Sexiest clone bonanza!
FINISHED! THANK YOU ALL!!!!! (winners)
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Below par bonanza!
FINISHED! THANK YOU ALL!!!!! (winners)
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Heroic hair bonanza!
FINISHED! THANK YOU ALL!!!!! (winners)
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Biggest buffoon bonanza!
FINISHED! THANK YOU ALL!!!!! (winners)
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Wonderful Woman bonanza!
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Semifinals currently under the "wonderful woman bonanza" tag on my blog
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bibannana · 2 years
Wolf Pack Christmas Headcannon:
The clones of the pack find our that it is a natborn tradition to buy ugly jumpers/sweaters for Christmas and gift them to others.
However, in true sibling fashion they turned this into a competition. Said competition has two parts.
The first part of this competition is the award for the ugliest jumper that they can find, doesn't matter how ugly so long as it is wearable (not made of anything living or bio-hazardous thank you [rule implemented on the second christmas they celebrated when Sinker turned up with a pile of questionable material and origin and called it a jumper that wriggled]).
The second part of the competition is gifting said jumpers to Plo Koon and seeing which ones he wears most often.
As such, Plo has a collection of ugly christmas jumpers from all of his sons that he takes turns wearing with pride.
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vgilantee · 1 year
please do! i love hearing people explain things 😁
okay! so brief recap, Bench is a medic from the 212th, Otto is a Coruscant guard, and Suds was in the 104st. they were batchmates and triplets, always getting into mischief as cadets. but when they were given their permanent battalions/assignments, they were separated.
now, canon lore! the 104st are the wolfpack, their commander being Wolffe (who i have sinful thoughts about hehe), and their jedi general is/was Plo Koon. each battalion within star wars have an accent colour (obi-wan's being orange, anakin's being royal blue, etc), and the wolfpack's colour used to be maroon. after the events of s01e02 of the clone wars, when most of the original wolfpack were killed (literally only i think 3 of the 36 squad members, 576 battalion members, survived), they changed their colour to grey, to honour their fallen brothers.
so when i say that suds was in the 104th when it was maroon but not grey, it means that very early into the clone wars, he was killed. in my head (which is his canon hehe) he managed to escape into one of the lifepods, but was beside the soldier calling for help over the comms. his lifepod is cut open, and he is jettisoned into space, where he, without his armour, dies. bench is the first to find out, as he is on obi-wan's battalion and therefore hears about it sooner. otto doesn't find out for nearly two standard months, the first time he and bench are on leave...
(as soon as i created suds, i knew how he was going to die. and he got his name because of an incident where the three of them filled a washer with all their shampoo and soap rations when they were cadets)
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missguomeiyun · 3 months
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Now that the 104st Downtown Farmer's Market is back. I went there last week & checked it out. Glad to see more booths than the last time I went but it is still much smaller than pre-pandemic. Hopefully, more vendors will set up in the years to come if they're keeping the market there.
Besides this item, I did not buy anything else at the market.
Fawkes is a local cafe. They've been doing pop-ups ere & there, & finally, they're opening their store-front soon (on 104th; next to Seoul Fried Chicken). When I went, they were still renovating, but the lady said they're done soon!
Okay ... the cold brew. The texture was smooth & creamy. Too sweet for my personal liking. Worth a try for $6.50 =/ but I wouldn't buy again. It kinda reminded of the Asian instant coffees .. like the 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 stuff.
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crosshairscrustysock · 6 months
Just some helmet sketches of my ocs and a little bit of background
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Brody-(CT-1209) 104th battalion
“son of a karabast!” “Laser brain”
Heavy weapons specialists
First battle : battle of geonosis 1
Kidnapped and held hostage by separatists during battle of Ryloth. Brody’s throat was slit executioner style but the wound would turn out to be non fatal leaving a nasty scar across his throat. Brody was only then rescued after witnessing the death of his brother - Scooter-
Heavy grief lead to substance abuse and personality shifts
Scooter-(CT-1210 [formally 104st]
“Karkin hell dude”. “Holy sith”
Flame thrower (Bt X-42 )
First battle : battle of genonosis 1
Kidnapped and held hostage by separatists during battle of Ryloth
Died on the planet of Ryloth
executed (22 BBY)
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demondmayhew016 · 10 months
Watch B Not for Sale (Remix) on YouTube Music
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queen-breha-organa · 3 years
Comet hangs inspirational posters in the 104th barracks, much to the annoyance of literally everyone except Plo and Ahsoka. (Plo thinks it’s good to encourage positivity and Ahsoka thinks the posters are fun)
And when the mood is low, he always refers to them. Like after a terrible mission.
And with a completely straight face, Comet goes over to Wolffe, rests a hand on his shoulder, and points to his favorite sign and says “Hang in there Commander”
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Needless to say, Comet has to run really fast to avoid being smacked upside the head.
It definitely raised everyone else’s mood though.
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patitok · 7 years
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Own your tan
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itsagrimm · 3 years
The clones were playing football against each other since they were cadets, training their endurance, strategy and teamwork.
During the clone war, they still tried to have matches with derby days happening when two legions had enough down time on coruscant.
The 212st and 501st played a friendly game which the 212st won because Cody scored a winning goal by roundhouse kicking the ball in the last minute.
The 41st elite corps and the 21st nova corps refused to take the game seriously. Bacara kicked off the game and then they all laid around the field in the sun for 90 minutes, enjoying their free time.
However, nobody knows why but Wolffe and Fox had something to settle and basically used the match between 104st and the corrie guard to shout insults and shoving each other into the dirt until referee kal skirata kicked them off the game. Thorn and Sinker decided to abandon the game in the name of their respective teams and they all went to 79's instead, celebrating not having their commanders at each others throat. wolffe and fox would join them there only to fall asleep cuddling in one of the boots of the bar.
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kiwikipedia · 4 years
Echo: General, can we get stickers when we do a good job?
Anakin: While I have no problem in getting some, may I ask why?
Fives: He saw the 104st “Good Behavior” board
Ahsoka: the what
[meanwhile in the 104st]
Wolffe: I have the most stickers for this week meaning Buir thinks I do the best job
Boost: you’re an asshole is what you are
Comet: yeah but did Plo-Buir give you candy? I don’t think so
Warthog: Or pastries? Yeah, nice try, Commander, I think I win this one this week
Sinker: this was the best idea ever now I just get to sit back and watch them all fight when we all know who the favorite child really is
Plo Koon, to Kit Fisto, watching everything: They do know I hand stickers out after every mission, right?
Kit Fisto: You’ve never given me a sticker, though
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Just One Night: Part 1/2
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Commander Wolffe x Jedi!Reader, Angst, Longing, you read the title
Sequel to Promise You’ll Miss Me
Just One Night: Part 2 (18+)
Summary: Months after what you thought would be your final goodbye to Commander Wolffe, you find yourself in his presence once again. Old feelings come back and you begin to realize just how much you’ve missed him and how much he’s missed you.
A/N: Part two will be up tomorrow and will contain smut. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged. Please do not ask me to if you are a minor. And remember REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS!!!
Word Count: 3.0K
   You let out a huff of frustrated air as you stared up at the ceiling of your quarters.  
   Sleep still evaded you.  When you had first come aboard the Triumphant, you blamed it on the adrenaline still pumping through your body.  You were now well into the dead of night and still you lay awake, wide eyed and plagued with the same thoughts you had since coming back in contact with 104th; Commander Wolffe.
    He hadn’t changed at all since you’d seen him.  Of course he hadn’t.  It was one of the qualities you liked in him so much; rough, blunt, and unmoving.  With everything else going on in the galaxy his consistency was something you had learned to rely on as a padawan.  Even as a general with your own men to lead, he was still the person you trusted most.  The one who made you feel safe.  The one who you were now starting to realize you loved.
    You brushed a finger over your lips at the memory of the kiss he had given you before you left for the 309th. 
    You shook the thought away.  There was a reason it had been a kiss and nothing more.  You each had your duties.  You were a Jedi.  He was a clone trooper.  There was a reason you didn’t try to contact each other in the months following.  There was a reason why you thought you would never see each other again.  Hell, the 104th wasn’t even assigned to your mission in the first place. You needed to let go. 
    But the memory still lingered and it was becoming clear that you wouldn’t let go.  You couldn’t.  You didn’t want to. 
    With a groan, you sat up and swung your legs onto the floor.  Laying in bed was getting you nowhere.  You needed to focus on something else.  Anything else. 
    Without bothering to change out of your sleep shirt and pants, you grabbed your lightsaber and walked towards the training room. You didn’t have far to go.  Your quarters were just off the elevator and only a level down from the barracks and all the other necessaties. 
   A part of you hoped you might run into Sinker or Boost.  You’d even take your own Commander Saber, if only for conversation. But, you had no such luck, instead finding the barracks silent and the training room empty. 
    With a small sigh, you padded to the side of the room.  A large trunk sat at the base of the wall.  Opening it, you easily found the remote.  While the device was usually reserved for younglings, it was simply nice to have on hand even as a Jedi Knight. It helped clear one’s mind and allowed one to be lost in the flow of the force if meditation didn’t do the trick.  What you were surprised, and a little touched by, was finding your old helmet, blast shield and all.  A part of you wondered if Master Plo foresaw you might need the distraction or if he just forgot it was there.  Either way, you were grateful and slipped it on as you walked to the center of the room. 
    You placed the remote on the ground before taking a step back and sliding the blast shield down over your eyes.  Darkness permeated your vision. Reaching out with the force, you turned on the remote and ignited your lightsaber. 
    You could feel it in the air.  It hovered and twisted, hesitant and waiting.
   Three shots.  One at your knees.  Two at your head.
   You moved your blade into position, blocking all three blasts with ease.
   Five shots. Torso, leg, leg, torso, head.
   Five more absorbed into your saber. 
   With a small flick of the wrist, you adjusted it’s difficulty level. 
   The remote went higher, spinning until it was at your back. 
   You twisted just in time, blocking six more shots aimed at your back, head, and legs. 
   You continued the dance, allowing all your focus to go to the remote. 
   No ache came to your muscles.  No exhaustion weighed on your eyelids.  There was nothing except the force.  
   The force, and another presence wandering at the edge of your senses.  
   You focused on the force signature while still never fully taking your mind off the remote.
   A clone, obviously.  Familiar, certainly.  Very familiar. 
   Your stomach flipped and your heart rate spiked as the face of Commander Wolffe came into your vision. 
   You spun around losing all focus except for the man currently walking towards the door.
   “Commander Wolffe,” you called. 
   You could feel him stop mid stride, instantly filling you with relief.  It didn’t last long, as a blast from the remote hit the back of your shoulder. 
   You let out a hiss of pain.
   “General?” Wolffe asked, his tone clear in it’s concern.
   You were suddenly very thankful for the blast shield; it at least particularly hid your embarrassment. 
   “I’m fine,” you assured, rolling your shoulder as you turned off the remote with a flick of your fingers. You always forgot how much those remotes could sting.  “Just wasn’t paying attention.”
   You slipped off your helmet, finally getting a clear view of him.
   Wolffe was out of uniform, which shouldn’t have been a surprise given how late it was.  But, a part of you couldn’t help but stare.  You couldn’t remember if you’d ever seen him without his full armor. 
   He was wearing the standard issue grey sweatpants you knew most of the clones wore during training.  What gave you trouble was keeping your eyes off his shirt.  The fabric clung to his chest, leaving little to the imagination.  The sleeves were also cut short giving an unimpeded view of his well defined muscles. Now you were certain the standard blacks came with no extra padding.  It had been all him the entire time. 
   It was then you became very aware of your own state.  You were still sweating and lightly panting from the exercise.  Your sleep shirt only had the barest of straps and cut lower than anything you’d worn in front of him before.  Hastily, you wiped the sweat from your brow in a vain attempt to look at least a little presentable. 
   “What are you doing here?”
   Wolffe blinked as if coming out of his own trance.  “I heard noise coming from this room and wanted to see what was happening.” He nodded toward the remote.  “Some of the men like to come in here and try their luck.”
   A small smile touched your lips.  “How do they fair?”
   “They get a chest full of lasers,” he answered drly.  “The only question is how much.” 
   You let out a short laugh.  You could only imagine Boost’s face at realizing just how tricky that pesky remote could be. 
   “I’ll leave you to it then,” Wolffe said, once again turning toward the exit. 
   “No wait!” 
   The words came out fast and loud.  Immediately your cheeks felt warm at just how desperate they must have sounded. 
   He stopped, looking at you with a confused expression. 
   All you could do was stare back.  You hadn’t thought about what to say next.  All you knew was you didn’t want him to leave.  It has been so long since you’d been alone together.  You hadn’t realized how much you missed it until that moment. 
   “Do you want me to stay?” he asked, more for your benefit than his own. 
   You smiled gratefully.  “Yes.  Please.”
   He nodded and took a step back into the room. 
   Relief swept over you.  Feeling as if you now had permission to move, you stepped to the side of the room putting the remote and helmet back in their place.  You then closed the chest and took a seat on top of it.  Looking back at Wolffe, you patted the spot beside you as an open invitation. 
   He looked hesitant, but after a moment’s contemplation strided across the room and took a place beside you. 
   An awkward silence followed.  
   You could feel the tension radiating off of Wolffe. He placed himself as far away from you as he could.  His hands stayed in his lap to keep his shoulders from brushing against yours and his eye stayed straight ahead.
   You had hoped to talk to him about the kiss, about how much you’d missed him, and to find out if he had missed you.  But you were afraid to even come close to the subject now.  Just the slightest brush of your skin was liable to scare him away. 
   Maybe you had misinterpreted his feelings.  Perhaps he regretted the kiss and that was why he didn’t know how to act around you.  In a military setting you could easily slip into the roles assigned to you.  In private, it was hard to say what you were. 
   “Thank you for helping us,” you said, the pressure of silence becoming too much.  “We wouldn’t have been able to handle it without you.”
   Okay, that wasn’t entirely true.  Under normal circumstances you and the 309th were perfectly capable of handling a few squadrons of clankers on your own.  The problem was, you had been sent to Lothal on a relief mission.  
   You were often sent on relief missions, partially because of your limited experience as a General and because of your healing abilities.  You hadn’t expected the Separatist to come back for a second round.  While their task force was small, it was enough to overwhelm your small company as you were mainly occupied with keeping the civilians out of danger.  Rather than run the risk of even more death, you made a general call to all Republic ships asking for assistance.  Luckily, the 104st was close by and had nothing else better to do.   
   “You called for aid, we answered.  There’s nothing to thank,” Wolffe said, in his usual gruff tone. 
   “Well, I’m thanking you anyway. So, tough.”
   That at least earned you half a smile.  You’d take it. 
   “How have you been, I haven’t gotten the chance to ask,” you said, trying to keep up your momentum. 
   “Busy, so nothing unusual,” he answered.  “It’s been different without you.”
   “How so?”
    He was silent a moment, his face drawing a perfect blank.  It was unnerving how good a sabacc face the man had.  Even with your abilities, you had trouble reading him at times. 
   “More paperwork.  I think the men got used to having you patch them up.  They’re starting to realize there are actual consequences to punching droids.”
   You had a feeling that wasn’t all, but let out a short laugh anyway.  “To be fair, the 212th does make it look easy.” 
   Another silence followed, this one less awkward than the last. 
   “You did well today,” he said.
   There was an obvious effort to keep his tone neutral, but a subtle softness crept in anyway. A warmth bloomed in your chest at his words.
   “You and Master Plo did most of the heavy lifting,” you said, shyly. 
   He shook his head.  “You were able to recognize when you and your men needed help.  You’ve seen the pride other Generals have, it gets good men killed.  It gets themselves killed.”
   His throat tightened a moment, his words coming out more forcibly than before. “You did your job; you protected your men and the civilians.  Take the compliment.” 
   A sudden irk of frustration tugged at you. All you wanted to do in that moment was pull his face towards yours and make him look at you, just so you could have some clue what was going on inside his head. But, you kept your hands to yourself, crossing them over your chest for good measure.  
   “Okay, I will. Thank you, Commander,” you said, a little more shortly than you meant to.  
   He winced. “My apologies, General. Old habits.”
   You tried to hold on to the irritation but it was no use.  Anger wasn’t something you were accustomed to.  “It’s alright,” you said, before softly adding, “you don’t have to do that, you know.”
   “Do what?”
   “Pretend like rank matters between us.” 
   Something in the air shifted.  Rather than your words bringing the peace you hoped they would, you could feel the tension returning.  Wolffe’s back stiffened once more and a small ripple of something touched you through the force; the need to run. 
   “That’s where you’re wrong,” he said, solemnly. “Rank will always matter between us.”
   He stood suddenly, not daring to look at you.  “I should get back to my quarters.”
   He only made it a few steps before you followed. 
   “Wolffe, wait!”  
   You grabbed his hand.  It was so much bigger than you own, rough from battle, but utterly warm and inviting.  It was then you realized, you had never touched his bare hand before. However, you weren’t given time to enjoy it as Wolffe yanked out of your grip. 
   “Don’t,” he whispered, letting out a shaky breath.  “Please, just don’t.” 
   You stayed silent, holding perfectly still.  You waited for Wolffe to say something, do something.  But he stood there as well, frozen and unsure. 
   “I’m sorry,” you said.  “I didn’t…” You paused, trying to gather your thoughts but all that came from it was an even more tangled mess. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. It’s just...I’ve missed you.”
   Another breath of silence and Wolffe’s shoulders finally loosened before turning to face you.  There was a gentleness to his gaze, something you rarely saw from him.  You wondered if he had shown it to anyone else but you. 
   “I’ve missed you, too.” 
   While the words themselves brought a relief, his tone held a sadness you couldn’t shake. 
   “Then why do I feel a “but” coming on?” 
   An ironic smile tugged at his lips.  “Reading my mind again, jetii’ika?”
   “Call it a feeling.”
   He huffed out a laugh before nodding in defeat. 
   “But,” he began, “no matter how much I’ve missed you, this has to be the last time we see each other.”
   A hand clenched around your heart, not in surprise or hurt at his words, but in recognition of their cold reality.
   “Why?” you said, unwilling to accept it.
   Another laugh came, mocking and harsh.  “Really? You’re asking me that?” 
   You stayed silent.  
   He shook his head, looking away. “Y/N, it took everything in me, to watch you go the first time. I thought, if I gave it enough time, I could get you out of my system. Do my duty like I’m supposed to. For a while, I thought I had. I thought you could just be a memory.  Someone I could forget.” A bitter smile pulled at his mouth. “And then I saw you again.” 
   He turned to you, resolve taking over his features. “I’ve got enough in me to let you walk away one more time.  That’s it.”
   You took a breath, letting his words sink in. Your heart hammered in your chest, knowing the risk that came with what you knew you had to say.
   “Who says I want to walk away?” 
   Wolffe stared at you, before slowly shaking his head. 
   “Don’t talk like that.”
   “Why not?” you challenged.
   “Because you’re you!” he snapped.
   You immediately stiffened.  Wolffe raised his voice sure, but in the heat of battle or at his own men, never at you.  
   He seemed to realize his mistake.  Tentatively, he took a step closer, finally closing the gap between you.
   You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him.  You wanted to try to hold onto this anger.  If he was pushing you away, maybe that could make it easier.  But, the moment he placed his hands on your shoulders, the thought faded away.
   “Y/N, please look at me,” he said, titling his head down to catch your eyes.  You let him, turning your gaze to meet his.  His expression was a mix of admiration and melancholy. It was enough to make your chest ache.
   “You’re so good, Y/N,” he whispered. “You’re wise and kind and everything a Jedi should be. You can’t be anything else, just like I can’t stop being a soldier.” 
   His hand moved to your cheek, his thumb caressing your skin. 
   “I won’t have you risking your future, not for me.”
   You knew what he was saying.  You heard the words and understood their intention.  It was how you had justified leaving in the first place. But it wasn’t enough, not anymore.
   “You talk as if I have no say in the matter.”
   Wolffe paused, pulling his hand reluctantly away. “Neither of us have a say.”
   “Yes we do.”
   “No we don’t,” he repeated, trying his best to keep his tone calm.  “Do you know what happens if we get caught?”
   “I get kicked out of the order and you get sent back to Kamino,” you answered, sharply. “Don’t treat me like a child who doesn’t understand the consequences of their actions.”
   Wolffe blinked, clearly taken aback by frustration and passion in your voice.    
   You took advantage of his shock, placing your hands on his chest and gripping the fabric of his shirt to keep him from pulling away. 
   “I’ve thought about this Wolffe,” you said, keeping your voice as clear as possible so there could be no doubt of the truth of your words. “I’ve thought about it practically since the moment I met you.  I’ve thought about every possible way this could end and I still want you, can’t you understand that?”
   Your hands slid further up his body until your arms were wrapped around his neck, bringing your forehead to his.
   “I want you,” you repeated, softly. “Do you want me?
   He let out a breath. “Yes.”
   You leaned closer, your lips a hair away from his. “Then have me.”
   Hands went to your waist, not to pull you closer, but to keep your body from completely pressing against his. 
   “I can’t.”
   He didn’t let go of you, even has his words tried to push you away.  There was only one thing left to do in your desperation.  You could only hope you wouldn’t regret it. 
   “Just for one night, then.”
   Wolffe didn’t say anything; a silent second that stretched on for a lifetime.
   “One night,” he repeated, before sealing the deal with a desperate kiss. 
   If it would only be for one night, neither of you would forget it. 
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ccomandercody · 3 years
I’m knitting a cardigan and so here’s sw characters I think knit
Din djarin (no explanation but vibes)
plo koon (he knits sweater for the 104st)
wolffe (plo taught him)
Rey (vibes)
poe dameron (vibes)
Obi-wan kenobi (he has knitter energy)
Commander fox of the coruscant guard (mom friend)
Might make a pt.2
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my-own-oracle · 3 years
A Whispered Melody
A really sweet Anon asked if I wrote for Star Wars. I do, I just am super nervous about sharing because the stories I’ve been writing for Star Wars are really self indulgent. I really wanted to read specific stories and I couldn’t find anything like what I was looking for so I just decided to write them. 
Bellow the cut is part of a Fic I call A Whispered Melody  it centers around the 104st, because I love the wolf pack. Please let me know if you like it. 
Announcer's voice: Trouble on Aristin-2, a crashed Techno-union ship, has brought this minor natural planet into the forefront of the war. The Techno-union has taken to blocking the space around Aristin-2, demanding the return of a crashed pod from the peaceful world. Republic sympathizers send word to the Jedi council, saying the locked pod holds ‘Separatist secrets or even battle information.’ General Plo-Koon and the 104th are sent to retrieve the pod and whatever secrets it has. 
Shouts ring throughout the Triumphant as clone personnel hurry to different battle stations. Commander Wolf and General Plo-Koon stood before the holographic paces of the Jedi council, briefing the leading minds on their approach and strategies before the first attempt. 
"And still no information about what resides within the pod?" the general asked calmly. Wolffe always appreciated the calm General Plo-Koon had about him, and even now, as he knew he and his brothers were about to go and fight to free a planet not a part of the republic, The calm presented before him was all he needed to know that whatever happened would be fine as long as the general was in command.  
"No, whatever the pod is full of must be valuable, though," Wolffe watched as General Kenobi stroked his beard. His blue holographic form flickered slightly as he spoke. "Or else the Techno-Union wouldn't place themselves out in the open like this." 
"Agree with master Kenobi; I do" Master Yoda's short-form stepped closer to the projector. The old master did not bother to hide the concern on his face. "A strange feeling, I have. Not as it seems, this mission is." 
"The 104st will proceed with caution; I have faith that my men will be able to retrieve this pod and whatever is being held inside." a wave of peace washed over Wolffe, allowing his muscles to relax, if only a fraction. He had been through hell with his general, and he was pleased to be reminded that his general had the same faith in him and his brothers that they held for their Buir. 
The standard small bow was exchanged as the two sides ended communications, and Wolffe turned to give a last-minute brief to his men. 
"Wolffe." the commander turned to his general, not liking the concerned look on his face. "While I have full confidence in our men, I am concerned." the general approached, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I, too, have a strange feeling about the events that will be unfolding, and I want us all to remain vigilant. Especially since we have a new group of men joining us, and I don't want their first mission to end in tragedy if possible." 
Wolffe unclipped his bucket from his hip before looking back up to his general. He wondered if all of the Jedi were this kind to their men, caring about their wellbeing. "Of course, commander."  
The wolf pack was the best group of men in the GAR; anyone who claimed differently was a fool, at least that's what Wolffe believed. They were a good group of men, and not a single group of men could be found that were more loyal, coordinated, and interconnected as them. But Wolffe never said it. He didn't want the boys thinking he had a soft heart. 
"Get down before someone sees." Sinker barked. A vein in Wolffe's forehead felt strained. He mentally prepared for whatever could be going on in the main hanger in the Jedi cruiser. 
Boost, Warthog, and Sinker were standing at the nose of a gun-ship looking upwards. The latter looked angrier than his two other brothers. Boost and Warthog seemed to be laughing. Laying on top of the ship was Drifter. One of the newer brothers to be brought into the wolf pack's fold. According to his batchmates, the name had come from his bad habit of wandering from room to room as a cadet back on Kamino. He had luckily never been caught, but his tendency to wander off had become his defining trait. 
The Di'kut was lounging on the gunship's top, acting as if he didnt have a care in the world. 
Wolffe silently approached, his voice coming out in what could almost be perceived as a growl. "What is he doing up there?" 
"Commander." Boost and Warthog both jumped, whipping around to see their brother. While their surprise was slightly humorous, Wolffe cared more about getting answers. More troopers had begun to gather to get their last briefing before entering the fray. 
"He claims he's meditating." The annoyance in Sinker's voice was evident. But not enough for the shiny to feel the need to climb down. 
"I'm not claiming anything. General Shaak Ti told me how to do this once." Wolffe looked back towards Drifter, still laying on the gunship. His only indication of alertness was a single hand waving as he spoke. "I found it helpful before simulations; no need to stop doing it now."
Wolffe wanted to roll his eyes. How had this kid made it out here again? 
Right, his squad's run times were pretty high in comparison to the other teams when graduation had rolled about. 
"Drifter, Get off the ship." The command was clear, and Drifter was smart to realize he would get no leniency from Wolffe. 
"Yes, sir." Drifter slid off the top, landing close to his batchmates. CT8932 and 8934. Both boys had yet to choose or earn a name, and Wolffe hoped they'd find them before too long. 
"Listen up, men," Wolffe turned to address the mass group of men. "We are expecting the Techno-union to retreat pretty quickly. They want to retain the so-called neutrality they have in the war." a few of the men without their buckets on rolled their eyes at that. Wolffe had to resist joining them. "With any luck, we'll land on the surface without much of a fight, retrieve whatever's in the pod, and be back on our way to our primary mission before we blink." Grunts and nods of approval met the CO's gaze. "That being said, I want everyone to remain as alert as ever. The general has his suspicions about what this could possibly be, and he doesn't like it." He kept his tone firm yet calm, not wanting to spook the shinies in the room too much. "Any questions?"
"Do we know what's in the pod yet?" he didnt see who asked the question, but he answered it nonetheless. 
"No, but if the separatists have use for it, we need to get it first." 
One swift nod later, the group dispersed, heading to their stations and readying to head out on the hopefully non-eventful mission. 
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fireemblemtcg · 5 years
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fecipher twitter, 9-8-2019: "Ayra: Isaachian Princess of Swords" and "Ayra: Almighty Astra"
[Card Showcase] Princess Ayra of Isaach was forced to fight against her will when her nephew, the heir apparent Shanan, was taken hostage. But when Lord Sigurd saves Shanan, she allies with his cause. She is a swordswoman of extraordinary talent - surely, one would think, the equal of even a thousand men. The mightiest of foes fall to a single stroke of her sword, while the rank and file are utterly decimated! (Illust. I☆LA)
Card stats/skills:
B17-104N/B17-104ST Ayra: Isaachian Princess of Swords Myrmidon/Cost1 No Symbol/Female/Sword 40ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"Who can say for certain what you will do with Shanan when the battle is done? Fail to honor the bargain, and you will regret it."
Wandering Princess of Swords [ACT] [FLIP 1] Until the end of the turn, this unit's attacks cannot be evaded by non-lord enemies with a deployment cost of 2 or lower.
[ATK] Attack Emblem [SUPP] Until the end of this combat, your attacking unit gains +20 attack.
Illust. I☆LA
S11-007ST Ayra: Almighty Astra Swordmaster/Cost4(3) No Symbol/Female/Sword 70ATK/10SUPP/1RNG
"Fie! The fiends won't live to regret it!"
Flashing Astra [TRIGGER] [ONCE PER TURN] [FLIP 2] When this unit's attack destroys an enemy, you may pay the cost and if you do: Untap this unit.
Wrathful Princess of Swords [ACT] [ONCE PER TURN] [Send 1 <Sword> from your hand to the Retreat Area] Choose 1 "Ayra" from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
Illust. I☆LA
More Fire Emblem Cipher Series 17 translations!
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How to get back into the gym? (28F, 5.5ft, 10.4st) : Fitness How to get back into the gym? (28F, 5.5ft, 10.4st) : Fitness Hi guys, Thought I could ask some people's advice about getting back to the gym.
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