#16 personality test
esthena · 7 months
btw, i just took another personality test and from an ENFP-A i became an INFJ-A in just 3 months of staying home, oh well
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frstewart7813 · 7 months
16 personality test
For more than 15 years, The Bridge Personality has been the favorite 16 personality test of companies and organizations worldwide. You can order this test for each candidate, or you can take an affordable subscription. The Bridge Personality is a highly reliable and scientifically-developed test to measure the 16 personality types. An accurate test to get to know your employees better.
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onlinetranslpro · 9 months
For more than 15 years, The Bridge Personality has been the favorite 16 personality test of companies and organizations worldwide. You can order this test for each candidate, or you can take an affordable subscription. The Bridge Personality is a highly reliable and scientifically developed 16 types personality test. An accurate test to get to know your employees better
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doble-d-2 · 6 months
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oiblackestsheep · 23 days
what, in your opinion, are an intp’s needs in a relationship? (coming from an infj.) love your blog, you’ve got some amazing insights 🫶
Aww, thanks INFJ anon. 🫶 I try my best to have interesting insights that bring something fresh to the table!
INTP's Needs in a Relationship
I've been in the same relationship for 8.5 years (and we actually MET ON TUMBLR BECAUSE OF THIS BLOG WHICH IS SO FUNNY AND NERDY), all of this to say, I've had a lot of time to think about my relationship needs even from the MBTI perspective as an INTP, because that was how my ENFJ and I kinda started out getting to know, like, what we each needed from each other, so, here we go!
Disclaimer: This is assuming that the INTP is already getting everything that everyone needs in a basic healthy relationship like, you know, feeling emotionally safe and being treated with respect, etc..
Intellectual stimulation: INTPs generally love understanding new things and how they work, so ideally their partner can share that interest with them in some way! They can be pretty curious people, so joining them in their quest for uncovering the "how" and "why" of everything will make them feel understood, themselves, and closer to you in the process!
Clear explanations of your feelings: Because INTPs have inferior Fe, they tend to have a habit of intellectualizing their own emotions when they talk about them, which can cause complications with understanding other people's emotions, too. Finding a way to be patient and know that even healthy INTPs might still struggle with connecting with other people's emotions (especially at first in a relationship) isn't necessarily because they don't want to, but more that it doesn't always come naturally, so they don't always know how to. If they're a healthy person, they will want to understand, just try not to take it personally while they are practicing/learning!
Alone time: This one should be pretty straight-forward lmao. They're introverted, so they like to recharge doing solo-activities, and they're intuitives, so they have their own little theoretical world full of bizarre ideas to entertain themselves with that might not always be easy to follow at first. I find that introverts in general (maybe the INxx types even moreso) like to engage in parallel play where their partner also does something quietly nearby, but still a separate activity. As an INFJ, yourself, I'm sure you can relate in your own way, so it's likely easy to give them what they need!
Humor them/hear them out: This might sound a little vague, and I guess in some ways it is, but this is mostly about their auxiliary Ne. ENTPs and ENFPs get most of the attention when it comes to high Ne, but INTPs (and INFPs, too!) place a lot of importance on it, too, which can often manifest itself in conversations like "what if __", "imagine if __", etc.. To put it bluntly, it might seem a bit... directionless, and that's because sometimes it kind of is! It's just about thinking of random possibilities that are non-serious and funny in the moment, and don't really go anywhere else outside of the current discussion or hold any larger, overarching significance. Sometimes it's less about the actual topic itself, and more about having some random fun and "playing along" that makes a world of a difference to a playful INTP (or high Ne user in general). This point got away from me a little bit which I think, in a way, is the perfect exemplification of what I was trying to say in the first place, lmao. Hope that makes sense! If your INTP ever sounds like whatever the hell I just said, just try not to disengage right away, because they probably have a point that they are struggling to reach. Put that dom Ni to work and summarize it for them, I know you can do it from experience with my own ENFJ lmao.
Anyway, uhhhhh: Every single point on this list has gotten progressively longer because my Ne loves extrapolating (and I love Ne, but sometimes its gotta CHILL you know?), so I'm gonna end it here before it gets WILDLY OUT OF CONTROL.
This was a fun question, anon!: Thanks again for reaching out, and basically giving me full range to just write multiple paragraphs about myself and my relationship!
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months
me as a kid: i have all these problems
every adult around me: you're not old enough to know what's wrong with you, you're fine
me as an adult: i still have all these problems
my doctors after i finally got the opportunity to choose them myself: oh my fucking god why have you never gotten help for all these problems. you should have seen me 10 years ago
#problems i have finally gotten help for that i was told i was not old enough to know about:#AMPS (was told it was anxiety and then when i kept coming back they said it was fibro Quite Literally just to get me to shut up)#(like the doc i just saw literally said 'they diagnose fibromyalgia here when they dont know what the problem is but dont feel like testing)#multiple food allergies (was also told the stomach pain and vomiting was anxiety)#seborrheic dermatitis (i was told 'youre just stressed thats why you have a rash')#(which- if im so stressed my skin is literally dying MAYBE I STILL NEED HELP?????????)#autism and adhd (my father knew! but refused to get me assessed bc if i dont have a diagnosis theres no problem right :)#anxiety disorder (oh so when I'm in pain i DO have anxiety but when i say i have anxiety I'm overreacting okay)#dyscalculia and possibly dyslexia ('you just need to try harder' I've asked for a tutor five times)#some of my doctors don't actually believe me about some of these problems BECAUSE i have no records from when i was a kid#they're like 'it just popped up at 18? seems suspicious......' like I WASN'T ALLOWED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR'S UNTIL THEN#there's definitely more but I'm still mad abt it#i might not be in a wheelchair Almost All The Time if i had gotten help BEFORE i lost half the feeling in my legs#i KNEW the fibro was a BS diagnosis#i tried to get assessed for autism at 16 and was told i have schizotypal personality disorder instead with literally zero testing#like my psych just refused to allow me to get tested for autism she was like 'no you have spd i Just Know'#same psych that said there was zero way i had anything like DID because my symptoms didn't present Exactly like the Only other#patient at the clinic with DID. i want to note that that was a 14 year old boy still being actively abused#and i was a 20 year old who was in a safe environment and had distanced myself from my abusers and stressors
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gaeasun · 8 months
If you haven't taken the test before here, its not too long.
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iknowicanbutwhy · 3 months
tagged by @ksenya-and-the-artistic-cucumber ho boy here we go
Tall or Short // Spicy or Sweet // Cute or Cool [and by Cool of course i mean Creepy] // City or Country // Mountains or Ocean // Forest or Desert // Witch or Knight // Vampire or Werewolf // Cats or Dogs // Outdoors or Indoors // Speed or Strength // Brains or Brawn // Fangs or Claws // Wings or Tail // Chaos or Order // Hot or Cold // Together or Alone // Books or Television // Close Combat or Faraway Sniping // Electricity or Ice // You And Me // Fluffy or Smooth // Firm or Soft // Black or White // Day or Night // Spring or Fall // Summer or Winter // Men or Women (Or the secret third option: Neither) // Rice or Bread // Meat or Vegetables // Short Sleeves or Long Sleeves // Sweaters or Jackets // Pastel or Neon // Friends Are Family // Purse or Backpack // Competitive or Casual // Silk or Faux Fur // Sporty or Prep [Or the secret third option: Nothing of Note] // Money or Love // Life or Death // Sky or Earth // Think or Leap
@snazzi-strawberri @kirstenonic05 @galewindstudios @teaspoonofdragons if you want to curse yourself with this
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jennifersbod · 27 days
having my first endoscopy tomorrow
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mistype360 · 3 months
enneagram typing for @sardine-dono
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formatting was different for this one but same ideas basically
enneagram typing: 3w4 so/sx 387
desiring recognition for achievements -> enneagram 3, social subtype
be authentic around others -> 4 wing, 3w4, sexual 4
aims to make meaningful differences -> enneagram 3, social subtype
hopes to travel world, have fun, discover, try new things -> hinting at slight enneagram 7 fix
wants to be seen as "competent leader" and reliable -> social subtype, enneagram 3
hates boredom, hates doing nothing -> mix of enneagram 3 and 7 working together
self worth around family/friends almost seems to be based on achievements, or "potential" -> enneagram 3
hard to deal with anger, can become "horrible" or angry, insult or strike objects, seek revenge or say awful things-> enneagram 8
shame almost connected to anger, dissociation -> enneagram 3 and enneagram 8
when anxious finds it hard to be rational -> 8>7, enneagram 7 likes rationalizing in stress
bonus mbti thoughts: ExxJ
hates uncertainty -> possibly high ni or even si
your answers about emotions are very physical related, which is probably higher in sensory functions
likes objectivity -> high te
likes problems that are pragmatic -> high thinking, possibly high te
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just-a-narcissist · 11 months
I thought I was an INTJ my whole life: I got that on 16personalities (though people have told me that it's not very accurate), and other online ones (that probably weren't very accurate either...)
But I took the Michael Caloz test the other day, because many said that they liked that one, and I got ENTP??
I honestly don't know how much I agree with it - I'm not very spontaneous and I like lists and rules and stuff
Is there another test anyone recommends? I'm going to settle this once and for all (and by that I mean I'll continue thinking about which result I agree with the most until the end of time)
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fipindustries · 1 year
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look i could only put nine options, i could also mention the time the reader stops the story to complain that the sex scenes suck, or that this is a future where gender criticals win and having pronouns is illegal
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straykidsfanyay · 6 months
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doble-d-2 · 11 months
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dare-g · 8 months
Passed my College Stats final 🎊🎊
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ratcandy · 7 months
eternal struggle on whether I want to write this thing in first or third person
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