mor-menekse-93 · 11 months
Son günlerde
Büyük bir dağın tepesine içime sığmayan çocuksu neşemle koşa koşa çıkıp,
Uçurumun kenarına gelince bu hayat yaşanmaz böyle diyerek atlıyormuşum gibi bir ümitsizlikle boğuşuyorum…
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dusleraleminde · 2 years
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📜Aynı karanlık da örtse üstümüzü,
herkes kendi gecesinde izler
başka bir gökyüzü.✨
~Novalis, Geceye Övgüler
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reallifeswindler · 4 months
es ist ein uhr nachts & ich weiß nicht, wo mir der kopf steht. so viel passiert, so viel zu sagen, so viele gedanken und trotzdem so schwer, es in worte zu fassen.
dies wird nun ein brief, an dich, l.
meine gedanken zu sortieren ist schwer & sie zu papier zu bringen noch viel schwerer. ich liege hier und denke und denke und denke an nichts anderes als an dich. aber nicht im positiven. warum tust du mir das an? nach allem was wir durchgemacht haben, schmeißt du alles hin, als wäre es wertlos und gibst einfach auf? einer stunde nach der trennung folgst du deiner ex & nach einer woche gleich der nächsten? was denkst du bitte, wie ich mich fühle? ich hatte bis vorhin so viel hoffnung, dass du dich nochmal meldest, wir uns aussprechen und wieder zusammenfinden, aber scheinbar ist das nur mein wunsch & nicht mehr deiner. du hast immer gesagt, dass es etwas „besonderes“ mit mir sei. von anfang an hast du mir das erzählt. aber wie besonders kann es sein, wenn du jetzt sowas machst und mich wegwirfst statt zu reparieren, was kaputt ist? ich kann und werde dich einfach nicht verstehen & ich hasse mich dafür, dass ich immernoch hoffe, dass du dich meldest & ich hasse mich dafür, dich so sehr zu lieben, wie ich es tue. denn so ist es, ich liebe dich a schmerzhaft, aber wahrhaftig.
vielleicht schreibe ich dir morgen, vielleicht auch nicht. aber egal wie es ausgeht, bitte lass den schmerz endlich verschwinden, ich halte diesen druck nicht mehr lange stand.
ich merke, ich ertrinke in einem ozean aus hoffung und realität. ich verliere mich auf der suche nach deiner liebe. ich falle und die realität schlägt mich eiskalt und mit voller wucht auf den boden. ich versuche mich über wasser zu halten, aber irgendwann geht mir die kraft aus.
ich will nicht ertrinken, ich muss einen weg nach oben finden - so schnell wie möglich.
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elicatkin · 1 year
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ahalliance · 3 months
tubbo’s absolute horror at aypierre tping right next to him is so fucking funny (transcript below)
[Video Transcript:
Tubbo: ‘Can you not here me?’ Ah fuck, the dyslexic showed
[Tubbo moves behind the ETOILES CAVE Waystone and claims it]
[Aypierre suddenly appears at the Waystone]
[Tubbo’s face morphs into a large expression of shocked horror]
Aypierre: Hey, Sunny!
Aypierre: Hey, Etoiles, ça va ou quoi? [trans: Hey, Etoiles, how’s it going?]
[Tubbo is muted and doesn’t answer, opens up Google Translate]
Aypierre: Ça va, mec? [trans: You good, dude?]
Tubbo: Fuck
[Tubbo types in “microphone broken” and translates it into French]
Aypierre: Allô? [trans: Hello?]
[Tubbo sends “micro cassé” into the general server chat]
Aypierre: ‘Micro cassé?’
[Tubbo laughs, moves around in his chair]
Aypierre: Qu’est-ce que t’as fait, tu lui as donné trop de sucre? [trans: What did you do, did you give it too much sugar?]
Tubbo: FUCK, what does that—
[Tubbo looks up at Aypierre’s translation bubbles]
Tubbo: Oh thank fuck QSMP
end Video Transcript.]
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gayfck · 2 years
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
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When Atsushi's soft smiles... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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rennarita · 2 months
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sofysta · 3 months
Una data da ricordare
Guardo dal finestrino dell'aereo, ho lasciato Roma Fiumicino da un po'. Voliamo su una distesa di panna montata e qualche raggio di sole che filtra. Ho i brividi addosso .. sono frastotnata ma mi consola il fatto che Parigi mi attende per costruire qualcosa di entusiasmante per il mio futuro. Atterrerò tra non molto a Charles de Gaulle per poi andare in navetta fino agli alloggi della Boiserie. (alloggio che non sarà gratuito per inteso ma pagherò 400 euro al mese con una caparra di 200 gia inviata )ed infine presentarmi a Disneyland giorno 18 nell'albergo dove lavorerò in qualità di receptionist. Ancora non so quale albergo mi toccherà ma mi hanno detto che per i primi 2 mesi sarò tipo Jolly da uno all'altro. Ok e sia, qualsiasi cosa pur di crescere, pur di ampliare i miei orizzonti e scoprire le mie potenzialità stavolta con un salto del tutto in assolo.
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angoryt · 10 months
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The two of them on there way to a particularly important meeting, so sadly they can’t get into a violent argument just yet. Glance’s, snacy comments and civil conversation will have to do.
Fore now
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jtl-fics · 6 months
And you know me, I'm double dipping here with Math Nerd!
WIP Wednesday - 10/18/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
The very first time that Andrew met Alex had been when some older kid had shoved Andrew into a garbage bin on his third day at his 34th new school.
The kid had seen him moving into Cass' house the week before and had seen him with his trash bags full of belongings. "It's where you belong garbage boy!" came the incredibly creative insult and Andrew had just rolled his eyes unbothered.
Then there was someone offering his hand. "Lemme help you." came a young voice.
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no-oneknowsmyname · 3 months
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I'm so glad Etho doesn't care about transmogs and just Wears Things. Look at him in his crown. I'm tearing the stuffing out of a couch with my teeth
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drunk-girl · 3 months
Drunk Girl's big drink!
hiii i'm emmy. i havent drank alcohol for over a month and a half. on tuesday, 16/01/24, at 14:00 gmt, I am going to start drinking. I am not going to stop until i sleep/passout. during this time i will be posting and interacting with my followers/mutuals and welcome any engagement, from anyone, whether its replies/asks/dms. yes, i am a bit of an attention whore :3
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here is the alcohol i plan to drink, along with some vodka (not picured) that is conditional of the notes of another post (go find it :3)
i hope you all will have as much fun as i do ^^
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rubber-ducky143 · 18 days
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This was actually really sped ran but, it's okay because (to me) it looks good :3
Hatsune Miku!!
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elicatkin · 1 year
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
What the actual FUCK?! (no. 1)
So apparently the show decided to paint Novyi Zem as Grisha-loving idyll.
Alina: “You're a Durast?“
Zemeni librarian: “Oh. Zemeni do not use such narrow terms. We are all "zowa". Blessed.“
Alina: “Oh, that's, um... That's lovely.“
Zemeni librarian: “Being Grisha is a wonderful thing. A beautiful thing. But we are lucky to be safe here in Novyi Zem. I feel for the Ravkan Grisha. May their Saints watch over them.“
SAFE IN NOVYI ZEM?! Is that why Jesper had to hide being Grisha?!
When he was a little boy, lying in his father’s fields, he’d discovered he could leach the color out of a jurda blossom petal by petal. One boring afternoon, he’d bleached a swear word into the western pasture in capital letters. His father had been furious, but he’d been scared too. He’d yelled himself hoarse chastising Jesper, and then Colm had just sat there, staring at him, big hands clasped around a mug of tea to keep them from shaking. At first, Jesper thought it was the swear his father was mad about, but that wasn’t it at all.
“Jes,” he’d said at last. “You must never do that again. Promise me. Your ma had the same gift. It can bring you only misery.”
There were secret lessons too. Sometimes, when they got home late, and she needed to get supper on, she’d boil the water without ever heating the stove, make bread rise just by looking at it. He’d seen her pull stains from clothes with a brush of her fingers, and she made her own gunpowder, extracting the saltpeter from a long-dry lake bed near where they lived. “Why pay for something I can make better myself?�� she asked. “But we don’t mention this to Da, hmm?” When Jesper asked why, she’d just say, “Because he has enough to worry about, and I don’t like it when he worries about me.” But Da did worry, especially when one of his mother’s Zemeni friends came to the door looking for help or healing.
“You think the slavers can’t reach you here?” he’d asked one night, pacing back and forth in their cabin as Jesper huddled in his blankets, pretending to sleep so that he could listen. “If word gets out there’s a Grisha living here—”
Crooked Kingdom Chapter 16
... safe in Novyi Zem? Well yes, unless you’re kidnapped by Kerch slavers and sold to *checks notes* Fjerdan witchhunters, Shu experimenters or just other Kerch to use you however they please...
Most rogue Grisha ended up in Novyi Zem. Aside from Ravka, it was the only place where they didn’t have to fear being experimented on by Shu doctors or burned by Fjerdan witchhunters. Even so, they had to be cautious about displaying their power. Grisha were valued slaves, and less scrupulous Kerch traders were known to round them up and sell them in secret auctions.
These were the very threats that had led so many Grisha to take refuge in Ravka and join the Second Army in the first place. But the rogues thought differently. For them, a life spent looking over their shoulders and moving from one place to the next to avoid discovery was preferable to a life in service to the Darkling and the Ravkan King. It was a choice I understood.
Siege and Storm Chapter 7
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