the groceries, he suddenly felt the need to go on a rooftop stroll.
Willing his transformation into Joker, he covertly hopped out of a window and parkoured around Paris. He stopped however, when he heard the sound of conflict from an alleyway below him.
“Please, stop! Leave me alone! I’ll call the cops!” Priscilla sobbed.
“The fuzz are my bitches. Now stop fighting me and start taking it!”
“And what do you think you’re doing?” a voice purred. The voice was decidedly that of a young man, but it was deeper and more dramatic than Chat Noir’s, so this man didn’t think too much of him.
Regardless, both him and Priscilla were shocked to see a figure swoop down and land in the shadows of the alleyway. He’d moved too fast for them to get a good idea of what he looked like, and he was mostly covered by the darkness of the alley, so as far as they were concerned, he was just a voice and a silhouette for now.
“W-who are you?” the man asked, more caught off-guard than afraid.
Priscilla could sense an eerie grin appearing on this newcomer.
“My codename is Joker,” he smiled, “Phantom Thief, Changer of Hearts, & Savior of the Oppressed & Downtrodden.”
Although he was confused, the man regained his composure and snarled, “And what business do you got with me? This is none of your business!”
“From what I’ve picked up, you’re hurting an innocent woman and attempting to force her to do… unpleasant things to you,” ‘Joker’ snapped back, “When you try to hurt innocents, it becomes my business. Here is what you will do - you will leave this woman alone, or I can assure you that you will regret ever having looked in her direction.”
The attacker paled, only to grow even paler when the local officer Roger’s voice called out, “What’s going on here?”
Before Joker or her assailant could speak up, Priscilla cried out, “He was trying to rape me!” in desperation.
Roger entered the scene, his eyes narrowed with fury. Rapists had a high rank on his shitlist. 
Looking at the attacker, Roger said, “Alright, stranger, you’re coming with me.” and dragged him off, presumably to face punishment for his attempts. Looks like he wasn’t buddy-buddy with the police after all!
Turning towards Joker, Priscilla was about to thank him when she realized something about the murky figure. 
He was already gone.
Now a few rooftops away, Joker smiled as he watched the cop cruiser carrying the man drive out of sight. This was a second success against scumbags like Shido - he didn’t even get arrested initially this time!
Now then, he thought to himself, let us return ho-
The sound of something whizzing through the air caught his attention. Side-eyeing the direction the sound came from, he quickly caught something small, red and round thrown in his direction with one hand. Upon further examination, it seemed to be a red yo-yo with black spots.
Wait a minute…  
Following the string, Joker laid his eyes upon Ladybug & Chat Noir for the first time. They couldn’t be a day older than 18. What the hell?
“What’s your name, akuma?” the girl in scarlet said, her tone confident.
“Easy now, miss. I’m no akuma. In fact…”
Chat Noir & Ladybug paused. Akumas always swore their allegiance to Hawkmoth with misled pride, and he would have attacked them or someone else by now if he was an akuma. However, that brought up a new question in such a case:
Who was he?
As if reading their minds, the debonair stranger smiled. It was genuine, but a bit unnerving in some way.
“My name is Joker. And now that I think about it… there is a deal I would like to make with the two of you.”
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hetyra · 4 years
So I’ve been concocting a NG+/time travel P5 story idea where both Akira and Goro remember the original timeline in my head for like the past week, and since I’m terrible about finishing multi-chapter fics I’m just gonna ramble about it in a very long post instead lol
The reset doesn’t apply equally to them.
Akira goes to sleep one night weeks or months after the events of the game and wakes up after what feels like only minutes later on the train bound for Shibuya just like he does at the beginning of the game.
Goro on the other hand goes from exchanging bullets with the cognitive version of himself in Shido’s palace to waking up in bed in the blink of an eye. It takes a few minutes, but he realizes he’s 14 again and it’s the first day of his last year of middle school – which is also the day the meta-nav appeared on his phone.
He winds up not using the app at all. Nor does he approach Shido and offer his “services”. He’s extremely shaken up by all the memories or dreams or whatever the hell they are. He decides he doesn’t care, but he’d rather avoid becoming that kind of person and meeting that fate.
By pure happenstance, he eventually ends up meeting Wakaba. Feeling guilt for being the original cause of her death, Goro feels the want to help her this time around and ends up expressing an interest in cognitive psience (which isn’t a total lie) that results in them making a sort of confidant deal.
Through Wakaba he also meets and gets to know both Sojiro and Futaba.
Realizing that his lack of involvement with Shido could have potentially prevented Akira’s original arrest, Goro chooses to attend Shujin for high school; intent on forming the PTs himself if need be.
It’s right around this time that Sojiro suddenly offers to adopt him.
He starts attending high school as Sakura Goro, and everything is going great. Until it’s not.
Wakaba dies. In the same exact manner as when he had been the one behind it.
Up to this point in time, Goro occasionally had PTSD symptoms when things reminding him of his actions in the previous timeline came up. Wakaba’s death affects him terribly, and all his symptoms get worse from there on out.
Sojiro moves them out to Yongen and eventually gets custody of Futaba, and Goro not wanting to deal with or think about what’s going on or what happened before, instead focusses on preventing Futaba from developing a palace. He succeeds.
Around this time, Sojiro starts worrying a lot about Goro. He knows he’s been… off ever since Wakaba’s death. Even now it seems like her death is weighing heavier on him than it is Futaba.
Right about the time Futaba passes her entrance exams to get into Shujin, Sojiro is asked to take in Akira for his probation. Goro, who was helping out at Leblanc at the time of the conversation, practically bullies Sojiro into accepting.
Back to Akira now.
His arrival in Tokyo goes exactly as it did before. The next day goes much the same, up until they’re in the car on their way back to Leblanc. For the hell of it, Akira asks Sojiro again why he took him in. Sojiro’s answer is the same, except instead of saying “I was already paid for it too.” He says “My son was rather insistent I do, too.”
Akira in shock and confusion asks “Son?” to which Sojiro explains: “Oh right. I have two kids; adopted both of them and they happen to go to Shujin too. My son, Goro, is a 3rd year while my daughter, Futaba, is a 1st year. Hopefully they’ll be a good influence on you instead of the other way around.”
Cue Akira’s brain short-circuiting at the mention of Goro.
Upon arriving back at Leblanc, Futaba and Goro are there waiting for them. Futaba wastes no time commenting on how Akira doesn’t look all that tough while Goro is standing behind the counter making everyone coffee – and wearing jeans and a hoodie to Akira’s continued shock.
Sojiro doesn’t let them talk long after he feeds them, saying they should all go to bed since they have school in the morning. Futaba leaves fairly quickly but Sojiro stops Goro to ask if he’s alright, having noted the bags under his eyes. When Goro says it’s nothing to worry about and leaves, Sojiro sighs and mumbles just loud enough for Akira to hear “Is it because there was another subway accident?”
That night, Akira’s dreams put him in the velvet room. He’s happy to see Lavenza and the real Igor but surprised when he hears Goro in the cell next to his.
Lavenza explains who she and Igor are to Goro and that despite their collective freedom from Yaldabitch, he does in fact still exist in this timeline and must be dealt with. Akira helps fill in Goro on how they dealt with him before but that’s all they have time to discuss before they’re being woken up by their respective alarm clocks.
Futaba goes to school ahead of them with the excuse that she doesn’t want to be seen with her dorky older brother and the guy with a criminal record, giving the two of them time to talk.
Akira is quick to demand answers regarding the mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns, which elicits a rather desperate denial out of Goro. He insists it’s not him causing them and he doesn’t know who is, and Akira realizes quickly that Goro isn’t lying and is legitimately anxious about it.
The knowledge that someone else seems to have entered the “game” makes Akira uneasy, but assures Goro that things will be fine. They’ll stop whoever it is, Shido, and Yaldabitch. But first they need the Phantom Thieves.
This is when Goro admits he has yet to use the nav, despite having had it for 3 years at this point. Before Akira can comment on that, they exit the station to the rain and he instead opens the app and maneuvers them both so that they encounter Ann, Kamoshida, and Ryuji.
When they arrive at the castle instead of the school, Goro levels a look at him but simply sighs and goes with it when Akira tells him to trust him.
Everything goes the same as before, awakening and all, even with Goro there. That is up until Morgana just walks up to them. He’s not in a cell.
It turns out Morgana also remembers everything and it takes some improv acting on both Morgana and Goro’s parts to cover for Akira’s stupidity when Ryuji asks “Wait, you know this monster-cat?!”
 When they get home that night, Goro tries to take the blame for them being late but Sojiro doesn’t bite – turning to Akira and telling him that his son is a good kid and he won’t have Akira influencing him into bad behavior. Sojiro isn’t quite as angry a few minutes later when he comes upstairs to find Morgana chilling on Akira’s bed.
Goro asks Akira the next morning to text him when Ryuji asks to go back to the palace, to which Akira agrees with the full intention on not doing that.
The day of the volleyball rally, Akira is on his way to the next abuse victim he needs to question when he‘s suddenly yanked around a corner by a very miffed looking Goro. Akira apologizes and explains why he left him out, receives a grumpy “Ok, I forgive you” and continues on his mission.
Akira again does not tell Goro they’re going into the palace the day Ann follows them in and awakens to her own persona, despite Ryuji and Morgana both telling him he should.
It’s later when they’re exchanging their contact info with Ann that Goro appears looking very pissed off at certain someone. After that, the group chat is established with Goro in it so he will in fact know when they’re going to the palace.
Goro sticks to back up and surveillance due to still not having awakened to his persona yet, but throughout their infiltration he notes Joker’s watchful eye on him and the constant reminders to stay safe.
Come the gym-turned-church Goro decides he’s had enough of the other tricksters incessant worrying over him. The two of them start to argue, Akira never quite saying it’s because he doesn’t want to witness Goro die again, when the angel shadow appears and interrupts them. Akira quickly turns his attention to it and tells Goro to get to a safe distance, which cause the latter to yell back angrily.
Cue Loki’s voice and Goro ripping off a mask.
Goro’s has a new outfit, though it’s sort of a mix between his two previous outfits and Jokers
He discovers he still has Robin Hood as well.
And that’s about as far as I’ve figured out.
I haven’t decided whether the events of the new semester in Royal happened in the original timeline, but I really want to stick with the “from being shot to waking up in bed” thing so if they did I’m rolling with Goro’s memory of the events feeling disjointed and out of place.
There’s one scene I actually animated (because I was bored and in the mood to animate) that takes place later, when they go to the airsoft shop for the first time. Ryuji tells Akira about the shop over the phone, and Akira doesn’t tell Goro what they’re doing, only to meet up with them in Shibuya and that it was important. Akira thought it’d be funny if Ryuji were to ask Goro if he knew anything about guns with absolutely no context – and he does indeed finds Goro’s “overreaction” quite funny. At this point, Akira still isn’t aware that Goro actually has PTSD because of the events in the original timeline, and so thinks it’s just a funny inside joke. Goro’s anxiety meanwhile is through the fucking roof.
Here’s a link to the video of the scene.
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seadragonjade · 4 years
Chapter 2: Festivals and Fireworks
After they infiltrated the palace, the next day, the group went to Leblanc after their school activities to talk about their next plan and to have a talk about the new teammates. As they walk over there Jaden-Drake gets a little nervous. God I hate this. What if it’s going to be like what happened in America? What if one of them turns out to like that dick? Great, I'm overthinking things again. Jaden thinks as he sighed. “Relax Jaden,” Xander states as he slaps his back. “I ensure, you that this will be like a new chapter in our lives. A fresh start.” He smiles down at his friend. “He’s right. It’s not going to be like it was last school year.” Draco tells him with his bearded dragon smile. “*sighs* You guys are right. I shouldn’t really worry.” Drake tells them with a smile. It doesn't mean I won’t though. The smile then falls again once they look away. He sighs again. He really didn’t like to think about what happened to him last year. It was a bad memory that he’d rather forget about. The bearded dragon saw this action. “What’s wrong Jaden?” Draco asks looking up at his saddened friend. “I’m fine, don't worry about it.” He tells him.
“You don’t look fine. Are you sure?” Akira asks, coming up from behind Drake. Drake looks up a little at him. Dreading being the shortest friend just like he did back in America. “Um, no I am not. Truthfully, I don’t really want to talk about it right now since we have a job to do and I don’t really want to worry people right now.” He tells the black-haired boy who nods at him. “Really that’s no excuse why you shouldn’t tell us why you are upset.” Morgana, from what Jaden understands, meows at him. Jaden sighs as he looks at the feline. “Trust me. I’ll tell you guys when I’m ready. Just...not right now.” He tells the black feline. He nods as they continue to walk to Leblanc. As soon as they entered Jaden, Xander, and Draco saw the barista. “Eh, you got some new friends here with ya?” the barista asked Akira as he entered the door. “Yes, they're also new to Japan so we decided to stop by to have a discussion.” He told the black-haired barista. He nods and gets back to work. “I wonder if they got any tea here.” Jaden mumbles to himself. “Alright, so what should we put on the calling card?” Ryuji asks as he sits down at a barstool. “Well how about this. ‘Sir Jonathan Brademire the prideful tyrant, we can see that you have stolen artworks of others just for your own sick and sinister desires. We shall steal your distorted desires and make you confess your sinful deeds. This will be done tomorrow, hope you have prepared yourself. From The Phantom Thieves of Hearts’.” Morgana said. “So how are we going to send this?” Xander states as he looks at the cat. 
“We usually have either Ryuji or Morgana go be the deliverer.” Ann tells him as she sits down at the booth. “But we’re going to have Morgana deliver it to him.” Makoto explains. “That’s a smart idea if I am honest.” Jaden-Drake states as he pulls out his art book and pencils to start drawing. “Alright, so all we need to do is make the calling card.” Yusuke states as he watched Drake drawing one of his OCs. “You are also fond of art?” Yusuke asks him. Drake looks up and smiles. “Yeah. I really like to do art since both of my parents loved doing it as a hobby and I got the talent passed down to me. I posted a lot of it online when I have the chance to.” He tells him. “Wow, I received the talent from my mother. Maybe we can draw together sometime. If you’d like, of course.” Yusuke said. Jaden looked at him and smiled. “Sure. I’d love that.” He writes something down and gives it to Yusuke. “Here is my number so that way we have a way to contact each other for that.” He smiles at the shorter green-haired male. “Thank you. I’ll be sure I will.” 
*Time Skip: Evening*
“Okay, so Xander what level is the treasure on?” Akira asks Xander looking straight at him. “Fifth floor in the northeast section of the castle.” He tells them, “Alright, so we go to the fifth floor and head in the direction Xander goes to get the treasure. If anyone or anything gets in our way we fight it. Like usual. Don’t forget the safe rooms. They could help us a lot.”  Everyone nodded. “Hell yeah! Let’s get this done tomorrow.” Ryuji yelled out. “I hope we can get this done.” Makoto said. “Remember everyone, it’s all or nothing.” Morgana states looking at everyone. They all nodded in acknowledgment. “Right. *sighs* let's do this.” Jaden said as he looked at everyone. “Since this is our only shot let's make it count, all or nothing.” Akira looks at him and nods. “Alright everyone, see you tomorrow.” He said to every one of his teammates. “Make sure to get a good night's rest, you're going to need it.” Draco tells everyone as he jumps into Drake’s book bag. “Let's end this meeting.” Xander said. They all looked at him and nodded. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow then.” Makoto said to everyone as she got up and left. “Right, see you guys later.” Ryuji said as he waved to his friends as he walked out the door. “See you guys tomorrow then.” Ann said as she leaves like the other two. “I’ll see the rest of you then. Oh, and Drake.” Yusuke said. “Does this Saturday work out for you?” He looks at him. Drake looks at him and nods. “Yeah. It’s a perfect day.” He tells him with a sweet smile. “That’s wonderful. Well, I’ll see you later then.” He says as he walks away. Jaden-Drake smiles as he watches him walk away. Well, he is really nice. He thought as he started to pack the rest of his stuff. “Going on a little play date?” Xander said as he waited for his friend.
He looks at him and blushes a little. “Really mate, really?” Drake said as he eyed his friend. Once he walks up to him and Xander pinches his arm while saying. “Come on you know how much I like to tease you.” He chuckles as he rolls his eyes. “We’ll see you tomorrow, Akira-kun.” He tells Akira as he walks out with Xander right behind him. “Hmm, what nice kids those two seem to be.” Sojiro says as he watches them walk out. “Yeah...yeah they are.” He says as he walks behind the counter. 
*Time Skip: Next Day; After School *
“I told you to get enough sleep last night.” Draco said, glaring at Drake who seemed to be very tired. He rolled his eyes as the bearded dragon was giving him a little lecture. He closed his eyes as he sighed out, “Alright, alright. Can you quiet down so that way no can know that your-OOF” He was cut off by bumping into someone...again. He fell on his butt. “Crap. Oh, crap sorry...oh, hi Akira.” He said looking up to see who he bumped into. Akira just chuckled as he helped him. “We gotta stop this literally bumping into each other right away before this becomes a habit.” He tells him. “Yeah, I agree.” He chuckles a little bit. “I also agree.” Draco states as he pokes his head out of the bag. “Oh, Akira, so nice to bump into you. How is Sojiro fairing alone?” Xander said as he walked up. Akira looks at him. “Oh, He’s doing just great.”  While they were talking Jaden takes his hair out of its small ponytail and reaches in his bag to grab his brush. He begins to brush his hair seeing that he messed it up when he fell. “Hey Drake.” Ryuji said as he walked up to him. “What’s up?” He said as he put his hair back into a small ponytail. “Hey guys.” Ann said as she ran up to the group of boys.
“Hello Ann, how was your day?” Xander said looking at Ann. Ann looked at him and smiled. “My day has been going great, thanks for asking.” Ann said to Xander with a smile on her face. Jaden sighed as he smiled watching the interaction. Maybe it will be different. He thought. “Oh, that reminds me. Jaden, since you have been in a downward situation, Shujin has a school therapist. So if you want you can go talk to him. He’s a really nice guy.” Ann said looking at him. “Yeah, he is. He’s also really helpful.” Ryuji added in. “Huh, I might have to go check him out tomorrow then.” He said, looking at the two of them. Akira nodded in agreement with that statement. “His name is Dr. Maruki. Since you're planning on seeing him tomorrow.” He told him. “What’s this about Jaden seeing someone tomorrow?” Makoto asked, walking up to the group. “We were telling Drake about Doc.” Ryuji told her. “Ehh, afterwards I might just go to the velvet room.” Xander said to the group. “Alright.” Drake said looking at Xander. Akira looked at him and nodded. “Sorry I’m late, I was talking to one of my teachers about my last project.” Yusuke said as he came up to the group. “Alright since all here let's head over to the Palace.” Morgana told the group. They all nodded and started heading towards the museum. 
Once the Phantom Thieves got inside the palace, they started their plan. “Alright everyone let's do this.” Draco said as he started running. As they ran, they bumped into one of the guards. “Shit.” Ryuji said as the guards transformed into their true forms. “PERSONA!! PHOENIX!!” Jaden shouted right away as a burst of blue fire came around him. The persona above him was human-like with fire like wings. “Woah.” “MARAGIDYNE!!” He shouted at the top of his lungs. Watching the guard burst out in flames. “Jack frost! Ice Age!” Xander yelled right after Jaden. Everyone watches the guard disappear. “Come on let’s go.” Xander said as he walked ahead with Jaden right behind him. Draco followed in tow behind them both.  “Damn that was cool.” Ryuji said as he followed. Jaden chuckles as the rest of them follow. More guards showed up but the team took care of everyone that came and went into safe rooms a couple of times to level up and to regain lost sp. Then they went into the room where the treasure was. The room was massive; it looked like a throne room with statues of Jonathon’s family. “Wow, this is weird.” Ann said looking at one of the statues. “Tell me about it.” Makoto said. “I thought…” Jaden began as he looked. “I thought...I thought we weren’t important to him but I guess I was wrong.” 
“Let’s not worry about that now. Quickly find the treasure.” Morgana said. Everyone nodded. They all looked around the room trying to find it. “I wonder where Jonathan’s shadow is lurking?” Xander states while observing the area. “I don’t know but we better hurry.” Akira states. Yusuke looks around at the thrones. As he was observing them he looked up to find a painting. In the painting it showed a family with a child no older than four, a baby with blond hair growing on his head and a pair of very happy looking parents. “Do you think this would be the treasure?” He asked while looking at it. “It is the treasure if Mona starts going crazy for it.” Ryuji said as he looked at it. “Huh, let me see.” Morgana said as he walked up with the rest of the group. “MEOOW!” He said, causing Drake to jump a little out of surprise. “I think you scared uh, we never got your codenames did we.” Ann said looking at them. “Nope. We didn’t get yours as well.” Drake chuckled out as he rubbed the back of his head. Xander looked between Morgana and the painting. “Mona, that is not catnip.” He told him. “Uh-hum. Um, sorry about that.” Morgana said. “I lost my cool for a second.” 
“It’s fine since now we know that it is the treasure.” Jaden tells him with a calm expression. “Alright, let's grab it and get out of here.” Ryuji states. “Hey, Fox, give me a hand this shit’s kinda heavy.” He tells Yusuke as he tryings getting the painting. “Right.” He said as he went to help Ryuji. “Halt, stop right there thieves!” A booming voice came out. “Well, shit.” Ryuji said. “If you want the treasure you're gonna have to get through me.” As the group turned around to see the shadow turning into a giant bat-like creature. “Looks like he’s gone batty.” Xander jokes. “Pfft. Dude, really.” Jaden said with a chuckle. 
“Guys, focus!” Morgana told the two of them. “Mmmh, right.” They quickly got into their fighting positions. “PERSONA! LUNGE!” Ryuji shouted. Getting a good hit on him. “PERSONA! MABUFUDYNE!” Drake shouted. “EAGLE BEARER! SWORD DANCE!” Xander shouted out. Watch him freeze and get crushed by swords. “CARMEN! MARAGI!” Ann shouted out after the three boys. “JOHANNA! MAFREI!” Makoto shouted. “Wow, that’s one cool looking persona.” Drake said looking at her in awe. “Jaden, please pay attention to the battle. GOEMON! BUFU!”  Yusuke shouted. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!” Shadow Jonathan yelled at the top of his lungs. “Oh, Skull watch out!” Morgana shouted at Ryuji. “Ah, shit.” He said as a giant gust of powerful wind hit him and he fell on to his butt. “EEE!” Drake screeched as a giant wing hit him. “My children, come and help your dear family member.” The shadow said. “Right away uncle.” A little boy came running in. The little boy looked like the one in the painting. 
“Ah little Damien, just in time.” 
“Oh, no this can’t be good.” Ann said right as Damien gives Jonothan an item that healed him up. “Oh, come on!” Ryuji said. “Looks like we just have to attack him more. JACK FROST, DIAMOND DUST!” Xander shouted. “Hmm, you guys do that.” Jaden said as he looked at the boy. “DRAGON MAZIODYNE!” He shouts as his attacks hit the little boy. “EE, sorry ‘little’ brother. Heh.” He said as the boy fell. “Um, was that a smart idea?” Akira said looking at him. “Well, he did heal him before, who says he won’t do it again? Also, be careful cause he might have another up his sleeve.” Drake explains to him. Akira nods at his explanation. “WHAT?! NO!” Shadow Jonothan yelled as the little disappear. “ARSENE, EIHA!” Akira shouted. “PERSONA, GARULA!” Morgana shouted. “Ugh, my youngest come on out!” “Hmph.” A little boy from the other day came running out. “There’s more!” Ryuji said. “EAGLE BEARER, MARAKUNDA!” Xander yelled. The wings from shadow Jonothan started flapping his huge bat-like wings and started to make a huge gust of wind. “What the hell?” Jaden said as he put an arm up to cover his eyes from getting dust in them. The rest of the group is doing something similar to that. “YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME THAT EASILY!” The shadow yelled as a gust of wind came hurtling towards the group. Knocking down a few of them. “Oh no, Scarcen, Fenikkusu was knocked down!” Draco shouted at Xander. “Huh, very interesting code-names.” Fox states looking at Scarcen. Scarcen pulls out his gun trying to dew Shadow Jonathan. “Who is up for an All-Out Attack?” He said, looking to the others. Joker, Panter, and Fox all nodded. All four of them pulled out their guns pointing at Jonathan’s shadow. As the all attack and Scarcen did the final blow and land he said. "Another feather to add to the collection.” 
“Gaah.” Shadow Jonathan grunted. He reverted to his regular form. “If I couldn’t deft you in that form then I’ll kill you in this one.” he shouted as he grabbed his sword. “Quick we got to get the other back on their feet.” Morgana shouted as he summoned Zorro. “PERSONA! MEDIA!” He shouted again, restoring a little bit of HP to his teammates. Scarcen braces himself. “PERSONA! RECARM!” Morgana shouted as Fenikkusu got up. “Thanks, mate.” He said as he got back into his fighting stance. “Your reign of pain ends here! PHOENIX! MAZIODYNE!” He shouted and pointed to Jonathan. Watching him get electrocuted.   
*Time Skip: After the Battle*
Once they won the battle, Shadow Jonathan cowered in fear in front of the group. “No, don’t kill me!” He said in fear. Fenikkusu just looked at him and anger appeared in his eyes. “Please, please. don’t ki-AAAA” he was interrupted by a blade being thrown at him and landed above his head. “I’ve seen how you people appear all defenseless at first and then strike your enemies down when their backs are turned.” Scarcen stated as his mask started glowing red. “That is not going to work.” He begins as he lifts Shadow Jonathan by his shirt, slamming him to the wall. “We are going to leave with your treasure. And you are going to confess all your sins to the public! Is that clear?!” He yelled in his face. Jonathan meekly nodded. “Good.” Scarcen said as he threw him down on the floor. As he looks up from the ground he locks eyes with Fenikkusu. “Drakey. Please help me. Please, I am so sorry.” He started as he crawled to him. “Please.” Fenikkusu looks down at him. “You think that after years and years of you lying to everyone. Lying to your family. Lying to my mom.” He begins to tear up looking away. “You left after threatening my family to take me away over 13 years ago. I just want to know. Why? WHY?!” Jonathan flinched after hearing that. “Let’s just get the treasure and then get out of here.” Panther said as she was looking at Fenikkusu. “Yeah...alright.” he agreed with a sigh. Draco ran and grabbed the painting. The palace started shaking and falling apart. “Let's get out of here. Mona, you know what to do.” Joker said as he looked at Morgana who just nodded. “R-right.” as he turned into his car form. “Come on Fenikkusu.” 
“Even though I am angry at you for what you did. Just so you know...I do forgive you for what you have done.” He said to him as he began to grab Draco and Scarcen. Getting into Mona with them. “Let’s go NOW!” He shouted as they drove away and out of there. “Are you okay or at least going to be, Drake?” Akira asked Jaden as he huffed. He looked at him and sighed. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.” He stated, while he turned to Akira and smiled. “Are you sure? You went pretty deep back there.” Ryuji said. “Yeah. It was almost kind of scary to watch.” Makoto chimed in. Drake looked at them and chuckled. “We have been in similar situations with our friends.” Xander said looking at the group. “Yeah, so it’s something you get used to. Also, it’s not like it’s going to be our last rodeo if you get what I mean. Also...I forgive him.” He said to them. Everyone in the group except for Xander looks at him in confusion. “What do you mean you forgive him?” Ann asks. “Didn’t he do your family wrong? He doesn’t deserve the forgiveness that you're giving him.” Yusuke said, looking at him. He looks at Fox. He just chuckles. “You guys don’t really know me that well since we just met, but I learned that there are things you just need to let go and forgive.” He tells them with a little smile. Draco titled his head in confusion. “Even after what he did to your family?” He asks as Jaden picks him and puts him in his bag. “Everyone deserves a second chance to redeem themselves. Even if they did you wrong in the past.” He said to him. “Well over time they deserve a chance unless they really did something wrong then it would be very tough for me.” He explained to the rest of them. “Think about it. What we are doing is essentially giving them a second chance by stealing their distorted desires and letting them start anew after they suffered the consequences for their sins.” Xander told them looking at them. “Even if you don’t forgive them we’re still giving them a second chance.” He continued. Drake nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Even though we have the memories of them doing wrong we can still have hope that they have changed.” He said looking at them with a smile on his face.
Everyone looked at the two speechless. They all stopped and agreed with what they were saying. “Anyways the painting is on the floor. Whoo, it looks like it did in the Palace.” Ryuji said as he looked down at it. “It does. Weird...” Ann said. “Huh, would you look at that. He really did still care about my family...even after all this time.” Jaden-Drake stated as he picked it up. “It’s a really beautiful painting. I wonder who painted it.” Yusuke said, looking at it. “Well, hard to believe but, Jonathan painted it himself.” Drake said looking at him. “Really? I didn’t think he was able to be a good painter.” Morgana said. “Well, he is, it's just that the fame went to his head. Anyways we’ll see all of you tomorrow. Xander and I gotta get going. Also, I need to give this back to my family.” said Drake as he was holding up the painting. “Wait, you’re not going to-oof” Ryuji got cut off by Akira shoving his elbow to his side. “Let us know how your family is going to react to it.” Akira told Drake as he adjusted his glasses. “Right. Well, bye.” He said with a little blush on his face as Xander and him walked away with Draco in his bag.  
 Xander smirks as he pokes Drake. “Seems like someone else’s heart was stolen today.” He stated. “Sh-shut up, mate.” He states as he pushes him away. “It’s not like that. I mean we just met. I can’t have a crush on him right away.” He blushed really red. “Do you think he is of the Lovers Arcana?” Xander continues to tease him. “What the hell man?!” Jaden whisper-yelled at him. Xander chuckles at his blushing friend. “Ugh, I hate you sometimes you know that.” He glares at him. “I know.” “Will you stop teasing him for once Xander? You can tell he is redder than a tomato.”  Draco tells him. “All right, all right I’ll stop. However, it applies to you two as well.” Xander tells them as he walks a little bit ahead of them. “Fine.” Jaden sighs out as he follows him. “Hey, it’s not like I tease you guys!” Draco hissed out. The boys laughed out at Draco’s complaint. 
*Time Skip: At school* 
“Mr. Kurusu, stop daydreaming when you are in my class!” Yelled a male teacher as he threw a piece of chalk at him. Akira dodged the piece of chalk and it ended up hitting a sleeping Drake against the head. “Huh, Ow.” Drake states as he wakes up and rubs his head. “Crap.” The teacher said as the students whispered about what Jaden was going to do. He just looked around in confusion. Looking for what hit his head. “Are you okay?” The teacher asked. “Um, yeah. Does anyone know what hit my head?” He answered the teacher. Everyone just started to snicker at the situation. Jaden fixes his seating position and starts looking down trying to find it as the teacher goes back to teaching. Once he found the chalk he got very confused. “Who threw a piece of chalk and why?” He whispered. “Oh, well.” He thought after not caring for an answer at that moment and time. A little while later class ended and Jaden grabbed his bag with Draco in it. “Hey, Akira do you know where Dr. Maruki is?” He asked him while catching up to him. “Hmm. Oh, Yeah. I can take you to him if you like.” Akira told him. “Sure. I don’t mind.” He said flashing a bright smile. C-Cute. Akira thought. “Hmm, Akira you good?” Drake asked him, looking a bit concerned. “Um, what yeah no I’m fine, come on let’s go.” They began their journey to the nurse’s office. They chatted about their lives and the Phantom Thieves. “Well, I’ll chat with you later then.” Akira told him as they were right in front of the nurse’s office. “Yeah. You too, mate.” He waved to him as he walked off. Drake sighed then knocked on the door. “Ah, yes come in!” He heard a young-sounding male call out from the other side. He opened that door and walked in to be greeted by a brown-haired young man with black glasses. “Oh hi, you must be one of our new students. Jaden-Drake, I’m guessing?” Dr. Maruki said as he walked over and bowed. “Um, yeah. And you must be Dr. Maruki. I heard a lot about you from a few of my friends.” He said bowing a little bit. “Go ahead and take a seat.” He motioned to the chairs. As Drake sat down the messy-haired doctor asked. “Would you like some tea?” The green-haired boy nodded at the question. As the doctor got him some tea and himself an apple juice the teen boy looked around the room. 
“Here you go. Do you also want some snacks?”
“Um, no thank you.”
“Alright, so what brings you here?” Dr. Maruki asks while he hands Jaden-Drake his tea and sits down on the couch right next to him. “Well. I just have a lot of stuff on my mind.” Drake began. “Really, like what?” He asks. “Well, since I just transferred here with my friend and a lot of problems that happened last year just came into my mind. It hasn’t really affected me in my school work thankfully. It’s just the fact that it’s hard for me to fully trust people because of last year. *sighs* Though, I’m not going to let my past affect me from making friends though.” He explained to Maruki. Maruki nodded as he listened to the green-haired teen. “May I ask you what happened last year?” Dr. Maruki asked. “Um, well. Basically, there was a kid I met last year that joined my friend group. We all thought he was a good guy but he ended up tricking us and we didn’t notice it but the people around us did. He tricked a few of my friends into kicking me out of the group.” Jaden stated as he rubs his sides. “I felt more...happy when I left the group. It was even shown when I was talking to my family. Turns out he affected my attitude itself. I got better friends after that and I learned my lesson. I thought about this from time to time, but I really wouldn’t want anything to be changed. Cause if that situation didn’t happen then I wouldn’t have the friends I do now and I wouldn’t be able to see who was my true friend and not. Well, I had a lot more situations in my life that taught me that same lesson. Like one of my early guy friends, from when I was 12, sexually harassing me and asking me to have sex with him. And friends turning on me and abusing me emotionally for a few years in elementary school.” Drake finished it up. He looked at the doctor who seemed a bit surprised. “Well, that’s a lot that has happened to you in your life. And you wouldn’t want to change a thing even if you had a chance?” 
Jaden shook his head. “No, because I believe everything happens for a reason. And I believe I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t go through my trials in my early childhood, fighting my next trials in life. Since life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. There’s always going something that life will throw at you.” He explained. He nodded right after that explanation. “Hmm, you do seem like that type. Very cheerful too. I bet you will make lots of friends here too.” He chuckled at the comment. “I hope I will. Well, it was nice meeting you Doc. Thank you for listening.” He said as he got up and bowed. “Hmm, your welcome. It was nice meeting you as well. Come again if you have any other problems or you just want to talk, my door is always opened.” The doctor tells him with a soft smile. Drake nods and walks out the door while waving to Doc. “Wow, you kinda went deep back there.” Draco said as he pokes his head out of the bag. “Deep in what?” a voice came from behind them. Xander comes up from behind while adjusting to his glasses. He looks at the two with a bit of a confused expression. “I kinda went too deep when talking to Dr. Maruki. I basically gave him a short version of the story of my life.” Drake explained while rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, it is good to have an adult who can vent out your problems too.” Xander stated as they walked off. “Well, that is true.” Drake signed out, walking next to the taller male. “The thing is I already do. It’s just that he’s always busy so...I guess this is one way to vent if I can’t vent to him.” he continued. 
Xander gave him a confused look. “What do you mean? Do you have someone that lives in Japan that you can vent to?” He asked looking at his friend. Jaden-Drake automatically stopped in his tracks. “Shit.” he whispered to himself. “You know that you can’t lie to me. I can differentiate truth from lie. I can see emotions. Feel pressure and hear expressions. My sixth sense is impossible to hide something from it.” The dark tan boy turned to his friend relaying the true powers he had received from his persona. Drake sighed looking at his friend. “I know that I can’t lie and the same goes to you buddy. I can sense when people are lying. Just more on an animalistic level though. *sighs* He’s a dude I know that had come to visit in America when he was a kid and my family got to know his family and in turn we visited him here in Japan. And he is always busy nowadays. Not like he wasn’t busy before when we were kids.” He mumbled the last part to himself. “Look, one of these days I’ll introduce you guys. Not right now.” He finished off with a sigh. He started rubbing his neck again. “Ok then. Just be glad that I am unable to pry into a person’s memory.” Xander told him. Drake looked at him and laughed. “You're making it sound like he is a bad person when he is like my older brother. Bawha. Dude trust me. I’ll get you guys to meet him. But like I said he is always busy. You can just ask me what he does mate.” he told his friend as they began walking again to meet up with the others to hang out. “I know, you seemed rather joyous whenever you mentioned him. It’s hard to notice but it is there.” He chuckled as his friend laughed. They both just laughed as they walked on. 
*The news on the television*
A man with short, black hair walked up to the podium in front of all the news reporters and his audience with cameras showing live footage for everyone at home to see. He is shown to be breathing in and out as everyone wonders what he is going to say. “Everyone, I have wrong you all for a very long time. I am not the artist you think I am. I have taken others' work for my own self-gain. I have even stolen my own art pieces from people that I have given said pieces to.” He sighs as he looks at everyone with teary eyes. “I have also hurt those that were closest to me. By letting someone in and letting them tear into me and being rude and hurting the people I love in the process. To those that I hurt, stolen from, and never seen in years because of my actions... I am sorry *Sobs* I am so so very sorry. There are no words to describe how sorry I am.” He sobbed out. He kept on crying on camera. Everyone watched as he kept on crying. Some were angry while others felt bad for this man. “I let my pride overshadow me. I stole others’ work so my work was the only one people would see and I would brag how good it was. So after this, I will make this right by giving the artworks back. From those I have stolen, to those I have taken from. I have already given back a painting that belonged to my family. *sniff* I hope that you all can forgive me one day. And to those that I love...I hope that you can come and visit me so we can talk and have a spot of tea or just have something to eat. Thank you.” Just like that, as soon as he finished his speech the reports, just like a swarm of wasps, started asking him questions. He ignored them as he walked away from his podium. 
*At Leblanc*
“Damn, I didn’t expect him to be crying in front of the cameras.” The spiky-haired blonde said while watching the small TV on the wall. The Phantom Thieves were all at Leblanc’s hanging out for the day while the TV was on. “Once a person’s distorted desires are taken away they will start to confess their sins since they realize how bad they are. The worse, or the more sins they made, the more burdened the person feels.” Xander explained to them. “No, I’m fine...yes...bro trust me...yes I am watching it...no I didn’t threaten him...let’s just say I am apart of a new team...yeah...love you too...yes I’ll let you know if the school does anything stupid...yeah talk to you later to...bye bro.” The green-haired teen talks on the phone in the background of the others. “We, understand that bit...but it’s strange just watching it,” The blue-haired teen stated. He sighed then looked at Xander. ”I’ve been meaning to ask this, but how long have you two been doing this? Since you two know so much about this stuff and seem to be very knowledgeable in this sort of thing.” Yusuke asks while looking between the two as Drake hangs up his phone. Drake came over to the others and both of them looked at each other. The multicolor-eyed teen rubbed the back of his neck. “I think the 18th of July marks 10 months since we had gotten our Personas and started this journey.” Xander stated. “Yeah, we’ve been doing this for a while so, if you guys have any questions you can ask us.” Jaden told them with a smile. Draco nodded as he tried to bite Morgana’s tail. “Yep. I also got a lot of knowledge about a lot of situations.” Draco stated as he was still trying. “That reminds me, have you gotten any of your memories back since we’ve been here?” Jaden asked, looking at the bearded dragon, moving the feline's tail in the process. The dragon glared at him once he said that. “Bits and pieces but nothing I can make out.” He sighed out. “Huh, you don’t have all your memories either. I guess I am not the only one.” Morgana said looking at Draco with a smile. Draco’s eyes widened as he looked at the blacked-haired feline. “You lost your memories too?” he asked with his pure black eyes that were full of life.  “Wow, you guys lost both your memories...you know what, you guys could most likely be brothers.” Jaden said as he finally sat down. “How can a cat and a lizard both be related when they're not a part of the same category of genetic species.” Yusuke said looking between the two creatures. “Well, they're unlike the creatures that they are based on. I mean, they can eat normal human food without getting sick, so there could be a chance.”  Drake said as he petted both creatures. 
They all nodded in understanding. “Oh wait, Xander, don't forget that we have to get job applications. And don’t you say the shadows in the Metaverse can give us enough yen! We both know that’s not true. So please get my computer out while I go wash my hands.” Jaden-Drake told Xander as he walked to the bathroom. “Ok, how about that beef bowl shop?” Xander asks Drake as he comes back. “Are they hiring for two people? Cause we don’t have to do the same thing. I mean as long as it’s not you know what. I’m cool with it.” Jaden tells him. “Well, they said that they need as much help as they can get, meaning that both of us could work there.” Xander told his green-haired friend. As the two teens talked about their job hunting, they didn’t notice Akira and Sojiro listening in on their conversation. Akira looked at Sojiro with a knowing look and Sojiro nods. “Hey, if you boys want, I can have one of you work here. It’s if you want of course.” The older man said to the two. Both boys looked at each other. “I mean if you're okay with it. Then sure I guess that is fine.” Jaden said looking at him with a smile. “Sure, Jaden would LOVE to work with you and Akira.” Xander stated with a little smirk on his face. Jaden’s face turned bright red after he heard that statement. “Well, I guess that settles it then. You’ll start tomorrow. Akira will teach you the basics.” The older male with glasses told Jaden as he smiled at him. The green-haired teen nodded in agreement while still blushing red. Everyone chuckled a little as Jaden started to calm himself down.
*Time Skip: July 17 Sunday*
Jaden-Drake groaned as he walked with the three other boys and two creatures to a festival Ryuji had been talking about for a few days now. It was really hot and Drake was sweating from wearing a black jacket and light blue jean pants. I should have stayed home. Or agreed to work with Sojiro today. He thought as they got there. He really didn’t like the heat but learned how to get used to it because he grew up in California, both central and southern. Once they got there, the shortest boy heard the blond complain. “It’s so hot.” He stated. “It’s as if we’ve walked around in an enormous sauna.” Jaden rolled his eyes at Yusuke. “Mate, you shouldn’t be wearing dark colors then. It makes it worse since the dark colors absorb the heat.” Jaden told Yusuke, who was wearing dark-colored clothes. “I have experienced walking kilometers through deserts, this is nothing.” Xander told them with a bit of pride in his voice. “And I grew up in the hottest parts of California and trained in hot weather. Still learned wearing dark clothes was/is a very terrible idea.” Jaden explained. “Whose bright idea was it to come here again?” Ryuji stated as he turned to his friends. “Yours.” Morgana stated as he popped out of the bag. While the boys were bickering a bit, a female news reporter was recording the festival. “And just look at that crowd. Smiling faces everywhere you look.” She exclaimed. “Huh, didn’t really expect the news team to be here.” The multicolor-eyed boy said looking over to where he heard the voice. “With that, let’s move right into asking some of the visitors here for their comments.” She finished off. “A TV crew, hm?” Yusuke stated. “I don’t really like the sound of it.” Jaden stated. “We better not stand out then.” Akira stated. “Hmm, I agree.” Drake with his friend. “We should grab our kebabs and get outta here.” Ryuji said with a smile. “Ah, let’s interview those five.” The female reporter said gesturing to the group. “Is she talking about us?” Yusuke asked. “I don’t know but I really don’t like the sound of it if she is.” Draco said hiding in Jaden’s bag still. “What the-” Ryuji exclaimed. “What do we do, Akira?” Morgana asked the messy-haired teen. “Let’s just stay calm.” He told them. “Right.” 
“Good point. We’ll look even more suspicious if we panic now.” Yusuke said looking at his leader. “They got us.” Morgana said in a nervous tone. “Oh, no.” Draco said as he ducks back into the bag. “Aw, hell...okay, I’m gonna start making some real cringey comments so they can't use any of the footage.” Ryuji told them. Jaden facepalm and shook his head. “Idiot.” He mumbled under his breath. Akira chuckled at his friend's comment. “Wait, where did Xander go?” Xander was still standing right next to them however he was hiding under the Shadow of Nyx whilst silently laughing at them. “Dang it, is he using that Shadow-thing again?” Jaden stated as he looked around. “Hello! It sure is hot today, huh?” The lady said, looking at Ryuji. “Yeah, for sure!” He stated. “And if it’s this hot in July, can you imagine just how insane the weather’s gonna be in December?” “Ah, anyway...since you’re here for the festival, does that mean you and your friends there are meat lovers?” She asked him. “Uh...I’d say that we’re really lovers of fruit! Oh, and sweets! Sweets are just to DIE for!” He told her. The lady looked at him and then started to chuckle nervously. “Well, ah...thank you very much for your time!” She said to him. As soon as she walked away Ryuji relaxed. “Phew, that was too close.” “That was truly cringe-worthy, but are you certain that they won’t air any of it?” Yusuke said, looking to his blind friend. “That wasn’t that bad. You should see the stuff back in America.” Drake told Yusuke. “I’m pretty sure she thought that was a broadcast disaster. We oughta be okay.” Ryuji answered his blue-haired friend's question. “If you say so, mate.” 
“More important than that, though; it’s time to get some MEAT!” Morgana purred out. “Oh, right! My kebab!” Ryuji said. “Can I just have some tiny pieces of whatever you're gonna eat, Drake?” The bearded dragon said, popping his head out. “Yeah.” After the group got in line they got their food. “The lines for the food stalls were even more insane than the heat!” Ryuji whined out. “Standing around in this sweltering heat was rather trying.” Yusuke sighed out. “If you think that's bad, how about standing in line at Disneyland. That could be way worse. And trust me I would know.” Jaden told the two of them. “And almost all the good stuff was already sold out.” Ryuji sighed out. “I didn’t eat breakfast this morning. I’m starting to get light-headed…” Morgana said. “Geez. Even though I didn’t eat for a different reason and I ain’t getting light-headed...well then again.” Jaden said. “Even still, an occasion like this seems to make everything taste delicious.” Yusuke said with a small smile. “That’s because the food is cooked here and not at a fast food place.” Jaden said with a smile. “I go to a lot of places like this with my dad or older brother. They're always so good.” Jaden stated while drooling. Xander nodded. “Yeah, this is good food.” He smiled out. Akira sighs. “I really wanted a kebab.” He said, a little disappointed. “B-But look, Akira-at least we have shaved ice.” Morgana told him. “You can have some of mine. I don’t really mind since I’m not a big kebab person and only really wanted to try it.” Jaden said holding his kebab up to Akira. “Really? Right, if you're giving me some of your food you can have some of my shaved ice. If you want some.” He said to the shorter male. “It’s fine, mate. You don’t have to give me some. Trust me on that much.” Jaden replied with a smile. “Welp, we came all the way out here, so we might as well go check that thing out.” Ryuji mentioned to his friends. “What thing?” Yusuke questioned. “I heard they’re building some kinda huge-ass stadium or somethin’ nearby. Wait, was that what it was?” Ryuji questioned himself at the end. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, do you?” Morgana asked him. “Oh, I heard that the last time I was talking to my older brother. He believes it is a stadium.” Drake stated as he was being handed Akira’s snow cone by Akira himself. “A stadium…” “Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about that.” Xander mutters out. “Well, such buildings often have intriguing architecture; I’d love to see it for personal reference.” Yusuke stated. “Yeah? Let’s go then!” Ryuji said to the group. 
They got to the construction area only to see that they barely started working on it. “Oh c’mon, that’s it? They barely even started!” Ryuji exclaimed. “We seem to be premature spectators.” Yusuke stated. Drake looked at it. “Huh, I thought they started a week ago.” He said looking up at it. “I guess this is what people call ‘jumpin’ the gum.’” Ryuji said. “Jumping the gun.” Mona corrected. “Say, isn’t that Kasumi?” Xander said, pointing to a very saddened girl with red hair that was in a ponytail by a ribbon. “Hey, I believe that is. Why does she look so sad?” Jaden said looking at her. “Well, anyway; hey Ryuji, I’m up to grab a bite with ya.” He said looking at the disappointed blond. “What really?” He stated in surprise. “Yeah, I’m kinda still hungry since I ate very little.” The teen stated to him. “Well alright. C’mon, let's go then Jaden-Drake.” Ryuji said, walking off. “Well, I’ll leave you two to go talk to Kasumi to see if she's okay.” Jaden said following the blond with Draco still in his bag who seemed rather happy as well. Xander and Akira walked up the teen girl. “Hello, Kasumi-san.” Xander said. Kasumi jumped a bit in surprise. “Auditore-Senpai, Kurusu-Senpai?!”  She said to both of them. “What a pleasant surprise.” Akira said to the red-haired girl.  “It is also a pleasant surprise to see you here as well,” Xander states while looking at Kasumi. “Y-Yes. Did you two come to see the stadium too?” She asked them with a fallen expression. “We decided to visit the stadium out of curiosity,” Xander explained to her. “Same here, I needed to give myself a pep talk.” She told the two boys. “Is something wrong?” Akira asks. “Sometimes, when things get me down I come here.” She states with a small smile. “Although that doesn’t really answer your question does it?” She says after thinking for a bit. “I know this may get in the way of your guys' plans, but would you two be willing to join me for lunch?” She asked with her eyes looking rather red and puffy. “Sure, we don’t mind.” Akira said, thinking it was best to accompany her.  
*Time Skip: Dinner*
“Phew! That was delicious.” She said happily, stretching out her arms “What did I just witness?” Akira said with a worried look. “I always like this after a meeting.” Kasumi said with a little smile. “In all honesty, I’d like to keep going...but any more will end up harming a performance.” “Next time let’s go to an all-you-can-eat buffet,” Xander chuckled out. “So the meet was done?” Akira askes.  “Simply put? It was a disaster.” Kasumi sighed out. “I’ve been feeling like I’m getting back into the natural flow of things, thanks to you two.” Kasumi said to both of them, still being a little sad. “Smile my dear! You know you’re never fully dressed without one!” Xander smirked out. Thinking no one would get where that’s from. Kasumi looked at the tan-skinned boy and then laughed a little. Her smile had fallen when she stated. “But when the moment of truth arrived, my body still wouldn’t move the way that I wanted it to…” “Is it more of a mental thing?” Akira asked her. “I think… that’s a big factor” She told them. “Something similar happened to me in middle school-but back then, I had someone by my side that kept me going...” “Who do you mean?” Akira asked her out of curiosity. “...” Kasumi sighed. “I… have a younger sister.” Kasumi told the two boys “We promised each other that we’d win international gymnastics  together...competitions.” She explained. “But this spring, she... died, in an accident” Her expression was not the best at this moment and time. “I promised her we’d take the gold for our routines across the world. But I can’t stop worrying about my lack of improvement lately. I’ve really been throwing myself into practice, but I wonder if even that won’t be enough...” She explained to them.  “It’s not over yet.” Akira told her. “Agreed.” Xander nodded. “After all, if you feel like you hit rock bottom, just know this. There is only one way to go and that is up.” He said confidently. “If you ever need help with anything my friends and I would be willing to help out during your time of need.” Xander finished off with a small smile. “Thank you. And you're right, Kursu-Senpai, I can’t let it end like this! You guys just keep on rescuing me, don’t you?” Kasumi stated as she smiled. “Okay! No more brooding! There are still more meets left this year. I’m going to start from scratch and train as hard as I can.” “That’s the spirit,” Xander told her while Akira nodded. “Thank you guys so much for listening to all that! Now I feel like I’ve been recharged, mind, body, and spirit-” she cut herself off. “...Well, at least my mind and spirit are recharged! The best way to stave off hunger is with some vigorous activity! I’m going to jog home, take care!” She got up and walked away from the two boys. “After eating!? Talk about an iron stomach.” Xander said as he watched her walk off. 
*Time skip: Evening*
“Woo, I’m beat.” Jaden-Drake stats as he flops down on the couch. “Hey, dude how was the whole lunch thing with Yoshizawa?” He turned to his friend who was leaning out to the kitchen counter. “It went well, she just needed someone to cheer her up,” Xander said, looking at his friend. “Alright.” He sighed and turned on the T.V. then began to start laughing. “I knew it. See they should let me do it.” He shook his head as the news from earlier showed his blond friend. As soon as he was about to change the channel his phone chimed. Thinking it was the group he checked his phone. “Shite…” He said under his breath.  “Glad that I used that stealth tactic.” The tanned boy said while looking at the T.V. “I’m glad I was in the bag.” Draco said as he sat on the couch right beside Jaden. “Hey, can both of you be quiet real quick, my brother wants to call me. Also, Xander, you saw the text Ryuji sent us? Glad I gave him my kabab still while I got to catch his shaved ice haha.” The green-haired teen stated as he got on his phone and started to dial his brother. “Hey...bro...what’s up?” Jaden started. “You saw it...What?...Oh yeah...I know I told them I could make it way worse than that….Yeah...Next time I’ll do that...Yeah love you too bye.” Jaden sighs as he hangs up. “Phew. I thought that was going to be way worse than that.” “How worse can you make it?” His friend asked him. “Oh, I was talking about the phone call. The news thing I would have just answered the questions in English but pretend I don’t understand what she is saying or just told her not to record us cause we didn’t want to be on TV.” The older teen explained. “Oh, that kind of method. I would have spoken in a language that I learned from the bleeding effect.” Xander stated. “Oh, I thought of something else at the time that is something you know I would do...or I could have spoken in Greek.” 
*Time Skip: July 17 Monday*
[Phone convo]
Ryuji: Tomorrow’s the fireworks festival! Let’s meet at Shibuya at 5!
Ann: Hey, Makoto. Are you going to wear a yukata?
Makoto: I’m planning on it.
Yusuke: Yukatas are a great part of the summer tradition... They truly heighten a woman’s beauty.
Yusuke: I think I will wear mine as well.
Xander: I made sure to bring one, I will also make sure that Jaden does as well.
Ryuji: You three got one…? How about you, Akira?
Akira: I don’t have a yukata.
Ann: Hey, I know! Why don’t you come without your glasses?
Makoto: What’s the point in that?
Ann: I dunno, you don’t get to see fireworks everyday, so it’d be sad just wearing normal clothes!
Ann: I was just thinking he might want to go for a change of pace.
Ryuji: That sounds great! You should totally come without glasses!
Ryuji: Welp, you guys better not be late tomorrow!  
“So can I wear a little bow tie since you guys are gonna wear your yukatas?” Draco asks as he watches both boys start trying to look for their clothes. The two looked at each other in confusion. “On your tail?” Xander questions. “No, around my neck like a human.” He said. “I don’t know if we have one your size mate.” Jaden stated as he looked through a box. “Aw, man.” He said. “Sorry little buddy.” They continued their search for their yukatas. “I wonder what Akira would look like in a yukata though...” The green haired teen mumbled while blushing. “Looks like love is in the air.” Xander stated as he watched his friend’s blush turn darker. “God, I hate you sometimes dude.” The older teen said looking at him. “I know. Anyways, let’s go check our closets?” “*sighs* Alright then.” 
*Time Skip: Daytime*
The boys finally found their yukatas and started to put them on. Drake was blushing a little bit as soon as he was done putting it on. The yukata he wore was mint green with a dragon design with a bird on it. “Maybe I should wear something underneath so that way I feel less exposed to the world. How about you Xan-man?” He asked his friend who was still putting on his. His yukata was white with a design of a silver-colored eagle with the eye of the eagle containing a blue flame in the iris. “You should always wear something underneath.” He replied as he finished trying it on. “True.” He paused for a moment. “Well unless it’s a quilt.” Xander looked at him with a confused look as he went off to his room. “Wait what?” he asked. “Ask my dad.”  He heard him shout. When both boys were finished, with Draco in the bag, they went out the door and headed straight for Jaden’s car. “Alright. Okay so let’s head to Shibuya...forgot to ask you. Wanna take the car or do you want to take the train?” He asked, looking at his friend. “Train is faster.” Xander told him. “Right, let's go then”
Once they were on the train they were pushed together since the train was really crowded. “I hate this.” The shorter of the two sighed out. He really hated being in crowded areas sometimes. This time being one of them. “Now for today’s Train News. Today’s headlines are…’Fireworks Festival Tonight’, expect roads and transportation to be congested for the entire day. ‘Sudden Weather Changes: Imminent!’ Be careful of sudden shifts in climate from afternoon to night.” The train monitor announced. “Huh, so that means most of these people are going to the firework festival.” The green-haired teen stated. “Great.” The black-haired teen stated while sighing.  
*Time Skip: Evening*
The group of five boys were all standing around waiting for the girls to arrive. “Uuuugh, It’s so hooooot…” Ryuji groaned out. “I feel like I’m being baked.” Morgana whined. “I think it feels good. Since I was stuck inside the apartment for most of the day today.” Draco growled out. “Those girls are way too late.” Ryuji complained. “It must be taking time for them to put on the yukata.” Yusuke explained. “Or maybe it’s traffic. Since it is an event going on and a lot of the roads are blocked.” Drake explained to the blond. “Why aren’t you two wearing one?” Yusuke asks the boys in normal clothes. “I don’t got clothes like yukata. But man, you look way too normal in that.” Ryuji said while looking at Yusuke. “I have to agree.” The shorter male said “People often say that to me.” Yusuke said. “Well, then again, depending on the person I meet I would say the same.” Drake told them. Yusuke nods. “That makes a little bit of sense.” “Ah, by the way...the exams…” Ryuji mentioned. “I bet you got a big fat F on them.” Morgana joked. “Shuddup! We- We don’t know that yet.” He glared at the blue-eyed feline. “That was very rude to say Mona. Even by my joking standards.” Drake told the feline. “Wait until our grades come in.” Xander stated. “Really. Don’t make him even more stressed.” The multicolored-eyed teen stated. Right after Drake stated that, two young ladies came up to them. One was in a pink yukata and the other wore a black yukata. “Are you going to the fireworks festival?” The lady in the pink yukata asks them. “That’s right.” Yusuke answers. “Us too! Wanna go together?” The one in a black yukata asks while coming close to Drake. Drake backed away from her and went next to Akira. “Are we…getting hit on?” Ryuji said, stunned. “I would rather not get involved with this.” Xander stated while backing away a little. “C’mon, let’s go together.” The pink yukata lady suggested. “Do you happen to be a model? You look great in that yukata.” The one in the black said to Yusuke. “Is your friend in the green yukata shy or something?” She asked point to Drake who is currently hiding behind Akira. “He doesn’t trust new people that well.” Akira stated to the ladies. He goes back to looking at Ryuji. “Waitin’ around’s a pain, so can we just go with these chicks?” He asked. “No way.” Akira answered, shaking his head. “We’ll all apologize to the others later!” Ryuji smirked. “This is a dishonorable action, what would Ann and Makoto say to this?” Xander asked, looking at Ryuji. “Who cares?” He told him. “That’s enough! You’re disgracing your yukata. You should be more aware of your womanhood.” Yusuke told the ladies. They both looked at each other, then walked away. “That kinda was a bit mean there, mate.” Drake told Yusuke as he got out of his hidden position.  “They were being disgraceful. What else can I say?” He asked. “How could you?!” Ryuji said with disbelief. “Why don’t you go after them then?” Ann said. Both her and Makoto walked up to the group. “So those are the kinds of girls you like, Ryuji.” Makoto said. Xander and Drake chuckled at that comment. “Uh, well… That’s…” Ryuji began but could think of anything to say. “...You know, Yusuke’s a pretty boy, but he is really missing out because of what he says.” Ann stated. “I guess, but he’s more likeable since he stays true to his ideals. Definitely more than somebody I know.” Makoto stated while eyeing Ryuji. “I have to agree with both of you on that. But then again we are high schoolers so we’re going to think differently now then when we’re adults.” Xander said with a little chuckle. “I heard that Ryuji’s pretty much failed his exams.” Morgana chimed in with a little smirk. “Oh?” Makoto looked at the black-furred feline. “Mona, you little-” Ryuji began but got cut off. “Hey, it’s gonna get crowded if we don’t get going.” Ann said. “Agreed.” Yusuke said. The group had begun walking away right when Ryuji started talking to the ladies from before. “But man, you both look amazin’ in yukata! Talk about Japanese beauty…” When he was done he opened his eyes just to see the group walk away. When he got to them Drake made a little remark. “Dude, don’t even try at this point.” “H-Hey!” 
Once they got to a convenient store, the show had already begun. “Oh… It started already…” Ann sighed out. “Ah!” Jaden heard some people say. “I see it.” Some lady shouted out as people looked up and saw huge fireworks lit up the sky. “Wooh.” People started cheering as the group was watching a few raindrops come down. “Oh, no.” Drake said in disappointment. “Why now…” Makoto said while Ann groaned. Draco jumped a little as soon as he heard thunder. The group got under the convenient store’s header roof to dry off. Jaden-Drake wasn’t really too pleased as they were drying off watching Ryuji, Akira, and Yusuke, who were right next to him, watch Ann lift up her yukata. So that she can get the water out of it. Xander, in the meanwhile, wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on. But as soon as Makoto pointed it out to Ann they quickly looked away. “Come on!” She said a little loud. “Looks like you need help…” Ryuji stated while still looking away. “Then why don’t you go and buy me a towel already then, huh?” She said as she grabbed Ryuji and shook him a bit. Drake looked at them and shook his head while Makoto sighed. Right before he could sit the two up the speaker stopped them both. “Due to the sudden change in weather, a heavy rain and flood warning has been issued nearby.” It spoke. “Since the festival cannot proceed in this weather, we truly apologize for canceling today’s fireworks show.” Right as the speaker was speaking this information the group watched a woman about their age with a few people standing by get into a black car. 
They soon went inside to get out of the rain even more. “Ack… We’re just trying to get outta the rain, but look how crowded it is…” Ryuji said. “I guess everyone had the same idea.” Ann sighed out. Drake sighed. “I knew we should have brought the car.” he stated, shaking his head. Makoto was still staring outside while the three of them had made their statements. “What’s up?” Ann asked her. “Mm, I think I just saw someone I know…” Makoto stated to the group. “You mean the girl in the black car?” The blond female asked. “Well, she’s got a ride...” Ryuji huffed out. “The rain seems relentless. Might be a while before it stops.” Xander said as he looked outside. “I have to agree with you on this one mate.” Jaden sighed out. The short male sighed out. “Time to show off your skills, Mona! We need you as a car!” Ryuji exclaimed to the cat. “It’s not possible in the real world.” Morgana shouted at him. “My feet hurt…it’s cold…the festival’s been canceled…this sucks.” Ann complained. “You know if my mom were here she would say ‘suck it up buttercup’. So is everyone else but you don’t hear them complain.’” Drake said at Ann's comment. “That’s a mean thing to say.” Makoto said, looking at him. “My mom is brutally honest.” He said looking back at her. “We made such a commotion with the public, and this is what we get? Laaame...” Ryuji said with a sad look on his face. “Aren’t heroes that lurk in the shadows boring?” He looked to Akira. “I like the shade.” Akira told him with a little smile. “What are you, moss?” Ryuji asked. Drake giggled at the conversation. “Well, it’s much better this way.” He giggled out. “Even Drake agrees with me.” Akira pointed out. “Whatever, you two are weird.” The blond sighed out. “I want to change the world with a loud bang, like a huge firework!” Ryuji complained. “...Then again, we aren’t gonna find anyone bigger than Kaneshiro that easily.” He continued on, looking disappointed. “We will just have to wait for another criminal to reveal themselves.” Xander told him, shaking his head a little. They all nodded at Xander’s comment. “The rain is letting up. Though it’s regrettable, we should go our separate ways for today.” Yusuke told the group as he was looking outside. “Yeah. Let’s go home.” Morgana said in agreement. 
Words: 10956
Sorry for the long wait pictures for this chapter are coming soon. 
Posted: 05/07/2020
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wondr18360 · 5 years
Hints at who the traitor was in Persona 5
To be honest, I always had a gut feeling that this person would be the traitor partly because I had seen the teaser images for PQ2 with them included as part of the Phantom Thieves and given their background before they “joined” the group, they certainly seemed suspicious, but still that’s not really proof that this person was the traitor, so here’s a list of things that really helped prove that they were the culprit behind the mental shutdowns and the one who sold out the Phantom Thieves!
(I haven’t revealed their name or gender yet cuz I don’t wanna spoil anyone by accident, so select ‘keep reading’ at your own risk!)
1. Lurking at Okumura Foods
The first time the Phantom Thieves enter Okumura’s palace, Akechi is spotted nearby, and we can see him actually notice the Thieves gathered in front of the company building before the scene cuts to the Metaverse. At this point in the game it could be just a way to make us nervous since it’s already been established that he’s suspicious of the Shujin kids + Yusuke and Futaba, and him seeing them go into the Metaverse in front of a potential target’s property could make him even more suspicious and maybe even give him solid proof that they are the Phantom Thieves, but really, why is Akechi by the Okumura company building in the first place? Maybe it’s a coincidence, or maybe he’s just doing his job investigating Okumura as a suspect? In any case, it is quite convenient, especially that he happens to be there at the same time that the Thieves are, and more importantly, that this just happens to be the one palace that they infiltrate whose owner dies of a mental shutdown because the true culprit appears after the boss battle and kills his shadow. I’m probably grasping at straws, but in hindsight this does seem a bit fishy...
2. Interest in the Shujin Kids + Yusuke & Futaba (and Haru)
During the Shujin Academy panel, when Akechi reveals that he knows their identity as the Phantom Thieves, he tells the group that he was curious about them ever since the Madarame case. This could have been because Yusuke started hanging out with Ryuji, Ann, and Akira (and Morgana) around the time of the Madarame case, and not only would that have been odd because he didn’t go to the same school as them, but after a bit of digging it would have been known that a former pupil/victim of Madarame was hanging out with three Shujin students who had been victims of Kamoshida, who was the first target of the Phantom Thieves; logically that would have made for a pretty interesting group and it would have been a strange coincidence that Yusuke just happens to join those three when his tormentor gets a change of heart. But remember, Madarame’s shadow was the first one to mention the true culprit behind the shutdowns, and talked about a Persona-user with a black mask. Kaneshiro, the next criminal to get a change of heart, also mentioned the culprit. It’s a bit odd that the time around which Akechi grew interested in the group coincides with the time that we first heard about the true culprit, who most likely could have even been in the palaces at the same time as the Thieves and maybe even saw them as they were exploring, particularly since in the Okumura palace, the culprit kills Shadow Okumura right after the Thieves defeat him and leave him behind, indicating that whoever they were, they must have been waiting inside the palace itself for the Thieves to weaken him and then leave so that they could finish the job. Again, probably grasping at straws, but it’s kinda suspicious.
3. Sudden Thieves fan??
Okay he doesn’t really become a fan of the Phantom Thieves, but Akechi’s stance towards them does soften somewhat after Okumura’s death when he adamantly says that they aren’t responsible for the incident or for any of the other mental shutdowns. This is a bit suspicious since before he seemed very convinced that the Phantom Thieves were connected to the mental shutdowns, and when his stance suddenly changes to the opposite, even Sae Nijima calls him out on it and points out the same thing. Not only that, but on his television appearance, he even comments that there may be more going on than originally thought, which is similarly suspicious and even indicates that he may actually know more than he’s letting on. In addition, when he later runs into Akira at Leblanc again, he says something about how is goals are probably not so different from theirs, which a) hints at a possible collaboration between him and the Thieves, and b) indicates that he may also have his own agenda to get rid of scummy adults. The latter is actually confirmed later when he’s talking with the Thieves in Leblanc, when he mentions wanting revenge against sickening human beings and having a grudge against someone, which puts more emphasis on the fact that there is some darker force behind Akechi’s actions and motivation. 
4. Genius, or experienced?
During the Shujin Academy panel when Akechi confronts the Thieves and reveals how he found out their true identities, he says that he has the same power as them and that he gained that power around the time of the Okumura case, about a month before the panel. However, when he’s talking to the Thieves, he seems to know quite a bit about the Metaverse, even mentioning it by name, which is odd because even members like Makoto and Futaba, who either pick up knowledge quite quickly or may have already had some knowledge of the cognitive world, needed time and guidance from Morgana and the veteran members of the Thieves in order to figure things out. And yet here’s Akechi, who was on his own the whole time, talking as though he’s already an expert on the Metaverse- and how exactly did he know that that’s what the other world was called? It’s a bit strange, and even when he’s exploring Sae’s palace with the Thieves, he seems to know quite a lot already, or picks up on things abnormally quickly for someone who’s supposed to be an “amateur” as Morgana would say. Speaking of Sae’s palace, it’s also a bit fishy how he was able to find out so quickly how to use the Meta-nav to find it, since he is the one who reveals to the group that she has a palace, and evidently already has a plan to change her heart. Basically, his intelligence aside, the only other viable reason I can think of for Akechi’s extensive knowledge of the Metaverse is that he has more experience with it than he made it seem to the Phantom Thieves. 
5. Bad storyteller
I don’t know about you guys, but when Akechi was telling the Thieves about how he saw the real culprit behind the shutdowns and somehow survived their encounter by awakening his Persona, I wasn’t buying it. First, there's no proof that what he’s saying is actually true, and also, if he's really going to be a bona fide monafide member of the Phantom Thieves, wouldn’t we actually get to witness his awakening the way we did with all the other members? Even Haru, who was in her Persona clothes already when we first saw her, got a real awakening scene for us to see, but there’s none of that for Akechi. That’s not all though- it’s already established that the true culprit is quite strong, in fact, back when Shadow Kaneshiro mentioned the culprit, he said that the Thieves would be no match for them in terms of strength. If that’s the case, how would Akechi have survived? Maybe the trauma of a life-or-death situation triggered his awakening and his Persona momentarily saved his life, but still the culprit could have taken another shot or two and killed him because he’s still supposed to be relatively unfamiliar with his powers, and logically it would also be in the culprit’s best interests to make sure to get rid of Akechi because he actually saw them and this could come back to bite them later. In any case, Akechi’s story is only slightly believable at best in my opinion, and for me at least it definitely was a big hint.
6. Sae’s calling card
Am I the only one who thought it was kind of weird that Akechi was so specific about the date that they should send out the calling card for Sae? I mean, yeah he gave that whole analysis of her character and why based on that it would be good to send the calling card closer to the deadline, but still, why did it have to be on the 18th? Why not the 17th or the 19th? After all, those dates are pretty close to the deadline as well. This just makes it more likely that Akechi’s monologue about Sae is a clever ruse to hide the fact that he is planning his own “mission” to mobilize the police to capture the Phantom Thieves in her palace on that date. 
7. The deal
One of the biggest indicators (in my opinion) that Akechi wouldn’t be a true member of the Phantom Thieves was his condition for cooperating with them: they disband after dealing with Sae’s palace. If he genuinely was interested in joining them or working together towards justice, he wouldn’t be giving them such an ultimatum. He does say that he wants to work with them because the mission would not be able to succeed without their cooperation, but even that comment is a bit sketchy because his referring to a “mission” could even mean that he has an ulterior motive, some other “mission” that he’s trying to carry out besides taking away Sae’s distorted desires. Anyway, because he generally did not approve of the Thieves and his motivation for working with them was questionable at best, it makes sense that he would have been the one to betray them.
8. Delicious Pancakes:
Finally, the most meme-ish canon hint that Goro Akechi is the traitor! This is basically the incident that tips off Akira and the Phantom Thieves that they should be suspicious of Akechi when he wants to make a deal and work with them later in the game. It’s one of those hints that you can catch when it happens (which is far earlier than the deal and whole traitor business), but it’s subtle enough that you do need to be paying some attention to what’s going on at the time, especially since it’s covered up well by Ryuji’s convincing response to Akechi that nope, no one was talking about pancakes, and the fact that no one actually addresses it afterwards until months later when the story is close to its climax. But even if you did forget that Morgana was the only one talking about pancakes and how delicious they were, you would have to wonder why Akechi was so specific about having heard someone say “delicious pancakes” when it sounds nothing like what Ryuji and Ann were talking about before he arrived on the scene. From the early-game standpoint, it’s an indicator that given the fact that he heard Morgana, Akechi probably isn’t the normal high-school detective that he appears to be, but after progressing to the later part of the game, it’s proof that Akechi could hear and understand Morgana from the very beginning, and therefore was another Metaverse user; he was the true culprit behind the mental shutdowns. 
Welp, that was long, but if you got this far, thanks so much and I hope you enjoyed reading! :D
Bonus hint: Akechi literally is a long-haired alternate dimension version of Light Yagami, I mean of COURSE he’s the crazy criminal masquerading as a detective/ordinary student! XD 
(Also no one asked but Futaba sits a lot like L so it really is like Light vs. L again except this time L WINS!!)
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books-and-dragons · 6 years
What never could have been
okay, now im gonna be doing these days as they come, so expect delays? i may write/start writing day 4 tonight, but my schedule’s gonna pick up this weekend :c
What could never have been
Deep down, Akechi had longed for that feeling of unity, when he joined the Phantom Thieves. He’d ached for the support, the praise, the feeling of pride and satisfaction that came at the end of a long day in Mementos. Every move he made in tandem with Joker, he’d clung to like a desperate child.
A part of him had hoped they trusted him. Considered him a friend.
Seeing them all, in the Engine Room, walking together, shoulders brushing against each other, Battleworn and achy, but happily together- he felt the pang of rejection. He knew before he’d even jumped down from those pipes, before he’d revealed himself as the Black mask.
They’d never trusted him.
He would never be one of them.
ShuAke Confidant Week, Day 3- Rejection
Linky to ao3 be here (i’ll add in a sec)
Akechi had been using the Metaverse since he was 15. He was no stranger to shadows, or personas- certainly not cognitions.
But to the roaring laughter in the Monabus, the teasing comments in the midst of battle, the reliable support at every twist and turn of the Palace- Akechi most certainly felt a stranger to.
Blackmailing the Phantom Thieves and infiltrating their little group, that had always been the plan. Wait until the end of Sae Nijima’s palace and kill Kurusu in the Interrogation chambers, he was ready for that. He’d put an end to that annoying attic trash, his sickening kindness and irritating friends.
And then, he joined the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.
When Eigaon was heading straight towards him and Robin, suddenly Akira was there, supported by Arsene’s bold wings, taking minor damage from the element the pair were so inclined to.
In the Monabus, Makoto shared her water, claiming he looked tired. The thieves were quick to ask about his health, worry about his sleeping patterns- Akechi couldn’t remember the time someone asked how much sleep he’d been having recently.
At Leblanc, Akira always added extra curry to his and Yusuke’s plates. Going to bed hungry was becoming but a distant memory.
Akechi could remember the gut-aching laughter when Ryuji suddenly decided that he was able to stomach coffee. In particular, Haru’s elephant-dung black coffee. It had been a spit-take that Futaba had immortalised forever on her phone.
That amused yet serene smile on Akira’s face as he set all the thieves lose to gamble their shadow winnings in Sae’s Palace. How it made Akechi's own heart race, especially when Akira transferred that same look directly at his direction.
But then, he’d stared into Akira’s glazed eyes, his beaten face. The blood congealing on his wrists, the pricks of needles peeking out from the Shujin turtleneck, the way each breath was much shorter, as if to breathe longer pushed the very limits of his ribcage, long lashes stuck together from some sort of liquid, perhaps tears. He’d looked at it all, then he shot Akira in the face.
Leblanc was no longer a source of homely comfort. No longer would he be welcomed with Akira’s warm smile and Sojiro’s old-man grumblings.
His forgotten meals went back to being forgotten, nobody caring if he’d eaten or not. If he felt well at all.
But it was all his fault, and he knew it.
The Phantom Thieves had offered their hands to him, and he threw it aside. Killed their beloved leader, their guiding light. Betrayed their trust in the worst way possible.
He still caught himself lingering in the train station, hoping to bump into Akira. Those days were always the worst. The days where the shadow of a ghost would flash around every corner, linger at their favourite spots, watch over Akechi’s shoulder as he did paperwork. The briefcase was always heaviest on those days, the nightmares most vivid.
He hated himself for clinging to that ghost. For creating that ghost in the first place.
He could have had friends, companions. On most days, he’d hiss to himself that he didn’t need friends, that they were pathetic- a crutch for the weak. He was stronger than such reliance, such neediness. He’d made it this far by himself- he didn’t need anyone else.
On other days, he taunted himself with images of what could have been. Perhaps he would have told the others about his relation with Shido, and Akira’s eyes would light with determination- they’d storm into his Palace, tear it down in a matter of days, Akechi could destroy that man, surrounded by honest and genuine support from the Phantom Thieves. Perhaps they would celebrate after, full of warmth and excitement. Akira could lean into him, giddy and tired from the past days events, and Akechi would carefully place his arm around that slim frame- maybe that night, running on sheer adrenaline, Akechi would finally work up the courage to act on the feelings he’d buried for so long.
But instead he threw it all away.
With a single bullet, he destroyed all hope he could have ever had at that happiness.
How easy it could have been, to escape that interrogation room with Akira in his arms- battered and broken, but he’d be safe, protected.
Instead, he was dead.
Dead, at Akechi’s hands. Shido gave the order, but it was Akechi that followed them, like some pathetic dog following the orders of its master with no mind of it’s own.
The thieves had offered him a way out, and he turned away.
The hope he never thought he’d be offered, that he never deserved, offered to him in perfect scenario after perfect scenario- he could have had that. Their care, their friendship.
And he hated himself for rejecting that.
They’d never cared.
He was a fool to think they were ever genuine about their friendship, that they would ever truly welcome him among their precious ranks, their sickeningly-close bond. He was a tool, yet again, just something other people used for their own advantages.
They pretended. Faked kindness and honestly- those innocent offerings, rambunctious rounds of laughter, all of it a mask for their true loathing, their distrust.
For how long had they been hiding so much from him? Had it been their plan the entire time, to weaken him with their friendship and bonding, only to betray him, to whisper secrets behind his back and plot their way around his path, like undetected phantoms.
He watched them, exhausted but still smiling, linked arm-in-arm, hand-in-hand, the final letter of admission to Shido’s Representative Chamber secured in their grasp.
And right in the middle, surrounded by love and support, wearing that irritatingly-soft smile and perfectly breathing, was Akira Kurusu.
No bullet wound through his skull, all physical wounds from his interrogation mostly healed- it was as if nothing had ever happened.
As if Akechi had never even existed.
He knew in that moment, the second he lay eyes on Kurusu, that he’d been manipulated. They tugged at strings of his heart that he once thought were long-since withered, played him into believing their offer was real- all to get rid of him.
They always knew he didn’t belong with them.
As he jumped down from the upper pipes, landing perfectly before a minorly-startled Joker, he told himself that deep down, he'd always known he didn’t belong with them either.
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i-w-p-chan · 6 years
Entering the Playing Field Blind
Summary: Akechi Goro confronts the Thieves with the incriminating evidence he’s gathered on them. Unfortunately for him, it doesn’t mean he maintains the upper hand for long. Prequel to Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro.
Note: one day I was like, what if I do a prequel to Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro? and this happened. Enjoy :D
Warnings: Self-Indulging Yet Again, Prequel To Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro, Feels In Hindsight, Goro’s Raging Crush On Akira, Info Dump, These Kids Are Very Chatty, Not!Black Mask!Akechi.
Disclaimer: Don’t own P5.
“I know you’re all the Phantom Thieves of Hearts,” Goro declared as he stared down Kurusu and his group, “And I have proof!”
Kurusu’s group looked dubious, so Goro smiled sickeningly sweet and continued, “When you were at Okumura Foods’ HQ, and transported yourself to the other dimension, whatever you call it, I was incidentally close by and pulled along with you.”
As the group stared at him in varying degrees of shock, he added, “I was almost attacked by a robot.” He crossed his arms and scrutinized them all, “But I somehow managed to leave the place.” He reached into his pocket and removed his phone, unlocking the screen and scrolling until he reached the page containing the ‘MetaNav’ app, he showed them his phone’s screen, and they all zeroed in on it, their eyes widening as they no doubt caught sight of the app.
“I assume this app is linked to your work as the Phantom Thieves, as it contained only one bookmark when I found it on my phone after I escaped the robot and that strange space station- Okumura Kunikazu, Okumura Foods HQ, space station- which disappeared ten days later. I assume it indicated that you stole his heart?”
Goro pocketed his phone and took out the photos he took of the Thieves’ incriminating presence at Okumura Foods HQ, “I even have photographic evidence that you were there.” He placed the photos on the desk near him and stared intently at the Thieves.
They opened their mouths, no doubt to deny, but a high-pitched voice interrupted them, “He has a lot of evidence against us, it’s no use denying. Besides, we can’t have him run around the Metaverse freely.”
Goro pressed his lips together and prepared to respond scathingly to the speaker about his last remark when he stopped cold, “Wait… who said that?”
He scanned the group and room around them but he couldn’t find anyone else except for himself, the Thieves, and Kurusu’s cat.
There was a sigh, “I’m right here.”
Goro frowned; while the voice came from the same direction where Kurusu’s cat was perched on top of a box, there was no one else there.
“Jeez, aren’t you supposed to be some kind of smart detective?”
Goro’s eyes widened in shock, “Kurusu-kun” He spoke faintly, “Did your cat just talk?”
The cat frowned at him, and there was no mistaking the expression for anything other than a frown, while its tail lashed through the air behind it in agitation, “I’m not a cat!”
“He does that sometimes.” Kurusu chose that moment to speak up.
Goro turned his attention back to Kurusu, “And the talking cat is connected to the other world?”
Kurusu nodded; the Thieves around him were just as agitated as the cat, clearly disliking the direction this conversation was headed in.
Goro nodded and gathered the photos into his hand, “Alright, I’m going to make a deal with you: I don’t turn you in, and you take me with you to the other world and answer my questions.”
“Answering your ‘questions’ is too broad a phrasing,” Niijima interrupted, “Please specify what kind of questions.”
Goro repressed a sigh, but it wasn’t like he was in any position to make any more demands- especially since they were the only source of information he could find at the moment, “Questions about the other world, the app, how you steal hearts.”
In different circumstances, he may even ask them to disband, but he was already pushing it with his requests, so he had to settle for just this.
The Thieves looked at each other and started murmuring between them.
“What do you think, Mona-chan?” Okumura asked the cat softly.
“I’m afraid we don’t have any other option,” The cat spoke, tone regretful, and the Thieves shared on last look between them.
“Alright, we agree to your terms,” Kurusu said, tone as neutral as ever.
Goro suppressed a smirk; the first step was complete, now to the second.
“Good. Where to begin with the questions?” Goro hummed thoughtfully.
“Are you sure it’s a good place and time to have such a long discussion?” Kitagawa wondered.
“We should go somewhere else,” Takamaki mused.
“Ugh, but where?” Sakamoto questioned.
“How about Leblanc?” The cat interjected, “We already gather there, one more person won’t be that out of place. And Akechi already frequents the café, no one bat an eye at him going there.”
“That’s a good idea. All in agreement?”
And that was how Goro found himself in Leblanc’ attic.
Otherwise known as: Kurusu Akira’s room.
Goro regretted so many things in his life, walking with his own two feet to his crush’ room without knowing so beforehand ranked pretty high up that list of regrets.
Someone kill him already.
His eyes darted around the place, taking in the box of clothes near the stairs (holy shit this was where Kurusu changed out of his clothes!), the couch (oh god that was where Kurusu would recline!), the work desk in the corner (Kurusu worked on that desk!), the clothes lines above his head (in the name of all things holy, Kurusu was naked in this space!), the bed-
(For fuck’s sake, Kurusu slept there! Kurusu probably did dirty things there! What if he brought partners to this room?! What if he Did The Deed with Other People right on that bed?! Maybe that couch too?! What if on the desk or-?!)
Someone fucking kill him already!
“Hey, uh, yo, you okay there?” Goro’s head snapped to the side to stare uncomprehendingly at Sakamoto who was giving him concerned looks (and it had to be bad if Sakamoto noticed, snap out of it, Goro!).
“I’m perfectly fine.” Goro all but chirruped, his smile unnaturally wide on his face, “Why wouldn’t I be? I mean, I’m in Kurusu-kun’s room why wouldn’t I-“ Goro snapped his mouth shut and cleared his throat, surreptitiously checking the Thieves’ expression and seeing all of them sans Kurusu, who was blank-faced as usual (did he notice? Oh god, please no), were giving him concerned looks. Takamaki was giving him a sympathetic smile as she looked between him and Kurusu, and Sakura snorted.
Goro’s faker than Kurusu’s glasses smile almost twitched at the corners; he had to salvage the situation- and fast.
“My questions?”
“Right,” Kurusu said before he silently started rearranging the furniture alongside the Thieves to turn it into a suitable meeting space.
“Your questions.” Kurusu pulled the chair near his work desk towards the table he sat up in the attic and sat on it, “You can start asking them now.”
Goro looked around the space, wondering where he could position himself so that he would be close enough to hear and be heard, before he slowly stepped to stand behind Kurusu, a hand tentatively settled at the back of the chair.
The Thieves sent him amused smirks, as if something in where he chose to stand entertained them greatly; Kurusu didn’t even twitch.
“So, the app. What can you tell me about it?”
The Thieves shared a look before Niijima spoke up, “It allows us to move into and out of the other dimension, and check for the names of people who need a change of heart.”
“And this other dimension is called what, exactly?”
“The Metaverse,” Morgana piped up, blue eyes boring into Goro, “It’s another layer of reality that is based on human subconscious and cognition.”
“Cognition?” Goro zeroed in on the term, “Do you mean by that a manifestation of people’s perception of reality?”
“Indeed.” Kitagawa nodded his head, “Our bigger targets tend to have quite a distorted view of reality.”
Goro frowned as he digested the information, his brain linking it with the facts he knew, “So, that distorted view of reality is what you change by changing someone’s heart?”
“Yes.” The Thieves nodded.
“How do you change someone’s heart?”
“It’s a bit complicated to explain?” Haru wondered out loud, “When someone’s heart is quite distorted, they form what we call a Palace.”
“Consider the Palace like their very own corner of the Metaverse,” Takamaki added.
“And they’re the rulers of that place,” Sakamoto interjected.
“We infiltrate the Palace, and look for the root of the distortion,” Sakura spoke up, and Goro almost jolted; he almost forgot that she was in the room with them.
“After we find the Treasure-“ Sakamoto picked up after Sakura, and Niijima interrupted.
“Which is the aforementioned root of the distortion.”
“-we send the calling card.” Sakamoto completed.
“Why do you send it? Why not just take the Treasure, as you called it?”
“We can’t steal the Treasure if it’s not manifested,” Morgana responded, “We send the calling card to make our target aware that their heart is something that can be stolen, which will cause the Treasure to take a form, and then we can take it, which will cause a change of heart after we leave the Palace.”
“How long does it take you to take a Treasure?”
“It depends on the obstacles we face while infiltrating the Palaces,” Kitagawa said, “Aside from fatigue, some obstacles require from us to leave and cause a change in our target’s cognition.”
“And that would be?”
“When we were going to steal Kaneshiro’s heart, we couldn’t even access his Palace before we made him see us as ‘customers’ of his,” Takamaki said.
“I see…” Goro hummed thoughtfully, “So, how long do you take to steal a heart after sending out a calling card?”
“Not very.” Okumura shook her head.
“We do it within the next day,” Sakamoto said, “Because the Treasure doesn’t stay in a shape for long.”
“The effect of the calling card isn’t permanent.” Morgana nodded.
“And if you fail, can’t you try again?”
“We can’t, because we can only cause the Treasure to manifest only once,” Niijima added.
“And that’s for your bigger targets; people like Kamoshida, Madarame, Kaneshiro, Okumura. What about your ‘lesser’ targets?”
“They’re the ones we pick through our daily life or forum request. We hear about someone causing harm to others and we check if they have a distorted heart, and then we steal it.”
“I suppose they have their own Palace?”
“A collective Palace, if you will,” Morgana said, “Their distortion isn’t strong enough to form an independent Palace, so they reside in Mementos: the collective human unconscious and shared Palace of the populace.”
“And they’re easier to handle because we only have to confront their Shadow selves, instead of all the details we have to go through in each Palace,” Takamaki said.
“Shadow selves?”
“Their subconscious, their selves that reside in the Metaverse.”
“Oh? Have any of you met any of your Shadow selves before, then?”
The Thieves all shook their heads.
“I have.” Goro heard Sakura say and he turned his head towards her; she was staring in front of her at her linked hands, “It was only short lived, though, and my Shadow self disappeared soon afterwards.”
“Does that mean that meeting one’s Shadow self causes it to disappear?”
The group shared a look between them, “We don’t know that for sure,” Okumura said, “None of us ever met our Shadow selves aside from Futaba-chan.”
“And her Shadow self didn’t so much disappear as change,” Niijima interjected.
“A metamorphosis.” Kitagawa hummed.
Futaba looked Goro in the eye, a first, and her eyes burned with a familiar fire that both fascinated and terrified him.
Being face to face with your subconscious… Goro couldn’t imagine meeting the manifestation of all of his innermost thoughts and desires.
(He figured his would look ugly and repulsive; it made sense with the desire for revenge lurking under his skin, and the rage burning in his veins.)
Shaking his head as if to dispel the thought, “And how do you check your targets? You mentioned that you use the app for that, but you didn’t explain how.”
“We enter the name of the target we have.
Sakamoto took out his phone and opened the app before he put his phone on the table.
“For example,” Niijima started, “If you start with someone like, say, Futaba.” She leaned forward, “Sakura Futaba.”
The app remained as it was, and Goro frowned, “Is that because her Shadow self changed?”
“More accurately, it became an integrated part of me now, so she’s not dwelling in the Metaverse anymore. But if you take the name of someone normal, no strong distortion whatsoever. Like Sojiro.”
“Sakura Sojiro.”
On the app, a destination bookmarked as ‘Mementos’ flashed once.
“See that?” Takamaki waved at the phone, “That tells you that Boss has a normal Shadow self in Mementos.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s a viable target…?” Goro wondered.
Morgana shook his head, “It’s only natural for people to have a Shadow self, it’s just when their desires become distorted that they become a viable target.”
“I see… How does the app react when you do have a target in… Mementos, was it?”
The group looked between them again, “Well, we don’t have the name of a target right now, so.” Takamaki shrugged, “We don’t have a name to check.”
“Hey, I have an idea!” Sakamoto grinned widely, “How about we try your name, Detective Prince?”
Goro felt his stomach twist into knots and his heart lodge into his throat, dread filling him up at the sight of the hesitant looks the Thieves sent him.
He let out a deep breath and spoke clearly, “Akechi Goro.”
The app pinged.
Goro averted his eyes, not daring to meet the eyes of the Thieves, not under these circumstances.
“Detective?” Kurusu’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and caused him to turn his head to stare at his crush’s face; a futile endeavor, as he had never been able to read Kurusu’s face, but still- the sight of it made him gather his courage again and take a deep breath before he returned to facing the Thieves, meeting their concerned stares head on.
“So, is that how you figure out a target in Mementos?” He asked, and the Thieves nodded. “I see.” He swallowed thickly, “If that is the case, does it mean you are going to change my heart then?”
The Thieves shared meaning-laden looks before they turned to face him again.
“I don’t think we should,” Takamaki started, “You’re not hurting anyone. So, no, I don’t agree to changing your heart unless you want us to.”
“I’m in agreement with Ann,” Kitagawa said, “Even if your heart is distorted, it’s not the only target criteria we have.”
“I don’t think we should change your heart unless you ask us for it, as well.” Niijima nodded firmly.
“Same,” Sakura interjected.
And so, the Thieves all chorused a similar opinion between them.
Kurusu turned to look at him, “You know our stance on the idea now. We won’t change your heart just because you have a distorted heart.”
“Why?” Goro frowned, “Your criteria?”
Okumura smiled, “Yes. It’s not just having a distorted heart that makes us pick targets. We only change the hearts of those who hurt others, because our goal is to help those who are in need of help but don’t have the strength to help themselves yet! Just like we were.”
“That said,” Morgana added, “We will stage an intervention and change your heart if your distortion ends up hurting you.” The Thieves all sent Goro determined looks, appearing to be in agreement with what the cat-like creature just said.
Goro had to take a deep breath and do his best to suppress the blush climbing up his neck.
After a moment of silence, Goro cleared his throat, “There is something else I need to ask you all for. It’s about a potential target.”
After hearing what Goro just said, the Thieves stood at attention, “A target?” Sakamoto frowned.
“Yes. It’s…” Goro hesitated before he forged on ahead, “Niijima Sae.”
“Candidate found.” The app chimed, and Niijima bowed her head.
“That… That means she has a Palace?”
“Yes.” Kitagawa looked grim as he and the rest of the Thieves looked at Niijima.
“Mako-chan?” Okumura asked, her tone full of worry.
Niijima took a shuddering breath, “I knew for a while but…”
“You didn’t know how to bring it up?” Takamaki asked softly.
“What makes you ask about Makoto’s sister, Akechi-san?” Kitagawa asked.
“A lot of things are happening at the moment. You’ve heard about the reward for capturing the Phantom Thieves, yes? Furthermore, Sae-san is leading this case with quite the determination; there is a lot riding on her success, but I have heard whispers in the SIU’s head quarters and I fear there is a high chance they may resort to planting evidence to frame someone innocent just to have a scapegoat.
“And there is more to what’s going on than that. What happened to Okumura was suspiciously timed. It doesn’t match what usually happens during confessions induced by heart changes, but with mental shutdowns. Besides that, it happened at just the right moment to make you all fall from favor with the public, and, this is conjecture at the moment, make you take the blame for the mental shutdowns.”
The Thieves stared at him, wide-eyed.
“That’s…” Morgana’s tail twitched behind him, “There is someone pulling the strings, and we played right into their hands.”
“And you think changing Sis’ heart is going to help?” Niijima stared at him with a terrifying glint in her eyes.
“Not changing her heart,” Goro corrected, his expression grim, “Not like you do. From my investigation, each of your target ended up out of commission for some time while they recovered from the effects, and afterwards came clean about their actions, wanting to repent. Can you make a guess about what would happen to Sae-san if she underwent such change?”
Niijima gasped, her mind whirring with the implications of what Goro said, “If someone is pulling the strings, and they’re not above murder and framing someone else for it, they might…”
“That’s correct.” Goro clenched his jaw, his hands flexing with the need to punch something; god, he hated corrupt people in position of power with fiery passion, “They may kill her to avoid her causing trouble for them in the future.”
“Then what do you suggest?” Kurusu spoke up, jarring Goro from his angry haze.
“I… is it possible to make her undergo a gradual change?”
The Thieves perked up, “Gradual change?” Sakura looked particularly interested.
“Yes.” Goro smiled thinly, “Can we make her change her mind by herself without stealing her treasure?”
“I’m thankful that you’re considering my request,” Goro said as he walked along with the Thieves, heading towards Sae’s Palace.
“Yeah?” Sakamoto said, “Just stay back. Don’t want you to get hurt in the process.”
Goro pressed his lips into a thin line at the reminder; the Thieves had filled him in about the other type of Shadows, the ones they had to fight during their work.
It was one part he was going to be absolutely useless in.
It didn’t take long for the group to reach the Palace proper, and Goro grimaced at the sight, because a casino? Sae saw the courthouse as a casino?
Granted, a part of him knew where she was coming from, what with the corruption and money changing hands, but it didn’t change the fact that it made anger surge through his chest.
Goro hated coming to the Metaverse with the Thieves. Didn’t regret it, because he needed to see firsthand how they worked in the Metaverse, but it sure as hell made him want to punch something, preferably Kurusu’s- Joker’s- handsome mug.
(No one had any right being that attractive, doubly so while wearing the same attire Joker paraded around in.)
The rampant cheating made him clench his teeth, Sae’s Shadow made him scowl, but the thing that made him snap was his… ‘Cognitive Self’.
A card dealer, polite and nice to a fault, with a gentle, soothing voice, and a comforting smile.
Goro hated him on the first glance.
“Ah, welcome!” The Cognition spoke, features soft and welcoming, but they soon turned into worry, “Not to be rude, but what are you doing here? It’s not safe. You shouldn’t be here.”
Goro bristled and strode forward, not letting any of the other Thieves respond (because this? This was personal.)
“Oh? And why is that?” Goro ground out.
“You’re standing out. You’re not listening to orders. You know what happens to those who don’t conform.” The Cognition’s eyebrows pinched together in concern.
“And you do?” Goro snarked.
“But of course!” The Cognition looked surprised that Goro would even ask, “I’m a teenager working for the police, I already stand out as it is. No need to bring more unwanted attention my way.”
Goro clenched his fists, “What about our goals then?”
“Goals?” The Cognition looked surprised, “But you can still help the weak like this, right?”
“Help the weak?” Goro spat out, his voice rising in pitch as pain lanced through his head, but he ignored, “Don’t make me laugh! I’m not some selfless knight in shining armor who is there to help others!”
A voice whispered into his head and he began chuckling, the ominous sound slipping from his lips as he bowed his head, feeling a weight settle on his face.
“That doesn’t mean shit to me! I’m going to throw corrupt people in power of their high horse and watch them suffer in the aftermath of their fall. No one is going to stop me, not you, and not Sae.” His fingers curled around the mask that formed on his face and he tugged it off, uncaring for the pain it caused or the blood that splattered to the ground.
He raised his head to stare at his horrified Cognitive Self in the face, a deranged grin spreading across his face.
I am thou, thou art I.
“So, Loki. The Silvertongue.” Joker stared at Goro contemplatively, “Is this because you’re skilled with your tongue?”
Goro spluttered, his face exploding into a violent shade of red.
Casual reminded that this is a prequel to Whatever Happened to Akechi Goro :D
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hiraethidity-m · 6 years
Tumblr media
name: Kyoko Sakura age: 16 - 17 code name: Raven ( which has many different meanings compared to Akechi’s CROW ) persona: Wudan Witch named Opheila meele weapon: Lance ranged weaopn: Automatic Ak47′s joined: After the Phantom Thieves defeat the Medjed and before taking on the case of Okumura’s Foods. color scheme: Red,Black, with hints of White arcana: The Tower ( & death )
As a resident of kazamino city, Kyoko grew up being the daughter of a Clergyman, whom as well lives with her little sister and mother. Most of her life was spent being home-schooled with her little sister by their mother, as this was a decision declared by their father. Since he didn’t trust the public school systems and their ways of teaching. Afraid that they would unravel everything that he had ever taught his children and the ways of the Lord himself.
As time has passed, though, her father had begun to preach more and more away from the stories that had been printed within the bible. Thus, talking about things that had nothing to do with the Lord’s word. In result to his preachings, the town disregarded his stories. Declaring him as incompetent, as well as insane. And slowly, over time, the people that came to sermons had begin to dwindle in the numbers. Until, there was absolutely no one who came to hear him talk anymore. The town’s folks opting to go to the church’s in neighboring towns, instead of their own. With no one attending the services, or money coming from the church, this causes the family to become poor – even near the point of becoming homeless.
Swallowed in regret, her father turns to alcoholism. Turning his personality completely. He becomes aggressive. He becomes abusive ( physically / emotionally / mentally ). Kyoko tending to get more of his backlash as a way to protect her family from him. This had proceeded on for weeks-months. But, how much of this could they really take, though? When would it become to late for them?
As the Phantom Thieves popularity skyrocketed, even their name had become news within the Sakura household. Their father completely against them. Finding them as sinners in the Lord’s name and nothing but mere criminals. But Kyoko saw them differently. They had become a huge topic within the household though, once the Medjed had become involved. Challenging the thieves to reveal themselves. Whereas her father supported the Medjed, it was clear that Kyoko supported the Thieves. She saw the good in their work and the justice that sought out to achieve. Their workings, is what gave Kyoko hope.
Near the end of the Medjed’s time limit, Kyoko finds herself sitting inside the public library ; the phantom’s form site displayed on the computer screen. She contemplates for a while – could she really ask for their help? Would they really come to her rescue? She reads all the mixed reviews about the group. The hatred that followed the support. She ponders over if she could really go through with this, while her fingers rest upon the keyboard. Before she realizes it, she’s pouring her story out on the screen, begging for the help of the thieves before it had become too late for her household.
When the Medjed case becomes closed, Mishima finds Kyoko’s post for the form. Once he reads it over, he finds this as something that is extremely important. How could a father do this his family? He pursues Akira to take the case. Finding this as something that would be easy for them and finding as way to keep their popularity up. But easy it wasn’t – After searching around the Memento’s for the shadow of her father, they were left with nothing; Empty handed. That’s when the group decides to take a trip the town that they resided in. Upon arrival, it is quickly learned that the father had in fact grown a palace. Showing the group to true dangers that had lied here for the Sakura household.
Due to the lack of technology in her homestead, Kyoko is never informed that her case had, in fact, become of interest to the group. Or that, they had indeed arrived to the family’s church. So when the infiltration route becomes started, and they enter the metaverse, she too, is taken to the metaverse. Simply by mistake though. It was one of those, she had been walking within the perimeter when they entered, and she herself had gotten swooped in as well.
Upon arrival, the thieves are greeted with a glamours and humongous church, spot lights adoring the front as a line of people are currently waiting outside the front doors. From there, they start their route. Kyoko though, is nowhere near them once they enter the metaverse. In fact, she finds herself somewhere located within the church already. Confused and scared about her current surroundings, she finds herself making the rounds through the church as well.
The Phantom Thieves managed to find Mr. Sakura first. They find him in the main hall, with church pews littered in people. As the thieves have their confrontations with the man himself, Kyoko happens to over hear everything from one of the top balconies. Staying silent, she simply watches as her head spins. Glee filled within her as her hope skyrocketed. She couldn’t believe her eyes – The Phantom Thieves did in fact come to her rescue. They were really here to save her family before it had become too late. A new feeling soars through her. A feeling of change to come. Something within her rattles her bones, edging her to take a stand in this fight; so she does.
As Mr. Sakura’s shadows calls them out for them being nothing but sinners, and making sure they rot in hell where they belong, Kyoko makes her appearance at last. Calling out her own father for his deeds. During this time, the birth to a new persona is made. A new contract formed.
                   I AM THOU ;  THOU ART I
ophelia is born ; a Wudan Witch persona. Her mask is raven styled and her meele weapon is a lance. It is then, that Kyoko promises to make him change his ways, thus in return, he tells her that she is no better than the thieves that stand behind her. And if she is to go against him, he would kill her too.
With the infiltration route placed, the gang returns to the real world. Giving Kyoko the chance to actually properly meet everyone and telling them the story of what had happened to her father.
In a few days time, the gang decides to send a calling card to her father, leaving Kyoko in charge of making sure he sees it. When he does, heimmediately blames Kyoko for it through his drunken state, since she is a supporter of them. Feeling threatened, he becomes even more violent towards the family. Seeing nothing wrong in his ways – blaming everyone for their current position instead of himself.
Its later that evening that Kyoko regroups with the thieves, helping them take out her father’s palace. Once successful, their treasure ended up being a bible.
Mr. Sakura becomes bed ridden for the next week, as the alcohol slowly makes its way out of his body. When he comes through, he apologizes to his family for everything he’s done to them. Especially to kyoko since she got the worse of it all. And many scars that would never heal on her body from him. But, he finally had his change in heart.
As a few weeks / a month passed from the incident, Mr. Sakura finds himself in the hospital, on death row. Kyoko doesn’t blame the thieves for this. This was not their fault. This was the alcohols fault. Even the doctors had said so themselves. At the capacity that he consumed it, they were honestly surprised he wasn’t on his deathbed much sooner.
What she was thankful though, was the apologies and heartfelt “i love yous” she had gained from him before his passing. She knows she would have never gotten them if it wasn’t for the Phantom Thieves. She thanks them entirely for everything they had done for her.
With no need to keep the church any longer, her mother sells their home and  church. Deciding to move herself &. the girls out of the town, and starts over with a new life for them. The girls finally get themselves enrolled into a real school – Kyoko begging to go to shujin academy so she could be with her friends that she had finally made. Their mother gets herself a real job that’s stable enough to support them. And her sister gains friends for the first time in her life.
Due to Kyoko’s test scores, she is able to enter as a 3rd year student, but Kyoko opts to be a second year so she could have a chance at being an actual student. And have time to be a teenager and make friends and spend time with them. She becomes placed in Ryuji’s class.
** It can be speculated that Kyoko & Futaba may be cousins
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taintedkibou · 7 years
Couldn’t Endure - part two
[part one] 
Everyone parted ways for their respected train stations once they were done with Mementos, Futaba sticking close to Akira’s side. Almost everyone. Ryuji bit back a grimaced when he was jerked to a halt after long fingers curled around his wrist. He glanced over his shoulder to find Akira and Futaba wearing matching frowns behind their glasses. Everyone else paused in their own departures.
“You’re spending the night so I can keep an eye on you,” Akira declared, no room for an argument in his voice. Ryuji found room. “Dude, I can’t.” 
“Your uniform technically only consists of your pants since you refuse to adhere to the dress code.” Ryuji’s head snapped around, his eyes wide and glaring at Yusuke. The student artist smiled. “Put them to wash when you get back to Leblanc tonight and you won’t have a problem in the morning. I’m sure our leader wouldn’t mind lending you one of his uniform shirts.” “Ryuji, in a full uniform?” Ann scoffed, but her grin gave her away. Makoto smiled, “As the Student Council President, it would make me happy to see you in the proper attire.” Ryuji gave them each a hard glare. Traitors. He hoped he got Brainwashed during their next trip to Mementos or a Palace infiltration, if just to know he got to beat them all up. The tug on his hand drew his attention back to the original culprit. Akira arched a questioning eyebrow, his silence as loud as if he’d shouted. Well? Ryuji sighed, defeated, “Let me… contact my mom and tell her. I don’t want to have her worrying.” Almost immediately, the remainder of their group said their “see you laters”, each disappearing in the direction of their destination. Ryuji pulled out his phone, thinking it best to place a call rather than send a text. Akira and Futaba turned their backs to give the semblance of privacy and Ryuji appreciated it. The phone call lasted longer than he would liked, having to reassure his mother that: yes, he was hanging out with friends; no, he wasn’t being blackmailed or threatened, though Akira could come across as threatening, especially when driven by raw determination. The phone call ended and Akira returned to his side, Futaba leading the way to the train that would take them back to Leblanc. x Sojiro gave the blond a once over when the trio walked into his cafe, breathing out a thin cloud of smoke. He never thought he’d see any of them at night. “You keep collecting strays,” he teased. Unlike Ann, his expression did not give that away and Ryuji shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his pants, ducking his head. “Kidding. The more friends this kid has, the less likely he is to get into trouble.” When all three teens failed to look inconspicuous–whistling and looking at the ceiling was too obvious, Sojiro closed his eyes and tried to count to 10. He made it to 5. “Don’t get caught,” he amended. “Okay!” Futaba chirped, making an OK sign with her fingers. “Don’t agree to that!” Sojiro exhaled deeply and decided it was time to leave the café in Akira’s hands. “You know the routine.” He removed his apron, deftly folding it and tucking it away until tomorrow. “Futaba, let’s go home.” He walked out from behind the counter, patting Akira on the shoulder when he passed him. He felt like he owed him congratulations. Akira smiled. Futaba made to slap Ryuji in his back, but quickly remembered his accident and redirected her hand to his shoulder. “Have fun! Not too much fun, though. I’m watching.” With a creepy chuckle, she skipped ahead of Sojiro and out of Leblanc. Sojiro waved over his shoulder, trailing behind his adopted daughter. Morgana jumped out of Akira’s school bag once the door swung shut, stretching his legs on the cafe floor. “Considering the day we’ve had, you both need to hurry and get to sleep. I’m not even sure you should be going to do laundry. Call–” Morgana yowled after being pushed aside by Akira’s foot. Ryuji looked from the cat to the smiling brunet, confusion and questions written across his face. “Call who?” “Nobody,” Akira chuckled. “But Maybe Morgana’s right. Let’s see if you can fit into my uniform.” Ryuji was ushered up the stairs to the attic-slash-bedroom, protests be damned.
Akira carefully set both his regular and spare uniform aside for tomorrow. He found a safe spot, void of dust to hang them up. With that out of the way, both teens began getting ready to sleep. Ryuji carefully pulled his graphic tee over his head, haphazardly folding it and setting it next to the lounging Morgana; it was the only free flat surface. Akira tried not to stare–he’d seen Ryuji in less all those times spent at the beach–and busied himself with searching through his belongings for an extra set of sleepwear. Ryuji’s hands hesitated at his school pants. Unbeknownst to him, he shared the same thoughts as Akira. ‘What the hell… He’s seen me in my beach shorts. It’s just…’ His fingers hooked into the waist of the uniform pants and he tugged, exposing the black and gray striped waistband of his boxer briefs. ’Get over it, you idiot! He’s your friend, that’s it. There’s nothing–won’t be anything–between us!’ With that little pep talk over, Ryuji pulled off the slacks and carefully stepped out of them. He folded them as small as possible and set them on top of the shirt. Morgana cracked one eye open and stared at the growing pile. He gave Ryuji a lazy once over before letting out a yawn. “You’re taking too long,” the cat rumbled. “I want to sleep as much as you do.” “What does your sleep have to do with me?” Ryoji scoffed. “You look comfortable where you are, so go to sleep.” Morgana opened both eyes and managed to wear a smirk on a cat’s face. “I sleep in the bed.” Ryuji looked to Akira for confirmation. The quiet brunet shrugged, already changed into his lounge wear. “The couch is too small for the both of us.” He held out the clothes he’d managed to secure. “He’ll kill me in my sleep!” Ryuji yelled, snatching the offered pile of clothes. “Shh,” both cat and master hissed. Ryuji slapped the clothes against his face to scream into them, belatedly realizing they weren’t his when he breathed in. Akira quickly turned away and walked to the couch. He hoped his cheeks weren’t as bright red as they felt as he busied himself with making his temporary bed more comfortable to his liking. Ryuji’s face was red enough for the both of them, and he tripped trying to put on the borrowed sweats, twice. The third time dislodged Morgana, who impatiently jumped onto the attic’s floor and quietly padded over to the bed. He hopped up onto the futon and sat at the corner, blue eyes boring holes into Ryuji. The blond finally managed to get the pants up, angrily tying the strings at the waist, and yanked the top down over his head. When his arms became tangled, he choked out an annoyed sound. “Dude!” Ryuji flapped the long sleeves at Akira. “You don’t have anything else that won’t make me melt in the middle of the night?” Akira adjusted his own long sleeves and smiled at his guest. “Nope,” he hummed. Grumbling, Ryuji managed to get his arms through and began rolling the sleeves up. He stopped at the first feel of resistance, not wanting to stretch out what had been gratefully loaned to him. He did mutter out loud as he took reluctant steps toward the bed. “I don’t see why I have to be here. My back is fine. I feel fine. It’s like I’m under house arrest, and I’ll probably die again tonight. And the stupid cat that kills me won’t even be able to use the same skill here in the real world.” Ryuji froze right at the edge of the bed. “…it’s not fair we can only use our abilities in this so-called cognitive world.” There were so many people he’d love to fry with his lightning. Morgana noticed the troubled look clouding the boy’s eyes and sighed. He wasn’t the best at comforting, and he learned Ryuji responded better to direct orders. “Ryuji. Stop thinking and go to sleep. I promise I’ll stay right here.” He pawed at his current corner. Ryuji snapped back to attention, looking around the attic. Akira was already seated on the couch, a thin blanket held loosely in his hands as he waited for Ryuji to climb into bed. With a sigh, the blond did as they wanted him to, immediately pushing the covers against the wall as a soft barrier. Morgana made himself comfortable as he curled up, tail idly swishing back and forth. He would keep an ear out for both boys and stay awake until they fell asleep.
His mother’s eyes widened and Ryuji turned into the blow that landed across his face. He fell from the chair and felt hands gently urging him to stand and run. If he ran, then his mother would be the one receiving that man’s anger. The gentle hands were replaced by rough ones that yanked Ryuji to his feet. He stood at the same height as that man, which meant he was stronger now. Or so he thought. Rather than continue to hit him, the man’s face twisted into a dark expression that shook Ryuji’s to his core. Something was different. “You’re pathetic. A useless, washed-up has-been!” Ryuji clenched his fists, wishing he had something heavy and blunt to wield. “But on top of all that… you had to be fuckin’ gay as well?!” All fight left the teen, his eyes wide as he stumbled backwards from an invisible blow. “No…” “No, what?” The shadowy figure stepped forward. “You didn’t think I would find out?! Is that why you joined the track team? You fuckin’ disgust me… There’s no way I would ever claim you as my own.” “Like hell I’d want an abusive deadbeat like you as my dad!” “Shut up!” The blow was delivered straight to Ryuji’s gut, and he sank to his knees. “Fuckin’ faggot.” “I’m… not.” +++
“Ryuji.” Ryuji lashed out at the whispering voice, the power behind his swing and miss causing him to tumble from the futon. He drew himself onto his knees, arms folded on the floor with his head resting atop them. At the sound of dry heaving, Akira scrambled to his feet and rushed downstairs to the café. He apologized to Sojiro for everything he touched, grabbing a glass and filling it with water. Taking the short flight of stairs two at a time had him back at Ryuji’s side in record time. “Ryuji. It’s me. Kurusu Akira. You’re at LeBlanc. Please… drink this.” Ryuji lifted his head from his arms to glance at Akira from the corner of his eye. He could see the panic and worry on his friend’s face, and felt a swell of pride knowing he once again broke that expressionless mask. He pushed himself up enough to reach out with one hand and accept the offered glass. Their fingers touched in the exchange and he heard that man. Faggot. ’I’m not!’ The glass fell after Ryuji snatched his hand back, the distance short enough that it didn’t shatter. How many times had they touched like that before? They were friends. ‘Get out of my head!’ Morgana was quick enough to grab Akira’s forgotten blanket, tossing it over the small puddle. “Ryuji. You need to calm down. We’re not going to hurt you. If you’re having nightmares about the attack…” He trailed off, looking to Akira for help. “It’s not over,” the brunet sighed, idly mopping up the mess. “It won’t be over until the answers to everyone’s questions have been laid out before us.” His hand still, fingers clenching in the damp material. “But you’re not alone now, you know.” Ryuji’s fingers clenched into fists atop the wooden floor. “I’m glad you tried to pick a fight with me on my first day.” “I didn’t try to pick a fight,” Ryuji snapped. Akira lifted his head, eyebrow raised as if to prove a point, and chuckled softly. Even in the darkness of the room, those gray eyes still managed to set Ryuji’s mind alight with desires and questions he wouldn’t have even dreamed of thinking about. The power they had over Ryuji was even stronger now that glasses didn’t hide them, and he felt the urge to confess. His stubbornness was strong, however, and his confession only went as far as the thoughts in his head. And it wasn’t much of a confession than Ryuji coming to terms with the feelings he had for his friend and teammate. His thoughts no longer sounded like his father spitting slurs. Instead, Futaba yelled at him to get on with it. Ryuji smiled sheepishly and ducked his head to hide it, muttering an apology about the cup. Under Morgana’s watchful and glowering gaze, both teens headed downstairs for fresh water. Akira cleaned up the kitchen–Sojiro would still notice something amiss–and everyone headed back to the attic. “Whoa.” Ryuji used both hands, arms fully outstretched, to stop Akira from climbing into the futon with him. “I just want to be close enough so I can help you fight off your bad dreams,” was the innocent response given. “Bull. Shit.” Akira frowned. “It was my bed first.” “That’s your follow up? Mona! Tell him to get back on the couch!” Morgana sighed, already getting comfortable on the abandoned sofa. He yawned, languidly stretching his feline body before curling up. “His argument is quite solid.” Ryuji sputtered indignantly, at a loss for words. He knew he wasn’t on best terms with the cat, but he didn’t think he’d get shot down so easily. Tired of waiting, Akira executed a few simple moves that gave him the upper hand, leaving Ryuji on his back and stretched out lengthwise on the bed.
Akira carefully built up the covers between them as a wall. “Go to sleep, Ryuji.” “Un,” Ryuji mumbled, still unable to process what just happened. When the ceiling grew boring to look at, he rolled over onto his side only to be face to face with the wall. It took several minutes, and a great deal of twisting and turning for him to get even remotely comfortable; the futon was made for one. Akira remained motionless during the entire ordeal. Morgana was finally able to drift back to sleep after making sure the boys had already done the same.
Sojiro was never one to meddle in the kid’s life, but when Akira was late coming down for breakfast, he took the initiative to climb the stairs and find out why; maybe even light a fire beneath the boy. Once he was high enough to see over the top step, he reprimanded himself for bothering.   The blond one had a leg thrown over the transfer student’s thighs, the appendage curled just as tight as the arms over Akira’s chest. Akira’s face was contorted in great distress, and despite not being awake, he still wriggled in an attempt to free himself. The cat was sprawled out over the otherwise empty sofa. Sojiro turned on the stairs and headed back down into the café, ready for a cigarette to start his day.
Ryuji almost smacked his head into the nearest wall after he walked out of Shibuya station with Akira, and into the Square. Ann had no intention of hiding. She stood on the tips of her toes, one arm waving while the other arm rested on Makoto’s shoulder for support. Yusuke looked bored, but anyone with a decent-working brain could tell he was accessing the situation.
Ryuji intended to walk by them all to the Teikyu building, but Ann wasn’t having it. She dashed after him and hooked two fingers into the back of his borrowed shirt and halted his movements. “Makoto, look.” Her free hand was used to indicate to Ryuji’s attire.
Makoto wiped invisible tears from the corners of her eyes. “This is a wonderful day.”
“It is.” Akira’s soft-spoken words took the bluster right out of Ryuji. The morning began with Akira waking when Ryuji attempted to untangle their limbs. After being caught, the blond panicked, and they’d both fallen from the bed when he figured pushing Akira would get the job done quicker. Sojiro yelling threats at them did indeed get them moving. After quick baths, followed by an even quicker curry breakfast, the duo made a mad dash for the nearby station. Which led them to where they all stood now.
Ryuji looked towards the Teikyu building as he remembered the eventful morning. During Ann’s exaggerated display of capturing him—her hand now idly rested on his shoulder as she talked with Makoto and Akira, Yusuke had calmly made his way around the group and was currently smiling proudly at Ryuji. Ryuji’s shoulders slumped in defeat.
“You look like you’ve bested several of your own personal demons. I think this calls for a celebration. Adzuki beans and rice.”
On that note, Ryuji reached over his shoulder and slapped Ann’s hand free of his shirt. “Later, weirdos!” he yelled before bolting for the Teikyu building. His face was flushed by the time he reached the ticket gates and he hoped it passed as exertion from running to catch the train still loading passengers at the Ginza platform. No one needed to know he was blushing because of Yusuke’s suggestion to celebrate his nonexistent relationship. The train doors slid shut and Ryuji fell against them with a soft huff. 
[part three] [part four] [part five] [part six] 
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blackstar · 7 years
p5 rarepair dumpster diving: director’s cut edition
last night on discord i spent two full hours of my life typing up a canon-compliant akechi/ryuji timeline and frankly that kind of effort isn’t something i want to waste by keeping the fruits of my labor private. so! here it is. welcome to my special hell: a hilariously obscure and hilariously baseless ship that i seem to be invested in purely to clown my own damn self.
this is an extremely long post and there are a lot of spoilers contained herein, so be wary of both those things. events that happened in actual canon are bolded, and everything else is just me elaborating. 
- first off, the initial meeting at the tv station, where akechi introduces himself, and then slips up by talking about pancakes. this is the first time ryuji's met akechi, though not the first time he's heard about him, and he can tell that something is off about akechi's behavior from the get-go, but can't tell what, because he's kind of extremely distracted and not thinking right. this boy is pretty. he's pretty and ryuji doesn't like it. is he wearing mascara or are his eyelashes really that dark? why is he thinking about that? true to form, he goes for aggressive behavior to cover for internal confusion. hating akechi for making him face his own repressed masc attraction is very easy. 
- the class returns to the tv station for a second day, where they see akechi give an interview live. ryuji is not friendly during this. after the interview, akechi runs into akira alone in the hallways. ryuji is a good friend, so he goes looking for akira. akechi and akira are done talking by then, and ryuji crosses paths with the wrong dude. akechi appears nonetheless. ryuji isn't friendly, but even when he's being actively hostile the poor guy wears his heart on his sleeve and akechi might not be a true ace detective but he is a little more observant than the average person. not that you would need that to be able to tell from how ryuji's talking about the friend he's looking for that the guy is crushing hard on glasses mcgee. akechi assures ryuji that he won't let that friend of his in on his secret, and, not knowing what he's talking about, ryuji assumes that akechi's noticed him staring. he denies that explicitly, which tells akechi that ryuji's got something for akechi himself on top of a crush on akira. noted. akechi swears up and down that he believes ryuji and they part ways. ryuji goes back and meets up with akira again. still does not know what feels off about akechi.
- akechi starts visiting leblanc semiregularly about midway through things. usually it's akira that runs into him, but ryuji swings by now and then too - looking for akira, of course, but somehow he always ends up at leblanc after akira's already headed out to do something else. so it's just him and. that dude. he ignores akechi for the most part, but just him being present in the area is enough to remind ryuji that yeah, actually, he really is attracted to this guy. ryuji's behavior experiences a sharp uptick in forced heteromasculinity as ryuji starts to doubt himself and attempts to affirm his identity as a straight dude to fix things. this fixes nothing. akechi is still frustratingly attractive.
- eventually ryuji decides to confront akechi. he doesn't come to leblanc that often without an invite from akira, but he's getting sick of akechi always hanging around the place. he catches akechi walking back from leblanc to the station, and asks him what business he's got always hanging around here. akechi says plainly that he's just after a good cup of coffee in a charming atmosphere. ryuji asks if akechi is trying to piss him off. akechi assures ryuji that he's not, really; he knows they haven't talked much but he really doesn't have anything against ryuji and if this is about ryuji's little crush, he promises he doesn't mind. ryuji tells him to shut the hell up, but that's a lot less effective when he's beet red. poor kid. akechi promises that he'll stop coming by the coffee shop so much once work picks back up, and ryuji tells him that he better damn well do that. akechi laughs, like a fake bitch. he tells ryuji that he doesn't know why ryuji tries so hard to seem like a thug; he's really such a nice person to be around under that act - maybe once ryuji accepts that they have no reason to be enemies, they can get to know each other. he knows a great place that serves brunch around the clock. ryuji ends the conversation as fast as humanly possible because he's throughly rattled - which is exactly what akechi was hoping for, obviously - and needs to get away from this man and his beautiful eyelashes. they split. ryuji does not sleep that night.
- at some point, ryuji realizes just why it was that akechi's behavior bothered him the first time they met, and comes to understand that akechi is able to hear morgana's voice. akechi mentioning a place serving brunch and leading him to daydream about a brunch date with lots of fluffy pancakes might have been what triggered his memory, but look, ends justify the means, right?? it's fine to think about dating another guy if it's for a just cause like figuring out important stuff. trouble is, he doesn't know what to do with this information. he considers telling the others, but ends up keeping quiet. after all, maybe akechi's got issues of his own. but also fuck his issues, because he's terrible and ryuji hates him and would never do anything out of consideration for fucking akechi's feelings, except that is exactly what he is doing.
- while ryuji is stewing in a bog of internalized homophobia and unresolved crushes on boys, shujin academy's student festival is rolling around. makoto appoints ryuji to the planning committee along with the rest of the phantom thieves to give them an excuse for all meeting together. as part of their committee duties, they tally the student votes for the special guest, and decide that akechi will be this year's guest, if they can convince him. makoto texts akechi to ask him to attend. they wait. when she doesn't get a response for a while, she asks if they should consider having a plan b ready to go in case akechi doesn't show. by this point ryuji's been keeping his realization that akechi is a metaverse user under his hat for a while now, and for some reason hearing makoto talk about this brings that to the forefront of his mind again. he tells the gang that there's something they should know, if they're really gonna invite akechi - he intends for this revelation to dissuade makoto from pursuing akechi as the festival's guest, but it only makes her more determined. akechi agrees to attend the festival shortly after. ryuji does not like where this is going. 
- during the festival, akechi calls the mystery gang out on being the phantom thieves, reveals himself as a metaverse user, and pretends to have never heard morgana's voice before, which is bullshit. he strikes a deal with them, and becomes a temporary member of crimesquad. thanks to their conversation earlier, however, the crew already knows that he's lying to them, and takes countermeasures immediately. one of these countermeasures includes a war room style meeting to decide how to deal with this situation, in which makoto tells everyone that if anyone knows anything, anything at all about what akechi knows or things they could use against them, they need to have all cards on the table right now. ryuji keeps quiet. akira notices. they're pretty close by this point (rank 10 confidant, hello), and they've recently had a few pretty serious heart to hearts - nothing romantic between them yet, but ryuji's trusted akira enough to open up about his sexuality crisis a little, which is part of why ryuji's instances of forced heteromasculinty have decreased in frequency in recent weeks.) ryuji receives a text message when he checks his phone, it's akira telling him to 'tell them about that conversation you had with akechi outside leblanc. everything about it. they won't think any less of you, i promise. all of us are your friends.' deep breaths, ryuji.
- after a little psyching up, ryuji says that he's got some info. he reveals both his major encounters with akechi since their first meeting at the tv station, and explains that akechi knows... something about him. his phone buzzes. he does not have to look at it to know it's akira telling him that he can do this. makoto asks if ryuji is worried that akechi will try to use that 'something' against him. ryuji says that akechi's definitely gonna use it, if akechi's really a bad guy, at least - he clarifies that what akechi knows is the truth of ryuji's crush on him. yusuke suddenly sits up much straighter, in the way of a gay guy who has just realized for the first time that he isn't the only queer person in his friend group. ann seems like she's about to say something, but gets interrupted by makoto telling ryuji that they can use this. ryuji wants to die a little!!
- with that incredibly stressful meeting over with, the process of infiltrating sae's palace begins shortly after akechi strikes his bargain with the phantom thieves. before the heist even begins, however, the thieves have already made a couple important plans of own: firstly, they've plotted to bug akechi's phone, a scheme that gets carried off without a hitch on the day that the heist begins. secondly, they've decided ahead of time to wait until the last possible day to send the calling card, not knowing that akechi will suggest this anyway. they need time to prepare for what they're about to pull off,  and they've guessed that akechi will go along with this because he needs time to arrange his own plans as well.
- futaba works fast. that little hack of hers isn't just recording akechi's conversations, it's rooting through all his calls and texts for information on what he's planning, and boy oh boy there is a lot to unpack. by the time they head home early after the first day's infiltration, she's already got more than enough for them to work with. another war room gets called. by now they know what akechi plans to do and roughly how he plans to do it, so it's time to prepare a defense against him. problem is, it'll be difficult to get away from him to investigate and prepare things when they're inside the palace - unless akechi suggests that they split up himself. they know that akechi wants joker dead, but hasn't talked about any specific plans for the rest of them, so they decide to take a pretty big gamble.
- the thieves do not infiltrate the palace again the next day, and therefore, neither do akechi or ryuji. instead, ryuji once again catches akechi outside leblanc - this time in the early afternoon, while akechi's on his way there. he tells akechi that since they have no reason to be enemies anymore, maybe it's time akechi made good on that promise about going to brunch together. akechi agrees. breakfast at tiffany's, but it's brunch at some upscale diner. during the course of this dinner date, ryuji does some complaining. he tells akechi about how he doesn't feel like a real member of the phantom thieves, how everyone else thinks he's just a stupid thug, how sometimes he just wants to quit this whole thing, and how he's glad that there's finally someone here who doesn't think he's an idiot. akechi, who thinks ryuji is an idiot, assumes that ryuji isn't smart enough to have an ulterior motive and takes him at face value. he tells ryuji that he's sorry ryuji feels that way, and that he's just glad that ryuji's trusting him a little more ("especially after some of the things you said at first! haha :-)"). ryuji tells akechi that he's not so bad after all, and hey, maybe he could take akechi with him if he really does split off from the phantom thieves. akechi says he'll think about it. he is coming to understand that ryuji 1) is kind of very handsome 2) has a nice voice 3) is probably dumb enough to be useful, which is obviously the most important part and that's why it's listed last. as most important things are.
- during the next infiltration, the gang comes across a frustrating scheme to force minors into gambling. accumulating coins in sae's casino is difficult work, and everyone's itching to hurry on with things. akechi chooses this moment to both assist the team in proceeding forward, and to get ryuji on his own. he asks ryuji to help him with something, and the two of them go off on their own - leaving the rest of the team free to investigate. futaba has already briefed ryuji on exactly how long they need to keep akechi busy. all he's gotta do is listen to akechi talk. coin collecting goes fast, of course, since they've already hacked most of the machines. ryuji's almost worried that he won't be able to keep akechi busy long enough. luckily, akechi chooses that moment to ask ryuji if they can talk. sure, ryuji says, there's nothin' suspicious about two dudes sneaking off on their own to 'talk.'
- akechi asks ryuji if he truly is unhappy with the phantom thieves, and if so, why does he stay? after all, the police will close in sooner or later - does he really want to serve life in prison for a group of people he doesn't even seem welcomed by? ryuji's a little uncomfortable acknowledging something he mostly tries to ignore - that yeah, actually, the way his supposed friends treat him sucks, but he's ready for this conversation. he tells akechi that he doesn't know. maybe it's because he wouldn't have anyone there for him if he left. akechi asks him what he'd do if they ever did get caught. would he go down with these so-called friends, or cooperate with the police. ryuji asks akechi what he's getting at. akechi drops a small fraction of his act and tells ryuji that the police are much, much closer to making arrests than the phantom thieves think - meaning that ryuji is that much closer to that reckoning. but, he says, this detective thing isn't meaningless. akechi tells ryuji that if ryuji would be willing to testify to the identity of all the other phantom thieves - giving the prosecution bulletproof evidence for conviction - then he could pull some strings to get ryuji immunity. maybe. okay, ryuji says, but what then? ain't i just going back to square one? starting over again all on my own? good point, but: don't be silly, akechi assures him. i'd be there, wouldn't i? i wouldn't abandon you after you've been such a great help to me.
- ryuji doesn't have the best internal clock, but he thinks it's been probably twenty minutes since they split up - though he's worrying about that way less than he should. there's a lot of emotions happening right now, and he deserves a fucking oscar for keeping them in check. akechi wants akira dead - akira, the one person ryuji cares most about - and he'll get his wish if this plan doesn't work. for that, ryuji hates him - well, for that and other things. but the way they're talking right now, akechi seems so... nice. kinda sad, somehow. and he's still aggravatingly pretty, and that doesn't change no matter how much he pisses ryuji off. ryuji asks akechi what he means. akechi asks ryuji what ryuji thinks he means. ryuji asks if they can go to that brunch place again sometime, because if he answers that question he'll end up verbally punching akechi in his snake-ass mouth. anyway, like a date, right? that, akechi agrees to. it's weird, but the way he's talking, he seems like he's happy to have someone to talk to. ryuji seriously doesn't get this guy. he's also torn between feeling a single gay emotion and wanting to throttle akechi on the spot, so all things considered it's lucky that akechi notices the time. they head back to rejoin the party, and we all know how the rest of the heist goes.
- cut to the part where akira escapes death by akechi. the plan laid out by the phantom thieves successfully leaves akechi convinced that he's killed akira for good, as most deaths are in fact permanent. akechi enjoys the attention of the media too much to bother with contacting ryuji for help in rounding up the remaining members, which ryuji considers to be for the best. akechi's main goal of killing akira has been 'accomplished', after all, so he's no longer prioritizing this mission. eventually, he declares on tv that he will certainly catch the  remaining phantom thieves, though he's no longer as pressured to do so quickly since the head is already cut off. at this point, he calls ryuji. they agree to meet up again, but not to discuss a testimony yet - just a celebration for the leader's arrest. it's time to do brunch. all the prep time in the world could get ryuji ready to listen to akechi talk about akira's supposed death as though it's a good thing. the more he listens to akechi talk, the more he doesn't fucking understand this guy. he's seriously close to physical violence here, for real, but suddenly akechi's talking about how securing these arrests will finally earn his father's approval, and suddenly. a part of ryuji's anger deflates. he doesn't like to think about it, but he remembers how it feels to try to please a father who considers you worth less than the dirt on his shoes.
- akechi cuts brunch short after letting that slip. ryuji goes home with a lot to think about. they've made plans to talk again in a week or two at the courthouse to get statements from ryuji on the identities of the other phantom thieves - akechi is hoping to time the complete defeat of the remaining members to occur just after his father is elected prime minister, knowing that the public will take such instataneous good results as proof of the new prime minister's righteousness. this second meeting never occurs, because the phantom thieves break into shido's palace before that happens. akechi is waiting for them. akechi is not happy. it's not just that he's stressed to hell and quickly becoming unhinged and just absolutely furious that joker evaded him - joker's the main reason his mental state gets so bad so fast, but part of it is the fact that ryuji is there, still with the thieves, and akechi feels like a fucking idiot for falling for anything ryuji said. the fact that he couldn't see through that act serves to reinforce his fears about not being even half of what he presents himself as (what kind of ace detective can't see past such an obvious lie???), and ryuji's betrayal is just another reminder that no one, no one he's ever met has actually wanted him around. ryuji would rather side with friends who tear him down constantly than with someone who was trying to be in his corner.
- shit goes south. a fight happens. a second akechi shows up. for the first time since they met, ryuji's comments towards akechi aren't hostile - the opposite, in fact. he jumps to defend akechi when the puppet akechi tries to say some fuck shit, and seems to actually. worry about him, kinda. because even with all this shit happening, he's remembering what akechi told him about his father, and now he's got context for that. it's. hard for him to hate akechi knowing now what kind of a father akechi grew up with, and yeah, maybe he is taking this a little personal because of his own issues with his father, but he has come around to care about this guy. he still hates that, obviously, because having sympathy for someone who tried to kill akira feels positively foul. not like he can do anything about it, though. especially after akechi dies. 
- ryuji gets left with a lot of messy feelings and unanswered questions, but the main thing he keep wondering is this: would akechi still be dead if he'd stuck by him? is it his fault that this happened? akechi didn't have anyone there for him, he knows that, so as the one person who could have been, isn't he responsible for his betrayal? the phantom thieves might have done the right thing, but on a personal level, he doesn't feel like he did. no one is happy here. akira buys ryuji a burger after the heist is over but that like, barely helps.
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luucarii · 7 years
Persona 5 Ramblings
this shit is long. like really long.
and I sound like a crazed fangirl so....
also, i curse way too much in this... apologies in advance 
also, happy father’s day even though this has nothing to do with it :)
Okay, so I’ve mentioned vaguely how Persona 5 is my first encounter with the Persona series. I’d heard bits and pieces about the series but I never really understood the concept of Persona until maybe mid April of this year. I was on spring break from school and I don’t remember how exactly how I stumbled across it but i found this playthrough of Persona 5 on youtube and I was mildly interested. So I clicked on it, and into the emotional rollercoaster that is this game i went.
At the time, there was only about 11 episodes of the play through (each around an hour long) so I binged watched each episode ending up with me staying up past 2 am. I was just so invested. The opening drew me in the minute the camera showed off that smug little bastard Joker’s smirk over the casino (I’ll get into why I love this kid and the rest of the cast later). I was confused since I was going into Persona 5 with no knowledge of the whole concept of Personas at all. I was kinda just like “wow this looks badass. What is he doing? Oh my god, this game is so pretty.”
I ended up skipping around once I got tired of waiting for a new episode and watched this long ass livestream. I got to about Okumura’s Palace before there was nothing left for me to watch but the boss battles uploaded, which did spoil me a little bit and got me a bit confused but I was so interested that I honestly didn’t care. I was so surprised at Niijima’s Palace and her boss battle as a whole and was like “SHIT THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME!!!! OH MY GOD EVERYTHINGS BACK”
From there, I skipped straight to the traitor - aka Akechi’s battle - and can I just say, I was not surprised that he had a Persona but I was surprised that he betrayed the group considering all the story shit I skipped. Shido’s fight was fairly interesting to me but again, I skipped a bunch of story shit so I was really just rooting for the Phantom Thieves because this was THE ASSHOLE WHO GAVE MY POOR LITTLE AKIRA A CRIMINAL RECORD.
Skipped a bunch of shit again and onto the fight with Yaldobaoth. At this point I was drawing a lot of similarities to Xenoblade Chronicles, fighting a God for freedom and then THEY PULLED THE WHOLE BELIEF THINGY (which they did at the end of Okami as well) AT THE END WITH MISHIMA AND THE REST OF TOKYO BELIEVING IN THE THIEVES AND I WAS SOBBING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH AT 2 AM.
And after that, I made it a point that one day I’d play this game for myself. And it was maybe a few days after that I finally got the game.
Now at the time (and still now) I didn’t own a PS4 and was forced to use my brother’s when he was at work. Adding to the fact that school was beginning to start up again, I had at most maybe 6 hours to play a day if homework didn’t take up all my time. So what might’ve taken me a few weeks to beat took me almost 2 months to beat because of timing. 
Okay, so I’ve played my fair share of JRPGs and Persona 5 was a nice familiarity. All the dungeon crawling, the fighting, turn-base combat, ya’ll get it.
Each Palace and their respective Shadow ruler has their own design, personality and each are based on the seven deadly sins which (after finishing FullMetal Alchemist a few months earlier) I thought was clever and interesting.
Kamoshida’s castle was a nice balance of a first dungeon and “hey we’re not gonna hold your hand, this is fairly simply kill some Shadows, find the infiltration route and don’t get kicked out.” ALSO RYUJI AND ANN’S AWAKENINGS. JUST THAT. INCREDIBLE.
Madarame’s museum had a little bit more difficulty but was still fairly easy. The security bars kinda gave me a little anxiety considering I was still getting used to all the controls (I had just finished an Xbox One game before playing this so my buttons were mixed up) and the little painting guessing game was a bit dumb considering each Sayuri looked EXACTLY THE SAME TO ME (except the color swapped ones) ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING YUSUKE WAS THERE AND COULD HAVE EASILY TOLD US BUT NO HE WANTED TO TEST AKIRA’S ART SKILL. ARE YOU APART OF THE PHANTOM THIEVES OR NOT YUSUKE??????????
but i digress…
Kaneshiro’s bank was fun but GOD SEND THOSE FREAKING SECURITY CAMERAS AND THOSE SHADOW DOGS TO HELL OH MY GOD I HATED THOSE. See my thing is, I’m not exactly a stealthy person. Which is why I love hiding because you can sneak up on Shadows and ambush them easily. I hate raising security level and those damn dogs were so annoying and just ugh. Those dogs are honestly one of the few grips I have with the game. Also, MAKOTO IS THE ACTUAL QUEEN.
Futaba’s temple was by far the longest one for me in terms of gameplay hours (in game time took me about 2-3 days) but it was still fun nonetheless and I’m glad Futaba (who is one of my favorite female characters) got some closure on her story with her mother and was able to rise above that. I’m a sucker for tragic backstories when their well executed. (i still to this day do not know how to pronounce her Persona…)
Okumura’s spaceship was my favorite aesthetically because I’ve always been interested in space and the stars and the little puzzle at the end with the space pockets was a nice bit of challenging and flying through Metaverse space. ALSO HARU HAS FLUFFY FLUFF HAIR AND HAS MY SECOND FAVORITE PHANTOM THIEF OUTFIT 
hmm, i wonder who has my favorite Phantom Thief outfit... Joker... It’s Joker... god damn those red gloves
It was my favorite palace, no questions asked.
Shido’s ship was another long one but finally getting revenge on this dick was incredible. Also, AKECHI AND RYUJI PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS.
Mementos was a good idea as a whole but the way it was executed everything just sort of blended together for me and there were only a few requests that stood out to me. The music was bland (one of the blandest on the soundtrack, especially compared to the other Palace themes casually mentions Whims of Fates again) and during the late floors of Mementos, everything got so dark and it was really hard to see.
expect this to be me screaming a lot.
Akira Kurusu (Protagonist)
okay, um, i love this boy. like a lot. LIKE I WOULD DIE FOR HIM.
For a silent protagonist this guy sure has a lot of character. The rare times he speaks in cutscenes, specifically the ones where he’s Joker, he has this sort of cocky arrogance yet when he’s little Akira in his Shujin uniform he’s a quiet little curious boy. He’s incredible under pressure, like there’s only a few things that make him crack and his dialogue options are priceless.
I especially love Joker because I’m an honest to god mess when it comes to smug bastards and I have an unhealthy love for those crimson gloves of his.
But honestly he doesn’t deserve half the shit he gets in game. Besides the whole “game” set up by Yaldobaoth, he was sent away from his family and presumedly the friends he had back in his hometown all because of his probation, literally no one treats him with any sort of respect when he gets to Shibuya. Sojiro reminds him countless times the first what 3-4 months that he’ll be kicked out if he breaks his probation which (besides doing all that illegal shit as Phantom Thieves) he honestly just goes to school (a place where he gets even more shit from teachers and students), hangs out a little after and comes straight home. I know Akira’s been established to have a bad reputation because of his record but don’t these people have eyes??? Can’t they see that he’s obviously not a bad guy based on what he’s doing in school and not getting involved with the police??? Sojiro's exempt from this because he at least grows to like having Akira around and trusts him enough to go out at night, work in the store alone and lock up from him when he leaves.
Also, Xander Mobus did a good ass job with his voice
Ryuji Sakamoto
see this post that basically sums up my feelings on this boy.
Also, Max Mittelman.
Ann Takamaki
Like she went through all that shit with Kamoshida, the harassment, possibly rape, all for freaking Shiho’s sake. Just… wow. That’s some freaking loyalty there. Shiho's the closest friend she has at Shujin (at least before the events of the game) and God knows how long she went along with Kamoshida’s bullshit all for Shiho. I mean I may sound a bit repetitive but holy shit that just amazes  me. SHE. ENDURED. SEXUAL. HARASSMENT. ALL. FOR. HER. BEST. FRIEND. And the minute she watched Shiho’s suicide attempt that was it. Any last bit of restraint she had left broke and she went full on at Kamoshida all for revenge for her best friend. My god.
Onto her confidant ranks, Ann is just a charismatic bundle of joy who just wants to make people happy. Yeah she butted heads with that girl (forgot her name…) and did fall down a little in terms of confidence but Akira and Shiho helped her through it and brought her back on her path of what she wants to do… Just ugh, I love Ann so much.
Yusuke Kitagawa
Yusuke’s a fan favorite and for good reason.
His backstory about how Madarame took him in after his mom died and overlooked his painting which led to the later plagiarism is an interesting one and I love how the Sayuri, the only thing left to connect him to his mother, is an important factor that leads to his realization of “oh shit this guy’s a dick who watched my mom die without helping her and he used me for money and fame.”
As a character though, Yusuke’s freaking weird. But i love him because of it. He has his formal tongue but that formal tongue casually overlooks any weird shit that comes out of his mouth. He doesn’t give any flying fucks about what people think of him and he speaks his mind like there’s no tomorrow. I still crack up at the nude painting scene with him and Ann because his mix of awkwardness and passion to paint a nice ass picture is just incredible. Also, another thing. He’s. So. Damn. Passionate. Like he ties art into everything, even fighting Shadows and he’s always looking for new ideas for paintings.
Also, Matt Mercer
Makoto Niijima
She’s not my favorite female, that role goes to Futaba but she’s definitely number 2.
I genuinely have a love for the Niijima sisters because they complement each other so well. Sae’s the head of the house who also works tirelessly just to support her younger sister and it’s clear to see why Makoto would feel useless. She’s a high school student and as a student you really can’t do much that’ll pay the bills and keep food on the table unless you have a job which Makoto’s student council president and (i’m assuming) is in everything so it’d probably be hard as is to get a job and be of some sort of use to her sister. Then Kaneshiro comes around threatening her and Thieves and her sister and she just doesn’t want to feel useless anymore. She wants to do something after being forced to sit back and watch other people be counted on. And just, ugh, her awakening is by far my favorite out of all of them just because of everything behind it and just MAKOTO IS AMAZING, CASE CLOSED.
Also, Cherami Leigh.
Futaba Sakura
By far my favorite female as I feel our personalities are pretty damn similar. Besides her being a hacker and me not knowing anything about possibly illegal things like that, I relate to Futaba as she’s an introvert. She and I value our alone time and (although for different reasons) like being shut in. Now I’m not going to say Futaba and I share the same backstory because my God I’m honestly baffled how this girl went through years in solitude after her mother’s death thinking it was her fault. For one, she WATCHED HER MOTHER DIE IN FRONT OF HER. HOLY SHIT HOW DID THIS GIRL MANAGE TO FUNCTION WITH THAT MENTAL IMAGE IMPRINTED IN HER BRAIN???? AND THEN FOR YEARS ON END SHE LOCKED HERSELF UP AWAY FROM THE WORLD AND BEGAN HAVING ACTUAL PHYSICAL AND VERBAL HALLUCINATIONS AND IF IT WASNT FOR THE PHANTOM THIEVES SHE PROBABLY WOULD HAVE ENDED UP KILLING HERSELF AND I DONT WANT TO THINK OF A WORLD WITHOUT THIS ADORABLE LITTLE OTAKU.
also, i really ship her and Yusuke Inari
Haru Okumura
For one, Haru is freaking adorable, I mean look at her. She has the short little fluffy fluff hair and her voice is so light and feathery and polite and WHY DOES SHE COME SO LATE IN THE DAMN GAME????
I was lucky enough to manage to finish her confidant before the end of the game but when her confidant first opened up to me (getting rank 5 Proficiency was a bitch) at that point I was planning on not doing her confidant at all, I was just planning on getting Baton Pass and ditching her because I didn’t think I’d finish it. I did (at the cost of not finishing Makoto’s, still extremely disappointed on that) and I have to say Haru’s confidant was by far my favorite one out of the ones I maxed out.
Her whole thing is now that her father’s dead, she’s basically the one inheriting everything from Okumura Foods and she never really understood anything to begin with and she thinks everyone who’s trying to help her is just doing it for their own self-gain.  Okumura Foods, at this point, is attempting to rise back up after all the shit her father put the company through and all the current bad reputation it has. Haru’s never had a chance in her life to make things for herself. She’s always been told what to do and has been very obedient (even agreeing to marry a literal dickhead all for her father’s company) and suddenly she’s given all control and doesn’t know what to do with it. All these happy smiling faces offering their help just seem like people attempting to take advantage of her incompetence. Akira helps her through it like the amazing boy that he is and Haru ends up finally being able to speak her mind about the company and what SHE wants to do. She gives the company up to someone who she believes is trustworthy and decides that she’ll one day open a small little cafe like Leblanc in the future after college. And honestly, just her overcoming her distrust and her previous shell of being obedient to rising up and making her own decisions it makes me so happy and proud to see her grow and change and just UGGH I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS DAMN CAST.
Loud-mouthed, a little bit arrogant, Morgana is just an amazing character in general for me. I know Ryuji’s technically supposed to be the comic relief (and he does fulfill this role, don’t get me wrong) but I feel Morgana takes this spot too, especially the two bickering like an old married couple. I know some people hate on Morgana because of how he treats Ryuji and the amount of “go to bed” memes on Tumblr but all around Morgana is just a cat who was just looking for a place to call home. He was just looking for people to accept him.
And a part of me honestly hopes if there’s an add on for this game in the future, Morgana gets a human form because I’d love to see that.
Also, please tell me I’m not the only one who still mixes up Morgana’s gender. I still sometimes call him a her just out of habit because I can’t hear Cassandra Lee Morris as anything but a girl.
Also, Cassandra Lee Morris.
Goro Akechi
Don’t misunderstand, I know he killed people. I know he caused all those shutdowns and was planning on killing the Thieves and eventually Shido himself (which now begs the question, say he did kill Shido, what next?)
I’m not denying anything he did. And yes, his backstory (although extremely saddening) does not justify his actions. He knew what he was doing and he still did it.
Akechi took the wrong path in his life. If anything you can sort of compare his story to Futaba’s in the sense that they both lost family members and were left with nothing. In Futaba’s case however, she still had people trying to help her. She had Sojiro who took her in after her uncle was abusing her or something and she had the Thieves who literally changed her heart and made her see the truth.
Akechi had absolutely nobody.
His mom died (suicide if I remember correctly), he was thrown into foster care, his own father (seriously, fuck Shido. Not just because of how he was with Akechi but everything in this damn game) didn’t even knew he existed. He had no acknowledgement, no affection, nothing. He was forced to make do with what little scraps he could find and make a life for himself.
Again, don’t misunderstand me. I know he killed people and his backstory does not justify his actions because he knew what he was doing was wrong. I’m just saying maybe if he had someone, anyone who was there to help him out, to pull him out of his misery he most likely would have been a different person. He wouldn’t have had his revenge for Shido be his only reason for living and he wouldn’t have gone out the way he did. It’s hard not to feel bad for him. He’s been alone all his damn life and all this guy really wanted was a friend, some teammates, people who wanted him around. I just wish Akechi had gotten a way to repent. I hate the fact that he died. One because we lost a good character and two because I genuinely believe that he wanted to change at the end. Akira changed him. The Thieves changed him. I wish he had gotten an ending where he could own up to his mistakes and be able to make up for lost time.
Just… ugh.
I’m apart of the “Akechi deserved better” group.
And I also ship Akeshu really really really hard.
Also, Robbie Daymond was freaking fantastic.
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i-w-p-chan · 6 years
Connections - Expansion Pack, Part 9
Note: finally y’all get to see Akira awakening to Arsene.
Set on the same day the PT stake out Mementos to catch Morgana and Haru- Akira finds himself in the Metaverse on his own, awakens a Persona, gets important shit done, and then meets up with the PT later. This bitch was very busy on that day. Kudos for not dropping dead (this is the point when the bags under his eyes start to develop, I’m certain.)
Warnings: How Does One Write A Straightforward Palace Infiltration?, Glass, So Much Glass.
Disclaimer: Don’t own P5.
Akira sighed after he made his way back to the attic above Leblanc. The spontaneous, accidental trip he made to that space station was… strange to say the least.
He took out his phone and stared at the new app that installed itself on it after Ren had found themself in the space station.
Whatever it was, it was definitely related to what the Phantom Thieves of Hearts did, which meant Akira had to dig into it.
He frowned and opened the app; it certainly looked like a navigator app, but trying to search for any destination on it proved futile.
Why was it called Meta Nav? Did it refer to a metaspace of some sort?
He hummed as he tried to remember any details the Thieves had let slip in regards to their work. There was something about names, wasn’t it?
Did he have to look up names of people instead of places? Did the app work as a navigator to people’s hearts? He snorted at the thought, but all the same, he shrugged and tried out the first name he could think to input.
“Kurusu Akira.”
“Candidate found,” The app chimed, and Akira tapped his phone against his chin, he needed more coordinates?
But what?
Back with Madarame, the Thieves seemed to fixate about getting a room inside his shack open as if it was an obstacle in their work. Back with Kaneshiro, they needed to get into contact with him, presumably for something connected with his work. Back with Futaba, they went up to her room. And now with Okumura, they were lurking around Okumura Foods’ HQ.
Was it the place of residence? Or work?
“Café Leblanc.”
“Candidate not found.”
“Shujin Academy.”
“Candidate not found.”
He frowned as he dropped his hands to the side; he needed to think of a place connected to him to work.
In the following minutes, he’d tried out every single address he could think of back in his hometown and any place connected to his career as Joker, but the constant ring of ‘candidate not found’ persisted.
He sighed as he flopped down on his bed and buried his head in his arms, he could do it the next day, while the Thieves were busy looking for Morgana, because his search results were depressing for the day.
If he couldn’t figure it out, he could ask Futaba, but for the moment, it would remain as his last resort.
Akira took the chance to slip away after school the next day to slip back into one of Yongen’s alleyways where he was sure no one would come across him.
Opening the Nav, he started trying out other addresses in Tokyo, from the Diet Building to the ramen shop he frequented, but still none of them garnered a reaction other than the usual.
He scowled down at his phone, “Just what in the whole of goddamn Tokyo will make this absolute garba-“
“Candidate found.”
“What?” Akira stared at his phone incredulously, “Tokyo? Fucking Tokyo? Is this some sort of farce or what?”
“Candidate found. Beginning navigation.”
Akira stared around him incredulously; wherever he looked, Tokyo looked like a city made of cracked glass- everything existed in perfect mimicry of its real world counterpart, except the whole city was made of glass, with big cracks going through it and some parts completely shattered, its shards floating in the air around it, but leaving behind what looked like its exact appearance in reality.
He made his way to Leblanc, to see that the glass had completely peeled away from it. He frowned as he wondered what it meant, though he had a feeling that wherever he was right now wasn’t a place that he should take lightly.
Another look around the area showed him that the places with the most shattered glass were the ones he usually frequented, like the baths and Sojiro’s house.
He hummed thoughtfully as he considered the whole city from what he could see in the distance. Maybe he could check other locations?
His feet took him to the station, and he made his way down to the train he usually took from Yongen on his way to school. The moment he hit the ground near the tracks, the world shifted.
He blinked and looked at the signs around him; did he suddenly shift from Yongen’s station to the one near the school? There was only one option to try: leave the station and check.
He rushed out of the station, absolutely thankful to the fact that it was empty, and made his way to the streets; he was right, he was near Shujin.
Shoving his hand into his bag, he looked around for his trusty grapple gun, taking it out, he aimed at the building nearest to him, and launched the grapple, using it to propel himself to the roof.
He landed and quickly shot back up to look in the direction of the school; the building itself was quite cracked and shattered in places.
He had already traversed across a couple of buildings on his way to the school when he skidded to a halt, an idea popping into his head.
Instead of checking Shujin, why not check what the Diet Building looked like?
Using the convenient shifts that occurred at the train station, Akira soon made his way to the Diet Building.
His eyebrows shot up when he saw the building was the only one that wasn’t cracked or shattered in places, and they would have shot up even more if it was possible when he saw who was standing in front of the building.
“Akira,” Goro called to him, a smirk plastered on his face, as if he was ready to confront Akira right then and there.
“Goro.” Akira made his way to Goro, unable to shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong in the situation.
Goro’s eyes widened in mock hurt and he put his hand on his chest as he gasped dramatically, “Goro? Whatever happened to Tantei-san, hon?”
“Are you… alright?” Akira blinked in bewilderment, wondering what happened to make Goro act so dramatic out of the blue.
Goro snorted, his current expression melting away in favor of an annoyed one, “Of course I’m alright, when have I never been alright? Do you want an itemized list? Of fucking course I’m not alright! I mean, you have eyes, look you idiot.”
Akira blinked again and looked in the direction Goro had gestured in: it was still the Diet Building.
“It’s the Diet Building.”
“I know that.” Goro sent him a particularly fake smile before he grabbed Akira and dragged him to the building, “How about you check inside? I’m pretty sure you’ll love the surprise waiting for you!” With that said, Goro opened the door and threw Akira in before he slammed the door closed behind him with a resounding bang.
The interior of the building itself was definitely more sinister than he would have pegged it to be, with shadows crawling across the walls and floor, dark, tattered curtains draped over the windows, and with a winding staircase wrapped in spikes leading up to the next floor.
There was a pair of bright yellow eyes glaring at him unnervingly from the shadow of the staircase.
Akira stepped backwards towards the door, even though he was basically trapped, he could still surprise whatever was watching him if he flung himself through one of the windows instead of actually bolting for the door.
The yellow eyes’ glare intensified, and their owner bolted at him. Akira immediately pivoted on his heel and rushed towards the nearest window, jumping at it with his arms braced around his head.
His forearms slammed against the window, but it failed to break under his weight. Pain lanced through his arms, and his momentum carried him to slam fully against the window before dropping to the floor. His reflexes launched him back to his feet in a crouch, and he shook his arms as he stared blearily at the shadow while trying to regain his bearings after the shock of the crash.
There was a derisive snort, “Is that the best you can do? Guess I can give you a little credit for going to the window instead of trying the door, but still you ultimately failed.” The voice sounded eerily familiar in its condescending, boastful tone. In fact, it sounded just like…
Akira’s eyes widened when he finally got a good look at the yellow-eyed shadow; it looked exactly like him, dressed in a black, tight, full body suit, with a red jacket with tail coats, a pair of heels, red gloves with clawed fingertips, and a red top hat.
His doppelganger sneered at him, “Is that the best you could do? I can’t believe we’re fundamentally the same person. Hah. But then again, what else could I expect of some coward who can’t even face his failings.”
“Excuse me?” Akira was miffed, “And who are you to have the gall to say that?”
His doppelganger allowed a self-satisfied smirk to quirk his lips, “Now, was that too hard? Actually speaking up with your own face and voice for once instead of hiding behind some stupid mask? Or masks, as it were?”
Akira allowed a scowl to mar his face and he crossed his arms, if this little shit wanted to trash talk, then Akira was willing to trash talk, “You still haven’t answered my question, faker.”
“Faker!” His doppelganger crowed, “You’re calling me a faker? Now that’s comedy! Guess that’s why you go by Joker, eh?”
Akira stiffened and his doppelganger immediately noticed it, “Oh, I know all about that. About your abilities, your skills, your secret identities- Joker, Ren, the whole shebang- I know all about your shenanigans, your burdens and problems, your deepest, darkest secrets. I am you after all.”
“Oh?” Akira scoffed, “So you put on a mask that looks just like me and claim that you’re me? Because that’s very believable.”
“That’s rich, coming from a weakling like you.” His doppelganger cooed, “What do you call those nice glasses you have on? Are they not a mask? An extra layer? Something to hide behind? And we’re in a world full glass and faces already, so take it off.”
Akira hesitated, and the doppelganger scoffed, “See? That’s why I’m here, that’s why this whole place exists, even. Because you’re a weak-willed lil’ bitch who apparently can’t take a hit from fucking Shido.” The doppelganger paused before a sour look took over his face, “Actually, let me rephrase that last part. In fact, ignore the part about fucking Shido because-“ The doppelganger inhaled, “Where is the goddamned brain bleach when you need it?”
“If I knew, I’d have drowned you in it already,” Akira snarked.
The doppelganger’s expression turned from sour into pleased, “See? That’s the sass I like! My problem is that it finds a way to miraculously disappear when it comes to your probation. So you thought yourself invincible but discovered you weren’t in quite the unpleasant circumstances, so what?”
“So what?” Akira repeated incredulously, “So what?!”
“Are you telling me that you regret all that happened to bring you here?” The doppelganger stalked towards Akira, who stood firmly, refusing to back down.
“No. absolutely not.” Akira ground through his teeth.
“Excellent.” His doppelganger grinned viciously at him, “So, are you just going to lie down and do nothing when you can? Just simply sit back and watch? You can easily predict what could happen with our friends, are you planning to just keep your head down and not help because you’re afraid of retribution?”
“NO!” Akira shouted and stomped towards his doppelganger, taking his glasses off and throwing them away, uncaring of how they shattered as they hit the ground, “I don’t care what happens, I know exactly what I want to do, and how I should go about it, and I am not going to just sit back and watch my friends do everything!”
“That’s the spirit!” The doppelganger flung his arms around dramatically as his form glowed brightly and melted into Akira’s body.
Akira’s stance faltered as he registered the excruciating pain that lanced through his head and he cried out.
“Vow to me, I am thou, thou art I.” Akira heard his doppelganger cackle in his head and, strangely (or maybe not strangely?), he chuckled along with it, “Now call upon my name!”
A surge of energy flowed through Akira, and he straightened, “Come to me, Arsene!”
The chuckles in his head grew deeper in tone and echoed around him, and he turned around to stare at the great, horned being floating in the air.
There was a pleased hum within his core, and the being- Arsene- vanished, only for a familiar weight to settle down on Akira’s face, and he reached his hands to check what it was.
It was his Joker mask.
Actually, he was also dressed in his Joker get-up. Was this why the Phantom Thieves of Hearts all wore their own costumes? And here he thought they were going by the phantom thief code.
Well, no matter.
Aki- Joker- for it was Joker now- turned his focus towards the stairs, knowing exactly what he had to do next, and jogged towards it. It was time to start the climb, to see what lay hidden at the top.
Staircase after staircase, floor after floor, and each time Joker had to make his way through increasingly difficult security measures. Not that he was surprised about it.
And the crowning jewel of them all…
Joker twisted through laser beams and flung out his hand with the grapple gun to use the grapple to latch onto one of the beams; it was fragile, and it wouldn’t hold out for long, and the security measures were quite nightmarish at this point, but he was now within reach of the glittering treasure sat atop the pedestal waiting for him on the last floor, and there was a great window in sight, waiting for him to crash through it and drop down.
There were a lot of risks with such a spontaneous plan, but Joker had no time or resources to come up with something better while on the fly, and had the feeling that leaving the place and returning later was a bad idea.
The beam creaked and bent, and Joker snatched the glittering treasure right in time for the beam to break and fall, dropping Joker into a crouch near the pedestal.
The pressure sensitive plates under his feet activated, and sirens started blaring out. Then, the floor started to crack as the lasers switched angles and started to make their way towards Joker, itching their traces into the ground.
Joker wasted no moment in dodging the lasers as he bolted towards the window and leaping through it.
The glass gave in under his weight, shattering and giving way for Joker’s escape route. Joker twisted his body as he plummeted through the air, and brought out the knife that manifested along with his costume before plunging it into the glass at the side of the building, using it to slow down his descent as he raked down the whole side of the building, leaving shattering glass in his wake.
He hit the ground with enough force to cause his knees to buckle and almost fall to the ground before he recovered as much as he could and stumbled away from the building. He’d made it a good distance away before ducking into an alleyway to avoid the glass from the shattering building.
He breathed deeply before he brought the treasure closer to his face to inspect it; it was a mask that looked exactly like his own, except it looked well-worn with a crack going down its side.
“I see you made it out.” Joker whirled around to see the Goro from before staring at him with one hand propped on his hip, “Well, that’s good news I guess. But I figure you should really make your way away from here.” He gestured to the buildings around him, which were also shattering as well.
Joker inwardly cursed and reached for his grapple gun; using it to scale a building to look for a better escape route by way of rooftops, the world flashed before his eyes when he landed on the roof, and he stumbled before he straightened up.
“The destination has been deleted.” Akira heard his phone chime, and his eyebrows went up when he looked around him and saw that he was out of the glass Tokyo and back to the real world. He checked his phone and saw the bookmark that had been created for his name no longer existed. Huh, so he had to steal the treasure and leave?
Speaking of the treasure…
He looked back at the treasure and saw, to his shock, that it no longer looked like his mask; in fact, it actually looked like a calling card- one of Joker’s. A quick inspection of the note written on it made one thing clear: it was Joker’s first calling card.
He frowned as he checked it, wondering what it meant that the treasure took this form in particular, before he had to hide it away and check his phone again, this time he checked the trackers he used to keep tabs on the Thieves, and when none of them showed up, he figured they were in the other world already.
He hummed contemplatively as he considered his next move; he could now get changed into Ren and gather as many phantom thieves as he could to start an impromptu heist to steal all of Shido’s dirty secrets to kick him off his high horse after they gathered enough evidence against, and then he could see if he had time to check up on the Thieves of Hearts and see how their situation involving Okumura was going along with the Morgana situation.
He checked the clock as he opened a group chat with the phantom thieves he was most acquainted with; if he was quick enough about his plans for the day, he may even get back to Leblanc in time for dinner.
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