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coline7373 · 1 year
On the aftermath of Melida/Daan
Jedi Apprentice? I loved this serie!!!!
That said, I have long struggled with the way the aftermath of Melida/Daan seemed to be just swept under the rug and how, at the Temple, everyone seems to condamn Obi-Wan without a word about Qui-Gon's own behavior.
I long wanted to read a fic that tackled all that and now, I have.
So. First thing first.
The problem is two fold: one, whether or not Obi-Wan was wrong to abandon the Order to figh with the Young, and second, the matter of the probation.
And of course, Qui-Gon's role in all that.
Let me start of by saying that, yes, I do think Obi-Wan was wrong to do what he did. Not moraly, but in facts and consequences for others. Don't come at me with the pitchfoks and let me explain.
There 10 000 jedi for 4 quadrillions people in the galaxy far, far away. Just by the number, they physically cannot help everyone. Nor should they have to! Jedi are negociators, facilitators and investigators. It is not up to them to make the system work. They are elbow grease in a -supposedly- already functionning system. So, due to their limited numbers, they have to limit and choose where they intervene.
Jedi and the Senate have long decide to pick these missions by a democratic process of selection. The elected representatives of the people are the one who vote on where the priorities for jedi interventions lay.
And since the Republic is a democracy, there is a legal separation of power. Jedi can't just go where it was voted they should go and do there whatever the hell they want there. They can't dispense off governments and their laws, customs, culture and choices just because jedi decided they knew better. Jedi help the people there. They don't make decisions for them.
Accountability, preventing abuse of authority, keeping each other in check, preserving freedom of self-determination, respect of governments' autonomy, equal treatement of all.... There are a multitude of very valid reasons for the separation between legislative, executive and judiciary powers.
The gffa is a special place and the jedi are a special people. There is probably some leeways for them to dispense, in certain specific situations, for the due process. But not entirely! Just, some.
War crimes and genocide are probably amongst those exceptions, but it would still need to be proven in galactic court. Think of the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo and the chill way the Senate decided to make a commitee so they could "assess" the situation. The Senate wouldn't just take jedi words for a situation like Melidaa/Daan. Hard evidences, investigation and a senatorial agreement of intervention decided by a majority vote would be what could make the Senate waves a government's rights to govern themselves.
And there is a difference between acting within the legal parameters provided for jedi, as representatives of the Republic, and acting as a religious follower of the Force, as it dictates a jedi should.
When it's at cross purpose, it threatens the legality of jedi actions, and probably the leeway power-hungry politicians give those seemingly over-powered individuals most of them fear.
So, a jedi dispensing "justice" in the way he thinks is justice, outside of due process, without the approval or demand of any governing official and/or body, it augments the risk of society deciding jedi are overreaching and therefore shouldn't have the legal authority to act without consultation anymore. Or at all. And in the end, isn't it what just happened? The clones killed the jedi under the Sith's chips influence and people cheered in relief to be "free" of the threat of the jedi.
(I'm basing myself on comics, here. Considering we're talking about the books, I think it's fair.)
The jedi can do as much as they do because they are a recognised and state sanctionned legal power, in a sort of no-men's land cross-road between diplomats, specialised tactical forces and intelligencia agents. And their reputation as monks-space-wizards, of course.
Obi-Wan, by going against the mandate of the Senate, threaten that.
Because if one jedi goes rogue, what's to say more won't follow? And if representatives of the Republic can't trust jedi anymore to act within the boundaries of the law, why should they have legal, executive and judiciary powers other citizens don't?
It's normal Obi-Wan was put on probation. He did exactly what jedi shouldn't do: let his emotions get the better of himself, lost the ability to see the situation with a clear head, act outside of his legal parameters of actions, without thinking of or caring for the consequences.
He acted on impulse, to save the children of Melidaa/Daan, yes, which is moraly commendable, yes, but also to sooth his own emotions. To stop the situation that was causing him distress, outside of the boundaries of the law for jedi, regardless of the consequences for the jedi Order and the billions of people they may not be able to help anymore if the jedi lost their freedom of action and its state sanctionned legality.
There's a lot of things he could have done to help the children of Melida/Daan beside what he did.
Don't get me wrong. I don't blame him for not having a better idea, he was just thirteen. Children were being killed by adults who had already been fighting each other for centuries. Hard not to feel a sense of urgency or to have a better solution at that age. Even harder to watch impassively.
But as a jedi, he should have stood by and watched. Because he should have been able to think on the situation impartialy until a legal, effective solution was found. It is what his duty as a jedi demanded of him. That he bears witness, without intervening. Because the legal governments of that planet didn't want jedi help, neither the Melidaa, nor the Daan.
He had to have that emotional strengh, if he was to be a jedi. To be able to abide by the legal decisions of the governing bodies of that planet, no matter how terrible, because it was their planet. And jedi have to respect of the autonomy of the peoples of the Republic to govern themselves. Otherwise it's not a democracy anymore.
And if you think Democracy is wrong, I put you to the challenge to find a better way for people to govern themselves, because people have been trying for centuries irl and no one have found one yet. Unless, of course, like Anakin, you think a dictature is a grand idea. In which case, you can go open a history book.
You probably think I'm terrible for saying that or that a Democracy that abide by children mass murder shouldn't exist. But we don't know that total annihilation of children on Melidaa Daan is what would have happen without Obi-Wan's intervention. All we know is that, in the end, he was not the key element that help stop the war. He helped some, but the one who saved the children are the adults jedi, who got the approbation of the Senate to intervened, the leaders of the Young who convinced their adults to make peace, Qui-Gon who helped settled the treaty between the Melida and the Daan and the people of Melidaan who made it stick.
Think, for one moment, if special foreign agents you cannot fight against because they are too powerfull, came and make you stop do something you think is necessary for your society? Would you be happy? That they change not a trivial aspect of your society but its very fabric?
That you don't think children murders and mutual genocide is necessary, good, fine. Me too. All the people who thinks jedi had it coming in RotS can get the f*ck out here.
But in this particular case, we judge the Melidaa/Daan with our own values. And jedi can't do that.
Because jedi have to respect the values of all. Because they represent the Republic, who represent all the peoples.
And unless the people in question ask for help, jedi cannot act legaly. And if you say jedi should just act illegaly, (aside from the fact it wasn't necessary in the end,) we go back to the problem of jedi loosing their legal, executive and judiciary special powers that help them save billions because of overreach.
Would you leave billions to suffer to help just one planet? Would you abandon Alderaan, Naboo, Chandrilla, Ord Mantell, Bith, Corellia and countless other just to help one Melidaa/Daan?
Sorry to quote Spock there but the needs of the many do outweigh the needs of the few. And the jedi are the guardians of that: the safeguard of most.
If, like me, you think it's horrible no more can saved or helped, you can get angry at the people of Melida/Daan who made the situation horrible in the first place, those who perpetrated it, and the outsiders, civilians and politicians alike, who witnessed the situation and did nothing.
Again, there is four quadrillion of people in the galaxy far, far, away. Certainly more than enough to help one planet. To reach for galactic peace if they all work for it.
Like Obi-Wan said in The Clone Wars, if civilians had all stood up and decided to stop the war, it would have stopped. Nothing politicians can do it they are all fired. Galactic War went on because the majority of people just let it go on. Not enough protested or fufilled their civilian duty to hold their governement accountable for their actions.
It shouldn't all depends on the jedi. And it certainly shouldn't depends on just one boy who had neither the knowledge nor the know-how to stop a centuries old civil war, with a side of children genocide.
But he choose to try. And, of course, he didn't came up with much better than "fight back", because he had no experience in warefare, diplomacy or politics, nor access to the ressources the jedi do have in case such as these. This is also the strengh of the jedi Order: strengh in numbers, support in term of hardware (weapons, tools, vehicules, ect) and legitimate influence on how the Senate punishes a planet that break galactic laws (economical embargo, emprisonnement of the leaders of terrorist/genocidal movement, ect).
He had the emotivity and impulsivity of someone young and had no one with his best interests in mind to help him cool off and look for others options rather then "stay and give up on the jedi path" or "leave and forget about Melida/Daan completely".
He did wrong but it was a mistake to be expected of someone his age, with no training and support.
And this is where Qui-Gon failed him.
By not offering support, no matter his own distress at Tahl's injuries or how Obi-Wan disobeying him awaken Xanatos' related PTSD. Because he was the Master and Obi-Wan the padawan. He was supposed to be able to master his own emotions and put Obi-Wan's training first.
Instead, Qui-Gon let his emotions get the better of him and blind him until he couldn't see the situation for what it was. He was so caught up in his own trauma about Xanathos, about his fear of making Obi-Wan like Xanathos because there is something inherently wrong with his teachings, his fear that there is something wrong with his judgement and those he choose, l5ike Xanathos,) his fear for the critical condition of the woman he loved that he didn't see his padawan was in emotional turnmoil and needed help.
He let fear blind him.
And Obi-Wan did need help. He needed someone to help him work through his outrage and horror at what was done on Melidaa/Daan, to be able to view the situation impartialy, and help to think of a workable solution to help the people on Melidaa/Daan while still being within the legal boundaries of the role of the jedi. Which is what Qui-Gon did, in the end. He came back and helped make the treaty that ended the war.
But, at the time, when Obi-Wan needed his help, he let his negative emotions, his attachements to Xanathos and Tahl, his pride in his own councel, his fear of repeated failure, his fear for Tahl's life overhelmed him. And thus Obi-Wan was left to make this life-altering decision without support.
I've seen a lot of people saying he should have just knock Obi-Wan out and grabbed him. Which -yes. One hundred percent. But again, this is something we wished for based on our own values.
Jedi's values say serving the Order is something that has to be done voluntarily, that one should respect one's autonomy to the fullest extent whenever possible. (Remember Mace giving droids killing people the choice to be re-programmed rather than destroyed?) And Obi-Wan has made it very clear what his will was, there.
"Obi-Wan was just a child." It's very canon, not even legends, but canon, that children are treated as seriously as we do adults very early in their lives, in the gffa. Padme became queen at twelve. Anakin swore a lifetime of servitude to the jedi Order (agreement to become a padawan) at nine. And no adults in the gffa had any problems with that.
"Qui-Gon didn't take the time to discuss the situation with him and argues his decision. " Yes. But, considering Tahl was dying, I think he was right to rush. What he he should have done was come back once Tahl was safe, to discuss it some more, rather than make it all hinge on a two minutes conversation. But he did come back, in the end. Months later, maybe, but he did. And that's why people feel so ambivalent toward him. Because Qui-Gon is exactly who G. Lucas wanted him to be: the reminder to the audience that jedi aren't infallible all knowing, all powerfull superheroes. That they can make mistake. Because they are just people.
In conclusion, for the first part of the Melidaa/Daan Problem, I think Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were both wrong. Obi-Wan, in his choice, blindness to its consequences, and Qui-Gon in letting his attachements and fear get the better of him and consequentely in failing in his duties as a Master.
Now, onto the probation part.
I think a lot of people who criticize the probation have never been on one imposed by kind people who act from a position of honest goodwill with their most sincere best interest at heart.
It's not meant to be just a sanction, to say 'this was wrong'. It's an opportunity to have all the time in the world to reflect at lengh without any other demand on your time. It's a chance to improve, to open your mind to points of view you might not have seen before, to understand better how your own emotional mechanism work that it put you in said situation in the first place, to review the situation with more insight, to gain wisdom about past event and about yourself.
Failure is an opportunity for growth and probation is a an opportunity to dedicate your focus solely on reflection and emotional/social recovery.
That said, it's not how it's presented in the books.
It's all "You did wrong. Do your time and maybe Qui-Gon will take you back". There is no blame assigned to Qui-Gon, no self-admission of failure from him, no discussion of their bond, their duties to one another, their actions and what it means, no admittance of a need for changed behavior, no chance for growth...
I feel that they wanted to keep it simple because it's a book aimed at a young audience. But by wanting to avoid difficult discussions kids might not understand or be bored by, they by-passed the concepts of probation, guilt, accountability, and the responsabilities and boundaries of the role of jedi entirely and thus give a completly skewed view of the event and how jedi work when one of their member make a mistake.
I think it's a false short-cut, a misrepresentation of the jedi and a disservice to the audience, no matter how young. Because rather than struggling with understanding "adults can make mistake but it doesn't mean you're blameless by elimination or that every adult's entire authority should be put in question", the story ends up telling "You should never question authority. Adults are always right so you just shut up." And that's a terrible message to give, because it's definitively wrong.
It's not because an adult is wrong once you never have to obey them as a minor ever again or that they are wrong about everything on this particular matter. This fear of having to justify authority, it come from a place of not being sure of its reasons other than "I'm the boss" or how to explain it to a child well enough they will accept to obey to that authority. It's the fear not being able to justify the legitimacy of one's authority. And acting on fear, that's not the way of the jedi.
Qui-Gon clearly had wisdom and intelligence, beyond this incident. He was capable of thoughfull interpersonnal interactions or he wouldn't be the jedi everyone say he was. And Obi-Wan himself wouldn't regard him as highly as he did either.
He can be uncertain faced with Qui-Gon's everything but, come on, he's no shrinking violet either.
How many thirteen years old has the gall to stand up to such an intimidating adult the way Obi-Wan did? But he did. And yet, he still thinks Qui-Gon is strong and wise and a good jedi and wants to learn from him.
So, Qui-Gon screwed up. The problem was Qui-Gon have been screwing up a lot and, each time, they talked about none of it, neither with the High Council, the Council of Reassignment, nor between themselves. He didn't apologised either, so it build up and up until it actually became so big it was impossible to do adress without changing fundamentally who they were as characters in the story.
This is where the Order was supposed to intervene.
A neutral third party with authority over them both, a duty of overview, and recognised wisdom. They should have torn down that built-up mess of unspoken issues and make Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan work through it. Do a thorough review of eveything problematic that happen between them from the start, so that everyone can say their piece, offer insights into the other's actions or POV, and prompt apologises where necessary.
Not in an accusatory way. In a way that say "this is where Qui-Gon failed as a jedi, as a master because .... Here is how you might improve."
Transformative justice rather than punitive justice.
Opportunity of betterement of self, in his role as Obi-Wan's master, as a jedi in the Order whose actions can influence other jedi, as a jedi and therefore a representative of the Order to the wider galaxy, as a representative of the Republic... This is what was taken from Qui-Gon too.
And from other jedi.
By not condamning them both, the Council announce to the rest of the Order that they found no fault in Qui-Gon and that the fault fall solely on Obi-Wan.
The intelligent masters who have experience in padawanship before, or the perceptive knights, will know it's not true. It take two to make a relationship. To think a 13 years old apprentice was just as responsible for this mess as his 43 years old Master is just foolish. The social judgement of Qui-Gon's actions was maybe just done behind closed doors.
But not all jedi may see this. And that open a whole new can of worms where the blame is put solely on the shoulders of a 13 years old learner, instead of partially on the learner and mostly on his 43 years old teacher.
That say to the othe jedi "The wisest amongst us have decide it's just the padawan who screwed up."
And since it was no small screw-up with priors, the youngest and most dogmatic/short-sighted/mean members just turn on him.
That's to be expected. It's the normal reaction in any society to shun a member condamned by its governing body, when he threaten the society as a whole. Which Obi-Wan did (see above).
And that's where the Council messed up again. Either they don't see it happening or they do but don't do anything about it, when their role is to regulate the Order, in addition to decision making and interpretation of the will of the Force. So, it's allowed to go on and fester. It let those toxic emotions and behaviors grow. When those are emotions that open the door to the Dark Side! It taint the Jedi. Against a thirteen years old.
Again, I know it was written this way to probably make the probation, an act of self-reflection on one's mistakes and change -something no one, especially not a young audience, enjoy practicing- still a Dramatic Arc (tm). Look at mean padawans! Look at the masters who ignore him! Obi-Wan alone against the world! But he will prevails! Because he's the hero!
Yeah... no.
Self-reflection is difficult and boring. No one likes to spend days on thinking what they did wrong, what they missed, trying to internalised different point of views, how they should improve. Especially when the stakes are that high and the initial motivation that just, that moral.
But it was a mistake for how the jedi function in-universe, and he should reflect on what else he could have tried, on why he acted as he did, why he made the choices he did, what motivated him and what are sensitive points for him. So that he can learn from this and do better next time, in another mission. So he can understand the mechanisms of his own psyche better and recognise when he find himself in a situation where his emotional reaction might be a danger for his impartiality and how to safeguard against it.
That's just part of growing up.
Learning, making mistakes, learning again, putting in the work, even when it's unpleasant or boring... This is also what it takes to become a jedi. Not just telekinesis, mindfuckery or lightsaber fighting.
The attempt to make it seems unnecessary or even something grand to fight against where Obi-Wan is this righteous innocent lamb, just to make the episode exciting, it did a disservice to everyone: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, the jedi, the Council...
I was always furious at how the functioning and the philosophy of the jedi was completely warped just for gratious storytelling purpose.
Or worse, because that's the author's honest opinion of the jedi Order. There is more than enough opinion the jedi are unfeeling cold bastards in the world already. To add to it just to make things dramatic... Ugh!
But this is what we've got so this what I think should have happened instead, if we stay with the canonical characterisation and motivation of jedi, as individuals and as a group.
All that to say, I have long wish for someone to have a go at it and cut this bullshit in half. Or more. And extract from it what a fall-out with in-canon motives, philosophy and good characterisation might look like.
And here we are! Finally! And not just a past wrong righten but also a look at how the jedi operate in "peace times" before everything became about the Sith and the war against the Separatists.
Just... the Order and the regular problems of being a jedi in a galaxy far, far away.
Thank you!!!!! I feel like I can breath because something that always bothered me immensely is finally right!
I thought the characters were on point and I love how the author represented Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship. I love how they just said fucked it to the meal plan and went to treat themselves something appetising. I love how they opened up to each other and how each want the best for the other.
I loved the stories and everything in it. I loved the view at all the different jedi. I love how all the bullying might finally be adressed. I love when Obi-Wan talk about the war, even though it broke my heart. I love the chance to see regular citizens as characters. I love the description of the Temple and regular life there. I loved everything!
So a big, heartfelt thank you to this author!!! It was great serie and a great read and something that absolutely missing for me! I encourage everyone who struggle with the treatment of the aftermath of Melidaa/Daan in the books to read it!
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Could you expand on what you said in a post about libraries about the big 5 publishers screwing over libraries in terms of digital lending rights?? I’ve not heard of that at *all* and im generally pretty caught up on publisher news, so I think theres a pretty big library-shaped hole in my sources lol
All righty, a couple disclaimers here. One, this is from a Canadian library perspective, so idk how well it applies to the US. Two, I don't work in the collections department at my library, so I'm basing this off what I remember from class years ago
(also clarifying that I'll be referring to ebooks and audiobooks collectively as digital books just to make it easier)
But in short, the Big Five publishers only very reluctantly put up with libraries having physical books, and one of the reasons they do that is because only one person can have a physical book at a time. Digital books, though? Why, if a library has a copy of one of those, hundreds of people could read it at a time! That's profits they're losing! How terrible!
But, well, selling to libraries is still a sale, so the companies sell to them but restrict it as much as possible. One, libraries pay much more for digital books than your average consumer. I don't have the exact number, but it's significantly higher. Two, unlike a physical book, which a library can have rebound if it's popular but hard to find, and which could conceivably last years if it's hardcover or paperback binding, digital books have severe limits on them. Maybe the library can only buy one "copy" of a digital book - i.e., only one patron can use it at a time. That digital copy artificially expires after 20 loans or 2 years, whichever comes first. Got a waitlist of 50 people waiting to read the latest Alexander McCall Smith book? Too bad! 30 of them are gonna have to go without! Do you have a moderately popular book by Danielle Steel, which gets borrowed every couple of months? Sorry! You've had it for two years, so it's gone now! Better buy a new copy!
Now, this is the case on digital platforms like Libby/Overdrive. Each digital book acts the same as a physical book, except that most of them go away after a certain amount of time. Certain public domain books might be a one-time buy for libraries, but for the most part, every loan, every week that goes by is chipping away at a digital book's life. Certain digital platforms - Hoopla, for example - have what's called "simultaneous use" policies - maybe you only have one ebook copy of a book by Agatha Christie, but every library patron can read it at once. The trade-off for this is that my library has to pay a certain amount for every person currently reading or listening to a book on Hoopla. We have a daily budget that can't be exceeded. Every week we field calls from people who, one afternoon, wanted to open up Hoopla, but were told they couldn't take out any books - because too many of my library's 40 000 active patrons had also decided to enjoy a book that day. And not every publisher even allows simultaneous use licenses, or they don't allow it on all of their titles
A final reminder to this very long post: please do not boycott Libby or Hoopla over this, I beg of you. Your libraries are pouring a lot of money into them because they're being used. Instead, put pressure on the big five publishers to make their digital books accessible, and vote in your municipal elections to get libraries more funding so we have more budget to put into those items. An easy way to increase your library's funding is just to spend a bit of time a week in there. Hang out with your friend for a few hours, just walk in and look at the shelves, or sit there and use their free wifi to play games on your phone. Digital books are here to stay, and libraries are important for getting those books into people's hands
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morosoro · 2 years
Alright Rumbellers the results of my #BuildARumbelleOneshot Polls are all in!
So to anyone else aside from myself who would like to write a one-shot, here are the parameters:
First up the genre will be…
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Fluff! Ooh you Smutty fucks sure put up a fight and were winning for quite a while though! Respect!
Second up- the word limit is-
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Non-existent! Write however much or however little you feel.
Thirdly, the AU will be:
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No Curse Storybrooke! Shame, I was really rooting for some EF fun, but I can work with that.
Up next, our trope is:
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Didn’t know they were flirting/dating! Oh how wonderful! I can’t wait to write some hopeless, oblivious characters. This will be fun!
Finally the one thing you must include is-
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The chipped cup! Of course…it is the symbol of Rumbelle after all. Why did I even suggest other things? How silly of me!
So Fluffy, clueless, Storybrooke idiots with a chipped cup? Sounds like we’ll have ourselves a tale as old as time here… but I’m excited to see what twists and touches people will pull to make their stories unique!
To anyone else who wants to write, feel free to incorporate any of the other poll options if you want to add more guidelines for yourself!
Write at your own paces, I won’t put a time restraint on you, this is all for fun after all!
Just try to remember to tag your finished product with #BuildARumbelleOneshot so it can be found and read with ease. And if you want to be certain I’ll see it, tag me (@trash-000) as well and I’ll gladly read, reblog and give my thoughts!
Thank you for partaking in my polls! I’ll try to get my own One-Shot on the move asap!
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navysealt4t · 2 years
hear me out - a navyseal or jay x chip (idk their ship name) puss in boots 2 au.
:000 i have not seen puss in boots 2 yet but based on what i’ve seen i like this. a lot. i feel like it fits jay/chip more (i’ve been calling them phoenix)
ppl how have seen puss in boots 2 feel free to add on :3
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molpe-marta · 1 year
Hardcore Rags to Riches (Molpe Style)
Realistic Rags to Riches, where you have to pay for EVERYTHING!
These rules are in progress, come join me here to watch my LP :)
How strictly you follow the rules is always up to you :) This is just an opportunity to play the game a little different (to make it a bit harder) 🙂
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Set up
start with a teen or young adult and no money 🙂
shift+ctrl+c -> “testingcheats enable” and then “money 0”, you can use the money cheat to remove money to pay for fees (see bellow) - “money NUMBER” 
no other cheats, mods etc.
start on an empty lot, if the lot already has some challenges or traits you're not allowed to change it! You can add more if you want, but not get rid off anything (not even the ones you add yourself ;) ). You can decorate the lot anyway you want (like an abandoned alley etc.), but without things your sim could use (you can place benches, bins, grills, things which are normally found around the world - it depends on how easy/hard you want the challenge to be :)
any lifespan
easy = without ageing or on long lifespan, normal = normal lifespan, hard = short lifespan.
no sim joining the household can bring any money
if travelling from home, you have to pay these fees:
- inside one neighbourhood - free - to another neighbourhood - 25 simoleons - to or from Magnolia Promenade, Newcrest, Forgotten Hollow, Willow Creek - 50 simoleons - to or from Brindleton Bay, Evergreen Harbor, San Sequoia, Henford-on-Bagley - 75 simoleons - to or from Oasis spring, Strangerville, Moonwood Mill, Chestnut Ridge - 100 simoleons - to or from Glimmerbrook, Winderburg, Britechester - 150 simoleons - to or from Copperdale, San Myshuno, Tartosa - 200 simoleons - to or from Del Sol Valley, Sulani, Mt Komorebi - 300 simoleons - to or from Batuu, Selvadorada, Granite Falls - 500 simoleons - always pay the higher fee
you cannot buy anything from the B&B except from things sim can carry in their inventory (sleeping bag, laptop, guitar, toys…) until you own a lot
if you want to be fishing, you have to pay 50 simoleons for fishing equipment
you can have a sleepover at your friends house, but just one night (and day)
before you buy anything else (like a bed), you need to own a lot (you basically need to pay for the lot you started on once again) - you have to pay a fee of 100 000 simoleons (or move to an apartment)
if you want to build a house you have to buy a building permit with 500 simoleons, if you want to add any rooms, more buildings on your lot, pool, fences, anything you have to pay additional 500 simoleons every time you want to build something
you must have things to secure the needs of kids and animals before getting them - for example to have a bassinet, changing table, fridge if you want to bottle feed them, potty, toddler bed, some toys. For a horse, you need to have a horse bed, horse water trough, horse bed, big ball, and so on for other animals.
if any of your sims want to move out, you must move them into a pre-build house you can afford (and you have to pay for it - at least 5 000 simoleons),
you can move into an apartment before having money to buy a house, but you have to pay additional 300 simoleons per a room per a week
you have to pay for any food you get, unless someone else cooked it (for example, it’s ok to get food someone made on a grill, but if you want to get chips at the bar or to get a quick meal, you have to pay 5 simoleons for each. 
if you want to change your sim’s outfit/outfits, you have to buy the clothes - pay 100 simoleons for each outfit  (except if you buy it in the game) - doesn't matter if you want to change just a hat or the whole outfit, doesn't apply if you want to just remove something. Pay 25 simoleons for a new new-born outfit (if you decide to change it)
if you want to buy furniture you have to either have handiness lvl 5 or pay additional 500 simoleons (for the delivery and installation of the furniture). After reaching lvl 5 of handiness, you need to pay just for the furniture delivery (100 simoleons) if you buy stuff under 500 simoleons in total (from 500 simoleons it’s free shipping :) ).
If you want to change the colour of something (furniture), you need to buy a new one.
for painting the walls you need handiness lvl 3 (otherwise pay 200 simoleons) and for changing the floor you need handiness lvl 7 (or pay 350 simoleons for the handyperson who changes it for you :) ).
if you want to buy plants to decorate your house (those from B&B decorations), you have to have gardening lvl at least 3 (otherwise they'd die),
if you decide to have a job, you must have a place to live first (either an apartment or a lot)
if you decide to start your own business, you must pay a 1000 simoleon fee for the administration, plus you have to pay an additional 25 000 simoleons for the lot you build your business on.
Skills stated above can be reached by any sim in your household, it doesn't have to be your founder (for example their partner or kids can reach handiness level 5 to get rid of the installation fee for the furniture :) ).
To finish the challenge:
+25 points = to have a house worth 1 000 000 simoleons with garden and animals of your choice
+25 points = to successfully raise at least 3 children, and successfully raise them to adulthood (for example get additional traits, maximise their skills, fulfil their aspirations, whatever you feel like is a success :) )
Bonus goals: 
+1 point for a golden medal per each type of social event (right now it’s 21 in my game)
+10 points - every sim reaches the top of their career or earns at least 100 000 simoleons from their business, plus their employees must be fully trained.
+5 points - have at least 5 grandchildren
+5 points - purchase every lifetime reward
+1 point - get ambrosia for your founder
get an extra point for every skill you reach level 10 with any sim who starts at 0-3 skill points in this skill (for example you can count a sim who starts with 3 skill points, but cannot count a sim who starts with 4 when you move them in - like father winter, who has some skills already maxed).
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novumtimes · 2 months
Explore winter dining specials at V&A Waterfront with Neighbourfood
This winter, the V&A Waterfront invites food enthusiasts to experience a variety of culinary delights with its ‘Neighbourfood’ deals, offering enticing specials and discounts at numerous participating eateries. From July 1 to October 7, visitors can indulge in a range of dining experiences, whether they prefer fast food, casual dining, or fine dining. The ‘Neighbourfood’ campaign ensures there is something to suit every taste and budget, making the V&A Waterfront a prime destination for food and drinks this season. In addition to these deals, the Waterfront will host exhilarating foodie events and community upliftment opportunities in honor of Mandela Month. Visitors can bring their loved ones and participate in the ‘Our Service’ Competition, where they stand a chance to win big. The ‘Our Service Competition’ allows diners to rate their waiter’s service via QR codes on restaurant tables. Participants can win a R10 000 V&A voucher, with top-scoring waiters and managers also receiving vouchers. Deals Den Anker Turns 30: Celebrate three decades with an exclusive R300 Winter Feast, offering two dishes for R300. Choices include Mussels, Wagyu Burger, Vol-au-Vent, or Fish and Chips. This special is available Monday to Friday until the end of August. Beluga: Enjoy a winter set menu from Monday to Thursday, with a 2-course meal for R320 and a 3-course meal for R380. Additionally, guests can join for wine and music every Saturday evening until August 2024. Si Cantina Sociale: Take advantage of the Tapas & Cocktail Special daily from 4pm to 7pm. Buy three tapas or cocktails and pay only for two, getting the cheapest one free. Primi: Enjoy two pizzas and a bottle of wine for R220, with a 40% discount on cocktails during happy hour from 2pm to 6pm, Monday to Friday until July 31, 2024. Debonairs: Offers include a Small Triple Decker Pizza with a free Energade for R79.90 and the Dream Team 3 special with three medium pizzas for R170.90, available until October 7, 2024. Event Details Date: July 1 – October 7 (Closing dates vary by restaurant; check the website for details) Time: All day (Check the website for time-specific promotions such as happy hour) Venue: V&A Waterfront For more information on the specials and participating eateries, visit the V&A Waterfront website at Neighbourfood Deals. The post Explore winter dining specials at V&A Waterfront with ‘Neighbourfood’ appeared first on Getaway Magazine. Source link via The Novum Times
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ainow · 2 months
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Thin Proximity LF 125kHz RFID Cards
Introducing the Thin Proximity LF 125kHz RFID Cards, a battery-free option for Contactless data transmission and energy supply. Its operating range can reach up to 100mm, subject to antenna geometry. This versatile card functions at a frequency of 125KHz and boasts a data transfer speed of 106 kbit/s.
This card offers Data integrity of 16 Bit CRC, parity, bit coding and bit counting to ensure Anti-collision. It is commonly used in ticketing transactions that can be completed in <100 ms, including backup management. The applications for this card vary from public transportation to access control to event ticketing to gaming and identity. Some notable features include: contactless data transmission and power supply (no battery necessary), anticollision capabilities, an EEPROM with 1Kbit organized into 16 sectors with dual passwords for each sector, customizable access conditions for memory blocks, a data retention period of 10 years, the ability to withstand 100 000 cycles of writing, enhanced security measures such as individual key sets for each sector and a unique serial number for each device. Additionally, there is a transport key that safeguards access to the on-chip delivery of the EEPROM.
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wizardphds · 9 months
15 Easy Ways to be able to Play Poker Online
People are always looking into the possibility of hitting big time, whether in number or card games. They incessantly try their luck by playing repeatedly until they find the perfect match to win the game and beat other players. This is simply not surprising at all, because like in poker, you could even win $10, 000 if you play poker online. That is a huge sum for supplemental income from a game.
Poker is a very popular game that has gone mainstream, especially in America. So how can you play poker online then? If you know the basic rules in playing poker, internet poker would not be a hard time and energy to adjust. However, you must understand there are particular differences between poker in a casino and poker online.
You cannot cheat if you play poker online. Playing only happens on a virtual table, which means you do not play face to face to allow them to read your physical reaction. You have more options on how much to play and where to play since there are a great deal of poker rooms open for playing. Nevertheless, of course, you cannot lay without a doubt on a table once you play poker online. Just what exactly happens is that you make some type of a deposit to the software’s cashier in the poker room of one’s choice to possess your chips for the game while unlike in real internet poker room or casino poker where you deposit it to a real cashier. If you need to quit the game, you can always grab the chips. For eyangpoker , check is the most commonly used form.
Apart from these mentioned differences, the rules, the hands, and the sport are similar to a normal poker room. Still, in the event that you play poker online, there are guidelines that you need to remember. Like when you wish to bluff another player, facial expressions are typical with that of real poker room, but with internet poker, it is more useful and visible to bluff through your bets. When you give a high stake for the card, the other online player will get the feeling which you have good cards and prepared to beat him down.
You also have to remind yourself that it will take some time to establish a reputation in online poker. Since online playing is really a free move, players will bypass as often as they want to so this gives you and other players greater possibility of playing with numerous players if both of you did not like each one’s game styles.
Well, like in any competition for that matter, establishing your personality and the style of your game is always a long journey for everyone. You might win or lose, then lose again. That’s what game is focused on anyway. If you happen to have a soft heart for competition no patience to put up your name in any activity, then you cannot play poker online or any related gaming.
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life-sport-travel · 2 years
EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK AT SUN PRINCESS! Everything We Know About Princess Cruises Newest Ship!
https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1628 EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK AT SUN PRINCESS! Everything We Know About Princess Cruises Newest Ship! - https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1628 We have just returned from an Exclusive Sun Princes Ship Tour. This brand-new @princesscruises cruise ship is being built at Fincanteri ship yard in Italy. Heidi and I were invited to a sneak peek of this ship and we share all the details in this exclusive first look at Sun Princess! Princess Cruises Sun Princess 0:00 Introduction 0:13 Exclusive First Look at Sun Princess | Princess Cruises (Subtitle) 0:22 YouTube Subscribe and Like Icons 0:55 New Sphere Class (Sun Princess as Subtitle for Remaining L3s) 2:19 Interior Public Venues 2:44 World Fresh Marketplace 3:35 The Landing 3:56 The Piazza 4:43 Main Dining Room and Restaurants 7:54 Entertainment Venues 9:25 Wake View Terrace 10:07 The Casino 10:30 The Staterooms 13:28 Medallion Class Experience Sun Princess is the newest ship in Princess Cruises’ fleet. The ship will set sail in February 2024. This 175K gross ton, Sphere class ship offers a number of new and innovative features. In this Sun Princess ship tour we showcase several of these features. During our two hour tour of the ship in mid-construction we got to explore several of the interior decks of Princess Cruises Sun Princess. Led by new build director, Richard Parker, the two of us were able to discover venues like the Piazza, the Arena theater, and the main dining room. Parker was also quick to showcase Sun Princess new Cabana staterooms. These enhanced rooms also have access to a private sun deck. During the tour of Sun Princess cruise ship we learned more about the unique entertainment venue the Dome, as well as several specialty restaurants and improved venues, like the International Café and Alfredo’s Pizzeria. Learn more with our exclusive first look at Sun Princess in this video. READ MORE ABOUT SUN PRINCESS BACK ON OUR BLOG https://eatsleepcruise.com/exclusive-sneak-peek-at-princess-cruises-sun-princess/ ——TRENDING VIDEOS FROM EAT SLEEP CRUISE—— What’s Included on Princess Cruises: Princess Cruises Medallion Class Guide: Our Picks for Best Alaska Cruises in 2023: 10 Best NEW Cruise Ships for 2023: Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel above to get the latest cruise tips, cruise reviews, packing guides, port guides, travel tips, and more. Join us on Social Media as we “Sea the World, One Port at a Time.” Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: Pinterest: Royalty-Free Music Courtesy: Some Promotional Video Courtesy of Princess Cruises #sunprincess #princesscruise #cruise Sun princess is Princess Cruise's newest Mega ship to date Heidi and I are gonna Sneak peek at Sun princess in the Thinking Terry Shipyard just last week And we want to share all the details With you with this exclusive look at Everything we know about Sun princess up Next Welcome Bora Cruisers I'm Don B from eat Sleep Cruise where we help you play in The perfect Cruise so you can see the World one port at a time and as mega Ship enthusiasts we were super excited When Princess Cruises invited us to Think in Terry Shipyard in Italy to get An exclusive tour of sun princess during Construction we were able to spend over Two hours exploring the ship and heard All about the Innovative new features From several of the executives of Princess Cruises and of course we want To share all those details with you in This video so let's Dive In Now those of you who aren't familiar With sun princess this is 175 000 gross Ton chip is the largest and most Innovative Princess ship ever Constructed and it's set to debut in February of 2024. Some princesses gonna be part of a new Sphere class of vessels and it's a 21 Deck vessel that will accommodate over 4 000 guests double occupancy the ship Will consist of redesigned and elevated Amenities and venues but will still stay True the cruise Line's Heritage and will Feature brighter and lighter decor and Finishes inspired by rays of sunlight Now during our time of thinking Terry we Spent about two hours on board the ship And we were escorted by Richard Parker Princess Cruises director of new builds As well Executives from public relations Marketing and other departments According to that team some princess Will be an evolution of the Princess Cruises brand which is a word we heard Quite often during our trip there Now the Sierra class is very similar to The Excel classes ship which you can Actually find on several Carnival core Brand Cruise Lines such as Carnival Cruise Line and Costa however Executives indicated that designers were Given a blank slate when conceptualizing The venues and the layout of this new Cruise ship And as someone who sailed on Carnival Celebration another Excel class ship we Can attest that this ship seems a lot Different than that vessel now one of The major changes that we've noticed Right off the bat is that the cruise Line has shifted The Piazza which is the Made interior public spaces up to deck 7 Through 9 and they've moved the outdoor Promenade deck to deck 9. although the Ship's iconic sphere which is this Curved wall of glass located on both the Port side and starboard side of the ship Actually stands from deck 7 to deck 16. Cruisers will also notice a few popular Venues are now in new locations Most notably you can say goodbye to the Pool deck Buffet the cruise line Signature World fresh marketplace is now Going to be on deck 9 on sun princess But don't worry there'll be plenty of Bites to grab near the pools Most of our tour of the ship did focus On decks 7 through 9. while the Directive new builds Richard Parker Wouldn't elaborate on the additional Dining options coming to the pool deck You can check out the deck plans which Do reveal some details for instance the Current deck plans on princess Cruise's Website shows several small eateries Near the pool including a pizza parlor a Taco stand a salad bar and a grill Now to us these outdoor eateries do Resemble similar venues found on Carnival's Excel class ship like Carnival celebration although for the Most part the similarities end there Princess Cruises also reimagined the Guest embarkation experience with the Landing on Deck 4. this embarkation Point will be utilized for both Tendering with Princess luxury transfers And docking parasite not to mention this Area can double as a meeting space as Well For us the space seems very similar to The destination Gateway found on Celebrity Edge class ships As I mentioned Sun princess takes Princess Cruise's signature three-level Piazza to the next level with ocean Views in every direction it also Includes Central LED screen for live Entertainment and plenty of comfortable Seating for relaxing and socializing Now there will be entertainment in The Piazza and one design Improvement that This ship has over other Excel class Ship is that there's actually tiered Seating areas and tiered standing Locations surrounding three deck Piazza That way it gives individuals better Views Along with entertainment Piazza guests Will be happy to know that there are Plenty of food and drink offerings Nearby For instance there's a new coffee bar Coffee currents along with other Princess favorites like bellinis the Crooners bar and Alfredo's Pizzeria Featuring the best pizza at sea Another verse for Princess Cruises and Sun princess is a newly envisioned Horizons dining room which is a Three-story dining space the first ever On princess Cruise's Fleet this Reimagined venue is open and flexible Featuring dining options to suit every Mood Spanning decks six to eight all the way After the ship the highlight of this Venue is a decorative sculpture along With stunning wake views and tons of Natural light the three decks of this Dining space will have their own Personality They will offer different dining Experiences the most casual deck 8 space Leading out to the wig View Terrace area Which we'll get to in a few minutes During our time there we did learn more About the dining options on sun princess But there's going to be so many eateries And restaurants that the cruise line Indicated that there will be a further Reveal sharing more details to come soon So make sure to stay tuned to eat sleep Cruise for those dining updates but for Now We do know that some princess will Feature a number of Firsts for the brand But will also include many familiar Favorites Chief among them as we already Mentioned is Alfredo's Pizzeria which Has an open kitchen and new open mouth Oven that reaches 960 degrees Alfredo's Pizzeria will also have an Outdoor seating on the Promenade Deck The Cruise Line favorite Crown Grill and Sabatini's Italian trattoria especially Restaurants will also be modernized Cruise Line signature Steakhouse Crown Grill will feature leather seating Custom artwork and the largest show Galley on a princess ship Likewise sabatinis will feature Geometric designs an intimate Bistro Style nooks and a pasta room to reserve The pasta making process This pasta making display kitchen Actually makes all the pasta for the Ship and they hinted that they might Even offer classes and demonstrations or An upcharge when the ship's set sail While there will be new dining Concepts Coming to Sun princess as we mentioned The executives were a little hush on Details However this is where those deck plans On the Princess Cruises website comes in Handy as they do provide some initial Hits for example the deck plans is a Teppanyaki Restaurant a decade if this Is accurate it'll be the first ship in The fleet to offer such a Japanese style Steakhouse Also the deck plan showcased something Called O'Malley's Irish Pub We didn't receive any details about this New venue but it is possible that this Will replace a salty dog Gastropub found On several princess ships Finally touch around the corner midship A decade is a mysterious black door All Parker would tell us is that this Will be the entrance to a brand new Immersive experience The secret new venue has us very Intrigued The city interior princess live on sun Princess has also been enhanced and It'll actually combine elements of the Princess lie found on other ships with The guest's favorite explorers Lounge in A semi-open space the venue offers Signature Cruise activities like game Shows trivia and the daily wake show Along with full beverage service Additional spaces which will have new Designs on sun princess also include the Shops of princess Crooners The Wheelhouse bar their International cafe Good spirits and the gelateria New to Princess Cruises Fleet is a Cutting Edge entertainment space Inspired by The Terraces Santorini the Dome on sun princess is a multi-level Covered deck and a first at Sea true Glass enclosed Dome during the day the Dome features an indoor outdoor pool so Guests can enjoy this area no matter the Weather outside there's also unique Water feature and plenty of comfortable Seating at night the Dome completely Morphs into an entertainment venue with The South Beach Vibe the pool transforms Into the stage with state-of-the-art Lighting effects and stunning aerial Performances now a very unique space That we got to spend some time in is the New state-of-the-art Arena Theater The Arena Theater on sun princess will Be the most technologically advanced Entertainment area in the fleet to us The new design resembles the theater Found on the celebrity Edge class or Honda America Line's Pinnacle class of Ships with a circular Central stage However this in the round configuration Takes that designs everyone further with A semi-movable seat design we have to Admit that the theater is not as Morphable as say virgin voyages or the Norwegian Prima theaters has only a Small sliver of the seats actually can Move although the arena theater on sun Princess will feature three different Seating configurations to maximize sight Lines and deliver captivating Performances now all the way on the Other end of the ship on Deck 8f we Learn more about what might be our Favorite venue yet on the ship the Wakeview Terrace This area will be home to an upgraded Outdoor pool deck with a cantilevered Pool overlooking the wake Tiered seating areas and a bar This might be the best place to chill Out on a sea day According Executives this space will be Open to everybody and it will be all Ages And another interesting venue that we Only got a little preview of overlooking The Terrace there'll be a brand new Specialty restaurant While the concept has not been finalized The ship designers are referring to this New Eatery as altitudes And while neither of us are big Gamers One area of the ship that actually the Executives were really proud of was a Sun Princess Casino as you would expect Since it's the largest ship in the fleet This will also be the largest casino in The fleet and it's located in The Piazza And will feature over 200 the newest and Most popular slots and video poker games And even though the ship is in big Construction you could definitely tell This is a very large wide open space Perhaps some of the most unique updates To the ship are the newly appointed State rooms some princess will feature 2157 total rooms including 50 swedes and 100 connecting rooms the staterooms Boasts more balcony space and all Balcony staterooms will now feature an In-room sofa essentially all of the Balconies are now going to be a deluxe Balcony category or better and honestly One of the critiques we've always had About Princess Cruises is their standard Balcony cabins are rather small when Compared to the competition in fact both Times you sail with the cruise line we Were in a room that didn't even have a Love seat Perhaps something that's even more Interesting is that the ship will be the First in a fleet to offer no obstructive View Cabins that's right all outward Facing staterooms will have uninhibited Ocean views The cruise line was able to accomplish This by strategically placing Hardware Like the lifeboats In specific areas of the outdoor Promenade not to hinder stateroom views Another interesting tidbit we learned During our tour is that the staterooms On sun princess will not be any larger Than other ships in the fleet according To Parker the new design just better Utilizes the space in the cabins and They're reconfiguring the closets so There's no longer going to be that Walk-in closet near your bathroom but You can also be rest assured that there Will be no more shower curtains in the Bathrooms which again another knock We've had on Princess Cruises is that Their bathrooms are a premium Cruise Line are pretty small and pretty Meagerly outfitted Launching on sun princess is a new level Of Suite accommodations the Signature Collection This is very similar to The Haven on Norwegian Cruise Line and The Retreat on Celebrity Cruises so guests staying in These Suites will have access to an Exclusive restaurant lounge and Sun deck However these spaces will not be Centrally located like others ship Within a ship Concepts Additionally the club class will now be Called The Reserve collection and this Is actually a change that they're making Across the entire fleet these mini Suites are situated in the best Locations on the ship and include access To the reserve collection restaurant During our tour I specifically asked if The reserve collection restaurant and Signature Collection restaurant would Have a different menu similar to Again The Haven or The Retreat on Celebrity Cruises and the executives wouldn't Confirm that it would have a completely Different menu Within the reserve collection you'll Also find the reserve collection Cabana Rooms these Resort style staterooms Offer a balcony and a private Cabana With an extra large outdoor lounge space These cabins will also have access to an Exclusive than a deck found both on the Starboard and the port side the ship Will have approximately 74 of these Cabana State rooms and if you've sailed On an Excel class ship like Carnival Celebration or Carnival Mardi Gras these Cabins appear to be in the same area as The Havana rooms which also have their Own exclusive Sun deck Course guest sailing on the new Sun Princess you can expect a medallion Class experience Delivering personalized Cruise vacations With the use of a simple wearable device And The Medallion class app In fact Executives were really excited About the possibilities of Medallion Class on the ship as they claim this is The first ship that was designed from The ground up to completely utilize this Technology Of course The Medallion class enables a Number of technologically enhanced Features from a seamless check-in to Locating your Shipmates once on board to Even a point-to-point wayfinding system Picking a princess cruised on sun Princess using this technology will be Effortless Plus there's also ocean now where you Can order food and drinks to your exact Location on the ship and while the ocean Now can be hit or miss Parker did Indicate that another benefit of Designing the ship is that they've Strategically designed even crew areas By strategically placing galleys or Service bars in certain areas so you can Fully utilize the potential of The Medallion class technology Also there's The Medallion pay where you Can make contactless payments on the Ship and Assurance like locations After seeing Sun princess in person we Can't wait to see all these new Concepts Come to life and get back on board this Really unique vessel if you're like us And you need to get on board as soon as Possible Sun princess will sail an Inaugural spring summer season of Mediterranean Cruises with departure Points in Barcelona Rome and Athens Following a transatlantic crossing the Ship will sail Eastern and Western Caribbean voyages from Fort Lauderdale In the fall of 2024. and don't worry if You're not able to get on the ship the Cruise line has already ordered a second Sphere class ship which is slated to Arrive in Spring of 2025. if this Exclusive first look at some princess as He's super excited to sell with Princess Cruises but you're new to the brand Don't worry we have you covered you Should check out our complete video of Everything that's included in a Princess Cruise trip plus what will cost you Extra in that video we detail all the Inclusions that are part of cruising With Princess Cruises dining the Entertainment and onboard activities Plus we warn you about some of those Hidden fees that Cruise Line doesn't Tell you about that way you know exactly How much to budget for your trip and you Won't return home with sticker shock Mike Izzo https://lifesporttravel.com/?p=1628
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inkadeals · 2 years
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HP - Deskjet 4133e Wireless All-In-One Inkjet Printer » $59.99
The HP DeskJet 4133e as the essential features you need to print basic color documents like recipes and forms. Print | copy and scan with ease | print from your phone | mobile fax and get easy setup. It includes the optional HP+ Smart Printing System that keeps itself up to date and ready to print from virtually anywhere at any time—at no additional cost.
MPR: $124.99 Deal: $59.99 Discount: 52%
6 free months Instant Ink subscription when you activate HP+ Ink ships to you automatically so you never run out. After 6 months | monthly fee applies unless cancelled | and youll save up to 50% on ink.
Includes free HP+ smart features Activate HP+ free to get advanced features for mobile printing | security | automatic updates and more. HP+ only works with an HP account | internet connection and Original HP Ink for the life of the printer.
Best for basic printing Print basic color documents like recipes | forms and travel documents
Key features Print | copy and scan in color | mobile fax | plus mobile and wireless printing
Easy setup Get started fast on any device with the HP Smart app that guides you step by step
HP Smart app Print | scan and copy from your phone—whenever | wherever.8 Get additional advanced features with HP+.
Worry-free wireless Get better range and more reliable connections using dual-band Wi-Fi® with self-reset
Dynamic security This printer is intended to work only with cartridges with original HP chips or circuitry and will block cartridges using non-HP chips or circuitry. Periodic firmware updates will maintain the effectiveness of these measures.
ISO Speed: Black: Up to 8.5 ppm; Color: Up to 5.5 ppm
Print Resolution: Black (best): Up to 1200X 1200 rendered dpi (when Printing from a computer); Color (best): Up to 4800 x 1200 optimized dpi color (when printing from a computer on selected HP photo papers and 1200 input dpi)
Scan Resolution: Hardware: Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi; Optical: Up to 1200 dpi
Copy Resolution: Black (text & graphics): Up to 300 x 300 dpi; Color (text & graphics): Up to 300 x 300 dpi
Standard Connectivity: 1 Wireless 802.11a/b/g/n with Bluetooth® 4.2; 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0
Mobile Printing Capability: Apple AirPrint™; Chrome OS; HP Smart app; Mopria-certified
Duty cycle: Monthly (letter): Up to 1 | 000 pages
Display: LCD ICON Display
Paper Handling: 60-sheet input tray; 25-sheet output tray
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terrialways · 2 years
Led panel lamps
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#Led panel lamps free
When the luminescence rating is down by 30%, that is the time that the bulbs need to be replaced.Īmong the principal advantages of LED panel lights is their customizability. They are also less likely to burn out in fact, their life span is calculated not by measuring the true number of hours that the lights continue to function, but by measuring the number of hours that they continue to function within the satisfactory luminescence range. The average LED bulb could be used for up to 60, 000 hours, far more than the estimated lifespan of the 60-watt incandescent bulb which is only 1, 500 hours, and that of CFLs, which are between 6, 000 and 15, 000 hours. This kind of lighting is known for its extremely long usability span. The power consumption of a LED bulb is estimated to be around 6 watts, which can produce lighting quality similar to light bulbs that consume at least twice the amount of power. LED lighting uses considerably less energy compared to other lighting devices such as incandescent bulbs and even compact fluorescent lights (CFLs). These impurities could also determine the color of the light, which is why the desired color could be achieved without the use of a filter.
#Led panel lamps free
Impurities are added to create free electrons and enhance the semiconductor material’s conductivity. The LEDs itself are usually made from aluminum, arsenide and gallium. There is no humming, flickering or RF interference.Īluminum is the best material for the frame, and it is also used for the back cover. The technology used in the lighting makes instant starts possible. The guide plate and diffuser work together to produce evenly distributed, wide and soft lighting. The LED guide plate is a type of optical material designed to offer bright and homogeneous lighting when connected to a power supply. LED panel lights are also equipped with a heat sink system to ensure safety. Another vital part is the solid backing, which also has an effect on the lighting fixture’s overall look. There is also a reflector plate right at the back of the LED guide plate. The diffuser is usually located right at the front of the light guide plate its function is to distribute light evenly across the surface. The layers inside include LED chips, a light guide plate and a diffuser. The frame is one of the more important led panel light parts as it is designed to prevent light leakage. LED panel lights typically feature a lightweight aluminum frame which houses three layers. This kind of lighting makes use of the latest in LED (light emitting diode) technology. LED panel lights are constructed in such a way that allows for better illumination conditions. The LED technology has been widely used for quite some time now, but panel lights that use the technology are fairly new to the market, and are gaining ground due to the sleek look, and innovative features and design. They are one of best lighting options for indoor settings. Summary Warranty Terms and Conditions (non-exhaustive)LED panel lights are a type of lighting fixture designed to replace conventional fluorescent ceiling lights. Within the warranty period, LEDRadiant will replace any defective bulb or fixture with equal or updated working model in the same conditions or better. Purchaser shall not rely upon any other information or documentation. Extended warranty cost will be calculated and applied to the order. On request, an ‘extended warranty’ or ‘customized project warranty’ can be agreed upon after evaluation of the specific application conditions. The warranty period starts on the date the products are delivered.īy default, purchaser receives above mentioned ‘standard warranty’. This warranty policy only applies if referred to in a sales agreement between LEDRadiant and the Purchaser and it will replace the standard warranty clause provided in the LEDRadiant general terms and conditions of sale.ĥ Year. This warranty policy is subject to the provisions as set forth herein and is subject to the terms and conditions as attached to this document (‘Warranty Terms and Conditions’). This policy is applicable only to LEDRadiant (‘Products’) described in the Warranty Certificate extended to the Purchaser along with the correlated invoice or the Certificate in the website page for the product being questioned. (‘Purchaser’) purchase your commercial LED Lamps. This document sets forth the warranty policy of the LEDRadiant organization (‘LEDRadiant’) from which you
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bitmains174 · 2 years
Beginners' Guide to Own Bitcoin Cryptocurrency
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bitmain s17
Bitcoin Cryptocurrency is buzzing across the world, whether you are via the internet or any press. It is one of the most exhilarating and craziest items happened that makes existence in the last two years only. More importantly, you can generate an awesome return just by bitcoins trading or even you can keep the application for a long term.
bitmain s17
Could very well be heard about Stocks, Items, Forex, and now a fresh currency called Bitcoin trading that impacts on greatly on your lives. In this first timers guide to Bitcoin cryptocurrency, you will get to learn the A P C of Bitcoin.
About Bitcoin Cryptocurrency
The emergence with Bitcoin is still unfamiliar but a report was published around October 2008 within the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto held from The japanese. His identity continues to unknown and considered to have approximately a million bitcoins highly valued more than $6 million USD as of Sept 2017.
Bitcoin can be described as digital currency popularly known as cryptocurrency which is free from any physical boundary. It is not managed by any governing administration and all you need will be an internet connection. As a starter, Bitcoin technology may well confuse you together with a little bit tough to be familiar with about it. However , I can help you dig this deeper and tips on how to also do a first Bitcoin buying and selling at ease.
Bitcoin Cryptocurrency works on blockchain technology which is a a digital public ledger in addition to shared by everyone in the world. You will find a person's transactions here at the time you do any Bitcoin trading and anybody can use the journal to verify the idea. The transaction executed will be completely see-through and is verified as a result of blockchain. Bitcoin and also other cryptocurrency are the areas blockchain and are a wonderful technology that works on the internet only.
Terms Related To Bitcoin Cryptocurrency
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XBT and BTC are the same elements and commonly abbreviated for bitcoin. Exploration is another period used a lot and it's also actually a process accomplished by computer hardware with the Bitcoin networks.
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Demand is probably going to rise as the whole production of bitcoins is to be limited to 21 years old million only. Okazaki, japan has already legalized the application and other countries may possibly follow it soon plus the price may backpack further.
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pizzatheif · 3 years
mike woke me up an hour ago to panic tell me we’re apparently out of oil, drop lily in our bed, and leave for work without caring abt the consequences of waking up a 2yo an entire hour and a half earlier than she would have normally been awake.
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cherrynika · 2 years
Seb retirement talk, talk about myself, math talk
I'm supposed to be catching up on the stuff I didn't do this week because I was preparing for my probability theory exam (it was ok, I'm not a probability theorist and don't want to be but I have confidence on 4 out of 5 questions and the last one I YOLO'ed). I can't. My mind is like a hamster running on a wheel now.
I had a pretty decent day. Did the things I'm supposed to do. I'm slowly getting over my fear of dirt and contamination in this place (I didn't want to wash my hands every time I had to leave the room or touch my bag so I had to). I walked out to the supermarket and bought the things I needed, including some frozen dumplings so that I don't have to turn into Gordon Ramsay every time I want food. The last 4 meals were instant noodles (same flavour even) so I began to feel quite sick.
Like everyone else, the last few days have given me a lot to think about. I support Sebastian's decision. He's become a very different person since 2017, 2018, 2019. It's not just a result of becoming older. He's gained a new perspective, and he's also getting that climate anxiety that many of us have. I think it is unsustainable for a person to truly believe that climate change is real and that they are contributing hugely to it to carry on in F1. Good for him.
He did touch on the 'black hole', which a lot of pro athletes fall into after they retire. But he says he's got friends around him.
I really can't say how affected I am by this. I was really young when I first saw him, and I thought, that relationship isn't going to last, and that he was a jackass (a lovable jackass but even so). He spent 300 000 to charter a jet from the RB factory to the grand prix so they could bring him a new wing. It's insane levels of dedication and selfishness. He's come to the realisation that those aren't the important things in life, and that relationship is stronger than ever.
I was planning to spend more time away from here and F1 in general because whenever I'm around I just get this weird feeling that everyone hates me. But I'm sort of forced to stay here because of the thing. Maybe when it's over.
I have had a lot of thoughts over the last few years. It's hard to commit one hundred percent when half of you wants out. I wish I could be a more open person; but I often feel as though I am a 'fake' person. It's very difficult for me to experience love and attachment towards others.
I also questioned whether or not my metier is for me (sadly I am not rich and cannot run off into the Swiss mountains). I wish I could dig deep into myself but I don't know what it is.
Which returns me to things like attachment to idols, which are really things more than they are people. I don't know if it's just easy for me to direct this much attachment and care towards my idea of Sebastian because he cannot return them and I'm just left alone to meditate over it. I shouldn't be like this.
I don't think I can enjoy F1 without Sebastian. The community is just going to be a bunch of people wanking/tearing hair/screeching over whether charles or max is better. (They're definitely free to do that I just cannot bear to listen to it).
If he ends up making a youtube channel baking bread or making fish and chips I'll probably just go and watch that instead.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(最后的厂牌  LAST CREW) His Story: [MAN ONWIRE] 周怀夜 Zhou Huaiye Translation Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Welcome to another round of Ran’s whims Evan brainrot, extended. *CEO man’s future tag will be #CEO ONWIRE *THEY RAP WELL!!!
"Before meeting you, he was the one who bore the name of [Hero]”
He never wanted to become a Hero, never expected to be associated with greatness. The wings of the Devil shields the night skies of the city, bestowing destruction upon the emotionless world beneath before light peaks.
The 24th of December, the Year 2100. Christmas Eve.
Dark clouds have hovered above the skies of 000 City for a good two months now.
A year ago, on this very Christmas Eve. The last Thousand City Conference of the 21st Century was going to be held in 000 City. Everyone present was overwhelmed with joy as they looked forward to the arrival of "The New Chapter of Mankind".
However, the emotions of this City have been concealed by the cold buildings all around on this night of the year. Every sliver of light is a luxury in this silent, pale, steel tomb of a City. And at the very top of it all, on the top floor of PAINK’s Headquarters, located at the very heart of the City——
Zhou Huaiye was waiting on an important document in the vast, but very empty office.
There was only a small light lit on the long table, made of solid wood, before him. He laces his fingers together, crossing them before him as he places his arms on the table, pressing the tip of his nose against his knuckles.
His usually sharp and indifferent eyes were now rimmed with red. Was it anger? Or sadness? His dark blue eyes were dark and clouded, as if obscured by dark clouds that would soon break out in heavy torrential rains and howling winds.
Zhou Huaiye swivelled his chair around, looking out of the window overlooking the City. All the pedestrians that made an occasional appearance out on the streets had emotionless faces.
He turned the ring sitting on his index finger, a little on edge. The sound of metal chafing skin was infinitely amplified in the deathly silence of the office.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
The phone that sat to the side gives an untimely ring in this subtle moment of silence, sounding especially shrill to the ears.
Zhou Huaiye took one glance at the screen before closing his eyes once more. He straightened back up, turning the ring on his index finger back around to face upwards, and leaned back in his chair.
Gone were the pain, doom, and gloom, in his eyes when he opened them again. There was even a hint of a smile playing at his lips when he answered the call.
He crossed his fingers together, naturally resting them against the top of his crossed legs, preparing for the start of this important conversation.
"You're in quite the jolly mood." The man on the other end of the line, someone who had been deemed "perfect", took the initiative to speak.
"Several of the new drug production lines that I've had my eye on for a long time now will finally change hands tomorrow. They will be falling into the hands of the right people." Zhou Huaiye casually picked up the wineglass beside him, holding it up. 
He appeared seemingly at ease as he laid back in his chair, but his eyes never once left X's face.
"I've also just heard of that piece of news. Hence, I'm here to congratulate you. Now, there will no longer be anyone capable of threatening PAINK's position in the Pharmaceutical Industry." X waved a printed document in the air on the other side of the line.
A hint of something flickered past his eyes, his facade was broken. However, he made no move to cover it up, only leaning back in his chair, taking a sip of his wine.
He then crossed both of his arms before his chest, expressing his dissatisfaction. “And here, I thought that my confidentiality measures were doing quite well in being infallible.”
X seemingly disregarded the hostility that was apparent in Zhou Huaiye’s voice, or perhaps he was deliberately making a display of his never-seen-before lenience and generosity. 
“Our Emotion Suppressing Chip is based on your Gr-0. It only became a success thanks to your research and development it. I’m even willing to share with you our Emotion Suppressing Chip’s production methods if it means that we can avoid unnecessary trouble in the future.” “In light of that, do remember that we’re always comrades and not enemies.”
Zhou Huaiye aptly adjusted his sitting posture, calming his hackles that had risen with hostility by collapsing his hands back together. “Surely, you aren’t just here to congratulate me, am I right?”
“The congratulatory message is merely the icing on top of the cake.” X crossed his hands together, casting a scrutinizing look at him through the screen.
“If you are willing to join Zenith’s latest project regarding the upgrading of the Emotion Suppressing Chip...”
Beep beep—
The beep of the notification denoting a new incoming report interrupted X’s business proposal. Zhou Huaiye turned around at the sound, noting that the thing of utmost importance that he’d been waiting on had finally arrived.
“It’s Christmas Eve. Are your subordinates still working on the Eve of Christmas?” X’s lips curled in amusement, the reason behind indiscernible.
Zhou Huaiye made no move to hide or conceal anything. He openly clicked on the file, opening it up under X’s watch. This was just a compiled analysis report on the profits of a couple of the drug production lines.
“Well, I’m most certainly expecting to see more people coming by to congratulate PAINK tomorrow. And as for that new project of yours—”
Zhou Huaiye’s smile was reflected in X’s eyes; it was not only was it oozing self-confidence, but it was also a little conceited. “I have no use for the Emotion Suppressing Chip, so as to speak. It is of no commercial value to me, and neither do I wish to do any more of these sort of arduous and thankless tasks in the name of ‘public interest’.”
“Now that’s truly a pity.” X feigned his regret at the notion. “And here, you could have been a Hero again.”
“I’ve already earned the status of ‘Hero’ once.” Zhou Huaiye pointed to the financial report. “People will always remember my company, PAINK, and the ground-breaking contribution that my Gr-0 has brought to the Medical World.”
"I wish you success in your endeavours. And, a merry Christmas to you."
"Thank you." Zhou Huaiye smiled pleasantly at having received the reply that denoted the end of the conversation, pressing the button in his phone to end the call.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
The pleasant smile that had been on his face disappears the very same moment X's visage does. 
He reopens the document he'd just received earlier. Inputting a password revealed another two documents within the file. He opens the first one, quickly skimming through it. It was a sheet, packed full of information. The gears in his head whirled to life as he repeated the motion like clockwork, again and again for a couple more times, before he hit the end of the sheet.
There were many columns to the table that presented themselves on the sheet, detailing the most basic information of all individuals whose profiles had been recorded. They were of different ages, different genders; yet, they all had the same look of fear on their face, and the same hometown, TFZ-007.
It was the one and only area that the raw material needed to produce Gr-0 could be mined.
And the human experimentation that this sheet came from had also started at around the same time that the very same mining area was officially classified as a City.
Of course, it also coincided with the time when Zhou Huaiye, the pharmaceutical research and development genius, was promoted and placed on a pedestal by 000 City itself when he successfully optimized the production of Gr-0.
He tried his hardest to still the tremor of his fingers.
The sender, going by the name of “Nuts”, had attached an encrypted message for him at the bottom of the sheet. “The list is still being updated.”
The list was yet to be completed; and his sins, never-ending.
He lowered his head, harshly pressing his forehead against his prominent knuckles. There was something seemingly starting to protrude out from his back, rising and falling with his every breath.
Outside the floor-to-ceiling window before him laid the usual cold and bustling city. However, he bowed his head towards it in a manner that was almost humble, almost regretful.
Zhou Huaiye's jaw tightened, his lips pressed into a line so thin that it went white.
He cannot lose control yet.
He closed the first document and opened the second.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Only coordinates were written within. “127°16′E, 31°18′N”
Zhou Huaiye only realized that it was snowing out when he left PAINK's HQ.
The sereneness of the City in the snow faintly reminded him of how this holiday night used to go…
Whenever it was snowing, the lively crowds would flock under the array of colourful lights. The whole City, lively and alive, bathed in warm lights and dancing shadows.
However, in a year, all of that is nought but a mere distant memory of the past.
Zhou Huaiye let out a long and deep sigh as he turned and walked into the shadows of the City.
A black silhouette stands atop the highest tower in the City. Looking from the tower down below, 000 City was akin to a cold rock. The night turns the entire City into a black hole after the lights of a thousand over houses are dimmed, swallowing the gazes of anyone who dared set eyes on it.
The wind brings along a message; of the rumbling that was approaching, closer and closer. It reverberated in his ears, reminding him of how close his target is. And in another ten seconds or so, a huge transport vehicle made up of many hard metal cargo compartments attached to it comes into view. According to the fixed route in which it traverses, it should continue travelling at high speeds along the opposite transportation passageway after coming out of the airborne expressway.
However, under his silent gaze, the transport vehicle makes a sharp turn, careening towards the concrete pillars of the expressway. A second before the transporting truck made impact, the ground below the pillar suddenly sank to reveal a hidden tunnel.
Granted, the entrance to the tunnel sealed itself back up as soon as the truck went in, turning into hard ground with nary a flaw.
A pair of huge wings sprout from the figure above the tower. Black feathers flutter in the night sky. The cool lights from the City were like revolving lanterns, illuminating the devilish face of the man, caged within his black wings.
His face could not be made out clearly in the inky darkness, but he had a pair of particularly intimidating eyes. It was as if they held the darkness and sins of the entire world within their depths.
In just mere seconds, the gigantic black silhouette followed the vehicle into the tunnel.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Inside the tunnel, cold strips of light continued their never-ending extend forwards. The "demon" kept as close to the ground as possible to maximise speed.
Just as he was about to reach the end of the truck, the black wings suddenly retracted a little, taking the form of wings shaped to glide. The man slips under the bottom of the truck, his wings slightly fluttering as he slips himself between the ground and the undercarriage of the car.
When he reaches the head of the truck, he abruptly unfurls his wings to their full span, leaping straight to the front of the truck's windscreen from beneath the undercarriage.
Under the icy lights, he mercilessly attaches the hooks atop his wings onto the front of the truck, like a demon straight from the depths of hell.
The truck had no driver. But, those eyes, so sharp and piercing that it was almost inhumane, were firmly fixated upon the window, like someone who was staring straight at their deepest, darkest sin.
The car's windscreen reflected Zhou Huaiye's countenance.
His huge wings took to the skies, flying upwards. The hook attached to the front of the vehicle lifts the entire truck into the air, its wheels leaving the ground. The pitch-black wings flapped, lifting and pulling the transport truck along with it. Its tires were still spinning.
Then, he lets go.
The truck flies across the tunnel, crashing violently into the walls of the hidden tunnel. A raging fire was ignited as the truck exploded into flames.
Zhou Huaiye stretched out his wings, hovering above the fire as he watched the metal boxes of the truck get swallowed up by the ravenous flames.
Stacks upon stacks, boxes upon boxes; those Emotion Suppressing Chips born from his sins burned, under his watchful gaze.
Cracks had appeared on the outer wall of the whole tunnel following the explosion.
In the span of a mere 10 seconds, the pressure of the water outside made the entire tunnel collapsed upon itself. The strips of cold light submerged, sinking into the deep sea.
The fire was extinguished, and the demon straight from the depths of hell had also returned to its domain, disappearing along with the blue abyss.
Everything disappeared without a trace.
⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  ◦∘ ━━━━━ ⊹
Zhou Huaiye now sits beneath the viaduct, where the river meets the sea, completely drenched.
Everything was so peaceful, it was almost as if the tunnel never collapsed. It was as if the explosion never happened, with how highly efficient the City continued to run.
He raises his head, looking at the towering bridge and the tall buildings all around him that rose to the skies. A sea of skyscrapers, threatening to swallow him whole at any given moment.
It was then that his phone sounded a notification. A message from nuts: "The transport route has been altered. Now searching for the new route."
The message automatically deleted itself a few seconds later.
Zhou Huaiye propped both of his hands behind his back, raising his head as he looked back above once more…
The snow stopped, and the light of dawn filtered down from the skies.
...Merry Christmas…
 ⊹ ━━━━━ ∘◦  Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ CEO ONWIRE Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦∘ ━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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