#00 Gundam Seven Sword G
gremoria411 · 3 months
A question I've been half-pondering since you posted some of your thoughts of G-Witch -- are there any series that you think do particularly neat things with design lineages (either aesthetically or otherwise)?
Obviously in G-Witch, you've got this lovely variety in mobile suit design, with each corporation having a different, easily-identifiable style. But there's also things like how both styles of 'suit in Gundam Wing (Gundams and Leos et al) trace back to Tallgeese, so you have a 'progenitor' mecha running around.
Oooh, that is a fun one. Off the top of my head I can think of around two series that do really interesting things with Mobile Suit Design Lineages, Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans and Mobile Suit Gundam 00, but Gundam Wing, Witch From Mercury, SEED and the Universal Century in General all have examples worth discussing.
Note: I hit the character limit here, so this post’ll just be part one, and contains my thoughts on 3/4 of the main units in 00. I’ll talk about the fourth and other series in a subsequent post.
Admittedly, most of these are the titular Gundam’s design lineage, but there’s enough grunts that are worth discussing too.
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First of all, Gundam 00
I’ll fully admit the above graphic is overkill for what I’m going to actually be discussing, but I think the design lineages of the four main Gundam’s is very very good, because each unit is clearly delineated into a speciality. (I’m gonna define them by their Third Generation Entry, since that’s the ones in the first season of the show).
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Exia - Blue, with a focus on close quarters combat (I.E. Swords, to the point its original developmental code was “Seven Swords”).
Dynames - Green, with a focus on long range and sniping.
Kyrios - Orange, a transforming mobile suit that has high mobility.
Virtue - Black and White (sometimes with purple), Initially seems to be the Heavy Weapon Gundam, then later you realise it’s just full of absolute bullshit. It’s great I love it.
The second season, movie and side manga all add to this development line, so you can see how each concept develops over time. It also provides alternate equipment options for the main units, variants on a theme if you will. (I’m going to ramble a lot here, so I’ll identify which unit I’m talking about in bold).
Exia, for example, is the melee Gundam, one of two Gundam’s designed to primarily deal with any traitors to Celestial Being (I should do an analysis post on 00 sometime……, anyway). It accomplishes this by incorporating weaponry specifically designed to get around GN defences which, at the time of its inception, is unique to celestial being (this is why it’s got solid swords in addition to beam weapons). Its immediate predecessor, the Astraea, is probably the most stable of the original second-generation gundams - it’s designed for melee combat and doesn’t incorporate much experimental systems into the mobile suit itself. Because of this stability, it’s typically used for testing weaponry slated for other Gundam’s, such as the proto GN Launcher. This is further evidenced when it’s modified into the Astraea F by the Celestial Being support organisation Fereshte, since it’s the mobile suit of choice for that organisation when circumstances don’t demand a different unit, again because of that versatility. The Exia’s successor is the 00 Gundam (which I habitually just roll into the 00 Raiser, since it’s only around for about three episodes). The 00 Gundam is fitted with two GN Drives instead of the standard one, which should give in a far greater output. In practice, it needs to be fitted with the 0 Raiser, a little stabilisation plane thing, in order to run stably. This becomes the standard loadout for the Gundam, and it becomes the 00 Raiser. The 00 Raiser has slightly less swords than its predecessor the Exia, but makes up for this by incorporating the Raiser Sword, which essentially turns the entire Gundam into a sword hilt. The 00 Gundam’s Variants, the 00 Seven Swords and XN Raiser are essentially the 00 Gundam with even more swords and bladed weapons bolted to the frame (I’d like to specifically call out the Seven Swords for having GN Katars, which is just neat, honestly). As Setsuna’s penultimate suit, we have the 00 Quanta, which dares to ask the question “laser-shooting psychic swords?”, and can also freely teleport, just in case you thought distance was going to make this easier. The 00 Quanta Full Saber is probably what you’d expect by this point - the 00 Quanta with a bunch of extra swords strapped to it. (The ELS Quanta’s not, strictly speaking, a combat Gundam, so I tend to look at it as its own thing). The Exia line starts off basic, but eventually takes the concept of “sword” to greater and more ridiculous levels.
Dynames, is a sniper, but it develops very differently to the other Gundams. The original Dynames and its successor Cherudim were developed for Neil Dylandy, an excellent sniper. However, the Cherudim and its successors were piloted by Neil’s brother Lyle instead. Lyle was not as good a sniper as his brother, and so his Gundam’s were subsequently reconfigured in order to be more effective in large-scale combat - rapid fire rifles and submachine guns as opposed to “true sniping”. So, though the line shares several visual elements and retains a focus on ranged combat, it changes with its pilot.The Dynames was armed rather simply - a sniper rifle and two pistols, with supplemental armour being added. This is likely a direct response to its predecessor, the Sadalsuud. The Sadalsuud is notable for two reasons - it was configured more as an information-gathering unit than a combat machine, and it was notably lacking in armour. The Sadalsuud F incorporated a pinpoint GN Field in order to get around this issue, but the Dynames simply incorporated more armour as a result (likely due to practicality). The Gundam Cherudim, Dynames successor, incorporated missile pods and GN shield bits in addition to its pistols and sniper rifle, with its GWHW/R pack adding GN Rifle bits to the mix, giving the Cherudim far more guns to use. Another equipment pack, the Cherudim SAGA, even went so far as to be a “Seven Guns” counterpart to the Exia’s “Seven Swords” philosophy. Lastly, there is the Gundam Zabanya, which incorporated GN Rifle Bits and GN Holster bits, casting off its original sniping specialisation for a mass battle focus. “You don’t need to be a better shot, you need to shoot more bullets”, indeed. The Dynames line shows the progression from scout, to sniper, to more sniper, to Gundam with a billion guns. This is directly due to the influence of its pilot and the difference between the brothers - Neil’s a Sniper, Lyle’s a Gunslinger and so the line is adjusted accordingly.
The Kyrios is probably the simplest to talk about, since it was piloted by Allelujah/Hallelujah Haptism and was designed to maximise its aerial profile. The Kyrios itself was armed with beam sabers, a beam submachine gun and claw shield, with various optional missile packs, typically used in quick strikes. Its immediate predecessor, the Aubulhool, was barely a mobile suit at all, being essentially a proof-of-concept for the transformation mechanism. Nonetheless, it would also be used as a quick strike craft by celestial being when required. The Arios is essentially the Kyrios but more so - it has a new rifle, and the original beam submachine guns and claw shield have now been integrated into the mobile suit itself. The GWHW/M pack gives it a missile pod and swaps the rifle out for a GN Cannon. The Arios is also unique in that it incorporates a support mech - the GN Archer, which is essentially a smaller, simpler Arios for all intents and purposes (it’s not on the chart, but it was adapted from the Gundam Artemie, the bee-looking Gundam at the top-right). The Arios Ascalon is essentially the Arios fitted with various pieces of equipment originally slated for other units - a GN sword from the Exia, missiles from the Dynames and a GN Launcher from the Virtue. This makes it far more versatile, while still retaining its excellent mobility. It’s another one I’m quite fond of, simply because I find the versatility appealing. That and I think the Arios looks good in red. The last unit in the line is the Gundam Harute - designed from the ground-up as a two-man space superiority fighter. It’s also designed to leverage the abilities of its two/three super-soldier pilots, incorporating the Marute Mode which allows its pilots to fight in-sync (it’s…. Not quite clear how it does this, but 00 runs with the “quantum innovators understanding” stuff quite a bit, so I’m not too concerned). The Harute also incorporates GN Sword Rifles, which are scissor gun-swords (fun), as well as GN Scissor bits and a nice lovely missile container on the rear. Kyrios and its derivatives are largely concerned with doing the same thing - a fast attack plane that’s also a Gundam. It’s a very good, very achievable concept, so it’s neat seeing how the line develops over time. I’d like to note that the Harute is basically a culmination of everything that came before it, but considering I’m quite fond of it, perhaps I’m a little biased there.
I’ll talk about Virtue and other series in a follow up to this post, since I managed to hit the character limit for the first time.
But in essence, I think 00 does interesting things with its Gundam Design Lineages because each unit has a specific role, so it’s interesting seeing how they develop within that role, and seeing how their pilots influence them. The vast amount of other units added in supplemental material further sheds light on the in-universe development patterns and general “goals” of each unit. Exia retains the sword focus, but takes it in more esoteric directions as Setsuna himself moves toward his awakening as an innovator, Dynames undergoes a shift from sniping to gunslinging when its original pilot dies and celestial being replaced him with his brother (which is a very weird process, now that I think about it). Kyrios basically hits the nail on the head first time with its mobility and fast attack focus, with Arios basically just adding armaments, however his eventual understanding with Marie enables the addition of the GN Archer and eventual development of the Zabanya, which raises its mobility to even greater heights. On the other side of the coin, the units seen during 00P and 00F provide context for their successors - what worked and what didn’t, and how they developed.
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sanshiroiv · 1 year
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00 Gundam Seven Sword G
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gundamsanyoutub · 2 years
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murumokirby360 · 5 years
GundamFan520: Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost: 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G | Arcade Run
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hypetokyo · 7 years
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Gundam 00 V Real Grade Plastic Model : GN-0000GNHW/7SGD2 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G Inspection [PRE-ORDER]
Release Date : Early-Mid December 2017
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badbuild · 7 years
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Hot damn! It's been forever since I posted my own gunpla! Please excuse the messy desk and poor lighting. So to the uninitiated, this is the 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G. Not much of a story behind this besides me watching a gunpla review, me falling in love with this thing's generous weapons load out, and finally getting this as a birthday present from my best friend. Admittedly, I never watched Gundam 00, but I do hear it is good and hope to watch it soon. One of the things I like about some mobile suits are its non standard, heavy looking, powerful, and often big weapons and accessories. I blame Gundam Heavyarms. So with that in mind you know why I have this one in my ownership.
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pyroanime2k16 · 4 years
Gundam OCs (will be updated if I have more ideas)
Gundam Next Generation
Brusk - Youngest Son of Setsuna and Marina - 19 - Units: RG 00 Qan-T Lightning (starting unit), RG Gundam Narukami (mid-season upgrade), RG Gundam Narukami Ōkami (final unit)
Tenshi - Daughter and eldest child of Heero and Duo - 19 - Units: RG Wing Zero EW Shiro (starting unit), RG Wing Gundam Snow White Prelude (mid-season upgrade), RG Wing Zero EW DaiTenShi (final unit)
Hikari - Youngest child and daughter of Athrun and Kira - 18 - Units: RG Perfect Strike Gundam Ootori (starting unit), RG Full Weapon Freedom Gundam (final unit)
Aurora - Son of Banagher and Audrey - 18 - Unit: HG UC Gundam (a mashup of all first lead Gundams in the UC timelines)
Senshi - Daughter of Domon and Rain - 19 - Unit: HG Shining God Gundam (fusion of the Shining and God Gundams)
Niko - Cousin of Kio and Nephew of Asemu - 18 - Unit: HG Gundam Age-1+2+3-FX A-Funnel SF version
“Jacky” Jaclyn - Daughter of Jamil - 19 - Units: HG Gundam X Full Armor (starting unit), HG Gundam X3 (final unit)
Logan - Adopted son of Loran - 18 - Unit: HG Turn "A" Gundam Shin (New) (based on the Katoji Hajime design)
Bethany - Adopted daughter of Bellri - 20 - Unit: HG Gundam G-Self Full Armor (head design is based on one of the early concept arts)
Kyojin - Son of Orga and Kudelia - 20 - Units: HG Gundam Barbatos Gun-Type (starting unit), HG Gundam Barbatos Maoh (final unit)
Coronel Kai - Team Supervisor - 24 - Unit: HG Gundam Age-2 Navy (made from the Age-2 Dark Hound’s head, a custom torso from the G-Xiphos, custom arms from the Age-2 Dark Hound and Artimes, and legs from the Age-2 Double Bullet)
Metal Pirates
Bahoz - Eldest Son of Setsuna and Marina - 23 - Unit: RG Gundam Astraea Pirate-Type
Diana - Eldest daughter of Zechs and Noin - 23 - Unit: RG Tallgeese+Epyon Gundam custom
Zander - Eldest child and son of Athrun and Kira - 22 - Unit: HG Aegis+Infinite Justice Gundam custom
Ace - Son of Seabook and Cecily - 22 - Unit: RG Crossbone Gundam X-0 Ghost Spirit
Anne - Elder sister of Niko - 21 - Unit: HG G-Xiphos Full Glansa
Kino - Twin sister of Kyojin - 20 - Unit: HG G-Tekketsu-type Gundam custom
Captain Tsubasa - Team supervisor - 24 - Unit: RG Gundam Astray Pirate Queen (an RG Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu Hina+Hana fusion custom)
Raiou - Cousin of Kyoya - 22 - Units: HG Gundam Age-2 Blade Edge (past, starting unit), RG RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 04 Centaur (past, upgrade), RG Qan-T Divine Knight (present, new starting unit), Gundam Archangel (fusion of Blade Edge, Centaur, and Divine Knight) (present, final unit)
Derya - Daughter and middle child of Setsuna and Marina - 21 - Unit: 00 Gundam Poseidon (developed using the 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G+XN Raiser)
Rieka - Friend and rival of Raiou - 21 - Unit: HG Gundam Age-2 Beast (fusion of the Age-2 Wolff and Titus)
Aidan - Formerly - Middle child and son of E.A. Ray (00), rival of Brusk - 19 - Units: HG Unnamed 0/1.5/Reborns Gundam custom (starting unit), Reborns Gundam Kichō (final unit)
Unknown - Currently - Ex-boyfriend of Raiou - 23 - Units: King Gundam (customized Knight Gundam Real Type) (starting unit), King Gundam The Great (final unit)
Unknown female Char archetype - Currently - Unknown relation to the original Meijin (most likely granddaughter or great niece) - 27 - Unit: A 2-times-bigger-than-an-adult-woman heavily-weaponized Devil/Dark Gundam custom (made with a scratch-built HG/RG Devil/Dark Gundam, a scratch-built Mega Scale Psycho Gundam meant to mimic the Tokyo Imperial Palace AND THE PILOT’S APPEARANCE (FACE AND BODY), and several weapons from MGs PGs, and Mega Scales) named the Monster Gundam
MADE MORE CUSTOM GUNDAMS FOR HIROTO, MAY, AND ORIGINAL CHARACTERS FOR RE:RISE! LINK TO THEM: https://pyroanime2k16.tumblr.com/post/627658021740412928/custom-core-gundam-armors-for-hiroto-and-may
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rjsaludares · 5 years
My 200+ Anime on the List!!! :)
My 200+ Anime on the List from A to Z. **Old and Latest Anime from 1980-2019** ✏ ************ 00) .Hack// (Dot Hack//) ✏ A ************ 01) Astro Boy 02) Arakawa under the bridge 03) Azumanga Dioh 04) akazukin cha-cha 05) active raid 06) Akame Ga Kill 07) Akazukin Cha Cha 08) Attashin Chi 09) Air 10) Air Gear 11) All Out 12) Another 13) Anohana 14) angelic layer 15) Angel Beats 16) Avatar: Aang and Korra 17) Ah! my Goddess 18) Ao no Exorcist ✏ B ************ 19) BARANGAY 143 20) Boruto: Naruto Next Gen. 21) Buko no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia) 22) Bodacious Space Pirate 23) bayblade 24) black Prince ang wolf girl 25) buddy conflex 26) Brothers Conflict 27) black blood brothers 28) black butler 29) blue Dragon 30) baka to Test 31) blood lad 32) Bakemonogatari 33) Bakugan 34) blood + 35) bleach 36) BTOOM 37) BTX ✏ C ************ 38) Code Geass 39) Cowboy Bebop 40) City Hunter 41) crush gear 42) cashern sins 43) Claymore 44) Clannad 45) Captain Tsubasa 46) Charlotte 47) Caligula Cerie ✏ D ************ 48) DNA² 49) Dr. Stone 50) DN Angel 51) Danmachi 52) Durarara!! 53) doraemon 54) death note 55) Dragon Ball 56) Date a live 57) dragon Collector 58) D. Gray man 59) digimon 60) detective conan ✏ E ************ 61) Eureka 7 62) Eyesheild 21 63) Elfen Lied ✏ F ************ 64) Free! 65) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 66) Fruit Basket 67) Fullmetal Panic! 68) fairytail 69) fushigi yugi 70) Flame Of Recca 71) Fate/kaleid 72) Fate/Stay Night ✏ G ************ 73) Gintama 74) Gurren Lagann 75) Get Backers 76) Gallery Fake 77) Golgo 13 78) Great Teacher Onizuka 79) Gargancia on the virdurous planet 80) Gakkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 81) Goblin Slayer 82) Ghost in the Shell ✏ H ************ 83) Hataraku Mao-sama (The Devil is a Part-Timer) 84) His and Her Sircumstances 85) Hamtaro 86) Hakuouki 87) Hell Teacher Nube 88) Himouto! Umaru Chan 89) Hayate The Combat Butler 90) Hunter x Hunter 91) highschool of the dead 92) highschool DxD 93) haikyuu! 94) Hitalia 95) Honey and Clover ✏ I ************ 96) Initial D. 97) Inuzama Eleven ✏ J ************ 98) Jackie Chan: Adventure 99) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure ✏ K ************ 100) k-on! 101) katekyo hitman reborn 102) kayote ragtime show 103) kannazuki no miko 104) Kill La Kill 105) Kiss X Sis 106) Kamen Rider (Mask Rider) 107) Kimi no nawa (Your Name) 108) Kokoro Connect 109) Kaichou wa Maid Sama 110) Kyo kara Maoh! 111) Kekkai Sensen 112) kenichi the mightiest disciple 113) Kimetsu No Yaiba ✏ L ************ 114) Law of ueki 115) Log Horizon 116) Love hina 117) Lucky☆Star 118) Love Live! ✏ M ************ 119) Mai-Hime 120) Major 121) Mirai Nikki 122) Mirmo de pon! 123) Michiko e Hachin 124) Magical DoReMi 125) Mob Psycho 100 126) Mobile Suit Gundam 127) My Bride is a Mermaid 128) Magic Knight Rayearth 129) Magi: the labyrinth of Magic 130) majikoi: Oh! Samurai Girls 131) Mythical Detective Loki 132) My Melody 133) Mojacko 134) Maou-Sama, Retry! (Demon Lord, Retry!) ✏ N ************ 135) Naruto 136) Neon Genesis Evangelion 137) Noragami 138) Needless 139) No Game, No Life ✏ O ************ 140) Outlaw Star 141) Okami to koshinryo (Spice and Wolf) 142) Ouran Koukou Host Club 143) One piece 144) one punch man ✏ P ************ 145) pokemon 146) Paranoia Agent 147) Pandora Hearts 148) Paniponi Dash 149) prince of tennis 150) princess resurrection 152) Psycho Pass 152) Parasyte ✏ Q ************ 153) QueenS blade ✏ R ************ 154) Ragnarok: The Animation 155) Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) 156) Ranma 1/2 157) Re:Zero 158) Re:Life 159) RErideD ✏ S ************ 160) Slam Dunk 161) Soul Eater 162) Soul Eater Not! 163) school Rumble 164) Sailor Moon 165) Street Fighter 166) sword art online 167) slayer 168) Steins;Gate 169) Shiki 170) Shaider 171) Special A 172) shakugan no shana 173) Sakamoto Desu Ga? 174) Seven Deadly Sins 175) Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on titan) 176) Shokugeki no soma (Food Wars) 177) shigatsuwa kimi no uso (your lie in April) ✏ T ************ 178)Toriko 179) Toradora 180) Trigun 181) Tenjou Tenge 182) Tokyo Majin 183) Tokyo Ghoul 184) To Love Ru 185) The Rising of Shield Hero 186) The gargoyle of yoshinaga family 187) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 188) The Daily Lives of Highschool boys 189) Toaru Majutsu no Index (A certain Magical Index) 190) Toaru Kagaku no Railgun/ Railgun S 191) Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator ✏ U ************ 192) Ultimate Otaku Teacher ✏ V ************ 193) Voltes 5 194) Vocaloid **anime music** 195) Voltron ✏ W ************ 196) Working!! Wagnaria. 197) Witch Blade ✏ X 198) "X" ✏ Y ************ 199) Yamato Nadeshiko: The Wall Flower 200) Yaketate Japan 201) Yamada kun and the 7 witches 202) Yawamushi Pedal 203) Yu-Gi-Oh! 204) Yuri on Ice 205) yuragi sou no yuuna san 206) Yu Yu Hakusho (Ghost Fighter) ✏ Z ************ 207) Zenki 208) Zoid 209) Zero no Tsukaima (Familliar of Zero) 210) Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan . my new anime on the list . . Assassination Pride (Premier 10.10.19) Another World Ahiru No Sora (Basketball Anime) carole and teusday Cardfight Vanguard Dr. Stone Dororo! Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Diamond no ace Date A Live III Forest of Piano I Want to Eat Your Pancreas Isekai Kakegurui Love Is War Mob Psycho 100 II Mix Nisekoi Philosopher's Grandson Revisions Saint Seiya: Knights Of The Zodiac (remake) The Quintessential Quintuplets The Promise Never Land The Rising of The Shield Hero . . Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection Hello World Tenki No Ko (Weathering With You) Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel II Lost Butterfly
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kuma-style · 5 years
An amazing piece to accentuate you Metal Build 00 Gundam collection.
Producer: Bandai Tamashii
Price: Approx. $250 USD
Release Date: Oct. 2019
Item Height: 6.75″
Item Weight: N/A
Batteries: N/A
WHERE TO BUY: Premium Bandai (Sold Out)
Back in 2011 Bandai added one of my personal favorite Gundam Mobile Suits to their lineup in the 00 Seven Sword (from the series “Gundam 00”) with a Tamashii Web Exclusive (read; really hard to get if you’re outside of Asia) Raiser add on set in 2013. In 2017 the Metal Build line added the Web Exclusive Metal Build 00 Raiser set (which came with both the 00 Gundam and Raiser without the Seven Sword weaponry.) This year they did a recolor of that 00 Raiser set with a “Designer Blue” recolor and it definitely lives up to that branding in both the color and styling of its deco. Check out the video above to see it in action while I expand with some written thoughts and gallery below. Of course, let me know what you think of this one in the comments as well!
Presentation: The box is pretty standard fare for the Bandai Metal Build toy line however this Designer Blue variant does have a nice slip cover with a cool graphic of the raiser as well as the Tamashii Web Exclusive shipper box. As to be expected the inner contents are packed exactly the same as the previous Raiser set release given that it’s a repaint (which certainly isn’t a negative since everything is well packed within their clamshells and styrofoam.)
Build: So many Metal Builds products have been covered on this site and the Metal Build 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G which uses the same base mobile suit was reviewed in depth so I won’t rehash what’s become a pretty standard build style for this line. However since the big draw on this is the recolor it should be noted that the paint job is absolutely exquisite on it. the lines of the almost cartoon-styled shading throughout it are so well done that it makes me wish I could see the production process on it. The Raiser especially knocks it out of the park with the paint applications.
Accessories: Here’s a list of the accessories taken from the previous 00 Raiser release listing;
[Set Contents] -Main 00 Gundam model -Alternative hand part x left, right 4 types each -GN sword II x 2 -GN sword III -GN sword connection parts -GN beam saber x 2 -Beam blade x 2 -Posable GN condenser tank x 2 -Posable GN drive x 2 -0 Raiser model -Alternative canopy -Side binder x 2 -GN shield x 2 -Display stand (00 Gundam) set -Display stand (0 Raiser) set
The accessories are ones that have been pretty standard on the Metal Build 00 variants for years but the Raiser on this piece really stands out more than the previous two standard-colored versions. Something about this particular deco really lets the detailing of it shine and I can honestly say I’ve gotten a much greater appreciation for the job that Bandai has done on this piece because of it.
Articulation: The articulation on this one is just as solid as the previous releases of this mold with it really being able to pull off about as many realistic poses as you can imagine and looking good doing so.
Overall Score: 8.5/10 – The Designer Blue variant of the 00 Raiser does its job well in the sense of being a recolor that really stands out with a deco that looks like a trendy “designer brand” piece. The paint job on this one is done so well that it’s insane. The only thing that I would say is that this isn’t really a piece I’d recommend for someone who doesn’t have a pre existing version of the Metal Build 00 Gundam on your shelf. The purple coloring is just so far from accuracy that just doesn’t make for a proper sole 00 Gundam display.
Check out the gallery below, and if you fancy a Bandai Tamashii Metal Build 00 Raiser Designer Blue Variant for yourself, order one ASAP at Premium Bandai.
Toy Review: Bandai Tamashii Metal Build 00 Raiser (Designer Blue Ver.) An amazing piece to accentuate you Metal Build 00 Gundam collection.
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rx-79bluedestiny · 6 years
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MG 1/100 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G - Painted Build
Modeler: Suny Buny
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gremoria411 · 10 months
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Just a little on the Gundam Asmoday/Asmodeus today (it apparently could’ve been called the Ashmodai, which is neat).
Okay, so the ASW-G-32 Gundam Asmoday is found by Wistario the Erda II crew (specifically Sinister) inside an Aridne Cocoon in the Debris zone. It’s specifically noted to be essentially brand new, with no records of it fighting in the calamity war, and a full complement of weapons ready to go. Based on this, and the fact that it seems to have its reactor hooked up to the cocoon, we can gauge one of two things. Either;
The Gundam wasn’t completed until either very late in the Calamity War, or just after, and thus didn’t have an opportunity to fight against the mobile armours.
This Cocoon relay station was apparently important enough to dedicate a Gundam frame just to keep it operational.
Based on the assumption that a bunch of regular ahab reactors would probably have done the job just fine, I think it’s more likely to be a case of it being completed late.
What makes this interesting is that we only know of one other Gundam frame that was completed late in the calamity war:
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The ASW-G-71 Gundam Dantalion.
Now, because this is both at the end of the series (71/72) and because it’s stated that the Dantalion had been completed late, I had previously assumed that the Gundam Frames were completed sequentially. So, the ever-elusive ASW-G-70 Gundam Seere would have been completed just prior to the Dantalion, and the 72nd Gundam would have been completed after, possibly even being completed postwar (At a guess, either the Gundam Andromalius or Gundam Pruflas/Bufas - I’d be very interested in know what happened to it, since it’s be the most likely source as to any clue to the end of the calamity war and it’s immediate aftermath). But the Asmodeus implies something quite different. Unless its deployment was delayed for whatever reason, then it’s evidence that the Gundam frames may not have been built sequentially. (I’m not sure which it would be - it doesn’t seem to have any equipment that’d be too difficult to work with, being structured as a fairly direct combatant - gigant javelin as a sort of whip-sword to attack from a distance, smoke grenades and then grand tonfa’s up close, but then there’s plenty of other reasons for it to not have seen combat).
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We do, however, know that Bael was the first. Add to that the seeming increase in complexity as the numbers climb (Dantalion appears simple but it has a bunch of add-on equipment not shown above, a lot of the 50’s and 60’s-series Gundams have fancy designs or systems, especially compared to the relative simplicity of the 00’s and 10’s), and we can guess that they were at least designed sequentially, with Asmoday’s presumed delay being an exception.
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However, what I also think is interesting is where it was found. Inside an Ariadne Network Cocoon, big enough to be used as a harbour, administrative and let’s face it defensive point, in the network. Administered by the Falk Family (presumably headed by either Kalf Falk or his immediate successor), who already possess a Gundam Frame to their name - the Gundam Gamigin (shown above).
So what was the Asmodeus, for all intents and purposes a “phantom machine”, which exists on paper but was never actually deployed, doing there? Each Seven Stars Family or similar organisation within Gjallarhorn has precisely one Gundam Frame to their name, with no evidence of one family using multiple frames. I find it particularly interesting that it’s the Falk’s of all people that seem to have this frame - they’re one of the two families we know the absolute least about, the other being the Baklazan’s. Even then, most of the information we do know is what can be inferred from their Urdr Hunt point and their Gundam Frame. The only real supposition we can make is that they’re probably the oldest out of the Seven Stars - assuming no family got multiple Gundam Frames during the calamity war (which feels a fair assumption to make, given that we know absolutely nothing about any frames that were destroyed, implying no-ones really around to keep those records), then the ASW-G-04 Gamigin Gundam was likely deployed the earliest out of all the Seven Stars Gundam Frames, shortly after Bael (again, assuming sequential deployment). So it’s possible that the Falks were the longest surviving active participants in the Calamity war, besides Agnika Kaeru himself, of course. But it’s unclear why they would end up with another Gundam frame, and then not use it. A few possibilities:
The Intended Pilot for the Asmoday was killed before it could reach them, and the Falk’s didn’t have another pilot on hand to use it.
There was a Cocoon was involved in transporting the Gundams to their pilots, and it was kept at the cocoon until it’s recipient could be sorted out.
The Falks wanted extra “insurance” of their position once the Calamity War was over, and arranged for a second Gundam frame to be assigned to them somehow.
The Asmoday had nothing to do with the Falks, and it was left at the Cocoon by N as prize for Urdr Hunt participants.
It was salvaged from its transport during the war, and restored by the Falks.
In short, I don’t know why it was there and we’re probably not going to find out anytime soon, but it’s fun to think about. I would also like to point out that the Asmoday was also just…. Left there, which feels like it must have been purposeful in some way, but also means that the Falk’s didn’t recover it in the intervening 300 years.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
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Bandai Namco has released new screenshots of SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays.
The screenshots showcase the following characters:
Miliardo Peacecraft (pilot) and Gundam Epyon (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
Lucrezia Noin (pilot) and Taurus (Sanc Kingdom Model) (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
Odin Bernett (pilot) and Gundam L.O. Booster (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-Unit
Odel Bernett (pilot) and Geminass 02 (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-Unit
Roche Nattono (pilot) and Leos (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Dual Story: G-Unit
Zechs Merquise (pilot) and Tallgeese Flugel (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
Quatre Raberba Winner (pilot) and Wing Gundam Proto Zero (Endless Waltz Version) (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
Mu La Flaga (pilot) and Perfect Strike Gundam (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Edward Harrelson (pilot) and Sword Calamity (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MSV
Rondo Gina Sahaku (pilot) and Gundam Astray Mirage Frame (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED VS Astray
Sven Cal Bayang (pilot) and Strike Noir (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer
Setsuna F. Seiei (pilot) and 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Hixar Fermi (pilot) and Gundam Sadalsuud Type F (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam 00F
Fon Spaak (pilot) and Gundam Abulhool Type F (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam 00F
Mikazuki Augus (pilot) and Gundam Barbatos Lupus (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Akihiro Altland (pilot) and Gundam Gusion Rebake (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
Mercurius (Mobile Suit) from New Mobile Report Gundam Wing
Testament Gundam (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Astray
AEU Enact Ali Al-Saachez Custom (Moralia Development Experiment Type) (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam 00
1.5 Gundam (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam 00I
Hashmal (Mobile Suit) from Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC in 2019 in Japan and Southeast Asia with English text.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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masterofwolfe · 6 years
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MG 1/100 Trans-Am 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G [SPECIAL COATING] North American Release
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murumokirby360 · 7 years
[ARC] Gundam Extreme VS Maxi Boost ON [Branch Battle] - 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G (Mobile Suit Gundam 00V)
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gundamfight · 4 years
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hypetokyo · 4 years
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Gundam 00 V Perfect Grade Plastic Model : GN-0000GNHW/7SG 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G (Inspection)
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