#seven sword/g
claymoresword · 4 months
The Queen And Her Knight | Chp: 7
Alicent Hightower x Knight Fem!Reader
Summary: Alicent Hightower against her better judgement, falls in love with her sworn protector. Can she bear to fight her feelings or will she finally just give in?
Wordcount: 4.2k
Pairing: Alicent x Reader
Warnings: power imbalance, angst, fluff, smut, fingering, g!p reader, dialogue heavy, mentions of alcoholism
Note: you asked and after a year i finally delivered! this one definitely moves the plot forward but i also managed to get carried away with the smut somehow lol. if you wish to skip it just keep a lookout for the asterisks
Taglist: @blackbirdv98 @flaiire1805 @alicentfangirl @memarrymilf @thegayassbit-ch @vantestark @hauntedfictionland @livinginafantasysposts @baddie-on-a-mission-xx @evolutionsglory @darthtargnister @dxrewclf @rozmrazaradelfinow @wlwfanfictionss @karsonromanoff
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You hold up the crown for all to see. The aged relic is a circlet of valyrian steel, set with blood-red rubies. Although only few remained, the squared cut gemstones were still a captivating sight to regard nonetheless.
The crown was once worn by Aegon The Conqueror – it seems fitting that it now be passed down to his namesake. 
The dragon pit is engulfed in trepidation enough to stifle, as you gently place the crown upon Aegon's head.
It fits like a glove. A reassuring and altogether unsettling prospect.
“Let the Seven bear witness, Aegon Targaryen, is the true heir to the Iron Throne.” A declaration that rattles the silence. Your voice travels far, it ricochets off the towering walls and high ceilings.
You watched as the High Septon assisted the King back onto his feet before bowing at him in respect. 
Your hand firmly resting on the hilt of your sword as you incline your head the same way when Aegon glances at you.
As he shifts his stare toward his mother, Alicent performs a curtsey. Followed by the same from Helaena. 
Aemond holds his older brother's gaze for a moment before inclining his head in respect as well.
“All hail His Grace, Aegon, Second Of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord Of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.” The High Septon announces as Aegon turns to face the mass of people watching the ceremony.
“Aegon the king!” You call out, and soon the crowd erupts, loud bursts of shouts and claps, all celebrating their new king.
While you stood in the dowager queen's bedchambers, your expression twists incredulously as Alicent endlessly fusses at your breastplate. Soon, moving behind you to fasten your white cloak.
“Your Grace, I can manage this on my own, truly.” You insist once more, feeling rather queer. A queen should not be tending to you, in fact it ought to be the opposite. 
Alicent remains determined, and stubborn.
“Hush.” She scolds, and you say nothing else.
“There we are.” She says, smoothing out your green tunic. After accepting the post as Lord Commander, you have since abandoned your own house colors. 
Even the breastplate you have chosen for today was a foreign one, no longer the golden kraken, now intricately carved with the sigil of House Hightower instead. 
Uncanny as it may be, you could not deny that it was beautifully made, and generally easier on the eyes compared to your old armor, it also fits far more comfortably.
You catch Alicent's eyes upon you, now suddenly feeling exposed, by the way she was observing your frame. 
Shameless and brazen; you can't help the way it stirs something within you.
“Alicent.” You snatch her attention abruptly, forcing back your amusement.
“Hm?” The dowager queen replies, lost for a moment. It seems she only realizes she has been caught when your eyes meet. A visible blush rapidly creeps up to her face in a way that makes your heart flutter.
“You seem to be eyeing me like a meal to devour.” You point out, causing Alicent to avert her gaze entirely from embarrassment.
Gods, how desperately you wish to kiss her right now.
“You look exceptional in green,” The queen utters, her hand slips up your forearm.
In truth, her admittance doesn't surprise you. 
Fascinating how she can be transparent one moment and entirely unreadable the next. 
This notion alone draws you in beyond reason. With Alicent, you are always acting on pure desire and instinct. 
She has completely enchanted you.
“Is that right?” You ask regardless, moving closer.
Alicent nods, her bottom lip set in between her teeth. The sight of her like this always drove you mad with the urge to ravage her here and now. 
The older woman instinctively slips her arms around your neck. It takes all of your control to only place a hand on the small of her back and nowhere else, trailing tender kisses along her jaw.
“Do you enjoy seeing me in armor, Your Grace?” You whisper. 
As you part her hair away from her neck, you allow your lips to meet the shell of her ear. Relishing in the way Alicent trembles at your touch.
“I do, very much.” She answers, and as you pull away, Alicent does quite the opposite, leaning in to capture your lips with her own. 
Open-mouthed and eager, she kisses you with enough fervor and passion to leave you aching for more.
You can hardly help the way your hand slips lower to squeeze her rear, pulling her flush against your groin.
Alicent gasps into your mouth at the sensation, now feeling the bulge in your breeches. 
She kisses you once more before pulling away, nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck to hide her flushed expression.
“Lord Commander.. you are being terribly indecent.” The queen's tone betrays a playfulness, one that exhilarates you.
“I cannot help it, my queen. You drive me half-mad with want.” You remark, as your hand slides up her back in a languid manner.
Alicent exhales against your neck. She pulls you in even closer, welcoming your touch.
“Be safe today.. return to me in one piece.” The other woman utters, you meet her brown eyes, warm and enticing.
“If the Gods will it, I shall.” Your response is likely less than reassuring, but the dowager queen does not say anything to confront this.
Alicent merely occupies herself by tracing along your features delicately with her thumb. Your eyes flutter shut for a moment, unable to hide the smirk that tugs at the corners of your mouth, basking in the attention she is giving you.
“Kiss me again.” You ask, and the queen moves to do exactly that, but a knock on the door causes Alicent to abruptly pull away, resuming a proximity.
The suddenness of her action nearly knocks the wind out of you and your smile quickly dissipates. 
It aches, in truth, having to sneak around like this. You mislike feeling like a dirty secret– the queen's mistress.
Or perhaps her whore.
“Come.” Alicent calls, she composes herself as she straightens out her gown. A heartbeat before her father enters.
Alicent's demeanor shifts in a way you have been privy to in the past. It appears effortless the way her expression sets impassively, her hands clasped firmly over her stomach.
Now she is queen Alicent, again. No longer the woman you had been kissing just moments prior.
Otto has his jaw tightened in a similar fashion, studying you in a way that forces you to shift uncomfortably, despite yourself. “Lord Commander, it is time for us to depart.” He finally utters.
You nod, reaching for your sword belt. “Very good, m’lord.” 
As you fastened the belt upon yourself, you observed as Alicent retrieved what appears to be a piece of parchment from her bedside table. The dowager hands it over to her father, whispering something to him that is intelligible to your ears. 
Even as you move slightly closer under the guise of arming your steel, you are still unable to make out the sudden, and evidently secretive conversation being had between them.
You vow to sate your curiousity and confront Alicent about this later; after you have successfully delivered terms to princess Rhaenyra.
Your arrival at Dragonstone was expectedly greeted with nothing but asperity– the threat of blood shed felt imminent as you stood on the bridge.
Your army, alongside Otto's, staring down the few men who remain loyal to the Rogue Prince.
Rhaenyra Targaryen has evidently fashioned these men to act as her newly appointed Queensguard.
The notion of an agonizing death looms over all of you as her large dragon remained perched a few feet away. 
Syrax is silent– as if she possessed the capacity to understand the situation at hand.
You could sense the ground beneath you rumble every time the dragon took a breath, sending a never ending chill down your spine.
“You all are traitors to the realm.” Queen Rhaenyra declares, her late father's golden crown perched upon her head.
“King Aegon Targaryen, second of his name, in his wisdom and desire for peace, is offering terms. Confess Aegon as king and swear obeisance before the Iron Throne.” Otto pauses, and Rhaenyra only acknowledges the statement with a scowl, before a hardened expression takes over her features once more.
You observed as Daemon scoffed. His grip on his steel continued to advise you to keep a firm hold on your own sword.
“In exchange, His Grace will confirm your possession of Dragonstone. It will pass to your true born son Jacaerys upon your death.” The Hand offers, generous in any other circumstance– if it was not Rhaenyra's birthright that has been stolen from her.
“Lucerys will be confirmed as the legitimate heir to Driftmark, and all the lands and holding of house Velaryon.”
“Your sons by prince Daemon, will also be given places of high honor at court. Aegon the younger as the king's squire, Viserys as his cupbearer. Finally, the king in his good grace will pardon any knight or Lord who conspired against his ascent.” Otto finishes, and the rogue prince is quick to retaliate.
“I would rather feed my sons to the dragons than have them carry shields and cups for your drunken usurper cunt of a king.” Daemon sneers, yet you notice Otto's resolve, he remains unfazed, confident.
One you utterly lacked, in truth. You kept an eye on a second dragon, red and much larger than Syrax, orbiting the sky.
“Aegon Targaryen sits the Iron Throne. He wears the conqueror's crown, wields the conqueror's sword, has the conqueror's name. He was anointed by a Septon of the Faith before the eyes of thousands. Every single symbol of legitimacy belongs to him.” Otto claims, unwavering.
This works to agitate Rhaenyra enough, her Lord husband appears more than prepared to behead any one of you currently standing before him.
“Then there is Stark, Tully, Baratheon. Houses who have also received and are at present, considering generous terms from their king.” The Hand adds salt to an already gaping wound.
“Stark, Tully and Baratheon have all sworn allegiance to me. As have your House, y/n.” Rhaenyra states, addressing you directly, taking you by surprise for a moment before you found the sense to meet her hard stare.
As you remain silent, Rhaenyra continues.
“I understand if you don't recall, you were still suckling at your mother's teats when your father bent the knee.” The Targaryen remarks, whether intended as a jab to your pride, it matters not, as you refuse to feel it.
“But he swore his allegiance to me, nonetheless.”
You shift your weight from one foot to another, hand resting on the pommel of your sword. “I am not here on my father's behalf.” You respond curtly.
“Then who are you here for?” Daemon inquires, he quickly continues before you can conjure a reply.
“Are you so cunt-stricken by that whore you call your queen that you are willing to abandon a sworn oath? Where is your honor?” He taunts, and this time you do feel it, like a lance to the gut.
You open your mouth to respond, but Otto quickly interjects before things get the chance to escalate further.
“Grand Maester.” He calls, extending his arm. Maester Orwyle then passes him a piece of parchment, the same one that you had witnessed Alicent give to her father in her bedchambers.
Your confusion sets in once more as Otto bravely advances forward, passing the same parchment to Rhaenyra.
The queen, in her fury, snatches it from Otto, unfolding it to discover its contents. 
It was only then you noticed that it was not a letter– rather, an illustration. A page torn from a book.
“What the fuck is this?” Daemon curses, ironically sharing your sentiment.
Rhaenyra remained silent as she stared at the page in her hands, her expression still unreadable.
“Queen Alicent has not forgotten the love you once had for each other. She eagerly awaits your answer.” Otto utters, and your face falls once you recognize the tears that escaped Rhaenyra's eyes. 
A sinking feeling that you've been trying to set aside all day, re-emerges, inexplicably, you reach for your sword.
“She can have her answer now stuffed in her father's mouth, along with his withered cock. Let's end this mummer's farce.” The rogue prince hisses, as he unsheathes his steel, you immediately do the same. 
In the next few moments the noise of metal scraping against scabbard charges the air as the rest of your soldiers along with Daemon's draw their weapons.
“Ser Erryk, bring me Lord Hightower so I may take the pleasure of killing him myself.” The prince consort's command is broken by the sound of Syrax shrieking, flailing her body violently.
You flinch, but do your best to ignore the incessant pounding in your chest as you gripped your sword tighter.
Then, by a miracle, Rhaenyra subdues her uncle with a single word. “No.” She declares, Daemon is forced to set down his sword. He does it begrudgingly, and you slowly do the same.
“King's Landing will have my answer on the morrow.” The queen utters sharply before turning away, disappearing through her guards.
You stand frozen in place. 
Somehow, no blood was spilled today. The simple prospect of Alicent's care for Rhaenyra seemed enough for the Targaryen to forsake her own claim to the throne.
It appears you shall return to Alicent safely, as she asked. You should be relieved, and yet you feel nothing of the sort. 
The thought of the dowager queen welcoming you home, with a warm embrace, doesn't fill you with a sense of joy like it usually would.
It only makes you ill.
Since returning to the Red Keep you had chosen to keep away, sequestered in your quarters. Only your thoughts and a flagon of strongwine to keep you company.
You realize that you ought to visit Alicent, assure her of your safety, but still, you couldn't bear it, not today. 
Endlessly replaying the moment in your head, Otto's words pollute your thoughts.
Alicent has not forgotten the love she once held for Rhaenyra, that much is evident.
So where does that leave you? 
You are no longer certain you even possess a space in Alicent's life, let alone in her heart.
She loves Rhaenyra, and you are only a mistress.
You wipe away your tears, it is no use crying, you are simply mourning a fantasy. Queen Alicent is beyond your reach, she always has been.
As you continued to lose the battle to your anxieties, you fail to hear the main door of your bedchambers creaking as it gets pushed open.
Alicent catches you throwing your head back as you emptied the contents of your goblet. Her expression displaying palpable concern as she approaches you.
“Why are you drinking?” She inquires, and you scramble to your feet, perplexed in the way she somehow managed to enter your chambers without you realizing it.
“Your Grace.” You address her, inclining your head as you propped your hand against the back of the chair.
Alicent appears taken aback by your formality, nonetheless she moves to touch your cheek, but halts immediately when she notices the way you recoiled.
“What is the matter?” The older woman asks carefully, studying you with such concern that it weakens your very being.
How could she possibly place you above Rhaenyra Targaryen?
“I was convinced that I was going to die at Dragonstone.” Your voice breaks.
“But you did not, thank the Gods.” Alicent utters in relief, she grabs your arm, still unaware of your true grievance.
“The only reason my men and I were spared was because Rhaenyra commanded it as such.” You state, pausing for a moment to steady your breathing. 
“and, she only did so because of you.” You accuse, and Alicent straightens her back, retracting her hand once more.
You mourn her touch, but force yourself to look into her eyes as you await a response.
When nothing comes, you decide to speak again.
“Do you love her?” You ask boldly, prepared for any response, but the one Alicent gives you is barely anything at all.
“I–” She stutters after a prolonged silence, and you scoff, moving past her to sit on the edge of your bed.
Alicent takes large strides after you, eager to explain herself. 
“Rhaenyra and I, we were children together, we did everything together. She was my closest friend.” The dowager queen starts as she moves to stand directly in front of you.
“Perhaps I was in love, at one point. But that was an entirely different lifetime, y/n. A life I do not even recognize.” She admits, and you finally look up at her.
Alicent tentatively wipes away the tear that managed to escape your eye. 
Despite yourself, your lips meet the palm of her hand as you hold it close to your face.
The dowager queen smiles.
“I am in love with you. Only you.” Alicent reassures, and your heart soars. Whether it is a lie to spare your feelings or a vulnerable truth, you are still thankful she cares enough to utter the words.
For now, that is enough.
“I love you too, so much.” You respond, still gazing up at her.
Alicent's auburn locks fell loosely down her shoulders like liquid fire. Her white nightdress, although modestly crafted, still managed to highlight every delicate curve and dip of her body.
She looks utterly breathtaking. 
The queen snaps you out of your trance when she leans down to meet your lips with her own. A searing kiss that immediately leaves you breathless.
Alicent whimpers softly as your tongue enters her mouth, overcome with an urge to feel her, you place a firm hand on her waist, guiding her to straddle your lap.
The dowager does so with no protest, her knees quickly settling in between your hips on the bed. 
Her core snug against your clothed groin, she feels so warm, so intoxicating.
Alicent grinds against your lap instinctively, causing you groan into the kiss. The queen seemingly overtaken with desires of her own, pulls away to begin trailing open mouthed kisses from the shell of your ear, down to your neck.
Your breathing quickens.
“Fuck– I cannot believe how perfect you are.” You say, and Alicent leans back to look at you. She does so comfortably with your firm hand supporting her.
“I am far from it,” She argues, and you are quick to shake your head in disagreement, guiding her close once more by the nape of her neck.
“You have no idea how ready I am to commit treason just to prove you wrong, my queen.” You remark, and the sound of Alicent's giggle fills you with hope for the first time in days, before she connects your lips once more.
As the kiss deepens your hand wanders the dowager's frame, almost like second nature, you slip it underneath her nightgown, feeling goosebumps form on her thighs from your touch.
You squeezed her rear, indecently causing Alicent to grind on your lap once more. Swallowing her gasp of pleasure as she does so. 
“Y/n..” She utters against your lips, urging you on.
Soon you glide your hand towards her inner thigh, inching even closer to her core. “Can I?” Your ask is met with an eager nod. Alicent kisses you again, harsh and wanting.
“Touch me.” She says, and you do just that, finding your way to her sex. You begin to add pressure with your palm, causing Alicent's hips to buck against your touch.
She is dripping for you already– meeting your touch desperately. As you continue to move your hand against her sex, Alicent's gasps and mewls grow louder, she results in burying her face into the crook of your neck.
“Gods–” You marvel, kissing her shoulder before prodding a finger at her entrance. 
The queen grips your shoulder tighter, nodding profusely as words continue to fail her. 
You take it as permission to enter her. Doing so with two fingers, your breath hitches at the feeling of her walls contracting deliciously against your digits.
You would kill to feel her do the same around your cock.
“Yes, oh, Gods–” Alicent pants as you continue to pump in and out of her. Less than a minute has passed and it seems she is on the verge of release already, muttering incoherently against your ear.
She squeezes your fingers once more, pulling an involuntary groan from you, she is so wet you can feel her dripping down your hand, causing you to nearly soil your breeches.
“Come, come for me, beautiful..” You coax curving your fingers inside of Alicent, and that is all it took for her to fall apart completely.
She climaxes around your fingers with a cry, the sight of her writhing on top of you was truly the most captivating thing you have ever witnessed. You cock pulses with need, straining painfully against the fabric of your breeches.
Alicent's chest is heaving violently as she meets your gaze once more, her eyes dark amidst her pleasure. 
“Thank you, for that.” She mutters before kissing you deeply, and you can't help but chuckle.
“No, my love, I should be thanking you.” You insist, and Alicent cares not to argue at this moment. Her lips meet the base of your jaw, a confidence overcomes her when she touches your breasts before moving her hand further south, squeezing your cock.
She gapes at the sensation, with a look of palpable arousal that again, nearly causes you to finish right then and there.
“You are so hard..” Alicent remarks in awe, squeezing you harder, earning a guttural noise from yourself.
“Yes, all because of you.” You confer, and the dowager bites her lip to mask her delight.
The sight drove you mad, as it always does. Quickly grabbing hold of her nightdress, Alicent allows you to lift it over her head.
You toss the garment carelessly across the room. Alicent moans anew as your mouth makes contact with her bare and sensitive breasts. You begin licking and sucking as though your life depended on it.
Another shudder of pleasure nearly immobilizes the Alicent before she grips a fistful of your locks, harshly pulling your head back.
She ground her hips again, her weeping sex pressing down on your hard cock.
“Please, I want to feel it inside me. I want to feel all of you.” Alicent pleads, and the prospect alone makes you lightheaded.
You don't plan to deny either of you the pleasure any longer.
Alicent lets out a yelp in surprise as you flip your positions, placing her flat on her back as you quickly remove your tunic, finally fumbling with the laces of your breeches before removing them as well.
The queen's stare falls onto the large shaft in between your legs, she reaches out to touch your cock, but you quickly grab ahold of her hand, pinning it against the bed as you settle on top of her.
Alicent whines in protest, arching her back helplessly, causing your breasts to press up against her own.
“Please,” The dowager queen begs once more, and you smirk with a sense of triumph, in this moment, you truly believe that Alicent is yours to worship and love entirely.
“So impatient.” You tease, placing a chaste kiss against her cheek.
If Alicent aimed to respond, she was not given the opportunity to, as you thrust your hips forward, skillfully sheathing yourself inside of her. 
Alicent releases a strangled moan at the sensation, whimpering like a maiden as she grows accustomed to your size. Her nails dig into your back, she lifts her leg to wrap around your waist, inevitably pulling you even deeper inside of her as you begin to move your hips once more.
“Fuck– oh my Gods..” Alicent curses, motivating you to move harder against her, with every stroke, her cunt welcomes your cock eagerly. Squeezing your girth in a way you've never experienced before.
Alicent eagerly intertwines your hands, the intimate noises of your coupling filling the room. 
You groan with every thrust, feeling dangerously close to your release, you kiss her once before speaking.
“Alicent, I– I won't last much longer.” You admit, and Alicent moans at your words, anxious to witness your release.
“Don't hold back, darling.” She coaxes, letting her leg fall away from your waist, you pump inside of her again and then once more before pulling out.
Alicent continues to hold your hand as your entire body tenses, she watches your strained expression as you reach your peak.
She gasps as your seed spills onto her belly. 
Your breathing grows erratic as you ride out the shockwaves from your release. 
The feeling of Alicent's soothing hand caressing your forearm manages to coax you back to reality.
Alicent chuckles lightly as you collapse next to her, attempting to gain your bearings. 
The queen turns to face you, placing a lingering kiss on your stomach, before doing the same on your chest. 
You smile weakly, threading your fingers through her auburn locks, still feeling as though you are in a dream.
One you never wish to wake from.
“I love you..” You declare, just above a whisper.
Alicent beams, her thumb tracing across your bottom lip. “I love you too, y/n.”
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starryknight-tarot · 1 year
𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓼𝓪𝓲𝓭 𝓫𝓮𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 -- > pile 3 pile 4 -- > pile 5 -- > pile 6
my masterlist<3 . paid readings Hello beautiful souls ✨ I'm back! Today I will be looking into the compliments said behind your back. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath, and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the artist of the pictures, but if you know please let me know in the replies!
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Pile 1 Cards: Page of Swords rx, Ten of Swords rx, Eight of Wands rx, Knight of Wands rx, Strength, Eight of Pentacles, The Star, Two of Cups Back of the Deck: The Hierophant
One of the first things I picked up for this pile is that someone finds you hot as hell. While I was shuffling I heard something like, "damn pile 1 is so sexy". So for sure, there are some people out there biting their lips for you Pile 1. I am also picking up that people may not tell you this directly cause you may come off as kind of intimidating to some people. But people also find this intimidating side of you very attractive. I am picking up that people find you to have a very strong presence, they see you as a very powerful being. Some people even think of you as a sort of god. That's so fun Pile 1, you got worshipers lmao. For some of y'all, you are a lot of people's boss and your co-workers find you SO COOl. You might be really fun to work with or the people you work with see you as very efficient and responsible. People see you as the master of your craft, the best of the best. There is something that y'all are really good at and people are always in awe by your talent. You may also just have a lot of talents in general. I am picking up for a specific group of y'all, you are a really good rapper and people find your rapping skills to be flawless and so satisfying to listen to. You may also just be extremely musically gifted and there are so many people that find you so talented. Y'all have strong Soyeon of (G)i-dle vibes. Like we got the Star, in other's eyes, you are a shining star, ready to show the world all the talent and beauty you have to offer. People also really appreciate the time and effort you put into the things you are passionate about, you make sure to add such small details that add to everything you do. People notice and love the way you don't rush yourself and it always has the best end result. I am getting this may be my Latino/Hispanic pile (not for everyone ofc) and I am getting that if you do speak Spanish, people find it SO SEXY when you do, like people just can't help but MELT. Although spirit is telling me you may actually hear people say this to you. There are plenty of people who are in love with you but are scared to confess. I am picking that some of y'all actually don't hear too many compliments and it makes you think lowly of yourself, but Pile 1, people love you and find you so amazing. Spirit really wants you to know that you do more than just take up space in this world and that you are more than worthy of all the things you want in this world. If you want it, then it's yours.
Advice Cards: Reflect on the state and use of your personal energy A change in attitude toward the greater good could be beneficial Remember that in universal law, all is well and fair It's time to challenge old beliefs Release what you do not need. Let go of some extraneous aspect of your life You are intuitively gifted. Trust your guidance
Channeled Song:
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Pile 2 Cards: Three of Pentacles, The Magician rx, Two of Pentacles rx, Seven of Cups, The World, Nine of Cups rx, Four of Swords, Ten of Pentacles Back of the Deck: Knight of Pentacles
One of the first things that spirit wants me to mention is that you get A LOT of compliments. I think people overall enjoy spending time with you, I feel like your energy is almost addicting to some people. You have the kind of vibe that people will talk about how much they liked you, years into the future. You are the kind of person someone would mention in their speech about how they made it through a tough situation if that makes sense lol. I feel like when people think back on you, they can't help but smile. You also have a very bright smile, it makes others want to smile with you. Spirit is telling me you might have unique teeth that are memorable like a snaggle tooth or a gap in your teeth and people that think it makes you look super cute. Some people out there are talking about how sweet and kind you are, you have shown a lot of kindness in the past and it has made an impression on people. I am also getting that people are always talking about how smart and capable you are, for example, in group projects at work or school people hope they can work with you. You get your work done efficiently and people think you make tasks look easy. People think you are very independent and easy to talk to. People think you have everything you could ever ask for, it just comes to you. It's like you don't even need to work for the things you want because your manifestations naturally fall into your lap. For example, if you want a promotion at work, everyone knows you are the best for the promotion like it was made for you. People think they will never find you slacking. People also find you very physically attractive, some of y'all have had a glow-up and people can't help but admire your beauty. A lot of people admire and appreciate your body, especially if y'all are one of my curvy, big-bodied baddies. Some people even think you have the potential to be a model. Someone is comparing you to a mermaid. I am hearing "They are majestic and almost like a princess/prince" and I was even picking on sleeping beauty vibes. Overall, I think people compliment your kindness, good looks, and attitude towards life. People also just find you really cute.
Advice Cards:
This challenge is intended to promote your growth
Awareness opens a field of possibility in your life
Be bold! It's time to leap forward!
You may need to take a break from the situation or simply take rest
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
It is time to unclutter your body, mind and spirit
Channeled Song:
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Pile 3 Cards: The Wheel of Fortune, The Sun, Eight of Swords rx, Two of Swords rx, The Emperor rx, Eight of Wands rx, Ten of Pentacles, Four of Cups Back of the Deck: Five of Cups
I love your energy so much Pile 3! People find you very fun and bright. People find you really funny, like absolutely hilarious. You have a very comfortable vibe. You might be the kind of person that makes you feel like you could tell anything. You make people feel heard and important and people remember the words of encouragement you have told them and they will remember them years later. There are many people who see you as family. I am getting some people may feel more comfortable around you than their own family. I heard "Being with you is like being home" and for some people, home is wherever you are. They talk about how you are able to light up a room with just your presence. A room can go from awkward and tense to fun and full of smiles with just one word from you. Strong extrovert vibes from y'all, you could be the type of person to collect a bunch of introverts and make them your friends. I'm hearing you are a safe place for introverts lol. I'm even getting a certain amount of you are introverts, but tend to be more sociable than most. You are an open communicator Pile 3. People appreciate your honesty and your way of communicating, it might be something certain people haven't experienced much of in their life but you offer very healthy conversations and everyone loves that about you. I am also getting people really like how blunt you are, you aren't afraid of saying it how it is and standing up for things you don't think are right. For example, if a teacher or professor is saying some bullshit and being disrespectful to their students, you aren't afraid to call them out on their shit. You are a person of action and motivation and people are so envious. I am also picking up some of y'all might be dancers or like to dance and people LOVE your dances.
Advice Cards:
Allow rituals to give meaning to your spiritual life Remember that in the universal law, all is well and fair Physically and/or mentally, shape up Stand your ground Change is being introduced into your life Practice the pause
Channeled Song:
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Pile 4 (yall get an extra card sshhh) Cards: Ten of Swords, Nine of Wands rx, Knight of Pentacles, The Wheel of Fortune, Four of Swords, King of Wands, Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, Queen of Cups Back of the Deck: The Chariot
One of the first things I heard while shuffling was "They won the genetic lottery", I definitely see y'all getting a lot of compliments about your appearance. I just saw some people may feel almost blinded by your beauty. Damn Pile 4, you got some simps. Some people like to admire your body, you may be really into sports or have a very conventionally attractive body. I am getting some of y'all might be pretty insecure about your body but trust me Pile 4, people are envious of your body and may even find themselves staring, especially if you wear tight clothes or just something that compliments you well. I seriously feel like some people feel like they are under your spell. Your fashion in general is really pretty too, like people notice how well you dress yourself and I am even getting some of you inspire others to dress like you. I also feel like people love the conversations and words you offer. You are genuine and real, people don't feel like you are faking yourself to be liked or anything like that, and they really like that about you. I heard, "I mean, Pile 4 is just so cool", you are the kind of person people get one look at and think "Man I wanna be their friend", people also really want to form a connection with you that lasts a long time, they want you in their future. People are also saying you are an INCREDIBLY hard worker, you are really wise and push yourself to be the best at your craft and people really admire that about you. You are a very passionate person and people take notice. I keep hearing something I've heard some people throw around "It's not fair for someone to be hot and nice." and that's how people feel about you lol. People see you moving far in life, you have so much potential and people can't imagine you doing anything less than top-tier in the future. Man, I really feel like a lot of people fall in love with you at first sight. They see you as someone that got unspoken rizz, you attract people without even trying. (Kind side note, but I have known a lot of people who have the same energy as you, and if you ever feel like people only care about your looks and their interest in you is face level, trust me Pile 4, you have such a beautiful and loving energy and there are people who want to be around you for who you are. I don't know how many people needed that message but I was getting that it needed to reach some of you)
Advice Cards:
Get clear about what you want
Your acts of love, kindness, and unlimited forgiveness bestow grace upon you
The Universe supports your stance and decision
Yes, you can . . . Set it in motion!
Issues of balance are at hand
It is important to ask for help
Channeled Song:
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Pile 5 Cards: Four of Cups rx, Six of Wands, Five of Swords rx, Three of Cups, Nine of Swords rx, Queen of Pentacles, The Sun rx, Nine of Pentacles Back of the Deck: Seven of Pentacles
People around you feel like you make the room. The group isn't complete without you. You radiate such a nurturing and healing energy Pile 5. I think the company you offer people is rare amongst the people around you and they really appreciate your presence You might be an empath because people think you always know what to say to make them feel comfortable and safe, I heard being around you feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket with hot coco next to a fireplace during a nice snowy day. I think some people see you almost as a parental figure in the way that you have been there for their highs and lows and help the people close to you grow into stronger and independent people. People have SUCH STRONG respect and admiration for you and the things you do for the people around you. You are the biggest fan of the people close to you and there is nothing that means more to them than to know that they have your full support for the things that they aim to achieve in their life. Your friendship and companionship is means so much to the people around you, they can't imagine life without you. You have helped people through some of the hard experiences of their life and now they feel like they owe their life to you. Even if you drift apart from some people, they will never forget the things you have done for them. To kind of move away from the soft vibes, Spirit is telling me some people think you have a beautiful butt, like the perfect butt lol. Like, you got some people staring Pile 5. People also see you as very successful, you have made a name for yourself and have a only good things coming towards you. People are happy because they feel like you are filled with good karma and everything you want will be attracted to you easily. I would also suggest yall to pick other piles cause 1. of course yall are getting all types of compliments 2. I kept picking up on other piles energies during this reading in particular so please pick another pile if you feel called.
Advice Cards:
It is time to take appropriate action
You can manifest your heart's desire
Release all that keeps you in the past. Forgive and liberate yourself!
You are moving beyond your old form. Congratulations!
Yes, you can . . . Set it in motion!
Allow rituals to give meaning to your spiritual life
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 6 Cards: Three of Cups, The Hermit, Four of Wands rx, Knight of Wands, Eight of Pentacles, Six of Swords rx, The Tower, The Devil Back of the Deck: The Fool
One of the first things I was picking up on is that yall give such strong Marceline/Marshall Lee from Adventure Time vibes, in both fashion and personality which people think is really hot about you. If yall don't know, they are vampires and are some of the coolest characters in the whole show. So for some of yall, you give vampire vibes but in the best way, the way everyone loves. You may even like to dress a little more alternative or you have a more unique style that people really like. There is also something about your hair, especially if you have long hair, people think your hair looks really healthy and shiny. You may also play the guitar or bass and everyone thinks you are so good and they find it hot that you even play an instrument. You also may be very trendy or maybe people think you start trends. But you are also so mysterious and people just want to get to know you. Wow Pile 6, you are very interesting and eye-catching to other people like, you are definitely running through someone's mind rent free. Like I am seeing someone staring at their roof late at night being like, fuck I can't get Pile 6 out of my mind. I heard people find you very enticing. I am also getting for the people that do know you, they find you very silly and really fun to be around. You may put up a front to most people because you want people to think about you in a certain way, but the people close to you see that you are actually quite a soft and innocent soul on the inside and they all love you for who you are. People like the moments when you let your guard down and get real for a minute. People also really admire how you handle conflict, you are calm and collected in scary moments, or at least that's how you appear to the people around you and people are in awe of how you manage to deal with these conflicts. While for some of you, people may not like to admit it in person, they see you as quite the dependable and responsible individual. I am also getting for some of yall, you are a role model for the people around you and inspire people to try new things. I am also getting that people really appreciate how you are able to admit when you were wrong and be the bigger person in most situations.
Advice Cards:
You are moving beyond your old form. Congratulations!
Allow for old memories to come up and be released
A change in attitude toward the greater good could be beneficial
Reflect on the state and use of your personal energy
Be bold. It's time to leap forward
Things might not be as they seem
Channeled Song:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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targaryenimagines · 11 months
My Khaleesi
Dark!Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 2,586
Summary: Daenerys claims more than the Iron Throne on the day she takes King’s Landing.
Warning(s): Smut and G!P Daenerys.
Notes: Wasn’t sure if you wanted Dark!Dany (in a sense) or not, but decided to just do it that way for this one shot! If you’d like another one with a non dark Dany, I’ll be more than happy to do that. Also, this is definitely the most graphic smut I’ve written… I apologize if it’s bad.
Series Masterlist
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Ash still falls from the sky like distorted flecks of snow— rubble shifts under foot as you make your way through the courtyard of the Red Keep. You didn’t have to turn your head far to see the destruction that had been wrought across King’s Landing, a destruction that had come at the hands of the woman you love the most in this world.
Fire and blood had come to Westeros, you think, side-stepping a charred corpse. And penance seemed to have been paid in full.
The sights, along with the smells, that assault you the farther you trek into the once great city aren’t something that sits well with you, nor does the knowledge that Westeros had pushed Daenerys, your Dany, to this point. That all of her grief: Viserion, Jorah, Rhaegal, and Missandei, along with all of her men that she lost in the North, had forced her spirit into shattering so completely.
I don’t want to be Queen of the Ashes…
A saying that had constantly been thrown towards Daenerys, that had been used as a means to control her, keep her in line, and what better way to do that then remind her of her father’s legacy, a tale that’s haunted her ever since she discovered it, and had been continually repeated until Daenerys spouted it out as if she was simply talking about the weather. Her drive, the passion that had carried her through Essos, slowly being driven out of her the longer she spent in the toxic landscape that is Westeros; forever surrounded by the tales of her ancestors, by the fear and hatred that the people she saved showed her, at the clear refusal to ever accept her as anything more than a Targaryen Whore.
Rounding the corner of yet another hallway, you pause just outside of the throne room, or what you believe to be anyway, and think over everything that had transpired. Think of the darkness that had seemed to have only grown in intensity since the Night King had been dealt with. Would Daenerys, after all of this, still wish to see you? Would you still have a place by her side?
Only one way to find out…
With a deep intake of breath, you step fully into the debilitated area that had once been a source of great pride— at the head of it all being the almost legendary throne itself, a mass of melted together swords, and standing before it?
Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
At the sound of your approaching footsteps, Daenerys turns from her perusal of the throne, and a warm smile quirks her lips at your nearing form.
“Ñuha jorrāelagon,” she murmurs, adoration clear within violet eyes. Slim arms wrapping around your middle the moment your close enough for her to grab. A single gloved finger gently tracing down the expanse of your cheek, rubbing away the hints of ash that still remained. “I’m glad to see you unharmed. I don’t know what I would have done if that hadn’t been the case.”
You lean into the hand still resting on your cheek, a happy smile of your own making an appearance. “Burn down the rest of Westeros?” A dark look flashes through violet eyes, your joke suddenly taking on an all too serious light that you desperately wanted to veer away from. Bumping into her slightly, you disentangle from slim arms, warmed by the smallest bit of hesitance she had at letting you go, you step closer to the throne. “This is it? The Iron Throne?”
Daenerys settles next to you. “It is.” She touches the arm of it with an almost reverent air. “After all these years, all the trials and tribulations that I went through, I’m finally here. A Targaryen is finally the holder of the Iron Throne once more. I’ve brought honor back to my family.”
“You’ve honored them for years already, Dany. You simply being alive is honor by itself.” You angle your head, not surprised at all to see that she had already been looking at you. “This just exemplifies you into the ranks of Aegon.”
Violet eyes gleam with an almost childlike wonder, the hand closest to you touching your cheek with the same reverence she had shown the throne. “Aegon had his wives, he had his queens.” She steps away from you, taking her rightful seat on the throne. “Something that I’ll be in need of moving forward.”
Your head dips. “Anything I can help you with?”
Daenerys chuckles lightly, the sound rumbling from deep within her chest like one of Drogon’s roars. “There is, Y/N.” Gesturing for you to come closer, a command that you listen to without question, she gently maneuvers you into a kneeling position before her, slender fingers tangling themselves within the strands of your hair. “Say yes.”
“Your Grace?”
“Say yes to marrying me, to becoming my wife and queen.” Her holds tightens, forcing your head to tilt back. “Say yes to becoming mine and I’ll make sure everything you could ever want becomes yours.”
A small smile twists your lips upward. “Everything that I could ever want already is.”
At the words a small growl escapes Daenerys, her head dipping downward to press a heated kiss to your lips, maintaining that you’re kept in place by the iron-clad hold she still has on your hair. And, like with everything else, Daenerys didn’t hesitate in conquering what is hers, tongue barely brushing over your bottom lip before she plunders into your mouth, taking you for everything you have. The taste of you, the submission in which you’re showing her, along with the location no doubt, makes Daenerys almost frantic in her need for you.
Barely pulling away, giving you both a moment to breathe, before she’s claiming your lips once more— it’s wet, filthy in a way that makes your mind fog over in lust, and you can’t quite get enough air into your lungs through your nose, something that constantly ensures her scent is all that you’re surrounded by, but you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Wouldn’t want to be in any other position than where you are now; kneeling in front of your Khaleesi, her pleasure becoming yours.
Finally, with a ragged breath, Daenerys fully pulls away from you, a thin trail of saliva still connecting you both, before she shifts too far back and it snaps in half. Violet eyes, blown nearly black in lust, pin you in place as Daenerys slowly undoes the buckle of her pants, and jerks it down, the actions clear on what she expected from you. And, without preamble, or any sort of prompting, you help Daenerys with removing them, gently taking off her boots, before pulling her tight-fitting pants off her slim legs. The sight that greets you once you look up almost causing your mouth to dry up completely.
Daenerys Targaryen sat in all of her glory, bare from the waist down, her thick member jutting out from the apex of her thighs. The look in her eyes, in the darkness that lurks just out of reach, tells you all that you need to know, how your Khaleesi wished for you to service her next. Something you didn’t have a problem with doing, damn the consequences of potentially being caught in the wide open throne room.
Taking her into your hands, feeling her warmth, and the way that she twitches ever-so-slightly at your touch, is a heady sort of power that you’re never going to get used to.
Taking her into your mouth, jaw stretched wide to accommodate her girth, feeling the way she arches into the wetness it provides, hands tightening even further into your hair, the wonderful concoction of pain and pleasure, fuels you more than anything ever could.
Bobbing up and down, taking her deeper and deeper into your throat, listening to the breathy sighs she lets loose whenever she completely bottoms out, is a drug you never want to get off of. Her flavor— musky with just the barest hint of sweetness and something spicy— spreads across your tastebuds, your tongue lovingly swirling around the tip of her cock, taking in as much of her as you possibly could.
“Iksā doing sīr sȳz syt nyke.” The Valyrian praise escapes her in a low snarl, hands now guiding you in the exact way she wanted, your own simply being braced on her thighs as you let her use you. “Issare iā sȳz riña syt nyke. Ñuha sȳz riña.”
All you can do is moan in response, mouth completely stuffed full of her, but the vibrations makes her tense even further, another snarl rumbling from deep within her. You know that she’s close, can tell by the way her thighs were beginning to tremble underneath your touch, and the quickening of her thrusts, and your head moves even faster because of it— wanting nothing more than to feel her release down your throat, for your tongue to be coated by her cum.
“Issi ao jāre naejot gūrogon ziry mirre? Gūrogon everything bona nyke tepagon ao?” Daenerys groans out the question, clearly fighting with herself to not succumb just yet to the pleasure of her release. Peering up, you’re instantly met with darkened violet eyes, a rosy hue predominant across fair cheeks. Clearly waiting for a response, all you can do is gurgle around the cock currently in your throat, hoping that your eyes gave her all the answers she needed, which, by the tightening of her hands, absolutely did. “Sȳz riña.”
Within the next moment, jets of Daenerys cum shoots out, going straight into your stomach as you desperately swallow to make sure you don’t lose any of it. The feeling of warmth as her seed settles deep within you is one you’ve long since grown familiar with, but the possessive heat in her eyes as she watches you swallow it all down is definitely new. A reaction that causes your own arousal to come to the forefront of your mind finally, wetness clearly coating your thighs, waiting for your Khaleesi’s touch.
Daenerys pulls her cock from your mouth a moment later— the still hard length shimmering with the combination of leftover cum and saliva— allowing for you to take a deep lungful of air at last. Remnants of her still on your tongue.
Her thumb brushes across your bottom lip, briefly pushing into your mouth for you to suck on, before she retracts her hand and tugs you up onto her lap. Slim arms bracing your lower half perfectly against herself, settling her own body more fully on the Iron Throne.
“You did so good for me,” she murmurs, trailing slender fingers down your thighs. Nowhere near where you needed her the most though. “Do you want to continue?”
You nod. “More than anything, Khaleesi.“
Daenerys hums at the old title, hands gripping your hips in a hold that you know would leave bruises, lips ghosting across your jawline and down your neck.
“You’re mine, right?” Teeth nips into the sensitive flesh beneath your pulse point. “No one else can have you this way, fuck you the way that I can, or hear the beautiful noises you make when you fall apart.”
“Only you, Dany,” you whisper, nuzzling your nose against hers. “It’ll only ever be you. I’m yours completely.”
There isn’t need for more words after that, Daenerys simply hikes your dress higher up your waist, tearing your small-clothes away completely, before rubbing her hardened member against the wetness that has collected between your legs, a deep groan escaping her at the feeling of your clear want for her.
Within the next heartbeat, she’s buried to the hilt within you, a sharp keen being ripped from your chest at the feeling of complete fullness, the delicious stretch as your body tries to acclimate to the feeling of her, and begins to rut roughly into you. Hands slide from their place on your waist to settle on your hips, guiding you up and down as you begin to bounce in response to her thrusts.
A breathy moan falls from your lips, arms wrapped tightly around Daenerys neck, tugging her closer to you, continuing to ride her in complete abandon, wet slapping noise, intercepted by occasional grunts and moans, filled the air, echoing out across the empty throne room. A part of you thinks that you might even be able to be heard down below, the ripped open wall next to the throne offering an excellent siphon to the noises, but then Daenerys twists her hips in just the right way and everything, that doesn’t have to do with the mind numbing pleasure she gives you, vanishes from you mind in an instant.
Nails make crescent moons in the soft flesh of your hips, bruises no doubt already forming on your lower abdomen from how hard Daenerys was thrusting up into you, but the knowledge that your Khaleesi is marking you in such a way, that she’s lost parts of her control because of you, makes you not care in the slightest— you were hers, completely and irreversibly. Her pleasure was your own.
With another strangled gasp, your head falls to her chest, still clad in her formal garb, the metal cool against the heated expanse of your forehead, no longer being able to keep yourself upright. You could feel your climax approaching— coming faster and faster as Daenerys brushed against the spot within you every time she pulled out. Your core clenching around her desperately, trying to keep her within you, milk her for all that she’s worth, and the tight constriction causes a strangled sound of her own to resonate from your Khaleesi.
Feet planted firmly into the floor, she begins to piston fully into you, your body arching into her, allowing her to move you as she saw fit, clearly chasing her second release and your own.
“I’m going to mark you in a way that no one ever has.” Feverish violet eyes meet your own, strands of silvery-gold hair sticking to her heated cheeks, torn from their intricate braids, as her grip on you tightens more. “You’re going to bear my children, you’re going to continue on the Targaryen name. Would you like that?”
You moan. “Yes.”
The thought of carrying her children, of continuing on the Targaryen Legacy, filled you with a sense of purpose, a sense of warmth.
Pushing your head further into her chest, you plead. “Do it, Khaleesi. Claim me.”
With a ragged snarl, Daenerys’s hips stutter and before you know it jets of warmth fill you up, going straight to your womb. The feeling triggers your own release, a broken moan leaving you as you milk Daenerys for everything she has, everything that she’d be willing to offer. Harshly panting, Daenerys settles back onto the throne, hands gently running down your spine, holding you as closely as she possibly still could, still buried inside of you.
“Thank you,” she whispers, nuzzling you before she presses a kiss to your damp temple.
You sigh, content in her arms. “Always.”
Pressing another kiss to your head, Daenerys angles your face in order for you to look at her, the open look of adoration on her face one that’d only ever be reserved for you and her son.
“My beautiful love, my lovely wife.” She drops a chaste kiss to your lips, her hips beginning to move once more. “My eternal queen.”
“My Khaleesi.”
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violetasteracademic · 3 months
A ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give to thee...
My darlings, have hope. SJM had been letting us know where this is headed for many years, and she continues to speak to those who understand what to listen for.
I have already made a post sharing the meaning of The Glass Coffin ballet Bryce played for Nesta and Azriel in the bonus chapter, which is Sleeping Beauty.
Let me repeat that again: in the bonus chapter where Azriel is asked if he has a mate (or spouse, or partner), the bonus chapter where he looks down at Truth-Teller, thinking of Elain when describing how the King of Hybern was killed, the bonus chapter where he listens particularly close to Nesta describing if she now finally prefers being Fae to human.... Bryce played Sleeping Beauty for them.
Now, the Elriel being a Sleeping Beauty retelling has been theorized for YEARS.
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I will link some of these below, but I want to touch some of my favorite ideas and easter eggs.
Many have pointed out the significance of Briar, the human woman Azriel and Elain carried back from Hybern after Azriel rescued Elain as a Sleeping Beauty clue. Briar Rose is the Alias that Princess Aurora lives by under the protection of the three good fairies.
The fairies are:
Flora (flowers) in possession of the Sword of Truth
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Fauna (fawn) who gives the gift of song
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Merriweather (the blue fairy) who attempts to give the gift of happiness, but is cut short by a spell
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It's actually kind of insane when you start to look at all of these details. Flowers, fawn's, and happiness from the blue fairy being interrupted by a curse or a spell. Something only true love can break.
I agree with the take (which I originally saw on @elriell post found here) that Sarah might invert the Sleeping Beauty retelling for Elriel. Azriel has a few building blocks to indicate he is at a high risk. Koschei is specifically trying to get his hands on Azriel, stating he planned for him for months, and he is in close proximity to the priestesses, some of whom at this moment have the ability to lure and lull. Whether it's G/wyn and her theorized lightsinger and/or siren abilities, the sermon's Clotho suddenly discovered one day amongst random books shelved below Level Seven:
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Or Merril, the descendant of the Lord of the Western Wind who considers G/wyn a lackey to be dismissed (while Koschei plants words in courts through whispers on the wind)
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There is no doubt in my mind that as Rhys was captured by Hybern and Cassian was captured by Briallyn and the crown, Elain will step into her power to save Azriel from whatever it is Koschei needs him for.
The Sleeping Beauty theory moved beyond theory in HOFAS, in my opinion. I'm not saying Sarah dropped The Glass Coffin specifically for Elriel's, as we all know SJM doesn't have social media on her phone and she tends to keep away from too many fan theories. What I am saying is Elriel's have long picked up on the Sleeping Beauty threads Sarah has been dropping for years, and SJM has done nothing but continue to build on that narrative.
In this year of 2024, in Sarah's most recently published book, after years of speculation:
Azriel confirmed something was indeed wrong with the Cauldron.
Azriel literally listened to a Sleeping Beauty symphony.
Briar Rose, flowers and fawns and the Sword of Truth, sleeping spells which can only be broken by true love, the inside of Elain's mind being described as a sleeping garden.
It's honestly overwhelming.
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wangxianficfinder · 6 months
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In the mood for...
March 25th
1. hi! y'all are really cool! A) are there any fics where a-yuan (raised by the wens/wwx) wields suibian when he gets older?
also, are there fics B) where jiang cheng dual wields suibian with sandu? @writeitinsharpie
Though one were strong as seven, he too with death shall dwell (For many times and lands) by sjyl_lotus (E, 148k, wangxian, WIP, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, YLLZ WWX, LSZ is a Wei, WWX Adopts LSZ, WWX doesn't go to nightless city, WWX runs away with a-yuan and granny Wen, Little bit of angst, Wéi Yuan is an excelent son, WWX Doesn't die, people is people and overall JGY is JGY so shit will happen, JYL Lives, Wangxian Reunion, Canon Divergence, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Lanling Jin Sect, Yunmeng Jiang Sect, Gusu Lan Sect Rules, Gusu Lan Sect, Burial Mounds, granny wen is best, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Blood and Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Panic Attacks, supportive WSZ, Anxiety Attacks, Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Slow Build, MXY Deserves Happiness)
🔒❤️ kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst)
The Twin Blades of Yunmeng by GhostySword, ofmindelans (T, 89k, JC & WWX, wangxian, JC/NHS, Canon Divergence, Yunmeng Brothers Reconciliation, BAMF JC, protective LWJ, Golden Core Reveal, Swords and Feelings, WWX Resurrection, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Embedded Images, Sect Leader QS)
2. Hi!
For the next itmf :
Looking for the fics that talk about NHS a) as the real author of the spring books he was distributing. Imagined and painted .
B) Or another version where he specifically was giving WWX spring books with gay sex or bi threesomes maybe
C) fics with focus on wwx browsing NHS spring books and doing some thinking about sexuality and self exploration
Thank you!
Fentao-laoshi’s Guide to Cut-Sleeve Pleasures by occultings (microcomets) (E, 31k, wangxian, canon divergence, pining while fucking, friends with benefits, first time, cloud recesses study arc, practice kissing, sharing a bed, jealousy, getting together, confessions, happy ending) could also fit 2C
3. hii this is for itmf!!
fics where lan yuan is still like a toddler!! or even an infant!!!
💖 The Simplest Way Forward by harriet_vane (E, 71k, wangxian, modern, accidental baby acquisition, slow burn, pining)
box your errors by mellowflicker (T, 42k, WangXian, Modern AU, single dad lwj, Domestic Fluff, Family Issues, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, let lwj have friends agenda, Hurt/Comfort, Pining)
🔒 so take my hand (take my whole life too) by cicer (E, 92k, wangxian, Modern, Accidental Baby Acquisition, oh my god they were roommates, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, this fic is not about trauma, it's about the yearning, slowburn, some characters have a pretty strong bias against folks with drug addiction, (this does not reflect the author's opinion of people with addiction disorders!), none of the really grim abuse/drug use affects our main characters, and it takes place offscreen)
The stuffed bunny, the beautiful nephew, and other gifts from Lan Qiren by deliciousblizzardshark (G, 8k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, Modern, Single Parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Accidental Uncle Acquisition, Found Family, Fluff)
Let's Play Pretend and Live Our Lives by Tassos (E, 50k, wangxian, Modern, On Purpose Baby Aquisition, Accidental Husband Aquisition, Idiots in Love, WWX Has Self Esteem Issues, Domestic Fluff, Kid Fic, Light Angst, the Lans and Jiangs make an appearance, NHS Gives Great Advice, Pining, Getting Together)
Magic Mishap by Regency_Bunny (T, 8k, wangxian, Modern, imbo LXC, Single Parent WWX, Kid Fic, Magic Tricks, Fluff and Humor, Child LSZ, Meet-Cute, Bunnies, Misunderstandings, Love at First Sight)
4. Hi, I'm in a mood for fantasy AUs with necromancer WWX ^^ Can also be modern w magic
Darkness Before the Dawn by Selenay (E, 64k, wangxian, Zombie Apocalypse, Modern With Magic, Necromancer WWX, Reunions, toddler A-Yuan, There Was Only One Bed, There are zombies but not graphically horrific zombies, Angst with a Happy Ending, Find a home in the middle of an apocalpyse)
all the bonds of nature by Anonymous (E, 68k, wangxian, MXY & WWX, MXY & LWJ & WWX, WIP, Modern with Magic, Romantic Comedy, Roommates to lovers, Pining LWJ, Pining, LWJ falls in love in roughly fifteen seconds, he's a mess what can i say, Necromancy, ethical necromancer WWX, Music Teacher LWJ, Fluff and Smut, a lot of meditation on the bullshit of being a public school teacher, musings on the nature of personal property and land ownership as one is wont to do, Ghosts, Urban Fantasy, Low Fantasy, wangxian are extremely weirdo4weirdo in this, Light Angst, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rimming, Felching, Light Bondage, Virginity Roleplay, (just a little. wwx is not good at playing the virgin), Kink Negotiation, Praise Kink, BDSM, Developing Relationship, Dominant LWJ)
necromancy is a valid career path! Series by coslyons, Skadiseven (T, 41k, WWX & XY, XY & WQ, WN & XY, WWX & WN & WQ, LSZ & XY, LWJ & XY, wangxian, Granny Wen & XY, Modern with Magic, Seattle, Necromancy, Found Family, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Gardens & Gardening, Mathematics, Running, and other crimes against Teenagers, XY is a shitty teen, sometimes a family can be three mildly feral twenty-somethings and the extremely feral teenager that adopts them, Growing Up, The Mortifying Ordeal of Realizing Your Pseudo-parents are People Too, Big brother XY, A-Yuan is a little gremlin, WWX is a much larger gremlin)
5. Hi! 🤗
This one is for ITMF. I'd like to read new fics about WWX having a new golden core. No mordern fics or dark ones, please, I'm not in the mood 🙏. I want happy endings!
Thanks again! You make my days much better!!
🥰✨ @wangxiansgirl
The Core Issue by Hauntcats (T, 21k, wangxian, WQ & WWX & WN, NHS & WWX & NMJ, canon divergence, golden core rebuilding, golden core tied to soul, angst w/ happy ending, not JC friendly) WWX meditates a golden core back
when you’re doing all the leaving (then it’s never your love lost) by tardigradeschool (T, 26k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Sharing a Bed, Sharing Clothes, Fix-It, the inherent eroticism of under robes, Golden Core Transfer) LWJ gives WWX a part of his own core
🧡 a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke ( M, 180k, WangXian, Arranged marriage, Canon Divergence, Hurt/comfort, Light angst, Canon typical violence) Technically not a new golden core, but a new core of a different type
The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Injury, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts) WWX gets part of someone else's core transplanted into him
Ghosts Shouldn’t by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 15k, WangXian, Grief/Mourning, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, no one dies, LQR finds out about WWX's core, WWX and LQR are friends??, In My Fic?, its more likely than you think, LWJ in the bg like whats happening?, Fluff, WWX goes to Gusu, Mutual Pining, Golden Core Reveal)
Can't Tell Me Nothin by natacup82 (T, 35k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Family Feels, Communication, BAMF Women)
🔒Away from Trouble by Ilona22 (M, 15k, wangxian, Alternate Universe, Not JC Friendly, WangXian Get a Happy Ending) This is one of my personal favorites, for the growth wwx goes through and what he accomplishes separate from the sects while regrowing a new core for himself. (However, the author doesn’t spend enough time on wangxian romance for it to not just feel like something they tacked on to fill that required box, so don’t go in expecting good wangxian)
What Is Left Over by Loriqod (T, 30k, wangxian, JC & WWX, Yunmeng Shuangjie, Yunmeng brothers, Post-Canon Fix-It, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Happy Ending, WangXian in Love, SO SO SO IN LOVE, bite-sized angst, Canon-Typical Violence, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Training Montage) This one’s WWX redeveloping a core in MXY’s body. It might not be quite what you had in mind, but give it a chance, this fic is ALL about him actually cultivating with the idea of making a new core, & it’s rare to find a fic with that focus. (Even amongst fics that are suppose to be all about that(for some reason people are allergic to showing WWX actually cultivate))
I’m Sorry & Thank You by Iamnotawriter (T, 12k, wangxian, post-canon, Canon Compliant, Golden Core, Canon-Typical Violence, LQR’s epipheny, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Bitter Plants Bearing Sweet Fruit by Kryal (T, 83k, wangxian, canon-typical horror elements, Worldbuilding, Desert, Misuse of Historic Setting, Original Character Death(s), Case Fic, aftermath of canon, Established Relationship, Nothing Explicit But Shameless Innuendo)
6. Alright everyone, give me everything you have where either: (A) WWX is an actual rogue cultivator at the start of the fic, or (B) he leaves the Jiangs (via Madam Yu banishment or getting fed up with them an leaving on his own) and spends time as a rogue cultivator. (I want to see my boy in the wild doing the wild cultivator thing) if he doesn’t have a core at the beginning of the fic, I would appreciate recs where he regains it at some point. I have a Wangxian agenda btw, so WX endgame plz. @omgnectarina
Ad Oblivione by Baph, HikariNoHimeWriter (M, 70k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Temporary Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, POV Multiple, Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Identity Reveal, Golden Core Reveal, Cultivation World Critical, Not JC Friendly, Abusive YZY, Angst with a Happy Ending) WWX is sent back in time to when he was a child & doesn't get taken in by the Jiangs
We Meet at the Thousandth Step by Admiranda, Rynne (T, 258k, wangxian, CSSR/WCZ, WIP, Canon Divergence, No Sunshot Campaign, CSSR & WCZ Live, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Different First Meeting, Night Hunts, Genius WWX, Inventor WWX, Romance, Drama, Fluff, Strangers to married, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Everyone Lives AU, Developing Relationship, Minor Violence, Case Fic, Mystery, Flirting, WWX's Canon-Typical Flower Flirting, Arson, There Was Only One Bed, Getting Together, First Kiss, Meeting the Parents, Resolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Romantic Tension, WWX Is a Good Big Brother, New Relationship Bliss, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Blood and Injury, Yiling siblings)
Cultivating immortality by KizuKatana (E, 230k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Pining, Mutual Pining, WWX low self-esteem, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Angst with a Happy Ending, not sure if this qualifies as fix-it but that was my emotional need/intent, Hurt/Comfort, unreliable narrator (wwx's self image is…), sect wars happening, Canon typical darkness, demonic cultivation descriptions in detail, self-indulgent exploration of the creation of demonic cultivation and how it changed WWX, JC and LWJ are reluctant (VERY RELUCTANT) allies, YZY & LQR are made to face up to their faults, JYL is badass (fight me) though not in terms of cultivation strenght, JC gets a chance to redeem himself, Found Family, First Time, novel canon relationship dynamics)
🔒 crying like a fire in the sun by Reverie (cl410) (T, 10k, wangxian, SL/XXC, JC & WWX, BSSR/LY, Runaway WWX, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives AU, rogue cultivator WWX, Angst, Post Cloud Recesses, Not YZY Friendly, Happy Ending, BSSR is WWX's grandmother instead of grandmaster)
Inchoate by Marinelifeclub (T, 20k, wangxian, Child Abuse, Bad Parent JFM, Bad Parent YZY, Protective LQR, Protective LWJ, Rogue Cultivator WWX, YZY Bashing, JC Bashing, No Golden Core Transfer, Dark JFM)
A Thousand Things by tickertape (M, 108k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Developing Friendships, lots of OCs because I can't help myself and I love them, most of the canon cast make cameos at some point, miscommunication and misunderstandings (they’re idiots your honor), Nightmares, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, Night Hunts, The Cloud Recesses Rabbits, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Slow Burn, like really slow burn, like if it was a bushfire it would take 8 years for it to burn through one (1) forest, the wangxian strangers to obnoxious best friends to obnoxious lovers pipeline, 'shitty cultivation world bureaucracy' is also a running theme, WWXHas a Fear of Dogs)
7. hello! I was hoping you could recommend fics where wei ying is taken hostage by people who hate lan zhan and lan zhan gets beaten up trying to save him. Maybe kind angsty and emotional? @ivybookworm
8. hi - for the next itmf, any fics that go on from that haunting almost last scene in the Untamed where LS, WN and LWJ all leave WY alone on the road. angsty ones that explore the idea of WY having no-one would be awesome. thank you so much for all you do! @oldoni
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, NHS & WWX, wangxian, Post-Canon, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Inventor WWX, Found Family, NHS needs a new hobby, And apparently that’s spoiling his Wei-Xiong, Mentioned Character Death, Alcohol, Protective NHS, WangXian Endgame, Not JC Friendly, Not particularly gentry sects friendly overall tbh) NHS finds WWX wandering about. Possibly not as angsty as requester is hoping for, but does address how bad an idea it is to let WWX wander alone
im reminded of a fic but cant recall the one. Wwx is travelling by himself, writing letters to LZ, he stays in a town and it ends up cursed. LZ and the juniors arrive to solve the case. Wwx is acting weird and hides his letters. The juniors read the letters and find out wwx is angry and full of resentment about how he's been treated. They find out the curse resonates from him. They talk it out to resolve matters. Any idea?
some good mistakes by Lise (T, 18k, WangXian, JC & WWX, JC & LWJ, Road Trips, (terrible road trips), Post-Canon, Rescue Missions, Hurt/Comfort, ish, Awkward Conversations, POV JC, JC & WWX Reconciliation, (ish they’re working on it)) link in #13
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Reluctant Matchmaker JL) similar to Story Shaped, but it's Jin Ling who finds wwx. // might fit the bill? It isn't overly angsty, but it does have characters remarking on how bad of an idea it is to let WWX go off on his own.
Judge Softly by Chrononautical (E, 32k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, LQR & WWX, accidental voyeurism, non-consensual mind reading, oblivious WWX, bamf   WWX, genius WWX, post-canon Fix-it, angst w happy ending, LQR tries)
the soft animal of your body by howodd5ever (M, 21k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Getting Together, WWX has feelings about having a body, sort of a case fic, a little bit of epistolary goodness, graphic descriptions of wounds, Feelings About Death, WWX gets seriously injured, quoting chinese poetry at each other as a love language, Art Embedded, wound-tending as an act of love, Bathing/Washing, the mortifying ordeal of being asked to stay, Sharing a Bed, Finding home, WWX's canonical alcohol abuse makes an appearance a bit)
my age has never made me wise by idrilka (E, 63k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Part-epistolary, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Marriage Proposal, Homecoming, One Brain Cell WWX Strikes Again)
9. Itmf: what's a story premise/trope that's really hard to do well, and what stories have done them really well?
10. Itmf, what's ur fav story prompt/initial premise that you've seen, regardless of the execution(s) of it?
11. thank u for ur hard work! any fic recs of lan zhan hurting wei ying and he regrets it? thankss
Concord by Deastar (T, 41k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Gūsū Lán Sect Rules, Depression, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending)
我的皇后是農民 | sowing seeds in the cold palace by sweetlolixo (E, 84k, WangXian, Imperial Palace, Emperor LWJ, Imperial Consort WWX, Farmer WWX, Angst, Romance, Wingman LJY, Wife-chasing-LWJ, Arranged Marriage, Best Boy A-Yuan)
Honesty is the Best Policy (Except if You’re an Asshole) by piecrust (E, 22k, wangxian, college/university au, porn w/ feelings)
12. ITMF like, historical perspectives. Like people in modern times talking about/teaching about/learning about LWG, WWX, and possibly others as historical figures
Historical Precedents for the Concept of Time Travel and Transmigration by meyari (G, 21k, wangxian, Fluff and Crack, dubious academic writing, Historical Research, it's practically its own character in this, vague college setting, Modern, Good YZY, Good Person SS, Reincarnation) It's the second part of a series, the first one takes place in canon era, and the second one is about modern Wei Ying researching about historical Wei Wuxian for his thesis! I recommend reading the first part first (or at least looking at the premise) for much-needed context, and also because it's so good!
DID YILING LAOZU REALLY EXIST???: a Thread [1/?] by el_em_en_oh_pee (G, 6k, wangxian, Academia AU, Social Media, Research, Cartographic Mishaps, HOW IS CARTOGRAPHIC MISHAPS AN ESTALISHED TAG. NO HAPS WERE MISSED HERE I ASSURE U, Folklore, LJY's Hot Takes, Procrastinating Your Dissertation Proposal By Writing A 104-Tweet Thread: The Lan Jingyi Story, Mixed Media, POV Outsider, this is kind of an AU - Modern and kind of not???, it's a modern academic/researchy exploration of canon lol) it's AMAZING
For 12, there's also the one where Wangxian are majoring in cultivation in University and there's a talk about the meaning of Hanguang-jun compositions with several one liner "titles" like fried watermelon rinds are terrible or something like that. Can't mine it on my AO3 history but it's there, I know it's there!
🔒 Night of the Living History (an edutainment special!) by Aerlalaith (T, 51k, wangxian, Modern with Magic, Workplace Relationship, Fluff and Humor, Museums, living history, the author's feelings about, the edutainment industry, museum workers, Some Plot, Slice of Life, Injury, a minor haunting, the stakes are low, unless you're on the museum board i guess, WWX does not get an employee discount)
13. Hi! For the next ITMF, could anyone recommend wangxian fics that also feature LWJ & JC not getting along/being hostile toward each other? I'm talking like anything from them having disagreements to physically fighting to just outright hating each other.
Untitled tumblr fic where LWJ punches JC in the face (sharing my reblog as writer seems to have deleted their blog & I can't find it on their Ao3)
the only way out by cafecliche (T, 12k, wangxian, JC & WWX, JC & LWJ, Post-Canon, this is one part character study, one part comedy of errors, and one part fix-it, WWX is a people pleaser in this essay I will, my event planning experience rearing its head again, Podfic Available)
Wei Wuxian’s Kidnapping Back and Forth Farce (Starring Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji) by misscam (M, 5k, wangxian, JC & WWX, Humor, Switching)
some good mistakes by Lise (T, 18k, WangXian, JC & WWX, JC & LWJ, Road Trips, (terrible road trips), Post-Canon, Rescue Missions, Hurt/Comfort, ish, Awkward Conversations, POV JC, JC & WWX Reconciliation, (ish they’re working on it)) should be noted that the Wangxian is background and the primary focus is on LWJ and Jiang Cheng having lots of emotions coming out sideways at each other
14. Hey, guys. Hope you're having a great day. ITMF some Wen Ning POV/Wen Ning-centric stuff @thispatternismine
🔒 The Moon Reflected Upon Two Springs by Rubberduckieassassin (M, 2k, Post-Canon, Fierce Corpse WN, WN-centric, Farmer WN, WN Needs a Hug, Gusu Lan Juniors Dynamics, Good Kid LSZ, Good Kid LJY, Wen Remnants Mentioned, Burial Mounds Settlement Days Mentioned, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Five Stages of Grief, Melancholy, Building A Home, Family Feels, WN is learning how to 'live' again)
🔒 do not go gentle by RoseThorne (G, 684, WN & WQ, WN & WWX, LSZ & WQ, Canonical Character Death, Spirits, Ghosts, LWJ Plays Inquiry, Song: Inquiry, Protectiveness, Grief/Mourning, Love, Acceptance, Family, Angst, Post-Canon, POV Third Person, POV Wen Ning)
Tea with the Unquiet Dead by treemaidengeek (G, 1k, SL & WN, Grief/Mourning, Post-Canon, Fluff and Angst, Found Family, finding healing in unexpected places, Fierce Corpse Friends!)
15. For the next ITMF, are there any fics where Lan Wangji comes to terms/wrestles with his darker sexual desires?
Come Back to Gusu… by AitchNKay (E, 90k, wangxian, WIP, Major Character Death, Fluff and Smut, Drama & Romance, Angst, Fix-It, Canon Compliant, Anal Sex, BL,, Switching, Bottom LWJ) Currently less than halfway through this one & it's a WIP so not sure how it goes, but has scenes of LWJ worrying about if his desires are too fucked up
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons Series by starandrea (Varies, 1m, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Accidental Marriage, Fluff, Happy Ending, Telepathic bond, Kink Negotiation, Family Drama, Magical Pregnancy, Dual Cultivation, Shapeshifters, Modern with Magic, Immortality, Yilling Wei Sect) has LWJ continuously struggling to vocalize nearly ANY of his sexual wants even well after wangxian get together
16. Hi! ITMF your favourite recommendations with LWJ being petty and pouty (maybe bratty too?) - modern AUs and modern with magic are preferred. Thank you <3
Sorry! Just to add on to last ask petty LWJ ITMF ask --> Judgy LWJ reccs please.
the soft animal of your body by sysrae (T, 15k, wangxian, modern cultivation, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Animal Transformation, Shapeshifting, Getting Together, Confessions)
with you, I am home by tellthemstories (M, 47k, wangxian, Modern Cultivation, fake dating for reasons, Meeting the Family, There Was Only One Bed, Casual Domesticity, wwx is oblivious in more ways than one, 'this fic is like emotional edging’, this comment sums up the entire fic)
i really want to know (who are you) by Stratisphyre (M, 19k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, Modern with Magic, Golden Core Reveal Single Dad WWX, Reasonable Authority Figure LQR, Allusions to violence and murder, Hospitalization)
The Twelve Days of Christmas, OR, How to Drive Your Brother-in-Law Insane by Following One Traditional Carol by Hobbsy3 (T, 3k, wangxian, Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, Twelve Days Of Christmas, sending someone six geese and seven swans is definitely not an act of love, OR IS IT, Christmas Fluff, JC is So Done, LWJ is a Little Shit, Modern) Ooh! One more for 16 (it's a Christmas fic but features a very hilarious and petty Lan Zhan)
17. Hi Hi i'm looking for two sets of fics a) lan qiren time travel fics where he's good and actually likes Wei Wuxian or atleast let's their relationship happen b) kid fics where wwx and lwj have a lot of children adoption or birth or a mixture of both but just them having a lot of children. @thatperson0-0
Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing)
in stillness, clear water to the bottom by Stratisphyre (T, 40k, CSSR/LQR/WCZ, NHS's Mom/Sect leader Nie/NMJ's Mom, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Threesome - M/M/F, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, Background WangXian, Everyone lives/Nobody dies, (mostly), (not you qingheng-jun), Family feelings, Minor NieLan, Madam Lan lives, references to past rape)
❤️ Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste for williedustice (T, 36k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Post-Canon, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Adoption, Family Fluff, Kid fic, Family drama, Fluff, 🔒[PODFIC] Attempting the Impossible by Ariaste by lunatique)
travelers through the empty gate by stiltonbasket (M, 107k, wangxian, royalty au, mistaken identity, emperor WWX, poor LWJ, forced marriage, (by LWJ himself), confused WWX, parenthood, misunderstandings, empress LWJ, fluff & humor, married life, angst w/ happy ending, WIP)
💖 Magical Marriage Ribbons Series by starandrea (Varies, 1m, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Accidental Marriage, Fluff, Happy Ending, Telepathic bond, Kink Negotiation, Family Drama, Magical Pregnancy, Dual Cultivation, Shapeshifters, Modern with Magic, Immortality, Yilling Wei Sect) link in #15
The Wei Family Series by Setari (T, 65k, wangxian, WWX & OCs, Kid Fic, Canon Rewrite, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Mpreg, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Transphobia, Family Feels, POV Multiple, Next Generation Original Characters, Subverted Blame the Bastard Trope, Miscarriage Scare, Horny Teenagers, Hopeful Ending, Crack Treated Seriously, Oblivious WWX, Pining LWJ, Not As Dark As The Tags Make It Sound, 5+1 Things, set during the 13 years Wei Wuxian is dead, POV Original Character, Fix-It, Not Everyone Dies AU, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Work In Progress)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 months
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Breakdown of the newest G-Fantasy cover
Starting with the most immediately obvious parts....
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Chinese Bellflowers, called "kikyou" in Japanese, are associated with and somewhat symbols of Abe no Seimei because of the pentagram shape, and Seimei's pentagram is also sometimes called "Seimei kikyou"
In other words, AAAAA BELLFLOWERS!!!!!!
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This is Libra!! Not a whole lot to say about it, but there's a neat detail that the tippy point of the triangle (Beta Librae) is the brightest star in the constellation, and it's also represented by a more defined 4-pointed star here!
Cancer and Crux
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Not much to say about Cancer, so lumping it in with Crux.
Crux, also known as the southern cross, is an asterism of four of the brightest stars in the southern hemisphere, and used for navigation similar to the north star.
There is also a northern cross (that's the "body" of Cygnus), but you can tell this is specifically the southern cross because the northern one has a star in the middle
Ursa Major
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You can tell this is Ursa Major by the paw stars and the back leg! This is also the constellation that the big dipper is part of, which you may know from a previous rambles to be a big thing in Taoism and also associated with Abe no Seimei.
While we're on the topic of dippers...
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There's this constellation that's covered by the G-Fantasy logo (that I didn't want to draw any definitive lines for) but I'm almost certain is the little dipper
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What's the deal with the dippers anyway
Hey guys. remember when i lost my mind over the big/little dipper in my kyoto arc essay. still havent gotten over that.
So likeeee... the big dipper is the one classically associated with Taoism and Seimei. The little dipper doesn't really have much of an association with anything in that area, at most you could say its an extension of Polaris, the Big Boy North Star
Note the way the handles bend, the handle of the big dipper hooks down at the end. It's not as if this looks particularly different in different parts of the world, and you can see that every depiction of it irl is the way it is.
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But consistently. Consistently. Sensei draws it with the handle bent the other way, aka looking more like the little dipper
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Now there's a cute idea here that maybe the big dipper represents Seimei and the little dipper represents Haru. That's so cute! Unfortunately also just an idea. Because as you can see the little dipper is also there in Seimei's magic circle. So.
(Side tangent I swear at one point someone pointed out a principal art where its super clear that the mark on his face is Seimei's magic circle??? But now I can't find which art it is)
The Shichiseiken
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Tangent-ception! I recently found out about the shichiseiken (seven star sword), named after the big dipper engraved on it. Originating in Chinese Taoism, it's said to drive away evil. There's been replicas and other versions afterwards, but the major one seems to be the one that had been reforged by Abe no Seimei after being destroyed.
(Though, none of these would be the one Ranmaru has, since his is double-edged and all these japanese swords are single-edged. And besides his just looks like a chinese sword anyway)
Couldn't identify these
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too few identifying features on these two constellations sadly... they both Kinda look like they could be corvus.
Well. If it is corvus, and it represents Ranmaru, thats kinda cute. In that line of logic, cancer would be Sano, and libra could be either Hijita, Beniko or Renren (or all 3 lmao?)
Ok thats all i have for now i think. its 6am i gotta sleep i just had to write this right now
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starhoppin · 9 months
pick a picture; how does your crush feel about you?
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pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
disclaimer; this is a general reading! these messages may not fit everyone. please take what resonates and leave the rest.
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「 pile one 」
justice (cb: two of cups rv, seven of swords), eight of pentacles (cb: six of cups, wheel of fortune rv), the high priestess rv (cb: queen of swords, three of pentacles)
they feel like there is a disconnect or imbalance in your connection. you might feel as though they're keeping secrets from you, but it looks like they're simply feeling overwhelmed with their responsibilities at the moment. i believe that it's only a matter of time before they come forward and explain their recent behavior. this person wants to work on a relationship with you, but they seem to be holding themselves back. past romantic experiences and/or a negative mindset may be causing this person to feel as though they have bad luck when it comes to love. consequently, they seem hesitant to share their feelings since they're concerned about past cycles repeating. they're feeling confused and disconnected from their intuition. you may not be very expressive with your feelings towards them, and that is causing their hesitancy. they're concerned about whether you'll accept them or not if they come forward with an offer. also, when i was reading, i heard the song burnin' up by the jonas brothers, specifically the opening lyrics "i'm hot, you're cold." that song may resonate with some of you.
[potential initials] J, P, Q, E, U, W
[potential zodiac signs] leo, aries, cancer
if this reading resonated with you, please consider leaving a tip!
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「 pile two 」
knight of pentacles (cb: the devil, knight of wands), page of swords (cb: nine of wands, the fool rv), the emperor (cb: three of cups, the moon, the tower)
this person is working on making you an offer. both the knight of pentacles and the knight of wands appeared so it looks like this person is presenting them as a calm and patient suitor, but i think this person is fighting the urge to just rush into a relationship with you. you may be like an obsession for this person (i'm not seeing it in a negative manner), but they have to tamp down their impulses when it comes to you. you make this person feel reckless. your crush may have had a habit of rushing into relationships in the past and it didn't end well. they don't want that to happen with you. they could be observing you from afar, purposefully keeping their distance and slowly getting to know you better as they work on themselves. this person wants a traditional relationship with you; however, they may be concerned about how they should approach you. because of their passion, they're worried that they'll come in hot and heavy and potentially scare you off. you might actually be friends with this person. it seems as though they feel like they have everything to lose if things don't work in their favor; if they confess and you reject them, they're not only losing you as a romantic partner, but they'll also ruin your friendship.
[potential initials] G, R, J, I, S oddly specific message for someone: as i was pulling these initials, i heard the name "riri." that might be a nickname for you or your person.
[potential zodiac signs] libra, aquarius, scorpio, taurus
if this reading resonated with you, please consider leaving a tip!
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「 pile three 」
the star rv (cb: ten of swords rv, page of wands), the world (cb: eight swords, five of wands rv), two of cups rv (cb: the high priestess rv, ten of wands)
your crush is feeling a bit hopeless regarding your connection. as i was shuffling, i heard the song 1000 times by sara bareilles - i highly recommend you listen to it. the lyrics that stuck out to me were in the first verse "back of the room, looking at you. counting the steps between us" and "in another life, my teeth and tongue. speak aloud what until now i've only sung." something has occurred between you that has caused them a lot of pain. it feels like this person wants to be courageous and pursue something with you, but something is holding them back from taking this leap and confessing. they feel like they no longer have access to you in some way. this person seems to be trapped by this mindset. they feel as though they're biting their tongue and staying silent to prevent an argument or conflict between you two. because of their perception of your connection, this person may be actively trying to repress their feelings but it's taking a huge mental toll on them. they feel like if they can just pretend they don't have feelings for you, they'll no longer feel burdened.
[potential initials] B, J, T, U, R
[potential zodiac signs] cancer, capricorn, virgo, aquarius
if this reading resonated with you, please consider leaving a tip!
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tarot deck used in this reading: cirque du tarot
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serenaisavillain · 6 months
Sword and Silk
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Summary: Within the ancient walls of the Red Keep, the Princess is ensnared by the looming presence of Ser Harwin "Breakbones" Strong, his silent vigilance concealing darker depths. Amidst his whispers of protection, a hidden yearning simmers beneath the surface, entwined with the secrets that swarm within the castle's corridors.
Warnings: Themes of violence, including depictions of physical altercations, character death, grief, complex power dynamics, manipulation and coercion.
Author's Note: Your feedback is valuable to me as an author. Whether it's your thoughts on the characters, the plot twists, or even just your emotional response to the story, I genuinely want to hear from you. Stay tuned for the second part!
Word Count: 2.4k
HE WAS HER SHADOW. Strolling heavy-footed behind her at every moment. The princess's every move was scrutinised under his unwavering gaze. King Viserys had long lectured his only daughter in the belly of his sleeping chamber. The presence of her Kingsguard was for her own protection. Ser Harwin "Breakbones" Strong was true to his namesake. The thought that harm might come to her under his shield was amusing.
Still, she felt so diminutive; every footstep, his looming presence followed. He towered over her like the godswood tree under which her lessons commenced. His wide back and mighty arms did not settle the swarm of wasps that buzzed within her belly. It rattled their nest.
She was left to her own devices during the day within the heart of the sept. The seven walls of the dusty stone room seldom held the inhabitants of the castle. Their focus remained fixed on indulging their whims, she always thought. After her delicate finger lit a candle at the altar, she bent both knees before the marble statue of The Father. A precipitation of teardrops rolled down the apples of her cheeks. There she begged, hands clasped for the soul of her dear mother.
She would emerge when the sun hung low in the sky and the shadows grew long. Her dampened features never failed to draw Ser Harwin's attention. His thick eyebrows drew themselves together over his deep sable eyes.
"Are you alright, Princess?" He would always whisper.
These were the only times her lilac eyes would dare flicker to his, resembling the red of her house banner.
"Yes, Ser Harwin." She would croak before averting her eyes to the grey stone path beneath her feet.
ON A DAY OF GENTLE BREEZE, tranquil waters and clear skies, her cousin, Lady Laena Velaryon's ship, docked at the harbour of Blackwater Bay.
Ser Harwin's eyes softened as a genuine smile graced the Princess's lips for once. A fleeting moment of brightness amidst the shadows that surrounded her.
"Cousin!" She cried.
She nearly tripped over the train of her black gown, running towards her kin, arms outstretched.
When the gap between them was sealed, an entanglement of limbs ensued, their silver hair dancing wildly in the wind.
"How is my dearest Y/N?" The older girl asked, panting.
The Princess nodded as they began to walk down the pier.
Stark-white seagulls flew above them alongside the dark scales of Vhagar.
The large dragon casting a quick shadow.
The crew unloading the cargo of the ship gasped in awe of the great beast.
"The days no longer seem long… as I have written in my letters. They now somehow manage to bleed together. I often confuse many moons ago for yesterday…" She sighed.
Lady Laena clutched the Princess's cold hands within her own.
"You shall grieve no longer, sweet Y/N. We shall fête every day until I depart!" She laughed, tugging her into a hug that nearly suffocated the younger girl.
Ser Harwin smiled unbeknownst to the two, his heavy boots following behind as always.
Y/N hurriedly walked through the corridor of the Red Keep, the sound of her low-heeled shoes barely audible against the polished marble floor.
She came to a halt at a heavy Valyrian steel door, gesturing to it with delicate fingers.
"The finest room in the castle, for my truest confidant." She giggled.
The knight had not heard the Princess laugh in that manner since her last name day when the Queen was still alive.
KING VISERYS HAD declared that there be three days of celebration for his daughter.
On the first night, a lavish feast commenced. Every elegantly clad guest gorged themselves on the most sumptuous of delicacies. From roasted boar to buttered rolls to indulgent cakes adorned with fruit and thick frosting.
Amidst his peers, the man with dark curls hungered for something else - or rather, someone.
Princess Y/N sat tall upon a skillfully carved chair among the rest of her family, her dainty wrist adorned with a pewter bracelet encrusted with rubies. It grazed against the velvet tablecloth as she spoke. She and her cousin Lady Laena brushed shoulders, occasionally whispering and giggling as they indulged heavily in Dornish wine.
The crimson colour gown she donned made her bronze skin more radiant, competing with the shimmer of its silk fabric. The garment's onyx corset adorned with an embroidered dragon and delicate lace details sinched her waist. The dress hugged every curve of her body with a luxurious embrace. The neckline embellished with matching black lace plunged daringly low, accentuating the swell of her bust.
No fault of the Princess, he imagined; she certainly could not be aware of how appetisingly she had blossomed over the past year - he certainly had not until now.
"Brother, you are drooling," his brother Larys jested.
Ser Harwin averted his gaze instantaneously.
The knight, in his finest attire, futilely attempted to focus on the roasted duck drowned in gravy that sat on his plate. He could not resist the décolletage of the heiress, his eyes carefully peering at the curly-haired beauty.
On the second day, when the sun hung directly overhead, the King commanded a tournament be held. Lords and Ladies of Westeros and the lesser kingdoms filled the seats of the great coliseum, heavy bags of coin in their grasp with the intention of placing bets on the bravest knights.
Despite the tremor of his hands, Lord Strong encouraged his son to be among those in the festivities.
As the knights prepared for the final joust, Ser Harwin Strong approached the royal pavilion where the princess sat. His skin was slick with sweat that he hoped she assumed was a byproduct of the Westerosi summer. His armour was clangorous with the steady trot of his steed. His eyes were fixed on her visage as he steadied his mount.
"Princess," he began, bowing his head before her, "I ask that you bestow me the honor of wearing your favor."
The Princess slowly rose from her cushioned seat and approached the railing, the wreath of blood-red roses in her delicate grasp.
A shy smile graced her painted lips.
Her voice was barely above a whisper. "May it bring you luck, Ser Harwin."
The man contained the swell of pride that erupted in his broad chest as the wreath now adorned his wooden lance.
"Thank you, Your Grace," he said, "I shall carry it with pride."
Ser Harwin's armour gleamed in the sunlight as he returned to his position.
Silence settled over the coliseum.
With a thunderous roar, the signal was given, and the two knights spurred their steeds into action. Dust danced in the air as the hooves of horses thundered down the lists, lances steadied and gazes marked on thine own target.
The lances crashed against each other. Only the black-haired knight's held true, colliding with the armour of his opponent with brutal force. He, however, remained steady on the leather of his saddle.
The nobles erupted into cheers as Ser Harwin's opponent was unseated, descending to the dust with a deafening clangour. The victorious knight waved briefly to the crowd before his horse gave out below him.
The gasps and screams of the court reverberated through the arena.
The shrieks of steel on steel rang across the jousting field as the two knights clashed. Ser Harwin was a man possessed, his blows raining down upon his opponent with relentless force. At one point, he tossed aside his sword, pummeling his opponent with simply his hands, both fists pounding against his chest.
As the dust settled and the screams of the crowd fell dead, Ser Harwin stood with his head hung, his gauntlets bloody, and his breath in ragged gasps. There was no longer pride in his eyes; only a grim visage remained, finding no solace in knowing he had defended his honour and upheld the code to which he had sworn his life.
He gazed upon the Princess's face; her violet eyes widened, and her mouth agape.
On the last night, fireworks exploded in the midnight sky above the ships of Blackwater Bay, the most noble of houses making drunken toasts to the Princess Y/N.
A table of gifts, wrapped in the most ornate of papers and fabrics and tied in the most elaborate and fantastical of bows, piled as high as the mountains in the North. It only grew as the evening went on, each courtier attempting to outdo the next.
A bard strummed his mandolin and cried out a song naming her the Princess, the realm's delight.
But the princess sat at her table, feigning looks of surprise and joy as one pompous figure after another greeted her.
"Oh, how you honour me, Y/N," she began, "Won't you join me for some wine and gossip?" She jested.
The Princess nodded, escaping with her kin under the threshold arm in arm.
The young knight stood back turned towards the door, not meaning to but overhearing their girlish chatter.
Y/N sat at the foot of Laena's bed, watching as she undressed.
The soft winds rustled the silken curtains, filling the room with a slight chill.
"How long has it been since we have laid eyes upon each other dear cousin?" Y/N said, sipping from her silver chalice.
Laena sighed as she plopped on the tall mattress. Her hair spread across the cool satin sheets.
"Way too long, I fear." She pouted.
Y/N gulped the last bit of her wine, wiping the side of her mouth with the tips of her pointer and index fingers.
Her cousin chuckled.
"What?! What provokes you to such laughter?" Y/N flopped back so she could lay beside her.
"You, drunkard." She giggled.
"I'll have you know I have not indulged in quite sometime," the Princess shrugged, reaching for the pitcher.
"By all means indulge… Your Grace," she jested.
Y/N shoved the older girl's shoulder.
"Do you remember all the mischief we got up to?" She sat up reaching for her own chalice.
"How could one forget."
"Little dragons should be seen and not heard!" they both exclaimed at the same time.
Another fit of laughter ensued.
"Good riddance to Otto! That old geezer!" Y/N began before her soft palms covered her mouth.
Laena rolled around the bed, clutching her nightgown-covered stomach.
"You have never told a lie! I do not regret ever eavesdropping on his conversations." She stated plainly.
"Gods! Remeber when we heard him trying to seduce that young kitchen hand?! What was her name-" The princess began once more.
"Maeve! The poor girl!" Her cousin answered.
The two fell weak, with stomachs aching from laughter.
The hour grew late, and the pair grew bacchanalian.
Their chalices once filled with the finest of Dornish wine had run dry.
"…Any interesting converstions… or encounters at court...?" Laena asked. Her head now hung off the bed.
Y/N pouted her lips.
"No lords interest me…" Y/N retorted, reflecting on the disappointing suitors she had encountered. From brutish Baratheons to loquacious Lannisters.
Laena hummed.
"He does not have to be a lord…" she sang.
The princess sat up.
"It is almost as if you are referring to someone in particular dear cousin…" She arched her brow.
The Velaryon girl shrugged.
"Have you perhaps noticed the fleeting glances of your Kingsgaurd…?" The girl flipped over onto her belly.
She laughed nearly falling from the bed.
"Ser Harwin? I assure you I have no interest in a man like him. He probably frequents the brothel in Mole's Town, has fathered a thousand bastards and…"
"Uh huh… So you are smitten with him…" She deduced.
Y/N heaved a boudoir pillow at her cousin's head.
"I have no time to be consumed by matters of the heart… besides how can one forget the brutality of my name day…"
Laena's eyes softened.
Y/N cleared her throat.
"The hour has grown late dear cousin. I fear I must retire…" Y/N explained before swaying to her feet.
The older girl nodded.
She rose off the bed, bidding her kin goodnight with a kiss on the cheek.
The girl tugged feebly at the door before managing to pry it ajar.
She had forgotten her sworn protector resided outside until his dark ringlets appeared in the candlelit corridor.
"Princess." He greeted hoarsely.
"Ser Harwin. My apologies…" She slurred before clumsily shuffling past him.
The knight stifled the laugh that bubbled in his belly at the sight before him. In fact, he quite enjoyed it when the Princess murmured more than two words to him.
"No need to apologise Your Grace. Shall I escort you back to your chambers?" he said looking down at her state.
The top buttons of her chemise were unbuttoned; he had not the slightest clue where her shoes had gone and her curls were more unruly than usual.
Frankly she looked as though she'd been bedded.
"Yes… to my chambers," she sighed.
THE WALK WAS SLOW, but Ser Harwin did not mind. He found the sight quite adorable.
Princess Y/N hummed along as she used the passing walls to stabilize her.
When they reached the door, the knight pushed it open, standing straight outside the threshold.
The princess mumbled a quiet thanks before entering her large chamber.
A few moments after she had shut the door behind her, he heard what he thought was his name being uttered from her lips.
"Princess?" her turned to the door, his hand frozen at the handle.
"Are you decent?" He called.
"Yes!" she answered rather quietly.
The man swallowed hard.
The room was exceptionally warm from the fireplace that burned brightly in the corner, casting the shadows of flickering flames over the princess's face.
He shut the door behind him.
"I cannot manage the strings of my corset…" She pouted.
The man's skin warmed.
He supposed that since it was now the hour of the wolf, it would be most unkind to awaken Her Grace's handmaiden to do such a simple task.
The knight removed his gauntlets laying them gently on the table beside him.
He cautiously approached the heiress. Her back turned towards him.
She tossed her pearlescent hair over her shoulder so it rested on her collar bone.
His nimble fingers unravelling the strings of the corset one by one.
The man tried to ignore the way his rough fingers grazed the softness of her skin every now and again.
The princess sighed deeply.
"Thank you, Ser Harwin."
The man grunted in response, afraid that his tongue might betray him.
The silver-haired beauty stalked towards him, eyes fixed; he had not realized that he was marching backwards until his head hit the wall with a thud.
"Ser Harwin…" She said. Her glossy lilac eyes peering up at him through her long eyelashes.
"Princess…" He whispered. Swallowing thickly.
She tilted her head to the side.
His eyes immediately fell to her exposed neck.
"Do you desire me?"
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maoam · 2 years
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I wanna talk about something I have mentioned a couple times. Sasuke is a character that by various other characters and by Kishimoto is called by various different Japanese words that imply attractiveness or something preferable, such as beautiful, good-looking, sexy/hot, cool, even cute and pure. No other character has them called this many words as Sasuke. Kishi clearly wrote Sasuke as someone really desirable, to the point some people see traits of how some female characters are often written. It is due to homoeroticism and Kishi’s own bias towards Sasuke.
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Let’s first look at volume 38 which I have always found interesting. It is the volume where Sasuke finally properly comes back to the story and starts to move the plot forward. First we have the cover that people have said looks romantic, like a pair of star-crossed lovers, in which Sasuke is on the front with his shirt open. But that is not all. In the same volume in a matter of few pages we see Sasuke in questionable positions with three different male characters. So Kishimoto just happened to draw Sasuke in these odd positions in a matter of a few days. What is the reason? The reason is simply to imply homoeroticism and Sasuke being desirable in a male-male interaction. It is not even subtle.
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Of course, Kishi doesn’t forget to drop an implication of Naruto desiring Sasuke as well in the very same volume, despite the two not interacting.
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Nor Sasuke’s blunt disinterest in women.
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Another thing is Sasuke tends to lose his clothes in his fights, is it fanservice or is it self service from Kishimoto? When Kishi talked about designing Sasuke and Sai, he used “kakkoii” for Sasuke’s open shirt and Sai’s open stomach. So looks like kakkoii is his G-rated word for sexy.
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Thank you Karin. It is funny how Kishi sometimes has to make a character say something out loud to make sure people got what he was doing.
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With Orochimaru it’s most obvious. There’s obvious sexual subtext to Oro’s pursuit of Sasuke’s body.
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Tobito isn’t much better. Why are the villains around Sasuke like this?
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Or even Kabuto. Kabuto kept trolling Naruto for being obsessed with Sasuke and then he does this. Telling Sasuke he wants him to stay by his side (I didn’t bother to look for the panel but it’s when Sasuke and Itachi fight him) and then this... obvious innuendo with his... thing. Even Orochimaru has to make an ironic comment about it like seriously Kishi? You just couldn’t help yourself with that Oro panel?
Do you understand now what I mean? Kishi does this weird stuff with Sasuke all the time. Oh he’s so sensitive and beautiful and pure I must have him, he’s mine.
And here’s a bit of mythology Kishimoto used. During the confrontation between Orochimaru, Itachi and Sasuke Kishimoto used the legend of Kushinada-hime as an influence. Kushinada-hime was the youngest of the eight daughters of Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi. Kushinada-hime was to be offered as a sacrifice to the eight-headed serpent Yamata-no-Orochi who had a sword inside of him, and who had already devoured seven beautiful maidens, but she was saved by Susanoo, who defeated Yamato-no-Orochi with the Totsuka Sword.
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The Eight-headed Serpent is obviously Orochimaru in the manga. His eight branches technique and the sword inside of him are clear references to the mythology
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The Totsuka Sword is wielded by Itachi’s Susanoo in the manga and it is what defeats Orochi. Just like in the mythology.
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So who is the princess/goddess/maiden that needs to be saved from Yamata-no-Orochi? Well it is our Sasuke of course. Is it any wonder why people think Sasuke is heroine when Kishimoto writes him like this? He just wants to stress how desirable Sasuke is, but that at the end of the day, he’s Naruto’s...
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(Note: I remember a manga Ranma½ also featured Yamata-no-Orochi, but since it was a comedy manga it was a perverted snake who only liked devouring pretty girls.)
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angelosearch · 2 months
Gideon is CAV-TO-GO
Six, seven, Six, seven, eight, nine! 
I could be your cav or your new addition It's all in a theorem but I want nonfiction I can take Babs but want this construct Gimme a long sword, the rapier can get fucked
Baby do you like this end?  I made so we can share your flesh You're such a pain in the ass When you're doing it with me, doing it with me!
C-A-V-T-O-G-O Save and think, absorb the soul Bring it in, now body roll Reconstruct, you're cav to go C-A-V-T-O-G-O Save and think, absorb the soul Bring it in, now body roll C-A-V-T-O-G-O
C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go! C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go!
Well, I woke up alone staring at our ceiling I try not to care but it hurts my feelings You don't have to die, come here, get with it No one's become God's hand in a damn hot minute! 
Baby do you like this end?  I made so we can share your flesh You're such a pain in the ass When you're doing it with me, doing it with me!
C-A-V-T-O-G-O Save and think, absorb the soul Bring it in, now body roll Reconstruct, you're cav to go C-A-V-T-O-G-O Save and think, absorb the soul Bring it in, now body roll C-A-V-T-O-G-O
C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go! C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go!
What's it take to become a lyctor? What's it take to ease your guilt?  Hurry up, no time to bicker, Order up, I'm cav-to-go! What's it take to become a lyctor? Hurry up I'm getting cold! Hurry up, no time to bicker, Order up, I'm cav-to-go! 
C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go! C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go! C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go! C-A-V-T-O-G-O You can take me cav-to-go!
Whew, that's deep in me That's what she said Woo, we doing this Harrow? Okay then, sounds good, Catch you on the flipside, Sugarlips
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imnameimswrld · 8 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 || 𝗠𝗝 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ prince!jun x duchess!reader || part one ❫
━━ ❪ . . . description : with the war long over, your home borders on bankruptcy that only the higher kingdom can provide aid in, but aid requires a marriage. however, you're suprised when it is the oldest of the seven, that chooses you ; ❫
━━ ❪ . . . royalty au, marriage of convenience ❫
━━ ❪ . . . disclaimers : this features ricky of zb1, renjun, chenle and kun of nct, and the8 of seventeen, and most of them are asses in this au ! also featuring as your siblings is xiaojun of nct, xiaoting of kepler, and handong of dreamcatcher ! ❫
━━ ❪ . . . warnings : none ❫
( next part ) coming soon !
A snarl pulls at your upper lip as as grimace at your reflection.
"I assume you have words, my lady ?" your handmaid inquires from your side, hands clasped respectfully behind her back.
You grunt once as I raise a single finger to point at my perked up, suffocating, breats.
"Is this necessary ? It leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination and," my sharp gaze cuts to the handmaid, and instantly her haze drops to the ground. "Last time I checked, I was to be a princess, not a whore."
There's a stiffle of laughter from the doorway, and you watch as your oldest sister gestures for the handmaid to leave. As if she couldn't leave fast enough, she all but scurries away with the kind of haste she could've used earlier with bringing your tea.
"You're very mean to her, you know." Dong chirps, sauntering in with poised grace. Unlike yourself, she, was made for this life of ballgowns and pleasantries.
You were made for a sword and armor.
"It's not like she likes me all that much anyway, sister," you glare at the low neckline of your dress one more time before turning your full attention to her. "Or have you forgotten the many times she's purposely dropped my food and drinks on me."
A knowing smile pulls at lips, and she nods slowly, but says nothing further on the topic. Dong comes to stand before me, placing her gentle hands on your tense shoulders.
"The war is over, sister. We've won, thanks to you who led our men. Now, it is time to lay down your sword, and place that crown on your head that you so rightfully deserve." Her gaze is soft, but her tone fierce.
"It was not meant to be me-"
"But it is you, sister."
A cloak of silence settles over the two of you, your mind not able to find the words to explain how wrong this whole situation is. One of your sisters should be the  ones to marry first, they're fit for royalty. You, are not.
A knock at your open door echoes painfully loud through my room, and my gaze shifts to see the rest of my siblings standing in waiting.
"Are you ready, sister ?" Xiaojun inquires, swallowing hard as he stares at you. He's the only one who hates this idea as much as you do, because it means no longer sharing a home with his twin, his best friend.
You make to deny, but Dong doesn't allow it. "She is."
Your gaze flits back to her intense ones, and you let out a breath.
"Because you are Han Y/N, Duke Han's fierce and mighty last born. You, are ready for anything."
You take a staggering breath, willing your knees to quite their shaking as if meeting seven men is more frightening than going into battle with thousands of them at your command.
With one arm through your brother's, you other hand clasping your older sister's, Xiaoting's, tightly, you lift chin and straighten your posture.
Just like Dong told you, because you are the woman who led men into battle, and if anyone should be afraid, it's the seven that are waiting for you in the next room.
Nodding once, the guards pull open the double doors to one of the many ballrooms that sit in your home. Eyes forward, you do your best to not meet any one of their scrutinizing gazes as you walk, opting to just state at a family painting that hangs on the opposite wall, standing at seven tall.
As you stand, you can feel all their gazes inspecting, noting down my every feature, flaw. You make sure to settle a minuscule glare in your eyes, because if they think they can treat anything less than a noble lady, they'll be very sorry.
This process should be anything but slow, and yet, with how closet they analyze me, it feels as if an eternity passes until their steward speaks.
"The princes will now make their choices." the older man speaks, his silver hair glinting in the sunlight that hits through the floor to ceiling windows.
The youngest steps forward, his white hair styled to perfection with a few lose strands left out for the purpose of adding to his beauty – because although younger than you, he is beautiful, and you cannot deny that.
But Quanrui is as arrogant as he is stunning.
"Your beauty is not to the standard I expected, Lady Y/N," you feel Xiaojun stiffen beside you, and you have to dig your nails into his sleeve before he lunges and gets you all into major trouble.
"Therefore, I decline you, Lady Y/N of Duke Han."
Thank God, he's too young and is better off marrying his own goddamn reflection.
Quanrui steps back, his incredibly sharp eyes giving you one last once over before refocusing on Xiaoting beside you. Ha, good luck with that one kid.
The fourth borns step forward simultaneously, twins, but their features couldn't be more different. Chenle you don't know all that well, but one thing is for sure, he has absolutely no desire in what you have to offer.
He'd much prefer someone with a...yeah.
But that is not your secret to tell.
Hence why it's no suprise when he steps back after reciting Quanrui's last words. Renjun seems to have a bored expression on his face.
"A place beside me is not fit for a warrior such as yourself, Lady Y/N. Nor is our home truly," he sighs, clearly uninterested in this whole situation. "But alas, my father disagrees. However, I decline you, Lady Y/N of Duke Han."
He steps back, and you fight back a scoff. As if he could handle a woman like you anyway.
Your gaze flicks to the much taller prince, his body lean and shoulders broad. His gaze is anything but full of distaste. You're taken aback most of all by him. Minghao is silent as he simply steps back, not even showing a hint of respect towards you.
This time you're unable to fight back a glare, and Minghao meets yours with a dark one of his own.
Although the line is coming to an end, the worry practically radiates off of Dong as she stands beside Xiaoting. You understand why, because logically Minghao was your last chance. The next two brothers are older, and would have no interest in a younger woman like yourself – and even though you couldn't care less if you return with no betrothed, you know your father would be disappointed, and Dong fears the limit his patience will continue for you.
You realise in this moment how being declined by all the sons of the High Kingdom could effect your family. You'd be left with a disappointed father, possible bankruptcy because the Duke grows old and there's only so much burdens Dong can carry as the eldest. This house can and will crumble if it doesn't recieve aid from the richest. You've been chosen as the offering, and as degrading as it may feel, your peoples lives depend on being chosen.
With that knowledge, you raise your chin once more, standing just a little taller than before.
One can hope.
"I decline you, Lady Y/N of Duke Han."
But that hope cracks with Kun's words as he steps back, joining his younger brothers. He's the only one to grant you a respectful nod, and for that, you offer him one in return.
Lastly is...
Your gaze travels from the gleaming tips of his boots, up his towering stature, his chest broad and shoulders seeming ever so mighty. The eldest son carries himself with the kind of natural confidence every man dreams of possessing, and in your eyes, it is his beauty, that is unmatched.
But Junhui won't choose you, it's highly unlikely. He's the most quiet, barely ever seen roaming outside of castle walls, and has never, ever been spotted with a woman on his arm. Some say he's a cold man incapable of love. Others say there's just no one worthy enough of being at his side.
However, you are not a woman of stories, but one of reality.
His eyes are unreadable as they stare into yours, not daring to violate your figure as his younger brothers had done. In fact, if you recall correctly, he's not looked anywhere but your eyes this whole time. Does that mean he's interested ? Or is he just being polite ?
For Christs sake, put me out of my misery already and say you decline-
"I accept you, Lady Y/N of Duke Han," Jun strides over with more grace than your whole entire being holds.
Your breath catches in pure shock, an unfamiliar spark jolting in the hand he takes into his own, traveling like wildfire up your arm, before raking down your spine. His touch is gentle, soft, but nothing could compare to the tenderness of his lips that kiss the back of your hand; and the whole time, his gaze never leaves yours.
"I make my choice, and it is you, Lady Y/N."
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randomfanner · 9 months
BG3 Character's Favorite Disney/Pixar Movie
Look Disney a nightmare but @bg3-stole-my-soul suggested what Gale's favorite Pixar movie would be and now I gotta.
Gale - Rateatoullie
Astarion - Tangled (Also Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Wyll - The Lion King (Also Robin Hood) (Also Sword in the Stone)
Shadowheart - Inside Out (Also Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Karlach - WALL-E
Lae'zel - Mulan
Halsin - Brave (Also Bambi)
Minthara - She would sooner you take her out back and shoot her than watch any movie meant for children. (Mulan)
Jaheria - Mary Poppins
Minsc and Boo - G-Force (Also really likes Tarzan)
Dammon - Treasure Planet
Rolan - Fantasia
Zevlor - The Lion King
Orin - Nightmare before Christmas
Gortash - Princess and the Frog (I don't feel the need justify any other movie on this list, but I just think Gortash would really like Tiana)
Ketheric - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Isobel - Up
Dame Aylin - Mulan (also Tarzan)
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allzelemonz · 2 years
Pelt: Snotlout Jorgenson X Gender Neutral Reader
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Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 2: One Bed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Snotlout the flirt, the twins fight, written with a male reader in mind - but it's never stated Summary: When someone forgets to bring enough blankets for the no-dragon training trip the group ends up having to share the few they do have.
When Hiccup first opened his mouth you thought you heard him wrong, but as he pulls the mix of fabrics and pelts from the travel bag his words are proven.
“That’s three blankets and one pelt.” Astrid confirms as she lays them out between the group.
“I could’ve sworn I packed seven!” Hiccup exclaims.
“Not everyone can be as good at counting as I am.” Tuffnut nudges his sister. “See, watch. One, two, three, four, five…” He pauses.
“Six?” Ruffnut suggests.
“No, no. I think it’s ten”
“Then what’s after ten?”
“As much as I would love to let you guys count for the rest of your lives, I’m a little worried about us possibly dying in the cold.” Fishlegs say as he begins to fiddle with his hands in nervousness.
“Look, we’ll be fine.” Snotlout insists. “I’ll just have Hookfang-“
“We don’t have the dragons, Snotlout. This was supposed to be a simple training exercise.” Astrid groans as her hands stretch out the blankets. “Maybe we can cut them.”
“With what though?” You join her in looking over what little protection the group will have from the cold. “If we use a sword or an axe we might damage it so much that we can’t use it.”
“We can’t risk it.” Hiccup decides, kneeling down to pick up the pelt. “I guess we’ll have to share.”
He hands the pelt to you and passes out the blankets, one to Ruffnut and a larger one to FIshlegs.
“No way am I sharing with you!” Tuffnut says as he tries to wrestle the blanket away from his twin.
“I don’t want to share with you anyway!”
“Guys, guys stop!” Hiccup tries and fails to get their attention. “Whatever, Fishlegs isn’t gonna fit under a blanket with anyone else, so you’re on your own.”
“Fine by me!” The gentle giant smiles, holding his blanket close to his chest.
“That just leaves us.” Astrid mumbles as a blush spreads across her cheeks.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you expect Snotlout and I to share the pelt?” You glance between Snotlout and your other friends.
“Unless you want to take one of the twins…” Astrid offers.
You turn your head to see the two Thorstons rolling around in the dirt, forgetting the blanket they’re fighting over.
“I’m up for it if you are.” Snotlout says in his usual flirtatious tone.
“Save it.” You scoff.
“For what, when we’re curled up together under the moonlight?”
You wait a moment for Astrid and Hiccup to wander over to the tree line as they begin to collect sticks for a fire, then you turn on Snotlout.
“I don’t want to ruin this for Hiccup because he’s my friend, Astrid too. They don’t get away much. But, keep this up, and I’ll switch so you’re stuck with Hiccup. Got it?”
“All right, all right. Sheesh, no need to be so harsh.” Snotlout’s face drops and, for a moment, it seems like he might get through the night with a decent level of dignity.
As the twin’s fighting dies down when they’ve forgotten why they were fighting, the group gets a fire started. By the flames, on all sides, you make your beds. Fishlegs smooths out the dirt underneath him and pulls out a little doll resembling Meatlug from seemingly nowhere. Hiccup and Astrid stretch their blanket out, giving each other a respectable amount of space that will dwindle once they’re asleep and unconsciously roll into one another’s arms. The twins are both sitting under their blanket, giggling about something Ruffnut found by the lake not far from here.
All of the group is settling in nicely for the night. Except for you and Snotlout. No matter how you tug at the pelt, seemingly a bear’s now that you’ve been messing with it enough, you can’t arrange in a way that keeps you from touching each other. No matter what, you’re going to be snuggling close if you don’t want your feet to freeze. As the night gets one you settle for facing away from him, your back pressing lightly against his chest. But just as you close your eyes, there’s an annoying noise that wakes you.
“Your teeth are clattering.” You note, quiet enough for only your bedmate to hear.
“I can’t help it, it’s cold.” He argues.
You sigh, pushing a bit more of the pelt to him. It may expose you to the cool air flowing between the ground and the furry cover, but it keeps Snotlout content and quiet. Soon enough you find your shivers overtaking you, making i impossible to sleep.
“If you scoot closer we can fit the pelt over us better.” Snotlout mumbles, half asleep.
“Not even in your wildest dreams.” You tuck your arms in as tight as you can, trying to keep yourself warm.
“It’s not like that. You’re cold, I’m warm, it’s not fair.”
“If you ever bring this up-“
“I just don’t want you to freeze.”
You hesitantly scoot inward, letting your back press solidly against Snotlout’s chest. The blanket falls to the ground again with that extra half inch of slack. You’re able to pull it in just a bit to keep the cold air from sneaking through.
“I think it might be every warmer if I wrapped my arms-“
“Shut up.” You cut him off.
For once, he does shut up at your request. Now, enveloped in warmth, you’re able to peacefully drift off into sleep. A particularly loud crackle from the fire wakes you in the middle of the night. You shut your eyes again to sleep, but an unfamiliar feeling makes you stay awake. Underneath the pelt, Snotlout has his arm loosely draped over your torso. You’ll never admit just how nice it feels.
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Summary: Y/N finds someone in her room at night during the Christmas season. Is he the demon from her old Nanny's fairytales?
Warnings: Smut (obviously) , name calling, spanking, yk the whole shebang. Mention of blood. Rough (as in, really rough) sex. Wrap it before you tap it. Also, these pictures were downloaded from Pinterest, don't sue us🥲 Pic credits to owners.
Word count: 5.4k
A/n: Hey guyssss we're back with a oneshot. This is our entry for @watchmegetobsessed 's #fanficmas2022
(This is basically smut with no plot lol, G went feral with it)
Anyway here's, 5.4k of pure smut😚❤️ Enjoyyyy
G and M
The ambient darkness spread across the horizon. The moon was nowhere to be found. There were owls hooting outside. Y/N felt like she was in a horror movie . Her mother had always warned her not to listen to Grandma's horror stories. Well, she was not technically Y/N’s granny; she was the one who looked after her when her parents weren't around; she was her nanny but Y/N loved her like her own grandmother. Her parents were always travelling for work related things and were hardly home. They were busy making money and reputation while Y/N was abandoned like an orphan. They provided her with everything but it was not the same as having her parents around. She had studied well and had entered into a prestigious university. She chose to study psychology, the wonders of the human mind had never failed to amuse her.
Laying on her bed, Y/n contemplated her life. Life had always been difficult for her. Breaking up with her now ex boyfriend was just the icing on the cake. Her best friend Danny was the only relief in her crestfallen life. She slowly drifted off to sleep.
She woke up abruptly at the sound of thunderbolts in the night sky . Electric lightning zipped across the sky like fireworks.Terrified would be an understatement to explain her predicament. Shadows of her own room illuminated in the lighting and it appeared more and more disturbing. She felt like she was immobile. Is this what they call sleep paralysis? She could feel a menacing presence of something that wasn't supposed to be there. She wanted to run outside and scream but she couldn't. Another roar of thunder.
"Oh God! " She screamed.
"God isn't coming for your help, darling, " a hoarse voice replied.
"Who are you?" She asked. A gravelly laugh was the reply.
In the dark she could make out the shadow of her intruder, thanks to the lightning. Another thunder bolted.
"Please don't kill me", she cried.
Her intruder came closer this time. She found that he was around six feet and sculpted, not in a way that Protein shakes and gym do. He was wearing a black cloak with a hood. It covered his entire face. A sword hung dangerously on his hip. It felt like hanging the sword of Democles above her head because she knew that it was going to be her last night on earth.Even if she tried to fight with this intruder, it wouldn't last long, he was armed and she was alone .
"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it while you were asleep, darling. Why waste time fighting with you?" He seemed calm and collected unlike her mind, which had a raging storm inside that made the thunderstorm outside look less terrific. The rumbling sound of the thunder brought back her attention to the intruder.
"Then why are you here? Wait, what are you wearing?" She did not mean to ask that question out loud, it was a slip of the tongue.
"That's what we wear in our land." He confirmed.
"Who wears a cloak in the 21st century? Are you out of your mind? ", she laughed
Then it clicked.
" They come wearing black cloaks and a sword with two serpents on its handle. The hilt of the sword has an emerald stone in the middle. Every year before Christmas they will visit, to mark all your sins. They are the incarnations of all seven deadly sins, they're the commanders of the Devil himself.”
“The Angel who was cast out of heaven for rebelling against God.”
“ What was his name again?”
“Lucifer”, Grandma whispered.
“Lucifer”, Y/n confirmed.
“Don't say his name aloud princess. He'll come and take you to his place.”
“And where is his place?” Y/n couldn't contain her excitement. She was mesmerised by the tale of God and Lucifer, an angel who lost his place for disobeying The Mighty Creator.
“It's said in Isaiah 14:12 that after becoming Satan by his fall, Lucifer "goeth up and down, to and fro in the earth, seeking to destroy the souls of men".
“So he wanders around. Does he not have a palace or something?”
"He has, Princess. A palace and an army of soldiers beneath the Earth, a distant land of shadows, where the dead and the sinned will go."
She voyaged through the memory lane, a conversation with her grandma long ago .
"Are you the fallen angel ?" She asked, petrified.
"You need to be specific, darling."He said with pure amusement.
"Are you …..",she swallowed her own words .
"Are you Lucifer? " She finally plucked up the courage to ask him .
"No, I Am not ."His words are nonchalant like he does this kind of conversation everyday.
"No I'm not a robber, we have enough resources in our land. We are immune to the earthly pleasure of money." He mused.
"Can you read my mind?" She was genuinely surprised.
"Yeah we could do that "
"We? Are you not alone? How many people have you brought to kill me? Please don't kill me. I'll do anything, please."
She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, she was afraid, alone and did not even know the purpose of her intruder. A hand reached her chin.
"I'm not here to kill you Y/N ." He said, his sound raspy, thick and delicious. His fingers that were now wiping her tears electrified her whole body. He slowly reached for the bedside lamp and switched it on. She covered her eyes with her hands at the sudden sensitivity of light. Slowly opening her eyes, she noticed that her intruder no longer had a hood over his head. He was dangerously handsome.This guy was dangerous in more ways than she could fathom. She gripped her hands together anticipating him to snap at her or beat her up. But nothing happened, he stared at her, his jawline impossibly sharp, his lips thin and rosy, eyes as deep as the green ocean. His long hair was tied in a half bun. He stared at her with an expression of a predator looking at its prey. His eyes burned into her like he could see her soul. She thought she would turn into ashes soon, if he continued to stare at her like this.
"I will never hurt you. Maybe I will hurt you, but not in the way you think . I'll make sure you will enjoy every inch of your misery."
His lips curled up in a sinful manner. Her eyes zeroed in on his lips. Her tongue darted out and licked her own lips wishing that she could taste those dangerous lips that were only a few centimetres away from her. His aura was black, much blacker than the colour of his cloak.
"Stop tempting me, darling, or I'll have to grant your wish and I swear, once I get a taste of those pretty lips of yours, I won’t be able to stop. "
The air suddenly became so hot .The look on his face suggested that he'll do everything he said if she allowed. It sent a spark down her spine. A part of her was frightened, another part elated.
"You wish", She wanted to sound angry but it came out only as a breathy whisper.
"I don't have to wish, darling, I can see you thinking about it." His voice was hoarse, and the looks he gave her were primal and animalistic. It shook her defences. But she couldn't be defeated by an intruder, now could she?
"Who are you ?"She queried.
"I am Harry, The Lord of Lust ,The second commander of the Devil Lucifer himself." At Least he's not the Devil. But the dangerous aura around him and his serpent eyes excited her. She felt like a child again, in her bed listening to stories from her grandma , going to the darkest places in her mind and discovering something new every time. This was something terrific, yet it excited her all the same.
“Are you an angel like Lucifer, a fallen angel from heaven? " she asked out of curiosity.
"No, we're created from the Devil himself. We're 7 parts of him "
"We?" She inquired .
"Yeah, seven lords for seven sins" Her grandmother had told her about the seven deadly sins from the Bible. Seven deadly sins are also called seven cardinal sins. In Roman Catholic theology, they can be thought of as disposition towards sin. They are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.
"So you don't have an independent existence?Are you, like, sired to him?." She cross-questioned.
"Not exactly,we can have our own life ,deeds , pleasure,sins etc.But our ultimate duty is to follow the Devil's instructions." He seemed bored. Maybe he didn’t like being questioned like this . But Y/n pressed, she wanted to know.
"What happens if you don't oblige?"
Will the devil kill you? But she omitted that part for her own good.
"We'll oblige, I already said we're a part of him." He sounded certain.
"Why are you here though? "
Did the Devil send him to take her to him so that he can boil her in hot oil or peel her skin and leave it to the crocodiles ?
"There are no crocodiles in our hell. We are friendly people, you know. I am here, out of mere curiosity." He sounded amused, like he was enjoying having a conversation with her.
"Curious? Of what?"
"Yeah ,you"
"What have I done ?"
"You haven't done anything.Your book is empty, that's what I am curious about." He took something out of his pocket, something that looks like a book but in a black velvet cover . He put it in his hand and closed his eyes.Suddenly the page opened with her name on the top. But it was empty .
"What's this ?"
" The Book of lust.Every individual has a record of their sins recorded in their respective books. For Lust, for envy, for Pride...But yours is empty." He pronounced.
"What ?I haven't committed any sins at all ?"
"No that's not it. Maybe you have committed other sins but your book of lust is empty."He put the book back in his pocket. He was wearing a corset vest under his cloak and she could see his muscles straining inside wanting to see the light.
"Why though? I have had sex before."she felt offended all of a sudden .
"I thought about it as well and then I got my answer. Yes, you have had sex before.But have you enjoyed it? Have you done it purely to enjoy the pleasure of lust, to quench your thirst for lust? Leaving behind all your convictions and beliefs to do something dangerous?" He ran a hand through his thick hair.
"What do you mean?" She stuttered.His presence overwhelmed her and his words ,each syllable rolled out of that pretty tongue in a melodious manner.She paused her thoughts knowing well that he could read her mind. Her face became red out of embarrassment.
With a knowing smile,he continued:
"I mean, you did it as something that has to be done, not to embrace the pleasure.Enjoying the pleasure and imposing the pleasure are two different things ,darling" he did not sound mocking. But she felt humiliated.
"I see" she tried to be sarcastic, in an attempt to hide her hurt .
"What?" He asked genuinely concerned .
"I see that you're here to mock my incompetence to do the deed."she tried to jump out of the bed but his hands gripped her hand stopping her path.
" The Deed? What deed?” , he smirked.
She tried to retrieve her hand from his grip but those long fingers tightened their grip leaving it an impossible task. She felt him loosening his grip a little bit .
"I mean, you know, the deed "she closed her eyes irritatingly.
"And I'm asking you again.Use the exact words darling."
"I know you can read my thoughts. Then why are you making this hard for me,… What should I call you?"
Maybe Lord, or maybe Mr intruder or even Devil 2.O, she laughed at her own thoughts.
"You can call me Harry for now, and my lord, while we do the deed." He sounded cocky. Arrogant son of a bitch.
"Who said we're going to do the deed?"She knew she was only one step away from crossing the line .But she couldn't care less. She spent her entire life trying to be perfect, controlling her impulses. Now, a dark Angel from hell is in her room, wanting to make her commit sin and she's definitely going to fall for this temptation. She's completely aware of the fact that she's playing with fire.
"You mean the deed that involves me lifting your skimpy material that you call nightgown and spanking your ass and putting my cock inside your wet pussy until you see the stars?" His voice washed over her .
"Fuck " she was going insane.
"Exactly" He was so close that she could feel his breath fanning over her face.Her reaction was immediate, her nipples hard and panties soaking wet.
"Don't you dare plan on anything as such" suddenly she felt nervous.
"Then why am I smelling your arousal, huh? I can't control myself any longer. Do you want me to control it ,Y/N? ."His honey laced voice wrapped around her in a tight embrace. She was put into an immovable trance where she could think about nothing but him and his cock. Her breath hitched and her heart pounded in anticipation. His words set her body aflame. And God forbid she wanted to burn in that fire.
"Do you want me to control,Y/N ? Answer me "he demanded, his words dominant. It made fear wrap tightly around her like a nightgown.
"No "she whispered .
"Louder, darling "he taunted. His hands reached for her chin, forefinger running across her jaw. She shuddered under his touch.
"No," she said, grabbing all her courage.
"No, what ?"He pressed while his eyes devoured every inch of her body.She had never felt this alive.
"No , Harry"
"Not Harry, darling.Call me your Lord." a smirk adorned his lips.
"No, I don't want you to control yourself around me, My Lord." She said frustrated.
"That's my whore. "
His Whore. Never in her life had something called her something like that .So degrading, yet so possessive.
“Can I touch you now, Y/N? I need your words.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
He moved so fast when those words left her mouth. He yanked her against him. His body pressed entirely against hers. He crashed his lips against hers and she could feel herself, drowning in ecstasy. A burning desire raced through her veins. She knew kissing a total stranger was against all her principles that she followed till today. But she could care less at this point when an unexplainable euphoria had her body in its grip. Heat pooled in her lower stomach. Her core ached with pulsating need. He gripped his hand around her neck tilting it for better access. The kiss was rough. She was panting . Her heart hammered in her chest.He bit her bottom lip asking for permission which she granted him effortlessly. Their tongues fought furiously against each other for dominance.He groaned against her.
"Fu..ck" she moaned shamelessly.
He groaned in reply.His lips left hers. His thumb rubbed against her erratic pulse. Her eyes drank him.He buried his face in her neck, nipping the soft flesh with his teeth. Her hands run effortlessly in his long curls. He bit her flesh bringing tears to her eyes but the throbbing in her core intensified. He tugged his hair hard, a small moan escaping from his own lips. He shifted his hip to rub his hardness against her core .
"Now remove your clothes all by yourself and touch yourself like the whore you are." He ordered.
A breathy moan escaped her lips but she made no move. He yanked her hair, jerking back until her ear was near his mouth.
"Either you'll do it or I'll make you do it. Leave the good girl act you've been doing for years and be the whore you are." He said, nibbling on her ears. His hot breath warmed her skin. She was so absorbed by him. His words were dominant, but she felt warm and safe.
Looking straight into his eyes, she reached for the string of her nightgown .She untied it, looking straight into his eyes. She yanked it down, slowly, without even breaking eye contact.His breath heaved.He was straining painfully in his pants. The gown fell to the floor. Her panties followed it, leaving her in nothing. A cold breeze washed over her body leaving goosebumps.Her nipples hardened. His breath hitched at the sight.
"Fucking gorgeous" He groaned.
She spread herself onto the bed in front of him , giving him a clear view of her core. Her hands slowly reached for the spot. She shifted her fingers towards the throbbing spot .She pushed them inside and outside teasing herself and then increased her pace.
"Open wider " she obeyed him without another word. Her legs instantly fell further apart .She twirled her fingers around her clit faster. She could feel the sensation of an impending orgasm in her lower belly .
"Stop " he demanded. A scream of frustration left her mouth. She glared at him.
"Now beg for it " She thought he was joking but his expression said otherwise.
"No " She was not going to fall for his antics .
"I won't beg " She pressed
"Oh you will " he sounded certain.
Her gaze zeroed onto his eyes. Tension snapped between them .
He let out a small laugh.He moved so fast and closed the distance between them . She felt shy wearing nothing while he's still wearing his cloak. Reading her thoughts, he removed his cloak. He was wearing a corset vest inside it. Y/N swallowed hard at the sight of all the muscles tightly packed inside his vest. It was sleeveless, giving her a great display of his inked arms full of tattoos and some scars that only added to his beauty. He took his sword in his hands, a smirk adorning his lips indicating nothing but danger.
He pressed the hilt of the sword inside her.
"Har..ry …." Her words were cut off by the feeling of cold metal .
"My Lord" , he commanded with a hard thrust.
He thrust it in and out making her shudder under him. He worked the sword inside her, eliciting pain and pleasure at the same time.The serpent guard of the sword hit her clit every time he thrust the handle inside her. He took the sword out and she whimpered at the lack of contact . He thrust it hard this time hitting a spot that made her eyes roll back .A moan escaped her mouth.
She rolled her hips in the rhythm of the sword.
"Like that , fuck my sword like you wish to fuck me."
She was close to an orgasm. He suddenly stopped .
"Now beg for it " He barked.
"Please " she was desperate to come at this point.
"Please what?" he was not going to let it go .
"Please let me cum, my lord"
"You could do better,"he taunted .
"Please make your whore come , My Lord."
He thrust harder in reply. Slurping noises filled the room, mixed with their moans. It took only one thrust to unleash her orgasm. She screamed like she could see Hell. He rode her through her orgasm and she was a mess after she came down from her high. But she felt like it was only the beginning.
"Because I am not done with you yet”
He said, reading her thoughts.
“I want to devour you, Y/N , I want to consume you, every inch, every breath, until you're a mess who can't see anything other than me. Now, tell me, who is your Lord ,Y/N?"
“You " she closed her eyes.
"Yes, I am your lord. And what are you to me?" She opened her mouth but no words came out. He gripped her throat pressing her firmly against the headboard.
"Your whore " tears pricked her eyes.
"You're doing well, darling. I'll fuck you like every whore wants. I'll bend you over, spank you till your ass cheeks turn red; until you beg me to make you come all over my cock ."
"Please,'' she begged.
He cocked an eyebrow at her clearly not satisfied by her request .
"Please make me come again ,My Lord." She sobbed, not caring anymore.
"I will "
He removed his vest followed by his pants. He was huge and hard . She eyed every inch of his body like it was her last sight. Her gaze dropped down to his cock. Her lips parted open at the sight.
"On your knees ,Now " he commanded.
Without even hesitation she sank onto the floor. He gripped her hair to make her stare at his cock.
"Open your mouth" she obliged his commands without any complaints.
Without taking his eyes off her he slipped the cock right into her mouth slowly until it reached her throat.Her eyes teared at the size . He bucked his hips into her mouth making her gag.
"For every gag, you're going to be punished hard, darling " He barked
She adjusted to his size immediately.She licked it top to bottom . Slowly started sucking it , she increased her pace then.She bobbed her head up and down with hollowed cheeks making his breath hitch.
"Faster , just like that my Whore , You're doing amazing "
Her hands reached his balls; slowly, rhythmically playing with it. He gripped her hair, thrusting deeper into her mouth. Saliva drooled from her lips making him moan at the sight. He fucked her mouth roughly. Her eyes watered at the feeling. A few more thrusts was all it took to make his hot cum drip into her mouth. It took him some minutes to come back from his high. He saw her looking at his face with her eyes watery, lips swollen from sucking his cock and face wet from sweat and his hot cum. He groaned at the sight. She felt accomplished. She felt proud making a part of a fallen angel cum under her touch. She never felt this much power and for the first time in her life she was not thinking about the consequences.
"Do you know how gorgeous you look right now, darling? Fucking beautiful, like a whore waiting for her Lord's cock inside her. Do you want my cock , darling?"
"Yes "she sounded excited.
"Have you ever loved a cock like you love your Lord's?"
"No " it was true .She never had seen anybody with a massive cock like his. It filled her mouth perfectly, reaching her throat, making her gag.
"Does your boyfriend let you fuck his cock with your mouth ,whore?" She moaned at the nickname.She didn't know she would love degradation until Harry. He made even degrading sound pleasing.Everytime the word whore left his mouth she felt herself getting wetter. It was sinful and dirty.
"Yes” He had sometimes but it wasn't rough. He hadn't yanked her hair or bucked his hips against her mouth. Sex with him was controlled and calculated. She never lost control with him .It was just like the other things in her life, precise and in order.
"And do you like it?" His face was nonchalant but words dripping venom. Is Lord of Lust , the second commander of Devil himself jealous of her ex-boyfriend? The thought made her even more wet.
"No" she sounded like a desperate giddy teenager.
"Cause ….." she trailed of.She wanted to say a hundred things but nothing came from her mouth. The anticipation was killing her.Her core ached for another release. Watching him fall apart in her mouth was a torture to say the least.
"You'll be punished for not answering, darling." His words are dominant and scary.
"No please" she said, but her mind screamed yes a thousand times.
"Bend down on my lap, I'll make it easier for you. You'll never hesitate for a moment to answer my questions." She wanted to put on an act of hesitation but nothing could hide the excitement from her face. She must have gone out of her mind or how could someone enjoy the idea of punishment. She's beyond fucked up at this point. But she could care less.
She did as he said and he pinched her nipple, making her shudder. He gently patted her ass cheeks. Goosebumps spread across her skin from the cold rings adorning his fingers. She hissed, trying to muffle her moans. He slapped her ass hard enough to make her scream aloud.
"Don't you dare hold back your moans, you understand?” She nodded.
"Good "another slap.
"You're such a whore, allowing a man centuries older than you to fuck you without even knowing how dangerous he is. Do you like if I let you fuck all the seven lords together, darling?Will you be greedy for all of their cocks, whore?"
He slapped her again and she screamed in pain and pleasure, a combination of pure bliss.
"Now tell me darling, will you be enjoying all their cocks?"
"No," she cried.
"Which cock will you love?"
"Yours, only yours"
"Fuck" he groaned "you'd be the death of me if I had one. I'll make you forget all the losers that ever touched your sweet pussy while my tongue fucks the hell out of you ."
She moaned his name again . He yanked her foreword kissing her lips possessively.Their mouths crashed against each other harder, almost desperate.Y/N’s heart fluttered at the sensation. No man will ever be enough for her. She wanted a man like him.
"Don't you dare think I'll make it easier for you, darling.You're My Whore , I'll fuck you like a whore. And you're right , once I'm done no one will ever be enough for you ."
Her face heated at the confession. He had read her thoughts. She could feel the blush creeping from her face to neck. She looked to hide her embarrassment only to watch his painfully hard cock . It strained for her. Her core clenched at the sight. She looked into his face only to find those emerald eyes turning black. It killed her. He wanted it as much as she did .She was on cloud nine, just thinking about it.
He didn't let her finish her thoughts. He flipped her back on the bed and spread her legs apart. She was dripping wet.
"Fucking wet for me, my whore. I love seeing you like this, with hazy eyes and wetness pooling between your legs only for me. I fucking love it"
She didn't get a chance to respond as he slammed into her. His thrusts were hard and desperate. He hissed at the feeling of her sweet pussy clenching around his cock.The feeling brought him a pleasure that was beyond Earth and Hell. He choked her with his long fingers .Tears sprung in her eyes. He slammed into her over and over again. Her hips arched for more. He took her nipple in his mouth while pinching the other one with his hands.She felt immortal. His pace was brutal. He bit her nipple to stimulate the sensation. He pounded into her in an insatiable hunger. She wiggled her hips to match his merciless rhythm. He quickened his thrusts hitting a spot within her. She felt the orgasm building inside her. It took only a few more thrusts to make her fall apart under him . After a few more thrusts, he too reached his climax.Before she could catch her breath he flipped her back muffling her moans into the pillow. He slammed into her from behind in a brutal thrust. A scream ripped through her as the new position made him hit the exact point.
"Scream my name, whore" he commanded, biting her shoulder. His fangs which she didn't realise were there till now, pierced into her shoulder. Blood swept from his mouth to her neck. His nails dug deeper into her ribs. She hissed in a pain that brought her orgasm closer. His thrusts were ferocious. An animalistic growl escaped his lips. She felt her inner demons breaking all the walls she created to bury them. She bucked her hips matching his energy. They reached a similar momentum . The world stilled as both of them fell apart together, filling the air with their whimpers and soft curses.
"You know how my cock felt inside you? Did you enjoy it too, darling?" His words were hoarse.
"I fucking loved it." Her words were incoherent from the mind-blowing sex.
"Has any body ever fucked you like this?" He asked.
"No never. I don't think anybody will ever"
Pleased with her reply, he fucked her again and again until she couldn't take it anymore. She felt exhausted when they finally finished. He slowly got up from the bed, took his dress and started dressing. She looked at him curiously.
"It's my cue to leave "
He was leaving.The thought made her sick. But she didn't try to make him stay. She accepted the fact that he didn't belong here. He was a demon. He had a different life and purpose. Maybe she'll find him again on a stormy night and maybe he'll fuck her like today again. Reading her thoughts he closed the distance between them.This time, it was a gentle kiss, a reminder that this is not the end .
"You haven't made me fall apart with your tongue, My Lord. Shame on your race, you didn't keep your promise." she smirked and he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Well, we can try again next year, I don’t think you’ll be able to take another orgasm " with that, he disappeared, his signature smirk adorning his lips.
"Don't go please….."
Y/n woke up abruptly with a pounding headache. What the hell! Was it a dream?She was dripping wet, from a dream! She looked down at her body. She was still wearing her nightgown. Nothing in her room was out of place. Everything was just the way she kept it. No signs of a storm. Harry, the Lord of Lust, the spanking, the sex…everything was a dream. She groaned in frustration.
Today she has to present her paper for her psychoanalysis class and here she was, waking up from a wet dream. It felt so realistic. She couldn't waste any time, she had to reach the college by 9.00. Danny had texted her that he would be there to pick her up within 25 minutes, which meant that she had to skip breakfast. She freshened up quickly and cladded herself in a black fitted skirt and a white shirt with a black blazer. She added stockings to her look to make it a little more modest. Danny was on time. Grabbing her presentation, she entered his car.
"Good Morning, ready for your presentation?" Danny asked in enthusiasm.
"Morning, and, yeah almost." She didn't seem that confident.
"You're going to rock it" he tried to boost her confidence.
"You're such a gem, but I'll be breaking your bones if you don't start the engine right now "
"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today " he laughed trying to ease her anxiety which she replied with a laugh.
The presentation went great. Her professor was delighted by her findings. The day was pretty good, to say the least. She went to the cafeteria to grab her breakfast after her presentation. She was accompanied by Danny whom she told about her dream. Not the mind boggling details, but the way it seemed so realistic and all that. He laughed and tried to interpret what it meant using Freudian philosophy. Danny had to leave soon as he had a class that hour.
Y/N walked over to the counter to get a coffee. She was waiting for her turn when somebody poured their coffee into her heels.
"Jesus …I am so sorry " leaning down to wipe her heels, a raspy voice said, in a British accent. He took a tissue from his pocket and reached for her heels. She abruptly pulled back,
"It's okay, you don't have to do it"
"It's fine, afterall it was my mistake ", sitting on his knees, he looked up at her. Her breath hitched, heart pounding faster. Same curly hair, but this time without a half bun. Same rosy full lips and that chiselled jawline. She could hardly believe her eyes.
"Ha..Harry?" she whispered.
He stood up, surprised,
"Um, sorry, do I know you?"
Well, shit.
Soooooo, what do y'all think? G went a bit overboard for this one lol😝
Feedback is appreciated ☺️
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c-nstellati-ns · 1 year
how about b c g h t x for my cowboy cassidy?
cole cassidy - NSFW alphabet
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
contrast to popular belief, cassidy prides himself on his arms- both his regular and prosthetic one. his prosthesis isn’t a source of shame or embarrassment to him, he’s proud of it no matter what. sure sometimes he takes off his arm in his downtime, but he’ll be damned if someone tried making him feel bad for having lost it in the first place. he particularly enjoys tracing the little scars and muscles that ripple underneath your skin, it soothes his mind to feel your warmth against his palms, alive and breathing next to him.
his favourite part about you has to be your back and chest. as stated before, cole is extremely touchy with you. so his downtime often includes him laying down with you, arms wrapped around your waist and his face firmly pressed against your shoulder- pressing kisses against the skin occasionally. when he’s sleepy, he tends to be so lovey-dovey with you, muttering things like “yer heartbeat is so soothin’, hun.” and curl into you even closer, burying himself in your chest. he’s extremely sweet, he makes it known he adores every inch of your body, though.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
it’s a double edged sword with cole… because he does absolutely love being made a mess of, but absolutely despises having to clean up after. he would rather curl up with you and fall asleep but he can’t exactly do that if he’s got cum dripping down onto his thighs and staying there. he’s particularly fond of shower sex though, because you can thoroughly fill him to the brim and clean him up after <3 if you both happen to be having a quickie though, he would not be opposed to you spilling over his tongue and face,,,
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
cole is silly !!!! he’s a firm believer in if you’re not laughing w/ ur partner at least once during sex, then what’s the point ??? he loves cracking jokes in the middle of it just to make you smile because thats the greatest gift you could ever bless him with. of course there’s going to be some serious parts of sex, especially if you both haven’t seen each other for a while or almost lost each other in a particularly horrible fight- but that’s not going to stop cassidy from giggling from the rush of adrenaline and dopamine when you’re fucking him silly. he wants you to completely ruin AND take care of him
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
i’d say he’s tad bit on the hairier side naturally. cole is extremely busy most of the time so he’s found that it’s hard to keep up with it sometimes. you truly do Not mind though, seeing that thick happy trail when his shirt lifts up a bit too high- its a sight for sore eyes. though, he will groom himself a bit more if you’re going on a date or an anniversary of sorts. he’s gotta make sure he looks his best for you ofc !!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
i’d say he owns a few! not too much though, he prefers having you instead. cole is a little traumatised from an incident of someone recognising him in a sex shop when he went there to buy a few things, so never again <3! i’d say his favourites have to be ropes, vibrators and a blindfold. he’s a sucker for being tied up and waiting for you to touch him. it leaves him leaking, needy and desperate for you. a good session will leave him thoroughly wrecked for a long while after.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
i’d say cole’s fairly well endowed actually. around seven inches, uncut with a pretty flushed pink tip. it slightly curves to the side and drips a lot when he really gets into the groove of things. he has a real pretty cock, a vein running on the side that makes him shudder whenever you pass a finger over it. it’s longer than its thick, but it fits nicely in your hand when you’re jerking him off. cole lost a bet when he was younger and as a result, has a prince albert’s piercing. he did regret it for a while, but seeing you innate interest in the piercing- he feels a lot better about having it.
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lulu2992 · 1 year
From the Inquisitor to the Baptist: The Evolution of John Seed
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When Far Cry 5 came out, on March 27, 2018, players got to finally meet John Seed “in person” and see his final design. That said, it’s still possible to stumble upon early versions of him in the game and its files.
All the sources and references indicated by the superscript numbers will be given in the last post.
Part 2: Physical appearance, clothes, and tattoos (Far Cry 5)
Here is John Seed, the Baptist, as he appears in Far Cry 5 most of the time:
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His coat is now decorated with planes, but it still has scales on the buttons. He has a two-tone blue shirt, a vest (it seems, heavily inspired by a piece from the D&G Spring/Summer 2010 menswear collection²⁷), dark grey jeans with a brown belt and an “EG” belt buckle, dark grey, laced, probably leather boots, a watch, an Eden’s Gate earring, blue sunglasses (on his head), his bunker key around his neck, a SLOTH scar on his chest, and a lot of tattoos²⁸:
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Among them, in addition to the ones previously mentioned in Part 1 (the letters and symbols on his fingers, the goat, the snake, the flames, the scales, and the angelic figure with the dove in the wreath), we find:
On his right arm,
a nautical star (can represent guidance) and diamonds/jewels (can represent beauty and power)
the number seven in tally marks (also tattooed on his left little finger), probably for the seven deadly sins
a fly (can represent determination)
a sword/dagger (can represent protection or sacrifice)
an anchor (can represent God and groundedness) with another snake and pair of scales
a crescent moon (can represent purity or transition, a new beginning)
a peacock feather (the peacock is used to symbolize Pride)
the word SLOTH crossed out
a flaming horseshoe, possibly to symbolize the Horsemen (and fire) of the Apocalypse.
On his left arm,
a revolver, maybe the last vestige of the gun he was holding in the first promotional pictures and in Absolution
an eagle, which looks like it’s about to catch the snake, maybe to symbolize Eden’s Gate (the cult used to be represented by an eagle, as seen in the early piece of concept art of the Seed family¹), “killing” sins (here, Envy)
an ax (can represent strength and fearlessness)
the plane pattern that is now also on his coat
a religious cross
a chair and the words “SIT DOWN & WE TALK”, most likely a reference to the fact he’s the Project’s Confessor
a holy figure with a sickle attached to their hand and what looks like sprigs of wheat, the latter probably symbolizing the Reaping and the fact John is in charge of it
another cross with “EG” in the middle, as well as the Greek letters alpha (A) and omega (ω), “the beginning and the end” in the Book of Revelation in the Bible
a bird, maybe a swallow (can represent freedom and resilience).
Most of his tattoos seem to be religious symbols, but depending on who you ask, tattoos can have very different, sometimes deeply personal meanings, so it’s difficult to know exactly what they’re supposed to represent. Some of the significations I’ve just mentioned in the list are very generic and can be found on many websites.
The crossed-out word SLOTH is particularly interesting to me because John has a similar scar on his chest, and “Acedia” (Sloth) is missing from the list tattooed on his left hand. It seems he really hates this sin²⁹…
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But funnily enough, in the game, John doesn’t always look like this.
In the bedroom of the Holmes Residence, on Joseph’s Island, there are pictures of the Seed family on the wall, and John appears in two of them³⁰:
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In the first one, he’s wearing his sunglasses, and his coat appears to have EG logos on it instead of planes. In the other picture, his coat might also be the “old” one, but it’s hard to tell.
In the family portrait, also visible in the Holmes Residence³¹, it’s his early character model (no glasses, no tattoos, “EG” pattern on the coat), the one we see in the Prima Games guide, who is in the picture. His siblings look slightly different as well.
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In Dutch’s bunker, there also are pictures (and short descriptions) of the Father and his Heralds. Once again, it’s John’s early model who seems to be in the photo³².
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In the “Power of Yes” poster, he’s wearing his sunglasses³²:
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On the “We love you and we will take you” billboards³², John’s picture is a mixture of several designs. His coat is the final one, with planes, but his face appears to belong to his early model because his sunglasses are nowhere to be found and I think his beard looks slightly longer. He has the SLOTH scar and bunker key, but the letters on his fingers are S, G, and G for Sloth and Gluttony/Greed. The tattoo on his hand is hard to see, but it doesn’t seem to be the nautical star and diamonds.
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In the menu, more specifically in the Journal, where missions are listed, we can once again see John’s early model (no glasses, no tattoos), like in this image that illustrates the mission “The Confession”³³:
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I’ve previously mentioned an early version of the “You have been Marked” broadcast (in IGN’s video²¹), but an even earlier version of it can be seen in Far Cry Arcade. If you add the “Counter Cafeteria” (Far Cry 5 > Objects > Residential > Kitchen) to your map in the Arcade Editor, you can see this³⁴:
The Eden’s Gate cross that appears at the beginning is also a very early design, the one featured in what could be the first artwork of the Seed family¹.
A picture of John’s old 3D model was also in the deleted in-game encyclopedia (still partially available in the files)³⁵. His sunglasses, key, scar, and tattoos are missing, and he has the EG coat.
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In the loading screens for the Holland Valley region, although John looks a little more realistic than his in-game model, his design appears to be the same³⁶:
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As for his in-game portrait and character icon, they feature his final design as well:
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But there also exists a very early version of this portrait in the files. John appears to be the character on the left, once again wearing sunglasses³⁷:
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But surprisingly, the release of Far Cry 5 didn’t mark the end of the changes regarding John’s appearance. After the game came out, his model was slightly altered one last time.
If you ever took a close look at his shoes in the first few months that followed the release of Far Cry 5, you may have noticed that there was blood on them. This blood stain is also visible in the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” official artwork²³:
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But when I looked at his shoes again in the Arcade Editor five months later, the blood was mysteriously gone…
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I have no idea why it was removed, but I like that it was because John’s evolution, from the game’s earliest stages of development to its final version, was not just physical; his personality, methods, and morals were also modified. The blood disappearing from his shoes is a subtle and maybe meaningless change, but I think it perfectly illustrates how his violence was gradually toned down during the development of Far Cry 5.
To be continued…
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