boobsperv01 · 3 months
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liteee · 2 years
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Pink hoodie
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picmurasaki · 5 months
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Happy Birthday, Ardyn!🥺
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for-yoongi0309 · 1 year
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— ig.agustd
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celebratedaily · 5 months
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Happy birthday Slush!!
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radiomaxmusic · 5 months
RadioMaxMusic Top 70 Chart / April 30, 2024
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springinmyeyes · 1 year
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newyorkrecord · 2 years
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idiotlyer · 5 months
Check your calendar
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boobsperv01 · 2 years
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medicbrainrot · 1 year
i don’t wanna be here when you lose control
An awkward silence had taken over the room Task Force 141 was occupying when Ghost and Jaguar (Simon and Artemis) had gotten into a heated argument during a briefing meeting for an upcoming mission.
Ghost gritted his teeth. “Why do you always go on these off-topic tangents?! This is important!” His icy cold stare went right through Jaguar, putting a bit of a chill in the air.
“I’m sorry, but sometimes I get off track!” She says defensively.
“That is not good enough! This is important!!” He stalks closer to her, still gritting his teeth. His eyes look as angry as ever through the mask.
“We are not continuing until you realize that what you are doing is disruptive and wasting time!” His tone is cold, and his stare is even colder.
As his anger builds, his tone becomes even more harsh, to the point where he is almost yelling at Jaguar.
“Sit. Still! This is important! Now, can we please keep focus here!?” He grits out loudly.
“I CAN’T HELP IT! I HAVE ADHD!” Jaguar shouts.
Ghost growls and steps closer, putting his face right in front of hers.
“I said SIT STILL. This is IMPORTANT.” He said furiously.
His words shut her up immediately, and Jaguar didn’t move a muscle or say a single word throughout the rest of the meeting.
When the meeting was over, Ghost turned to Jaguar one more time. 
“I trust you understand the gravity of this now.” He said coldly, before walking away without another word. He’s absolutely livid, but he needs to calm down.
The next few days, the base feels awfully quiet as the team prepares for the mission.
Ghost himself is as silent as ever, hardly speaking to anyone, and keeping mostly to himself. It seems like he’s mostly gotten over the argument with Artemis, but he’s still a little pissed off about it.
No one really knows what’s going through his mind, but they’re all keeping an eye on him in case he snaps.
Artemis, in a similar vein, has been more withdrawn than usual, and barely gives more than one or two word responses when spoken to.
Simon picked up on Artemis’ behavior, and realized that perhaps she’s feeling the same way he is: guilty.
He knows he shouldn’t have snapped at her the way he did, but he couldn’t help it.
After a brief moment of pondering, he decides to go find her and try to make it up to her. He gathers a few of her favorite snacks into a little bag, and heads to her room, hesitating before knocking on the door. “Artemis?” 
After a few more knocks, Soap pokes his head out from his own room next door. “Jaguar’s not here, LT.” He says.
Ghost sighs internally. “Where is she?” He asks gruffly, even though internally he’s feeling guilty. His body language still reads frustration, but he manages to calm himself down so he doesn’t snap at Soap.
“Last I heard, she was headed to the firing range.” He supplies helpfully.
“The firing range?” Ghost asks.
Soap nods in response.
“Okay.” Ghost nods, hanging the little bag of snacks on Jaguar’s door handle before turning to leave for the range.
As he approaches the firing range, he can hear shot after shot being fired, in an even, precise rhythm. He slips on a pair of hearing protection headphones, and enters the range to find Artemis there, firing at target after target in pure anger and frustration.
She’s got her own hearing protection on, and it seems like she’s settled into a rhythm of firing round after round into the targets, quickly changing the mag, then continuing to fire.
Ghost approaches Jaguar carefully, getting closer with each step. He finally speaks when he's close enough she’ll be able to hear him over her protective equipment.
“Artemis?” He says, trying to keep a sense of calm in his voice, despite what happened the other day. “I came to apologize.”
“It’s alright Lieutenant.” She says stiffly, without turning around.
His tones soften a bit, not having expected forgiveness so easily. “Are you sure?” He pauses and lowers his voice a bit. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that…We disagree sometimes, but you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s fine.” she says, equally as stiff as the first response.
Ghost stands in silence for a moment, before taking a deep breath. He’s not sure what else he could say to make things right between them, but he knows he has to do something.
“Are you absolutely sure it’s alright?”
She fires the rifle again. “It’s fine.” She says again. She has yet to turn around, and her voice remains awfully stiff.
Simon begins to worry that it’s not all fine. “I don’t like you sounding so stiff.” He says, notes of concern filling his voice.
He takes a step closer to her, his tone trying to remain soft and gentle. “Artemis…”
This time, she sets the rifle down and finally turns to look at him, slipping off her hearing protection. Her eyes are red and puffy, and now that she’s not holding the rifle, he can see that her hands are shaking. “I said it’s fine Lieutenant.”
An awful sinking feeling settled in Simon’s stomach, almost like he was sick. He knew immediately that he had to do something in order to fix this. All he wants is to comfort her, but he has to know where to start. He slipped off his hearing protection before speaking.
“No, it’s not. What’s wrong Artemis?”
“If you’ve come to yell at me to sit still again, don’t worry. I’ve been working on it the past few days.” She says, gesturing to the destroyed targets downrange. 
Simon looks at the targets, concerned by the mess, horrified by the realization that he was the cause. He takes a deep breath before speaking. “Artemis, I haven’t come to yell. I’m so, so sorry for snapping at you the other day.” 
He pauses for a moment, trying to put himself in her shows. “Do you…want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know…I might go on another tangent…” She says flatly.
His tone softens some more, he can tell that she’s very bitter. “Artemis, you can tell me anything you want. What’s on your mind?” He asks, trying to show that he is being genuine, and won’t criticize her for going on another ‘tangent’. 
“What’s on my mind? What’s on my mind!?” She exclaims, as she presses her hands tightly into her eyes. “What’s on my mind is I’ve been trying to figure out for weeks how to tell my boyfriend I have ADHD, only for it to slip out in an argument and then have him use it against me. That’s what’s on my mind, Simon.”
‘Oh god.’ Simon thinks to himself. ‘That’s what’s been keeping her up at night?’ Simon hasn’t felt this awful in a long, long time. He’s horrified that he’s done this to her. “I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine.” She mumbles, her hands still pressed tightly into her eyes.
“Artemis…” He takes a few tentative steps closer, putting a hand on her shoulder and turning her to face him more.
“I didn’t mean to attack you like I did. I was wrong to do so, and I was wrong to not consider the consequences. I’m so, so sorry for my actions.”
“You’re not the first one.” She mumbles, lowering her hands from her eyes. “I’m surprised you haven’t broken up with me yet.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, his eyebrows raising under his mask. “Did I make you feel like breaking up is the only option?” He’s shocked at the possibility, a look of worry on his face. “Artemis, breaking up with you never even crossed my mind. Are you serious?”
“My last boyfriend broke up with me a few days after I told him, said I was too much to handle.” She says, a few tears escaping her eyes.
Artemis’ words cause Simon to feel another wave of guilt wash over him. He had no idea this wasn’t the first time she was treated this way, and it made him feel so much worse, knowing that he was one of the people who caused her pain. “He was wrong…” Simon starts gently. “He was wrong. You’re not ‘too much to handle’, Artemis.” He pauses. “You’re perfect just the way you are, I promise.”
“That’s not what you said when you yelled at me…” She says with a flat affect.
A look of guilt passes through Simon’s eyes, and he drops his head as he tries to come up with a response. “You’re right. I didn’t say that. I essentially said the opposite, something  cruel, that I shouldn’t have said. But, Artemis…” He pauses, his tone getting soft again. “What I said was wrong. You deserve to be treated better than that… I’m sorry.”
Artemis shrugs. “It’s my fault for fidgeting during a meeting.”
“No Artemis, it isn’t.” Simon sighs and rubs the back of his neck. “You have ADHD. It’s something you can’t control. You deserve to be treated with love and respect, and you shouldn’t have to be shamed simply because you don’t act how others might want you to.”
“I wish that conversation had gone differently.” She sniffles, as a fresh wave of tears fills her eyes.
“I do too, Artemis.” Simon steps forward and hugs her tightly, trying to comfort her. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?” He asks gently.
“I don’t know. My brain is so fucking scrambled.” She sniffles.
“Scrambled?” He asks gently. “Why? Do you feel anxious? Do you feel overwhelmed?”
“I don’t know what I feel right now. There’s too much going on in my brain.” Artemis says.
“It’s okay, It’s okay to not know, love.” Simon says softly.
“It’s not okay! I keep fucking up because I can’t get my fucking brain under control!” She yells, exasperated.
Simon flinches slightly when she yells. “What do you mean by that…?” He asks cautiously. “How have you been messing up?”
“I talk too much, I fidget too much, I annoy everyone around me because I’m too much. I have seventeen trains of thought going in my head at all times and I don’t know where any of them are fucking going!” She shouts.
It takes effort from Simon not to jump when she shouts again. He takes a deep breath before speaking, trying to calm his nerves, so that he doesn’t say something that might hurt Artemis further. “Artemis…If I might speak bluntly. It doesn’t sound like you’re the problem here. It sounds to me that your previous exes were too harsh to you…” He says gently.
“It’s not just my exes. My friends, my teachers, my parents. I feel like I’m gonna go crazy if I have to be still and quiet but there’s nothing I can fucking do about it!!” She tries to take a breath. “It’s always, sit still, stop talking, stop fidgeting, stop bouncing, stop shouting, you’re being too loud, you’re being disruptive. Everything about my existence is annoying and yet I can’t seem to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!”
Simon’s eyes go wide at the outburst, but he manages to keep calm and keep holding Artemis tightly. “Artemis…” His tone remains gentle, and he realizes what he needs to say. His own trauma is screaming at him to not go near this, but he knows that right now that’s not the answer. He takes a deep breath and starts softly. “I think I understand what happens when you get overwhelmed.”
“What.” She says in a small voice.
He can hear the pain in her voice and it makes him feel even more horrible for speaking so harshly to her.  He rubs her shoulder gently, trying to comfort her. “Your mind feels like it’s being attacked by constant thoughts, and you feel like you might explode if you don’t do something…And you feel like talking and moving helps you, even if just for a little bit.”
“Pretty much. I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 22, but it made so much sense.” She says quietly.
“Artemis, I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this like that. Nobody should have to feel like they’re not allowed to speak or move. You have every right to speak and move around all you want. If anyone else tells you otherwise, they’re wrong.” His voice grows even softer. “You are not too much.”
“Even when it’s you telling me to be quiet and sit still?” She asks.
“That’s on me. That’s me being inconsiderate, and it’s me being wrong. I can’t apologize enough for that. I’m sorry Artemis, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He says softly, hoping she understands.
“It’s okay.” She says sadly. “You didn’t know…”
“Artemis, I still shouldn’t have treated you like that, regardless. I’m just…I’m sorry I didn’t realize something sooner.” He says gently. “If I could go back and undo what I said, I swear I would. But I can’t. All I can do is apologize and make sure I don’t do something like that again.”
“I wanted to tell you sooner… I just….didn’t know how…I felt like there was never a right time…” She says as a tear slides down her cheek.
“It’s alright.” Simon says softly, swiping away the tear with his thumb. “Don’t beat yourself up over it. I’m the one who reacted poorly. It’s on me to learn, not on you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.” He holds her tighter, trying to express his love with the hug.
Artemis leans into the hug, burying herself into his chest. “I’m sorry for avoiding you.” She mumbles.
“It’s alright to ask for space after an argument. It just means you want time to cool down.” He says reassuringly. “If you need more time to process, I’m alright giving you whatever you need.”
“I don’t want more time to process. I haven’t slept in two days. I just want to go to bed.” Artemis says, trying not to cry.
Simon nods, pulling slightly back from the hug. He looks down at Artemis, still feeling guilty about how he hurt her. He can now tell how tired she is, and how desperately she needs sleep. 
“Okay, I can help with that. Do you need anything before you go rest? Water, a snack, anything?”
“A snack would probably be good. I’ve been here at the range since early this morning.” She yawns. “Maybe…maybe, after I’ve slept, we can talk some more about this?”
Simon gives Artemis a warm smile. “Of course, take all the time you need, love.”
He releases her from the embrace and turns to go get her a snack while she cleans up her stuff at the range.
“Simon, wait.” She calls out.
Simon stops in his tracks, turning around to face Artemis again. “What is it, Artemis? Was there something else?” He asks softly.
She steps forward and lifts his mask to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “I love you.” She says softly.
Simon is caught a little off guard by the kiss, but he quickly recovers. He leans into the kiss, and pulls away after a few seconds, smiling warmly at her. “I love you too, Artemis.” He pulls her into another gentle kiss, holding her close. “I love you… more than you could ever know. Never forget that.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated!
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meadow-dusk · 1 month
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for-yoongi0309 · 1 year
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— ig.jm
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celebratedaily · 5 months
April 30th - Fictional Birthdays
Lyra (Pokemon) Angus (Animal Crossing)
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mmavverickk · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & The Seven Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson), Piper McLean, The Seven (Percy Jackson), Pirate Stolen From Ancient History Additional Tags: Dark Percy Jackson, BAMF Percy Jackson, Blood Control (Percy Jackson), Post-Tartarus (Percy Jackson), Feral Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson Does Not Like The Gods, Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Minor Character Death, But It Is Sort Of Almost Graphic, maybe? - Freeform, Powerful Percy Jackson, Hostage Situations, Poseidon Would Be Proud If He Was In This, More Than Human Percy Jackson, Dangerous Percy Jackson, maverick’s lost impulse control Summary:
The Argo II gets boarded by pirates.
This goes as well as expected, until they piss Percy off.
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cappurrccino · 3 months
man, depression/executive disfunction/a general dislike of wet grass/whatever the fuck else really don't jive with gardening. like I know gardening is supposed to be good for the brain bc it's outside and it's like "look! I did this work with my hands and now I can eat it!" but not when fucking squash beetles get involved!!!! bc now it's just like what is the point!! nothing I do matters bc they Won't Stop Killing My Plants!!
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