#13x22: exodus
arcanespillo · 11 months
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SPN S13E22
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gh-0-stcup · 2 months
This is so fucking stupid. Lucifer tortured Lilith until she was irreparably twisted into an entirely different being. He ordered the psychic kids program, wherein a minimum of dozens of children had demon blood poured down their throats and were encouraged to use their powers for murder, then forced to compete in a death match. He tried to end the world. He's murdered countless innocent people, tortured even more. And, perhaps most importantly, he brutally tortured Sam for 180 years.
And not a single. goddamn. one of these boys is mentioning any of the very real, very horrific acts Lucifer has done and feels zero remorse for in the face of his "it's unfair I'm blamed for all evil" speech?
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suncaptor · 2 years
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no one's told him. Sam hasn't told him. Or can't. Now Jack, who Sam loves! so much! is being manipulated by Lucifer, in front of Sam, is arguing to be able to talk to Lucifer, in front of Sam, absolutely CLUELESS to why this would hurt Sam so much.
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winchestress · 4 months
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elevated dialogue
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youchangedmedestiel · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 1,428
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Episode: s13e22 Exodus (Supernatural), Canon Compliant, Dean wants to retire, Dean wants to go to the beach with his family, Touching, Getting Together, First Kiss, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Neck Kissing, how Castiel knew about the little knife in dean's back pocket, the one that he used in despair to save dean
This is the story of how Cas knew where to find Dean’s little knife he used in episode 15x18 to cut his hand and draw the sigil to keep Billie away and save Dean.
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The thing about Gabriel's death being pointless that tears me up is that it's LITERALLY a suicide. If it had been shot in a slightly less moronic way maybe it would look like him heroically sacrificing himself to give the Winchester's time, but as it stands, they literally just idley stood by while an extremely weakened Gabriel ran up to face Michael. Absolutely no shot.
Gabriel's trickster persona has always been a survival tactic. He chose to become someone who didn't need to face responsibility or destiny. He's not strong enough to deal with his family's fighting or to face them himself so he takes the easy road in life because it's easier for him to accept that he isn't part of the story than to believe that any of his choices matter. He kills people, and the fact that they're "bad" people probably has something to do with his resentment for Lucifer's corruption of humanity and serves as a way for him to manufacture moral superiority to other "monsters" but really he knows better. He kills people because he can. He's a low hitter and he'll find ways to hit even lower because trying to come up would force him to confront himself which is something he doesn't know how to do.
At some point, definitely the end of Unfinished Business, Gabriel does regret how he treated Sam and Dean, especially Sam. But he knows the things he's done are not the kind of things you can shrug and say "sorry bro" about. He abandoned heaven and by now nearly all the angels are dead. How is he supposed to face them? He's not a soldier and definitely not a leader. After what he's been through with Loki and Asmodeus, he's utterly sick of the Trickster path.
So what is there left for him to do?
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samepisodebracket · 1 year
Round 1; Group 32
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trials-era-sam · 2 years
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Supernatural 4x21, 13x22, 12x03, 12x02 || The End of Poetry, Ada Limón
For Stevana Week, Day 1: Sam and physical touch
For some reason when I think Sam and physical touch, I always think Sam and Mary, especially because of that scene in 4x21 which showed how much he craved his mom’s touch. When she came back she was so tender with him, too, and you can see how much he loved it and it breaks my heart every day :(((
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shallowseeker · 1 year
Wherein driving doesn’t automatically mean independence
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SPN 13x22
Three things:
1. Lucifer’s driving isn’t autonomy, because driving and chauffeuring can be an incredibly clumsy motif for independence, especially if it’s done as part of a job, (and most driving in SPN is career/mission-based.)
2.It’s funny that Lucifer is being watched by Cas, when they have an archangel (Gabriel) onboard. Cas is seen as more capable of keeping the reigns on Lucifer, from a personality standpoint and that Cas is important to Jack. (Even downpowered, they tend to cluster around him as the more natural commander. Note that Jack, physically the strongest, is hidden in the back, the trump card position. In the jeep, Gabe and Jack both move to trump card position.)
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(ksiteTV image)
3. Jeep! Just another point for @jackgirlbluntrotation’s theory that Jack will drive a jeep one day, as a callback to AU earth and his zombie motif.
And Cas is, once more, associated with (hand drawn) maps and wayfinding:
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ambersock · 1 year
For the Suncaptor Birthday Event
Happy Birthday! Have some Sam and Lucifer.
“How did you think this was gonna end?”
The moment Sam left Lucifer behind.
The thin, jagged crack of light hovers undulating in the air in a beckoning dance, promising sanctuary on the other side. All of the people Sam and Dean have brought to the fissure between worlds—Mom, Jack, the remnants of human freedom fighters barely hanging on against the tyranny of angels who reduced this Earth to ash—they’ve made it through. They’re free, they’re safe, Sam has done what he had set out to do. But there’s one last thing remaining. Sam watches Dean disappear through the breach and turns to face Lucifer as he approaches, then blocks his path, pushing a hand against the archangel’s chest.
“Sam, what are you doing, man? I’m hurt. Please.”
Sam wants to laugh at the hypocritical plea from the monster who never before showed Sam an ounce of the sympathy he’s expecting now. Nearly two centuries of confinement together gave Lucifer unhindered access to Sam’s innermost thoughts, and he knows how to take advantage of Sam’s propensity to forgive those who seek redemption, knows how to exploit Sam’s instinctive compassion, twisting it to his own ends. But nearly two centuries of confinement together also gave Sam more insight into Lucifer than the archangel is willing to admit. The Devil puts on a good act, Sam will grant him that, and if anyone else were watching they might fall for it, think less of Sam for what he’s about to do, judge him harshly for his treatment of the pathetic creature before him. But Lucifer’s façade of good will wouldn’t fool anyone who has seen Lucifer’s true face, the one he keeps hidden away behind his vessel. The one he lets out to fuel the nightmares of his victims, to torment them in his absence. The one he displays as a reminder that they will never be free of him.
The performance doesn’t fool Sam. “How did you think this was gonna end?”
Sam shoves.
Despite his professed injury and weakness, Lucifer is still an archangel, still possesses raw archangel strength, and is nowhere near as fragile as he would have Sam believe. So Sam puts every memory of the Cage, every moment of anguish, every second of despair into that shove. Every searing burn, every jagged slice, every crushed bone, every torn sinew, every ruptured organ. Every peal of laughter from Lucifer’s delight at his agony. Every falsely proffered mercy taken away, every drop of hope obliterated. Everything Lucifer did to him and the joy he took in doing it, it all goes into that shove.
Lucifer goes down, stunned.
All traces of the archangel’s arrogance drain from his expression. The memory of his true face, a presence that has stalked Sam through every waking moment and in every heart pounding nightmare, diminishes from a visage of overwhelming terror into a pitiful, buffoonish caricature. In that moment, Sam knows that Lucifer has already done the worst he will ever be able do to him, yet Sam is the one left standing. He is the one who stands between Lucifer and what he so desperately wants, and there’s not a damned thing the archangel can do about it.
Sam gazes steadily into Lucifer’s eyes and sees in them an awakening realization, a reluctant bud opening to the dawn light. One hundred and eighty years of burrowing through Sam’s mind, defiling every thought, corrupting every memory, had the archangel assured of his hold over Sam, convinced that he had plumbed the depths of every corner and knew everything that could be known. It’s only now that Lucifer sees the truth, that what he thought he knew was only a persona he’d created for Sam, crafted for him in the Cage, torturing and twisting and reshaping Sam until he was pliant enough to be forced into a mold of conditioned responses. As Sam looms over him now, Lucifer’s eyes betray the epiphany. In his hubris, he thought he'd broken Sam, made him into puppet bound to his will. But it wasn’t Sam that broke; it was the suffocating coffin that Lucifer had constructed to hold Sam a prisoner of his fear that shattered. Had Lucifer known Sam at all, he would have known that a cage of despair couldn’t keep Sam contained forever. He would have known that Sam would turn it into a cocoon.
Sam turns his back on Lucifer, shrugs off the shredded remnants of subjugation that had encased him. Leaves the shadow that has haunted him for years on the ground behind him, powerless. Impotent. He steps through the fissure just as the light begins to flicker and takes a deep breath on the other side as the rift seals behind him.
He’s safe. He’s free.
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samsrowena · 2 years
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love how plain this is on paper but then in the actual scene sam looks at her with her thee most heart eyes ever and rowena looks at him like she wants to jump his bones right there in front of the whole crowd:
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gh-0-stcup · 2 months
Wtf was Misha doing with the Apocalypse World!Cas performance
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suncaptor · 2 years
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LUCIFER: Shouldn't you be thanking me? I gave Sammy an extra life.... I'm here to join the team
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winchestress · 4 months
why, WHY would au!cas have this vague (german?) accent? it doesn't make any sense, he's still in Jimmy's body, and I assume angels borrow the accents of their vessels, too, along with everything else?
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shallowrambles · 2 years
There’s something so sad about Gabriel talking about stopping running
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seasononesam · 1 month
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Stackednatural- 302/327
Exodus (13x22) May 10th, 2018
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