#101 020
xannador · 1 year
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Mostly (h)Armless, a Hi-Fi Rush fan comic. synopsis: When all his powers and abilities are simultaneously taken away, Chai is forced to do the impossible; use his brain to win a fight.
The comic will update once a week, every Saturday. Upon suggestion from a commenter, Mostly (h)Armless will also be available on comic fury:
This will be useful if you ever want to read it in full without needing to scroll all the way though my page to find the beginning! 
However, one request I have for you, the audience, is... could you please share this comic around? Show it to people who could be interested in reading it? I don’t even think it’s necessary to have played Hi-Fi Rush to understand the story, it’s so simple. They could enjoy it just for the action and cool robots! I’m not sure how else to counter the stupid algorithm consistently burrying my stuff (Twitter). I think more people would enjoy it if they actually knew it existed!
I’ll be posting the comic on Twitter https://twitter.com/xannador And possibly Instagram as well https://www.instagram.com/xannador/
Thank you for reading and I hope you’ll enjoy Mostly (h)Armless!
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digi-lov · 8 months
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Matt Ishida BT15-083, Tsunomon BT15-002, Gabumon BT15-020, Garurumon BT15-024, WereGarurumon Ace BT15-026, and MetalGarurumon BT15-101 by Kenji Watanabe from BT-15 Booster Exceed Apocalypse
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short-wooloo · 10 months
What Spartans Remain?
Because I went down the Halopedia rabbit hole and I'm an obsessive nut, I've put together a list of all the Spartan-IIs, just to figure out who's alive, who's dead, who's missing, and the numbers which are unaccounted for
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Alright so, there were at least 150 candidates considered for Spartan-IIs, half were conscripted, and of that 75, we have at least 50 named (or at least numbered) individuals
Alive (when last we saw them):
Serin-019 (washout)
Maria-062 (semi-retired)
Cassandra-075 (washout)
Fhajad-084 (washout)
Musa-096 (washout)
John-117 (duh)
Definitely Dead:
Li-008 (2552)
Daisy-023 (unknown date during war, 2526-2552)
Joshua-029 (2552)
Otto-031 (2557)
Samuel-034 (2525)
Randall-037 (2556)
William-043 (2552)
Anton-044 (2552)
Kurt-051 (2552)
Jorge-052 (2552)
Margaret-053 (2557)
Malcolm-059 (2552)
Sheila-065 (2544)
Solomon-069 (2544)
Spartan-073 (2525)
Arthur-079 (2544)
Grace-093 (2552)
Victor-101 (2557)
Ralph-103 (unknown date during war, 2526-2552)
Oscar-129 (2525)
Cal-141 (2544)
Roma-143 (2557)
Unidentified Trainee (2525)
Unidentified Spartan (2531)
Maybe Dead:
James-005 (2552)
Vinh-030 (2552)
Isaac-039 (2552)
Beta-Romeo Actual (2552)
Red Fifteen (2552)
Red Four (2552)
Red Nineteen (2552)
Status unknown:
Kirk-018 (washout, possibly rehabilitated)
Keiichi-047 (alive as of 2531)
Soren-066 (alive as of 2527)
Rene-081 (washout, possibly rehabilitated)
Joseph-122 (alive as of 2525)
Carris-137 (alive as of 2520)
Spartans-116, 118, 119, 121, 123, and 124 (possibly the unidentified trainee and Spartan, as well ass Beta-Romeo Actual, Red-Fifteen, Red Four, and Red Nineteen)
Missing numbers:
Spartans number 001, 002, 003, 004, 007, 009, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 020, 021, 022, 024, 026, 027, 032, 033, 035, 036, 038, 040, 041, 045, 046, 048, 049, 050, 054, 055, 056, 057, 060, 061, 063, 064, 067, 068, 070, 071, 072, 074, 076, 077, 078, 080, 082, 083, 085, 086, 088, 089, 090, 091, 094, 097, 098 (according to the silver timeline, Spartan-098 is named "Nora"), 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 (I'm sure I messed up somewhere)
obviously given that not all 150 candidates were recruited, some (about 70) of these numbers did not actually become Spartans, trainees or otherwise, such as Caleb-095, the father of Olympia Vale
Additionally, Spartans-028 (Riz), 125 (Kai), and 134 (Vanak) do exist per 343's internal documentation, but as of yet have not appeared in the Prime timeline
therefore there are about 19 confirmed living Spartans, 24 confirmed dead, 7 possible dead, and 12 unknowns, for a total of 62 (or 65 counting the silvers), so there are at least 10-13 other Spartans we have not met, be they active, retired, washout, dead, or missing
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sylusjinwoon · 7 months
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rei's masterlist 2
101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105* | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110
111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116* | 117 | 118* | 119 | 120
121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130
131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140
141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 150
151 | 152 | 153 | 154 | 155 | 156 | 157 | 158 | 159 | 160
161 | 162 | 163 | 164 | 165 | 166 | 167 | 168 | 169 | 170
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 010
011 | 012 | 013 | 014* | 015 | 016 | 017 | 018 | 019 | 020
daydreams event
( 1 ) | ( 2 ) | ( 3 ) | ( 4 ) | ( 5 ) | ( 6 ) | ( 7 )
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peddling-rp-memes · 11 months
Kirby's Character Development 101 Questionnaire
A while back, I mentioned on my rp blog that I have a sort of questionnaire for myself to fill out when adding a new muse to make sure they're really established in my head before actually starting to write them. A few mutuals were interested in seeing what that looks like, so I finally got around to posting a blank copy.
You can treat this as either an ask meme to reblog, or something to copy-paste for your own personal use in muse development. All I ask is you don't claim this as your own.
As always, remember to specify for multimuses!
001. Do they have any scars?
-- Appearance
002. Do they have any tattoos/piercings?
003. What is their natural eye color?
004. Do they wear contacts to change their eye color?
005. What is their natural hair color?
006. Do they dye their hair?
007. Do they keep their hair long, short, or in between?
008. What does their clothing style look like?
009. Do they dress in “the norm” for their gender presentation?
010. Do they wear any kind of make-up?
011. Are they invested in their physical appearance?
-- Identity
012. What is their gender identity and sexual orientation?
013. What is their relation to their gender identity and sexual orientation?
014. What is their relation to their ethnicity/heritage?
015. How do they feel about their nationality, current or of origin?
016. What family members had the most impact on them?
017. What is their relationship with their family?
018. Do they connect with their sense of self or reject it?
019. Is their sense of self tied to another person or thing?
020. What does their morality look like?
021. What other names are they known by? 
022. Do they know any languages besides their birth tongue?
023. What religion were they raised in, if any?
024. Are they religious at present?
025. Do they hold to any superstitions?
-- Health
026. Do they need glasses?
027. What mental conditions do they have?
028. What physical conditions do they have?
029. Do they have any allergies?
030. What notable injuries and/or illnesses have they had?
031. How diligent are they about their personal hygiene?
032. Do they keep up with their medication if they have any?
033. Are they particularly concerned with staying healthy/clean?
-- Symbolism
034. What colors are they related to?
035. What animals symbolize them?
036. What plants symbolize them?
037. What celestial bodies symbolize them?
038. What time of day are they most related to?
039. What is a number or numbers that relate to them?
040. What elements are they most connected to?
041. What type of weather are they?
042. What season of the year are they?
043. What kind of precious material are they?
044. What type of music fits them best?
045. What songs are closely tied to them?
-- Preferences
046. What is their favorite food and drink?
047. Do they like sports?
048. Do they like hot or cold weather?
049. How do they feel about animals?
050. How do they feel about nature?
051. Do they prefer science or the humanities?
052. Are they booksmart or streetsmart?
053. Are they more comfortable in large crowds, small groups, or totally alone?
054. Do they feel more in their element in urban or rural settings?
055. How do they feel about math and language?
056. Do they prefer to travel or stay in one place?
057. Are they good about getting out of their comfort zone?
058. What’s their sense of humor like?
059. Do they have any special interests?
060. What pieces of media are important to them?
061. What are their pet peeves?
-- Sociabilities
062. Are they more introverted or extroverted?
063. Are they paternal in nature?
064. Do they want kids?
065. What level of emotional intelligence do they have?
066. How do they communicate their thoughts and feelings (positive or negative) to others?
067. What are their love languages out of the classic 5?
068. What are their love languages not included in the classic 5?
069. How strong is their sense of empathy?
070. Do they allow themself to be vulnerable or keep all at a distance?
071. Do they struggle relating to others with foreign experiences?
072. How quickly are they to give their trust?
073. Are they more of an optimist or pessimist?
074. Are their emotions easily influenced by others’?
-- Romance & Sexuality
075. Do they fall on the aromantic/asexual spectrum?
076. Do they want to be married?
077. What type of features are they attracted to?
078. What type of personalities are they attracted to?
079. What type of personalities repulse them/are a turn off?
080. Would they be open to a threesome?
081. Would they be open to a foursome or more?
082. Would they be okay with an open relationship?
083. Are they polygamous?
084. Are they open about their sexuality (both orientation and general)?
085. Are they comfortable with casual sex?
086. How comfortable are they with discussing sexuality in general?
087. What are their kinks?
088. If they could choose, on average, would they prefer slow and sensual or fast and rough?
089. Does emotional intimacy play any part in their enjoyment of sex?
090. How tolerant are they of kinks they don’t have?
091. Are they more prone to the dominant or submissive role?
092. Do they prefer the penetrated (bottom) or penetrating (top) position?
093. Are they a sadist, masochist, or both?
094. Do they prefer to give or receive oral sex?
-- Misc.
095. Would they be considered “out of touch” with the present day?
096. What are their feelings about recycling?
097. Do they have any grasp of Internet culture?
098. What’s their average level of energy?
099. What are they proud of?
100. What do they regret?
101. Do they have any secrets?
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edmundhoward · 1 month
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If you are in immediate danger, get to a place of safety and call 999 immediately.
If you are not in immediate danger, you can contact the police on 101 to report a crime.
In addition to contacting the police contact the Islamophobia response unit for help and guidance below, call (020) 3904 6555 and/or email [email protected]
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fictionfixations · 1 year
where there's a will, we make a way | TMA Fic | Time Travel (Fic Rec)
its. so cool. i dont know what happens in what seasons but tags apparently say like around the middle of s5?? like. i think when hes in his coma (jon)
also oh my god the author put in a shit ton of work?? like so theres a thing where Jon's unable to say his own words, and is stuck saying things from other people's statements, (its literally in the first chapter so no actual spoil) AND THE NOTES INCLUDE WHAT EPISODES HAVE THE DIALOGUE HES USING?? like
im going to give you a part from chapter 8, partly because i really wanted to show you it compiled together instead of just strings of sentences at the beginning:
Growing frantic now, Jon shakes his head vehemently: No, no, no, no, no–
“Then what?”
“…chased me – deceit – follow me” – a skip backwards – “read it – tried to read me back–”  
“Jon, slow down,” Georgie says, sensing his onrush of panic – but he can’t.
“I’ve been tricked into–”  
“–unable to look away–”  
“–there was now a tragedy to it that flowed from the words–”  
“–nothing to do but fall into it – it felt right, like it was all I could do–”  
The words come in a halting staccato, his mind speeding through statement after statement without him like a microfiche machine caught on fast-forward.
“–even as I did so, in the back of my mind I hated myself–”  
“–I didn’t stop, though – didn’t know what to do, and my mind was swimming with – the collective horror of all the things that I had seen and felt–”  
“–I struggled and fought, but it was far stronger than I was, and I could barely keep its jagged teeth from finding my throat–”  
One hand finds his throat now. He can only distantly feel fingernails digging into his skin.
“–‘alien’ might be the best word for that presence – because what it made me feel was–”  
“–something in the back of my mind, a frantic, scuttling terror – didn’t do any good, though – no matter what I might feel about it – choice didn’t even come into it–”  
The Archive was born with a purpose, and it fulfilled its role eagerly, skillfully, instinctively. It felt good, it felt right, and even now, the instinct lingers. He misses it. He craves it. He wants it back. He –
“ –the agony of being opened and remade – to have your who torn bloody from your what, and another crudely lashed into its place–”   
There is a rushing noise in his ears, drowning everything out, and he stumbles –
“–I did what I did because it was what I was supposed to do – I’m not sure I really recognize who I became–”   
see what i mean????? its COOL. scroll down to end notes and you see (for chapter 8) "- SO, [deep breath] Jon's dialogue for Chapter 8 comes from the statements in the following episodes, in order: MAG 057; 125; 029; 138; 159; 161; 143; 143 (again); 135; 027; 088; 148; 114; 114/139; 011; 094; 063; 069; 124; 020; 067; 060; 141; 160; 147; 091; 072/009/007/004; 066/020/010; 106/059; 101; 059; 004; 102; 004; 147; 160; 020; 144; 138; 107; 048/007; 128/138; 126; 062/087/007/139/070/049; 123; 065; 092/145; 086/029; 044/012/049; 137/009/014; 091; 123; 148; 154; 154 (again); 098; 154; 129; 155; 167; 159; 057; 113; 124/057/009/143/011/017/005; 152; 152 (again); 097; 028; 023; 065; 155; 117; 117 (again); 155; 006; 113; 117 (x4); 128; 128 (again); 045/002; 016; 036/109/135; 048; 052/136/090; 124; 069; 098; 133; 058; 140; AAAAND FINALLY: 010." SO COOL???? AND OH MY GOD ALL THAT EFFORT.
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pedanther · 1 year
When I re-read The Count of Monte Cristo with the Cristo Account substack book club earlier this year, I wrote a bunch of posts noting some of the differences between the anonymous 1846 English translation and the 1996 translation by Robin Buss.
I'd been meaning to post a link round-up to all of those, and I see that another substack book club is about to tackle The Count of Monte Cristo, so this seems like a good time to put it out there.
I did posts for the following chapters:
005 006 014 020 021 024 025 026 031 033 034 038 039 040 042 044 045 047 049 051 053 053 054 056 056 060 062 065 066 067 068 069 070 073 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 085 086 091 092 096 097 098 099 101 102 103 105 107 109 111 112 113 114 115 115 116 117
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homestarkawaii20x6 · 8 months
Here's the Lab's experiment orders:
H0M3574R RUNN3R-001
P0M P0M-002
57R0NG B4D-003
57R0NG 54D-004
57RONG M4D-005
7H3 CH347-006
C04CH 2-008
TH3 K1NG 0F 70WN-011
TH3 P00P5M17H-012
50 4ND 50-014
WH47'5 H3R F4C3-015
TH3 UGLY 0N3-016
5C1-F1 GR3G- 018
DN'D GR3G- 019
0P3N 50URC3 GR3G- 020
J4P4N353 CUL7UR3 GR3G-021
51L3N7 R1P-026
GR33N H3LM375-031
BLU3 L453R-033
4G3N7. CH1M3ND32-034
P4N P4N-037
2 S4BR3-040
7H3 H0M3574R RUNN3R-043
0LD 71M3Y 57R0NG B4D-044
F47 DUDL3Y-045
0LD 71M3Y BUB5-046
M4R21 G1RL-047
7H3 5N34K-048
57R0NG M4N-049
51CKLY 54M-050
7H3 K4153R-051
7H3 D3M0N-052
F0R7 W4YN3 L0C0M071V3-053
7H3 WH33LCH41R-055
7H3 W0RM-056
3H! 573V3!-057
C4S10 VL-1 H34D 57R0NG B4D-058
R34DY F0R PR1M371M3-059
H0M35CH00L W1NN3R-062
7H3 HURR1C4N3-065
7H3 UMP1R3-066
M4R5H13 7H3 M4R5HM4LL0W-067
53N0R C4RD4G3-068
R47H3R D45H1NG-069
L4RRY P4L4R0NC1N1-072
G4RY P4L4R0NC1N1-073
P3RRY P4L4R0NC1N1-074
M4RY P4L4R0NC1N1-075
733G D0UGL4ND-076
D4NG3R35QU3 700-081
DR. 3XP3R1M3N70-082
5UL7RY BU770N5-083
B4R0N D14M0N1CL3-085
5Z3CH4UN 573V3-087
571NKY 7H3 P33V3-088
R4YM0ND (Reynold's Younger Brother)-093
N3W B4D GUY G1RL CH4R4C73R-094
7H3 Y3LL0 D3LL0-095
MR. BL4ND-096
ANN0NC3R (Not BFDI)-098
TH3 G0BL1N-100
R3GUL4R GR3G- 102
Scientists: Scientist Mike, Scientist Matt, Scientist Craig, Nurse Missy, Nurse Jackie, Scientist Crack Stuntman, And Scientist A. Chimendez.
This took very long to type... 🥲
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beessau · 3 months
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Mysteriously Draxum has an adopted child too…but they’re a mutant, not a turtle yokai. Interesting…Anyway! Meet Experiment 020, Donatello!
They were raised from mutation to be a warrior, even after Draxum stopped treating Donatello as an experiment and more as his child after Experiment 101’s conversations with him. That doesn’t mean Draxum still doesn’t hate humans, no no no, Draxum still views them as a threat and wants to take over the top side of Earth
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Welcome to the Best Hi-Fi Rush Character Comp!
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Round 1 (ptI) has now begun!
Round 1 ptI
VU-REV vs. ES-101
PA-D0 vs. HG-0G
SBR-001 vs. VAART
VU-T0R1 vs. CAR-11E
SES-103 vs. Roxanne
KEM-N0 vs. AIR-1N
KUT-WAN vs. GNR-020
SCR-UB vs. WA-ES-2
Extra info under the cut!
Competition info
Propaganda is allowed and encouraged! Make sure to @ me in any you make though, so I can rb it here
Voter fraud is not allowed for the start of the competition. I'd like everyone to have at least some chance. When votes start getting closer I'll probably allow it, I'll let yall know when
Once this actual competition is done I'll keep this blog active as long as I'm hyperfixated on this game. I'll just rb art and such here as I see it. Feel free to continue @ing me in stuff though!
This masterpost will likely be updated so. check it whenever I guess!
All actual competion polls are tagged with #hifi rush character comp
Mod info
Hi I'm the poll runner! My names Fall, I use he/they pronouns, and I'm currently massively hyperfixated on Hi-Fi Rush! Hence. Why I'm doing this poll aha.
Feel free to send in whatever asks!
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cyrrenereads · 2 years
Shan You Mu Xi (山有木兮) Translation Project Page
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Translated by: cyrrene
Original: JJWXC by Feitian Yexian (非天夜翔)
Translations hosted on: Chickengege.org. Access requires Proof of Purchase. Please read the instructions, then fill out this form. Everyone is welcome to submit. If you have been verified in the Secret Code discord, please select Verified at the end of the first section and your form will be fast-tracked for approval.
Total Chapters: 200 (+3 extras as of now)
Other links: Glossary, Map, Character List | NU
There are trees in the mountains and there are branches on the trees,
I adore you, oh! You do not know.
- from “Song of the Yue Boatman”
Hundreds of rivers converge, the thousand-mile rise of Taishan’s bluffs, and a myriad of waves surge in the Eastern Sea.
All beneath the heavens, is the extent of the ruler’s land. All within the territory of a state, are each the ruler’s subjects.
Beacons light up all over the Divine Land, danger lurks in every corner of the State of Yong.
After reuniting with Geng Shu, Jiang Heng begins to put all his effort into assisting the ruler of Yong State’s plans, but he unexpectedly falls into perilous situations time and time again. Geng Shu, who always accompanied Jiang Heng by his side, is acutely aware that the various mishaps all appear to be closely related to Jiang Heng’s past—was Jiang Heng really his own blood-related younger brother?
These two extraordinary young men wander throughout the country from state to state, experiencing trials, however, the truth obtained uncovered a cruel and unexpected past that couldn’t be erased. The lingering heroic spirits each possess their own unfulfilled long-cherished wishes. With the great Divine Land【1】 finally unified, how would they confront their own choices of the future?
The seven stars of the Northern Sky【2】 bore witness to the end of a stormy period of history,
Until the ruins once again transform into the richly ornamented tall towers of a manor.
When the blazing city lights languidly flicker,
Those people and events worth engraving into memory
Will forever be preserved within every stroke of ink in a painting of this vast expanse of rivers and mountains.
Table of Contents (Translation Progress):
*Note: Progress may show future unlinked chapters to what is currently posted. Translations for those chapters have been drafted, but final edits are pending and unreleased.
Prologue: Cry of the Qin Resounds Across the Realm (琴鸣天下)
— The blind qin master sat in the midst of the hall, playing the qin and performing the last song of his life.
001 | 002
Volume 1: Ambush from Ten Sides (十面埋伏【3】)
— While within this magnificent and eternally vast universe…sometimes, at just the slightest turn, loved ones would thereafter be separated in life as if in death.
003 | 004 | 005 | 006 | 007
008 | 009 | 010 | 011 | 012
013 | 014 | 015 | 016 | 017
018 | 019 | 020 | 021 | 022
Volume 2: Let Me Return! (归去来辞【4】)
— “If Jiang Heng is still alive, we’ll definitely meet again.”
023 | 024 | 025 | 026 | 027
028 | 029 | 030 | 031 | 032
033 | 034 | 035 | 036 | 037
038 | 039 | 040 | 041 | 042
043 | 044 | 045 | 046
Volume 3: Wild Geese Alight Upon the Sandbank (落雁平沙【5】)
— High above the city gates, that ancient bell conferred to the Ye clan by the Son of Heaven of Jin rang with a thunderous clangor. What night is tonight? The prince has returned to his country.
047 | 048 | 049 | 050 | 051
052 | 053 | 054 | 055 | 056
057 | 058 | 059 | 060 | 061
062,| 063 | 064 | 065 | 066
067 | 068 | 069 | 070 | 071
072 | 073 | 074 | 075
Volume 4: The Phoenix Seeks His Mate (凤求凰【6】) / Guangling Melody (广陵散【7】)
— People will die someday, but their torch will pass on to successors and in so doing, it will burn across the land forever. There is bound to be someone to finish what must be done.
076 | 077 | 078 | 079 | 080
081 | 082 | 083 | 084 | 085
086 | 087 | 088 | 089 | 090
091 | 092 | 093 | 094 | 095
096 | 097 | 098 | 099 | 100
101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105
106 | 107 | 108 | 109
Ex 1
->Volumes 5-7
【1】 Shenzhou (神州) is an ancient name for China.
【2】 The Chinese constellation focused on in this novel is the Xuanwu (玄武, or Black Tortoise). It is both a god as well as a constellation in ancient China regarded as one of the four symbols. When referring to the constellation, it’s also known as the ‘seven stars of the Northern dipper’ (北斗七星).
【3】 Ambush from Ten Sides 《十面埋伏》 is the name of a classical pipa song, and is about the Battle of Gaixia when Xiang Yu was defeated by Liu Bang.
【4】 The title of Volume 2 is the name of a poem written by the poet Tao Yuanming of the Six Dynasties period when he resigned from office to live in the countryside. There is an article with a translation and more detail about it here.
【5】 There is a qin piece called 雁落平沙 “Wild Geese Alight Upon the Sandbank”, evoking the scene of thousands of wild geese calling while landing and flying off from the sandbanks.
【6】Volume 4 of the web novel and the simplified physical print have different names. The web novel version is titled after 《The Male Phoenix Seeks its Mate - 凤求凰》, a famous qin melody with lyrics that depicts one of the most well-known love stories.
【7】 The simplified physical version is named after 《Guangling Melody - 广陵散》, a well-known qin melody associated with the qin-master Ji Kang (嵇康, 223–262)) as well as the famous story of 《Nie Zheng Assassinates the Han King - 聂政刺韩王》 from the Warring States period which was inspired by a story for the same figure in Sima Qian’s《Records of the Grand Historian - 史记》.
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captainpetebradshaw · 8 months
Movie Diary 2023
Now that the new year is in full swing I finally have the time to go over my personal stats :D I've watched 145 movies this year (excluding rewatches) which is just 4 movies shy of my high of 149 movies from 2017 but I didn't even try that hard lol
Shoutout to the roosmav discord with which I've watched many Tom Cruise and Miles Teller movies and which definitely was part of the high number this year - love you guys!
Full list under the cut, my favorites are bold:
001 Legend
002 Emily the Criminal
003 The Banshees of Inisherin
004 The Swimmers
005 Cyrano
006 Thank You for Your Service
007 The Last Samurai
008 Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
009 Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery
010 Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio
011 National Theatre Live: No Man's Land
012 Strange World
013 21 & Over
014 All Quiet on the Western Front
015 National Theatre Live: Prima Facie
016 Teen Wolf: The Movie
017 Puss in Boots
018 Elivs
019 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
020 Rock of Ages
021 Causeway
022 The Quiet Girl
023 National Theatre Live: All About Eve
024 Triangle of Sadness
025 Minority Report
026 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
027 American Made
028 The Fabelmans
029 Fire of Love
030 The Fabelmans
031 EO
032 Get a Job
033 Cocktail
034 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
035 Batman Begins
036 Knock at the Cabin
037 Taps
038 Spiderhead
039 A Few Good Men
040 The Whale
041 Apocalypse Now (The Final Cut)
042 Women Talking
043 Miss Americana
044 Devotion
045 Operation Fortune: Ruse due Guerre
046 Tetris
047 Field of Dreams
048 Knight and Day
049 Missing
050 Shazam! Fury of the Gods
051 Days of Thunder
052 65
053 After Yang
054 Suzume
055 Serial (Bad) Weddings 3
056 Vanilla Sky
057 Cocaine Bear
058 Ghosted
059 Eyes Wide Shut
060 Amsterdam
061 Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
062 Renfield
063 New Gods: Yang Jian
064 I Am What I Am
065 Man on Wire
066 Independence Day
067 The Super Mario Bros. Movie
068 The Firm
069 Polite Society
070 Air
071 The Blue Caftan
072 Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
073 Mary is Happy, Mary is Happy
074 Joyland
075 Anything's Possible
076 Murder on the Orient Express
077 Kinky Boots
078 Mission: Impossible II
079 Schwimmen
080 Firebird
081 Mission: Impossible III
082 4th Man Out
083 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
084 Bulldog
085 Cruel Intentions
086 John Wick: Chapter 4
087 Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
088 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
089 Extraction 2
090 Nimona
091 Deep Sea
092 Barbie
093 Die Concorde - Absturz einer Legende
094 The Flash
095 Jumbo (2020)
096 Only the Brave
097 Joy Ride
098 Kill Boksoon
099 Oppenheimer
100 The 355
101 Legend (1985)
102 The Monkey King (2023)
103 Elemental
104 Wham!
105 Heart of Stone
106 Saint Omer
107 Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate
108 Past Lives
109 Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken
110 A Million Miles Away
111 Theater Camp
112 Bottoms
113 They Cloned Tyrone
114 Asteroid City
115 Saw
116 Race to the Summit
117 The Last Voyage of the Demeter
118 No One Will Save You
119 Brightburn
120 The Skin I Live In
121 M3GAN
122 Event Horizon
123 Bones and All
124 When Evil Lurks
125 Gran Turismo
126 Knuckle Girl
127 Tom Cruise: The Last Movie Star
128 The Last Black Man in San Francisco
129 The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
130 Blue Beetle
131 The Creator
132 Napoleon
133 Mark Rothko - La peinture vous regarde
134 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
135 Linoleum
136 Wish
137 Quiz Lady
138 Pain Hustlers
139 Leo
140 Big
141 No Dogs or Italians Allowed
142 Violent NIght
143 Trading Places
144 Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire
145 Journey to the West (2021)
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dailyclassicwho · 2 years
Doctor Who Stories
Season 01
001. An Unearthly Child 002. The Daleks 003. The Edge of Destruction 004. Marco Polo 005. The Keys of Marinus 006. The Aztecs 007. The Sensorites 008. The Reign of Terror
Season 02
009. Planet of Giants 010. The Dalek Invasion of Earth 011. The Rescue 012. The Romans 013. The Web Planet 014. The Crusade 015. The Space Museum 016. The Chase 017. The Time Meddler
Season 03
018. Galaxy Four 019. Mission to the Unknown 020. The Myth Makers 021. The Daleks' Master Plan 022. The Massace of St. Bartholomews Eve 023. The Ark 024. The Celestial Toymaker 025. The Gunfighters 026. The Savages 027. The War Machines
Season 04
028. The Smugglers 029. The Tenth Planet 030. The Power of the Daleks 031. The Highlanders 032. The Underwater Menace 033. The Moonbase 034. The Macra Terror 035. The Faceless Ones 036. The Evil of the Daleks
Season 05
037. The Tomb of the Cybermen 038. The Adbominable Snowmen 039. The Ice Warriors 040. The Enemy of the World 041. The Web of Fear 042. Fury From the Deep 043. The Wheel in Space
Season 06
044. The Dominators 045. The Mind Robber 046. The Invasion 047. The Krotons 048. The Seeds of Death 049. The Space Pirates 050. The War Games
Season 07
051. Spearhead From Space 052. The Silurians 053. The Ambassadors of Death 054. Inferno
Season 08
055. Terror of the Autons 056. The Mind of Evil 057. The Claw of Axos 058. Colony in Space 059. The Daemons
Season 09
060. Day of the Daleks 061. The Curse of Peladon 062. The Sea Devils 063. The Mutants 064. The Time Monster
Season 10
065. The Three Doctors 066. The Carnival of Monsters 067. The Frontier of Space 068. Planet of the Daleks 069. The Green Death
Season 11
070. The Time Warrior 071. Invasion of the Dinosaurs 072. Death to the Daleks 073. The Monster of Peladon 074. Planet of the Spiders
Season 12
075. Robot 076. The Ark in Space 077. The Sontaran Experiment 078. Genesis of the Daleks 079. Revenge of the Cybermen
Season 13
080. Terror of the Zygons 081. Planet of Evil 082. Pyramids of Mars 083. The Android Invasion 084. The Brain of Morbius 085. The Seeds of Doom
Season 14
086. The Masque of Mandragora 087. The Hand of Fear 088. The Deadly Assassin 089. The Face of Evil 090. The Robots of Death 091. The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Season 15
092. Horror of Fang Rock 093. The Invisible Enemy 094. Image of the Fendahl 095. The Sunmakers 096. Underworld 097. The Invasion of Time
Season 16 (The Key to Time)
098. The Ribos Operation 099. The Pirate Planet 100. The Stones of Blood 101. The Androids of Tara 102. The Power of Kroll 103. The Armageddon Factor
Season 17
104. Destiny of the Daleks 105. City of Death 106. The Creature From the Pit 107. Nightmare of Eden 108. The Horns of Nimon 108.5. Shada
Season 18
109. The Leisure Hive 110. Meglos 111. Full Circle 112. State of Decay 113. Warriors' Gate 114. The Keeper of Traken 115. Logopolis
Season 19
116. Castrovalva 117. Four to Doomsday 118. Kinda 119. The Visitation 120. Black Orchid 121. Earthshock 122. Time-Flight
Season 20
123. Arc of Infinity 124. Snakedance 125. Mawdryn Undead 126. Terminus 127. Englightenment 128. The King's Demons 129. The Five Doctors
Season 21
130. Warriors of the Deep 131. The Awakening 132. Frontios 133. Resurrection of the Daleks 134. Planet of Fire 135. The Caves of Androzani
Season 22
136. Attack of the Cybermen 137. Vengeance on Varos 138. The Mark of the Rani 139. The Two Doctors 140. Timelash 141. Revelation of the Daleks
Season 23 (Trial of a Timelord)
143A. The Mysterious Planet 143B. Mindwarp 143C. Terror of the Vervoids 143D. The Ultimate Foe
Season 24
144. Time and the Rani 145. Paradise Towers 146. Delta and the Bannermen 147. Dragonfire
Season 25
148. Remembrance of the Daleks 149. The Happiness Patrol 150. Silver Nemesis 151. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Season 26
152. Battlefield 153. Ghost Light 154. The Curse of Fenric 155. Survival
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eeraygun · 2 years
Top 192 Sonic Releases of 2022
000. Autechre, Gescom & Sean Booth - Hanalgig 001. Lala &Ce & Low Jack - Baiser Mortel 002. Rosalía - MOTOMAMI 003. Pontiac Streator - Sone Glo 004. VOICE ACTOR - Sent from my Telephone 005. Stone - Earth FF 006. Persher - Man With The Magic Soap 007. Various Artists - Lamkin: Versions & Variants Across the Northern Hemisphere 008. Various Artists  - V4 Visions: Of Love & Androids 009. Vanessa Rossetto - The Actress 010. Romeo Poirier - Living Room 011. Various Artists - Ghost Riders 012. Ben Bondy - Camo 013. Félicia Atkinson - Image Language 014. TLIM SHUG - bbbootlegggs 015. Paperclip Minimiser - Paperclip Minimiser 016. Honour - HBK Vol 1 & 2 017. res_és_nostre - res_és_nostre-modular_juns 018. Authentically Plastic - Raw Space LP 019. Purelink - Purelink 020. Cypher - APPX-10 Glasgow 021. Planet 1999 - this is our music ♫ 022. pent - live fold 023. Rhyw - Honey Badger 024. Signe Lidén & Espen Sommer Eide - Vertical Studies_ Archival Spirals 025. Catartsis - Acier Leste 026. Hoavi - Posle Vsego 027. Various Artists - SLINK Volume 2 028. Various Artists - Ever Since We've Known It_ More North Carolina Mountain Singing 029. Metrist - Forova 030. Derek Bailey - Domestic Jungle DAT 031. Various Artists - Begging the Moon_ Phleng Thai Sakon & Luk Krung, 1945-1960 CS 032. Romance - Once Upon A Time 033. FKA twigs - CAPRISONGS 034. Angelo Harmsworth - Vent 035. Mistareez - xenosonic 036. Shygirl - Nymph 037. Gilla Band - Most Normal 038. Second. - Rasuba EP 039. excel dj - phishermen 040. bad lsd trips - bad lsd trips 041. Duval Timothy - Meeting With A Judas Tree 042. Jennifer Walshe - A Late Anthology of Early Music Vol 1_ A 043. Perfume Genius - Ugly Season 044. claire rousay - everything perfect is already here 045. Two Shell - ❖-secretbox-❖ 046. Noémi Büchi - Matter 047. Ojerime - Keep It Lo 048. Reinartz - APPX-08 Sequences 049. ayrtbh - EP8 050. Ulla - Foam 051. Felicity Mangan - Wet On Wet 052. JJ+JS - peeled 053. Boomerang - 300's 054. mu tate - the body is round 055. mos fet & eustress - surf031 056. Ura - Baby with a Halo 057. Frederik Valentin & Loke Rahbek - Together 058. James K - random girl 059. Chained Library - Dear Master 060. OL - Roaming 061. Mbulelo - Kalibre EP 062. Luc Ferrari - Solitude Transit 063. Various Artists - A Cloudy Dawn 064. perila - there are no words to describe it 065. Aldous Harding - Warm Chris 066. WOODMAN - WD1112JU2XX2 067. Scarcity - Aveilut 068. Kindohm - Merge Experience 069. bod -包家巷 - Music Made by Other People 070. Relaxer - Candy 071. Valentina Magaletti - A Queer Anthology of Drums 072. MINIKINGZ - ICONICY 073. Dominic Coppola & Angelo Harmsworth - Pavonine 074. Xenia Reaper - Plain 075. Kali Malone - Living Torch LP 076. SZA - SOS 077. Benedek - Zebrano 078. Laenz - Undue Valence EP 079. Moin - Paste 080. Hiele Kinsella - The Third Summer of Love 081. Richie Culver - Post Traumatic Fantasy 082. ssabæ - azurescens 083. datassette - Sentinel 084. Jacob Dwyer - The Devil Museum 085. Ani Zakareishvili - Fallin 086. ubu boi & r hunter - A Symbol for Disguise 087. Leikeli47 - Shape Up 088. Primitive Man - Insurmountable 089. Sébastien Forrester - Orpheus' Pipes (Object-Oriented Studies) 090. Henry Greenleaf - Kirkstone EP 091. K Wata -  Dot Dot Dot 092. Prison Religion - Hard Industrial B.O.P. 093. Rabit - What Dreams May Come 094. Minder - Sanctuary 095. John M. Bennett - A Flattened Face Fogs Through 096. Candy - Heaven Is Here 097. Smpl Smpl - Embryo Issue #1 098. Peter Rehberg - at GRM LP (Rec. 2009-2016) 099. Vod Kasat - Mavi Maskara 100. Quixosis - Burundanger 101. Klahrk & KAVARI - Wax 102. Ákos Rózmann - Mass_Mässa 103. Contour - Onwards! 104. Carla dal Forno - Come Around 105. Brent Faiyaz - WASTELAND 106. wrk.dat - w.d o2 107. exael - Ice That Melts the Tips 108. Vanessa Amara - Fonetica Amara 109. Eric Lanham - Objet Dirt 110. Pariah - Caterpillar 111. Fibre Optixxx - Iris 112. Hyd - CLEARING 113. Nikki Nair - Renormalization Support Group 114. Etch - Predator Trax 115. Cocktail Party Effect - SNKRX010 116. Leo Kupper - Complete Electronic & Voices Works 1961-1987 117. Wench - Greatest Hits '88 - '16 118. Inland - BRETT001 119. torschlusspanik - intersexual healing 120. Mathis Ruffing - Further Explorations 121. Chat Pile - God's Country 122. MOBBS - CH002 - Untitled 123. Charli XCX - CRASH 124. Objekt - Objekt #5 125. Ziyiz - Pattern Factory Method 126. XHOSA - Push It (Remixes) 127. Small Car NRG - Road Legal 128. Slikback - K E K K A N 129. Marco Zenker - Channel Balance 130. NUG - Napping Under God 131. Dauwd - Psssh 003 132. bookworms - untitled 133. Warm Currency - Returns 134. Asher & Jordan - Foliage 135. Quelza - 47030 136. EVOL - The Worm 137. Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers 138. Kibosh - Jumping Heart 139. Strugglin' - Pitch Pine 140. MORTIMER DUBATON – ATHENS VS PREDATOR 141. Lauren Tosswill - 1- 2 142. Beatriz Ferreyra - Senderos de luz y sombras 143. Moor Mother - Jazz Codes 144. Itoa - Oh No 145. Freundliche Kreisel - Freundliche Kreisel 146. Frankie - Styx 147. Gabor Lazar - Boundary Object 148. Atte Elias Kantonen - POP 6 SUSURRUS 149. INGI - Fade EP 150. borderlandstate_the best kisser in l.a - direct message EP 151. SYZ - Burner FM 152. Temudo - Fidelio 153. Ali Berger - Nonsight Vision 154. Sister Zo - Screw Cheek EP 155. Cucina Povera & Ben Vince - There I See Everything CS 156. Drummy - Double Stop 157. Jacques Charlier - Art in Another Way 158. B.Michaael - Built2Crawl 159. Omaar - Marcha 160. Laura Cocks - Field Anatomies 161. Katatonic Silentio - Les Chemins De L'inconnu 162. Notte Infinita - Atmosfera 163. Divide - La Terra Di Egherlak 164. Gallegos - Pump Up The Sound EP 165. Overland - Paryía 166. Lea Bertucci - Murmurations (w_ Ben Vida) 167. Fergus Sweetland - Punching The Core 168. Pub - Autumn 169. Siu Mata & Amor Satyr - Speed Dembow Vol. II 170. Panda Rosa - Threatened 171. Alien D - To My Friends Nick & Tony 172. Baby Blue - End of Sleep 173. Caroline Loveglow - Strawberry 174. Can't Read - Mind's Eye 175. Rroxymore - Perpetual Now 176. More Eaze & Claire Rousay - Never Stop Texting Me 177. Liew Niyomkarn - I Think of Another Time When You Heard It 178. Harba - TDITD 179. Eliza - A Sky Without Stars 180. Brendon Moeller - Highly Concentrated 181. Ctrls - Your Data 182. Rustal - Nexus Zeal 183. Atrice - Backrooms 184. age eternal - universal feeling cs 185. Product Toss - Go Way 2 186. D. Tiffany & Roza Terenzi - Edge Of Innocence 187. Roll Dann - Amargura EP 188. The Bug - Absent Riddim 189. S T I N 𝟡 - mi7 190. Jan Bruyndonckx - Rails And Other Tracks 191. Ludwig Berger - Pseudo-Volcanic Voices
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Name every pokemon
Number Name 001 Bulbasaur 002 Ivysaur 003 Venusaur 004 Charmander 005 Charmeleon 006 Charizard 007 Squirtle 008 Wartortle 009 Blastoise 010 Caterpie 011 Metapod 012 Butterfree 013 Weedle 014 Kakuna 015 Beedrill 016 Pidgey 017 Pidgeotto 018 Pidgeot 019 Rattata 020 Raticate 021 Spearow 022 Fearow 023 Ekans 024 Arbok 025 Pikachu 026 Raichu 027 Sandshrew 028 Sandslash 029 Nidoran♀ 030 Nidorina 031 Nidoqueen 032 Nidoran♂ 033 Nidorino 034 Nidoking 035 Clefairy 036 Clefable 037 Vulpix 038 Ninetales 039 Jigglypuff 040 Wigglytuff 041 Zubat 042 Golbat 043 Oddish 044 Gloom 045 Vileplume 046 Paras 047 Parasect 048 Venonat 049 Venomoth 050 Diglett 051 Dugtrio 052 Meowth 053 Persian 054 Psyduck 055 Golduck 056 Mankey 057 Primeape 058 Growlithe 059 Arcanine 060 Poliwag 061 Poliwhirl 062 Poliwrath 063 Abra 064 Kadabra 065 Alakazam 066 Machop 067 Machoke 068 Machamp 069 Bellsprout 070 Weepinbell 071 Victreebel 072 Tentacool 073 Tentacruel 074 Geodude 075 Graveler 076 Golem 077 Ponyta 078 Rapidash 079 Slowpoke 080 Slowbro 081 Magnemite 082 Magneton 083 Farfetch'd 084 Doduo 085 Dodrio 086 Seel 087 Dewgong 088 Grimer 089 Muk 090 Shellder 091 Cloyster 092 Gastly 093 Haunter 094 Gengar 095 Onix 096 Drowzee 097 Hypno 098 Krabby 099 Kingler 100 Voltorb 101 Electrode 102 Exeggcute 103 Exeggutor 104 Cubone 105 Marowak 106 Hitmonlee 107 Hitmonchan 108 Lickitung 109 Koffing 110 Weezing 111 Rhyhorn 112 Rhydon 113 Chansey 114 Tangela 115 Kangaskhan 116 Horsea 117 Seadra 118 Goldeen 119 Seaking 120 Staryu 121 Starmie 122 Mr. Mime 123 Scyther 124 Jynx 125 Electabuzz 126 Magmar 127 Pinsir 128 Tauros 129 Magikarp 130 Gyarados 131 Lapras 132 Ditto 133 Eevee 134 Vaporeon 135 Jolteon 136 Flareon 137 Porygon 138 Omanyte 139 Omastar 140 Kabuto 141 Kabutops 142 Aerodactyl 143 Snorlax 144 Articuno 145 Zapdos 146 Moltres 147 Dratini 148 Dragonair 149 Dragonite 150 Mewtwo 151 Mew 152 Chikorita 153 Bayleef 154 Meganium 155 Cyndaquil 156 Quilava 157 Typhlosion 158 Totodile 159 Croconaw 160 Feraligatr 161 Sentret 162 Furret 163 Hoothoot 164 Noctowl 165 Ledyba 166 Ledian 167 Spinarak 168 Ariados 169 Crobat 170 Chinchou 171 Lanturn 172 Pichu 173 Cleffa 174 Igglybuff 175 Togepi 176 Togetic 177 Natu 178 Xatu 179 Mareep 180 Flaaffy 181 Ampharos 182 Bellossom 183 Marill 184 Azumarill 185 Sudowoodo 186 Politoed 187 Hoppip 188 Skiploom 189 Jumpluff 190 Aipom 191 Sunkern 192 Sunflora 193 Yanma 194 Wooper 195 Quagsire 196 Espeon 197 Umbreon 198 Murkrow 199 Slowking 200 Misdreavus 201 Unown 202 Wobbuffet 203 Girafarig 204 Pineco 205 Forretress 206 Dunsparce 207 Gligar 208 Steelix 209 Snubbull 210 Granbull 211 Qwilfish 212 Scizor 213 Shuckle 214 Heracross 215 Sneasel 216 Teddiursa 217 Ursaring 218 Slugma 219 Magcargo 220 Swinub 221 Piloswine 222 Corsola 223 Remoraid 224 Octillery 225 Delibird 226 Mantine 227 Skarmory 228 Houndour 229 Houndoom 230 Kingdra 231 Phanpy 232 Donphan 233 Porygon2 234 Stantler 235 Smeargle 236 Tyrogue 237 Hitmontop 238 Smoochum 239 Elekid 240 Magby 241 Miltank 242 Blissey 243 Raikou 244 Entei 245 Suicune 246 Larvitar 247 Pupitar 248 Tyranitar 249 Lugia 250 Ho-oh 251 Celebi 252 Treecko 253 Grovyle 254 Sceptile 255 Torchic 256 Combusken 257 Blaziken 258 Mudkip 259 Marshtomp 260 Swampert 261 Poochyena 262 Mightyena 263 Zigzagoon 264 Linoone 265 Wurmple 266 Silcoon 267 Beautifly 268 Cascoon 269 Dustox 270 Lotad 271 Lombre 272 Ludicolo 273 Seedot 274 Nuzleaf 275 Shiftry 276 Taillow 277 Swellow 278 Wingull 279 Pelipper 280 Ralts 281 Kirlia 282 Gardevoir 283 Surskit 284 Masquerain 285 Shroomish 286 Breloom 287 Slakoth 288 Vigoroth 289 Slaking 290 Nincada 291 Ninjask 292 Shedinja 293 Whismur 294 Loudred 295 Exploud 296 Makuhita 297 Hariyama 298 Azurill 299 Nosepass 300 Skitty 301 Delcatty 302 Sableye 303 Mawile 304 Aron 305 Lairon 306 Aggron 307 Meditite 308 Medicham 309 Electrike 310 Manectric 311 Plusle 312 Minun 313 Volbeat 314 Illumise 315 Roselia 316 Gulpin 317 Swalot 318 Carvanha
319 Sharpedo 320 Wailmer 321 Wailord 322 Numel 323 Camerupt 324 Torkoal 325 Spoink 326 Grumpig 327 Spinda 328 Trapinch 329 Vibrava 330 Flygon 331 Cacnea 332 Cacturne 333 Swablu 334 Altaria 335 Zangoose 336 Seviper 337 Lunatone 338 Solrock 339 Barboach 340 Whiscash 341 Corphish 342 Crawdaunt 343 Baltoy 344 Claydol 345 Lileep 346 Cradily 347 Anorith 348 Armaldo 349 Feebas 350 Milotic 351 Castform 352 Kecleon 353 Shuppet 354 Banette 355 Duskull 356 Dusclops 357 Tropius 358 Chimecho 359 Absol 360 Wynaut 361 Snorunt 362 Glalie 363 Spheal 364 Sealeo 365 Walrein 366 Clamperl 367 Huntail 368 Gorebyss 369 Relicanth 370 Luvdisc 371 Bagon 372 Shelgon 373 Salamence 374 Beldum 375 Metang 376 Metagross 377 Regirock 378 Regice 379 Registeel 380 Latias 381 Latios 382 Kyogre 383 Groudon 384 Rayquaza 385 Jirachi 386 Deoxys 387 Turtwig 388 Grotle 389 Torterra 390 Chimchar 391 Monferno 392 Infernape 393 Piplup 394 Prinplup 395 Empoleon 396 Starly 397 Staravia 398 Staraptor 399 Bidoof 400 Bibarel 401 Kricketot 402 Kricketune 403 Shinx 404 Luxio 405 Luxray 406 Budew 407 Roserade 408 Cranidos 409 Rampardos 410 Shieldon 411 Bastiodon 412 Burmy 413 Wormadam 414 Mothim 415 Combee 416 Vespiquen 417 Pachirisu 418 Buizel 419 Floatzel 420 Cherubi 421 Cherrim 422 Shellos 423 Gastrodon 424 Ambipom 425 Drifloon 426 Drifblim 427 Buneary 428 Lopunny 429 Mismagius 430 Honchkrow 431 Glameow 432 Purugly 433 Chingling 434 Stunky 435 Skuntank 436 Bronzor 437 Bronzong 438 Bonsly 439 Mime Jr. 440 Happiny 441 Chatot 442 Spiritomb 443 Gible 444 Gabite 445 Garchomp 446 Munchlax 447 Riolu 448 Lucario 449 Hippopotas 450 Hippowdon 451 Skorupi 452 Drapion 453 Croagunk 454 Toxicroak 455 Carnivine 456 Finneon 457 Lumineon 458 Mantyke 459 Snover 460 Abomasnow 461 Weavile 462 Magnezone 463 Lickilicky 464 Rhyperior 465 Tangrowth 466 Electivire 467 Magmortar 468 Togekiss 469 Yanmega 470 Leafeon 471 Glaceon 472 Gliscor 473 Mamoswine 474 Porygon-Z 475 Gallade 476 Probopass 477 Dusknoir 478 Froslass 479 Rotom 480 Uxie 481 Mesprit 482 Azelf 483 Dialga 484 Palkia 485 Heatran 486 Regigigas 487 Giratina 488 Cresselia 489 Phione 490 Manaphy 491 Darkrai 492 Shaymin 493 Arceus 494 Victini 495 Snivy 496 Servine 497 Serperior 498 Tepig 499 Pignite 500 Emboar 501 Oshawott 502 Dewott 503 Samurott 504 Patrat 505 Watchog 506 Lillipup 507 Herdier 508 Stoutland 509 Purrloin 510 Liepard 511 Pansage 512 Simisage 513 Pansear 514 Simisear 515 Panpour 516 Simipour 517 Munna 518 Musharna 519 Pidove 520 Tranquill 521 Unfezant 522 Blitzle 523 Zebstrika 524 Roggenrola 525 Boldore 526 Gigalith 527 Woobat 528 Swoobat 529 Drilbur 530 Excadrill 531 Audino 532 Timburr 533 Gurdurr 534 Conkeldurr 535 Tympole 536 Palpitoad 537 Seismitoad 538 Throh 539 Sawk 540 Sewaddle 541 Swadloon 542 Leavanny 543 Venipede 544 Whirlipede 545 Scolipede 546 Cottonee 547 Whimsicott 548 Petilil 549 Lilligant 550 Basculin 551 Sandile 552 Krokorok 553 Krookodile 554 Darumaka 555 Darmanitan 556 Maractus 557 Dwebble 558 Crustle 559 Scraggy 560 Scrafty 561 Sigilyph 562 Yamask 563 Cofagrigus 564 Tirtouga 565 Carracosta 566 Archen 567 Archeops 568 Trubbish 569 Garbodor 570 Zorua 571 Zoroark 572 Minccino 573 Cinccino 574 Gothita 575 Gothorita
576 Gothitelle 577 Solosis 578 Duosion 579 Reuniclus 580 Ducklett 581 Swanna 582 Vanillite 583 Vanillish 584 Vanilluxe 585 Deerling 586 Sawsbuck 587 Emolga 588 Karrablast 589 Escavalier 590 Foongus 591 Amoonguss 592 Frillish 593 Jellicent 594 Alomomola 595 Joltik 596 Galvantula 597 Ferroseed 598 Ferrothorn 599 Klink 600 Klang 601 Klinklang 602 Tynamo 603 Eelektrik 604 Eelektross 605 Elgyem 606 Beheeyem 607 Litwick 608 Lampent 609 Chandelure 610 Axew 611 Fraxure 612 Haxorus 613 Cubchoo 614 Beartic 615 Cryogonal 616 Shelmet 617 Accelgor 618 Stunfisk 619 Mienfoo 620 Mienshao 621 Druddigon 622 Golett 623 Golurk 624 Pawniard 625 Bisharp 626 Bouffalant 627 Rufflet 628 Braviary 629 Vullaby 630 Mandibuzz 631 Heatmor 632 Durant 633 Deino 634 Zweilous 635 Hydreigon 636 Larvesta 637 Volcarona 638 Cobalion 639 Terrakion 640 Virizion 641 Tornadus 642 Thundurus 643 Reshiram 644 Zekrom 645 Landorus 646 Kyurem 647 Keldeo 648 Meloetta 649 Genesect 650 Chespin 651 Quilladin 652 Chesnaught 653 Fennekin 654 Braixen 655 Delphox 656 Froakie 657 Frogadier 658 Greninja 659 Bunnelby 660 Diggersby 661 Fletchling 662 Fletchinder 663 Talonflame 664 Scatterbug 665 Spewpa 666 Vivillon 667 Litleo 668 Pyroar 669 Flabébé 670 Floette 671 Florges 672 Skiddo 673 Gogoat 674 Pancham 675 Pangoro 676 Furfrou 677 Espurr 678 Meowstic 679 Honedge 680 Doublade 681 Aegislash 682 Spritzee 683 Aromatisse 684 Swirlix 685 Slurpuff 686 Inkay 687 Malamar 688 Binacle 689 Barbaracle 690 Skrelp 691 Dragalge 692 Clauncher 693 Clawitzer 694 Helioptile 695 Heliolisk 696 Tyrunt 697 Tyrantrum 698 Amaura 699 Aurorus 700 Sylveon 701 Hawlucha 702 Dedenne 703 Carbink 704 Goomy 705 Sliggoo 706 Goodra 707 Klefki 708 Phantump 709 Trevenant 710 Pumpkaboo 711 Gourgeist 712 Bergmite 713 Avalugg 714 Noibat 715 Noivern 716 Xerneas 717 Yveltal 718 Zygarde 719 Diancie 720 Hoopa 721 Volcanion 722 Rowlet 723 Dartrix 724 Decidueye 725 Litten 726 Torracat 727 Incineroar 728 Popplio 729 Brionne 730 Primarina 731 Pikipek 732 Trumbeak 733 Toucannon 734 Yungoos 735 Gumshoos 736 Grubbin 737 Charjabug 738 Vikavolt 739 Crabrawler 740 Crabominable 741 Oricorio 742 Cutiefly 743 Ribombee 744 Rockruff 745 Lycanroc 746 Wishiwashi 747 Mareanie 748 Toxapex 749 Mudbray 750 Mudsdale 751 Dewpider 752 Araquanid 753 Fomantis 754 Lurantis 755 Morelull 756 Shiinotic 757 Salandit 758 Salazzle 759 Stufful 760 Bewear 761 Bounsweet 762 Steenee 763 Tsareena 764 Comfey 765 Oranguru 766 Passimian 767 Wimpod 768 Golisopod 769 Sandygast 770 Palossand 771 Pyukumuku 772 Type: Null 773 Silvally 774 Minior 775 Komala 776 Turtonator 777 Togedemaru 778 Mimikyu 779 Bruxish 780 Drampa 781 Dhelmise 782 Jangmo-o 783 Hakamo-o 784 Kommo-o 785 Tapu Koko 786 Tapu Lele 787 Tapu Bulu 788 Tapu Fini 789 Cosmog 790 Cosmoem 791 Solgaleo 792 Lunala 793 Nihilego 794 Buzzwole 795 Pheromosa 796 Xurkitree 797 Celesteela 798 Kartana 799 Guzzlord 800 Necrozma 801 Magearna 802 Marshadow 803 Poipole 804 Naganadel 805 Stakataka 806 Blacephalon 807 Zeraora 808 Meltan 809 Melmetal 810 Grookey 811 Thwackey 812 Rillaboom 813 Scorbunny 814 Raboot 815 Cinderace 816 Sobble 817 Drizzile 818 Inteleon 819 Skwovet 820 Greedent 821 Rookidee 822 Corvisquire 823 Corviknight 824 Blipbug 825 Dottler 826 Orbeetle 827 Nickit 828 Thievul 829 Gossifleur 830 Eldegoss 831 Wooloo 832 Dubwool 833 Chewtle 834 Drednaw 835 Yamper 836 Boltund 837 Rolycoly 838 Carkol 839 Coalossal 840 Applin 841 Flapple 842 Appletun 843 Silicobra 844 Sandaconda 845 Cramorant 846 Arrokuda 847 Barraskewda 848 Toxel 849 Toxtricity 850 Sizzlipede 851 Centiskorch 852 Clobbopus 853 Grapploct 854 Sinistea 855 Polteageist 856 Hatenna 857 Hattrem 858 Hatterene 859 Impidimp
860 Morgrem 861 Grimmsnarl 862 Obstagoon 863 Perrserker 864 Cursola 865 Sirfetch'd 866 Mr. Rime 867 Runerigus 868 Milcery 869 Alcremie 870 Falinks 871 Pincurchin 872 Snom 873 Frosmoth 874 Stonjourner 875 Eiscue 876 Indeedee 877 Morpeko 878 Cufant 879 Copperajah 880 Dracozolt 881 Arctozolt 882 Dracovish 883 Arctovish 884 Duraludon 885 Dreepy 886 Drakloak 887 Dragapult 888 Zacian 889 Zamazenta 890 Eternatus 891 Kubfu 892 Urshifu 893 Zarude 894 Regieleki 895 Regidrago 896 Glastrier 897 Spectrier 898 Calyrex 899 Wyrdeer 900 Kleavor 901 Ursaluna 902 Basculegion 903 Sneasler 904 Overqwil 905 Enamorus 906 Sprigatito 907 Floragato 908 Meowscarada 909 Fuecoco 910 Crocalor 911 Skeledirge 912 Quaxly 913 Quaxwell 914 Quaquaval 915 Lechonk 916 Oinkologne 917 Tarountula 918 Spidops 919 Nymble 920 Lokix 921 Pawmi 922 Pawmo 923 Pawmot 924 Tandemaus 925 Maushold 926 Fidough 927 Dachsbun 928 Smoliv 929 Dolliv 930 Arboliva 931 Squawkabilly 932 Nacli 933 Naclstack 934 Garganacl 935 Charcadet 936 Armarouge 937 Ceruledge 938 Tadbulb 939 Bellibolt 940 Wattrel 941 Kilowattrel 942 Maschiff 943 Mabosstiff 944 Shroodle 945 Grafaiai 946 Bramblin 947 Brambleghast 948 Toedscool 949 Toedscruel 950 Klawf 951 Capsakid 952 Scovillain 953 Rellor 954 Rabsca 955 Flittle 956 Espathra 957 Tinkatink 958 Tinkatuff 959 Tinkaton 960 Wiglett 961 Wugtrio 962 Bombirdier 963 Finizen 964 Palafin 965 Varoom 966 Revavroom 967 Cyclizar 968 Orthworm 969 Glimmet 970 Glimmora 971 Greavard 972 Houndstone 973 Flamigo 974 Cetoddle 975 Cetitan 976 Veluza 977 Dondozo 978 Tatsugiri 979 Annihilape 980 Clodsire 981 Farigiraf 982 Dudunsparce 983 Kingambit 984 Great Tusk 985 Scream Tail 986 Brute Bonnet 987 Flutter Mane 988 Slither Wing 989 Sandy Shocks 990 Iron Treads 991 Iron Bundle 992 Iron Hands 993 Iron Jugulis 994 Iron Moth 995 Iron Thorns 996 Frigibax 997 Arctibax 998 Baxcalibur 999 Gimmighoul 1000 Gholdengo 1001 Wo-Chien 1002 Chien-Pao 1003 Ting-Lu 1004 Chi-Yu 1005 Roaring Moon 1006 Iron Valiant 1007 Koraidon 1008 Miraidon
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