#13x05: advanced thanatology
bvtchcas · 2 years
Season 13
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youre-only-gay-once · 2 years
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Supernatural ⋄ 13×05 ⋄ Advanced Thanatology
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shallowseeker · 10 months
Mia Vallens, shit therapist?
I've really enjoyed the shift in how we view Mia Vallens's therapy session. A re-examination of the 13x04 therapy scenes (by others smarter than me) shows that it is Sam who's boxing everyone into "therapy" on false premises and lies.
He's taking advantage of a case to...get free therapy, but also to control the narrative of that therapy. He does this in order to force and control conversations, and then he runs out wounded when it doesn't go his way.
It's also Sam that is forcing Dean and Jack to work together, pushing them to spend time together, because he wants them to bond as quickly as possible (it's only been 10-11 days. Christ, Sam). Both Dean and Jack have said that they need more time. Initially, Jack doesn't even want to go on the case, and he expresses disappointment that Sam hid the full context of the situation from him, but Sam...works on him.
Now, how the therapy pans out isn't totally Mia's fault, per se. She doesn't have the full scope of the situation. Nevertheless, she acts like a bludgeoning hammer, making assumptions and assigning blame instead of asking leading questions.
Then, there's this.
And, well. THIS didn't make it into the episode. Mia is greasing the wheels of her patients...with alcohol?
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Wes swallows. Finally nods. WES: What do I--? She motions to a BAR CART in the corner. MIA: Have a drink. Try to relax.
13x04 The Big Empty script
Mia, my girl. You were giving Dean the stink-eye for drinking from his flask, but you have a whole-ass BAR CART in your therapy room? Then your dude is nursing “a lowball” in the next scene???
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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or: Dean going through his own version of 'five steps of grief'
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winchestress · 1 year
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michaelwitha · 1 year
There's some kind of a chemical reaction happening in my brain whenever i hear the very first tones of It's Never Too Late in Advanced Thanatology and it makes me look absolutely insane every time.
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gracelyns · 5 months
stevie what happened? advanced thanatology sucks :((
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rockyroadkylers · 1 year
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its been a few days since ive seen the episode now but i just saw this painting by Janis Rozentāls on pinterest where death is depicted as a woman
and it reminded me of probably my favorite reaper moment ive ever seen on supernatural and most likely ever will see because from what i can gather from tumblr posts, portrayals of reapers and death just go downhill from there and weren't great to begin with
but i love the moment in Advanced Thanatology when Dean convinces Billie to send all the trapped souls to heaven, and Jessica the reaper appears to them and tells them everything is going to be ok and they all look so relieved
theyve all been trapped there for so long and it was such a horrible place with such awful memories and they finally get to leave and it's such a peaceful moment for all of them and they all ascend in a cloud of beautiful white smoke instead of angry red flame and ash like they would have if sam and dean had had to find and burn every single body
i know there were a lot of problems with. everything to do with supernatural's death and heaven but that was such a good moment in such a horrific episode that i can't help loving it
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Today (so far) i have rewatched the first 5 episodes of s13 and then I was freaking out about 13.05 and sent my boyfriend an absolutely unhinged summary and yes here it is
plot of 13.05 -crazy ghost dude killing people -in a mental health hospital -he’s a ghost -Sam is acting super weird -trying to be nice to dean because Dean is Really Fucking Depressed -giving him beer for breakfast -btw dean was eating a pb&j for breakfast. wonder what cas’ favorite food is -anyway Salmondean go to fight crazy ghost dude -it ain’t goin well -dean: well maybe if I go beyOnd ThE vEiL and talk to the spirits maybe we can figure it out -sam: you’re literally talking about killing yourself -dean: yea what of it -dean: I have this shady death remedy and everything and this definitely covers up the fact that I am literally actually about to kill myself -dean: kills himself -Sam: wtf -dean is now bEyOnd ThE vEiL with death aka Billie our queen -she talks to him, offers him a deal if he tells her plot relevant things -my boy doesn’t even ask to live he just asks that the spirits be dispelled -meanwhile Sam tried the shady death remedy which (surprise!) Does Not Work -literally. DEATH. thee Concept of Death tells Dean, “oh. you want to die.” -he doesn’t think he’s of any use and he’s broken by exhaustion and he doesn’t have meaning in anything anymore -death is like welp I’ve got work to do, u’ve got work to do, back to the land of the living 4 u
-salmondean finish the case -salmondean have a Big Emotional Talk by the car in which dean confesses to his Problems. he just needs a win, Sammy, he just needs a goddamn win. -cue classic rock -montage begins -which seems inappropriate considering the bodies of the victims are being hauled out of the hospital (this is in slow motion for montage reasons) -butTHEN -salmondean r driving -lyrics: ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN, TO LOVE THE PEOPLE YOU CAUSED PAIN, AND HELP THEM LEARN YOUR NAME -deans phone rings -dean picks up the phone -LIGHT FROM A STREETLIGHT LIGHTS UP DEANS FACE -CRESCENDO -ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN -BY THE TELEPHONE BOX -WE SEE HIM -CASTIEL!!!!!!!!!
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quwarichi · 2 years
1x10 Asylum and 13x05 Advanced Thanatology... Something there
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seasononesam · 7 months
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Stackednatural- 93/327
Advanced Thanatology (13x05) November 9th, 2017
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angelinthefire · 2 years
Thinking of a version of 13x04 The Big Empty where Mia the shapeshifter therapist offers to appear to Dean as someone he lost, and he looks like he's going to turn her down, but then he hesitates, and gives her this long evaluating look. And then the scene cuts, and you think Mia is going to appear as Mary, because that's who they were talking about before. You see Dean's reaction, and it's this blank kind of shock, because he was expecting to see what he sees, but he didn't realize how it would hit him. And you hear "Hello Dean". And it's Cas. And he doesn't look right, Mia doesn't have his mannerisms, and she doesn't have the outfit, just a plain white button-down and dark slacks, but she looks enough like him. Dean's about to say something, but he can't. He just swallows and grits his jaw and stares. And Mia/Cas says something like "I'm sorry I left you, I know it's hard. But I love you; and that love will stay with you." And you the viewer don't think too too much of the word "love", because Cas has used it before, love like family, love like friends. But anyways, Dean hears that and he frowns, like he's trying to internalize it, he's trying to get some closure out of this, but he can't. He shuts his eyes, with furrowed brows, and he's regretting that he agreed to this at all. And then Mia/Cas moves closer to Dean. She puts her hand on his cheek, and Dean sucks in a breath but he keeps his eyes closed. And then she leans in and kisses him so, so softly. Because she thinks they were like that. And at first Dean trembles at the kiss, but he keeps his eyes closed and lets it happen. Only after a few seconds does he jerk back, wide-eyed, looking terrified. And of course Mia/Cas is immediately worried and sorry that she made a mistake, and she says "Dean--" and is about to apologize. But Dean just turns around and storms out. Dean rushes away from the house, breathing hard like he'd just lost a fight. He gets in the car and slams the door. And his expression collapses, hes looks shattered, and he gasps, shaken and hurting, and tears run down his face.
And that's it. No further discussion or explanation of what happened. No comment from Dean. And then 13x05 Advanced Thanatology happens as normal.
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youre-only-gay-once · 2 years
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Supernatural ⋄ 13×05 ⋄ Advanced Thanatology
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shallowseeker · 10 months
I always thought it was a few months between 13.04 and 13.05, like enough time for Jack to get settled into the bunker and practice moving the pencil.
I mean, sure, it's possible. But that would also mean that Cas wakes up in the field at the end of 13x04 and goes a few months before meeting up with Sam and Dean in 13x05??? Which doesn't make sense to me. I think it was a matter of days, which still keeps the overall separation pretty damn short.
I think(?) too that Cas wakes in a field of blackberries, which is typically a summer-bearing fruit, which makes early June very plausible (not that SPN does great with seasons and sense of time, lol).
As for Jack's powers, I think that the pencil practice happened during the couple of days Sam and Dean were on the 13x05 case. Jack is a gifted, precocious being. I mean, Sam was reading The Drama of the Gifted Child re:Jack in 13x03. It's not weird to me to imagine Jack picking up mastery incredibly quickly, especially after he feels more accepted into the fold. And then, he's super eager to show off and impress Cas and kills a man by accident. Sigh...
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"Hangover raid on the continental breakfast?"
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winchestress · 1 year
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Dean, every time he has a minor problem: ok so i'm just gonna kill myself
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