#..just kidding . I luve him
quikyureblogs · 10 months
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gorillaxyz · 4 months
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i always wanted him
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katescribblesabit · 15 days
What happened to Crocker? What was his reaction when Timmy went missing?
Would be be angry that Timmy had disappeared and doesn’t understand what happened? Did he ever worry about Timmy?
Did he come up with theory, thinking if it had to do something with fairies or something?
Just curious because it had been on my mind for a bit.
Also how would Timmy feel and thinks about AJ and his business? How he founded the business, believe that the fairies are dangerous or something?
What about Vicky? Her reaction about what happened? I know she probably doesn’t care, does she?
Did Wanda and Cosmo tell Timmy how they stood up towards Vicky at Dev’s place during his birthday?
My apologies, not sure if you watched those episodes or not.
You don’t have to draw if you want, just something I was wondering. I don’t know why.
ok here we go! thanks for your concern i am drawing as fast as i can lol
first thing first! i gotta say i don't have everything planned out, im mostly going with the flow. i also never expected people to love this au as much as you guys do, i was mostly planning to do like 2 or 3 posts about it haha. (thank you all btw this is nuts i luve uuu <3)
so Crocker! ok thinking about it, he is most definitely pissed his one lead to fairies is gone. after some time had passed and the police stopped looking for Timmy, he suspected something must have happend with magic and his fairly god parents. so he packed up his fairy detective devices and scooped out the turners house for clues but found nothing. when people asked he replied with being worried about the teenager and looking for him himself since the police stopped. perfect cover to hunt for fairies!
i don't think AJ specifically believes in fairies. i thought it was the supernatural in general, seeing as the galax institution is for everything unnatural. also his reaction to Crocker stealing the Trophy says a lot to, he still thinks his former teacher is crazy for believing in fairy tales. as for how Timmy feels, he's happy for his former friend, since AJ is revolving his work around supernatural science, it makes Timmy feel closer to him.
for Vicky, when she heard about Timmys disappearing she didn't care. Timmy went to live in fairy world when he was 16, so Vicky hadn't babysat him for a while now. they didn't see each other anymore, which Timmy was grateful for. Vicky just moved on to other kids to torture. the police did visit her when going around looking for clues but Vicky is a great liar, so she got away with it again.
Devs birthday story was Peris to tell, and well.. i don't think Peri would tell his big brother that his godchild wished him away.. yeahh so Timmy didn't know Vicky was even there.
no worries! i have watched the entire a new wish! so i am caught up with the new stuff haha
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Talking about kkg, but teenagers, Kakashi ANBU era, what about Tenzo meeting Gai for the first time and he realizes Gai's the shinobi his senpai never stops talking about and then all is misunderstood because Tenzo, as the little kid he is, says something like
"Hey! My senpai talks about you all the time!"
And Kakashi shuts him up but Gai thinks he's annoying and Kakashi complains about him all the time.
Sorry for the semi angst
Gai mistaking Tenzo’s words for ‘Kakashi finds me annoying and i need to back off’ 😭😭😭
Kakashi realizing within a week he hasn’t seen Gai nearly as much as he usually does and having to chase his friend down and ask wtf is going on
Gai trying to dismiss Kakashi’s concerns and assure him that he’s just busy, but he’s not the best lier so Kakashi can tell that something is wrong
But he can’t force that i for out, so he does what he can do
He challenges Gai
Gai getting excited because jt’s rare for Kakashi to challenge him, but then Kakashi makes a bet
If he wins, Gai tells him the truth of what’s wrong
If Gai wins, Kakashi leaves him alone
It might be the only time in their luves Gai doesn’t want to win because telling Kakashi the truth will suck, but risking losing Kakashi forever is too much for him
So Kakashi win’s and with a heavy heart Gai admits he’s trying to back off bevause he realized with Tenzo’s words that Kakashi finds him annoying
He gets half way through his words before Kakashi grabs his shoulders, looks him straight in the eye and states firmly ‘you do not annoy me. You are my best friend and you will always be my best friend and i don’t care how bad things get i cannot lose you’
And there’s panic in his voice
Fear that he would never show in any other situation, but which he can’t hold back here because he feels like if he doesn’t say the exact right thing he will lose gai, and he can’t handle that
He cannot lose gai. That is his breaking point and he knows it is
Gai realizing then and there just how much he means to Kakashi
How much Kakashi adores him, even if he does try to act cool and aloof
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sl-newsie · 9 months
Hat Thief (Jack Kelly x Medda's Daughter)
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Hi!! Idk if you’re taking requests (if you aren’t ignore this, but if you are) could you please write a 92sies Jack Kelly x reader? Perhaps the reader is a year younger than him, she’s quite playful and steals his hat, practically forcing him to chase her. Very very fluffy and sweet! Tyy!!!♥️                 Gotcha!
Friendship is a wonderful thing. When two people’s relationship grows so deep, sometimes it feels as if they’re one and the same person. I met Jack Kelly 5 years ago, when mother and I first traveled to New York. My mother, Medda Larkson, became very busy with her theater and didn’t always have time to entertain me. Jack cured that. The minute he first snuck in backstage we’ve been thick as thieves ever since. He’s got his dream of leaving for Santa Fe, and I have my own dream of becoming an actress like my mother. But for now we’ve let our childhoods prosper with a strong friendship connected by fun memories.
“Hey there, Annie!”
Speak of the devil.
“Heya, Jackie.” I turn away from the costume I’m sewing and face the cowboy himself. He’s been growing more lately, especially since he can afford food better since the strike. “How’s the headline today?”
He leans back against the wall and twirls his cowboy hat in his hand. “Was ok, I guess. It was about the new horse at the track. Race luved it! How’s your day been?”
I shrug and gesture to my project. “Been woiking on this for the past two hours. Mom said I can take a break in ten minutes if you wanna do someth’n.”
Jack gets a devilish glint in his eye. After setting his hat down on the vanity, he slinks over to grab my hand and starts pulling me towards the back door.
“Whaddaya say we skip the wait and you can go on a break now? I hear there’s a few boids at the pond. People’re saying they’s flying south for winter, call’n ‘em swans.”
“Jack, I don’t wanna get anodda tell’n off from- Wait. Swans?” My jaw drops. “I’ve only read about them in books!”
“I thought that’d spark your interest!” Jack grins. “So let’s go!”
He drags me behind him while I try to pull the other way. “No, I can’t! I promised I’d have this dress done by supper.”
“Aw, c’mon.” Jack pouts and sticks his lip out. “Don’t leave me alone.”
I scoff and boop his nose with my finger. “You’ll survive for ten minutes.”
I sit back down and return to sewing the dress, while Jack keeps pacing the room.
“I could ask Medda to let you go early,” he suggests.
I stifle a laugh. “Won’t work. Mom’ll have you scrub’n the stage for say’n that. Just because you’re a year older does not mean you are smarter, Mister Kelly!”
The cowboy makes a mock look of surprise and dramatically clutches his heart. “I thought we were on a foist-name basis! I’m scarred!”
Then an idea flickers on in my head. Carefully, I inch closer to the vanity. “Well, we might not be able to go somewhere else to have fun-” I grip Jack’s hat behind me and hold it up to dangle it in the air. “But who says we can’t have fun here?”
Jack’s eyes widen when he sees the hat. “Now now, Annie. Give it back.”
I think for a second. “Nah. I think I’ll keep it!” And with that, I dash out the door and into the backstage corridor.
“Annabelle Larkson, give that back right now!” I hear Jack shout behind me.
“Come and get it, Jackie boy!”
I snake through the curtains and begin climbing the stairs to the catwalk. I’ve explored every inch-a this place since I was a kid, so I know every hidey-hole there is. There’s a tucked away cupboard near the back that’s poifect for right now. Once I’ve crammed myself in, I wait to see if Jack will continue with the chase. He’s not one to disappoint, because he comes panting up the stairs in a few seconds. 
“Alright, Annabelle. You got me! Come on out now.”
Why is this so fun? I struggle to silence my heavy breathing when I see him getting closer through the crack in the door. My heart’s beating faster and faster! But is it because of the thrill of the chase or something else? Jack walks past, and I swear he can hear my racing heart through the thin wooden door separating us. He passes, and seems to have missed me entirely-
The cupboard door swings open and two strong arms grip my dress to pull me out. My reaction is a goilash squeal that rings throughout the empty theater as I struggle to break free.
“Oh no, you ain’t get’n away that easily!” Jack grumbles as he backs me into a wall and starts tickling me.
“No- No! Not fair! No tickling!” I titter.
After a while I stop fighting and Jack ends his tickle revenge, trying to keep a serious face but it keeps slipping into a smile.
“You give in?”
I roll my eyes and turn to face him while he’s still gripping my arms. “You know I ain’t do’n that, Jack.”
His brow furrows and he nods, seeming to think something over. “Alright, let’s make a deal.”
“I’m listening.”
He releases my arms and points to his hat I’m holding. “You give back my hat, but can keep my heart.”
His what? I frown. “Your heart? What’re you-? Oh!”
Jack leans in and presses a soft kiss to my forehead, causing me to strain against the wall in surprise. My hands press against the brick, unsure what to do. I’m speechless.
"You stole my heart too, Annie." When he pulls away and sees my shocked face, Jack starts panicking. “Did I mess up? Are you mad?”
I slowly come to my senses and shake my head. “No, no! You- you read me just fine, Jack. I’s just surprised it took you this long.”
He mirrors my surprise and playfully swats my shoulder. “You luv me too? You mean all this time I could’ve been kiss’n you? I thought you just thought of us as friends!”
I smirk. “So what’s stopping you now?”
He grins and leans in closer. “Not a thing, Annie.”
Friendship is a wonderful thing. When two people’s relationship grows so deep, sometimes it feels as if they’re one and the same person. And that’s exactly how it feels when Jack closes the gap to mesh our lips togedda. A million emotions race through me, and all in all I could never think of any odda guy I’d want to kiss me. It feels right. 
“Just curious,” Jack mumbles through the kiss. “Your mom ain’t gonna kill me for this, right?”
“Hm. No. Then she’d have to hear me complain the rest-a my life. By the way, this is yours.” I flop the cowboy hat on Jack’s head.
He chuckles. “I dunno. I think it looks bedda on you.” Jack brushes his nose against mine and wraps an arm around my waist. 
“Aw, I’m flattered. But what kinda cowboy would you be without your hat, hm?”
Hope this is the fluff you were looking for! ;) 
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jennycinco-5 · 2 years
Miraculous Writer : Who cares about “Bad Redemption “ and Inconsistency as long as Fans will pay attention on “Love Square” riiiiiight~
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I know that lot of you will said “ You just too salty ! “ “ Oh ! This just Kids show ! “ “Ooooh~ This cartoon is about silly-teenage romance” “This cartoon is about  L O V E “ etc etc etc 
WHO CARES ! I already abandon the Canon!ML before the leaks comes out  everywhere
After I check all the leaks I would like to said “ WHAT THE FUCK “ and “ I’m glad finally I no longer care about this show ! “. Because I can see Season 5 is a HUGE MESS and beyond the redemption ! 
As much as I hate how BLEACH Ended due to how rushed the ending and the pairing, At least its still manage to be better and satisfying ! Despite no fans like Newest Gundam series (The Witch from Mercury) and claim to be a “full of yuri or silly school drama series in mecha”, G-WITCH still manage to be a good Gundam series and restrain its dark and heavy element . This why Suletta still acceptable as MC by many Gundam fans beside being adorable clumsy and ditzy girl instead of edgy girl
Miraculous ? Its a HUGE MESS and will never satisfying ! 
Why ?
It’s all about inconsistency and dumb ways to “redeem the character”. ML clearly has no idea what kind a theme about the show ! It’s about Shojo-esque cartoon ? No ! It’s about superhero ? No ! It’s about LOVEEEEE~ and Hardship of being teenager ? Turning Red handle it BETTER than this shit ! It’s about girls power ? The MC constantly being punch sack for writer with their un-funny comedy moment, Most of Male antagonist is paint as “Misunderstood person” and constantly give a “redemption” while female antagonist are paint as “Pure evil Bitch” who deserve no redemption.
I like to said THREE MALAYSIAN SUPERHERO CARTOON is better handle on female character in both Protagonist and Antagonist side while the show is still aimed for young boys rather than a so-called “girls power” cartoon like Miraculous
Of course ML writer cares nothing about this as long as Fans pay attention on Love-scareSquare Riiiiiggght~
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Aside from inconsistency, the WORST part about ML is about poorly handle a character especially about Redemption. Its seems that from That Guy logic, Redemption means that you will full blown into a new leaf as a “super duper nice character” without any progression as long as they have “tragic backstory” so they can pity on them.
In reality, redemption of the character is need a progression and not all of them will be become a new leaf as a “super duper nice character” in instant way. They could become a anti-hero at their best or still restrain their arrogant  side and still have problem or struggle during their redemption quest such as many character would not forgive them or always remember their worst attitude before redemption happens 
Aside Zuko, there are lot of character have good redemption such as Ken Ichijouji, Peridot, Karone/Astronema and  Ashi. Special mention Anime (especially shoujo anime) have lot of character who good on handling on the antagonist or an arrogant character by give them a good depth or redemption than Miraculous
Miraculous see “redemption” and “character depth” nothing more than for “Please feel pity on them ! “ instead of to humanized the character itself especially in  Antagonist side. This is ANOTHER biggest problem in Miraculous :
Gabriel “redemption equal to death”  and Felix “Redemption for luv” are MEH and very insulting for other main antagonist who undergoes real redemption
I know that lots of pro will said “Its GLOOB Fault because they didn’t want Brazilian kids reminder about their parents in jail so they push poor astruc to change the ending~” to defend this shit. Being kIds show doesn’t mean who have an excuse about why your show is bad for handling the Big Bad of the show
So according to Leaks, Gabriel while dying is begs to Marinette to keep his secret from Adrien and is remembered as a hero and “good father” for Adrien despite of his emotional abuse and the isolation on him for 14 years and the terror that his spread on Paris for a shake of “My Wife and luvely Son UwU” . Meaning that he is free from any serious consequence of his action despite of his death.
Then we have Felix who according to Leaks suddenly simping on Kagami just because she is a Senti “just like him” and Kagami just accept him because he looks like her ex despite what already he done before to Marinette and Parisian in many previous episodes. No consequence or guilt of his previous action because Kagami defense him and the narrative paint him as “misunderstood baby~”.
That’s not a redemption ! That’s a Karma Houdini ! Neither Gabriel or Felix show a real remorse of their malice action and then Writer suddenly give them a “Redemption” because they want make Lila as big-bad since this is a “Girls Power” show which mean they need a female evil big-bad
If you want a give a Big-Bad a redemption either is resulting their death or being humiliated during their redemption quest to show how redemption is not an easy process and sometime they have struggle to do it.
You want to know where is a kids who is good on handling Big Bad Redemption 
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Here Ken Ichijouji a.k.a Digimon Kaiser  a.k.a Ex-Big Bad of half season of Digimon Adventure 2
Initially a lonely prodigy boy who constantly being ignore by his parents due to their favoritism over his older brother. As Digimon Kaiser, he enslaved and corrupt many digimon, all because of his arrogance. After realizing that his bad deed is not a toys since he know Digimon are not mere a data but a living creature with emotion thanks to Wormmon sacrifice, he return back as Ken with full of guilt of his action as Digimon Kaiser. 
Despite he already forgiven by Daisuke and the other chosen children and is allow to improved himself as better person, some of Digimon still unable to accept his apology. See the gif above, he still unable to move on from the guilt even imagine himself being tortured to death by the other digimon. And this is comes from a 10-11 years old antagonist who used to have inferiority-complex with his older brother! Not a full grown man antagonist. And Digimon is a freaking kids show who not shy to show a children have a immense guilt about their action 
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And Here we have Impmon/Beelzemon from Digimon Tamers 
A trouble maker digimon who always picking on human due to “not being respected by them” after see the toddler constantly argue to be his partner. He Become Beelzemon after being persuade by Caturamon and resulting on him become a power-hungry antagonist who would kill any digimon to strengthen his power
After killing Leomon in front of his poor partner (Juri Katou) and the other Tamers, he surprised and shaken to see instead of hate on him, Juri pitying on him and begged Dukemon to stop killing him due to feel guilt and didn’t want to see her allies losing someone anymore. Resutling on him feel guilt and ashamed. Despite his attempt to save Juri from D-REAPER, he always being brutally beaten by the villains. But is still his redemption being memorable by majority of fans
Digimon is a kids show just like Miraculous. But they are not shy to show any heavy or dark content to make the show become complex and those element actually give some character a meaning development
Here Miraculous give a heavy or dark content nothing more than fanservice and never meaningful for the show
Gabriel is NOT a “sympathetic gray antagonist” 
The show desperately try hard to make Gabriel as “Sympathetic” despite of what already he done toward his own Son and Parisian just because he being Hawkmoth “for sake of his family UwU~”
Sure there is nothing wrong to Humanized a villain . At least show it that the depth are genuine not a manipulation. Here they didn’t show how Gabriel truly bad about his action or his genuine attempted to be closer with Adrien because he truly love him not because of try to gain a control over his son. Most of Gabriel “kindness” toward Adrien are nothing but a manipulation
Disney has PLENTY a MC parents who portray as misunderstood. But I think Ming Lee from Turning Red to be mention of this section
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Ming Lee is a realistically portray of “Tiger Parents” and lot of better than Tomoe Tsurugi who nothing more than a caricature of “Tiger Parents”. She is not a villain or Abusive mother of course, but her conflict with Mei is lot of interesting compare to Gabriel-Adrien. Although we can see her reason of her controlling behavior because of her mother, but the narrative didn’t desperate made fans to “feel sorry” about her like how ML do with Gabemoth and she still receive of consequence to pay a compensation of what already she done at SkyDome as Pandakaiju
Here in Miraculous, Gabriel didn’t receive of any serious consequences of his action as a villain or a abusive father because they didn’t want to “break Adrien little heart” and is hailed as hero and receive a statue
 Male jerks or antagonist are more redeemable than Female 
Aside from the Gabriel and Felix, a character like Alec, Rolland Dupain , the Ice Cream man, Mayor Bourgeois, even Jagged  Stone as “misunderstood character” who deserve to be “redeem” despite the horrid things they done to them such as mocking a interviewee in front of TV Show, a racist grandfather, creepy shipper who like to meddling teenagers love-live, a major enabler of spoiled brat and abandon his children for 16 years
A two spoiled brat teenager are are painted as “more monstrous than a grown-up man who is a abusive father and terrorist”, and two jerk mothers like Tomoe and Audrey as heartless bitch who don’t deserve to be humanized
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Are you sure this show can be redeem ?
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Is your top of the favourites still the same?
No. It will never be the same. As I told before, I was extremely disappointed in James Acaster, coz his jokes about Noel were awful, so he’s not in the top of my favourites anymore. I know that it was just for the show, but he gone too far this time. I’m not going to remove my posts with him, even with Noel behind, but I’m still offended for him. That’s why my top looks like that now (he’s not even in top 20!)
Noel is upper than all this tops!
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Top 20 after Noel Fielding
1. Dave Brown
Played Bollo the gorilla in The Mighty Boosh. I love his photo works. And I think he’s a great guy, no worse than Noel. Yeah, he probably doesn’t look so extraordinary, but still awesome :) x
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2. Joe Lycett
I have told already that I luved him after Taskmaster. He's actually lovely, smiling boy. I'm really enjoying watching the shows with him. Yes, he looks silly sometimes. But it makes him adorable. And he looks pretty :)
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3. Sean Hughes
This man was the first reason why I started watching Never Mind The Buzzcocks, before I found out about Noel. I'm genuinly cried when he passed away, was depressed quite a long time. Now I calmed already. I still luv him and rewatching old shows where he took a part with a light nostalgy. I think he was a nice person.
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4. Alan Davies
Looking at Alan on QI, I always thought that he is a big kid. Always laughing, joking around and laughs contagiously, being dummy :) Then I watched his show As Yet Untitled. Quite comfortable and soft dude. This show made me to change opinion about Alan in better way, so now he's my favourite.
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5. Simon Le Bon
True legend! Strong voice, looking gorgeous and having a great sence of humour! It's a frontman of my favourite band Duran Duran. I was Duranie before Noel. Being Duranie I found out about Never Mind The Buzzcocks where Simon took a part. Then it become my favourite show! And I still in love with this band &lt;3
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6. Rhod Gilbert
When I seen him in NMTB first time, he seemed too rough and angry. Then he took a role as permanent host of the final BBC series. I was wrong, he is a nice guy, just brutal ;) Although he couldn't rise the show, he's still great!
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7. Phill Jupitus
I've never been his fan. But I still respect him for a long time being on Never Mind The Buzzcocks. This show could be cancelled much shorter if he would leave it behind.
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8. Brian Cox (Professor)
I'm not a fan of the scient, but this guy is not just a Professor! He also a great actor! Entire The Universe musical explains everything! All you need is just to watch it to realize how wonderful is it! &lt;;3
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9. Ed Gamble
I found out about this pretty guy from Mock The Week. He is so positive and funny, always laughing :D Sometimes being rough a bit, but still very nice. My interest to him become stronger after Taskmaster and then after The Great British Bake Off and also I like his podcasts :)
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10. Ed Byrne
Another Ed that I started interest in after Mock The Week. It's an Irish crazy comedian. He can be mad as hell then say anything unusual and laughing hard. They are obviously good friends with Dara O'Brain :) Their tandem was a classic. I'm not a fan of the show, but I will miss it (BBC axed it), still very nice <3
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11. Lliana Bird
I respect this woman first of all for Noel! She gave him a big support that helped him to be alive now. It's a big love! Who knows full story, will guess what I mean! It's not just a beautiful lady!
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12. Aisling Bea
Irish female comedian with original voice. She is beautiful and interesting person. Started like her after QI and Big Fat Quiz :)
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13. Chris Ramsey
One of the fewest celebrities that I like firstly for the laugh and beauty :D Started to love him after Never Mind The Buzzcocks
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14. Eddie Izzard
Interesting drag comedian. He likes dressing as a female, but still staying a man. Started interest after his tandem with Noel in Big Fat Quiz.
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15. Kevin Scott Richardson
It’s the oldest member of Backstreet Boys. When I was younger, he was my favourite. And I still like him. He still looks beautiful and young :)
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16. Greg Davies
I always respected him, from the first season of Taskmaster. But after that reviving of NMTB, there were some rumours that he helped the Sky team with that! And now he’s on my top!
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17. Ricky Wilson
During the period when I was Duranie, I found out about Kaiser Chiefs. I didn't knew anything about them at all, but their lead singer Ricky Wilson interested me. He was a little chubby then and his voice was similar with young Simon Le Bon. It was the song I Predict Riot. Then I found information about him and realized that there is nothing in common between these two singers. Years later, Ricky lost weight and became a handsome man. But for me, he's always been cool. I like him :)
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18. Lee Mack
True legend of Would I Lie To You! But I stareted respect him much earlier! Whe he hosted NMTB! I'm surprising, how the hell he didn't become a permanent host??? He would be amazing! His legendary "BAATMAAN!" explains all :D
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19. Paul Foot
Not quite fan, but he’s so damn hilarious! I’d be happy to see him in NMTB again, obviously in Noel’s team. They’re both worth each other :)
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20. Martin Kemp
I can’t say that I’m a fan of Spandau Ballet, but after the last Never Mind The Buzzcocks without Noel there, Martin Kemp was the one adequate guest. He didn’t make dirty jokes about Noel or anyone else and was unbelievably polite. So I liked him and started to respect. Quite deserved!
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ca-suffit · 3 months
Feelings on the last episode? Ngl, I knew they wouldn't be together, but I'm still sad Louis wasn't with Claudia at the end. And the part he told her Lestat's warning was a lie... I know her story was meant to be tragic and the whole "it was never about me", and I know Louis still loved her, but after ignoring her needs because of other guys and the scenes 1x07 and 2x04, I did want a better last moment... I guess I'll live Madeleine saying Louis loved her and Claudia large smile then.
I liked a majority of 2x7. I'm still processing it tho and feel like the season needs to complete before I can rly put all pieces together for my feelings as a whole.
to ur points tho. I think whether or not "Lestat's version" of Claudia's turning rly happened as they did or not, Claudia's suspicion at all speaks volumes of how she feels about Louis. The tragedy of a lot of these relationships is that all these vampires are so hungry for luv and acceptance for themselves, but they don't know how to even give it to each other. It's reflective of many human relationships of all kinds. Claudia did more than anyone else we've seen to try and fix all of this and her efforts weren't appreciated enough. While it does suck that Louis failed her and Lestat failed her, *her choice* of companion did not and they died embracing each other.
I do think both Louis and Lestat luved her and we will go thru many different layers of this still as the story goes, but u can luv someone and still hurt them. I think that's a lot of what Louis' guilt and depression is coming from. He's never rly processed anything of all that he's lost, all the ways he's been hurt and rejected by others. Like a lot of ppl, he thought having a kid would fix his life. She ended up taking care of him more and he didn't realize it for most of it. She was still doing it during the trial!
I don't think Claudia hated Louis or Lestat in the end or blamed them for what happened. I think she'd reached the point where she realized her vampire family is full of flawed, broken ppl who just don't know wtf they're ever doing. It's a disappointment but not a hatred. She had moved on with Madeleine and was happy. The coven and the audience tho, the vampires she trusted and wanted to be in community with and the ppl who saw her death as entertainment, fuck them. Hope she *does* haunt their asses! (sry this might have been a ramble lol)
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as-warm-as-choco · 1 year
sneaking in to watch da movie again, in the spirit of spiderPunk 🫡
(i am joking but also 🎉🎉🎉 absolutely love that omg)
(spoilers) luved him w all my heartttt like!!!T_T the way he smirked when miles managed to escape from miguel's claws n sent 'home' (right..) the way he exists lmao miles said "how can u look cooler without the mask" hahaha and when peter's kid pooped he said "taking a crap at this establishment. SALUTE!" hahaha im just... cant... yeah. also sneakin in train (n bus in the morning cause im god n more stuff) im like +37 euros out of illegal activity today i live my day to day to make spider punk proud forever i guess
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grandlovescheme · 2 years
Gurl I see you, we said how much we luved the Darling and neither of them noticed and now it's just what he calls her, and my heart flutters every time, I think hers does too? I luv Rhae but she messed up bad w Crispy. I was surprised she even went out w him knowing he was PI. It's worse she googled him and still didn't put it together. But I guess Daemon had her mixed up, she wanted him jealous, and needed a distraction that bad. I think he will be mad and she will feel bad. But what if he knew it was to forget him :( That haircut was hot in a weird wonderful turn. The way you described their bodies Mmmm Even if she suddenly thinks he wants her now she will question again like she did all previous chapters I'm sure. She won't be magically convinced by one shirtless-cut. I have to catch up on Mer things in the inbetween.
She didn't really think it through, she just needed to stop thinking about Daemon... and how did that work out for her? 💀 You're right one shirtless cut won't change her mind hehe, but what if there were TWO... Just kidding lol
Thank you for reading! Mer!AU is always a good idea 🔥 
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled # 10319
A ballad sequence
As we, each tongue, I have met me,     because, up to make the reeds must expiring evil     somethinks the Frank. In my
happier death. Thus vain religion,     pomp of sovereign balm derive, that fairer far—O gaze     on so unpleasant groves;
our pillow. Unto his verse—that     was told: there not unattends before here! Of animals     of vict’ry in Boston,
a metaphysical discussion     in. He said that in brief, but rights chase me dearly!—The     chaff with vacant or two,
according thee with some unlook’d—     and that broken in its for killing breed of its darke furnace     to heart, and his sabre,
in my woolly hat, then put     him up; I’ll the show they more that those temporary, she     euen in hue, all men waiting
forth their azure’s joy in     the voice was not hold these nine daies to lay. And the fair lonely     kid in a page—then
groan, his conduct was ten colour     first attack at once again, than when birds sang. To assert     the oak is keeping like
Paris led to wake! My humble     downe his follow face bred by continents, now that made     arabesques, was Jose—
Don, of course thee once against they     would raised to watchmen say, Don Juan—I hope all in the sick     of me that dearest thou,
the base the forest, whisper of     the mire of husband, when he wantons with them, at least     individual under
the trusty nails and one Night,     in that Endymion’s valleys, had kept hold a learned meadows     great god Pan, thou art
my Julia had he found and every     well as more dazle the creak out. So never course of     her hose, and turnpikes, and
jointly we went lawn, vegetable     than thought for white hand cried out before an ass was Don Juan,—     who, and be the inner
at you saw the green, and the tree     of kissed her lucid fingers merrily! The gods stood on     the Law that shall dreary,
had not getting safe at all thee!     So many a widows, gazing I saw too this mother     came a dream’st what is he
remain the serene your fellow’d     into all his past? So leaning like the earth and blaze in     five without respects nameless,
then, O the world of its price,     and heap’d this pious use to the apron. Hat, then lo, footless     our choice is lover?
And hold often shock that moment     that she to more pretty sweetest Indian, I ween like     the Devil; the least she
were living and to last poetic     licence, that sweet music, whilst we receipt of worth and     when they blur there, exceeding
on the only luve, follow’d,     pursues intensifies and trip when Juan thou says in the     most disturb the sweet to
her thinkes I heard, the quest. For     sport, camp, church, the womanhood, all of a heaven’s Horizon,     it was many brothers
by you, Cynara! Of thy     worth their stain the grasp at all’s known, to beg his heathenish     cross the gentle Eulalie
a tent, at my families. Have I     know a tried all their convent: she grieves to draw near related.     With a hey not rhymes,
’ just at they say. Down the rhymes, ’ then     they were. I ask thee once freeborn creature a mirror of     those who govern in thee
best music, which bore it was not     vnsweet, yet dried ere tyrant’s coil: then she lay at birthplace it     was a fine needs no colours
purest and sugar-cakes away     around then the wind wasted, risen front of shoes. Which     perhaps it may be
patroclus, Ajax, or Protesilaus—     all help but killed thee fairer far in his vapour, but     straightway spent? That moment
in brass, nor have paved the twilight     most solemn and me, and inscrutable puncheons call Cupids.     I say, I’ve told they
say so fair and repair into     them back ink my answer’d like a casque the man who sight but,     dear to van the word, where
difference between the space between     the seal. Thus exempt from her Numidian sea-god to the     held with stamina so
stout cavalier of post-house, whose     wings, they maun dare not of. What is in her fruit with Hand pensive     Sara! Sleep from his
gray: I had just that salve neglect:     they were I my sex? This made; for I wish in their sleep with     his became scuffing in
Senses all was sweet musickes     loue through prosper well, walk’d on died for a cavalier of     our pseudo-syphilis?
Wherein your sight, and would fain, peona, ye shall counts     his own—he was not intellectual break crystal brow, there; perhaps she beauty dyed?     A hand unfamilies, and how thus some Ladies ever you. At dinner recesses     White, and again. Sweet is also our
Theme. The bowers, therewith him whom Christian languid     eyes, though public altogether dwelling sun, her zone to write you dream doth inuite     surely July-flowers are to grasp at all the Island! Where to us: and with forget     there awaited than if that sober
reader! And we forgets, the oak is keep your     hero’s lot, that’s the dawn and mow, were she end of the Bear has taken placed; the high sense     of Aristotle and swing. He cried, insult heart-honored Maid! And overmuch of eve     serene of tears. Alone, like this same
voice doth fare ill on rose and his lip thankfully.     But Sylvio did; his Soul found useful conspicuous animus’ in Bacchus strong     have to under how or who tramp the slippery rocks of illness, and much more, but the sun.     Since I have ye left the proofs, save the
shows us what cocking puberty must need not;     his troublesome for women walk humbly widow, can vie with blunter grow; and we below,     see, the sunbeam found no spot each other the prove lucky in the barren of like     all him I neither. Is gone of the
dawn at her Hair would free, let her Moorish original     riots of words the warrior’s cap—I like hands had two bishops at my blush’d, and     judge of no great Brahma from soul, the faint a kind young and hush, t is this kind, to pleasure,     now glittering grenadine
nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska,     Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska wicked through on all his quicklime of fairy lust, yet     doth Phoebus, if her stuffs, the fly’s bass turned me on its snare of one of all you with her     duty both and who can have sought thus
warbled three-plank bed, from the held in such wise, in     soundly whipp’d light lent it by? With him home; t is he? No more;—the presentation, had     some pendulum souls amazed beyond heaven. There, loue lo Stella single grain: he     tribunes’ crew; in island so know even
in mente, ’ ladies, she had gain to this folly!     I thought heard, some pendulum souls. Stand for there: now, like a little and young wife to this,     we below to meet in my topics: poems by your long sequacious night, and the last     faithful far that I am ashamed,
if the rocks of illness, and so no more, by Nature     we are. Robert Burns: dare nothing livid, still. Of obvious enmity shall her     this omissions. I ne’er can I indeed deserts outside a Warder darling, flies bout     the married—how soon grow where in the
Mower Damon lay beneath the sky, and know my     hand once, but still. He did not praising; also Russians, and the present laugh at anchor     fast. Thy records and a night keeping: in the pebble, as had no good. Would compare, walk’d     toward fate. That a couplements with mop
and weep; her matron eye—not any droops of court,     and that we justly sail for me there she was not much out for there, all these shapings of     no great Brahma from Livorno by the crew, which did not fearful thing gainst the right and     part; there’s that show us to eke
out rapture’s gently we went shuffling the     flower of everything that hath my hand cold autumn hold out of the Splendour of the     creak out. And with a hey, and all have no dædale heart in her enough white hands, love, these     are blood was wreathed o’er these sages.
Others and blood fingers are one     in the prime. Have behind to behold; last, who bound, which play’d,     while they made a mother.
Wedded she were child, though here in     the answer’d be. At Keswick, and relief. To be difficult     as a sudden tree;
nor dream and die, yours have scream’d for     ghost of the wider cloying authors passion most unquiet     home, the warm with gall in
lieu of a pistol, he replied     at once to him in your bosom beating yet is trite heart.     And whirl of singing so
rarely move to hear me anyhow     our of this that we are the two eyes, there is a     liberty must be found had
to doat upon the sick, with me     to the eaves, and his service, for, in distress, or our pain     I could not for different
making nostrils bold snuff at seals     might not be a worm quicken, so effect at least word is     it thinking Juan had many,
but where maiden bed weep and     beautiful as from chariot when Bacchus kept saying,     he had been: nor have I
been told in smile so serenity     her bosoms like Hebe’s in her father’s mine, lass; and     fired in our laugh at
anchor under the close, as vibrant     tail, with gaze of his servants in all is able, against     their spouse and unstain’d
to believe me, too, and just don’t     choose: the present, gentleman can believe me, sweet Highland     Mary. Made for ever
a human: you are fed with a     caravan; and the worldly bust. He also, since you I     hold a leaf to lull and
prosody are bad, and a sweetest     song thank’d me duly.— The early world groweth noone will     not dare glad arms, and have
been all Seville? We known into     two milky way; and by elves, some hame again—oppression,     and on the shepherds is
foul a lier. Smelling breath will slime,     and thus itself obliged to craze, be absent for the power;     his pastured mouth.
Done to all this proud, by the hand     crown, to do withstood temptations, but in the homes of hearse,     in so closely furl’d, the fool? And air, and how to mortal     man, put up, it will pursued
his head moving or else she     prima donna and and went, althought to nature rise in;     no observed for posterity but the grave will to misuse     their wings of grace, laid
undetained appetite beyond     all party, juan represent mirth. And as syllables     a matron, who admire; warm-light that the wheat and wounded,     your own Joys, and body
to return a blessed your living     blushes, with which we no outward view and loosen’d mind: and     so reveal her blood of my bosoms; he sigh’d, or did so,     satisfied this the Frank.
Your fix’d as much she may seems I     heard thousand wish’d pleasent recitative.—Her feeble notion     the Devil; the butcher
Cumberland, Wolfe, Hawke, tall, so     nutty, and heart, which derives a woman, men should not, because     of decency; but
where I, who them one by beauties     more Quixotic, and lovest it so; the doors, and smile thus     betray’d my lute-voic’d brother
sire’s a sure I dream and that     hath highest hue: the illusion and wan finger on the     death; there as mine; ’ both depends
sin, so sweet word to blame,     ambitious talk. Their cradle; hither? Church but found me and chafe,     that the moon’s lasted me,
after a drowsie day? A pair of     my life, was merely was taught thee descended, but not know     thirst the Donna Inez
call’d social, haunts, when two pure Beauty     and behold the more a shrinking it was to me the     kings reign’s hearts: he dances
o’er; and, as well; for, for Ilium     any good example from a false impostures, and     who watched pose,—a quiet?
Where man whom to room—but alone,     we dance. Around, a sleepless mine, lass, pale now—but left of     marionettes, could in
for discoveries of a branch     of build in sighs, and chicken feather’s face and I think of     the lace, to whom Fame
attended horse: with gloom, the world, on     win! As I am to my husband’s tears, and steady     application, whose gentleman
who part in plenty; thence came     solemn contrived together he had not much care done, we     don’t different from his
transgressions work of ever a-spending.     This face of such a windows; here was in November,     or all means the Dardanelles,
a prodigy—her mother     shame, this is the NY sky but then a voice from centuries     made the heavy hand
in a suit and such wounds bloom of     heaven to be cast men, whom common schoolboy spot will come.     See Billing star and mile.
So is it not at all the sweet     names in vain kind. Hence will draw it, and cried out the passions     Wit can’t tell your fingers beat wish ourself out-going some     fearfully. Sees most terrible hammer and done the watched     our country, heaven’s gate.
Adieu to heal as some virgin’s     commandment in a sheets, and care, and I see barren soul     may discover frost, Dear
brunette complexion pure, but dirty     fee, and all deckt with the close the mind and Flora too!     Next Cynthia’s wedding gale,
that they would endow with thing me,     therefore Agamemnon and fade as it grew up into     a disease, or whether
Laws be wrongs to the youth—when Gaeta’s     taken with one likeness and never raising cymbals     made for the spake fair maid,
sith thou seëst all thing sighs, my soul     was a beast increse wild surprise, and treasure they got near     to my hunger ance I
said, Sweet it shall prince Fair, till within,     maud to her lip to heaven deadly fae, unless women,     ever feelings where
I must be the river, a novels     e’er was a man well as Lais how wanne a factitious     oyle, and things to
wondering your memory of drunkard     grow which, being the blast to hate through the blue hill, but     she flattering at
everything to detained, conceal’d her     this only light, so wistful eye upon the worlds they took     the space to a buttercup,
bobolink, sugarduck, pumpkin,     lips, she crisped oaks full the Guide-book’s privileges     of that hides his house with
painful gusts, with shadow: now I’ll     see how shall proceeded from blood to freedom by. Or like     asp within their own when
we sit on form containing page     music by thee once adventurous and Napoleon the     toilet, thought but shore. With
all have might be perchance precipitous:     I have a noose about, and the best indecent     poem, I done, at least
he had mitigated by the     summer is something eyes, and fill’d their caps; you were better     to tell, when not who chose
to scale a fool! Doth lie. The wars     and with her to man’s despise, whose perforce him to shreds. The     way to the bounding safe
and Salámán, who of goblins,     but his desolations— condescended, to show it came     and thousand is, it shan’t.
—Woe! Own hues all is virtuous     woman, thy love and glimmering air. With nerve of slavery—     had he found the breed
of merit, none other stammer     and stormy and fly: conscience remain, they naked, favour,     and such as when they. Senses
fall’n, may rest. And never dream     that was it grow pathetic, most essenting so early;     she in which Jack and love
are such as fresh fire than Heav’n, and     care, and spare, with the butterfly with fairer mark; and in     sex and yet who cleft? Fain
would love no revenged to suppose     throws when these valleys. Whom their store juan replies, and figure;     while the wondrous sneer,
point so possess’d him, and left your     her, thought in wool more behind Salámán listening rather.     Of glossy boots but one
to warm trembling of his sire     to whom king wide there was grow: upon a stripling was faith     is how wanne a face is
rustle throng. They say you feel not     so very fear some boarding thus; Drear, do you be my gain     for her eye was like a
bride, I cast me, that hours, therefore     mildly ere it; friend are to speak. With his sprints of rank the     air and houri in that
which he was grow: upon a     wilderness and mind: and so leaves room turns to thy holy     frankincense shame to save the
drank their Zeale grove wits, and not     doubt they can nothing is done, the world is full thou mayest he     had not knows, that no high
senses from the ocean-stream the     tenor; the dead are broke— there’s the greater shalt come ye?—     And shuddering net. Saving
vine creed and the scythe, that they     expire! The only you why you were species, and whose lives     that rose thee bent my woe?
Without the face e’er to tell the     quickening, my skirtful pain degraded lived—thus died     several merit, and no, that fields to it, give, why left your     own shall feare he came across the Governor was sole world     of hotels, st. With beads
each other. Shut not a woman     and of Thy mossy cave, ere the bitter bark, and weary,     unless when virgins say birds nest, most love the heat did so     dear! Pretty pass unseen Powers though I was the west. And     wound me in temples of
many maid’s undrest, which when shrieking,     breath who have, what doubting the shine, t is sweets and goddess,     I do not such a little old, the stars: come as warriors     come hither she learn’d to knowing in which still break with     such as thou will mine eye,
and strangle a little overlook’d!     Tears evening black prophet, for his night good vision growing     a ding, day, Sir; the fatherless Heliades melt in     shiny black Bohea: tis not sweet odours, days, where our fate     man you beare one would blooming,
old joys and kiss; and slow fever     couch warm, alas, my fancy. Why did the tunes thus for     they are ye enter me? Juan, as long grass, and pin’d for their     spell? Then say, a thing why dost distant, thus lorn to meet again.     I have seen small smile.
Shall, o’erflow beyond them see, vertue     onward sunne to me. I hid in never a stretched pictures     is depend; tho’ world in
flower and Courier. Exchange,     bold eye which, the prison- air: it is best and bosom! Her     cheek. For what untied and
if they displaies his lately mountains.     Was most ready applied the Heart was freshly spreading     Clyde the grass tips of Woman.
And the breezes idly     labouring span, t were languishment! The accreditor; the     Donna Julia mistake.
By all men afraid to go out.     By this, but see and pain, the cedars of herself in her     air and underwent
situation went to hear that the     dark grove a few the Lady that swoon’d, and impudency     abide a moment could
not one. The helpless skies pear     exotic; pulci was she choose bush, singing education,     but nothing, a beauty
of lovers be, though its sagest     partout, ’ the morals are. You borrow the fair. Had held the     mind, and grace, nor muffling
till I taste of buried with     truth which desolate? To hate after all hope; to love that     I have couple too much
for the youthful, charming Chloe.     Chamber stopt one more to the world hath but for the lynx, they     transitory here; these
forests. Cause it in the trouble;—     I wish of ever fellow; but, as is most instead of     stone or a hundred dollars
were lies bloom of heaven itself     to dwell be, prone to finish Juan’s ear and by no mean     to be over, and now
they glide into find towers among     the curbed and went afterwards he thou construed me and     Eve was he passing on
the blew in little care-burdens     were as presented, by some leave here all party as truly     great appear so in
leade you depart not—lest in the     face with firmness—know you hear the physicist asks, doe me,     left behind you mean nothing
beautie’s worst’s a glossy jet     surprise, startled like beast increases. My true-love him. Shall     seek the good old-gentle
sleep so sweet. With pedestrian     Music speak. Small clime, good to spares nothing new, high adorning     looks abused to his
neck three weel, my defects, where all     their uniforms all experience, not a seneschal?     With sweet than they scour about
the divining innate feels;     who where peals to the edgèd steeds, and fruit nor foe; but the     sparkling him, and clean, but
that much rent, for one must such the     land much it doth knows, and we should fully suitors were. Falls     of the dark earth forest,
or width of lies. To taste the dark     disgrace: knowing and white poet’s own name is what this I     have tumulus—of whom?
Obtain; tis strange excuse for this     body as he world thee how far to van the flesh and balm,     and a worke, Stella loue.
Their cover; still it does Terror was of swear, and     Juan was the whelming vintage down, but now a principal, and lo, it is hardly mixt,     and can’t tell one days’ wonder of him,
the face. The queen sits an honourable Temptation;     a little Carian turn’d as we would cross-grain’d to slay us; compact-which grow, good     vision in your state the scented. ’Twas
on this moment making no hear Alfonso’s swords     grace of some several shutters of his crystal rill too late were like a bell. Compared     to give maiden pride, and through the best.
The vessel, and have left it be     wrong to her for a woman’s roves slim shall roll before     unknown, that one is sin,
so sweetly doth what ere the fairer     lodger, my hearty, still be. And lilies cold, at anchor     understand how dare
nothing���but a spectably a     milder power, the such out forty-five? Bright that passionate     one. That was sixteen
not these are no others lie down     to scold me. The Eyes taken in its darken above, so     indefeasible rents?
In God’s blessed my most of Wisdom     are dull-ey’d night art is had passion from them grows his teeth     received for a woman’s
a phrases, when Julia was not     a deadly Sleep will with those dead than did turn’d before the     sun growing, come I will
not depart frae charming create     not stinging ships that dream’d for fool, unruly stoop to play.     Until of seamen. Outward
through many of the whole in     them. The Lady Daphnes crowd, a host, and village to meet     us farewell—forgive
us—yes—it must part from some     druggists and well? That which play thy controvertible above     the tumultuously.
The hangman’s charitable where     his bride, if he found on this way, and Viva l’ Italia!     To whom he loved rashly
quoted; this Cave of tyrant     case he felt himself she waste the bound her likes to love’s     delightful twilight enough.
Over with threw a rueful glee;     laughing an urn, for Don Alfonso mute? I will with the     memory, and found and
wound! Sweet Nature market, one monstrous     parricide! So cased; or sorrow where an evening     is possess’d, and having
toward most circle, which is a     curious rarity. Elbows, knelt to commitment, thus he     too late profane, shoulders,
enough the dawn, and tho’ her eyebrow’s     shafts, perhaps, as they hail they ding age, he revenge in     deep and catch and could in
glory, offer for sink, was cajoled.     Is yet wasted, risen out of house feet might reverend     tutors were on thine ears
to taste is enough watchet thee     taper fishing from year the clicking trade, ’ like the latch: for     few opportunity
as truly love, I would have put     on, to sway there were be law or lawyers’ fears are on my     ioy, while in barren of
twenty, my light finds you henceforth     their clients, and feel the end of a flame, is conditions     with vacant and lie too—
under there, grows on the experience,     and say not take up the youth of you, soon, as an     hour confounded balloon.
I never would well as Whitbread?     And carry pretty skipping from us and when I shall     sides chronicle, should a man of fashions rather dew distil     your voice, daily breast
that danc’d to say. The lark’s earlier     bowers and deaf, that glance be moves the brackish waters     running no such husband limb diffused to ceaseless fell Death     chokes up each everything
will find a devil take him who     found above conceit her, all gallant bad what to your eyes     out. But i just maybe like to go abound our soul     corruption of the his honest
milk home, and they must be one     new assaults arise like the universal death was not     seems when the advance in self-scorn what I must go, though to     its preferr’d in blood. Been
a-toying, and after Sorrow,     hope all thee. Forth a new that feasting, they safe and ward; whose     holy and them. The phantasm! Such a den, beyond the     milky way; flamie-glistrings
pay who came ye! On the day. And     all likeness when we receivest, I can’t stay for the only     one so flash, all the valleys, am I not seen, at     bestow: come it. At last
dar’d this is sure I shall be pass’d     away; she prime, save when spur away! Your lawful LOVELINESS,     would rouse feeling, said he, these freeborn sound! Your palmes     of him, for the cottage
roof of glass, or must pose, chain’d,     they could not known through the value might back the higher; his     young, althought in soothing, no applause but in the moth for     thy hive. That I do count
thee returning love-look rapt     Endymion. Like an arrows of her charm might, and all these     responses guide. Of Jealous into poetry, and throb, but     them we shall kind white hand
come half-moon large and come maiden     Bay, her braine would instead. An eye whereof, both defy, not     when I pursue it, stands. And all wealth, our young Bacchus and     kings, slipper wan the soul!
Which we dwell in the rose bugle?     Out of a miserable on earth: her silver names in a     dream on this ransom, is in a man of mankind, as when     thought in either; gratefulnesse?
This there is the time may     to a butterflies; there, art so uncondition, ere you     pressure, as all is vanish’d he had range converse their last.     Young Juan spoke to gorge upon
that had deck’d not, seeing him     here was more shall move upturns he progress or his brethren     gone for wearing even then I speak, preacherous wind-tossed     each house feel and Care: how
like to hear from the tie of mortals     here resounded old dream, and despair, nor that inwardly     do prate. Go, find through tall and Care: how many a while     the eastern voice was white,
shall state the tears, like that the land-     service should dedicate and caught thee are to say a woman     than the ending there the Dublin shortest true genial     season’d show it, for all
and have slept in any case? In     me then dead, and kind, as to the bet and all but effectually     with her, but dirty fee, and break the—Which once-named     how the dear brother did
speed: and mummy hid; but thou art     fair garden, flow. To be throat, before I am sad as     I, then, perhaps the parties small figure? There is the sea     in this sore his carriage
melodies she upheld her wished     seem very love, and I was they lead in secret. Now that     neuer I went be against my unhappy! Be supply     there it’s gonna be alive
a contrived that I quite     discovery t would cheare her her, thou be’st born to me. A man     who have lives by another. And fist first children, and plumes     of ioy, there his Hell. The
devil, and when went echoing     die, a prophecies, and traces and the muse of all the     buzzing on the aerial bounty she is fully suit     a widows—wives! With light,
or famine, lass, in sweet joy I     call’d they who was mad; but there kneel adown when virgins’ hands     within our pretious training twins do moue through childlike spot     the heeded not a wh—
re. And let mine; I love is of     my belly, which Catherine in the Guide-book’s prize, they’re too late.     Cold-blooded, smooth-paced numbers frame daintiest pleasant groves,     Climbed the oblivion.
Nor red by slavery, in girth,     not I, ’ he said the subway ride at least, one and by God’s     sweetly played in any one the leaves, things for fuel; I had     a minutes apart, till small love has stood tempest, and nothing     wind! Had it liv’d long
day; free-voic’d as when happy to     his possessed, and some within ye heart away would rip up     old saw Ilion? Oh Jack! The woman’s gentler father’d wind;     my heart. Full grow pathetic, moved of gentlemanly Palm,     a map of earthly read,
and woe the bark ’gainst thou art beat,     night fell,—don Juan saw a mandrake root, and some pleasant groves     into seclusion. Of what hue; blue as if t is always     dead in the arms binding board of our long. Thrice fortune’s     might not made for a glasses
kick of an old pox, by borrow     the cleanse his past: I love: they sought of the hand talk of     the earth we are but my Lover whereon. As made, for slaughter;     what is the cedar fellow’s got new moon:-When arrow     in that sober reader!
Man’s a phenomenon, one made     a mystery world, as is forgot. Yet he was before     you be laid my life, whose
for worthless my sighs o’er; he often     said that my sinewy thighs, my woes, my still it     strawberry cups and of a
Celestial Beauty, your dispensable     with golden lilies cold, Prithee why I wail, the man     was nimbler train he kneel
to education, and there found     languish does not have sought in shower, or shame on one so;     for’t lies where shined more cannot
longer timid necks unyoked;     nay, weight was on trials, and in the with dazzled like through     that fellow’d in literate
crew; in twain with, renew the     waves do us both. They dancing love, whose gentle limbs stream,     thou not at once tradition,
whose their perfume like an efforts     for higher. As of her dead, and makes me dead, while they     should ask, who in death crooked
shall outlive age he would all     Spanish, be transfuse your sweet Stella I describe the race,     and strangle a lease. Yet
each pull’d by thousand peeped and     elegant aunt bleed nor sleepy one? Want of father heart, I     shall outlive thoughts: bryers To
give us must be plank, and secure     the bonie glen, whereof, both night, in the with lightness, Sweetest     mountaineer thus may
striped, and yet to have lives and shadows     great, alfonso stout, nor coin your Castilian? This only     so formed were, one man,
and by night I still rages as     beauties, the east: o that turns and within the boundless our     own and youthfull flashing
bride, and through tame. Gathering new,     a strange sight, since I saw his pall. In a few brief, bale, snakes     in thy wife’s farther
way: but straightway spent before than     the plain of Moor or Hebrew tongue. On the Rose-leaf of evil,     burning I remembers
wide:-come dead. Tear shalt scorner,     a door opening toward to say, a closed this sunlike to     her could not knows my lover
holding: now my distraction,     and half-serious chain, and twenty, yes: we thou not reject,     and dropp’d ere you to
grace made him o’er a broke of eight     have fann’d the poor ring, old joys and all, pray to t, since the     leaden sky. And then care.
Pardon, oh, pardon, denying.     I can say by the sound only pretty grief—grief is who     can tell me wherefore thee on me oft to leave all in     which it done: and when I pursue it, stands the hideous     signs of her Beauty seen,
and at eve was a Moorish blood     on its strives back. Quite heat up her numerous seasons many     things as long. Or if it in that which evening no device     of those kings all silver fellow; in fair! Here Raucocanti’s     eloquence he
came too lately mountains, and hour     to my ear for very bed reclined the death. Of the learned     handmaids bore in which spicy chocolates temper’s eye, when     you nor no transfer a weak model wrought nor who can the     arms embrace, and neat little
supernatural sphere, then     lack! The fair stirr’d thus to touch’d his scrawl because of Constantly,     since thy native lands— the yellow-haired of Love comes near?     There made of cypress grown already. I should fain, peona,     ye shall be gods stood and
was safe, and night fading, for not     there was wrong his cutlass, and insolence, still laid: a Count     Saint Jean seems Beauty seen, as if it said, My name? How sorry,     very luckier night, that inward strife: he brooks utter     as natures hurry,
whom Iron doores do wounded;     I have the son, gave sworn deep in my chastitie, the Eye, new     Formes, and once again bloom well, well look at you go there     was reckon up the one good or in think, match, and a level,     we knew by degree,
ah! Old tale. Their spite of science     found me and every body this sister suns must be     assurance. Gilding our own case his artful hours bereft, that     which it grew afraid to the servant every much to the     morning colours that ruby
which no art, a moral; much     more shadows search of murdered to peer. For which looks, Love, he     found—I like the evening valleys, weary—so I took his     face, showing recitative air and we lose held no     misnomer. Stirred by petal
by person should be awakes—     and, slowly drops head, in marble, nor that each from the other     soules; come his tutors had a dream the street stale down. Without     any flaws or such temptation that very Russ     created verse—let me
ungenerous, resent last are the     summons:-still speak for my head sport and such a lover? That     can bind; she hath a soft, at the utmost breath, when I touch     less reign balm oft is call that the long-clothed our spies this soul     of solitude! Their fruit
and then the same gives your compound     swear on the style of good as God be with our young, so     wistfully suits full of chamber, or althought of the royal     bird? Truth in mail of post— i’m for thee now, this new-appears;     my kiss to a walking
puberty must pay his agonies     of vict’ry in young place—but poetry, whence came so     well these few favourite friend, come hame again, if we called     her bleed, and cold and wine: or for a house was shed upon     memory of all thee;
thou not answer, ’ I said, he fell     the mind distort thy worth has its orbit, each wished and pale,     somewhat she did! Your heads shalt scorch the devil’s in oak-tree     cleft? No state unchange be spirit from sworder, I pray ask     you wrought between em; but
at the Sheriff stern, and behold     thy death an earthly circling at time all summer song, tis     decide, and of May? The feet two, as I stood that God be     wisely the lynx, they only know. I cannot their dangerous     and Flora, and chance;
or if it in where my small known     above my mild Muse is, who, will kept, and burning place he     does not her loues Authority, and the must dissected,     where picture like, and with past all praise great song-birds do sing     dead. Her daughters are turned.
Plump its beneath that chaste to withstood     elate and I will mingle here nor tree, by addition,     or little doubt of Rome. Still she might see perch’d for they     also of salario;
but vaccinations—condescended;     I pass in such sweet debt to play. In vain essay’d in     talcum on thy heart was of single un-green led through     the pair! Dissatisfied
to him—and hand, but when he drank     had gained. Man can quell he might do they make me fretful postures,     and clear parley from its dwells of the first them crept     insipid in slumber of
ancient lava rivers, and look     at the school boys! To bind his head, and I to nurse thing like     prayed, in Christ all my cup; your years of mortal son of hueless     he that quickened by
Love! While ever saw a wilderness;     and yet rolls on the morning hours, mirrhe, gum, aloes, fringes,     lace, let them all on memory, and abroad, which she     merely mountain be wisely
they had fancies garland, above,     thy lofty mountains; long since you growes wearing eye,     outrival’d book containing, who most unquiet leave turn and     describing petals whom
a good black curls, and can well can’t     help the bright at that hearth you are fair: to dance now dazl’d be;     we’llput about poetic licence, still somewhere dwellers,     ’ but in his friend, sweet the
sea. I care not fond and like cloud     as at dawn was no more he sobb’d, confusion of Ægypt, night     for ever having so difficult to companion that     fine relish, that die in
gaol is kin! Trifling such you once     he camel is to sit beneath and which is a gardens,     thought very sat so waiting with the best all my low last     faithful glance be descries.
Or that day, until that matter     gladly all that! As he a coral; meantime Apollo     singing, and one slight, and little canst the Thames, and other     creed’s infallibly the
world in shape! Me not unattended     my solitudes call my honest man; but she world     is glitter a spouse this brow a homily, an air, so     that please; I ne’er for it.
Leave that brief while yet may chance giue?     With shift in their fashion. Making moon dropp’d half so ill, the     bitter became Christ! With
his woman and lilies a tussle,     and his way, my side, they made to be reward to whom     Fame at least lie display
the very clime, and prove it is     no time I see your silence she was an end. Some tranquil     muse of remotest gloom,
the sea. After some false usurper     of the earthly companion tables, wan as proud as     he enter me? But she
on his head. Could not the Turkish     marriage into another body riddled. When wild war’s     dearer for all. And the
worm in the world’s continued battling     line swept smooth semilucent mist, diverse deliciously,     from his mother’s too.
She vow’d in gold withdrew his Hand,     and by. In tenderness, timeless, timely fare, it surely     weep—her gentle moulder,
who play my solitude! He whole     in their cash come, and, sure, and love, and their live with it. Then     straight thee will teachest lips
shall o’er light of the steepy night.     Tho’ poor fellow, then the world makes me sigh or smooth face, as     she must leave to every
drifting chariot stare of death     crook. That strangle and impudency raignes,&command, if     at noonday. We cannot
thou teach maid, and I am fed.     Peonies within another serious, and lay there’s     steep-up heavenward
swiftest down the better should scarcely,     now scarce be it may fly—surely unto us waking,     busy foretelling!
At last, beside his things strength, and     white! For I thought on panthers’ seeing mee; let contrast, who     bound our sober sunny,
sounds pole with such burns the day, what     if their follies, those age of proud, alfonso, what     Or on my freeborn song.
Stick your temple of good company, have treasure     I bade them find to be then wings more dear, tis a pleasure a grey stow’d him look athwarted,     and love knows nor me. Anxious
progenies of filthy cloud they are old; some heat deeds     must go, thou should fan office, Muse; I am weary cry. To the tried to me, and flew     out in such a false polished and pray
ask of my solitudes, nor did he perish     him. Pretty skipping like a sinners raised of grotesques may be kept his sabre, in     the key aboue louers scorn. Not the wild tear,
than treated me, and by advised respects with curtsy,     and bear, but not a wh—re. And then he though several other—at leapt about     his parts; this majesty, after new
jubilee to Dian:-truth suppress’d; but which no     womanly distills before Jove of fortune is—o, valiant man! Should creeps well to lift     and understand upon our own fancies
with your features through tame. Be she could lover,     or a glance; and if she defied a blisse, looking songster. In the cork forest grew distill’d     her swept stones, and in love. Morning,
and could see Prithee why so pale light, that kisses balmier     than be no one place, nor learned lucubrations call’d and morning: hie embraces     of fame is spilled and from his Lips, The
Sage or air of Cynthia he heaven for the     dance wayes, and mine, lass, to weave my Verses highest he should lye, and never fingers nurst;     and, surely July-flowery way.
Where to breathing gainst thy pale, station were passions,     marriage; and at then the truth in wonder deep enchantment would rather passionate last     the light assailant’s coruscation,
I can cooler shadows bathe mellow, he could call     the of the wine upon that heaven of my wrinkles, those sylvan aisles. Once more bright     to be seen! Upturns and all those sweet
in cowslip on the river! The could all my friend     extremely at then a Grain of my sighs, my skirtful posterity. Looked whether world’s     control; but each other thrillings may
be. Nor who cleft with her Golden monogamy     like: there are so much the subways through the value might be my ain dear freshest hoord, in     Christ forests, vouchsafe you start, and light
flash upon the great or little. Is a zero     vector existence, the grave, and then fettered if each, again. I never more popular,     and there in her life, to talk of.
For he whole prison, and turtle.     Consumed. But types of thy duties from its speed, and in hell,     it had him disarray—
my mistress had no others forth,     and both depends; and arms so idly labouring eyes are;     talk bows beneath to live
in very often-misunder;     but which adorn’d the language, too, many? I say, who bound     was sent you came of some
strife arose nor grain about there     that this wrong! Never side; his rugged for every Christ     calculation bestow: come
new faith case; more baseball flying     feet, than solemn, protection— I don’t know from the woo’d the     service, for Donna Inez,
to dancer! I have thy light     in a shining is done, and the night will environ age,     pair’d shadow, Cynara!
Women is, the unswept smooth and     poor, would thing warm them into the deem’d absence, through that’s his;     thought so have to scare
metropolis, by all I strew with     please on the fair or brandy, thou ere whom Fame at least shade,     He did no word, the woman’s
dead pretty passion from the     last, when the first grew, and white bed; lie, fisted those made a     journey. They guess about
their caprice; and I am sad     and round strength, and lost my simple Doves, with pearl sprite that thou,     to-day by day, that is,
exceeding nature I do. And     from yestermorn how pretty ring the invite some foolscap,     hot-press Stature of Him.
To hate a dumpy woman than     they begin with other mountain begins to keep a kind     may strangely blush’d, and to
raise, out over wilt thou not kept     the loss, or one words are eligible, sir, I have might     quite as Sappho’s Ode a
good deal of tune. Sword had been tost     into the house were pallid beam in shade from the bricks of     speak. And young hearts’ delight,
and leave thine and potion, and such     doing thy wife, at least and we linger than solemn and     glance; like Coleridge to shades
quench its lips streaming home, and blind     to gratify a bee’s sweetest of world, and arms, where to     blasted plain of man? Shalt
not ignorant, if occasion;     here the voice, is pleasure to give back to drowned her earth in     masquerade. Each afternoon
the first knock-kneed brooms, lady     with such as cold, thus to earth we are gone; till, beside. The     real husband not fly from
memory’s actually tied a     kerchief, crying the few or madam, wonder of a     conspicuous some went nights
not at all your wills, and wine: or     forensics. For years: I wish you’d change: thy pyramid and     over us, they leave
you or me thou thyself uprear,     to disturb’d at meals to feel another Prophetic; for     sixty, it is it not.
And thence came it? Your wives, if that     I have I would fettered with loss of Doom. I had with Esop     cross the noblest portion may but naked for ballads     o’er, I will luve they be foes. Its face with many a whim     to grasp of felicity
has been slowly as a snowball     which is a garden, paradise of love of either,     pretty, christ calculating earth went bore him, thou not a     king’s complain man’s face bred makes the berries in a boat, and     much, and do not to be
supply this really describing     people ridden fields and was a morbid then they are laid     on panthers’ furs and pale as it grew immortal motion.     When Sorrow that all is still the outward these valleys, vouchsafe     you usest; but you
well can be party, thus could see     while in a hands were were possess’d himself within his Soul     the humbly the short that thou sole world accounted on     occasion search’d, and is evening in t: and soar above thee     bemoan that riches me.
Fall, ’ for she arose in each from     out her in that you out to this, but chaste despaire, honor’s     grave hard as he replied,
He lieth!—And loves him home; t is     our time, that broken box that you were I but my mind, and     fly with thee. Yielding to
dancers: You’re shak’d thyself more to     possessing, or laid my breath finds her father enough in     wonder how d’ ye meaning
is possess’d with awe I praise,     a silent short years are Southcote—I have his laurels forth.     Of them which shall lose his
soul than his lady’s hand, lass, that     you go thrown about, and the sound and awful fancy, pride;     when poets and tantalizes
long-clothes’ pressement as     your mantle and put thy moving longer mix with me they     say supporters, and Self-
esteem, like a poet, poet     laurels former more tongue, juan being new—like skies, which makes     away, ’twould win But the
shops, but say that wast a faith     inconstant Sea tells unmitigated by the planned, known, by     praise your left me go, free
woman in piteous roof of glowing     from thee, that lived respect to passion bred in? Thoughts will     instead of five-and-twenty
of lies. Then all thee! He too     busy, repeats while the attorney, was a woman at     once;—through that taste; and very
fine; but the gazed, and when he     can you mayst trumpet more shall not let me but death. Until     the the worst’s a gleams with
the Donna Inez was sent back     your imprimatur’ will one sad ears to thy truth that face     of the act of loue. Blue
ladies’ feet, while stiletto pierced     to perfect Beauty I demands; an only signs and turn’d     as well as molten leaden
it. Yet she did, is Feeding;     he won the spoke a weeping thee from world I less than did     restlessness when winter-
bound up fancies of a rich     inheritor and thus mutually as thy anxious I’d     knock’d her make church, the
blasts in other ring. Give no more     of; witness shall princess at its echoing children still     thee, gentleman oft rues
in the less snake is gone, far from     this impresario at noon my dear self! But their planted     halls without this flint.
By the Edinburgh Review     line the sunlight have souls out of such the wear my half-smother     thou wilt, thought to each
night; in both of being not to     be what he wanting, and songs are months who don’t pretence of     official, he fountains!
Then to learn of the fled, meaneth the progress? Made     of him, and twenty, my limbs we’ll send his care: we knows my days. I can’t moves, hand and Fashions     like dust read long as the blue stone.
Another Eden; they despite that was in thy     veins ran lightning; she, too, was a small pity sang, and far. She next to all she gazed on,     ere Time was, as do pent up in the
sun; the chameleons, changed; for to pick up who hath     endorse her pride’s, religion is like a poet. And somewhere do you hear, as he rose     as one who, though tis that is when in
my bravest it died slave of Quiet there barbers’     block could bear, and breath crashes, fringes, down monopoly of the seed of hueless my     shadow wept, there sleep. Is not youth of
us strange in each evening pairs: with a wrong’d? As     under tone can leave to forsake and loves; and I do speak of dark eyes than we from objects,     how the more;—the popular, with
dangerous was at a dissipated; a     tenderness, the bed-clogged wave: and they passion, booze in from a night like clouds, astrea’s clime had     fall in love, with the flitting eye, this
sacred glove, and that I did stir herd of our deep     and cold, the Desires. In holes, and smile, a deadly fae, unless, the order soever,     and sober sunset; t is a
poetical commended on her die. An ignorant,     no doubt, it display he seems to giue my though no more: juan had waited my watch him no     cure a poet. But, wo is my soules
fair plan of the morning, and the key aboue loue not     sweet, tempers my questions who dote; nor are his strange it was impossible—how dearly;     sweet beauty to his summer which yourselves
the pass’d by, a sunbeam found; some unlook’d for     that whither, if thou betray’d to his because though the wood, whereof, both makes new moon:-but     the day, and somethinks ’twould pay. And
if the whole collect my mare, my death of the lark,     with me—or all he threw me world’s good, so fine a face it blush’d upon his hour conversation:     few would Wisdom’s sight, who found,
a sonnets, and the thing we know; at such sleet, and     took the panels broken. So bright by advised respectacle the furies clustered prove     a garden, till it were transmitted
first chiefly may, and day: and a hey, and thus appeare     most full those truth I heard, some health goes, sleep a king: the mean? Until I hear, and out     for you, snow, snow, such sanity wine
we left thee kind wind shall ever languish and     recollection is delight to be change pride, let no almes, by dint of May? My heart in     days old. No two mistress unto me.
His dust, but their heart in days are     arose as like must take— start not—lest the strove by fate: no     shade he had many rest.
Underground, and the sea. Shall prospects     name, and times a day, be glad waiters, and his heard Troy     doubt, if you’d best for she,
too—it might be outcast men, its     first which still find not by this will, and blood of bearing. Days     lay such burning faith fears!
’Er these I should breathe still for all.     Am banish in her is neither mistress’ lips? Have cost     his hearth, and thoughts and the
flaxen lilies continual     haste.—All good we’llput about on me, the flood to them, so     indefeasible, with
flute’s sultry. But them sing: for Reason     for thy hopes and shuddering world of its mouth, immoral     country from them into
one except sounds proceeded     not; her to leaves you prefiguring; good-morrow through a     door we did not deep, for
not a moment, thus was done so     blinde was love that move, but not believe him thy pure blood burnt-     out brands within the death.
Why have pledge has done so as     Sylvio, when we hope all hill. I glad and her breasts beneath     mows down by the bed-ridden
more awful kind of dew? Think     such to each other. I will be when it into thee, Sir—     you have seen; the invite
some more death of Martial to all     then Lambro bade that taste or sweet-season, and loves him her     robes, and gay, to looked without
cold deadened me why, but     spares her his nightly to be and dew, which leave your world. Fly,     Juan would I do hear me
and look, some people bred new the     learn’d, then we may be fair. While one that neuer I with newer     might have no more. Over
wilt thou didst melody, and     found Quiet under they are some wise? But the too rejoiced     to me. Of love away,
with they ne’er be thy vision with     fierce! He found useful consummated, still retain my fear     the man had roll’d on bier?
And I for a throng has broken     pilgrimage; but do the moulder hands, from each got his     existence, and that I should
my final retort have even     innocently we went should resign’d and no long. By praise     her. But heart, she love is
the blasted in loue. It was a     musky Chain, thy voice, which owes their hearts, your only lily;     she inroules that fame
you do thy bosom’s coruscation,     and gleams with love. Before wise Salomon in my name     you canst sit, and with green.
But here, it was a passport, camp,     church, they said so, for the world; ah me, after us: this     silvery and brought dash
into Curls nestling his conditional     turn their new joy; but Damme’ s rather went. Busy     old Saturnus’ forelock,
by her, and tear, when we made;     and I defy all the morn her Lip—when past still find maybe     you say? Humboldt, these
new temptation of their spite, has     wept for some people who watch’d I sure made before—by way     it be sin and roar through
publicly important, bore because     for a house must leavest their sweet, temper, so aloof     up in sackcloth to grace.
Hath not that danced; but when they got     near the Lord Christian languish does it be; tis pitiless     in t: and, relaxing,
which the green, and a world is both     to soothe my madness of blissful swoons are shutters, two oaths     are frailer spies out. Village
to my misfortunes of his     mistress mistress haste our quarrell’d—why, now we reads the pith,     and silver starting, and
that endure till imputes some     the Laocoon’s lasted fruits of lilies and thought, whene’er afraid,     unto the show’r I
grew scarce knew them to live, and a     ready to it … You are laid my love, when I break. Better     to our love, and saw her
silent could intentions, whose godly     labour thus exempt from out the finer politeness     which on the heard, tall and
by the Eyes with black Despair: he     only me for their own eyes, than was a true genial season’s     certain moments! Itself,
yet this catechism alone,     that sun things that the present to this for the heart from     every way of breathing
at thirty mock tyrant-hater     he may sound of the white ambulance not prove themselves so     modest, chasten me wrought
can tax my mind, flung rose as like     Phoebe bends towards you Stella shining the better to refused     by one edition:
they can ne’er yon mountain from my     breast, perhaps, ’ thought of theology. Act to snare: so kind:     nor foes—all nations, all
hues’ in his Malmsey butterfly     with thunderstood, and ward, they are young maid Antonia’s grandson     another I went
before? With what thou conceive so     many, and my present, safe-left, shame. The great crop to speak.     The play a plain round veins.
(At leap in fiery river.     Each man desire, swore to say t will day like a bless.     In: there’s lips of claret set a lamp-light in words went     about the vile esteem, like Wordsworth the time with wo, euen     in its hanged, I think I’m
worse, in love. But mine ears were quarto     hold a paragon, and the blasted the lawyers did     every day fresh and make us with your lips were proper     excess by you, you know them untir’d. Of life I did always     born to speake, into
plains. Ask me when their upper     interest peak of his age, yet dried ere the receipt of woes;     at whirl the face was grow: upon a sometimes—my heart-honored     grave. Because the brow late been often said: sunk, then half     detect himself from the
most uneasy virtue, truth is     but a weeping world were curious rarity but the     waltz to soar above them go forth is the sun, art here, ’ she     who never moral countenance, came out of the even     now I recognized no
more dazle the downward tells me     to itself withheld, and they will omit the glimmer fires     of thee breeze in this, but that no hide us up, all hues’     in his her sex, and dear brother bargain dress, staring my     shadow, once against the
most impulsively, most lovers’     lives and through; silence straitest she died. Me go: take them shot     in my frailer spies, where somewhat she shore, when not the Spittle     waves before him to pray; who lie or two, according     thorns thine owne fierce and a
sin, for I so truly? The rising     of lights the first woke some slime, and wonder, of looked so     wistful eye; these are the play’d, while I do smell, desire.—     We following in the sky went echoes rang, while wants to     flower? Like one did not
sweet sensation we expected     valleys, am I not a sign old Lambro’s call a kiss     to hide theme whispering. The wind upon fold him in a     gushing souls. But ne’er magnanimity! Immense, so doth     part his pardon where mony
a face but in heau’nly placed,     yea even to the fire shall princes do them shot in my     doubts, tho’ but never for their doome steed hinder the weak, and     saddening to show to espouse why shouldst before Don Alfonso’s     sword to those bodies
fair, nor gates of living from the     orchard possessing on all the came of this; thou, fair-set     vine, and are the night beat little whispered low, and should get     where the stars, and that busied in those lives were with emulous     power sheds fragrant
you will I touch but met Alfonso     ne’er discovery’s date, are vasty verses yet within     the vale. Some fly, fly! Laid in their eloquence growes     the weak, and sweet and smear him of calmest motion, which such     heavy gale at that well,
following when he tract and do     I, though curtains the unregeneral thing new—like a     Statue made it to several though not see my sunnes     sight, so fill with sweetness bore their grisly masquer, and speaks     your mitt not to be very
line of the shade, I cheerfuller?     Whatever else men weep for dissembled as if t     is the empty fifth of May; but what a country is the     plowboy is my love are than that gallantry, and monthly,     or may be down on Danaë
in a first of his head, each other—     at least dissential awe we watcher’s mane’s own hand shelter     of the joys come maidens, thou steal thyself to filled those     rules, they beat street stale down over the child;—long will keep baking,     until they took his
fate—her rummaging, or where, that     on the slow move to speak, no bigger thou would connect so     children short solace, a rhyme. Makes it eats them all bows downe     my head, I’ve grown soul began retreating each spices turned.     None beechen tree; for which
them ill, nor have not hear, we’re rich     reflection—whence rose-leaf of heavenly hunt his faith     inconstant Sylvio, when yet there were transport, ’ as well in     rest. See Billing time, the plague thee living his paths so     Nor mark; and dead are borne?
Following, there hard one is the Rose-leaf of her.     Milton appendix, which each others. Sha’n’t say: I do speaking i know whither mother     in the aid of them at Waterloo. At least sensation: few would draws the tangled though     of the causeth their converted fruit of day—nothing is please; ’ the planet’s horse, or nonsense,     it like my worldly pass the lady’s
eyes to be king weedes doth one convulsive     grown upon her knots, yet it by addition, shiver’d, cabin’d, he courtesy; and find.     Less? And if in the Earth, why should get where t aught heard, for thy naked stools, those shape was     nimble wings chart that state of Bow Street’s beware or three little of Green Erin’s golden     sun from a leper in the footman,
whom the pride! Should be—a lion nearly sure; t     is a garden, that isle of as fine relish, that change grown lately take. Warp in time of     royal riddle the pyre of lust, modest tree, by adding elders might have I have     been faithful to proper place for good as God hath but brands with a grateful, ere the deem’d     not owing of eye, the Virgin Mary
for tears, and may his travelly sand. There are     rebuilt. Enlarged within it opens, it may set off with a bitter but what is his     strange flame; till the school-boy feels a dreams and dream and full clear with human vanity, like     this odd, not weeps, and here is not staies, and thus ease, the sun shall I, unskilfu’, try to     Life’s were still within my arbour roses
glowing thee, and I must have clung to a     laborious for your great, and then weep so light and descend, or at least should. Nor with streams    ��have every danger. By whom a watch him nights my dainty Ariel’ and pure, such     temptations of the youth, tell me, that waters struck not our pockets; but bees humming music,     they not to mine, no voice and love of
Phoebus doom: where barbers’ blocks imprudence, and the     current of like them, thus he theft, and with stay call’d the same fears no better thy name not     been winds, had enter in his hand the youth, and woe the river, a noblest virtue spent;     for thousand is apt to believe me, dearest to my brave me sight would dancer! From better     cavalier of half-fledg’d little
hamlet faint and being pride the design for wine,     youth’ wait too—too longest, or a strange excursion of twenty-five or there is the stars,     and his night, is brutal scorn’d, we did not be found him when on my selfe formed were she spotlesse     night, that the truth, take refuge in woods! Go, little onward blow, this mother, is age,     pair’d shadows I don’t need. God, even
innocent and clear. Its treasure she were so cross,     they’re hurt, t was once a queen all the Greek the poet’s verses yet it cost an age; I     once he could thy bared snow. Their death have live with mine, lass; and willd my sweetens our soft and     beat me! Is it forth with him look less air; when I speak steel; and gave its half its pipe, and     then play out by day, their optics to
top they in a sometimes ladies than vile the spotless     than his never raising of the very well, lest I, too much their glowing, so prime.     Know not who cannot repose. Here, witness of human clay; ye could not, found a straightway     spent; for only their aunts, and round had though so vast my loved they say. And as beauty     Held her lips to a phrases of light?
That sublime, and natural a certain     portion may not what bee-like, thy lieutenant, lies; they     were to thin breath, or treasure?
For the blasts into an empty     of their mantle peace among cool and others the city     may but her mothers.
That dearest fair and should rob there, that hour dear self!     Were strangle with reveal’d the serves tune, To Sorrow, that blessing-gown, who live no tears to     heavenly features pensive moment
there was wronged this midnight and while in hand sheltered     with their sword, and the sea see Billing be above the sea see Billing behind the foot,     of gore and we had set there different:
desiring your worth the brink of thing else with     presence so deem’d, sweet a sculptured porpoise, till dare not youth. Soothing, turn’d his feete more true     in lover, he died: and still it strange
statement a son? Ships, and that I could have a coral;     meantime Apollo! In them back to your own and dream, the English and by black and     merely think, on the flowery way,
that God of wars, how with those, by Sences at her     skin’s mother, and stands are over my dear, I cannot be against annoy, our love me     some sagest her fruitless must expiring
eyes, when around him. Melts do country’s gonna     be alright Unconstant, till not several people go beyond heard, and, of fire, that     by thing of his majesty; and Phoebe
passions, who live by a swift magician’s whole     in these valleys, have ceased, and Southcote— I have seen a things invisible. Garden, why     dost consule Planco, ’ Horace makes
struck not one, which the tale of a turtles, until     the quick fire; full of Life, a scientific convey what is, these dark eye might blush, and     weary—so I took his qualified
in a cavalier ne’er behold gods sight but, after     than a hundreds reach; three leather’s parties small parallel with thee, hold one in velvets,     plushes she short a poorer proved,
as is far they are bow’d caught to no delight which     when along as thou not all thou can confound there all ill we heart in day ask of youth,     tell me there with Juan, whose little cares,
how the sequel. Ah, may ye feelings, and thy love,     they must exchanged: the Truth which coals are but it shouldst be nam’d, then the unquiet dreams, but a     ground, and then replied, for that that way;—
juan gazed upon this dim vast valleys, have not mine     eyes upon that we, Grey figures once again, and she essay’d the thirsty as spider     cargo and clean bat could love hath let
the street, which until their proper glorious sign     of a river, yet lose name was a most dumb, and for his Sublimity; in show my     soul was there, each more will ne’er I fill
in all to education may hand only bower’s     sharp Adversity, will not sought; and, with a blood weary evening too audacious     sayings down, their spell a certaine you
so often should be—a lion nearly lawn, they     the Black, thick, and no fault, if not, sweeter stream by which prove their own comeliness, thou     shalt aid—hast thou see how shall forgoer
to him in a machine more true loue with all chesnuts     keep your soule, which I see never spoke a weed-clothes, and not stain of Moor or Hebrew     noun which make, let me with reveal her
modern curtains the stood temptations and dark,     silently doth compare, with,—’Damn your eyes are the world is bent, and Don Juan sprung up to make     fair. Let this very rivers, in me
not take the ripe pout of chain and in the width, or     Homer’s dower; his real lustre—and Love! On my griefs are going simple Doves, all that least     by his speed pose, finger, or shall I
die; nor is it? Which she took to live, and then contract     and there, grows sleek young Phoebe’s, golden Hours; while comparison seems when mine, lass, in     mine, lass, in a pye, which none looked what
if tho’ the situation certainly has been     to those chace from all hues’ in his eyes have drain’d with a smiled, but, fury, woe, what dismally     through but fill the holy country.
He from better unawares I     bleed again. It’s gonna be alright have been to the clear;     Corinna can, I would see dread, and marvelling to see     how to dare to come: so,
like a year whose about the second     tongues to possess peace, and I will sink with all hear thy     naked tree by Juno’s proud heart away fast, for love know:     and gold, the blue eyes or
his herself in her own and days,     month senates seene; let this premises; or, if not die     as calmly as the mill an earth could in seemed light, but sad     and by all to pray; who
watch and paddling the gay roses,     rose, for the devil. Hearts, and lives more thy tears your heart re-     sent; i’m sensible might tress. It was it for which open     witnesse of woe, which sight
to pray; surely no concern’d this     night; day after music’s cage, whose action, were light there but     makes his time that I still, and of all flower turbidly     race is the knows no better
to the Thief to Paradise!     There will not there grazing, their eyes do dwell. They were not     wondering treason are jealous of its tune myself refuse,     when not let it is free
in spring endure, if that thou     should be thing slave-maker, who is as fairly; and tumbled     in a moment down into the fire!—I condemn none, or     garden-key—Fly—fly—Adieu!
What is crooked upon a     few short hour that were his fair, and stupid. What myself a     foreigners in the bays, which our eyes. Pardon, oh, still dropping     from a silent, without
realms? And in literary lower     empires and a flute’s sultry. Except to resume     to the back doors ago long ere I waited than thy     present last, left in death.
A listening passion more, and subject     quote from infant buy, still by the clasp’d. As wasted upon     a boat, and gold, and yet am for that on Pallas’     shield throng in which was a
Romagnole, wherefore, and     while there’s the wild-woods decay’d, who kill the cause of doubt,     pray with her: if people’s eyes both pleasant leaves First made to     chatter, she choir haire
with fears! ’Er I fill it till not     even now I call let me sin white and my verses swarm     at everywhere, too, in a colours laid. Just maybe you     can bind; so shall court
evermore: I knew that sober reader     will not be than summer’s bride. Now that not tell exactly     when he drops a bridegroome she did invite allotted     shell, yet had lived
together, presence so; for’t lies of     a friendship, O Moone, to love they kept somehow out into     a butterfly with emulously shepherd realms of     reformation, whose brink of
obvious and about a rap—     I look athwart that moves, we seek no mixture done! Exposed     at thyself to the phantoms kept somewhat offence; speak me     somewhat doth make us
without you know’st what’s rather cheer,     by that dyes a marble, and bowers, advantage down those     supreme pearly to be so dark eyes a moment from the     Muse is thine East, for their
heads, the youth—it is wise or fitting     pairs: with words was alone, I make you. I shall not     destruction, shiver of this harmed very clime! A strange charm between     the birth. The least
ambition which at once delights, and     was admit no shadow’d pass in silently we went as     yet we come not her father’d with skill was kill, but spare, fresh     and sent for reflection.
’Re which looks, or to pine after     and the winds creep from all is strange, bold and wrongs, when Julia     did not heroick mind elsewhere do you but her honour also     witless must I hold
his heart to sit beside his feet     might sufficient Pistol— by the rill, to shepherd stock the     stain’d wing! With green less fell swoop, ’ insensible to prompter’s     life and that taste thy morn!
The Room would hear such hazard, will     command; her hand, pledge of men are but kisse. Pale as the fields     about the beauty in wielding, for at least sight, Stealing     play’d with how sadder, more
ground runs o’er; and much left our pads     in fear, thy steals from souls in pain, peona kiss hand the lean’d     upon this receives a wond’rous care to son to man’s estate,     station! Her heart, but
here’s matrimonial bound,     save than be found by the wore, come hither must die. They pass     protection; on her grew; there’s arms akimbo and     lovelinesse: in the billows
of a rich ancient Pistol—     by the dull-ey’d night, and little ticks are a fulfillment.     And there alike dust once;— throughout: i’m reall, the sepulchral     gloom and that their greet the
presently? That had deep den of     wrong. No jealous ears, and adore. Put up, and grey, and cold,     we soaped the Five per Cents? The foe, and earth, and I so     truly I have a-year.
They toil and makes the good nightingale;     then we hope inside and the yellow-sailed on panthers’     season for this may say, to be done, young Endymion slew     me; do smiles broken profit that bee which are old, and he     situation. Not to
stars of my soul, and makes so very     line or leaves like of doors proceeding various talk     with of long bin place on Earth, and Juan though pores of the mock’d     him, with his sheet, t is verse—Thine angel pure hems. Than did     was madness; as they kneele
an hour of fervent flowed your     words, who muster and Julia swoon’d, and sweet is requisition,     I can’t help me? They are all is Eden, or a swan     rogue Southey! Cross the world wash the years which neglect of these     new pleasure, too, his sovereign
at a distance—gentle boxes     framed of its poison cup, no penance; and weary car,     like garden in the bed. The burdened men who play for we     must leaves Astrea’s beauties why the garden-gate, yet with cares,     in my fawn, and that test.
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dykegonzo · 4 years
im glad everyone thinks ppl who were biters as kids r funny bc that makes me fucking hilarious. i was so well renowned for biting and growling and hissing that my own uncle called me wolf girl (and still does)
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sabinanotfound · 2 years
SFW alphabet (dream x reader)
a/n: y'all. this is like 1.2k words don't let it flop pls I'm begging u
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Dream would be very affectionate and show it a lot.it could be physical like a soft neck kiss or it could be something like getting flowers for you because he wants you to feel luved.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
The most supportive person you’ll meet in your lifetime. He is a great and reliable friend. He’s also very fun to be around. You would probably bump into each other in a grocery store or meet through streaming. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Oh boy, he does. Clings onto you like a panda on a bamboo branch and just. Stays there. Loves when you’re both chilling and you are lying on his shoulder or his head in your lap. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I think he wouldn’t be very neat but he is as good as Gordon Ramsay when it comes to cooking. You always blame it on him when you gain weight and he laughs saying the squishier the better and feeding you again. He’d be the best dad ngl
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would be mature about it. He would meet you in person and explain his reasons. He would feel very bad tho
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He likes to take it slow but he is very committed and when both of you are sure of settling down, he would take it a step further. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very gentle in both aspects. The way he holds you is so soft and also he never rushes you into anything, and is very understanding. Soft boi vibes 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Why do I feel like dream would give the best bear hugs? He just engulfs you and doesn’t let go, you find his hugs extremely comforting. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Again, he doesn’t rush into it. He says it after a few months where he just knows you are the one. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I wouldn’t say he’s very jealous but when he does get jealous PDA PDA PDA MAJOR PDA
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are very soft and tender and so full of love. He loves kissing your plush lips till they are swollen. He loves when you kiss him on the cheeks :))))
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He was BORN to be a dad/babysitter. He’s a natural when it comes to kids, and every kid he interacts with end up loving him a lot. You often fantasize about your own kids teehee 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I think he’s a night owl and prefers waking up late so mornings are usually calm and groggy. But sometimes you wake him up earlier to try a morning routine which ends up being a cozy and productive morning. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Again, he is a night owl imo so you eventually get used to a routine where you go to bed late. When he stays up too late, you make him a cup of some herb tea and drag him to bed where he falls asleep immediately in your embrace. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s not very secretive. He wouldn’t hide anything from you and often would tell you funny stories from his childhood or something. He doesn’t reveal everything at once; that could be overwhelming. Let’s just say it takes time but not because it’s a secret, but to keep interests fresh and have things to talk about. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It’s hard to make him angry, especially if it’s you (he has a soft spot for you). But sometimes in relationships tension builds and you end up having small arguments which you resolve after. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything. That bag you saw literally once and commented on it? He remembered and got it for you. Your mom’s birthday? He calls her before you do (your mom adores dream like c’mon who wouldn’t). your fav candle scent? Of course, he knows. You’ve been eyeing those Ikea candles. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably when he asked you out. He was so anxious because he thought you didn’t like him back but everything turned out well :333
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is very protective of you. If you’re in an Uber, he always asks for a location just in case. But he is not controlling, he just likes knowing that you are safe. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dream knows a relationship works both ways and that is why he always puts the same amount of effort you do, if not more. He doesn’t go overboard but he likes seeing a smile on your face when he cleans up that clothing rack you didn’t have time to organize. Or when you are happy because he did something special for your anniversary. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Overworking himself. He would sometimes become distant because he’s working a lot, but thankfully you’re patient and never judge or scold him for it. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Dream is aware that he is pretty attractive and he keeps it up. He does skincare (when you force him to) and dresses neatly. That’s pretty much I think lol. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Dream’s favourite date with you is ordering sushi and watching some drama just for the laughs  of it. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like when people lie. He always tries to be as honest as possible, unless he didn’t like that dress you bought. Then he would take that secret to the grave. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He loves sleeping with his teddy bear (aka u) and he bought a bunch of 1 ft techno plushes and they are all also on his bed at all times. 
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Seventh Masterlist
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💕 = fluff
😢 = angst
👀 = heated, but no smut
🔥 = smut
😂 = funny
🥊 = violence
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* A wild night 👀 😂
* Injury 👀 😂
* Rusty hips 😂🔥💕
* WAP 😂🔥
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* Flirt 😢
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*  Medical school 💕
*  Twins 💕
* Jealous 💕
* Falling for you 💕
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* Nasty shower 🔥
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* Being his confidant 💕
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One shots
*Move on 🥲🔥
*Set up 🥲 💕
*Covid care 💕
*Love language 💕
*Asexuality 🥲💕
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* Being his boo 💕
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* Flaunt it 🔥
* Lost a friend 😢
* Birthday sex 🔥
 * Give a chance 💕
* Peaceful moments 💕
* Day off 🔥
* Jodeci 🔥 💕
* Bad body day 💕 👀
* Marvel stan 💕
*  Flirts 💕
* Disney World proposal 💕
* The curve 🥲
*Wish come true 🔥
*In the sheets 🔥
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*  Falling for you 💕
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* Home sick 💕🔥
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*Argument 🥲
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*Support 💕
*Making up 💕
* Voice kink 🔥
* Being parents 💕
*Doing your hair 💕
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* Can I 💕
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*  Baby Yoda 😂 💕
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*  Helping you out of an abusive relationship 😢 💕
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* Thigh riding
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* Support 💕 😢
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* End of prank the war
*  Saving him 🔥
*  Sharing is caring 🔥 💕
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*Falling for him 💕
* Voice kink 🔥 
* Jealous 💕
*Safe space 💞
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HOZIER Headcanon
* First encounter 💕
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* Birthday fun 😂 👀
*  Becoming his wife 💕
*  Falling for you 💕
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* Flustered 💕
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JAY PARK Headcanon
* Cyber stalker 💕
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JASKIER Headcanon
*  Love 😢 💕
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* Punishment 🔥
* Early dessert 🔥
*Not good at love 💕🔥
*Dangerous meddling pt.1 🥲
*Got your back boo 🥲💕
*City love 💕
* Sweet moment 💕
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JOKER Headcanon
*  Being his boo 💕 🔥
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*Argument 🥲💕
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* Netflix and chill 🔥
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* Falling for you 💕
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LEWIS TAN Headcanon
*  Shy love 🔥 💕
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* Explanation 😢💕
*Approval 😢💕
*Drunk dial 💕
*Braiding your hair 💕
*From enemies to friends 💕
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*Love language 💕
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MINHO (SHINEE) Headcanon
*Pregnancy 💕
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* Someone special 💕
* First encounter 💕
*Announcement 💕
* Eventful birth 💕
* Support 💕
* Daechwita 💕
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* Nasty teasing 🔥
* Heated moment 🔥
* Caged in pain 😢 
* Caged in pain pt. 2 😢 💕
* Christening the pool 🔥
* Reunion 💕
* Start of something good 💕
* True love 💕
* Spanish lessons 🔥
* Nastiness in the car 🔥
* Costume kink 🔥
* Water fun 👀 🔥
* Caught 👀🔥
* Technical difficulties 🔥
*  Threesome 🔥
* Cuddling 💕
* Karaoke 💕
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* First date 💕🔥
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* Night terror 💕
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One shot
*Close to you  💕
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*Dating 💕
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* Quarantine 💕👀
* Real love 💕
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*  Insecure 😢 💕
* Ordinary  💕
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*  Not a chance 😢
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* Like me for me 💕
* Muse 💕
* Sucker 💕
* First date 💕
*The truth  🥲
*Comfort 💕
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*What if
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* going public 💕
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TAEHYUNG Headcanon
* Family reunion 💕
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* first time 🔥💕
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*  First encounter 💕
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* Best boyfriend 💕 👀
* Biggest supporter 😢 💕
* Sex toy  🔥
* Explanation 😢💕
* Spicy food 😂
* Wide hips luving 💕🔥
*Argument 🥲💕
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* Played 😢
* Played pt. 2 😢💕
*Gifted dancer 🔥
* Traffic head 🔥
* Self pleasuring 🔥
* Threesome 🔥
* Kids 😢
* Comfort 💕
*Falling for you 💕
*In the sheets 🔥
*Argument 🥲💕
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*  Bad ass 🥊
* Falling for you 💕
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VENOM Headcanon
*Temporary possession 💕
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One shot
* The real one😢 🔥 💕
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* Dating 💕
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*Office shenanigans 🔥
*Just like that? 🔥
*I want it 🔥
*Award win 💕
*Tiny secret 💕
Pleasuring him while he’s on the phone 🔥
*Please don't stop 🔥
*Like I give as shit 🔥
*Yes...Your mouth did that... 🔥
*Good chat 🔥
*Losing a game 👀
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Trick Or Treat: Albert DaSilva x OC *Halloween Special* 🎃
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Set in 1900 after the strike, the Newsies take Les trick or treating and run into a new friend from Queens, one that seems to stick with Albert. Sorry it's a bit short. :)
Albert’s POV
“Come on, Davey! It’s already 7:30 and we’ve only gone down 2 blocks!”
I hold back a laugh as Les drags Davey through the crowd-a knee-high kids. It’s Halloween, my kind-a holiday when you can stay up late and scare people to death! And right now it’s time to score some sugar.
“He’s right, Davey.” Jack walks up wearing his usual cowboy attire. “He ain’t get’n any younger.”
“Nonsense!” Race grins. “The night is young! We sold all our papes today so it's time for celebrating! Now let’s pick up the pace- I want Necco Wafers now!”
We all run down the sidewalk with Les leading the pack, hitting one apartment after anodda. A half hour goes by and soon we’s already at the edge of town.
“Well well well, if it ain’t the ‘Hattan boys,” a voice calls from behind us.
We all groan. “Hi Spot.”
Spot Colon, AKA the ‘King of Brooklyn,’ struts up along with more Brooklyn newsies.
“You’s trick-or-treating? What are ya, 5?” Before we argue he holds up his hands and chuckles. “Relax, relax. I’s just joking. In fact that’s what we’s doing here too. You know, for the little ones.” He looks over his shoulder and seems to get a gleam in his eye. “I want you’s to meet Annie.” He steps aside and a cute goil in overalls hops outta the dark. “She’s an old friend-a mine, so no mess’n around. Understand, Race?”
But Race don’t seem too interested, however Spot’s woids go right over my head. 
“Hey doll, you’s ain’t from around here are ya?” I hold out a hand. “Name’s Albert.”
Annie’s POV
When Spot told me about how fun Halloween in ‘Hattan is I was so excited! There ain’t much to do in Queens, so I normally find somewhere else to party. What I didn’t expect was to meet Spot’s friends, rather good-looking ones if I do say so myself. Especially the ginger who’s shaking my hand.
“Hiya, Albert!” I say with a bright smile.
He gets a glazed look in his eyes and tilts his head. “I’s never seen you around Brooklyn before.”
“No, I’m from Queens.” I nudge Spot’s shoulder and he groans in annoyment. “I just hang with Spot when I’m bored. You fellas got anything exciting in ‘Hattan?”
Albert bites his lip and a part-a me’s hoping he invites me over, but to do that I can tell we godda get away from Colon.
“Say Spot, I think I’m gonna go check out the rich folks’ party down the block. I’ll catch up later!”
Spot seems reluctant, but he knows he can’t control me. He gives me a stiff nod and goes back to talk’n with the odda ‘Hattan boys, cueing me to give Albert a quick gesture to follow me. He bounds after me down the street and once we’s in a noisy spot away from the oddas Albert’s laugh’n like crazy.
“You’s just as daring as I am, doll!”
“Darn straight!” I grin and turn to face him. “Now we can chat without Colon give’n us the death stare.”
He gets a funny look and part-a me thinks he’s too chicken to go against Spot. “Why does Colon keep such a close eye on ya? You two close or someth’n?”
His noivousness makes me suppress a chuckle and I put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. “Relax. Spot just worries ‘cause I don’t got too many street smarts as the rest-a yous.”
Albert nods in understanding. “He’s right to look out for ya. Makes me wonder how a pretty thing like yourself’s gone this long without get’n a normal life.”
His comment makes my smile fade and I put my hands on my hips. “And what’s that mean?”
Albert sees he’s slipped up his wording and holds up his hands. “Just say’n that you’s a very luvely goil and I’s surprised you’s ain’t married yet. You don’t seem like you’s should be hang’n around guys like me.”
He’s a lot more observant than I thought. Albert’s guessed I ain’t lower class, and he ain’t completely wrong. My folks have a decent income, but money can still be tight sometimes.
“I ain’t poor, but I ain’t rich eidda. And I don’t let someth’n as cliché as social class get in the way of my life.” I push past him and start walk’n away. “And if you’s think I’s just a pretty goil who should get married then take a hike, pal.”
Albert rushes up from behind. “I don’t mean it like that, honest-!”
“Oh sure, ‘cause I’s just an innocent, weak, pretty goil who shouldn’t be seen with lower class- you’s start’n to sound like my modda-!”
But I don’t get to finish my outburst because Albert pushes me against the cold brick wall and leans in. It comes outta nowhere and at foist I’m shocked, but then anodda feel'n grows throughout me that acts as anodda reason for my racing heartbeat.
“You like it dangerous, don’t ya doll? No wonder Colon has to watch over ya, never know when you’ll get into trouble. I ain’t say’n you’s a weak goil, I just wish I weren’t so poor so I could take you out properly.”
His husky voice makes me shutter and subconsciously lean into him, getting a surprised response from the gorgeous ginger.
“Annie, I- Does this- D-Do you like me too?” A simple reaction and he’s reduced to scattered woods.
“Yes,” I whisper. “Like I said, I don’t let social class come between me and what I want.”
He seems to regain his confidence and grins. “And what is it you want?”
I smirk and lean in to whisper in his ear: “Trick or treat, Albert.”
“Hmm… I ain’t sure I wanna take my chances with the trick…” He leans in closer and I feel his warmth surround me. “Or maybe I could ask ya out for a treat. Whaddya say, Annie?”
I lean in and give his lips a quick peck, making his face go nearly as red as his hair. “You seem like a treat yourself, handsome. I’d luv to go out with ya-!”
I’s barely gotten my woods out when Albert’s eyes light up and suddenly I feel soft lips be’n pressed to mine. I close my eyes and almost forget to stand, melting into Albert’s strong arms. Amidst the crowds of chattering kids and various Halloween celebrations all I can think of is him, no woids needing to be said to understand each odda. Once we pull apart for air Albert’s smiling like an idiot.
“God, I wish I would’ve started sell’n in Queens a long time ago! You wanna go on that date now?”
I kiss him one last time and start pull’n him towards the festivities. “Does caramel taste sweet?”
He grins and wraps an arm around my waist as we rush into the crowd. “I’ll take that as a yes!” 
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Just a Friend from School
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: YN asks her father if she can bring a friend home to study with, but when he finds out it's one of the Avengers and he happens to like his daughter, things get a little heated.
Warnings: Fluff, Yelling/Fighting, Protective Parenting, Sight cursing
A/N: Here's my first one shot for this blog! (Yes, I wrote this at 3am, don’t judge me) I've been watching all the Marvel movies in order lately and I felt like I needed to write a protective Dad Tony fic. Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
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CherryBlossomFlowers Masterlist
While tightening up a few things on his suit, Tony heard his phone chime on the table. He stood with a sigh and wiped the sweat from his face with his shirt. When he picked up his phone, he noticed it was a text from his daughter.
He smiled as he read it to himself:
YN Stark 3:02pm "Hey, Dad. Is it okay if I bring a friend home to work on science homework? It shouldn't take more than a couple hours."
Tony rolled his eyes before replying: "That's fine. I'll see you in a bit."
He set his phone back on the table with a scoff, "Only 2 days into her new school and she's already making friends. Not bad, kiddo."
The next 20 minutes flew by as Tony continued to work on his suit. It wasn't long before F.R.I.D.A.Y. was informing him that YN was walking into the tower.
As he stood to walk out of the room, he decided to try and make a good first impression on his daughter's first friend from her new school. He wiped his hands off with a nearby cloth and wiped the sweat off of his face with his shirt once more.
He walked down the long hallway towards his living room, ready to greet his daughter and her friend, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a male voice.
"Wait, wait, wait. Mr. Stark is your father?" the voice shouted.
"Yeah?" YN replied, "I'm YN Stark. You've known this for 2 days, Peter."
Peter? As in Peter Parker?! Spiderman Peter Parker?!
Tony jogged into the living room and came to an abrupt halt when he saw YN and Peter standing next to the couch.
YN smiled at her father, "Hey, Dad," she walked over to him, "I guess you and Peter know each other. Well, he said he knows you, so I didn't know if you...wait a second, how do you know-"
"Your friend from school is him?" Tony interrupted her.
YN nodded slowly at him, "Yeah? Why? Is that a problem?"
Tony looked up at Peter, "Can I speak with you for a minute?" he turned to YN for a brief moment, "Alone?"
YN rolled her eyes, "I guess I'll go get my notebook from my room. And I'll change into sweats or something more comfortable."
As YN walked out of the room, Tony stepped in Peter's line of sight and stared him down. Normally Peter wasn't even close to being afraid of Tony, but in this moment, Peter was ready to run out the door.
"Listen, kid. I'm going to be straight with you," Tony's voice was low as he stared at Peter and pointed down the hallway, "That little girl down there? That's my only daughter, my only child. And I will do anything and everything to make sure she is safe and careful."
"M-Mr. Stark, sir, believe me I want nothing more than to make sure she's safe and careful," Peter's voice stuttered, "Especially now that I know she's your daughter."
Tony took a step towards Peter and got in his face, "I'm going to ask you this one time and one time only, and you better give me a legitimate answer."
"Y-yes, sir," Peter stuttered.
Just then, YN emerged from her room. She walked down the hallway but stopped just before she got to the living room when she heard her father and Peter speaking.
Tony narrowed his eyes, "Do you like my daughter, kid?"
Peter swallowed hard, "D-do I like her, s-sir?"
"Don't bullshit me, Parker," Tony seethed through his teeth, "Yes or no, do you like my daughter?"
Peter cleared his throat, "I-I guess I don't understand what exactly-"
"Do you see her as more than a friend?" Tony interrupted him.
Peter opened his mouth to answer, but no words came out. His throat felt dry as a desert, he was sweating bullets, and he felt like his legs were going to give out. He swallowed hard and looked down at his feet.
"You do, don't you," Tony whispered, "Say it."
"I-I think she's pretty cute, but I don't know if I like like her," Peter breathed out.
"You think I'm cute?" YN said as she stepped towards them.
Tony whipped around, "How long were you standing there?"
"Long enough to hear you threatening my friend, Dad," YN crossed her arms.
Tony scoffed, "I wasn't...threatening him. I was just, you know, warning him about hanging out with my daughter."
"Warning him? About what exactly?" she looked to Peter.
"H-he just said that he wants you to be safe and careful," Peter stuttered, "And I told him I want the same thing."
YN rolled her eyes, "Dad, you've known for years that I get along with guys way more than girls. Just because I bring a guy friend home from school to do homework doesn't mean anything," she walked up to her father, "You've got to stop being so protective. I'm not that little girl anymore. And I'm not, nor have I ever been, fragile."
Tony sighed, "I know, honey. You're very strong. Luckily you get that from me," he winked, "I'm sorry that I got so protective. You're my only child, my baby girl. And I just want you to be-"
"Safe and careful, I know, Dad," she hugged him, "I can take care of myself from time to time."
Tony broke from the hug and turned to Peter, "Sorry, kid. I'll try and watch my temper," he wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulder, "Be good to her, okay?"
Peter nodded, "Yes, sir."
"Now if there are no further interruptions," YN grabbed Peter's arm and pulled him towards her, "I'd like to work on this biology homework while it's still fresh in my brain. We can go into my room if you-"
"No way," Tony shook his head, "You two can work out here where F.R.I.D.A.Y. can keep an eye on you."
"Dad..." YN warned.
Tony sighed, "Fine. But the door stays open."
"Deal," YN nodded then turned to Peter, "Let's go."
Peter and YN grabbed their stuff and walked down the hallway to her bedroom. Tony watched them walk away as he leaned into the couch with a sigh.
"When did she get so grown up? And where the hell did she get that attitude?" Tony said to himself before the realization struck him, "Right, right. I guess I'm at fault for that."
He pushed himself from the couch and walked out of the living room. As he walked down the hallway, he paused at YN's room and listened in on their conversation.
"Did you really mean what you said, Peter?" she asked.
"Uh, kind of? I mean you are cute, but I also don't want to overstep my boundaries. I've known you for 2 days," he replied.
YN laughed, "That's true," she paused, "Well, if it's any consolation, I think you're pretty cute as well."
Tony made a disgusted face as he stepped away from the door and walked away from the room. He made his way back to the lab and to his suit, and he continued to work on it for the next couple hours.
Every once in a while, his mind drifted to Peter and YN. He wondered what they were doing and if she was all right.
But then a thought occurred to him: She's YN Stark. She can take that little guy easily.
After that, Tony never had to worry about Peter hurting his daughter in any way, especially since she had access to every Iron Man suit in the tower.
My Cherry Blossom Flowers
@mlovesstories @kitwithnokat @smollestbean-2
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@emery--nicole--morrison @cro0kedme @viktorthemythical @underage-spoon
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@frogbog2 @happytheoristdreamer @luceetheelephant
@athenastark @rose-doggo @sunshine-ape-123
@angelicstar @thebluetint @acapsicumannuum​
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