#15x20 thoughts
youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
Imo the best ending to Supernatural would have been to just stop with them alive on a random hunt or them finding jobs and living the life they just wanted or whatever.
And then the story just fucking STOP, because Chuck is not here anymore, so they are no longer part of a story they are finally free. And we could still write and read fanfic about how they live after they won.
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destiel-wings · 2 years
thanks to the winchesters we now know that the dean who smiled at sam on that bridge has gone on adventures, he's done things. he looks peaceful. he might even have been living with cas for decades for all we know
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xpastelsweetsx · 9 months
Castiel: You too?
Crowley: …Yeah
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jensensitive · 1 year
Corbett was killed by rebar.
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dailywincestspam · 10 months
Thinking about 15x20 and Dean Jr. having to be Sam’s executor of estate after his dad’s death. I’m torn between Dean jr. being surprised or used to the kind of wishes recorded in Sam’s will:
Sam requesting to be bury beside Dean’s ashes. I imagine Dean Jr. would have sneak in under the cover of night and disturb the dirt on his grandmother’s grave, find the spot where Dean’s ashes, the samulet, and his grandpa’s tags were buried and add his dad in. Then cover it all up and probably couldn’t talk about that experience with anyone or else a lot of uncomfortable questions would pop up.
Sam possibly leaving behind a fund to take care of the impala with the request to leave in the army figures, squeaky doors, and legos in. Probably leaving behind a list of don’ts too. Like, don’t play music besides 80′s mullet rock, don’t ride the breaks, and don’t add any car adapters too it or, “Your namesake might rise from the grave, seriously.” Sam also adds in that Dean Jr. shouldn’t use black lights anywhere near or inside the car, “Don’t ask.”
Also the Impala on earth is somehow connected to the impala in heaven. Dean figures this out after the first few times something changed in the boy’s heaven impala and Dean has to change it back. Dean decides to write Dean Jr. some choice words for him to find in Baby’s glove box in the aftermath. Sam finds out about it soon after and gets all soft and teary eyed as he uses it as a way to keep up with Dean Jr.’s life. 
Anyway, Baby becomes this eldritch item back on earth that never rusts or has an empty tank, is connected to Sam and Dean’s impala in heaven, and will forever drive around on Earth around as long as a Winchester is in her driver’s seat.
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I do think that the visions that Jack showed Kelly and Cas—of paradise—before he was born were less prophetic/promising and more of a defense mechanism as a nephil, an "Abomination." And the more I think about Jack's morality and "destiny," the more I feel distraught that the series ended with him as God.
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found--family · 6 months
broke: dean was killed by a vampire that john let get away 15 years ago while they were working their first case together since john went missing neglected and abandoned dean
woke: dean was killed by the nurse that his tv crush dr. sexy manhandled and kissed in an elevator while his own reality was toyed with
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elliewithcellie · 26 days
I can’t stop thinking about Jensen’s dream for how the finale was supposed to end. Idk where to find the video but Jensen’s at a con and he said he dreamt Dean driving the Impala down open road. Nothing for miles in any direction when he approaches a crossroads. He parks in the center of the road, gets out of the car and sits against the hood when he sees a motorcyclist approaching. The motorcyclist parks next to the impala and we never see his face but he removes his helmet and holds it out in front of him. Dean takes the helmet and tosses the motorcyclist his keys to the impala before climbing on the motorcycle and driving off “as he has no need for a second seat anymore with Sam gone”. It just breaks my freaking heart bc of how impactful the finale could have been. Bc ultimately this story was always meant for tragedy. Sam dying when he was the brother who always wanted out of the life, the brother who did everything he could to live, and Dean surviving when he couldn’t live without his brother is the most tragic way to end this story. But at the same time, there’s a sliver of hope bc through Deans arc, he really has seen that life is worth living and drives off to live the rest of his life. What the real finale does is take away everything that they’ve worked for the last fifteen plus years. Dean dies, removing all of the character development that he’s gone through and Sam just being able to live his whole life without his brother negates all the growth Sam had and truly the entire series as a whole, like Dean never barged into his college dorm. I know it’s been almost four years now but I was talking to someone on hinge about this and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since
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samsrowena · 10 months
robert singer laughing in the background while dean gets pie faced. right before they fucking kill him. hey bob what if i ripped you apart with my teeth
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mintconditiondean · 1 year
A lot of people seem to say they don't like the spn finale because it's tragic. At the same time, I see so many people both in and outside of the fandom who think that the show should have ended after s5 (even if they like some episodes and seasons from later) and that 05x22 "Swan Song", another tragic episode, should have been the series finale.
I think maybe the reason why 15x20 "Carry On" put so many ppl off isn't actually because the episode is "tragic", but because it actually transforms the entire series into A Tragedy. "Carry On" literally changes the genre of the entire series in the final episode, pulling the rug out from under the audience so unexpectedly that it actually felt violent. It is the mental and physiological response to being blindsided and hurt like that that makes people not like the episode.
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thebiggestmenace · 8 months
I can't give you a witty caption
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if I don't press play, the show doesn't end, right? right?
wait, do we not get Carry On, My Wayward Son for the recap?
I guess not, that's a bummer :/
they kept Miracle!!!
Sam, I love you
"Singer and Kripke"? real original, guys /lh
their last case is one John did?
and with someone they saved??
of course Dean's on the rebar
this isn't how he dies, right? it can't be
for fuck's sake
him bringing it back to day 1? and telling Sam to always keep fighting?? I am so sad
he doesn't have anyone anymore :((
wait, are you leaving the bunker?
he's with Bobby :((((
at least he's not stuck in a memory, I was worried he would be
Cas isn't in the Empty?
it's the old license plate!!!!
oh, we get Carry On through Sam's life :(((
who did he marry???
old Sam is so goofy
Sam's words being echoed by Dean Jr? ugh, so fitting
oh, we get a message?
well, we did it, chat. I don't entirely know what I'm meant to do now. how am I supposed to just, continue after that? I am at a loss for words
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caswlw · 2 years
i have fully pushed down so much of 15x19 and 15x20 that even thinking abt things like. miracle the dog, the job application on dean’s desk, even jack becoming god like my brain is short circuiting thinking abt how they thought all of that was a good idea
like why did they have the domestic scenes in 15x20 and then claim oh yeah this is meant to be X years after 15x19 to explain why they’re Like That (the weird dialogue abt other characters ?? lack of meeting or mentioning them ??) like ??? hello ??? and the fucking pie eating scene ??? CHOOSING TO MAKE DEAN DIE VIA VAMPIRES (read: a nail) OF ALL THINGS it’s actually astounding that any of it occurred like ppl not only had to write it, but also edit it, watch it, and okay it for release and no one was like hey so why is this the cap on our series when all it is is weird pilot (or gen s1) references and not anything satisfying after s15 let alone all 15 seasons and u can claim that 15x19 was the season 15/plot cap but again. talk about awful like ur telling me at the end. there’s no urgency for all the ppl that got dusted ?? we just lose jack, keep the dog, and go home ?? someone really said “hey remember that vampire girl?” “no?” “oh well. too late she’s our second call back for this ep and we can only have two” “who’s the first??” “bobby. obviously” and just pretended like cas and eileen didn’t fucking exist. why didn’t they cast an extra who at least looked like eileen from afar for the blurry wife. WHY DID THEY CAST SOMEONE WHO LOOKED NOTHING LIKE HER FROM A F A R i don’t understand and why did they make sam’s life so fucking depressing after dean died like he had a plan?? he was going to do that hunter network shit ??? if anything dean should’ve had the quiet life of peace 😓 and they did what?? gave him a DOG ?????? it’s so upsetting it’s so BAD
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cuelovecrime · 2 years
"cas helped" — okay cool ?? I wanna see him then ?? where was he ??
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"i must've waited outside your dorm for hours" takes the cake on third thing i have cried about tonight after watching the finale
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mybrainproblems · 5 months
anyway. the finale was bad. but it's bad in absolutely fascinating ways. i'm torn between agreeing with jensen that dean should die on his feet and the hysterical mental image of sam holding dean in a pieta pose.
more ppl should watch the finale tbh (or watch it at all). along with 15x18, it's been allowed to dominate the narrative of the fandom but so much of that is vibes based conspiracy nonsense and very little of the actual demonstrable truth and what literally happened on our screens. i don't think a lot of ppl even know what they're upset about besides "destiel didn't happen" and it's all just become this performative anger goulash.
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found--family · 1 year
i'm having thoughts about the prequel tonight: about how off-kilter the whole dean-bobby-jack reunion was. i just rewatched that scene and dean trades several sus looks with bobby which, in context of dean breaking the rules, could allude to them both knowing jack isn't really jack. it seems like there might be a long game at work..
the heaven beer was the first clue for dean and the empty roadhouse and bobby mentioning cas was there but cas being nowhere in sight and how did he get out of the empty anyway? and why didn't he come see dean on earth? and why didn't he save him? he went for a drive to check shit out and nothing made sense: his heaven was empty. he circles back and invites bobby along for a ride and maybe bobby is able to spill the beans that something is Wrong with heaven and no he hasn't seen cas but this jack character seems sus and dean suspects from the jump that chuck is still pulling strings somehow but there's nothing much he can do without help without information, so. he takes a drive through the multiverse - using magic heaven sigils? with the power of free will? who the fuck knows. if heaven is broke maybe he's gotta break out to fix things but if chuck is behind it all then he can't return to his earth bc that'll be under scrutiny he's gotta find another one where his family are hunters bc maybe they can help. he puts on a show, just in case: makes like he's writing a story about his family but really he's looking for something and then he finds the akrida - proof chuck IS still affecting things. and when the queen threatens to throw him into the empty? hell yes. he searches for cas but doesn't find him, bc it's a different place. next thing he knows he's saving his mom and he knows all this will bring attention. he gets an idea. he grabs his journal and writes in clues, things only someone who knows him would understand. he saves a version of his mom and then jack is there - it's the first time dean's seen him since he died, and bobby looks on edge (and maybe this was part of the plan: bring this hunt to jack's attention, make him think it's the last hunt, have him bring dean back). jack isn't acting like himself and if it's not him then yeah toss dean into the real empty let him track down cas so they can figure out what the hell is going on. but he can't let on he suspects anything and ofc "jack" doesn't toss dean overboard. he talks of "peace" and all dean can see is cas and the broken concepts of heaven putting peace above freedom. dean doesn't feel free, he feels like he's being escorted back to prison but he knows how to play this game: he turns his thoughts prayer-like towards "jack" and thinks about wanting to protect his family and if he can do that he'll be at peace - and "jack" catches on, he summons dean's journal from the impala and the reconstituted colt. the journal is key. when jack flits them back to heaven, dean has done all he can.
now we move onto spnwin season 2 and castiel's return: in dean's journal he wrote about an angel summoning ritual and mentioned one angel in particular. for whatever reason - and perhaps with some help from Rowena - at some point the scooby gang summons [re:resurrects] the angel castiel, dean's cas. coming from the empty is a mind-churning experience so castiel has amnesia (he's also naked or his clothes so torn and ruined they have to dress him in new clothes). while working to regain his memories cas helps the scooby gang hunt monsters or aid in the fight of one big bad in particular. and he reads "hatfield's" journal - the more he reads the more intrigued he is, and the stories these humans share of this mysterious stranger saving their lives tugs at something in castiel's memory. and perhaps there is a code woven into the makeup of the journal that cas needs to decipher or even notice is there and the answer will lead him to a location and a spell that ultimately restores his memories: the barn where he and dean met (much newer and nicer in the 70s). with his memories restored, cas follows dean's previous actions and pays a visit to the novak family in an attempt to help save them in the future (brands their ribs, etc). but he has to get back to his universe to help his friend - bc they told him that "hatfield" ie. dean, said he was dead, and chuck had failsafe monsters ready to destroy creation. cas needs to return to his world, find dean, save dean, figure out if there are any further dangers. with help from the scooby gang (and rowena? or crowley?) cas is able to return to his own universe.
and that's how we meet and farewell cas from spnwin and leave the narrative open for an spn reboot where dean and cas reunite and figure out what's going on with heaven and jack and whether chuck is still in control. oh, and meanwhile down on earth sam is hunting with eileen and only a year or few have passed and the whole party-wig bs was just a speedrun ooc epilogue chuck tried to set in motion but didn't work for whatever reason.
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