#10/0 raiding job
astralflows · 1 year
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magical girl era
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ladymariayuri · 9 months
your m+ posting always makes me wanna try it but it still scares me so hard as someone who rarely does dungeons and has never done m+ before (even tho i’ve raided a lot and am fine w that). do you have any tips on how to get started w m+ or anything for people new to it?
OMG YAAAAY okay i can actually give you tips that helped me because i didnt do a single m+ dungeon until late bfa, and i didnt do anything above a 10 until shadowlands season 2 which was also the first season i started doing like "high" keys if you want to call it that. but i always really wanted to try it all of legion and most of bfa i was just so scaredpilled and terrifiedmaxxing. ok anyway AUTISM BLAST READMORE OF DOOM
#1 thing i would recommend is doing a youtube binge of a bunch of guides for the current season's dungeons thats aimed at newer players or people unfamilliar with the m+ environment and then going in on a regular mythic or a +2 until you personally feel comfortable and think you have a grasp of whats going on. you can watch as many guides as you want but nothing's going to teach you like throwing yourself in there and doing it for yourself. idk if youve done dawn of the infinites before it was turned into m+ (or at all) but it had a few more mechanics and quirks for some bosses and they were a LOT harder at the time (morchie, chrono lord deios, and manifested timeways come to mind). my first time doing it my friends literally summoned me after the first boss because their tank dropped group and needed one and i had to learn everything on the fly with them explaining it over voice and while it was horrifying it was a good learning experience. for this season specifically, this video is a decent "cheat sheet" for all of the bosses and their mechanics that you can just skip through for a general idea of things, and this playlist consists of videos for each dungeon that are super in depth and basically explain what's going on from dungeon entrance to dungeon end. trash packs, dangerous abilities, what each role should be focusing on, bosses and their mechanics, etc
you said you already raid so i don't have to preach the whole "know your class" thing but m+ is an entirely different beast from raid requiring a different mindset and your personal responsibility pretty much skyrockets across the board. tank is pretty chill in raid but in m+ it's much harder because you have no cotank and you're the one calling the shots and setting the pace and you're sort of expected to know exactly what you're doing and how you're going to do it and if it deviates at all from what they expect you better be able to prove it wasn't a bad idea. i dont heal in raids so i dont really know how it is but i can't imagine that going from 5~ cohealers to none makes you feel any better and being able to compensate for everybody else's mistakes that aren't a literal 100-0 oneshot is pretty much required and very much not for the weakhearted. as dps you go from one in a million to expected to do your job because a dps in m+ who doesnt do their job (ccing, not getting hit, using defensives) is a lot more noticeable and problematic than a dps in raid who doesn't do their job because a bad dps in raid is just mildly irritating but a bad dps in m+ can make or break the run
across the board for all roles i think the #1 mindset change to adopt is a much heavier focus on mob control and having the proper utility to survive both mobs and bosses. this usually boils down to taking every cc talent you can spare the points for and sometimes sacrificing damage to take a talent point in being able to dispel diseases, or purge etc. you can usually get away with not taking the right utility talents in raid unless it's something like stampeding roar or darkness because you probably have somebody else who can do it for you. you can't really get away with that in m+ because you're running into situations where you have to interrupt or stun or purge or slow or knockback or run away or heal yourself or press your immunity button from the moment you put the key in until the last boss dies and you often have to exhaust every button available to you as soon as it's ready. sometimes its not enough, sometimes everybody's all out of buttons, and you just have to survive until things die. if you watch m+ streamers at all then you already know things are just constantly happening all the time and it never stops but most streamers play in coordinated groups with voice chat which reduces the difficulty of these dungeons by like 50% imho. if you're pugging then you have to play the game like everybody else in your group is a fucking idiot (which is just going to be true most of the time) and plan around the possibility that you have to do the job of 5 people
if you want to know what other people are running or what the best setup for your class is in m+, i recommend cross referencing between the m+ sections of both icyveins and wowhead, your class's discord, and subcreation.net and seeing what seems to be a common denominator between all or most of them. emphasis on cross referencing because most of these have their flaws. class discords are objectively super helpful and up to date but are usually full of freaks detached from reality who are physically incapable of doing anything except circlejerking. subcreation is a data website that just shows what most people are rocking irt talents/gear, and while i personally use it religiously many people advise against data websites because they don't give the big picture on why people are running x and/or y. i dont see a problem with that, it's just best used in tandem with other resources. i don't have any negative things to say about wowhead or icyveins, they're just authored by different types of hosts (wowhead guides are often maintained by one person who's really good at what they do naturally, icyveins guides are the product of class discords and thus are sort of a group effort). i personally like to refer to wowhead more because there's a lot more little comments and notes by authors explaining the rationale behind why x is good and y is bad or maybe if you're this type of player you'd prefer this instead of that. again, you might know all of this as a raider, but idk the extent of your raiding experience and it doesn't hurt to bring it up just incase. here's the subcreation page for havoc dh, which is my main, to give you an idea of what that website provides. i think an underrated benefit of subcreation stems from it "hiding" all of the talent points that are taken 99% of the time, so anything that remains is usually a flex point for a reason you have to figure out through the other resources listed. to use havoc dh as an example, the flex points in the class tree are usually just different choices made with utility (aoe fear, longer throw glaive or throw glaive that slows enemies, longer spectral sight etc), but in the spec tree there's only one flex point, and there's 3 different options that all fill the same niche (your burst aoe button) but are WILDLY different in how they play. i know why theyre picked and when, but if i didnt, id probably look at icyveins and wowhead. and to use havoc dh as an example again, glaive tempest is rarely mentioned on those websites compared to fel barrage and essence break, and if i wasn't very familiar with the class i'd be a bit confused. so that's where i'd go into the class discord and literally ctrl-f "glaive tempest" lol. i think this is honestly more relevant in m+ than in raid because raid is going to be focused on single target builds 99.9% of the time, but you need a mixed damage profile in m+ and that just naturally leads to more diverse builds that do different types of damage. the same thing can apply to healing and tanking though. m+ healing has a higher emphasis on "on-demand" spot healing, 1-5 target group healing but no more than 5, and damage is going to be more relevant here than in raid. m+ tanking will start to prioritize generating as much threat as you can in a very short amount of time to multiple targets, anything that will help specifically make you tankier vs multiple targets for an extended period of time, and crowd control, which is usually not something you see in raid.
do it scared. if youre scared to do it bad you still have to do it scared. there's no way to stop being scared than to do it scared. tell people you're still learning mechanics in a +2 and they will either not care in the slightest or be more than happy to explain things
a quick "shit, thats my bad" is like an irl soothe. will instantly diffuse any potential conflict unless somebody's just a cunt. then they're not worth your time. make a macro to say "oops mb" if you have to. it shows that you're not a dick and you are cognizant of your own abillity to fuck up and are therefore aware of what the correct thing to do was
in turn, dont be the cunt unless somebody is a cunt to you first. flaming people is worth it approximately 1% of the time. you probably aren't inclined to do this while you're still scared but wanting to punch your monitor because some dipshit just failed the easiest mechanic in the world is eternal in both raiding and m+ once you know what you're doing. there will come a point where somebody dying at a bad time to stupid shit is going to ruin the key. (thankfully you don't reach that point until the mid 20s, but people will act like that's true much sooner than that). they probably know they fucked up and you likely don't have to say anything more than "gg". there is also a point where it is expected of everybody to be able to do things with a moderate amount of intelligence. if somebody dies to a very easy to avoid ground aoe multiple times that most everybody in your group forgot could even one shot because it's that easy to avoid, yes, a little bit of "wtf are you doing you idiot" could be warranted. if you're the one dying to stupid shit, pull out the "mb dunno whats up with me right now" and clear your head. if somebody else is the one dying to stupid shit, accept you can't do anything about it besides be mildly irritated.
build good habits for mechanics early. unfortunately in a +2 and honestly for most keys until the high teens / low 20s depending on your gear, shit is just going to tickle and you're not really going to notice it. other people also just aren't going to do mechanics most of the time unless it is an actual intentional pass/fail that will most likely kill you or wipe you on every key level. i think the best way to circumvent this is to treat every swirlie like it will kill you, like every frontal will kill you (unless it's a designated tank frontal and you're the tank, and even then, treat it like it will kill you and mitigate it), like every unkicked cast could kill you, so on and so forth. obviously this is much easier said than done.
sort of related to the previous point, i also believe that you don't really learn to respect a mob or a boss until it turns around and slaps you for 2x your health bar. it's like a fun hidden reputation bar. you start a +2 tyrannical black rook hold with the risen arcanist being at 0/10000 "what does this guy even do" and one day in your first +25 bolstered fortified black rook hold the risen arcanist will arcane blitz you for 7 million damage when you have 800k hp and suddenly you're 10000/10000 "im going to have nightmares about this mob for the rest of my life" and you will have learned a valuable lesson. then, and only then, do you understand on a fundamental and atomic level why the risen arcanist must be treated with the respect that it demands, and what cooldowns you have to reserve for it in the next run. this is just a part of putting in the reps and doing it scared and just jumping right in. you will learn over time what mobs you HAVE to respect and which ones are allowed to get a few casts off or live a bit longer in favor of the more threatening ones. you will also learn which boss abilities are just a rough slap across the face and which ones are Literally 9/11 which will just instantly fucking kill you with no hope of ever surviving without pressing your biggest defensive, which sometimes means you just have to rawdog the slaps across the face so that you dont get instantly fucking killed by Literally 9/11. guides will always tell you this sort of thing and what to watch out for but just like how you dont really learn mechanics from reading about it, you dont learn that a +25 tyrannical iridikron's stonecracker barrage is just going to fucking kill you if you dont do something about it and it probably will kill you even if you DO do something about it and that's just the reality we live in and your next step is to find out if you cuold have done anything more to prevent it.
ok thats enough typing from me. if you ever have specific questions you can always send an ask again. i wish u luck i lov dis game mode i hope u enjoyed my autism wall of text <3
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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"The Gaunt Man" © deviantArt user "Doomsplosion", accessed at their gallery here
[It's a monster from Easter Island! AKA Rapa Nui, to give it its local name. I discovered this monster on bestiary.us, a Cyrillic website that does a good job of covering a lot of sources obscure in English with... mostly competent Google translate coverage. The stuff about them flying like whirlwinds and courting humans in disguise (very common spirit/fey/otherworldly people behavior) comes from The Mystery of Easter Island, which is conveniently in the public domain.]
Tatane CR 4 NE Monstrous Humanoid This being could be almost human, if not for its skeletal thinness and exaggerated facial features. It wears little clothing, and carries a club and a brace of short spears.
The tatane are human-like creatures notable for their skeletal forms and their mastery over air. Tatanes usually live near beaches on islands, where they get most of their food through fishing and harvesting the other bounties of the sea. In order to reach difficult prizes, or when raiding their neighbors, a tatane can transform into a living whirlwind, although it can only assume this form for short periods. This also helps them to pass through walls and doors, as they can squeeze through tiny cracks.
Most tatanes are evil in nature, believing in a self-centered version of social Darwinism. Weakness is to be punished and strength and cunning rewarded. Their leaders are often divine casters, such as druids or clerics, that exploit their lessers in order to ensure their own comfort and pleasure. A tatane is close enough to humans in appearance that, as long as they wear clothing that hides their ribcages and bony limbs, they can pass as a human. Some tatanes enter human civilization as spies or thieves, and some subset of those fall in love with the culture and stay behind. The children of a human and a tatani are fully human, although they usually are unusually thin and may have an affinity for air magic.
Tatane     CR 4 XP 1,200 NE Medium monstrous humanoid (air) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +10 Defense AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +3 natural) hp 39 (6d10+6) Fort +3, Ref +8, Ref +5 DR 5/bludgeoning Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee masterwork club +9/+4 (1d6+3) or slam +8 (1d6+3) Ranged javelin +9 (1d6+2) Statistics Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12 Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 21 Feats Alertness,Flyby Attack,Skill Focus (Survival) Skills Disguise +6,Fly +11 (+19 in elemental form), Perception +10, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +15, Survival +11, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth Languages Auran, Common SQ elemental form Ecology Environment warm and temperate coasts Organization solitary, pair, band (3-6 plus 0-2 3rd level rangers) or village (7-24 plus 50% noncombatants, 1-8 3rd level rangers and 1 5th level cleric or druid) Treasure standard (masterwork club, 3 javelins, other treasure) Special Abilities Elemental Form (Su) As a standard action, a tatane can transform into a form like that of an air elemental, or revert to its normal form. In elemental form, it gains a fly speed of 50 feet (perfect), and gains immunity to bleed, critical hits and sneak attack. It can also move through cracks and crevices as if under the effect of a gaseous form spell. The tatane loses its damage reduction during this time, and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls made with manufactured weapons. A tatane can remain as an air elemental for as many minutes as its Hit Dice, and can divide these minutes up as it sees fit.
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puppetz5lyfe · 8 months
Final Fantasy 14's full trailer for Dawntrail is out, and I have a few thoughts about it.
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There are a few interesting parts of the new live letter announcements for their fan fest that I'd like to write about, both positives and negatives. Overall, I feel what they have been presenting seems interesting, but the overall presentation of it has left me with mixed feelings.
The Trailer (Feel free to open a side-tab to look along!)
Overall, I think the trailer is one of the weakest part of what they've been showing of Dawntrail recently. The secrecy behind the main plot of Dawntrail beyond the Scion call and competition in Tural has left my interest wanting something more. This sort of weak teasing works well for a small part of FF14 like a raid series, but I have found myself legitimately forgetting that there is story I should be looking forward to. The small hints at something greater such as Solution Nine (which I will write more on later) have gripped me much more than anything the trailer has shown.
Especially in comparison to some of the other expansion trailers, Dawntrail lacks a lot of the excitement and curiosity that other expansions have shown; sections such as Vritra's inclusion in the Endwalker trailer, and hints at something bigger given by the Crystal Exarch in the Shadowbringers trailer really help to create something that both engages existing players and new players unfamiliar with the game. Thinking back on the other trailers, I find the new trailer comparable to Stormblood's one, where the focus was much more on a handful of specific scenes rather than an overarching narrative which led to a unfavorable opinion compared to others.
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Beyond general scope, there were a few odd choices with the trailer's cinematography that I feel could be improved. Between 0:50 - 1:10, while the Mamool Ja are walking through the jungle there are three separate quick sweeping shots of greenery that feel like they are conveying a gap in time, or change in scenery. However, I feel like the placement of these transitions only leads to the viewer feeling more disoriented in the shot. The first transition leads from a cliffside to a lush underbrush that they have to cut through, which I feel conveys a jump well. The second jump comes just as water enters the shot, and jumps to a spot where they are in shallow water. This works a little less well since both locations seem more connected to each other, but is still a fine choice. The final transition in this scene comes to pan up(?) from Estinien's back to his face, which just leaves the viewer disoriented and confused, since there is no jump in time or location like the other two. Stranger still, within this same scene there are other opportunities to use the transition to show gaps in time, but they aren't used. Transitions like this are rare afterwards, so I don't know if they were the best choice.
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However, the scene that showcases viper is excellent. It plays soon after the party returns to Tural, and shows the protagonist (Meteor) fighting a large Mamool Ja. (I believe he is the king of Tuliyollal?) The visual effects of both the flames and sparks coming off the blades colliding gives great impact! Unfortunately, the trailer for whatever reason decides to split this fight into three parts, cutting to Scions in between. I feel this really hurts what would be the impact of seeing the new job for the first time. The added percussion and violin to this scene really helped to reveal the job in the extended teaser, but for the full trailer it feels like the music struggles to have the same impact which leaves the scene feeling cut short.
The music for this trailer feels like it was explicitly made for the trailer after the visuals were done, rather than the other way around. Additionally, the female vocals pull the song in a very different direction than the rest of the song. It might be a personal thing, but I'd prefer it to be separate to give both parts merit.
The new scene involving pictomancer went on for a bit longer than I would have hoped, but I feel it was partially done to extend the trailer longer than it would have been otherwise. I hope the whole painted spriggan thing is part of the class's kit in game, such as the animation for its 3-meter limit break.
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also i like her teddy bear face
Other Information
Other than just the trailer, there was some teases at further information about the expansion which have gripped me more than the trailer itself. The underground(?) tech city Solution Nine looks pretty and unique, but the developers seem to be holding back information on what the location is until later. I think that's understandable, but makes Solution Nine out to be one of the only initial unknowns of the expansion. I feel there should be more mystery in the lead up to release, but everything feels so tightly under wraps that there isn't much to guess at.
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Our only hints as to what may be within Solution Nine are on this signpost in the trailer, showing what seems to be "Employment" and "Houl Hubble." Honestly, I have no idea what this means. I would speculate more, but with such little to go off of it's just blindly throwing darts. (Apparently this might mean Soul Supply, possibly hinting at this being a darker location?)
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Another part of the expansion shown off was its poster artwork, and I think I like this part of the reveals most of all. There's interesting choices regarding the characters shown within the picture that makes me interested in the expansion! The only characters we're familiar with are Krile, Thancred, Urianger and Erenville. My first thought looking at this was about the competition idea that was teased in post-Endwalker. I think having a Heavensward-like party of those four and seeing how they all interact with each other would be really interesting! If the other scions were fighting for the other side of the competition (possibly Solution Nine?) there could be conflict within the scions and create interesting scenarios for the cast to be in! Plus, the general focus of the poster being on non-scions makes me hope for a fresh cast, rather than the pretty set-in-stone cast we had for all of Endwalker.
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That's not to say that I'm not excited for Dawntrail! I'm excited to get the chance to make a Female Hrothgar character, and I'm curious if I'll like it enough to be one. Pictomancer looks fun and interesting as a class, and I think I'll try that too! Beastmaster seems like a really interesting addition to the game and I'm curious how different from the rest of the game it'll be. Other parts like Cosmic Exploration, Raid & Ultimate stuff and the FF11 raid seem interesting, but I don't feel I've seen enough to really know how I feel about it.
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oh yeah also what the hell is this
Thank you all for reading! I've been sitting on this post for a month and was struggling to find time to finish it. Hope you've enjoyed!
(images taken from Dawntrail's website)
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Day of origin - Prompt - Word Count - Universe - Summary [Links]
DAY 1 - Touch Starved - 2437 words - Canon/Canon Divergence - Vi hides an injury. Kabbu and Leif discover it. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 2 - Flinching - 988 words - Love Bites - Zasp encounters an old trigger while assisting with a volunteer job at the theatre. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 3 - Muzzled - 5146 words - Vampire Leif AU - Leif emerges from Snakemouth Den changed. The world is too loud, too bright, too overwhelming... but he needs to speak with the queen. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 4 - Knife to the Throat - 1855 words - Misc. Unreleased Outlines (Fifty-Two Pickup) - Carmina has a run-in with a hired kidnapper. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 5 - "That's gonna scar." - 1898 words - Unnamed Bodysharing Verse - Kina and Leif get in a bit too deep against the Wasp King. Leif tries some experimental emergency medicine. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 6 - Secrets Revealed - 2250 words - Unnamed Bodysharing Verse - Kina finds out something about the bug she's been sharing her body with. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 7 - Caged - 1483 words - Unnamed New Scars fill verse - Vi is captured and caged by those she once trusted. There's something she still desperately needs to tell them. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 8 - Panic - 3104 words - Canon Divergence/Postcanon - The Explorer's Association receives a visitor, Leif has something revealed about himself, and Zasp pays the price for something extremely impulsive. [TUMBLR] [AO3] (VERY ROUGH)
DAY 9 - Voice Loss - 3565 words - Mild Canon Divergence - A competitor plays a trick on Mothiva. Mothiva resorts to drastic measures. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 10 - Difficulty Breathing - 5685 words - Canon/Canon Divergence - Scarlet runs right into a trap he should've seen coming. [TUMBLR] [AO3]
DAY 11 - Fever - 1759 words and counting - Canon/Canon Divergence - Astotheles takes a trip to pick up some supplies. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 12 - "Can you hear me?" - 1857 words and counting - Bug Fables/Humans-B-Gone! Crossover (VERY beta) - Someone has taken a fall in Snakemouth Den. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 13 - Forced To Hurt A Loved One - 575 words and counting - Canon Divergence/Postcanon - A mission goes poorly, and something goes wrong with Leif. Muze is forced to find a way to take him down. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 14 - Captivity - 37 words and counting - Canon/Canon Divergence (extended from Day 10) - Scarlet paces his new cell. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 15 - Self-Sacrifice - 136 words and counting - Time Travel - Even if death doesn't stick for them, Kabbu can't stand to see his teammates fall. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 16 - Semi-Conscious - 1127 words and counting - ???/Humans-B-Gone! Crossover - Sophodra temporarily misplaces her exoskeleton. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 17 - Experimentation - 1897 words and counting - Canon/Precanon - Subject ZM-32 is a success in all the wrong ways. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 18 - Can't Stay Awake OR Immortality - 0 words and counting - Canon Divergence/Postcanon OR Canon/Precanon - Something's gone wrong. (NOTE: Whichever prompt ends up fitting better for this will be the one used, other becomes the Immortality Day) [UNFINISHED]
DAY 19 - "You deserve this." - 0 words and counting - Misc. AU Plots (Storm King AU) - Kabbu is dressed up as an offering. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 20 - Knife Wound - 0 words and counting - Misc. Unreleased Outlines (Fifty-Two Pickup) - Carmina doesn't know how she's still alive. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 21 - Shackled - 505 words and counting - False Convict (Alt. Version) - Astotheles raids an Ant Kingdom camp for prisoners. He ends up making an investment. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 22 - Can't Scream OR Immortality - 198 words and counting - Canon Divergence/Postcanon OR Canon/Precanon - Snakemouth Den's experiments will not die until they are killed. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 23 - "You'll have to go through me." - 0 words and counting - Misc. AU Plots (Tireless) - Riz guards his village. [UNFINISHED]]
DAY 24 - Bloody Clothes - 654 words and counting - Mild Canon Divergence - Kali finds someone half-dead in the desert. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 25 - Assumed Dead - 0 words and counting - Canon Divergence/Postcanon - There are, occasionally, advantages to lacking a pulse. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 26 - Time Loop - 1813 words and counting - Mild Canon Divergence - Monsieur Scarlet gets caught. He begs his case. Again, and again, and again. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 27 - Survivor's Guilt - 0 words and counting - Canon/Precanon - Kabbu copes in the aftermath of The Beast's rampage. [UNFINISHED]
DAY 28 - "You're safe now." - 0 words and counting - Time Travel - Vi has a nightmare. [UNFINISHED]
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kayzig · 2 years
Rosen of Chroneria: Chapter 4
Things have chilled out a little, so let's ease the Chaos level back down to 7 for our recovering Hero and see where things go. I've also readjusted some enemy difficult again, and made a more streamlined encounter table to see how fights/etc go. I DO think this still wound up the most "scenes" I've gotten into a session so that must be a step in the right direction!
Let's interpret some dice rolls!
A new format I am doing for my Fate Chart to try and be uniform in my journaling is as follows (I will always state the Chaos level somewhere in the write-up as well): Q (to mark it is a question): Odds (50/50, Likely, Impossible, etc): Question Stated? A: number rolled; what that means (Yes/No/Exceptional Yes/Etc)
Q: Likely; would the Good Ship Justice have told their crimelord boss about Rosen? A: 38; yes
Q: baseline, 50/50 - would this guy know what to make of Rosen at all, based on the story of a man who fell out of the sky, and survived to be scooped up onto a ship? A: 38 AGAIN: yes!
I am fighting off a strong temptation to look up 38 in numerology over this, haha, but I think the boss is a less immediate thing for right now.
Q: 50/50: does he want Rosen brought in to see in-person? A: 40 (combo breaker), and also, yes!
Domain Check: how does Annurca (and in correlation, Bonny) feel, and how does Zief feel?
Annurca & Bonny: 3, Partnership Zief: 13, Deception
Making it a note to make slightly separate sheets for the Crew as Zief is becoming more and more of an antagonist. I know that their boss has some relationship to the assassination, but I have to ask: is the crime boss truly a VILLAIN compared to the other inequality-related evils here?
I rolled another NPC Attitude domain check and got 3 again, for Partnership, and compared it to an Opposition roll, with a 10 for Pride. I think that has some depth on it for now, and move on to make sure Rosen has his refresh before carrying on.
Rosen still has his situational "Your Reputation Precedes You" bonus active. Another check indicates this has complicated Alistair's work day, and while the soldiers who respect Alistair are happy to do their jobs, their morale has taken quite a hit with the sudden raids causing casualties at Alistair's home.
Although Rosen is interested in somehow getting out and looking into the assassin again, he has his relationship aspect of protecting Judge Regent Alistair to keep him grounded, and he accepts that compel.
Q: 50/50: will Annurca and her crew be able to track Rosen to Alistair's home? A: 60; yes
Q: Unlikely: would they risk getting into trouble with a Judge Regent to contact Rosen? A: 100; EXCEPTIONALLY NO
Q: 50/50: is this where Zief's deception comes in? A: 83; no
I am once again resisting the compel of 38 / 83 / etc as rolling numerology intrigue, but we'll call this a scene and a successful-enough information grab for them to get back to their boss with. Against the House Guard's 0 Notice, the Crew of the Good Ship Justice rolls a hilarious 0 Stealth. They succeed, but make enough of a hurried ruckus after doing so that we get the aspect "On High Alert" to make it even harder to sneak back until things die down.
good job, professional criminals. Shifting scenes somewhat..
Q: Unlikely: has Alistair gotten new information regarding the assassination? A: 36: yes!
I think that while Alistair was very intent on trying to also be privy to this new report, he is compelled to Rise To A Challenge when high alert is called by the guards.
When the irritable guards pointedly go On High Alert, Rosen takes to action, and we'll have a standard "First To Three" Challenge.
Goal: Discover the Source of the Disturbance Tactics: Notice, Pursuit, etc.
Rosen will have to succeed on finding Evidence of the intrusion, Catching Up to the forward guards who were in the garden or street at the time of the alert being raised just a few moments before, and then Noticing something amiss to follow.
The Crew of the Good Ship Justice's Stealth Check of 0 is not a high difficulty, but a bad dice roll could make it victorious with Rosen's only +1 to Investigation - but he rolls for a +2, making a success.
Rosen locates a visible trail, and will make an Athletics check to follow it towards the next crumb of the trail. We'll have the guard roll Athletics first, to see the difference Rosen will have to overcome: only a +1, which Rosen rolls a +4 against, giving him a shift difference that will Succeed With Style.
He gets the boost Hot On Their Heels, which he can put towards his next roll to notice any further evidence of the Ship Crew escaping.
They get to roll a new Stealth Roll, which is a +3 to try and slip into the more crowded streets of Port Lamour's built up districts. Meanwhile, Rosen rolls a Notice of +9 with his skill modified and a use of the boost.
We'll call this boost "Strange Seeing You Here", and have it carry over to a reasonable suspicion for Rosen to have against the Crew as a whole, as we end this chase scene and change over to something else. Rosen is not looking to be seen first, and will use a stealth roll of his own to set the pace
Rosen's +3 Stealth from that boost versus Annurca's +3 Notice. Rosen succeeds at a cost with that tie - while his pirate crew buddies haven't noticed him yet, he also completely smoked the pace the guards were setting in their pursuit and lost them, as well; not to mention he's in a strange city in areas he hasn't gone through before.
Before he settles in to listen in on the ship crew to figure out their intention at the Judge Regent's house, he'll be marked with the aspect "Lost & Alone" until he gets a way to remove it.
Q: Likely: Did the Pirate Crew detour into a more seedy/dangerous area? A: 51; yes.
Q: 50/50: will there be a fight? A: 93; no.
I'm a bit unsure how Rosen may approach, so I roll him a domain: 2; Cancellation. He was starting to suspect them, but I think with how friendly Captain Annurca was at their initial meeting, that any hostility is quickly called off in this meeting. They're happy to see each other alright, and will catch up on some details.
Q: Likely: Would Rosen just bluntly state all he's been up to? A: 50; yep
Boldly speaking about the Judge Regent in the area of town they wound up with would be Unwise, so after hearing a few details and having a name drop, Annurca tries to talk Rosen into going with them to their current base of operations.
Annurca's 0 Rapport (she invoked an Aspect for a bad reroll and rolled zero twice!) versus Rosen's +4 Will: that's a succeed with style., so we'll give Rosen the boost of "Is This Bait?"; 2 of 3 of the crew don't mean any harm but Zief is always giving off the worst vibes, after all.
Rosen attempts to use Empathy to get a little bit more insight onto why they risked being around the guards to see him: he rolls a absolute dogshit, the worst roll I have done in this entire process, and invokes the free boost to reroll. He rolls a +2 Empathy versus a +2 Deceive.
Succeeding at a cost; he can tell that Annurca is hiding something, but the air of this impasse is guilt-adjacent, not the frustration or anger of being found out.
Rosen considers this for a moment but things feel strange, again, dismissing himself back to the house. Zief will make a try, based on his motivation, to offer Rosen a quicker way back to the Regent's manor - they took some round-about paths to try and not be followed.
Zief rolls a 0 Deception, good for him, versus a +1 Empathy from Rosen. That's a good vibe check, for Rosen to go "haha sure, jackass, I have to go now."
This is definitely going to cause some frustration amongst the crew, and make it harder for them to lure Rosen out in the future…but now they know where he is, at least.
Now that Rosen is on his way back through the slightly seedy area, he is going to have to contest against The Backstreets. Against a +4 Difficulty, he must try to Investigate his way back from where he came to avoid a conflict.
He rolls a 0.
On the encounter table, I rolled as high as I could, meaning he is going to encounter a Mini-Boss, and an additional d6 roll of 3d4+1 Minor Opponents.
On the final math that's 7 minor guys with the Big Guy.
Q: 50/50: is the Sky Legion back on their bullshit? A: 5; absofreakinlutely.
ofc they fucking are, right?
time to get a fight together, and hope that major consequence doesn't make this awful!! I am gonna make it less number-crunchy, and say that we have a 4-pack of lesser guys who will be represented as one stat block with 4 stress, the standard guys we've been fighting with 3 stress, and then I will test out the "moderate danger" guy I just made.
For those into the worldbuilding, the scouts we've seen before are now all in a "group" I just statted as a Nimbus Scout Trio, since they have 3 stress, and the lesser guys are known as Downdrafts. The new guy is known as a Virga Vanguard, and they have a unique stunt that uses a harpoon-like weapon on a chain.
I guess these Sky Legion Guys have some cool "muahahahaha finally got you out of your shell" introductions and Rosen's response is probably just "haha thank god you dipshits didn't come out of a fucking portal this time"
Conflict start!
Initiative: Rosen 3 Downdraft 1 Vanguard 0 Nimbus Scouts -1
First exchange!
Rosen can only get to the Downdraft guys in front because of the Cramped Backstreet. He makes a charging tackle at them for a +5, and they tie with it thanks to their +2 to their first Dodge rolls (a fun trait I made them have). Rosen gets boost on his next attack against them that we'll call "Off-Guard"
They now get to make an attack, trying to surround him and rolling a silly lil zero - he rolls a +6 dodge, getting the "Dazed!" aspect invoked on the Downdrafts.
The Vanguard spends the GM Fate Point to apply his Chain Lasso; Once per Scene when fighting Rosen, the Vanguard can spend a Fate Point to create the "I Have You Now!" Aspect, which takes an Athletics Overcome of +3 to remove, as Rosen disarms them of their Chain Lasso. While the Aspect is in play, they get a +2 to their rolls to Attack or Defend against Rosen.
Finally, the Nimbus Scouts get to go, with this bonus applied to their fight rolls! With their +4 roll to attack, moving in to stand in-line with the parted Downdraft guards, Rosen rolls a +5 dodge to successfully avoid damage.
Second exchange - I think I am finally figuring out the difficulty curve of how to state NPCs to fight in Fate, because that felt more visually like a Main Character fighting Faceless Guys, right?
Rosen is up with his two boosts, rolling a monstrous +10 attack against the Downdraft; they don't roll higher than a +2 and are eviscerated. I also realized, mechanically, I think that special stunt from the Vanguard should also have a limitation like "cannot move zones unless the Vanguard does so"? It feels right, so we'll add that to keep in mind!
With those guys down, it's time for The Vanguard - he is equipped to use a ranged attack, so chain in one hand, crossbow in the other, he fires down the line at Rosen for a +6 shot, versus a +4 dodge, so Rosen will take those two shifts.
The Nimbus Scouts now also get to take a shot at Rosen, and stay in close range to try and knock him down to make him easier to drag in, for another +5 roll, versus a 5! The Nimbus Scouts get a boost, "On The Chain Now!"
Third Exchange!
Rosen is still bound, and this Chain situation is really not ideal for him. He's going to make an attempt to grab the chain and pull the Vanguard up into close range; I'll allow it to operate as the attempt to Overcome the lasso, and if he succeeds with style, he can pull the Vanguard in. He rolls a +5, which is not QUITE a SwS, but it gets rid of the +2 advantage on him!
Which brings us to the Vanguard, who is gonna hang back and shoot: a +3 attack versus Rosen's +5 dodge for None Hits Left Beef.
Moving along to the Nimbus, who make a +4 fight, trying to wear Rosen down, and with his +3 dodge, that's one more stress on Rosen.
Fourth Round…
Rosen is up and Making an attack against the Nimbus, spending a Fate point to invoke a +2 from the Cramped Backstreet keeping these Scouts close together for a +4 Fight versus their +2 Dodge to finally knock out their full-stress advantage.
The Vanguard is gonna keep hanging back and shooting, for a +3 against a 3 Dodge. They get the boost "Marked Target."
The Nimbus is now one guy but he still is here to do his best! He takes a swing at Rosen for a +1 Attack, versus a +7 Dodge, wherein Rosen gets a boost against them on his next attack, which we'll call "", which is coming up in -
Round 5!
Rosen has to get that boost, for a +4 attack versus a +1 Dodge; that would have been a boost if they weren't eliminated, bringing us to just the Vanguard!
The Vanguard wants to get his boost as well, taking a +5 Shoot versus a +6 Dodge - this is maybe a good time to take some distance and move out a zone to try and keep away from the man who punched 4 men to death.
back to Rosen for a 6th round, he is going to advance on the Vanguard, and go for an attack that is a little rough, only a +1, but only against a +1 dodge - we'll add a boost called "No Escape"…!
…but the Vanguard is going to try again, because he's way better at shooting than fighting close up! He runs back and takes another +4 shot at Rosen, who pulls off a +6 Dodge again.
On our 7th round, we'll say that the new zone that the Vanguard dashes out into no longer is a Cramped Backstreet, but an open area with a "Rowdy Crowd" and "Widespread Audience".
Rosen is going to take an attack on the Vanguard and spend a Fate Point to invoke the Rowdy Crowd keeping them from being able to twist and dodge too much, for a total of a +7 attack, and a 0 dodge means he is knocked RIGHT out, Rosen on one side, Rowdy Crowd on the other.
This ends the conflict, and I am going to do a Rapport roll, spending a Fate Point for Rosen to invoke the Rowdy Crowd in a Victorious yell, and stack it with First Impression, for a +4 roll, which is enough to get most of them in on the wonton violence, given that the city itself has been shifting in a violent way, and the Sky Legion has the Vibe of being some strange official Faction.
That's going to round out this session, which should have some fun ramifications: next time, we'll see if Rosen can find his way back to Alistair, or if Alistair can get a grapevine word of mouth on where Rosen has gotten off to!
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casualjacobwrites · 2 months
My FFXIV Hot Bar Setup
A friend who watches me stream asked me to explain how I have my hot bars set up in Final Fantasy XIV, and while I tried to answer on stream I realized quite quickly that without diagrams a lot of what I said wouldn't make sense. At his request, I decided I could do a big write-up complete with my horrible graphic design skills to show how I set up my bars for melee DPS, tank, healer, and caster.
Before I begin, some information plus a couple of caveats:
I play on PC using a mouse and keyboard. If you're looking for help with controller setup, I fear this "guide" won't be of much use. If you really want some help with controller and can't find any other source, feel free to DM me, or check my Twitch page for a link to my Discord. My spouse, NinjaWeazel, uses a controller and can likely offer some tips.
I use a Logitech G600 mouse (pictured below) and can highly recommend it if you're looking for a multi-button mouse. In the past have used a Razer Naga and a Steel Series MMO mouse, but do not recommend their products.
Before playing FFXIV, I played WoW and I used the same sort of setup and keybinds then that I do now. I mention this in case it might somehow give people insight into why I do things the way I do. I doubt it will, but who knows?
I am neurodivergent and what makes sense to my brain may not make sense to yours. Please know there's no wrong way to set up your hot bars! Do what works for you and you alone.
I got so wrapped up in making my crappy graphics that I forgot I set an ice cream sandwich on my desk to eat. It melted before I remembered it. Thankfully, it was still contained in its wrapper and didn't leave a mess. This has nothing to do with the guide, but I'm mourning my lost treat.
Oh, and while I obviously am not posting anything related to Dawntrail MSQ, some of the jobs pictured under here are at level 100 if that matters to anyone. Anyway, let's get on with it.
Mouse and General Keybinds
As stated above, I use a Logitech G600, which looks like this (please excuse crappy cell phone picture):
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The side buttons correspond with the number row on my Keyboard. I use buttons G15-G20 which translate to numbers 7 through = on the keyboard. For numbers 1 through 6, I typically use my keyboard as those buttons on the side of the mouse are hard for me to comfortably press. I can do it in a pinch, but I've never really needed to and, to be honest, if I'm not able to press keys 1 through 6, it typically means I'm doing more important stuff like mechanics.
My Basic Hotbar Setup
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OK so here are my hot bars one through four. On bar 4 (the top row in the picture) are my sprint key, some raid markers, and my limit break. This bar is set to universal and is the only one that's constant through all my jobs.
Bar three is reserved for role actions and any other action I am unable to fit on the other bars/don't use as often but still need.
Bar 2 is set up so the first six buttons are my shift key PLUS buttons G15-G20 on my mouse (number 7 through = button on the keyboard). Zero comes first because that button is right next to where my thumb rests. You'll see why I mention that in a moment. [Side Note: Eagle eye readers might notice that it goes 8, -, 9 rather than 8, 9, then -. Why is that? Because when I was first doing this set up 10 years ago (yes, that long), the buttons on the mouse I had at the time didn't correspond to numbers. They were just extra buttons. I think I was using a Steel Series mouse at that time? Anyway, I screwed up the order when swapping to my Logitech and have never fixed it.]
Finally, bar 1 (the bottom row) is just the standard row of numbers on a keyboard.
With me so far? Good, because now it gets a bit more complicated.
My "Universal" Set Up
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"Universal" is in quotation marks because there are exceptions. HOWEVER, this is more or less the standard "rule" I use when setting up bars on a new job and applies across all job types.
Shift + 0 (Shift + G18 on my mouse) is my gap closer for most of my DPS jobs. My middle mouse button is always my disengage/jump back buttons and the cause of many of my deaths on DRG. Shift + Middle Mouse Button is usually assigned to my party buff (though that's not the case here; again, there are slight variations between jobs).
Shift + 7 through = (Shift + G15-G17/G18-G20) vary depending on the job, which I'll explain a little more when I show RDM. Note: I use shift versus ctrl or alt keys because I've never been able to hit those while doing rotations without my hand cramping.
For melee DPS and tanks, numbers 1-4 on Bar 1 are my single target rotation, with 7, 8, and 9 being reserved for my multiple target/AoE rotations. (On RPR, DRG, and now VPR, I make sure that 0 and - are for Flank and Rear positional actions so that I don't have to try to remember positions by ability name.) Remember, for buttons 7 through =, I use my mouse (Buttons G15 - G20) so that left hand doesn't have to stretch too far.
Typical Melee DPS Setup
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Pretty much what I said above, but here's what my DRG set up looks like. 5 and 6 are part of my second single target rotation that some melee DPS have. 7 has always been the start of my multiple target rotations when applicable.
RDM Bars
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You can see the general setup of "this group of buttons for Single Target" and "This group for Multiple Target/AoE." Also note my middle mouse and shift plus middle mouse buttons are similar to DRG even though DRG is melee DPS versus physical.
Specifc to RDM: Shift + 7, 8, and 9 are my melee combo with Shift + - being for Manification. Shift + = is (Enchanted) Moulinet for AoE.
Please note, the setup does vary on BLM, SMN, and Pictomancer, but in general the same sort of separation between single target and AoE buttons stays the same.
The only other important part I'll add is that I keep Swiftcast plus Verraise on bar 3 in that specific spot, which leads me to Healer. (Yes, I know I have dualcast on RDM, but sometimes it's just quicker for me to use swiftcast then rez especially if I can't stand still in that moment to get off a cast to proc dualcast.)
Healer Setup (WHM Specifically)
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While WHM is what's pictured here, I have a similar set-up on all my healers. 1 is always my single target spell with 2 being my DoT. (I have the most experience on WHM and AST with minimal knowledge of SCH and SGE.)
My middle mouse button on my healers are my "OH SHI-" buttons where I need to do an instant burst heal (Benediction, Essential Dignity, etc). Esuna is always my = key/G20 on my mouse. Also note that I keep my swiftcast plus rez button in the same spot.
Tank Setup (DRK)
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And finally we have tank. Again, buttons 1-5 are assigned to single target abilities while 7 through - are AoE/multiple target.
Note that instead of a gap closer for my Shift + 0 it's set to Unmend. This is a holdover from when I tried to learn Paladin in World of Warcraft and I assigned that same keybind to shield toss. Now I use this on all tanks for their "Throw something to get an enemy's attention," and set 6 as my gap closer on tanks. Again, it's a thing that makes sense to me.
My middle mouse and shift + middle mouse on Tank are set for stuns and Interject.
And I think that's about all I can think of at the moment. Please note that I use the term "universal" a bit loosely as each job is unique and has its own fiddly bits (such as NIN's combos, VPR's "whatever, just hit a button," or Pictomancer's strange and weirdly fun "rotation").
To the friend that requested this: I know this is more than you bargained for, but feel free to pick my brain over Discord. And if anyone else wants to ask questions, go right ahead I suppose. If you need me, I'll be busy getting all the jobs to 100 and then forgetting how to play them. XD
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san-storage-blog · 2 years
Tips and Tricks for Working with SAN Storage
As a storage professional, you know the importance of setting up and managing a reliable Storage Area Network (SAN). Not only does a well-structured SAN provide higher performance and increased scalability, but it also allows you to better manage your data. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips and tricks for working with SAN storage that can help make your job easier.
Tip #1 - Utilize Multiple Controllers
Adding multiple controllers to your SAN is an effective way to increase performance and improve redundancy. A good rule of thumb is to have at least two controllers in each SAN cluster – one primary controller for the active operations, and a secondary controller that acts as the failover if the primary controller fails. This will ensure that your system remains up and running even in the event of failure.
Tip #2 - Configure RAID Levels Properly
Using RAID levels is another important step when configuring your SAN. RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, and it's used to provide data protection by writing redundant data across multiple disks. The most common RAID levels are 0 (striped disk array), 1 (mirrored disk array), 5 (distributed parity), 6 (dual distributed parity), 10 (striped mirrored disks) and 50/60 (multiple striped mirrors). Choosing the right RAID level can make all the difference in terms of performance and reliability.
Tip #3 - Monitor Performance Metrics Regularly
Once you've configured your SAN, it's important to monitor its performance metrics on a regular basis. This helps ensure that everything is running smoothly, as well as identify potential issues before they become problems. Monitoring tools such as SNMP or IPMI allow you to track metrics such as latency, throughput, I/O operations per second, etc., so that you can keep an eye on how your system is performing over time.
Setting up a reliable storage area network requires careful planning and attention to detail – but with these tips in mind, you should be able to get up and running quickly while ensuring maximum performance and reliability. Remember to configure multiple controllers for redundancy; choose the right RAID level; and monitor performance metrics regularly in order to get the most out of your SAN storage solution!
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kaijusrpgbrainstorm · 2 years
New Year, New Character 2: Day 19
Cassandra, Weapon of Justice, Fallout: the Roleplaying Game Cassandra grew up in the wastes and learnt very quickly that there is no law but that you can impose. For a time she considered joined a raider gang for the protection in numbers, but after witnessing the aftermaths of their attacks too many times she realises she could not live like that. So she took to mercenary work for a while. And then she met a Regulator. There are few codes of law in the wastes, and those that exist are easy enough to evade by running. The Regulators do not enforce laws, but they seek justice and try to settle disputes. Sometimes by talking, sometimes by violence. This appealed to Cassandra, though she would be the first to admit she prefers the latter. A while back she did manage to convince one raider to give up their gang and help her. The big guy, Rhodey, has been a boon in her missions, even if he does somehow keep loosing the big guns he is so fond of. The two of them were chasing after slavers that been raiding a settlement, getting into a a firefight through the ruins of a school, when they encountered Kayleigh and her companions. After realising they were shooting at the wrong people, they teamed up to finish off the raiders.
Origin: Survivor
Level: 1
Luck Points: 7
Strength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 7
Luck: 7
Athletics (Str): 2
Barter (Cha): 2
Big Guns (End):
Energy Weapons (Per):
Explosives (Per):
Lockpick (Per): 2
Medicine (Int): 2
Melee Weapons (Str): 3(T)
Pilot (Per): 1
Repair (Int): 1
Science (Int):
Small Guns (Agi):
Sneak (Agi): 3(T)
Speech (Cha): 1
Survival (End): 3(T)
Throwing (Agi):
Unarmed (Str):
Perks: Scrounger, Toughness
Traits: Small Frame, additional perk
Carry Weight: 175lbs
Damage Resistance: Physical 1 Energy 0 Radiation 0 Poison 0
Defense: 1
Initiative: 12
HP: 13
Melee Damage: +0
Equipment: Mercenary
Tough clothing (Resist Phys. 1, Energy 1, all locations but head)
Leather armour chest piece (Resist Phys. 1, Energy 2, Torso)
10mm automatic pistol with 10+5d rounds of ammunition
Advert for job worth 50 caps
15 caps
Tagged Skill equipment
Baseball bat
One dose of Calmex
2 purified water, 1 iguana on a stick
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tittabank · 2 years
External hard drive recovery nj
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#External hard drive recovery nj full
We don't know of another company who will provide a better service, recovery rates or prices anywhere in New Jersey.
#External hard drive recovery nj full
That's why we offer the best prices in the industry to our New Jersey based customers for full service clean room data recovery services. We know you want the best possible service at the lowest possible price. How Much Will It Cost To Recovery My Data? You pick your service based on your situation and recovery needs. We offer 24/7 Emergency, 2-5 day Rush, 5-10 day Standard and our 2-3 week Budget service depending on how quickly you need your data recovered. Whether your one of our long time business customers based here in New Jersey or a new home user customer that needs the lowest possible price, we have data recovery options for you. Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, Novell, VMFS (VMware) USB Flash Drive Recovery, Camera Card Recovery and CD/DVD RecoveryĬamera cards, CF, SD, XD and Memory Stick RAID Recovery from all RAID arrays including RAID 5, 0, 1, 10, 6, 50, and more.Īll NAS Recovery (Network Attached Storage) devices Laptop Hard Drive Recovery, Desktop Hard Drive Recovery, USB External Hard Drive Recovery and SSD Drive Recovery Our experienced data recovery engineers will work tirelessly to recover your data. File Savers Data Recovery New Jersey is Manufacturer Approved to recover hard drives, RAID and flash media for our customers in our ISO 5 Class 100 clean room. When your computer hard drive, RAID or flash drive fails, you need to know the company recovering it can do the job properly. Manufacturer Approved to Recover Your Files
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lascltool · 2 years
Adobe cleaner tool mac
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We don't know of another company who will provide a better service, recovery rates or prices anywhere in Wyoming.
That's why we offer the best prices in the industry to our Wyoming based customers for full service clean room data recovery services. We know you want the best possible service at the lowest possible price. How Much Will It Cost To Recovery My Data? You pick your service based on your situation and recovery needs. We offer 24/7 Emergency, 2-5 day Rush, 5-10 day Standard and our 2-3 week Budget service depending on how quickly you need your data recovered. Whether your one of our long time business customers based here in Wyoming or a new home user customer that needs the lowest possible price, we have data recovery options for you. Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, Novell, VMFS (VMware) USB Flash Drive Recovery, Camera Card Recovery and CD/DVD RecoveryĬamera cards, CF, SD, XD and Memory Stick RAID Recovery from all RAID arrays including RAID 5, 0, 1, 10, 6, 50, and more.Īll NAS Recovery (Network Attached Storage) devices Laptop Hard Drive Recovery, Desktop Hard Drive Recovery, USB External Hard Drive Recovery and SSD Drive Recovery Our experienced data recovery engineers will work tirelessly to recover your data.
File Savers Data Recovery Wyoming is Manufacturer Approved to recover hard drives, RAID and flash media for our customers in our ISO 5 Class 100 clean room. When your computer hard drive, RAID or flash drive fails, you need to know the company recovering it can do the job properly. Manufacturer Approved to Recover Your Files
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bananaassociation · 2 years
How to make utorrent download faster 2017
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How to make utorrent download faster 2017 for mac os#
How to make utorrent download faster 2017 64 Bit#
How to make utorrent download faster 2017 utorrent#
The only real way to make it fast is to have Fiber internet to the source where it is downloading from then that might be faster but it's bandwidth that will determine what speeds ares. But now that internet is 24/7 that is no longer the case. To get faster torrents means more swarm and more sharing that will get downloads faster but that all depends on the uploader bandwidth and less they have the slower it is as well as the less uploader as a whole the slower the torrent and time of day factors in a work day means alot on the internet and it slows down at night there is less and bandwidth is free to speed up more. And if your CPU is 64-bit as they are all now that help increase more CPU processing but doesn't mean faster that is based on CPU Ghz the fast the quicker it does it process jobs. TorrDroid is a torrent client cum search engine that features a hassle free way of searching and downloading torrents. Never heard it was fast that comes down to CPU and RAM that determines load speed and boot time. Torrage - Currently offline because of the Piratebay Raid. You need to use a third-party program to do so. Torcache - While you can upload torrent files to the search for caching, it does not provide options to search stored information.
How to make utorrent download faster 2017 64 Bit#
Where did you read 64 bit is faster? 64-bit means it can access Ram above 4G limit of 32-bit system that is all there nothing about it being faster but you can load more and do more in 64-bit environment. Here is a short list of these caching services that you can use.
How to make utorrent download faster 2017 utorrent#
Step 3: Restart your Windows 10 PC and then launch uTorrent again to check if the issue. Step 2: On the Properties window, navigate to the Compatibility tab and then check the Run this program as an administrator. At least that's my naive theory and reason for asking, fwiw. Step 1: Right-click the uTorrent client and then select the Properties option from the menu. It might not affect upload/download speed much but should use processor most efficiently, freeing up system resources. Website: is yet another big player in the Torrents world. And the home page is well categorized into different sections like music, TV shows, movies, games etc, which makes it really easy to navigate through the website. I've got the best trackers and settings for that purpose but expect a 64-bit version would be 50%+ faster, with overhead chores at least. Veteran torrent site The Pirate Bay, TPB for short, again leads the 2021’s top torrent sites list while running on its original domain. TorrentDownloads has an amazing collection of torrents to browse through. I seed over 100 torrents and need max upload speed and optimum seed/peer detection because many have marginal activity. uTorrent has had 0 updates within the past 6 months. I seldom download anything but when I do speed is not a problem. Download uTorrent for Windows to download and manage torrent files with an efficient, lightweight, and customizable application. It has earned this status because it’s lightweight (1MB), fast.
How to make utorrent download faster 2017 for mac os#
Why? Surely someone has asked before! Is it a taboo subject? Torrent (or uTorrent) is my favorite and one of the most popular BitTorrent clients available for Mac OS X.
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micer2012 · 3 years
no cure is coming, you know (LLSMP Fic)
A few months into Last Life, Skizz and Tango are some of the only members to still hold onto their humanity. With Tango the only member on dark green and Skizz on yellow, Skizz is cursed as the Boogeyman at the beginning of their session. He knows that without hesitation, without question Tango will give one of lives to him… and that’s exactly the problem. [3k words] [crossposted on ao3]
just trust in me, my dear… no cure is coming near.
“Skizz! Countdown time!”
Skizz heard Tango’s voice coming from one of the top layers of their castle, their home. He put down the axe he had been using and ran inside the castle, shutting the door behind him.
“Boogey time?” Skizz called. “Boogey time, my brother!” Tango responded, barreling down the stairs to meet Skizz.
And right on cue, as the moon hit the highest point in the sky, the countdown began in their heads. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
Silence filled their home.
“Nothing. You good?” “Yeah! Yeah, ob-viously. What, were you worried?”
Tango laughed. “I- I mean a little. I gotta be worried a little. There’s what.. 5 non-reds left?”
“And MY teammate is the only one who’s still on dark green.” Skizz boasted, hand on his chest.
Tango punched him playfully, snickering. “Don’t get so high and mighty! I went from.. What, 11 lives? Down to a measly 4.” “That’s only because you were such a good sport about it, Tango Tops. You coulda kept those for yourself, y’know. Been the schamaze of all time.”
“Ha!. Suppose it would have been. But- but I bet we’d have FAR more enemies. It would not have been a good idea to be on that many people’s bad sides that early…” “I coulda took em.”
Tango laughed again. “Y’think? Etho and Bdubs? Cleo?” “I coulda took em. If they were trying to hurt my best friend.”
Tango smiled sadly at him, before looking down. “I wouldn’t want you to lose any more of your own lives because of My theoretical jerk move.” Skizz just looked at his friend, before sitting down on the floor, gesturing wildly with his hands. “Well, Theoretically, I wouldn’t lose any lives then! I’d just do a super good job, and kill them down to 0.” Tango let out another laugh. “Says the guy who lost his life to a mob!”
Skizz pointed his finger accusatory at Tango, still criss-cross applesauce on the ground. “Hey, it wasn’t a ’’’mob’’’ it was a BABY ZOMBIE. You KNOW how much I hate those Lil’ annoying kids! Those- Those are more dangerous than most of the people on this server. THEY are the ones with the bloodlust, I’m tellin you.”
Tango laughed again. “Heh, suppose you’re right. At least it wasn’t an enderman, right?” Skizz narrowed his eyes. Yellow, but the sclera were still tinted purple from the… events of the previous season. “Tango Tops, if I had lost my first life to an enderman AGAIN, I think I would have just quit the server.” Tango snickered. “True that! True that. Alright, I’m gonna go back to my scouting.” Skizz pushed himself up from the floor. “Of course! I’ll be.. I think I might go caving.” Tango turned back to meet his eyes. “W… Will you be far from the base?”
Skizz paused, and then shook his head, hands up. “No, no! Just like, tunneling nearby. I won’t.. I’m not leaving our base, I’m not leaving you here with the.. With those Swarms.”
Tango nodded. “Of course, of course just.. Just checking. Are.. Are you sure you want to go out alone? The boogeyman just got chosen and- and you’re… one of the 4 victi-”
“Hey, don’t you talk like that. You’re a much higher target than me, and you Know I can take care of myself, right?” Tango looked to him, then looked away. “I’m just.. On- on second thought, you’re sure you don’t want me to come? We can go mining together, better- better to have eachother’s backs.” “Then the castle will be unprotected.” “I don’t care. Better it get raided than us.” “No, this- this is our Last bastion. We CAN’T let this fall, then.. Then we’d have nothin’, Tops!”
Tango’s eyes were soft when he looked back up at Skizz. “If I lose you, then I’ll have nothing.”
Skizz was taken aback. He froze for a few moments, before walking over and putting his black-stained hands onto Tango’s shoulders. “Hey, d-don’t talk like that. I’m not going anywhere! F-FIRST sign of danger, I’m calling you and running back home. Okay, buddy?” Tango nodded. “Yeah.. Yeah. Okay. Be-be careful.” Skizz patted his shoulders, before walking out to leave the base. “Of course, Tops! Nothing bad’s ever gonna happen to your buddy Skizz.”
You are the boogeyman. You must by any means necessary kill a green or yellow name by direct action to be cured of the curse. If you fail, next session you will become a red name. All loyalties and friendships are removed when you are the boogeyman.
Skizz looked down at the message sent to him on his communicator, hands shaking so much it was hard to read the screen.
But he didn’t need to read the screen, he had heard the message beamed loud and clear into his own head. He- He had lied and Tango had believed it. Tango would believe anything he said. He knew that- He- He knew the second he told Tango he was the boogeyman, his friend would immediately let him take one of his lives and free Skizz from the curse. He probably wouldn’t even be mad that Skizz had lied to him earlier.
Skizz had dug himself a hole in the wall of one of the mountains near their base, 10 deep and covered up. He paced the 3x2 room he had made now, this tomb, ranting to himself. He needed to get his thoughts out SOME way.
“Ok. So.So I-I’ve gotta get SOMEONE. A green or y.. Oh, this WHOLE time too I thought killing one of the reds would be fine- THAT would be too easy huh?? We’ve got HOARDS and hoards of hostile reds trying to hunt us down every moment, targeting us like mobs- but NOO. Nooo, it’s gotta be one of the people who’ve still got humanity, huh? Cruel. CRUEL trick to play on Skizz.”
Hand on his head, he scrolled through the list of names on the communicator. He and Cleo were on yellow, BigB and Lizzie were on green… Tango was on dark green. He scrolled back down, cutting off Tango’s name. No. No, that was off the table.
“T..Tango Tops has got the best chance of winning right now out of all of us. Even- not just Life wise, but he’s sharp. Tango’s a sharp cookie. Right now, he’s got the best shot of winning.”
He kept looking at his communicator, before shoving it back into his pocket and groaning, hand on his face. “GAAAGHH, WHY DOES IT GOTTA BE A GREEN OR YELLOW?? L--Lizzie and BigB and Cleo, they’re still up this long because they’re Set up. They’ve Got an alliance, they- they’re untouchable to the reds. I surely won’t be able to be touching them!! ‘Specially without Tango’s help!!” He gripped his face, growling again, before punching the cobblestone wall to the side of him. “And-And I CAN’T tell Tango this. I’m not bringing him into some.. Into some yellow and green fistfight. He’s gotta stay safe, he’s the biggest target on the server.” Skizz was breathing heavily, adrenaline that had been building up leaving as his hand stood in place in the small crater he had made in the wall. “He..He’s gotta stay safe. He’s got the biggest chance of surviving out of everyone. I..” Skizz withdrew his fist, balling it up and rubbing it with his other hand. It hurt. “I can’t do that to him. I’m not gonna be the one who hinders my buddy’s chance.”
The adrenaline gone, Skizz just stood in his little 2x3 box, the chill of what he had to do running up his spine. He kept running his hand over his other hand. “I...I can’t do that to him.”
He had memories of being reckless and running into battle. Of- Of the loyalty to his friends and the stab of betrayal overcoming his senses, along.. Along with the drive to kill. The drive to dig his sword through Impulse’s heart, through Grian’s, through Tango’s, it.. It was the worst feeling he had ever felt in his life, and it had completely enveloped him.
He remembered Ren crying out, asking him what he was doing. He had convinced himself he was doing it for their benefit, right? Skizz had screamed, as he ran towards the castle, he was doing it for the Red Army. For the only people who defended him. For the only people who gave him a chance. And that chance he had immediately squandered, leaving the Red Army with 1 man less the coming week and.. And leading to Skizz having to watch his friends run into a battle that all of them knew they weren’t going to be coming out of. Skizz had known that when he surged the Crastle too. This was a death game, only one person could make it out alive, and they were all resigned that they were not gonna be that lucky winner.
Skizz ran his hand over the scars around his mouth. Vertical slits where his face had torn itself open, enderman hostility Not mixing well with his human anatomy. His arms were stained black too, not that he had noticed, taken how often they had been stained with blood.
A voice that sounded like his own was talking in the back of his head, reminding him that He was the boogeyman, and reminding him of what he needed to do. Like he could forget.
Tango was holding his hand, and the two of them were bolting. A swarm of reds, what used to be the southlanders, was chasing them, and their base was already compromised. There were only a few minutes left of this session, if- if the two of them could just get to safety-
“HERE! TANGO, FOLLOW ME!” Skizz let go of Tango’s hand and started digging into the wall, into the cobblestone he had used to patch up his Vent Hole from earlier today. Tango followed after him, panting, as they dug their way into the wall and closed the opening behind them.
“Th...D’ya think we’re safe here?” Tango managed between breaths. Skizz was breathing heavily too, holding his chest. It sounded like the man was about to pass out, whole body leaning onto the cave wall. “Skizz.. Woah, Skizz buddy, take some breaths. The sessions almost over I- I think we’re good.”
When Tango went to go put his hand onto Skizz’s shoulders, he jolted back, chest still heaving.
“Th.. The sessions almost over?” The words sounded incredibly pained.
“Y-Yeah. Few minutes til midnight.” “Few minutes til midnight…” Skizz stuck on the words, and then slumped down against the wall, falling into a sitting position. He was still holding his chest.
“I don’t think anyone’s been killed by the boogeyman yet, right? All the deaths have been red.”
Skizz, still slumped over, did not react to this news.
“...This’ll be the first week where the killer fails, if something doesn’t happen in the next minute..”
A pained sob was expelled from Skizz, shaking his entire body.
“S-Woah, Skizz? Are you- did you get hit? I have regen potions, are- what’s wrong?”
Skizz was shaking now, trying to not make noise as the tears ran down his face. He was failing.
“Talk to me man, use your words. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.” Tango was kneeling next to him, also on the floor now.
The tears hurt Skizz as they surged down his face.. A kind of singing burn, like his cheeks were being branded. It had been happening ever since 3rd Life ended, a side effect of the whole enderman thing. It was excruciatingly painful when he was crying big, painful, tears like now, but not as painful as his mind was. Not as painful as knowing what he had to do was.
He could hear the countdown in his own mind. Second by second it ticked by, and the letters filled his brain and his vision with large red text. It was screaming at him. He was screaming back at it, desperately trying to get it to shut up. There were other voices in his mind too, screaming and crying and tugging at him. He can’t do this, He has to do this, Why won’t he get it over with and do it already? He’s learned nothing from last season, keeping this in is just gonna make this more painful for both of them, he deserves all this pain for what he put Tango through.
He was gripping himself with both his arms now, shaking. All of his senses were screaming that he had T-60 seconds left to kill a green or yellow name.
“I.. I-” Skizz managed, voice cracking. “Yes?” “I feel like I’m gonna throw up.”
“Oh!” Tango moved away from his best friend slightly. “Uh, Here, I have a bucket. Let me pour out the water.. Here. Here you go, buddy.”
Skizz was holding the bucket now. His darkstained hands were holding on so tight, it looked like the steel might crack. Not just his hands now, it looked.. It looked like his entire arms were turning black in a veinlike pattern. Tango couldn’t see his face.
Skizz kept hold on the bucket. T-50 seconds left. He had to get on with it.
Skizz slowly moved his hands to the buckles of his chestplate, and started undoing them.
“Wh- What are you doing? Are you hot?”
Skizz pulled the chestplate over his head, and set it aside. “I-I uh Drats I just. Poured out the water. Um, I’ve got.. potio-”
“Tango. Look at me.”
Tango turned back and focused his eyes on his friend. The tears were still running down his face leaving burnmarks on his cheeks, his eyes were still covered, his.. His chestplate was off. The blackness in his veins ran across all the space his skin was visible and.. and he was shaking like an egg about to crack.
T-40. “You- you remember what you said about the boogeyman not killing yet, right?” His voice was shaky, like the words hurt to get out.
Tango’s face was frozen, and then dropped.
“Skizz.. No. NO.”
Skizz’s grip on the bucket got tighter. T-35.
“Skizz I- Skizz, you KNOW if you had just told me I would help you get a kill ri- Ok.Ok, No I’m not mad. There’s no time to get mad, I’m not mad at you, I’m just.. Skizz, you know this isn’t going to break our alliance, right? I’ve told you countless times, I trust you.”
Skizz convulsed like he was trying to hold in another sob, eyes still not meeting Tango’s.
“I’m… I’m not mad. I’ve got 4 lives left, I in no way think less of you. This was inevitable.”
T-25. “Here.” Tango took Skizz’s hands, cold and limp in his grip, and placed his Netherite Sword into his hands. They had only had enough to make a sword for Tango- of course, Skizz had found the Netherite first, but insisted it was used on his buddy.
“Do what needs to be done. I won’t think any less of you.”
Tango spread his arms out now, crouched in front of Skizz.
Do what needs to be done. Skizz..Skizz needs to do what needs to be done, alright. It didn’t make it hurt any less, knowing this was what he had to do. It didn’t make him any less scared.
This was the worst case scenario. Tango had the greatest chance out of all of them of living.
Skizz certainly had no chance. And he didn’t want to drag his only friend, his brother down with him. Like he had dragged the Red Army with his own selfishness.
Tango had the best chance of winning out of all of them.
His hands were shaky as he moved the sword into the correct position, inches from his heart.
You are the boogeyman. You must by any means necessary kill a green or yellow name by direct action to be cured of the curse. If you fail, next session you will become a red name. All loyalties and friendships are removed when you are the boogeyman.
Skizz was scared.
“DO IT ALREADY!” Tango yelled, arms thrown out and eyes squeezed shut.
Skizz drove the blade through his chest, piercing his heart.
Piercing his heart.
“Wh-” Tango opened his eyes, and screamed. That scream was the last thing Skizz heard before his vision went black.
Tango was frantically shifting through his inventory, holding Skizz’s corpse in his other hand.
The second his hands found his way upon an apple, lightning was heard outside the cave.
It pierced through everyone’s hearts, a shot in the air heard serverwide.
When Tango looked back to the body it was gone, the only sign left of his brother being a pile of still items.
“No. N-No. No, I- I was at gr.. No, No h..this. This has to be a dream, th- this has to be a nightmare I- I can’t.. I, I can’t……………” Tango’s voice trailed off into incomprehensible quiet sobbing. He was curled up in a pile around the items, holding close the only remainder of his friend. The only thing that he had left period, since the castle had been taken… But he would have took a thousand structures falling to keep his friend. He… He would have done anything to keep his friend. Both Skizz and him knew that.
Skizz had respawned in the spruce forest. He was leaning against a tree, still weak on his feet. There was a hole in the middle of his chest, and it hadn’t stopped bleeding.
The reds weren’t gonna hurt him now, he had become one of them. A murderer, just like them.
The curse needed a green or a yellow’s life taken to be broken, and he sure had a spare yellow life.
He wasn’t gonna let his own incompetence, his own selfishness doom the fate of his friend again. Tango had the best chance of winning, and he needed to keep all 4 of those lives.
As-as a red he could help too, right? Pick off any other reds that make claims on his friend. Of.. Of course, he couldn’t speak to his friend anymore. He couldn’t see him. He couldn’t even get his stuff.
It was better this way. Tango had the greatest chance of winning, and he was only going to hinder that chance.
He took his communicator out of his pocket, hands still shaking. They were covered in red now, and the communicator’s screen was splattered with red as well.
Skizzleman was killed by Skizzleman using [YOU BET YOUR LIFE]
LDShadowLady> …
Grian> WHAT
SolidarityGaming> ?????
Skizz looked down at the screen.
Tango hadn’t typed anything.
He put the communicator back into his pocket.
This session was ending now. And the next session might be his last. But he didn’t care, his own life didn’t matter, as long as he used his corpse to lift his brother to the win.
He had learned from season 1, hadn’t he?
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victorious1956 · 4 years
My RWBY Fic List
A quick recap of where we're at before IronQrow Week starts.
Here is my updated list. These are all Fair Game focused, unless otherwise indicated.
AO3 rating shown after each title.
Recently posted/updated:
Love, Betrayal, and All That Follows (M)
When your day job is trying to save the world, the idea of discovering love along the way doesn't enter your head. So when Qrow finds himself in Atlas, dealing with love is as unexpected as the betrayal that follows. Ongoing 26/? chapters 76,566 words
Love Enough For Three (M)
Qrow/Clover/James in various permutations Qrow blames both himself and James for Clover's situation. James blames himself too, for that and also for almost everything else that has happened. Maybe the three of them, together, can find the peace which they—and everyone else—deserve. Ongoing 6/? chapters 12,222 words
Numerically Speaking Series
A series of (mostly) unconnected short stories, prompted by the numbers 1 to 10. Ongoing Part Nine: Nine Visitors (G) Qrow and Clover invite family and friends to their home on Patch for a house-warming gathering. 1 chapter 4,032 words
Vicky's OT4 Story Series (T)
Five linked pieces for Iron Dragon's Charms Week. Or, how Qrow, Clover, James, and Taiyang got together. Completed
The Parent-Teacher Association (T)
Qrow/Taiyang When Yang is involved in yet another playground fight, her teacher has to deal with her equally combative parent. Can Qrow and Tai go beyond their mutual antipathy to reach a more harmonious association? 1 chapter 5,154 words
Northumbrian Treasure (T)
Qrow/Clover/James Earl Clover Ebisson was no stranger to the shores of Northumbria— he and his warriors had taken many slaves on their previous raids. This time, the treasure the earl seized would prove more precious than he realised. 1 chapter 4,159 words
Three Hot Men (T)
Qrow/Clover/James A house out in the country should be the perfect place for a short break from the rigours of work. If only they could get the heating to function properly... 1 chapter 2,068 words
Take My Hand (M)
Marrow/Jaune Marrow and Jaune know their relationship is something special... something more than either has known before. They decide they both want to take it further, but is it too soon for Jaune? 1 chapter 2,517 words
Better The Second Time (M)
The first time is special. The second, even more so. 1 chapter 2,552 words
The King, the Knight, and the Dragon (T)
Qrow/James/Taiyang Sir Qrow is the most accomplished knight at the court of King James. When he is sent to investigate reports of a dragon bothering some of the king's subjects, the unexpected outcome will touch the lives of several people at court. 1 chapter 7,567 words
Heal My Heart (T)
Qrow/Taiyang Qrow and Clover are getting on well, both at work and away from it. Each wonders where this slow dance might lead... until an accident sends Qrow away, to be healed in more ways than one. 1 chapter 6,246 words
Learn to Love Again (M)
As Qrow refuses to acknowledge he is struggling with the consequences of quitting drinking, his relationship with Clover begins to founder. When things are at their bleakest, James does what he can to help. 1 chapter 5,539 words
A Hope That Waits In The Dark (T)
Clover/James Everyone is beautiful in the dark. James knew the old saying well. He wondered if anyone could ever find him beautiful in the light of day. 1 chapter 1,339 words
Flightless (G)
The war is drawing to a close, and Qrow is flying back to Atlas after a successful mission. When his flight ends abruptly, little does Qrow know that one aspect of his life has now changed forever. 1 chapter 4,860 words
Older fics below cut
A Fair Game Rainbow Series
A series of eight unconnected short stories, prompted by the colours of the rainbow. Because why not 🌈🙂 Completed Part One: Red (G) As their first Valentine's Day approaches, Clover wants to surprise Qrow with a small, yet thoughtful, gesture. 1 chapter 1,201 words Part Two: Orange (T) Qrow and Clover finally get some time off work together, and decide to take a short vacation. 1 chapter 1,384 words Part Three: Yellow (T) Breaking the ice with a shared DIY task? It's more likely than you think. 1 chapter 1,220 words Part Four: Green (T) An unexpected visitor on board the United Star Ship Atlas proves unsettling for Lieutenant Clover Ebi. 1 chapter 2,806 words Part Five: Blue (G) It's Clover's birthday, and for the first year in a long time, he's going to celebrate. He just doesn't know it yet. 1 chapter 2,218 words Part Six: Indigo (T) All Qrow needs is a good night's sleep. All Clover wants is to help him get one. 1 chapter 1,697 words Part Seven: Violet (M) Qrow's misfortune makes itself felt at a most inopportune moment. 1 chapter 1,233 words Part Eight: Rainbow (G) If Qrow had been offered his heart's desire years ago, he doubts he would have thought of wishing for what he has now. 2 chapters 2,420 words
Clover Ebi: Ace Operative Series
A short series looking at how a Fair Game relationship might work, if Clover were asexual. Completed Part One: Best of Friends (T) Qrow and Clover find they have more in common than they first thought. 1 chapter 4,158 words Part Two: Lines of Communication (G) Clover can't help fretting, which almost spoils a special day. 1 chapter 2,971 words Part Three: Part of You (M) Being together for a year is a good reason to celebrate, but things don't quite go according to plan. 1 chapter 2,433 words Part Four: Now and Always (T) Qrow and Clover take the next step. 4 chapters 7,857 words
Early Days Series
A series of short fics which follow Qrow and Clover as they become more friendly, leading into the start of a deeper relationship. Completed Part One: Window 1, Bird 0 (T) Qrow has a spot of bad luck. Fortunately, someone is looking out for him and is able to help. 1 chapter 1,481 words Part Two: Iron, Qrow (G) Qrow gets some unexpected domestic advice. 1 chapter 1,118 words Part Three: Search and Retrieve Mission (T) Clover suffers a loss, but Qrow is able to help. 1 chapter 1,267 words Part Four: By the Book (G) Clover finds a way to say thank you. 1 chapter 1,462 words Part Five: A Bird in the Hand (G) An afternoon of avian exploits, and a reminder of Clover's past. 1 chapter 1,993 words Part Six: Good Hair, Bad News (T) Time to trim those untidy feathers. 1 chapter 1,702 words Part Seven: Enable Cookies (G) Qrow is in need of inspiration. Lucky for him, Clover is on hand to supply it. 1 chapter 1,959 words Part Eight: Fever Pitch (G) Qrow gets an opportunity to demonstrate his bedside manner. 1 chapter 1,859 words Part Nine: The Last Dance (T) A celebratory night out for everyone gives Qrow and Clover a chance to get closer. 1 chapter 1,633 words Part Ten: Reggie's Diner (G) Finally. A kiss. 1 chapter 1,674 words
Fair Game Weekend 2020 Series
3 fics for Fair Game Weekend, 2nd-4th October 2020. Completed Part One: Good For The Soul (G) After arriving in Atlas, Weiss initiates a plan to help the new hunters and the Ace Ops get to know each other better. The outcome, in one way at least, is more successful than even she expected. 1 chapter 4,075 words Part Two: Chasing This Starlight (T) After resolving their difficulties and deciding they want to be together, Qrow finally joins Clover on the USS Atlas. 1 chapter 2,046 words Part Three: Tantalised (T) Qrow normally has no interest in the festive season. This year he grudgingly agrees to participate, if only to keep Jimmy quiet. 1 chapter 3,260 words
Numerically Speaking Series
A series of (mostly) unconnected short stories, prompted by the numbers 1 to 10. Ongoing Part One: One Mistake (M) One mistake. One stupid mistake. And suddenly, everything was ruined. 1 chapter 1,947 words Part Two: Two Months (T) It is hard to see past the hurt. But to heal, that is what Qrow tries to do. 1 chapter 1,417 words Part Three: Three in the Morning (G) When Qrow can't get back to sleep, he hatches a plan. It doesn't quite work. 1 chapter 1,002 words Part Four: Four in the Family (T) Three become four as Qrow and Clover welcome a new member of their family. 1 chapter 1,667 words Part Five: Five Words (T) Qrow and Clover have a date, a meal at their favourite restaurant. But this time, something seems different. 1 chapter 1,393 words Part Six: Six Weeks (T) Qrow/Clover / Blake/Yang / Jaune/Marrow Yang is determined to keep working as long as she can. Luckily, when she unexpectedly goes into labour, she's with the right people. 1 chapter 3,128 words Part Seven: Seven Stars (G) An evil is rising, and the Captain of the Guard is sent from Minas Tirith to seek one who may be able to overcome it. 2 chapters 5,518 words Part Eight: Eight Days (T) Sometimes, the most trivial disagreement is all it takes. But if you care enough, there's usually a way back. 1 chapter 2,138 words
Qrowtober 2020 Series
Six separate fics for Qrowtober 2020. Completed Day Two: Flight Interrupted (T) Qrow is a bird on a mission. When he finds himself caught in a storm, it takes an unexpected turn. 4 chapters 8,432 words Day Seven: A Quiet Night In (G) Qrow & Yang & Ruby / Background Taiyang/Summer Taiyang and Summer have been married for three years, and Qrow agrees they deserve a night out to celebrate. 1 chapter 1,677 words Day Eight: Images of Yesterday (G) Qrow/Taiyang Taiyang has accumulated an attic full of memories stretching back many years. Some of them are inconsequential. Others, Qrow realises, mean so much more. 1 chapter 1,005 words Day Twenty-One: A Different Family (G) Qrow & Raven Family is very important to Qrow. He wants to belong, but he begins to realise, not all families are the same. 1 chapter 841 words Day Twenty-Four: Misplaced Trust (T) Qrow/James Qrow knows there are limitations to the intimacy he shares with James. Finally, he must question whether a relationship without trust is one worth having. 1 chapter 1,225 words Day Thirty-One: The Love That You Bring (G) Qrow has seen Remnant at its worst. With the war behind them, he and Clover can look to the future. Both men agree, the world is a better place now they are together. 1 chapter 1,675 words
Varin & Challance Series
Stories taking place throughout Qrow and Clover's life together. Ongoing Part One: A New Home (T) The war has been left behind, the personal difficulties surmounted. It's time for Qrow and Clover to finish preparing their new home on Patch, and Tai is happy to help where he can. 1 chapter 2,468 words Part Two: Four in the Family (T) Three become four as Qrow and Clover welcome a new member of their family. 1 chapter 1,667 words Part Three: Rainbow (G) If Qrow had been offered his heart's desire years ago, he doubts he would have thought of wishing for what he has now. 2 chapters 2,420 words Part Four: Till I Die (T) Qrow's final flight. 1 chapter 1,500 words
7-6 (M)
A quiet night in for Qrow and Clover ends in an unexpected battle for the two experienced fighters. 1 chapter 1,202 words
As Tears Go By (G)
Some painful memories never leave you, but if you have a sympathetic partner there for you, it helps. 1 chapter 1,257 words
Birth Day (T)
Qrow and Clover wait anxiously for a very special delivery. 1 chapter 1,491 words
Convergence (T)
Qrow and Clover are bound to get together. Eventually. 1 chapter 1,514 words
Deep (E)
Qrow sometimes teases Clover about the depth of feeling between them. But they both know that being in deep, is where they want to be. 1 chapter 1,396 words
Face the Rain (G)
Clover and Qrow have been together for some time now, but the cracks are starting to show. 1 chapter 2,324 words
Home Is In Your Arms (G)
Qrow has never known true love, and anyway, he's not sure if it's something he deserves. But maybe things are different now. 1 chapter 2,787 words
i'm dreaming 'bout those dreamy eyes (G)
The importance or otherwise of eye colour. 1 chapter 478 words
In Your Eyes (T)
Not everyone believes in the idea of a soulmate. And sometimes, you don't have to. 1 chapter 6,303 words
Instinctively Yours (T)
In Springtime, every bird's thoughts turn to finding a partner. Clover never expected it to be him. 1 chapter 2,016 words
It's Not Goodbye (G)
Jaune/Marrow In the escalating confusion after team RWBY fight with the Ace Ops, there is someone Jaune desperately wants to find. 1 chapter 647 words
Kiss Me, Kiss Me (T)
After the trials and tribulations in Atlas, Clover and Qrow enjoy some downtime in Patch. 1 chapter 1,635 words
Letting Go (G)
Qrow/Taiyang Qrow tries to help Taiyang move on. 1 chapter 948 words
The Monster I've Become (T)
James/Clover James had not expected love, or anything like it, to come calling. But it does, and for a while he can be happy. Life, however, has other plans for him. 1 chapter 4,928 words
The New Stable Master (G)
Captain Clover Ebi arrives at Faunus Hall, to take up a position as Stable Master. The estate Steward, Qrow Branwen, is unsure of his suitability for the role. In time, however, Qrow finds they have much in common. 1 chapter 4,925 words
The One Who Loved You So (G)
James/Qrow and Qrow/Clover James cares for Qrow. He sometimes wishes he didn't. 1 chapter 1,000 words
The Only One That Knows Me (G)
There are two Clover Ebis— one public, one private. Other than Clover himself, only one person knows them both. 1 chapter 1,686 words
Paradigm Shift (M)
Clover's life is settled in every way except one. As he searches for the right woman for him, fate takes a hand and sets him on an unexpected path. 10 chapters 19,360 words
a qrow came to me (G)
A short scene which could have happened, but sadly never did. 1 chapter 672 words
Reassurance (T)
Qrow always anticipates the worst outcome in any situation. Clover tries to reassure him, that isn't always how things turn out. 1 chapter 1,113 words
Regency Bees (G)
Blake/Yang and Qrow/Clover, but less so than usual! A desparate situation calls for a desperate remedy. Especially when you have been told you must marry a gentleman for whom you have no regard. 7 chapters 13,556 words
A Regency Qrow (M)
Qrow returns to England after an extended trip, to find society has changed considerably in his absence. 4 chapters 13,918 words
Room in Your Heart (T)
Clover would like to get to know Qrow better, but is there a place for him in Qrow's heart? 1 chapter 2,414 words
The Shape of You (T)
Qrow sees Clover in a new light. 1 chapter 900 words
Sharp Edges (T)
There is more than one way to hurt those you care about. 1 chapter 3,208 words
The Silver Lining (T)
When it seems there might be a repeat of the disastrous pandemic of two years ago, the government loses no time in declaring a lockdown of all households. For Qrow and Clover, this presents a problem. 1 chapter 3,162 words
Some Kind of Madness (E)
Clover enjoys the heady rush of a new relationship. But after the madness of the early, euphoric liaisons, is there anything more? 1 chapter 3,642 words
Storytime (E)
Clover is away, so he calls Qrow and tells him a bedtime story. 1 chapter 1,501 words
Straight From Your Heart (T)
Following the catastrophic fight on the tundra, Qrow and Clover try and come to terms with what happened. 4 chapters 4,049 words
A Thirty-Leaf Clover (T)
Various Clover-centric relationships One 100-word drabble chapter a day, for the month of Clovember 2020. 30 chapters 3,000 words
A Time To Hold On, A Time To Let Go (G)
Jaune/Marrow Sometimes it can take a long while to let go, but that's okay. 1 chapter 683 words
Two Hearts (G)
Two hearts, drawn together. A poem. 1 chapter 184 words
We Don't Have To Dance (M)
Neither Qrow nor Clover is looking for love— both are happy with casual encounters. A chance meeting might change their perspective. 3 chapters 7,555 words
Who Are You? (T)
Dreams are always open to interpretation, and Clover has no idea what his means. The answer, when it eventually comes, will change his life. 4 chapters 12,281 words
you know i can't love (T)
Loving someone is not always enough. 1 chapter 1,901 words
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raexxbb · 4 years
Critic of Cartoons (SPOILERS!)
KyI figured I would begin doing on here what I do in my life. Rate a cartoon 10 out of 0 (-10 being highest/best and zero being the worst of the worst nonsense-) while telling my thoughts as to why. The third one is older and full of adventure with tales beyond what’s expected. Now on Netflix:
9 -Avatar: the Last Airbender
This may get a bit long ‘cause I want to bring each character justice. I love this show so much. I only deducted one point for the smallest of reasons otherwise it probably would have gotten a ten.
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There’s a strong love-hate relationship with this show. All of the characters are incredible in there own unique way. My only issue is with the fact that the ‘hero gets the girl’ and does so by being whiny. It’s such a cliche and literally the only reason this show has a nine. The romantic element has a strong scale to hold but this show does a poor job of holding it up. Aang is fine, and I love Katara just not them romantically. Aang’s crush on her right away just rubbed me weird. I guess, it’s fine to crush on a pretty girl but to push the crush so much until she feels the same way... Katara had multiple boyfriends along the show and didn’t show much interest in Aang other then as a friend. So, them romantically together I never saw it being as Aang also pushes the chemistry. That’s it, my only issue is there in that relationship. Alone every character is very well thought out and placed in such a particular situation it makes them each perfect.
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This forced kiss is the most disgusting moment in the entire show. He pushes this on her right after she says she’s confused and doesn’t know her feelings towards anyone. He’s just being childish (yes, I register he’s twelve) but if you want an adult relationship this is the wrong way to go about it. I don’t see why Katara would ever consider moving into a romantic relationship after this. Pushy is such a red-flag for me. Maybe I’m the only one that feels this way but it just outright infuriates me. Just look at how uncomfortable she looks during this moment.
Another thing I’d like to bring to light is the fact that Aang maybe a bit sexiest. I state this lightly ‘cause of the play episode in the third season. The thought came to be while reviewing Korra. Katara fights against sexism and to empower women. However, Aang became overly insulted when a woman was acting as him in the Ember Island play. Toph loved the idea of a guy playing her, but Aang just couldn’t get over his part being played by a female cast member. It is rude. Yes, everyone knows he still isn’t a girl but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t doing a decent job representing him. The fact that Katara still enters into a relationship just makes me feel like she’s going against something she stood so strongly for. 
People may believe it’s because I favor Zuko and Katara but it isn’t that. Honestly, I’m no longer sure I like them as a couple anymore either. They have cute moments. There are just so many issues among all of the romantic relationships. Somehow, I found myself wishing it revolved more around friendship ‘cause the romance in this show wasn’t handled well at all.
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The only reason I’d ever argue for Katara and Zuko to be a couple is because of the ending where he saves her life from Azula. I mean, yes, he put her in danger quite a few times but he was slowly redeeming himself throughout all of that. This wasn’t the only time he saved her and tried to give his life for hers. Throughout the third season of him trying to redeem himself, he tried the hardest with Katara because he had already betrayed her trust once. 
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Although, I’m still not saying they would’ve been the best couple either. Let’s not forget: they’re young -teenagers and children. If someone has found their soulmate already, good for them. It’s just abnormal and I’m trying to look at these relationships with a bit of a more realistic thought process. 
There are a few times this show has been about friendship:
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Toph was once worried about their friendships, however, one line from Roku gave her confidence and soothed her completely.
“Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes.” -Avatar Roku
Really love this quote from Roku~ 
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Zuko’s redemption ark was beyond the best point in the show and had me balling the entire time, every time I’ve watched it gets my heart throbbing for this boy! What if his mother had taken him with her? His life would’ve been so different and probably a lot better! The scar would be gone. No father abuse for him! Of course, without him the Fire Nation would be even worse then it ever was.
“It was to teach you respect!” -Ozai
“It was cruel! And it was wrong!” -Zuko
“Then you’ve learned nothing!” -Ozai
“NO! I’ve learned everything! And, I’ve had to do it on my own.” -Zuko
That conversation with his father, where he finally stands up to such a horrible man was beyond astonishing. Especially seeing as it seemed like something Zuko would never do. 
Although, Iroh new all along that Zuko is great.
“Then would you come and take your rightful place on the throne?” -Zuko
“No. Someone new much take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko.” -Iroh
Uncle has always believed in his nephew. That he would be the one to take the Fire Nation and bring balance to the world. They’re the best relationship in this show once Zuko stops being so angry.
Of course, there’s also the Mai of it all. 
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They’re occasionally good for each other. Their relationship is highly problematic. Mai is an awesome character alone, standing up to Azula when she’s terrified of her is great! However, Zuko and her argue nonstop and have an on-off dating history. It can be tiresome to watch. There just wasn’t any chemistry between them that I felt.
The only thing that I love about them is the prison scene. (Which could’ve been a friendship scene.)
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Even when Zuko locks her away she chooses him. That is when I thought perhaps their relationship isn’t terrible. She still chooses him afterwards. Their behavior before is erratic and not that of a good relationship. Mai alone wouldn’t have been a trouble thing. Honestly, I relate to Mai as a gayer character then straight.
Although, that leads me to think about Azula, the girl of evil.
“My own mother, thought I was a monster...” -Azula
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She’s only fourteen and she’s been raised by an abusive mad man. The entire background just makes me wish someone had tried to love her instead of shown her hatred. Her mother feared her, didn’t even say good-bye. Her brother had to fight her in order to save her from herself and father. 
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The thing that made her truly snap was her friends (only ‘cause they fear her) betray her. The last people she had on her side! She just needed love as Zuko did. It would probably take her years to recover from the madness just as it took Zuko. She needs love and help. Who was going to give it to her after the third season? 
In the graphic novels, it’s revealed Zuko has her in a special insane asylum trying to give her the mental help she needs. But, she still seems tense and full of rage. It would’ve been nice to see further into that department of the Fire Nation.
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These two are both extremely important. Their bond throughout the entire story is amazing. Him becoming his teacher was his true redemption, true honor came from that act. Of course, he learned so much from hunting Aang and trying to kill him as well.
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Above all else, Uncle Iroh (-Zuko’s true father-) is definitely my favorite of all the characters. He’s just so warm and always does the right thing. He waited for Zuko when he went down the wrong path continuously knowing Zuko would realize his mistakes.
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The White Lotus is one of the greatest things about this show.
“Don’t you know? All old people know each other?” -King Bumi
He’s just so hilarious and random. All of the great masters together in a secret society despite their nation’s differences is the most grandest thing.
Of course, another favorite is Appa.
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The episode portraying animal abuse is heartwrenching. Him being taken from the ones that love and protect him only to be beaten and abused. This show goes beyond any other show in displaying all the different types of abuse in the world- emotional, physical... And it covers even more than this.
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Another piece of me would’ve been interested in seeing if Aang had died and a water Avatar born to be the last Airbender. *Cough, cough* Maybe Katara? She is the most powerful bender in the show after all.
“I will never ever turn my back on people who need me!” -Katara
Perhaps instead of killing Aang off, just have them be wrong that he’s the Avatar and so whoever was actually got killed during the air temple raid. Causing the line to move on to water. Aang could’ve been trapped in an iceberg to be able to teach Katara air. Of course, that may not work if he weren’t able to waterbend and freeze a bubble around him. But, there’s definitely an air pocket in there. 
It is one of the most beautiful cartoons ever created. Besides the fact I never really enjoyed Aang as the main character. All of the others are just so much more interesting then him, in my opinion.
Toph is one of the many characters I didn’t discuss. That fact just is that Toph is beyond incredible. She is the character that is ahead of her time. She proves that being disabled doesn’t mean she a person that’ll stop trying.That’s all, her blindness doesn’t work against her. Instead it works for her giving her a stronger way to see the world.
I’ll be doing Avatar: Legend of Korra at a later time. Trying to make sure I go back and re-watch everything to properly review it.
I really wish they would go back and create a show called Avatars about all of the past lives. Maybe 2/3 episodes to display each of them. There are hundreds and I’m curious to know more about them. I’d love to see Kyoshi as a badass teenager.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Mitrasphere Beginner's Guide - Part 2
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    Table of Contents:
Part 1
Starting Your Journey (0 - 1,000 CP)
Advancing the Story (1,000 - 15,000 CP)  
Part 2
Traveling to Hard Mode and Beyond (15,000+ CP)
Core Combat Mechanics
Bonus! Nekia Item Exchange
    Traveling to Hard Mode and Beyond (15,000+ CP)  
1. Clearing Hard to Unlock Expert
  Now that you’re more familiar with Mitrasphere and powering up, you might start to lay your eyes on higher-difficulty content. With that in mind, you should definitely take a look at Expert stages. These are boss fights you can find in almost every story chapter, with an emphasis on cooperating with other players and setting up a balanced team.
  Unlocking access to them simply requires you to clear the Hard stages of their chapter.
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    Do not despair, for Hard Mode is actually not particularly difficult. It functions exactly like Normal Mode and can be cleared solo. However, it requires a higher and increasing amount of CP to access, starting with 15,000 CP for Chapter 1 Hard.
  2. Limit Breaking Gear
  If you have already spent quite some time farming seeds, it may feel progressively more difficult for you to gain additional CP as you’ve maxed out your gear. The initial maximum level of equipment depends on its rarity: Lvl. 20 for 1-star items, Lvl. 30 for 2-star, Lvl. 40 for 3-star, and Lvl. 50 for 4-star.
  Every item, no matter its rarity, can be limit broken 4 times to increase its maximum level by 5 per limit break, meaning 4-star items can reach a maximum level of 70. It can also be interesting to note that a fully upgraded 3-star item will reach Lvl. 60 and thus might give more stats than a standard Lvl. 50 4-star equipment. To reward you for sacrificing items, levels above the initial cap grant a higher amount of stats compared to base levels.
  There are two ways to limit break items, which mostly depend on what gear is available to you.
  The first method is to use perfect duplicates of your items (same element and rarity) to immediately limit break your item once, increasing its level cap. Using a perfect duplicate also allows you to limit break the maximum skill level of an item, up to skill level 9.
  The second method is to use duplicates with a lower rarity. Each lower tier of rarity gives a fifth of the experience needed to level the item, so consuming a 3-star equip to limit break its 4-star equivalent will grant you 20% towards its next limit break. You will earn 4% if the item is 2 tiers below and 0.8% for 3 tiers below. This allows you to slowly limit break your gear even with common drops. However, you will not be able to raise the maximum cap of your skill level using lower-rarity duplicates.
  Please note that 4-star rainbow equips do not have lower rarity equivalents, and thus rely on perfect duplicates to be limit broken. These items are however often very interesting even without any limit breaks  due to their Command and Passive Skills.
    Core Combat Mechanics
  Jumping into Expert content will give you a new perspective on the game. Also, you might get your butt kicked by a fairly angry boss. This part is all about reminding you of a few core combat mechanics that you might have forgotten, even though they are briefly presented during the initial tutorial.
  1. Moving Between Rear and Front Rows
  Every weapon displays a small triangle/arrow icon indicating if using this attack will move you to the front or back row of the arena. You do not need to already be in that position to use the attack; it will simply move you to it if you are not already there.
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    The most important thing about combat lanes is related to mitigating incoming damage: any player in the rear row will take half damage from every direct damage source (everything except poison damage and similar status conditions basically).
  As Expert fights often include abilities dealing high damage to everyone in the party, staying in the rear row when such an attack is being prepared by the boss will be helpful or even necessary to survive. Remember that dead people do not deal damage, and that resurrecting dead teammates is not always possible for your Cleric.
    2. 4-Second Global Cooldown
  Every time you use a weapon skill, you cannot use another for the following four seconds, which we call a “Global Cooldown” or “GCD.” It allows for consistently-paced tactical combat, rather than a reliance on pure reflexes or button-mashing.
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    Defensively speaking, it also means you are “locked” into your current lane for the next four seconds after using an attack. If you recognize that the boss is about to use a powerful move, it it may be dangerous to use an attack that will move you to the front.
    3. Elemental Advantages and Disadvantages
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    Mitrasphere includes elemental advantages and disadvantages, and while you may choose to ignore them during the early stages of the game, it is something to keep in mind as it will give you an edge in tougher battles.
  Attacking an enemy with a weapon that is strong against the enemy’s element (for example, a water against fire) will apply a +30% damage multiplier. On the flip side, the opposite will apply a -30% damage multiplier, significantly reducing your damage.
  It is recommended to keep lower-rarity weapons of different elements for your main Job, even if its level and skill levels are lower, as it may still result in a damage increase against a particular monster.
  Keep in mind that this also applies to damage taken. Your equipped armor and accessories, including pieces in your support slots, will grant you elemental resistance or lower your resistance up to 30% if everything is of the same element.
  4. Buffs and Debuffs
  You will notice that every Job has weapons dealing damage and weapons applying beneficial effects (or “buffs”) to themselves or their whole party. This is another reason why having a balanced party is typically the best strategy, as more support-oriented roles like the Archer are still particularly useful, even though their damage is lower than a Swordsman or a Mage.
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    It is generally more efficient to buff yourself then follow up with a devastating attack than to do two low-damage consecutive attacks. It is especially true when the Dragonkin Gauge comes into play. Activating your Dragonkin typically multiplies a weapon’s damage by three. Stacking your buffs then unleashing a Dragonkin attack will turn many problems into dust. 
  You will also notice that every buff or debuff is followed by a letter (e.g. Physical Damage Dealt UP (10%) (A)). This letter explains how this particular effect interacts with other effects.
  Effects of the same nature (e.g. Physical Damage Dealt UP) with a different letter will stack; in other words, they will both be applied for their respective duration.
  For example, applying Physical Damage Dealt UP (20%) (A) and Physical Damage Dealt UP (50%) (B) means that every attack you do while both buffs remain active will benefit from 70% extra damage.
  Effects of the same nature with an identical letter will not stack. When you apply the second, you will keep the stronger buff and refresh its duration with the second effect’s duration.
  For example, applying Physical Damage Dealt UP (50%) (7.9s) (A) then Physical Damage UP (10%) (24s) (A) means that every attack you do in the next 24 seconds will benefit from 50% extra damage. As long as the buff doesn’t expire, you just need to reapply the second buff to benefit from the stronger effect of the first
  Finally, please remember that you can check what kind of effects affect a character (be it you, an ally, or an enemy) during a fight by pressing and holding your finger over the character.
    5. Understanding Common Concepts in Boss Battles
  There are various forms of boss battles in Mitrasphere, spanning across Grand Battles, Extra Battles, Expert boss battles, and more to come. When challenging the more difficult levels of bosses, you’ll come faced with various interesting game mechanics. Most bosses have an assortment of abilities that are fun to experience when you come face to face with them for the first time, but they also have more common attacks that can be categorized into the following:
  a. Tank Busters
  “Tank Busters” in MMO terminology refer to particularly strong single-target attacks that are meant to be absorbed by the most durable character of the group, which will be the Guardian in Mitrasphere. The Guardian’s damage mitigation buffs and more defensively-oriented stats will allow them to survive these hits, while other Jobs would likely be severely hurt or killed on impact. It is paramount for the party’s Guardian to have his mitigation buffs on and retain the boss’s attention (or aggro) when this attack happens.
  b. Raid Busters
  “Raid Busters” refer to party-wide attacks that are meant to be soaked in by the entire group. These attacks target everyone in the party no matter the circumstances. They will typically deal less damage if damage reduction debuffs are applied to the boss, if the party stands in the rear row and/or applies damage mitigation buffs, or may be completely negated if you increase your evasion or reduce the boss’s accuracy to force a lucky miss.
  c. Cleaves
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  “Cleaves” or “row attacks” refer to attacks dealing damage to an entire row, (\most commonly the front row. They are often as powerful as tank busters but may hit multiple players if they stand in the harm’s war when the attack lands. As they deal very high damage but are easily avoidable, it is important for non-Guardians to move to the rear row to avoid getting killed. However, contrary to tank busters, at least one person should stay in the hit lane, preferably the party’s Guardian, as the attack will always hit at least one person. If everyone is in the rear row when a cleave lands, everyone will be hit.
  d. Other Common Mechanics
  Most boss fights include a few specific mechanics that differ from the usual array of attacks presented above. Identifying them and learning how to deal with them is part of the fun of any RPG. However, below are a few mechanics that are still relatively common.
  Buffs and Debuffs: Enemies also have access to abilities increasing their power or decreasing yours. Some of these have a short duration, increasing the potency of their next move, while others can last the whole fight.
  Damage On Action: Some enemies can apply poison or other similar status conditions on one or several targets. These skills are listed as debuffs and deal damage every time you use a skill based on a percentage of your maximum health. Some weapons that players can acquire can also apply poison. While most bosses are immune to it, it can be devastating on anyone that is affected by it.
  Guts: Some enemies benefit from a specific buff called “Guts.” Guts allow them to resist lethal damage. If an attack is meant to drop their health to 0, they will instead survive with 1 health point and lose one stack of Guts, assuming they have more than one. Guts can also be applied to a player, although it is a relatively rare effect at the current juncture.
  e. Meeting Players to Tackle Boss Fights
  You cannot clear difficult boss stages by yourself even with the best equipment and mechanics in mind. At this point, you’ll need to find other like-minded players to group with. You have a few tools at your disposal for this.
  First, try joining a battle in progress.This works best for content currently being challenged by many players. To check if there is a team with an open slot fighting your desired stage, simply choose “Coop” instead of “Start” after selecting a stage. Active teams with open slots will be displayed here.
  Second, recruiting in the World Chat via the General or Recruit tab. For more efficient communication, it is recommended to state your Job and targeted content (e.g. “Cleric LFG Chapter 2 EX”) as there are many ongoing battles in the game and a balanced group is generally more efficient.
  Third, you can use the Groups feature to communicate more easily with players you want to play with regularly. Groups are persistent chat rooms that you can join or create and may also serve as a substitute for guilds. Every player may be a part of more than one Group.
  Finally, you can find fellow players on your usual social networks such as Discord. Don’t hesitate to try to set up activities yourself as many players are waiting for an open slot in a group! 
1. Nekia Item Exchange
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    The Nekia Item Exchange contains a lot of goodies! You can acquire items such as new weapons, avatar pieces, and even voices. There is also a healthy amount of Sea Crystals to obtain as well as 4-star rainbow accessories! Please check the Nekia Item Exchange regularly as new items may be added with the release of new content.
  You may redeem Pearls for items in the exchange, which can be found via the shiny Search spots. 
  You may also redeem Nekia Medals for items. Nekia Medals can currently be obtained by completing Achievements. Make sure to check out your Missions to see what needs to be done to obtain these. More methods for obtaining Nekia Medals will be added in the future.
  To access the Nekia Item Exchange, go to Zone -< click on the circular Search icon on the bottom middle of your screen - Item Exchange.
    That’s it for this guide! We hope you were able to gain some insights into the vast and deep world of Mitrasphere. 
  If you have questions about the gameplay or are looking for players to group up with to tackle content, hop on over to the unofficial community Discord!
By: Guest Author
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