#10 series drabbles
deepdarkdelights · 2 years
Milliseconds (2) | 10 Series Drabbles
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Fic Type: Drabble
Word Count: ~3k
Series: 10 Seconds 
Takes place almost directly after the end of the series (part 5). 
Summary: The MC has a sudden snap to clarity after hearing about the miraculous escape of another woman who was in a similar position as herself. 
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Kidnapping, Stalking, Anxiety Symptoms, Fear, Mentions of Drugging, Jungkook has baby fever, MC rationalizing toxic and harmful behavior
A/N: Hello! So the votes spoke very loud and clear that you all wanted a 10 Series Drabble! I have been thinking about writing a scenario like this one and I am pretty happy with it so I hope that you guys are too. I believe an anon did give me this idea (updated credit below 12/8) The Jin fic is taking me such a long time and I really wanted to post something as a treat for all of you before finals week - I hope this delivers on that! I love you all and I can’t wait to see your reactions in the comments and my inbox 💜💜💜
Prompt Credit: @mochi13
Drabble (1) 
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It felt like you had been living in a dream state for the longest time now. 
Every thought, every memory was cloudy with a dreamy haze and tinted in shades of rose. The best way to explain it was that you were operating almost entirely on autopilot, especially when Jungkook wasn’t home.
But even in those moments when you were together, you never felt total clarity. Your relationship felt like a dream as well - the stuff of cheap romance novels and teen movies. The very thing that women, and some men alike, craved and dreamt of. No one’s life was meant to be this perfect and that should have been a clue. But the red flags that once waved proudly in front of your face were steeped in shades of gray - you had gone colorblind to his faults. 
And honestly, you could understand how that happened. Ever since the two of you had returned to the city and you had slowly introduced your family back into your life a sense of normalcy had unknowingly descended upon your fragile mind. Those unbearable months of isolation in the woods have become lost, buried in the trenches of your mind. And the way he acted now, how he held you, cherished you, loved you, it was easy to become blinded. 
You had succumbed to your worst fear and you didn’t even know it. 
Even now you melted into his touch. His strong hands settled on your waist as he pulled you back into his chest, his chin coming down to rest upon the slope of your shoulder - notching together like two perfect puzzle pieces. 
“Good morning, baby,” He whispered, his voice low and laden with sleep as he nuzzled further into your skin. 
“Morning,” You mumbled back with a wisp of a smile on your lips, your hands busy with finishing up breakfast. 
Jungkook never asked you to do that for him, in fact, oftentimes he was the one offering to care for you. But months of training from his mother had adhered stronger than you had anticipated. You rose earlier than you used to, your body doing the work for you without your input. It was hard to say if you derived joy from the task, but you knew joy when his pleased smile would spark warmth in your chest. 
Jungkook was far too hesitant to admit he did enjoy it when you did these things, domestic things. He didn’t want to make you think he needed a mother - after all he wanted you, a wife. If he wanted a caretaker he would have stayed with his mother. But god, did he fantasize about you being the mother of his children. He dreamt of those sleepless nights with a newborn baby, the first day of kindergarten, and a home filled with laughter and the quintessential pitter-patter of tiny feet. But he knew he had to wait. After all, you had brought it up first, you were not ready.
He delivered a firm squeeze to your hip, his nose brushing at the column of your throat as he let out a pleased hum. 
“Down boy,” You giggled, halfheartedly slapping his hands away, “You have work, do you really want to piss Yoongi off by being late again?” 
“He’ll be late anyways, you know he doesn’t get much sleep anymore.” He whined before acquiescing and backing off, leaning back against the island counter. 
The subtle hints again. Jungkook came home every day from work gushing about Yoongi’s baby. About how she was already saying words despite you knowing she was definitely just babbling and not comprehending whether she was saying meaningful words or not. He was absolutely enamored by his goddaughter. 
“She has the cutest little shoes,” and “She sat on Yoongi’s lap during the meeting and drooled all over his documents,” and “I got to hold her for an entire hour and she didn’t cry once, I must be a natural.” 
While it was true that Jungkook was a natural at almost anything he tried, you still weren’t giving in to the bait. But when you tried to think about why you didn’t want a child your mind wandered elsewhere and you couldn’t think of a good reason not to. There was some block, some important answer hidden right around the corner but every time you tried to reach out to it, it darted away and stayed just out of reach.
“The quicker you get going the sooner you’ll be home,” You reminded him as you turned the burners on the stove off. 
“I could just take the day off again,” He said with a pout. 
“No, you just took a week off. You’re the CFO Jungkook you know better,” You chided him. 
Jungkook had just taken the week off, declaring the two of you were having a staycation. Said staycation had really just been the two of you redecorating your shared living space, binging dramas, and fucking like rabbits - which had not been your idea but you hadn’t exactly been against it. In fact, you were laid against a few things that week. 
You probably should have made the assumption that he had baby fever sooner. 
But if you needed anything it was for him to go to work, you needed the break, all of you needed the break.  Some parts of you more than others. 
“Fine,” He groaned, “But I deserve a reward.”
“Really and what kind of reward are you thinking of?”
“On my face.” 
“...Get out of my house Jeon Jungkook!”
“I didn’t hear a no!” He impishly called over his shoulder as he headed for your bedroom, retrieving and dressing in the clothes you had laid out for him the night before. 
You buried your face in your hands as your skin heated up with shame and another feeling you refused to recognize. Jeon Jungkook was going to be the death of you if he didn’t leave that very minute. 
Luckily for you, the rest of your shared morning went by without further incident. The sanctity of your kitchen was unsullied by his frankly ravenous sex drive that certainly had come out of the blue. 
Unlike last week. 
“Baby, where’s my kiss goodbye?” He called from the door after slipping on his shoes. 
And like the good wife that you were, you met him at the door, smoothed down the collar of his shirt and the front of his jacket, and popped up onto your toes to give him a kiss. Jungkook has many traits, but his most prominent one was that he never did anything halfway. But even with this knowledge you were still startled by the touch of his fingers to your jaw and the way he tilted your head, deepening the kiss in a way that was far too much this early in the morning. 
And then he gave you that smirk of his, that mischievous smile with a quirk of one of his dark eyebrows after leaving you absolutely breathless. 
“I love you, I’ll be thinking of you all day. And, don’t forget about my reward,” He said with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows before you were shoving him out the door and slammed it shut behind him. 
By all means, your morning had gone normally, just the way it had for the past few weeks since you had officially moved into the apartment as Jungkook’s wife. You had no inkling or hint of an idea that today would be any different. 
But it was the little things that you hadn’t even thought of that pushed you over the edge. 
Your throat had been a little sore that morning so you decided that you wanted some tea to soothe the ache. So you decided to put the kettle on and in the meantime, you put the TV on for background noise to fill the silence of a too-big apartment without Jungkook. 
You had no way of knowing that a major news story had broken that same morning. 
“After she went missing ten years ago, Cho Minji has finally been found,” The reporter’s voice echoed out from the flat screen. 
“While the story is still progressing we have learned of what happened in her ten years of captivity. Miss Cho had been stalked by an ex-boyfriend for four years after they had broken up and in those four years, he had made extensive plans as to how he was going to hold Miss Cho captive for the rest of their lives. 
Deranged notes expressing his undying love for her were recovered from the home alongside pictures and videos that he collected during their relationship and during Miss Cho’s captivity. Miss Cho claimed that she was held against her will while her captor vehemently disagreed claiming that she came willingly. Evidence suggests that Miss Cho was indeed kidnapped from her childhood home and drugged repeatedly over the duration of her captivity to keep her sedated and agreeable. During this time she planned to gain her captor’s trust and in a ten-year plan, she finally succeeded and escaped - flagging down a passing car and making her way to the authorities. More on this incredible story will come as the case continues to unfold.” 
A horrible, nauseating feeling was churning deep in your gut, one that had you leaning against the back of the couch for support. But the final push was the kettle, a sharp whistle from the kitchen striking you harder than any hit you had ever taken. In seconds you were transported back to that night and in a moment the rose-tinted glass was shattered. 
This wasn’t you. You weren’t some housewife, you and Jungkook weren’t really married, and you weren’t in love. You had fallen for his trap. You and Cho Minji were one and the same, the only difference was that she had much more mental fortitude than you did. She was successful. 
Your body was back to moving on its own, but this time you were running on adrenaline as your brain took the back seat. You were tearing the place apart, grabbing clothes and cash and whatever you could grab and stuffing it all into the first bag you could get your hands on. 
“Hurry, faster, you need to run as far as you can before Jungkook get’s back. Oh god, what would he do if he found you?” Your brain was practically screaming at you, a whirlwind of anxiety and fear sweeping you up as you stumbled out of the door alone for the first time since you had been taken by Jungkook. 
You had no plan as to where you were going to go, only the thought that you needed to flee and you needed to do it now or you would never see another opportunity like this one arise. It was now or never. 
You felt like you were doing something wrong, something that was forbidden or perverted as you rushed through the busy city sidewalks. It was a horrible cocktail of emotions, to be so frightened and confused at the same time. You had become accustomed to life with Jungkook, leaving felt wrong and right at the same time.
But the more you pushed on the more you realized you had nowhere to go. You couldn’t go to your parent's house, that would be the first place that he would check. And your friends, well you didn’t really have friends anymore and even if you did you wouldn’t want to put them in harm's way either. You knew what Jungkook was capable of, hell you had witnessed it firsthand. 
But it was also so unbelievable that hands that could squeeze someone’s life out of them could be so kind, gentle, and caring towards you. This clarity you had been thrust into was so confusing and startling that you felt like a crazed person wandering the streets. 
You were at a loss as to what to do, especially as the adrenaline began to slowly wear off, your body crashing from the sudden influx of hormones.
At the end of the day, you really had nowhere to go, nowhere to go but to him. 
You weren’t sure how far you had made it from the apartment, your feet leading you to a park bench which you collapsed against, dropping your bag to the concrete pathway. 
What was wrong with you? Why weren’t you running for the hills? What the fuck were you doing? 
You sat there, dazed and utterly confused as you anxiously bounced your knee. There were so many thoughts rushing through your head that you were struggling to focus on the task at hand. You needed to make a plan, you needed to figure out what your next move was. The longer you stayed there contemplating the more time you lost to escape. 
Jungkook was very quiet about his friends and his life outside of you, but he had dropped hints before that his “friends” weren’t the greatest people. Of course you had met Taehyung and Jimin and they had no problem revealing their twisted nature to you. And you had met Yoongi on several occasions enough to know that he was just as obsessive as Jungkook was. But there were others, other that both Yoongi and Jungkook were reluctant to talk about, their eyes always shifting to you when the topic would come up - a promise that they would talk later when you weren’t present. 
Even if you decided to leave now, hopped on the nearest bus and rode it to the end of its route, you had no doubt that they would come for you. Taehyung and Jimin would be there without question and you very clearly remembered Jimin’s gleeful threats to you months ago. But the others, the ones that were far more dangerous would certainly join as well and that was a thought that shook you to your very core. 
Your panicked thoughts only became worse as time stretched on, your brain reminding you when Jungkook leaves work and how much time you had left to either leave or go back before he found out you were gone. 
You couldn’t believe you would even think about going back but you were. Jungkook had been good to you hadn’t he? He let you have a relationship with your family again, he had pulled the two of you out of the isolation of the woods, you didn’t have to see his family anymore, and he showered you with unrestricted affection and praise. He loved you didn’t he? He said it every day and never let you forget it. He wasn’t a good person but he wasn’t a bad person either - he too was irrevocably changed and damaged by his horrible family, you couldn’t blame him for that you don’t get to choose what family you’re born into. 
You were wrenched out of your spiraling thoughts but the sudden vibration of your phone. Despite your fear you checked the caller ID anyways and your stomach lurched as his name lit up the screen: Jungkook. 
He had gotten off of work early. 
You watched in fright as the call went to voicemail before he tried again, and again, and again, and again. The calls never stopped, one after the other they rolled in like a stubborn storm. 
You were really screwed now, he was home and he knew that you were gone. The frantic mess you had left behind had to have told him enough - that you had grabbed what you could and fled. So now you had to make a choice - run with nowhere to go, or return back to the eyes of the hurricane. You knew what Jungkook was like when he was angry - it was a deadly type of calm that was a precursor to unbridled rage. 
Your hands shook as you tapped your voicemail, whatever was there would help you make your decision. 
There was static for a moment, and then his voice. 
“Baby? Where are you? Call me back right away, okay?” He was surprisingly calm but there was a touch of fear to his words. 
“This isn’t funny, please just answer your phone, I need to know that you’re safe or I’m going to go crazy, please just call me.” 
Each message became more and more desperate until you got to the most recent one. This one was by far the worst. You could hear him crying and struggling to breathe and even dry heaving like he was so distraught he was going to empty his stomach. 
“Please tell me where you are, please baby I’m begging you, I can’t live without you I need you,” He was sobbing hysterically into the phone, “Please come home, please don’t leave me here alone,” 
In your time with Jungkook you had come to learn something about yourself, you couldn’t stand to hear or see him cry. It broke you down in a way that was indescribable. It always took you back to those days where he was broken and despondent after his father had died. Those days where he needed you to care for him because no one else could. You understood what crushing loneliness felt like and you were empathetic to him to a fault. 
Before you realized you were doing it, you were back at the front door - the skin of your cheeks tight from dried tears you had shed when you realized several uncomfortable truths. 
You had nowhere to run to
You didn’t have the strength to leave him
You were in love with him, your kidnapper
Just like Jungkook couldn’t live without you, you could no longer live without him. He had infected you with love, the roots of his carnal desire burrowing deep under your skin and penetrating your heart. 
You had delivered a single knock to the door before it was ripped open - he had been waiting there that entire time. He had given you the chance to return on your own before he had sent them out to find you. 
A choked sob parted his pretty lips before he pulled you into a crushing embrace, collapsing onto the floor with you in his lap. The skin around his eyes and nose were pink, his cheeks glistening with tears as he pressed desperate kisses to your forehead and cheeks, his hand running over your hair like you were his long lost lover returned. 
“Why did you leave me?” He whimpered, sniffling as he attempted to stop his tears. 
You knew you couldn’t tell him the truth so you did what you had learned to do best, you lied. 
“I’m so sorry, Kook. My mother called and said it was an emergency, I didn’t even think I just grabbed what I could and left but I was coming back.” You calmly explained, cupping his cheeks tenderly and wiping away his tears. 
“I thought you were gone, I thought you weren’t coming back. I don’t want to be alone, I can’t be alone,” His words rushed out, like he couldn’t hold himself together and needed to say everything he could before he collapsed. 
“I’m not leaving you, Kook. I love you.” 
“Promise me you’ll never leave me, please I need to hear you say it,” He begged, pressing his forehead against your own. 
There was a beat of silence before you spoke, your mind trying to warn you one last time not to make a stupid decision. But in the end, the heart tends to triumph. 
“I promise, I’ll never leave you.”
You weren’t Cho Minji, you had no incredible story to tell and nowhere to escape to. 
You weren’t Cho Minji, you were in love. 
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Want to read the main series? Click here to read part one!
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ever8ea · 8 months
Humbly requesting male reader x Luke castellan smut 🙏🙏🙏
Hi lovely! I’ve never written M/M, so sorry if this isn’t exactly right. Hope you enjoy!
Seven Minutes in Heaven : Luke Castellan x Reader
/Nsfw; Heavy makeout, language, alcohol, etc.
Reader is amab <3
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“Sorry… what?” I had asked, bewildered, for the millionth time.
“Seven minutes in heaven! I can’t believe you haven’t heard of it,” Silena replied with mock offence.
“I can,” Annabeth piped up from behind her book. “He doesn’t know anything.” Percy made a sound of agreement from beside her.
“Hey!” I said. “It’s not my fault! So sorry I’m not a degenerate like you three,” I grumbled.
“Gods, They are so weird,” Clarisse said to Luke quietly, rolling her eyes. Though evidently not quietly enough judging by the glares she received. “Hey, I’m not wrong, that game sounds absolutely horrible”
So, that’s how I ended up sitting in a circle with a couple of uncomfortable halfbloods in cabin 10. The teens had still been mostly sober until Annabeth, reluctantly, had reminded Silena that for their game of ‘seven minutes in heaven’ they needed a bottle. So she brought down a bottle of Firewhiskey one of her siblings had stashed in their dorm. But since she was worried about spilling on the carpet, they had all passed the bottle around until it was empty.
The first to spin was Clarisse, for her previous comment, and much to her chagrin, she ended up with Percy. Clarisse had made a face of disgust, and promptly walked out of the cabin. She didn’t come back for the rest of the night, to Percy’s relief.
“Alright Luke, your turn,” Silena grinned, bumping his shoulder.
Carefully, Luke leaned forward on his knees, spinning the bottle. It turned for what felt like years, though must have been no more that five seconds. It landed on me. Because of course it did.
Luke fixed me with a lopsided smirk, which was truely unreadable, as it was Luke’s reaction to nearly everything.
Unfortunately, Luke knows about my crush on him. Last summer, I had a little to much fun at a bonfire, and let it slip. Luke pretended to not notice, but I could tell he heard.
Since then, harsh words and mild cruelty had been my protection. My way of pretending that everything was normal.
And now I was about to be locked in closet with him. Fuck.
The group did their fair share of oohing and awing before eventually shutting us in there together. Thankfully, the closet was not too tight, though it was a little warm, but that could have just been me.
We both just stood there, and eventually Luke moved to lean against the wall. This gave me a wonderful and dangerous view of the other boy. Earlier in the night Luke had ditched his camp shirt, being left in only his thin white undershirt and camp necklace. The thick string and beads hung loosely around Luke’s neck, teasing me.
Luke, as if he could hear my thoughts, cracked his neck, a finger tugging on the neckline of his shirt. My breath quickened. I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths in an attempt to stop my beating heart.
“What? Don’t like small spaces?”
“No, actually. I don’t. And if it weren’t for your stupid idea to convince everyone that we needed to play this game I wouldn’t be stuck in here! Though, I suppose I can’t blame you for doing stupid things, you can’t help it. It’s in your nature.”
That may have been a bit harsh, as it had really been Silena’s decision but whatever. I was stuck in close quarters with Luke and if he keeps reminding me how much I like him, I might do something I would regret.
“Aw,” Luke pouted. “Always so mean to me.”
The two went silent.
It was relatively dark in here, but I could still make out Luke’s warm brown eyes and the way they were trained directly on me. He looked me up and down before staring at him through his long, dark lashes. He took a step forward.
“Luke, don’t look at me like that.”
I took a step back.
“Look at you like what?” Luke’s voice was low and soft like velvet. It wrapped around me, urging me to lean in closer. He took another step forward.
“Like you’re going to do something stupid.”
Another step back.
“Well, like you said, I can’t help it. It’s in my nature.”
A step forward. A step back.
“W- that’s not what I meant!”
He stepped back into the wall. Fuck.
Luke grinned at my predicament, stepping into my personal space. “Oh, so you take it back then?”
“No! Of course not. You arrogant jerk,”
Eyes closed, Luke let out a shaky breath, teeth embedded in his bottom lip. I thought this reaction was rather odd. I could not understand what had happened to Luke until he opened his eyes to reveal they were nearly black, pupils blown wide.
Oh. Oh.
“Shhh, see what you do to me?” he slipped a knee between my thighs, causing our clothed cocks to brush. Both boys groaned.
“Luke,” it came out as more of a whine this time, much to my horror.
Luke leaned closer, his warm breath fanning over my face. It smelled of Firewhiskey and mint. I couldn’t get enough of it.
That drew my attention down to his mouth and… nope. Oh no. His perfect lips were just right there. They were parted and slightly wet as if he’d just licked them. I thought I should have been the one to lick them…
I needed to look away. I really did, but l couldn’t. And suddenly he was leaning closer, and suddenly their lips were touching. And then it was more than their lips. My hands were somehow wound around those oh so soft chocolate curls I’d always dreamed of running my fingers through. And Luke was gripping onto the front of my camp shirt, pulling the two closer (if that was even possible).
Our mouths worked against each other, drawing the most embarrassing sounds from me. I swiped my tongue across Luke’s bottom lip. And then, just as quickly as it had started, it stopped. Luke pulled away slightly, breathing heavily.
“Are you sure about this?” Luke asked, voice strained.
“Gods, yes.”
I pulled Luke in this time and, Gods, it was even better than the first. I twisted my fingers into his hair and pulled. Luke moaned, he fucking moaned into my mouth. And, fuck, what I would do to hear Luke make that sound again.
Luke pushed his hips forward into mine and my restraint melted away completely. I grabbed Luke furiously, needing to touch every part of him that I could, but it wasn’t enough. I moved to tug Luke’s shirt up and-
“Alright boys, seven minutes are up!”
A/n : This was such a fun one to write! Please keep the requests coming, I love them sm
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
i hope yoongi and oc share tents together <333 so that someone could not sleep that night +we’re not using yoongi for jungkook we made out fgs i hope you get me! jungkook should realize his mistakes and that he should treat oc AS A GODDESS 👏
sawry but you just gave me an idea and it isnt this one.
warnings: angst, this one is pretty long guys, reader gets bothered, TENSIONNNN
forgot to mention what jk looks like so he’s just wearing a sweatshirt n sweatpants, hair like wednesday!jk in seven mv🤪 link to taglist at the bottom of the post
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #9
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ACCEPT his request of hearing him out 64,9%
DECLINE his request of hearing him out 35,1%
248 votes
you chose:
his big black eyes pleading with you as he awaits your response has your resolve crumbling by the second
let’s see what he has to say
you rub your forehead as you slowly turn back to the seating area and sit down in your previous seat
he takes a quick breath and sits down across from you, elbows on his thighs and he leans forwards
“i wanna start by saying i’m sorry,” he starts, his fingers anxiously fidgeting and picking at the loose flesh around his nails
you glance down at his hands before back up at him
it’s weird to see him being nervous
“i shouldn’t have said those things. i shouldn’t have ruined your night just because i wanted to tease you and joke around. i didn’t realize the impact of my words at the time.”
you squint your eyes at him, did you really give him a chance to speak and he’s saying the same thing he said when he came to apologize about saying he doesn’t like you?
“why did you say those things?” you ask, you need more of an explanation on how he can just say that to not only you but to his fucking senior
like where does he get the fucking nerve
he quietly sighs at your question and runs his hands through his wavy black locks, the palms of his hands rubbing into his eyes as he thinks about his answer
you lean back into the seat and throw your leg over the other, impatiently tapping your foot against the floor
“should i remind you of the time we don’t have?” you nod toward the train driver, reminding him of the fact you’re still on a train that will leave soon and you need to get off
like you know you said he thinks the world revolves around him but geez
“i don’t know, okay? i just,” he shakes his head and looks up at you. “i just really wa–”
“we ready?” you hear yoongi’s voice coming from your side. you turn to look at him and nod before rising to your feet
jungkook sighs, head still in his hands
probably should’ve picked a better time to talk it out, dumbass
you reach for your suitcase but both men suddenly lunge at you to help you
“oh,” you say surprised as they both stand facing each other, hands on the suitcase
“you’re good, i can take it from here,” yoongi politely says to jungkook as he starts tugging on your suitcase
“let me do it,” jungkook starts, “they’ll need you at the front to navigate because they’re not that good with direction.”
feeling like you’re in a kdrama rn
yoongi glances at you for a moment as if to ask for permission to go on ahead
he doesn’t need to ask you for permission when it comes to anything
there’s nothing serious going on between you and yoongi
you’re just saying that now because you’re still hoping for something to happen between you and jungkook and you’d feel guilty if yoongi took whatever you two have seriously
that is such BULLSHIT
jungkook is gross HES GROSS!!!
you don’t hope for anything!!!!
“he’s right, they’re really bad with direction,” you mumble. you watch as yoongi slowly drops his hand from your suitcase and nods before taking his own luggage
did jungkook think he could send yoongi off to have more time to speak to you?
you allowed him to and he gave the most basic bitch talk
you don’t even turn to jungkook when you file out of the train with yoongi, leaving jungkook behind with your luggage because he said he could handle it, did he not?
you gather with everyone in a circle, everyone’s checking if everyone’s here, checking luggage and everything
you don’t even look at jungkook as he drags both his luggage and yours to the circle
it’s a short walk to the actual camping area and when you’ve finally made it, you breathe out in relief
“let’s start with their tents,” seokjin tugs on joon’s arm, leading him to hyunjoo & isabella to help them out with their tent
it seems like hobi and yoongi are sharing a tent
seokjin and namjoon are sharing a tent
jimin and tae are sharing a tent
you luckily brought your own tent<333
you just love privacy.. but who doesn’t
and apparently so did he who shall not be named
but it doesn’t matter
everyone is busy with their own tents
you nudge yoongi’s hip with yours
“i got my own tent, you know.” your flirtatious words make him chuckle
“are you implying what i think you’re implying?” he responds before squatting and fixing up some loose ends on his tent
you huff. “and what do you think i’m implying?”
he chuckles under his breath and shakes his head at you. “your minx antics are distracting me.”
you laugh and hit his shoulder before deciding to go fix your own tent
get away from him you’re on DEMON time
you didn’t think about how sharing a tent with someone means they’d help you set it up
cause you’re alone
and now you’re
a dumbass
trying to fix your tent
hm. it says if you turn this rod this way..
..and you take that bit and put it there…
…and if you do this then the zipper should be on that side..
for fucks sake.
it’s been 5 minutes.
you sigh as you drop it, rising to your feet and staring at the pathetic attempt of putting together a tent in front of you with your hands on your hips like a soccer dad
everyone is seemingly still busy but they look successful
and you look a fool
“you gonna let me help you?”
you turn your head to the side, eyes meeting with big black tapioca pearls accompanied by pretty lashes and thick brows
can he just!!!!
leave you alone
you stare at him for a moment. “shouldn’t you be fixing your own tent?”
he nods behind you and you turn to look in that direction, noticing how his tent is ready
the hell
everyone else is still fixing their tents and they’re duos
he did that
this quickly
on his own???
you’re pretty sure he never leaves the house
let alone gone camping before
so how????
“so?” he closes the distance a bit more, looking down at you from his height
you click your tongue and shrug your shoulders. “i wouldn’t want to appear as attention-seeking.”
he sighs at your pettiness, bringing his hand up to rub his eyes
“yeah well, you weren’t exactly the nicest to me up till that point, were you?”
“did you mean everything you said to me? about me? like how i’m not good for anything and that i’m nothing but a fuckboy?”
you blink at him
you did say those things in the heat of the moment
if he had said those words to you you would have gone batshit fucking crazy
not to mention how you were acting toward him even before the night at the club
well.. no, you didn’t mean those things
is this his way of implying he also didn’t mean the things he said to you?
he sighs at your lack of response and scratches the back of his head. “forget it, y/n. i just want to put up your tent. will you let me?”
he does look sincere
might as well make him work for it
you nod toward your tent and take a step back
he wastes no time and gets to work on your tent
this is gonna be a loooong night😕
it’s 20 minutes later and everyone is now around your tent, trying to fix it
it seems like something is wrong with your tent
great :)
just what you needed
“yeah, the tent is fucked. how much did you pay for this joke?” seokjin asks as he rises from his squat position
you think about it. “like… 80 bucks.”
he shakes his head. “you should go ask for your money back cause they ripped you off.”
of course it’s YOUR tent that’s messed up
you sigh and place one hand on your hip, the other scratching the back of your head
“well, what now?” jimin asks as he’s still trying to fix your tent, not wanting to give up
“you’re gonna have to join someone’s tent.” yoongi says to you as he walks around the flat tent toward you
taehyung beams, “oh, in ours!”
“i’d love for y/n to join us but the two of us barely fit in it.” jimin is the voice of reason and they all sigh
hoseok says, “but you’re alone in your tent, aren’t you?”
no fucking way
is he implying..
for FUCKS sake
you try to fight it but you can’t, your eyes automatically snap towards jungkook
but he’s already staring straight at you
“yeah, i do. she’s welcome, of course.” there’s that arrogance that you know and love–
know and hate.
you hate it!
you glance at tae and joon and as you suspected, they’re glancing at each other
are they really planning on protesting that?
you don’t like how they act like you can’t make your own decisions
you step forwards. “alright, then.”
your eyes shift to jungkook and he’s staring at you, his eyes narrow at you for a split second and his lips slightly twitch
you can’t tell what tf he’s thinking
but it doesn’t matter
it’s just to SLEEP. nothing else
seokjin pulls everyone out of the awkward silence that has settled around you. “great! now shall we get started on dinner? i’m starving.”
yoongi and seokjin are in charge of dinner right now
hyunjoo and isabella are helping them out
hoseok and namjoon are working on the campfire
jimin and tae are organizing the tents and arranging a seating area around the campfire
leaving you and jungkook to just.. stand around
you’re just standing by the people cooking and jungkook is testing out a seat made by jimin
“oh, y/n!” seokjin calls out to you
oh fun
“hm?” you spin on your heels to face him
“can you and jungkook go to the closest store and pick up a few bottles of water?” he asks as he stirs whatever he’s stirring. “take my car.”
he kind of asked it but it feels more like he’s telling you to do it
and what are you going to say to your senior? no?
you can’t even drive but you know jungkook can
seokjin hands you his car keys and you gather all your courage to walk up to jungkook right now
he looks up from his phone as you toss the carkeys in his lap
“let’s go, gamerboy. we’ve got duties.”
you don’t even pause as you walk straight past him, heading toward the car
the look on his face is one you won’t forget
he looked happy you were acknowledging him but quickly stopped smiling when he realized it was only because you were given a task
it doesn’t take long for jungkook to join you, unlocking the car and getting inside
you get into the passenger seat and look up the closest grocery store
which is
a 35 minute drive.
if only the car blew up rn…
you set your phone into the cupholder next to the gearshift so he can see the navigation on your phone
he buckles his seatbelt and so do you, and he slowly reverses out of the spot and starts driving
the car drive
is so
you’re just staring out the window
the silence disappears when his fingers dance across the car radio and turn it on
he skips a few channels before realizing all of them are shitty and just settles on one
you continue to glare out the window
this silence is TOUGHHH
“do you need something from the store?” he asks quietly, right hand managing the gear shift and the other is turning the steering wheel
and he looks so fucking good
he sighs at your short answer and turns the music a bit louder, maybe an attempt at drowning out his own thoughts
the roads are pretty empty so you’d gotten there in about 20 minutes
jungkook was definitely going way over the speedlimit but if he gets a fine, seokjin will definitely tape it against jungkook’s door
you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out, making jungkook copy you
he follows close behind you as you enter the store
once you’re inside, he skims past you and disappears into the store as he goes to look for water
you on the other hand let your eyes roam the snack section
ooo kinder
you’re scanning the bags of chips and bars of candy until there’s a presence next to you
thinking it’s jungkook, you look up at him
it’s not jungkook
and for the first time, you really wish it was jungkook
you frown as there’s a guy, probably in his mid thirties
next to you?
“aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” he says, eyes drinking you up
you squint at him as you put the bar of kinder back in it’s rightful place. “thank you.”
“you here alone?”
you keep browsing. he isn’t being overly creepy and isn’t invading your personal space so you don’t really feel threatened. just grossed out. “no.”
“what kind of crazy person would leave such a beautiful woman unattended?”
you internally roll your eyes at his cheesy line but mumble, “an actual crazy person.”
he takes the kinder bar you just put back and waves it at the cashier, who then nods at him
okay, maybe he’s a regular?
he then hands you the bar
you frown at it but take it nonetheless, free food is free food
“you wanna go ditch your responsibilities and join me for a night?”
just as you turn to look at the man, another presence is pressed up flat against your back
“how about you fuck off?” jungkook’s chest rumbles as he speaks, sending vibrations down your entire back
the man glances at jungkook and takes a step back
“hey man, shouldn’t leave a pretty girl by herself. i didn’t know she was your girl.”
bruh you literally… told him….. you weren’t alone?
well. ur not jungkook’s girl.
jungkook continues, “well, now you do. get the fuck on, man.”
did he just
he actually
does look intimidating rn
he’s towering over this other man, staring him down and clearly asserting his dominance
the guy glances at you before shaking his head and leaving the store
you slowly turn to him, his black eyes staring you down and a slight pinch in his brows
he looks really fucking annoyed
“thanks,” you mumble, referring to getting the guy off your back
he didn’t have to imply you two were in a relationship though but whatever
you watch as his eyes drop to the kinder bar in your hand
he doesn’t reply but instead takes the kinder bar out of your hand and tosses it aside before grabbing another kinder bar and a handful of other bars, chips and candy before heading to the counter
he pays for the sweets and the water
you watch as he picks up two packs of 6 water bottles on his own, plus the bagged candy between his fingers
kind of hot rn 😭😭😭
“let me help you–” you reach out but he just turns his body sideways so you can’t reach the water
“just open the door.”
you blink at him a few times before holding the door open and walking out with him
there’s a group of men just sitting by the side that weren’t there before
you open the trunk to help him load it in but he shakes his head, he just hands you the bag of sweets and says, “get in the car.”
he’s so
you kinda
you kinda l*ke it
you stare at him dumbfounded before actually complying and getting into the car
the ride back is even quieter than the ride there
but whatever right
it’s not like you want to talk to him
so you just
the silence
upon your arrival, it’s already gotten rather dark out. you move to unbuckle your seatbelt but a hand on your bicep stops you
ahhh shit. here we go again
you glance at him over your shoulder and jungkook is staring straight ahead, out the windshield, hand on your arm like he doesn’t realize he stopped you
“sorry.” he takes his hand back. “listen.”
you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “why should i?”
“because you were right.”
everyone loves being told they were right
let’s actually hear him out
you settle back into your seat
he finally glances at you and you cross your arms as you wait for him to speak
“you’re right. i am childish.” he stares straight at you as he’s speaking and it’s SO intense
“so i’m coming to you as a man now and i’ll own up to everything.”
you tilt your head to the side in intrigue, a slight pinch in your brows which makes your pretty lashes kiss your brow bone
his eyes quickly scan your entire face before he continues, “the reason why i was pressing you and taunting you was because i wanted you to give in.”
his words from when he came to pick up his sneakers pop into your mind
‘i just wanna see how long you can go before eventually wrapping around my finger.’
you respond with, “yeah, you already made that clear.”
“no, listen to me,” he says as he places his hand on the compartment between the driver’s seat and the passenger’s seat, next to the cupholders
the intensity radiating off of him makes you want to listen
“i’m saying that my pride was too tough to swallow.”
why would he have to swallow his pride?
you frown. “i don’t get it.”
he sighs in frustration and closes his eyes for a moment. “i wanted you to give in, not to prove a point but because..” he pauses, “because i want you. i just didn’t want to admit it, not even to myself. because i never had to before.”
oh okay
do you even react
to that
he’s not done, though. “but you kept holding onto it like a dog with a bone and my patience was running out. i was not used to the feeling and i didn’t understand it at all. i lost my temper and said some shit i shouldn’t have, like a little kid. i’m sorry.”
now THATS how you apologize, ladies and gents!
he apologized like a normal person now
you blink at him a few times
he’s being sincere
you know he is
you want to accept his apology. you really do
but you’ve gotta get your lick back somehow
you quietly sigh. “come here.”
he frowns. “what?”
“come closer,” you chuckle, curling your index finger right next to your face so he knows where you’re requesting his presence
he wastes no time leaning into you but you stop him by his chin with your index finger right before his lips touch yours
you gently press your finger into his chin to push his face back from yours a few millimeters
you say, “apology accepted.”
he glances down at your lips before back at your eyes, his breath tickling the skin of your lips
he is so damn close
“but that’s only because i love it when men–” you pause for a second.
“i love it when boys look and sound absolutely fucking pathetic.”
oh goodness
you see his adam’s apple bouncing up and down in your peripherals
you pucker up your lips just enough to graze his lips, basically pressing a soft peck to his lips
that peck only lasted half a second but….. his lips are … so soft
“that’s a thank you for this,” you say as you pull away and hold the bag of sweets up
you swing the door open without a second thought and get out, swinging the bag of snacks back and forth and leaving jungkook to deal with the reality of what just happened and the packs of water
jungkook: 2
you: 2
to be continued
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Love of My Life (a RoAR drabble)
Flufftober Day 10, Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader (see series)
This is it, gang, the moment Ran has avoided for soooo long... No warnings, and I even avoided cursing (there is one 'damn' and some taking the lord's name in vain lol). Hopefully, it still seems like Ran then! 🤣 Unedited, short.
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"Watch out!"
Ran yanks his foot off the gas and swivels the beamer to the right, missing his chance to merge up the ramp to Drop Offs.
"My god, Hugh, what is wrong with you? Should I have called Dubois?"
"No," he bites back, "I just didn't see that guy in my blindspot."
Ran is utterly distracted while driving you to the airport. You're on your way back to Beijing for who knows how long, and since everything changed two days ago, he's struggled to focus.
Now he has to loop around the entire place to get back to your departure door. That gives him time, but he hasn't used that wisely so far. Why would traffic be different?
His head pivots back and forth, triple-checking his mirrors.
Your hand lightly lays on his arm. He can't feel the warmth of your skin through his sweater sleeve, sadly.
"Hugh," you soothe, "we'll figure out the money and get you back out to visit soon, I promise."
For once--for one bizarre and shining moment in Ransom Drysdale's life--this isn't about money, so he huffs in annoyance.
"That's not... Let's just get you there."
He takes only a split second to look at your soft smile before overly attending the road. He's not thinking about the heated conversation in this very car the other night, he's ignoring the elephant in the back seat with a tattooed forehead that reads "marriage," and he's definitely swallowing three gigantic stone words.
His car pulls up to the busy curb, and you start for the door handle.
"Wait," he shout-whispers, unable to figure out what his voice should sound like. If he speaks deeper, will that be more serious? If he's quiet, will it seem gentle and genuine? He has no idea. Ran's never told anyone this before, not deliberately, not for real.
You squeeze his hand sweetly when he reaches out.
"I promise I charged my phone."
"No, that--"
"And I've CC-ed you on all my itinerary emails."
"Great but--"
"Yes, I ordered more night cream for the hotel, and I'll keep up with--"
"Just SHUT UP for a--" Ran covers his mouth "--sorry. I--I just..."
He can't finish the damn phrase. The pressure in his chest is topping out the meters and he can't do it.
Patiently, you sit back in the front seat, sighing, eyes darting between him and the airport security guard keeping the flow of cars steady. You bite your lip instead of prompting him.
He has another false start.
By this point, Ransom might cry in frustration.
This is not supposed to be so difficult. Why has he made this so difficult? You two have shared far more intimate things than this. Christ, he's proposed already! It's a good thing you've asked him not to tell anybody because he can't even say I love you.
"I know you do, Hugh. It's okay."
Did he? Did he just blurt that out in the middle of thought?!? That's twice now then, but perhaps the first instance you've truly heard. Third time's the charm maybe...
"I love you," he says, no chance to be mistaken. He hears it, he knows you hear it, and he means it. His voice sounds normal yet foreign, changed but unchanged, kind. He sounds kind. Ran isn't sure if he likes it.
"And I love you, too," you return easily.
The true and enormous grin that blooms across your face is something he definitely likes though--loves even.
He smiles but quickly reins it back in, aware that stupid guard is eyeing their immobile vehicle with no one unloading.
"Come 'ere," he breathes.
You're on him in a flash, tender lips kissing his, and just for luck, he mumbles it a few more times. Practice. He'll need practice. You told him he would to lead a new life with you. One day it will seem as normal as swiping his credit card.
"I love you. I love you. I love you."
He gets his favorite giggle in response. He really is a sucker for that silly noise. How he used to hate it...but oh, how he loves it now.
There's a bracing tap at his window.
"Hey! Let's get moving, you two. Other people need this space."
Yeah, whatever, Ran thinks. I don't care about anyone but her.
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[Main Masterlist; Root of All Ransom Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @starkleila @brandycranby
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queenendless · 25 days
A/n: SHORT 🔞 PIECE. Watching video of Vtuber Shoto simping over Dill from Cat Boys Paradise is basically me dying to go hard on this green eyed bastard. I ❤️ him. Also, @catgirlxox this is for you and our fellow Ben simp gurls~!
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Your touch starved, sexually deprived self wants to wipe that smug ass look of his smug ass face. His precious, adorable, beautiful face. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! And this young man lover of yours is more than willing to fulfill your urges. This cocky, stubborn, showboat that is Ben would be gluttonous for his favorite drink besides smoothies.
"Imma about to bust a nut all over~" Your breathless, heated words made him stand upright and leak like a waterfall. His muffled whines were stuffed from your just as gushing pussy, sucking and slurping like the ever parched man that he truly is. Your unhinged, pitched moans got him writhing beneath you. "Don't ever stop, beloved~ Never stahp~!"
Stroking and clawing at that thick veiny cock of his had him groaning harshly, kneading and clawing at his handful grasp of your phat cheeks smothering his already beet red face, pulling them apart enough to spread your folds farther, angling that skillfull tongue to hit from a new point, all to traverse each inch of you inside. As per usual.
Gorging down that meatstick fully, your neck throbbed as your throat got stuffed, suckling on that head with much gusto. Your hand kept their support on his hip as you went up and down his dong, manhandling his nutsack with gusto. His orgasmic yells reverberated through you as he squirted his thick creaminess for you to chug down. Your own muffled aroused moans around his dick you stroked feverishly came from his tongue hit that special bundle of nerves persistently had you busting down all over his face and neck, drowning him in bliss.
"Fuck, angel~" Benjamin Kirby Tennyson – your beloved Ben – panted out as you finally got off him, sliding him right outta your mouth, letting you both breathe, your cum coating his brusied lips, his eyes hazy with lustful endearment, as your face leaned down to his heaving one, kissing him breathlessly, smirking through it all.
"Whose smug now~?"
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erimeows · 7 months
Too Good To Say
Raindrops smack against the glass of the window as Rook Blonko lies in bed, amber eyes trained on none other than Ben Tennyson. The other plumber sits on the edge of the bed watching the new live action adaptation of Sumo Slammers. Normally, Ben would be ranting about how different it is than the original cartoon, but today is not a normal day. In fact, it doesn’t seem as if Ben is paying attention to the show at all, just blankly staring at the television but not really consuming the media in front of him. 
Meanwhile, Rook just watches Ben, a soft smile gracing his lips. They got into a terrible skirmish with Khyber earlier that morning and lost him, but not before the accomplished hunter managed to stab one of his many blades through Rook’s shoulder. Thankfully, he’s bandaged up and recovering well, but he would be stupid not to realize how upset Ben is that they’ve let Khyber escape yet again. Rook is frustrated that Khyber got away, though more than anything, he’s glad that Ben made it out unscathed- that they’re both okay.
Rook sighs. The movement of Ben’s shoulder blades against the back of his jacket, the steady rise and fall of his back as he breathes, the way he slightly ruffles his own hair to calm himself down, it’s all reassuring in a way that Rook never thought it would be when the two of them first became partners. 
Rook thought he was in love when he met Rayona, because she loved him. She was kinder than his parents, and she was stronger than his friends. The attention she gave him, the admiration he felt for her, it all mixed into a disjointed infatuation that he had foolishly assumed was love. The validation she provided was exciting. The love she had for him was the only love he knew.
But Ben, Ben is different. Ben is interesting and self-centered and altruistic; a cacophony of contradicting qualities that make Rook’s heart flutter with excitement whenever they’re together. The feelings he has for Ben are more than the intense infatuation he’d become accustomed to on Revonnah, because Ben isn’t perfect and doesn’t present himself as such. He’s strong in many ways and weak in others. He’s kind and caring, but inconsiderate and selfish. He’s authentically himself. He doesn’t care about how others perceive him. He’s beautiful, yet so incredibly frustrating, too. He’s nothing like the cool, collected, muscular, bold hero he’s presented as in all of the rip-off television shows, badly drawn posters, and dramatized stories. And Rook still loves him despite all of it, because the good qualities outweigh the bad ones, even when Ben is at his worst. 
Suddenly, Ben snaps out of his trance and breaks his eyes from Sumo Slammers. He scoots to sit next to Rook on the bed, staring down at him with his jade eyes. Rook averts his gaze, heart thumping against his chest.
“How’re you holding up, buddy?” Ben asks and places a hand on Rook’s arm. Rook can never tell if the touches are romantic or not, but he always accepts them without question. He craves them, even; desperately wants the heat of them to burn the fur off of his skin and leave a scar in its wake- for it to stay there forever, in one way or another. Ben’s fingers brush through his fur. Rook isn’t prone to leaving it uncovered, mostly wearing a full suit of armor with gloves and boots to keep himself safe. Following his injury, however, Ben insisted he shower and change into clean clothes after having his stab wound tended to, so now he’s in a tank-top and sweatpants that are a little too short for his long body. His worn clothes sit abandoned in a pile by Ben’s bedroom door. “Rook?”
“Oh,” Rook starts. Ben’s hand lingers a little too long, trailing up his arm before Ben finally pulls it away, careful to avoid touching anywhere near Rook’s wrapped injury. “I am fine, thank you for asking.”
“I’m going after Khyber.”
Rook tilts his head to the side, baffled. He knows Ben is serious based on the tone of his voice. Still… Khyber is dangerous and Ben has been cornered by the huntsman multiple times now. Ben going by himself wouldn’t just be risky, it’d be stupid. 
“You… I am sorry? I must have misheard you.”
“No, you didn’t. I’m going after him tonight. Grandpa managed to get a tracker on his car and-”
“Ben, you can not go by yourself,” Rook interjects, furrowing his brow.
“Yes, I can. I have to- or we’re not going to be able to catch him! I won’t let him get away again.”
“Catching Khyber is not worth you getting seriously injured, or worse, killed.”
“Well, no matter what you think, you’re not in any condition to stop me,” Ben argues as he stands from the bed.
Rook gulps and reaches forward to grab Ben’s hand. It’s cool to the touch and calloused from all the fighting they do. Ben turns to look back at him with wide eyes. Rook drops his hand and stares down into his own lap.
“You are going to go even if I ask you not to?”
“Well, yeah,” Ben answers as if it’s obvious, as if Rook’s concern for him doesn’t matter at all.
“You…” Rook starts with anger bubbling up in his chest.
It’s an odd feeling, one that he hadn’t felt much before meeting Ben. There’s just something about the brunette that’s so incredibly frustrating. Maybe it’s his blatant disregard for others, or maybe it’s the way he so recklessly throws himself in danger’s way without any consideration for his own safety. 
“What? Got something to say?”
Rook hesitates, unsure of how to answer at first. Ben just stands there glaring at him with his arms crossed. 
“Yes, actually,” Rook responds after a few seconds. He stands up from the bed and goes to pick up his pile of old clothing and shattered armor. “Your self-absorbed nature is going to get you killed. When will you stop to consider the consequences your actions have on others?”
“Consequences? Nothing I do affects you, and neither will this!”
“And how did you come to that conclusion, exactly?” Rook demands while pulling his boots onto his feet and tucking his clothes underneath one arm. 
“It’s obvious! You don’t care about me in all of this- you’ve never cared,” Ben spits. His words couldn’t be farther from the truth. Then again, Rook would argue that Ben is even more emotionally oblivious than himself, which is quite the accomplishment. That would be the only explanation for how he hasn’t figured out Rook’s feelings by now when even Kevin, Gwen, and Argit have made jokes about the situation in front of both of them. “What you care about is following the rules and- and controlling me!”
“Controlling you? Are you serious?” Rook scoffs, standing in front of Ben’s bedroom door. Both of his parents are gone on a vacation with Ma Vreedle of all people, so Rook can’t even try to get them to convince Ben to stay. “I do not think there is anyone in this universe let alone on this planet who is capable of controlling the likes of you, Ben.”
“Whatever,” Ben huffs and heads for the door, only for Rook to block his way.
“You can not do this. I will stop you if I have to.”
“Why? Why are you acting like you care about me all of a sudden?” Ben rants, getting closer and closer until his face is mere inches from Rook’s chest. “Worst case scenario, I go do this, and I get hurt, or even die. We’re partners- friends, maybe- but it’s nothing more than that! You’ll get over it, get another partner that’s probably a lot easier to deal with, and you’ll be fine. So, why does it matter what I do? Why do you care?”
“I will not ‘be fine’ if you die, I-” Rook raises his voice, and then stops. He can feel heat rising to his cheeks and he’s suddenly incredibly grateful that they’re covered by fur so he doesn’t have an obvious blush like Ben often does- like Ben does right now. “I...”
“You what?”
“Unlike you, I do not think I am too good to say to you how I feel,” Rook closes his eyes. He’s too scared to see what Ben’s face will look like after hearing what he’s about to say. “I will be shattered if something happens to you, because I love you, and just so there is no confusion… What I mean by that, is that I am in love with you.”
“You-” Ben stumbles over his words, an awkwardly choked noise coming from the back of his throat.
“But you are clearly not reciprocating my feelings, and that is fine,” Rook continues as he reaches behind him and opens the bedroom door.
“I never could have expected you to love me. You’re you, after all; Ben Tennyson, the hero who has saved the universe a thousand times, and I am just your partner who you refuse to respect and refuse to listen to- who you never even desired in the first place. I would be a fool to expect more than what you are willing to give, I am aware of that. I have never assumed you would fall in love with me at any point,” Rook says, glancing at Ben over his shoulder. The brunette’s cheeks are bright pink and his pupils are blown wide as he stares at Rook. Rook can’t quite discern the face Ben is making; maybe it’s confused, maybe it’s angry. He himself is too frustrated to figure it out. “But I did make the mistake of assuming you would, at the very least, respect me and value my opinion.”
“Rook, would you just-“
“No, I see how it is now,” Rook interjects, shaking his head. “I can leave you alone, if that is really what you want… Just call me when you need to be rescued like you always do.”
Rook turns to leave, only for Ben to reach out and clasp a hand around his wrist. Rook freezes at the touch- it’s cool yet firm and he wants to stand there and let Ben hold his wrist forever, but he’s so angry that he just can’t. So, he snatches his wrist from Ben’s grasp and stomps out of the Tennyson household. 
As the steps of Rook’s steel-toed boots thump onto the carpeted floor, he can’t help how disappointed he is that Ben doesn’t chase after him.
By the time Rook arrives at the plumbers’ headquarters in his truck, his fur is wet with tears and his amber eyes are puffy from crying. He scans his badge to get inside and heads to where he knows Ben’s grandfather, Magister Max Tennyson, will be manning the monitors. 
“Magister Tennyson, sir,” Rook greets with a salute, to which Max turns around from where he’s sitting in front of the many screens.
“Rook, what’s going on?” Max greets, a big grin on his face. He seems excited to see Rook again following their confrontation with Khyber- at least until he sees Rook’s expression. The Magister stands from his chair and crosses his arms as disappointment washes over him. “Oh, no, what’d he do this time?”
“I assume you are referring to Ben?” Rook questions with an awkward laugh.
“When am I not these days?” Max sighs, shaking his head and adjusting the collar of his floral shirt.
“He is going to go after Khyber by himself. He told me that he refuses to let me come with him since I am still recovering from my earlier injury, and he insisted on going alone. I believe he will be angry if he finds out that I have gone behind his back to inform you of this, but I am quite concerned about his well being.”
“That idiot. I put that tracker on Khyber’s getaway car so we could find him together at a later date, not so Ben could go on a wild goose chase all by himself,” Max groans and pinches the bridge of his nose between his thumb and pointer finger. “Hold on, I’ll track him using his badge so I can send him some back up.”
Max turns back to the computers and types in Ben’s plumber identification number so he can pinpoint the location of his badge. Rook wouldn’t usually be so bold, but his concern for Ben overtakes him as he curiously peeks at the computer and then at Max’s face. Max appears to be baffled, his lips pulled tight and the rest of his face scrunched.
“What is it?”
“The badge… The coordinates are still at his parents’ house. Did he say when he was going to leave?”
“No. Him and I got into an argument over this while still at his house and I left, but he declared he was going to leave to go after Khyber then and there, which is what started the argument in the first place. I assumed he left shortly after I did, but if his plumber badge is still there…”
“I’m going to go and check if he’s actually still there or if he’s just trying to pull one over on us by leaving his badge at home,” Max explains, then stands up and places a reassuring hand on Rook’s shoulder. “You should head home and rest up. I’ll let you know what I find, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
Max walks past him and to the exit of the monitoring room, only to turn and look back at Rook to speak to him one last time before leaving.
“Hey, now, don’t worry yourself to death. You’ve already got a lot on your plate as, and you know how Ben is. He’ll be fine- he always is.”
“Right… I will head home, then,” Rook nods. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
With that, Max leaves. Rook immediately notices that the rest of the plumbers in the room are staring at him with curiosity in their prying eyes. He wonders if he’s really that obvious… If it’s so easy for them to tell that his concern for Ben goes beyond one plumber caring for his partner’s safety. If they can all tell that he’s in love. 
Embarrassed, he storms out of the base before anyone can ask him about it and gets into his truck so he can drive back home. 
Weirdly enough, as he drives down the streets of Bellwood, he can’t help but notice that his heart hurts far more than the healing wound on his shoulder.
That night, Rook finds himself unable to sleep as he sits in the windowsill of his living room, staring out the window. The apartment he started renting a month or so back is small and a little crowded, but most of the time, he doesn’t mind it as it’s significantly larger than the dorm rooms that they had on the plumbers’ base. 
A knock rings through the room. At first, Rook assumes it must be one of his neighbors’ doors, but then there’s a second knock, and then a third. The knocks quickly form a rhythm that Rook recognizes as Ben’s, so he rushes to let his partner inside. When he opens the door, he’s faced with Ben, who is slightly hunched over. He has a black eye, bloody nose, and a busted lip.
“Ben!” Rook exclaims, amber eyes widening in horror. All of the anger, the frustration, and every other terrible thing Ben had him feeling earlier morphs into pure worry and fear. “What happened to you?”
“You are badly hurt,” Rook scolds and grabs Ben’s hand without thinking. He intertwines their fingers and while he would normally never do something so bold, he can’t stop to think about the implications of hand-holding with a human amidst his many conflicting emotions. He practically drags Ben inside, shuts the front door behind them, and pushes Ben down onto his living room couch. “You should have called me before it got to this point. I do not know if you are aware, but I was waiting by my cell phone and had my badge on hand the entire time you were gone so you could contact me!”
“You were mad at me! You really expected me to call you in the middle of the night to come save my ass after the argument we got into this morning?” 
“I am still upset, but that does not mean I want you to be hurt,” Rook kneels in front of the couch where Ben is sitting, holds both of his hands in his own, and glances up at him.  “Why did you not go to your mother and father? They were supposed to return from their vacation this evening, correct? Or why not your grandfather at the plumbers’ headquarters? He went off to look for you.”
“They don’t understand,” Ben looks away and crosses his arms over his chest. “You’re the only one. You always have been… You’re just easier to talk to. No one else gets me like you do.” 
And Rook pauses, because for the first time since leaving his home planet to become a plumber, he’s being chosen first. He swallows tightly and allows his mind to race. Part of him entertains the idea that Ben may actually reciprocate his feelings, but at the same time… it seems like such a reach that he doesn’t dare to ask. If Ben doesn’t feel the same way, he’d rather they just forget about it and pretend as if nothing happened between them in the first place.
“Hm… So, how did everything unfold?”
“I lost him… We beat the shit out of each other but I had the upper hand. He realized that he wasn’t going to win and made an escape, and I was too messed up to catch him,” Ben explains while running a hand through his hair to push the fluffy brown locks away from his bruised, bloody face. “I barely even made it here to you.”
“I see.”
Rook lets go of Ben’s hands and goes to retrieve a damp washcloth, an ice pack, some bandaids, and a bottle of the water. When he returns, he opens the bottle of water and pushes it into one of Ben’s hands, then sits down next to the other plumber and starts to gently wipe the blood off of his face with the washcloth.
“Not going to lecture me about how I was wrong?” Ben indignantly demands. “No ‘I told you so’?”
“No. You already know you were in the wrong when you went after him. You do not need to be informed of that fact.”
“That somehow made me feel even worse.”
The two plumbers fall silent as Ben chugs the bottle of water he was given by Rook. The crinkle of the plastic bottle echoes through the small room. Rook thoroughly cleans and bandages Ben’s injuries, and though they look gruesome, they prove to be quite minor compared to so many of the other ones Ben has acquired with the work they do. Once he’s finished, he tries to push the ice pack into Ben’s spare hand, only for Ben to put it to the side and reach forward. He holds both of Rook’s hands in his own and stares into his amber eyes.
“What is this?” Rook questions, moving to sit next to Ben on the couch.
“I’m sorry. I do respect you, and I should listen to you more. I do value your opinion, I just…”
“You are stubborn. I understand,” Rook says with a small smile. “It is something I love about you, most of the time. I admire your tenacity. In situations like this, however…”
“I know, and about that… Y’know, it’s pretty messed up to confess your love like that and then leave without letting me respond.”
At that, a lump forms in Rook’s throat. He’s barely able to swallow it in time to reply to Ben, who is staring at him expectantly with an undeniable blush on his face. 
“I see. Would you… Like to respond now?”
“Yeah, I think I should,” Ben answers and leans forward to rest his forehead against Rook’s. Rook freezes in place, his heart skipping a beat. He and Ben have been in closer quarters before due to their profession, but it’s never been so… Intentional. So intimate. Ben shuts his jade green eyes and allows a small smile to take over his face. Rook just stares at him and waits for what’s next. Much to his surprise, Ben gives him a kiss. Though brief, it’s sweet, and enough to lift the weight that’s been on Rook’s shoulders since their argument earlier that day as Ben pulls back. “I love you, too, Rook. I’m glad you told me.”
“Oh?” Ben laughs.
“It is a lot to process,” Rook answers, barely able to get the words out. “Would you stay here with me tonight?”
“Yeah,” Ben nods, his smile as radiant as the moonlight that shines upon them through Rook’s living room window. “I think I would.”
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
Whumpuary Day 10
Hidden Injury | Blood | Recovery
Prev. || Masterlist
Cw: extreme gore, amputation, hand whump, graphic descriptions, torture, restraints, blood, vomiting, self sacrifice for a cause, interrogation, did I mention the gore? Y’all it’s brutal, just be warned
Their choice.
It was funny, how Whumper worded it. Their choice, as if Whumpee had had much of an option in terms of- well, any of this. If they had a choice, they would have never stepped foot inside of Whumper’s damned company. They would have never exposed themself to all the horrors they had seen, and those they knew that were to come.
Whumpee didn’t have much of a choice in this how, either. They had sworn to silence, a promise that had been dragged out of them, but a promise nonetheless. They knew what was at stake if they cracked. If they slipped and spilled even the smallest bit of intel, they knew just what Whumper could do with that. A single name, a location, not only would it destroy Whumpee’s entire undertaking, but it would destroy everything. Everything they, and their foundation had worked for. They would risk dozens, hundreds of lives, innocents and friends and family.
And it would allow Whumper to get away with everything.
That was the one thought that kept them sane. That kept them grounded, sealing their lips as if with a needle and thread. The prospect that one day, one day, long after Whumpee’s personal suffering had met an end and they were finally allowed peace, Whumper would be taken down. Punished, charged, killed for their crimes, along with everyone who had ever assisted them with their heinous acts. The thousands of lives Whumper had taken, both by their own hand and with their tech, would finally be avenged.
It was nice, if nice was in any ways a word that could be used to describe this situation. Nothing about this was nice, not even remotely, but the thought brought them a shred of comfort when everything else seemed to be crashing down around them. A light to cling onto in the midst of the pressing, cold shadows. Something other than the pain for them to focus on.
Whumper started by cutting a line down the length of their finger, breaking it into three sections between each joint and then connecting those with a deeper cut across the knuckles. The wounds weren’t too awful at first, shallow enough but painful as hell. Whumpee had to clench their jaw, tears already welling as they tried to hold back a cry. Part of them wondered what was the point, it was clearly only a matter of time before they would start screaming, but the pitiful last-ditch effort to remain stoic was all they had.
Whumper then began with the nail. They made a shallow cut all around the base, a cascade of red already pouring to pool against the table. Then they dug the scalpel under the nail and pushed up, and in less than thirty more seconds the nail was gone entirely, cut out and discarded to the side of the table.
The pain was a blinding white heat that Whumpee felt everywhere. Their breath hitched into a choked gasp, legs kicking out only to hit air. They tried to look away, but the guard’s free hand wound in their hair and wrenched their gaze up, forcing them to watch the horrors unfold against their own body.
After the nail was gone, Whumper started with the first joint, the very top of their finger. If their work was at all hindered by the growing flow of blood, they didn’t seem too bothered by it. They made a deep cut all around the knuckle, and Whumpee couldn’t help but gag as the scalpel scraped deeply against bone.
Another cut, on the inner side of their finger, splitting through the flesh and muscle with slowly, a lazy ease. It was amazing how much pain could come from a single part of the body, such a small part. Though only their finger, their finger was being cut, Whumpee could feel the pain all up their arm, all through their chest. Each time they were certain the pain had reached its peak, it only got worse.
It became utterly clear to Whumpee what Whumper was planning in the next few seconds. They turned the blade so the length lay across the width of their finger, and then set to removing the skin from the first section.
At that point Whumpee did get sick, choking on a scream and bile as they fought the guard’s grip to turn their head, and spit up the acid from their stomach. Whumper didn’t even hesitate, continuing the grueling process as Whumpee coughed and choked.
Their vision was growing dark at the edges. Whumper’s face was expressionless, neutral, a growing pile of discarded gore building on the table. Whumpee’s other hand was shaking, their entire body was shaking, hand curled into a fist so tight their knuckles were pale, nails biting into their palm hard enough to draw little crescents of blood. Whumpee wasn’t even sure if it hurt, the pain just melting into the rest of the hurt.
Whumpee wasn’t sure if they spaced out, or if their consciousness just decided to dip for a moment, but the next moment they were aware, Whumper had set the scalpel down, and was reaching over to grab another tool from the tray.
Whumpee had never understood the metaphor of the freight train. The one where a person would see the train barreling down the tracks, towards whatever helpless loved one that was tied to the tracks, and they would be described as unable to look away. Frozen in place, forced to watch the horror to unfold. They had always thought that was stupid, an exaggeration. They had witnessed some awful things in their time with Whumper, things that made the train analogy seem rather tame, and never had they had the issue of looking away. Not during the demonstrations, though the sounds and the screams had haunted them, even more the claps that had followed. They had never directly watched the show, the one time they had been invited they hd spent half the night looking at the floor trying to keep down their dinner, but that didn’t mean they weren’t painfully aware of what occurred during.
But now, they just couldn’t look away. It was like their eyes had locked, but their mind had stalled, unable to fully click with the scene in front of them. All the skin from the third joint up was gone, chunks of the muscle and flesh from the bottom side scraped out. Whumpee had never been one for anatomy, but they were pretty sure that there was supposed to be something blocking their bone from sight. The pale color was stained red, blood still weeping from where the skin was cut, small bits of tendon still hanging on.
They were going to be sick again.
They didn’t think it could get worse, honestly. But Whumper pulled their hand back, small pliers- goddamn pliers, like the kind found in a toolbox, held carefully in their gloved hand.
It was surreal the way the bone fractured, without anything left to tether it in place, how easily Whumper could just crush the joint and rip the top bit of marrow away.
It was at some point right around then that Whumpee’s mind seemed to have enough. Kind of pathetic, they thought. What had it been, five minutes of pain? Not even? But they were grateful. Their feelings seemed to numb, surroundings melting together to form a bliss of uncertainty. They were aware enough to comprehend the feeling as Whumper set down the pliers and palmed the scalpel once more, aware enough to feel the prickle of disgusted fear, but not enough to act on it. Blood was seeping from the wound, a river of crimson pooling under their palm as Whumper made another cut across the width of their knuckle, curling it under just as they had the last joint, like a ring of severed flesh and weeping gashes.
They were aware they were crying, they were sobbing in between the wails they choked on. Aware of the alarms in their mind as Whumper cut away piece of them after piece, the distinct feeling in their mind that something was beyond wrong. It felt like they had only blinked, their eyes slipped shut for a moment in the chaos of their mind, when they opened them a sick feeling seized their stomach once more.
Gone. It was gone. Amongst the horror, the disgust they felt, they couldn’t help the awful threads of fascination that played in their mind. It wasn’t really gone, though. Spread in clumps across the pile of gore, it was all there. Every inch of skin, the muscles, joints, cut apart into nearly unrecognizable chunks of bloody bits. Cut down to their first knuckle, dug down a bit to fully gouge out the base of where the finger should’ve connected.
That was fucked up.
The guard’s hand was still in their hair, keeping their head up though the rest of their body was slumped. At some point, a strap had been wound around their chest, under their shoulders to keep them tethered to the chair. They weren’t sure when that had happened.
The world was swimming, submerged in a deep lake of red tinted waters. Whumper’s face ripped in front of their eyes, but they weren’t looking back. Whumpee followed their gaze, their eyes dropping their other hand.
Whumper held the scalpel, pressed just below their middle finger’s nail. Blood was already weeping from a cut down the length of their finger, which was strange. Whumpee hadn’t felt that happen. They weren’t really feeling anything anymore. All the pain dripped to a muted stall, building upon itself until it held no difference.
Whumper looked up after a moment, but their attention still wasn’t directed towards Whumpee. Kind of rude. They looked to the guard instead, lips moving but the only sound that Whumpee heard was their own blood pumping in their ears, a rushed beat that drowned out any fragments of speech. The guard’s face was out of their line of sight, and Whumpee couldn’t bring themself to conjure the energy required to look up. The hand in their hair loosened a fraction, before releasing completely, and their head dropped, chin falling to their chest.
Whumpee didn’t remember much more after that.
Tag list: @pickleking8 @blood-enthusiast @t0rture-me @sparrowsage @enigmawritesstuff @whumpuary
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elytrafemme · 2 years
one day i might want to make a master post with all of my AO3-user tips because (and this is a toxic trait of mine ik) i get REALLY irritated with a lot of ‘advice’ posts that just repeat the same basic information in a patronizing way without offering like... actually specific input. 
and i think ao3 as a whole is a relatively easy site to use you just gotta get the hang of it. in a sense i would really liken it to tumblr because one of the things about tumblr is that you can’t just join the site and then hit an explore page directly, that’s not really how this place works, you usually have to populate your dash with blogs. with ao3 it is significantly harder to just search up ships and works imo, it’s best if you already have favorite tags and how you do that is finding specific fics and then going from there and exploring in a branch off method. so once you use it for a while it’s extremely comfortable and remarkably convenient it’s just not really the easiest from the get go.
#nightmare.personal#i think a LOT of people talk about like. don't over tag. but idk do people know when they should and shouldn't overtag?#that's a specific thing i think about because. i mean TLDR i think when it comes to characters and ships#you tag them if by removing them from the fic you would lose a substantial portion of the fic's content#like a fleeting mention to a background character eh you don't need that#but if a background character is not directly pictured but is repeatedly referenced then yes i do say you tag that#though you can note them as being mentioned and i think that's a tag that filters into their main so#just helpful as an indicator#also as i was saying earlier you can tag pretty broadly#bc ngl there are a Lot of Really Specific Tags on ao3 but they honestly lack a LOT of tags that i at least commonly use#derealization and dissociation iirc aren't formal tags there so i kind of do my best to tag that anyway and then#clarify in the beginner's notes. notes are SO useful#i think when you approach something like a series of drabbles in one fic that gets a little more difficult to explain but#i think you can find a way to manage that too#it would just mean only tagging the most critical components of the fic or things that are sweepingly occurring#so like a several chapter dump of drabbles might warrant a whump tag if like 4/10 are whump centric#but if like 1 character appears in the background of only 2 of them i wouldn't say tag that#also having a table of contents chapter or very descriptive (non artsy) chapter titles + beginner's note is super helpful
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bighitfics · 3 months
jeon jungkook fanfics that deserve to be turned into kdramas and selling books.
(a recommendation you badly need) ⭑.ᐟ
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Sauvage ౨ৎ by @tljunglebook
— grumpy x sunshine, cold and detached jungkook (who turns into a whipped puppy later on) work romance, slow burn.
(starting off strong! this book’s got the most delicious slow burn to ever exist! screaming at how sexy, dirty minded, down bad & protective for oc jungkook’s in this fic ugh the wattpad girlies already know that they’re my adopted parents)
10 Seconds ᥫ᭡ by @deepdarkdelights
— yandere jungkook, abduction, stalking, stockholm syndrome.
(this series is my first love, i would do anything to read this for the first time again!)
Penpal 𓍯𓂃 by @laughing-with-god
— yandere prisoner jungkook, stalking, breaking in.
(gotta contact some directors and producers to turn this into a drama! it would slay so hard with its refreshing plot line! and tbh no words are enough to describe her writing abilities, she’s a pro✨)
Risqué ✧˖° by @mercurygguk
— age gap, forbidden romance, smut, angst.
(the time stamps and drabbles are the essence of this fic, the smut is so well written! ALSO THE SEGSUAL TENSION AND OVERALL YEARNING MA’AM!? can someone already turn this into a mini netflix series please!?)
About Time ִ࣪𖤐 by @yoonia
— time travel au, major angst, second chances, smut, fluff.
(if i had the chance to devour a book, i’d eat this one (obviously) it’s one of the best books of my life, i would die to see a live version of this)
I Want You To Stay ʚɞ ⁺˖ by @ahundredtimesover
— ceo jungkook, strangers to lovers, slow burn, angst, smut.
(no slow burn ever slow burned the way this story slow burned! lemme warn ya’ll this fic will keep getting better as you read it!)
Bride Of Devil ♰ 𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ by @jasminefanfics
— dark romance, gangster au, enemies to lovers, forced proximity, age gap, kinda yandere husband jungkook.
(my youtube fanfic girlies assemble! this is the best mafia jungkook fic i can recommend for ya’ll! the bgm is so addictive and perfect)
An Abundance Of Luck And A Sprinkle Of Fate 𐙚 by @borathae
— strangers to lovers, romance, found family, smut, angst, healing.
(I remember being unhealthily obsessed with this lord, aaol!kook & oc will forever be my babies TT this book tugs at your heart in a way that’s inexplainable)
ps — have a good read girlies <3
follow for more.
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thef1diary · 8 months
Little Big Fan Series Masterlist
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A Max Verstappen x SingleMother!Reader Story
Status: complete (still updating for blurbs)
Series Summary: Your daughter runs off while you were in the middle of grocery shopping because she spotted Max, her favourite driver. Meeting you, Max wants to know everything about you and your six year old. So of course he finds excuses to keep meeting you, starting with inviting you to the Dutch Grand Prix.
total wc: 33.1k
Note: feel free to request a drabble or chapter idea for this story.
#lbf fic talks -> writing process, answering asks about the story, and pretty much anything related to this fic series.
1. Little Big Fan (1.6k words)
2. Little Big Flight (1.7k words)
3. Little Big Race (2.4k words)
4. Little Big Celebration (1.6k words)
5. Little Big Surprise (3.3k words)
6. Little Big Gifts (1.9k words)
7. Little Big Movie Night (2.4k words)
8. Little Big Allergy (3.6k words)
9. Little Big Phone Calls (1.7k words)
10. Little Big Date Night (1.9k words)
11. Little Big Schooldays (2k words)
12. Little Big Relationships (2.1k words)
13. Little Big Sleepover (2k words)
14. Little Big Champion (1.9k words)
15. Little Big Aftermath (3k words)
Little Big Blurbs
Mr. Bear & Bearman
Braid Bonding
Mother’s Day Special
Hide & Flee
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osaemu · 10 months
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a collection of all my works in the STREAMER!GOJO AU. ordered chronologically from oldest to latest. started the series 10/30/23. here's the old masterlist banner.
KEY: [★] = personal favorites | [▲] = nsfw
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yes, she's real – wait, gojo has a girlfriend? [★]
beginner's luck – you beat gojo at his own game
kiss it better – you take care of a kid together
the cutest couple – you flirt with gojo's rival
finders keepers – a fan's obsessed with gojo [★]
show you off – gojo wants to spoil you
16th avenue – you fluster gojo
caught us – you kiss on cam
he watches edits of himself
you take over his stream for a bit
is it over now? – you break up and make up [★]
kiss and make up – makeup sex [▲]
he takes care of you when you're sick
you and me – you two have a "sweet" makeout
✩ ‧ ˚. OTHER
character.ai bot
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deepdarkdelights · 2 years
Hey quick question
So in 10!series drabble 2
Who did JK mean by them when he decided to sent them to find OC??
Also the OC eventually decided to come back to JK....
But what if she hadn't?? What would their dynamics be after he caught her again ?
So, the “them” he was referring to was the other members. If the MC had not come back on her own he would have asked for the others help. But the MC also mentioned he has been keeping a lot of his life outside of her private and that is because he has started working for Namjoon to pay back the debt he owes him. The debt isn’t monetary, but once more in favors.
If she hadn’t come back on her own their relationship would revert back to a similar dynamic from the beginning of the story, rules, restrictions, and all.
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~Story Drabble #8~
She truly was an enigma, a mystery to those who first meet her. A girl gifted with not just natural beauty but a welcoming, loving, and ever humble personality. She doesn’t ask for much when it comes to things, maybe she’ll splurge here and there, but only for holidays and her birthday. And all she wishes for is for the happiness and well being of her loved ones to stay everlasting while by there side.
They all knew this. Her wishes, her desires, her only wants was all for them. Never for herself. And yet she was somehow selfish in her own eyes? How? They would get there answer in time, but not then, not at that moment of time.
Just why does she go through such lengths for them? For their happiness? For their dreams? For their earnest desires? They couldn’t help but worry for her own well being. After all when she doesn’t give much thought of it herself until something urgent happens, then who would?
Who would remind her to eat regular meals, even when she could well live without eating for months straight? Who would tell her to rest after pulling several all-nighters without much difficulty, even when she could survive without sleeping a wink for years straight? Who would check on her to ensure she’s taking much needed breaks when the moment is stressful, even when she could fully operate without them, never letting the current issue go until it was settled?
They didn’t just worry over her, they cared so much more on personal, emotional, mental, and spiritual level it broke there hearts to see her in such times. The mysterious girl they all met one way or another, the enigma she portrayed as even when she didn’t notice she was, was just a extremely hard working person. That wanted nothing more than the worlds she resided in, alongside her bonded ones to be safe, happy, and healthy. She worked so hard that’s she’s worked herself to death in past lives.
They worried for her, they cared for her, but most of all they loved her. And it hurt to see her smiling when they knew fully well she wanted to do anything but smile. Yet, she put up that shield. The shield that hid the pain of her past, the anger of those who dared to oppose her and try and bring her loved ones into the mix. The dread of what’s next’s, the fear of if she did the right thing and what if’s.
None of them would’ve ever thought they’d care for someone so much, especially those that have fallen for her. But, the ever expanding and ever present universes proved them wrong when they all met her. Just like she would do anything for them, they would do anything in their power to help ease the hidden burdens she carried. Even if it was for a brief moment they would do it for her.
From a simple hug, to a cuddle session, even a plain movie night. They would come out from their shells for her going as far as give her words of reassurance when they weren’t good with words. They would be more willing to give touches of comfort as a way to say ‘you’re safe’ when they weren’t known to give physical affection much. They would do silly and downright stupid things they normally wouldn’t do just to get her to laugh or smile. They would simply do anything for her just as she would for them.
She was a person, a girl they loved then most of the worlds they lived in. They where her people, her world, her reason, and her light. She lived for them, and they lived for her.
And nether she nor them could have expected what would come in the future. The End Game was set, and it was coming. A final battle. Of information hidden away being exposed, of a mission to rescue one from self-destruction. Of feelings kept away from the one of there affections being brought forward, and the truth of who one truly was finally being revealed.
All that’s needed to come first, was the long journeys she would have to take to come that far. For her to be able to finally get her happy ending they wanted nothing more than to be a part of with her.
Do you want to know how it all went? How she got her happy ending at the end of it all? Well, you won’t have to wait for long. After all, her story is just getting started, soon to be ready for all to see. Just be patient, for patience brings great rewards.
0 notes
adragonprinceswhore · 2 months
Soft & Hard
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Aemond Targaryen x Ex Girlfriend
Summary: How do you forget about Aemond Targaryen when he’s everywhere you look?
Warnings: 18+, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, angst, emotional infidelity, descriptions of self-hatred, situationship, intoxication, smut, heavy petting, drunk sex, P in V, (some) size kink
Word Count: 4000
A/N: This has been plaguing my mind for weeks now, so I really needed to get it out of me and into the world. This can be read as a continuation of my Hockey player Aemond drabble, but can also be read as a standalone. Aemond is a hockey player in this modern AU! 🩵
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You prop your feet up to rest on the sides of your bathtub, angling the shower head just right so it hits that spot that sends pleasurable shivers rippling through your body.
Your eyes are closed, and you’re desperately trying to visualise the hot guy from the TV series you’d just binged; mind racing through any arousing scenario you can come up with.
It’s not an easy task; keeping yourself occupied enough to not drift towards the very man you’ve vainly tried to erase from your memory. 
You don’t want to think about him. 
Thinking about him always leads to missing him. 
It leads to longing for him. 
No matter how badly he hurt you. No matter how much you rationalise your reasons for leaving, your stupid heart yearns to fill the hole he’s left behind. 
You shut your eyes with more force, thinking of the hot TV character. Upping the pressure of the shower head, you imagine it’s him going down on you that’s causing the pleasure building inside. Your hips begin to shallowly sway back and forth, and low whimpering moans slip from your lips. 
As the pleasure builds and builds, the image in your head morphs; the hot TV guys’ hair turns silver, no matter how hard you try to stay focused. 
You’re close, so close, and just as you’re on the edge of pleasure, you hear him,
“You’re so pretty like this”
And you cum so hard you drop the showerhead in your grip, legs shaking as your hips jerk upward aggressively. 
Water sprays across the bathroom as the shower head falls, but you’re too lost in your own bliss to truly care, giving yourself a moment to just disappear into the fleeting, fierce pleasure consuming you. 
After a while, when your legs have stopped shaking and your cunt has stopped clenching around nothing, you turn the rampant shower head off with a sigh. 
The satisfaction of your orgasm is short-lived, promptly followed by the lonely reality of you chasing pleasure alone in your bathroom. You could stay in the tub and make yourself cum 10 more times and it wouldn’t change the loneliness residing inside of you. 
You could try to picture that hot guy from the show fucking you for hours, still you’d feel the same. 
Still, visions of him would cloud your mind. And the chill of loneliness would penetrate your bones, as it does right now. 
Because no one kisses your forehead afterwards, or holds you tight, or whispers sweet things into your ear. 
You're alone, and the warm water quietly splashing around you doesn’t stop the cold porcelain of your bathtub from chilling your heated flesh. 
You shiver. 
Sick of yourself; of your self-pity and hatred, you leave the tub and throw on a dressing gown, already on a search for a new distraction. 
Anything to take your mind off Aemond Targaryen. 
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Forgetting Aemond was nearly impossible. 
Not only did your mind remind you of your heart’s longing for the man that broke it. The world did as well. Like when you overheard your colleagues discussing his latest game, and how skillfully he tackled his opponents, landing a blow on them so precise yet hard that they flew into the rink. Or when you got home after a long day and turned on the TV, greeted by him giving a post-match interview all sweaty and panting. 
The only way you knew him. 
Being restricted to seeing the man you’d spent countless nights together with through the TV screen has brought you to the conclusion that ultimately, your relationship hasn’t changed much. 
Sure, you don’t send him nudes anymore. Nor does he fuck you into the mattress of whichever hotel room he brings you to. 
But the distance is the same. The loneliness isn’t new; it always existed between the two of you. He never really cared to let you in. 
You were convenient. 
An easy fuck. 
You should’ve realised it sooner. Like that time when Alicent Hightower, Westerosi socialite and Aemond’s mother, stopped by one of his practices. You were helping him lace his skates when she appeared, and as soon as he noticed his mum approaching, Aemond’s large hand gently but firmly pushed you away. 
Ms. Hightower’s curious gaze had asked about you, and her son huffed out, “She’s an acquaintance”
An acquaintance. 
Not even a friend. 
To you, Aemond was the first thing you thought about in the morning, and the last thing you thought about before going to sleep. 
To him, you were an acquaintance. 
That should have been the last straw. But you kept seeing him. Not even the humiliation and hurt you felt as you excused yourself and ran to the bathroom with tears in your eyes could stop you from craving him. That was the power he had over you.
The power he still has over you, even in his absence. Even if you blocked his number 6 months ago and haven’t seen him once since. 
The actual last straw was a message you’d gotten from an unknown number, asking if you’d send more of those “hot slutpics in dat black thong”. For a second you thought it was Aemond having a laugh, but the message didn’t sound like him, and he isn’t exactly known for being a guy that appreciates humour, or ‘pranks’.
Turns out, the number belonged to Aegon Targaryen, Aemond’s older brother and notorious fuckboy. Word around King’s Landing was that every girl who’d slept with him had gotten chlamydia, and still he seems to find a new conquest to throw his arms around each weekend. 
Perhaps the sleaziest guy in the Seven Kingdoms.
Turns out, it runs in the family. 
You blocked Aemond’s number that night. After swearing to never let your desire for him get the best of you again, you begged your friends to take you out and get you so shitfaced the humiliation Aemond had inflicted on you would be washed away. 
It didn’t work.
You’re still tainted by his touch. 
So you switch tactics. You look for someone else. 
About a month after you’d called things off with Aemond, you thought you’d found a good replacement. A nice, inconspicuous guy who was eager to please; eager to make you like him. You would’ve felt guilty, really, if the dark hole of lonely self-hatred in your chest didn’t outweigh your selfishness. 
And still, Aemond Targaryen was everywhere. 
You’d find him in that adoring look your new partner gave you as you sucked him off in the shower. You’d find him in bed, when you couldn’t sleep and imagined it was Aemond’s heavy arms holding you tight. You’d find him in your fantasies, seemingly incapable of coming with your new partner unless you closed your eyes and pretended the short, curly strands greeting your hand between your legs were actually long, silky and silver. 
Ultimately, your conscience caught up with you, and you broke things off with the new guy as well. He had told you that he loved you, and the sweetest of confessions felt like the sharpest of needles prickling your heart. 
Aemond never said it. 
Oh, how you wish it was him saying it. 
Sometimes, even after six months of not seeing him, you’re still surprised by how incredibly piteous he’s rendered you. 
Yearning for a man who only saw you as a plaything. Who only ever cared for you when you were conveniently there for him to do as he pleased with. Who refused to expose your relationship to his mother, and shared your nudes with his brother. 
Fucking prick. 
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Today’s Friday. 
Single and lonelier than ever, you beg your friends to go out dancing with you. It’s become your new weekend ritual; go out and dance until your feet hurt and you’re so tired you collapse on your bed, mind delightfully empty. 
Now, you're back on the dancefloor, drink in hand, eyes closed as you sway to the music. 
You always drag your friends to the same place, The Three Towers, a nightclub of the slightly more exclusive kind, with proper DJs and strong drinks. 
They must’ve figured out by now that it was Aemond who introduced you to this place. You see it in the pitiful looks they give you every time you insist on coming here instead of going to any of the many other places in Oldtown. Their eyes say what you’ve known to be true for over six months;
It’s not like Aemond likes to go out anyway. He hates crowds, dislikes strangers, loathes the fake people gathering around him to tell him empty words of adoration. 
But that one time you’d wanted to go dancing, he’d brought you here. 
Maybe he brings all his “acquaintances” here. 
You tell yourself that you don’t come here for him, that it just happens to be a great place, but still, every time you catch a glimpse of something silvery in the corner of your eye, dread punches you in the gut. 
Why do you seek him out when you know actually meeting him would destroy you? What if you saw him here with another girl? Maybe one of the models his brother so often gifts his infected cock to? 
Tumultuous thoughts swirl in your mind until you notice that the flash of silver isn’t Aemond’s hair at all, and ease settles over you. Well, something akin to ease. The self-hatred is still there,
Your feet quickly carry you to the bar, eager for more of the numbness only alcohol provides. You order another G&T and almost spit it out after the first sip; it’s basically all gin.
You take three large gulps and move back to the dancefloor, searching for your friends who you’ve lost in the crowd of intertwined bodies. 
You scan your surroundings, and then it happens again. A flash of silver. Only this time, it’s him. 
You remember the first time you saw him. TV appearances and watching him on the ice doesn’t do him justice. In person, his ethereal beauty’s blinding. Just like it is now. One of the spotlights over the sofa he sits on hits his hair, causing it to glow like the beacon of a dark night at sea. 
Calling you in. 
Your feet work by themselves as they walk towards him. You panic, desperately searching for any excuse to talk to him. 
What do you say? 
Suddenly you’re right before him, drink in one hand and the other nervously touching your hair as you dumbly stare at him. He looks up from the drink in his hand, a whiskey on the rocks you’d guess, and meets your eyes. 
His gaze is cold and stoic. 
He raises an expectant eyebrow. 
And yet you say nothing. All the witty, insightful, hard-hitting truths you’d wanted to tell him for the last six months vanish as you stand before him frozen in panic. 
You have nothing. Your mind’s empty, the only thing you can do is feel. Feel the self-hatred, the loneliness, the insecurity he’s inflicted upon you. 
He rolls his eyes. Aemond’s not known for his patience, “If you’re looking for that new boyfriend of yours, he’s not here”
“I don’t have a boyfriend”, you blurt out, prompted by the shiver running through you caused by the venom dropping from his words. He sounds so hateful. 
He stands abruptly, forcing you to take a faltering step back as he tower over you,
He takes the drink in your hand and places it on a nearby table before grabbing your hand and leading you out of the rowdy club. The chill of the night air hits your scarcely clad body as he drags you towards a cab waiting outside, your ears still ringing from the loud music in the club.
He opens the door and pushes on your arm to get in. His touch is still impossibly warm; just as you remember it. 
He slams the door shut and walks around to the other side, getting in and grunting an address you’ve never heard of to the taxi driver.  
You know your friends would be furious if they knew who you left with, so you send them a quick text stating that you’ve left ‘cause you didn’t feel well. 
You place your phone back in your purse and look outside. It seems like you’re driving towards the north part of the city, a place you hardly know. 
The deafening silence in the taxi is so tense, any sane person would ask the driver to stop and get out in a heartbeat. 
Aemond, sitting next to you with his jaw clenched and fidgeting with his customised black and red lighter, sends nervous ripples of fear through your being. You know he’s contemplating something, yet you wouldn’t dare ask. 
Any sensible person would get out. 
But you can’t. 
Because he still smells the same. And it’s everywhere in the stuffy cab. And your heart hurts, a tear threatens to spill, because you’ve missed it all so much; his smell, his hair, his voice, his touch. 
The silence persists, until you're finally freed as the taxi driver stops and Aemond hands him a few copper stars. 
You get out and take a deep breath of the late summer night's air. The buzz of alcohol still clouds your judgement somewhat, yet you feel more aware of yourself than ever before. 
You look around and see Aemond approach the entrance to a sleek building in that brutalist, modern design, and you follow in tow. He still hasn’t said anything, and neither have you.
You get in a lift, go up to the top floor, and enter a dark flat with only a small table lamp lit by the entrance, obscuring your view of the place. 
Just as you make way to move further into the room, Aemond hinders you. 
He doesn’t allow you entrance to the rest of the space, cornering you against a low side table by the entrance door. He’s so tall, and so broad, you disappear into the wall as he steals all the space around you. 
“Why did you agree to come with me?” 
He’s so close you feel his breath tickle your skin. It’s too dark to truly see the expression on his face, but the shadows cast on him makes him look stern. The smell of him intensifies. You feel warm.  
This is all you’ve wanted. All you’ve feared. 
You still desire him so.
“You told me to”
He’s quiet for a moment, and you know it’s because your reply’s caught him off guard. He’d assumed you’d fight back, jab at him in some way. He tries again,
“My mate saw you at that club last week, you know”
Is he keeping tabs on you? 
“What happened to your boyfriend?” 
How does he know about that? 
You swallow, “Nothing. It just wasn’t right” 
Your eyes are locked together, his mismatched gaze just as alluring as you remember it. Without looking away, he brings a hand up to gently stoke the cold skin of your arm. 
The harshness of his stare falters, 
“Did you miss me?” 
“Did you miss me?” 
The retort leaves your lips before you register it forming in your head. Can’t give in to him that easily. Can’t make your suffering known to the person causing it. 
The harshness reappears. 
“Did he fuck you the way you like?” 
His tone is cold, yet heated with anger. The same hateful tinge from before. 
Your drunk mind works without you operating it, 
“He wasn’t you”
The confession slips out, and so does the pitifulness. The loneliness. The pathetic mess you’ve become. 
Aemond didn’t expect your admission either, eyes narrowing in suspicion, 
“What do you mean?”
Is this the time? 
To tell him how utterly devastated you’ve been without him? How he plagues your mind? How your entire being is tainted by him? 
“Why did you bring me here?”, you ask, foggy mind finally cooperative enough to let you change the subject.
“Because you wanted me to”, he replies, the gentle hand on your arm suddenly travelling down to caress your exposed thigh before  harshly cupping your cunt. 
A startled gasp espaces your lips. 
His touch is so nostalgic it travels from your aroused core to your heart, and squeezes it painfully.  
His hand is big enough to cover you entirely, and with the heel of his palm, he pushes harshly where he knows your swollen clit lies obscured under your panties. His long finger taps against your hole, and he huffs a quiet, condescending laugh as he feels how moist the fabric is.
When did you get this wet? 
You feel the heat of his touch radiate from his palm to your cunt, so persistent it finds its way through your underwear. He only moves his hand to stroke you over the fabric and press at your clit, but the gratification of finally being granted his touch works you towards release at a speed you’d thought impossible. 
“Still a little slut for me”  
He brings two fingers up to press right over your clit, rough circles demanding that you obey his touch and come for him. 
His breathing hard through his nose, the look in his eye is hard to decipher, 
Fuck it feels good to be pushed against a wall by him. To be subjected to his rough treatment. Anything to feel his touch on you again. 
Your hips move upwards to meet his fingers; you’re so close to falling apart. 
“You missed me. And that fucker you were seeing couldn’t compare to me. Isn’t that right?” 
He spits out the words, teeth grazing the shell of your ear as he leans even closer. 
Your arms have been hanging limply at your side, and you have to fight the sudden urge to grab him and press him against you. To feel him closer. 
“Did he make you this wet?”
Aemond’s tongue licks the sensitive spot behind your ear and you moan loudly, fully consumed by the way his fingers push you towards release. 
You angle your face so that his mouth is right by yours. With parted lips, you look up at him pleadingly, begging him to kiss you. 
Something in his eye shifts, and a victorious smirk breaks out over his face, 
And you do. So hard you see stars and your legs give out. The pleasure is intense, it steals everything from you; your breath, your senses, your self-discipline. 
Your hands fly to Aemond’s biceps, anchoring yourself to him as your body twitches forcefully in the pleasure rupturing you. It’s cathartic; a long awaited release only his hands can coax out. 
When you come back to reality, to the dark hallway you're trapped against Aemond’s body in, the dreaded self-hatred you’d gotten to know so well makes itself known again. 
The brutal reality of exactly how far your pathetic infatuation with Aemond has driven you crashes over you like an ice-cold wave of regret. You feel hot tears well up in the corner of your eyes as they stay casted down, refusing to look up at the man who’s greatest pleasure in life seems to be to torment you. 
Why had he brought you here? Why did he enjoy hurting you? Why had you fallen for it? 
“What did I do to make you hate me so?” 
It’s the alcohol talking. Or maybe it’s the last thing you need to hear from him before you can finally let go. The last shard of your heart crushed in his grip. 
Silence is the only answer he gives you, and without looking up, you push him to move so you can get away from him. Instead of allowing you to leave, he brings one hand to your cheek, engulfing it in warmth, and drags your face upwards to meet his eyes. 
Before you can read his expression, he ducks his head down, letting his lips graze over yours. His tongue comes out to swipe over your lower lip in a slow, gentle caress that feels more sensual than anything you’ve ever experienced, and in retaliation your greedy arms pull him closer, eagerly kissing him back. There’s a slow urgency to the way his tongue seeks out yours, bending your body backwards to taste you deeper. You relish in it. 
You want him to eat you up. To devour you completely. You’re his anyway. 
Without breaking the kiss, Aemond leads you down the dark hallway and into a dimly lit room. The only thing you register is a large bed in the middle, where he takes a seat and keeps you standing between his legs, still kissing you. 
His hands roam over your body; over your exposed arms and legs. They find the zipper at the back of your dress and pull it down, slowly undressing you until you're completely bare. 
He stands for a brief moment to rid himself of his own clothes, and then sits again, guiding you to climb onto his lap. 
You follow his every command in enchantment. You grant him every kiss he seeks, allow him every touch he craves. He can have it all. 
He guides you to sink down on him slowly. You’re still so wet, yet he’s so hard your insides are forced to mould after his stiffness. 
Once he fills each part of you, he wraps your legs around his waist, sighing in satisfaction as he presses your body so close to his the skin of your torso sticks to his. 
“I won’t last long-”, he whispers into your ear, “-a 6 month wait is excruciating”
The touch that you’ve known as harsh and demanding is now so soft. So delicate it slowly picks up the shattered pieces of your broken heart and mends them together again with each gentle caress.
Your hands cup his cheeks, gazing into his lilac and blue stare as you slowly begin to move. 
Aemond doesn’t say anything, doesn’t say that one phrase that you want him to, but the look in his eyes is mesmerising. You’ve never seen him so vulnerable. It’s intimate.
He’s giving himself to you. 
You wrap your arms around him, accepting him. You want all of him, all to yourself. You’ve wanted him for half a year. You’ve wanted him since the first time you met him. 
He meets your hips each time you sink down, and the otherwise carnal pursuit for pleasure feels dreamlike as Aemond’s arms envelop you and you disappear into him. 
You want to say it, but not yet. You don’t dare. Would he retreat again? You know it to be true, but it’s too early. Maybe someday. 
Instead, it’s Aemond who speaks over the moans and sighs of pleasure,
“Don’t leave me again” 
You don’t know how long you fuck, but each orgasm feels more consuming, more powerful, than the last. Ultimately, you collapse together on the bed, legs and arms still intertwined. The familiarity of Aemond’s heavy arms over your waist soothes you, yet the soft sheets of the bed provide a stark contrast to the stiff, clinical sheets of the hotel rooms he’d always brought you to before. 
There’s nothing left between you, no more layers to shed, so you ask him about everything that had led up to your separation. About how he dismissed you in front of his mother, and about the text from his brother. The latter seems to genuinely surprise him, 
“I’ve never shared your pictures with anyone, especially not him” 
Guess Aegon Targaryen isn’t above snooping through his brother’s stuff. 
You talk all night, and Aemond tells you about his strained relationship with his family, “My family has an ability to ruin things for me”, he confesses, “I didn’t want that to happen with you”
As the rays of sunrise begin to seep through the window, you admit to the loneliness that’s been eating away at you since parting from Aemond. 
He cups your cheek again, thumb stroking your cheekbone,
“I fucked up. I’ve missed you more than I thought possible”
Your loneliness hadn’t been solitary. He’d felt it too. You’d shared it. 
You lay your head on his chest, listening to the slow drum of his heart. Before it lulls you to sleep, you remember the last thing you’d like to ask him,
“Aemond, where are we?”
“My place”
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A/N: I never know if I should write it as come or cum? After some studious research (not), I decided that come is the original and therefore works better! Thank you for reading, I write these drabble for fun to improve my writing, so don't be too harsh please 🫶🩵
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jeonride · 1 year
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seungcheol reading list / fic recs !
don't forget to like + reblog the fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*
written by @cheolism :
In The Eye of The Beholder (smut but also fluffy and soft, boyfriend!cheol and he's such a simp) by
Couch Comfort (fluff)
The Great War (historical au, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers) by @amourcheol
written by @lovelyhan :
Down Bad (So So Bad) (friends to lovers, fluff, smut)
Thirst Trap (smut, fluff, established relationship)
Sonder (angst, smut, knight!cheol) by @jundundun
Gryffindor Captain (hogwarts au, angst, smut, one sided love) by @http-mianhae
written by @toruro :
Exes and Oh's (angst, smut, rebuilding relationship)
The Cake In The Back (smut, fluff, rich dilf!cheol)
All For You (smut, fluff, hurt/comfort) by @gfcheol
Push It Down (Sooner or Later It All Will Comes Out) Series by @dontflailmenow
Crossing Boundaries (smut, fluff, single dad au) by @wonusite
written by @duhnova :
A Witches Apothecary for All Your Desires and Needs (smut, angst, witch!au)
Who's in Control? (smut)
Setting The Mood (smut, fluff) by @playmetheclassics
Black Suit (smut, mafia boss!cheol) by @gyuranhae
Lover (smut, strangers to lovers, sugar daddy au) by @starlightxsvt
Terrifyingly Innocent The Series (smut) by @twogyuu
I Like You (smau with some written parts. fluff, angst, doctor!cheol x nurse!reader) by @taeyegu
Your Touch; My Lullaby (fluff, smut, angst) by @j6shua
After Class (smut, professor!cheol, with several continual parts) by @rubyreduji
Tomorrow Tonight (friends to lovers, angst, mutual pining) by @cheolbooluvr
Bite That Lip (smut, fluff, mild angst) by @beahae
Romance at Mistletoe Inn (smut, fluff) by @1-800-hwahui
written by @smileysuh :
Sapiosexual (smut, sugar daddy au)
Cherry Cheollie (smut)
written by @yoongiseesawmp3 :
Cupid (smut, brother's bestfriend!cheol)
Get You (fluff, neighbor!cheol)
Banana Pancakes (smut)
Reliable (smut, humor, bestfriends au) by @ncteez
Indulgence (smut, vampire!cheol) by @sluttywonwoo
Shiver Me Timbers! (smut, fantasy au, pirate captain!cheol x siren!reader) by @beefboyandbabygirl
Just Friends (smut, childhood friends to lovers, slowburn) by @lvscoups
Shiny Star (fluff, hurt comfort, university au) by @wonwoonlight
To Boil A Frog (fluffy, childhood acquaintances to lovers) by @seungkwansphd
When You Love Someone (angst, eventual fluff) by @shuahoonie
Exam Szn (smut, a bit fluff) by @azamf
11/10 (smut) by @bluejeanstrash
Track 1 ; Hotel (smut, heir!cheol, old money au) by @drunk-on-dk
Clouded (smut, slight fluff, established relationship, idol!au) by @hoshzone
It's Always Been You (smut, fluff) by @heartkyeom
Lusty Gallant (smut, roommates fwb au) by @onlyseokmins
The Devil Said... (angst, smut, half demon!cheol) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Wine & Dined (fluff, smut, established relationship) by @celestiababie
Silky (fluff, smut) by @playmetheclassics
Driving Me Crazy (smut, bandmate!cheol) by @1-800-hwahui
11.00 PM (smut) by @celestialpearls
dry humping (smut) @sluttyminghao
written by @idyllic-ghost :
birthday sex (smut)
written by @lovelyhan :
when you're having a bad day (soo fluffy)
forced orgasm (smut)
you sound pretty hot when you shut up (smut)
written by @toruro :
take care (smut)
escapades (smut)
written by @onlyhuis :
wedding night (smut, fluff)
more please (smut)
written by @yikesmary :
three : he falls first (fluff)
pregnancy cravings (fluff)
Insomnia (smut) by @jaestrz
written by @bluejeanstrash :
manspread (smut)
giving road head (smut)
unholy (smut) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
6.29 am (fluff, established relationship) by @ksywoo
ice cream (smut, fluff) by @/seonghwalogy
baguette (fluff) by @/bwinnies
possessive cheol (smut) by @/meltwonu
fwb with cheol (smut) @/wonwoonlight
written by @/fairyhaos :
what's good? (fluff) by
4.15 am (fluff)
5.02 am (fluff, dad!cheol) by @/slytherinshua
winter (smut, husband!cheol) by @/xmyunghoe
6K notes · View notes
doitforbangchan · 7 months
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FINISHED SERIES - completed July 2024
Summary: There's no turning back now, not when you know what you left behind. A dangerous situation now replaced with another. After the omegas disappeared you have to extra careful, especially now that you have left your pack and family.  What happens when your car breaks down on another pack's land?
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
Series Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, verryyyy nsfw, chan x reader, OT8 x reader, A/B/O, m/m/f smut, possessive! SKZ, possessive! Reader, anxiety and depression, fluff, angst, virgin!reader, reader is a CRYBABY, cursing, violence, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, Sub reader x mostly dom SKZ, misogyny and sexism, Ateez are depicted as terrible people (sorry Atiny!) 
Meet the pack
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
💖drabbles 💖 ~ 01 02
👇🏻head cannons and answered questions 👇🏻 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Comments and reblogs are encouraged and appreciated :)
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