#16 candles rp
real-ponyboy · 2 months
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helluvatimes · 10 months
Candle Delight
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A Plantain Squirrel working through the fruit of a Candle Tree. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.
At about 20 feet (or 6 metres), the squirrel was still okay with our presence. But it got nervous when we moved in to about 12 feet (or 3-1/2 metres) where it abandoned the fruit and scurried away. 
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inkyvendingmachine · 2 years
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Dawn Season 3, Episodes 16
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀 🎶 Call of Cthulhu Season Three Masterpost 🎶
Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: Song and Dance scenario from the Tales of the Crescent City book. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.
ANOTHER BIG THANKYOU TO @inkdemonapologist FOR HELPING ME WRAP UP THE LAST SUMMARY OF SEASON 3!!! THAT'S RIGHT! WE'VE MADE IT AT LAST!!! which means we can now start posting the 18384927 post game RP logs we've been doing meanwhile lmao.
ART CHANGES THIS SEASON!! @inkdemonapologist and I are collabing on all the art for these summery posts!! Shazz does lines, and I compose and colour the pieces.
Almost done, just one last muse to free.
But first, the Angel left a bit of a mess. While Jack is using all his willpower to NOT give into the urge to “fix” everyone by shoving ink into them, Joey pleads with Prophet to do the final ritual with Susie, so that there won’t be any weirdness between Susie and Allison. Prophet’s flattered, but he… would need more time to study this one. Why not let her do it? Joey concedes, but he wants to be the one to lead it. Jack helps Leon patch Allison up so she can be ready for round 3, while Joey and Prophet go to reset all the candles that got knocked over in the fight.
Susie wants to talk to Allison, while they wait. What were her intentions at the Studio? Allison assures her she didn’t even want the part (which offends Susie more, honestly) – she just wanted to keep her eye on this Studio, after everything they’ve been up to!! ... What… have they been up to, exactly, Susie asks?
… and Allison admits, well, maybe they were just… protecting their home. It sounded ridiculous at the time, but… maybe that’s really all it was. Someone told her recently to be careful of making monsters out of others, and maybe that’s what she did here. (Thanks for putting in a good word for us, Tom!!!)
Joey, of course, has been busy getting everything in order and has heard none of this, but Susie and Allison seem to be on okay terms, so let’s hurry up and do this ritual – without the creative power from the muses of storytelling or dance keeping him going, Joey is running on pure determination and adrenaline. Tasty.
And together, they’re able to do it. The golden glow drifts out of Susie, but this time, they all hear a faint “thank you” before the spirit disappears.
Susie collapses.
Allison tries to catch her, but it wrenches her bad arm and she falls to the floor as well.
Joey passes out, too, with his one goal done – and now Jack’s feeling the sudden drop in energy as the muse of music returns to normal; he loses consciousness as well.
Prophet’s too thrilled to give in!!! announcing “We’ve done it, my Lord!” before swapping back to regular Sammy – whhoooo ALSO immediately passes out without the extra creative energy keeping him going, leaving Henry and Norman and Timothee with a bunch of unconscious people. Henry and Norman are maybe not the ideal folks to handle the inevitable police visit after all those gunshots, but Timothee is also a child of Lady Orchid and can pull some of his influence before taking Nichole home.
Henry and Norman just get people into beds. Bendy, uh, helps??? Which means Joey’s body is wandering around, but Joey himself is practically unwakeable right now and Jack is bleary enough that driving home seems unwise. Better to just spend the night for now and sort it in the morning.
7 AM greets them with Henry waking Joey up with a panicked, “What are we doing here, what’s going on?! …I don’t think I remember last night.”
The colour drains from Joey’s face, and he tries to calm Henry, find out what the last thing he remembers is – Henry knows he remembers the contest. When asked if he remembers that scythe spell, Henry groans and admits that he does, but he’s still shaking and does not seem all right, so Joey runs off to dig through Jack’s bag and find something to draw with – oh, hey, at some point Henry’s sketchbook ended up in here, and there’s the rest of Joey’s ink, and also one of Joey’s nice pens? Anyway, that’s enough for him to bring Henry something to draw on, hoping that will calm him down. HE’S NOT GOOD AT COMFORTING and his brain is running at full capacity trying to figure out what to do…
Henry immediately starts drawing one of the monsters from last night. He remembers some things… he remembers attacking Sammy, though Sammy has no recollection of what Prophet did and can’t verify this, and Joey is sure that the two of them were working together by the end of the night and seemed fine – but, uh, Henry wasn’t quite himself and Joey had been afraid he’d lost him, LET’S NOT… USE THAT SPELL AGAIN,,,,,
in the meantime, Joey finally admits to himself his few and far between weaknesses, that maybe he still isn’t, at the end of the day, the one who can comfort Henry, and asks his best friend if… he’d like Joey to call Linda for him. Henry’s taken aback, and agrees, so Joey swipes Jack’s hat to cover his horns and heads outside to use a payphone.
Sammy goes to check on Jack, then on Susie, who looks a little worse for wear – she thanks him for coming after her, and admits that she remembers it all, but it feels like a dream. She… wants to talk about all this later, if they could, but for now, even as worn out as she is, she’s eager to get back and finally record a good take of that new Alice Angel song. She can’t believe they didn’t stop by the studio all week, when that was the whole reason she agreed! But Nichole had so many other things she wanted to do with them, that they just never got the chance…
Joey gets back, asks Henry how he’s doing. Henry says he’s doing okay (but he’s definitely not doing okay). So Joey gently pulls him towards the door, where… Linda is waiting for him. Joey actually called her over. Henry is overwhelmed, hugs his wife, and gives Joey a grateful look – he knows how much this means for Joey to do. Joey just tells him not to worry about the cartoon and to get some rest.
And then it’s time to clean up and get going!
Joey uses Bendy’s help to just make a giant cartoon squeegee, as you do, to smoosh all the candles and ink and paint and chalk together, so hopefully it won’t be useful to any future cultists, and throw this weird ball of gunk in the garbage. Allison tries to… sort of apologise? – or at least explain why she had thought mind-controlling Sammy was justified – but the boys are not interested and Joey simply tells her they’ll talk later.
Well, first back to Jack’s house to get a shower since we’re all sort of gross from getting dunked in the lake but
The music department is sluggish, everyone there feeling the after-effects of the muses’ presence, but Sammy is as demanding as ever, refusing to let a musical cataclysm stop his department from creating excellent work. Lyrics are done, but Jack’s nonetheless here to… balance Sammy out a little. Henry shows up halfway through the day anyway, and Joey decides that if Linda let him come then he probably needs something to work on. Joey is feeling PRETTY DEAD today and mostly works out of his office, though he does clear off a spare desk in there for Henry to work beside him, away from the stress clamor of the rest of the studio, and also perhaps just to enjoy each other’s quiet companionship.
It’s been a long time since they both just sat and worked on animating together.
There’s a few messages for the boys throughout the day – one from Peter checking in with Joey on how he should describe their group to the reporter they rescued (Joey settles on “someone else who got tangled up with that cult and wanted to set things right”), another from Peter to Jack letting him know that his cat Beans had been fed the night before and DO NOT BELIEVE HER when she inevitably tries to convince him that she’s never been fed in her life, and finally, a simple letter to Joey that just says, “We should talk sometime,” with the address of a local cafe, a date and a time, and the signature of “Y.”
Joey………… decides the other boys maybe possibly do not need to know about this last letter right now.
Susie shows up – with that chocolate cake she promised last week, at last!! – to do a take on the new version. Joey stops by the department to cheer on his Alice Angel, which she appreciates; after everything, her first take chokes, but her second is beautiful. She loves the song and she loves the new changes to it. Sammy’s pleased with her performance, though he mutters that it might be the best thing he’ll ever write. But he’s soon cheered up by the prospect of a cake untouched by roaming janitors, even sharing a piece with Jack and Susie. Joey, who had figured out some magical control over ink at some point, will handle updating the lipsyncing so nobody has to redraw entire cells.
A… feature length cartoon, in 1934??????
( joey b like: >:3c )
Well, Joey DOES have the break room magic that helps everyone in the studio gel with each other a little more to work faster, and stay awake just a little easier, and in this timeline JDS does still have Henry. It’s not in colour, and probably not as complex as Disney’s first feature will be, (joey voice hUSH) but still, the first feature length animated movie will be a Bendy cartoon put out by Joey Drew Studios! GOSH!!
That evening Joey reaches out to Nichole Savoy, the daughter of Lady Orchid, to let her know about the premier tomorrow – he did promise her and her friends a stage, after all, and he’s not one to go back on his word, if they’d like to perform for the premier? Or if not, he’ll just give them all tickets, but if they so choose, he trusts they’ll put on a magnificent show. Nichole is taken aback and tells him that he’s very strange, but gratefully accepts.
And now, the most important task before the premiere: Joey decides it’s time to drag all his boys out for fancy new outfits (It’s for the premier!!! It’s part of the premier budget!!! Don’t worry about it!!) personally tailored and picked out by yours truly. Perhaps it is also… a little treat for himself, getting to see all his boys dressed up nice… y’know, for finishing the cartoon. That is going to premiere. Only that reason, nothing more.
And the premier itself goes great. Susie sings the new song live with Colette as a dancer (and Sammy on the piano), Nichole doesn’t perform but seems really happy to see her friends get this spotlight and night out with her. The cartoon itself is pretty darn close to what they hoped it would be. Afterwards Jack keeps everyone charmed and out of range to socialise with Sammy while Sammy glares and looks unapproachable; Henry is a little tired for socialising but DOES want someone to ask about the animation on the scenes he’s proudest of, while his kids try to pick which scenes are his; and the head of the local paper catches Joey Drew to ask about an interview about this unprecedented accomplishment, and Joey’s all too happy to set up a time for a tour.
The head of the paper is also curious if Joey’s met Peter Sunstram? They seemed to know each other, and the man had been looking for a job at his paper, and he wonders how well Mr. Sunstram takes direction? There’s a glint in Joey’s eye as he realises his chance to talk Peter Sunstram up as only Joey Drew can. Jack surely won’t leave if his OTHER boyfriend is ALSO in New York!
And that one investor who started all of this is here, too; oblivious to the magical shenanigans he inadvertently kicked off, but thrilled with the finished film he’s just seen! Somewhere, Grant can breathe a sigh of relief, and hopefully soon, so can the boys.
Joey Drew Studios has managed the impossible, one more time.
💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀
[Previous Episode]
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meerawrites · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? going on 50+.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 49,173.
3. What fandoms do you write for? my most written for fandoms are in order 1) my original work. 2) Vampire Chronicles (books by Anne Rice). 3) TURN: Washington's Spies (blame @musicboxmemories for that one), and 4) Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 (Dave Malloy)/War And Peace(Leo Tolstoy).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Anti-hero (Multifandom - Original Work, TURN, Vampire Chronicles, and VTM)
Rainy Night & Sister Death (Vampire Chronicles)
July 12, 1804 (TURN)
They Build Coffins (Multifandom - original work, TURN, Vampire Chronicles, and VTM)
Best of Our Circumstances (A Song of Ice and Fire)
It is so random and it feels perfectly on-brand for me. But, I am really proud of Anti-hero and They Build Coffins!
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! But I can be slow at times.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?... They Build Coffins, Sacrilegious Marriage , Hey, Little Songbird and Once the sun sets no candle can replace it - pain is fun!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Best of our circumstances is pure AU fluff, and Anti-hero isn't all doom and gloom.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, cause I don't permit it.
9. Do you write s.mut? Yes, but I prefer with plot and themesTM.
10. Do you write crossovers? *stares at Anti-hero* I have a few, and if you count my own characters... a lot. Anti-hero/they build coffins was a stroke of genius, I don't take criticism. So thanks for that, @musicboxmemories, for RP and editing obviously I do.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I've had poetry stolen without credit but thankfully no. Media doesn't exist in a bubble. Don't be rude, lol.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge, not opposed though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I'd love to! I did turn RP plots into all-out fics though. I should probably give @honorhearted / @musicboxmemories co-writing credits for the first 3rd of Anti-hero, but unless she asks, I won't. I am not pushy.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Loustat (Vampire Chronicles), or all my oc x canons. Loustat will always be famous for a reason. Dysfunctional bi4bi vampires!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? N/a, I am a completionist.
16. What are your writing strengths? My high school writing teacher said I was well-versed in all aspects of writing, but if I had to pick one, character creation/research for worldbuilding.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Editing. But I manage, it helps I speak well and (usually) have good grammar.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'd try for the sake of trying. I put French and Hindi in my fics cause those are my strongest (not English) languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 (Dave Malloy)/War And Peace (Leo Tolstoy).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Anti-hero, at least for now.
Borrowed from: @musicboxmemories (thanks Maddie <3)
Tagging: @malicious-compliance-esq, @covenofthearticulate, @selkiewife and @the-bar-sinister (if you want).
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graysongraysoff · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @boltlightning, sorry in advance for being such a downer haha ❤️
1. how many total works do you have on ao3? 245
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 190,993
3. what fandoms do you write for? most recently jujutsu kaisen and bungo stray dogs.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
your hands are red from holding tight.
in the wake of sukuna’s defeat, satoru says a final goodbye to the young sorcerer he raised.
the end.
collab with plot_twists
finally free from the prison realm, gojo finds megumi possessed by sukuna. he is focused on only one thing: saving the young boy he took in all those years ago.
exorcise my mind
collab with plot_twists
when megumi and tsumiki decide to clear out their parents’ old room and give it to him, satoru is touched by the gesture. when he tries to find sleep in the space, however, he finds that toji’s ghost still haunts him more than he’d like to admit.
shadow puppets
collab with plot_twists
a storm knocks out the fushiguros’ power, so gojo lights some candles and teaches them how to do some shadow puppets. megumi, however, summons more than just a shadow.
how to parent your pre-teen bad boy
collab with plot_twists
when gojo is called in to megumi’s school to meet with the principal, he isn’t sure how to go about dealing with his ward’s actions. after a bit of conversation, however, the two begin to understand more about each other.
5. do you respond to comments? almost always.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? idk angst is kind of the main thing i bring to the function so. i feel like it kind of depends on your mileage.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? idk, probably leave what’s heavy, an old-as-balls taz fic.
8. do you get hate on fics? no.
9. do you write smut? no.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written? i’ve done a couple. blood for your rude brawls is a romeo & juliet/witcher crossover, that’s probably the “craziest.”
11. have you had a fic stolen? / 12. have you had a fic translated? / 13. have you ever co-written a fic? 11 & 12 not that i know of, 13 yeah if you scroll back up to my top 5 fics by kudos you’ll find that 4 of them are collabs. really they’re like rp transcripts but if that ain’t co-writing then what is am i right.
14. what's your all-time favorite ship? sick to death of being asked about ships tbh. my favorite gen pair is bruce wayne and dick grayson though.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i really want to write the second half of this danger days fic but it’s been almost ten years so.
16. what are your writing strengths? based on comments i’ve gotten it’s my ability to fit a lot of emotion into a small number of words.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? the fact that for some reason i’ve regressed really hard into comparing myself to others in the last couple years which has resulted in me not really wanting to write anymore.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i wouldn’t trust myself to do it right.
19. first fandom you wrote for? harry potter.
20. favorite fic you've written? i don’t know, it changes depending on the day. did you see how i’ve written 245 of them?
i don’t actually think any of my mutuals who still write fic haven’t already been tagged in this, but if i am mistaken please accept my apologies and consider this me tagging you.
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creacherkeeper · 1 year
multiples of 4 for waylon squad <3 pwease
4. what is their comfort food?
waylon: hot chocolate <3
scruggs: borscht!!
lizzie: chocolate chip cookies :o)
kelsey: plain spanish rice
8. what is the most interesting thing that they regularly carry on their person?
waylon: his old wedding ring
scruggs: a leather cord bracelet with five beads on it
lizzie: probably her sword. all her important items are Put Away Safely
kelsey: a cool looking rock and a wax candle from onion they always keep in their pockets
12. do they tend to hold a lot of tension in their body? if so, where?
waylon: not really. he cant feel his body too much anymore
scruggs: not as much as he used to. but i think he clenches his fists when he's upset and they can get achy
lizzie: yeah, a lot. mostly in her shoulders
kelsey: yes <3 their back and legs hurt a lot
16. which member of their family are they the most fond of, if any?
waylon: he loves all his kids but kelsey is. his baby.
scruggs: you could get scruggs to choose between all his sisters over his cold dead body but he. was a mama's boy <3
lizzie: scruggs is definitely the easiest to get along with but she's put the most effort into strengthening her relationship with kelsey and feels really proud of the place they've been able to get to even if it's not perfect. she is. very protective over kelsey <3 which luckily kelsey doesnt mind too much
kelsey: they love both of their siblings but. they are a daddy's girl <3
20. describe one of your favourite rp moments with this character
waylon: he hasn't had a Ton of screentime but i think the fight between him and lizzie that will overheard and then his subsequent conversation with will about brandi <3 just listened to lizzie be like youre not my dad actually so fuck off and then immediately was like. no you can kill brandi actually go for it
scruggs: simply all the him and will being horny on main scenes are so so funny 2 me. horndog ass middle aged men
lizzie: the onion and lizzie catfight <3 and then immediately afterwards giving divine her jacket and rambling about why she likes divine and getting kissed about it. girl had a Day
kelsey: they havent had much screentime (where they actually talked) but as far as their Content probably summer fun day <3 autism creacher on main <3 sister time <3
24. are they good at keeping secrets? does it depend on how big the secret is?
waylon: very much so yes
scruggs: he is <3 not very good at it <3 but will if it's important. he's a lot better at keeping other people's secrets than his own
lizzie: oh she will keep any secret forever and ever
kelsey: they're okay at keeping secrets but mostly because they only talk to their family members. so they Can keep secrets there's just less stakes for them to
28. what is something that helps to comfort them?
waylon: music. it's something he can still enjoy even though he's a zombie
scruggs: making a meal for people he cares about <3
lizzie: her jacket :o)
kelsey: tight hugs!!
32. what emotion do they feel the most often?
waylon: sadness
scruggs: mirth
lizzie: frustration
kelsey: fear
36. are they introverted or extroverted?
waylon: introverted
scruggs: very extroverted!
lizzie: pretty in the middle
kelsey: wants to be around people all the time but only Their People
40. what do they smell like?
waylon: rotten meat and flowery perfumes
scruggs: cedarwood and smokey
lizzie: sun baked clay and honey
kelsey: fizzy and sparkly and lavender
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shining-orion · 2 years
Intro Post !
Hello hello! I'm Orion, I use they/them pronouns and my partner pokémon is a yamper named Katrina!
I've made this blog as a way to document my adventures I guess? Well not really adventures but you get the idea.
I'm not sure what else to say- I lived in Alola till I was six, then I lived in Galar up until now, and now I'm moving back to Alola due to my dad's work. I also barely remember Alola so I'll have to relearn alot of stuff.
I think that's all I need to mention?
Team :
Katrina / Kat - Yamper
Calypso- Popplio
(This will be updated as they get more Pokémon)
Important Info Under The Cut !
Orion is 16 and a minor, so absolutly no nsfw.
I myself am 18, just letting that be known for those uncomfortable rping with someone who is either older or younger than them.
My asks are open, feel free to send in asks whenever.
The things on this blog will tend to be more in line with the games than the anime but I may reference the anime on occasion.
I also barely remember Alola from back when I played the Sun and Moon games so apologies if I'm a bit rusty.
I will mark any out of character comments with “ OOC “ and “ (( “
This blog is mostly silly stuff but on occasion a serious thing may happen such as mentions of an injured Pokémon simply due to the world this blog takes place in.
Let me know if you think I should add a tag to a post, I try to be on top of stuff like that but it sometimes slips my mind.
I have other Pokémon RP blogs -> @candles-in-the-snow , @espers-poke-posts
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gelionvejes · 2 months
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𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 : 𝐠ē𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 | 𝐯ē𝐣𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐦
this is a private & selective rp blog for the original character 𝑬𝑳𝑹𝒀𝑺 𝑺𝑰𝑳𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑫 , reincarnation of Elrys Doombound, tortured academic and Emperor of the Mōriblēnunean Empire. the blog itself is a sideblog to @gedwimora​ , as this is a hub-style multimuse. If you follow here the follow back will come from there. based HEAVILY on the works of Mich.ael Mo.orco.ck, specifically Cor.um jhal.en ir.sei.
Medium to sporadic activity. Created by Train | EST | 30s | They/Them based HEAVILY on the works of Mich.ael Mo.orco.ck
✦ 𝑨 𝑺𝑻𝑼𝑫𝒀 𝑰𝑵. good scars, evil scars. i will have my revenge. knight in sour armor. loathe what i have become. rulers who do something. corrupted innocence. evil hand, all seeing eye. sole survivor. raging against the call. the chosen one. healing hero. i gave you my word. anti-hero. memory mixing. kill them all. even evil has standards.
lore-linked: @wornkindness
✦ Originally named Albeon Tar.gar.yen, he was born to a very lesser branch of the family and lived a very quiet and peaceful life of music and study. He didn't know he was a reincarnation of Elrys at this time as the decline of magic was effecting the reincarnation cycle. When he was 16 his family and academic peers went on an archeological expedition to one of the ruined cities in the Dothraki Sea. A Khalazar found them and it went about as well as you'd think.
✦ Albeon was enslaved, tortured, having his eye gouged and his left hand cut off. The pain is what awoke his memories as Elrys and with that knowledge he managed to escape, placing a horrific curse on the dothraki as he left. He was rescued by traders who brought him to Mereen where he boarded a ship back to Mōriblēnun.
✦ The Empire of Mōriblēnun is located in the far east of Essos. It's capital is Asshai and it is in many ways the Valyrian Freehold 2.0. In the era of the 5 Kings they're doing better than Westeros is but there's a lot of decay as an Elrys has no reincarnated and took the reigns for a while. The Targs and dragons are more populous there thanks to a total lack of ethics but all of the dragons have gone comatose and the backstabbing politics are getting very bad.
✦ He spend about 1-2 years in recovery, during this time he was officially renamed Elrys and was outfitted with prosthetics. These prosthetics are actually ancient magical artifacts said to be the pieces of gods, they are the Hand of Kwill and the Eye of Rhunn. The hand can touch things that aren't there/pull at things in another reality and the eye can see through all kinds of things like time and space, think like having a glass candle lodged in your skull. He wears an eyepatch over it because frankly that is a super unpleasant experience. It only dampens his sight though, leaving it closer to a normal eye.
✦ Around the same time Dany is birthing dragons, Elrys realizes that their dragons, which had fallen into magic comas, are stirring. His dragon, Arioch, which every incarnation has rode, is the first to wake. (I have no interest in saying which thing happened first or instigated the other, it doesn't really matter. what matters is they are linked.)
✦ This Elrys is probably the most human of them all. Unlike the others he had a life wholly free of any of the baggage of the reincarnation cycle. He was a happy and healthy person with no issues, he was good and moral and kind. His experience with the Dothraki and the sudden slam of Very Miserable Memories has left him jaded and broken. He wants to be good and believe in goodness but to him the world seems utterly befouled. It doesn't help that because of the decay of magic the reincarnation memories are very muddled in his head.
✦ The different reincarnations are distinguished by epiphets, this one is called "The Silver hand" due to his magical six fingered silver prosthetic.
✦ Elrys Doombound ( @belmorvejes ) is his first life during the Conqueror's time and the Venturer ( @solionvejes ) is his past life from the era of the Dance of the Dragons. Silverhand is primarily based in the era of the 5 kings.
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[[I had the best of intentions to pull out my laptop this weekend and attempt to create an actual profile/pages/fancy-schmancy stuff so I could post my character profiles here for easy viewing.... however it never happened. A really good friend of mine needed help at a craft fair with her small buisness down at the VFW her husband is Quartermaster at ((all the pirate jokes aside)) and I was basically in the sun selling candles and today I'm just drained. But I'm around for talking, plotting, etc...]]
[[NEXT WEEKEND JUNE 13-16 2024 I will be out of town to Fan Expo/Comic Con. Getting my geek on and helping another friend in Artist Alley sell her geeky artsy wares. Imma try to bring my laptop and extender batter/charger but with the chaos that is the convention and helping at her table, no promises as I'm suppose to be helping her sell/manage a table at a busy convention.]]
[[But again, feel free to send messages, asks, etc... we can always just chat. No pressure to RP, or if you wanna try it out to see how our characters vibe, send something just specify Emma, Alice/Tilly, or Maleficent]]
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randomestroleplays · 2 years
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𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔱 ⊱⋆⊰ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔤𝔞𝔩 𝔡𝔞𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔢𝔯
fandom: non-fandom ( well suited to gilmore girls, gossip girl, gossip girl reboot, and the perfectionists, but can be played as a crossover or in an original setting )
open to: platonic and romantic relationships with original or canon characters
content warnings: n/a
faceclaim: kathryn newton
age: flexible ( ideally 16 / 17 for a high school rp, 22 / 23 for an adult rp )
ships: n/a ( would love to play her in an arranged marriage )
high school caroline: she is one of the top in her class, plays tennis and golf, and despite being very studious, she has a wild streak.  she’s a social butterfly but has very few close friends as she struggles to let people in.  her parents treat her like a doll for their own image and she never wants to disappoint them, but she dreams of moving out and starting her own life
adult caroline: university graduate who is now working on her art history masters. she lives in a cozy townhouse in new haven which she adores.  she drives a pastel blue mini cooper.  she loves tea, reading, candles, and rain, she plays tennis and golf, and she’s the trophy daughter to a very rich family. 
alignment: chaotic good
enneagram type: type 3 — the achiever
soul type: the sage
mbti: esfp-a — the entertainer
Hogwarts House: ravenclaw
Element: water
Trope: stepford smiler
Theme Song: this is me trying, taylor swift
Quote: there once was a girl known by everyone and no one
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Silence falls across Chicago. 
We walk the streets uninterrupted in our feasts, and unchallenged by children who think they can take on millennia old beings.
It may be but a dream, but the city will be ours.
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katesmemes · 6 years
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
“I didn’t hit her. I’d like to very much, and I probably will later, but give me a break!”
“Pick on someone your own size!”
“I happen to have a serious problem!”
“I look exactly the same as I have since summer... Utterly forgettable.”
“You need four inches of bod, and a great birthday.”
“Now don’t give me that pouty look of yours.”
“They fucking forgot my birthday.”
“Everything’s just getting shittier.”
“Maybe I’m interested in more than a party.”
“Come on, [Name], you talk like you’re hard up.”
“There has to be a more dignified mode of transportation.”
“Will you quit feeling sorry for yourself? It’s bad for your complexion!”
“You know, I’m getting input here that I’m reading as relatively hostile.”
“You know, a girl with a hat is just so... Vogue.”
“My goodness are you a sight for sore eyes!”
“I swear to God, this has got to be a joke.”
“What’s happening hot stuff?”
“This is the single worst day of my entire life.”
“What the hell are you bitching about?”
“Don’t be cute.”
“You’re really acting like... An asshole.”
“Well, if you don’t have anything, you don’t have anything to lose, right?”
“Way to go, dick face.”
“C’mon, you know you’re the one I wanna bug.”
“It is physically impossible for me to get happy.”
“This information cannot this room, okay? It would devastate my reputation as a guy.”
“Look, I’d appreciate you not laughing, okay?”
“He doesn’t even know I exist.”
“If you’re lying, I’ll beat the crap out of you!”
“I can name twenty guys who would kill to love me.”
“This may sound incredibly dumb, but I love you and I’ll do anything to make you love me.”
“I can’t believe I’m such a jerk.”
“He’s really bitchin’.”
“Listen, I know you’re there, I can hear you breathing.”
“He’s beautiful and perfect and I like him a real lot and he doesn’t like me, okay?”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I love you.”
“That’s why they call them crushes. If they were easy, they’d call them something else.”
“You know, when you’re given things kind of easily, you don’t always appreciate them.”
“When you do find the right guy, don’t let him boss you around.”
“Make sure he knows you wear the pants in the family.”
“She thinks you’re the cat’s meow.”
“They don’t have the balls to admit it, you know what I mean?”
“Such assholes, I can’t believe it.”
“Bitch, bitch, bitch- bitch is a female dog.”
“I told you dudes I was hot.”
“That, my friend, is what the pictures are for.”
“You’re pissing me off.”
“Deep down, he’s really sorry.”
“Nothing could shock me anymore.”
“Oh, watch your language, Mr. Dirty Mouth!”
“Why you little scuzzbag!”
“She’s uh, she’s a little out of it.”
“What’re you doing here?”
“I heard you were here.”
“You came here for me?”
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...Story Imagine...
(SoulMate AU: When you sleep your will appear around your soulmate, and vice-versa. However, it xan only happen when your soulmate needs you)
First time (Y/n) ever met her Soulmate was when she was only 5 years old. She didn't even know what soulmates were or how they met, all she knew was she was in a dark room lit only by candles, and Aside from the over used furniture there were weapons and golden mechanics littering the room. little (Y/n), was amazed by them and wanted to touch one of the weapons, but as soon as she touched then her hand went right through it, she tested it further by touching all of the furniture around her and she went through them all, that assured the little girl that she was truly dreaming.
"How did you get in here!?"
She jumped at the angry voice. (Y/n) turned and was met with a pale man, with golden eyes and platinum blonde hair. She didn't have time to admire hsi appearance as he marched forward towards her, paralyzed with fear (Y/n) just shut her eyes and waited for pain, but it never came. Opening her eyes she saw his hand going through her, looking up to him she saw the look of pure shock on his face. He pulled away from her quickly.
"What are you?"
"I'm (Y/n)."
"How did you get in here? "
"This is my dream, I fell asleep and woke up here."
Nuada's eyes widened in realization and he kept denying it in his head. He knew about soulmates and how they meet, but he gave up on the concept because his Soulmate never came. Refusing to belive that a human was his soulmate the Elf told her to stay in this room and he left, waiting for morning where she would be awake and gone. However, the sound of small bare feet hitting the ground irritated him as he just walked faster away from her. When next day came Nuada was sure that he will not see her again, he was wrong because the next night there she was. He tried to ignore her, but the (Y/n) made it difficult.
"What are you making? "
"Does you scar hurt? "
"Your eyes are so pretty! "
"Are you my imaginary friend?"
He answered no to her last question. Knowing why soulmates show to one another, Nuada did his best to find out what was he need for fate to bring his Soul-.. This human. Months past and (Y/n) was still returning every night. She would wear pretty dresses, or clench to her favorite toys before she slept just so she can show her secret friend. With time Nuada grew soft to the little human, even at some pint he taught her about the creatures who live in hiding hoping to educate, and when she came back saying she lost a fight he taught her a few moves to defend herself and win.
It was difficult to admit, having little (Y/n) around was ...soothing. He had been Alone for a very long, he maybe had Mr. Wink, but even him he sees barely. After that revelation (Y/n) stopped coming to him. Thinking it was for the best he decided to forget about her and focus on his plans.
He saw (Y/n) again after years when she turned 16, But unlike the last time he was the one who showed up in her room after he fell asleep. How did he know it was (Y/n) room?... Because she was crying right there on her bed. That sight made a small ache in his heart. He made his way to set on the side of her bed, and when she saw him she was shocked before throwing herself at his embrace for comfort and he was ready, but she went right through him, burying her face and crying into her mattress. The only thing he could offer was comforting words. He later found out that a boy she conference to like had humiliated her in front of the entire school. That made Nuada see red because humiliating (Y/n) was to humiliate him as well, for she was his other half. Nuada kept showing up to her for a month until (Y/n) needed him no more.
When (Y/n) was an adult she joined the B.P.R.D. thanks to Professor Broom, who was amazed with her great knowledge of the supernatural. Of course now that she was older (Y/n) knew about Soulmates and understand that Nuada wasn't a figment of her imagination but a real person who is hiding somewhere dark. She hoped to see him one day, but she never imagined to see him again as a target after meeting Nuala who made Who made his intentions clear.
In the library after he won against Hellboy, that was the first time their eyes meet each other again after years. And it was confirmed that this was not either of their dreams when Nuada took her away with his sister to ride the Golden army.
This is the Imagine I wanted to upload but Tumblr deleted it, of course the original was way longer. But I hope you guys will enjoy this one too.
As I said before you may use this imagine to you delight, to fantasies about, to write a story inspired by it, or to use it as RP, just don't forget to credit me! 😁
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I saw one of your old posts about C/lexa shippers latching onto Yasha and BOY IS IT TRUE. Looking back Lexa had very little personality besides ruthless leader but fandom!Lexa was secretly soft and loved candles and flowers. It feels like fandom just latched onto her as a new chance at Lexa and didn't care that she was essentially just a different shell with some equally problematic cultural appropriation.
Slow your roll there, anon. We do not shit-talk Lexa in this house. 
While I do agree with you that fanon Lexa was indeed softer than canon Lexa, she did have soft moments in the show. Did fandom take that idea and exaggerate it? Absolutely, yes. But they didn’t pull it out of their asses. Which is NOT the case with the Yasha situation.
Also, can we (by ‘we’ I mean fandom in general) please learn the difference between ‘no personality’ and stoicism? 
Something that’s always pissed me off is how stoic male characters are consistently lauded and fawned over, and stoic female characters (which are already rare) are described as ‘having no personality’ or ‘having one facial expression’. Which simply isn’t true in most cases, and certainly isn’t in this one. ADC played Lexa beautifully and showcased plenty of emotion while staying true to Lexa’s grim and strict warrior upbringing. I really think that in anyone else’s hands, the character would’ve either completely fallen flat, or would’ve been so overacted that it became theatrical and cringey.
Lexa was stoic, pragmatic, and a leader. Yasha was none of those things, which is why I was confused by the comparisons. She was socially awkward and... that’s it. Which was clearly meant to be a charming trait, but didn’t really land with people who didn’t already have Yasha tunnel vision. And it didn’t land because it didn’t stem from Yasha’s backstory, it stemmed from Ashley. She’s awkward and goofy and in turn it seeps into her RP, even when it makes no sense for the character.
Maybe some people did see her as ‘a new chance at Lexa’, but that’s hard for me believe considering that the obsession started the second her official art was released. At that time, we still didn’t know much about Yasha. Same with all of the characters. They were literally just going off of her introduction and a portrait.
On The 1/00, we learned about Lexa’s view of the world and of herself. The pain she was still feeling from Costia’s death. How she trained the Nightbloods, and was essentially a mother figure for them. That despite her being capable of ruthlessness, she truly wanted peace for her people, and was trying her hardest to get the clans to quit warring with each other by forming The Coalition. For the extremely short amount of time we had her (just 16 episodes), we were given a whole fucking feast of a character. There’s a reason the Guest Star™ outshined the mains. (In addition to that, she just happened to be god damned beautiful too.)
Yasha however, largely remained an enigma for the better part of a 141 episode campaign. So I can’t agree with you about Yasha being ‘essentially just a different shell’ of Lexa. Unlike Lexa, the main reason people fell for Yasha was her looks, because they literally didn’t have much else to fall for.
These are two wildly different characters with two wildly different fan situations.
So no more comparisons, please and thank you.
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thecastcompany · 4 years
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FRIDAY IS THE AZEROTH CULTURE FESTIVAL! Where: Gadgetzan, Tanaris When: Friday January 22nd at 6:00pm to 8:30pm WRA Cross Faction and Server Friends. Alliance Anchors Lilcookie-WyrmrestAccord Fyrrefly-WyrmrestAccord Horde Anchors Vototo-WrymrestAccord Jamnuh-WrymrestAccord
Here is your map!
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Market is open from 6:00pm to 8:30pm WRA Activities is open from 6:00pm to 8:00pm WRA
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Good Apples Show Starts at 7:30pm WRA to 8:30pm WRA
Here is your activities for the event 
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In the Activities Area Gearpunk Dynamics will be doing battle bots Vida Geargrank and her Kaja Cola Sample Booth Caelin Tautstring from The Kul Tiran Commonwealth will share Stories
Activities at there booths Art by Jam - Crayon Portraits of your character at Booth 2 Board and Brush (portraits by Irishmoo) - at their booth 11 Historical Hou Ping - Bringing you mad knowledge at Booth 17 Darkmoon's Finest has the circus in town at Booth 19 Blackheart Battalion Dunk Booth - At their booth 23 Join our community discord to find out about future events! https://discord.gg/dswRu4cK8p
Keep reading to see all your vendors at the event and there wares!
Booth 1 - Fence Macabre @fence-macabre​ Vendors: Loira Winford & Guildees Wares: Potions, Adventuring Gear, Undead Specialties Menu: https://tinyurl.com/FMculturefest
Booth 2 - Arts with Jam @vulperaloa​ Vendors: Jam Wares: Crayon Portraits // Live Character drawings
Booth 3 - MythINK Vendors: Ere Myth Wares: Shalassian-Inspired Face Art and Self Care Products Menu: https://mythink.carrd.co/
Booth 4 - Vototo Leather Goods & Alpaca Wares Vendors: Vototo Wares: Leather goods, alpaca wares, cheeses, swamp meats Menu: https://tinyurl.com/ACFVototo
Booth 5 - Kyrathinaa's Jewel Shop Vendors: Kyrathinna Wares: Gems, Jewelry and Custom Orders Menu: https://tinyurl.com/ACFMysticalCuts
Booth 6 - Hollowlight Ventures Vendors:  Hollowlight Ventures n friends Wares: Adventuring, spooky and cursed items from across Azeroth. Menu: https://tinyurl.com/HLVculturefest
Booth 7 - Tautstring Tarot and Tomes! Vendors: Caelin & Rowena Tautstring Wares: Books, Tarot Card Readings, Ritual Supplies
Booth 8 - Starlight Empires Finery Vendors: Deli Sunfire Wares: Candles, Body Jewelry, Leather wares, custom clothing, fur cloaks, wine, mead and small enchantments Menu: https://tinyurl.com/SunfiresFinest
Booth 9 - Gearpunk Dynamics Vendors: Dyna Gearpunk + Guildees Wares: Tinyurl.com/GPDproductList
Booth 10 - The Squeaky Wheel Vendors: Irielle Firine & Taoln Wares: Thalassian Inspired Food and Drink Menu: https://tinyurl.com/squeakymenu
Booth 11 -Board & Brush Vendors: Calria Dawnbrook Wares: Quick portraits and sketches.
Booth 12 - Ironhands Mechanics and Munitions Vendors: Ogrimskar Ironhands Wares: Engineering equipment, robots, guns, munitions, and toys
Booth 13 - Ghost Iron Fist Noodle Cart Vendors: Danny Brand Wares: Panderan Cuisine Menu: https://tinyurl.com/AFCGhostIron
Booth 14 - Stouts n Smiths Vendors: Ginvu Lioncrest Wares: Stouts, Ales and Blacksmith Goods Menu: https://tinyurl.com/ACFLioncrest
Booth 15 - Tinkering with Tinky Vendors: Tinky Wares: Engineered goods, fireworks, gnomish goods Menu: https://tinyurl.com/ACFTinkering
Booth 16 - Fyre's Desires Vendors: Fyre Wares: Body Paint, Couple Therapy, and more Menu: https://tinyurl.com/FyresDesires
Booth 17 - Historical Hou Ping Vendors: Hou Ping Wares: Educational booth to learn of Tanaris and the such.
Booth 19 -Darkmoon's Finest Vendors: Fizridge and the troupe that will be holding the booth Wares: Carnival goods! Souvenirs, food, drink, keepsakes, curiosities Menu: https://tinyurl.com/dmf-acfmenu
Booth 20 - Cold Steel Company Vendors: Quincei Windshear n Cold Steel Company friendos Wares: Tools, Machinery, Adventure Gear
Booth 21 - Blackbird Brewery Vendors: Blackbird Friendos Wares: Food and Drink Menu:
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Booth 22 - Stormwind Military Surplus Vendors: Alexandria Morrowgrove Wares:  OOC items in an RP setting including armor, pets, enchantments, and other nifty items.
Booth 23 - Blackheart Battalion Dunk Booth Vendors: Vesper Bloodsorrow Wares: Doing a Dunk Booth
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wrathfulmercy · 3 years
Ask the mun ✌ ✿ 웃 ♂ ➳ ❤ ☂
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Ask the mun from here
✌ :  Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
So many 🥺 the first kisses, the first times, the headcanons, falling in love, breakups and reuniting… all the times someone cherished my muses is a fond memory 😭 you can’t imagine how much it means to me if someone loves them 😭
✿ :  Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
So so many 🥺 I met so many nice people through rp and one of my best friends I know since 16 years was one of my first long time rp partners ❤️ I also lost many partners which always gave me a big heartbreak, but still I shared so many nice memories with them too that I’ll always keep them in my heart and try to focus on the good things ❤️
웃 :  An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?
No one really cause I wouldn’t play the muses I played back then. The only one I would consider playing again is Mylene, with the faceclaim of Mylene Jampanoi cause I think this woman is just ❤️ but I love my Alex so much that I don’t need another female muse I think.
♂ :  Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
Yes. Getting into comfy clothes, turning on some music and laying down in bed to write :) often I also light candles that remind me of the muse I play and reread older threads or scroll through pictures to get into the mood.
➳ :  Do you prefer writing on your own, on tumblr/a forum, or on an IM platform? Why?
I always used to play on IM platforms after MySpace closed, but since I started on MySpace in the comments where you could include pictures and gifs as well this is still my favorite way to do it. I love how you can jump through threads and memes on tumblr, that’s something that doesn’t exist on IM platforms. And forums are a bit tooooo open for me cause I feel easily judged and like to keep it in private. I’m a very visual person so I love aesthetics, gifs, manips, crackships, fan made videos, art… everything inspires me and I need it to write. That’s also a reason why I can’t play with characters who have no faceclaim or are animated or have a face I don’t connect with cause that’s not real enough for me. On tumblr it’s so easy to make threads and memes look pretty with all the banners and gifs and different fonts that’s why I love this platform. Also on IM platforms (amino for example) I often had the feeling that one liners use it more often while I find a lot of literal players here.
❤ :  What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
I had such amazing stories with partners I don’t write with anymore I would love to share but of course I won’t cause we don’t have contact anymore and I wouldn’t share anything against their will. Besides that I’m writing amazing private rps with @negans-savior-complex and @ricks-survivor-complex but I share a lot of it already so :)
☂ :  Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
Oh damn so many and I probably forget some people here…
@we-will-begin-again Mica introduced me into this rp twd fandom and she was one of the first muns I ever talked to on here. Of course her Lori is one of the most important characters for my Rick and I love how amazingly she portrays all of her characters. besides that she became so important to me as a friend cause she always listens and became my kind of rp manager 😂
@xgoldxnhour El is such an amazing character and her mun inspired me so much! Whenever we write I feel like getting better and better in my writing too and our stories will probably never end ❤️
@lovelylostminds Charlotte was one of the first muses who gave my Rick an original pre established relationship and I loved it from the beginning. Also her mun is such a good friend to me and I can’t stop cherishing her enough ❤️
@thesongbiird my babe 🥺 she was one of the first writing with my Rick and she made me fall in love with the brick ship ❤️ she also was the first one who taught me about jumping through threads and verses and memes and she is the reason why I now enjoy tumblr rp so much cause before I met her I only followed one thread, one continuing story without memes or jumping. Without her I probably wouldn’t play here anymore ❤️
@negans-savior-complex your writing is sooooooo good that I’m absolutely blessed you share your Negan with me 🥺 sometimes you feels like a lost twin and I absolutely adore you for sharing your creativity with me ❤️
@tigeriisms Kevin was the first male muse I shared my Rick with besides Negan. Before we met I never could imagine Rick with any other man especially not an OC but this mun made me love OCs so thanks to my boy I started writing with so many OCs and I would have never done it without Kevin ❤️
@mettleborn I said that so many times already but Erin is one of my biggest inspirations on this platform. Her writing is not from this earth and I wish I had her skills, ngl. She made me such a better writer, was the first one including gifs and songs in threads and therefore I did it too. I can’t thank her enough for writing with me and her muses are absolutely amazing ❤️
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