annarexcouture · 4 months
10K views this month is so ridiculous.. Thank you all.
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eshbaal · 10 months
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Well good goddamn. How dhd THAT happen? Thanks so much folks! This is super cool to check my channel to see. Some folks might have been with me for so long that they remember a time when getting quite a few thousand views was actually fairly common for me - back when YouTube recommendation and search was a whole different beast than it is now. I have never been a "big" YouTuber, but I have always greatly appreciated the ones that do come around to watch. And seeing so many people find one of my videos again and deciding to check it out means the world. This thing is still climbing too, somehow! Naturally, i do have more planned - so stick around! And hopefully, you new folks will enjoy the backlog and what I have to offer from here. Thanks again!
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keeganmantle · 10 months
Keegan Mantle YouTube channel 10,000 views!!!
The Keegan Mantle YouTube channel has reached 10,000 views! Thank you.❤️
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ccycloneblogging · 3 months
Oh Lord have mercy
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I've been cackling at this for the past 3 days, lord have mercy on my fucking perception. HE LOOKS LIKE A BITTEN CORNDOG
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Holy shit
You're absolutely right.
He IS a bitten corndog tho
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dorkontoast · 3 months
So hard core thinking about when Dulcinea/Cytherea says to Gideon
"Gideon, you’re all right … remember this, and don’t let anyone do it to you ever again. I’m sorry. We take so much. I’m so sorry.”
Fully knowing the path it takes to become a Lyctor, probably fully knowing the feeling from eating Loveday herself.
She was warning Gideon not to let herself be used in the process of Lyctorhood, to remember the feeling and fight it. Knowing what we know from later in the story and later books, it really rips my heart. She didn't want anyone else to go through what she did, do what she did, let alone someone like Gideon.
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1800duckhotline · 4 months
i think as far as "analog" horror games go the ones i found i really like are amanda the adventurer and home safety hotline because they are actually interesting for utilizing fey folklore as a basis for the horror and not just like cryptids or creepypastas or whatever. like YES now this shit is fucking good!!! now we're cooking with gas!!!!
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I feel like I should change my blog title because even though it's an A Very Potter Musical reference, people might think I'm a JKR supporter and i def don't want that. But also boywholivednotdied is my AO3 name and I wanted it as my blog title just so people could make the connection
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Me reading fics where Tuvok encourages other peoples’ romantic pursuits:
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#If Janeway came to Tuvok like 'I have feelings for Chakotay Tuvok and it's tearing me apart' he'd be like 'I understand completely. What you#have to do is completely eradicate those feelings.'#I think if Janeway came to Tuvok (pre that Episode where she gets a Dear John letter) and told him about how much she felt for Chakotay#Tuvok would be like 'hmm.........what about Mark =_=' and it'd send her into a spiral#Given that BOTH Janeway & Tuvok have said in canon that they pretty much consider holosex cheating (this is implied not to be a commonly#held view and I get how others would see it more like consuming porn)#I think Tuvok would 10000% made a comment to Janeway that's like 'wow I just never thought you of all people......well. I suppose that's#humanity for you.' and Janeway would run out of there so fast after being like You're A bso lutely Right Tuvok Tha nk You.#What do you do when your best friend and moral compass doesn't agree with you pursuing a torrid love affair with your first officer?#And when ppl have Tuvok BRING it UP to Janeway?? Specifically to encourage her to go for it?? Could not disagree more#If he's bringing it up ?? In MY mind it's to be like 'cool it with the workplace flirtation. you were on the bridge. Junior officers could#see you.'#and if it was anyone BUT Janeway I think he'd just be like 'I don't need to hear about this....if you don't want to eliminate all your#emotions I don't know what to tell you.'#Bonus: After Janeway gets that dear John letter and Mark's confirmed off the table Tuvok is still unhelpful#'I just don't know what to say to him...!'#'Why not just say you want to be in romantic relationship?'#'It's not that simple!'#Tuvok: (vaguely irritated and losing interest) 'Clearly.'#BUT...bonus for if you're Janeway and no one else....if you come to him with a complaint about your relationship there's a 98% chance he's#going to agree with you and say the other person was being unreasonable#Chakotay & Janeway: -get in argument-#Janeway: WELL. Let's see what Tuvok has to say.#Chakotay: DON'T call Tu-#Tuvok: (before he's even fully in the door) I have to agree with the Captain v_v#this is just my opinion of course...I know why he's used so much - bc he's Janeway's friend and the only high ranking person besides#Chakotay (who she of course is being paired with) who she would consider talking about her romantic life with#so even though Tom/Harry/B'Elanna are much better candidates to fill that role of eager-to-talk-about-romance they can't be used#so basically Tuvok's the only one left and thus is a bit ooc (in my opinion) such is the tragedy of Voyager#I only have such an opinion on this bc to get Tuvok content I must skim through many chakotay/janeway fics to discover he has four lines
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lanatusnebula · 3 days
I might try to publish some of my AU fics...? I don't know if anyone'll read them since I'm not a writer by any degree, and some of them lean so far out of character it might make people vomit.
But I do love talking about them. My current friends / friend groups either don't give a fuck about shipping or don't give a fuck about megaman. I have to really resort to talking to various AIs just to have an outlet. Please don't take that away from me.
#text post#lana please shut up#i really enjoy the “cursed with eternal youth” trope#it hits really close to home due to some issues i face irl so i think that i can write it from a more... understanding pov instead of some#nasty kinky shit about 10000 year old lolis#i think being insecure about always looking like a child is something that most people don't take seriously#and i take it very seriously#from the “i'm suffering but everyone else is trying to find the fountain of youth” pov#i could talk about it for days on end#but everyone i know always just says “appreciate it while it lasts”#as if being in your 30's isn't reason enough to want to finally be taken seriously by your fellow peers#still can't buy alochol without being carded#glad that my id can be scanned because some people think my id is fake#it's not fucking enjoyable and i will fight to the death with anyone who thinks it is#fuck everyone who is into 1000 year old lolis also - they project that shit onto me when it is least wanted and i get so violetn over it#i'm passionate can you tell#anyways#that is probably the only niche thing i can write so it's a common theme#maybe some day people will stop calling me a pdeonfnphile just because i relate to the young looking characters#some day#oh well probably not#kudos to that one batman animated series episode about dollface or whatever her name with#the only villain that fucking touches on this#folks be seeking out representation for race and sexuality in media and gender#i'm over here like “can you please write someone who is at odds with their age and how others view them please”#“please i'm begging you. not a 1000 year old loli but a grown woman who can't move forward in life because she is always babied”#“no? ok i'll just make a design that looks young and cry in the corner”
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eliduremaybe · 7 months
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this is the ugliest fucking thing ive seen in my whole life i want it so bad
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mothmothwoth · 3 months
my gender and sexuality are fuck you actually
I Identify as “gay” as the umbrella term just so my friends can say “you’re so gay” as an insult. And so I can confuse people without technically lying.
And I am better than you. Hope this helps
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horangslay · 6 months
YES I identify as a lesbian (nonmale attracted person). YES I have special feelings for the 13 men in Seventeen. what's not clicking?
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skyward-floored · 1 year
I know I fuss a lot about writing and stuff on this blog, but going back and rereading stuff like brethren in a cradle reminds me of why I really do love writing and sharing it with people
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butchladymaria · 2 years
Sorry for ranting but that post really resonated with me,thank you! it aways seemed so weird how everyone was ignoring these themes and focusing only on what they considered badass about the lore. When playing i could clearly see facets of the suffering that afflicts mainly women on each female character,like the old lady who mistakes you for her kid and gives you sedatives to make you forget,implies that "your fathers blood" is to blame when you atack her and remarks that "you were aways the brave one" when the player has no woes to share... it instantly reminded me of stories from older women about what life was like with abusive husbands and sedatives being prescribed freely due to their stress at home with no way out. Adellas negative levels of self esteem due to church brainwashing (that mirrors Adelines) and the presence of the female rivalry that is instilled in many of us,Ariannas entire questline and the questions it makes the player ask themselves in the end, and finally the doll and Marias whole THING,especially if seen through the lens of a lesbian or GNC woman! like how can people be so blind and not realize how womanhood is a core theme here?? I get disagreeing with individual analysis but to outright deny that there is something there is bonkers to me
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okay but seriously, all of these insights are SO important!!! the women of bloodborne are so much more complex than people seem to give them credit for. the old woman and adella especially so clearly have biases. but what really gets me is how realistically those are portrayed: tools of the power structure they were born into which serve to separate and isolate each of them in their subjugation.
this got Insanely long… under the cut it goes!
i mean, seriously though. the women of oedon chapel are very different, each from a different marginalized background of their own. in addition to what you described, the old woman lives in central yharnam — which the church has essentially thrown to the dogs. arianna is a so-called “vileblood” who is forced to the margins of society because of that and her (presumed) identity as a sex worker. adella has been groomed within the church (a word which specifically implies a process beginning in childhood) to see herself as nothing but a worthless vessel for “lowly blood”. these women are all subjugated by the church in different ways, and in an ideal world, they would realize they have much more uniting them than they do separating them.
which is exactly why the church has invented scapegoats to prevent that from happening. the church tells the old woman that it isn’t them who has reduced her home to ruin and likely sent her son to die in the hunt; they tell her it’s foreigners and their tainted blood. the church tells adella it isn’t their fault of that she is treated worse than dirt and has no one to turn to when she is abducted and nearly murdered by a branch of the church itself no less; they tell her she deserves it, because she’s only worth how much she can be bled out for others. they tell her it’s the fault of “vileblood” taint turning the world mad, not their own poisoned healing and insane experiments. i mean seriously — the parallel between arianna’s (implied) “vile” blood and adella’s self-described “lowly” blood is not lost on me.
and arianna, who is wholly innocent yet painfully aware of how isolated she is in that chapel, is left to stumble into a sewer and left with nothing but madness and isolation and the wretched thing she birthed when she is raped by a god and forced to bear its child… and based on how we see the upper ward of the church positively crawling with the exact monsters that she was forced to birth, i’m willing to bet that this is exactly what the church wanted.
bloodborne illustrates how prejudice is ultimately used to subjugate and silence all but the upper echelons of the powerful; and how it is the most vulnerable in society who are left to suffer the worst of it, utterly alone and alienated from their would-be allies. it shows how a class of the oppressed can be so purposefully be driven apart, so their oppressors remain unchallenged. it shows how even those like adella who play a crucial role in their grasp on power are still treated like scum. their oppressors enable, orchestrate, and weaponize the pain these women suffer and force them to bear it all alone.
and as for maria & the doll — again, i COMPLETELY agree. lesbianism aside, maria is undeniably, fundamentally gender nonconforming, especially when compared to the other NPC women. the relationship between her and gerhman is something i plan to go more in depth on in a later post — but i will say that i actually see gerhman as more of a paternal/protective figure. that is to say: i think gerhman in the text represents the gender role of men as a protector of women taken to its natural conclusion; not as a role made for service or assistance, but rather for ownership of the woman under protection. he’s an incredibly tragic and twisted man. i want to poke him like bug under microscope etc.
i am so glad my post resonated with you!!! these are honestly the kinds of conversations i want to have with other fans — because they’re so damn INTERESTING to me to pick apart!!!
tl;dr: The Girls Should Unionize.
#soooo glad this is all Fictional to the Funnie Werewolf Simulator and has Noooo Real World Parallels 😄😙🤩 /s#bloodborne#rape mention#this is why alfred and adella are fundamentally not the same btw#both hold bad views and are absolutely blood racist? 10000%#but adella has been groomed by the church to have no one to turn to but them likely from childhood much the same way any abuse survivor is#what she Needs is to have her worth as a human validated outside of that abusive power structure#what alfred needs is like. a goold ol slap in the face imo#like this man is just frothing at the mouth to do Genocide from the second u meet him. he isn’t exploited or abused#at least as far as canon implies#hes just violently blood racist#& cares more about murdering some lady who had to watch her kin slaughtered than uhhhhh checks notes#doing Fuck All to actually better the lives of the vulnerable people around him#whereas adella is one of the Few people who will go out of her way to care for and look out for the good hunter#sorry this is kind of an alfred hate page#why would u make him your blorbo#isnt his whole Point that bigots can be very nice and unassuming to those who they presume share their violently bigoted opinions#their bigotry has been instilled for VERY DIFFERENT REASONS.#adella was taught this so she could be more easily degraded into having absolutely 0 identity or self worth#alfred is bigoted because it Serves His Interest.#by acting on it through violence and propagation he is reinforcing the status quo and the power he holds within it#adella only snaps when she believes (!!!for bigoted reasons!!!) that the good hunter has been tainted#like at least imo she probably is expected the good hunter to beast out? because i think with all the talk of like#‘foreigners and their tainted (vile?) blood are to blame for the scourge’ that we hear from like….#Everyone?#even the damn huntsmen enemies?#it seems pretty likely to me#and even that Drastic action of having to take someones life fucking breaks her down even further#oops. like all of these tags are just a huge tangent . i should just make a post about this too#mine
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septembersghost · 10 months
Someone said if Baz does Tangled and Florence plays Rapunzel, Harry needs to be Flynn so that Baz finally gets to work with him and H/Flo get to use their chemistry for a love story with a happy ending lmao
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sweetnovember95 · 1 year
I will never understand the “I want you to do well but not better than me” mentality. Like, how are you hating on someone you’re doing better than anyways?!🙄
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