#17 out of 30
astridofraftel · 1 year
reading challenge update #10
Just finished: Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee + Le Flambeau + Témoin à charge by Agatha Christie + La guerre des clans (Warriors) - cycle I (1-6) by Erin Hunter
Currently reading: Tallstar's Revenge by Erin Hunter
Next on schedule: L'Ultime Expérience by Bruce Benamran + Boudicca by Jean-Laurent Del Socorro + Cinna by Corneille
I haven't updated in two months... I went back to university after a two-years gap and it totally disrupted my reading schedule: I needed comfort so I binged one of my childhood series.
I'm strictly forbidding myself from re-reading cycle II of Warriors as a follow-up, because I just KNOW that if I indulge now I won't be able to stop on the threshold to cycle III (which is my favorite) and I absolutely CAN'T afford a twelve-books commitment now. So I'm reading a special edition one-shot instead (a new read for this one) and then I'll wrap it up and resume this damn challenge.
I'm not even sure I can complete it anymore, but I'm still quite proud to have cleared up my TBR that much! It had been a long time coming and I progressed more than I had initially expected. Besides, I still got around 80 days.
For reference here is the exhaustive list of the books left with an informal deadline set to December 31st:
L'Ultime Expérience by Bruce Benamran (FR)
Boudicca by Jean-Laurent Del Socorro (FR)
Cinna by Corneille (FR)
Othello by Shakespeare (FR)
Three Dark Crowns (re-read) + One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake (EN)
Iskari, the Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli (EN)
The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen (EN)
Le complot des corbeaux by Ariel Holzl (FR)
Fantômes et kimonos by Kidō Okamoto (FR)
And the "bonuses" that are in fact new books I bought this year so I'm more lenient about them:
La métamorphose by Franz Kafka (FR)
La mythologie viking by Neil Gaiman (FR)
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon (EN)
Le mystère de Listerdale by Agatha Christie (FR)
Also, when my objectives are part of a series, I'll still consider it progress if I decide to read the other books.
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thou-babbling-brook · 4 months
Ubisoft try to portray characters as their actual ages challenge: level impossible
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
I need a series where Yangchen/Kuruk/Kyoshi/Roku/Aang/Korra (from their respected novels/shows, guess Kuruk is an outlier tho) and their companions all gather in Korra's timeline and just....react to things. TT0TT Like kfljask;dfla I mostly want it because I think Kyoshi's reactions would just be 90% "WhAT?!/*absolutely flabbergasted*"
Yangchen: Let's go to my island! Kuruk: I'm sorry Yangchen, I sank it Yangchen: How do you sink an island? Kuruk: ...........you forget to cherish- Yangchen: Why couldn't you have destroyed some of my statues instead? >_> Aang: How about we go to Kyoshi's Island? Kyoshi: ????? I have an island??? Why do I have an island??? Korra: Kyoshi, you made it. Kyoshi: ????!!!! What???! Aang: Well more like moved it Kyoshi: ???!! WHaT?! Roku: Though you did make the Kyoshi Warriors! Kyoshi: ???? I did??? Why??? Why that name??? Am I a narcissist???? Aang: *sigh* she also made the Dai Li.... Kyoshi: THE FUCK IS A DAI LI???? Aang: Secret security police for the Earth King. Kyoshi, a known criminal: I DID WHAT?! Roku: Should we tell her she lived to around 230? Kyoshi: HUH??????! Wait. no. That tracks. Kyoshi's companions: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT TRACKS???? Aang: On second, let's just go to the Northern Air Temple. Yangchen: Oops, can't, I'm banned from going. Aang: ????! WHAT?! You're an Air Nomad, how do you get banned from an Air Temple???? How did YOU get banned, but NOT Kyoshi???? Kuruk: She got a tad bit silly. Roku: Oh let's go to Ma'inka island then! It's suppose to be amazing. Kyoshi, war flashbacks: FUCK NO! You can't make me go back there! Yangchen: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not welcome there either. They hate my guts. I kinda fucked them over. Aang: What is the matter with you two? Korra: Can we just find a place to chill out where Yangchen isn't banned, and Kyoshi isn't having a meltdown?
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frecklystars · 17 days
I’m at my theater job rn and it’s my first shift all by myself. Super nervous!!! But I’m planning to make!!!! hundreds of dollars!!!! so I can!!!! buy myself a cameo for my birthday!!!!! (That’s the hope anyway lol) wish me luck!!!!!
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fitgothgirl · 2 months
I just changed my own mutha fuckin spark plugs!! And it cost $80 as opposed to the $460 the mechanic wanted!!! Fuck youuuuuu!!!!! 😈
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 9 months
This applies to boots, dress shoes, sandals, and pretty much any other type of shoe.
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fluentisonus · 6 months
every day I'm like Today I'm going to go home & draw after work. and then I lie down instead & never get up
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gtliveoutofcontext · 25 days
Dude is like, two months away from not being constantly on YouTube (I’m hesitant to say ‘properly retire’ because will that ever happen?) and he just saw his life flash before his eyes. Bro knew he almost got cancelled so close to the end💀
Matrick Patrick you constantly walk on a thin line
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adinelleggreeo · 5 months
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I think of all the people making fun of Jojo Siwa in her comment section and I shake my head, because how hypocritical can you get?
These are the SAME people that get online and berate people for doing the SAME thing to people that they like.
Mental health matters until it's someone you don't like or think is cringe, huh?
And don't talk to me about all the allegations or whatever. You can call that out WITHOUT being a hypocritical bully.
Unfortunately for Jojo, she's living her goofy years in the public eye. The least we as people who have also gone through the goofy years can do it KEEP QUIET if we don't have anything nice to say.
Here's my nice thing to say: the song isn't as bad as others are making it out to be. It's generic, but pretty catchy. If she decides to continue this singer thing, I hope she'll actually contribute to the writing of her next song (I don't think she's a writer, so any future songs are going to be written for her)
Be kind please. Sometimes being kind means KEEPING QUIET and not jumping on a bully train just because everyone else is doing it. Have a thought of your own for goodness sake!
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vagueconfusion · 1 month
vessel buddy why are there like 30 straight seconds of hang time after Jericho am I missing something here
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choking-on-roses · 2 months
My goal was to grade 10 papers today. I really really reeeeaaaallyyyyy didn't want to and had to fight tooth and nail through the executive dysfunction. I clawed my way through at a pace of one essay per hour. I hated it, but I did it!
It's not even the fact that I reached my goal that made me happy (it was arbitrary). It's the fact that I'm even capable of getting through difficult things I don't want to do at all. I have been working on my self-discipline and focus for years and I'm very proud of myself for how far I've come.
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dnangelic · 5 months
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hummm humhum. i only just sat down but i'm really considering adjusting my rules a little and potentially refusing future interactions between myself and people who solely write dark, but idk if that sounds too picky or elitist or something because i don't necessarily have dupe anxiety, i just really from the bottom of my heart don't trust fandom with dark especially if they slice off daisuke for whatever reason, be it for standalone interactions or for the sake of an oc. maybe i'll just emphasize again too that with my portrayal i'm mostly canon compliant, but i also include many many personal/stylistic hc portrayal details and functionalities in my muse that are completely separated from canon, and i really dislike the idea of anybody trying to play copycat and plagiarizing these bits from me (again,) especially without permission. but for now i'll just go into my drafts lajdkfjg
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ikolit · 3 months
I just started isat so I'm not sure how much this is accurate but Odile doesn't feel old like a middle aged person to me, based on the dialogue and the jokes she feels so very 27-30 in an majorly early 20s group
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taus-inc · 5 months
omg omg omg why do i not remember watching planet 51 it was so so good. 10/10 movie
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buysomecheese · 8 months
I <3 older trans people I wish I could know more in real life
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mejomonster · 1 month
If u want to, dye ur hair blue
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