#10 years since the greatest moment this sport has ever blessed us with
mediumtires · 1 year
every year march 24 rolls around and every year i delight in the fact that it’s multi 21 anniversary and i wait for you guys to bring out your gifs and your little videos and i lean back and i rewatch it all; the overtake, the cool down room, the podium, all the bratty twink seb moments, the tongue, the way he chugs his water so he doesn’t have to talk to mark, marks death stare, “multi 21 seb. multi 21”, adrian who never signed up to deal with this shit, and every year without fail it is a fucking party
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milktyama · 4 years
a/n: here are the imagines that anon gave me and gave me permission to expand with my own accord!! thank you anon i love this idea (and also added the song to my playlist thank you for that) ALSO longest work ever done!
— heavy reference to if by chance by ruth b.
synopsis: "if by chance... could you forgive me?"
pairing: 3rd year/adult!kageyama tobio x reader
genre: fluff to angst, hurt little comfort, in spain w/o the s
wc: 2.3k
thank you @kohi-zeri @snoozless for beta-ing! <3
❥︎ two swear words, most obvious n smallest manga spoiler
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People like to emphasize how high school will be the greatest and the wildest years of your life. And a major part of high school is exploring first loves and small infatuations. High school love is so innocent and light-hearted and sometimes awkward, but that is what makes it so charming.
That is exactly how it felt being with Kageyama Tobio after meeting him in your final year of high school. Shy confessions were exchanged on the daily, pinkies linked as the main source of public affection, anything more flustering both of your young selves. 
You always thought that meeting your high school sweetheart in your last year was a sign of bad luck. It was way too late for any deep love to actually develop. It would almost feel forced or fleeting, the connection not having enough time to harvest and bloom.
Though, being with him proved that wrong. 
Having him in your life was a blessing from the moment you first encountered him on a rainy spring evening during your way home. You would’ve never expected that that day to become as significant to you back then as it does now. 
A small irregularity of Kageyama Tobio forgetting his umbrella when the weather forecast had explicitly predicted a 90% chance of raining during the evening. That night, you thought to yourself that he was  counting on the 10% chance that it wouldn’t rain, when in reality it was simply the fact that he did not check the weather forecast daily. 
Pft. You would think that being a senior in high school would mean taking up a little more responsibility, but that wasn’t the case with him. His mind still ran on the adrenaline and excitement of volleyball and volleyball alone. 
You saw him attempting to take shelter under a cherry blossom tree in the nearby park. The droplets of the rain reflected the sunlight as they landed on the light pink petals of the tree, giving it a warm and peaceful glow. 
Kageyama’s hair and clothes were damp from the minimal protection he had against the pouring rain. If you had not approached him that night and offered to share your umbrella, nothing would have happened between the two of you. 
You two would have remained as casual classmates, having small insignificant encounters that could be easily looked over: being assigned clean up duty together, collecting tests from people in your row — simple things that no one would ever think twice about. This encounter alone could have easily been part of the list of insignificant encounters… it was just a classmate looking out for another classmate right? 
But the warm kindness you showed him on that cold, rainy night had somehow reached Kageyama’s heart. What he at first thought was a mere act of kindness towards a classmate had sprouted into something a little bit more.
After that night, Kageyama found himself looking in your direction more often. His bright blueberry eyes would wander towards your figure who sat a few desks in front of him. You never caught him staring during class, but his presence was more than enough to burn through the back of your head. 
It seemed his not-so-subtle glances have rubbed off onto you because you would find your eyes starting to linger on him as well. His tall and lean figure captivated you. His raven hair, his blue eyes, his indifferent voice, and infamous “resting bitch face” were triggers your brain could not miss.
The more the days pass with your attention captivated by this man, the more you realize your feelings towards him. It was a rocky but surprisingly short journey, with both parties who faced difficulties with expressing their feelings to the other, but everything eventually fell into place, leaving it up to fate to bring both of your yearning souls together. 
And oh boy did fate put a strong magnetism between the two of you.
You fell in love with Kageyama Tobio through and through. Sure, it was a little awkward at first, with stiff movements and a sprinkle of miscommunication, but after speaking your hearts out, it became clear: you were in love with him just as much as he was in love with you. 
At least that is how it seemed. 
Even after sharing light kisses under the cherry blossom tree where you met for the first time, your hands held in his rough ones, surrounded by the smell in his clothes that you borrowed from his closet. Or passing small notes to each other during class and sleepless nights when you tried to tutor him in classes he lacked on. Or shouting from the top of your lungs whenever you attended any of his games while sporting his spare jersey. 
All these memories seemingly came crashing down a week before your graduation. 
Your ears rang after he utters a short phrase that had enough power to crash your world, enough power to make you feel as if everything you’ve done the past year had been a waste, enough power to leave you on your knees, helplessly clutching your chest as the pain starts to spread throughout your body. 
“I’m sorry. But… I think I’m in love with someone else.”
He continued to ramble endlessly. Maybe it was more apologies, or maybe he was reasoning what he’d been doing with you this past year. Maybe he was word vomiting in order to make this impact on you less heavy. Whatever it had been, you couldn’t hear it. You lost your grasp of your senses the second those words had reached your ears.
How did you not notice this? How could you not see how his glances towards you became less frequent, how his kisses grew more reluctant, how he wouldn’t reach for your hand first, how his eyes didn’t sparkle for you? You only now realized that he fell out of love. Or maybe he loved someone else all along? Or maybe you were just a game to him? You didn’t even want to consider the latter.
Your sight was blurring with tears that you desperately tried to keep in, but they had already fallen helplessly down your face. You didn’t even notice that Kageyama was no longer in front of you. 
When you finally  composed yourself, you could see his retreating figure in the distance with someone else at his side. They weren’t hugging or holding hands or kissing or anything of that sort. But watching the person you thought you could love for the rest of your life walk away with someone else was just too much for your poor heart to bear. 
It has been exactly 4 years since. You  graduated from university and did some intern work during your summers to distract yourself. You truly believed that you have finally picked yourself up and moved one. It was only after seeing him on TV, seeing that he had achieved his dream of going pro, that all the emotions came rushing back. 
You still loved him. You always have and never stopped. Your love for him was so great, so powerful, so unconditional that it never left your system, even after being broken in one of the worst ways possible. 
Maybe if he had loved you then you would still be by his side, cheering him on.  
He reached out to you a few months after your break up. With your wound still fresh, you had truly believed he called to get back together, only to get your hopes crushed. Well, not completely, at least. He called  to apologize again, figuring that back in high school you — actually, both of you — had been too emotionally distressed to properly deal with the situation. 
It was a very short call, 5 minutes at most. His apology was simple and to the point, but that was how he was. He swore he was sorry for ending things the way they did, and ended the call with a promise. He promised to never hurt you again. 
Although his heart may or may not have not been occupied by someone else during your time together, he still found comfort and familiarity when he was with you. Before he could hang up, you too apologized for how you reacted and dealt with the situation, swearing the same promise.
But that promise proved  harder to keep than you had thought. 
You encountered Kageyama once again, but this time he was with someone else. He seemed happy. It was hard to believe that even after all these years, your heart still beat for Kageyama Tobio. It hurt your heart to see him smile for someone else, knowing those smiles used to be for you. It hurt your heart to know that you were no longer the reason for his smiles being so wide, so genuine. 
You wondered if  he still recalled the memories the two of you shared. If he still sang along to the song  you two spent weeks choosing and claimed as “your song” or if he skipped it. If he still reacted to advertisements that featured your favorite lip balm, the one he loved tasting on your lips whenever you kissed. If he remembered the future plans you talked about, where the two of you would live in a comfortable apartment and how the interior would be decorated; how you would spend nights dancing around the living room. 
Either way, you were no longer part of his life. He had found someone else to dedicate his heart to. As if to confirm the dilemma that has plagued you for so long, Kageyama leaned into a kiss to the forehead of his partner, smiling as he pulled away whilst leaning his head onto his partner. 
Tears brimmed in the corners of your eyes. You ran, allowing your body to take you wherever it pleased, hot tears falling helplessly from your eyes continuously. 
So much for keeping a promise. 
Your feet finally stopped, tired, your eyes worn out from crying. You slowly took in your surroundings as you felt the warm breeze of a spring evening, soft petals tickling your sensitive skin. It was quite obvious where your heart belonged. 
You found yourself under the tree where you first met him. Where you two would often sit and exchange fleeting kisses or a small treat, feeding each other with fond eyes. The wind blew past you as the petals from the cherry blossom tree slowly fell, surrounding you in a cozy ambiance that left a bittersweet taste in your mouth. 
As your legs finally gave up at the memory that came rushing into your head, you heard footsteps that sounded like they were approaching your way. A piece of light blue cloth neatly folded entered your line of vision. Your eyes shot up to the tall figure that was now towering over you. His body faced you, however his eyes did not meet yours. 
You hesitated before slowly reaching out for the handkerchief in his hand,  avoiding his eyes as well. 
“I’m sorry…” was all that came out from his lips. There was a moment of silence, disrupted every now and then by a couple of sniffles. Kageyama tried speaking again. 
“I’m sorry for hurting you again, even after I promised you I wouldn’t.” 
“It’s fine…” you managed to choke out, voice slightly cracking. You thought you sounded pathetic. You two broke up four years ago, for fuck’s sake! A lump formed in your throat again, a mix of the remains of old memories and your own consciousness trying to bring some sense into your pained heart. 
“If by chance… could you forgive me? For breaking the promise I mean,” Kageyama asked. His words were gentle and soft, maybe a little sweet like honey, attempting to cover up any harshness. It was clear he did not want to hurt you for any longer. His blueberry eyes that you missed so much had a small sparkle to them. You wondered what that sparkle meant. 
Was it because he still loved you? Did he miss you the way you missed him? Or maybe he only felt pity for you. Maybe he was hoping for something more. What could he be possibly hopeful for? Your forgiveness? It wasn’t like you were mad at him. Afterall, it was your own fault for falling so deeply in love with him. As painful and bitter as it was, you tried your best to pull your lips upwards.
It was the saddest smile he had ever seen. 
Voices in your head screamed at the pain you felt in your heart, but your head reasoned that this was not his fault. You had to let go, once and for all. 
“Of course I forgive you.” 
The words vibrated through your skull. Your head forgave him, your self-conscious told your heart to forgive him, but in the end, it wouldn’t succumb to logic so easily. You thought with your heart rather than your head, and you absolutely hated it. You broke too easily and gave in to the way your heart beated instead of the words that were trying to break through your thick skull. 
The sun sets, warm yellow tones of the fleeting rays of sunlight shone upon the pale pink petals of the cherry blossom tree. The petals turned into a light orange colour as they fell ever so elegantly from the branches above you, surrounding your figure on the ground.
You clutched your knees to your body as you watched his figure stray from you, slowly getting further and further away. Memories from the first time you met under this same tree flooded into your head as a single tear droplet slid down your right cheek.
You felt a lump at the back of your throat. It was an awfully bitter yet mildly sweet feeling. You didn’t mean to be selfish with your feelings towards Kageyama, but if by chance, things didn’t work out with his current partner, then maybe, just maybe, he could be part of your world again.
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incrediblysincere · 5 years
Moral Orel: What to watch and what to avoid.
Moral Orel is a 2005-2008 satirical claymation comedy show that aired on Adultswim. It primarily deals with themes of Christianity, religious abuse, parental abuse, and loss of innocence. It’s not a show I would recommend everyone watch due to it’s extremely heavy themes in seasons 2 and 3, however it is also a very good show that includes:
- satirising religious abuse;
- the way Christianity is used as a justification for child abuse;
- portrayals of neglectful and abusive parents;
- alcoholism;
- a child growing up in this particular unhealthy environment;
- positive gay representation including:
- a gay or possibly bisexual man, struggling with his attraction towards a married man, and
- a young lesbian woman struggling with rejection and manipulation by a straight woman;
- an incredible soundtrack featuring the mountain goats.
However, the first season especially can be downright cruel at times in its frank portrayal of heavy subjects. The first season particularly feels more like a general dig at religion in a shallow way, while the later two seasons are much more well-rounded and thought out. Due to certain episodes in the first season, I am making a list of episodes that can be skipped in part or in whole due to triggering topics. (These episodes contribute little to the later storyline as each is more of a self-contained story than part of the greater narrative).
Every episode includes abuse or the implication of it, growing more explicit each season. There is also casual misogyny, homophobia, and antisemitism, all within the satire of Christianity and the typical tone of the show.
Season 1:
Episode 1: The Lord’s Greatest Gift (No need to skip)
 It is a good introduction to the tone of the first season. Nothing too major, it features Orel (an 11 year old) bringing several people back from the dead because he believes they are throwing away the lord’s greatest gift. No need to skip, it is overall silly and inoffensive. 
Episode 2: God’s Chef (skip)
This is the one I definitely recommend skipping. Orel is caught masturbating and misinterprets the subsequent telling-off. He proceeds to rape a lot of adult women in their sleep with a pastry bag. This episode is definitely one of the most tasteless episodes. Don’t watch if rape is a trigger, even though it’s not for me, it was still very hard to watch.
Episode 3: Charity (maybe skip)
This one is about Orel (once again) misinterpreting a sermon and buying crack, eventually becoming addicted to it. Skip if graphic depictions of drug addiction/making light of addiction isn’t your thing. This episode has some pretty funny moments, but it isn’t essential to watch.
Episode 4: Waste (maybe skip)
This episode features Orel misinterpreting a sermon and consequently drinking his own urine and selling it to his classmates as a sports drink. Skip if that sounds gross to you. It also features a quick joke about the school’s sports team being called “The Vanishing Americans” with a native american caricature as a mascot. (note: this also properly introduces what is imo, one of the best characters, Coach Stopframe.)
Episode 5: The Blessed Union (no need to skip)
In this episode we meet the other best character, Stephanie. She does give Orel a Prince Albert (penis) piercing, but feels bad about it afterwards. Skip if that sounds iffy to you, but overall the episode has a much softer tone as Stephanie is one of the only characters who genuinely cares about Orel.
Episode 6: Omnipresence (maybe skip)
This episode features Orel believing God is in everything, including himself, and subesequently trying to heal everyone. Mostly inoffensive, but a man does try to commit suicide (and fails) and Orel unplugs an elderly womans life support under her instruction. Skip if these topics make you uncomfortable.
Episode 7: God-Fearing (no need to skip)
Orel has no fun on Halloween because, due to having God on his side, nothing is scary to him. In order to have fun he deliberately breaks all the ten commandments, including “Thou shalt not kill”. Pretty inoffensive.
Episode 8: Loyalty (maybe skip)
Orel is introduced to Coach Stopframe’s nephew, Joe, and the two become friends. Due to the sermon of the day being about loyalty to friends, Orel does whatever Joe wants. This includes bashing a pair of young gay boys with baseball bats, which isn’t depicted too graphically, but is hard to watch. The episode also features Clay Puppington getting three young boys drunk. Skip if this sounds triggering, it doesn’t add much to the plot.
Episode 9: Maturity (maybe skip)
Orel’s younger brother, Shapey, accidentally shoots him in the eye with a BB gun. Orel wants to become more mature like an adult, so he starts stealing liquor from his dad’s collection in order to be an adult. Skip if alcoholism is a trigger for you.
Episode 10: The best Christmas Ever (don’t skip if plot is important to you)
The Best Christmas Ever marks the start of a real storyline in Moral Orel. It has some dark themes, and if you want to watch seasons 2 and 3, know that it just gets darker from here. However, this is also where it starts getting good, so I (probably) won’t be writing up trigger warnings for seasons 2 and 3, especially since that’ll also contain spoilers. 
It is revealed that Shapey was an unplanned pregnancy, and may also not be Clay’s biological son. Bloberta wants a divorce. Orel believes Shapey to be the second coming of Jesus and treats him accordingly. Orel pleads God, with two minutes left of Christmas, to make things better.
I probably won’t provide warnings for seasons two o three. It’s expected that if you get up to this point that you are okay with the show satirizing the topics of child abuse, religious abuse, and alcoholism. Things get darker from here but are also more coherent, meaning that if you are able to stomach such topics then it is an excellent watch and anything I could write would also spoil the plot. This is meant as a loose guide to which first season episodes to avoid, and is the type of guide I could have used on my first watch. Also, I’m autistic and have too much free time.
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harbingham · 5 years
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                   Harry took one look at the survey && rolled his eyes. What a waste of fucking time. As if they were all going to BOND because a survey supposedly confirmed they could be  f r i e n d s  . Or at the very least good roommates ?? Whatever. Harry quickly wrote his name, crossing out the rest of the questions with EASE. Besides, they knew who he was already.
          Instead, cursive letters inked the paper — If you put me with someone annoying, I’ll make sure the trip is absolute hell. Ending the sentence with a thick period, annoyance festering as it usually did with life’s POINTLESS trifles.
                    The usual smug smirk dipped over his lips, carelessly turning the questionnaire in without a second thought.
so yeahhh, because my son is the way he is ... i filled it out for him bless up. why do i love harry bingham when i fucking hate him ?? idk fam, idk.
FULL NAME: Harold Theodore Bingham PRONUNCIATION: H EH - r uh l d   th EE - uh - d aw r    b IH  ng-uh m   MEANING: estate ruler  /  army leader  REASONING: Harold was his great-grandfather’s name, while Theodore is is father’s name that’s been passed down for quite a while as either a first/middle kinda deal NICKNAME(S): Harry, Har ( though he doesn't like it  ) Bingham, Pretty Boy PREFERRED NAME(S): Harry, just Harry unless you want a punch or a mean remark bless BIRTH DATE: April 13th, 2001 AGE: 18 ZODIAC: Aries !! GENDER: Male PRONOUNS: He/Him ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Heteroromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual NATIONALITY: American ETHNICITY: wonder bread
BIRTH PLACE: West Ham, CT HOMETOWN: West Ham, CT SOCIAL CLASS: Upper/Close to the 1% FATHER: Theodore Bingham † MOTHER: Karen Bingham SIBLING(S): Stacy Bingham ( 12 ) BIRTH ORDER: Harry, Stacy PET(S): In the Bingham household ?? Never. OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: He’s surrounded by family, they usually always have at least two reunions a year. However he’s never felt close to them ?? So he’d never list their names here really. He’s only somewhat close to his immediate family. Though, he was close to his nanny growing up if that counts bless PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: it’s a list of like ... relatively short lasting relationships, hookups, && one night stands, until his most recent, kelly, which is probably his longest lasting one ?? ARRESTS?: Technically, on record, none :). He’s definitely been caught like, trespassing, underage drinking, && drunk driving lbh ... but yeah, no record. i hate him. PRISON TIME?: N/A
SOURCE OF INCOME: intern at parent’s company  /  his parents CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: he doesn’t really like it tbh, but it’s done his family well so after college he definitely plans to continue the legacy && make if flourish even more. PAST JOB(S): n/a SPENDING HABITS: *throws money in trash can* MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: the gold ring with the bingham family insignia his father gave him when he turned 13 ( made him feel like he finally belonged you feel )  though he’d tell you it’s everything he owns ... i hate him
TALENTS: bringing people together ( or apart ), lightening the mood ( or you know, fucking it up too ), banter, racing, fixing cars SHORTCOMINGS: oh honey — saying shit he doesn’t mean, his own arrogance, addictive personality, emotional invulnerability, aloof nature, shall i continue ?? LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, French, Italian DRIVE?: Hell yeah JUMP-STAR A CAR?: Yes CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: Yes, but he’d rather pay someone to do it before ever doing it himself RIDE A BICYCLE?: nope catch me crying SWIM?: Yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: Does learning the recorder in 3rd grade count ?? PLAY CHESS?: Yes BRAID HAIR?: Yes ( Stacy made him learn since he was the only one home most of the time ) TIE A TIE?: Yes, his father practically taught him that in the womb. PICK A LOCK?: nah. he’s more into the jump the fence, break some glass, make a fucking scene, kinda trespassing
FACE CLAIM: Alex Fitzalan EYE COLOR: dark brown, specks of gold in natural light HAIR COLOR: Chestnut Brown HAIR TYPE/STYLE: Curly && wavy, his hair texture kinda varies by each strand unless he properly styles it ... which he does when feeling okay GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No, but he definitely likes the aesthetic of glasses sometimes. Like bet money on his ivy interviews he wore glasses ... did i mention i hate harry bingham ?? DOMINANT HAND: Right HEIGHT: 5′10″ WEIGHT: 140/150ish lbs ??? BUILD: Slender Muscular EXERCISE HABITS: it’s rather irregular and depends heavily on his mood. if he’s in a good/okay mood then a few times a week. otherwise it’s hard to do much of anything, let alone work out you know. SKIN TONE: light with pink/tan undertones TATTOOS: none PIERCINGS: none MARKS/SCARS: small dark birth mark near his right, outer ankle. shoulders/back && cheeks tend to get rather freckly in the summer && he hates it. some random cuts && bruises from blacked out drunk/high escapades, the occasional hickey bye. NOTABLE FEATURES: dimples when he actually smiles, white af teeth, the hair™ USUAL EXPRESSION: either completely unamused or smirking tbh CLOTHING STYLE: designer, preppy — think polos, ironed pants, or cuffed skinny jeans, all paired with some boat shoes. sometimes when he’s not feeling so great he’ll wear a plain tee/hoodie JEWELRY: gold pinky ring ( mentioned above ), apple watch on occasion ALLERGIES: long haired cats BODY TEMPERATURE: runs hot 😏 DIET: no such thing, boy’s metabolism is fast, the lucky son of a bitch. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: N/A
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral TEMPERAMENT: Choleric  /  Melancholic ELEMENT: Fire MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: Anxiety, Depression, Toxic Masculinity 👀 SOCIABILITY: Moody™, but very social. Popular™. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: um ... he tries ?? it’s not good though, nope. PHOBIA(S): autophobia ( fear of being alone ),  atychiphobia ( fear of failure ) ADDICTION(S): coffee, opiods, alcohol, etc DRUG USE: yes please ALCOHOL USE: yes please PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: if provoked yes, or if he feels the need to protect/stand against something.
QUIRKS: easily annoyed, rolls his eyes a lot, has a comeback for almost everything ( even if it’s just a fuck you ) HOBBIES: cars, racing, sailing ( learned from his dad ),  HABITS: drinking, swearing, pills, drinks coffee every morning NERVOUS TICKS: furrowed brows, pacing/unable to stand still, hand twitching, squinting eyes DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Money, Perfectionism, doing the Bingham name justice FEARS: Being forgotten, Isolation, Losing the rest of his family/the few he cares about, Death, Fatal Illness POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, Adventurous, Witty, Ambitious, Assertive, Protective NEGATIVE TRAITS: Moody, Enigmatic, Cocky, Prideful, Destructive, Sarcastic, Stubborn, Impatient SENSE OF HUMOR: sarcastic, dark DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: he fucking literally fucking says fuck every fucking other fucking word :D CATCHPHRASE(S): fuck you cassandra, fuck off, fuck you, fuck me, fuck that, we’re playing fugitive tonight
ACTIVITY: Racing  /  Sailing ANIMAL: Otters BEVERAGE: any && all alcohol™ ... or secretly strawberry hi-c don’t @ him. BOOK: never let me go by kazuo ishiguro CELEBRITY: Margot Robbie COLOR: Navy Blue && Dark Gray DESIGNER: Balenciaga && Ralph Lauren FOOD: loaded fries FLOWER: blue stars GEM: Sapphire/Diamond HOLIDAY: halloween MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: he has a lot of favorite cars, but his black maserati ( aka the fugitive car ) is probably his favorite. he also likes helicopters MOVIE: Fight Club, The Wolf on Wall Street, The Breakfast Club MUSICAL ARTIST: blackbear, Drake are two of his go-tos, though the list is long QUOTE/SAYING: “Just do it.” boy bye SCENERY: nothing like overlooking a long wooden dock into a bright blue lake surrounded by trees  SCENT: cedar, sandalwood — anything kinda woody/musky ?? bless. SPORT: golf SPORTS TEAM: his father always rooted for the yankees, so he roots for the yankees TELEVISION SHOW: Mad Men WEATHER: cloudy with just a bit of sun peaking through, bright blue sky — not too hot, not too cold. VACATION DESTINATION: anywhere near a body of water, though he’s particularly fond of lake como in italy cause there’s a bit of everything ?? mountains, the lake, beautiful architecture, etc :’)
GREATEST DREAM: living that ‘american dream’ baby GREATEST FEAR: peaking in high school, being forgotten/not wanted (yet you push people away boii water u doing ?!), being vulnerable ... again there’s a long fucking list MOST AT EASE WHEN: in a fast car, living that reckless™ lifestyle LEAST AT EASE WHEN: realizing what a dumbass he is && having to apologize for it BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: getting into brown && columbia off some actual merit && not just money wow BIGGEST REGRET: not really being there for his dad near the end bc that would mean being vulnerable && saying goodbye coming on this fucking trip MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: losing the student body president position to cassandra BIGGEST SECRET: which one you want honey ?? TOP PRIORITIES: for everything to stay the same  /  go back to the way it was  :) :( :) :(
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anisanews · 3 years
Will Lionel Messi finally win a Copa America? Alexi Lalas says it would be a surprise if Messi, Argentina beat Brazil
It was not easy to spot him through the crush of people in the tunnel underneath New Jersey’s Met Life Stadium, but the television lights helped. His obvious rage, though, was impossible to miss. Lionel Messi, among the handful of greatest players to bless the world of soccer, had had enough.
For three years in a row, he invested a significant portion of his too-short summer in the attempt to win a major international championship with, and for, his native Argentina, and each time he came as close as possible without succeeding.
“The national team is finished for me,” he told reporters. “That’s it.”
MORE: Complete Copa America TV and match schedule
This was five years ago. And yet there was Messi on Monday night in Brazil breaking Argentina’s record for caps with his 148th appearance, this in a 4-1 victory over Bolivia at Copa America. The victory, which included two more goals from Messi, secured first place in Group A and set up the Albiceleste with a quarterfinal game Saturday at 9 p.m. against Ecuador on FS1 and Univision. He is taking still another chance at achieving the one honor in the sport that has eluded him, at conquering the one quest that has broken his heart on so many occasions: a trophy with the national team.
“At times when we’ve seen him play for Argentina, there is the sense that he’s burdened. Not overwhelmed, because he’s Messi, but burdened with this continuous type of pressure and expectation to have that moment where he raises the trophy,” Alexi Lalas, Fox Sports lead studio analyst and a U.S. Soccer hall of famer, told Sporting News. “Look, he’s going to go down as one of the greatest players ever to play the game regardless of what happens. But I think he would like to check the box, but I think a lot of us that love him and respect and appreciate everything he’s done just want him to have that moment.
“I’m not necessarily certain that’s ever going to come, and I’m not certainly sure that’s going to happen in this Copa America, but he rides again in this quest. I don’t know if it means more to him or it means more to us to have that happen.”
Having witnessed his anguish on that Sunday night five years ago in Jersey, I can say it’s apparent it means more to Messi.
Getty Images https://ift.tt/3y7kxqU
A superstar at FC Barcelona almost since the moment of his introduction in 2006, Messi owns four Champions League titles, 10 La Liga titles, the Club World Cup titles and seven in Spain’s Copa del Rey.
With his national team, though, there has been plenty of winning, but not in the biggest games. There was an Olympic gold medal in 2008, but Olympic men’s soccer is not a senior national team competition. At the highest level, he has played in four World Cups and five previous Copa Americas, including the special 2016 Centenario event staged across the United States in which Argentina lost the championship game to Chile, for the second consecutive year, in a penalty shootout.
That was the game that led to Messi’s declaration he was done with the international game just two days past his 29th birthday. He has earned 37 caps since.
MORE: Messi gets surprise birthday wakeup call
“I think it says: I can’t quit you,” said Lalas, who has been working the studio for Fox’s Copa America coverage. “He has been raised in this incubator and this world cocoon of Barcelona from a young age, and the inevitable but ongoing compare-and-contrast with Diego Maradona … I think he’s grown into the role and responsibility. I see him enjoying it more.
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Getty Images https://ift.tt/3Aih3DE
“That’s a fascinating type of dynamic to have for one of the great players of the world, to be doing that with an Argentine team that isn’t great but has plenty of talent. Any team that Messi plays on, he’s going to be a focal point. And yet they haven’t been able to get it all together. And right now, with the way Brazil looks, it would be a surprise – a wonderful surprise – but it would be a surprise if Messi and company were able to overcome Brazil.”
Brazil won its first three group games by a combined 9-1 margin, then played mostly reserves – reserves that included Liverpool’s Roberto Firmino, Fabinho and Alisson, but still – in a meaningless game against Ecuador that ended in a 1-1 draw.
And Brazil has a home advantage because of COVID issues that forced the tournament to be moved from Argentina. It’s possible, though, that has placed more pressure on Brazil to win than Messi is carrying at the moment.
From the moment of their 7-1 defeat at home to Germany in the 2014 World Cup semifinals, Brazil’s stature as a colossus in the world game has deteriorated. That was followed with a quarterfinal exit from the 2018 World Cup in a 2-1 loss to Belgium. Victory at the 2019 Copa America helped restore some respect, but with no South American team having won the World Cup since 2002, it’s going to take more to put the globe on notice. A second consecutive title at Copa would do that, and with such players as Neymar, Casemiro and Danilo in the lineup, it probably should happen.
“For Brazil, anything less than a win would be considered a failure,” Lalas said. “Argentina losing to Brazil in Brazil in this moment, given the differences and the dynamics between these two teams, I don’t think anybody is going to look at it as a failure from Argentina. So yeah, I guess that gives Messi an opportunity where there is nothing to lose. And if we look back in history, Brazil has lost very, very big games in the Maracana, which is where the final is going to be.”
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Getty Images https://ift.tt/3AhmKSA
Messi has scored 75 goals for Argentina, which is ninth among men in the game’s history and only a handful of strikes from the top five. He has been named winner of the Ballon d’Or as the world’s best player six times. Few players ever have achieved as much individually and collectively, but that hole on his resume will exist until it doesn’t, or until Argentina truly is “finished” for Messi.
Lalas has watched Messi closely during this tournament and sees fundamental changes in his performance. Messi is dropping deeper into the midfield to gain possession and help establish control of the game, which some, including Argentine great Hernan Crespo, have viewed as problematic.
“The way that he drops back, it’s almost reminiscent of a quarterback when they drop into that pocket, and they’re able to see everything in front: I can go here, I can go here, I can go here – or I can run and attack it,” Lalas said. “I kind of like it. I think you’re kind of wasting some of his unique ability to dribble through players and to dribble at speed and put defenses on their heels when you put him closer to the goal.
“So I like the way he’s evolved. At times he forces things, and he wants things to happen. If you’re going to have someone force the issue, you could do a whole lot worse than Messi.”
from Anisa News https://ift.tt/2Teaamt
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comeliashawnae · 7 years
A fictional story Inspired by Logic's 18002738255 music video
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So….. I was 18 when I came out… Not really came out, more like my mother walking in on me and my “friend.”
It was 2 weeks before high school graduation, and she was not the first friend I had sleep over.
The day before was so incredibly normal. It was a Saturday, and my friend and I hung out at the mall most of the day. She got some hoop earrings and shoes, I got a couple of shirts and a bracelet. I asked my parents if she could stay over, they said fine.
My parents had no idea I was gay. I wasn’t a girly girl, but I wasn’t a tomboy either. I definitely glammed up when I felt like it. But hair tied, sweats on, with no make up on was also a fav. I’m definitely what you call the in between, I played softball hardcore, but I also loved watching real housewives.
Being an only child I was the best of both worlds for my parents. I was the daughter who loved shoe shopping with mom, and the girl who can watch sports with dad cuz she knows the difference between a field goal and a grand slam. I had a great childhood because of that. I have very loving parents. Still didn’t stop that wow factor though.
After shopping my friend and I got to my house, ordered pizza, watched some movies. Normal things teenage girls do.
We had been some what “dating” but nothing official. She asked where she was sleeping, I told her my bed was fine. I had mastered keeping quiet when friends came over.
My friend and I had started making out once we got to my bedroom. This wasn’t our first kiss, but it was our first time taking it past that. With each other anyway. My room and my parents room were on opposites end of the hall, so a little music helped mask whatever sounds we couldn’t help get out. We went further than either of us expected too, and then fell asleep in each others arms. Was it love, or teenage lust?
Think I’ll go with the second one. Yeah that sounds right, just pure teenage lust. Hormones raging and we just got caught up in the moment. Thats the answer I have for that now, did not have that answer that morning when my mother opened that door.....
Morning came, it was probably 8, sometimes we go to church, but since I had a friend over I figured we weren’t. I was right, I just didn’t think my parents were gonna order breakfast for us. They had woken up early and my dad left to get the food and my mom had come to ask what we wanted.
I was half awake and on fence if I should've woke my friend up before my parents or just wait five more minutes since it was Sunday morning. Should’ve gotten up five minutes earlier. I thought they’d sleep in til 10 and my friend would have had time to get dressed and hide any evidence. But I just laid there in my own world, thinking I could hide forever. I guess that was a sign from the universe to stop hiding. I had no choice when I heard my mother’s voice. When I heard that door open I just knew it was over.
Its like time stood still for those few moments. My mom walked in and said “morning girls” and just paused….
My friend awoke from her deep sleep and just stared at my mom. The look on my mother’s face was…I can't even really describe it.
Stunned. Absolutely stunned.
It felt like she was standing there forever, when it was probably just a few seconds. No words were said, she just shut the door.
I looked at my friend, she looked back at me then turned to grab some clothes. Not really sure if they were hers or mines, just saw her throw on a shirt and pants grab her bags and rush out the door. My mother was still there when my friend opened it. They looked at each other for a second before she bolted to the front door. I was still sitting in my bed when mom looked back at me. I looked at the floor and saw a shirt and shorts. I grabbed them and, keeping myself completely covered as possible, put them on. I didn't look at her the entire time she stood there, I couldn't. I sat there on the edge of the bed and slowly started rocking back and forth with my hands wrapped around myself. I could feel her eyes burning into the top of my head. What was there to say?
Like I said, if my friend wasn't there we would have gone to church. We're not overly religious, and I wasn't doing anything to rebel against religion. We were very involved in the church, we did bake sales, Halloween parties, Christmas plays. We loved our church family. My parents weren't judgmental towards anyone. But still, I didn't know what their reaction would be, and I definitely didn't want them to find out this way.
After what felt like hours of her standing there, she walked back into my room. I was still staring at the floor, rocking back and forth.
"Can you look at me?" She finally said. I slowly raised my head and looked at her. I can't describe the look she gave me, I just know I started crying the second I saw her face. I looked away and just cried. Through the tears I saw her feet come closer to me. I felt her sit down next to me and place her arm around me.
"Sweetie, please stop crying" she said softly. I tried to stop but couldn't. She patted me and pulled me closer. Then I heard my father come in.
"What's wrong?" He asked, standing at my doorway. I finally stopped crying and looked at him. I opened my mouth, but words couldn't come out.
"Our daughter is gay." My mother said simply.
"Really?" He said with just a look. Not of disappointment, more surprise. Yeah he was really, really, surprised.
"Well....ok" he said.
"Yeah" said my mother still patting my shoulder, "Yeah."
"So.....are we going to eat breakfast now or?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm starving" Mom said. She pulled her arm from around me and grabbed my hand. "Come on honey,"
With tears still in my eyes I followed them to the kitchen. We sat at the table and started eating. I still had not said a word. Dad stared for a second, Mom stared, they stared at each other. I just tried eating, even though I had no appetite.
"So," my dad said hitting the table. Mom and I jumped. "Sorry, just a little surprised."
"You're telling me," mom said. I put my fork down and just stared at my plate.
"Look," dad said "We're your parents and we love you. You're the greatest gift your mother has ever given me. You're the greatest gift I've given her. You are our world."
I nodded. Still staring at my plate.
"When did this all start?" Mom asked.
Oh that question had me so scared. I almost cried again.
"Baby don't cry" she said softly. There was a pause. Do they really want to hear the truth or do they want to hear what they think they should hear. Before I could even give myself a real answer the words left my mouth
"At a party when I was 14," I said still looking at my plate. I took a deep breath and finally looked up.
"An older girl started flirting with me. But that wasn't what did it. When I was 11 and everybody was talking about the latest boy bands and I was still looking at the female singers closer than I needed too I knew something wasn't right with me. That party when I was 14 just confirmed it."
"There's nothing wrong with you." mom said. "Like your father said, we're your parents and we love you. No matter who you decide to love."
Still teary-eyed I had a big smile of relief on my face.
"This explains why you never brought a boy over." Said dad. "Which is too bad because I had that all planned in my head the second the doctor said it's a girl."
Mom and I let out some giggles.
"But seriously," he said "No more sleepovers, OK?"
"Yes sir" I said.
"Well, at least we know she'll never get pregnant when she goes to college." Said mom.
"Yeah, so many upsides." Laughed dad. He got up from his chair and hugged me.
"I love you, honey."
"I love you too, daddy."
Two weeks later I graduated high school, a couple of months after that I started college. New city, fresh start, I was finally able to be me.
I guess I'm what you call the lucky one. My parents didn't threaten to kick me out or disown me. They just loved me because I'm their daughter.
I can't believe that was 10 years ago. Here I am now at 28 years old, in a happy relationship. In a happy marriage.
My wife had asked for my parents blessing. My father, proudly, walked me down the aisle. We just adopted our first child, a handsome baby boy. My mother is so happy to be a grandmother and my father is happy to, finally, have a little boy in his life.
I know all stories don't have a happy ending, but I'm hoping mines help someone.
It's still better to come out versus keeping it in. I kept myself in the closet for so long. At 11 years old I knew I was different, but I also knew I needed to keep my mouth shut because I knew it was wrong. From a 11 to 14 I tried to play along, but I just didn't like boys. Then that faithful night a girl kissed me for the first time and that was it. So for four long years I kept every relationship, every girlfriend a secret from parents. Seven years I was never my true self. My teen years were harder because I had such a big secret.
But once they came out. Once I came out, life got better.
For everyone still hiding, it gets better.
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junker-town · 5 years
Why The Open is the best major in golf
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There's nothing in golf like The Open. Here's why the 148th edition will be special and worth watching again.
Every major championship has its own identity, but none is stronger than the oldest in golf, The Open. The easy and popular choice for "favorite major" is the Masters. The event at Augusta National has marketed itself perfectly and elevated its importance in what is a relatively short history compared to the other majors. I prefer The Open.
For several reasons -- the identity, how it stands so apart from every other tournament of the season, my own personal interaction and memories -- this is the championship that resonates most with me. I get up for it more than any other major. Here are some of the ways it's the best, most entertaining major in golf.
1. Links weather
It can get a little monotonous for the American golf fan. Sure, there are occasional seaside venues and many courses have a signature hole or quirk. But there are certainly months-long stretches with little variety.
The Open's great appeal is that it presents the players and audience with such a dramatically different venue and style of golf. There's an increased level of creativity often required to succeed -- we've seen Tiger win without ever taking his driver out of the bag, we've seen unknown Todd Hamilton win using a damn hybrid to bump-and-run his way around the greens, and we see winning scores that run the gamut. At Troon, a runaway duel between Phil Mickelson and Henrik Stenson left us with a winning score at 20-under. The Open rota is mostly predictable set of venues but this year's, Royal Portrush, is an unknown for the pros. It’s the first time The Open has come to Northern Ireland and Portrush since 1951 and it’s sold out, a rarity for this major. The pros may not be familiar with it, but it’s a world-class setup fully capable of hosting and will provide many of those traditional links feels and views we get in Scotland and England.
It's just a totally different style of golf and the weather can change it all from day to day, morning to afternoon and hole to hole. Sure, the big hitters and bombers often still have the advantage that they enjoy at many of the other venues on the season schedule. But at least they have to think about it some more, adapt different parts of their games and get creative at times. There are *options* on almost every shot, especially up around the green.
Many of the courses on The Open rotation have been lengthened, like all the other championship tracks across the world. But these venues still look the same -- you know immediately that you're at The Open. Links golf through the weather is the defining characteristic of an Open Championship and it's rewarding to dive right in for one all-important week each year.
2. Middle-of-the-night golf
Again, a unique aspect of The Open that is part of its charm but would be quite miserable if it went on for more than one week per year. BUT ... it's just one week, so suck it up and embrace the glorious blessing of middle-of-the-night golf. Getting up in the middle of the night to watch every hour of The Open broadcast once let me witness the greatest player-caddie interaction of all time.
The Phil-Bones dynamic made this job more fun. Maybe my favorite Vine ever from '14 Open. #RIPPhil&Bones #RIPVine pic.twitter.com/bCsV8VJiWk
— Brendan Porath (@BrendanPorath) June 20, 2017
You never know what you might get as the rest of your house presumably sleeps. It's a fun party -- social media starts to stir, you know who's up and around and ready to plow through a 14-hour march.
In recent years, ESPN would come on the air around 4 a.m. for the first two rounds. This year, however, Golf Channel and NBC are back again for their fourth straight Open and will run a 50-hour broadcast from the very first tee shot until the conclusion on Sunday afternoon. So we'll do it live dammit! starting around 1:30 a.m. ET on Thursday. You now need to get up three hours earlier than you used to.
Whatever your preferred method is for getting through it -- crashing early Wednesday, or just going out for a late dinner, then staying out and powering through until Thursday afternoon -- make the effort. It's just one week and it becomes a fun personal tradition.
3. The 18th
Fewer and fewer things in golf really get the emotions running high -- so much of it is produced and forced. But the scene at the 18th of The Open never fails. Like so much with the oldest major in golf, it's because you know exactly what you're getting there. The courses may change but the R&A creates an ideal theater at the 18th each year. The only difference, really, is the clubhouse, which can serve as a "back wall.”
Grandstands go deep up the fairway from the area around the green, creating a tunnel of sorts. They also always look the same -- a similar arrangement with the blue-and-yellow scoreboards lording over the scene. It's a tradition and it looks inspiring even empty before Sunday...
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Major championships are special, the walk up 18 at @theopen is another level. Sometimes have to stop and enjoy those moments with your dad!
A post shared by Justin Thomas (@justinthomas34) on Jul 15, 2018 at 9:01am PDT
... and then completely chilling when that Sunday comes and the crowds envelope the final group walking up to the green.
"It's the greatest walk in golf."pic.twitter.com/rk1I6xN1i7
— PGA TOUR (@PGATOUR) July 18, 2017
Every major is going to put up a grandstand at its final hole, but no one sets the scene and does it with such a traditionally consistent look like The Open.
A major championship may not always produce the sexiest winner, but whomever makes that walk up the 18th at Portrush on Sunday will be gripping to watch.
4. The starter
Only at the Open Championship does a 156-player field all go off the same tee for all four rounds. It's just not possible at the U.S. Open or PGA Championship, where they send the full field in groups of three off both the 1st and 10th tees.
At The Open, however, it often stays light out way past 9 p.m. and sometimes pushing 10:30 or so when it's north in Scotland. They start the first and second rounds at 6:30 a.m., and just run everyone off the first tee for almost 11 hours until just after 4 p.m.
Standing guard at the 1st tee for the entire 11 hours, never taking a bathroom break, was always Ivor Robson, the iconic Open starter. Mr. Robson retired four years ago at St. Andrews, so we no longer have his incredibly unique and amusing voice at the start of every single round.
It will take a generation for someone to have the built-in familiarity that Robson had. David Lancaster got the first call for the impossible task of replacing Robson, and he didn't fly solo, unmoved for 11 hours like the great Ivor, but rather had occasional support from a second chair.
5. Pot bunkers
Bunkers, or sand traps if you're so inclined, aren't what they used to be. They're often not that penal for the best in the world, who sometimes even prefer that the ball go in a bunker for an easier up-and-down. At The Open, however, you can count on carnage. The pot bunkers are another tradition that make the golf of The Open so different from what we're used to, and it's fun to watch the best be challenged. Many of these might as well be hazards.
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Steve Flynn-USA TODAY Sports
6. Gorse
A word that's really only used, and used constantly, at The Open. It's junk, schmutz, jail, death. These are the plants so thick that once your ball goes off line and lands in them, you'll have trouble just finding it. There are fewer of these gorse bushes at Portrush but there are large swaths of unkempt and unplayable fescue and wildflower fields Playing it and making a swing is often not really an option. So much like the bunkers, these are unofficial hazards. You don't need ponds and lakes everywhere to force big numbers on a scorecard.
7. The outfits
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Yeahhh, the outfits from past decades at the other majors look questionable and can be jolting in retrospect. But the players tend to get a little more creative at The Open, going for some amalgam of modern and edgy gear that's also a nod to the history in the home of golf. This was Rory McIlroy's getup at Carnoustie in 2007 -- not some mid-70s tournament, although there's an overflowing library of those, too. A mock turtle, deep V sweater and white pants.
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The weather always forces the players to layer up and all the #brands want to display their best, most innovative or iconoclastic stuff. What you get is a four-day adventure in style.
8. The Claret Jug
I am biased. If you've read this far, you understand that I love almost everything about the way The Open stands out from the others. So I am sure there will be some objections in some quarters ... buuuut the Claret Jug is the best trophy in sports. There are only one or two active trophies that are older, and it's the oldest in golf. There's nothing incredibly ostentatious about it. It's relatively small, has an actual utilitarian purpose and is the most sought-after trophy in the game. The presentation of the jug, as the R&A chief drones "champion golfer of the year," is another goosebumps moment at the end of this event.
You can have your green jacket. I want to put $40,000 bottles of wine in my jug like Phil Mickelson.
* * *
There are so many little quirks that separate The Open from every other event in golf. A first tee start or a logo or a trophy all taken individually seem minor and unnoticeable. But the combination of all these differences and touches make The Open what it is, and that's the best major in golf. The course, the players, the time of day, the broadcast, the history ... there are so many things, both subtle and conspicuous, that make up a major's identity. The combination at the modern-day Open make it the most fun in golf.
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theoutdoorpursuit · 7 years
So You Want To Be An Outdoorsman?
Ah the Great Outdoors.
There is nothing quite like the secluded feeling of being in the Wild. A trip into the Outdoors, in many ways, is like a time machine back into the past. Sure today we have our phones guiding us, trail-mix to fill our bellies, and vastly improved Outdoor appliances, but venture far enough into the sticks and you can still get a sense of life 10, 000 years ago. A life lived off the land.
In Virginia, while in the Wild, I often picture myself an early settler, the only resource this new, vast untamed land with Indians, bear, and the unknown lurking behind each tree. 
The inherent goal of every Outdoorsman is to experience Wild places left untouched. This becoming increasingly more difficult as the population rapidly expands. As I’ve entered into my mid 20’s, the Outdoors have become an adult playground where my imagination can run Wild. My only wish, that I had stepped outside sooner.
I can’t say I’ve always cherished the Outdoors like I do now. In fact as a child, growing up in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia, I hated when my parents made me go outside. I’d much rather sit in the air conditioning and conquer another level of Nintendo 64’s 007 GoldenEye.
My father was and still is the farthest thing from an Outdoorsman. He can’t stomach wild game, would never hike a mountain, and hasn’t hunted a day in his life. I can’t blame him, his father was much the same and as for me, up until about 5 years ago, so was I. I had cousins and friends who hunted deer, fished for bass, and took long backcountry excursions, but I was never slightly interested in these backwoods, redneck sports.
After graduating high school, I essentially picked a college out of a hat, somehow ending up in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, tucked between the towering Blue Ridge Mountains. (Possibly because the school toted a 60-40 girl to guy ratio... priorities) Though they surrounded me, I rarely noticed these majestic peaks (talking about the mountains here not women). At the end of each summer, my mom would make the two hour drive, dropping me off for the upcoming semester, bless her heart. My nose buried in a phone, oblivious to the breathtaking views along the Appalachian mountainside. My only thought, “How much longer until I could drink beer with my friends?”
It wasn't until I was faced with the daunting task of coming up with a romantic date idea, for a young lady I’d been seeing around campus, that the Outdoors crossed my path. After a few google searches and some light reading I came across the idea of hiking, and to my surprise, according to the internet, I was living in an area with thousands of trails at my doorstep.
A short drive to the “Wild and Wonderful,” West Virginia and I was off on a snowy, 3-mile hike to High Knob Fire Tower. I was astounded by the serenity and peacefulness of walking in the woods. Time halted. Thoughts of term papers and tests, absent. I was completely present as the thought of a possible bear encounter kept me on my toes. The view was unlike anything I had ever witnessed. No photograph or television screen could do it justice.
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This was just the first of many hikes we’d end up going on and although our young love would quickly burn out, my love for the mountain side continued to cultivate.
Hiking became an escape for me during my early twenties. This difficult age often accompanied with a multitude of growing pains; the stress of finishing college, finding a career, becoming an adult, while still managing a social life. Escaping into the Wild for a day hike was a chance to leave my troubles behind while taking in the fresh, therapeutic mountain air. 
A scenic two hour drive to the Shenandoah National Park or the George Washington National Forest became my greatest refuge. I was slowly entering into the vast Outdoor world. The scenery and wildlife grabbed my attention, continually calling my name to return. This was only the beginning of my journey to become a modern day Outdoorsman. Yes, I started later in life, perhaps by now I’d have been a regular Daniel Boone, but better late than never as they always say.
You never know though, had I grown up in the Outdoors, I may not appreciate the refreshing excitement of an Outdoor venture like I currently do. Everyday in the woods has been something new for me. There’s been embarrassing moments and a steep learning curve, but nevertheless, it’s always an adventure.
Overall, the underlying theme to this blog series will be just that. You don't have to grow up in an Outdoor centered family to pursue the Wild. You don't have to be Daniel Boone. Enjoying the Outdoors is not something that can be learned or practiced, in fact we’re all technically “naturals” at it. The Outdoors have only been ingrained in our being since man’s inception, shaping us as a species.
It's simple really, you just have to go Outside.
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bellabooks · 8 years
3 Days in Queer Utopia: Thoughts on Clexacon
Las Vegas may be known as Sin City, but for a majority of the 2200 Clexacon goers, Las Vegas was more like an oasis in the desert. What was originally conceived as a small but clear response to the Bury Your Gays trope and the death of Lexa on The 100, evolved over the course of a year into a massive celebration of all things queer and female focused in entertainment. The fun started even before the con kicked off, with a party the night before at one of Vegas’ LGBTQ bars, the Phoenix. Queer, trans, non-binary folks and allies alike crammed into the space to drink, dance and meet longtime social media friends in the flesh. The band Betty even took the stage to belt out a tune. Alas, it was not the L Word theme song! The excitement was palpable on Day One of the con and continued throughout the three days, even as peoples’ bodies were weary from late nights and long days. God bless the Clexacon staff and volunteers who walked their feet to the bones and were always available for questions and assistance. Here’s a peek at Day One put together by Clexacon.   I was lucky enough to moderate one of the first panels of the con, Creating a Web Series, with panelists Christin Baker from Tello Films, Nancylee Myatt (South of Nowhere, Nikki and Nora), Paige Bernhart (Nikki and Nora, NCIS Nola) and Aasha Davis (South of Nowhere, Drunk History, The Unwritten Rules). Paige and Nancylee brought a little bit of Mardi Gras to Vegas with them, tossing beads and swag into the audience, and right off the bat you knew it was going to be a great panel. What an honor to speak with such an experienced and talented group of women. In fact, every panel I attended was absolutely killer. Big conversations were started, exciting ideas were generated, bonds were formed, and you couldn’t help but feel that if you could harness the heart of this event, it would have the power to really change the world. I walked away with so much more than I came with, and I am so grateful to all who shared their experiences and knowledge. I only wish I could have attended more smaller panels. Of course, one of the major draws of Clexacon were the big room panels. Panels with big names like the Spashley reunion of Gabrielle Christian and Mandy Musgrave, Wayhaught (with an adorably awestruck Kat Barrell, Dominique Provost-Chalkey and Emily Andras), Shoot (Sarah Shahi and Amy Acker who were incredible sports), Lost Girl, Saving Face, BAM from All My Children, and of course, Carmilla’s Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis, otherwise known as Hollstein. Here’s vid from that panel, where I asked Elise and Natasha to reenact famous scenes between queer tv and movie couples. Let’s just say, they crushed it. It starts at the 20:49 mark.   Other big room panels like Lexa’s Legacy, Year in Review, Power of Queer Social Media, and LGBTQ Actresses  drew big crowds, and had some pretty amazing moments. Another big event was Emily Andras’ writing workshop, which I was lucky enough to attend along with a packed house. Andras has a wonderfully funny but no nonsense approach to writing and is an excellent teacher. The artists alley was full of talented folks selling their wares, as well as organizations spreading the word. My suitcase was no joke, 10 lbs heavier when I left, thanks to all the great merch and Tim Tams straight from Australia. (Thanks Amber!) For a first time con, Clexacon went quite smoothly. Sure there were a few hiccups, but there was so much joy in the air, everyone just rolled with it. I met attendees as young as 8 years old and those in their 70s.  People from across town and across the world.  I can tell you this: I will be back next year. For me personally, from the moment I stepped through the con doors, to the moment I said goodbye to Las Vegas, Clexacon was one of the greatest experiences of my personal and professional life. I learned so much from all of you, and I am grateful, honored and humbled to have met so many lovely people and moderated some incredible panels. I hope you liked all the Bella swag! I know my experience differs from others simply based on the fact that I was there as a moderator and not as a guest, so I have asked Bella readers and Clexacon attendees to share their experiences with us. I’d also invite you to share with us in the comments! “Clexacon was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I came because the content was something I was really interested in, and because I wanted to meet the friends that I’ve made on twitter. Also Amy Acker. It was a warm, comfortable environment where everyone belonged and accepted each other. It was so easy to make new friends because of this, and because of the commonality we all shared. It was also really powerful to see so many people, and to hear that when we come together, we have a loud voice that has been and will be heard.” – @hmgflyer “I felt as if I was in such a safe space in such a long time! In my city nearly all the queer women’s spaces have ceased operation. Knowing that all these women are into the same stuff I’m into made it even better!” – @CroEna9 “My ClexaCon experience was absolutely amazing! Being the first convention I have ever attended, I don’t think anything could ever compare to the positive, supportive, and just all around amazing energy and vibes that surrounded ClexaCon, all the attendees and amazing line up of guests, was just so heart warming and amzing. The friendships, connections, and the honour of attendance at ClexaCon will forever live on in my heart.” – @LezbrosNFrnz “ClexaCon not only allowed me to connect with one of my passions, television, but also provided me the opportunity to discuss that passion in a space that made me feel safe and validated. For once I wasn’t that weird nerd girl who wanted to discuss representation on television, but part of a community that cares deeply about each other and seeing themselves on tv.” – Morgan Clapp “I hadn’t traveled since I’d been disabled (almost 10 years), but I had to get to ClexaCon! The Staff, including the Volunteers, took such great care of me. I never had to worry about getting into a panel or a photo op. Other Cons could learn from ClexaCon.” – Barbara Wolfe “As a girl that grew up on a tiny island in the Bahamas, face buried in a book or eyes glued to a tv screen for some form of escape from a world I never really felt I belonged to, ClexaCon weekend in Vegas meant more to me than I can ever express. Growing up surrounded by people I didn’t have much in common with was incredibly lonely. I had never realized just how isolated I felt until I was immersed in the world of ClexaCon with people who share my thoughts and feelings and interests. It felt like I was finally home.” – @ShanLaShawn “ClexaCon was, in a nutshell, like a really large family reunion, it was like coming home. Every second spent at the convention space was like being wrapped in this huge, lesbian filled bubble of positive, warm, passionate, energy, just this overwhelming, indescribable feeling of BELONGING somewhere. It didn’t matter how old you were, where you came from, or what you looked like, you were Kru! And that’s a feeling I will always carry with me. ClexaCon and the people I met while there irrevocably changed not only my life, but me as a person!”   -Meagan Baxter “I think that ClexaCon might be my favorite experience of my entire life so far. Not because of the media guests who were there (although Betty McRae meant/means a lot to me and meeting Ali Liebert was amazing), but because of the time I got to spend with fellow LGBTQ women in and out of the Con itself. I don’t know any queer women where I live, so my connection to the community is usually just online. This weekend at ClexaCon I was able to spend time with amazing women (some who I knew online, some who I didn’t) who I share so much in common with as both queer women and fans that I felt freer to laugh, cry, fangirl, and just be myself more than I think I ever have before. It was an amazing experience and I cannot wait to go again next year.” – @buknerd “The panels with content creators and actors were phenomenal. I don’t know how the organizers pulled in the guests that they did, but I was grateful for everyone’s professionalism, knowledge, and ability to keep the audience engaged. I learned from the “Bisexual Representation in the Media” panel. I enjoyed laughing in the reunion panels. I was grateful for the many intelligent audience questions. When I attended the Saving Face Reunion, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Alice Wu’s educational background is similar to mine. Being a Chinese-American, I was also glad to see Alice Wu, Lynn Chen, and Michelle Krusiec on the stage because I realized that it was the first time I had seen people who, for back of better words, look like me and discuss a movie they made.” – Heather Lo “I’m 23 years old and do not have any LGBTQ female friends, they’re all straight. Spending three full days with hundreds of LGBTQ women was the most comfortable environment I have ever been in in my whole life. I never felt out of place, just completely content in my own skin. Stepping over the threshold from Bally’s casino area into the convention each day was like flipping the world upside down and experiencing it the way that it should be: loving, accepting, welcoming, respectful and empowering. I attended the con alone and despite being more of an introvert, I spent every day talking to people I had never met before who came from all around the world for one specific reason. To demand the representation we deserve (and to of course grieve Lexa). This was by far the most necessary and imperative moment for queer women, I learned so much at each and every panel I went to. Calling ClexaCon special is an extreme understatement, but I’m not quite sure there is a more fitting word.” – Susan LeGrice http://dlvr.it/NbNgYB
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airoasis · 5 years
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/this-country-isnt-just-carbon-neutral-its-carbon-negative-tshering-tobgay-4/
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
If you are questioning, no, i’m now not sporting a dress, and no, i am now not saying what i am carrying underneath. (Laughter) it is a gho. That is my national dress. This is how all guys gown in Bhutan. That is how our ladies costume. Like our females, we guys get to put on beautiful shiny colours, but unlike our women, we get to exhibit off our legs. (Laughter) Our countrywide gown is specific, however this isn’t the one thing that’s specified about my nation. Our promise to remain carbon impartial can also be particular, and that is what i would prefer to speak about today, our promise to remain carbon neutral. However earlier than I proceed, I must set you the context. I should tell you our story. Bhutan is a small nation in the Himalayas. We now have been known as Shangri-La, even the final Shangri-La. However let me tell you proper off the bat, we’re not Shangri-La. My nation is just not one big monastery populated with happy monks. (Laughter) the reality is that there are barely 700,000 of us sandwiched between two of the most populated international locations on the planet, China and India.The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped nation doing our great to outlive. However we are doing ok. We are surviving. In fact, we are thriving, and the intent we are thriving is since now we have been blessed with exotic kings. Our enlightened monarchs have labored tirelessly to advance our country, balancing financial progress carefully with social development, environmental sustainability and cultural upkeep, all within the framework of good governance. We name this holistic approach to development "Gross countrywide Happiness," or GNH. Back within the Seventies, our fourth king famously pronounced that for Bhutan, Gross country wide Happiness is more primary than Gross national Product. (Applause) Ever considering that, all progress in Bhutan is driven by way of GNH, a pioneering vision that aims to enhance the happiness and well-being of our folks. But that’s less complicated stated than achieved, specifically if you find yourself one of the most smallest economies on the planet.Our whole GDP is less than two billion bucks. I know that a few of you listed below are valued at extra — (Laughter) individually than the complete economy of my nation. So our economic climate is small, however here is the place it gets intriguing. Schooling is thoroughly free. All citizens are guaranteed free school education, and those who work difficult are given free tuition education.Healthcare can also be completely free. Scientific session, medical healing, drug treatments: they’re all offered by the state. We control this for the reason that we use our restricted resources very cautiously, and when you consider that we stay faithful to the core mission of GNH, which is progress with values. Our economic climate is small, and we need to make stronger it. Monetary development is important, however that financial growth ought to now not come from undermining our distinct tradition or our pristine environment. Today, our culture is flourishing. We continue to celebrate our art and structure, meals and festivals, monks and monasteries. And yes, we celebrate our country wide dress, too. This is why i will be able to wear my gho with pleasure. Here is a enjoyable reality: you’re watching at the world’s greatest pocket. (Laughter) It begins here, goes around the again, and is derived out from inside of right here. In this pocket we store all manner of personal items from telephones and wallets to iPads, place of job records and books. (Laughter) (Applause) but often — in many instances even useful cargo. So our culture is prospering, but so is our environment. Seventy two percent of my country is under forest quilt.Our constitution demands that a minimum of 60 percentage of Bhutan’s complete land shall remain beneath forest quilt all the time. (Applause) Our structure, this constitution, imposes forest cover on us. Incidentally, our king used this structure to impose democracy on us. You see, we the people didn’t wish democracy. We didn’t ask for it, we failed to demand it, and we absolutely didn’t battle for it.Alternatively, our king imposed democracy on us with the aid of insisting that he include it in the structure. But he went further. He included provisions in the structure that empower the humans to impeach their kings, and included provisions in here that require all our kings to retire on the age of sixty five. (Applause) fact is, we already have a king in retirement: our prior king, the exceptional Fourth, retired 10 years in the past at the peak of his reputation. He was all of fifty one years at the moment. So as I was pronouncing, seventy two percent of our nation is below forest quilt, and all that woodland is pristine. That’s why we are some of the few final global biodiversity hotspots on the earth, and that’s why we are a carbon neutral country. In an international that is threatened with climate alternate, we’re a carbon impartial country. Seems, it’s a huge deal. Of the 200-abnormal nations on the planet at present, it looks like we’re the one one that’s carbon neutral. Genuinely, that’s now not rather accurate. Bhutan isn’t carbon neutral. Bhutan is carbon terrible. Our whole nation generates 2.2 million plenty of carbon dioxide, but our forests, they sequester more than thrice that quantity, so we’re a net carbon sink for greater than four million lots of carbon dioxide every yr.However that’s now not all. (Applause) We export most of the renewable electrical power we generate from our rapid-flowing rivers. So in these days, the easy power that we export offsets about six million lots of carbon dioxide in our local. By means of 2020, we’ll be exporting enough electrical power to offset 17 million plenty of carbon dioxide. And if we were to harness even half of our hydropower potential, and that is precisely what we’re working at, the easy, inexperienced vigor that we export would offset something like 50 million lots of carbon dioxide a 12 months. That’s more CO2 than what the entire city of latest York generates in one 12 months. So inside of our country, we’re a web carbon sink. Outside, we’re offsetting carbon. And this is main stuff. You see, the arena is getting hotter, and local weather exchange is a truth. Local weather alternate is affecting my nation. Our glaciers are melting, inflicting flash floods and landslides, which in flip are inflicting disaster and popular destruction in our country. I was at that lake not too long ago. It can be gorgeous. That is how it regarded 10 years ago, and that’s how it seemed twenty years ago. Simply 20 years in the past, that lake failed to exist.It was once an effective glacier. Just a few years ago, a identical lake breached its dams and wreaked havoc in the valleys below. That destruction used to be precipitated by one glacier lake. We’ve got 2,700 of them to take care of. The factor is this: my nation and my men and women have achieved nothing to contribute to global warming, however we’re already bearing the brunt of its consequences. And for a small, terrible country, one that’s landlocked and mountainous, it is very problematic. However we’re not going to sit down on our palms doing nothing. We will battle local weather change. That is why we have now promised to stay carbon impartial. We first made this promise in 2009 throughout COP 15 in Copenhagen, but no person noticed. Governments were so busy arguing with one yet another and blaming each different for causing climate alternate, that after a small nation raised our hands and introduced, "We promise to remain carbon neutral forever," no person heard us.No person cared. Final December in Paris, at COP 21, we reiterated our promise to stay carbon neutral for all time to come. This time, we had been heard. We had been noticed, and all people cared. What used to be one-of-a-kind in Paris was once that governments got here circular collectively to take delivery of the realities of climate trade, and had been willing to come back collectively and act together and work collectively. All international locations, from the very small to the very enormous, dedicated to reduce the greenhouse fuel emissions. The UN Framework conference on local weather trade says that if these so-referred to as intended commitments are stored, we might be toward containing global warming by two degrees Celsius.By the way, I’ve requested the TED organizers right here to turn up the warmness in here through two levels, so if a few of you feel warmer than traditional, you understand who guilty. It can be central that each one of us hold our commitments. As far as Bhutan is worried, we will be able to preserve our promise to stay carbon neutral. Here are probably the most approaches we’re doing it. We’re supplying free electrical energy to our rural farmers. The suggestion is that, with free electricity, they are going to no longer have got to use firewood to prepare dinner their food. We’re investing in sustainable transport and subsidizing the acquisition of electrical cars. In a similar way, we’re subsidizing the rate of LED lights, and our complete govt is attempting to head paperless. We are cleansing up our entire country through easy Bhutan, a countrywide application, and we are planting trees throughout our country by way of green Bhutan, yet another countrywide program. But it is our protected areas that are on the core of our carbon neutral procedure. Our protected areas are our carbon sink. They are our lungs. In these days, more than 1/2 our nation is included, as national parks, nature reserves and flora and fauna sanctuaries. However the magnificence is that we have now related all of them with one yet another by means of a network of organic corridors.Now, what this means is that our animals are free to roam for the duration of our country. Take this tiger, for instance. It was spotted at 250 meters above sea stage within the hot, subtropical jungles. Two years later, that equal tiger was spotted close 4,000 meters in our bloodless alpine mountains. Is not that awesome? (Applause) We have got to hold it that manner. We must preserve our parks notable. So each yr, we set aside assets to avert poaching, hunting, mining and air pollution in our parks, and resources to help communities who live in these parks control their forests, adapt to climate alternate, and lead better lives at the same time continuing to are living in concord with mother Nature. But that is costly. Over the following couple of years, our small economic system will not have the resources to duvet all of the charges which can be required to preserve our atmosphere. In fact, once we run the numbers, it appears like it’ll take us as a minimum 15 years earlier than we are able to thoroughly finance all our conservation efforts. However neither Bhutan, nor the sector can find the money for to spend 15 years going backwards.For this reason His Majesty the King began Bhutan For life. Bhutan For life gives us the time we’d like. It offers us breathing room. It’s almost a funding mechanism to preserve our parks, to preserve our parks, unless our government can take over on our own entirely. The proposal is to raise a transition fund from person donors, corporations and institutions, however the deal is closed most effective after predetermined stipulations are met and all money committed. So multiparty, single closing: an inspiration we borrowed from Wall avenue. Because of this man or woman donors can commit while not having to fear that they may be left helping an underfunded plan.It’s whatever like a Kickstarter undertaking, best with a 15-yr time horizon and millions of tons of carbon dioxide at stake. Once the deal is closed, we use the transition fund to protect our parks, giving our government time to develop our own funding step by step until the tip of the 15-year period. After that, our executive ensures full funding eternally. We are virtually there. We expect to shut later this 12 months. Naturally, i am pretty excited. (Applause) the world natural world Fund is our precept associate in this journey, and i need to provide them a giant shoutout for the satisfactory work they are doing in Bhutan and the world over. (Applause) Whew, it’s getting warm in right here. I thank you for being attentive to our story, a narrative of how we are keeping our promise to stay carbon neutral, a story of how we’re keeping our nation pristine, for ourselves, our youngsters, to your children and for the sector. But we are not right here to tell reviews, are we? We are here to dream collectively.So in closing, i might prefer to share a further dream that i’ve. What if we could mobilize our leadership and our resources, our impact and our ardour, to replicate the Bhutan For existence idea to other nations so that they can also preserve their protected areas for all time. In spite of everything, there are various other countries who face the same issues that we face. They too have common resources that may support win the world’s battle for sustainability, only they may not have the capacity to spend money on them now. So what if we hooked up Earth For life, a worldwide fund, to kickstart the Bhutan For lifestyles for the duration of the sector? I invite you to aid me, to carry this dream past our borders to all individuals who care about our planet’s future.In any case, we’re right here to dream together, to work together, to battle climate alternate together, to safeguard our planet collectively. Due to the fact that the reality is we are in it together. A few of us would gown in a different way, but we’re in it collectively. Thank you very a lot, and kadrin chhe la. Thank you. (Applause) thank you, thanks, thanks. .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/this-country-isnt-just-carbon-neutral-its-carbon-negative-tshering-tobgay-4/
This country isn't just carbon neutral ? it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay
If you are questioning, no, i’m now not sporting a dress, and no, i am now not saying what i am carrying underneath. (Laughter) it is a gho. That is my national dress. This is how all guys gown in Bhutan. That is how our ladies costume. Like our females, we guys get to put on beautiful shiny colours, but unlike our women, we get to exhibit off our legs. (Laughter) Our countrywide gown is specific, however this isn’t the one thing that’s specified about my nation. Our promise to remain carbon impartial can also be particular, and that is what i would prefer to speak about today, our promise to remain carbon neutral. However earlier than I proceed, I must set you the context. I should tell you our story. Bhutan is a small nation in the Himalayas. We now have been known as Shangri-La, even the final Shangri-La. However let me tell you proper off the bat, we’re not Shangri-La. My nation is just not one big monastery populated with happy monks. (Laughter) the reality is that there are barely 700,000 of us sandwiched between two of the most populated international locations on the planet, China and India.The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped nation doing our great to outlive. However we are doing ok. We are surviving. In fact, we are thriving, and the intent we are thriving is since now we have been blessed with exotic kings. Our enlightened monarchs have labored tirelessly to advance our country, balancing financial progress carefully with social development, environmental sustainability and cultural upkeep, all within the framework of good governance. We name this holistic approach to development "Gross countrywide Happiness," or GNH. Back within the Seventies, our fourth king famously pronounced that for Bhutan, Gross country wide Happiness is more primary than Gross national Product. (Applause) Ever considering that, all progress in Bhutan is driven by way of GNH, a pioneering vision that aims to enhance the happiness and well-being of our folks. But that’s less complicated stated than achieved, specifically if you find yourself one of the most smallest economies on the planet.Our whole GDP is less than two billion bucks. I know that a few of you listed below are valued at extra — (Laughter) individually than the complete economy of my nation. So our economic climate is small, however here is the place it gets intriguing. Schooling is thoroughly free. All citizens are guaranteed free school education, and those who work difficult are given free tuition education.Healthcare can also be completely free. Scientific session, medical healing, drug treatments: they’re all offered by the state. We control this for the reason that we use our restricted resources very cautiously, and when you consider that we stay faithful to the core mission of GNH, which is progress with values. Our economic climate is small, and we need to make stronger it. Monetary development is important, however that financial growth ought to now not come from undermining our distinct tradition or our pristine environment. Today, our culture is flourishing. We continue to celebrate our art and structure, meals and festivals, monks and monasteries. And yes, we celebrate our country wide dress, too. This is why i will be able to wear my gho with pleasure. Here is a enjoyable reality: you’re watching at the world’s greatest pocket. (Laughter) It begins here, goes around the again, and is derived out from inside of right here. In this pocket we store all manner of personal items from telephones and wallets to iPads, place of job records and books. (Laughter) (Applause) but often — in many instances even useful cargo. So our culture is prospering, but so is our environment. Seventy two percent of my country is under forest quilt.Our constitution demands that a minimum of 60 percentage of Bhutan’s complete land shall remain beneath forest quilt all the time. (Applause) Our structure, this constitution, imposes forest cover on us. Incidentally, our king used this structure to impose democracy on us. You see, we the people didn’t wish democracy. We didn’t ask for it, we failed to demand it, and we absolutely didn’t battle for it.Alternatively, our king imposed democracy on us with the aid of insisting that he include it in the structure. But he went further. He included provisions in the structure that empower the humans to impeach their kings, and included provisions in here that require all our kings to retire on the age of sixty five. (Applause) fact is, we already have a king in retirement: our prior king, the exceptional Fourth, retired 10 years in the past at the peak of his reputation. He was all of fifty one years at the moment. So as I was pronouncing, seventy two percent of our nation is below forest quilt, and all that woodland is pristine. That’s why we are some of the few final global biodiversity hotspots on the earth, and that’s why we are a carbon neutral country. In an international that is threatened with climate alternate, we’re a carbon impartial country. Seems, it’s a huge deal. Of the 200-abnormal nations on the planet at present, it looks like we’re the one one that’s carbon neutral. Genuinely, that’s now not rather accurate. Bhutan isn’t carbon neutral. Bhutan is carbon terrible. Our whole nation generates 2.2 million plenty of carbon dioxide, but our forests, they sequester more than thrice that quantity, so we’re a net carbon sink for greater than four million lots of carbon dioxide every yr.However that’s now not all. (Applause) We export most of the renewable electrical power we generate from our rapid-flowing rivers. So in these days, the easy power that we export offsets about six million lots of carbon dioxide in our local. By means of 2020, we’ll be exporting enough electrical power to offset 17 million plenty of carbon dioxide. And if we were to harness even half of our hydropower potential, and that is precisely what we’re working at, the easy, inexperienced vigor that we export would offset something like 50 million lots of carbon dioxide a 12 months. That’s more CO2 than what the entire city of latest York generates in one 12 months. So inside of our country, we’re a web carbon sink. Outside, we’re offsetting carbon. And this is main stuff. You see, the arena is getting hotter, and local weather exchange is a truth. Local weather alternate is affecting my nation. Our glaciers are melting, inflicting flash floods and landslides, which in flip are inflicting disaster and popular destruction in our country. I was at that lake not too long ago. It can be gorgeous. That is how it regarded 10 years ago, and that’s how it seemed twenty years ago. Simply 20 years in the past, that lake failed to exist.It was once an effective glacier. Just a few years ago, a identical lake breached its dams and wreaked havoc in the valleys below. That destruction used to be precipitated by one glacier lake. We’ve got 2,700 of them to take care of. The factor is this: my nation and my men and women have achieved nothing to contribute to global warming, however we’re already bearing the brunt of its consequences. And for a small, terrible country, one that’s landlocked and mountainous, it is very problematic. However we’re not going to sit down on our palms doing nothing. We will battle local weather change. That is why we have now promised to stay carbon impartial. We first made this promise in 2009 throughout COP 15 in Copenhagen, but no person noticed. Governments were so busy arguing with one yet another and blaming each different for causing climate alternate, that after a small nation raised our hands and introduced, "We promise to remain carbon neutral forever," no person heard us.No person cared. Final December in Paris, at COP 21, we reiterated our promise to stay carbon neutral for all time to come. This time, we had been heard. We had been noticed, and all people cared. What used to be one-of-a-kind in Paris was once that governments got here circular collectively to take delivery of the realities of climate trade, and had been willing to come back collectively and act together and work collectively. All international locations, from the very small to the very enormous, dedicated to reduce the greenhouse fuel emissions. The UN Framework conference on local weather trade says that if these so-referred to as intended commitments are stored, we might be toward containing global warming by two degrees Celsius.By the way, I’ve requested the TED organizers right here to turn up the warmness in here through two levels, so if a few of you feel warmer than traditional, you understand who guilty. It can be central that each one of us hold our commitments. As far as Bhutan is worried, we will be able to preserve our promise to stay carbon neutral. Here are probably the most approaches we’re doing it. We’re supplying free electrical energy to our rural farmers. The suggestion is that, with free electricity, they are going to no longer have got to use firewood to prepare dinner their food. We’re investing in sustainable transport and subsidizing the acquisition of electrical cars. In a similar way, we’re subsidizing the rate of LED lights, and our complete govt is attempting to head paperless. We are cleansing up our entire country through easy Bhutan, a countrywide application, and we are planting trees throughout our country by way of green Bhutan, yet another countrywide program. But it is our protected areas that are on the core of our carbon neutral procedure. Our protected areas are our carbon sink. They are our lungs. In these days, more than 1/2 our nation is included, as national parks, nature reserves and flora and fauna sanctuaries. However the magnificence is that we have now related all of them with one yet another by means of a network of organic corridors.Now, what this means is that our animals are free to roam for the duration of our country. Take this tiger, for instance. It was spotted at 250 meters above sea stage within the hot, subtropical jungles. Two years later, that equal tiger was spotted close 4,000 meters in our bloodless alpine mountains. Is not that awesome? (Applause) We have got to hold it that manner. We must preserve our parks notable. So each yr, we set aside assets to avert poaching, hunting, mining and air pollution in our parks, and resources to help communities who live in these parks control their forests, adapt to climate alternate, and lead better lives at the same time continuing to are living in concord with mother Nature. But that is costly. Over the following couple of years, our small economic system will not have the resources to duvet all of the charges which can be required to preserve our atmosphere. In fact, once we run the numbers, it appears like it’ll take us as a minimum 15 years earlier than we are able to thoroughly finance all our conservation efforts. However neither Bhutan, nor the sector can find the money for to spend 15 years going backwards.For this reason His Majesty the King began Bhutan For life. Bhutan For life gives us the time we’d like. It offers us breathing room. It’s almost a funding mechanism to preserve our parks, to preserve our parks, unless our government can take over on our own entirely. The proposal is to raise a transition fund from person donors, corporations and institutions, however the deal is closed most effective after predetermined stipulations are met and all money committed. So multiparty, single closing: an inspiration we borrowed from Wall avenue. Because of this man or woman donors can commit while not having to fear that they may be left helping an underfunded plan.It’s whatever like a Kickstarter undertaking, best with a 15-yr time horizon and millions of tons of carbon dioxide at stake. Once the deal is closed, we use the transition fund to protect our parks, giving our government time to develop our own funding step by step until the tip of the 15-year period. After that, our executive ensures full funding eternally. We are virtually there. We expect to shut later this 12 months. Naturally, i am pretty excited. (Applause) the world natural world Fund is our precept associate in this journey, and i need to provide them a giant shoutout for the satisfactory work they are doing in Bhutan and the world over. (Applause) Whew, it’s getting warm in right here. I thank you for being attentive to our story, a narrative of how we are keeping our promise to stay carbon neutral, a story of how we’re keeping our nation pristine, for ourselves, our youngsters, to your children and for the sector. But we are not right here to tell reviews, are we? We are here to dream collectively.So in closing, i might prefer to share a further dream that i’ve. What if we could mobilize our leadership and our resources, our impact and our ardour, to replicate the Bhutan For existence idea to other nations so that they can also preserve their protected areas for all time. In spite of everything, there are various other countries who face the same issues that we face. They too have common resources that may support win the world’s battle for sustainability, only they may not have the capacity to spend money on them now. So what if we hooked up Earth For life, a worldwide fund, to kickstart the Bhutan For lifestyles for the duration of the sector? I invite you to aid me, to carry this dream past our borders to all individuals who care about our planet’s future.In any case, we’re right here to dream together, to work together, to battle climate alternate together, to safeguard our planet collectively. Due to the fact that the reality is we are in it together. A few of us would gown in a different way, but we’re in it collectively. Thank you very a lot, and kadrin chhe la. Thank you. (Applause) thank you, thanks, thanks. .
0 notes
torentialtribute · 6 years
Vasiliy Lomachenko exclusive: The best since Muhammad Ali?
Vasiliy Lomachenko is tired. He rubs his eyes and lowers his shoulders while he listens half-heartedly to voices rotating. His foot is anxiously ticking away against a metal chair while the other interview floats by. He does not want to be here.
& # 39; They are always the same questions. & # 39; Here & # 39; is Fitzroy Lodge gym in Lambeth, London under a bridge where trains rattle and hit the head and & # 39; here & # 39; is the spotlight where the crowd gathers to seek their pound of meat. They all want to know the same thing.
What makes him the most unique hunter in a generation? What is the secret of all the incredible things that he can do?
Lomachenko won a world title in his third professional fight after the biggest amateur career of all time. He won two Olympic gold medals, two World Championships and lost eleven in 396 fights
But for now I do not want the man reveal who is the greatest amateur of all time – he lost only once in 396 fights – before becoming a world champion in three divisions became key to his genius. Instead, he just wants to sleep outside in the car, away from the crowds and swaying heavy bags and the shrill pops of a bell. A small corner of peace, just for a moment.
& # 39; No more interviews after this & # 39 ;, says his manager.
The Bible of Boxing, Ring Magazine, Lomachenko places the largest pound-for-pound hunter in the world, before Anthony Joshua, Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin to name just a few. The Ukrainian fought only 12 times professionally on the way to three world titles.
Floyd Mayweather took 34 fights to achieve the same feat.
Those dozen periods were raised by the Hall of Fame promoter Bob Arum, who has seen a lot in his 45 years in sport. He witnessed Sugar Ray Leonard, George Foreman, Evander Holyfield and Manny Pacquiao up close and had the first row seat for all the greats.
& # 39; I have never seen a hunter as technically perfect as Vasiliy & # 39 ;, he said last year. I am telling you without reservation that Lomachenko is the greatest hunter I have seen since Muhammad Ali.
Amateur career
Amateur career
[x459002] [x459002] [x459002] [x459002] [x 459002]] World Champion on three weight 12 fights, 11 victories,
Fastest triple world champion ever (12 fights)
The least fights needed for titles win in two divisions (seven) [194590 Next fight: Jose Pedraza, New York, 8 December,
In 2013, Lomachenko flew with his manager Egis Klima s to New York to meet potential promoters, but no one offered what he wanted.
Arum & # 39; s Top Rank came closest to offering and got the gig. Lomachenko had to wait until his second fight to challenge for a title, which he lost controversially before he claimed the WBO featherweight belt in his third fight in 2014, which is the record for the fastest world champion in history
He is a man in a hurry in more than one way, while on December 8 he prepares to include Jose Pedraza in New York for the WBO world lightweight title to add to his WBA version. Another fight, another belt.
& # 39; I do everything I can for my legacy, that is my goal, "he says. & # 39; I do all this because I want to be the biggest. & # 39;
Unfortunately for Lomachenko the road winds to eternal greatness through an avalanche of interviews. Another photo, another question.
To be a fighter who is destined to be great is easy. To be famous; not so much
His unusual education and training drove him to gold medals at the Olympic Games of 2008 and 2012. Here the pound-for-pound champion shows off his London Olympic tattoo 2012
It is impossible to separate Lomachenko and his achievements from his father, who also trains him. Anatoly's image is tattooed on his stomach and he is scorched in his brain.
– He was the national boxing coach of Ukraine and led the country to five medals
– He is a former boxing and gymnastics teacher
– He was coached with his son
– He became Boxing Writer's Association of America & # 39; named, Vasiliy, for his entire career
– Russ Abner, Lomachenko & # 39; s cornerman: "He brings that old-school work ethic and mixes it with new innovations in training, techniques and the thought process, the things that he practices, everything
In a sport dotted with complex fathers and problems their relationship is simple. "He just gives me an instruction and I do it," Lomachenko says. & # 39; Simple & # 39 ;.
The whole family courses with talent; The mother of Vasiliy was a gymnast and martial artist and Anatoly was himself an amateur boxer and teacher before becoming the national boxing coach of Ukraine.
Lomachenko Sr, who once described Arum as the first boxer from the very beginning of his life in Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, a small town on the Black Sea in Ukraine. & # 39; a mastermind & # 39 ;, put boxing gloves on his son's hands when he was only three days old. I boxed until he was nine and then no more; Anatoly sentenced him to four years of traditional Ukrainian dance lessons without letting so much into anger, so that the multilingual Vasiliy had the required footwork to hit and was not hit in the ring.
Before his hands could damage and confuse his intellect, his feet could move.
Vasiliy seldom dances outside the ring, but is blessed with the most beautiful feet in it; his characteristic forefoot of the foot teleports him around confused opponents to balance to dizzying series of uncomfortable punches from unusual angles. & # 39; It's my favorite move. I have trained to do it all my life.
Once his feet were finished, Anatoly and Vasiliy went on to build together perhaps the greatest amateur career of all time. Two Olympic gold coins, two world championships and only one defeat later, they were ready for the pros.
The team of Lomachenko is not so busy creating the perfect boxer, but rather the ultimate athlete.
5 hours starts is common during camp and exercises vary from day to day; Lomachenko could one day play volleyball and play the next day against himself in a game of tennis, or lengths in the pool and then on the beach in the neighborhood can run with a parachute on his back.
Against the middle of the morning he sleeps to recover before waking up at 10 am to go back to the gym
I juggle and can walk with his hands over a ring. The grind of a normal training camp is a mainstay, but it is his unorthodox all-round training that sets him apart.
A special party is to hold his breath under water to demonstrate his incredible ability to transport oxygen. What is his record? Now it's four minutes and 30 seconds & # 39 ;. The average person can sustain it for about a minute.
The intensity and variety of the training has its setbacks. Cecilio Flores once said:
Anatoly is described by his team as peaceful, patient and wise, but rarely gives interviews.
& # 39; He is my trainer, but he has always stayed like a father for me & # 39 ;, says Lomachenko. & # 39; Every day for me is a father, in training, home, father.
Are you still trying to impress him? & # 39; Yes. Of course. Belts come and go, but the pursuit of a father's approval will continue unabated.
Anatoly has given his son an arsenal of weapons to work with in the ring. He moves, slips and swings, pulls down the opponent's guard with one hand and strikes with the other hand, and of course he dances.
But to make Vasiliy the ultimate fighter – to win that battle of intellect – Anatoly still had a trick in store.
In London he quietly looks in the background, unannounced and alone, while his nerves sink under the weight of public demand. He looks attentively and pulls a baseball cap low on his face. In his mind are the blueprints for the worldwide domination of his son. But he will not talk today.
Cecilio Flores (3rd left), Lomachenko (middle), Egis Klimas (fifth left), Anatoly Lomachenko (3rd right) and team psychologist Andriy Kolosov (right)) "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Cecilio Flores (3rd left), Lomachenko (middle), Egis Klimas (fifth left), Anatoly Lomachenko (3rd right) and team psychologist Andriy Kolosov (right)) "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Cecilio Flores (3rd left), Lomachenko (middle), Egis Klimas (fifth left), Anatoly Lomachenko (3rd right) and team psychologist Andriy (second left), strength and conditioning coach During a typical camp of two months:
– Waking up at 5 am
– Cardio Work and gymnastics
– 45 minutes mental strength training
– Sleep, rest and recuperate
– Waking up again at 10 am
– Second gym session
– Rest days on Thursday
In November, California collapsed on its knees the 240,000 hectares of wildfires across the parched land; they were the most destructive in the history of the state. From both the north and the south they raged with whole cities on their path. 85 people have lost their lives.
In the south, Lomachenko and his team were not immune to the panic and fear of thousands of fleeing troops. Oxnard is a peaceful and rich seaside resort outside of Los Angeles and has become the home of European boxing.
& # 39; It was very close to us & # 39 ;, says team psychologist Andriy Kolosov of Lomachenko. & # 39; If the wind blew in our direction, our house would have been on fire. Fortunately the wind blew towards the ocean.
Kolosov was there as an observer while Lomachenko peaked over the ashes of his only amateurish defeat, during the World Championships 2007 in Chicago against the Russian Albert Selimov and brought on board.
Mental training is his specialty.
He tests the hunter with a series of mental exercises at the end of long training days to even focus and execute when he is tired Finely balanced wooden blocks at one end with hands still shaking from a heavy bag session is not common in the world of boxing, but it works for Lomacheko.
Lomachenko is not only a talented boxer, but an all-round athlete
The training schedule of the 30-year-old implies that he participates in various sports, of boxing, which happens to him naturally through the fact that Anatoly of his father allowed him to participate in various activities as a child.
Turner and juggler
Vasiliy's mother was a skillful gymnast and seems to run in the family. One of his party tricks is to start in a corner of the ring and walk on his hands to the opposite corner.
The 30-year-old can also juggle and although it seems a trick, it is actually designed to improve his hand-eye coordination.
Hockey player
Lomachenko would be the captain of his local ice hockey team in Ukraine. Hockey is one of his favorite sports.
The hunter played football as a child and sustained it during his training. Manager Egis Klimas told Sports Illustrated: & # 39; We can use Vasiliy in & # 39; the world's biggest football stadium places and it's going well with him. & # 39;
Another unique part of Lomachenko's training is ball games. I have hand-eye coordination trains with a tennis ball attached to a piece of elastic and a hat, and the ball bounces from one fist to the other. He also plays volleyball during the camp, as well as playing tennis against himself with an oversized ball and racket.
But there is a reason for the unique training of Lomachenko …
The varied training of Lomachenko is designed to sharpen all his skills and keep him motivated. He says: & # 39; The day before the fight, my father edits a video that consists of all the training we have gone through. And you look at it and it gives you energy. It is psychologically rewarding to evaluate all the hard work you have gone through. When they make a bomb, they leave a fuse at the end. The fuse burns the day before the fight. & # 39;
He says: & # 39; My role is to increase the relationship between his mind and his body.
& # 39; If you have sufficient mental capacity to concentrate your 12 rounds, you can make successful decisions during a fight.
Mike Tyson, former heavyweight champion : Lomachenko is my favorite hunter to see. He is the best hunter in the world today
Bob Arum, the legendary promoter : & # 39; I have never seen a hunter as technically perfect as he.
Sugar Ray Leonard, Hall of Fame boxer : "He is a bad boy, I tell you he is a bad boy. I love what I see in him.
Carl Froch, former champion : & # 39; He is the number one in pounds. We already knew he had an unparalleled skill, but the way he got off the ground and fought through a shoulder injury against a great opponent in Jorge Linares proved his strength. He is now the complete hunter.
Steve Bunce, analyst: & # 39; When we talk about who is the greatest athlete or athlete, now living on performances, Lomachenko must be with Lionel Messi, Rodger Federer, and so on
Joe Rogan, commentator : "He is perhaps the best boxer ever to have lived.
& # 39; When we increase the resources of mental activity [by training while fatigued] we have as much skill as possible to control what he does. & # 39;
The goal is to reach a point where you will have a good time, mind and body focus on making something that boxing has rarely seen; The team of Lomachenko describes what he does as & # 39; movement intelligence & # 39; – the knowledge of not only how to hit, but also how to use his intelligence to find out how he can prevent a return stroke and can be placed to strike again. In milliseconds.
The moment that happens, when everything slows down and Matrix coding appears before the eyes of Lomachenko are known as & # 39; The Flow & # 39 ;.
& # 39; It is a very specific, very focused state of mind & # 39 ;.
Kolsov explains: & # 39; Everything together makes him who he is. We try to understand the computer in his mind and understand how it is all connected with his hands, his feet.
& # 39; It is a very powerful computer. & # 39;
& # 39; His physical qualities are obvious, but in the end it is his conviction that brings all these things together. & # 39; when there is a glitch in the Matrix, as when Lomachenko was on his way to a knockout victory over Jorge Linares to win the WBA lightweight title in his last fight?
THE BOXING LABEL – Lomachenko fights from the Boxing Laboratory in Oxnard, California . Other Eastern European hunters who train there are:
Oleksander Usyk, undisputed cruiserweight champion
Oleksandr Gvozdyk, WBC world light-heavyweight champion
Egis Kavaliauskas, undefeated Lithuanian welterweight
& # 39; I did not lose orientation or concentration, I made a mistake in his movement. & # 39;
Maxim Dadashev, undefeated Russian super lightweight
Something did not happen according to our plan, & # 39; Kolosov stresses defiantly. There are no unexplained accidents in the world of Lomachenko.
In November, after a long, hard day at the gym, Kolosov stepped aside his attack and placed him in front of a series of numbered cards that had been pinned to the wall. as he always does.
The purpose of the exercise is to use the numbered cards to solve a series of mental arithmetic problems as quickly as possible under time pressure and while it is exhausted. It is one of a handful of exercises of the couple together.
& # 39; We are close to the next fight at the height of his preparations when Vasiliy gets very tired. We have done the exercise recently and he has broken his record. He was faster than ever. "
So the preparations for the Pedraza fight are going well Kolosov laughs. & # 39; I hope it & # 39;
These four men were not beaten, they were broken. Marks did not appear on their faces of beaten leather torn on jaws, but they could not go any further; it did not make any sense. They all stopped.
Four fights, 27 rounds, two undefeated records snatched away and the foundations of a legacy built. In honor of Roberto Duran's infamous plea, because of his advanced style, he no longer became a Hi-Tec & # 39; Lomachenko considered. He got the name & # 39; No Mas-Chenko & # 39 ;. Not anymore.
The crown jewel in that run was his victory over the great Guillermo Rigondeaux last December
Lomachenko's rise to the top gathered speed with four fights in which his opponents quit
Lomachenko claimed his first world title against Gary Russell Jr. in 2014 in just his third fight
He equalled the record for the fewest fights to win a world title (3), having controversially lost in his second ever fight against an overweight Orlando Salido
No surprise, it was a historic occasion; the first professional bout where two multiple Olympic champions with undefeated records squared off. Such was the stature of the fight, Roy Jones Jr even claimed that ‘on paper this is the best professional fight ever made’.
What happened next was a systematic dismantling of the Cuban in Lomachenko’s 10th professional fight. The 30-year-old toyed with his rival. Rigondeaux, angered and without an answer, tried to hold his rival’s head and punch, but he still couldn’t land.
By the start of the seventh round the undefeated, top 10 pound-for-pound fighter had decided enough was enough.
'It was not a big win', Lomachenko shrugged afterwards. 
    His fight against Cuba's Guillermo Rigondeaux was billed as one of the best in years, pitting two undefeated double-gold medallists against each other for the first time in history
Almost exactly a year to the day of Rigondeaux’s startling submission, on the very same weekend and in the same building, Pedraza becomes the next man to run the gauntlet.
‘We plan how to solve problems in our training,’ Lomachenko says without blinking. 
    Lomachenko dominated his rival in a fight Roy Jones Jr billed as maybe the 'best  ever made'
A confluence of all factors – talent, environment, character and training have bought Lomachenko to this point; history is behind and well as laid out before him. It is a terrifying but real possibility that he will get even better, too. He has, after all, only fought 103 professional rounds of boxing.
Anatoly told ESPN last year that his son's whiplash ascent to triple world champion is all by ‘design’, guided by a blueprint drawn up ‘before he was conceived’. The final flourishes on that design are yet to be revealed. But at 30 time is against him in the race to be the greatest of all.
    Rigondeaux was dejected as he was made to quit at the start of the seventh round of the fight 
‘I'm thinking I would like to keep boxing for maybe five to seven years,’ Lomachenko explains. ‘I'm staying at this weight class, 135 (lightweight). There is a lot of things to do in this class.’
Should he beat Pedraza and take his WBO lightweight title, the next major landmark on his map marked history is likely to be a showdown with Mikey Garcia.
Garcia, an undefeated multiple-weight champion with 39 fights and as many knockout defeats, would be Lomachenko’s toughest test by a long way. The fight would be a battle to become the first man ever to hold all four division belts at once.
If he gets past that stern test, then who knows. Can he remain at lightweight for the rest of his career and fulfil his quest to be the greatest? Probably not. Perhaps he moves back down to take on Floyd Mayweather’s dangerously talented-but-erratic Gervonta Davis. Maybe he moves up to welterweight where big names and bigger money lurks.
    After Pedraza, Lomachenko could take on fellow lightweight champion Mikey Garcia (L) or maybe Gervonta Davis (R), who is looked after by the legendary Floyd Mayweather 
But for now, that’s a question for tomorrow. ‘I prepare for my next fight.’ he says flatly.
The interview has gone on too long. 'I don't know how to answer that,’ he says in response to a question about his style.
‘It's not for me to describe. The reporters, announcers, those people, they have to look my style and decide. I just cannot, I don't even know how to answer that question.’ Like his opponents, he's saying no mas. 
Perhaps he longs to be back in the Boxing Laboratory in Oxnard, where he warms up amongst friends and fighters from Ukraine. On a concrete wall behind minimalist machinery at the gym, a sign reads: ‘Real boxers are ordinary people with extraordinary determination’.
Off in the distance from his home away from home are the bright lights of Las Vegas and all the promise of boxing greatness it holds.
    Lomachenko says: 'I'm doing all of this for my legacy.  Because I want to be the greatest.’
Vasily Lomachenko faces Jose Pedraza in a WBO and WBA unification bout at Madison Square Garden on December 8, televised live on BoxNation in the UK.
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1inawesomewonder · 6 years
From Sullivan Arena in Goffstown, NH – February 10, 2019:
It’s always nice to win on Senior Night but to beat an exceptional team, the defending champions of the league you play in, in a great game on your home ice. Well, that is something beyond special. Goffstown outlasted Keene 4-3 on a night where the senior’s effort was the theme throughout.
Before I get to the game, I have to make an attempt at thanks, at showing gratitude and hoping I don’t leave anyone out from the humble observations that I make in a given space. I catch a lot, but I miss even more.
I wish the ceremonies could be seen by hundreds, if not thousands if only for others to see how much preparation goes into a night like last night. I can’t begin to list the people who give of themselves, above and beyond to pull off a night like last night. 10 seniors are leaving the program, and with all of the families parading through this space and that place, it’s quite an undertaking. The members of the board, Friends of Hockey for Goffstown High, outstanding work and vigilance to tradition, to creativity, and to making it so easy for the senior families. Thank you, Al Potvin, for the voice, the reading, the announcements, and taking all of that that on, to the benefit of us all. Thank you to Tobey Gamache and everyone else who held a door, who saved a seat, who cleared the path, who called out names, who prompted the next move, who snapped photo after photo, who volunteered and gave of their time to make the honorees feel special; thank you. You all were outstanding. The flags, the bear, the flowers, the balloons, the jerseys, the signs (those were so awesome that I want to stop and look at them some more), the senior boards, the family and group pictures, all were incredible and just make the moment that much more special. The list is long but somehow the moment passes in a flash not so dissimilar to how quickly four years of high school seem to go. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I do believe our kids know what it feels like to feel special, even if it takes some distance in years to fully realize it. Wow, we are truly blessed.
Why are we blessed? These ten. Drive. Determination. Passion. Refusing to settle for the way it has been. (Sage Photo)
I heard both, first and second hand, commentary from folks gathered around the senior boards up on the concourse. There were conversations, explanations, laughs, memories, moments, achievements, and proof of a kid’s sheer passion to master a sport that separates itself from all others by the simple fact that it’s played on a pair of razor blades. For many, that pursuit of passion has consumed as much as 70% of these kids young lives thus far. The support system necessary to pull off such a feat is one of the things that has me believing, still, that hockey teams and hockey families are the best of the best, across all sports, mainly because the structure of family within the pursuit of passion is not matched in any other team sport.
They are almost done yet it seems likely they just bearly got started. (That play on words is for you Dad). (Sage Photo)
I am humbled and honored to be a part of this group. (Sage Photo)
Let’s fill this place! Only one more regular season home game. Be there Saturday the 16th! (Sage Photo)
The Captain greets his team onto the ice for a tilt with Keene. (Sage Photo)
Nobody has ever seen the Grizzlie and Sean Hunter in the same place at the same time. #ferocious (Sage Photo)
The rest of the Grizzlies welcome the this year’s seniors to the ice in pre-game ceremonies. (Sage Photo)
Fortunately the Grizzlies, and their seniors, did not come out flat on Senior Night against the defending D2 Champions, winning 4-3. (Photo by Charron)
Most rinks have boards, but not like these very special boards. (Photo by Charron)
They say that some Grizzlies are more intimidating than others. (Sage Photo)
Cook, Burke, Lassonde, Beal, Noonan starting on Senior Night. (Photo by Charron)
I am not a senior mom, but I know quite a few. I was fortunate enough to be present in my own home when we hosted 10 senior hockey moms on Saturday night. I did have to sign numerous pacts of secrecy, pledge various allegiances, complete a few ritualistic tasks, and create a special workstation to employ the greatest technical arts and crafts kit I have ever laid eyes on, just to be allowed to continue with my humble ramblings. In the end, it was one of the best nights of the last four years. The stories, the sense of excitement to be kid-free for a night, the sense of humor, the collective time spent over the years, all of us together in our family room. All the moms, preparing as only moms can, for a visual presentation, the culminating of all the years, essentially leading to the high school sports version of a retirement night for 10 outstanding kids and their families. It is almost too much for me to even contemplate capturing. Let me just say that we had so much fun that our calendars are already being prepped for next year’s meeting; senior night, or not. 
If you’re not making a face similar to this, you might want to step up your game a notch or two. (Sage Photo)
Kyle, the backstop, with Alex McCarthy out front. (Sage Photo)
Jacob Noonan leans into a shot with all the seniors posted behind him. Colby netted this rebound. (Sage Photo)
Sometimes a goaltender has to stand on his head to stand tall in a game. Kyle did a little of that too in the 4-3 win over Keene. (Sage Photo)
It’s an optical illusion. Once this game got going it was like the Grizzlies were skating down hill. (Sage Photo)
Colin Burke delights the Goffstown home crowd with his derring-do. (Photo by Charron)
The one, the only, Devin Cote. Glad he came back this season. (Photo by Charron)
Senior, forward, Alex McCarthy. (Photo by Charron)
Okay, I am sorry to get off track or wherever I am but those moms apply a lot of pressure, there are royalties, speaking engagements, craft fairs, etc. lined up. It may have been a night that was a little too big for its’ own britches. Under the agreement, I am now supposed to write, for next year’s gathering, “Bring your own slippers”. Make of it what you will. I am a good soldier.
Alrighty then, the spotlight was dimmed, and the rink lights were raised to game time level. Lineups were announced while taking a moment to recognize the seniors on Keene’s roster as well. Then, GHS student, Serena Martinez crushed it completely! When she opened the game with a tremendous singing of our National Anthem. I was standing right beside her and the sweet, soft tones of her voice did the difficult song justice and then some. Thank you for being a part of the evening for all of us. 
Sorry boys, I gotta get going. (Sage Photo)
Brett Lassonde skated with the wind at his back all night. (Sage Photo)
This is not an optical illusion. Jake is actually looking over his own shoulder. (Sage Photo)
This ain’t no slow dance. Make some noise and let’s rock this place! (Sage Photo)
Teammate behavior. (Sage Photo)
Goffstown erupted for 3 goals in the second period in their 4-3 win over Keene. (Sage Photo)
Theo, Grady, Luke, and Lassonde line up against Keene. (Sage Photo)
Chretien skates circles around opponents on a regular basis. (Sage Photo)
Calm as the other side of the pillow (RIP Stuart Scott), Noonan is another name for “no sweat”. (Sage Photo)
Theo Milianes tries to keep both feet inbounds while making the catch, but he was overthrown. (Sage Photo)
The game finally started and both teams were playing with good energy. Keene had just played on Saturday and ended Oyster River’s 7-0-1 unbeaten streak with a 5-1 win and raising their win streak to 3 in a row after losing 3 in a row. Goffstown hadn’t played since Feb. 2nd when they lost at Windham, because their game at John Stark on Wednesday night had been winter weathered out. Pleasantries were immediately renewed when Jerred Tattersall braced for a hit from Sebastian Beal in the opening seconds and butt-ended Beal in the throat when both players got their sticks up. No calls were made until the second period. Then, when Grady Chretien lost the puck in the offensive zone out high, Jerred Tattersall beat Colin Burke, who let up about two strides too early, to the front of the net and scored an unassisted goal at 4:10 of the period. It was Keene’s first shot on net. Not to be outdone, the Grizzlies answered with a goal of their own 55 seconds later. Colby Gamache made a nice little pass at center ice to Griffin Cook who carried the puck into the offensive zone. Cook and Sebastian Beal exchanged shots and rebounds before Cook buried the puck in the net, and the game was tied 1-1 at 5:05 of the period. After some back and forth play with Keene playing noticeably more aggressive offensively than in their first meeting out in Keene, the Black Birds got on the board again. Brian Langevin, who I call one of the best distributors of the puck in D2 because he puts the puck in good places at the right time consistently, set the goal up. Tyler Summers shot a puck over the net that was retrieved by Langevin who gave a little chip pass to Ben Brown in the corner. Langevin kept skating toward the end boards and got the puck back on a little touch pass from Brown. Langevin continued behind the net and dished a perfect backhand pass to Summers who had closed the gap, coming in from the right point. Summers met little resistance out front and put a shot off of the inside of the far post for the go-ahead goal at 9:29. So after one period, Keene led 2-1 on the board, while the Grizzlies had a slim lead in shots, 11-9. 
Everybody is on their feet when Brett Lassonde requests a bench fly-by. (Photo by Charron)
Grady Chretien hustles so much, he once dove head first onto the ice to start a shift. (Photo by Charron)
Isaac McGregor lines up next to legendary guitarist, Joe Walsh. (Photo by Charron)
Isaac McGregor moves the puck against Keene. (Photo by Charron)
Jacob Noonan, Senior, defenseman on the move against Keene. (Photo by Charron)
Theo, the puck, and a little room to skate against Keene. (Photo by Charron)
Sebastian gets pulled over by a very heavy puck, or something like that. (Photo by Charron)
Griffin Cook loves to play in the snow. (Photo by Charron)
Word has spread around the league that when you see this scene unfold, there may be an update needed on the scoresheet. (Photo by Charron)
Alex McCarthy leans on his opponent once in awhile. (Photo by Charron)
Sebastian Beal uses the power of his mind the lift the puck to his stick. (Photo by Charron)
Eric DesRuisseaux uses his speed to get up the ice against Keene. (Photo by Charron)
The second period was barely underway when Jerred Tattersall cross-checked Colby Gamache in the right kidney area and dropped him flat on the ice. Then he followed Griffin Cook to the corner while the official had his arm in the air on a delayed penalty call and dropped him in the corner. Although Cook looked like he lost an edge anyway. After much discussion, the officials called a 5-minute major for interference on Tattersall. Either way, the Grizzlies went on a 5-minute power play trailing by a single goal, just 50 seconds into the period. Goffstown tied the game shortly thereafter, on a beautiful hockey play. Sebastian Beal sent a diagonal pass back to the right point but it was off the mark and Colin Burke used his reach and a long stick that was probably handed down by Paul Bunyan to deflect the puck to Grady Chretien and maintain possession. Chretien got pinned against the boards but manage to get the puck back to Burke who let a nice wrist shot go towards the net. Sebastian Beal had gone to the front of the net and made a sensational play, tipping the puck from a waist-high shot that was going wide, down to the ice and past Jacob Russell in net for Keene. The game was tied again at 2:24.
There’s nothing like strength in numbers, and everything feels better when you win. (Sage Photo)
Sebastian flexes in front of the home crowd in the win against Keene. (Photo by Charron)
Colby Gamache calculates the exact trajectory and angle needed to bank this clearing attempt off of the glass, and put the puck on net to avoid icing. (Sage Photo)
Still, on the man-advantage, Chretien made a pass from center ice ahead to Burke who shaked-baked-rattled-and-rolled into an open seam and fed a perfect pass back to Griffin Cook who ripped a shot through traffic and into the net at 3:45. Colby Gamache and Sebastian Beal provided a screen that Jacob Russell was trying to see around when the puck hit the strings. Goffstown led 3-2 and was still on the power play for another 2:06. Momentum would shift in a big way though after Goffstown looked unstoppable on the power play, Sebastian Beal got tangled up with Peter Haas and dropped him from behind. Beal was only whistled for interference but it changed the flow of the game completely. Keene went on the offensive. Kyle LaSella made a series of saves including a textbook right pad save midway through the period to hold the lead. Even though the Grizzlies would play a strong period the rest of the way, they had to kill another penalty and you could see their energy depleting quickly. The home town squad did tally an even-strength goal at 13:08. The whole offense was involved on the play when Griffin Cook, Sebastian Beal, and Colin Burke all touched the puck before Jacob Noonan stepped in and ripped a shot off of Russell’s shoulder. The puck landed in front of the goaltender and Colby Gamache showed off his hands with a beautiful backhand shot up under the crossbar inside the far post where grandma hides the really expensive Christmas gifts. Goffstown outshot Keene 17-5 in the period and put up three unanswered goals to take a 4-2 lead into the dressing room.
Hard work rewarded. Working too hard to celly. (Sage Photo)
The third period was a war of attrition. Goffstown played with good pace for the first 5 minutes or so, holding a 2-goal lead and trying to put the game away. The Grizzlies and their faithful thought for sure they had a 5-2 lead when Grady Chretien put a shot past Jacob Russell but Tyler Summers was on the back doorstep and made the save for Russell and Keene. But Keene kept pressing, and Goffstown’s legs looked a bit weary. Eight minutes into the period LaSella bailed out a tired squad in front of him with a pair of saves on the skilled Brian Langevin and the rebound follow up by Joe Walsh. Then just 28 seconds later Dimitri Seger found himself wide open in the high slot after the puck took a crazy bounce off of the glass on the right wing boards. LaSella, said I got this and snagged the shot with his glove.
LaSella played well and had eyes on the team’s 10th win of the season. (Sage Photo)
At 9:39 of the period the Grizzlies were whistled for icing when Grady Chretien banked a lifted puck off of the glass in his own end that traveled the length of the ice and gave Keene an offensive zone faceoff. Looking back it I am guessing Chretien would have realized he had some time and some space to skate the puck out of the zone. Brian Langevin won the faceoff to Joe Walsh who shot the puck towards the net, but it caromed off of Griffin Cook’s thigh and onto the stick of Jerred Tattersall who didn’t miss with his shot. Suddenly it was a 1-goal game with 5:17 to play. Goffstown mustered enough will and enough offensive pressure to keep Russell between the pipes until 14:34 and then it was too late for the Black Birds. Keene outshot Goffstown 9-7 in the period, scored the only goal of the third, but couldn’t overcome a devastating second period, and fell 4-3. Goffstown improved to 10-3-1 on the season. Keene dropped to 7-5. Both teams are likely to be in the postseason and could very well meet again.
Colin takes Kyle LaSella under his wing for a moment while Brett makes sure that the coast is clear. (Photo by Charron)
With the win Coach, Ben Slocum bettered his own Goffstown program record with his 4th consecutive campaign coaching the team to at least 10 wins in the regular season. The Grizzlies travel to play a feisty Winnacunnet team at Phillips Exeter Academy on Wednesday night. Goffstown has Winnacunnet, Oyster River, John Stark-Hopkinton, and Alvirne-Milford left on the schedule. That’s not an easy finish, especially with three of these games on the road. Look out for John Stark-Hopkinton. They are 17-0 this season with a slight 100-19 edge in scoring over their opponents this season.
Somehow in my mind, this has to be a similar feeling to what a young gazelle goes through when spying Griffin Cook with the puck on his stick and room to operate. (Sage Photo)
NHIAA Hockey: Updated Records: Goffstown (10-3-1) Keene (7-5-0)
Senior Night
Sullivan Arena, St. Anselm College, Goffstown, NH February 10, 2019. 5:00 PM Start:
Kyle LaSella, thanks for coming to play hockey as a sophomore. Still standing. (Sage Photo)
Goffstown: 1-3-0 = 4 Keene: 2-0-1 = 3
Goffstown: 11-17-07 = 35 Keene: 09-05-09 = 23
1st Keene at 4:10. Even. Jerred Tattersall unassisted.
1st Goffstown at 5:05. Even. Griffin Cook (22) from Sebastian Beal (24) and Colby Gamache (22).
1st Keene at 9:29. Even. Tyler Summers from Brian Langevin and Ben Brown.
2nd Goffstown at 0:24. PPG. Sebastian Beal (12) from Colin Burke (12) and Grady Chretien (5).
2nd Goffstown at 8:57. PPG. Griffin Cook (23) from Colin Burke (13) and Grady Chretien (6).
2nd Goffstown at 9:51. Even. Colby Gamache (16) from Jacob Noonan (7).
3rd Keene at 9:43. Even. Jerred Tattersall from Joe Walsh and Brian Langevin.
Sebastian Beal 2:00 Interference
Bench 2:00 Too many men
Jerred Tattersall 5:00 Interference
Special Teams:
Goffstown Power Play: 2 for 3. Keene Power Play: 0 for 2.
Saves: Goffstown:
Kyle LaSella 20 of 23. (45:00)
Jacob Russell 31 of 35. (44:34)
Hockey: Goffstown 4 vs. Keene 3 (Senior Night) From Sullivan Arena in Goffstown, NH - February 10, 2019: It's always nice to win on Senior Night but to beat an exceptional team, the defending champions of the league you play in, in a great game on your home ice.
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prideguynews · 6 years
Since the very last Countrywide Coming Out Working day, dozens of celebrities have stopped, taken a deep breath and unveiled to the environment that they are homosexual, bisexual, lesbian, transgender, queer, non-binary, pansexual — and even in just one controversial circumstance, two spirit.
From singers and political figures to sporting activities stars and Hollywood’s brightest, the previous twelve months have proven, in circumstance any individual needed reminding, that any individual can be LGBT+.

As we glimpse forward to Countrywide Coming Out Working day on Thursday (October eleven), let’s rejoice the icons who put their heads higher than the parapet to be agent of the neighborhood — commencing with some amazing musicians.
Monáe came out in April (Tommaso Boddi/Getty)
The Dirty Laptop or computer singer came out as “a queer black woman” in April just after yrs of speculation, revealing that she had “been in associations with the two males and females.”
Monáe explained that she had determined as bisexual at very first, “but then later on I examine about pansexuality and was like: ‘Oh, these are matters that I discover with as well.’
“I’m open to learning far more about who I am.”
The “Sorry Not Sorry” singer, a longtime LGBT+ advocate, unveiled very last yr that she was open to relationship females, stating: “That’s how I have always felt.”
Lovato then explained far more about how she sees her sexuality in March, stating: “I’m quite fluid, and I feel like is like.
“You can obtain it in any gender. I like the freedom of becoming able to flirt with whoever I want.”
The Panic! at the Disco frontman unveiled he was pansexual in July, becoming a member of Monáe in coming out publicly in his early 30s.
The emo-rock singer, who also donated $one million to enable LGBT youngsters in US faculties this yr, explained it was “just men and women that I am captivated to.”
He ongoing: “I guess you could qualify me as pansexual since I truly really don’t care. If a individual is good, then a individual is good. I just like excellent men and women, if your heart’s in the right put.”
Coming out can be tough — and so can labels. When the “I’m Yours” singer unveiled in July that he had loved sexual ordeals with males in the previous, he defined himself as two spirit.
This term, which is applied by Indigenous North American and To start with Nations men and women to signify individuals who have the two masculine and female spirits and can encompass sexual, gender and/or non secular identities, captivated backlash.
However, it is excellent that the forty one-yr-outdated musician felt at ease ample to publicly announce his sexual orientation.
Kehlani (Christopher Polk/Getty)
The US singer came out in April on Twitter, producing: “I’m queer. Not bi, not straight.
“I’m captivated to females, males, Genuinely captivated to queer males, non binary men and women, intersex men and women, trans men and women.”
Rock band Say Anything’s guide singer also came out as queer, making the announcement in an psychological letter which also unveiled that the group was breaking up.
Under the heading “GAY Stuff,” Bemis, 34, wrote: “I have always been bi-ish or queer or a straight person who can also like boys.
“I always talked or joked about it with my buddies and identified it to be blatantly distinct I was.”
The Finnish singer and Eurovision 2018 star came out to PinkNews in March, stating: “I am quite very pleased to be lesbian and I experience quite a great deal like I am lesbian, absolutely.”
She explained she was blessed ample to have by no means struggled with her sexual id, stating: “My sexuality was by no means an issue.”
The British musician, who went to selection just one in far more than twenty nations as a showcased artist on Thoroughly clean Bandit’s hit music “Rockabye,” opened up about her sexuality just after releasing her debut album, Communicate Your Thoughts.
She explained: “I’ve by no means ever just been captivated to males. I have by no means just been captivated to females. I have by no means felt the require to tell any individual that I’m bisexual.
“I really don’t experience like I am. I just experience like I’m captivated to who I like. I honestly experience like anyone is like that.”
Lorde’s sister Indy Yelich-O’Connor unveiled she was bisexual in Could.
The 19-yr-outdated writer took to Twitter to share the information, keeping matters shorter and sweet by just producing: “plot twist (I like boys and ladies).”
The world singing sensation’s teen sibling then screengrabbed the tweet and shared it by means of an Instagram tale, making positive all of her followers had been up to velocity on her sexuality.
Hodgson came out in April (zander hodgson/YouTube)
The British design, actor and Instagram star was just one of a lot of celebrities this yr who chose to arrive out in a heartfelt YouTube video.
The actor, who lives in Los Angeles and has had smaller roles in Hollyoaks, Coronation Avenue and Shameless, determined to share his sexuality to inspire other individuals who could possibly be struggling to arrive to conditions with their LGBT+ standing.
In the video, Hodgson explained: “I needed to tell anyone that I am homosexual, and even though that does not alter just about anything for me, and ideally not for you, I just considered it was a truly important issue to share with anyone.”
He added: “I needed to do this video as properly, since when I feel about all the youngsters out there that are becoming bullied, or are truly struggling with their sexuality, even teenage or grownups, I just want you to know that you are not by yourself.”
Another design, actor and Instagram celebrity to arrive out this yr was Derek Chadwick, who produced the announcement in July, detailing that his mother and father had been “not quite accepting” when he very first advised them he was homosexual — and that he hoped his coming out would enable other individuals.
“Coming out in this way enables me to use the privilege that I have to enable other men and women who really don’t have that,” the Scream Queens actor added.
Andrea Russett came out to her seven.5 million Twitter followers and four million Instagram lovers very last thirty day period, the day prior to Bi Visibility Working day, since — she explained — her greatest close friend Sandra Poenar advised her she believed that queer men and women go to hell.
“I came out to Sandra as bisexual 4 yrs in the past. (Shock! Yeah. Not just how I prepared to arrive out publicly, but s**t happens I guess),” she wrote in a lengthy social media submit.
She added that she needed to tell “anyone who is struggling with just about anything very similar in their existence, you are not by yourself.
“You are not any a lot less of a individual since of who you may perhaps select to like.”
The YouTuber, who has far more than one.5 million subscribers, came out in November 2017 with a amazing video which has so significantly captivated all around 4 million views.
She advised lovers that her sexuality was anything she had struggled to communicate about to men and women shut to her, leaving her frustrated.
But just after likely by way of a individual journey, she posed in front of her rainbow-included dwelling and advised her audience: “I’m Elle Mills and I’m bisexual.”
Robert Páez (LLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty)
Sportspeople in diving, car or truck racing, swimming, squash, golf and soccer took the courageous move this yr of showing their legitimate colors to the environment.
One particular of these stars was Robert Páez, a 23-yr-outdated Venezuelan Olympic diver who shared an inspiring essay about celebrating “who he truly is.”
He explained that he felt “at moments ashamed to go out into society” since of who he was — but no for a longer period.
The racing legend and 3-time Le Mans 24 Hrs winner, is a famous stamina racing champ who received the 24 Hrs of Le Mans across 3 many years – in 1977, 1983 and 1994.
The racing driver, whose sexuality had been an open secret inside of sporting circles for some time, publicly acknowledged he was homosexual at the age of 69, forward of his autobiography becoming launched.
He talked about serving to a suicidal college student in 2012 and explained: “I considered, if my voice is powerful ample to enable just one child, it could possibly enable two youngsters, or 5 or a hundred.”
The footballer, who plays for Major League Soccer aspect Minnesota United, broke a big barrier in June when he came out as homosexual.
Martin wrote a assertion on his Twitter account which explained: “June is Pleasure thirty day period, and I am very pleased to be actively playing for Pleasure, and to be actively playing as an out homosexual person.”
The 23-yr-outdated added: “As we rejoice Pleasure evening I want to thank my teammates for their unconditional support for who I am.
“In gentle of who I am I want to stimulate other individuals who perform sporting activities skillfully or usually to have self-assurance that activity will welcome them wholeheartedly.”
Harrity, who has 2 times picked up the US Nationals title, turned the very first brazenly homosexual person at the major of squash in April.
In a submit to social media, the 27-yr-outdated athlete wrote: “To anyone I know, and to all who know me, I have anything that I am at last prepared to get off my upper body.
“I am homosexual, and I’m prepared to reside my existence as an brazenly homosexual person. I have determined to arrive out since I am persuaded that acquiring anyone know this about me is the only way I can truly be content.”
DeVine, a swimmer on the US national workforce, came out as homosexual very last thirty day period, admitting that coming out was “really tough” for him and that he was fearful of how his workforce would respond.
He broke the ice by very first telling a former teammate, who he explained “did a lot” for him “and was truly there for me as a close friend.”
And DeVine quickly learned that his apprehension about coming out to his teammates was unfounded, as all people all around him reacted properly to the information.
Tadd Fujikawa (Sam Greenwood/Getty)
In September, Fujikawa turned the very first male specialist golfer to arrive out as homosexual and explained he hoped his tale would enable other individuals in the LGBT+ neighborhood.
The American sportsman from Hawaii posted a picture of himself on Instagram on Planet Suicide Avoidance Working day, alongside a caption detailing why determined to go general public about his sexuality.
“So… I’m homosexual. Lots of of you may perhaps have already recognised that,” he wrote.
“I really don’t count on anyone to comprehend or settle for me. But remember to be gracious ample to not press your beliefs on me or any individual in the LGBTQ neighborhood.
“My hope is this submit will inspire every single and just about every just one of you to be far more empathetic and loving to just one a further.”
At the age of 47, the former environment champion and Olympic swimmer verified he was homosexual.
The British sportsman explained: “I obtained truly excellent at the dance of telling 50 %-truths. I have supported the Terence Higgins Rely on, Stonewall, Ben Cohen’s Stand Up to Bullying campaign.
“But I have always done it below the radar.”
He added: “I’ve lived an brazenly homosexual existence to my buddies and spouse and children. But I always hid it as a swimmer.”
The Thor: Ragnarok actress spoke publically about her sexuality for the very first time in June.
Thompson, who’s greatest recognised for her appearances on dystopian drama Westworld, as properly as her function as the explicitly bisexual hero Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok, explained: “I can just take matters for granted since of my spouse and children – it is so cost-free and you can be just about anything that you want to be.
“I’m captivated to males and also to females. If I carry a woman dwelling, [or] a person, we really don’t even have to have the discussion.”
The 19-yr-outdated, who produced their title in The Hunger Video games series and utilizes gender-neutral they/them pronouns, previously came out as queer and—in 2016—as bisexual.
But in an interview with lesbian pop singer King Princess—real title Mikaela Straus—in June, they explained: “*Insert Ellen DeGeneres’ TIME Journal address squat and vast smile* Yep I’m homosexual.”
The actor, who has since starred in hit movie The Loathe U Give, added: “I’m grateful for how becoming homosexual has afforded me this capacity to encounter and comprehend like and sex, and for that reason existence, in an expansive and infinite way.”
In July, at the age of 23, the Arrow and Scream actor unveiled that they are non-binary.
Taylor-Klaus came out as homosexual in 2016 by tweeting: “hello my title is bex and sure the rumours are legitimate I am v homosexual.”
And their most current announcement was produced with a very similar air of nonchalance, with Taylor-Klaus — who’s a series frequent on Netflix’s Voltron: Famous Defender — tweeting it out in a great deal the exact same way.
They wrote: “I came out as trans non-binary in a place entire of men and women right now. Guess it is time for me to do that on right here, too…
“Hi. I’m Bex, and the rumours are legitimate. I’m v enby.”
The actor, who rose to fame in Disney Channel movie series Teenager Seashore, came out as homosexual in August, revealing at the exact same time that he was in a extended-term marriage with screenwriter Blake Knight.
Forward of his movie Achieve becoming launched, he wrote on Instagram that he had “personally dealt with suicide inside of my individual spouse and children [and] powerful bullying in large school.”
He added that “myself and the person I have been in a marriage with for a extended time (@hrhblakeknight) have the two knowledgeable shootings inside of our hometown school programs, and have witnessed the heartache that will take put in affected communities just after this kind of tragic occasions.”
Abbi Jacobson (Frazer Harrison/Getty)
The star and co-creator of comedy series Broad City came out in April.
Even though marketing six Balloons, her Netflix movie with Dave Franco, she explained: “I form of go the two ways I day males and females. They have to be amusing, carrying out anything they like.
“I really don’t know — I have by no means truly been interviewed about this prior to.”
24-yr-outdated musician and Disney actress Alyson Stoner came out as bisexual in March.
The star, who is greatest recognised for her roles in More cost-effective by the Dozen and The Suite Lifetime of Zack & Cody, opened up about her sexuality and struggles with faith in an psychological essay for Teenager Vogue.
She wrote: “I, Alyson, am captivated to males, females, and men and women who discover in other ways.
“I can like men and women of just about every gender id and expression. It is the soul that captivates me.”
“It is the like we can build and the goodness we can add to the environment by supporting every single other’s greatest journeys,” she added.
The Glee actor appeared to arrive out on Instagram in March, when he posted a picture of a picture of just one man’s hand on major of a distinct male hand, with an emoji undertaking the hand gesture for “I like you” in ASL.
The upcoming thirty day period, he produced his rumoured marriage with fellow actor Austin McKenzie Instagram formal, submitting various pictures of the delighted few embracing.
The pair the two showcased in When We Increase, a 2017 TV miniseries designed by Dustin Lance Black that advised the tale of the struggle for LGBT equality in the US.
The Gotham star spoke about his sexuality publicly for the very first time in March, when starring in a drama set in the course of the AIDS crisis.
Smith, who is greatest recognised for actively playing Edward Nygma, aka supervillain The Riddler, on Fox’s preferred Batman prequel Television series, unveiled he identifies as queer.
The actor added that his individual spouse and children responded with “a good deal of love” when he came out.
Totah has starred in Champions and Glee (Mike Coppola/Getty)
The actress, recognised for her Television roles in Glee, Champions and Jessie, came out as transgender in a potent essay for Time magazine.
Totah, 17, explained she was “grateful” for roles she has performed above the yrs, but regretted enabling herself to develop into recognised as a homosexual male alternatively than as a transgender female.
She also spoke about her faith, stating she has “come to think that God produced me transgender” and added that when it came to auditions for female sections, she was setting up to “gun for individuals roles.”
Immediately after all, she added: “It’s a clean up slate – and a new environment.”
True Blood actress Rutina Wesley quietly came out in November 2017 as she unveiled her engagement.
The star, who performed Tara Thornton on the cult vampire present and has also appeared on Queen Sugar, uploaded a series of Instagram pictures revealing her engagement to Shonda, a chef from New Orleans.
She referred to her new fiancée as the “light of my life” and “fire of my loins” in the posts, adding hashtags which examine: “Always far more, by no means a lot less. I explained yes” and “I like you far more than words and phrases.”
The Steven Universe creator came out as non-binary in July.
The 31-yr-outdated is the brain powering the preferred American cartoon series, which has repeatedly earned praise for its portrayal of queer people like lesbians Ruby and Sapphire, who obtained engaged before this yr.
Sugar, who has previously labored on Adventure Time and has been nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award 5 moments, unveiled: “One of the matters which is truly important to me about the present is that the Gems are all non-binary females.
“They’re quite distinct and they are coming from a environment wherever they really don’t truly have the frame of reference. They’re coded female which is quite important.”
Sugar added: “I am also a non-binary woman, which has been truly good to specific myself by way of these people since it is quite a great deal how I have felt in the course of my existence.”
We transfer on from just one form of outstanding writer to a further, and Ronan Farrow’s determination in April to publicly arrive out.
The influential journalist, who was essential in exposing Harvey Weinstein, quietly came out as he approved an honour from the Point Basis, which supports LGBTQ learners.
The former NBC Information character, who is the son of Mia Farrow and director Woody Allen, advised the audience: “Each and just about every LGBT individual who has to go by way of a process of accepting on their own and turning rejection and isolation into toughness is richer and far more resourceful and far more established for that journey.”
The writer and co-founder of The Toast came out in February, just after realising his id when researching for his most current reserve, The Merry Spinster.
“It turns out I’m trans!” explained Ortberg, who has also published Texts From Jane Eyre.
“I’ve put in a good deal of time pondering by way of this and likely to support teams, and I begun health care transition just after an preliminary ‘trial period’ to see how I felt about it.”
He added: “I’ve been working with realising that the emotions I had prior to had been not the entire tale.
“How do I produce a vision for the long run that does not negate the previous? It was wild to have all of this arrive up consciously for me in the middle of producing the reserve.”
As properly as culturally important men and women, the previous yr has also been notable for the political figures who have taken the courageous move of revealing their legitimate identities.
One particular of these was Huanwu, the grandson of Singapore’s very first prime minister, who sparked celebrations in the country — wherever homosexuality is unlawful — when he came out as homosexual in July.
Huanwu, who is also the nephew of current Primary Minister Lee Hsien Loong, broke the information by way of Out in Singapore, an exhibition for “LGBTQ people who would like to arrive out to spouse and children, buddies and peers in the neighborhood.”
Huanwu, 31, transformed his Facebook profile picture to a picture of him and Yirui Heng, a 27-yr-outdated veterinarian, just after they had been pictured with each other in the exhibition.
Ahlers was on Denmark’s variation of Dragons’ Den (Tommy Ahlers/facebook)
The Danish cupboard minister unveiled he was bisexual just after yrs of speculation.
Ahlers, who has been the Minister of Science, Technology, Details and Bigger Education since Could, explained that he was coming out publicly at the age of forty two since his position as a minister meant he could not hide any section of himself.
“When men and women mention that they have heard a rumour, I reveal to them that it is not a rumour, since there is no touch of fiction in it,” he explained.
“But the fact is also that I have arrive to the conclusion that I like the two males and females.”
The French cupboard minister, who serves as Secretary of Condition for the Electronic Sector, came out at 33 on the Intercontinental Working day From Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.
The En Marche politician wrote: “Homophobia is an unwell that eats away at modern society, invades large faculties, and poisons family members and dropped buddies.
“Worse, it haunts the minds of homosexual men and women, and often forces us to hide and lie to prevent hatred, to reside.”
Jones, who sits in the Florida Household of Reps, came out as homosexual just about six yrs just after he was very first elected.
In carrying out so, the politician turned the very first brazenly homosexual African-American legislator in Florida.
He unveiled that he had recognised he was homosexual since kindergarten, but only opened up about his sexuality all around 5 yrs in the past when he determined to tell his spouse and children.
Jones came out by enabling Equality Florida’s political director to include things like him in a listing of endorsements of brazenly homosexual candidates, stating he was to begin with not sure if it would be the greatest “coming-out party” prior to choosing to go forward.
And here’s just one far more for this retrospective, which was as well ambiguous to include things like as a definitive coming out second, but as well amazing to leave out totally.
Harry Styles with the Pleasure flag at just one of his concert events (pukinghoran/twitter)
Which is right, the just one and only Harry Styles provoked an outpouring of enthusiasm from lovers before this yr, just after lyrics in his new music appeared to expose he was queer.
The former One particular Path singer had spoken about his sexuality prior to, stating very last yr that he had “never felt the need” to label himself.
But Styles’ lyrics for his music “Medicine” led his lovers to explode with enjoyment and hail him as a bi icon, as the 24-yr-outdated star sang: “The boys and the ladies are right here, I mess all around with them, and I’m okay with it.”
He adopted up individuals sensational strains by singing: “I’m coming down, I figured out I kinda like it, and when I snooze I’m gonna dream of how you tasted.”
The post 37 celebrities who’ve come out this year · PinkNews appeared first on PrideGuy - Gay News, LGBT News, Politics & Entertainment.
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junker-town · 6 years
Zion Williamson’s ACC tournament performance will be remembered forever
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“The Zion Tournament” will be remembered with the same reverence as some of the greatest March moments of all-time.
Romanticized talk about a string of individual performances in March is typically reserved for the NCAA tournament. There are exceptions though.
In 1995, the ACC gave us the Randolph Childress tournament.
The 2006 Big East tournament will forever be remembered as the Gerry McNamara tournament.
The entirety of March, 2011 is defined by Kemba Walker. That journey began, of course, with a vicious step-back game-winner, and ultimately a five wins in five days run to the Big East tournament championship.
Now, 2019 has blessed us with “The Zion Tournament.”
Some will argue that Friday night’s epic semifinal between Duke and North Carolina will be remembered with every bit as much reverence as Zion Williamson’s individual effort over the last three days. Others will say that whatever Williamson does in the NCAA tournament, good or bad, will largely wipe away the memory of his performance in Charlotte. Perhaps, but my belief is that if we revisit this debate five years from now, history won’t be on the side of the detractors.
Before this week, no freshman in the history of the ACC had ever won the league’s Player of the Year award and its tournament Most Outstanding Player honor in the same season. That Williamson was able to accomplish the latter feat after having sat out the past 22 days with the most notorious knee injury of 2019 is the most remarkable anecdote in the latest chapter of his bourgeoning college legacy.
That chapter began Thursday.
Thursday — ACC Tournament Quarterfinals: Duke vs. Syracuse
After three weeks of countless speculation, a lengthy national debate, and zero seconds of playing time logged by the most talked about college basketball player in recent memory, Williamson returned to the court for third-seeded Duke’s quarterfinal matchup with sixth-seeded Syracuse. All the freshman sensation did in his return was give arguably the greatest individual performance in the history of the ACC tournament.
Welcome back Zion Williamson! ✈️ (via @CBSSports) pic.twitter.com/NxR7nOM6QZ
— Complex Sports (@ComplexSports) March 15, 2019
RJ lobs to Zion are BACK! @DukeMBB pic.twitter.com/1cf4Zr9Lxa
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 15, 2019
With the rest of Duke’s talented starting lineup struggling on offense for most of the night, Williamson was perfect. Literally. His 13-for-13 performance from the field made him the first player in the 66-year history of the ACC tournament to attempt more than 12 shots without a miss. He finished with a game-high 29 points, but his impact — and his history-making — was felt in areas other than the scoring column.
Williamson became just the third player in the history of Duke basketball, and the first since Christian Laettner, to finish a game with at least 25 points, 10 rebounds and five steals. Besides Laettner and Williamson, Grant Hill is the only other Blue Devil to accomplish the feat.
Friday — ACC Tournament Semifinals: Duke vs. North Carolina
Entering the week, there was a very real possibility that Williamson’s only participation in college basketball’s highest-profile rivalry was going to be 33 seconds of playing time and America’s most discussed wardrobe malfunction in a good 15 years. Duke and North Carolina both cruising to quarterfinal victories ensured this wouldn’t be the case.
Even in a game overflowing with future NBA standouts, otherworldly athleticism and shot making that made you stand up and scream even if you were watching alone in your living room, Williamson stood out. Against a Tar Heel team loaded with perimeter scorers but limited on frontcourt presence, Williamson dominated the paint, blocking and altering shots, controlling the glass, and finishing time after time around the rim.
Never was this dominance more evident than in the closing moments of what would prove to be a 74-73 Duke victory.
With under 1:30 to play and the Blue Devils clinging to a one-point lead, it appeared as though Luke Maye — the ACC’s preseason Player of the Year — had an uncontested layup to swing momentum back in the direction of the Tar Heels. That’s when Zion did what only a mack truck bitten by a radioactive spider can do and exploded out of nowhere to get a piece of Maye’s shot and keep the lead with the Devils.
Zion exploded like a human missile to block Luke Maye here pic.twitter.com/NE771wDvwu
— michael (@MichaelEFranca) March 16, 2019
A minute later, with Duke now trailing by a point, Williamson found himself in a spot typically reserved for college stars whose reputations had been built over multiple seasons. He took UNC’s Nassir Little — another likely lottery pick this summer — straight to the hole, and when his initial shot caromed off the front rim, he called on his brute strength to produce the game’s final two points.
Zion Williamson follows his miss and scores. pic.twitter.com/wuvWP2Mmfv
— Ⓜ️arcusD ᴿᴵᴾ ᴹᵃʳᶜᵘˢᴰ² (@_MarcusD3_) March 16, 2019
Williamson finished with a game-high 31 points on 13-of-19 shooting, and a team-high 11 rebounds. Those numbers, and his two key plays in the clutch, helped Duke rid itself of the bad taste of two Zion-less losses to North Carolina in the regular season that came by a combined 25 points.
Saturday — ACC Tournament Championship: Duke vs. Florida State
He proved he could do it in the halfcourt against the Syracuse zone, then he proved he could do it in transition against the up-tempo Tar Heels, now it was time to prove he could do it against the tallest and most physically imposing frontcourt in the ACC.
If there’s any team in America best suited to limit Zion to a pedestrian stat line, it’s Florida State. The Seminoles start a 7’4 center in Christ Koumadje and a versatile 6’8 forward in Phil Cofer, and off the bench they bring their leading scorer (and future pro), 6’10 Mfiondu Kabengele. These dudes dominate the “walking off the bus” game like no other team in college basketball. They’re also pretty damn good at the playing the game too. Entering Saturday night, Florida State had won 14 of its last 15, with its lone loss over that span coming on the road against the equally hot North Carolina.
No worries.
Williamson used Saturday night to display his full arsenal. There were dunks, there were jump shots, there were blocks, and there was a ridiculous left-handed bounce pass where he appeared for a brief moment to be some beautiful hybrid of Larry and Magic Johnson.
This pass from Zion was NUTS pic.twitter.com/k3DFYy5VcA
— Kyle Boone (@Kyle__Boone) March 17, 2019
When the dust settled, Williamson had more points (21), rebounds (9) and steals (4) than any other player who participated in the game. His 7-for-11 shooting effort allowed him to finish the tournament shooting 76.7 percent (33-for-43) from the field, and averaging 27.0 points and 10.0 rebounds.
Those numbers coming against three of the best teams in the country. On consecutive nights. After not playing a single second for more than three weeks. That’s absurd.
Or at least it would be absurd if we were talking about a mere basketball mortal. This wasn’t absurd, this was Zion Williamson, and this was his tournament.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
'A huge release' - relief for Messi and Argentina
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Lionel Messi said he “could not remember such suffering before”, while for manager Jorge Sampaoli there was huge relief as Argentina beat Nigeria in dramatic fashion to avoid the ignominy of elimination in the World Cup group stage.
The South Americans, two-time world champions, seemed destined for an early flight home until they found an unlikely hero in the guise of Manchester United defender Marcos Rojo.
His superb volley in the 86th minute earned Argentina a 2-1 win in St Petersburg and sent them through to a last-16 tie against France, ending a tumultuous group stage which saw fallouts, huge criticism, constant changes of formation and even questions over who was picking the team.
But what now for Argentina? Can they put their problems to one side and be a force for the rest of the tournament?
Dramatic late Rojo volley sends Argentina through
Highlights: Nigeria 1-2 Argentina
Relive Argentina’s thrilling victory over Nigeria
A huge relief for all of us – Messi
The Argentine camp had been the subject of numerous stories and rumours ever since the disastrous 3-0 defeat by Croatia, with the team called “the worst ever” and Sampaoli begging fans for forgiveness.
A change to a back four brought about a much-improved first-half display, and they led at the break through Messi’s expertly taken goal.
Victor Moses’ second-half penalty threatened to derail that improvement, but Rojo’s late strike earned Argentina passage into the last 16.
“It was a difficult situation,” said Messi, who was pictured giving a team talk in the tunnel before the players came back out for the second half.
“It was a huge release and relief for all of us. It is a huge joy for everyone for the difficult days we lived after the last defeat. Luckily we achieved our objective.”
Sampaoli was embraced by Messi at full-time and said suggestions the Barcelona forward – who briefly retired from international football in 2016 – is not committed to the national side are not true.
“Every time Lionel Messi plays he shows that he is a fantastic player, above everybody else, but he needs support from his team-mates,” said Sampaoli.
“His human side is amazing. He cries and suffers, he is happy when Argentina win. It’s important he shares those feelings. Many people say Leo does not enjoy playing for Argentina, but I don’t agree.
“My players play with their heart – they are true rebels.”
‘Messi turned up for his country’
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Messi came to Russia as one of the world’s finest players, but had a difficult opening two games – missing a penalty against Iceland and then putting in an anonymous display against Croatia.
But the Barcelona number 10 found his magic on Tuesday with a brilliant opening goal.
“Messi has turned up for his country,” former Nigeria international Peter Odemwingie said on BBC Radio 5 live.
“[He has gone] from covering his face ahead of the Croatia game to looking like he meant business before kick-off today. He rolled up his sleeves and contributed for his team.”
Former England winger Chris Waddle told BBC Radio 5 live: “Who else? We have talked about him not performing all tournament, but what a finish. Lionel Messi at his very best.”
Ex-England defender Rio Ferdinand added that Messi “had a spark and an energy” in the first half and a different “body language” to what we had seen in the first two games.
“Messi is thinking ‘this is my stage and my moment,” said Match of the Day pundit Ferdinand.
“His goal was what we came to see. The run and two touches before the exquisite finish was what the World Cup needs to be blessed with.”
“The greatest players appear in the moments you need them. That’s why Messi’s the best,” said former Argentina international Pablo Zabaleta.
A fresh start or a temporary reprieve?
Argentina now face Group C winners France in Kazan on Saturday afternoon, with match-winner Rojo saying: “Now the World Cup begins for us.”
Didier Deschamps’ side wrapped up the group with a 0-0 draw against Denmark on Tuesday and while they have not been at their best so far, BBC South American football expert Tim Vickery expects them to be too strong for Argentina.
“It is very hard to see how Argentina can stand up to the French on Saturday,” he said.
“If they are going to mount any challenge, it will have to be like it was four years ago when they played on individual talent to reach the final.
“Messi showed glimpses of brilliance and Javier Mascherano was solid at the back. But Mascherano hasn’t got the legs any more and France will not be too concerned about playing Argentina.”
A goal for each decade – the best of Messi’s stats
Messi becomes the first player to have scored a World Cup goal as a teenager, in his twenties and in his thirties
Messi’s strike was his sixth goal at the World Cup, with 50% of those coming against Nigeria (two in 2014, one today)
He (2006, 2014 and 2018) is the third Argentina player to have scored in three different World Cup tournaments, alongside Diego Maradona (1982, 1986 and 1994) and Gabriel Batistuta (1994, 1998 and 2002).
Messi’s opener in the 14th minute was the 100th goal scored at the 2018 World Cup.
He completed seven dribbles in this match – those seven dribbles took him to 107 completed at the World Cup, the most of any player since 1966, overtaking Maradona, who previously had the most with 105.
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'A huge release' – relief for Messi and Argentina was originally published on 365 Football
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