#108 Duped Part 1
hananoami · 5 months
[ Directional Orbit ] Ice - Stage 110 clear VOD
After being stuck on that frenzy stage for over two weeks we've finally made it to Zayne's Directional Orbit: Ice - Stage 110 using my orbit last key for the day! I cleared this stage on Sunday, 05/05. In this video it features both the first and second fight. After many failed runs, and I mean a lot, I was lucky enough clear it in this attempt without having to retry the second part. This trial it requires two teams. To be able to break 2 protocore shield layers in one strike you'll need a perfect match by using the required protofield stellactrum. Team 01's Protofield's stellactrum requires 6-Ruby memories; Team 02's Protofield Stellactrum requires 6-Sapphire memories. By matching the colors you'll also gain an attribute bonus for each matched stellactrum. More details about my run are below.
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Historically I've always struggled when it comes to Zayne's Ruby build... like it's actually cursed if you knew how long it took me to get [Neon Night] and its dupes. Anytime I see an all ruby Protofield Stellactrum for a stage I try to opt out of it in favor of using my highest leveled memories and FS myth pair. However, for this particular stage I could not afford to do that. Still, I had some confidence in my Ruby lunar memories to help carry me through. As for my Sapphire build I had full confidence that I would be able to clear it. The sheer amount of protocores I upgraded to +12 back during stage 108 would surely carry me now, right...? I started off my runs using his Everlasting Song weapon, but then switched to the Hunter Claymore. However that didn't give me the results I wanted so I opted to switch back to his myth staff for the clear (as seen in my video). It took quite a few tries, but we finally cleared it!!
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Additional Screenshots
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Team A team set-up and stat attributes
Weapon: Everlasting Song Companion: Zayne's Foreseer ♡ Affinity Bonus: 86 When you take a fatal blow, Zayne teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3400 || DEF 85 || ATK 170 ] Pair Bonus [NT] - Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 5%. - Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 10%. - Duo Rank 2: reduces squad DMG taken by 5%. - Duo Rank 3: increases squad DMG by 5%.
4☆ Neon Night (ruby/solar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
4☆ Starry Nocturne (ruby/solar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Cozy Afternoon (ruby/lunar) Lv 80 rank 3 using +12 protocores
5☆ Medical Rescue (ruby/lunar) Lv 70 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Drunken Intimacy (ruby/lunar) Lv 70 using +9 SSR protocores
5☆ Exclusive Tutorial (ruby/lunar) Lv 60 using +9 SSR protocores
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Team B team set-up and stat attributes
Weapon: Everlasting Song Companion: Zayne's Foreseer ♡ Affinity Bonus: 86 When you take a fatal blow, Zayne teleports to you, blocks a hit, and counter attacks. Enemies will be knocked back. [ HP 3400 || DEF 85 || ATK 170 ] Pair Bonus [FS] - Starting Effect: increases team DMG by 8%, and reduces team DMG taken by 8%. When fighting together with Foreseer, your Active Skill DMG is increased by 25%. - Duo Rank 1: boosts Ardent Oath charge by 20%. When you and Foreseer are granted with Wards of Curses, team DMG will be increased by 12%.
5☆ Forever Sealed (sapphire/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 1 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Promise Everlasting (sapphire/solar) Lv 80/awakened rank 2 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Business Trip (sapphire/lunar) Lv 80 rank 2 using +12 SSR protocores
5☆ Hearts Within Reach (sapphire/lunar) Lv 80 rank 1 using +12 SSR protocores
4☆ Fragmented Dreams (sapphire/lunar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 and +12 SSR protocores
4☆ Warm Wishes (sapphire/lunar) Lv 60 rank 3 using +9 SSR protocores
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freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Machina Kunagiri Burst Banners Cycle
The banners featuring the Burst or BT weapon of Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 are coming soon in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 1
The Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst or BT
Paine from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Leo Cristophe from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Have everything on this banner except for Machina’s Burst and Paine’s LD. Have fully max limit broken all the 15cp, 35cp, and Ex weapons on this banner.
Machina’s and Leo’s Ex weapons have been Purpled or upgraded to Ex+ 3/3. Paine’s Ex is at base Ex only. Machina’s LD is also fully MLB.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 2
The Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Shantotto from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Burst or BT
Wakka from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Edge Geraldine from Final Fantasy IV - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Missing Shantotto’s BT and Edge’s Ex. Neither are must-haves for me so skipping this banner.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results
But we get a free multi-draw on the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banners as part of the currently ongoing winter campaign.
Banner 2′s free pulls gave me a gold orb. Just ended up with a dupe of Wakka’s LD though. Ah, well. It’s fine.
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And, as it turned out, apparently I never MLB’d the first copy of Wakka’s LD that I got so this dupe wasn’t just a Power Stone after all.
Thoughts about Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
It’s been a long time since Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 (#ad) was first introduced as a playable char in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.
When Machina debuted into the game, he only had his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex weapons. Back then, I planned to pull for him only because I wanted his Ex.
Machina’s Ex gives an A Sphere called Break Hit Base Attack Up Shorter. This Sphere has the following effect:
Raises INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
I wanted to give this Sphere to Zack Fair from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII.
So after getting Machina’s Ex, I readily Purpled it and gave its Sphere to Zack. No regrets. I talk more about that in another post.
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But as I watched the cut scenes in Machina’s event, I ended up liking him, so much so that I Purpled his armor then spent the time to farm for his perfect Artifacts - 3 ATK 108 with Dual-Wielding Star Pupil Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% while Awakening buff active). Even got him 2 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Arts.
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After hearing about Machina’s LD, I looked forward to its arrival on the English or Global version of DFFOO.
It was after I’d obtained Machina’s LD that I decided to give him triple real Spheres.
Couldn’t completely make up my mind on what to equip to him though so, at the moment, he only has the following:
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer (RF) A Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises own ATK by 4% for 6 turns
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ability BRV Gain B Sphere
Increases BRV by 40% of INT BRV after using ability, once per turn *Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack
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A little while after Machina’s LD dropped, Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV and Ardyn Izunia (Ardyn Lucis Caelum) from Final Fantasy XV showed up.
Was able to get their full kits, including their Burst weapons, so I ended up using them way more than Machina.
As a result of that, I ended up kinda regretting giving Yang’s Sphere to Machina, to the point that I actually considered removing it from him.
It’s still on him now because I didn’t want to use a Reset Stone to remove it (a Reset stone will ensure you can remove the Sphere without losing it), and I didn’t know who else to give it to anyway. But I thought I’d definitely remove it if I had someone to give it to.
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Much, much later, I heard that Machina got a Burst weapon in the Japanese version of DFFOO. Was so hyped when I heard about that.
Because I do like Machina. Now I planned to pull for his Burst and fully build him, including giving him triple real Spheres.
Been looking forward to the arrival of Machina’s BT. I’m glad that time will soon be upon us.
So now I’m preparing by trying to decide what I’ll do about his Spheres. Should I replace Yang’s Sphere? If yes, then what should I give to him instead? What about his other Sphere Slots?
Also bought Machina’s High Armor already. Too bad it can’t be Realized yet. Because yes, I’m also going to upgrade his High Armor to Blue.
Machina already has his Bloom Stone and all of his Boards have already been completed. So now I’m just waiting for his Burst weapon.
Aside from Bluing Machina’s High Armor, I’m also planning to upgrade his Burst to Burst+ or BT+ 3/3 or Green. He’s all set to be my second BT+ 3/3 char. The first one was Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0.
Where and how to get Machina’s Burst weapon?
Now about the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1. Haven’t made up my mind yet on whether I should gem or ticket this banner.
Yes, I want Machina’s Burst and, one way or the other, I will have it. Just need to decide how I’m gonna get it.
Right now, I already have more than 50 Burst Tokens so I can use these to exchange for Machina’s BT the moment it becomes available in the Burst weapons shop.
Could also just use gems to pity his BT. I do have more than enough to be able to do so.
Aside from this banner that features Paine’s LD, Machina’s Burst will also show up on the following banners:
banner with Snow Villiers’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) LD and Lion’s (from Final Fantasy XI) LD
banner with Cinque’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) LD and Ursula’s (from Final Fantasy IV) LD
Already have Lion’s LD as well as the rest of her weapons.
Have all of Snow’s weapons except for his LD but he’ll be getting a Burst weapon in the future and when that happens, his LD will be featured on a banner with Lyse Hext’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) LD.
So I can just pull on that banner and get the chance to obtain 2 new LDs and 1 BT. That banner even features Leon’s (Leonhart from Final Fantasy II) Ex which is one of the few Ex weapons that I’m still missing.
So planning to just skip Snow’s LD banner now aside from the free pull. Because of course we’re also getting free draws on all these banners.
Man, DFFOO is too good and generous. Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK), please take notes.
The Cinque and Ursula banner is kinda appealing because I’m missing both of the featured LDs there.
Ursula’s gonna be the latest playable char in this game so I don’t have any of her other weapons yet.
Cinque’s outdated already though and I don’t really know anything about Ursula’s kit so I don’t know how good or meta she is. Haven’t really heard much talk about her so she doesn’t seem like a must-have or something.
On the other hand, I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about how good Paine is as well as how unique she is.
Depending on her current position in the party, she can be a debuffer or buffer. If she’s in the middle slot, then she can be both.
Kinda interested in her but not sure it’s worth it to gem her banner. Maybe I should just try my luck with tickets. Hmm. Definitely need to think about this some more.
If I gem Paine’s LD banner, then I’ll have a higher chance of getting Machina’s Burst.
I’d love to be able to Green Machina’s BT the moment it shows up but I shouldn’t use my Tokens yet to exchange for it.
I need to wait until all the free draws for all of his banners are over before using my Tokens.
The chances of this happening are pretty slim but still, what if a free draw gives me Machina’s Burst? I don’t want to spend 50 Tokens only to end up with a dupe on a free pull.
But if I gem Paine’s banner and just happen to get Machina’s Burst on the way to getting her LD then I can Green it right away and won’t need to wait anymore. My Tokens can also be used on another Burst.
Is it really worth it to gem Paine’s LD though? Sure, she seems good to have, but I don’t think she’s all that necessary. I do have lots of other supports and debuffers already.
And it really seems like a waste to gem a banner where I’m only really after 1 or 2 weapons. Maybe I’m better off just using tickets here then I can save my gems for other upcoming banners.
Heck, the Cinque and Ursula banner seems way better if only because at least I’m missing a lot more weapons there.
Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
Much later: at long last, after what feels like forever, the first Machina BT banner is finally here.
The free multi-draw on the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1 gave me a gold orb which turned into a dupe of Paine’s Ex. Aww, too bad that hadn’t been her LD instead.
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Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results
Anyway, after thinking about it some more, decided to just use tickets on the Savage Winds: Elvoret Raid banner 1.
Thanks to Fran’s (from Final Fantasy XII) LD showing up for free and the new events and such that we’ve been having (I talk more about all of these in other posts), have plenty of tickets (714, to be more precise).
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I know the chances of getting Machina’s Burst via tickets will be really low but it’s fine.
I plan to just wait and then Token it after the Ursula and Cinque banner shows up unless I happen to get it via the other free multi-draws we’ll be having.
Got the usual bonze and silver trash and gold dupes while pulling. Then, a bit later on, a gold orb showed up.
I thought I was gonna get something crappy again since I kept seeing bronze and silver crap.
Then the last item appeared. It was the only gold on this pull and it turned out to be -
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My very first copy of Paine’s LD! Hell, yes! So happy to see this.
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Still have 634 tickets left when Paine’s LD showed up. Missed out on Machina’s BT but still happy anyway since Paine’s LD came home. Done with this banner now.
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Paine from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2
Purpled Paine’s Ex and MLB’d her LD. Completed all of her Summon Boards. Got her Bloom Stone. Bought her High Armor and Realized it to 0/3.
Unlocked the tiles on her Char Boards that would give me her LD Call ability and LD extension passive.
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Equipped Paine with triple RF Spheres. It took a while but I also managed to get her triple of her preferred Artifacts - 3 ATK 108 with Warrior of the Gullwings Boost★★ (Raises own INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% while Dressphere active).
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
Don’t have Machina’s BT yet but since his High Armor can now be upgraded, I decided to spend the resources to Blue it already.
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A bit later on, I also finally decided what to do about Machina’s Spheres. Chose to keep Yang’s and Celes’s Spheres equipped to him.
Then I Purpled a dupe Vayne Carudas Solidor (from Final Fantasy XII) Ex for his Sphere.
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Machina now has the following Spheres:
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ability BRV Gain B Sphere
Increases BRV by 40% of INT BRV after using ability, once per turn *Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack
I thought I’d get the best of both worlds and give Machina both an ATK up and BRV damage up Sphere. He even gets MAX BRV up as well thanks to Yang’s Sphere.
Intersecting Wills: Parted Hopes Banner
The Intersecting Wills: Parted Hopes banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - Burst or BT only
Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Lion from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Relm Arrowny from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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The only things I’m missing on this banner are Snow’s LD and Machina’s BT.
Intersecting Wills: Parted Hopes Banner Free First Multi-Draw Results
I still plan to just skip this banner other than doing the free first multi-draw that we’re getting thanks to the currently ongoing winter campaign.
I can just pull for Snow’s LD when he gets his BT because it really feels like a waste to pull on this banner when I’m only missing 2 items here.
Snow’s LD and BT banner with Lyse’s LD and Leon’s Ex is way better for me since I have the potential to get more new relics from there.
But apparently the game wants me to have Snow’s LD right now because I just did the free multi-draw and this showed up at the end -
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My very first copy of Snow’s LD! Hell, yes! Also, welp. Color me surprised. Was totally not expecting this at all. But super thankful and very pleased to see this.
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Man, did I mention that I love DFFOO? Because I really do love this game. Sure, there are some things that I don’t like about it, but there are plenty of things to love about this game.
Anyway, aside from Snow’s LD, also ended up with a dupe of his Ex. Now I really am done with this banner.
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Gentle Fist Banner
The Gentle Fist banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - Burst or BT only
Cinque from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Ursula from Final Fantasy IV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Freya Crescent from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Missing all of Ursula’s weapons. Also missing Cinque’s LD and Machina’s BT.
Gentle Fist Banner Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of the currently ongoing winter campaign, we get a free multi-draw on the Gentle Fist banner.
The free pull gave me a dupe of Cinque’s 15cp. Meh.
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Gentle Fist Banner Tickets Pulls Results
Currently have 944 tickets on hand.
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Decided to use 40 of them. One 10-pull gave me my first copies of Ursula’s 15cp and 35cp. This also automatically recruited her into my party.
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The rest of my pulls gave me crap. Still have plenty of tickets so was wondering if I should keep going.
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After thinking about it some more, decided not to. Sure, Ursula and Cinque would be nice to have but neither seemed all that necessary. Also didn’t think I’d really build either of them even if I manage to snag their LDs. 
Besides, the next event after this one will mark the beginning of the Crystal Level and Level 90 Awakenings.
A few chars will be Awakened so they can now go from Crystal Level and Level 80 to 90. Neither Ursula nor Cinque will be Awakenable yet so I think I’m better off just pulling for them during Ursula’s Lost Chapter event banner.
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
All the banners featuring Machina’s Burst weapon are now here. Didn’t get his BT from any of my pulls, free or otherwise, so now it’s time. I can finally use my Burst Tokens to get Machina’s BT.
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Exchanged 50 of my BT Tokens to get Machina’s Burst Weapon, Dreadnaughts (0).
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As soon as I got it, wasted no time in spending the Book and Ingots needed to upgrade it to Green or BT+ 3/3.
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Equipped it to Machina. Now he’s finally complete. Can’t wait to start using him.
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So, what about you? Did you pull for Machina Kunagiri or any of these other chars? What do you think about these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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warehouse13pod · 5 years
Show Notes 108A Duped - Part 1
Down the rabbit hole we go, Agents!
Here they are! At long, long last—the show notes for 108 “Duped!”
These notes cover 108 “Duped” Part 1.
You can listen to it in this embedded player:
Or on Youtube:
Let’s jump right in! 
Miranda and I started this episode with some fun facts about ourselves. Mine was that I once got a pillow from Sargento that said “Sweet dreams are made of cheese,” because I complimented it online.
First of all, here’s the song it references.
Now, here are the tweets of how it happened. Here’s the Tweet I saw from Warehouse 13 co-creator and legendary TV writer/producer, Jane Espenson and the conversation that followed:
And at this very moment, that pillow is serving as a laptop cushion.
Now, onto the show.
This week’s writer appreciation focused on another writing team, Benjamin Raab and Deric A. Hughes who shared some awesome behind-the-scenes pix with us on twitter! After we released the episode, Ben tweeted at us and told us the crew let Ben and Deric cameo on every episode they wrote/produced. Here’s the pic from “Duped!” They were on the elevator with Pete!
We got that tweet and some good corrections and fun facts from Ben and Deric themselves! What up, dudes‽
Miranda says that we start the episode “en media res” which means “in the middle of things” in Latin. Here’s a link to what it means in terms of narrative storytelling.
Later, we also compared Myka’s dress in the pilot…
…to her dress in Duped.
Great work by the costuming/hair/makeup team on emphasizing all the subtle ways that Myka was Not Normal™
Because we love to give due credit, so, the people responsible are
Costuming: Joanne Hanson
Hair: Susan Exton-Stranks
Makeup: Marie Nardella
We also have a good laugh talking about how Pete miscategorizes Alice in Wonderland as Chick Lit.
Alice in Wonderland is obviously not Chick Lit (although there’s nothing wrong with Chick Lit).
This led us to a brief discussion of how Miranda’s sister trolls her by calling “Doctor Who” Mister Who. That already wasn’t accurate, but now it’s especially inaccurate as The Doctor is a woman! As a side note, I personally would buy a T-Shirt that said “Mister Who” on it just to make a laugh. Anyone else? Anyone?
Next up, Miranda noticed that Pete was wearing a North Canton, Ohio t-shirt and connected the dots that Eddie McClintock himself is from North Canton. Further proof that Eddie and Pete are essentially the same person.
Speaking of Eddie, this is also the episode where we learned that Eddie was voted the 82nd Sexiest Man Alive, according to TVBuddy. Alas, alack, the link to the list is now dead. So I can’t link it. I tried.
Next, we talked about how amazing Eddie is at doing an impersonation of Myka sticking her neck out when she’s mad.
In the Warehouse, an artifactified disco ball plays Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive.”
Here’s that song:
When Act II starts we get some really orange lighting that plays right into our color theory. I couldn’t find a picture of that scene and Amazon won’t let me screenshot, but, in general, most cinematography of Myka in this episode is very orange. Here are a couple examples of how orange most things are that involve Alice in this episode:
Then we talked about how weird it was when Myka actually took one of Artie’s pastries.
Actual footage of my face when she took one:
Actual footage of my face when she took SECONDS:
Then we got the introduction of Gary and Jillian Whitman—this week’s red herring bad guys and focus of this week’s dual Actor’s Spotlight, courtesy of Miranda.
Gary was played by Niall Matter.
Miranda recommended watching the TV show he was on called The Best Years.
Jillian (my name-thief) was played by Erica Cerra.
Miranda noticed a subtle Walt Whitman reference and gave the dates of his life and Lewis Carroll’s/Charles Dodgson’s life.
Walt Whitman: 1819 - 1892
Lewis Carroll/Charles Dodgson: 1832 - 1898
There will be a lot more information about Lewis Carroll/Charles Dodgson in the show notes for Part 2 of this episode.
Then we talked about how Artie was a tad too aggressive in telling Claudia to “back off!” and how this all reminded us of a scene in The Importance of Being Earnest where two characters grumpily eat cakes. Miranda later specified that it reminded her of the scene where Jack and Algernon eat muffins. Meanwhile, it reminded me of the scene where Gwendolen and Cecily get passive-aggressive over whether tea should be enjoyed with bread and butter or with cake.
Here’s a snippet of the scene Miranda was thinking of:
 Algernon.  If it was my business, I wouldn’t talk about it.  [Begins to eat muffins.]  It is very vulgar to talk about one’s business.  Only people like stock-brokers do that, and then merely at dinner parties.
Jack.  How can you sit there, calmly eating muffins when we are in this horrible trouble, I can’t make out.  You seem to me to be perfectly heartless.
Algernon.  Well, I can’t eat muffins in an agitated manner.  The butter would probably get on my cuffs.  One should always eat muffins quite calmly.  It is the only way to eat them.
Jack.  I say it’s perfectly heartless your eating muffins at all, under the circumstances.
Here’s a snippet of the scene I was thinking of:
Cecily.  May I offer you some tea, Miss Fairfax?
Gwendolen.  [With elaborate politeness.]  Thank you.  [Aside.]  Detestable girl!  But I require tea!
Cecily.  [Sweetly.]  Sugar?
Gwendolen.  [Superciliously.]  No, thank you.  Sugar is not fashionable any more. [Cecily looks angrily at her, takes up the tongs and puts four lumps of sugar into the cup.]
Cecily.  [Severely.]  Cake or bread and butter?
Gwendolen.  [In a bored manner.]  Bread and butter, please.  Cake is rarely seen at the best houses nowadays.
Cecily.  [Cuts a very large slice of cake, and puts it on the tray.]  Hand that to Miss Fairfax.
[Merriman does so, and goes out with footman.  Gwendolen drinks the tea and makes a grimace.  Puts down cup at once, reaches out her hand to the bread and butter, looks at it, and finds it is cake.  Rises in indignation.]
Gwendolen.  You have filled my tea with lumps of sugar, and though I asked most distinctly for bread and butter, you have given me cake.  I am known for the gentleness of my disposition, and the extraordinary sweetness of my nature, but I warn you, Miss Cardew, you may go too far. 
Both of those scenes take place in Act II.
If you read nothing else in these show notes STOP AND WATCH THE FOLLOWING CLIP!
Here’s a clip from an early movie adaptation of The Importance of Being Earnest that features my favorite line delivery of anything ever:
Good luck ever looking at a handbag without thinking of that again.
While we’re on the subject, I played Cecily in the Importance of Being Earnest, so I’m legally obligated to share a couple photos of that as proof:
As a final note on the matter, you can read the entire play from project Gutenberg here (and I recommend that you do, because it’s one of my all-time faves.).
Later, Miranda and I wondered if the infinity tattoo on Myka’s ankle was Joanne Kelly’s or was something Alice did when they got to Vegas. I think someone tweeted at us about this awhile ago. If anyone has that info, I’ll update the show notes with that and credit to the Tweeter.
After that, we discussed Myka’s/Alice’s casual mention of Carson’s Rule of Linear Transfer and her assertion that it means “forced outcomes require tangency.” I posited that this rule is not a mathematic or scientific principle but rather a warehouse-specific rule. The only Carson’s Rule that Miranda and I could find when researching this was an unrelated rule about bandwidth. If you’re super into telecommunications, you can read more about Carson’s Banwidth Rule here.
Backing up a little bit in the episode, we discussed a little bit about the history of disco and disco clubs via exerpts from a written interview with Professor Carol Cooper.
She spoke with us about Studio 54, Vaughn Harper, and the roots of a Studio 54 laying in a black-owned club called Leviticus.
I didn’t mention it in the episode, but that makes the club in Empire (also named Leviticus) a truly nicely named homage to history. Bustle.com did a deep dive on that fact here.
Relatedly, when the disco ball drops earlier in the warehouse, Claudia does her own take on the Saturday Night Fever dance…
…then devastates Artie by incorrectly dating the Disco Era. Find approximate dates and more info here.
Then Miranda compared Deanna Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Tara Maclay from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
First of all, the episode of Buffy that we referenced was Season 4, Episode 16 “Who Are You?”
Second of all, we made a Buffy reference, so… You know… Take a shot.
Then we talked about Myka’s reaction to Pete referencing a rabbit’s foot as a lucky charm.
That was both a great reference to the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland…
…and a great reference to keychains from the 1990s and early 2000s. For those who don’t understand that reference, I was gonna link to some funny pictures from that era, but googling “rabbit’s foot” actually led me to down a sad path, so… like.. Not gonna share that.
Then we talked about how Pete saying “Kirk out
…was an improvised line that referenced Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek: The Original Series and the communicators they used as well as to the flip phones from the era just before warehouse 13 premiered.
Then, both Ben Raab and Eddie McClintock explained that the reaction on set to Eddie saying “Kirk out!” looked something like this…
…until the network gave them the all-clear.
Winding things down for this episode, Miranda and I figured out what a Roulette table looked like:
…and appreciated Claudia’s knowledge of CIA laser mics. Turns out, laser microphones are really a thing!
Finally, for this week’s
…we talked about how off-putting Miranda and I found it when Alice (as Myka) drank both on the job and in front of Pete.
Not all people in recovery are triggered when people drink around them, but some are.
Here is an article from American Addiction Centers on how best to support an alcoholic and support their recovery.
If anyone has resources that they find helpful, we’re always happy to add them to these show notes or create a page devoted to resources for things discussed in our Heavy Themes sections. 
And, with that, we are done with Part 1!
 See you next time, Agents.
16 notes · View notes
peepeegamer · 2 years
217 Classic Fantasy Computer Games That I’m Gonna Laugh If You Don’t Know Them
1. Red Skull Awakening
2. Low Key Theft
3. The Strange Case of the Pope Hat
4. Title Town
5. Holi-nomics
6. Good Girls Don’t Work at the Good Girls Club (Final Continuation)
7. Don’t Touch The W.O.l.l.d.s
8. S-K-I-L-L-I-N-G
9. Coloring Screen Dream
10. In the Eye of the Starer
11. Dance’s For People Who Don’t Have Times
12. You Have To Pee In The Bathtub
13. Bump
14. Let’s Make an Art
15. Felt, Soap, Wax & Washing 2
16. Temple of the Unkillable Horseshoe Crab
17. The Dream of the Red Mansion
18. Sandwich Recovery Bingo
19. Trouble in Science
20. I Know I Am I Know I Am
21. Super Garbage Truck
22. Sympathy Carl
23. Distractor
24. M.O.M.O.N.T.O
25. Super Bags
26. Dirt and Vinegar
27. Steve Wosniak’s Breakout
28. Rise and Shine or The Swing Show
29. Super Secret Cyber Lab (A Whole New World)
30. I Love Happy
31. Nancy Drew: The Clues are in the Clues
32. Hell is for Horses
33. What the Baby Knew
34. Fancy Home Cookin’
35. Friday Night Pirates
36. Niceboy
37. I Know I Am I Know I Am Part 2
38. The Second Coming of the Golden Time
39. It Wasn’t A Robot
40. Wife’s Friend Finder
41. Bloodscream: Burdened
42. TelevanD?
43. Hello Man
44. Do Something
45. Ugly Even Then
46. The Onion Bites
47. Cat Hole Blues
48. The S-L-O-V-E D-R-I-N-G O-N
49. Screams of the Invisible Mouse
50. Alien Hominid Viruses I (and II, III, and IV)
51. Anakin and Padme in the Crib
52. Plastic Crimewave and the Pinball On Fire
53. Hot Hot Hot Hot
54. The Oldest Man in the World
55. The Hum
56. Don’t Touch the Guitar
57. The Bizarre Dog Party Song #1
58. Unlimited 4
59. Do Not Open Door 10 with a Bunch from a Hole a Bunch
60. Trash Breaker Billion
61. A Ride from a Gun from a Dead Gun – You Should Give a Ride from the Handlebars of a Dead Man – Ride Into the Unknown
62. You are a Fuckin Bitch
63. The Big Bang of Now There Were 4 Million Bouncy Balls on the Floor
64. Dial Jus Pop
65. Big Man in Town: Total Bastardization
66. There’s no Way to Hide a Hole Like There is Nothing
67. Pepper Crush
68. Mind Shake
69. Big Score: Fun and Profit
70. You Ain’t Had Good Times in a Long Time by Elton Dean
71. Crunching Bag
72. Whoa!
73. The Pregnancy Experience
74. Paper Clip Splitter
75. Mission to Malfius
76. The Room Where You Live
77. Mayor of the Apes
78. The Legend Reborn 1-5
79. Slip through The Keyhole
80. The Case of the Happy Smiling Bomber
81. Watermines
82. Fruit Chain
83. Micrograms
84. Power to Kiss
85. In The Bizz
86. Don’t Ask The Bear (A Story with Heart, or A Story about Bears)
87. Just Friends: Just Friends
88. Hold On For A Second!
89. Attack the Weird Eyeball
90. International Zone
91. Dupe Corner
92. Soundproof
93. Flirter
94. T.R.A.I.T.
95. Butterfly Screening B
96. Sunday Never Knows
97. Deeply Creepy Poltergeist Activity
98. Sesacrozt
99. Grand Theft Scrooge
100. No Joy At All
101. Yapper
102. Chalk Dust Torture
103. Monkeys are Beating U
104. A Good Job
105. Spoonfight on the Beach (The Boneyard, Part 8)
106. Odd Jobs Done Urka
107. Stilettinian Lingerdictions
108. Claw of Cassadar
109. The Voodoo Show
110. Witch’s Deliverer
111. Freshman Orientation
112. Neon Baby Shower
113. C’est la fin de la saison amoureuse
114. Completely Normal Guy
115. Chantez le Faisant Peau or French Joke
116. From the Body Up (Again)
117. Tears of a Dog
118. My Bic
119. The Saturday Morning Experience
120. Never Give Up
121. Invisitrek
122. Bitch
123. Why Wanna Be a Mousy Bouncer
124. History is Watching You
125. The Man Friday and His Friendly Songs of Good Fortune
126. Charmy Vs Godzilla
127. No One Likes You! No One Likes You at All
128. The Night Of the Bully Bus
129. Is This What You Call Music?
130. Redises
131. Cubes
132. Sesercockatoolz
133. Real Fake
134. Magia Contra
135. S’il Suffis
136. Suffer Now – Be Clean Forever
137. Norman Vandervoort
138. Free to Go
139. The Baking Factory Goes to...
140. The Story of Uncopyrighted Material
141. A Fuzzy Concept
142. The Man Who Cried I’m A Pigman
143. Keep On Bringin That Bad Medicine
144. Judge of the Precious Youngster
145. Character Assassination Smackdown
146. Alien Loves Company
147. Shrink to Fit
148. We Have a Long Story to Tell You: A Musical Story
149. Calling All Cars
150. I Won’t Apologize for Anything
151. Super Secret Cyber Lab
152. Evilution
153. Embalmer’s Rules of Engagement
154. Artesia’s Doom-a-Vision
155. Power Surge 3
156. Cash Taker
157. Faylean Pond
158. You Could Be Mine: A Budweiser Story
159. Black and White in the Red and Green Jungle
160. Don’t Ask Me
161. Have a Nice Day (If You Can Get There Without a Nuclear Missile)
162. Bobcat Trench Run
164. It Is Wrong to Ask the Dead Things What They Want
165. There’s Only a Spoonful of Sugar Left in the World
166. Discover Tams
167. I’m So Lucky
168. UFOMIN at the Carnival
169. Do Not Eat the Grub!
170. The World of Steven Cohen
171. Donut Donnie’smelodeloesverytime
172. From the Body Up
173. Forbidden Games 2 (aka The First Time Part 1)
174. SuperSecretCyberLab
175. Laundry and Other Pleasures
176. The Empire and the Search for a New Emperor
177. Welcome to Holi-nomics, a Place Where Zombies Dance on a Plane Crash Site
178. In the Clink! by Elton dean
179. Redisesuit
180. Scratch the Surface
181. The Hallway Scene
182. Quest for the Magnetic Stylus
183. Passion of the Ranger
184. The White Stuff
185. The S-L-O-D-Watcher
186. Your Pain Is My Personal Broadway
187. Tomorrow Never Knows
188. I Will Become A Raptor
189. Under the Tarp
190. A Fuzzy Concept 3
191. Proctology Class 2 with Professor Zing Zangzong
192. Cars Are Forever
193. The Warm Fuzzy Wuzzy Warmer
194. Butter Mack Dash
195. Refraction Academy
196. Hyena River Files
197. The Very Best of Data Libel
198. Eat It While It’s Hot
199. Lenticular Target Practice
200. S-H-E-E
201. A Fuzzy Concept 2
202. War Man
203. You Can’t Make Friends On Earth
204. The War of Art
205. Cisphallate
206. For the Love of R-rated Batman
207. Trouble in Sunshine
208. Intersecter
209. Dead Handsome Zombie
210. Polygon Man
211. Captain Contessa’s Bullpen
212. Desk Time
213. The Last Laser Dog
214. Sucks on Eggs
215. Chimes
216. Who do I have to Say Fuck to
217. Shift From Painted Black to Pink
0 notes
freyayuki · 6 months
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Kadaj and Leo Cristophe Banners
The Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills story event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.
Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills Banner 1
The Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (#ad) - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Force or FR, and Burst or BT
Leo Cristophe from Final Fantasy VI - Force only
Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Cyan Garamonde from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Kadaj's FR and BT and Leo's FR.
Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills Banner 2
The Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - Force only
Leo Cristophe from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, FR, and BT
Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Alphinaud Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Leo's FR and BT and Kadaj's FR.
Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
I like Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children well enough which is why mine is as fully built and maxed out as he can possibly be.
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Currently, have his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. His Ex has been Purpled or upgraded to Ex+ 3/3. He has his High Armor and it's been Blued.
All of his Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone. He's at Level 90 and Crystal Level 90.
Kadaj has 3 ATK 108 with Remnant Up★★ (While Latent Thoughts active: Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%) Artifacts.
Kadaj is equipped with the following real Spheres:
Garland’s (from Final Fantasy I) Break Hit Raging Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 2% when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break up to 5 times, once per turn
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
The Emperor’s (from Final Fantasy II) Debuff Success Attack Up Longer E Sphere
Raises own ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting debuff on target
So it was always my plan to pull for Kadaj's Force and Burst weapons whenever said items finally showed up in the game.
I like the animation of Kadaj's Burst since it featues Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.
Not at all fond of the animation for his Force weapon though. Kadaj's FR partner is Xande from Final Fantasy III, and I really wish that wasn't the case at all since don't really like Xande all that much.
Ah, well. At least Kadaj's new weapons and latest upgrade make him really good.
It's been a long while since I last got to use Kadaj so looking forward to once again being able to use him, especially in some endgame content.
Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of some campaign or other, we get a free first multi-draw on both of the Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banners.
My free first multi-draw on the Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banner 2 gave me dupes of Leo's 15cp and LD as well as Terra's 15cp and 35cp. Meh.
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Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
My free first multi-draw on the Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banner 1 gave me dupes of Kadaj's 35cp and Cyan's 35cp.
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But aside from that, to my complete and utter surprise, this free pull also gave me my very first copy of Kadaj's Force weapon.
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Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this. Now I just need Kadaj's Burst weapon then I can be done with this banner.
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Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills Banner 1 Free Multi-Draw Tickets Results
Have 3 multi-draw tickets that can be used on either of the Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banners. Decided to use all 3 of these tickets on banner 1.
The 1st ticket gave me dupes of Cyan's LD and Kadaj's LD and 15cp.
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The 2nd ticket gave me dupes of Bartz's 35cp and Ex and Kadaj's 15cp and FR. Ahh, wish that Kadaj FR dupe had been his Burst or Leo's FR instead.
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The 3rd ticket gave me dupes of Kadaj's 15cp and 35cp.
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Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills Banner 1 Multi-Draws Pulls Results
Currently have 1260760 gems on hand. Hopefully, I'll be able to get Kadaj's BT without having to pity it. Getting my first copy of Leo's FR would be a nice bonus as well.
Anyway, here are the results of my multi-draws on the Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banner 1:
3/11 - dupes of Kadaj's 15cp, Cyan's 35cp, and Bartz's Ex
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2/11 - dupes of Kadaj's LD and Bartz's LD
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1/11 - dupe of Bartz's 35cp
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3/11 - dupes of Cyan's 15cp and Ex and Bartz's Ex
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1/11 - dupe of Bartz's 15cp
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1/11 - dupe of Kadaj's 35cp
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Ugh. What awful pulls. Feels like I'm gonna have to pity Kadaj's BT. At least the 4 free pulls we just got will mean it won't cost that much to pity said Burst but still.
Wish that didn't have to happen at all. Would have preferred to pity Kadaj's FR since that would be way cheaper, especially after including the aforementioned free draws.
3/11 - dupes of Bartz's 15cp, Cyan's 15cp, and Kadaj's 35cp
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2/11 - dupes of Kadaj's 15cp and Ex
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2/11 - dupes of Cyan's 15cp and Bartz's Ex
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3/11 - 2 dupes of Kadaj's 15cp and 1 dupe of Bartz's LD
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3/11 - 3 dupes of Kadaj's 15cp
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As I kept on pulling and getting trash and dupes, really started thinking that I was gonna have to pity Kadaj's BT and was basically resigned to that fate already.
So imagine my surprise when my next multi-draw actually gave me a Burst orb.
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Hell, yes! Was really pleased to see this. Really so glad that Kadaj's Burst weapon eventually showed up and that I didn't end up having to pity it after all.
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Had a total of 320 G Tokens by the time Kadaj's BT came home so I very nearly had to pity said weapon anyway.
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This multi-draw only gave me Kadaj's BT but that's fine. Still don't have Leo's FR but that's fine too. Done with this banner now.
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Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills Banner 1 G Token Exchange Shop
Went to the Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banner 1 G Token Exchange shop.
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As mentioned, currently have a total of 320 G Tokens. It costs 400 G Tokens to exchange for a Burst weapon while it only costs 300 G Tokens to exchange for a Force weapon.
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Since I'm still missing a copy of Leo's FR and since I have more than enough Tokens to get it, readily exchanged 300 of my G Tokens for my 1st copy of Leo's Force weapon.
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Now I have 20 G Tokens left but can't do anything with these anymore since the cheapest item in the Shop costs 100 Tokens.
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Anyway, after that, I started maxing out Kadaj but gonna have to talk about that in another post since this one is already nearing the max limit of 30 pics.
So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the Imagining the Future Intersecting Wills banners? What do you think about Kadaj, Leo Cristophe, and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Machina Kunagiri, Iroha, and Onion Knight Banners
The To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.
To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) Banner 1
The To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Force or FR
Iroha from Final Fantasy XI - Burst or BT only
Penelo from Final Fantasy XII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Machina’s FR and Iroha’s BT. Have 1 copy of Zell’s LD that hasn’t been limit broken at all. Have 2 copies of his Ex.
To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) Banner 2
The To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, FR, and BT
Penelo from Final Fantasy XII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Thoughts about Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
I like Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0 (#ad) which is why mine is as fully built as possible.
Right now, have Machina’s 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT fully MLB. His Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple. His Burst has been upgraded to BT+ 3/3 or Green. His High Armor’s been upgraded to Blue.
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All of his Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone.
Machina has 3 ATK 108 with Dual-Wielding Star Pupil Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% while Awakening buff active) and 2 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Artifacts.
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Machina is equipped with the following Spheres:
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ability BRV Gain B Sphere
Increases BRV by 40% of INT BRV after using ability, once per turn *Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack
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Machina is a really good DPS who deals melee damage. He can work in counter and rushdown comps. His FR is pretty good.
Would really like to have Machina’s Force weapon but I’m reluctant to use gems on this banner since I’m really only interested in 1 or 2 weapons here.
It would be nice to get dupes of Zell’s Ex and LD weapons but it doesn’t really matter either way since it’s not like I’m gonna be using him. Zell doesn’t even have his own FR and/or BT weapons yet so he’s been horribly powercrept and outdated by now.
It would be nice to get my first copy of Iroha’s BT but even if I happen to luck into it, currently have no plans of Greening it.
To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of the New Year campaign, we get a free multi-draw on both of the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banners.
Banner 1′s free pull gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Penelo’s LD, Machina’s 35cp, and Machina’s 15cp.
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To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results
My free multi-draw on the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 2 gave me a gold orb.
Was expecting to get a dupe Ex and/or LD. And sure enough, I did get a dupe. Got 1 dupe of Machina’s Ex and 1 dupe of Machina’s LD.
But aside from that, much to my complete and utter surprise, I also got -
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My very first copy of Machina’s FR! Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this.
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This free pull was so super special awesome that it actually gave me 2 copies of Machina’s Force weapon.
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To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results
I’m really happy to see Machina’s FR. Glad I didn’t have to resort to using my gems just to get it.
Actually, I currently have hundreds of tickets on hand, so I was planning to try and ticket Machina’s FR while also hoping to get more dupes of Zell’s LD and Ex as well as get my first copy of Iroha’s BT.
But now that I have Machina’s FR, well, technically, I don’t really ned to pull on the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 1 anymore.
Like I said, Zell’s outdated so have no plans of using him. Also have no plans of upgrading Iroha’s Burst so don’t need it either. It would just be nice to have.
This is probably a bad idea but I ended up deciding to toss a couple hundred more tickets on this banner in the hopes of getting dupes of Zell’s LD and Ex and Machina’s FR as well as my first copy of Iroha’s BT.
I know the chances of getting a Burst via tickets is really low but still wanted to try anyway. I have been able to get a Burst via tickets before, and IIRC, this has happened a few times but of course, there’s never a guarantee when it comes to tickets.
Still, since I currently have 754 tickets on hand, decided to try my luck.
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Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash and a few gold dupes and even 10-draws where not a single gold showed up, here are the results of my more notable 10-draws on the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 1:
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1/10, came from a gold orb - dupe of Zell’s LD
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Penelo’s 15cp and Penelo’s LD
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Zell’s 15cp and Machina’s LD
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Meh. Wish the dupes of Penelo’s LD and Machina’s LD had been Zell’s LD instead.
A bit later on, got yet another gold orb.
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This one gave me 2/10 again but this time I got dupes of Zell’s 35cp and Machina’s FR. Yay for that Machina FR dupe. Too bad the Zell 35cp dupe hadn’t been his LD instead.
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Was down to 674 tickets when Machina’s FR came home for the third time. Since I still have lots of tickets, decided to keep on pulling some more. In retrospect, should have just stopped already.
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After getting yet another dupe of Machina’s 15cp, Machina’s 35cp, and Machina’s LD from yet another gold orb, I decided to stop pulling on the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 1 for now.
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But instead of just saving the rest of my tickets for future and upcoming banners, I found myself looking through the rest of the currently available banners. Guess I still kinda felt like pulling a bit more.
Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness Banner 1
The Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III - FR only
Iroha from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, FR, and BT
Cater from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Rosa Joanna Farrell from Final Fantasy IV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Iroha’s BT. Have a copy of Onion Knight’s FR that hasn’t been limit broken at all so wouldn’t mind getting dupes of said weapon.
Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results
Was down to 624 tickets when I decided to pull on the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 1.
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IIRC, my free first multi-draw on this banner (we’ve been getting lots of free first multi-draws on multiple banners thanks to the ongoing New Years Campaign) just gave me a dupe or 2.
Didn’t bother taking a screenshot since I wasn’t really planning to pull on this banner. Was actually waiting to pull on the Machina banner.
But since I was able to get multiple copies of Machina’s FR already and since it looks like I’m not gonna be able to get Iroha’s BT on the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 1, decided to try my luck on the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 1.
Didn’t get anything good though so found myself going back to the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 1 again.
To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results Part 2
Unfortunately, just kept on getting crap and more crap. Got dupes of Zell’s 15cp and 35cp but didn’t get any more copies of his Ex and LD. And Iroha’s BT is still a no-show.
Also got a gold orb that turned into dupes of Penelo’s 15cp, Penelo’s Ex, and Zell’s 35cp. Meh. How utterly disappointing.
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Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness Banner 2
The Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, FR, and BT
Iroha from Final Fantasy XI - FR only
Paine from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Aphmau from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Onion Knight’s LD, FR, and BT.
IIRC, my free first multi-draw on this banner also gave me a dupe or 2.
Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness Banner 2 Daily Free Single Draw Results
Each day, we get 1 free single draw on any one of the currently available banners in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.
Since the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banners have shown up, I’ve been using my free daily draw on the banner with Onion Knight’s BT.
I want Iroha’s BT more than Onion Knight’s BT. But I still opted to pull on the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 2 instead since I was hoping that I’ll be able to get Iroha’s Burst while pulling on the Machina FR banner.
Plus, I’m also missing Onion Knight’s LD so it’d be nice to be able to get that as well.
Don’t really have any plans of building Onion Knight even if I happen to luck into the rest of his kit though.
Wasn’t really expecting to get anything from these free single draws. It’s really rare to get a gold from these pulls. It’s happened before but more often than not, I just get the usual bronze and silver trash.
Then one day, I actually ended up with my very first copy of Onion Knight’s Force weapon.
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Welp, color me surprised. Totally wasn’t expecting that at all. I got a regular blue orb so was expecting to see nothing but the usual bronze or silver trash.
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It was great to see something new even if I’m still not really planning to build Onion Knight. Don’t even have his LD or BT yet.
For a moment, I actually thought about tossing some tickets on this banner but managed to refrain from doing so. After all, it was better to just wait for the Machina FR banner. 
Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness Banner 2 Tickets Pulls Results
Since I wasn’t getting anything good from the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) banner 1 and the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 1, decided to try my luck on the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 2.
By now I’m down to 514 tickets. Should probably stop pulling already but couldn’t seem to help myself.
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I wish Onion Knight’s LD was on the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 1 too so I can just keep on pulling there while hoping to get a copy of Iroha’s BT.
Anyway, got the usual bronze and silver trash and gold dupes. Then, a bit later on, got a gold orb which turned into -
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My very first copy of Onion Knight’s LD. Nice! Super pleased to see this even if I’m not gonna bother to limit break it for now. At least I was able to get something new. Now if I could just get Iroha’s BT or even Onion Knight’s BT too.
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This 10-draw only gave me Onion Knight’s LD. And I was down to 494 tickets when I got said LD.
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Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results Part 2
After getting Onion Knight’s LD, went back to the Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banner 1 since I prefer to get Iroha’s Burst over Onion Knight’s.
Here are the results of my more notable 10-draws on this banner:
1/10, came from a gold orb - dupe of Cater’s LD
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4/10 - dupes of Cater’s 15cp, Iroha’s Ex, Rosa’s 15cp, and Iroha’s 15cp
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When I was down to 404 tickets, decided it was time to stop pulling. It’s really too bad that I missed out on Iroha’s BT and even Onion Knight’s BT but didn’t want to pull anymore. By now, it felt like I was just wasting tickets since I kept on getting crap and more crap.
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Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
Used the 2 dupes of Machina’s FR that I got to limit break my first copy. Then spent the 4 High Power Stones needed to finish fully max limit breaking said FR.
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On a side note, I really like the background color of a maxed out Force weapon. It’s such a lovely shade of blue. What do you think?
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Anyway, after max limit breaking Machina’s FR, equipped him with its passive. Also equipped Machina with my Level 3 of 5 Short Sword Ultima Weapon. Looking forward to trying out Machina and his FR on a Shinryu (level 300) quest.
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So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the To Where I Walk With My Determination (Intersecting Wills) and Act 3 Finale, Part 2: Flood of Darkness banners? What do you think about Machina Kunagiri, Iroha, and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dorgann Klauser and Celes Chere Banner
The Guardian of the Crystals event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 1 banner.
Guardian of the Crystals Banner
The Guardian of the Crystals banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI - Burst or BT only
Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and Force or FR
Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Lyse Hext from Final Fantasy XIV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Dorgann’s weapons. Dorgann is the latest playable char to be introduced in DFFOO so have nothing for him.
Thoughts about Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V
I like Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V (#ad) well enough, I suppose, although definitely wouldn’t call him a fave or anything.
It might be more accurate to say that my feelings towards him are neutral. I neither like nor dislike him. Don’t really know much about him.
Dorgann’s pretty good but I don’t think he’s meta or all that necessary. I mean, I don’t think I really need to pull for him.
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He’s a pretty good wind elemental DPS who deals decent enough damage. He also has this gimmick of doing a follow-up attack every time a char breaks an enemy.
Because of this, he has pretty good synergy with Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. That’s because one of the effects of Seph’s BT+ is that it will set the BRV of all enemies to 1 for 4 turns.
Sephiroth is actually the main reason why I’m interested in Dorgann. I talk more about this in other posts, but I’ve been using Sephiroth for Lufenia (level 200), Lufenia+ (level 250), and Shinryu (level 300) quests basically ever since I got his LD and BT.
My Sephiroth is as fully built and maxed out as he can possibly be. He is Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. His 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT are fully MLB. His Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple. His Burst weapon has been upgraded to BT+ 3/3 or Green.
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Seph’s currently equipped with a Level 5 of 5 Greatsword Ultima Weapon. His High Armor’s been upgraded to Blue. His Summon Boards, Character Enhancement Boards, and Force Enhancements have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone.
Sephi has 3 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts and 3 Attack 108 with One-Winged Angel Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts.
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Sephiroth is equipped with the following real A Spheres:
Edgar Roni Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Debuff Power
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% while an enemy is debuffed
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power
Raises BRV damage dealt with critical hits by 10%
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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Sadly, it’s been a while since Sephi last got updated so he’s been kinda powercrept by now. He still works well enough, and I have been able to keep on bringing him to endgame content but still.
He could definitely use another rework and upgrade. Heck, he doesn’t even have a Force weapon yet, not even in the Japanese version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.
Really looking forward to the time wherein he’ll finally get his own FR. I hope he gets a good one.
Anyway, I was thinking about pulling for Dorgann so I can use him with Sephiroth.
But I don’t know if I really want to spend the resources needed to build Dorgann. I don’t know if it’ll be worth it to do so.
Ahh, if these resources weren’t so scarce, I’d readily build and max out all my chars in this game. As it is, really have to be selective in who to build.
Guardian of the Crystals Banner Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of the Black Friday campaign, we get a free multi-draw on the Guardian of the Crystals banner.
Wasn’t really expecting to get anything good from the free pull. I thought I’d just end up with a dupe or 2. So imagine my surprise when a Burst orb actually showed up.
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OMFG! Totally wasn’t expecting this at all. Didn’t think I’d actually get a Burst orb from this free draw. Wow! This is great!
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I’m pretty sure this isn’t the first Burst weapon I ever got from a free pull. But at the moment, can’t remember which BT I got for free and when such an incident happened.
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I’m pleased to see this Burst orb and Celes’s BT. It’s just that - well, it’s just too bad that I already have a copy of Celes’s Burst so the one I got just now was nothing more than a dupe.
Ah, well. At least dupe Bursts can be sold for 5 BT Tokens. You can then use 50 Tokens to exchange for a Burst weapon of your choice.
Anyway, this was still a really good free draw. Aside from Celes’s BT, this pull also gave me a dupe of Lyse’s 15cp.
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Guardian of the Crystals Banner Tickets Pulls Results
Still not sure if I want to fully build Dorgann or not. For now, decided to see if I can get all of his weapons using my tickets. Don’t want to gem this banner since I’m not even sure if I’ll bother to max out Dorgann even if I get all of his gear.
Currently have 219 tickets on hand.
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Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash, including 10-draws with not a single gold, and 15cp and 35cp gold dupes, also got the following:
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Lyse’s Ex and Galuf’s 15cp
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To my surprise, it wasn’t long before a Force orb showed up. Nice.
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Super pleased to have gotten my very first copy of Dorgann’s FR.
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This is the first weapon I ever got for Dorgann since I decided to pull on the Guardian of the Crystals banner first before playing through the story event that came with this banner.
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So getting this weapon also automatically recruited Dorgann and added him to my chars or allies list.
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As if getting Dorgann’s FR from this 10-draw wasn’t already more than enough, this pull also gave me my very first copy of his LD.
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Hell, yes! Awesome pull is awesome. Now I just need Dorgann’s Ex then I can be done with this banner.
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We’ll get a free copy of Dorgann’s 15cp just by playing through his event. Then I can just use my Weapon Tokens to exchange for a copy of Dorgann’s 35cp.
Was down to 199 tickets when Dorgann’s FR and LD came home.
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1/10, came from a gold orb - dupe of Galuf’s LD
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Meh. Wish that had been a dupe of Dorgann’s LD instead so I could have used it to limit break the copy I already have.
Also got 10-draws that gave me copies of Dorgann’s 15cp. Have yet to see his 35cp or Ex though.
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4/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Lyse’s 15cp, Dorgann’s 15cp, Lyse’s Ex, and Dorgann’s 15cp
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Galuf’s Ex and Lyse’s 15cp
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Ugh. Wish that Galuf Ex had been Dorgann’s instead so I can be done with this banner already. Dorgann Ex, doko da?
As my ticket count started dwindling, I began to lose hope of ever seeing Dorgann’s Ex.
Thankfully, Dorgann’s Ex eventually showed up. It came from a gold orb.
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Really pleased to see this weapon. Now I can finally be done with this banner. Still don’t have Dorgann’s 35cp but it’s fine. I’ll just Token it.
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This 10-draw also gave me a dupe of Lyse’s 35cp.
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Was down to 89 tickets when Dorgann’s LD came home. So glad I was able to get Dorgann’s EX, LD, and FR before running out of tickets.
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Dorgann Klauser from Final Fantasy V
Had enough dupes of Dorgann’s 15cp to be able to fully MLB my first copy without having to use a single Power Stone.
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Haven’t even played through the Guardian of the Crystals story event yet so still haven’t gotten the free Dorgann 15cp.
Have 1473 Weapon Tokens or Power Tokens, so I readily spent the 100 I needed in order to get 4 copies of Dorgann’s 35cp. This way, wouldn’t need to spend a single Power Stone in order to MLB said weapon.
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After limit breaking Dorgann’s 15cp and 35cp, I eyed the rest of his weapons, wondering if I should go ahead and spend the resources needed to fully MLB them.
After thinking about it some more, I spent the 12 Power Stones needed to MLB Dorgann’s LD.
Then I spent 12 more Power Stones to MLB his Ex. Also spent the Book and 3 Ingots needed to Purple Dorgann’s Ex or get it to Ex+ 3/3.
I equipped Dorgann with his Force weapon but couldn’t bring myself to spend the High Power Stones needed to fully MLB it. At least not yet and not right now. Still need to think about this some more.
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I got all of Dorgann’s armors and spent the resources needed to MLB all of them. Also got his High Armor and spent the Book needed to Realize it to 0/3. For now, opted not to Blue his High Armor.
Got Dorgann to Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. Bought his Bloom Stone. Completed all of his Summon Boards but didn’t get any of his Force Enhancements yet.
Unlocked parts of his Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me his LD extension passive.
Equipped Dorgann with the following RF Spheres: Seven’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) RF A Sphere, Edgar Roni Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) RF A Sphere, and Seymour Guado’s (from Final Fantasy X) RF E Sphere.
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Started farming for Dorgann’s Artifacts but I’m having trouble getting him triple of his preferred Arts which is 3 ATK 108 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ (While With Precious Memories active: raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%).
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I keep getting crappy and useless Arts. Also somehow ended up with a few ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 and MAX BRV 330 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ Artifacts.
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Well, the Guardian of the Crystals event is still ongoing so gonna keep on farming the co-op quest so I can get more of Dorgann’s Eidojas. Hopefully, I can get his perfect Artifacts soon.
In the meanwhile, also need to think about what I’m gonna do about Dorgann. Should I max him out and fully build him? Doing so is gonna cost me a lot.
I’m not even sure how useful he’s gonna be. I mean, I know he comboes well with Sephiroth but right now I already have other chars that I’m using with Sephi, and these chars are really freaking good.
I’m talking about Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII and Rinoa Heartilly from Final Fantasy VIII. They’re my current main DPS. I just switch between the 2 depending on what the fight needs or who I feel like using.
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So my team is usually either Tifa or Rinoa, Sephiroth, and the third is almost always a support like Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII or Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV.
This kind of team works pretty well. Yeah, I wouldn’t say that Sephiroth has much synergy with Tifa or Rinoa. In fact, Tifa and Rinoa would do even better if I dropped Sephi and brought in another support char or a char who can deal off-turn or counter damage or something.
But still. Even if Seph’s the weak link in this team, said team still works well enough. This team can get the job done.
And actually Sephiroth’s damage isn’t that bad since aside from being fully built and maxed out, he’s also wielding a Level 5 of 5 Ultima Weapon. This really helps to boost his damage output, and he gets to deal respectable enough damage.
It’s just that Tifa and Rinoa are so meta that they easily outdamage him. It doesn’t help that my Tifa and Rinoa are also fully built and maxed out. They already have their Force weapons. And they’re carrying their own Level 5 of 5 Ultima Weapon.
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Anyway, the point is, I’m not sure about adding Dorgann to my team. I mean, who am I gonna drop so I can make use of Dorgann?
Obviously, I can’t drop Sephi. So I suppose it’s between my DPS and support but - yeah, I don’t know.
Dorgann doesn’t even have a Burst weapon of his own yet so I don’t think he’s gonna be able to hit harder than either Tifa or Rinoa.
Just took Dorgann to a battle and you know what? He is pretty good. Well, it was an easy quest but still. His playstyle’s pretty interesting.
Seeing him doing his follow-up attacks every time a char breaks an enemy had me seriously considering fully building him.
I started looking up videos of Dorgann in action. Found a lot that showcased him fighting against the boss in his own event’s Shinryu quest. There were lots of vids that included Sephiroth too.
But I couldn’t seem to find much of other videos that showed Dorgann in other Shinryu quests.
After trying to search for more information about Dorgann, I found out that he’s apparently gonna be resisted in a lot of the upcoming Shinryu quests after his event. I suppose that’s the reason why I hardly saw any videos about him that weren’t about his own event’s Shinryu fight.
When I saw that info about Dorgann being resisted for a lot of upcoming Shinryu fights, I lost all interest in fully building him. Now I’m fine with just leaving him like this.
I don’t regret Purpling Dorgann’s Ex or fully limit breaking his 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD but that’s all I’m gonna do for him for now. Not gonna bother to spend any more resources on him. If I’m not gonna be able to use him anyway, then what’s the point?
Update: continued farming for Dorgann’s Artifacts. Must have fused hundreds of Dorgann’s Artifacts by now but have yet to get a single ATK 108 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★.
Instead I just keep getting crap and more crap. Also somehow ended up getting  more copies of MAX BRV 330 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ to the point wherein I eventually managed to get 3 that only cost 5 CP each.
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After what felt like forever, I finally got 1 of Dorgann’s perfect Artifacts. Thankfully, it didn’t take long before I got more copies. Even managed to get 2 perfect Artifacts at once.
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One of them costs 15 CP though. At least I didn’t need to keep this one since I also managed to get another ATK 108 with Warrior Protecting the Seal Up★★ that has a lower CP cost.
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So glad to finally have triple of Dorgann’s perfect Artifacts. Now I can finally stop farming this event’s co-op quest. Already got all the items I want from the Guardian of the Crystals event exchange shop so have no more reason to farm this co-op.
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So, what about you? Did you pull on the Guardian of the Crystals banner? What do you think about Celes Chere, Dorgann Klauser, and all the other chars featured on this banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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freyayuki · 1 year
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Celes Chere Banners
The Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 2 banners.
Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 Banner 1
The Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Burst or BT, and Force or FR
Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Thancred Waters from Final Fantasy XIV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Celes’s BT, Celes’s FR, and Thancred’s LD. My copy of Thancred’s Ex has been limit broken twice. Have all the other weapons featured on this banner fully MLB already.
Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 Banner 2
The Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI - Force or FR only
Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT
Wakka from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
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Have everything on this banner except for Celes’s FR and Zidane’s BT. My copy of Wakka’s LD has been limit broken once. Have all the other weapons featured on this banner fully MLB already.
Thoughts about Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI
I like Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI (#ad) well enough but wouldn’t call her like an absolute fave or anything.
Currently, I have her 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD fully MLB. Her Ex has been Purpled or at Ex+ 3/3.
She has her Bloom Stone. She has triple perfect Artifacts (3 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330) and 0 Spheres, real or otherwise.
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All of her Summon Boards have been completed but only unlocked parts of her Character Enhancement Boards, particularly the tiles that would give me her LD Call and LD extension passive.
For what seems like forever, she’s only had up to her second armor but I recently bought her High Armor so now that’s what she’s equipped with.
I got to use Celes a few times before although since mine wasn’t fully built, she wasn’t my go-to for any endgame content.
Celes is a magical tank who can also imperil enemies and enchant the party with the ice element. She also has some trap-based mechanics in her kit.
And she has some decent enough party-wide auras. Her damage was decent enough as well.
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With the addition of her Burst and Force weapons, Celes becomes even better. She’s not really meta though. Pretty sure I can get by just fine without having her fully built and maxed out.
I would love to have all of her weapons but unfortunately, I don’t have the resources to spare for her.
If I had unlimited resources then sure, I’d gladly pull for Celes and all the other chars in DFOO.
But since I don’t have unlimited resources, need to be more selective in who I build and who I pull for.
So, really, I was all set to skip Celes’s banner but I guess I just kinda, sorta feel like pulling and trying my luck anyway.
Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results
That’s how I found myself on the Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 banner 1. Currently, have 425 tickets on hand.
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Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash, including 10-draws with not a single gold, and 15cp and 35cp gold dupes, also got the following:
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Eiko’s Ex and Thancred’s 35cp
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Eiko’s Ex and Eiko’s 15cp
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1/10 - dupe of Celes’s Ex
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2/10, came from a gold orb - dupes of Eiko’s 15cp and Thancred’s Ex
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Now I can finally fully max limit break my copy of Thancred’s Ex weapon. Too bad I still don’t have his LD. But it’s fine.
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He’s actually already outdated by now so don’t really have any plans to use him. He doesn’t even have a Force weapon or Burst weapon yet.
1/10 - dupe of Eiko’s Ex
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Ugh, why do I keep getting dupes of Eiko’s Ex weapon? This one doesn’t even give a good Sphere. It just heals its user by a small amount. Totally unnecessary when I already have lots of healers.
In fact, this Sphere is so bad that my first and only copy of this is still rotting in my inventory. Have yet to get a char who wants this Sphere and who I want to give real Spheres to.
Anyway, after a few more 10-draws, my next pull gave me a Burst orb.
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Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this. Also really happy to get my very first copy of Celes’s Burst weapon.
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This 10-draw only gave me Celes’s BT but it’s perfectly fine. Still thought this was a really good pull anyway.
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Was down to 225 tickets when Celes’s Burst weapon came home. Now I just need Celes’s FR to complete her kit.
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Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 Banner 2 Tickets Pulls Results
Since I just got Celes’s Burst weapon, I decided to stop pulling on the Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 banner 1 and pull on banner 2 instead.
After all, I’m still missing Zidane’s Burst. Maybe it’ll show up if I pull on banner 2. Wakka’s Ex also gives a good D Sphere (this Sphere raises the party’s ATK and MAX BRV by 5%) so wouldn’t say no to getting more copies of said weapon.
Don’t have Thancred’s LD yet but meh. It’s not like I need it. Not planning to use him either so whatever.
So I went to the Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 banner 2 and started tossing tickets on said banner.
Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash, including 10-draws with not a single gold, and 15cp and 35cp gold dupes (like that time when I got dupes of Wakka’s 15cp, Kadaj’s 15cp, and Wakka’s 35cp), also got the following:
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1/10, came from a gold orb - dupe of Kadaj’s Ex
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After a few more crappy 10-draws, I got another gold orb.
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Was expecting to get the usual Ex or even LD dupe so imagine my surprise when I got Celes’s Force weapon instead.
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Wow! Also, hell yes! Super pleased to see this. Definitely a very welcome surprise.
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This 10-draw also gave me a dupe of Wakka’s 35cp.
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Was down to 145 tickets when Celes’s Force weapon came home.
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Still don’t have Zidane’s Burst but eh. It’s fine. I’m done with this banner. Don’t want to keep pulling since it’s not like I’m planning to Green Zidane anyway.
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI
Fully leveled up Celes’s Burst weapon so I could get its passive. Equipped her with her Force weapon that hasn’t been leveled up or limit broken at all. Realized her High Armor to 0/3.
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And that’s it. That’s all I did for Celes so far. Was debating with myself on whether to go ahead and fully build her by Greening her Burst and Bluing her High Armor and completing all of her Boards and fully max limit breaking her FR and even giving her real Spheres but I don’t know.
Doing all of that will really cost me a lot of resources. Much as I like Celes, I’m not sure it’s worth it to spend so much to fully build her and max her out.
Really don’t think I’ll be able to use her much even if I max her out. After all, she’s not much of a DPS.
She’s a tank but I already have other tanks. And most of the time, I don’t need tanks anyway. Most of the time, I prefer to just go in and end any hard fight as soon as possible.
Most of the time, enemies don’t even get to move, or I just bring a Call to negate their attacks or something.
If resources weren’t so scarce, I’d gladly max out Celes and all the other chars in DFFOO that I’m even slightly interested in.
Maybe someday, sometime in the future, I’ll eventually be able to max out Celes. We’ll see, I guess. For now, just gonna have to leave her like this.
At least she works well enough as-is. She does her job well enough even in this state. Of course, she’d be better if she was fully maxed out but she’s already pretty good even in this state.
Update: much, much later, I ended up giving Celes the following RF Spheres: Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough’s (from Final Fantasy VII) RF A Sphere, Snow Villiers’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) RF B Sphere, and Wakka’s (from Final Fantasy X) RF D Sphere.
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Aerith’s A Sphere raises its user’s magical attack stat, Snow’s B Sphere raises its user’s attack stat, and Wakka’s D Sphere raises the party’s attack and max brave stats.
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Since these are only RF Spheres, the stat ups aren’t that high but they still work well enough. Didn’t want to give Celes real Spheres since I opted not to fully build her and max her out. If I ever Green her Burst and Blue her High Armor, then I’d definitely look into giving her triple real Spheres.
So, what about you? Did you pull on either of the Six-Warrior Quests Area 3 banners? What do you think about Celes Chere, Kadaj, Zidane, and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Garnet Burst Banners Cycle
The banners featuring Garnet Til Alexandros XVII’s (from Final Fantasy IX) Burst or BT weapon is coming soon in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game.
Crevasse β Banner 1
The Crevasse β banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT
Lilisette from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca from Final Fantasy XII - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Have everything on this banner except for Lilisette’s LD and Garnet’s BT.
Crevasse β Banner 2
The Crevasse β banner 2 features the following chars and their weapons:
Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, and BT
Prompto Argentum from Final Fantasy XV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Arciela V. Adoulin from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Have everything on this banner except for Prompto’s LD. Have copies of his 15cp and Ex but they aren’t fully MLB yet. AFAIK, his 35cp is already fully MLB.
Crevasse β Banner 2 Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of DFFOO’s 4th anniversary campaign, we get a free multi-draw on both Crevasse β banners.
The free pull on the Crevasse β banner 2 gave me a gold orb which turned into dupes of Prompto’s 15cp and Arciela’s Ex.
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Crevasse β Banner 2 Tickets Pulls Results
Prompto would be nice to have but not all that interested in him, certainly not enough to throw gems here when I’m only really missing his LD.
Had some tickets to spare though so I tossed a few here. Unfortunately, failed to get Prompto’s LD.
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Was able to finally MLB his 15cp but the same can’t be said for his Ex. Sigh. Ah, well. You win some, you lose some.
Honestly, I don’t even need Prompto. I’d have been better off if I hadn’t wasted my tickets on this banner. At least I didn’t use all of them here but still. I regret using tickets here now. Shouldn’t have bothered.
If I’d gotten Prompto’s LD, then it wouldn’t have been so bad. As it is though, just felt like I wasted a bunch of tickets that I could have used elsewhere.
Update: why can’t I leave this banner alone? Somehow, I always seem to find myself going back here and to the Lilisette banner. Don’t need Prompto or Lilisette.
Wish I could stop myself from wasting tickets on these banners. Sigh. It feels like all my tickets just give me nothing but trash.
Sometimes, I’d even end up with 10-draws that don’t have a single gold item. Feels bad, man.
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The one time I actually got an LD on this banner, it turned out to be Lightning’s instead of Prompto’s. Argh! Why’d this have to happen?
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Crevasse β Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
The free multi-draw on the Crevasse β banner 1 gave me nothing more than a dupe of Lilisette’s 15cp. Meh. Bad pull is bad.
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Thoughts about Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX
The Burst weapon of Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX (#ad) is a Global-first. This means that it has yet to show up in the Japanese version of DFFOO even though it’s months ahead of the English or Global version.
The Crevasse β event and banners and Garnet’s BT are all part of the celebrations for the game’s 4th Anniversary.
I pulled for Garnet’s LD way back when it first debuted in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia.
Since I was able to get Garnet’s LD, decided to fully build her by completing all of her Boards, buying her High Armor and Realizing it to 0/3, farming for triple of her perfect Artifacts (ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 and ATK 108 with Princess’s Resolve Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave)), and equipping her with triple RF Spheres.
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No regrets in building Garnet. She’s a pretty good support and healer with decent buffs and auras. She can battery the party. She can imperil enemies and enchant the party with the thunder and water elements.
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IIRC, got to use her a few times in endgame content. Of course, as time passed and other chars got their reworks and updates and such, she started falling off until I no longer used her.
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Haven’t used Garnet in a Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier yet. But I heard that she could be good for Tier 7 so was planning to slot her in there once the aforementioned stage showed up in the Global version of DFFOO.
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I like Garnet well enough but I wouldn’t call her a fave or anything. So honestly, given the choice, I would have preferred for another char to have been our Global-first BT.
Heck, maybe getting a new char would have been better than Garnet. Well, depending on the char in question anyway.
When I heard that Garnet was getting a Burst, I wasn’t really hyped or excited or anything.
I was like, her banner mate has to be really good for me to consider using gems to pull, especially since I’ll likely only be missing at least 2 weapons on said banner (Garnet’s BT and her banner mate’s LD).
I also definitely don’t have plans of Greening Garnet’s Burst even if I do end up getting it.
Thoughts about Lilisette from Final Fantasy XI
Lilisette from Final Fantasy XI is a debuffer and buffer. She can battery and she provides pretty decent buffs and auras.
With her LD, she can finally heal as well. Compared to Garnet though, Lilisette seems pretty underwhelming.
Her Call Abilities are pretty good but I don’t think they’re that good that I should gem the Crevasse β banner 1 just to get her LD.
It’s actually been a really long time since Lilisette got updated. IIRC, she was one of the first few chars whose Ex weapons could be Realized.
Back then, the resources needed to do that were still really scarce. Lilisette was one of the chars who could work even without being Purple or Ex+ 3/3.
The recommendation was to get her to Ex+ 1/3 which was what I did. I regret that now because it was a waste of resources. It was better to either Ex+ 0/3 or Ex+ 3/3 a char.
Besides, Lilisette quickly got benched when more supports got their Ex weapons Realizable. It didn’t help that she couldn’t even heal back then so she couldn’t be your sole support unless you were going for a no-boss turns strat or something.
Crevasse β Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results
Anyway, so the point was that I couldn’t justify throwing gems on the Crevasse β banner 1. Currently have 826 tickets on hand so decided to go with those instead.
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To my complete and utter surprise, my second 10-draw on this banner gave me a Burst orb.
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OMFG! What a super special awesome surprise. Honestly wasn’t expecting to get Garnet’s BT at all since I wasn’t planning to use gems here.
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Really very happy to see this. Been hearing a lot of good things about Garnet’s Burst.
Apparently, her BT effect provides really good party-wide auras, especially if it’s been fully upgraded to BT+ 3/3.
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Anyway, this draw also gave me a dupe of Ashe’s 35cp. LOL.
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Still have 806 tickets left when Garnet’s Burst weapon showed up.
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Before continuing to pull, decided to go ahead and level up Garnet’s BT first so I could equip it to her already. Then I went back to this banner. Unfortunately, I failed to get Lilisette’s LD.
Got the usual bronze and silver trash with the occasional gold dupe. Was able to get like 2 dupes of Ashe’s Ex and 1 dupe of Garnet’s Ex and Lilisette’s Ex.
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I welcome the Ashe Ex and Garnet Ex dupes because they give good Spheres. Ashe’s gives a D Sphere that raises the party’s ATK by 5% while Garnet’s gives a C Sphere that increases its user’s ATK by 10%.
Decided to stop pulling when I was down to around 700 tickets or so since it felt like I was just wasting my tickets now. It wasn’t like I really needed Lilisette anyway. It was better to just save the rest of my tickets.
Thoughts about Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX Part 2
Took Garnet to a fight to try her out and she is good. Looked up more info about her Burst and its effects, and they are really good. Actually found myself considering the possibility of Greening her.
So far, I only have 2 BT+ 3/3 chars. These are Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0 and Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0.
My third Green was all set to be Zack Fair from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII. Now I’m actually thinking of having Garnet as my third Green.
Ace is a magical DPS. Machina’s a physical DPS. Garnet’s a support. Zack’s a tank who can also be a DPS.
So there’s no overlap when it comes to roles, not that it matters either way. Because I’ve been Greening the chars I like. It just so happens that the chars I like have different roles.
I do like Garnet well enough. She can help boost the damage of my DPS. Since I only have 2 BT+ 3/3 chars, I have the resources to spare to Green Garnet and still have more than enough for when Zack gets his Burst.
After Zack, Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII was set to be my next BT+ 3/3 char. I’ve been using Sephiroth for endgame content basically ever since I got his LD and BT.
He’s been powercrept by now so am really looking forward to the time when he’ll get his update and rework. Also can’t wait to Green him.
I’m really glad that I’ve been able to successfully use Sephiroth through all these hard fights even if it hasn’t always been easy. He really needs a lot of support to boost his damage.
If I Green Garnet, she’ll help increase Sephi’s damage output. Ace, Machina, and Zack and any other char I use will benefit from her auras and buffs as well.
So I was really starting to warm up to the idea of Greening Garnet. Plus, I already have her basically fully built.
Don’t need to farm for her Artifacts or Summon Boards anymore. Don’t need to spend any more Enhancement Points and such for her.
All I really need to do now is Green her Burst weapon which will require 1 Book of Ruin’s Miracles and 3 Ruin’s Ultima Ingots.
If I’m gonna Green Garnet though, then I don’t want to stop at that. I might as well go all-in on building her.
This means upgrading her High Armor (HA) to Blue or HA 3/3 and giving her triple real Spheres.
My Garnet’s HA is already at 0/3 so to Blue it, I just need 3 Refuge’s Ultima Ingots.
Garnet’s Sphere Slots are A, C, and D. If I want her to have the Spheres that are the best for her, then I’m gonna need to Purple or Ex+ 3/3 dupe Ex weapons. That’s because I’ve already used up a lot of the best Spheres I have.
After thinking about it some more, I decided to go for it. Yup, that’s right. Gonna go all-in on building Garnet. Instead of Zack, she’ll be my third BT+ 3/3.
Okay, let’s do this! I started by spending the Ingots needed to upgrade Garnet’s High Armor to Blue.
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Then I Purpled the Ex weapons that would give me the Spheres that I wanted to give to Garnet. These weapons belong to the following chars:
Prishe from Final Fantasy XI
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Alphinaud Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV
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Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII
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After getting all these Ex weapons to Ex+ 3/3, I finally turned my attention to Garnet’s Burst weapon.
First, I spent the Book of Ruin’s Miracles needed to Realize it to BT+ 0/3. Doing this gave me 1 Refuge’s Ultima Ingot. Next, I spent the 3 Ingots needed to get Garnet’s BT to Green or BT+ 3/3.
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Then I turned my attention to Garnet’s Spheres. I had her equipped with the RF versions of Prishe’s, Alphinaud’s, and Hope’s Spheres.
Now it was time to give Garnet the real versions of those Spheres. The effects of these Spheres are as follows:  
Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When attacking target’s weakness: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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My first copy of this Sphere went to Lightning.
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Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
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Apparently, my first copy of this Sphere went to no one. I thought for sure that I’d already used up my first Alphinaud Sphere so I was really surprised and annoyed when I found out that that wasn’t the case at all.
I only found out when I was trying to equip Garnet with a C Sphere. Argh! What a waste of resources. Should have double-checked and made sure which Spheres I currently had on hand before going off to Purple dupe Ex weapons. Sigh.
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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As can be seen in the pic above, my first copy of this Sphere went to Lightning.
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Now my Garnet is fully built and complete.
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Update: finally got ‘round to trying Garnet in a Lufenia+ quest (level 250) and wow! She is really good. No regrets Greening her. Gonna try to use her for as long as possible.
The Lufenia+ quest I brought Garnet to was the Crevasse β Pt. 7 one. Her team mates were Sephiroth and Yuna from Final Fantasy X.
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Crevasse β Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results Part 2
I really regret this now but I ended up going back to the Crevasse β banner 1 to toss a couple hundred more tickets, hoping to get Lilisette’s LD and maybe more dupes of Ashe’s Ex and Garnet’s Ex.
Managed to get like 3 more dupes of Ashe’s Ex and 1 dupe of Lilisette’s Ex. Would have preferred to have gotten more dupes of Garnet’s Ex instead.
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Sadly, still no Lilisette LD. I really should just leave this banner alone now but I can’t seem to help myself. Ugh. Wish it would just disappear already so I can stop being tempted to toss more tickets here. It’s a waste.
Another thing that’s a waste was how I ended up spending the 2 Ingots needed to Purple Lilisette’s Ex.
I did this because I thought that I’d need her for 1 of the quests in the Crevasse β event but in the end, was able to manage just fine without her. Man, what a waste, especially since I still don’t have Lilisette’s LD. Sigh.
Abyss: Perfectum Stratum 6 Banner 1
The Abyss: Perfectum Stratum 6 banner 1 features the following chars and their weapons:
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX - Burst or BT only
Alisaie Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Keiss from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Y’shtola Rhul from Final Fantasy XIV - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Have everything on this banner except for Alisaie’s LD.
Abyss: Perfectum Stratum 6 Banner 1 Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of DFFOO’s 4th anniversary, we also get free first multi-draws on the Abyss: Perfectum Stratum 6 baners.
Banner 1′s free pull only gave me a regular blue orb. So was surprised when I ended up with 4 golds - Keiss’s 15cp, Keiss’s Ex, Keiss’s LD, and Alisaie’s 35cp.
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Too bad these were all dupes. Ahh, how I wish that Keiss LD had been Alisaie’s instead.
That Ex should have been hers as well since it gives an A Sphere that increases MAG ATK by 15%.
Thoughts about Alisaie Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV
I like Alisaie but couldn’t justify using gems on the Abyss: Perfectum Stratum 6 banner 1 because I’m only missing 1 weapon here.
There’s also the fact that I don’t really need Alisaie. She’s pretty good but, at the end of the day, she’s just another DPS, one who doesn’t even have a Burst weapon.
I already have Machina fully built. He and Sephiroth are the DPS I always use for endgame content.
Abyss: Perfectum Stratum 6 Banner 1 Tickets Pulls Results
So I decided to just use tickets on the Abyss: Perfectum Stratum 6 banner 1. Currently have 728 on hand.
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To my surprise, my first 10-draw gave me a dupe of Garnet’s BT. Welp, totally wasn’t expecting that at all.
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But this is great. A dupe Burst can be sold for 5 Burst Tokens. You can then exchange 50 Tokens for any 1 BT that’s currently available in the Burst Token Shop.
Anyway, this draw also gave me 2 other golds - a dupe of Y’shtola’s 15cp and a dupe of Keiss’s 15cp.
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Kept on pulling. Got the usual bronze and silver trash as well as a few gold dupes.
Then, a few more pulls later, I got another dupe of Keiss’s LD. Was like, no, why’d this have to happen? Before I could get too disappointed though, another item showed up, and it turned out to be -
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My very first copy of Alisaie’s LD! Hell, yes! So happy to see this.
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After seeing Keiss’s LD, I really thought that I was gonna be disappointed again. So glad Alisaie’s LD showed up on this pull too. And she came home pretty early as well. Still have 678 tickets left when she appeared.
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Alisaie Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV
Before this banner that featured Alisaie’s LD showed up, I already had her 15cp, 35cp, and Ex fully MLB. Her Ex was Purple or at Ex+ 3/3.
Bought her Bloom Stone and completed all of her Summon Boards. After getting her LD, spent the Power Stones needed to MLB it and get its passive.
Previously, I’d already farmed for Alisaie’s perfect Artifacts - triple ATK 108 with INT BRV 170 and triple ATK 108 with Acceleration Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns upon using Veraero, Verthunder).
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But with the appearance of her LD, Alisaie now wants 3 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Artifacts. So spent some time farming the co-op that showed up with the Abyss: Perfectum event until I finally got triple of the aforementioned Artifacts.
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Although I really do like Alisaie, I couldn’t justify spending all the points needed to max out the entirety of her Character Enhancement Boards so I just unlocked the tiles that would give me her LD Call and her LD extension passive.
Ahh, if only the points needed to max out a char’s Boards weren’t so expensive and if only we got more of these points. Since I had the Tokens to spare though, I did go ahead and buy Alisaie’s High Armor.
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Also equipped her with triple RF Spheres - Noel Kreiss’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) RF A Sphere, Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) RF A Sphere, and Lyse Hext’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) RF D Sphere.
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So far, am enjoying being able to use Alisaie. I may not be bringing her to endgmane content, but at least I can use her for all the other easy content we have.
I’m hoping that she’ll eventually get a Burst weapon so I can pull for it then upgrade it to BT+ 3/3.
Annular Equinox Banner
The Annular Equinox banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX - Burst or BT only
Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Vivi Ornitier from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Have everything on this banner except for Eiko’s LD.
Annular Equinox Banner Free First Multi-Draw Results
As part of DFFOO’s 4th anniv celebration, we also get a free first multi-draw on the Annular Equinox banner.
This free pull gave me a dupe of Vivi’s 15cp. Meh.
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Thoughts about Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX
Since I’m only missing 1 item from this banner, didn’t want to use gems here, especially since I’m not all that attached to Eiko.
Sure, she’d be nice to have but pretty sure I can manage just fine without her since I do have Garnet as well as a lot of other supports.
Eiko’s another support who can heal and battery the party. She provides decent enough buffs and auras. She can enchant the party and imperil enemies with the holy element.
Eiko is most well-known for her LD and its ability to ignore Lufenia orbs. Her LD gives her an overhead buff.
If a Lufenia orb goes off or if a char or the entire party dies then, as long as Eiko’s overhead buff has at least 1 stack, those who died will automatically be revived.
Annular Equinox Banner Tickets Pulls Results
Currently have 567 tickets on hand thanks to the Prompto and Lilisette banners continuing to tempt me and taking lots of my tickets without having the decency to give me their LDs in return.
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So I start pulling and I got the usual bronze and silver trash along with a few gold dupes.
Crevasse β Banner 1 and Banner 2 Tickets Pulls Results
After a particularly annoying pull in which I didn’t get a single gold, I decided to try my luck again on the Prompto and Lilisette banners.
Yeah, I really wish I could leave these 2 alone. As usual, the Prompto banner gave me nothing but disappointment.
On the other hand, the Lilisette banner actually gave me a gold orb. Was hoping for Lilisette’s LD, of course, but thought I was most likely about to get yet another dupe.
At the very least, I hoped that it’d be a dupe of Garnet’s Ex. Already have a lot of Ashe Ex dupes so don’t really want to see any more of these.
So the items started revealing themselves one-by-one. At the end, I was greeted by the sight of this -
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My very first copy of Lilisette’s LD! Hell, yes! It’s finally home! So happy to see this. Now I can finally get away from the Crevasse β banner 1.
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This draw also gave me a dupe of Ashe’s 35cp. Since I eventually got Lilisette’s LD, at least it doesn’t feel like I wasted all the tickets I tossed in here.
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And even if I don’t end up using Lilisette on a Lufenia (quest level 200) or Lufenia+ fight, at least I can use her as a Call. She does have a pretty good Call ability.
Annular Equinox Tickets Pulls Results Part 2
After getting Lilisette’s LD, went back to the Eiko banner. A few more tickets got me a dupe of Vivi’s LD. It came from a gold orb. Ahh, what a troll. If only that had been Eiko’s LD instead. Sigh.
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Thankfully, a bit later on, I got another gold orb. Got an LD and, this time, it was the right one.
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Super pleased to get my very first copy of Eiko’s LD. Still have 477 tickets left when this showed up.
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This 10-pull even gave me 2 more golds - a dupe of Zidane’s 35cp and a dupe of Vivi’s Ex.
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So, what about you? Did you pull on any of these banners? What do you think about Garnet and all the other chars featured on these banners? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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freyayuki · 2 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Kadaj and Maria Banner
The Mother Fixation Lost Chapter event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This event came with 1 banner.
Mother Fixation Banner
The Mother Fixation banner features the following chars and their weapons:
Jecht from Final Fantasy X - Burst or BT only
Maria from Final Fantasy II - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Alisaie Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
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Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
My Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (#ad) is fully built and MLB. All of his Boards have been completed. 
He has 3 ATK 108 with Remnant Up★★ (While Latent Thoughts active: Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%) Artifacts.
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Kadaj is equipped with the following real Spheres:
Garland’s (from Final Fantasy I) Break Hit Raging Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 2% when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break up to 5 times, once per turn
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
The Emperor’s (from Final Fantasy II) Debuff Success Attack Up Longer E Sphere
Raises own ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting debuff on target
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Even upgraded Kadaj’s High Armor to Blue.
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Used Kadaj a lot when I first got him. Managed to get him to work through a number of Lufenia (level 200) quests.
Here’s a list of the Lufenia quests that I’ve been able to clear with Kadaj in my party:
Mother Fixation
Love, the Melody of Courage
Crimson Arms
In the Garden of Evil Boss Rush
Dark Quickening (Story Act 3 Chapter 3, Part 1)
Lotsa Lore
Ballads and Rhapsodies (Story Act 3 Chapter 3, Part 2)
Invaders from Distant Seas
The Ice Reaper
The Man Known as The Immortal
Equinox Aurora: Gallicinium
Was really hoping that Kadaj would get a rework or update the next time he came back with his Lost Chapter event but, alas, it wasn’t meant to be.
This is his Lost Chapter banner and he got absolutely nothing new at all. He’s still the same as he was when he was first introduced as a playable char in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia and that felt like ages ago. 
In short, he’s sadly outdated and powercrept by now. At least I heard he gets pretty good when he gets his Level 90 and Crystal Level 90 Awakening. That won’t be for a while yet though.
Maria from Final Fantasy II
As for Maria from Final Fantasy II - although Mother Fixation is Kadaj’s Lost Chapter event, it’s Maria who got something new. 
Her base kit didn’t get a rework or anything but her LD is new. This is its first appearance. 
Maria’s a support char with pretty decent auras. She can heal. She can battery. She also offers a trap debuff that activates right before the enemy’s turn. Aside from dealing damage, this trap also heals and batteries the party.
Mother Fixation Free First Multi-Draw Results
For the Mother Fixation banner, the only weapons I’m missing are Maria’s LD and Jecht’s BT. 
As part of the Black Friday campaign, we get a free first multi-draw on the Mother Fixation banner. 
This free pull gave me a gold orb, which turned into a dupe of Maria’s Ex and a dupe of Kadaj’s LD. Ahh, why couldn’t that Kadaj LD have been Maria’s LD instead?
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Maria’s Ex gives a good Sphere (raises the party’s ATK and INT BRV by 5%) so the dupe isn’t unwelcome but still. Wish I could have gotten her LD on this draw already.
Mother Fixation Banner Tickets Pulls Results
Was kinda interested in Maria because I heard she can help with one of the fights in the upcoming Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 7. 
Couldn’t justify using gems here though considering basically everything here’s a dupe. So decided to try my luck with tickets and just hope for the best.
Would have had more than 218 tickets on hand if I hadn’t foolishly wasted around 200 or so on the banner that featured Jecht’s LD. Really regret this now.
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Wish I hadn’t done that. Don’t even need Jecht. In fact, was planning to skip that banner entirely other than doing the free daily single draws.
For a while, I thought I was doing well on being able to ignore said banner. But then I got the urge to pull. 
So I started tossing tickets on Jecht’s LD banner. Big mistake. Not only did I fail to get Jecht’s LD, my pulls were also so bad that I barely got any golds, dupes or otherwise. 
What a complete and utter waste of tickets. Can only hope this banner with Maria’s LD won’t be so mean to me.
To my surprise and relief, was actually able to get Maria’s LD. It came from a gold orb.
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Before that, my previous 10-pulls weren’t that bad either. Got the usual bronze and silver trash but also got a few gold dupes.
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The 10-pull that gave me my very first copy of Maria’s LD also gave me a dupe of Maria’s 35cp and a dupe of Alisaie’s 15cp.
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Still have 168 tickets left after Maria’s LD showed up. Very pleased with this banner.
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So, what about you? Did you pull on the Mother Fixation banner? What do you think about Kadaj, Maria, and all the other chars featured on this banner? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Spheres Guide and Plans Part 3
In the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game, you get a Sphere every time you Purple an Ex weapon or get it to Ex+ 3/3. These Spheres increase stats like Attack and Max Brave. Each character has 3 Sphere Slots.
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So far, I’ve given Spheres to a few chars. This post lists those Spheres and chars, including possible Sphere plans for other charas and potential new plans for those who already have Spheres. You can find part 1 of this post here and part 2 here.
Chars that appeared in part 1 and 2 won’t be mentioned again here unless I’ve made changes to their Spheres or something. Chars with only Refined Spheres or RF Spheres won’t be included either.
Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0
Decided to go all-in on Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0. Pulled for his LD and BT when they showed up and was thankfully able to get both for around 70k gems (his banner had a free multi-draw). I talk more about this in another post.
Anyway, previously, already had his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex fully MLB although his Ex was at Ex+ 0/3 only. Since I was able to get all of his weapons, fully MLB’d everything, including getting his Ex to Ex+ 3/3. Bought his Bloom Stone. Completed all of his Boards. He’s also got the following:
perfect Artifacts - triple ATK 108 with Spiral’s End Boost★★ (Raises ATK by 5% with 3 cards in stock)
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High Armor upgraded to Blue
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Burst upgraded to Green or Burst+ 3/3
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Ace is the first char whose Burst I upgraded to Burst+ 3/3. Since I fully invested in him, also wanted to give him triple real Spheres.
Actual best or perfect Spheres for Ace:
Ace’s Sphere Slots are A, A, and D. He’s a magical DPS with a bit of party utility. He prefers BRV damage up (such as Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power A Sphere which increases BRV damage by 10%) or ATK up Spheres (such as Noel Kreiss’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Breaking Attack Up Shorter A Sphere which increases ATK by 15%) but those that increase magical attack (such as Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough’s (from Final Fantasy VII) HP Magic Attack Up A Sphere which increases MAG ATK by 15%) can work for him as well.  
For his D Sphere, the best is Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Attack Boost All Shorter which increases the party’s MAX BRV and ATK by 5%.
I want to give Ace either BRV damage up or ATK up Spheres, with a preference towards the former. But the problem was that I’ve basically already used up my supply of these Spheres. For instance, Cloud’s Critical Power A Sphere went to Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII (#ad). I do have some dupes of some of these Spheres but that would mean having to spend resources to Purple a dupe Ex.
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So far, I’ve only ever done that once. It was for Yuna from Final Fantasy X. Ended up giving her 2 of Paladin Cecil Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Full HP Break Hit BRV Gain All C Sphere which grants the party 5% of their individual max brave once per turn whenever Yuna inflicts break or attacks a target afflicted with break while her HP is at max.
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Don’t regret doing that for Yuna, and I was actually thinking of doing the same for Ace since I do like him well enough. 
But then I thought, what if I just gave him Spheres that increase his magical attack stat instead? I actually have those Spheres available so wouldn’t need to Purple a dupe Ex. For instance, my Aerith is Purple so I already have her Sphere but haven’t given it to anyone yet so it’s just rotting in my inventory. Why not give it to Ace, right?
The D Sphere would require me to Purple a dupe though if I really wanted to give Ace one that increases the party’s ATK. There are only a few D Spheres that increase the ATK stat and I’ve already given those away. For instance, Queen’s D Sphere went to Yuna. Have dupes of her Ex though so could get another copy of her Sphere for Ace.
Another alternative was to settle for giving Ace D Spheres that increase other stats like max brave or initial brave. Have plenty of these Spheres because it seems like no one wants them. Or at least the chars I wanted to give Spheres to didn’t want these. 
What Actually Happened: 
In the end, decided to give Ace the following Spheres:
Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough’s (from Final Fantasy VII) HP Magic Attack Up A Sphere
While HP is at least 80% of MAX: • Raises own MAG ATK by 15% *Does not stack with same sphere
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Papalymo Totolymo’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Break Hit Magic Attack Up Longer A Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises own MAG ATK by 15% for 6 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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Although I have copies of Papalymo’s Ex, none of them were Purple so had to Ex+ 3/3 one of them to get a copy of this Sphere.
Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
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Went ahead and got a second copy of Queen’s Sphere but I also opted to just give Ace MAG ATK up Spheres instead of getting more BRV damage up or ATK up ones.
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Future plans:
Happy enough with my Sphere choices for Ace. Sure, his A Spheres may not be the best but they work well enough for him. The additional magical attack isn’t unwelcome and he does benefit from them. So far, pleased enough with these so I currently have no plans of changing his equipped A Spheres anytime soon.
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Queen’s is one of the best D Spheres in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia so definitely no plans of changing this anytime soon, especially since I actually ended up Purpling a second Queen Ex for Ace. Absolutely no regrets about fully investing and going all-in on Ace though. Really very pleased with him and hoping I can use him for as long as possible.
Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0
My Machina is currently equipped with the following Spheres:
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer (RF) A Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises own ATK by 4% for 6 turns
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ability BRV Gain B Sphere
Increases BRV by 40% of INT BRV after using ability, once per turn *Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack
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In part 1, I mentioned that I regret giving Yang’s A Sphere to Machina, and that I'm actually considering removing it from him.
Initially, I only pulled for Machina (his debut banner featured his 15cp, 35cp, and Ex weapons) because I wanted his Sphere (it’s an A Sphere that increases both the ATK and INT BRV stats by 10%) for Zack Fair (from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII). 
But I ended up liking him, so I don’t regret Purpling him. Even planned to pull for his LD and was thankfully able to get it. Finished all of his Boards. Bought his Bloom Stone. Even farmed for his perfect Artifacts - triple ATK 108 with Dual-Wielding Star Pupil Boost★★ (Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5% while Awakening buff active).
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Was all set to fill out all of his Slots with real Spheres which was why I’d given him Celes’s and Yang’s Spheres. Back then, couldn’t decide what other A Sphere to give him though so opted to go with Fang’s RF one for now.
The reason I regret giving Yang’s Sphere to Machina was because I didn’t get to use him that much. Was able to get Noctis Lucis Caelum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) and Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) full kits soon after getting Machina’s LD. This included their Burst weapons, and so I ended up using them instead of Machina.  
This led to me wanting to take back the Yang Sphere that I gave him but to do that without losing said Sphere, I would have to use 1 Reset Stone. Up to now, only 3 Reset Stones have been given for free. To get more, you need to pay real money. At the moment, haven’t found anyone else yet who I wanted to give Yang’s Sphere to so decided to leave it where it was for now.
Then, as I mentioned in part 2, I later found out that Machina got a Burst weapon in the Japanese version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. Was so pleased when I heard the news because I do like Machina. Definitely planning to pull for his BT whenever it shows up in the English or Global version of the game. 
And now, after what feels like forever, the long wait for Machina’s Burst is about to come to an end. Soon, the banners that will feature his BT will arrive. Can’t wait! So excited and ready to go all-in on building Machina like what I did for Ace. 
Yeah, that’s right. Machina’s set to be the second char whose Burst I’ll Green or get to BT+ 3/3. While waiting, guess I’ll try to decide what to do about Machina’s Spheres. Should I replace Yang’s Sphere? Should I give him the real version of Fang’s Sphere? What are the best Spheres for him?
Actual best or perfect Spheres for Machina:
Machina’s Sphere Slots are A, A, and B. He’s mostly a DPS although he does inflict a framed debuff known as Spiral’s Lynchpin which reduces the speed of enemies by 30%. He does a follow-up attack against enemies afflicted with his debuff. This follow-up has a BRV gain based on the attack stat so A Spheres that raise ATK are perfect for him. 
Spheres that increase BRV damage dealt are also perfect for boosting the damage of all of his moves. So he could go for a combination of ATK up and BRV damage up Spheres or just 2 of each.
For his B Sphere, Celes’s is undoubtedly the best since Machina can take lots of turns. He’s not a tank so he can’t inflict Lock, which most B Spheres require as an activation condition.
Here’s a list of BRV damage up A Spheres that I could give to Machina:
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power
Raises BRV damage dealt with critical hits by 10%
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
Edgar Roni Figaro’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Debuff Power  
Increases BRV damage dealt by 10% while an enemy is debuffed
My first copies of these Spheres already went to Sephiroth. I do have dupes of Cloud’s, Edgar’s, and Vayne’s Ex weapons though so I can just Purple a second copy of 1 or 2 of these for Machina.
Yda Hext’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Mighty Sneak A Sphere
When attacking enemy not targeting self: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
Just Purpled Yda after recently getting her LD so I have a copy of this Sphere. The effect is the same as Cloud’s and Vayne’s but my issue with this Sphere is its activation condition. It’s way too situational unless I always bring a tank who can taunt or Lock enemies into targeting them. 
Even then, this Sphere will still end up being useless the moment an enemy starts targeting ALL. So I think it’s better to just Purple a dupe Ex as opposed to going with this Sphere.
Here’s a list of ATK up A Spheres that I could give to Machina:
Noel Kreiss’s (from Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII) Breaking Attack Up Shorter A Sphere
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises ATK by 15% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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This is one of the few A Spheres that can increase the ATK stat by 15%. Another good thing about this is how its activation condition is so easy to fulfill that the char you give this to is basically guaranteed to always have +15% ATK. 
My first copy of Breaking Attack Up Shorter is already equipped to Noctis. But I have several dupes of Noel’s Ex that I can Purple to get more copies of this Sphere.
Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) Break Raging Attack Boost Up A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 2% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
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My first copy of this Sphere went to Lightning (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII). I’m eying this Sphere to possibly go alongside Yang’s Sphere so I can increase Machina’s ATK and MAX BRV by 20%. 
The only issue with this Sphere though is its activation condition. Machina won’t always be able to inflict break but then again, at least this Sphere doesn’t have a turn duration. If I’m understanding this correctly, it looks like Machina just needs to inflict break up to 5 times then the stats increase will just always be active afterwards. 
Hmm. Okay, just checked my Lightning. Ardyn’s Sphere only showed up on the upper left side of the screen the very first time Lightning broke an enemy. After that, it simply never showed up again no matter how many more times she inflicted break. However, the Sphere is always displayed on her Status Effects screen so it does seem to be in effect.  
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Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Last Boost Attack Up A Sphere
Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% if HP at least 50% of MAX at start of last wave *Does not stack with same sphere
This is another Sphere that could potentially go alongside Yang’s. The only problem is how this is only for the last wave of a fight. 
Nowadays, most endgame battles only have 1 wave but we do sometimes get fights with multiple waves. This is why I’ve yet to give my first copy of this Sphere to anyone. I prefer to go with Spheres that will always be active or, at the very least, will be active as often as possible.
Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Raging Base Attack Up A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises own INT BRV, ATK by 2% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) Critical Base Attack Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises own INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns
Machina Kunagiri’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Base Attack Up Shorter A Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises own INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns
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These Spheres are basically the same except they have different activation conditions. My Lightning Sphere is still available. But my first copies of Machina’s and Jecht’s Spheres both went to Zack. Have a dupe of Jecht’s Ex. No Machina Ex dupe but I might get some while pulling for his Burst.   
Machina’s Guardian Blades buff gives him BRV Regen that’s based on 70% of his initial brave so raising INT BRV alongside ATK doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. MAX BRV might still be preferable to INT BRV though.  
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
Garland’s (from Final Fantasy I) Break Hit Raging Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 2% when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break up to 5 times, once per turn
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My first copies of these Spheres went to Kadaj from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
Tifa Lockhart’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when dealing critical hit
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My first copy of this Sphere went to Cloud. Got way too many dupes of Tifa’s Ex so can easily get multiple copies of this Sphere. Too bad it only increases 1 stat.  
Locke Cole’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Sneak Attack Up Longer A Sphere
When attacking enemy not targeting self: • Raises own ATK by 10% for 6 turns
The activation condition of this Sphere is the same as Yda’s which is why this has been rotting in my inventory for what feels like forever. I’ve had Locke Purpled since way, way back but I’ve yet to find a char who could make good use of his Sphere. 
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) Critical Raging Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 2% when dealing critical hit up to 5 times, once per turn
Have Onion Knight’s Ex, but haven’t bothered to Purple it. Might have a dupe or 2 as well. 
The latest story chapter that featured him here in this game really made me hate him so I’m really not keen on Purpling him anytime soon, possibly ever. Also not keen on equipping his Sphere on anyone and having to see his face every time I look at a char’s equipped or active Spheres list.
Vaan’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Full HP Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% while HP is MAX
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My first copy of this Sphere went to Aerith. My only issue with this Sphere is that it requires its holder to be at max HP. Have experienced fights wherein my chars weren’t always at full HP and wherein I couldn’t always heal them right away.
Aerith’s a healer so this Sphere isn’t so bad on her but Machina can’t heal himself so if I give this to him, he’ll need to wait for a healer to get him back to full HP.
Exdeath’s (from Final Fantasy V) Debuff Attack Up
While enemy is debuffed: • Raises ATK by 10%
Missing Exdeath’s Ex so can’t get this Sphere yet. But it could be good for Machina since he does inflict a framed debuff and I almost always bring Calls that inflict debuffs unless a fight is immune to them or something. 
Machina’s equipped B Sphere is perfect for him already so not planning to change that anymore. As for his A Spheres, I don’t know yet. There’s way too many options and combinations to choose from. I could go with 2 BRV damage up or 2 ATK up or 1 BRV damage up and 1 ATK up Spheres. 
For BRV damage up, it’s easy enough to choose since they’re all basically the same except for their activation conditions.
There’s lots of options for the ATK up ones though - I could go with those that increase ATK and INT BRV or those that increase ATK and MAX BRV or those that only increase the ATK stat.
I could keep Yang’s Sphere and then go with either a BRV damage up or ATK up for Machina’s second A Slot. Or I could remove Yang’s Sphere and - argh! 
Yeah, there are way too many options to choose from here. Really not sure what to do yet. Need to think about this some more.
At the moment, am leaning towards leaving Yang’s Sphere alone so I won’t have to waste a Reset Stone just to remove it from Machina but that barely narrows down my choices. 
Since Yang’s Sphere increases ATK and MAX BRV, I could go with Ardyn’s Sphere or even Sephi’s Sphere to double up on those stats. Or I could go with a Sphere that increases INT BRV and ATK (Lightning’s, Machina’s, or Jecht’s), or 1 that increases BRV damage dealt (Cloud’s, Edgar’s, or Vayne’s), or just 1 that increases the ATK stat (Noel’s would be the best since his gives +15%).
For now, I’ve tentatively narrowed down my choices to either Yang + Vayne (have more dupes of Vayne’s Ex than Cloud’s or Edgar’s) or Yang + Noel (15% > 10% ATK). But nothing’s set in stone yet. I’ll revisit this again once Machina’s Burst weapon finally shows up. 
Update: the first banner featuring Machina’s Burst weapon is finally here. I don’t have his BT yet because I’m waiting for the other banners that will feature it as well to show up. 
As part of the currently ongoing winter campaign in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia, we get 1 free multi-draw on each of these banners. If I don’t get Machina’s Burst from these banners, then my plan is to acquire it using 50 of my BT Tokens. Anyway, for now, I’m continuing to think about Machina’s Spheres. 
What Actually Happened:
In the end, decided to Purple a dupe Vayne Ex so I could give his Sphere to Machina. He now has the following:
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Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) Ability BRV Gain B Sphere
Increases BRV by 40% of INT BRV after using ability, once per turn *Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack
I thought I’d just get the best of both worlds and give Machina both an ATK up and BRV damage up Sphere. He even gets MAX BRV up as well thanks to Yang’s Sphere.
Also, don’t have Machina’s BT yet but since his High Armor can now be upgraded, I decided to spend the resources to Blue it already.
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Update: I finally have Machina’s BT. I talk more about this in another post but yes, I readily spent all the resources needed to get it to Green or BT+ 3/3.
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So now my Machina is finally complete. Can’t wait to use him on a Lufenia+ fight.
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Future plans:
For now, am happy enough with my Sphere choices for Machina. I think his B Sphere is the best so definitely no plans of changing that. Just Purpled a dupe Vayne Ex for him so don’t want to change that anytime soon. He’s had Yang’s Sphere for what feels like forever already so he might as well keep it. 
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Garnet Til Alexandros XVII from Final Fantasy IX
My Garnet is currently equipped with the following Spheres:
Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter (RF) A Sphere
When attacking target's weakness: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 4% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter (RF) C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party's INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter (RF) D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party's MAX BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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I talk more about this in another post but after getting Garnet’s Burst weapon, I decided to Realize it and upgrade it to BT+ 3/3. She also has the following:
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Her High Armor’s Been upgraded to Blue
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She has 3 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Artifacts
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She also has 3 ATK 108 with Princess’s Resolve Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts
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All her Boards have been completed. She has her Bloom Stone. She’s now Level 90 and Crystal Level 90. Since I already basically went all-in on building Garnet, I wanted to give her triple real Spheres as well.
Actual best or perfect Spheres for Garnet:
Garnet’s Sphere Slots are A, C, and D. She’s a support with great buffs and auras. She can heal. She can battery the party. She can imperil enemies and enchant the party with the thunder and water elements. For a support, she deals pretty good damage when fully maxed out.
She has BRV gains based on her ATK stat and she can battery the party based on her MAX BRV stat and the HP damage she deals. So A Spheres that increase the ATK and MAX BRV stats like Prishe’s are perfect for her. Since she can also hit hard, A Spheres that increase her BRV damage like Cloud’s and A Spheres that increase her MAG ATK like Papalymo’s are also good options for her.
For Garnet’s C Slot, she can go with her own Sphere which increases the ATK stat by 10%, or she can go with Spheres like Alphinaud’s which increases the party’s ATK and INT BRV stats by 5%.
The best D Sphere for Garnet is either Queen’s or Hope’s since they can increase the party’s ATK and MAX BRV stats by 5%. Any D Sphere that can boost the party’s ATK by 5% such as Lyse Hext’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) can work as well.
I want to maximize Garnet’s BRV gains and battery which means giving her an A Sphere that can increase both. So far, the only ones that can do this are the following: 
Trey’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Attack Boost Up Longer
When inflicting Break: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 6 turns
I have a copy of this Sphere but I don’t want to give this to Garnet because it’s so bad. It only raises the ATK and MAX BRV stats by 5% whereas most A Spheres increase a stat by at least 10%. The activation condition for this Sphere is also not that easy to fulfill unless a char has a rebreaking mechanic. 
Gilgamesh’s (from Final Fantasy V) Break Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
This is a better version of Trey’s Sphere. It’s not good for Garnet though since she doesn’t have a rebreaking mechanic.
Also don’t actually have this Sphere yet because I’ve never gotten even a single copy of Gilgamesh’s Ex.
Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) Break Raging Attack Boost Up A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 2% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
This is very similar to Gilgamesh’s Sphere. As aforementioned, my first copy of this Sphere went to Lightning. 
IIRC, have like 1 or 2 dupes of Ardyn’s Ex so I can get more copies of this Sphere but, like I said, this kind of Sphere isn’t good for Garnet since she doesn’t have a skill that can rebreak enemies so there’s no guarantee that she’ll always be the one to break them.
Prompto Argentum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) Critical Attack Boost Up Longer A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 6 turns
This is basically the same as Trey’s Sphere but with an activation condition that’s easier to fulfill. I have a copy of Prompto’s Ex but haven’t Purpled it yet. 
Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
This Sphere is perfect for Garnet. It has an activation condition that’s easy to fulfill. It increases both the ATK and MAX BRV stats by 10%. It’s only for 3 turns but since all hits are critical if an enemy is broken and enemies are almost always usually broken, this Sphere will nearly always be active. 
Unfortunately, I only have 1 copy of this Sphere and it already went to Machina so Garnet can’t have it. 
Kadaj’s (from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) Debuff Attack Boost Up A Sphere
While debuffed enemy present: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%
Garnet can easily fulfill the activation condition of this Sphere since she inflicts thunder and water resistance down debuffs. It’s just too bad this Sphere only increases ATK and MAX BRV by 5% so it isn’t good for her at all.
Yuri’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates) Full HP Attack Boost Up A Sphere
While HP at MAX: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%
Ugh, why do A Spheres like this have to exist? That 5% really should have been 10%. Sigh.
Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Last Boost Attack Up A Sphere
Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% if HP at least 50% of MAX at start of last wave *Does not stack with same sphere
This Sphere would have been perfect if not for the fact that it only activates at the start of the last wave. 
Rinoa Heartilly’s (from Final Fantasy VIII) Low HP Attack Boost Up A Sphere
While HP less than 80% of MAX: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10%
This Sphere would have been perfect if not for its activation condition. Garnet’s a healer so she’ll almost always be at max HP. Even if she loses some HP, she can just heal herself so there’s no way she’ll be able to constantly keep this Sphere’s effects active.  
Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When attacking target's weakness: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Garnet can deal weakness damage so she can easily proc this Sphere. My only copy of this Sphere went to Lightning so I’ll need to Purple a dupe Prishe Ex to get another. This and Yang’s Sphere appear to be the best for Garnet. Since I don’t have a dupe of Yang’s Ex, looks like I’m going with this one.   
For Garnet’s C Sphere, I thought it best to go with one that increases the party’s ATK since she is, first and foremost, a support. The following are the C Spheres  that can do this:
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party's INT BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
Garnet grants a buff with basically all of her skills so she can easily proc this Sphere. 
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Base Attack All Shorter C Sphere
After recovering HP: • Raises party's INT BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
This is basically the same as Alphinaud’s Sphere except with a different activation condition. Garnet can only heal with her LD, which can’t be spammed, and her Ex, which doesn’t charge that often so I worry that she won’t be able to keep this Sphere’s effect active all the time.  
Llyud’s (from Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings) HP Heal Attack All Longer C Sphere
After recovering HP: • Raises party's ATK by 5% for 6 turns
Llyud’s Sphere has the same activation condition as Maria’s but the ATK up lasts for 6 turns so it’s more likely for Garnet to be able to constantly proc this. 
My first copy of this Sphere has yet to be used so I could give it to Garnet. But it only raises the party’s ATK whereas Alphinaud’s and Maria’s raise 2 stats. INT BRV may not be that important but still. I think I’m gonna go with Alphinaud’s Sphere even if it does mean I need to Purple another copy of his Ex.
For Garnet’s D Sphere, I’ll give her either Queen’s or Hope’s. Have dupes of both and will need to Purple a dupe to get another copy of their Spheres.
What Actually Happened:
Purpled dupes of the following Ex weapons:
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Then I equipped all of their Spheres to Garnet. She now has the following:
Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When attacking target’s weakness: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
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Apparently, my first copy of this Sphere went to no one. I thought for sure that I’d already used up my first Alphinaud Sphere so I was really surprised and annoyed when I found out that that wasn’t the case at all. 
I only found out when I was trying to equip Garnet with a C Sphere. Argh! What a waste of resources. Should have double-checked and made sure which Spheres I currently had on hand before going off to Purple dupe Ex weapons. Sigh.
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
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Now my Garnet is fully built and complete. No regrets. She is really good and useful.
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Future plans:
I think Garnet already has the best Spheres for her. Maybe her own C Sphere is better for more ATK for herself but, eh, for now am happy enough with my Sphere choices and have no plans of changing them anytime soon.
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So, how ‘bout you? Have you decided to use your Spheres? Which chars did you give them to? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
2 notes · View notes
freyayuki · 3 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia The Sneering Demon Event
The The Sneering Demon event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. The banners for this event features Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) (#ad) new weapons (LD and Burst or BT). He can now also be Awakened from Level 70 to Level 80 and Crystal Level 70 to Crystal Level 80.
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The Sneering Demon Banner 1  
The The Sneering Demon comes with 2 banners. The first one features the weapons of the following characters:
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Burst or BT
Sazh Katzroy from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Snow Villiers from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
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The Sneering Demon Banner 2
The second The Sneering Demon banner features the weapons of the following characters:
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII - LD and Burst only
Galuf Halm Baldesion from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Jecht from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
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The Sneering Demon Banners Free Multi-Draws Results
As part of the winter holidays celebration, players get a free multi-draw for both banners.
My free multi-draw on banner 1 actually gave me a gold orb.
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I ended up getting a total of 3 golds - Sephiroth’s 15cp, Snow’s 35cp, and Sazh’s Ex. Unfortunately, these were all dupes.
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To my surprise, my free multi-draw on banner 2 also gave me a gold orb. Unfortunately, only 1 gold showed up, and it was nothing more than a dupe of Jecht’s Ex. Feels bad, man.
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Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
My Sephiroth is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. All of his Summon Boards have been completed, but he’s missing his Character Enhancement Boards and his Bloom Stone. His 15cp, 35cp, and Ex are fully MLB. He’s currently equipped with his Ex that’s been Realized to Ex+ 0/3. 
Since I had his kit, he was one of the chars I farmed Artifacts for back when my free premium Moogle Pass was still active. 
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As a result, he has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 and triple Attack 108 with One-Winged Angel Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Arts.
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Spoiler alert: forgot to take screenshots of his Artifacts list before so these show that he has his Character Enhancement Boards, not to mention much higher CP than he would have had before. So, yes, I did get his Boards and more besides that, but that’s a story for another post.
Pull on the The Sneering Demon Banners? 
I was planning to skip these banners because the only weapons I need from either would be Sephiroth’s LD and Burst. I have all the other featured weapons. In fact, I have all of these chars Purpled and fully MLB, all except for Sephiroth who is only at Ex+ 0/3. 
In short, these were very bad banners for me, and I’d be better off just skipping them altogether aside from doing the free multi-draws we were getting as part of the game’s winter holidays celebration.
Besides, Sephiroth wasn’t even that good, not when compared to the likes of Lightning (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) and Cloud Strife (from Final Fantasy VII) (#ad). Lightning was the Burst user that came before Sephiroth while Cloud was coming right after his BT banners end. So I was better off just waiting for Cloud, especially since I actually have Lightning fully built.
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Aside from that, Sephiroth will be getting a rework in the future. This rework would make him much better than he is now. And his weapons will be available again on a more attractive banner. If I’m remembering correctly, it’s a triple BT banner featuring Sephiroth, Paladin Cecil Harvey (from Final Fantasy IV), and the Warrior of Light (from Final Fantasy I). 
I have the Warrior of Light’s LD, but I’m missing his Burst. He’s fully MLB, but at Ex+ 0/3 only. Paladin Cecil is also fully MLB and at Ex+ 0/3. His LD and BT have yet to show up so I don’t have those yet though I’ve been thinking of pulling for them on their debut banner. Even if I end up with Cecil’s LD and BT prior to the arrival of the triple BT banner, it would still be more attractive than the current banner featuring Sephiroth’s LD and BT. Because getting a dupe BT means 5 Burst Tokens whereas a dupe 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and/or LD just means a Power Stone.
There was also the fact that Sephiroth wasn’t exactly a fave or anything. What I think about him is actually rather complicated. Sometimes, I hate him with the fury of a thousand burning suns. Other times, I don’t mind him at all. Behold:
Exhibit A: I pulled for his weapons way back during his Lost Chapter banner. This was primarily because I heard he was good. However, when his Ex became Realizable, I didn’t even bother to give him a Book to get him to Ex+ 0/3. I kept his Summon Boards up to date only because I wanted to lock him into a Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier at base Ex only. Much, much later, I decided to get him to Ex+ 0/3, mostly because doing so would give me an Ingot. I had a surplus of Books but not much Ingots so I was more open to Realizing those whose Ex I already have fully MLB. He just happened to be one of those chars. The thought of Purpling him hadn’t crossed my mind though. Ingots were far too scarce, and he didn’t seem worth it.
Exhibit B: In the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game, we could pick a char’s weapon set as part of its 5th Anniversary celebration. Sephiroth was one of the listed chars. My plan was to pick Cloud though. The only reason I didn’t was because I ended up getting one of his weapons from one of my banner draws. Because of that, I had to spend a lot of time trying to decide which set to pick. Somehow, I ended up choosing Sephiroth. I talk more about that here.
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Exhibit C: There was a banner in FFRK that included Sephiroth’s Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB). My plan was to pull only once or twice since I was saving for another char (a.k.a my actual fave). I thought for sure it didn’t matter whether I got his Sync or not because I could walk away and just let it go. Except, somehow, I ended up throwing 600+ mythril on that banner. As if that wasn’t enough, his goddess-forsaken Sync didn’t even have the decency to show up. Seriously, eff that game and its lack of a pity system like DFFOO. Ugh, just recalling this incident is making me furious. Anyway, I talk more about that here. 
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Exhibit D: well, you get the point. Like I said, it’s complicated.
The point is it’s a bad idea to pull on the The Sneering Demon banners. There wasn’t even a good reason to pull since Sephiroth has yet to get his rework, and he’s lackluster and subpar until then. I don’t envision using him over Lightning or Cloud since they were both way better than him. They offer more utility and more damage. By the time he gets his rework, he’ll be on a better banner. If I really wanted to pull for him, I should do it on that banner.
The Sneering Demon Ticket Pulls Results
I kept telling myself all of the above and yet, somehow, I found myself back on the The Sneering Demon banners even though I’d already done both free multi-draws. This was a bad idea. Really bad. However, no matter how much I told myself that, I couldn’t seem to resist anyway. I don’t know. Maybe I just wanted to pull or something. Whatever the case, that’s exactly what I ended up doing. Thankfully, I avoided using my gems. 
I went with tickets although I didn’t take note of how many I had at that time since I was still trying to convince myself not to waste the tickets. IIRC, I didn’t have a lot on hand, so I was certain this was going to end in disappointment. Which was why I barely paid attention to the screen as I tapped the draw button. More often than not, I just quickly tapped the screen instead of watching the animations play out like I usually do. I didn’t think I was gonna get anything good, so why bother looking at it, right? The entire time I kept telling myself to stop, just stop already. Let’s end this. Stop wasting your resources.
To my surprise and relief, one of my tickets actually gave me Sephiroth’s LD.
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I could hardly believe it. Definitely not complaining though. Super pleased to have gotten this and thankful it didn’t take all my tickets before it showed up.
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More importantly, obtaining this LD finally let me get away from these banners. I thought even if I was still kinda interested in Sephiroth’s Burst, I could just try acquiring it on the next 2 banners, both of which were coming soon. Besides, after hearing about how good Rude (from Final Fantasy VII) was, I was all set to pull on his banner with gems. Sephiroth’s BT was also on that banner so maybe, hopefully, it’ll show up during the course of my pulls for Rude’s stuff.
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII
After getting Sephiroth’s LD, I spent the Power Stones needed to fully MLB it so I could equip its passive. By now, I’ve gotten him to Level 80 and Crystal Level 80. However, I found myself reluctant to Purple his Ex. I didn’t think it was worth it since I don’t even have his Burst. His LD isn’t even that good. It hits fairly hard enough, I suppose, and it deals proportionate HP damage to each target. It also inflicts a framed debuff called Cellular Erosion. This “raises BRV damage taken” and “effects a certain amount of BRV damage”. Not exactly a bad effect. But compare that to Lightning’s LD:
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it cancels all enemies’ Break
it’s a group thunder melee BRV + single target HP attack
it inflicts thunder resist down on all targets
her next 2 turns will be instant turn rate, will not add to the turn count and will not consume ability use count
it gives her a special effect called Savior of Souls
While Savior of Souls is active:
• Slightly increases HP damage dealt, amount stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV • Grants party member BRV based on individual MAX BRV at start of each party member's turn • Slightly increased BRV damage when party inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
Sephiroth’s Burst effect is actually said to be better than his LD. Because after using his Burst, the brave of all enemies will be set to 1 after each turn. This will last for 3 of Sephiroth’s turns. And it’s great for chars like Lightning who are fast and wont to take a lot of turns so they can keep taking advantage of this effect and just keep on delaying the enemies.
In short, although I now had Sephiroth’s LD, I still couldn’t envision myself using him in a Lufenia fight, certainly not without his Burst. So I couldn’t justify using the Ingots to get him to Ex+ 3/3. As a result, I just equipped him with his LD passive and left him at Ex+ 0/3.
The Sneering Demon Challenge Quest
For the The Sneering Demon Challenge Quest, I could have used any of the synergy chars that I had Purpled. In this case, that would be everyone except Sephiroth. However, since I did just get his LD, I wanted to try him out. This was only a Chaos-level fight anyway, so it should be doable enough even with him being at Ex+ 0/3. Besides, what’s the harm in trying, right? I could just go back in with a full Purple team in case things don’t work out.
So I went in with Sephiroth, Sazh, and Galuf. I chose Sazh for his buffs and auras while I picked Galuf for his tanking capability as well as his ability to counter. Galuf kept the party safe from all single target attacks while also providing off-turn damage via his counters while Sazh increased everyone’s damage via his buffs and auras. Both can also battery with some of their moves.
Sephiroth did well enough although, naturally, he didn’t hit that hard since he wasn’t even Purple. He also required a few turns of set up to get his Jenova stacks to max. It was also necessary to cast his Ex before you can get the Reunion buff. Really glad I was able to get the Perfect with this team so I didn’t have to do this fight again.
The Sneering Demon Lufenia Quest
The thought of taking Sephiroth to the The Sneering Demon Lufenia Quest didn’t even cross my mind. There was no way I could bring him to a Level 200 fight in his current state, not even if he was synergy for said fight.
This Lufenia was said to be one of the hardest Lufenias, so I decided to go in with Lightning, Reno (from Final Fantasy VII), and Kurasame Susaya (from Final Fantasy Type-0). All 3 are fully MLB and Purple with all of their passives and extensions equipped. They have their Bloom Stones and all of their Boards have been completed. 
Lightning has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts.
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Reno has triple Attack 108 with Conscious Professional Up★★ (While Turks’ Point active: Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5%) Artifacts.
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Kurasame has triple Attack 108 with Silent Commander Up★★ (While Quiet Instructor active: Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 5%) Artifacts.
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Lightning is equipped with her Burst weapon. She has her High Armor. She has the following Spheres:
Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When attacking target’s weakness: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) Break Raging Attack Boost Up A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 2% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere    
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I brought Shiva as my Summon for the Attack and Speed up boost. I borrowed a Sephiroth friend so Lightning could take advantage of his Burst effect.
Lightning was the star of this team. She took all the turns and dealt all the damage. She was just really freaking good, and I’m so glad I was able to get her full kit.
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Kurasame was here because of his debuff which increases HP damage taken. This let everyone deal more damage. Reno was here primarily because of his Pyramid debuff. While an enemy is afflicted with Pyramid, the brave damage they take increases and they can’t inflict debuffs. Most importantly, any BRV and HP damage they deal becomes 0. His other debuffs were of use too. His EM Triple Shot lowers attack, defense, and thunder resistance while his Numb lowers physical attack and physical defense.    
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I brought Penelo’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Call Ability because I have no healer. Well, Lightning can heal herself a bit after casting her Ex and, ideally, Reno’s Pyramid should be able to stop the dangerous group + HP attack of the enemies. Still took Penelo’s Call anyway, just in case. The other Call I brought was Vincent Valentine’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) since he inflicts an initial brave down debuff which should help lower the value of the shields that the enemies like to give themselves. 
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This was one very intense fight. I worried that I wouldn’t be able to win, especially towards the end because the Lufenia orb counter was down to 3. I was running out of time. If the count reaches 0, it was game over. 
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And Lightning was running out of skills. Reno was all out of Pyramid though he still had a lot of uses of both of his base abilities since he didn’t take as many turns as Lightning. 
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After making sure that Kurasame’s HP damage taken debuff was at max stacks, I switched him out for the friend Sephiroth that I borrowed. His Burst effect helped delay the enemies so they couldn’t take any more turns. Thankfully, I managed to win before the Lufenia orbs could go off. Phew.
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Caravan of Hope Lost Chapter Event
After finishing with the The Sneering Demon event, I thought I was done and would no longer be tempted to bother with Sephiroth. I mean, I didn’t even end up needing him for his own Lufenia Quest. But then the fire nation attacked Caravan of Hope Lost Chapter event began a few days later.
The banner that came with this event features the weapons of the following characters:
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII - Burst only
Ciaran from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD
Krile Mayer Baldesion from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Layle from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
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My Layle is fully MLB, but at base Ex only. My Krile’s 15cp and Ex was fully MLB, but I don’t even have a single copy of her 35cp. I only have Ciaran’s 15cp, which we got for free during his debut event. I wasn’t really interested in Ciaran, and he wasn’t hyped or anything. It wasn’t like he was that bad. He has pretty good auras and he can battery the party while dealing decent enough damage, but he can’t heal. Simply put, there are much better chars than him. He’s outclassed by Rude who can also heal. So it was never part of my plan to pull on this banner. 
We do get a free multi-draw again as part of the game’s winter holidays celebrations. Unfortunately, that free pull only gave me a dupe of Krile’s Ex and my first copy of Ciaran’s 35cp.
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It shouldn’t have mattered though. Like I said, I wasn’t interested in Ciaran. And not having his Ex or LD meant I didn’t have to bother doing his Summon Boards, farming his Artifacts, and leveling him up.
The problem was Sephiroth’s Burst being on this banner too and me apparently being really interested in acquiring it. But why? What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I have just waited for the better banners that featured his Burst, like that triple BT banner or Rude’s upcoming banner? It’s not like I even need him right now. 
Could I blame this on the name of the passive affinity ability of his Burst? It’s called “Genesis of a Shining Future”. It has “Genesis” so is that why I want it? Well, it certainly got me more interested in having it. Because Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is currently my absolute, most favorite Final Fantasy character. I’m still wishing and hoping that he’ll show up in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia as a playable char.   
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But it’s not like I can even see the name “Genesis of a Shining Future” unless I was actively looking at his affinity passives list. His Finishing Burst or Burst attack is called “Heaven’s Light” so that’s what will show up in battle.
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Still - I don’t know. Maybe it’s not just the name. Whatever the case, I ended up tossing hundreds of tickets on Ciaran’s banner. As can be expected, I ended up with numerous bronze and silver trash as well as a lot of dupes. I did get like 2 copies of Krile’s 35cp. It was vexing that I couldn’t even get enough to MLB it.
I also ended up with all of Ciaran’s weapons. I got enough copies of his 15cp and LD to be able to MLB both without having to use a single Power Stone. I should be pleased, but I just got more and more frustrated because Sephiroth’s Burst refused to show up. 
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I was also getting furious with myself for continuing to waste my tickets on this banner. I should have stopped after getting a copy of each of Ciaran’s weapons. But no. Damn it. I even ended up throwing a few tickets on the The Sneering Demon banners even though I thought I was done with those. Sigh. The only thing that stopped me from using my gems was the fact that Rude’s banner was coming really soon. It couldn’t come soon enough though. I wanted these banners to disappear already so they’d stop taking all my resources.
Caravan of Hope Challenge Quest
I brought Layle, Ciaran, and Sephiroth to the Caravan of Hope Challenge Quest. Ciaran was equipped with his base Ex. I can’t remember for sure now, but I think it had been limit broken once. He has the passive for his 15cp and LD. His 35cp isn’t MLB yet though so I don’t have its passive either. I could have used Power Stones to MLB his weapons, but I had yet to stop myself from wasting my tickets on the Caravan of Hope banner. I’d rather not use Power Stones if I was gonna get more dupes of Ciaran’s Ex and 35cp.
I also can’t remember for sure now, but I think Ciaran had 0 Boards completed when I did the Challenge Quest. IIRC, he didn’t have any decent Artifacts either. Layle has all of his Summon Boards completed, but he’s missing his Character Enhancement Boards. I decided to Realize his Ex to Ex+ 0/3 for this fight, mostly so I could get an Ingot. He has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts.
The reason I went with Ciaran over Krile was because he could equip a Call Ability while she couldn’t. Also, AFAIK, he has better auras than her. And he does have an LD which gives him a free skill after using. He can also battery with most, if not all, of his moves while she can’t. I chose Layle over Krile because he can delay enemies and he can launch. Thankfully, I managed to Perfect this Challenge Quest.
Caravan of Hope Lufenia Quest
I don’t remember all the details anymore since I didn’t get to take screenshots, but I had to do this quest twice. The first time - I did manage to win. However, I missed the turn count requirement so I had to do it again. I don’t remember for sure the exact party I used for my first try, but I’m certain Lightning was part of the team.
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For my second try, I went in with Lightning, Reno, and Gladiolus Amicitia (from Final Fantasy XV). Gladio is fully MLB and Purple. All of his Boards have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone. He has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts. 
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He’s equipped with the following Spheres:
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer (RF) A Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises own ATK by 4% for 6 turns    
Gabranth’s (Noah fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII) Critical Resist All Shorter (RF) B Sphere
After dealing critical hit: • Reduces party’s BRV damage taken by 4% for 3 turns
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII’s (from Final Fantasy IX) HP Heal Attack Up Longer (RF) C Sphere
When recovering own HP: • Self: Raises ATK by 4% for 6 turns
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I brought Odin as my Summon and borrowed a friend support Sephiroth again. Although Gladio could heal, I still brought Penelo’s Call anyway, just in case. I also brought Raijin’s call for its physical attack up buff, which benefits everyone in my team.
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Ciaran’s Lufenia was another one of the really hard Lufenia fights so I was really glad that I managed to complete it even if I did have to do it twice. Lightning is really super special awesome.   
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Eff you and your goddess-forsaken Burst, Sephiroth (#ad). Why won’t you show up? You’re making me hate you a lot right now. Definitely giving me lots of desdis-freaking-pearpair. I’m getting flashbacks to my pulls on FFRK, right down to how crappy the results were and how I freaking hate myself for wasting all my resources on this. What’s wrong with me? Why do I want this anyway? I don’t need it! I really don’t. I just beat his and Ciaran’s Lufenia quests without using him. So why am I still throwing tickets on these horrible banners? Argh! So freaking frustrating. I wish these banners would just go away already so I can stop wasting my tickets. Sigh.
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So, what about you? Which chars did you use to do the The Sneering Demon and Caravan of Hope Lufenia and Challenge quests? Did you pull for Sephiroth, Ciaran, and their banner mates? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia and Final Fantasy Record Keeper game accounts
6 notes · View notes
freyayuki · 3 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Aerith Gainsborough LD Pulls Results
The banner featuring Aerith or Aeris Gainsborough’s (#ad) (from Final Fantasy VII) LD just showed up in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game.
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This banner is different from the usual in that you can get off-banner 15cp, 35cp, and Ex weapons of all the characters in the game. The drops for all of Aeris’s weapons (15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD) will be boosted though. Aside from Aerith’s gear, the only other weapon featured on this banner is the Emperor’s (from Final Fantasy II) BT or Burst weapon.
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Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
I like Aeris, which was why I already have the passives from her 15cp, 35cp, and Ex. I even farmed her the perfect Artifacts - 3 ATK 108 with Charged Healing Wind Boost All★★ (Healing Wind use +1; raises party's MAX BRV by 15%).
She’s currently equipped with her Ex that’s been Purpled or at Ex+ 3/3. All of her currently available Boards have been completed, and she has her Bloom Stone. 
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This is the first appearance of her LD so I don’t have it yet, but I’ve been planning to pull on this banner. Hopefully, I can get her LD with maybe bonus Emperor BT (because he’s also Purple and I just got his LD from another banner) without having to spend a lot of resources.
Aeris Gainsborough Banner Multi-Draws Results
As part of the spring campaign, we get a free multi-draw on this banner. It gave me 3 golds - Aerith’s 35cp, Layle’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers) 15cp, and Kuja’s (from Final Fantasy IX) 15cp. Unfortunately, all of these were dupes.
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My first multi-draw with gems gave me a gold orb so I was pretty hyped. One Aerith LD, please.
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Unfortunately, this pull gave me the wrong Aeris weapon. All I got were dupes of her Ex as well as Nine’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) 15cp. Ah, well, at least her Sphere is pretty good (it raises magical attack by 15% while HP is at least 80% of max).
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My second multi-draw gave me 4 golds - Lilisette’s (from Final Fantasy XI) 35cp, Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) 35cp, Nine’s Ex, and Aranea Highwind’s (from Final Fantasy XV) 35cp. The first 3 are fully MLB already while for Aranea, it’s my second copy of her 35cp. I don’t have her Ex, which was why I haven’t bothered to MLB her 15cp and 35cp.
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2 golds, came from a gold orb - dupe of Aerith’s 15cp and Noel Kreiss’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Ex
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At least Noel’s Sphere is also really good. It raises attack by 15% when attacking target afflicted with break. This is one of the best A Spheres in the game.
2 golds, came from a gold orb - dupe of Cait Sith’s (from Final Fantasy VII) 35cp and Strago Magus's (from Final Fantasy VI) Ex. At least my Strago Ex isn’t fully MLB yet
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2 golds - dupe of Celes Chere’s (from Final Fantasy VI) 15cp and Edge’s (Edward Geraldine from Final Fantasy IV) 15cp
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dupe of Setzer Gabbiani's (from Final Fantasy VI) 15cp
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Argh! OMFG! This banner is terrible. I hate all of these off-banner weapons that are almost always nothing more than Power Stones. Even if they aren’t, even if I can use the dupes to fully MLB a weapon, it doesn’t mean I’ll be able to use them. 
I mean, just take Strago for example. I may have his Ex, but I don’t have his LD and can’t even remember if I have his 35cp or not, so why should I waste my Power Stones limit breaking his weapons when I can’t use him in Lufenia Quests and the like?
Did I mention that I really hate this banner? I feel like all these off-banners are just getting in my way. Aerith LD, doko da? And now I’m down to around 500k+ gems. My next multi-draw will drop my gem count down to 498,320. Ugh. I don’t want to. I want to keep my 500k+ for a while longer. But I don’t have a choice. It’s too late to back out of this banner. Besides, I do want Aeris’s LD. I just wish it would show up already. At the very least, could I have a copy of the Emperor’s BT?  
3 golds, came from a gold orb - dupe of the Warrior of Light’s (from Final Fantasy I) 15cp, Aerith’s Ex, and Ceodore Harvey’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Ex
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At least my Ceodore Ex isn’t MLB yet but I don’t have his LD so I can’t use him in harder fights.
2 golds - dupe of Arciela V. Adoulin’s (from Final Fantasy XI) 15cp and Aeris’s Ex
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2 golds - dupe of Porom’s (from Final Fantasy IV) 15cp and Leon’s (Leonhart from Final Fantasy II) 15cp
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Argh! Eff this banner. Aerith LD, doko da? Come home soon, please.
4 golds, came from a gold orb - Eiko Carol’s (from Final Fantasy IX) 15cp, Amidatelion’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers) Ex, Lulu’s (from Final Fantasy X) 35cp, and Leon’s 35cp
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The first 2 are nothing more than Power Stones. I know my Lulu’s 35cp isn’t fully MLB yet and I think the same can be said for Leon’s 35cp although I can’t be too sure, not that it matters either way because I’m missing their Ex weapons and they haven’t been updated or reworked in a long while.
2 golds - Strago’s 35cp and Kam'lanaut’s (from Final Fantasy XI) 15cp. Neither are fully MLB. But I’m also missing Kam'lanaut’s LD
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3 golds - dupes of Aerith’s 35cp, Relm Arrowny’s (from Final Fantasy VI) 35cp, and Barret Wallace’s 35cp
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Prompto Argentum’s (from Final Fantasy XV) 35cp. At least this one isn’t fully MLB yet
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2 golds - Aeris’s Ex and the Cloud of Darkness’s (from Final Fantasy III) 15cp. I think the Cloud of Darkness weapon is already fully MLB, but can’t quite remember for sure though
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Argh, why do I keep getting all these off-banners and all these wrong Aerith weapons? Eff this banner. I’m now down to 463,320 gems. And I now have 300 G-Tokens for this banner. Which means enough to pity or buy either Aeris’s Ex or her LD from the shop.
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I’ve done all these pulls and yet not once did Aerith’s LD show up. Even the Emperor’s BT didn’t have the decency to show up. Seriously, eff this banner. So freaking frustrating.
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Sigh. Of course, I’m furious, but I’m trying to look on the bright side of things. At least I can actually just outright buy her LD. So I still win. I mean, other gacha mobile games like Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) and Fate/Grand Order (FGO) don’t have a pity system so there’s lots of times wherein I’ve ended up with 0 resources and nothing to show for the loss on both games.
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Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
After pitying Aeris's LD, I spent all the Power Stones needed to fully MLB it and acquire its passive. I equipped it to Aerith then finished the rest of her Boards. Also got her to Level 80 and Crystal Level 80. 
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I thought about it for a bit, but, in the end, I decided to buy her High Armor as well. It's called Aerith's Ribbon (VII). Its passive Affinity Ability is Support's Keystone, and its effect is:
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Raises party's ATK by 5%
Party's held bravery and HP damage dealt can exceed limit of 99999 by 5% (up to 104998) *Only valid when an effect breaking the limit of MAX BRV causes BRV to exceed 99999
Spheres for Aeris Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
I've always wanted to fill out Aerith's Sphere Slots. I'm not sure what to give her though. I took so long thinking about it that a lot of things happened in the game already, and I stopped using her, especially when the newer weapon types (LD and BT) showed up, and she got powercrept and outdated. 
Nevertheless, I still sometimes found myself thinking about the possible Spheres I could give to her although by then I'd already made up my mind that I wouldn't equip her with any until her LD shows up and I manage to acquire it.
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Well, her LD is here now, and it's mine after having to pity it, and I fully completed her and even bought her High Armor, but I still don't know what Spheres to give her. Let's see. Her Sphere Slots are A, C, and D.
Although Aerith is a support slash healer, most, if not all, of her stat gains are based on her Attack. For instance, she can increase HP Recovery and BRV gain based on her Attack stat. So the best Spheres for her are those that increase the aforementioned stat. Her secondary stat is Initial Brave, but she also has a Max Brave aura, so increasing those alongside her Attack isn’t a bad idea either.
A Sphere for Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
The best A Sphere that Aeris can proc is Noel Kreiss’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Breaking Attack Up Shorter. Its effect is:
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises ATK by 15% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
My Noel is Purple or at Ex+ 3/3 so I already have this Sphere. The problem is that I've already given it to another char. I do have several extras of Noel's Ex, including the one I just got while pulling for Aerith's LD. But I'm not sure I want to spend the Book and Ingots needed to Purple another copy of Noel's Ex. After all, only Noel can equip said weapon so I don't have a use for a second one.
I think I should just go with giving Aeris the next best A Sphere. In this case, that would be one that increases the Attack stat by 10%. Here's a list of those kinds of A Spheres that Aerith can consistently and constantly proc:
Tifa Lockhart’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when dealing critical hit
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Yang Fang Leiden’s (from Final Fantasy IV) Critical Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises MAX BRV and ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Machina Kunagiri’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Initial Attack Up Shorter A Sphere. Its effect is:
Raises INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) Critical Initial Attack Up Shorter A Sphere
Raises INT BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns when dealing critical hit
Tifa, Yang, Machina, and Jecht - I have the Ex weapons for these chars, and they’re all Purple or at Ex+ 3/3. Unfortunately, I’ve also already given their Spheres to other chars so Aeris can’t have any of them anymore.
Garland’s (from Final Fantasy I) Break Hit Raging Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 2% when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break up to 5 times, once per turn
I don’t have Garland’s Ex yet though I can use Ex tokens to get it. And I know he’s set to show up in a banner soon, alongside his Burst and LD, so I could try pulling for him then.
Oerba Yun Fang’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Break Hit Attack Up Longer A Sphere
Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break
I have Fang’s Ex, but it’s at base Ex only and not even fully MLB yet. I’d have to spend a Book and 3 Ingots to Purple her or get her to Ex+ 3/3. She’s been heavily powercrept by now though. And she has yet to get a rework or update even in the Japanese version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. 
Onion Knight’s (from Final Fantasy III) Critical Raging Attack Up A Sphere
Raises ATK by 2% when dealing critical hit up to 5 times, once per turn
I have Onion Knight’s Ex fully MLB, but it’s at base Ex only. Haven’t even bothered to give him a Book to Realize his Ex to Ex+ 0/3. The banner featuring Onion Knight’s LD and BT just showed up, but I failed to get either weapon. His weapons have yet to return. I feel reluctant to Purple him since I don’t have his LD or Burst. Also, the recent chapter that featured him made me dislike him, so, yeah, I kinda don’t really want anything to do with him right now.
Vaan’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Full HP Attack Up
Raises ATK by 10% while HP is MAX
My Vaan is also at fully MLB but base Ex only. The banner featuring his LD and BT also just showed up. I didn’t really try pulling for him, aside from maybe a few tickets or so which didn’t turn up anything, because I heard he was rather underwhelming. 
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However, recently, his weapons showed up again in the Japanese version of DFFOO and he also got a rework that made him much better. So I’m considering pulling on that banner when it shows up in the Global or English version of the game. 
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As such, I feel it wouldn’t be that much of a waste if I were to Purple him now. I wouldn’t be able to use him anymore in harder quests since he’s already been powercrept but I guess I could just consider this preparation for when he gets his rework.
Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Last Boost Attack Up A Sphere
Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% if HP at least 50% of MAX at start of last wave *Does not stack with same sphere
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My Sephiroth is Purple so I have this Sphere. And I’ve yet to give it to anyone so Aeris is totally free to have this. The problem is I hate the activation condition for this Sphere. The effect is really good since it raises 2 very good stats by 10%. And since Aerith is a healer, it’ll be really easy for her HP to be at least 50% of max all the time. 
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But the fact that this Sphere will only activate at the start of the last wave is what I don’t like about it. Yes, there are lots of fights that only have 1 wave so Seph’s Sphere will automatically proc for those quests, but there are also plenty of battles that have more than 1 wave. 
If I could easily move Spheres around without consequences, then this Sphere wouldn’t be so bad. As it is though - sigh. Ah, if only this Sphere was more like Yang’s. Looks like I’m going with Vaan’s A Sphere for Aeris then.
C Sphere for Aeris Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Here’s a list of C Spheres that can increase the Attack stat and that Aerith can consistently and constantly proc:
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII’s (from Final Fantasy IX) HP Heal Attack Up Longer C Sphere
When recovering own HP: • Raises own ATK by 10% for 6 turns
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I have this Sphere and I’ve yet to give it to anyone. The thing is Aeris can only heal whenever she uses her base skills or her Ex. Her base skills don’t deal damage so it’s not a good idea to spam them. At least her Ex charges fairly fast enough although it’d probably take a bit longer if her abilities aren’t being used that often other than to refresh buffs or heal the party when needed. This Sphere does have a pretty long turn duration so Aerith shouldn’t have that much issue being able to keep its effects active all the time.
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Base Attack All Shorter C Sphere
After recovering HP: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
This has the same issue as Garnet’s Sphere, only with a much shorter turn duration, so I’m really not sure about this one. Moreover, while I have Maria’s Ex, it’s only at Ex+ 0/3. This is a good Sphere so I don’t think I’d mind Purpling Maria’s Ex. I’m just not sure this is the best or most optimal C Sphere for Aerith.
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
I have this Sphere and no one’s taken it yet. Aerith grants buffs with all of her moves, all except for her HP+ and BRV+. This seems like it could work for her, but I worry that the turn duration might be too short. I might end up using her HP+ or even her BRV+ more often than her skills. Of course, I’ll be using her Ex whenever it’s charged, but it might not be that often if I use her HP+ a lot.  
Hmm, I think I should go with Garnet’s Sphere since it has a longer turn duration. Plus at least I already have it so I can give it to Aerith anytime. Alphinaud’s Sphere is also really good, but it might be better off with some other char who can buff with all of their moves.  
D Sphere for Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Here’s a list of D Spheres that can increase the Attack stat and that Aerith can consistently and constantly proc:
Sazh Katzroy’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Critical Attack All Longer D Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises party’s ATK by 5% for 6 turns
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Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere    
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Desch’s (from Final Fantasy III) Buff Success Raging Attack All D Sphere. Its effect is:
After granting buff: • Raises party’s ATK by 1% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
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Sazh, Hope, and Desch - Unfortunately, these Spheres are already taken.
Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Attack Boost All Short D Sphere
After inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises party's Max BRV, Attack by 5% for 3 turns
This is a really good D Sphere that increases 2 stats and has an easy activation condition. The only issue is that this isn’t available in the English version of DFFOO yet. Definitely considering pulling for Queen whenever she shows up. But I don’t think I want to wait that long before giving Aerith a D Sphere.
Ashe’s (Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca) Buff Success Attack All Longer D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party's ATK by 5% for 6 turns
I don’t have Ashe’s Ex yet. But I know she’s set to show up soon along with her LD, and I’m thinking of pulling for her. She’ll show up way before Queen, but still. Don’t want to wait so long before giving Aeris a D Sphere. I want to fill out all of her Sphere Slots already.
Lyse Hext’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Break Hit Attack All Longer D Sphere
After inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises party’s ATK by 5% for 6 turns
Deuce’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) All Buff Attack Up 3 D Sphere
Raises party’s ATK by 5% with 3 or more active buffs
I have Lyse’s and Deuce’s Ex weapons, but they’re at base Ex only and neither are fully MLB. Both have been heavily powercrept by now and neither have been updated in a long while although Deuce is set to get an LD soon.
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Either of these Spheres should work for Aeris so it’s just a matter of deciding which one to give to her. See, the thing is I’m also planning to give Spheres to Tifa Lockhart (from Final Fantasy VII). She has a D Slot too so either of these should work for her as well.
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I think I’m gonna give Deuce’s Sphere to Aerith. She starts quests with 3 buffs. All her skills give buffs too. So it should be really easy for her to keep this Sphere’s effect active.
Spheres for Aeris Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
So I did it. I Purpled Vaan's Ex and Deuce's Ex to get their Spheres. Then I equipped them as well as Garnet's Sphere to Aerith.
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No regrets so far. Actually pretty pleased to have Aeris complete like this. Hopefully, I can use her in a few Lufenia quests at the very least.
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So, what about you? Did you pull for Aeris’s LD and the rest of her weapons? How did your draws go? Did you use Aerith in a Lufenia quest? How did it go? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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freyayuki · 3 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20
The Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20 Chaos quest was just released in the Dissidia Final Fantasy (#ad) : Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. This is the last Entropy stage. Perfecting all 20 Tiers within the given time will net a lot of rewards, including gems.
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Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20 Banner
The release of Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20 came with a banner, which features the following characters and their weapons:
Krile Mayer Baldesion from Final Fantasy V - 15cp, 35cp, Ex and LD
Aphmau from Final Fantasy XI - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
Relm Arrowny from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII - Burst only
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Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20 Banner Free Multi-Draw Results
As part of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia's 3rd Anniversary celebration, this banner came with a free multi-draw. This free pull gave me a gold orb.
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Was pretty hyped when I saw it. Unfortunately, no free Krile LD. Instead, I got my very first copy of Aphmau’s Ex.
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Ticket Pulls for Krile Mayer Baldesion's LD
I've heard pretty good things about Krile so I was interested in her LD. She also got a rework alongside the introduction of said LD. She's a support and battery with some pretty good auras and buffs, including one that increases elemental weakness damage. She can enchant the party and imperil enemies with the thunder element. The battery from her Ex can be really good, especially during a char's Burst phase and with the right setup. She can't heal though and her damage is definitely not the best.
My plan was to pull with gems on this banner since I don't have all of the weapons featured in it. Let's see. I have Krile's 15cp, 35cp, and Ex fully MLB, but she's at base Ex only. I was planning to Purple or get her to Ex+ 3/3 if I manage to snag her LD. My Relm's 15cp is fully MLB. I have a copy of her 35cp, but it's not fully MLB. IIRC, it hasn't been limit broken at all. I'm missing her Ex. 
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For Aphmau, I only have a copy of her 15cp which we got for free during her Lost Chapter event. I'm missing her 35cp and Ex (that is, until the free multi-draw gave me my first copy anyway). So I thought this would be a pretty good banner to pull on with the added bonus of possibly getting Ultimecia's Burst as well.
But now I can't afford to use gems on this banner anymore because I ended up using them on Jack's (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Lost Chapter banner. Had to pity Jack's LD so that's minus 70k (would have been 75k if we hadn't also gotten a free multi-draw on this banner) on my gem stash. So, yeah, gotta get back to saving. As such, I only have tickets to offer to Krile's banner, and all I can do now is hope that that would be enough.
Currently, I have 390 tickets on hand. Aside from the usual bronze and silver trash as well as gold dupes, here’s a list of the items I got with these tickets:
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Relm’s 35cp - managed to get enough to fully MLB this and get its passive
Relm’s Ex - got 1 or 2 copies
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Aphmau’s 15cp, 35cp, and Ex - got enough to fully MLB all of these without having to use Power Stones. Even got a few extras afterward. Seriously, it seemed like I kept getting Aphmau’s weapons, even her Ex. It was like every time I got a gold orb, her Ex would show up
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Krile LD - hell, yes! Was so pleased when it finally showed up 
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Was actually starting to lose hope that I’d ever be able to get it because I was starting to run out of tickets
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By the time Krile’s LD finally graced me with its presence, I only had 82 tickets left.
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Krile Mayer Baldesion from Final Fantasy V
Since Krile’s LD came home, I spent the resources necessary to Purple her Ex and MLB her LD. Also bought her Bloom Stone. All of her Summon Boards were already completed. Now, I also completed all of her Character Enhancement Boards.
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I’ve farmed Artifacts for her before, so she has triple Attack 108 with pretty good secondaries though nothing perfect (which is 3 ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330). I’ll see if I can get her some 108/330 though no pressure since Artifact farming can be such a pain. Besides, she already has triple ATK 108, so that should be acceptable enough.  
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Krile has the following RF Spheres equipped:
Alphinaud Leveilleur’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Buff Success Base Attack All Shorter (RF) C Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party's INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
Wakka’s (from Final Fantasy X) Buff Attack Boost All 5 (RF) D Sphere
With 5 or more buffs: • Raises party's MAX BRV, ATK by 2% *Does not stack with same sphere
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Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20 Initial Plans
Before Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 was released, all I’ve been hearing about it was how hard it could be, that it was practically like a Lufenia Quest (which is Level 200 as opposed to Chaos Quests, which are Level 180) except with no Lufenia orb. I also heard that the Warrior of Light (from Final Fantasy I) and Lightning (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) (#ad) were really good for this Tier. 
So my plan was to use them here after freeing them from the Tiers they were previously locked in. I had  a Purple Lightning locked on Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 9 while I had a base Ex only Warrior of Light locked on Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 8. This was way, way before their new weapons showed up. 
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My Purple Penelo (from Final Fantasy XII) was with the Warrior of Light (WoL) on Tier 8. When I freed WoL from that stage, I was able to free her too, so I considered using her on Tier 20 as well.
My plans changed a bit when Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 19 was released since I ended up locking both Penelo and the Warrior of Light there. I also started considering using Cloud Strife (from Final Fantasy VII) here on Tier 20, possibly instead of or alongside Lightning. 
I thought of going with either Rude (from Final Fantasy VII) or Gladiolus Amicitia (from Final Fantasy XV) as my support slash healer slash battery although I also considered using the both of them then just picking between Lightning and Cloud as my sole DPS.
Available Characters for Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20
I hadn’t really made up my mind by the time Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 showed up, but at least I still have quite a bit of time since we have about a month before the limited time rewards will end.
Here’s a list of the chars that I currently have available and can be used for this fight. Note that I’m only listing the chars who I have Purpled and fully MLB. For some of these, I also have their LD and/or Burst weapons.
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
Lightning (Claire Farron) from Final Fantasy XIII
Dark Knight Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV
Rude from Final Fantasy VII
Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy XV
Krile Mayer Baldesion from Final Fantasy V
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI
Vayne Carudas Solidor from Final Fantasy XII
Prishe from Final Fantasy XI
Using Already Locked Characters for Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20
I have all of these chars available for Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20 and yet, in spite of that, somehow, I found myself looking at the ones whom I've already locked on to previous stages. To be more specific, I found myself eying Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy VII) (#ad). He's currently locked on Tier 19 alongside the Warrior of Light and Penelo. I suppose it's not that surprising considering I've been using him a lot lately.
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After I ended up pitying his and Cloud's Burst weapons, I've been using either or both of them in all Lufenia quests (Level 200, currently the hardest kind of fight in DFFOO). It became a personal challenge of sorts to try to slot either of them into my Lufenia parties. 
It's actually pretty fun trying to get them to work or building a team around them. Somewhere along the way though, I ended up focusing more on Sephi in that he was the one I ended up slotting into more Lufenia quests. I still try to use Cloud whenever I can, but somehow, the challenge turned into "try slotting Sephiroth in all Lufenia quests with the occasional bonus Cloud".
I guess it's because it's more of a challenge trying to use Sephiroth in a Lufenia fight. Yeah, that's right. Cloud is way better. Sephi badly needs an update or rework, but he won't be getting this until much, much later. Cloud's damage is good and he has way more utility than Seph. He can delay enemies, he can launch, he can paralyze, and he can dispel buffs. 
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In contrast to that, Seph is mostly just a damage dealer, but his damage is already outdated and meh. He does offer a bit of utility via his speed down aura and the debuff from his LD, but that's nothing compared to what Cloud brings to the table. If you're looking for utility, Sephi is definitely not the first char you'd think of. Likewise if you're looking for a DPS. 
So I guess that's part of why I like trying to make him work in Level 200 quests. It's definitely more challenging. It can be such a hassle too, but it's a really good feeling when you manage to make it work and when you still end up winning seemingly against all odds.  
Anyway, the point is this is why I found myself wanting to use Sephiroth in Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20. This is a Chaos (Level 180) quest, but it's been compared to a Lufenia fight minus the orbs and it's said to be the hardest Entropy stage so, yeah, I really felt like I wanted to try and make him work here. Yes, he was already locked on to Tier 19, but eh, it's fine. I can worry about Perfecting Tier 19 again once I actually manage to deal with 20.
Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20 Initial Try Team Info
So for my first try of this quest, I went with Sephiroth, Krile, and Penelo.
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My Sephiroth is Level 80 and Crystal Level 80. His 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD are fully MLB. His Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple. He’s currently equipped with his Burst weapon and his High Armor. All of his Boards have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone.
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He has 3 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts and
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3 Attack 108 with One-Winged Angel Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts.
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If the fight only has 1 wave, then I equip him with triple 108/One-Winged Angel Boost★★. Otherwise, I go for triple 108/330.
Sephiroth is equipped with the following A Spheres:
Jack’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Critical Attack Up Shorter Power
When dealing critical hit: • Raises BRV damage by 5%, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Power
Raises BRV damage dealt with critical hits by 10%
Vayne Carudas Solidor’s (from Final Fantasy XII) Broken Power
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Increases BRV damage dealt by 10%
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When I did Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 19, Penelo's LD had yet to be released so mine only had the passives from her 15cp, 35cp, and Ex. Her Ex was Purple or at Ex+ 3/3, all of her Summon Boards have been completed, and she has her Bloom Stone, but she's missing her Character Enhancement Boards. 
Since I was able to get her LD, I fully MLB'd it to acquire its passive and I also spent the points needed to max out the rest of her Boards. She has triple ATK 108 with MAX BRV 330 Artifacts. She's equipped with the following Spheres:
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Base Attack All Shorter (RF) C Sphere
After recovering HP: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
Ramza Beoulve’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) Buff Base Boost All 3 (RF) D Sphere
With 3 or more buffs: • Raises party’s INT BRV, MAX BRV by 2%
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Brought Diabolos as my Summon for his Blessing. For Calls, I brought Jack’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) for his Katana Wounds (Lowers DEF; increases BRV damage taken when being afflicted with or while afflicted with Break) debuff, Rude’s (from Final Fantasy VII) for the healing, and Setzer Gabbiani’s (from Final Fantasy VI) for the Freeze (Cannot gain BRV) debuff.
Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 Team 1 Fight
This quest has 2 waves. The first has 1 main boss and his 2 add-ons. He will always take the first 2 turns. On his first turn, he will summon his add-ons. On his second turn, he will deal HP damage to the entire party. This immediately activated Diabolos’s secondary Blessing and took my chars down to like half of their HP. Heck, Seph’s HP went into the red. Just glad none of them died.
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The ordeal isn’t over yet though. The main boss also has a recast gauge and after his 2 attacks, the bar’s been filled to the max. He’ll fire it the next time he gets to move and that’s gonna be yet another group HP attack. If my chars aren’t back to full health before that happens, then they’re all dead. 
To make matters worse, his minions love to HP attack, and they can heal their boss. As long as the add-ons are alive, the main boss takes less HP damage and his turns can’t be delayed. So it’s imperative that the minions be defeated ASAP.
Penelo gives the party an HP Regen buff, which will restore a bit of their HP each turn. The only way she can restore the party’s HP at once is via casting her Ex, and that’s only by a moderate amount. In short, there was no way I could get everyone back to full health in 1 turn. Did I mention that Krile can’t heal at all?
And that’s where Setzer’s Call comes in. I cast it right away to buy a turn or 2 for Penelo’s HP Regen to start healing my chars. I also made use of the guaranteed paralyze via Krile’s LD to buy even more turns. I applied everyone’s buffs and start getting rid of the minions.
Once the add-ons are dead, the boss actually delays himself a bit so that gave me a bit of time to just have everyone focus their attacks on him. But the next time the boss got to move, he will resummon his minions. He’ll keep doing that until he’s dead.
Needless to say, I ended up taking way too much time on this wave. Thanks to the buffs and auras and batteries from Penelo and Krile, Sephiroth actually dealt pretty decent damage. He even gets to hit for weakness thanks to Krile’s enchant and imperil, which means even more damage. Krile and Penelo did pretty well too, but their damage was definitely not the best, which was only to be expected since they were supports.
Ended up using a lot of skills just to get through this wave. It was also around turn 40 or so by the time I finally defeated wave 1′s boss. The turn count requirement is 125, so I could only hope I’ll be able to win by then and still get the score and all the other mission requirements.
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I’m pleased to be able to enter the second and final wave with Sephi at full HP because I opted to equip him with triple 108/One-Winged Angel Boost★★. I thought this would be better since wave 2 was looking to be quite difficult. I could definitely use all the boosts I could get.
The second wave only has 1 enemy, but it has 5 phases. Each time you deplete its HP bar, it will heal itself back to full and go into the next phase. The fight ends once you beat it 5 times.
Phase 1 - BRV attacks other than elemental weakness ineffective, reduces BRV damage taken, increases elemental weakness BRV damage taken
Phase 2 - BRV attacks ineffective, all BRV gain increased, reduces BRV damage taken, increases own BRV, grants BRV to everyone, lowers own ATK
Phase 3 - if the boss manages to break anyone in your party, then it's game over
Phase 4 - don't let the boss take a turn or it's game over
Phase 5 - the third time the boss takes a turn during this phase, it's game over
Shortly after the final wave started, everyone took HP damage, which once again brought Sephiroth down to the red. Welp, his HP bar is so freaking low. LOL.
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Surprisingly, I actually managed to get pretty far with this team. But sometime during the third phase, Penelo ended up being broken. Should have just had her BRV attack instead. Guess I ended up underestimating how much BRV damage the boss would be able to do in this phase. I could have restarted from this wave, but I didn't feel like it anymore. It was vexing to have gotten this far, only to be defeated and have to do it all over again. 
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And I couldn't help but think that I might just end up losing anyway even if I restarted the fight. Because by now the skill counts of my chars were really on the low side already. Sephiroth had 1 use of Scintilla, 4 uses of Fervent Blow, and 3 uses of Octaslash left and we were only in the third phase. Sure, I could use their HP+ more, which was what I've been doing, but my turn count was only going higher, so, yeah, I also had to worry about not meeting all the mission requirements. So I thought it was best to just try a different team this time.
Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 Team 2 Info
For my next team, I decided to go with Sephiroth, Krile, and Rude.
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Rude is fully MLB and Purple, including his LD. All of his Boards have been completed and he has his Bloom Stone. He has 1 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 and 2 Attack 108 with Max Brave 200 Artifacts. He’s equipped with the following RF Spheres:
Firion’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Boost Up Longer (RF) A Sphere
When recovering own HP: • Raises MAX BRV by 4% for 6 turns
Maria’s (from Final Fantasy II) HP Heal Base Attack All Shorter (RF) C Sphere
After recovering HP: • Raises party’s INT BRV, ATK by 2% for 3 turns
Sazh Katzroy’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Critical Attack All Longer (RF) D Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises party’s ATK by 2% for 6 turns
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Since I still had Krile to enchant and imperil, I kept Diabolos as my Summon. For Calls, I still took Jack’s and Ramza’s. My third Call was Penelo’s for the extra healing.
Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 Team 2 Fight
I brought Rude primarily because of his healing. Unlike Penelo, he doesn’t provide HP Regen, but he can heal with all of his skills. He can also convert excess healing into brave. He has pretty good buffs and auras as well. 
The first AoE attack from the boss in wave 1 took my chars down to around half of their HP, but no one’s bars were in the red. It was too early to celebrate though because the boss’s recast bar nearly killed everyone. Seriously, their HP, especially Seph’s, were so freaking low, it was practically a surprise that they didn’t die. I think this was thanks to Rude. 
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Good thing I had Krile use her LD as her first move so that after the boss used his recast gauge, the debuff from Krile’s LD was triggered and he got paralyzed. His minions were also paralyzed after they moved. Definitely needed this respite because my chars were in desperate need of healing. If the enemies attacked them now in their current state, they really would die unless said attacks somehow miss. 
Rude’s awesome at healing though so my team was back to full health a few turns later. Between him and Krile, everyone usually had lots of brave. However, I faced similar problems to my first run - the boss resummoning his add-ons, all the enemies and their love of HP attacking, my chars ending up using lots of their skills and taking way too long to get past the first wave. 
Had to use 2 of Krile’s LD on the first wave for the guaranteed paralysis. Also ended up using 2 of Rude’s LD for the healing. He can only heal with his skills and Ex, so I had to use those instead of his HP Attack if the party had low health.
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The second wave was more of the same with regards to all the HP attacks and skill spam. 
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Instead of trying to finish the fight, I decided to just quit because I didn’t think I’d be able to make it anyway. Rude was really running out of skills already since I keep having to spam them in order to heal my team.
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Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 Team 3 Info
For my third try, I decided to go with Sephiroth, Krile, and the Warrior of Light.
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The Warrior of Light is fully MLB, except I’m missing his Burst weapon. He’s equipped with his Ex that’s been Realized to Ex+ 0/3. He has his Bloom Stone and all of his Summon Boards have been completed, but he’s missing his Character Enhancement Boards.
Once again, I brought Diabolos as my Summon and Jack’s and Ramza’s Calls.
Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 Team 3 Fight
This was a very safe run. The only HP damage my chars took was from the boss’s second turn. After that, as soon as it was WoL’s turn, I used his LD. With the special buff from his LD up, all HP damage dealt to my chars became 0.
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Then I just had to wait for WoL’s Ex to charge. His Ex is the only part of his kit that can heal, and it isn’t by much since he was only at Ex+ 0/3. Speaking of which, him not being Purple and missing his Char Boards also meant that his damage was beyond meh. Sure, he aided Krile in batterying the party and his protection was top-notch but there was no use in relying on him for damage.
And that was the main problem with this team. With WoL here, I no longer have to worry about my chars dying. The problem now was my lack of damage. Krile’s a good support. But her damage isn’t that good either, not even with all of her Boards and being fully MLB and built.
Sephiroth does pretty decent damage thanks to the support from his team mates, but it didn’t seem to be enough. Yet again, I seemed to be taking way too long in the first wave, and I seemed to be using way too many skills. I needed more support, more fire power, or I might not be able to get all the mission requirements. And that’s why I decided to just quit this fight.
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Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 Team 4 Info
For my 4th try, I decided to bring out the big guns already. I was getting sick and tired of this fight. I know I could have made things way, way easier for myself if I just dropped Sephiroth. I didn’t need to use him here anyway. He was already locked on Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 19. He can keep being there. But I don’t know. I now felt like I really wanted to make him work here, like how I’ve tried to make him work in Lufenia fights.
As for Krile - well, I just got her fully built. I spent lots of tickets to get her LD, so of course, I wanted to use her. That’s why I kept bringing her to this battle. She’s a good support although her damage is lacking. And there are times wherein her damage is so bad that the battery from her Ex, which is based on the HP damage she deals, also ends up being bad.
But now I’m beginning to realize that it doesn’t seem to be possible to have both Sephiroth and Krile on the same team for Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20. Or maybe I could somehow get this to work with a few more tries. I don’t know. But I’m sick of trying this. I want to try something else now.
And that’s why for my latest try, I decided to bring Sephiroth, the Warrior of Light, and Lightning.
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My Lightning is Level 80 and Crystal Level 80. Her 15cp, 35cp, Manikin weapon, Ex, and LD are fully MLB. Her Ex is at Ex+ 3/3 or Purple. She’s currently equipped with her Burst weapon and her High Armor. All of her Boards have been completed. She has her Bloom Stone.
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She has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 and triple Attack 108 with Initial Brave 170 Artifacts. She’s equipped with the following Spheres:
Prishe’s (from Final Fantasy XI) Weak Attack Boost Up Shorter A Sphere
When attacking target’s weakness: • Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 10% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Ardyn Izunia’s (Ardyn Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV) Break Raging Attack Boost Up A Sphere
When inflicting Break: • Raises MAX BRV, ATK by 2% up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
Hope Estheim’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Buff Success Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
After granting buff: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere    
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Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20 Team 4 Fight
I brought Diabolos as my Summon for Lightning since she can imperil and enchant the thunder element, though it's only for herself. Initially, I had Seph equipped with Jack's Call while Lightning had Krile's.
As usual, the boss's first HP attack brought my chars down to low HP. Had the Warrior of Light use his LD ASAP. The fight seemed to be going well so far, but I decided to quit before the first wave was over because I didn't think the healing from WoL's Ex would be enough to get him and Sephi (Lightning can heal herself with her Ex) back to full health before we reached the final wave. 
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That is to say, WoL's Ex should be enough healing, assuming he got to move a lot anyway. But with Lightning taking so many turns, I was actually worried that the first wave would end with only her at full HP. I wanted to end wave 1 with everyone back to full health, especially Sephi since he's still equipped with 108/One-Winged Angel Boost★★ Arts.
So I decided to change my equipped Calls. This time, I gave Jack's Call to Lightning while Sephiroth had Penelo's. Oh, right, almost forgot to mention this - every time I started Dimensions' End Entropy Tier 20, I always get the screenshot below if I have Sephiroth, Penelo, or WoL in my party.
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Anyway, like before, the boss's first AoE HP attack brought everyone down to low HP. Sephiroth got to move first. Immediately, I had him activate Penelo's Regen Waltz Call for the HP Regen. With this and WoL's Ex, my chars were able to get back to full health before wave 1 ended.
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As always, with WoL's shields, I didn't have to worry about anyone taking HP damage. He also batteried the party with his moves. His damage was still meh, even more so since he's accompanied by 2 DPS although Lightning does have a bit of party utility via her LD and Burst.
Without anyone to properly support him, Sephi's damage was also meh. WoL's was worse, but at least he kept everyone safe with his shields while also batterying the party and even providing a bit of healing via his Ex. 
As for Sephiroth - eh, I guess the debuff from his LD helped a bit. And, yeah, sure, he did help Lightning in dealing damage, but let's just get one thing clear here - the real MVP of this fight was Lightning. WoL takes second place because his shields meant Lightning could just keep on attacking without worrying about dying. And Seph... was there. In fairness, he actually tends to regen a lot of brave, so he's usually at max. His brave damage was really meh though because there was no one to enchant him to hit for weakness or to provide him with more buffs and auras to increase his output.
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As for Lightning - she's so super special awesome. She's brilliant. She's amazing. She's the best. So freaking glad I have her fully built. You know, she's older than Sephiroth in terms of whose LD and Burst showed up first and yet Lightning is still so, so good anyway even after all this time. The bosses can't be delayed except via break so the turn delay from Lightning's Ex was useless. However, since she can break and rebreak and take lots of turns in a row, she was still able to stop the bosses from moving anyway.
Lightning dealt lots of damage. It helped that she could imperil enemies and enchant herself. In wave 1, I focused on getting rid of the add-ons. Then I made sure to push the turns of the boss back as much as possible so he wouldn't be able to resummon his minions anymore. I had to use 3 of Lightning's LD on this wave just to ensure the boss wouldn't resummon his minions anymore. IIRC, he only got to summon them once or twice. Which was why I was able to get past this wave at around turn 26 instead of how it usually took me around turn 40+ before I could get to the final wave. Lightning's free turns that don't add to the turn count also helped.
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I didn't really want to keep on using Lightning's Crushing Blow, her LD, on wave 1, but I felt that I had no choice, not if I didn’t want the boss to summon his minions again and inflate my turn count by making me waste my time killing them all over again before I could get back to dealing with the main enemy. So I said to myself, okay, it's fine, Lightning can deal with wave 1 then I'll just have Sephiroth deal with wave 2. After all, Seph still has lots of skills left since Light took most of the turns on this wave. LOL. Who was I kidding? Sephi can't deal with wave 2, not on his own. Lightning still needed to do all the work, especially since wave 2′s phase 1 requires weakness damage.
WoL also didn't get to move much in the first wave, so he also has plenty of skills left. I started using more of Lightning's HP+ since I needed to conserve her skills and with her LD only having 1 more use left, I didn't want to cast it yet. It was time to let Sephi and WoL take more turns and try to contribute a bit more damage to this fight.
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Lightning ended phase 1 at around turn 41.
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Both Sephiroth and the Warrior of Light did much better on phase 2. WoL provided a lot more battery with his moves. Sephi regened a lot more brave although his brave damage was even worse here. But then again so was WoL's and even Lightning's since this phase really gimps BRV damage dealt. By now, WoL only has 1 use of his LD left while he has 4 more uses of each of his skills. Sephiroth has 1 use of his LD, 5 uses of Fervent Blow, and 2 uses of Octaslash left. He was the one who ended phase 2 at around turn 60.
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Sometime during phase 3, I had Lightning use Jack's Call already. I also used up the last of her LD. Instead of worrying about possibly being broken by the boss, why not just make sure he never gets to attack anymore? It's better that way, right? Which meant using more of Lightning's skills so that by the time phase 3 ended, she only had 2 of each ability left.
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In phase 4, when the boss had 88% HP left, I activated Lightning's Burst to ensure that the boss will never get a turn, not that he was able to get one ever since I used Jack’s Call and the last of Light’s LD. I was actually considering using Sephiroth's Burst instead for the effect, but then I thought back to how crappy his brave damage was since he wasn't hitting for weakness and that made me decide to just go with Lightning’s. Her Burst effect was also good anyway. Besides, at least this gives me another use of her LD.
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Below is the list of debuffs that the boss was currently afflicted with:
Lock - unable to switch target
Katana Wounds - lowers DEF; increases BRV damage taken when being afflicted with or while afflicted with Break
Cellular Erosion - raises BRV damage taken; effects a certain amount of BRV damage
Thunder Resist Down - lowers thunder resist (does not stack)
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By the time Lightning was about to cast Gestalt Drive, her finishing Burst move, the boss was down to 41% HP.
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Gestalt Drive brought the boss down to 25% HP. The boss's turns had also been pushed back a lot. By the way, did I mention that I really like Lightning's Burst music (it's called Blinded by Light)? Feels like it's been a while since I got to listen to it.
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Anyway, it didn't take that long before phase 4 was finally over. Lightning ended it with her consecutive turns. Since we're finally at the last phase, I just started spamming everyone's skills now. WoL actually still has one use of his LD left. I've long since let his LD buff expire since the boss wasn't taking anymore turns thanks to Lightning anyway.
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Soon, I decided it was time to Summon Diabolos. It was nice to see both Sephi and Light being able to get so much brave during the summon.
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After the Summon ended, the boss's HP was in the red. Just continued spamming skills while the boss just stood there, unable to do anything anymore because he wasn't set to be able to move anytime soon. It wasn't long before Lightning only had 1 Flourish of Steel+ left. Ended up using the rest of her skills already.
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WoL has 0 uses of his LD, 1 use of Shining Shield and 2 more uses of Throw Buckler left.
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Sephiroth has 2 more uses of his skills left. He was the one who ended phase 5 and the fight itself on turn 87.
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Managed to get the score and all the mission requirements.
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Hell, yes! So freaking glad to finally be done with this fight. Lightning is too freaking OP for words. Between her offense and the Warrior of Light's defense, actually managed to carry Sephiroth through this battle. 
Am actually extra impressed with WoL. I mean, yeah, his damage was meh, but his shields. Them shields were as OP as Lightning's damage. I should really Purple him and get his Char Boards. But eh - he's been working so well even in this state, so why bother? If I actually manage to get his Burst, then, yeah, I think I really will fully max him out. Until then, he can stay like this. He's already awesome enough as is anyway.
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As for Sephiroth, well, what's there to say? He was there. He helped a bit, I guess. Hey, at least he dealt the killing blow and ended the fight. That counts, right? LOL. He desperately needs a rework. But it's a really good feeling to have been able to get the win with him, or should I say in spite of having him there to make things harder?
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I definitely have no plans of redoing this Tier anytime soon. This team can stay here forever, unless something comes up. And now that I'm done with Tier 20, it’s time to go back to Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 19. My Perfect there was reset now that I was able to lock the Warrior of Light and Sephiroth here on Tier 20.
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Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 19
I talk more about this in another post, but I was able to Perfect Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 19 with Cloud, Penelo, and Krile.
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So that’s all 20 quests in Dimensions’ End Entropy Perfected. 
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So, how ‘bout you? Which characters did you use to clear Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 20? 
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What did you think about this Chaos fight? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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freyayuki · 3 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Event
The Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) event just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game. The banners for this event features Cloud Strife’s (from Final Fantasy VII) (#ad) new weapons (LD and Burst or BT). He can now also be Awakened from Level 70 to Level 80 and Crystal Level 70 to Crystal Level 80.
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Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Banner 1  
The Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) comes with 2 banners. The first one features the weapons of the following characters:
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, LD, Burst or BT
Rem Tokimiya from Final Fantasy Type-0 - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Setzer Gabbiani from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
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Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Banner 2
The second Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) banner features the weapons of the following characters:
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII - LD and Burst only
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Wakka from Final Fantasy X - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
Yuri from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates - 15cp, 35cp, Ex
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Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Free Multi-Draws Results
As part of the winter holidays celebration, players get a free multi-draw for both banners.
Banner 1′s free multi-draw gave me a gold orb.
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3 golds showed up - Rem’s 15cp, Rem’s 35cp, and Setzer’s Ex. Unfortunately, these were all dupes.
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Banner 2′s free multi-draw was absolutely terrible. Only 1 gold showed up, a.k.a the guaranteed one, and it was nothing more than a dupe of Wakka’s 35cp. Bleh.
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Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
My Cloud is Level 70 and Crystal Level 70. All of his Boards have been completed. He has his Bloom Stone. His 15cp, 35cp, Manikin weapon, World of Illusions weapon, and Ex are fully MLB. He’s equipped with his Ex that’s been Purpled or at Ex+ 3/3. He has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts.
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Cloud is equipped with the following Spheres:
Agrias Oaks’s (from Final Fantasy Tactics) Full HP Boost Up A Sphere
Raises MAX BRV by 10% while HP is MAX 
Faris Scherwiz’s (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon from Final Fantasy V) Full HP Critical Poison All E Sphere
Grants effect for 6 turns that reduces enemy's BRV by 30% of individual INT BRV at start of enemy's turn when dealing critical hit while HP at MAX *Does not stack with same sphere 
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Pull on Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Banners?
I like Cloud Strife (#ad). He’s not my absolute fave or anything. But I like him well enough, which was why he’s double Purple, complete with perfect Artifacts, Boards, and even Spheres. So I was always planning to go for his Burst and LD. The only question was which banner to pull on.
Let’s see. Banner 1 features the entirety of Cloud’s kit, but I only need his LD and Burst. The rest of his weapons are already fully MLB so getting more copies of them won’t do me any good. 
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Banner 1 also has Setzer and Rem. My Setzer is fully MLB, but at base Ex only. My Rem is also fully MLB, but at Ex+ 0/3 only. Getting dupes of their weapons just means more Power Stones for me. 
Since the only things I want on banner 1 are Cloud’s LD and Burst, it wasn’t that appealing to me. So let’s take a look at banner 2. This one only has Cloud’s LD and Burst. But it also features all the weapons of Celes, Wakka, and Yuri. My Yuri and Celes are both fully MLB and Purple or at Ex+ 3/3. As for Wakka - he’s currently equipped with his fully MLB 35cp. I have a copy of his 15cp that’s been limit broken twice. I’m missing his Ex. Looks like this is the banner for me then. Still not the most appealing, but definitely better than banner 1.
Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results
Here are the results of my multi-draws on banner 2:
3 golds, all dupes - Celes’s 15cp, Celes’s 35cp, and Wakka’s 35cp
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dupe Celes 35cp - ugh, what a horrible draw. Feels bad to only get 1 gold. If this had been Cloud’s LD or Burst - how unfortunate that it wasn’t either. Sigh
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Wakka’s 15cp - ugh. Seriously? I know I’m still searching for one more copy to be able to MLB the one I have, but still. It’s horrid to only get a dupe 15cp. What a waste of 5k gems. Cloud LD and Cloud Burst, where are you guys? Come home soon, please
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This draw gave me a gold orb. Got hyped upon seeing it though I tried not to be too hopeful. This pull turned out to be really super special awesome though. Certainly helped make up for the lousy draws I’ve been getting
Because I actually got 5 golds in this pull. Yeah, I couldn’t believe it either. Never mind the fact that only one item turned out to be new, it was still really freaking cool to see so many gold weapons at once since I usually see a whole lotta bronze and silver trash instead. I got the following golds: Celes’s Ex, Celes’s 35cp, 2 copies of Yuri’s Ex, and, most importantly-
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My very first copy of Cloud’s LD. Hell, yes! So, so freaking glad to see this. Thank you, thank you. And here I thought it would take much longer before I could get Cloud’s LD, considering the results of my earlier pulls.
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Where to Get Cloud Strife’s Burst Weapon?
I now have 100 G-Tokens on this banner. I should exchange those Tokens for a Power Stone already and leave this banner alone now. 
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Yeah, I’m still missing Wakka’s Ex, but it’s not like I really need it. Actually, he’s been powercrept by now and has yet to get a rework, update, and/or new weapons, so even if I get his Ex, I wouldn’t be using him for Chaos and Lufenia fights. I’m still missing Cloud’s Burst too, but that’s okay. There were 2 more banners, both of which were coming soon, that will also feature Cloud’s BT. Those banners also have free multi-draws, so the best thing to do was to wait and see what I get on those draws before doing anything else.
The next banner that will feature Cloud’s Burst will also include the weapons of the following characters:
Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Adelbert Steiner from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
Oerba Dia Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
My Vanille is fully MLB and Purple. My Beatrix is fully MLB, but at Ex+ 0/3 only. This is the first appearance of her LD, so I’m missing that. My Steiner’s 15cp has been limit broken once. He has the passive from his 35cp. He’s currently equipped with his fully MLB base Ex.
The banner that will show up soon after that will feature Cloud’s Burst as well as the weapons of the following characters:
Xande from Final Fantasy III - 15cp, 35cp, Ex, and LD
Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
Zell Dincht from Final Fantasy VIII - 15cp, 35cp, and Ex
Xande is a new char so I have nothing for him. My Eiko’s 15cp and 35cp are fully MLB. She’s currently equipped with her Ex that hasn’t been limit broken at all. My Zell’s 15cp is fully MLB. He’s currently equipped with his 35cp that hasn’t been limit broken at all. I’m missing his Ex.
I was trying to decide which of the 2 banners to pull on to get Cloud’s Burst. Beatrix’s banner wasn’t that attractive to me since my Vanille is already Purple. I’m missing limit breaks for some of Steiner’s weapons, but it wasn’t like I couldn’t just use Power Stones to MLB those. Beatrix herself wasn’t that bad as a support slash DPS slash healer, especially with her LD. But I did just get Rude from Final Fantasy VII (#ad). He’s an excellent healer and support, and I do have other chars who could also fill that role.
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On the other hand, Xande’s banner wasn’t exactly looking that good either. Zell's been powercrept and he has yet to get anything new so there was no using him in hard content. Eiko’s another support and healer, but she’s also been powercrept. Besides, since I already have the entirety of her kit, I could just use Power Stones if I really wanted to fully MLB her. I wasn’t really interested in Xande. If Cloud wasn’t also featured here, I think I wouldn’t have thought twice about skipping this banner. 
However, aside from the presence of Cloud’s BT on this banner, there was also the fact that Xande was apparently currently the only char who could Enchant the party with the dark element while also making enemies weak to said element. There are some chars who deal dark damage, but I don’t have any of those chars built. I heard that Xande’s Lufenia Quest will require dark damage to deal with the Lufenia orbs so I thought why not pull for Cloud’s Burst here and hopefully get Xande’s kit along the way?
Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Banner 2 Multi-Draws Results Part 2
Ah, if only that was what I’d done. Xande’s banner was coming soon. Like really soon. What was the rush anyway? I didn’t need Cloud’s Burst right this very moment. What was wrong with waiting a little while? 
But apparently, I really, really wanted to have Cloud’s Burst already. Apparently, I just couldn’t freaking wait because- damn it, what in the world was wrong with me? What was I thinking? I don’t know. Argh! All I know is I was back at the Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) banner 2, ready to do another multi-draw. OMFG! Someone stop me. What nonsense is this? Why couldn’t I have just waited for the 2 upcoming free pulls? Seriously, WTF is this? Why am I doing this? I don’t know. I couldn’t get myself to stop either. And so here we are. Sigh. I can only hope this ends well.
3 golds, all dupes - Celes’s 15cp, Yuri’s 35cp, Celes’s Ex. Eff! I actually thought things were going well since this draw gave me a gold orb. Then all the dupes revealed themselves, so I just ended up being disappointed
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A gold orb showed up again. Tried not to be too hopeful, and rightly so because no Cloud Burst here. Sigh. Well, at least I got something new. Aside from yet another dupe of Celes’s 15cp, I also got my very first copy of Wakka’s Ex
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2 golds, all dupes - Yuri’s 15cp and Cloud’s LD
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Well, at least I can use this second copy of Cloud’s LD to limit break the one I already have. Still wish his Burst had shown up instead so I can stop wasting my resources on this banner.
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dupe Celes 35cp. Ugh. I’d rather get another copy of Cloud’s LD or even another Ex. At least I can get a Sphere from said Ex if I use 3 Ingots to Purple it
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Another gold orb showed up. Cloud Burst, please, please. Unfortunately, no Cloud Burst. Got the wrong Cloud weapon. Yeah, got another copy of his LD. Also got Celes’s 35cp, Yuri’s 15cp, Celes’s Ex, and Yuri’s 35cp. Seeing 5 golds is pretty nice. Too bad they were all dupes. Cloud Burst, doko da?
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By now, I have 200 G-Tokens on this banner, and yet there’s still no sign of Cloud’s Burst. I really should just stop already, shouldn’t I? My gems are slowly, but surely, decreasing. I got everything on this banner already, all except for Cloud’s Burst so all my draws are basically dupe fest. I’m better off just waiting for Beatrix’s and Xande’s banners instead, especially since those banners also have free multi-draws. That was the smart thing to do. That was what I should have done. And yet I couldn’t seem to get myself to stop. Rather than stopping, I just kept right on pulling. Why? Why am I doing this? Also, Cloud Burst, please show up already. 
2 golds - Yuri 35cp and Celes 15cp
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2 golds, came from a gold orb - Wakka 35cp and Yuri Ex
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Yuri 15cp - ugh. One of the worst pulls ever. Just look at all these bronze trash. What a waste of 5k gems
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2 golds, came from a gold orb - Yuri 15cp and Cloud LD
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This is my 4th copy of Cloud’s LD so now I can fully MLB my first copy without having to use a single Power Stone.
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By now, I have 280 G-Tokens on this banner. My next multi-draw would drop my gem count to 490k+. I didn’t want to do it, but I felt like it was too late to stop now. I’d already spent so much on this banner. Plus, if I stop now, then I would have ended up wasting all my resources for nothing. So what else was there to do but keep going? I can only hope that Cloud’s Burst will show up soon, preferably before I have to spend 125k. Wait, make that 120k since we did get a free pull here. Still way too much though.
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3 golds - Celes’s 15cp, Celes’s 35cp, and Yuri’s 15cp
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3 golds - Celes’s 35cp, Yuri’s 15cp, and Wakka’s 15cp
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2 golds - 2 Celes’s 15cp. Sheesh, what’s with all the Celes weapons? Why do I keep getting her stuff? Cloud Burst, where are you? 
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Celes’s 35cp. Oh, come on. Seriously? Ugh
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Yuri’s 35cp. Getting just 1 gold feels bad, man. If only this had been Cloud’s Burst instead, I would gladly take the 1/11
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Finally, a gold orb appears. Please give me Cloud’s Burst, please. Argh! Wrong Cloud weapon again. How many times am I gonna get Cloud’s LD and Celes’s 15cp? They’re both fully MLB already. No more copies, please
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2 golds - Celes’s 35cp and Yuri’s 15cp
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2 Celes’s Ex, came from a gold orb
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Yuri’s Ex
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5 golds, came from a gold orb - Wakka’s Ex and 4 Celes’s 15cp. Sheesh, how many times am I gonna get Celes’s 15cp?
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Wakka’s 35cp - ugh. At the very least, couldn’t you have been his Ex instead? What a crappy pull
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And that’s it. I’m done. That is to say - that last multi-draw meant I now have exactly 500 G-Tokens on this banner. I’m now down to 447,720 gems. So many pulls and yet not once did I see hide nor hair of Cloud’s Burst. Feels bad, man. 
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Of course, I’m disappointed and even rather mad that it just never showed up and I ended up spending so much for it. But you know what, I can’t really bring myself to be too angry about this. Because all I have to do is think that things could have been so much worse than this and, all of a sudden, this turn of events doesn’t seem that bad anymore. I mean:
Exhibit A: I was able to get Kuja’s (from Final Fantasy IX) and Lightning’s (Claire Farron from Final Fantasy XIII) Bursts without having to pity them. They actually came relatively early, so I didn’t have to spend too much to get them. Definitely not a bad thing, of course. I just mean that I suppose having to pity a Burst was bound to happen sooner or later. After all, the last Burst that I wanted and ended up pitying was Noctis Lucis Caelum’s (from Final Fantasy XV).
Exhibit B: a lot of my pulls on the Fate/Grand Order (FGO) mobile game. ‘Nough said. In all seriousness though, a lot of my pulls on FGO have ended in disappointment, depression, and rage. I remember trying and failing to Summon 5-star SSR Caster Merlin. Heck, very recently, I even failed to get 4-star SR Ruler Martha. The thing is there’s no pity system in FGO. So no matter how many times you pull, even if it’s with paid Saint Quartz, there’s absolutely no guarantee that you’ll get what you want. You could very well end up with 0 resources left with nothing to show for it. Very, very depressing.
Exhibit C: the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game is the same as FGO in that it doesn’t have a pity system either. I remember trying to pull for Cloud’s new True Arcane Soul Break (TASB) on my Japanese account. I spent 500 mythril. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. Not only did I fail to get Cloud’s TASB, I couldn’t even get Zack Fair’s (from Final Fantasy VII and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII) Synchro Arcane Soul Break (SASB) as a consolation prize. So freaking infuriating, not to mention depressing. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it because there’s no pity system. Eff that game! Man, recalling this incident is getting me mad again. How ‘bout let’s just not talk about this anymore, okay? Just one more thing - Cloud, why don’t you want to come home? Why are you giving me such a hard time?
Exhibit D: eh, you get the point.
Welp, recalling all the times I failed to get what I wanted in the other games I’m playing has given me a newfound appreciation for the way Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia does things. I may have spent 125,000 120,000 gems, but at least my efforts weren’t futile. At least, my resources didn’t go down the drain for nothing. I still win.
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Yeah, that’s right. Cloud’s Burst is now mine. Just bought it for 500 G-Tokens. I still think it cost me way too much, but I don’t think I’ll regret getting this. Hopefully. Well, Cloud is supposed to be really good. Besides, I do like him a lot even if he’s not my absolute fave char or anything.
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Plus now that I have Cloud’s Burst, I can finally be done with this banner. I can finally stop wasting my resources.
Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
By now I’ve gotten Cloud to Level 80 and Crystal Level 80. After getting his Burst, I leveled it to the max and equipped it to him.
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I also decided to buy his High Armor. He’s the second char I’ve done this for. The first was Lightning.
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Now that I have the entirety of Cloud’s kit and he’s fully built, including all his Boards, his Bloom Stone, and perfect Artifacts, I wanted to finish filling out all of his Sphere slots too. I always meant to do that. It’s just that, at first, I didn’t have any C Spheres that I could give to him. By the time I got a few C Spheres, I wasn’t really using Cloud anymore, so I was reluctant to give him one.
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Cloud already has Agrias’s A Sphere, but I still found myself looking for another one to give to him. The thing is he’s had Agrias’s Sphere ever since I Purpled her Ex and that was way back during its appearance on a banner alongside Faris’s Ex. This was the first time their Ex weapons became Realizable. IIRC, Cloud was the first char I ever gave a Sphere to.
I don’t regret giving him Spheres since I used him a lot back then. Right now though, I think he would be better off with an Attack up Sphere instead of one that raises his Max Brave, especially since his latest rework has him increasing his brave based on his Attack for some of his moves. The Sphere system was too new before, and I guess I didn’t really think too much about what I was doing in giving Agrias’s Sphere to Cloud. I guess I really just wanted to give him some Spheres already, and Agrias’s was one of the first A Spheres I got. I thought why not use these Spheres instead of just having them rot in my inventory, right? Might as well give them to chars I like and will regularly use.
If I don’t want to lose Agrias’s Sphere, I would have to use a reset stone to remove it from Cloud’s A Sphere Slot. The problem with this is the fact that reset stones cost real money. All players got 3 for free way back when they were first introduced as part of some campaign or other. I’ve never used these stones, and I don’t want to start now. So the question was, do I leave Cloud with Agrias’s Sphere, or give him a different one but lose said Sphere?
In the end, I decided I didn’t mind losing Agrias’s Sphere. What was more important to me was giving Cloud an A Sphere that increases his Attack. Besides, in all honesty, Agrias’s Sphere wasn’t that good. Most chars with an A Sphere are DPS so they want one that increases their Attack stat. Sure, there might be a few who could actually benefit from more Max Brave, but, eh, it’s not like I don’t have other Spheres that are similar to Agrias’s. And right now I can’t think of anyone I’d want to give a Max Brave up Sphere to, so whatever. How ‘bout I just worry about that if the situation actually comes up?
For now, it’s time to give Cloud a new A Sphere. From the list of currently available Spheres, the best one for him is probably Noel Kreiss’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Breaking Attack Up Shorter A Sphere. Its effect is:
When attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises ATK by 15% for 3 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
The turn duration may be short, but enemies are usually broken anyway, so Cloud would have no problems keeping this Sphere’s effect active. I actually have Noel’s Ex and it’s been Purpled. The issue is that I’ve already given this to Noctis. I suppose I could remove - yeah, no, not happening. Noctis is another char whom I have fully Sphered. I’m perfectly happy with my Sphere choices for him. I don’t regret giving them to him. I used him a lot before, and I still use him sometimes. The point is I don’t want to remove Noel’s Sphere from him. 
Cloud will just have to get a different one instead. After considering my remaining options, I decided to give him Tifa Lockhart’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Critical Attack Up Longer A Sphere, which “Raises ATK by 10% for 6 turns when dealing critical hit”.
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My Tifa is Purple and fully MLB so I already have this Sphere. Best of all, I have yet to use it so I can freely give it to Cloud. Although I was already sure that I didn’t mind losing Agrias’s Sphere, I still found myself pausing a bit anyway when the game asked me if I was sure I wanted to overwrite her Full HP Boost Up.
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After equipping Cloud with Tifa’s A Sphere, it was now time to think about what D Sphere to give to him. Eventually, I decided to give him Sazh Katzroy’s (from Final Fantasy XIII) Critical Attack All Longer D Sphere. Its effect is:
When dealing critical hit: • Raises party's ATK by 5% for 6 turns 
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I also considered the possibility of replacing Faris’s E Sphere. One of the most recommended E Spheres for him was Seymour Guado’s (from Final Fantasy X) Debuff Success Raging Attack Up E Sphere. Its effect is:
Raises own ATK by 3% when inflicting debuff on target up to 5 times, once per turn *Does not stack with same sphere
What’s good about this for Cloud is the fact that the Attack up has no turn duration. The only debuff that Cloud inflicts is paralysis and that doesn’t happen all the time so E Spheres that require him to inflict a debuff and that only last for a few turns aren’t good for him.
Seymour’s E Sphere might be the best one for Cloud, but I can’t give this to him because I already gave it to Noctis. Also, thinking about this some more, I’m not sure I want to give this Sphere to Cloud even if I hadn’t already given it to someone else. Yes, there’s no turn duration, but still. Cloud won’t be inflicting a debuff that often. I don’t know. But I guess it doesn’t really matter because Noctis already owns this Sphere, and, unlike Cloud, he can actually consistently inflict a debuff, which was precisely why I decided to give this to him in the first place.
Faris’s Sphere may not be the best for Cloud, but other than Seymour’s which was no longer an option, the rest of the currently available E Spheres, even the ones that I don’t have or have yet to show up in the Global or English version of Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia, weren’t all that good for Cloud either. So I guess he’ll have to make do with Faris’s Sphere for now. Besides, it’s not like it’s that bad or anything.
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Anyway, since Cloud's Eidojas dropped in the Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) co-op quests, I decided I might as well farm him triple Attack 108 with Debuff Attack Up★★ (Raises ATK by 5% when an enemy is debuffed). If I team him up with chars who constantly debuff enemies, then I can equip him with these. I could have farmed for his banner mates instead, but both Celes and Yuri already have perfect Artifacts from when I farmed for them before and Rem, Setzer, and Wakka already have triple of their preferred stat with decent enough secondaries.
I could have tried getting those 3 perfect Arts, but, eh, it wasn't like I was gonna be using them much right now anyway since they were already outdated and powercrept, so I figured I might as well farm for Cloud. No pressure though. It didn't really matter to me since I already got him triple 108/330 which was almost always what I'd want to equip to him.
Also, by now, I've tried out Cloud's Burst and - it's good. No doubt about it. He deals a lot of damage. And he can deal even more with the proper support, batteries, buffs, and auras. If done properly, he can even launch nearly every turn of his Burst mode. Can't say I'm overly impressed with the music that accompanies his BT though. Out of all the Burst music I've heard so far, my current fave is Lightning's.
Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Challenge Quest
For the Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Challenge Quest, I decided to bring Cloud, Celes, and Yuri since they were the synergy chars that I had fully built. Celes and Yuri are both fully MLB and Purple. All of their Summon Boards have been completed and they have their Bloom Stones, but they're missing their Character Enhancement Boards.
Yuri has triple Attack 108 with Twins' Bond Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% while Chelinka's Prayer is active) while Celes has triple Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 Artifacts. By now, I've managed to get Cloud 2 Attack 108 with Debuff Attack Up★★ so I equipped him with those and 1 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 since I have Celes to constantly keep the enemies debuffed.
I brought Odin as my Summon since the enemies here liked to HP attack so it shouldn't take too long to activate his attack up Blessing. I brought Reno's (from Final Fantasy VII) Call for its debuffs, Penelo's (from Final Fantasy XII) for its HP Regen, and Sephiroth's (from Final Fantasy VII) for the speed down.
Celes kept the enemies locked into targeting her. She protected the party from all single target attacks. She dealt decent enough damage. Her Ex charges fairly fast after the initial cast. Yuri dealt pretty decent damage too. His Ex charges very slowly, but its effects are really good. Among other things, it grants the party BRV and HP Regen.
The HP Regen was especially welcome because, other than Penelo's Call, I had no other sources of healing for the entire party. Both Yuri and Celes could heal themselves, but Cloud has no way of doing so. Yuri's Ex also gives him back 1 use of each of his abilities, so there wasn't much issue with just spamming them with the added bonus of getting his Ex to charge faster. I mostly spammed everyone's skills with the occasional HP+.
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As can be expected, Cloud dealt the most damage in this fight. He delayed the enemies with his Blade Beam, he launched them with his Finishing Touch, and he paralyzed them with his Cross Slash+. His Ex charges as fast as Celes's. He can even dispel the buffs of the enemies. I tried to ensure that at least 1 enemy was paralyzed whenever both recast bars were fully charged. In this way, I would only have to deal with 1 group BRV + HP attack. This gave me some time to heal my party before the next All attack.
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The enemies had the tendency to gain thousands of brave. It can take a while to shave all of this, so it really helped that Yuri's Crystal Power can reduce the brave of all enemies to 3/4 while his Ex reduces it to 0 unless they're already broken.
When the bosses had around 30%+ health remaining, I decided to activate Cloud's Burst. By the time his Burst mode ended, the health bars of both enemies were in the red.
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A few turns later, I Summoned Odin. When the Summon ended, 1 boss only had 4% health remaining while the other had 5%. By now, Yuri only has 2 more uses of Crystal Power and 3 uses of Rela Crystal left. Clavatian Sword was charged though so casting it would give me 1 more use of each of his abilities. Celes has 3 uses of Shine Edge and 2 uses of Runic left.
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In contrast to those 2, Cloud still had plenty of skills left. He has 6 uses of Cross Slash and 2 uses of Finishing Touch left. He has no more uses of his LD, but it certainly helped that every time he cast Blade Beam, he got a free skill use.
It didn't take long before one of the enemies was defeated. The second one followed soon after. Cloud dealt the killing blow.
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Managed to get the Perfect as well as all the other mission requirements.
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Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Lufenia Quest
For the Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Lufenia Quest, I decided to bring Cloud, Rude, and Sephiroth. Both Rude and Sephiroth are fully MLB and Purple, including the passives from their LD. All of their Boards have been completed and they have their Bloom Stones. Sephiroth is equipped with his Burst weapon. He also has his High Armor. Rude has 1 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330 and 2 Attack 108 with Max Brave 200 Artifacts while Sephiroth has 3 Attack 108 with One-Winged Angel Boost★★ (Raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF by 5% if HP is MAX at start of last wave) Artifacts.
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Sephiroth is equipped with the following Spheres:
Jecht’s (from Final Fantasy X) Critical Base Attack Up Shorter (RF) A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises INT BRV, ATK by 4% for 3 turns
Jack’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Critical Attack Up Shorter Power A Sphere
When dealing critical hit: • Raises BRV damage by 5%, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
Yuri’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates) Full HP Attack Boost Up A Sphere
Raises own MAX BRV, ATK by 5% while HP is MAX
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I brought Cloud since he's synergy for this fight. I also wanted to use him more, especially since I pitied his Burst. The enemies here liked to HP attack so I brought Rude to be my party's healer. He also batteries with basically all of his moves, which synergizes very well with Cloud's launches. He even provides some pretty decent auras.
As for the reason why Sephiroth is here - mere minutes after pitying Cloud's Burst, I found myself back on the banner that featured Sephiroth's Burst. It wasn't part of my plan at all yet somehow, I pulled and pulled and kept pulling until I ended up pitying his Burst. I talk more about that in another post, but the point is that since I ended up spending way too much to get his BT, I wanted to use him as much as I could.
And that's why he's part of this team even though he's not that good until he gets updated, which won't happen until much later. Sure, he's decent enough, but there are others who are way better than him. Cloud is way better than him. They're both primarily damage dealers, but Cloud has way more utility than him via his paralysis, delays, launches, and dispels. In contrast to that, the only things Seph offers to the party aside from his DPS capabilities is the debuff from his LD, which isn't that good, and his speed down aura. Well at least his Burst effect is good and his Ex can reduce the brave of all enemies to 0.
Once again, I brought Odin as my Summon for his attack up Blessing. I brought Reno's Call for its debuffs, Yuri's because it can reduce the brave of all enemies, and Wakka's (from Final Fantasy X) for the buffs it gives its Caller. It's equipped to Sephiroth since my plan was to activate Wakka's Call right before Seph's Burst mode. I borrowed a friend support Cloud for more damage and for his Burst effect.
I went back to equipping Cloud with triple 108/330 Arts since the enemies liked to remove their debuffs and Sephiroth is the only one who can constantly inflict a debuff and that's only via his LD which has limited uses.  
Sephiroth's Ex was useful in dropping the exorbitant amount of brave the enemies tended to get down to 0. Well, assuming it was charged whenever that happened anyway. The delay from Cloud's LD and his paralysis also helped buy some time to shave off all that brave.
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Rude's ability to heal with basically all of his moves was especially welcome considering the enemies loved to HP attack. There were a lot of turns wherein my chars weren't at full health. Since Sephiroth had the lowest HP, he was also usually the one whose health bar dropped down to the red, so much so that I was often worried that he'd end up dying before Rude could get everyone back to full health.
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I mostly spammed everyone's skills with the occasional HP+. It helped that Cloud gets a free skill after using his LD while for Sephiroth, it's after casting his Ex.
I don't recall all the details anymore or why I ended up waiting this long, but the enemies were at 20%+ health remaining by the time I called the friend support Cloud that I borrowed. I ended up switching out Sephiroth although my plan had been to use his Burst. By then, he only had 2 uses of each of his skills and 1 use of his LD. Before switching him out, I should have used his LD again for the debuff, but eh, I guess it was too late for that. He wasn't fully back to max health when I switched him out, but I didn't think the fight would end before he could come back and be healed by Rude.
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When the friend support Cloud showed up, I started with his Blade Beam first in order to delay the enemies and avoid the All attack that was set to happen right after his turn. When his turn came up again, I cast Omnislash Version 5.
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When it was my own Cloud's turn, I activated his Burst mode. By the time it ended, one enemy only had 4% health remaining while the other had 9%.
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It was Rude's turn right after Cloud's Burst mode ended. Although both Clouds were set to move after him, I decided to Summon Odin already anyway. By now, Rude only has 1 use of his LD and 1 use of Crush Hammer left. He has no more uses of Materia Tactics. I used the last of his LD during the Summon to give everyone a lot of brave. By now, my Cloud has 0 uses of his LD. He has 1 use of Finishing Touch and 4 uses of Cross Slash left.
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It wasn't long before one of the enemies finally died. The other was quick to follow.
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Managed to get the score and all the other mission requirements although thanks to not being able to get Sephiroth back to full health, I ended up with 1490 HP lost. Also, since it took me way too long before I activated Burst mode and Summoned Odin, the fight ended on turn 82. Well, it doesn't really matter though since what was important was winning in order to get all the rewards.
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Super pleased that I was able to get the win with this team. Glad to have been able to use the 2 chars whose Bursts I pitied back-to-back.
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Artifacts for Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII
To my surprise, I managed to get Cloud triple Attack 108 with Debuff Attack Up★★ before the Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) event ended.
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Roses of May Lost Chapter Event
The Roses of May Lost Chapter event has finally arrived. This is the event that comes with the Cloud Burst and Beatrix LD banner.
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The free multi-draw gave me a gold orb. I got 3 golds - 2 15cps and a copy of Steiner's Ex. Very disappointing. When I saw the gold orb, I couldn't help but hope for something good, but there was a part of me that was like watch this be Steiner's Ex. And what do you know? It was indeed Steiner's Ex. Sigh.
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If I'm remembering correctly, one of the banners that featured Squall Leonhart's (from Final Fantasy VIII) LD and Burst also included Steiner's weapons. I ended up getting multiple copies of Steiner's Ex as I threw ticket after ticket on that banner in the hopes of acquiring Squall's new weapons. I managed to obtain enough copies of Steiner's Ex to be able to fully MLB it without needing Power Stones. I even ended up with a few extra. 
If I was gonna be getting nothing more than dupes on this draw, I would have preferred to have gotten Cloud's Burst instead of Steiner's Ex. At least that would have given me 5 Burst Tokens. Since Sephiroth and Cloud decimated my resources, I didn't have any more to spare for this banner.
Thrall of Darkness Event
The Thrall of Darkness is the event that introduced Xande as a playable character in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. From the Cloud Burst and Xande LD banner's free multi-draw, I got a gold orb, which actually gave me something new - Xande's Ex.
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I also got a copy of Zell's 35cp. While it was nice to get something new, it's too bad that I won't be able to build Xande. If I had also gotten his LD from this draw, then I could have just bought his 35cp (we were getting a free copy of his 15cp just by playing through his event) and then used Power Stones to MLB everything. As it is though, I can't spare any resources for him.
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So, what about you? Which chars did you use to do the Mechanized Sentry (Guard Scorpion Raid) Lufenia and Challenge quests? Did you pull for Cloud and his banner mates? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
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warehouse13pod · 6 years
Episode 108 - "Duped" - Part 1
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