jayninjago · 5 months
We as a community give skybound too much hate when prime empire is literally there and just plain ass
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daletrafra · 3 months
Voir les paroles de la chanson “11 Minutes” de Halsey
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superchat · 2 years
I have a post queued up for 12:00am new years but i forgot what it was
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impact24pr · 2 years
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eedinanews · 2 years
ಈ ಜಗತ್ತು | ಪ್ರತಿ 11 ನಿಮಿಷಕ್ಕೆ ಮಹಿಳೆಯ ಹತ್ಯೆ; ವಿಶ್ವಸಂಸ್ಥೆ ಮುಖ್ಯಸ್ಥ ಆಂಟೋನಿಯೊ ಗುಟೆರೆಸ್
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dollystarving · 9 months
Moja mama kupiła te różowe hula hop z obciążnikiem(?) I w pierwsze 11minut testowania (trudno przyznam ale zabawnie haha) 40kalorii spalone, ciekawe jak będzie to wyglądać na dłuższą metę hahaha jak na razie mi się podoba
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Self proclaimed "Video Essayist" on YouTube who just really wants you to know they're a Video Essayist (TM): *makes an 11minute video on Helluva Boss being, on why Helluva Boss is "conservative", is lowkey off the bat kind of annoying, says they made another, longer video about Helluva Boss already they suggest that you watch, self deprecatingly really wants to make clear how much of a "weeb" they apparently are about the show and their love/hate relationship they apparently have with Medrano, is apparently yet another queer person who apparently just could not see the MarthaMayberry ship coming from a mile away from the first episode*
Me: Well, I already think you're an insufferable dork just for showing a clip of yourself playing the ukulele alone, but you're a queer person actually talking about this show, so I'm just gonna hear out what you have to say now, I guess... :)
"Video Essayist" (TM): *Immediately goes on to refer to the Stolitz ship as RAPE one minute in, shows clips of Stolas in his BDSM harness and ball gag while saying this, but apparently doesn't actually have balls themself to actually just SAY the word RAPE out loud on YouTube lest their poor little budding Video Essayist TM Career be hurt by it, so they go out of their way to censor their own intense talking point they just brought up by saying "The R Word" and "R Wording" instead using the actual words they mean to say when making their argument as not to offend the precious algorithms feefees UWU*
Me: *clicks off the damn video and deletes it from my watch history, just as immediately as they couldn't say it*
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capt-spacebussy · 2 months
Does anyone believe in the possibility of a 11minute jerking it speedrun
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Time stamp is 1hr and 11minutes in.
That tik tik clip was indeed misleading.
Scott wasn’t specifically talking about Chris and Alba but just how his brother and public relationships have been.
Scott mentioned getting messages of “hey brother in law” and if only your brother would meet me” from people.
He mentioned officiating both his sisters’ weddings. Nothing about Chris getting married or being married so don’t go there. 🙄
When asked if Scott approves of Chris’ current relationship it was worded “well your brother seems in a happy relationship, do you approve” …….THATS when Scott starts stuttering like crazy so if you read between the lines …..yeah this “relationship” is bs.
Scott didn’t mention Alba by name and was just discussing what was asking about his bro handing public relationships.
I’d advise everyone to go watch it��s just a few minutes, but yeah please don’t go base your emotions on that stupid tik tok clip.
Thank you all!
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I have even included the transcript. Please read it if anyone doesn't want to listen.
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calliettes-posts · 9 months
I mean in a positive note I didn't really like how we got the endgames we had.
Like skam Spain, the reconciled in the clip before the final ans in the joana appeared in a like minute of a whole 11minute clip where they focused in every other character besides the main.
Skam fr s6 we don't talk s9. Ngl they were my obsession but watching now... and lookmg the screen time of bobbie. They really developed maylaa relationships with only almost a clip per episode lol. Ans in the end also they reconciled before the final clip and that's it. And then when we thought we could get them acting cute in the background we'll... we know what happened
Druck. Kieutou..man of the three they were the most developed in terms of the relationship building like we got some cute scenes but I feel we could have resolved their problem before so we could have more cute relationship scenes. Although they delivered in content in the next seasons.
So I feel like actors even tho they're happy with the endgames can be critical and judge the process of getting there. The thing is, is that with this cast they're more vocal about, the criticism I mean, like even with some likes ans things she said, you can tell adas actress is also not completely happy how her season when although they didn't deliver endgame right there but the writers are clearly implying she's gonna get back together with noah
Oh yeah, totally, the cast is allowed to criticise the show if they want to, and i also have a lot of criticism for this season lol, but also I don't want to go based on the casts likes, because I don't want to gwt them into trouble, if it makes sense, like with Laura and the space situation
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jazumst · 2 years
Czarne chwile Jaza i Jazu na misji
Żeby Was... Poniedziałek. Posłuchajcie:
Co to był za dzień. Poniedziałek. Mówi to wszystko.
Obudziłem się. Nie padało. Na szybko dopompowałem rower i ruszyłem. Złapał mnie deszcz. Nie, deszcz nie. Pierdolnęło świętą nawałnicą zniszczenia. Tak przez 4minuty. Pierwszy raz miałem na rowerze buty przemoczone tak jakbym po wodach głębokich stąpał. Nawet worek wsadzony w gacie nie uchronił mnie przed zmoczeniem tyłka. Przemokła kurtka, przemokła bluza, przemokła koszulka. Zimna nie czułem, gdyż nic nie motywuje tak jak deszcz. 11minut.
Gdy się już zatrzymałem, okazało się, że nie mam spodni a leginsy. Pięknie przylegały do moich trzęsących się nóg. Spodnie przebrałem a dupa jeszcze długo pozostała mokra. Jak buty. Całą zmianę, 9h, chodziłem robiąc "ciap, ciap, ciap". Moje plecy się odzywają.
Piąty wystawił mnie na obiad. Wziął urlop i poszedł do KFC nie mówiąc mi o tym. Na obiad spaghetti a'la Jazu. Makaron z sosem, serdelkami i ogórkiem kiszonym. Zapomniałem sera.
Już spać się kłaść miałem, kiedy to nagle dostałem przyboru mocy. Aku w plecak i do autobusu. Spóźnił się. Dziesiątki lat minęły a on dalej się spóźnia. 9zł za spóźnienie. Matko, jak ludzie kurwią!!! Wilgoć i stęchlizna. Perfum chyba nikt nie używa. Dostałem choroby lokomocyjnej. Jestem przeciążony od dźwigania aku na plecach i jest mi niedobrze.
Samochód działa. Mam wrażenie, że Magik mnie przyciął. Że wiedział, że aku jest trup. Nie miał prawa pobierać ani oddawać mocy. 100 laweta, 100 Magik. Miałbym za to pół aku. Jeszcze kredyt nie zszedł a ja już jestem 4stówy na minusie. W tym miesiącu nie pójdę jednak na kurwy.
I pomyśleć, że chciałem zawrzeć pozytywny akcent w tym wpisie XD No nie wyszło. No nic. Mam grzane wino. Mam nadzieję, że mnie wzmocni. Jutro mam z zaskoczenia wolne.
Dobry wieczór ;]
Umarł Urban Jerzy Pokój Jego duszy Trumna niedomknięta Bo wystają uszy [*]
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selectivechaos · 2 years
hey! quick psa for therapists: when someone has difficulty speaking due to social anxiety, don’t say you can ‘hear it in their voice that they’re uncomfortable’. really didn’t think i’d have to spell this one out. my therapist means well but for the rest of the session i could barely choke out ‘yes’ to her questions. that session ended 11minutes in…
having sm can involve extreme anxiety about how your voice sounds and how your words are perceived. even when people have sensed this in me in the past and complimented my voice, it has made my anxiety go: ‘woah they can actually Hear your voice - don’t speak to them’. reacting in any big way when a person with sm speaks is not advisable.
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drawnaghht · 2 years
lol i think it's a bit funny that I started out this userhandle/blog as a rottmnt and leosagi + yuinardo sideblog/side twt and now it's just become my usagi chronicles and yuichi usagi fanblog.... the reason for the tumblr blog specifically was just to post my sketches of this specific fanart. really really didn't expect to hyperfocus on the samurai rabbit show
but it's so good! I love it. i rewatched some eps recently again and thought about how nice the animation is + how much really happens in each ep. like they could have easily split each ep into 11minute eps as is more common in channel tv cartoon shows nowadays, but they kept to the 20-22 minute format nicely by inter-veawing multiple plot-points + episode plots into one ep. it's been interesting to see and rewatch tbh
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impact24pr · 2 years
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i now have a 11minute clip of me yelling at cota because I told him to play ROBLOX PIGGY LIKE THE FUCKING STUCK IN 2021 BITCH I AM and it's amasing even though you can't hear his side of the conversation
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avalonblue12 · 4 months
On the topic of cheating and botting (Part 2)
First, let's get this out of the way:
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The very first red flag right out the wazoo is the fact that there were nearly 75 votes before the fourth hour rang in. In any prior unbotted-poll these numbers would be utterly unprecedented in any situation all the Teams weren't simulatneously fighting at the same time. It's technically possible, if one or both teams somehow broke containment but there's no real reason to believe such a thing could have occurred.
Avenger was already being heavily promoted by one of his biggest fans, and his story chapter, OC2, was months ago. If he'd had a surge it'd have been at the start. Gunner is in a similar vein and doesn't even have as many big name fans currently participating that we know of.
Next, let's look at how the polls performed over time:
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Now, do you see anything wrong with these? Let me tell you: Despite being a poll with over 170+ people and one of the largest starting influx of voters we've seen, the poll has somehow managed to maintain almost the EXACT same 58/41-42 split ratio for almost its entire lifespan. Exactly how Alter Ego was kept at 40/60 in her fight with Avenger in the nullified poll.
I don't think I need to elaborate on how insanely improbable that is. This isn't just one team making an attemp to close the gap that the other shuts down, this is Gunner being pushed down to almost the EXACT SAME PERCENTAGE EACH time a new onset of votes come.
For this to happen, Avenger would have to both get the lead AND get the same or similar amount of votes as Gunner at nearly the exact same time.
And for the record, Gunner DOES get a foot in at some occasions:
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(Cut this one a bit low but it was like 5hrs 11minutes in)
Just as two example I was able to snag. As you can see by comparing to some of the polls above, at best Team Gunner would be able to bridge the gap by 1-2% before being shot back down again.
I want to note the polls only ever siginificantly moved when Gunner made progress that he'd lose about five minutes later
(Not to say Avenger didn't have legit votes either, it was rarer, but there was at least one instance where Gunner dropped to 40.5 only to be raised to 41ish soon after)
But what better example than right now?
THIS is the poll when I started writing:
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I want to note, right before I snipped the pic, Gunner was actually at 42.7-43%ish for the last hour or so
This is the poll right now:
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Quad Erat Demonstrandum
In summation:
The polls were intentionally being forced into 58.X/41.X split. They would move in response to Gunner gaining ground in order to undo any progress his team made- this would usually happen MINUTES within an attempt to close the gap each time.
@lapithae @dgrailwar
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