#1) gain charlie's trust
sky-marbles · 6 months
Yall im so torn on the initial dynamic Charlie and Vaggie likely had when they first met. Like to me there’s 2 options:
1. Vaggie is flabbergasted at how a demon ANY demon is SO nice and genuine and kind. Anyway she accepts Charlie’s help then feels indebted to her so she helps her in any way she can. Until eventually she no longer hangs around cause she feels like she owes her but more because she enjoys her as a person and like to spend time with her. Then boom she developed feelings for her. Then Charlie liked her back and boom again now they datin.
2. After bringing Vaggie back to her place Vaggie is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. She’s convinced that Charlie wants her soul or to make some deal or to torture her for being an exorcist. From instinct alone Vaggie is practically feral trying to hide from Charlie in her own god damn house cause she can’t LEAVE it’s likely more dangerous out of this “mansion???” But she ain’t just gonna be a sitting duck either. Ergo, Charlie trying to wrangle this ex-soldier with EXTREME trust issues (clearly) that’s hiding out in her house trying her best to convince Vaggie that she just wants to HELP. It probably took like 2 weeks straight of this cat and mouse type game until eventually Charlie managed to gain Vaggie’s trust, then they become friends and eventually lovers and boom dating!
I feel like option 1 is the canon one but by god I love the idea of Charlie essentially having a loose severely injured pretty girl in her house and she’s doesn’t even know where she is but it’s clear she hasn’t left so wtf. Like it’s essentially what you go through when domesticating a feral cat. It’s actually exactly that and Charlie succeeded!
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a-case-of-attachment · 7 months
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The Lamb & The Serpent
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Paring: Lucifer Morningstar x sinner fem!reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Lucifer being a chaotic mess, mentions of sex, swearing, male masturbation, mentions of depression, virgin reader, awkwardness, Lucifer being awkward, fluff, misunderstandings, honestly 90% of this is about sex.
Please click -> here <- to read on AO3
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Angel Dust was right, the two of you do become sickeningly lovey dovey once your relationship is made official. Well as official as it can be with neither of you wanting the entirety of Hell knowing just yet. You don’t want the attention it would bring, and Lucifer doesn’t want to make you a target for those looking to gain power by either trying to worm their way into your life or hurting you. But hey, the important people knew, and Lucifer wasn’t above rubbing his happiness in their faces. 
He doesn’t waist a single opportunity to tell just about anyone how adorable and beautiful you are, often staring dreamily at you on the other side of the room as he describes everything he likes about you, from how kind and compassionate you are to how your eyes light up when you smile. He knows that people are getting annoyed with him, but he doesn’t care, as enamoured with you as he is. Charlie seems to be the only one that still thinks it’s sweet how obviously smitten he is with you but he can tell that even she’s starting to get a bit bored of hearing him wax poetry about you, comparing you to sunshine and rainbows and all sorts of things that he hasn’t actually seen in centuries now. He couldn’t help himself though and it wasn’t like he didn’t say the same things to you directly, delighting in the blush it always got him. 
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Now that you and Lucifer were a thing he hadn’t stop with the gifts and chivalry. He liked opening doors for you or pulling out your chair at the dinner table, even offering you his arm when walking down the street. Not that it happened all that often with the two of you trying to keep a low profile but when it did Lucifer couldn’t help but beam, feeling like the luckiest man in Hell to have you on his arm. The gift giving had slowed down though, Charlie having told Lucifer that “gifts lose there meaning if they are given all the time. They won’t be so special any more if it becomes expected.” She had been right of course so Lucifer had mad a conscious effort to tone it down, now only presenting you with things that he truly thought would mean something to you instead of every little knickknack and trinket he came across that made him think of you. 
You were more subtle in your affections than him. You weren’t one to go around boasting about how lucky you were to have snagged the big boss himself, but you did have a lovely habit of mentioning him a lot in conversations and the best part was you didn’t even seem to know you were doing it. There was a lot of Lucifer said this and Lucifer did that, something that irritated the other residents of the hotel, but Lucifer found absolutely delightful when he found out. He liked the idea that you thought about him as much as he did you and that even when he wasn’t there you couldn’t help but bring him up in conversation. It satisfied a part of him that practically purred at the prospect of people knowing you were his. The same part that wanted to growl and bare its teeth when he would see someone else laying their hands on you. 
In fact, he had almost cut off Husks hand when he had caught the demon with his paws on your shoulders and leaning in far too close for Lucifers liking. The only thing that had calmed him down had been your gentle touch and soothing words, promising that “we were just talking my king nothing more. Trust me when I say I’m not the sinner he’s interested in.” It helped that the reassurance came with kisses, your lips soft but sure against his as you cupped his check like he was made of porcelain. No one treated him as gently as you did, like he was something precious to be protected and cherished. It made his heart flutter, desperate for your gentle and loving touch even as it ached with the knowledge that he didn’t deserve it. 
Lucifer is deliriously happy, with a bounce in his step and a constant smile on his face. It was perfect, well as perfect as things could be considering they were in Hell, and you were dead but there was just one teeny tiny insignificant little problem. Not even a problem really just a small detail that didn’t mean anything. It was just Lucifer being silly really. He could go without, yes he could, no problem. Well except it was a problem because it was getting in the way of things, both with you and with his duties. Lucifer was managing though, at least he would be if that blasted spider stopped bringing his happy little gloating sessions to an abrupt end by asking “but have ya screwed her yet your majesty?” 
The answer to that crude and somewhat malicious question was no, Lucifer had not yet had the pleasure of taking you to bed and the tacky little spider knew that, as did the rest of hotels guest thanks to that big mouthed harlot. Not that Lucifer was in a rush for your relationship to progress that way. He was enjoying spending time with you and really getting to know you. The two of you were taking things slow, Lucifer conscious of the fact that you had nowhere near the amount of experience he did and you seemingly content to just work up to it. Slowly. But that was perfectly acceptable, and Lucifer was not about to press you for something you clearly weren’t read for. That being said though, it had been months since yours and Lucifers little roof top date and it was getting harder and harder to reign himself in, always wanting to press that little bit harder when you exchange kisses or let his hand wander when he got to touch you. 
Despite how much he wanted to deny it, his desire for you was becoming a serious problem, Lucifer often having to excuse himself because he couldn’t handle how close you had been. How your hands glided through his hair and down his back or how sweet your lips tasted against his. Far too many times he had teleported home, bracing himself against his work bench or door or just the nearest hard surface and taken things into his own hands. It always felt good in the moment, the rush of relief as his mind got lost in the possibilities of you and him. He desperately wanted to know how you tasted, how your naked body felt against his, where all the little spots were on your body that had you gasping and moaning and withering beneath him as he took you to new hights. Lucifer wanted to know if you preferred being above or below him, if your whispered words of adoration sounded just as sweet when he was buried inside of you and if afterwards you would want to be the big or little spoon. It was a lot of want, Lucifer being consumed by it all in the moment until his pleasure peaked and sweet relief washed over him. It never lasted though, shame and guilt consuming him quickly and leaving him regretful of his lack of control. You were so sweet, so innocent and here Lucifer was reducing you down to nothing but a perverted fantasy that didn’t even compare to the reality of you. 
The days afterwards he would always be a little withdrawn, unable to face looking at you without the well of guilt bubbling up and making him feel sick. You were always worried about him and Lucifer hated himself for making you feel that way but you were a kind and understanding soul, assuming he was just having one of his bad days and giving him the space he needed whilst letting him know you would always be there if he needed anything. That just made him feel even worse because here you are being supportive and caring thinking he was going through something when in fact Lucifer was having a breakdown because he wanted to have sex with you when he should be concentrating on the heaven issue and making the hotel work or you know, his job as King of Hell. 
That often leads to Lucifer getting his act together, giving himself a stern talking to and swearing not to do it again. It’s a lie, a promise he knows he will not be able to keep. Sure he might be able to for a week or so, might be content to just shower you in affection and kisses but then something will happen, maybe you’ll press a little closer when he hugs you or your teeth will just catch his lip as you pull away from a kiss and Lucifer will be right back at the start again, hungering for something that he wasn’t sure he would ever get. 
It was frustrating in a way that Lucifer had never had to deal with before, leaving him feeling like he was always on the back foot when it came to you. He was well aware that all his problems would be solved with a conversation with you and he had tried on several occasions but it was difficult to articulate himself when it came to these sorts of things and he couldn’t think of a way to ask you if you wanted to fuck any time soon, well, without just asking if you wanted to fuck any time soon. It just sounds so crass, so insensitive, like that was all Lucifer wanted from you when it really wasn’t. He would be happy just having you by his side, his days filled with kisses and devotions of love. He just, he needs to know if that’s all it’s going to be though so he can deal with his desires appropriately and not possibly ruin your relationship by being a complete scoundrel. 
It all comes to a head when Lucifer practically throws you through his parlour wall. 
It’s one of the days where you’ve snuck away from the hotel to spend the day with him in his home, the two of you content to just exist in the same space together. Lucifer had brought his latest project down from his work room, tinkering away with the thing whilst you snuggle in the armchair, book in hand and enjoying the roaring fire he had gotten going for you in the hearth. It’s peaceful, the two of you exchanging the odd word here and there but not about anything important or anything that would pull you away from your individual tasks. Lucifer hadn’t asked what you were reading, hadn’t even glanced at the cover when you had placed your book down on the coffee table whilst you disappeared to make tea. If he had Lucifer would have noticed the stereotypical photo of a shirtless man with a woman all in white in his arms, the two of them gazing passionately into one another’s eyes as his fingers pulled down the collar of her dress to expose the swell of her breasts. Maybe if he had looked he would have known the kinds of things you were filling your head with. Maybe he might have been able to prepare himself for your sudden attack. 
Lucifer doesn’t notice the looks you keep shooting him over the top of your book or the blush on your cheeks as you glanced down at the pages and then back to him. In fact, Lucifer was so engrossed in trying to get his little ducky to fly that he didn’t even notice you had moved until the sofa dipped next to him. It’s a shock and Lucifer jolts slightly, fumbling with the duck in his hands and almost sending it flying across the room if it hadn’t been for you grabbing hold of it before it could go to far. He laughs nervously, thanking you for the help as he holds out his hand expectantly for his latest creation. Except you don’t give it back, instead placing it down on the coffee table with a little pat on its head before looking back at him. Lucifer is confused, even more so when you turn to face him fully, taking a deep breath before looking him in the eyes and asking “can I kiss you?” 
Lucifer is taken aback by your question, especially when you had never asked before. You look at him hopefully though, bottom lip caught between your teeth and a rosy hue to your cheeks, clearly embarrassed by your own question. It’s ridiculously adorable and Lucifer finds himself unable to deny you this request, not that he would want too anyway. With a fond smile Lucifer took your hand between his, insisting that he would “like nothing more than to feel your lips against mine.” Your eyes practically light up with his words, a wide and excited smile spreading across your face. He had all of a handful of seconds to admire how beautifully happy you look at the prospect of kissing him before your leaning in, eyelids fluttering closed as you tilt your head towards him. 
Kissing you is as addictive as everything else about you, Lucifer always hungry for more as soon as your lips brush his. Your lips are soft against his, slightly parted as if tempting him to plunge his tongue between them and deepen the kiss into something more suggestive. Lucifer resists the temptation though, keeping his own kisses light and tender as he cups your cheek with his free hand. He doesn’t expect the small whine you make, his rhythm faltering slightly because he can’t decide if you sound pained, desperate, frustrated or a mix of all three. He doesn’t get the chance to really think about it though because in the next second your tongue is running across his lips, prodding at the seem and seeking permission to enter. 
A couple of things happen all at once. Firstly, Lucifer gasps, his lips parting enough for your tongue to slip between them and into his mouth. Secondly, in one seamless move you go from sitting next to him to straddling him, your knees pressing against his sides and arms draped across his shoulders. The new position has you above him, Lucifer having to tilt his head back to keep his lips on yours and his hands frantically scrambling to find purchase on your hips. One of your hands slips into his hair, nails scratching at his scalp slightly and Lucifer can’t help but moan, your hungry mouth swallowing the sound. 
Lucifers control snaps right about then, losing himself in the kiss as he presses back just as hard and desperate. His tongue surges up to meet yours, curling around it and sucking gently before it’s pushing you back and forcing its way into your mouth. He feels you shudder in his hold, your grip on his hair tightening as you moan wantonly around his tongue. Lucifers grip tightens on your waist to the point that it must be painful, his nails digging in as he drags you down against him, desperate to have you as close as possible. It’s then that Lucifer realises that he’s hard, his straining member rubbing against your core as he pulls you closer, your breath hitching at the friction. 
It’s just a second, a thought flashing through his mind before he’s even finished grinding up against you. It’s just, it would be so easy to have you here and now, to rip your trousers in half and push your panties aside so he can slide into you and have you bouncing in his lap within seconds, moaning and gasping even as he shoved his tongue so far down your throat it was the only thing you could taste. Lucifers fingers twitch, his thumbs pressing down on your pelvis and nails scratching along the thin fabric that kept your most intimate parts hidden from him. It would be so easy, so so easy to just press a little hard, dig his nails in and rip through the fabric. Just a few quick movements and then sweet relief as he finally sunk into your warm tight virgin cunt. It’s just a thought, there and gone within a second but it’s enough to bring Lucifer to a screeching halt, like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over his head. 
Lucifer panics and what he does next is definitely not one of his proudest moments in life because instead of stopping and apologising like a normal person would he stands up suddenly and practically throws you off him, not noticing your startled cry as you cash down onto the coffee table. He screams something about an “important thing, MEETING! I completely forgot about. Yep meeting, better get going, don’t want to be late,” before teleporting himself out of the room and to his locked bedroom. His movements are frantic as he yanks his trousers open, bracing himself against one of the posts on his bed as he shoved his other hand down into his underwear. It’s quick, full of desperation as he remembers how you had felt above him, against him. All those sweet little sounds fuelling his depraved fantasy of if he hadn’t stopped, if he had let his dark desires take over and ruined you for anyone else right there on his sofa in the middle of his parlour. He muffled his moans and cries of your name against his arm, biting down on the bunched up fabric of his shirt as his pleasure peaks and spills over his fingers, all hot and sticky and so fucking good. Until it’s not. 
As the high of release fades Lucifer is left feeling sick, his stomach churning at what he had just done. He feels disgusted with himself, the feel of his rapidly cooling cum on his hand making his skin crawl. Lucifer teleports to his bathroom, stripping himself down till he’s naked and steps under the burning hot spray of his shower. His skin starts to turn pink instantly, but Lucifer doesn’t care, reaching for his soap and scrubbing at his skin till it feels raw and tender. It doesn’t help, Lucifer still able to feel you on him, the way your body had slotted so perfectly against his, how your hands had curled round his neck and slipped into his hair, even how it had felt to press himself against you most intimate area. Lucifer sobs pathetically, sinking down onto the floor and hugging his legs close to his chest. He thinks he hears you calling his name, your voice muffled through the thick door and the steady pounding of the water. He ignores you, convinced that he had imagined it, his mind playing a cruel trick on him in a moment of weakness. 
What had he done? You must think him disgusting now after he had violated your trust like that. All you had wanted from him was a kiss, that’s it but Lucifer had taken it too far, giving into his own desires and taking from you something you hadn’t been looking to give. Then he had just dumped you off of him, leaving you there whilst he ran away like the scarred pathetic mess he was. Oh heavens above, he had LEFT YOU THERE! Lucifer is quick to scramble out the shower when he realises his mistake, barely even drying himself before franticly pulling on his trousers and shit, buttoning the thing up haphazardly as he ran from the room barefooted, his wet feet slipping on the wood of the stairs in his haste to get back to you. He practically skids into the parlour, tripping over his feet as he calls out your name, an apology already tumbling from his mouth in a desperate rush to fix what he had done but it dies quickly, Lucifers words trailing off as he finds the room empty.  
Lucifer whines pathetically, hand clutching at his chest in an attempt to ease the sharp sting of regret and loss. Of course you would leave, how could he have been so stupid to think you would stick around after his behaviour. Trying not to cry Lucifer drops back down onto the sofa, head in his hands and hair dripping water onto the floor. He’s embarrassed by his behaviour, more than that though he’s ashamed of himself and the way he’s treated you. You deserve better than a sloppy make out session and desperate grinding on his sofa and you definitely deserved better than him just upping and leaving you like some kind of cheap fling. He needs to apologise to you at the very least, should grovel at your feet for forgiveness actually because heaven knows that he didn’t deserve it. 
Sighing Lucifer slumped back into the chair, his head tipped back so he can stare at the ceiling. Maybe it was time he got help? Clearly he needed it if he couldn’t keep himself from turning a simple make out session into him accosting you like some sort of sex obsessed degenerate. Unfortunately there was only one person he knew of who would be suited to help him with his sex problem and as much as Lucifer wanted to get his bad behaviour nipped in the bud before it became a much bigger issue he was in fact not looking forward to the conversation he would need to have to do so.
Asmodeus had been surprised to see him that was for sure, but he had cleared his schedule, ushering Lucifer into his office and making sure his assistant knew not to bother them for any reason, apart for bring them the tea he had ordered of course. It had been awkward at first, full of small talk about Lucifers family and life in their respected rings. It was uncomfortable but Lucifer was still thankful for the easy start to the conversation but the longer it went on the more fidgety he became, his knee bouncing with nerves and fingers tapping on the side of his cup in a sporadic rhythm that even had Lucifer wincing. It didn’t take long after that for Asmodeus to set his own cup down and ask Lucifer “3” Taking a deep breath Lucifer placed his cup back on the table before sinking back into his chair, finally able to still his jittery body as he crossed one leg over the other, his arms resting on the arm rest and trying not to claw at the wood. 
In order for him to get anything useful out of this Lucifer had to tell Asmodeus everything. Well maybe not everything but he needed to know what exactly had happened for Lucifers issue to be considered a problem that he couldn’t deal with on his own. That was the difficult part though because how did Lucifer tell the embodiment of sin that he was so in love with a sinner that he wanted help being less horny about it. Not the easiest subject to broach on a normal day but less so today considering what had happened only a few hours ago on his couch. 
He swallows nervously, wetting his lips and looking anywhere but at the man sat opposite him. He struggles to find the right words, mind coming up blank when he tries to think how best to explain his current situation. He really should have prepared this before he came down here, but he had barely taken the time to get dressed properly let alone formulate a full blown speech on why he needed the demons help. Unfortunately, in these situations Lucifer tended to babble a bit and now was no different, Lucifer simply blurting out that he was “seeing someone, who’s not my wife. EX-WIFE! Because she left me and now we’re not married. HAHAHA! That’s why I’m seeing someone now. Yes I am. A lovely someone, person, WOMAN! She’s funny and kind and Charlie loves her, so that’s a-maz-ing. But um, we’ve been seeing each other for a few months now and well, you see it’s um been a bit difficult. NOT the relationship. That’s perfect. She’s perfect but erm ugh…” Lucifer stumbled over his words, his explanation all over the place and often going off in weird directions before he managed to get somewhat back on track. 
It doesn’t get any better, though Asmodeus listens to his ramblings, clearly taking it in though Lucifer has no clue how he’s making any sense of what’s being said. Lucifer knows he doesn’t explain himself very well, even makes it sound like he has the complete opposite problem to what he actually does and has to scramble to correct himself because Lucifer doesn’t “have an issue with you know, getting it up. Quite the opposite in fact. If she so much as looks at me it’s like hello! But she’s…she’s not…she’s never.” Lucifer fumbled over his words, unable to really express his issue despite being here to do just that. It was stupid really, Lucifer knows that but when he really thinks about why he has such an issue with being with you physically it all boils down to the fact that Lucifer would be your first lover and he was terrified of messing it up and hurting you. 
Lilith had been Lucifers first, but he hadn’t been hers, Adam having staked that claim before Lucifer had even set eyes on his future wife. Her encounters with the first man had been rather disappointing and as a result the two of them had been given the opportunity to learn each other’s preferences together though Lilith had most definitely been the one to lead in the early days of their relationship, teaching Lucifer the best ways to please her. There hadn’t been anyone else apart from that one time with Eve but that had been done with Lilith’s blessing and the mother of humanity hadn’t been exactly virtuous at the time either. The point was that Lucifer had never been anyone’s first and even though he has eons of experience he still feels ill-equipped to be given such a precious gift. 
Lucifer wanted your first time to be special, like world altering seeing fireworks special and he wasn’t sure how to do that when he had spent eons being the one being led, perfecting his skills to please one person in particular. You weren’t Lilith and Lucifer didn’t want to treat you like you were her, but he had no clue how he was supposed to make your first time together as spectacular as he wanted it to be without doing at least some of the things Lilith had enjoyed so much. He’s being ridiculous, Lucifer knows that but it’s a lot of pressure to put on someone, especially someone struggling to keep their seemingly ever grown sex drive under wraps long enough to actually figure out what to do. 
Sighing, Lucifers dragged a hand down his face and sunk down further into the chair. He needed to be honest if he expected Asmodeus to be able to offer any sort of advice or potion that would help with his problem. It’s embarrassing, even hurts his pride a little bit but Lucifer manages to get it out without sounding like a complete lunatic. “She’s never been with anyone before, and I don’t want to rush her into something she isn’t ready for because I’m too horny to control myself around her. I just need something, anything to help take the edge off, just until she’s ready.” Once it’s out there Lucifer feels a little lighter, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It leaves him feeling hopeful, like there might be a light at the end of it all, a light that's quickly extinguished when Asmodeus finally speaks after what feels like hours. 
No. Asmodeus had said no. Not ‘I’m sorry old pal but nothing like that exists’ or ‘sorry my friend but I can’t do what you ask’. He had straight up said no, to him, to Lucifer, to the King of all Hell including this ring and all the ones beyond. This was getting a habit, people telling him no and Lucifer wasn’t too keen on the trend it was setting. Before Lucifer could demand to know what he meant by no, Asmodeus was talking, explaining that “there is nothing I can give you that will be of help to you but what I do prescribe is that you talk to her Lucifer, because from what you have just told me it seems quite obvious you’re not the only one feeling the physical effects of your love for one another.” Lucifer stares at his friend in confusion, brows drawn down and a frown firmly in place. 
Asmodeus thought it was obvious that Lucifers physical need for you wasn’t one sided. That he was “so hung up on the fact that she’s never been with anyone before that you’re completely missing all the signs she’s giving that prove she’s ready for more.” That can’t be right, can it? Lucifer was sure he would know if you had been trying to seduce him. He wasn’t that dense. Was he? It left him more confused than he had been when he had arrived in lust, mind scrambling to replay every moment he had spent with you in case he had missed something. Asmodeus chuckles at Lucifers silence, gently guiding him to the door and urging him to “go home and think about it Luci, you’ll be surprised by what you learn.” 
Lucifer had done just that, not paying attention to the whispers of the imps and lesser demons that he passed. He had a lot on his mind, a lot of things that needed his upmost attention because he needed to know of what Asmodeus had said was true and Lucifer really had been brushing off every attempt you had been making to seduce him. He went all the way back to the first few weeks after the two of you had officially started dating, remembering fondly how every kiss had been chase and every touch had you blushing the most delectable shade of red.  
It must have been about three weeks after your rooftop date when the first incident had happened, Lucifer getting so caught up in you that he failed to notice what he was doing until you let out a started yelp, pulling away from him and almost falling off the edge of table you were sat on. Lucifer didn’t remember picking you up to place on the side table down one of the hotels many corridors, nor does he remember slotting himself between your legs and deepening the kiss beyond anything you had shared before. Apparently, he had done that and more though because as he had followed your wide eyed look of shock Lucifer had become hyper aware of his erection staring against his zipper and how he had pushed himself tight against your core, letting you feel every inch of him. 
Embarrassment had been the first emotion to register, Lucifer jumping away from you and pressing himself against the opposite wall. He had apologised, rambling out some nonsense about work before dashing off to his apple tower and trying to avoid any of the other souls that may be lurking in the shadows. When he was finally safely locked away in his rooms Lucifer had berated himself for such crass behaviour, but it didn’t matter how often he called himself disgusting, pig, pervert or scoundrel it didn’t chase away the feeling of you against him. The way your hands had tightened on his shoulders when he had first slipped his tongue inside your mouth, or how you had wrapped your legs around him when he slid his hands under your ass and urged you up. And it especially couldn’t erase the way he had slotted so perfectly against you, able to feel your warmth even through two layers of fabric. That day was the first time he had gotten himself off to thoughts of you, gasping and moaning into his pillows like the pathetic mess he was, the endless possibilities of what if playing through his mind. He had felt so ashamed afterwards, like he had violated you somehow. It hadn’t sat well with him, and Lucifer had promised himself that he would do better, be better going forward. 
From then on Lucifer had been hyper aware of his desire for you as well as being unable to forget the way you had stared down at his erection in a mixture of surprise and horror. Had it been horror though? Lucifer had been convinced at the time that you had been disgusted and put off by his obvious arousal but now he was really thinking about he wasn’t so sure. You had been surprised, that he was certain of but if he was remembering correctly it had been more like curiosity than horror. How had he gotten it so wrong? Lucifer had been convinced that you hadn’t wanted that from him, at least not yet anyway, put off by his experience and rather insistent desire for more.  He had thought he would be rushing you into something you weren’t ready for, fixating on the fact that you had never been with another so you wouldn’t know what all your little touches and hooded looks did to him. But you did know, had been doing it on purpose all these months if Asmodeus was to be believed and like the complete idiot that he was Lucifer had just brushed them all off as innocent little gestures that were sent to test his resolve. 
All those gentle touches that had lingered a little to long, the slightly suggestive words whispered in his ear, the kisses that were often followed by a nip to his lip, the posses that looked like somewhat innocent versions of Angel Dusts, the boldness of you crawling into his lap and taking control of a kiss that hat left Lucifer breathless. There were so many things Lucifer had missed or glossed over, his own fears about doing right by you making him blind to what you were desperately trying to offer him. He was an idiot, a truly spectacular dimwit who had royally screwed himself over and all because he had been incapable of seeing what was right in front of him.
Asmodeus had been right; Lucifer really hadn’t seen what had been right in front of him this whole time, but he saw it now and he was going to damn well show you that he was ready too. As long as you will still have him that is. 
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bookdragon6127 · 8 months
Some hazbin hotel thoughts and theories because I still have brain rot. These might just be the sleep deprivation but they’re stuck in my brain:
1. Alastor is bound to Lilith or eve right and the deal is to dethrone Lucifer and get Charlie in power (because she's the most naïve) which is pointed to by Alastor's lines in the song with the cannibals
1.5 Lilith betraying Lucifer and Charlie is going to be *gut wrenching* both because of Charle loving and looking up to her mother and then Lucifer being turned on by the woman he fell with
2. Alastor's power is restrained because he sold his soul to one of the above and part of the deal was that he couldn't be a heavy hitter because then he wouldn't have been able to gain Charlie's trust when the time came. Hence why he had to disappear. It's also so he didn't just destroy the entire hotel/have collateral damage
3. Alastor is going to force Lucifer into making a deal holding Charlie as leverage and that is how he gets out of his deal- both/either fulfilling his end of the bargain or it's just more powerful and overrides it essentially
4. Lilith/Eve will be the main big bad and Charlie will have a mental breakdown because this woman she idolized really is evil. Lucifer is just a depressed lil guy but Lilith/Eve saw being banished to hell as a way to get power but she's a smart mfer She's playing the long game
5. The series will end with Charlie as an Angel but still serving hell. Idk it's a hunch
5.5. Maybe they’ll explore more of Charlie being half angel especially after seeing her full power and all the fun tricks she can do. How cute would it be with Lucifer to teach Charlie
6. Vox looked up to Alastor when he was a baby overlord and once he got power, he tried to go to Alastor because he was his idol but Alastor pulls his "do I know you"shit (iconic)
7. We’re going to either meet god in season two which will lead to tensions with Lucifer obviously or find out there is no god and the system in place is running on auto pilot
8. Emily will either fall or overpower sera/take over to help Charlie and redoing heaven’s whole system and that’s why/when Charlie ends up an Angel
9. Alastor was referring to Eve when he told Adam “you should know better than anyone what can happen when a soul takes charge of their fate”
10. Lucifer cannot defend sinners as part of the whole extermination thing but once Charlie was actually attacked he was able to intervene (because she is hellborn and they aren’t part of the extermination)
11. Lilith’s deal with Adam is driving me crazy and I’m so curious what it is but my thought is that it’s as simple as she would stop rallying the sinners but she wanted to stay in heaven for it (which maybe meant she got to learn more about it so then she can influence Charlie as her almost figure head on the throne OR when she takes the throne herself)
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pebblethestone · 8 months
One Wrong Action ²
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Vox x Reader /Alastor's sibling
Summary - going out for a walk what happens when someone shows up and ruins your day?
One Wrong Action Masterlist
part 1, part 2, part 3
Words - 1100
Warnings - swearing
A/n - hello yet another chapter I've made a Taglist so if you would like to be added just send a comment and I'll be sure to add you
Your ears twitch hearing Charlie as she starts to rant about the hotel to Vaggie, angle dust nagging your ear off as you try and be patient as you can with him.
“Well, I would never have of guessed that you and that strawberry pimp are even related, I mean you are both deers~~ bu-” As you hear him say strawberry pimp you burst out laughing not that you did that much as Angle moves back a little surprise with your sudden outburst. Wiping the edges of your eyes as you feel tears.
“Oh my I have never heard anyone call him that, it's great, I will be using it at some point” A lazy smile falls on your face as you hear that Charlie has stopped talking, you look at her as her eyes widen as well as Vaggie's.
“What? Can I not laugh at something so stupid? Am I really that scary to you?” you asked as your lips fell back to a line, you know that being an overlord and people didn't trust them very much but you do try and gain the sinner's trust unless you just dislike them in general for example Val like who wouldn't hate him.
“No, no it's just we didn't expect you to laugh, you're always so serious. Plus we've never seen you react like that before.” Charlie explains to you.
“ah I see, it does not mean that am always serious its just a resting face I seem to have. And you all hardly know me” you say to her as she nods at you and then carries on talking to Vaggie.
“So anyway, sugar do you have a tail? Like a little one? Like deers?” he asks as he tries to take a look.
“That for me to know and you to find out, Angle Dust” the corner of your lip moving up.
“Ugh, you're just like your brother with more words than just an answer,” he says to you annoyed.
“well, we are related so would it not come to you, that I may have similar attitudes to him” you say watching him as you give him a little wink. getting up from where you were sitting and started to head towards the door.
“Y/n, where are you going?” Charlie says from behind you turning your head to look at her she looks a little worried.
“Just on a stroll hon, and to get some cooking stuff, since I do want you all to taste my fabulous cooking for tonight's tea” you say opening the door and heading out, not waiting for Charlie to reply to you.
As you walk down a street to get your supplies you hear a car slow down to your walking speed you stop and turn your head to look at it as the window of the car rolls down, the first thing you see is a TV head. Your face scrunching up.
“Vox, I would say what a surprise but it really is not when you do this 'every week'” you say to him the tone of your voice deepening as the end of your words. Watching him open the car door and stepping next to you, you let out a pitiful sigh.
“but we haven't talked in days, and you never use the brick of yours to reply” You roll your eyes at him as you walk he walks along with you. As you walk into a restaurant that you own.
“Well, you seem to forget that I am not very good at using technology and all the buttons are too close to each other, it's a real pain to type with.” as you side-eye him, those years ago his TV head was much larger, but now it was thinner much be lighter, still looked good in his suit maybe change a little and the way he walked. Wait what are you saying? Shaking your head as you pin your ears back annoyed at yourself.
“Well, I thought that using an older version of a phone would make it easier for you, how about I make you something easier to use?” he says to you.
“no, am fine with the technology box that I have” you say your ears still pinned back. as you walk into the back of the restaurant where all the supplies are. You see him turn his head towards you.
“ah, I remember those ears, always pinned back when you're pissed as something,” he says his hand moving up to pat than that he once did. As you quickly grab his hand.
“Remember that last time you did that I broke your screen am sure you don't want that to happen again” you say as your grip on his hand tightens and your sharp teeth appear as he takes that sign to step back.
“Well you didn't say that to me when we first meet, I only touch one hair and all I saw was a fucking first punch me, but you did like it when we were together~” he says to you a little smirk dancing on his face. Oh how punchable it looked. As your face turns into a snarl.
“You dare say that to me on my turf?! We are not together anymore you have to let it go vox! I'll be at that meeting only because it's a deal and I have to go!” you half shouted the tone of your voice going funny as it cracked.
“Wait Y/--” Before he could say more you click your fingers together as you appear in the kitchen of the hotel with everything you need as you put stuff where it's meant to go.
You go over to the door to lock it, heading back to the counter in the kitchen leaning your elbows on the counter as bring your hands up to your face and drag your hand down your face unsure of what to do with what's happening with Vox. Grabbing a glass on the side as you throw it on the floor leaving sharp shards of glass on the tiled fool.
--Vox 3rd P.O.V--
“Wait Y/n” before he could finish what he was going to say you had disappeared like you always do exactly like your brother, he let out a sound of anger.
“Fuck, how the fuck do i all ways mess this shit up” he says to as if he's talking to someone his face feeling into all sorts of emotions, all he wanted was to be with you again but he had managed to mess that up as well...
Part 3
Taglist - @hxzbinwrites @22carolina08
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lutewife · 7 months
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Hazbin Hotel reacts to...
Part 1:
A Lively Reader
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Warnings: Cannibalism mentioned in Alastor's part, but overall it's pure fluff and crack. Notes: Had so much fun writing it, esp on Alastor's part haha! Also it reminded me of those gacha life reaction videos… If you know you know 😂 Dunno if I did it right, though, kind of looks like headcanons to me, but enjoy nevertheless! Oh, and I tried to write it gender neutral, hope you don't mind. This will be two parts, since it's easier for me to do it like that.
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Charlie's probably the easiest one.
She is so, SO happy to have new residents, regardless of how they behave or look.
The first thing that will stand out to her, though is your colourful personality.
You match her energy? That surely is something new to this girl, but she absolutely doesn't mind. In fact, she is more than happy to have someone like that in the hotel.
If you are actually interested in redemption, EVEN BETTER. I think this lil' gal would literally burst with joy.
Would ask you lots of questions about the human world and listen with curiosity, since she didn't have a chance to be a human herself.
She'll probably recruit you to help her with hotel stuff, making an use of your lively personality to encourage potential residents to stay at the hotel, if you want.
Doesn't think much of your style, but she likes the variety of colours. It seems very refreshing to her.
About you liking physical touch: she will gladly let you hug her or something, she'll reciprocate happily. She really likes how your fur feels too!
Your relationship with your friend reminds her of hers with Vaggie a little.
I can actually see you becoming good friends!
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Now, Vaggie probably likes you, because her girlfriend likes you, at first, let's be real haha
The first thing that will stand out to her is your looks. In her mind, it tells a lot about people. And you made a really friendly impression, despite sharing looks with a tiger, which is a generally dangerous animal.
But you are far from dangerous and that's what she likes about you.
At first, her and Charlie will be hesitant to allow you and your friend to go out much, because they are scared of you getting into trouble, since you just arrived at hell and aren't used to rules prevailing there, but eventually they will stop babying you two.
If she sees someone being mean or potentially trying to hurt you, she'll step in and protect you, mainly for Charlie's sake.
She doesn't want any new residents getting killed even before the chance to get redeemed.
Will probably get a little jealous if you're getting physical with Charlie, but if you gain her trust, she'll stop.
If you want to hug her, she'll accept, although she isn't that much of a touchy person as Charlie is.
Thinks your style is an eye-strain, but won't tell you that EVER. She believes that everyone should dress how they want.
Just like Charlie, your relationship with your friend reminds her of their dynamic.
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Let's be honest, Alastor is an enigma when it comes to people.
You cannot immediately see what he thinks based on his reactions or expression.
I think that the first thing he would notice about you is your smile, if you actually are smiling. He appreciates people that wear it frequently. Otherwise he wouldn't care.
Just as he does to every resident: he would pity you and your friend. He also isn't so fond of new sinners and you aren't an exception.
Would probably warm up to you if you're cheerful. You might annoy him if you're too noisy, though.
As a jerk that he is, he would probably try to bullshit you into thinking some random untrue stuff about hell.
"Yes, my dear. Here in hell, we don't eat anything except our victim's flesh."
You would believe him and be scared shitless.
Charlie reassures you he was only making fun of you and scolds him afterwards, though.
He would absolutely not allow you to touch him. If you'd be trying to hug him, he'll probably step away from you, making you fall on your face. (I'm so sorry for this part, I needed to write it, it was just too funny HAHAHAH)
As for you and your friend's relationship, he couldn't care less. He thinks you're equal to each other.
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Okay, now Husk's reaction is…
The first thing he would notice is that you're… Oh you're a tiger demon. He would raise his stupidly large eyebrow at this. Overall not much of a reaction. Wouldn't even say hi to you.
At first he wouldn't be a fan of your lively attitude, since he can't match your level of enthusiasm. But I mean I guess he'd think that's good for you.
After some time, though, he would warm up to you, since you're relatively friendly. Wouldn't mind hearing you yap for hours at the bar. He's used to it.
If you grow on him, he might start getting overprotective with you, especially when around Alastor.
He doesn't want you to end up like him, especially if you don't know what you're doing, yet.
(Alastor might purposely anger him by getting closer to you.)
He isn't a big fan of physical touch, either. If you hug him, he might get startled at first, but wouldn't mind. He won't hug you back, though.
Probably thinks your style is an eyesore like Vaggie, but wouldn't tell you, too. I mean he's not exactly the right person to judge.
Out of you two, he can relate to your friend most. Doesn't think of your dynamic that much.
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Oh god this little gremlin…/a
Her first impression of you would probably be that you brought too much dirt after yourself.
Couldn't care less about where you come from, how you look and act if you're not a handsome bad boy.
At least at first.
Would notice you and your lively attitude if you respond to her chaotic behaviour positively.
You two would be an iconic, hyperactive duo. Charlie and Vaggie would literally have to stop you two from your shenanigans.
She would climb up your head or your shoulder randomly.
Would probably chomp your hand if you tried to hug her, but then give you the best small hug ever.
Loves your choice of clothing so much that when she cleans, she might steal your shirt and use it as a dress.
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Okay, this guy is absolutely unhinged, as we know...
The first thing he notices is your fur, he thinks it's really nice and would probably try to pet you.
Will probably jokingly flirt with you at first. 
Would actually pity you and your friend, but it's not the same pity as Alastor's, he genuinely feels bad for you two, because he knows how terrifying it is to feel out of place in hell. You might do some things you're gonna regret for the rest of your afterlife...
That's why he silently assures you're not going near Val or the other V's, EVER.
Especially considering your friendly personality.
He likes that you're very lively, at least there is someone in this place with whom he can cause mischief and annoy the shit out of every resident.
Would try to annoy you, but fail miserably, and you probably end up annoying him instead. (Don't worry he still likes you)
Absolutely ADORES your sense of style, probably dresses you up and goes shopping for clothes with you.
He loves physical touch too! Would randomly lean on you or pat you on the head. If you try to hug him, he'll happily oblige and you'll get the absolute best hug ever. Out of everyone in the hotel, he is the best hugger, you can't tell me otherwise haha
Overall I can see that you'll get along pretty well!
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Add. Notes: Hope you liked these little headcanons slash reactions idk what this is anymore, but yeah! If you enjoyed, don't be shy, repost and let me know in the comments, they are greatly appreciated! See you in the next one, darlings 🫶
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crazy-bxmbo-bxtch · 4 months
Yandere HUMAN! Hazbin Hotel X Popular reader
Summary: Separate Hazbin characters and their love and obsession for the school's popular girl
A/n: I'm very excited about this one, also College AU/ Modern
Characters: Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer
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I feel as if he would like to have an innocent or the mega bitch type of girl. An innocent to play into his love for corruption, a bitch so he can break her sprirts.
Now, if you're an innocent, he will be in awe of you. The reason you are popular is your kindness and beauty toward others, even the bad ones.
Alastor would constantly look at you during lectures, and it was noticeable to anyone who squinted, looking at you promptly.
One day, he will gain the door to be active in your life, getting close to you, by studying.
Imagine this, you are failing a class, and you ask your teacher after in private about it. After talking, you realize there is no fixing your current grade for the class, and the semester is almost over. Not to worry, Alastor will happily invite you over to study with him.
Now... a smart person, knew not to go into Alastor's home, as he is the school's sketchy phyco, as in, the whole university is pretty sure he kills people in private....and practiced black magic..
But in your position, you need the help, plus you're pretty sure he's not a killer, I mean, how could he? Based on the talk you had, he's a man who likes music, loves and respects his mother, and knows how to sing and dance. He's harmless. He was so sweet too, telling you things like "the color on your lips looked Devine on you doe." Or "such a pretty thing." He was even kind enough to make tea....
Once you were knocked out, his plan had set up into motion, then when u woke all you know is that alastor saved you from some rapists, he said "they wanted to take something precious from you." You believed him, now you were the new power couple on campus.
Now, if your a bitch, be in for some hardcore fi
Fuckary. Alasor is attracted to your spunk and your sass. He wants to be the only person who sees it.
As you beat up some pathetic girl who dared to question your delightful singing voice, Alastor was watching in awe from afar. You look so cute when you are upset. You can do no wrong in his eyes.
When it comes to courting, Alastor will be using a different approach and technique. You are not so trusting and lenient as you could have been.
I feel Alastor would show you the crazy he possesses. Let you know that, compared to him, you are weak and need protection, not independence.
Imagine you are running through your home, only in a T-shirt and panties, trying to escape the stranger who just burst into your home. As you run, you rush into the bathroom, locking the door and barricading it with anything you can find. You struggle to unlock your phone as you do so, the person says, "I wouldn't do that, my dearest." You recognized the voice, and all your fear was replaced with anger. "Alastor! What are you doing? I knew you seemed off but not this fucking unhinged!!"
As the house fell silent, Alastor let out a chuckle, "Now my dear, it's time for this attitude of yours to falter." You blacked out, now you can't leave his home, forced to drop out and become a housewife.
In either case Alastor will always
1. Obsess
2. Posses
3. And mf PROTECT
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I feel like she would also like someone coming from both mean and nice sides, a nice girl because AHHHHH HOW CUTE IS SHE, and a mean one because she wants to find your softer side and help bring it out of you.
An innocent angel that Charlie is good friends with! You both hang out all the time. You could practically be besties. Forever, and ever, and maybe even more? no, even more!
People around campus would notice how much she spends time with you and how much she touches you, she touches certain parts of your body for too long, you could be at Starbucks and she would just be practically hanging on your shoulder.
But don't be fooled, you never pay for your little "bestie dates" when you are with her, even if you offered to go and even offered to pay and she agrees to you paying, you will never be able to truly pay.
Picture this, during a lecture you text Charlie. Her being the lovesick cinnamon roll she is, she texts back immediately, you ask if she wants to go out to a park or something, and she says, 'It's a date :)'. While you are preparing later that day to hang out with your friend, Charlie is getting ready to hang out with her lover....if you are not catching on.....Charlie is DELULU.
Your friends try to warn you that she's trouble, and a little off, but you ignore them because your friends are harsher than you, you are the sweet one of the group.
Charlie's obsession with you is, for the most part, completely unknown. She can hide her sinister intentions with a smile and a trip to Starbucks.
She writes you love songs that she hopes to be able to sing for you one day, she's a charmer like her father after all.
Her biggest fear is you not wanting to be with her anymore, friends or more, she does not care, she will always make sure that u will see her as one of the people most close to you.
Now, a meaner darling will require a more pushy Charlie, she gets all up in your business, stalks your schedule, and ultimately...BOTHERS THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU.
She never leaves you alone, always trying to be overly friendly to you. She tries to get you to open up to her and look at her as someone you can trust, but hell no.
Eventually, she grows a little impatient and uses her advantage of being the principal's daughter to good use. Now you keep getting in trouble with a punishment of study hall and another punishment of having Charlie monitor you.
As you sit there under her watchful eye you can feel something peering through you, not her but a part of her. She smiles and goes back to talking about random nonsense, you got 10 more days of study hall.
...sucks to be u
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I feel like she would love a weaker kinder girl, who is also very talkative, one who is like Heather Macnemera, one who is popular because of peer pressure. She would notice and take note of it. All of it, even your life.
The fact that you love, jewelry, hair clips, and having your nails done every month. She would definitely be awkward as hell and would get flustered a little easily.
It also was not a shock...to me at least, that you seemed to pay her some attention, whether you asked her about homework, what she does in her free time, and what her favorite foods are.
She loves the fact that you like to yap because she loves to listen. I can imagine...
Vaggie was doing her work for her major. Blasting music in her earbuds and just vibeing, when she gets a tap on her shoulder. "Hey, you got the notes from earlier?" She freezes when she sees you, "oh...uh..what?" She fucked up her response..shit..."oh..I was asking if you got the notes from earlier? He was going a little too fast for me, I blanked." You were done asking.
You scooch over lean over her shoulder and start copying her notes. Vaggie was panicking, not only were you this close to her but, you spoke to her, with not a hint of malice. Your friends give anyone hell so she was luckey to get this treatment..or that's what she thought. You were always sweet to eveyone...
After you took down the notes you started asking her meaningless questions like, 'What's your favorite color or food?' She would answer, then all of a sudden, "Ms. L/s, do you mind carrying your conversation at another time!?" The professor shouted, but, you always clap back " Well damn, chill out I was just getting the notes your fast ass keeps speeding through, not my fault." That shut him up, now all Vaggie has to do is keep you focused on her just a little....ok maybe a lot more, now she has your attention and she would be damned if she stopped now.
You both became close, Vaggie was an amazing friend...she always protected you, and made sure you stayed by her side and out of harm's way, she was amazing at self-defense, and she would always take you to your favorite fast food places. You did not even know she was crazy....oh well, need to pay attention more.
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Now I know this man would be a class clown, it's giving Goofy short king, bro cracks jokes at the teacher that would low-key be insulting or straight rude, especially the teachers that gained some type of excessive liking of you.
He knows everything about you, your fave color, food, jewelry, car....license plate...what your car smells like.....adress....credit card number....all the numbers...anyway.
He is so lovestruck over you he would do anything to entertain you and make you laugh, even though you are two grown adults in college but eh, everyone needs to have fun once in a while.
Now, since in the show, his wife is an entertainer, I feel as though in this he would also have an entertainer darling, one that dances sings, or even acts. He always is there at your performance, he imagines that whatever you are doing is to make him happy, but he's already happy with you ..in his head at least, you do what you do because you love it, but let him be delulu.
He seems very touch starved so I know he would be clinging. Always 5 feet away from you, going off campus for food? He'll ride with you. Does YOUR class start soon? He will drop you off then go to his.
Lucifer, being Goofy, would have been already popular, so many thought you two were dating, lucifer would proudly smile and wall around like you two are together...he could only dream.
You noticed he had a thing for ducks, a little weird, but you can look past that because knows origami....and he makes duck origami for you.. which is hella random but oh well. He even made one that looks like you...he also has a secret one, well like two. They look like you both and are making a heart shape, you don't know about it.
~"Heyyy N/N, sooooo...whatcha doing..?" He asked mentally attacking himself for losing confidence halfway through his introduction. You tell him you want to head over to the park and eat sandwiches and feed the ducks, HIS WIFE, he just loves you. "YOU BETCHA, I'LL BE THERE IN 30". it's a date for him.
While you two sat and laughed, he was beaming at the fact his bad jokes were working, maybe he has a chance? You talk about majors and what you plan to do when you both leave, and he loved that you loved the arts, did he ever mention he sings?~
One thing I know is that this man likes to stare and make faces, he's jealous, what can he say? He won't admit it though, he's too prideful duh. If he attends one of your performances he watches so closely, and he almost forgets about the men making inappropriate comments about your body, they will be handled shorty though, whether he damages their dignity, or fucks them...up...he fucks them up.
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Not much thought, just vibes ✨️
Requests: OPEN
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alienssstufff · 1 year
JUDGE: Maximus (SapoPeta) PROSECUTION: SLIMECICLE (Charlie el Backflipo), Quackity (esp), Jaiden, Fit, BBH, Foolish DEFENSE: MARIANA, Roier JURY: Dapper, Leonardo777, Tilin, Trump, Bobby, Ramon
OBJECTIVE – To determine whether a crime was committed by the Defense, finalise Flippa’s custody amongst parties (divorce)  
Link to the full update timeline of the JuanaFlippa case can be found HERE
A/N: The following was recap was taken from Slimecicle’s (and a bit of Quackity and Philza’s) POV. This is 4 fucking pages long.  
A small courthouse was built for the event - presumably during server maintenance.  
Mariana, Charlie and Quackity dressed up irl in suits for the stream! The couple + Jaiden’s minecraft skins appear in suits too! This isn’t relevant to the case but I respect the dedication :]  
Private conversation where Mariana asks Foolish to represent him in court. Foolish rejects :[
Initially Charlie had hired Roier to be one of the Prosecution’s representatives but had backed out last minute - choosing to instead take Mariana’s side on the Defense.  
Charlie had also requested to hire Philza to be one of the Prosecution’s representatives, to which Philza rejected the offer because of Charlie’s murder attempts on his son Chayanne.  
Individually, Charlie speaks to each of his lawyers in private. As of prior to the hearing, none of them are aware they are not the only lawyers representing the Prosecution.  
A few emotional words were held between Mariana and Charlie. Mariana via Twitter DMs sends Charlie a photo edit of them and JuanaFlippa together as a happy family. They cry together – it’s snotty and kinda gross ://
SapoPeta opens the trial under court of law and representatives of both the Prosecution and Defense introduce themselves to the stand. It is here where all five of Charlie’s lawyers discover there is more than one representative (but it’s cool they play it off and agree to work together).
In defense of himself, Charlie argues that by everyone’s willingness alone to defend him should more than prove the strength of the Prosecution’s case. Quackity (esp) further reinforces Charlie’s first point and brings forth the opening statement outlining three objectives the Prosecution aims to achieve in the following hearing: 1 -To revive JuanaFlippa 2 -For Charlie to have complete custody over JuanaFlippa in the divorce 3 -To sacrifice Mariana to Satan  
As Charlie’s second lawyer, Jaiden drops probably one of the hardest statements in today’s hearing. It’s so sick I’m including the full transcription: “This case isn’t about winning custody. It isn’t about divorce, or even bringing back the life of a child. It is about Justice. Justice that was taken away from an innocent egg JuanaFlippa. JuanaFlippa’s childhood was born into a broken home, but that doesn’t mean she’s any less deserving of life.” “We’re here today standing before you Your Honour to write the Wrong that happened to a defenseless egg that simply wanted love. My client el Backflipo is a good parent. He cared and provided for JuanaFlippa, was always there for her, and at the end of the day Showed Up. All things the Defendant did not do. He knows the family isn’t in the best of situations, but he still did everything within his power to give JuanaFlippa what he could.” “In this case we will be revealing how the Defendant, el Mariana, was not present as a parent, not a good partner, was a bad influence on JuanaFlippa, consistently showed zero care for anything he subjected to her – and now is the ultimate cause for her untimely death.” “The facts in this case are straightforward and we are able to supply evidence and witnesses to stand to prove this point. I believe the Defendant, in a rage of not being able to escap el Backflipo’s custody papers, plotted to gain just enough of el Backflipo’s trust to be left alone with JuanaFlippa where he could then take her life.” “All el Backflipo wanted was to give JuanaFlippa the best childhood he could. He wants to right the wrong that was made in the hands of Mariana. For all those reasons and after you’ve heard all the evidence, at the end of this trial we ask you to return a verdict in favour of el Backflipo. That you find the defendant GUILTY of murder and to have his soul SACRIFICED in the resurrection of JuanaFlippa. Thank you.” (holy hell.)
Roier argues in good faith that Mariana is a good person (by shared history) and father who would never intentionally hit his daughter. The Defense pleads instead for manslaughter and that JuanaFlippa’s death was by a misclick.
Jaiden (sent by Charlie) brings new photo evidence to the stand in harm of Mariana’s image, bringing light to an affair between him and Foolish. Foolish is thrown under the fucking bus and is actively against the Prosecution (he is fired during recess). Principle of the item countering the Defense’s claims of Mariana being a good partner.  
Roier brings new photo evidence in harm of one of Charlie’s lawyer’s image of Tilin saying Quackity was also in an affair (???). Jaiden objects as the item is not relevant to the JuanaFlippa case. Objection accepted.  
Roier demonstrates the fragility of the egg beds - easily destroyable by a single click. He challenges the court to review the quality of egg beds in precedent of the murder. This statement is overruled by the Judge for irrelevance to the JuanaFlippa case, saying that such issue must be brought up in a different trial against the company providing the egg beds. The Judge however agrees that Mariana’s kill was an accident.
BBH from the Prosecution argues for the fragility of egg-kind, showing a reckless disregard from Mariana. Video evidence showing the night of the murder (footage wire-tapped by Charlie) is presented.
Roier argues against BBH bringing awareness to the species of the eggs being birthed from a power dragon (dragons are tough).
The Judge presents an audio file, a conversation between Mariana and JuanaFlippa. Due to technical difficulties in the Global Transcription, Quackity ‘translates’ saying “Daughter, I’m gonna be absent for a very long time therefore you need to start eating dirt so your defenses rise up and you don’t die as quick. Motherfucker.” Roier objects in defense that Mariana is a cc and was being a lil silly slash /j.
The Judge declares Recess as he comes up with a verdict.
Nothing much happens during recess other than a failed assassination on Charlie but it’s whatever ^_^!
Fucking Tik Tok edits were submitted as evidence as leverage to Mariana’s image in proof he is a good father to JuanaFlippa.
More photo evidence of Mariana’s and Foolish’s affair are brought to the court to counter this presented by the Judge. He objects himself for this has nothing to do with the murder, he just put it up there cuz it was funny.
Video evidence of the murder was brought up again. The Defense argues Mariana in fact destroyed a JuanaFlippa decoy - not the real JuanaFlippa. Theory debunked due to the current absence of JuanaFlippa today.
Charlie argues, on which will always transcribe (also hard as hell) the following: “And he (lil Satan) told me that he would burn my family to the ground if I told you this, but I don’t have a family left to burn. SATAN TOLD ME THAT IF I KILLED PHIL’S EGG, HE’D GIVE FLIPPA A GUN TO PROTECT HERSELF AND THIS IS THAT PHOTO RIGHT THERE OF BABY’S FIRST TOY, IN A CIRCLE OF FIRE AS WE MADE AN ACCIDENTAL PACT WITH THE DEVIL. AND HE SAID HE WOULD KILL MY DAUGHTER IF I DIDN’T DO AS HE SAYS. I’M SORRY BUT I WAS DOING WHAT A GOOD PARENT WOULD DO!” The Judge disregards the evidence as it is not relevant to JuanaFlippa’s murder. The murder of Chayanne (and Charlie’s homicidal tendencies) would be left for a different trial.
Fit in representation of the Prosecution brings four netherite ingots to the court as a bribe. It is revealed that the ‘netherite’ was forged.
FINAL VERDICT of today’s trial, in case of JuanaFlippa’s death, that she would be given another life. Both Mariana and Charlie would be sentenced to the QSMP Federal Prison for ~10 minutes. Request for divorce has been denied and parents of the Flippa family must work together in couples therapy.
Mariana and Charlie are thrown in cages as people throw tomatoes at them. They sing together and do a duet of Careless Whisper on the harmonica/kazoo. Cute!
They escape underground just in time to see Flippa get resurrected. The family are reunited. Aww :,]!
Both Mariana and Charlie (WITHOUT KILLING her this time) tuck JuanaFlippa to bed and promise to work together on their relationship from now on. Yipee ^_^!
Both streams finish with Mariana and Charlie having minecraft sex. The end!
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kaledya · 2 months
Hello, Hello !
So I will use this message to answers all your questions and talk about more 'important' writing from the fanfic, like that, all is in the same area !
(Also before thank you for your kind words for my healing, I'm feeling almost normal !🌸)
So first, I read you others responses and saw that you haven't really ideas for the rest of your SSAU and you see it more of a concept and I respect it, its normal. SSAU have a different ending in his first season than the main show, so to be a bit lost in how you want to direct the story, when you are not used to write, can be overwhelming. Don't worry, I've got you !
• So, what are my plans after the Overlords Meeting ARC ?
So technically, I was waiting for you to make more storyboards, you know, because that was the plan to write what you are imagining but as I said, its okay if you don't, we will talk about it and found something.
For the plans we already established in another message this order of things :
  - Overlords Meeting ARC   - Vox VS Alastor   - Valentino and Angel problem ARC   - Constantine arrives at the hotel
Season 2
- Serenity, Lucifer arrives too. - Charlie goes to Heaven - Ruthlessness by Azrael.
That is the base I keep.
So in my mind, what I'm preparing (without spoiler but still comprehensible)
- Episode 5 : Overlords Meetings ARC (more lore with the gangs) + flashback + Vox VS Alastor confrontation but not a real fight with powers. Just a song battle. Serenity and Alastor interaction.
- Episode 6 : ACTION. Secondary plot focus, Lolicia phase 2 showcase and emotional triggers + Lolicia and Alastor past flashback +   (Combat songs!)
The emotional triggers link to :
  - Episode 7 : Angel and Val + New OC entering (link to secondary plot) + unlocking more past for Lolicia. Husk conforting Angel (new song)
For Angel and Val, you already made some doodles and drawing about how it would happened with Charlie poison tail, (showcasing for the first time the Royal Autority ability - teasing more and more Constantine arrival) and Val suffering for some time as a punition.
- BETWEEN episode 7 and last episode,
[Second Interlude with short stories maybe with others characters ?]
details (no orders) : we have the activities for the japanese summer festival preparations, RadioSnare organisation (explaining how to gain influence probably), Pentious getting more confortable with the group as there is a new guest arriving (new OC of episode 7), inviting the Overlords one by one for the festival (songs), the Vees (Vox and Velvette) to deal with, Lolicia is changing because of the event in episode 6.
Now, do you have little arcs/exemple/archetypes of sceneries or interactions you would like to see in season 1 ? Something you wished happened in the main show fo exemple ? I could include it here ! Some Huskerdust, Chaggie (relationship things are okay of course)
Lolicia changing/breaking (time to be a writer and make my readers cry) :   - explaining about the showcase of power in episode 6   - her power is offensive (what will see in episode 6) and defensive (purple cords)   - offensive power (big rewrite song of the Underworld by epic the musical)
  [remember that Lolicia as a power that doesn't use souls and still slaps and Alastor wants to know why]
Constantine related things :   - Constantine arrives because something worrying happened close to the hotel and he wants to protect Charlie and see her 'progress'.   - Epic meeting between Constantine and Lolicia   - Constantine see something in Lolicia and wants to decipher it (that is why he will be more "relax" with her than others guests at the hotel, introducing his ways of interaction in season 2)  
  - Last Episode, Then at the last episode of the season, the japanese summer festival made by everyone with the Overlords invited (yukatas, fireworks, and realising that the people of the hotel are finally having something close to a friendship.) Developing trust is the main thing of this season.
Before the end of season 1 :   - Lolicia reason of death unlock
Because in the main show Season 1 : we know  HOW characters died (bullet in the head, alcool poisoning, drug/coma, probably abuse...) Season 2 : we learn WHY characters died we will probably have the past of Pentious and why is he redeemed, what happened in his life, perhaps Alastor's mother and past serial killer crimes, the mafia family of Angel ect.
And I will use the same pattern in my ff. HOW in first season and WHY in the second season. I hope it make sense !
[We need the coronation of Constantine somewhere in season 2 or 3 like in your short because it was amazing !!]
So yes, that is my plan, and remember, if you want to say/add anything, you can. We are both gods here as you said (no idea is stupid and can only be worked on) 🌸
• So Lucifer position in AA/SSAU ?
I'm based on what you said about him. He is more prideful and more serious (still depressed). I think, as we talk about, the bad blood between him and Charlie will be more difficult to cure. But he is a fallen angel, that guy is power, more than Constantine who is his son and already impressive. But Lucifer let his son deal with matter of the kingdom and live a bit on his own.
(I heard what you said about wanting Constantine to be more angelic, blonde and human and surprising Demons when they met him because its a contrast. And I like it a lot ! I'm excited to see how you will change the design!)
For Lucifer, I think a chill part of him and an important aura must be around him like Azrael and Abaddon that we already saw. Perhaps the corruption is around him and not inside him so he looks like a dark archangel ?  Shattering away and reconstructing always. A never ending circle of breaking and healing ?
Of course tell me what you think about it ! Because its a little bit different of your idea of Lucifer !
Like it could be the other way around, when he is "normal" Luci look dark, not mean, just what I said before and when he is "mad" or ready to fight there is something more holy/unholy impressive in his face/body ?
I don't know if it make sense. We can keep his obsession with ducks. He is also occupied with his humans followers/cultists.
Perhaps, because his idea of Hell didn't appeared as he wanted, (the circus thing), perhaps he is planning to create a new part in Hell ? A new ring ? And this project took all his attention (hyperfixation) and he will have interesting conversations with Abaddon (and others Archangels) leading to why this Hell is not based on military legions ect ? Just ideas !
• Where is Lilith in AA/SSAU ?
Good question! Again, I was waiting for your ideas but now let's talk about it.
Lilith is already a powerful character, a queen, someone who reigns on her husband heart without even being here. And in SSAU, creator of the Ars Goetia, mistress of the night and bird-like appearance, right?
But technically, what is she really ? A human trapped in eternity, corrupted by Abaddon insides.
We need weakness and things she can't have to make her relatable. Perhaps while searching for something she can't have, she met Roo (that we already saw we know she is clever and cruel) get trapped in a sunny cage (bird symbolism and day/night) and Roo found the possibility to do a metamorphosis of the queen herself and her plan to destroy the Morningstar Family (with Alastor focusing on Charlie).
Eve is the host of Roo so perhaps her own anger/fear about the fate of her own family (Adam, Cain, Abel, Seth and the unamed daughters) give power to Roo to indulge in chaos/destruction. And Roo is just a concept of corruption and not even realising that the host she despise and treat as a child (Eve) is actually the one that make her exist ?
She took Lilith down, something link to her plan and for that she also need that Alastor do something ? Tell me what you think !
So yes, Lilith is trapped.
Actually I think Constantine would try to do something to find his mother. Perhaps send a detective (an OC we could create?) (And we like Sherlock type of dynamics) to search for Lilith ? Could link the Hellaverse part more easily with the story (with your OCs) : the seven deadly sins and their children, Ars Goetia, the brothel with the succubuses, even Verdelet !
• What Abaddon thinks of the others true archangels ?
So my Abaddon is an special angel and a place/hell, so yes he is a bit different from the true archangels, his brothers and sisters. He loves them all overall but he doesn't have plenty of quality time. He is not in Heaven even if he can go freely there.
To have a metaphor, I don't know if you saw the Ghibli movie "Castle in the Sky" ? There is a robot soldier who is the guardian of the floating island Laputa. And he is alone because the other robots are just asleep or dead. And he takes care of little foxes who kind of lives on him and trees. He cares for them.
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Abaddon is like this robot and the little foxes are his brothers and sisters. That is how he thinks of them.
- Azrael, they are very close and work together from times to times.
- Michael, they don't talk too much, Abaddon sees Michael like something mixt between a heros and a gladiator. In term of strategy planning, they actually get along quite well.
- Uriel, is actually his favorite sibling but he can't talk to her face-to-face cause she is the Sun of God and he is the Abyss, so their power hurt eachother. So they write to themselves  letters each month.
- Gabriel, they would probably do shopping together and talk of wild subjects. It would be like listening to 2 ADHD people conversing with each other.
- Raphael, his duty is to tell to Abaddon what the hell is happening in the world, the big changes in humanity ect ect. So they see eachother each year for report. Abaddon mostly don't listen and just scultp his brother face because he thinks his face is very feminine and pretty. Raphael took it as an insult each time but still take the bust sculpture his brother carved for him back to his domain in Heaven.
- Jophiel, is like an annoying little sister. She is curious of her brother and wants to know him better. She chit-chat a lot and its overwhelming him. So Abaddon listen but not necessarily answer. He makes her dolls to make her understand he still cares.
- Lucifer, Abaddon knows Lucifer very well because he lives inside him, in Hell. He knows that Lucifer is depressed and doing his own thing. Most of the time he calls him Mael Still (for Samael). They are actually kind of alike in their personality, both inventors and they have a lot of interests in common. But for Lucifer its difficult to see his brother and just forget that he is imprisoned in him (and if Abaddon would have been in his side in the rebellion against Heaven, perhaps he would have win ?) That is what he thinks. So yes, they have things to work with to their relationship to be better!
I will answer Lolicia faq in another message because this is already too long ! 😭 Ahah but I'm curious to see what you think and ideas, its very interesting to talk about all of this !
Thanks to read it all and I hope I did answer well (because I can definitely loose myself)🌸
First of all, thank you for your understanding.
And seriously, you don't have to follow the plans I made or infos ı take etc, I prefer you to be free. I seriously think you are a creative person!
And yes, generating new ideas etc. by talking is a really good plan! Thank you
(up to episode 7) I think the way you set up the episodes and events is really excellent Character development is happening slowly, events don't feel rushed It is very nice that we can delve into the history of Lolicia rather than just presenting it to us.
And yes, Angel's salvation is Charlie killing Valentino.Angel seriously deserves freedom after so many years
And it is very nice to mention the past of Alastor and Lolicia again, the threads come together as if weaving a carpet.
I can't wait to meet the new OC who will come in Valentino's arc, I'm already curious what kind of character they are
As I said until this part, I think everything is great.You've really made a very logical arrangement and it doesn't feel like it's a replacement for anything.
(Intermediate chapters after 7)
There is nothing I want to happen. Frankly, you have already written the events that should happen, there is nothing I can add🛐. Allowing breathing after story arcs. And it's really smart of you to think of sections that allow us to see the consequences of those important arcs.
And your choices are really great because these arcs both strengthen the story and introduce the characters better.And I think that stories always need sections where the reader can breathe.And that's exactly what you're giving them.
Regarding the relationships (huskerdust, Chaggie), I think these relationships can be improved by including them in arcs without a separate arc.
Wait WHAT?? What will you do to her NOOOOO!!
As a writer, I know it's fun to make OCs suffer, but since I'm a reader right now, I don't want to see lolicia suffer.(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
And what will happen in Ep6??? I know we will see the past and there will be a combat song but what will happen that will affect lolicia so much!!?!!
Rewrite of Underworld????? What will happen? For God's sake and I have always wondered where Lolicia's powers come from, I can't wait to find out.But I think I will be sad rather than happy when I learn this information?What kind of tragic story is behind their powers?
Constantine's reason for coming really made sense.Also, it makes sense why he is more interested in Lolicia. I'm seriously looking forward to the events after Constantine's arrival.
AND yes that encounter my god I seriously can't wait to see the dynamic and dialogue of these two!
Japanese festival? It's seriously a great idea to end the season, we see the character development of the characters clearly and before moving on to the next season.And I think it's a really enjoyable arc to read.
The HOW and WHY dynamic is really very logical, it creates expectation and curiosity on the part of the reader, and it allows the character stories to be told in a more orderly and logical way.It was truly a great choice!
I'm really glad you liked my short, but it was something I made for fun for that song.I don't know how it will be transferred into the story because in order for Constantine to be crowned king, Lucifer must either stop being king or die💀
Seriously, it was great to read your plan and I think you came up with a great plan, I don't have anything to add because it's already perfect!!
As a god, I take off my hat to you who are a god too 🎩
And thank you for your thoughts on the ideas, it really relieved me to hear that because I'm not very confident in my own ideas.But I still want to say that if something I said is not compatible with your story, you do not have to use it.And please feel free to tell me that I think criticism will improve me!
Definitely, Lucifer is a little more proud and serious than in the series, he is an energetic guy, but he is a really tired man, someone who was left alone after the loss of his wife and his estrangement with his daughter.While one side of him constantly wants to make things right with Charlie, the other proud side is too stubborn to admit his mistake.
And yes, the situation with Charlie is too serious to be fixed with a song and a hug. They haven't seen each other properly for 7 years and the last time they had a serious fight they never met again.Their bond isn't broken, but it needs repairing, and it's not something that can't be fixed with a long conversation and a willingness to listen to Lucifer on Charlie.They just need some daddy and daughter time, time will tell the rest.
((Lucifer's relationship with Constantine is very different from his relationship with Charlie. Since Constantine was raised as a king, he and Lucifer had a love for each other when Con was young , but they are not close now.And although Lucifer knows he can make things right with Charlie, he knows he can't(or don't know how) do that with Constantine.
Lucifer and Constantine have a relationship similar to Shifu and Tai lung, although it is not a form of hatred.
(Con still loves his father, but there isn't much intimacy between them, and after Lucifer's fight with Charlie, Constantine also had an argument with him about his attitude towards Charlie. V And since then they have seen each other much less. The last time they met was after Con arrived at the hotel and told Lucifer to go and meet Charlie.)
Lucifer's desire to make Constantine strong was for his own good, and little Con was someone who would do anything to make his father proud.But the way Lilith and Lucifer raised Constantine kind of killed the child in him.
""Kill the boy and let the man be born, Jon Snow"))
Long story short, Lucifer is currently alone in his palace, so it can be considered normal for him to be depressed.
THANK YOU!!! I can't say that I've changed him so much. In a way, he now wears his hair braided and open.And as an extra, I added an outfit with more dominant white+gold colors! + Golden scales make up under his eyes!
Here is The New ref sheet!
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A circle that constantly breaks and then heals again as a reflection of the black archangel corruption of Lucifer is a really interesting idea.In a way, it summarizes The hell, a place that hosts new lives after death and die again, again and again until eternity.A death circle that can never be broken, created from Lucifer's mistake.
As an extra, this idea reminded me of Oroboros (I'm not sure if I spelled the name correctly.I think it was a snake eating its tail that described the endless cycle.
And I really like the idea of Lucifer being corrupted. There's still a fire burning brightly inside him, but it's slowly starting to fade away because there's no one around to feed the fire.
And Lucifer's idea of trying to create a new ring because hell is not what he wants is also very interesting. Maybe even if he cannot do this in reality, but in his palace he can create miniature architects like a LEGO.(Not exactly LEGO but you get the idea) He still has a love for ducks (maybe it's Lilith's memory,Or it has a special place in his heart because it is something he created.)
On the one hand, he is trying to create the utopia at home that he has never had but wants to have.After all, Lucifer was a dreamer Or who knows, this hobby was a distraction he used to escape his missing wife or problems with his children.
I really liked all your ideas, they all fit with Lucifer's character.
Yes, Lilith is such a person in the story, and maybe Lucifer and Lilith may know about Roo's existence much earlier and try to prepare for this danger, but when will there be treat coming that they cannot see?
Regarding getting caught, Lilith may have finally found or encountered Roo, and after a conversation between them and a battle, Lilith may have lost.After all, Roo is evil and has become even stronger with the evil born over the past 10,000 years.
And Lilith is fighting with Eve here, maybe Lilith might feel guilty for what Eve went through, after all, Eve was once her younger sister. And this caused her to show a moment of weakness in battle.
I think of Roo as a kind of god. (Similar to those in Greek mythology) Roo only dies when she is forgotten or what she represents disappears.This is in a way impossible because what Lucifer did created evil and now evil has taken deep roots in the world.So I see Roo as a really difficult enemy to defeat.A kind of embodiment of evil
As for Eve's character, Eve is an intelligent woman, but she is filled with a lot of anger after being thrown out of Eden.The 'gift' that Lucifer gave her took a lot out of her, not only from her, but also caused a lot of damage to her loved ones.Their sons killed each other, all women in the next generation were cursed with the pain and risk of death brought by giving birth. Thousands of women suffered and.Eve was declared the scapegoat for all this pain
(I even thought of such a scene, but I don't know if it would fit the story.
Luci: Eve, I can understand the hate, but can you please just listen to me for a second-
Eve: HAH! Do you understand my anger?YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND MY ANGER.
IMAGINE LUCIFER CHARLIE AND CONSTANTINE KILLING EACH OTHER, AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. ALL YOU DO IS HOLD YOUR CHILD IN THE BLOOD.AND WATCHING THE FEAR IN YOUR OTHER CHILD' EYES AND THE CHILD TO RUN AWAY BEFORE YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING.Because he think that I hate him after what he did. Thousands of women and children suffered for that damn apple, Lucifer. While you were sitting in your palace and spending time with the family you built, I stood by these things.I have seen crimes that make me disgusted with humanity You're the one cursed for your so-called mistake but all you do is watch from your palace and I feel every sin.You can't understand me, Lucifer. (In this scene, between Eve and Roo's personalities, Eve is much more dominant.)
So, she wanted to change things, take revenge, and Roo, realizing this, decided to use her.
In a way, the combination affects Roo eve's personality, and eve affects her , but on the other hand, they're separate existence and under that accumulated anger, eve is still a good person at heart, I guess she just needs a light.
(I think I can give Darth Vader as an example. In the end, no matter how corrupt he was, Luke was able to save Anakin again)
So, in a way, Roo is a corruption as you say.This is something that could happen to anyone. Eve's current state is corrupt. Eve still has her memories, she is still someone who cares about her children, but she is far from her old self.
For example, when we meet Roo/Eve Cain, it happens when Eve shows him the compassion of a mother.
For example, in Swap Au, Michael becomes corrupt after what he went through, and this is evident in terms of both personality and appearance.
And yes, it makes sense to take Lilith out of the picture in terms of Roo's plan. Because if Lilith was still there, she wouldn't let Charlie and Lucifer's relationship get worse.
And Constantine is also very affected by the loss of his mother. Lilith was the person who brought him and Lucifer together and made them spend time together. Also, Lilith was Constantine's role model and the only person who understood him, and after that loss, Constantine was left alone.
Lucifer lost the love of his life and his best friend and confidant, and was left alone in that huge palace with his past regrets.
So Eve Roo's plan worked really well. The Morningstar family is not whole right now.
And yes, then we have alastor. Roo is probably the main reason why Alastor came to the hotel. Probably to get closer to Charlie. But Alastor probably has plans to get rid of his chains.
And yes, Constantine is looking for his mother. Actually, I recently thought of an idea about this concept.Because a new OC and plan was needed for such a job!!
(If you think the idea is incompatible with the story, please tell me!)
After Lilith's loss, Constantine tries to search for his mother himself, but can find almost no clue. Whether Lilith left by her own decision or He does not know whether she is captured by a higher being than himself. ( Roo's existence is not known for certain, Lilith and Lucifer have not told him this yet.)
So after his own searches, Con knows that for such a search he needs to get information down to the smallest alleys, he needs to know even the smallest crumbs, but no matter how powerful he is, he know can't do this.
Not at the same time in all 7 rings, especially after his father left Royal duties and he was just starting to rule the kingdom.He tries to take time to look for his mother, but when he has just ascended the throne. He needs to show the demons how he will rule hell and also show his authority.
That's why he needs to go to someone who can provide information from every corner of hell and control even the whispers in the most alley.And the most suitable option for this task is the Clan of Whispers itself.A network of knowledge spread throughout the 7 rings of hell and a clan known for the accuracy of that knowledge and the trustworty of the clan.
That's why Constantine goes to meet Misfortune 7 months after his mother's disappearance.
(I'm thinking of writing their conversation here, but I'll summarize it for now)
No matter how much the Constsntine sees the Overlords as despicable Serenity is an exception, unlike the other lord, she is a lord who has become stronger with her silver tongue, intelligence and tactics, and has managed to spread her power to all the rings..While normally Overlords are limited to the pride ring, Serenity is someone who has access to all rings thanks to the hellhounds.
That's why Constantine already had a curiosity and interest in her.
Anyway, Constantine is meeting with Serenity. In the Serenity said that even if Lilith left by her own choice or was held back by someone greater than her,She says that in such a situation, finding a clue about Lilith may be almost impossible even with her resources, but she promise that she will do her best
Constantine then makes a small threat about what will happen to her clan if this information gets out of Serenity.
As a result, Constantine asks what he wants from Serenity. While Constantine was waiting for money, Power or something like that Serenity seeks protection. During her search for Lilith, she receives permanent protection when she manages to find Lilith.
The reason why Serenity wants this is that no matter how much other sinners or hell-born people stay away from her, she has no power of protection against nobles.But if she has the prince's protection, she no longer has to worry about her clan.(this is not a spell, just Constantine declaring immunity to Serenity and her Clan)
So, they make an agreement like this and while Constantine rules the kingdom, Serenity assigns her second most trusted man to this task.
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You can change this idea if you want, it's all your decision✨
The reason why I chose Giovanni was that he was someone who could go to all the rings of hell and that he had a lot of resources as he was the 2nd most authorized member of the clan.He's a very clever and cunning person.
I also think it's a really great idea to discover the other rings through a detective character!! It was really nice to see the characters we knew from other circles.
Giovanni brings the information he has acquired every month to Serenity, and Serenity informs Constantine about the developments.
I liked this idea because I wanted to build a friendship between Serenity and Constantine, and once a month, Constantine visits Serenity and talks for a long time, and this lasts for 7 years. That's why they had already known each other for a long time before coming to Serenity Hotel.
(Normally, these visits are purely for business purposes, but mostly there is no new information, just some whispers. And after months and years, Constantine begins to enjoy these conversations, because There's rarely a time when he's away from royalty There are also a lot of hellhound puppies in the mansion. 5 years later, Constantine had a little talk with someone and played a little game with them.And from then on, the cubs did not leave him easily and whenever they saw the Consntine, they asked him to tell a story or show a spell.(After all, puppies don't know what hierarchy is, they probably don't even know who Constantine is)
Do you think this idea makes sense? If not, please tell me! You can change it as you wish or remove this idea, everything is ok for me!)
The metaphor you used is really cute. I really liked the way you saw Abaddon's siblings. Even though he cannot spend time with them all the time, sometimes just seeing that they are good and safe is enough for him
-I really liked his relationship with Michael. It's a kind of big brother and little brother relationship. I'm glad they are on good terms even if they don't talk much!
-Her relationship with Uriel is really sweet, it's too bad that even though they love each other, they can't spend time together because of the way they are created, but their correspondence is really sweet.
-Lmao Absolutely yes,seriously it would be so fun to listen to these two talk they could probably talk for hours about a topic they love. But the topic they talk about is completely different every 5 minutes
-Lmao his relationship with Raphel was really fun and it would be really fun to see someone as serious and strict as Raphael talking to someone more relaxed and playful like Abdaddon.
-She would definitely be someone who talked so much that he would swell the head becouse of Jophiel, she would probably be jumping around him constantly, asking his opinion on every subject or constantly trying to get to know him better. And it's so cute that even though Adaddon couldn't spend much time with Jophiel, he gave her a doll to show that he cared about her.
-You explained Abaddon's relationship with Lucifer very well. Even though they are similar, what happened in the past is what is causing these two brothers to be alienated and separated now.Is Lucifer still stuck in what if scenarios about the past?I hope their relationship can improve So they say there's nothing time can't heal.
I saw the article the you Answer questions about Lolicia!! Thank you in advance and I will reply to you as soon as possible!!
And seriously, thank you very much for answering all my questions and explaining the plan in detail. It was really nice to read what you wrote. I really love your ideas.And it was so much fun talking about these with you. I seriously loved all your ideas, there is not even one that I didn't like o. Also, seriously, everything is in perfect order and there is nothing I want to add!
Thank you again for taking the time to respond. And I'm sorry for this long message in advance.
Have a nice day!! 🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️
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felicjana050896 · 5 months
Hell's Great Dad Song: Charlastor's Analysis (Part 1)
Let's analyze Alastor's truth and lies. In the song Hell's Great Dad we can see when Alastor is honest and when he is lying, just by looking at whether he is "himself" or a "chameleon".
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Here Alastor is telling the truth, he was there from the very beginning, just like Angel, Husker and Niffty, they were the first people in the hotel (not counting Vaggie of course).
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Here, too, Alastor tells the truth, he may not believe in the idea of ​​redemption itself, but he believes in Charlie because he is aware of her power, her potential, which he himself mentions in a conversation with Rosie in episode 7, Alastor is the one who truly believes in her.
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Here we have a moment of lie, but I honestly don't know whether to interpret it literally, because as we know from Viv, Charlie and Alastor have the same sense of humor (her post on Twitter), so if Alastor told her this type of joke, she would definitely laugh, it means so either they are not joking with each other (at least for now), or it has some metaphorical meaning that I have no idea about, unfortunately I am not a native English speaker, so I may simply not know something, in which case I would be grateful for additional knowledge :)
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Here he tells the truth again, which Charlie herself confirms, whether we see it or not, Alastor probably manages the hotel in some way, considering that he "hired" Husker and Niffty there and helped with advertising and changed the name of the hotel, he is from management side.
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Here it is still true, Alastor says that he is her guy, "your day to day" again a confirmation that he is faithful to her and will be by her side.
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Here in this sentence we have a mixture, first Alastor tells the truth, then the lie.
"Your chum"- this is true, Alastor really considers himself her guy, her friend, regardless of his intentions in using her power, he doesn't want to destroy or hurt her (I've seen posts suggesting this), yes, he does take advantage of her, but he also wants to do it by manipulating her, gaining her trust, getting closer to her and becoming her close person, he wants to be someone who will be with her day after day, will be her confidant and closest person, so that he can use from her power, her potential, which she herself will give him, of her own will. Alastor is not stupid, he is aware that Charlie is much more powerful than him, not to mention Lucifer, and if he did something bad to her, Lucifer would not have no mercy for him, he knows it, so he doesn't and never will have the intention to hurt Charlie, because that would be the stupidest thing he would do (and probably the last thing too before Lucifer would crush him), he aims to become her closest person , so that she, of her own free will, will listen to him and rely on him, and he will then become the most important demon in hell (adding, of course, his release from the pact he made).
Then we have a lie: "your steadfast hotelier", why is it a lie...(?), because, as I wrote above, Alastor believes in Charlie, in her power, but he does not believe in the form of redemption and in the idea of ​​​​a hotel (btw I cannot I can't wait until he finds out about Sir Pent's redemption, I bet that this could be my favorite Alastor's face in s2 when he finds out :D ), so even though he is her manager, her producer, ATTENTION... even though that I wrote above referring to the hotel and his role in it, then... it doesn't have to be about the hotel and it's probably not about it at all... ,,Your executive producer", "Your", not ,,hotel executive producer", but ,,Your"..., Your power, Your potential, Alastor is still about Charlie in this song, not about the hotel, he is not a hotelier and does not want to be one, that's why: ,,your steadfast hotelier" is a lie because it refers to the hotel, while ,,your executive producer" is not because it actually refers to Charlie, not the hotel.
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Let's face it... he didn't fix any clog :D , and in fact, this again refers to the fact that it's not about the hotel, he doesn't repair any clog, because he doesn't take the hotel seriously and doesn't care about it, he only cares about Charlie.
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You can also see the change in Niffty, in the first two pictures Niffty has normal colors (apart from the lighting which also shines on Charlie, but it's just the lighting), while in 3 and 4 her hair turns pinkish and you can say "but it's water flows down her", except that we see that the stripes that form on her hair are in the 3rd and 4th picture, while they are not in the 1st and 2nd, plus they do not change their position, they do not drip, they are constant, which shows that Niffty is on Alastor's side, is loyal to him and will help him, also when it comes to winning Charlie.
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And there are huge lies here... Alastor and Charlie have no bond (at least for now)...
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...and certainly not a father-daughter bond, that's one big lie.
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By the way, we can see how Charlie's facial expressions change. Earlier (while singing about bonding) Charlie was smiling, happy, her eyes were fully open, her eyebrows were raised. However, when the above line about his daughter comes, Charlie, although still smiling, slowly begins to frown, and at the final words, when Alastor says "I had", Charlie frowns completely, it doesn't look like he has a happy expression on his face or the one who says "how sweet", that is, the facial expression expressing consternation, as if Charlie was internally saying "What the hell are you talking about?", sorry, but again I will mention that I have seen a lot of people who, even when pointed out to them that Viv herself said that Alastor doesn't see Charlie as a daughter, they changed the argument to "but Charlie sees him as a father", NO(!), Charlie doesn't see him that way at all, which we see in this scene, she already has one father , who, even though he was absent, still loves her incredibly, Charlie doesn't need any second father and, as you can see, she is completely disgusted with this idea.
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Here is the moment when after these words Alastor looks at Lucifer and makes sure that he was pissed off :D
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There are still lies here, although we still see Charlie's furrowed eyebrows in first picture, but when Alastor strokes her, despite the text, we no longer see disgust, but more satisfaction.
Here's part 2:
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gale-dragon-writer · 7 months
Guardian Zestial Pt 1
Something that has somewhat been living rent-free in my brain for a while.
When Charlie was an itty-bitty little babe, Lucifer started worrying about his precious little girl getting in trouble. Since Razzle and Dazzle aren't in existence yet (idk how old these two are or when Charlie got them as her servants/bodyguards), the King of Hell started looking for a suitable bodyguard that could double as a caretaker. The tricky bit was looking for someone who wouldn't try to use Charlie as leverage because this was Hell.
Therefore, Lucifer made a very detailed list of criteria that he wanted for this Protector for his precious little girl. Someone strong enough to protect Charlie from any type of threat within Hell, wouldn't use Charlie as leverage to get to Lucifer, wouldn't harm Charlie in "Any" way, could care for a child, smart enough to be a tutor if needed, and most importantly, someone Lucifer could genuinely trust.
Simple list, but given that this was Hell, that was a tall order. So Lucifer created little "Speye Ducks" to search the entire Pride Ring for his precious daughter's perfect protector.
Thankfully, none of the denizens of the Pride Ring noticed the Speye Ducks; if they did, they either didn't care about them or thought they weren't worth their time.
It takes a year or two for Lucifer to find some potential guardians for his precious little daughter. A handful of Sinners and a few members of the Goieta. The biggest issue was whether or not he could trust any of these potential guardians. Therefore, Lucifer created a plan to test these potential guardians. An easy test of trust on paper, but easy to fail.
Lucifer summons these people (separately) and gives them a sealed envelope, telling them that he needs them to deliver this secret letter to a potential grand commander for the army he's planning on making. Lucifer makes it a point to tell them he trusts them with this valuable information and not look at it. He sends them off after he tells them where this "commander" is. Once he gives all the potential Guardians the test, he teleports himself to said location and waits.
All but one failed the test. Zestial.
He is the only one to take a moment to weigh his options regarding this 'information', considering the pros and cons of looking at the 'information' and following Lucifer's orders. Seeing that it would be more beneficial to have the Ruler of Hell's trust in his corner over a glimpse at something that would possibly become public once the 'army' was established, Zestial proceeded to deliver the envelope to its destination without opening it.
Zestial is understandably surprised and confused when he arrives at the location and finds Lucifer there.
Lucifer congratulates the Overlord on passing his little trust test and then proceeds to tell Zesital why he did this and why. Ofc, Zesital is confused by all this.
Lucifer goes into more detail on his desire to have a perfect guardian for his precious daughter and why. He explains how Zestial fits the criteria he's looking for and wants him to be that guardian, and ofc Lucifer isn't asking Zestial to do this for free.
So they talk for a while to iron out this little Deal. For the care and protection of Charlette "Charlie" Morningstar (plus the possibility of being a teacher to her), Zestial will earn Lucifer's backing as an Overlord, given protected areas during the Extermination in his territories for the souls that he owns (not the entire territory because that will be too obvious to others in Hell and the Exorcists, but scattered across it in easy to access areas), and the access to the Morningstar Mansion to him and anyone he holds close to his heart. Ofc, Lusicer makes sure to put in the contract that Zestial couldn't use any personal information he gains while at the Morningstar Mansion or while caring for Charlie. Both beings keep their souls.
After solidifying the contract for the Deal, both Lucifer and Zestial agree to it and seal it.
It doesn't take too long before Zestial becomes attached to the cheery little toddler while in his care. While bitty Charlie didn't enjoy the screams of the denizens of Hell, she seemed to enjoy the teas that Zestial brought. The little tot was more interested in the sweeter teas than the bitter ones.
It doesn't take long before Zestial brings little Charlie (maybe when she's 6-7ish) over to the Carmine Family for a get-together. Odette and Clara were overjoyed by the fact that they could be big sister figures to Little Charlie. Carmilla is understandably confused by this, at least until Zestial confides to her about his little charge while the children are playing. Ofc, Carmilla gives him a 'what are you thinking?' talk. Zestial understands his friend's concerns and explains why he accepted the Deal, adding that he asked for Lucifer to also place a Safe Zone in the Carmine Residence and that little Charlie might as well be his little goddaughter. Carmilla couldn't help but agree that the youngest of the Morningstars was easy to love and was willing to look after the youngling in case Zestial was busy, somewhat adding that her daughters would be willing to look after her too. (Family Bonding!!)
Over the years, Zestial learned more about the Morningstars as well as somewhat became part of the family.
But the more subtle yet information Zestial gained came specifically during and after the Extermination. He saw how much the Morningstars loathed that day. Charlie was more obvious about that since she was still pretty young and didn't understand what was going on. Lilith seemed to get irritable. And Lucifer was... Complicated... He seemed to have this strange combination of anger and sadness when this day came around... Zestial watched these moments from the shadows for years, unsure how to broach the subject.
Until one year when the Exorcist decided to have the Extermination a week early when Zestial was out and about with the Carmine Family and little Charlie for an afternoon stroll in a bizarre to get some supplies for said event. The attack was sudden and there was no real time to take cover for anyone. However, Zestial was quick to act and used his powers to grab the Carmines and little Charlie and then teleport them all into the Morningstar Mansion with only seconds to spar.
Ofc, Lucifer is confused by their sudden presence and asks what was going on. When he's told about the early Extermination, Lucifer goes through several different emotions in a matter of seconds. Sock, disbelief, worry, relief, anger, and resentment in that order. Little Charlie rushed into her father's arms in tears, still terrified over the whole ordeal.
That was when Odette and Clara shouted at Lucifer, asking him why the hell he allowed the Exorcist to do the Extermination every year before Zestial and Carmilla could stop them.
Lucifer quickly snaps back in anger, "You really think I want this shit to happen!?" The ruler of hell then says in anger, "But does Heaven listen when I suggest any alternative solutions?! NO!! They don't give a crap!!" Lucifer hugs his confused daughter closer when he says softly, "All I was able to do was make sure they leave the Hellborns alone..."
The Carmine Family and Zestial... Did not know how to respond to this... Reveal... But due to Lucifer and Zestial's deal, this information stays between them. Never to be told to anyone outside the Morningstar home...
A few years go by, little Charlie starts spending a little more time outside the Morningstar mansion. But most of that time was either with Zestial or the Carmine Family, learning a lot of useful skills. Charlie learned about conjuring magic from Zesital while she learned combat and weaponry from the Carmines. It didn't take too long before she could handle any type of threat on her own, mostly. Charlie was still an oddly kind-hearted soul for a hellborn and princess of hell. Zestial usually takes care of the would-be assassins behind Charlie's back by using fear tactics.
To be continued in pt 2.
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teacupwrites · 7 months
As Above, So Below
Before this starts, let me establish a few things so the story is easier to understand. Y/n is kind of an Overlord? She’s a deer demon, though I can’t decide between a Reeve’s muntjac and a reindeer.
This is just an experiment to see if people would be interested in this, I just rlly liked the concept. And if you do like this and want more, do tell me! I love hearing feedback on my stories.
That’s all! Enjoy the story!
Yours Truly, Blood x
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Part 1 Part 2
Overlords. Sinners rising up to power in a way only few could do. There were plenty littered across Hell. The three Vees, Carmilla Carmine, Zestial, Alastor, Missi ZIlla, Rosie. All of them hovering above other sinners knowing they could kill with ease.
Until that same sinner revived later, of course. No one could die in hell, unless wielded by an angelic weapon. Of course though, not everyone owned Angelic Steel, and not everyone was going to be quick to use their precious buys.
When you died, you were…kind of an Overlord? When you first arrived in Hell, you panicked, and ran and fled until you ran into your father. He greeted you with open arms, introducing you to all of his friends.
You were one of the few people Alastor genuinely cared about. 
When you were alive, you were all he cared for. His wife died when you were born, ascending into heaven peacefully. The cannibal taught you everything, how to cook, how to sing, how to dance, how to play each instrument he knew.
When you turned eighteen, he confessed to you his sins, his murders, every little bad thing he did. The man wanted badly for you to pick your own destiny, and be able to choose to join your mother in heaven.
But you refused. You loved your father so, and took after him. You aided in few killings, though mostly you took his hunts and made them into beautiful dishes you sold to unaware guests.
Cooking was always one of your biggest talents, as well as writing. And when Alastor introduced you to the hotel, you had offered to be the one to help with advertisement and to cook for the guests.
In which there was none, but you never spoke about that.
When your father found you, it took him a while to let the others know you existed. The first friend of Alastor’s you met was Rosie, the cannibal Overlord. 
She was basically an aunt to you, someone to step in as your mother despite your father having no romantic desires anymore. She taught the cello, and introduced you to the different ways that demon meat was cooked compared to humans.
Then Nifty, who was basically your little sister. She was crazy, but sweet, and always spoke fondly of you whenever you hung out with her. Though sometimes it was frightening to suddenly walk in and have her all over you. But you still loved her.
Then finally, Husker. The grumpy bartender. The first time you met him, he was forced to babysit you whilst your father left for an Overlord meeting, and Satan did he ignore you.
But eventually, your pokes, prods, and pleads managed to break down his walls, and he cared for you like you were his own, despite you being a fully grown adult. 
And after about seven years of being in Hell, he allowed you to speak to the hotel. At first, they were extremely suspicious of you and your potential powers, though with one, simple action, you gained their trust.
It was a night out, when Vaggie and Charlie went up to speak to heaven, and everyone but Alastor was going out. He trusted you, and allowed you to go and keep a close eye on the group to make sure they didn’t get too wasted.
Though when Angel got tangled up with Valentino, you snapped. Angel was like a younger brother to you, he was fragile, kind, and sweet. And when you saw pink chains clutched to his wrist you wanted nothing more than to rip that moth’s vocal chords out.
Your antlers grew, your eyes grew a staticy red, your claws sharpened, as well as your teeth. When you hovered behind Angel, there was a ring formed around you by guests who stared in horror.
That night, Valentino learned a very valuable lesson, as did everyone else in the club.
Don’t mess with the daughter of the radio.
“I swear toots! I told you I’m fine!” Angel protested, pushing away at your prodding claws as you checked over him for any injuries. “He didn’t even touch me!”
You glowered down at him, ears pinned down to the top of your head as you continued to look over him despite his insistence.
“That rancid pest had chains on you,” you hissed, finally leaning back with your hands propped up on your hips. “That moth is lucky I didn’t rip his wings off of his back.”
Angel gave a thankful smile, using his facial expressions rather than words to show his gratitude.
“Fine, fine,” you sighed, finally turning away and leaving him alone. “I should probably make dinner.”
With that you pranced over to the kitchen that your father brought out of thin air with a snap of his fingers, claiming to a protesting Vaggie that at the time you were to be trusted with making them food.
“Seriously though,” you began, grabbing your cookbook and flicking through the thick pages. “If you need anything, you know I could overpower Valentino. Even if I’m not the biggest fan of conflicts I will not hesitate to help.”
Grabbing a wooden spoon, you gestured with it as you glanced over to Angel who wobbled over to the couch like a recently born fawn.
“Don’t get yourself involved with him,” he replied, plopping down onto the seat with a heavy sigh. “I don’t need you to get the Vees on you just because of some stupid mistake I made.”
You hummed in reply, though decided not to argue further. Instead, you got to cooking, dishing up some pasta and beginning to pound in some pork. Despite needing to multitask, you handled it very well as you switched between stirring and then checking on the chicken.
“She’s gonna be on you for weeks,” Husk called from the bar, his tail swishing behind him. “Seriously, mama bear over there worried about Nifty for a week because she scraped her knee.”
You shot the bartender a glare, ears pinned back. But even with your intimidating glance, Husk knew very well you would never willingly bring harm to him. Despite being in hell, it wasn’t in your nature.
“Not true,” you replied, feeling your ears flick in amusement as you fixed up the lemon pasta. “She broke her leg, it wasn’t just a scrape.”
Before Husk could snap back a witty reply, there was a gush of wind that rolled through the hotel, causing everyone to look over. And standing there in the door way was a figure you recognized by heart.
“Papa,” you breathed, giving a joyous smile at the radio demon who strutted in with confidence. “Glad to see you home.”
Alastor immediately made his way over to you, glancing over the bubbling pot of pasta you continued to occasionally stir.
“Good evening, my little fawn,” he greeted, wrapping an arm around you in a warm embrace. “What is it you're brewing up tonight?”
“Lemon pasta and schnitzel,” you stated proudly, grabbing an oven mitt to pull out the carefully made pork, serving bits onto plates whilst flicking the oven off and sliding the pot of pasta off of the burner. “Wanted to make something different tonight.”
Alastor hummed in reply, patting your back once more with a charming grin.
Before the both of you could continue your conversation, the door slammed open once more. 
Everyone whipped around to see Vaggie and Charlie walk into the hotel, and as they did, you immediately knew something was off. However, you just tried to ignore it, quickly serving up a plate of both the lemon pasta and pork onto a plate, going over to Charlie with your signature smile.
“Good evening, Charlie!” you chirped, holding out the plate to her. “How was He-”
Before you could even try to offer her the plate, it was knocked from your hands, the contents falling onto the floor in a wet slop of once delicious food. Your ears pinned back, and static emitted from your overall figure as she trudged past you and upstairs.
But after a moment, you gained your composure, ears returning to their original stance as you looked down to the mess. But before you could lean down, Nifty was quick to dart over and wave you away as she offered to clean it up herself.
With a sigh, you accepted, and turned to Vaggie. Never before had you seen her so devastated, and heartbroken, so of course it had you confused.
“Something happened,” you stated, and she also brushed past you. “I’m guessing the meeting didn’t go well.”
“Not much of a surprise,” Alastor called from where he had sat himself at the dinner table, curling up his pasta with his fork.
You shot your father a quick glare, before whisking over to Vaggie once more. With a gentle, yet firm grip you turned her around, and guided her back to the table, sitting her down.
“I don’t care how upset you may be with Charlie, or how much you don’t trust me,” you began, having Niffy quickly serve her a dish of your cooking. “You both need to eat, and you will eat.”
You sighed, stepping away from Vaggie and getting both Niffty and Husk a plate, setting them down in their assigned seats before finally letting yourself eat as well. Though your natural instincts made you want to wait, wait till Charlie had her fill.
The silence that followed was deafening, with the air so thick with tension that it could be cut with a knife. The only sounds that sounded throughout the dining room was the soft clatter of forks against plates.
“What happened?” you inquired softly, breaking the awkward silence that sat across the table. “I’ve never seen Charlie so upset before…”
Vaggie paused, which was when you realized she hadn’t taken a single bite, only poking at her food every now and then. Her one yellow eyes trailed up to you, and she sucked in a deep breath.
“I’m an exterminator…I’m a fallen angel.”
The upper levels of the studio, although luxurious and much more relaxing, always stunk. The stench of sex and sweat stuck to every wall, and it made Velvette cringe and curl up on the floor.
But when she had been scrolling through Sinstagram and saw stuff about Alastor, she couldn’t resist coming up to where Vox and Valentino were to tell him about it. 
It was no secret that Vox had an obsession with the radio demon, and to say it was bad was a bit of understatement. The TV headed Overlord had begun to ignore his business, his partner, but most importantly…his child.
Axial was a bit of an accident, and no one, not even Vox, knows how exactly he was made. He just kind of…popped out of nowhere. The Overlord heir was a lot more reserved than his father, but their powers were matched.
Velvette strutted into the main lobby of the upper levels, brushing off her skirt whilst wincing.
Upon the leather seats, there were the three of them, Valentino, Vox, and Axial. 
“Velvette,” Vox greeted charmingly, fixing up his slightly crooked top hat. “How are you this lovely evening?”
A devilish smile crossed the influencer’s lips, and she came forward, and quickly connected her phone to the TV. After powering it on, her phone screen was then cast to that of the TV.
The three Overlords turned to it, eyes glued to the screen a lot like a moth to a flame, which was ironic because of Valentino’s demon type- but that didn’t matter.
“Turns out not only is Alastor back in town,” Velvette began, grabbing the remote and scrolling down and pausing upon a picture that made Vox tense up, his digital gaze hardening. “But he also has brought along a daughter.”
Thanks to cameras and peeking eyes from other demons, social media was blowing up with Alastor’s little carbon copy. It was for sure his daughter, the same hair, same eyes, same ears, same style.
“He has a FuUucking daughter?!” Vox exclaimed, shooting up from his couch to gesture at the screen in disbelief, voice lagging out. 
Velvette smiled mischievously, standing back a few steps as she witnessed the baby man of an Overlord yell and screech at the TV like a bird with broken vocal cords. She even went out of her way to record the session.
And as she did so, she caught something in the corner of her eye. 
When she shifted her candy cane gaze over to Axial, she couldn’t help but silently study his expression. Unlike his father, his red and blue eyed gaze trained on the screen with features that showed curiosity, amazement, and…adoration.
Velvette grinned with malice, stopping the recording and jumping back onto Sinstagram with new motives in mind.
This is going to be very…very interesting
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Do you think a large part of Charlie’s arc next season will be learning to use her power more. The first season was about her getting pushed to start using it by the end of season 1 and I feel with the vees being an antagonist next season she might be pushed further. I kinda see it like mark from invincible season 2 finale.
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I think if there was a greenlight of multiple seasons it would definitely be an arc 100%
I'm not entirely sure if it make it in season 2 since its not greenlit multiple season. As we already have an idea of a line up on arcs already and if the limited to 8 episodes it may not be able to be squeeze in. It may be added in as a companion to a larger arc. For example, her learning and controlling her powers could have been a larger arc, but has to be lessen down to accompany the arc of defeating the Vees and their larger and main arc.
I did envision for a larger and longer arc, Charlie undergoing training and it be under Alastor tutelage. It would further the mentor/protege relationship. The two developing a close bond and trust which everyone else do not trust. It also would increase the hidden danger Alastor brings if he is a double agent by gaining Charlies trust and bonding for him to manipulate her. It would create angst within Alastor if he is playing double agent because he rapidly growing fond and caring for the princess that he was meant to betray by orders of his master.
I also imagine we get a tiny glimpse into Charlie past and why she doesn't use her powers and rely on others to do so. Her powers seem to burst when she upset. So I think in her angst, emo teen phase she kept losing control and end up accidentally hurting someone. So she grew very wary and hesitant on using her abilities. It may be why she so adamant of defuse fighting and solving issues by talkings etc.
With Alastor assuming been weaken in his own power and still recovering from his fight with Adam, I can see the need for Charlie to step up in that regard. Alastor would be the best teacher as he has transformative powers as well his sheer magical strength. As different as his powers would be from Charlies, it would be the closest match to the princess out of Hell...
...except for Lucifer. He sort of throws a wrench in my thought process if he going to be residing in the hotel and be more active in Charlie's life. Lucifer being around makes Alastor use redundant. Alastor coaching Charlie giving him a reason to stay beside Charlies protest against Alastor leaving. So, both will try to teach Charlie, which would be amusing as Alastor and Lucifer rivery, jealousy, and bickering would just continue.
I think Charlie need to train her powers would be prompted by Alastor first, as it seems one of Alastor main motivations is to have the princess come to power and be under his guidance. But to Alastor dismay, it be Lucifer to train her. At first anyways. But his method is slow. Not only is Lucifer is nearly as time itself and is time blind but he very protective. He be baby stepping everything which they don't have time with the looming doom approaching. Lucier would be training wheels, swim wings and floaties to teach Charlie to swim metaphor. Charlie making progress...but slowly.
Out of frustration of the slow progress from Lucifer protectiveness and lack of urgency, Charlie approaches Alastor for help (I guess another deal would be made as Alastor unlikely to help for free and needs advantages in his weaken state, despite this is the opportunity he been striving for.). Alastor method is the sink or swim metaphor. He the teacher that would throw a kid into a pool or push a bird out of a nest and wait for the child instincts to kick in as a lesson. Which is what Charlie needed. (Lucifer and Vaggie being pissed to find out Alastor literally push the princess of a cliff for her instincts to manifest. Yay for Charlie possibly having wings like her father or Vaggie?? "Alastor, how you know she had wings? -I didn't but what a delightful surprised that turned out to be!-Wait,what?" But Charlie would defend Alastor methods to them while Lucifer and Vaggie continue to give Alastor the stink eye while Alastor is just amused) Then he will guide Charlie to fine tune and hone in the intricacy of the abilities. At this point, we glimpse more of Alastor personal ideology and philosophical beliefs like we have in Hello Rosie! when Alastor talked about the power of a smile.
Since Alastor most likely playing both sides. He is simultaneously setting up Charlie to succeed but leaving an opening to fail.
How nice to have a scene of an ecstatic Charlie that her hard work paid off and Alastor just looking down at her with a genuine fond smile and proud look as he pats her head in a job well done.
then maybe have it be ruin when Charlie hugs him with a "I couldn't done it without you" and Alastor looks guilty that he setting her up for disaster but CHarlie didn't see the expression as she buried her face in her chest as she hugged.
A later point, Alastor was force to betray Charlie by his master call. Leading the trope of trumpant student over teacher battle. Along with Charlies forgiveness theme of the story.
But I suppose if Charlies arc is in season two, it just be a much more shorten speedrun version minus Alastor betrayal. That betrayal be saved for a later season with the looming doom of a bigger baddie. (Roo)
Either way, I hope we get to see something with Charlie embracing her powers more or the reason she doesn't...because seriously, its weird that she set up to be the most powerful but relies on Alastor power to keep the hotel-her dream running? You think, if its her dream, she put more effort into it if she has the power to do so instead let it run down to the ground like the pilot. So WHY is she holding back?
Side note: Vaggie helps train Charlie how to fight with a trident more efficiently and have sparring matches.
Well, those are my two cents, hopefully its enough vaule to purchase something
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spenglersglasses · 5 months
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❤️‍🔥🎙️Hey there fellow SINNERS!!!! 🎙️❤️‍🔥
This is my first and very much-loved endeavor into the Hazbin Hotel fandom!
I know that the canon thought is that Alastor is asexual but in this fic he has a rare change for one person in particular and is NOT aromatic. If this is something that bothers you or if you are not a fan of the Alastor/Charlie ship (Charlastor/RadioBelle) then this is not one for you my fellow smut enjoyers.
If you aren't bothered then be prepared, this will be a wild ride!
This first chapter is a bit shorter, just for the set up!
Also, when Alastor has moments of "glitching" or that infamous radio cracking to his voice, his speech will look like this (Ĝ͎͍͓͌͠l̡̟̩͍̐̐̕͞ì͓̞̗̜̇̿͝ẗ̼c̬̮̹̔̒́h͚͇́̓ ̙͕̮̣̎͑͛̚s̟͇̽͞p̫͉͆̈e̡͇͉͐̑̊e̻͞c͙͇̆̏h̺̗̭̙̑̓̄͝), I will be making a note of what is being said, so those who have a harder time can understand it, but I thought it was an awesome effect lol.
*Special shoutout to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more for the GLITCH dividers!
Now without further ado!
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D̢͙̯̦̙͎̎̽̇̔̾͊̿̚͜͟A̜̱̫̭̽̌̔̄R̫̬͊̈̊͜Ļ̮̗̲̤͎̙̅͒̿͒̿͊͡Í̱̮͑́͢͜͠N͔̗̘͈̲̤̳̉̅̉̀͗̔͠͝ͅG̢̻̱͐́̆͜͠ (Hazbin Hotel)
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When Alastor made a deal with Charlie Morningstar, he knew it was a chance for him to ascend the ranks. Now that it's been weeks since the events of the extermination battle, Alastor decides it's time to collect…what he didn't expect was to slowly fall for the Princess of Hell. But hey, a deal's, a deal.
Chapter 1: A Deal's, A Deal...
Also available HERE on AO3.
Eventually will be NSFW below the cut!!
“I know something you don’t know—” Alastor gleefully professed. His voice, rich with a smug assuredness that only he could have. It was the moment he had been waiting for. A chance that fortune had afforded him. Since the moment the head rolled out of Velvette’s filthy hands, he knew he could gain the upper hand and now was his chance.
“Huh?” Charlie asked, looking over to him in confusion as he approached her. That spine tingling smile, seething with intention, spread wide across his handsome face.  Though she had been warned numerous times about trusting him, she had to know. She was desperate. Betrayed by Vaggie, getting Heaven’s help was a bust, and the extermination was looming on the horizon—what could he know that could help? 
“Those big scary angels are not quite as indestructible as they seem…” he began.
“What are you talking about?” 
“...just that you and your little band of misfits might stand more of a chance than you think.” Alastor continued, fiddling with the leaves that hung precariously from the plant on Charlie’s bedside table.  
“How? I’ll do anything.” she pleaded. The Radio demon began turning back to face her. Amused with himself for having once again gained the upper hand. Delighted as things began to unfurl in his favor. 
“Anything?” He began his eyes growing large. Like deep pools of contemplation. It was clear from the look on his face Alastor was scheming.  
Oh fuck, What have I done ? Charlie asked herself, her mind spinning with the possibilities of what he might ask in return.
“Then—let’s make a deal.” he said, bending forward and offering up his hand. Charlie looked down at it with fear and apprehension. Her heart, pounding inside her chest as she replied. 
“You want my soul?” she asked him, slowly backing away as he seemed to inch towards her in a fluid, confident motion. 
“Your soul….” he began, his voice deepening. His face, turning sinister and cold before returning to his normal visage. “Heavens no! All I need from you is one itty bitty favor.” he explained, playing with her ponytail as he circled around behind her. Charlie tightening up as she felt the heart from the demon's hot breath against her neck. “What's a favor between friends?” he asked, wrapping his arms over her shoulders. Squeezing her tightly against him. His touch, a little too familiar—too intimate. 
Charlie quickly pulled away. Feeling a flash of fear spike within her. She felt it—his heart had been beating as fast as hers, but why? “I won’t hurt anyone for you.” she told him. Standing her ground as best she could.
Alastor perked up. Looking up through his brows as he responded, “Who's asking? One favor at a time of my choosing where you harm no one.” he promised. Charlie began chewing her bottom lip as she considered his proposal. Finding it harder and harder to look him in the eye. Though his own red, hot eyes were fixed on her. 
“...in return I tell you what I know… do we have a deal?” he continued, spinning his cane and once again reaching out his hand to shake on it. Alastor, knowing full well what he would come to ask in return. Razzle and dazzle growling at him as if they could since his sinister intentions. Charlie swallowed back the knot in her throat. Her people meant everything to her and no matter what he would ask, it would be worth the price of their salvation—wouldn’t it? 
“Deal.” she said, her horn buds began to appear. Budding out beneath her blonde tresses. Eyes glowing red as she took Alastor’s hand. As they shook hands, the power between them began emanating a haunting green light. Alastor’s true form, stitched and ominous, flickering before her. His power sealing their agreement—it was too late to go back now. Once a deal was made with the Radio Demon only the soul’s destruction could undo it. The spirits of hell began howling as they swirled around them. The hotel became shadowed in Alastor’s magic, alerting Hazbin’s inhabitants to what had happened. 
"No… No!” Vaggie pleaded, racing up the stairs before breaking into Charlie’s room. Horrified to see them hand in hand.
“Right on cue.” Alastor remarked, grinning ear to ear as Vaggie stood dumbfounded in the doorway. Pleased that she was too late to stop it. The deal was done.         
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- 3 Months later -
“Yeah, well I think it’s a great plan… after all ole’ scales would appreciate the sentiment.” Angel Dust remarked, leaning back against the red velvet cabriole sofa and crossing his legs. He and husk had been discussing a night out for some time. It was clear that while the imminent threat of extermination was over, it was only a matter of time before something else happened. All of them reveling in the calm before the storm, figured it would be a good time to go out and celebrate. 
The hotel had just finished renovations. Things were going smoothly between residents, and now was as good a time as any to memorialize their friend Sir Pentious. With a round of drinks and debauchery, Husk and Angel would drag the rest of the crew with them. Even Cherri Bomb agreed to come, feeling the need of a good pick me up and some blow. Sorrowful herself at the passing of her admirer though surely, she’d never admit it.
“Nah… I don’t feel like it. You all go without me.” Vaggie huffed. Chiming up from the bar stool as she waited for the feline bartender to pour her another shot. 
Suit yourself.” Hush said, his voice gruff as ever as he handed her the glass. Both he and Angel, rolling their eyes at one another. 
“Oh come on.” Angel sneered. They had all been frustrated with her lately. Vaggie had been a bit of a killjoy for a while. Things between her and Charlie never seemed to recover as she revealed herself to be an angel. While Charlie told her that they would move on and grow from it, she wasn’t too sure. Charlie was preoccupied it seemed and even more consumed with her goals than before. Vaggie was beginning to wonder where she fit in—jealous even at the Hotel for stealing away her girlfriend’s attention. 
“Listen you gotta let loose toots, might help pull that stick you have wedged in your ass—unless you’re into that sorta thing.” Angel shrugged. Vaggie squinting and mocking.
“Well…” Vaggie began, throwing back the shot of whiskey and wiping the remnants from her mouth on her sleeve. “Fine then.” she reluctantly agreed, the room of miscreants cheering her on.
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She was thankful the majority of it remained. Holding the gnawed-on scraps close to her chest, before reading. Thankfully it seemed Emily was making progress. Requesting to speak with the counsel of Archangels. 
“Argh, now where did I put that damn thing?” Charlie said, rummaging around her desk. Razzle fluttering around behind her, pieces of paper sticking out of the corners of their mouth. Charlie, turning to face her fluffy royal servant, looking guilty as sin. “Did you? Ah!” Charlie groaned, sending them a stern look, half smiling at their antics before finding the chewed-up letter on the ground. 
The letter was the first of what Charlie hoped to be many correspondences from her Angel friend. Knowing that it was important to both of them that they find out the truth behind the exterminations and find out what exactly would allow her people absolution. Though it had been a while since they talked, things had been looking up. The hotel was even host to a few new residents. 
Sev and Trix, two twin sphinxlike sinners off the streets, with the most potential. Coming to join them in hopes of avoiding the next inevitable extermination. Not quite the reasons Charlie had hoped to attract guests, but reason enough to start since no one had been officially saved as of yet. Charlie, however, was more determined than ever. If Heaven wouldn’t help her, she’d find another way. 
She sat back down at her desk, staring out of her window at Pentagram City. It seemed the Pride Ring never looked as beautiful. Despite the fires and the occasional scream, it was her own little piece of Heaven. Charlie then was startled by the sound of tuning. Alastor was broadcasting something from his tower. The sounds, cracking in and out before finally she could hear him speak.
“Hello my faithful, unsavory auditors!” he crooned. “Don’t touch that dial. You heard right—Alastor your favorite host is back! Stay tuned tomorrow for a Special Broadcast…Ȯ̱͓̻̘̒̃̈́̀͟N͍͂Ĕ̡̼̖̅͞ ̫̺͕̊̌͞Y̞̖̩̜̋̊̀̅͘͜Ō͕͚̭̥͌̋̕Ư̢̧̟̱̪̑̊̀͞ ̫̮͉̀̔̒W̳̖̓̌O̡̫̭͂́̿̉ͅN̦̪̼̬̞̓́͑̚̚'̘͍̈́͋T̻͍́̊ ̗̝͔̀̓͝Ẅ̯A̡̼̮͆̍̄͘ͅN̨͔͌͊T̹̤̪̱̆̈́̑̿ ̭̺̳̃͆̇T̢̥̺̜̂̅̈́̄̊͜Ȏ̩̊͜ ̺͙͒͐̒͢MI̎͢Š̢S͇̠̻̪̈́̓̐̎.” he finished, dropping off air as fast as he came. Leaving the pride ring a buzz with his impending return to form–wondering whose screams would grace the airwaves. 
Charlie found herself deep in thought. Ever since they shook hands things had changed, though she wasn’t quite sure how. She found herself often looking at Alastor. At first not thinking much of it, but realizing as he came close to her, that she couldn’t help but feel flush. Rosey-cheeks, more pinkened at the thought of him. That dapper way he had about him and his charming but menacing smile. 
She felt ashamed—disturbed even for having the thought. Surely Alastor had no such interest in her. Rosie had all but confirmed as much. Somewhere deep down, however, she wished things might be different. 
In quiet moments her mind would drag her down into the abyss. That dark place where her hidden desires to be all consumed by the Radio demon lie. Their flesh melting together as one, with his quick, witty oration tantalizing her ears. His eyes locked on her, and she could almost feel the fabric of his coat beneath her fingertips. 
“Argh… what is wrong with you?” she asked herself, holding her head in her hands. Frustrated with herself as she contemplated what he was up to. Her heartbeat, betraying her. 
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In the recesses of his broadcast tower, Alastor sat back in his chair. Fingers, intertwining as his shadow danced along the walls. Alastor deep in thought as it tempted him to speak. Growing as impatient as he. Subconsciously waiting for the right moment to strike.  
“Soon.” Alastor hummed, his shadow smirking back at him. The sounds of crackling and distant radio sounds swirling in the air. Alastor was as powerful as ever and would grow only more so. While he had come close, too close, to perishing at the hands of the Angelic exterminators—the fight wasn’t over yet. 
“If they think I can be undone by some uptight, winged twit, Ţ̰̲͕̓̐̌͟͞͠H̪̯̽̾Ë̩́Y̬̌ ͙̮̳̥͋̑̄̽̅͜Ḩ̭̂̾Ā̭̝̯̗͇̾̇̏͡V̤͇̊͌È͙̠̹̐̿ ̯͉͐͆A̖̗̽̿N͔̣͗́̂͜O̟̣̗̟̅̾͂͞T͔͇̋͊H̪̲̾̄E̮̦̬̹͎͊̉̃̀̈́Ř̝ ̨̺̱͑͆̆TH̛̥̙̙̑̀̋͟IN̛̻̬͕̮͋̎̄G̫͇̯͋̾̕ ̱̳̉̆Č̖̣̣̎̂O̧̡̗̖͆͂̅͡M̛̘̫̞̽̓I̢͈̟͐͡͡N͍̑G.” he hissed. Static filling the room as his shadow beamed. Contorting around him as Alastor’s true form came peeking out from within. Laughing at the foolishness of anyone thinning that he was weak—Alastor knew better. 
It would take more than that to have him running away, tail tucked between his legs. He had much bigger fish to fry. He was however reminded after the close call that the time to call in his favor was close at hand. Deciding to embark on something, dare he say no one had ever imagined. The clock, ticking in his ears, reminding him that he was on borrowed time. The thought of it engulfed him in flames. Interference and static hissing and cracking as his Shadow disappeared. His antlers, growing in size as his blood began boiling—steaming hot. Angry at his forced servitude to HER. 
Suddenly it all went back to normal. Alastor, taking in a deep breath before opening his eyes to the whole of Pentagram City before him.  Returning to his usual form, he stood up. Adjusting his monocle and tapping his cane to adjust his voice. His shadow, reappearing as he set his path back into the hotel. 
“Seems almost too perfect a chance to pass up my dark, looming friend. Our beloved Princess will have no idea what hit her. Though surely, I won't be getting down on one knee.” Alastor chuckled as he disappeared into the darkness.
Great Alastor, the Radio Demon, would become Prince of Hell. Taking Charlie as his bride. 
Ȯ̱͓̻̘̒̃̈́̀͟N͍͂Ĕ̡̼̖̅͞ ̫̺͕̊̌͞Y̞̖̩̜̋̊̀̅͘͜Ō͕͚̭̥͌̋̕Ư̢̧̟̱̪̑̊̀͞ ̫̮͉̀̔̒W̳̖̓̌O̡̫̭͂́̿̉ͅN̦̪̼̬̞̓́͑̚̚'̘͍̈́͋T̻͍́̊ ̗̝͔̀̓͝Ẅ̯A̡̼̮͆̍̄͘ͅN̨͔͌͊T̹̤̪̱̆̈́̑̿ ̭̺̳̃͆̇T̢̥̺̜̂̅̈́̄̊͜Ȏ̩̊͜ ̺͙͒͐̒͢MI̎͢Š̢S͇̠̻̪̈́̓̐̎.- One you won’t want to miss.
Ţ̰̲͕̓̐̌͟͞͠H̪̯̽̾Ë̩́Y̬̌ ͙̮̳̥͋̑̄̽̅͜Ḩ̭̂̾Ā̭̝̯̗͇̾̇̏͡V̤͇̊͌È͙̠̹̐̿ ̯͉͐͆A̖̗̽̿N͔̣͗́̂͜O̟̣̗̟̅̾͂͞T͔͇̋͊H̪̲̾̄E̮̦̬̹͎͊̉̃̀̈́Ř̝ ̨̺̱͑͆̆TH̛̥̙̙̑̀̋͟IN̛̻̬͕̮͋̎̄G̫͇̯͋̾̕ ̱̳̉̆Č̖̣̣̎̂O̧̡̗̖͆͂̅͡M̛̘̫̞̽̓I̢͈̟͐͡͡N͍̑G- They have another thing coming.
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zablife · 2 years
Tachipen (Part 2)
Tommy x female reader
Summary: With the flip of a coin, Tommy makes a deal to bring a 20 year old gypsy girl into the Shelby clan. Considering her too young to marry, he employs her as a nanny. When tragedy strikes, he’s forced to confront the truth he has always known. 
Author’s Note: This was requested by @honey-im-hotdog who asked for a fic about Charlie’s nanny. I decided to turn it into a series. The story will be told through flashbacks, but I will note the year. Tommy meets y/n in 1919 and the story goes thru present time which is the year of the vendetta, 1925. 
Warnings: language, weapons, injury, animal death, mention of gypsy curses (as mentioned on the show)
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Part 1
Guests filled the chairs inside the Grace Shelby Institute as you continued to walk with Charles, showing him a picture of his late mother. You stopped in front of the framed portrait and the multitude of fragrant blooms all around it, wondering if the boy would have any memory of her. Your heart ached for him as you felt his chubby hands come to rest around your neck.  Breathing deeply, you savored the weight of him in your arms and hugged him to your chest tightly. The guilt of being alive to receive this little boy’s affection when his mother’s life was cut short gnawed at you. It shouldn’t be me here now with Charles you thought. It shouldn’t be me comforting him or Tommy. 
“I’m sure that little whore can’t wait to become the new Mrs. Shelby,” Linda said in a harsh whisper, though it was loud enough for anyone to hear.
“For fuck’s sake Linda, you know how long she’s been with the family. Tommy would never feel that way about her. She takes care of Charlie like her own child so there’s no reason for such cruelty toward her,” Ada bit back in your defense. 
“Exactly, she’s coveting what isn’t hers,” Linda said piously. 
The two women were unaware of your presence as you walked the floor behind their chairs with Charles and the words you’d overheard stung painfully. You’d worked hard over the years to gain the trust of the Shelby family and you never felt you were done proving yourself. At times like these you wondered if you would always be an outsider.
The sunlight streamed through the threadbare curtains, waking you to sudden confusion when you realized you weren’t in your vardo. As you searched the cracked ceiling above your head, you heard heavy footsteps on the stairs and jerked the covers to your chin as your heart began to race. When the muffled voices of the Shelby brothers faded down the hall, you heard a rapping on your door and Polly’s voice came to you softly through the keyhole. “Y/n, are you awake?”
“Just a moment,” you replied, forcing your heavy legs over the side of the bed and placing your feet onto the cold floorboards. Your limbs ached from lack of sleep as you pushed yourself toward the basin and splashed water onto your face, still puffy from the evening of crying into your pillow. Slowly you opened the creaky bedroom door and peered around the door. 
Polly stood waiting with a kind expression. “Good morning, ready to meet the children?”
You stood looking down at your feet, tears collecting in your eyes. You felt exhausted and overwhelmed so you froze, unsure how to respond. Polly noted your distress instantly and clasped her hands over yours saying, “I’ll give you a moment to yourself.”
“No, don’t go,” you said, looking up at her. The last thing you wanted was to be alone. 
“Alright. Would you like to come downstairs for some tea?” she offered. You peeked over her shoulder and as if she could read your mind she assured you, “The boys have gone. The betting shop opens soon.” You gave her a grateful smile in return and followed her to the kitchen where she offered you a chair while she put the kettle on. You sat watching her as she told you about John’s four children-Katie, eight, William, six, Clara, five, and Henry, two. She explained that his wife Martha had died giving birth to their youngest while he was away during the war. “It’s been difficult for him to raise them on his own. He came back a changed man.” Thinking for a moment she added, “Well, perhaps not so much as Tommy, but still, he hasn’t a clue about those children,” she laughed.
“What happened to Tommy?” you asked, curious to know more about the mysterious man who refused to marry you.
“He does what he does for us you know, but sometimes I wonder if he weren’t meant for a different life. He wanted to work with horses before the war. Now I don’t even recognize him,” she said as she stared out the window, lost in thought. 
You held your hands firmly around the porcelain teacup, but all the warmth had drained away with the liquid. As you stared into the bottom, you cocked your head, noticing the patterns of your tea leaves. You gulped at the outline of a beast, a clear warning to you. 
“Is everything alright, dear?” Polly asked, noticing you’d gone white as a sheet.
You only nodded in reply, taking the cup away from her to wash out the contents. 
“Don’t be nervous about meeting John’s kids. All they need is a firm hand and love,” she said mistaking your fear for nerves.  
The sight that greeted you at John’s house was worse than you had anticipated. You had some difficulty pushing past the front door as several pairs of tiny shoes and an extra pair of John’s boots littered the front hall. As you ventured inside, you froze at the sound of a commotion in the kitchen, only exploring further when you heard the shrieks of children’s laughter. When you looked beyond the doorframe, you took in the sight of a tow-headed girl and boy around the same age, standing on chairs, pulling items from the cupboards with obvious delight. Flour had covered every inch of the floor and honey was oozing off the counter between their little fingers. 
When they spotted you, they turned and the little girl said, “Oh, hello. We were pretending to be naughty bear cubs. Have you come to be our mama bear?”
Your mouth hung open a moment as your surveyed the mess. Then you replied, “Well, erm…not exactly. I have come to look after you though and right now it looks as though you need a bath.”
“I don’t want a bath!” the little boy protested. Just then Polly entered the room and gasped as she saw the mess in front of her. “William and Clara Shelby! What the bloody hell!”
“It’s alright Aunt Polly. I’ll help clean it up before Daddy sees,” Clara said climbing down from her perch to give Polly a hug. Polly intercepted her before she could smear honey over her dress and you turned to gather the child in your arms. 
“I happen to know that your Uncle Tommy has a new horse in his stable. If you’re very good, I could take you to see her,” you said, attempting a bribe. The children nodded vigorously in agreement before leading you up the rickety staircase. You sidestepped toys as you went, looking for the other two children. 
When you reached the landing, you were startled by the presence of an older girl in one of the bedrooms who was already dressed, combing her hair methodically. Despite her tidy appearance, the room didn’t look much better than downstairs as the floor was strewn with dirty clothes and a layer of dust which covered every surface around her.
“Katie, this is Y/n,” Polly said introducing you. “She’ll be looking after you while your dad is at work.”
Katie pursed her lips together in a thin line, looking you up and down. Then she crossed her arms over her chest and addressed Polly with a sniff, “Why should I learn her name? She’s just another one of Daddy’s whores. She’ll be gone tomorrow and you know it Aunt Polly.” 
You gasped at her directness and the hostility of her words. For a young child, she was quite blunt. Then you reminded yourself of everything she must have been through with the death of her mother. However, Polly wouldn’t stand for such insolence. She stepped forward landing a harsh slap across the girl’s face. “You won’t dare speak that way again in my presence, do you understand, Katie?” 
The girl’s lip trembled for a moment, but she didn’t cry. Without looking up, she replied, “Yes, Aunt Polly.”
You shifted your weight uncomfortably before saying, “Where’s the baby?” 
Katie pointed down the hall and you thanked her walking away swiftly. Rounding the corner, you smiled at the sight of a toddler asleep in his cot. Somehow he had slept through the earlier commotion. He had a head full of blonde curls and his lips were full like John’s. He looked like a tiny angel as he slept. Taking a moment to rub his back, you wondered how you were going to handle four children who needed so much from you. You didn’t have time to stand idly much longer as a fight broke out between William and Clara down the hall and you dashed away to break them apart.
With considerable effort, you readied the four children for an outing to the stables and Polly walked with you. She assured you a kind man by the name of Curly would be there to watch over the horse. He was half horse himself, she joked and that made you feel better about how the mare was being treated. 
Everyone was in high spirits as they discussed where the horse came from and you tried to describe the camp where you’d lived before arriving in Small Heath. When the children asked about the horse’s name, you gave the Romani name and they laughed at the unfamiliar sound. It was then you realized they must not be familiar with the language. 
When you arrived, you were surprised to see Tommy there. You greeted him, explaining you had brought the children as a treat and he didn’t seem to mind. He was surprisingly kind to his nieces and nephews, allowing them a turn to sit upon the horse and take a short ride. You smiled at the sight of him teaching them to ride, even little Henry. 
As you helped the last child dismount, he asked, “Is she always this steady around people?” 
“Yes, mares spook less easily, but she’s always been this way. What do you intend to do with her?” you asked, filled with curiosity at his intentions.
“A good horse like this?” he displayed a wide grin. “You know my business, love. I intend to race this beauty,” he said patting her flank. 
Your face dropped slightly. “I see.” 
“You don’t approve?” he asked noticing your hesitancy.
“I didn’t say that,” you added quickly.
“But you were thinking it,” he said, searching your eyes for meaning. Then one of the children ran up to you, tugging at your skirts. 
“Y/n, I’m hungry!” William cried.
“Alright, back home, then,” you said with a smile. “Good afternoon, Mr. Shelby,” you said.
The next evening you returned from John’s house exhausted from a day of cleaning and wrangling children. You were soaked to the skin from walking home in the rain, but you couldn’t have cared less. Collapsing into a chair, Polly brought you a cup of tea by the fire to warm you. 
“Were they any better today?” Polly she asked, looking at you for a genuine report. 
“A bit, yes,” you replied as you attempted to ring water from your hair.
“I know it might be slow going, but they’ll come round,” Polly said as she went back to her sewing.
“I’m not worried. I like them,” you assured her with a smile, thinking of how their antics reminded you of your sisters at their age. “I grew up without a mother and I think all children should be loved and cared for by someone,” you said earnestly. 
Polly looked at you and nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, I think you’re going to be very good for this family,” she proclaimed to herself and your heart filled with pride at her statement. 
Before you could reply, someone began pounding on the door urgently. You and Polly startled at the sound and before she could make it to the door, Tommy rushed forth, finding Curly at the doorstep.
“Tom! Tom, you best come quick! Come!,” Curly said, his words coming at such a rapid pace, the lantern that hung from his hand swung wildly with the force.
“Is it the horse?” Tommy asked, grabbing his coat from the hook. Curly nodded emphatically. 
Your breath caught in your chest at the news that something might be wrong with the beautiful mare you’d brought from camp and you stood up announcing, “I’m coming as well.” Without a thought for the bad weather, you ran out the door, trying to keep pace with Tommy and Curly as you ducked your head to avoid the driving rain.
When you reached the stable, the mare you loved so much was holding one foot off the ground in obvious pain. “Tell me what’s wrong with the horse, Curly,” Tommy asked in a calm, even tone as he assessed the situation.
Curly placed a gentle kiss to her nose and stepped aside, mumbling, “It’s a curse, Tom. Someone put a bad seed in the hoof. They put a spell!” You watched quietly from the shadows as Tommy placed his hands on either side of the man’s face to steady him, hushing him gently. 
Uncle Charlie stood next to the mare, observing her reverently. You could tell by his grim expression there would be no saving her and his words confirmed it. “Whatever it is, it spread to the other feet,” he said, gesturing toward the horse’s large hooves.
Curly broke free from Tommy’s grasp, shaking his head. “It’s going to her heart by tomorrow, I’d say. I’ve seen curses like this twice. Can’t take them back,” he said in an agitated voice, raising a finger in the air as he rocked back and forth.  
When Uncle Charlie spotted you, his face drew back in a snarl. “I told you, Tommy, didn’t I? Warned you against black blood gypsies.” He huffed out a breath through flared nostrils as he clenched his fist by his side. Tommy turned as though noticing you for the first time when Charlie called out, “Come on, Curly, let’s get out of ‘ere.” He pushed past you into the rain and you swallowed thickly at the hatred he felt for you and your kin. 
As you watched them disappear into the night, you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding and your eyes drifted toward your horse, now Tommy’s horse. You felt small and helpless, wanting nothing more than to comfort her. Coming to her side, you stroked the mare gently, laying your head against the velvety soft fur of her neck.
“Did you do this for revenge? Tell me the truth,” Tommy asked in Romani, voice tight with emotion, rain water dripping off his hair and into his long eyelashes. 
“Is that what you think?” you breathed out in a whisper, looking up at him with a look of hurt and confusion. 
Without another word, Tommy pulled his pistol from his jacket pocket and you shrunk away from him, feeling your heart pound in your chest, hands tingling and head feeling dizzy from adrenaline. You wondered if it wasn’t just Uncle Charlie who despised you. Did Tommy hold the same hatred? His distant stare chilled you and suddenly you were sure he was going to kill you as you thought of Polly’s words. Two days ago she had told you, “Now I don’t even recognize him.” Was he really so unpredictable? You’d seen him turn violent quickly so you knew it must be true. You closed your eyes, praying he’d dispatch you quickly. 
You heard the gunshot, a deafening blast so close to you, it felt as though it had pierced your chest. However, when you pried your eyes open, you saw the horse fall onto its side with a sickening thud. You watched in horror as she died before you, the life draining from her eyes as wretched sounds were released from her body. Doubling over in silent sobs, you clasped a hand over your mouth. You wanted to look away, to believe it was a nightmare and this had never happened. Then Tommy’s voice cut through the fog and the ringing in your ears.
“Get out,” he said in a voice hovering over a whisper. You shivered involuntarily as you turned to watch him raise his gun a second time, but he only swiped his arm across his mouth. You noticed his breathing was irregular, chest heaving as though he might break down himself. He looked up at you with wild eyes, “I said, go. Get back to me brother’s house now!” You watched his hand tremble slightly and you imagined him burying you next to the beautiful horse. With that, you ran as fast as your legs would carry you. You slipped in the thick, black mud several times, falling on hard stone slicing your knees open as the cold rain pelted your face and arms, but somehow you couldn’t feel anything at all.
Cont. reading Part 3
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realmofvoxtv · 7 months
Theories about Vox's and Alastor's Past
SPOILERS: If you have not watched episode 8 or just season one please read this post later. Also these are theories. These may predict future plot reveals idk.
Trigger Warning: Brief mentions of a toxic/abusive relationships. I mention Valentino too. Please continue with caution. Also, I mention Alastor's possible past as a killer.
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So, we got a pretty BIG reveal in episode 8. Which is the photo below:
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So, Vox and Alastor have more of a history than what many people believed. Let's first take some notes about the photo.
1. Alastor has his pilot suit
2. This photo is in black and white
3. Vox's screen looks different, it looks like an older model.
4. Vox and Alastor are pretty close together (this is important later).
Ok, let's talk about a few things.
1. Alastor's pilot suit.
This could be reference to the pilot. Or maybe his change is a reference to how, apparently, Alastor has made a deal and may not even own his soul.
2. The photo is in black and white.
And 3. Vox's screen likes like an older model.
Given how Vox seems to be ALL about updating and keeping up with the times, I don't think he was like pretending to be old fashioned for Alastor in recent or present times.
So, odds are this was AGES ago in hell. Like shortly after Vox died. I would say 1950s-1960s.
4. Vox and Alastor are pretty close together.
Now I think this is something important to mention. So far it seems like Alastor has this disconnection from most other males. Alastor mentions his mother in the pilot, but he has yet to mention his father.
He has this hatred for Lucifer (Charlie's DAD and Lilith's HUSBAND).
And at BEST Alastor respects Zestial (A powerful and OLDER MALE overlord). And at WORST he fears Zestial.
Sidenote: Look at that scene between Zestial and Alastor. It really looks like Alastor panics when he realizes that he (Alastor) is losing the respect of people in hell.
So given all of this, Alastor having mostly female friends, and mentioning his mother. But not mentioning his father, and even seeming to feel this need for respect and control (check back on his song in episode 8). I really do think it's possible that Alastor had a father who was in his life. But his father may have instilled fear and the need to gain respect, and perhaps the way Alastor was raised. Alastor felt the need to gain control in his life. (Sidenote: If he did indeed hurt/end people while alive, it's possible that was the driving force).
So the fact that Alastor was standing so close to Vox. And long enough for a photo to be taken? (Sidenote: If this is an old photo, I'm sure this photo would have taken a while to snap. Also is the camera being held by someone else or on a tripod or something? (Remember that this is probably in the 1950s-1960s)). This is important. This tells me that Alastor and Vox, at the time, trusted each other.  
So what happened?
Well, let’s go over Alastor's history since we have more of that as of now. 
Alastor lived through the Great Depression, and died AT LEAST after the 1920s my best guess is 1930s - 1940s.
He arrived in hell, and according to Vaggie in the pilot, and Mimzy, he wiped out some of the most powerful and eldest Overlords with ease. 
IMPORTANT: I think Alastor made this deal shortly after he appeared in hell. His power had to have come from somewhere.
And seven years ago, he disappeared. And only recently he has re-appeared. 
Also despite killing overlords and hating new stuff, he allowed Vox around him for that photo. 
Now about Vox. It's try to make some sense of his timeline. Apparently the first tv's appeared in 1927. But they only become really popular around 1946 - 1951. So it's likely that Vox and Alastor DID NOT meet each other when they were humans. So, he likely fell some time between 1950 - 1960. HOWEVER, if Alastor did encounter primitive tvs in 1927 to whenever died. It make sense that Alastor would originally accept Vox's presence. 
IMPORTANT: I am now sure that Vox died at least before 1970s. As that’s when colored cameras were popularized. And again that photo was in black and white.
So, what happened between them. Well I have some ideas and supporting evidence. 
1. Vox and Alastor made a bet/deal and Vox won. 
We hear in episode 2 from Valentino that Alastor owes Valentino and Vox something. It is possible that Vox and Alastor similar to Husk and Alastor. Made a bet, in which whoever wins gets the loser's soul. However, Alastor lost and maybe since he doesn't own his soul, he's able to attack Vox. Meanwhile Vox is shocked, as he's weirded out that Alastor is still able to move and (apparently) still has his soul. Perhaps in this theory Vox thought that Alastor found a loophole. 
Perhaps Valentino gets involved, and that's how he loses his antenna. Maybe Alastor realized that his secret may be out. And he brought out an angelic weapon trying to end Vox and Valentino. But instead, he has to flee. Also, Vox has a crooked antenna too. Maybe a result of Alastor?
Also, in episode 2, Vox says that they must prevent Charlie from making a deal with Alastor. Interesting...
IDK though where Vox inviting Alastor to the team fits in this theory. Maybe this battle happens after Alastor rejects Vox's offer. 
2. One of them saved the other's life
In episode 8, while Alastor sings he taunts the idea that people would think that he would die and, thus, cares for the people in the Happy Hotel. What if this is something that happened between Alastor and Vox. What if when Vox was a younger sinner, he was nearly killed and Alastor came to his defense. Or perhaps it was the other way around. 
And Alastor realized that with him not owning his own soul, that he may be forced to kill Vox, like the oldest overlords. So, he cut off Vox. As he was maybe starting to care about Vox (doesn't have to be romantic). 
And perhaps that's why Vox invited Alastor to join his team (Which for sure had Vox and Valentino, idk about Velvette). As Vox wanted to have his pal back. 
Then Alastor attacks Vox to send the message to Vox. 
Also, in this theory. They were likely friends. (Remember the earliest tvs were made in 1927. So, Alastor likely had no problem with Vox's technology as it was around when he was alive, but just not common in most households. )
How close Vox and Alastor are in the photo, does support this theory. Especially since Alastor does seem to have this mistrust around males. 
Also if Vox saved Alastor's life. That would explain Valentino saying that Alastor owes them something (aka his afterlife).   
3. Alastor tried to swap places with Vox
It's possible that Alastor got close to Vox, and maybe offered Vox a deal. Which was intended to trap Vox and maybe Alastor was hoping that whoever owns his soul would instead want Vox to take leadership. And possibly free Alastor's soul. 
Remember how Vox mentioned to the other V's that they must prevent Alastor from making a deal with Charlie? Perhaps Alastor is going to order Charlie to take his place in his deal. (Remember, Charlie's only restriction is that she wouldn't hurt someone. Taking his place in his deal, doesn't directly hurt anyone). 
Anyways, Vox realizes what Alastor wanted. Maybe he tries to get Alastor more involved like joining his team. And Alastor keeps pushing a deal. And maybe Alastor or Vox snap and then they battle. 
In this theory, Alastor allowing Vox to be so close to him in a photo. Likely would've been an act to pretend that he trusts Vox. 
Also, in this theory, maybe Alastor was training Vox to be like him. That way he would be the perfect replacement for his deal. This would also explain Vox's similarities to Alastor. 
Maybe whoever owns Alastor's soul, realized his plans and intentions. And that's why Alastor disappeared for 7 years. He was being reminded to never betray them. 
4. Perhaps Valentino and maybe Velvette, drove Alastor apart from Vox and vice versa. 
We know Vox invited Alastor to join his "team". That hints that at least one more V member was in the team. Likely Valentino. 
Remember Alastor's possible past with his father and his fear/hatred of certain male figures. It's possible that such a male sinner like Valentino drove a divide between Alastor and Vox. Perhaps Valentino even framed Vox or Alastor. Which drove them to battle. Vox and Valentino get hurt. And Alastor disappears for 7 years.
So even though in this theory, Alastor once trusted Vox. He doesn't anymore. 
So that's all. Share your thoughts below!
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empress-6-3 · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Theory's
I am pretty sure some people had the same thoughts before me but i still want to write about it.
The Angel was probably killed by the power of love / divine power
I think if you fight for someone else and not for your own gain, you unleash good power which is the only thing able to hurt an Angel.
Season 1 will propably end with the Main cast all protecting each other from the angel attack ( they start the extermination at the hotel ) and figuring this out mid fight. Scaring the angels into quitting the attack and Proving all sinners that the hotel works.
Season 2 could than start with everyone wanting to stay at the hotel and some angels hating the idea of sinners going into heaven, planning one big attack. Giving more Focus to an all out battle than we have left. Season one is only 8 episodes so i think this war will only be a set up for next season. With the first beeing more about the forming bonds and proving the dream.
Alastor made a deal with lilith
They were both gone for 7 years.
Also Alastor doesnt seem interested in the cause itself, nor does he Sabotage it. He doesnt try to make a deal with Charlie and is a good supporting guy to the group ( does what he is been told ).
But he isnt a good guy and he hints that he gets something out of this.
Since he holds his end of the deal, it could be that he is currently fullfilling a deal, which includes protecting charlie and supporting her.
Lucifer doesnt know him, so it could only be lilith who made the deal with him.
The 7 years was alastor helping lilith with things so he could gain her trust ( showing that he does keep his end of the deal and is responsible with the task given - no creep towards charlie, etc ) and that the souls under his care are not completly abused like angel = lilith does care about her people. And that he is a charming, calm fellow who can be trusted not to abuse his power. ( the overlord takeout an exclusion, maybe we get more Infos later / there are still old overlords around who like him and he didnt Kill husk to take his Position )
The deal would not be her soul but the souls she has under her. Or otherwise gaining more power through her.
This makes him not a nice guy but not bad either since his goal would only be power for power sake ( he realised he cant keep climbing the letter so the royals where the best think to fix the Problem).
He just seems like a guy who is civil and respectful towards Others but needs confidents in his own powers and feels he needs to improve more. ( those guys who always desire more power for impruvement sake only ). Not to defeat Others but for his own well beeing / calm of mind. To get attention.
So this can be an ending where the power increase would not change his character Behavior. Only explain why he did what he did. Him getting stronger by helping charlie is not really a bad ending, it keeps him selfish enough to never be redeemed but nice enough to still be a Main character.
After all i dont want him to backstab the others or turn into the villain. But i also cant see him not beeing up to anything, for that there are to many hints.
Doing something good for his own sake only but having fun while doing it is a nice compromise between good and evil.
Also lilith would prove that she cares about charlie.
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