silky-selkie · 2 months
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Screencap from a new video of Yo-Chan! She is such a beautiful creature
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milaisreading · 6 months
Your isagi sister!yn and sae is soo cute!! Image them being turned into toddlers and toddler isagi sister!yn cries whenever you try to take her away from Yoichi and toddler Sae bites anyone that tries to take him away from isagi sister!yn
🌱🩷: Hiii! Sorry it took this long to do the request! Hope this is fine and thank u for requesting!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Rin didn't know who or what he had pissed off to go through whatever this was. The morning was very normal, in his opinion. He woke up, exercised, did his bed, did his usual routine in the bathroom, and then went to get breakfast. Now, usually he would wake up his brother to get food with him, but he decided to let him sleep in since he arrived pretty late from Spain last night. But, as the clock hit 12, Rin grew worried and decided to check up on the older Itoshi. The room itself looked normal, as you would expect the room of someone who just arrived from a long flight to look like, but what wasn't normal was the person he saw on the bed.
'A... Is that my brother?!' Rin' eyes widened in shock as he looked at the 3-year-old Sae sleeping soundly on the bed.
'What the hell happened here?!'
And the rest that happened Rin could only remember in a daze. He remembered getting a call from Yoichi, saying there was something off with his sister as well. So, the younger Itoshi did whatever he could think of in that moment. He packed up his brother into some old clothes their mom kept for memory's sake and made his way to the Isagi house as fast as possible. Sae, as Rin could observe, was grumpy the whole way and really looked like he was plotting murder. Rin was a little worried about the older Itoshi, but knew his brother well enough that he will behave.
As they arrived at the Isagi house, Rin knocked on the door and waited while holding Sae in a secure manner.
"Thank God you are here! Sis turned- Sae as well?!" Rin's eyes widened as soon as Yoichi opened the door. In his arms was a toddler version of his sister, blinking at both Sae and him while holding a plushie of a spiny lobster.
It looked like the girl could recognize them, but was too shy to say or do anything. Well, thank God Sae was there for those things. The boy's eyes widened as his face turned red while looking at her.
"Mine." Sae said as he made grabby hands towards the girl, while also trying to get out of Rin's grip.
"Hey! No! Stop it!" Rin yelled as he glared down at Sae.
"No! Mine! Gimme!!"
Yoichi flinched at their loudness and quickly covered his sister's ear and hugged her closer.
"Please stop yelling. Sis is really sensitive to loud noises. You will make her cry."
Rin shut up and so did Sae, who immediately looked at the girl. (Y/n) stared at them both with wide eyes as a few tears slid down her face.
"Yochan..." She sobbed and grabbed her brother's shirt to comfort herself.
"Just come inside." Yoichi said as he started comforting his sister. Sae's eyes never left the girl, and he could feel his heart beating faster as he looked more at her.
Eventually the girl had calmed down and the two were able to leave their siblings on the floor to play while they tried to figure out how to fix all of this.
"Boo..." (Y/n) smiled as she poked Sae's cheek with her lobster plushie. The redhead started blushing and put his hand on the spot. (Y/n) started giggling at his reaction, which caused the boy to get more embarrassed.
"I will go and get something to drink..." (Y/n) looked over at Yoichi as he for up from the couch.
"Yochan." She quickly called out as the boy turned to look at his older... well, now little sister.
"I will be back in a minute." Yoichi smiled calmly and walked away, leaving the girl looking at his back in sadness. Sae pouted that her attention wasn't on him anyone and quickly took the abandoned lobster and pressed it against her cheek.
"Boop." Sae giggled as (Y/n) looked at him in surprise, blushing just like Sae did previously.
Now, Yoichi didn't expect much from his day... especially not being glared at by a toddler-sized Sae while his sister was hugging and crying for him not to leave her alone. The boy looked back down at his sister and put a hand on her head, causing her to look up at him.
"I just need to go to the bathroom-"
"I will be back in a minute-"
"Sae will keep you company-"
Yoichi sighed as he felt the redhead kick his leg.
"What is going on here?" Rin raised an eyebrow as he walked into the living room and saw the chaos that unfolded in it.
"Sis won't let me go into the bathroom."
Yoichi pointed at the crying girl, then at Sae, who tried to get onto the coach where (Y/n) was.
"And he is just mad at me."
Rin blinked a few times before sighing in frustration.
"Hold up. Kids their age can be easily distracted." The Itoshi said while going to grab his phone. Yoichi let out a defeated sigh while helping Sae onto the couch, the other Itoshi quickly hugging (Y/n) when he got close enough.
'He is quite attached to her... even more as kids now.' Yoichi thought as he witnessed Sae's actions as well as his glare.
"Here, (Y/n), look at this." Rin's voice caused her to look over and loosen up her grip on Yoichi. The loud music as well as colors coming from Rin's phone caused the girl to look over in confusion. Soon after, she smiled and loosened up her grip around Yoichi. Sae sighed and hugged her tighter while (Y/n) kept her attention on the phone.
Yoichi used this moment and got away from the toddlers. Rin was happy it had worked... for about 2 minutes, because (Y/n) quickly looked over to the side Yoichi was previously. The Itoshi's eyes slowly widened when he saw her smile drop and eyes slowly water.
"Wait- No!"
"Yochan!!" She started crying loudly as Rin groaned and looked over at Sae, who sported a glare on his face.
"Play." Sae said, excitedly looking at (Y/n) as he held a football in front of himself. The said girl was sat on Yoichi's lap and frowned while shaking her head. Sae pouted and tried to walk closer to grab her and mover her away from Yoichi, but the girl just hugged her brother tightly and shook her head.
Yoichi groaned silently as he felt Sae's glare on his form.
'Can't believe toddler Sae hates me now... I hope he forgets this when turns back to normal.' He thought and patted his sister's head, causing her to look up at him.
"How about you go and play with Sae? I will stay here and you can-"
"Noo!" She cried out and Yoichi quickly jumped in to save the situation.
"It's ok! You don't have to! We can cuddle for the rest of the day instead." Yoichi laughed nervously as (Y/n) calmed down and smiled, nodding her head in excitement.
Yoichi would have rejoiced in the fact that he had calmed her down, if it wasn't for the fact that Sae stomped on his foot in anger.
"Hate him." Rin turned to look at his moody brother.
Sae looked up and pointed in Yoichi's direction, who was busy playing with (Y/n).
"Is it because she prefers him over you-"
Rin quickly cut himself off when Sae sent him an icy glare.
"Look, Sae, she doesn't like Yoichi more than you... she just wants to spend some time with her brother." Rin started softly, causing Sae to look over at him.
"You are still her number 1, you know." He finished as Sae's face lit up at those words.
The Itoshis turned to look at Yoichi and (Y/n) again, only to see her give her brother a pack on the cheek. Rin sighed in defeat when he saw Sae's glare again.
'Back to square 1....'
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mello-bee · 2 months
another day and more fight to art! art to fight?
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this counts as a twst fanart too, right? Yochan belongs to sylkpen! and ricker belongs to me!
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unitas belongs to SmudgedVolt! ( @smudgedvolt I'm not gonna apologize for tagging you a million times in these posts)
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polaris black is an hsr oc and belongs to palmtreepwr! (this lovely person -> @palmtreepwr)
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Severin belongs to Fritzthegoat! (their ig)!!
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agehalily33 · 1 year
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Since yochan is so unfashionable, let Reo buy the whole boutique for her 💕✨
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webslasherzz · 6 months
seal layouts! yochan the seal specifically... preferably discord but any will do :3
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gotcha !! can be found here (link)
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
yoichi yochan ☹️ i wanna grind on his face and pull on his hair and cum on him 😔
so real so true... thinking about the smug look on his face when u cum on his face and have to physically tear yourself away from him oughsdfdjhsd
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atsuyokoi · 3 months
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AtsuYo’s diary.
My name is YoChan,twenty six,yumejoshi
P.S.Non-sharing Atsushi 😢
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odsthazard0209 · 8 months
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Character Card 
Warblade - Aru, Kayoko, and Haruka 
Zepi- Asagi Mutsuki
Weapons Props - Yochan.176
All exported models and props to MMD by me (ODST_HAZARD0209) 
City MMO 
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silky-selkie · 3 months
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elchercheur · 11 months
La manche
À ma grand-mère, à ses canards que j’imagine l’entourer, faire rire quelqu’un d’âgé est d’un précieux inégalable pendant la vie, je ne sus jamais ce que tu aimais en moi, c’était la part la plus tendre de ma vie, devant laquelle j’étais rond de rire et de sympathie 
À Pauline À Pauline que j'ai emprunté  À Pauline que je rends 
À Elton, qui nous aura fait croire que tout était possible, du moment qu’on le ressentait, qu’il n’y avait aucune différence entre dire la vérité et l’inventer, une fosse comblée est bien plus agréable qu’une fosse restée fosse 
À Noam et sa maison orange, ses carrelages, et que je regardais jouer très tôt le matin pendant cinq ou six heures, pour finir par rentrer chez moi, satisfait 
À tous ceux que j’appelais pour les voir, pour aller les rejoindre, à tour de rôle, pour ne plus avoir de maison, à donc Sandap, Elia, Noam, Rémi, Yochan 
À Alexandra aux cheveux presque blancs, dont la mère m’a aimée un jour, à ta maison de couleurs et à tous les appels passés la nuit, volé la nuit, échangeant des paroles sous zinc, d’ententes amicales et presque pourquoi pas amoureuses, mais pourquoi le confident est- il l’amoureux, je ne saurais jamais, tout de même à cela 
À Chantal, au sable mis dans ta tombe, que j’avais amené de je ne sais où, et pourquoi, mais que j’ai répandu de ma main sur ton coffre, je l’avais gardé tout du long de l’office à l’église sûrement quelque part, je ne pleure qu’au moment du cercueil et de la tombe, c’est étrange, c’est ainsi, à toi qui m’a aimé j’en suis sûr, et pour une raison si inconnue, à ta tendresse qui me releva et me relèvera de la violence, quand j’y penserais, même si je n’ai plus ton visage, je dois l’imprimer, l’accrocher pour te voir, te considérer, et il faut ne plus questionner l’amour, mais s’en rendre digne, être digne d’être aimé, même si l’on se trompe et que sur ta mort me parlèrent d’amour tes amis tristes, tes amis qui voulaient te perpétuer même dans une enveloppe un peu menti, peu importe, à toi, surtout ici puisque tu pourrais être seule nommée, presque seule nommée, à tes dictionnaires, au dictionnaire que tu m’as offert, aux lexicographes qui sont un peu comme les poètes, et à ce qui est écrire, sans le savoir. 
À la Simbou des Simbou, à ton espace de légende, à ces sirènes au ventre très bleu, et à ton amie qui s’est cassé les jambes en marchant sur une grille, la grille était tombée et elle resta en grand écart au-dessus du vide des heures entières, et aux sirènes donc qui marchèrent sur le plancher du bateau, à cet éclat étincelant aveuglant du soleil d’alors, à toi enfermé dans ta cabine pour résister aux sirènes qui te convoitent depuis le hublot, et tu es seule dans ta cabine, et il faut rester enfermé, elles replongeront ces sirènes séduisantes, à la peau noire magnifique, à toi qui ne voulut plus être une mère et aimer ceux qui ne peuvent être tes enfants, à mon regret, à ce que j’accepte comme ta dignité, à ce que je remercie. 
À cette personne dont tu m’as parlé dans le train, Anya, je crois, que tu as aimé, que tu as cherché à revoir, tu l’as revu, mais elle a voyagé, elle t’aimait et ne t’aimait pas, je m’en souviens plus
À Theresa, de Berlin, au printemps, à ce baiser donné sous la balançoire.
À Ilan, croisé, qui aimait le soleil, rire de ses dents écartés, au football, à la force, à la fraternité et la rivalité, au passé que bientôt je reverrai
À tous ces souvenirs qui surgissent sans aucune, vraiment, réalité devant moi qui les justifient, ne me contredisez pas, soyez sérieux
À tous mes amis d’enfance, à Yochan, au père iranien, à la mère sauvage, artiste peintre, qui ne voulaient pas d’enfants, à la fenêtre qu’il regardait souhaitant mourir, et aux maladresses, voire aux erreurs commises enfants, comme cette personne que je crois, Marcos, avoir fait tomber dans la salle des casiers, et le monde entier s’était joué à rouler dessus, jouant, jouant avec le réel de son corps, le touchait-on vraiment de ses coups, oui et non disons.
À la lune qui le soir est ouverte, et sourit, et ne sourit pas, et l’air et fin et on pourrait monter avec mon père en moto, on pourrait monter, à la lune à qui j’envoie des baisers, oui, je lui envoie des baisers, rie et pleure, tantôt, tantôt.
À la montagne, à l’odeur de la neige mouillée, à l’air du grand soir, à la neige qui recouvre tout et ne part pas, à ce qui reste, et moi qui restais avec, à ce qui peut se résoudre, espérons-le.
À la voiture de mon père qu’il conduisait en nous emmenant, aux lampadaires qui défilaient alors, sur chacun, repliés, chacun contre une vitre.
À la nuit qui ne fait rien et qui pour un regard attentif, change de couleur.
À la venue des chants d’oiseaux et du romarin, malgré le noir environnant, le miracle d’un lac le soir sombre et protégeant, car qu’arriverait-il à la lumière ?
À ces souvenirs si chers, si chers à nos cœurs, à l’amour, à l’angoisse qui passe, aux combats, tenir pour être ensemble, dormir ensemble, se serrer, à moi qui sors la tête et danse et rie de se revoir au coin de la rue, ce souvenir me sauvera, aux bras qu'il faut accepter de n’avoir pas toujours levé.
À la famille qu’on choisit, qu’on compose, qu’on écoute, et qui est drôle.
À ce que l’on imagine du voyage des autres, de comment ils ont traversé la montagne, et pourquoi donc l’ont-ils traversé ainsi, à leurs yeux voyages, alors que vous ne voyagez pas, plus.
À ce printemps qui tarde, et que vous attendez au tournant.
À cet instant, proche du plafond, sur un lit, où j’ai serré mon père, et j’ai senti sa main douce, passer sur mon dos et mon épaule.
À ces filles qui sautaient trois marches et se cassaient la jambe, chacune imitaient l’autre, enfin deux, avaient imité l’autre, et s’était blessé, je m’en souviens.
À Anas également qui a bien changé, et réussi sa vie, je te souhaite le meilleur des mondes.
À cette blessure occasionnée à mon pied, petit, un ongle brisé, en revenant de la piscine, et l’eau encore sur le corps d’été, et le basculement et le banc tombe et casse.
À la nuit, éternellement, et pour utiliser ce mot, éternellement.
À la nature, oui, à elle, qui nous a vu grandir, s’échapper, et revenir aujourd’hui.
À un souvenir de Turin d’un marché carré la lumière du matin et l’hiver.
À l’odeur de l’essence d’un parking qui emmène toute une enfance, la rapatrie.
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xoteajays · 1 year
"I’m used to spiders die to being an Australian." Wait.. What? Now I'm so confused. That makes no sense to me. Maybe rephrase that again.
I don't mind spiders. I would have a problem if an animal or insect has been venomous, since I would not want me or my dog to be poisoned by venomous creatures. But there's rarely ever poisonous creatures in my town. So I don't have to worry too much about being bitten either.
I might have to say black widow spider might be my favorite spider so that probably isn't surprising. And not because of Scarlett Johansson either! I am not a fan of her. Widows represent female empowerment.
Black widows spiders, and maybe butterflies, would be some of these insects I like. That I know of. Because no other insects come to mind.
Honestly? I have mixed feelings about snakes. Like.. I know, I know... I know that it is a part of the animal kingdom where one animals would eat another animal. But I never want to see that. I do know about how that works. But I never want to see that part of nature. So that reason is why I'm not exactly fond of snakes. Snakes could actually eat other animals and even humans whole. I would be considered a snack to so many snakes, and my dog too (since she's only a yochan breed so she is a small dog too). I think that might be my reason why I hate snakes.
A part of me is still iffy about Cobra and even the Mugen gang having been associated with snakes as the animal motifs. Despite being very interested in the whole ouroboros aspect of the Mugen gang though.
I don't know? I don't pay attention to superstitions that much so I just can't comment on that. I know just very little information about these superstitions... Superstitions in general. I'm still annoyed about how a black cats are rarely taken in by people because of that superstition is ridiculous to me. And I will just fight people over that superstition too.
And I will really judge people for not taking care of black cats either.
I will actually fight Shizuka if she has superstitions about black cats.
Personally... I can't imagine Hyuga and Kato as superstitious. But you had a similar thought to me about that. Because they're traditional as they are, they might have more traditional beliefs and ideals, whether or not those two are actually superstitious. But that's just my opinion.
And to add on to traditions. Red is traditionally a Japanese color, only because red represents power in Japanese cultures. And the flag too.
Drinking wine in the afternoon? Seems weird to me. Like.. I just would be unusual in my opinion. I would be fine with drinking during the day for some events, or something, but just drinking during the day really does seem unusual to me for some reason. So I'm not really sure why.
Yeah... I knew that champagne and white wine were different types of alcohols. I had champagne once before at a baby shower. But I'm not really sure why I can't remember the drink? I might have to try again - if there is ever an opportunity to drink champagne. And, I'd never had white wine, so I can't comment on that. But if I'm lucky.. I try avoiding events like weddings, receptions, baby showers, any of the events I'm never able to tolerate. Rocky would be disappointed in me about this.
Whiskey flavored ice cream? That's weird. I don't like pina coladas but that one makes more sense to me because of the ingredients that do actually make this drink could also be used for some ice cream flavor.
When I am overly heated, I do sweat a lot sometimes... So I know how that is. Especially during my teenage years. I sweated way too much.
I can say that same about not having a boyfriend. And any man I have been attracted to is unattainable, or is fictional... Sometimes for those main reasons. And because I've never even been anyone's type either.
Not only do I hate dating apps, but I never trust dating apps either as so many people catfish others. You never know if they're murders and rapists.. Especially since someone of my size can actually be so easily kidnapped, raped and murdered. I heard that comment my whole life.
Are you still close to this cousin? Was them hitting you accidental? Or were they upset? Well.. You did say that you were playing around with them. So that answers that question. But they still seemed too rough.
Fiji? Fiji mountains in Japan. No.. Wait. That's Fuji, not Fiji. So what is Fiji then? Unless this is about another mountain that I don't know of.
I was never on vacation. I never traveled anywhere either. I never even went to fun places (that I would want to go to). I'd really like to travel.
My ears always ring, even lose hearing, whenever I injure myself. That always happened to me. That I know of. If I'm remembering correctly.
Injures hurt worse during the night and when you first wake up in the morning. I don't know why that is though. Wait.. "During the night, there is a drop in the stress hormone cortisol which has an anti-inflammatory response. There is less inflammation, less healing, so the damage to bone due to the above conditions accelerates in the night, with pain as the side-effect." So that answers that question at least. I was always curious about why pain was worse at night time.
Like I told you. Stairs are always my worst enemy any time I'm injured for some reason that I don't know. Stairs hate me, and I hate stairs.
We've never really had our own garden. So who knows.. Things would be different if we had more practice planting any plants and flowers - including fruits and vegetables too. If we ever started gardening then.
Cuts? Pieces of plants and flowers?
Still not surprised about your reaction to bee orchids.
The one time the two cops were able to actually do their job, they just altered information. Which is a good and bad thing depending on any opinions on the story and characters. At least they won't get caught... But that may mean mafia boss ends up dead by the end of this series then. Unless mafia boss finds out some other way then. I don't know.
Yes. Maya Hawke dies in the beginning of Fear Street: 1994. And with Sadie Sink, she's the main character in 1978 and 1666 (depending on which version of the character we're talking about) - but Sadie would be the teenage actor for one of the adult characters. Really watch the third movie soon. Just to wrap up the story. And to find out the end.
I've never been fond of found footage movies... Those are the movies where it seems like people are recording the story as if it were on any video cameras or phones? I hate those movies. That bothers me very much. Trying to watch the movie with cameras shaking around is no.
I've seen some of the Paranormal Activity franchise and I've also seen some of the VHS franchise but I haven't seen the newer movies yet.. I can't comment about the newer movies. I've seen Quarantine before.
What about #Awake? I've seen the American version. Apparently I did not know that it was a remake from a Korean zombie movie, so I may have to watch the Korean version soon too. Because I'm curious now.
I'm trying to think of some movies, maybe shows, of the horror genre.
I know we recently were talking about tattoos and piercings. And.. I'm not sure how you feel about face claims having modifications in ways you might like. I don't know. But AleXa recently got her nose pierced.
We're having the most random conversations right now.
How the fuck did that happen?!
- 💋
due! i’m used to spiders due to being an australian! can autocorrect help me out even one time?!!
i think snakes are cool! like pythons are cool and i’ve held big ones before, and hognoses are so cute.
i also love rhino beetles (they hiss!!), we used to have them around my house when i was a kid. the grubs used to live in our compost garden before they metamorphosed. i can still remember how they felt when holding them. cannot describe it, you just need to hold one. and moths and mantises are cool!
black cats are actually a sign of good luck, prosperity and wealth in japan! so shizuka’s a fan! i actually considered giving her a black cat as a pet, to match her black cat boyfriend hiroto.
it’s always hot in australia, so i’ve got no luck no matter what. always gonna be sweating. doesn’t help that because the place i work is so big that the air conditioning doesn’t have any effect, so i’m sweating for hours at work too. i put on so much perfume and deodorant before and during my work shifts.
dating apps suck! i was briefly on a couple apps, but i need a more human interaction to make an actual connection. i’m pretty bad at messaging back and i dont really know how to talk to people. my friend has met multiple boyfriends through dating apps, but it’s hard out here for an awkward lesbian.
doesn’t help that i’m also closeted to my family who i live with.
nah. we don’t talk anymore. i think he moved away and has a kid (or two?) now. they were just kind of a douche, it definitely wasn’t an accident, he pushed me on purpose and thought it was funny until i burst into tears and got up bleeding out of my mouth. i don’t remember if he got in trouble.
fiji? like the fiji islands? north of new zeland, east of the coast of australia? is it not a popular tourist destination in america like it is in australia?
i think he’s getting curious now, but i don’t know who he’ll turn to for information since his guy’s dead and he kicked his suspicious friend out of the gang. also the wife and the cop would continue lying to him if he pushed back against their stories. i hope he doesn’t die. i hope he gets away. but he probably won’t.
i just think found footage is fun when done well. but i guess that could be said about any movie. they’re just fun! blair witch project is like The found footage movie, but it’s not my favourite. it’s like, a cult classic tho. and the whole marketing ploy around it was a neat idea for the time.
do you mean alone? the american version of #alive? i haven’t seen the american one, but i watched the korean version. it was alright. i mean, it was no all of us are dead or train to busan.
talking to me means we’ll no doubt get off topic. cannot stick to one thing agdhdjdl
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milaisreading · 6 months
Isagi's sister!Yn:
Sister!Yn: Yochan is so cool!!
Sae: Mhmm...
Sister!Yn: Did you see that goal?! It was insane!
Sae: Mhm...
Sister!Yn: I am so proud of him! He is the best!
Sae: Mh....
Sister!Yn: Sae, why are you eating a tub of ice cream?
Sae: If you are going to break my heart, then let me mend it like this.
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muhzk23 · 2 years
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Idol Phase 2022 - Pos Bloc Jakarta
Gochikara - Yochan
Part 3
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I think it's interesting to analyze how many parallels the stories of David/Yonatan and Rabbi Yochanan/Reish Lakish have. A brief analysis:
Enemies to lovers (for lack of a better term):
David and Yonatan should have been enemies. Yonatan was the son of the current king, David was the anointed future king. Politically, they should have been enemies. But they never were. When Yonatan first saw David, he didn't see him as a threat. He fell in love.
Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish were enemies from the start. Rabbi Yochanan was a pious scholar, Reish Lakish was a thieving bandit. When Reish Lakish first laid eyes on Rabbi Yochanan, he didn't fall in love, he merely lusted after him. They only fell in love after years of hard work and growth.
Societal standing:
David and Yonatan's bond was constantly under fire. They were constantly under attack, but their bond remained strong until the very end.
Once they bonded, no one disputed Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish's bond. They were seen as a dynamic duo of Halakhic insight.
The role of a weapon in determining the fate of their bond:
David and Yonatan used the shooting of a bow as a signal to each other. Before doing so, they reinforced their bond and love for each other. Here, a weapon acted as their strength.
Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish's dramatic falling-out was due to a dispute over a weapon. They were debating about the ritual impurity of a dagger, and Rabbi Yochanan made a cutting remark at Reish Lakish's violent past, causing them to have their life-ending feud.
David was married to Yonatan's sister. Michal, Yonatan's sister, aided in saving David's life from her father. David's marriage to Michal was a political arrangement, but Michal was truly in love with David and this made her father feel threatened.
Reish Lakish was married to Rabbi Yochanan's sister. Rabbi Yochanan's sister pleaded with Yochanan for the life of Reish Lakish after he fell ill due to his feud with Rabbi Yochanan, but her efforts were unsuccessful. Reish Lakish's marriage to Rabbi Yochanan's sister was a social arrangement. Rabbi Yochanan had made a deal with Reish Lakish that if he changed his ways and stopped his thievery, he could marry his sister.
Premature death:
Yonatan was killed in battle, and David mourned greatly over him. Their bond had never wavered until the very end, but it wasn't enough to keep Yonatan alive. Still, David managed to achieve great things after Yonatan's death, and kept Yonatan's memory alive by absorbing his son Mefiboshet into his household. Love kept Yonatan's memory alive and kept David strong.
Reish Lakish fell gravely ill due to the mental strain his feud with Rabbi Yochanan put on him. He ultimately succumbed to his illness, and Rabbi Yochanan was anguished. Rabbi Yochanan went mad after Reish Lakish's death, crying and yelling in the streets, calling out to Bar Lakisha. The other Rabbis prayed for G-d to end his suffering, and Rabbi Yochanan died not long after Reish Lakish's death. Hatred and heartbreak doomed Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish.
There's a concept in Judaism that all these histories are written down in the way that they are for a reason, and I'm not quite sure what the reason is yet, but I think analyzing these two relationships can teach us a lot about the best and the worst of passion and love.
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mitsuyaya · 3 years
gonna be changing my pseuds
Yochan/Sachi → Yumi
thanks 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
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mrskodzuken · 3 years
...i think yō was the one who saw through my hand kink but uhhh 👉👈 akaashi keiji (22) editor with a weekly shounen manga magazine from a major publisher and i thank u joke
can i request pa iba niyan ate? 👀
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Yes his hands are also pretty 😤♥️ hands down (pun intended). Also hmm... yeah pwede naman 🤔
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Haikyuu Hand Pic Ask Game (ongoing)
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