#korra is like 17 or 21
sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
I need a series where Yangchen/Kuruk/Kyoshi/Roku/Aang/Korra (from their respected novels/shows, guess Kuruk is an outlier tho) and their companions all gather in Korra's timeline and just....react to things. TT0TT Like kfljask;dfla I mostly want it because I think Kyoshi's reactions would just be 90% "WhAT?!/*absolutely flabbergasted*"
Yangchen: Let's go to my island! Kuruk: I'm sorry Yangchen, I sank it Yangchen: How do you sink an island? Kuruk: ...........you forget to cherish- Yangchen: Why couldn't you have destroyed some of my statues instead? >_> Aang: How about we go to Kyoshi's Island? Kyoshi: ????? I have an island??? Why do I have an island??? Korra: Kyoshi, you made it. Kyoshi: ????!!!! What???! Aang: Well more like moved it Kyoshi: ???!! WHaT?! Roku: Though you did make the Kyoshi Warriors! Kyoshi: ???? I did??? Why??? Why that name??? Am I a narcissist???? Aang: *sigh* she also made the Dai Li.... Kyoshi: THE FUCK IS A DAI LI???? Aang: Secret security police for the Earth King. Kyoshi, a known criminal: I DID WHAT?! Roku: Should we tell her she lived to around 230? Kyoshi: HUH??????! Wait. no. That tracks. Kyoshi's companions: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT TRACKS???? Aang: On second, let's just go to the Northern Air Temple. Yangchen: Oops, can't, I'm banned from going. Aang: ????! WHAT?! You're an Air Nomad, how do you get banned from an Air Temple???? How did YOU get banned, but NOT Kyoshi???? Kuruk: She got a tad bit silly. Roku: Oh let's go to Ma'inka island then! It's suppose to be amazing. Kyoshi, war flashbacks: FUCK NO! You can't make me go back there! Yangchen: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not welcome there either. They hate my guts. I kinda fucked them over. Aang: What is the matter with you two? Korra: Can we just find a place to chill out where Yangchen isn't banned, and Kyoshi isn't having a meltdown?
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
I can't find it now but I swear I once read Korrasami wasn't a good ship because they had a problematic age gap, Korra being 17 and Asami being 22. And like. They were 17 and 18 when they met and 21 and 22 when they got together actually. But so cool of 18yo Asami in Book 1 to age in the almost four years that pass since the start of TLOK while Korra was apparently stuck in a invisible iceberg, just like Aang, since she was 17, and didn't age in four years. Wow.
Similar to Bolin and Opal. "He was 20 and Opal was 16". They were 17 and 16 when they met and 20 and 19 at the end of the series. My god. Pay attention???
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werewolf-cuddles · 1 year
Gotta love how "If a character was introduced to us as a minor, then they are FOREVER a minor, even if they canonically grow up" is just accepted as a normal thing to think by some weirdos.
Like, i stg, there are still people who insist Korra is a minor because she was 17 in Book 1, despite the fact that she's 18 in Books 2 & 3, and 21 by the end of the series.
And I'll never forget that one screenshot where some dipshits on Tik Tok said it was creepy that the characters from Naruto canonically grew up and had children.
Anti-ship discourse has fucking warped people's perception of what's normal to a ridiculous degree.
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50 Random Character Asks: Mako
OH MY GOD this took me 4 hours sitting down lmao
here you GO lins underway i am not accepting anymore FULL Asks but if you have a few numbers (up to 10) and a character i will accept those
1. Canon I outright reject
All of book 2 my fucking god. The whole love triangle never happened. He found Rina, and he fell in love. They’re married and pregnant with the twins in book 3 
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
His wife and twins, foreverrrrrrr
3. Obscure headcanon
He turned into the unofficial handyman for his apartment and is always helping when plumbing goes wrong or when the aircon units go haywire 
4. Favorite line
I like any line where he's pointing something ONLY HE noticed out like it was obvious and just being a good detective. (also those cheesy cop lines he was practicing lmao) 
5. Best personality trait
That hes pretty willing and ready to face challenges head on 
6. Worst personality trait
Hes so stubborn and thick headed i love it 
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Hes like 18-22 throughout the show 
I think he’s 6ft 5inch 
Idk weighs probably a little underweight in book 1 cuz street rat probender, but after then lin gets him set up in an apartment and she and kya along with asami just make sure he’s got food stocked. 
8. Unpopular opinion about them
I know its not mako specific but I hate Wu*ko I HATE IT 
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Him getting work at the electric plant ONTOP of being a probender, a part of the Krew, and trying to keep bolin from trouble. True big sibling activities. 
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
I really like the scene where he fights the red lotus in zaofu. He does a good job. 
11. Faceclaim for the role
Chai Hansen
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12. Crack headcanon
He’s allergic to Lychee nuts but thinks Lychee juice is supposed to be spicy. 
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
If we’re looking at canon he fumbled BOTH Korra and Asami, my mans, 
14. Most heroic moment
Honestly I know end of book 4 was a big moment for him but I think he was a hero LONG before with keeping him and Bolin safe on the streets and as out of trouble as they were. 
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Godddddd that good intentions but ruining the investigation in book 2 i CANNOT dont get me started 
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
He hates bolin, he hates that bolin doesnt remember their parents well, he hates that he had to raise him, he hates that bolin gets to be irresponsible while he had to grow up at 8 to make sure they were okay. He loves his brother, he really does, but when he’s no longer responsible for bolin mako refuses to accept the relief that comes with that for a while. 
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Can't Go Wrong by Phillip Phillips
Sleeping In by All Time Low 
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
Everything for reall like his parents being murdered infront of him batman style, to raising bolin, to having every adult that new him before we did in the show was abusing him (i.e. the probending owner taking his entire winnings, the triad they worked for when he was younger. My boy had it ROUGH) 
19. Vices/bad habits
I think he picks up smoking honestly. I think he’s been smoking since he was like 11 with the triad and he doesnt let bolin know but he hasnt been able to kick the habit. 
20. Scars
I think he's got a few thinner like knife and burn scars before the explosion scarred up his arm. 
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
22. Best physical feature
Cheekbones lmao the cheekbones in that show are insane 
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
You know that moment when someone throws pine needles on the fire? And its pine and charcoal and fire and smoke. Yeah, maybe like that. 
24. Most annoying habit
Sleeps with socks on 
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Some money, a map, and his scarf he’ll make his way home lmao 
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
Dont matter who hes with hes gonna get them all out lmao 
27. Their guilty pleasure
Wood carving, he doesnt think it’s a useful use of his time and as the unofficial handyman in his apartment he’s usually rather busy.
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
🤷idk i depends on the person lmao 
29. Eating habits
Bad, bad bad until he meets rina. He gets like A cup o noodles in mid day and mostly survives off milk and juice lmao 
30. Sleeping habits
He has stints of nightmares sometimes but most of the time he can sleep anywhere, unless its too soft. He cant stand soft beds. 
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
He would have a family blog where its pics of his family and the twins and updates and their art and stuff. Then maybe he’ll reblog some like fandom stuff from probending or a radio show he and rina listen to. 
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
His twinssss he loves them so much 
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
Theres a song that his mom used to sing all the time. He still cant listen to it without crying. Rina finds out the hard way when she was humming it cuz it was stuck in her head one day. 
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
Bottle it mostly. Emotions can be dealt with later. 
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Wake up and make the family breakfast, head off to work for a bit, move a few cases forwards, get home, have dinner, bathe the twins, get them to bed with a story book then cuddle on the couch with Rina until bedtime. 
36. Their favorite season
He loves winter because hes not overheating and people stand closer to him for warmth lmao 
37. What they really think about themselves
He thinks he’s doing well by the end of the series. In my hc world He’s married with his twins, he and bolin have found a name and a path for themselves and they’re not struggling anymore. He’s really grown up and done a lot of work. He’s proud of what he’s done and who his family is, both chosen and blood related.
38. Favorite holiday
Growing up on the streets they did not celebrate holidays for many reasons. He hated them for a long time. but seeing the twins opening gifts on the in universe equivalent of christmas, lin, kya, and asami over for dinner while korra and bolin were away during the timeskip and seeing the twins so happy and opening gifts and stuff. He found he could enjoy the holiday again and even was looking forward to the next years dinner when the twins were older and bolin and korra were back. 
39. Favorite game
He enjoys playing Cabbage Land with the twins (thank you @btheleaf for the Candy Land knock off name)
40. Favorite book
He really got into the romance series lin brought with her to the stakeout once lmao hes not so slyly asked to borrow her copies. Rina, Lin, and Kya have included him on their book club meetings now xD 
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
I think he would want to meet his grandfather (i’m excluding his parents cuz thats a copout answerrr)
42. 3 comfort items
His scarf, a tiny glass bird a homeless man made him when they were on the streets (he made bolin a small fireferret), and a photo he has of him korra and bolin from the probending team 
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Fav - strawberries, Rina’s chicken fried rice, and he was surprised he enjoyed walrus-cow chowder as much as he did in the south. 
44. Their happiest memory
Hes got a few lol, when he married Rina, and when his twins were born. 
45. Their favorite celebrity
He doesnt seem the kind to follow celebrities too closely honestly. 
46. The person they most admire
Lin Beifong 100000% shes the reason he joined the force and he kinda is always looking for her approval. 
47. Their dream job
He seems to be really good as a detective. Maybe he would have liked to stay a probender for life but the trauma from the attacks were too much to go back really. 
48. Scariest moment of their life
When the dust settles in book 4 and he doesnt know where Rina and the twins are. He doesnt know if they were on the last train out or stuck in the city during the attack. 
49. Favorite toy as a child
He used to have this wooden bird that worked as like an ocarina. Hes using his wood carving skills to try to make one again and maybe make some for the twins.  
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
👀👀 lots of things can happen to young kids on the streets.
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liyawritesss · 8 months
ᖴᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗷᒪOOᗰ
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Hello lovelies! It’s been a while since we’ve had an event around these parts, so with the new year in commencement and with February coming up, I wanted to do something special to celebrate all the accomplishments I have achieved on this account with the lovely people who follow me! Therefore, to commemorate Valentines Day, Black History Month, and the milestone of reaching 3,000 followers, I have organized this event titled “Flowers in Bloom” to bring in the new year!
The event will have a total of three categories; Valentine Drabbles, Match-Making, & Love Letter Requests. These three categories will ensure that everyone gets the chance to read and/or request something they like, and I get to challenge myself writing wise and time-management wise!
Check out the categories, rules, and fandoms included in this event below!
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ᖇᑌᒪEᔕ & ᖴᗩᑎᗪOᗰᔕ
The general rules surrounding this event are as follows:
The Valentines Drabbles are specifically for black characters. These will be posted every day for the month of February, and will not be substituted. The Valentines Drabbles are 500-700 words each based on a prompt list provided, so you’ll have an idea of what will be written that day!
The Match-Making segment will span all the fandoms that I am in! How it will go is that you will send in a little entry about yourself, including whatever you want to include to describe yourself as best as possible so that I may give you the best match possible! These descriptors can include: your name, likes/dislikes, interests, etc.
Love Letter Requests are like any other request that one would submit to their favorite fanfic author; except these will be limited to 500 words for time and efficiency, but you will be able to ask for a character of your choice from the fandom list provided!
The Fandom List Includes:
My Hero Academia
Arcane: League of Legends
K/DA / True Damage
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Marvel’s Black Panther
Marvel’s Ironheart
Marvel’s Spiderman
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
Insomniac’s Spiderman (1, Miles Morales, & 2)
Mortal Kombat
Resident Evil (2-4 (Remakes Only), 5, 7-8)
Assassin’s Creed (All Main Titles)
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ᐯᗩᒪEᑎTIᑎE ᗪᖇᗩᗷᗷᒪEᔕ
The Valentine Drabbles will be the drabbles I post every day for the month of February, according to a prompt list I’ve formulated. The list of characters are all black characters from the variety of fandoms I write for, to center these black characters and their stories from their respective source of media. The said fandoms will include games, television series, anime, cartoons, and movies.
Prompt List:
Day 1 - Diamonds
Day 2 - Friendship
Day 3 - Flowers
Day 4 - Cheek Kisses
Day 5 - Secret Admirer
Day 6 - Acts of Service
Day 7 - Star Gazing
Day 8 - Chosen Soulmate
Day 9 - Promises
Day 10 - Gift Exchange
Day 11 - Chocolates
Day 12 - Devotion
Day 13 - Carnival Date
Day 14 - Secret Relationship
Day 15 - Love Letters
Day 16 - Situationship
Day 17 - Dinner Date
Day 18 - Gift Giving
Day 19 - At Home Date
Day 20 - Confessions
Day 21 - First Kiss
Day 22 - Music
Day 23 - Quality Time
Day 24 - Cuddles
Day 25 - Pictures
Day 26 - Notes
Day 27 - Matching Outfit
Day 28 - Soft Launch
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As stated above, the Match-Making section of this event is fairly simple: send me a brief description of yourself, including a name, likes/dislikes, interests, aesthetics, etc, so that I may pair you up with the best possible option for you! With the Match-Making, you will get a general synopsis of what I think you two will fit well together, and a few headcanons/scenarios that would describe the dynamic between the two of you! Who knows, maybe you might score a date with your lovely match!
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ᒪOᐯE ᒪETTEᖇᔕ
You can send in requests for the event like you would normally send in a request to any other author for your favorite character, and you will receive a cute love letter for said character! This will either be in the form of an actual love letter gifted to you from the character of your choice, or a brief storyline consisting of you and your chosen character. Both will be limited to 500 words, but you may also choose a prompt from the given prompt list in the Valentines Drabble section of this post if a scenario doesn’t come to mind for you!
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All things pertaining to this event will be tagged with #flowersinbloom🏵 so that it may be easier to find on my account. I hope everyone has fun here for the month of February, and remember; Black Lives Matter, black characters in entertainment media matter, love comes in all shapes and forms, YOU are loved, and that I am forever grateful to each and every one of you who make writing and fandom a comfort and loving experience for me.
Happy Black History Month and Happy Valentines Day folks! 
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
Summer Sentence Starters 2024 Drabbles Masterpost <3
listed alphabetically by fandom, then in order of prompts as written prompts taken from this post I made earlier in the summer + my last masterpost for this kept having an error that wouldn't let me update/edit it so I made a new one :)
Avatar (ATLA + TLOK) [ao3 link]
Prompt #56 - lee!Zuko, ler!Sokka "I never would've pegged you as the ticklish type."
Prompt #76 - lee!Korra, ler!Asami "Don't tell me you've been hiding this all this time?"
Prompt #42 - lee!Bolin, ler!Korra "No way, are you crying?"
Prompt #52 - lee!Aang, ler!Sokka, ler!Katara "What about him? Is he ticklish?" "Huh- what, me?"
Prompt #8 - lee!Aang, ler!Sokka, ler!Katara “I’ll have you know, I was the tickle fight champion in my home growing up.”
Critical Role (Campaigns 1 + 2) [ao3 link]
Prompt #88 - lee!Essek, ler!Jester, ler!Beau "We don't have time for such childish- hey! Stop it!"
Prompt #40 - lee!Fjord, ler!Jester "I've never heard you laugh like that before."
Prompt #44 - lee!Caleb, ler!Fjord "You wouldn't take advantage of that while I'm stuck like this, right? ...Right?!"
Prompt #54 - lee!Caleb, ler!Mollymauk "Oh man, is this a bad spot?"
Prompt #7 - switch!Caleb, switch!Mollymauk, ler!Essek "No way, you're ticklish here too?"
Prompt #12 - lee!Fjord, ler!Mollymauk "So, what's this I hear about you being deathly ticklish?"
Prompt #96 - lee!Fjord, ler!Jester "What are you so scared of? It's just a feather."
Prompt #24 - lee!Caleb, ler!Jester "Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster!"
Prompt #89 - lee!Caleb, ler!Jester, ler!Mollymauk "Wait no- not here- not now!"
Prompt #17 - lee!Caleb, ler!Mollymauk "What's there to be embarrassed about?"
Prompt #5 - lee!Percival, ler!Vax'ildan "No, I'm just- uh- sensitive."
Prompt #37 - lee!Fjord, ler!Mollymauk "Wait no- not that, anything but that!"
Prompt #12 + #14 - lee!Caleb, ler!Mollymauk “So, what’s this I hear about you being deathly ticklish?” + “Well, well, well… Look what we have here.”
Prompt #64 - lee!Mollymauk, ler!Fjord “Relax, I’m not gonna kill you. But I am gonna make you wish you were dead.”
Danny Phantom
coming soon
Dungeon Meshi [ao3 link]
Prompt #21 - lee!Chilchuck, ler!Marcille "Big talk for someone so ticklish."
Gravity Falls [ao3 link]
Prompt #16 - lee!Dipper, ler!Grunkle Ford "Come on, stop it- I'm serious! That really tickles!"
Prompt #79 - lee!Dipper, ler!Wendy "You're not going anywhere."
Inuyasha + Hanyo no Yashahime [ao3 link]
Prompt #66 - lee!Inuyasha, ler!Kagome "Don't tell me you're ticklish!?"'
Prompt #84 - lee!Miroku, ler!Sango "You'd better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse!"
Kim Possible [ao3 link]
Prompt #82 - lee!Kim, ler!Shego "You're not really gonna tickle me, are you?"
Prompts #24 + #71 - switch!Kim, switch!Ron "Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster" + "This isn't cuddling! This is an attack!"
Marvel (MCU)
coming soon
My Adventures with Superman [ao3 link]
Prompt #1 - lee!Clark, ler!Lois "Was that a giggle just now?"
Prompts #22 + #35 - lee!Clark, ler!Lois “Don’t make me make you.” + “What? Me? Ticklish? As if!”
My Hero Academia [ao3 link]
Prompt #64 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Bakugo "Relax, I'm not gonna kill ya. But, I am gonna make you wish you were dead."
Prompt #100 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Midoriya "Would you just shut up and tickle me already."
Prompts #48 + #50 + #63 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo "You would think you'd get less ticklish as you got older, but you're the opposite!" + "Please, I can't take it anymore!" + "Too bad there's nothing you can do about it."
Prompts #60 + #62 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima "Don't- don't you date! Don't even t-think about it!" + "I haven't seen you smile all day!"
Prompt #86 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Midoriya "Crap. Wait, I didn't mean that."
Prompt #21 - lee!Bakugo, switch!Kirishima, ler!Kaminari "Big talk for someone so ticklish."
Prompt #93 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Kirishima "Oh? And what if I did?"
Prompt #42 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo "No way, are you crying?"
Prompt #71 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Bakusquad (Kiri, Kami, Mina, Sero) "This isn't cuddling! This is an attack!"
Prompts #3 + #4 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima "Come any closer and I will end you." + "Oh, you shouldn't have said that.."
Prompts #70 + #55 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo “Wait! Not there! Anywhere but there!” + “Please! I’ll do whatever you want!”
Prompt #98 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Bakugo "There it is. That laugh is music to my ears!"
Prompt #85 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima, switch!Kaminari "Don't be an idiot."
Prompt #78 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Sero "Aww, are you blushing? That's adorable."
Prompts #5 + #9 + #23 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Sero “No, I’m just, uh- sensitive.” + “Did you just.. laugh?” + “Wait a minute… you’re not ticklish, are you?”
Prompt #32 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo “Who would’ve thought a few tickles would be your doom?”
Prompt #23 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Midoriya "What a minute, you're not ticklish, are you?"
Prompt #40 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima “I’ve never heard you laugh like that before, it’s nice.”
+ MHA mini series [ao3 link]:
Prompt #92 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Bakusquad (Kiri, Kami, Mina, Sero), ler!Midoriya (Pt 1) "Hey, are you guys okay? I heard yelling from the hall and - oh."
Prompt #104 - lee!Kaminari, ler!Bakugo (Pt 2) "What, did you think you were just going to get away with that?"
Prompt #83 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo (Pt 3) “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Prompt #67 - lee!Sero, ler!Bakugo (Pt 4)* “Well now, that seems like wishful thinking.”
Prompt #31 - lee!Ashido, ler!Bakugo (Pt 5)* “Come on, it’s not that bad, is it?”
Prompt #59 - lee!Kirishima, ler!Bakugo (Pt 6)* "Why so nervous?"
Prompt #24 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima (Pt 7)* “Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster.”
The Owl House [ao3 link]
Prompt #24 - lee!Hunter, ler!Gus, ler!Willow "Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster!"
Prompt #2 - lee!Luz, ler!Amity "Hey, what do you think you're doing!"
Prompt #68 - lee!Amity, ler!Luz "What's that? Stop saying tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle?”
Prompt #48 - lee!Eda, ler!Raine "You would think you'd get less ticklish as you got older, but you're the opposite!"
Prompt #71 - lee!Amity, ler!Luz "This isn't cuddling! This is an attack!"
Prompt #64 - lee!Hunter, ler!Amity "Relax, I'm not gonna kill ya. But, I am gonna make you wish you were dead."
Prompt #102 - lee!Hunter, ler!Willow “Oh, you’re so going to regret that!”
Prompt #27 - switch!Edric, switch!Emira, switch!Amity "I just hope you know, this means war."
Steven Universe
coming soon
Supernatural [ao3 link]
Prompt #5 - lee!Dean, ler!Castiel "No, I'm just- uh- sensitive"
Teen Titans [ao3 link]
Prompt #9 - lee!Raven, ler!Starfire "Did you just...laugh?"
Yellowjackets [ao3 link]
Prompt #61 - lee!Shauna, ler!Jackie "You'd better keep quiet!"
Young Justice [ao3 link]
Prompts #43 + #46 - lee!Conner, ler!M'Gann "Lighten up, have a laugh!" + "I'm not letting you off that easy!"
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fandomtravelers · 8 months
Found family dynamics in shows
Okay I'm a sucker for found family dynamics in shows so I'm going to list all the found family or platonic relationships I know of. In TV shows/series. Just because :) ALSO please add if you know more, because I'm probably missing a whole lot. I JUST WANT MORE.
Here are the ones me and my friends know or have found (some might be father daughter centric and they're all from very random fandoms so excuse that) :
1. Kakashi & Team 7 (Naruto)
2. Anakin & Ahsoka & Obiwan (Clone wars. I know the whole star wars universe too, but I'm focusing on clone wars)
3. Kate Bishop & Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
4. Farah Dowling & Bloom (Fate : Winx)
4. Charming & Emma (Once Upon A Time)
5. Bay Kennish & Daphne Vasquez (Switched at Birth)
6. Cirilla & Geralt (The Witcher)
7. Calliope & Augie (tidelanders)
8. Byakuya & Rukia (Bleach)
9. Sara & Danny (Witchblade)
10. Georgia & Rube (Dead like me)
11. Silco & Jinx, Vander & Vi (Arcane)
12. Andrè & Jane (Painkiller Jane)
13. Jamie & Jonas & Jay (Bionic woman)
14. Dr. Tom & Erica (Being Erica)
15. The pines family (Gravity falls)
16. Tom & Cassie (the inbetween)
17. The Gaang & Team Avatar (Avatar the last Airbender & Legend of korra)
18. Kara & Clark (Supergirl & superman/batman apocalypse)
19. Charlie & Miles matheson (revolution)
20. Arthur & Joan & Auggie & Annie (Covert affairs)
21. Khlyen & Dutch (Killjoys)
22. Guerrero & Ames (Human Target)
23. Adam & Emma (Mutant X)
24. Nolan & Emily "Amanda" (Revenge)
25. Voight & his whole team (Chicago P. D.)
26. Elena & Jeremy (Bitten)
27. Jinggang & Chu hun (double world)
28. Hannibal & Abigail (Hannibal)
29. Dream & Death (The sandman)
30. Jiwoo & Mujin (My name)
31. Buffy & Giles (BTVS)
32. Benedict & his kids (Mysterious Benedict society)
33. The cullen family (twilight)
34. Elijah & Yo Han (the devil's judge)
35. Magnus & Clary (Shadow hunters)
36. Gu xiang & Wen Kexing (Word of honor (Cdrama))
37. Optimus & the human kids (Transformers prime)
38. Mildred & her teachers (Mainly miss hardbroom)
39. Dylan & Lizzie (instinct)
40. Marina & Arturo (A private affair)
41. Moiraine & Lan (Wheel of time)
42. the BAU team (Criminal minds)
43. The SVU team (Law & Order : SVU)
44. Ellie & Joel (TLOU)
45. Barbara & the batfam (Batgirl, batman comics)
46. Carmen & Shadow San (Carmen sandiego)
47. Nile & the rest of the old guard (the old guard)
48. Nick Fury & Maria Hill (secret invasion)
49. Jordan & Garrett (crossing Jordan)
50. America chavez & Doctor strange (Multiverse of Madness)
51. The Eternals (Eternals)
52. Enola & Sherlock (Enola Holmes)
53. NCIS team/family (NCIS)
54. Aizawa & his kids (BNHA)
55. Abigail & Ichabod (Sleepy Hollow)
56. Carol & Kamala (The Marvels)
57. Gojo & his students (JJK)
58. The golden trio (HP)
59. Ryan & Max (The following)
60. ICC team (crossing lines)
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every even number in the love your fandom game!
Oh bro here we go...
1- 3 things you like about your fandom:
1.1- It has a lot of content!
1.2- You can experiment and play with many characters and concepts, there are no limits!
1.3- it has a lot of nice and talented people!
2- A headcanon you where not sure about first but fandom made you change your mind:
Mmmmm... not sure about this one. I think I used to Headcanon Amon as Asexual but thanks to some nice mutuals now I can see him bisexual.
3- A character that fandom made you appreciate:
Asami and Katara. Before I get in here I was neutral about all the characters (of course my three main blorbos are the exceptions), but with the right fics and art I could connect with them a little bit better.
4- Say something nice about a ship you don't ship;
Not into Korrasami really, but if there's one thing I can't deny is that the ship has good artists, (haven't read fics but I guess there are good writers too).
5- A thing you see often in fics:
We collectively refuse to accept when a character we love is dead in canon. (canon is clay and we can shape it into whatever we want).
6- A thing you see often in fan arts:
When we make Korra strong and pretty. Also Yue art, she is so pretty and I heard that if you are a cool artist you have drawn her at least once! (Please don't mind if you haven't drawn her, I am sure your art is great).
7- Tropes you enjoy to read/write/draw:
To draw- arranged marriage, basically any amorralok au where Tarrlok and Amon live, for Azulaang any modern, cute or funny comfort au, (tea or coffee shop, school au, flowershop), and love drawing dirty mechanic/prince Irosami.
I guess any cute, comfort au actually.
To read- Arranged marriage, castaway Amon, equalists plot continuation, GIMEEE.
Also love coffee shop aus and spirit traveling au's for Azulaang.
Irosami is interesting with equalist or spy Asami au's but love some good cute domestic aus.
Basically anything related with spirit travels, equalists continuation, action and fluff included.
8- Something you would like the fandom to love aittle bit more:
Any ship and character that doesn't get as much appreciation as it deserves around the fandom.
9- A ship that it's not your Otp but you ship:
Yuetara, have neglected it WAY too long but whenever I see it I appreciate it.
10- A blog or mutual that has made your experience in fandom better:
Can't name all the people that have made my experience better, fortunately, there have been too many nice mutuals. Some are no longer active but to name a few I would dare to say @flameo-trashman @crookedmouth-mountainbones @lotus-ashi @orangepanic @moreamorra @amorra-tlok @writebecauseyoucannotbreathe and @mokonahapuuuuuu
Thank you all for your kindness and your presence in this chaotic site!
11- An artwork/fic you are proud about:
Tumblr media
12- Say something nice to a mutual!
Orange, Lotus, Crooked, Neffy, Write, Mokonahapuuuu and Moreamorra: Never stop being awesome and having cool art and fics.
And for everyone else reading this: you are great too and your presence enriches this fandom.
13- Favorite fandom event?
Ship week! (loved the avatarsunkenshipweek by the way).
14- A ship that makes you smile:
Mostly Amorra but Korrlok, Irohsami and Azulaang hold an apecial place in my heart. 💜💙🤎❤🧡💛❤️‍🔥
15- A character that makes you smile:
Baby Korra, she is too precious. Baby Noatak and Tarrlok too, must protect.
16- A thing in canon you would like to get noticed by the fandom?
17- A thing in canon everyone likes, including you:
Seeing Iroh and Aang back in tlok and Jinora getting her tattoos.
18- A tag you follow?
Just Tlok
19- Current fandoms:
Again just Tlok haha.
20- Your first fandom:
Can't recall the first one I got interested in.
21- A fandom you miss:
22- Mutual you have known the longest?
Mokonahapuu, it's been a lot since we knew through this lil place.
23- A fandom you are curious about thabks to a mutual:
The dragon Prince.
24- How has fandom positively impacted in you?
Mutuals helped me to work in my art and storytelling skills. 💛
25- Advice to take care of you in fandom spaces:
Do not get too invested in any fandom, it can be overwhelming to deal with too many opinions so it's better to try to be nice and not worry about what the rest could say.
Get 2-5 psychos, (affectionate), and stick together, it will probably help you a lot.
Also, you don't have to like what everyone else does or agree to everything, not everything is made for you or a single person. Keep in mind you will have to learn to cope with the things you dislike.
Finally, look for other activities to entertain yourself, focusing too much in fandom can be bad in the long term.
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zuko-always-lies · 5 months
Legend of Korra and the incredibly long season finales
One flaw which really strikes me about TLoK is that the season finales were all far too long. This is a point which is easier to understand if we talk about ATLA first. ATLA had two 20 and one 21 episode season finales:
Book 1: Water. The season finale was two ("The Siege of the North Part 1 and 2") or at most three (if we count "The Waterbending Master") episodes long, for 10% or at most 15% of the season's runtime. I really don't think we should we should count "The Waterbending Master," though. It builds toward the series finale, but it's mostly it's own thing with its own main plot.
Book 2: Earth. The season finale was two episodes ("The Guru" and "The Crossroads of Destiny"), for a total of 10% of the season's runtime. You could argue that "Lake Laogai" and "The Earth King" are also parts of the finale, but they're really not. The main antagonist of the finale, Azula, doesn't even show up until the end of "The Earth King."
Book 3: Fire. The season (and series) finale was "Sozin's Comet," with a total of four episodes. That amounts to 19% of the season's runtime, but this is a series finale. That being said, I do personally feel like "Sozin's Comet" is already too long and not organically connected and that some of the stuff which happens there should have happened earlier in the season.
Now, let us turn to LoK.
Book 1: Air. This is 12 episodes long, and I would argue that the season finale amounted to three episodes: "Turning the Tides," "Skeletons in the Closet," and "Endgame." That would mean the season finale was 25% of the season. Every if we cutoff "Turning the Tides" because the protagonists are more reactive than proactive in it, the finale would still amount to 17% of the season.
Book 2: Spirits: This is 14 episodes long. It's actually very hard to figure out what constitutes the finale in this. Definitely "Harmonic Convergence," "Darkness Falls," and "Light in the Dark" are included. That would make for 21% of the season. However, you could also argue for "Night of a Thousand Stars" (29%), "A New Spiritual Age," (36%), or even "The Guide" (43%), although the last one is pretty dubious. What is clear is that in the second half of this season, events take on a pace which is at once both relentless and endless.
Book 3: Change. Things are a little clearer here in this 13 episode season. The season finale amounts to three episodes: "The Ultimatum," "Enter the Void," and "The Venom of the Red Lotus." That makes for 23% of the season.
Book 4: Balance. Another 13 episode season, with a three part finale: "Kuvira's Gambit," "Day of the Colossus," and "The Last Stand," for 23% again.
ATLA was 61 episodes long. LoK was 52 episodes long. If we go with the lowest possible number, ATLA had 8 season finale episodes, which made up 13% of the series. Similarly, with the lowest possible number, LoK had 11 season finale episodes, for 21% of the series.
If we instead go with the highest reasonable number, ATLA had 9 finale episodes for 15%, while TLoK had 14, for 27%.
And if we go with the highest possible number, reasonable or not, ATLA had 11 finale episodes, for 18%, while TLoK had 15, for 29%. It's possible to argue that nearly a third of TLoK was season finale episodes!
I think one thing is clear: TLoK spent far too much time on season finales. Did we really need three straight episodes of a mecha battle between Kuvira and our protagonists? Or three straight ones of Korra fighting Unalaq and Vaatu in the spirit world?
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adolph649 · 5 months
Hey! (Sorry 4 my bad english)
🇬🇧This post is to show y'all the fandoms I'm in and in case you want a request for x character/reader or character/character
🇪🇦Esta publicación es para mostrarles a todos los fandoms en los que estoy y en caso de que quieran pedirne que escriba x personaje/lector o personaje/personaje.
🇬🇧⚠️Before starting with my long list of fandoms.
🇪🇦⚠️Antes de comenzar con mi larga lista de fandoms.
🇬🇧I want to say that Hazbin Hotel is a fandom that you can request me, thanks to the fact that I was a big fan when the pilot came out even though I watched series 🏴‍☠️, but let me tell you that I DO NOT support the creator. I will probably ONLY write about it if yall ask me to.
🇪🇦Quiero decir que Hazbin Hotel es un fandom que me pueden solicitar, gracias a que era un gran fan cuando salió el piloto, y de que vi la serie 🏴‍☠️, pero déjenme decirles que NO apoyo el creador. Probablemente SÓLO escribiré sobre la serie si me lo pedís.
🇬🇧Now with the list♡:
🇪🇦 Ahora con la lista♡:
1 Unicorn Wars
2 Heathers
3 Lorax
4 Tangled the series
5 The owl house
6 Gravity Falls
7 Amphibia
8 Little witch academia
9 Kid cosmic
10 Kimetsu no Yaiba
11 Re-animator
12 Camp Camp
13 Hanako-kun
14 Diabolik lovers
15 Bee & Puppycat
16 Takopis original sin
17 Hilda
18 Carmen sandiego
19 Melanie martinez
20 Harry Potter
21 She-ra
22 Uglydolls
23 Mphfpc
24 Dirk gently
25 Kill la kill
26 Danganrompa v1
27 Studio Ghibli
28 Madoka magica
29 Shimanami Tasogare
30 Blood soup
31 Ephemeral
32 Moonlight lovers
33 Mad Father
34 Ib
35 Wicht house
36 Mogeko castle
37 El coleccionista de demonios
38 Adventure time
39 the willoughbys
40 The amazing digital circus
41 The promised neverland
42 Over the garden wall
45 Liar liar
46 La princesa sofia
47 The hunger games
48 Marionetta
49 Hooky
50 Scott pilgrim
51 Evangelion
52 Six
53 Hamilton
54 Big bang theory
55 Trolls
56 Crimen en el paraíso/Death in paradise
57 Centaurworld
58 jelly jamm
59 mean girls
60 the ancient magus bride
61 Futbolísimos
62 arcane
63 my little pony
64 sakura card captor
65 Hoppscotch
66 Agatha Mistery
67 Avatar the last airbender
68 el príncipe de la niebla
69 marina
70 kipo
71 mimes and clowns (webtoon)
72 school busca graveyard
73 The leyend of korra
74 Mentira (libro)
75 Creepypastas
🇬🇧I will surely add more fandoms over time. / 🇪🇦Seguramente añadiré mas fandoms con el tiempo
🇬🇧What I will write:
- Character x Reader
- Character x Character (some ships are not allowed)
- platonic relationships
- hcs
- one-shots
🇪🇦Lo que escribiré:
- Personaje x Lector
- Personaje x Personaje (algunos ships no están permitidos)
- relaciones platónicas
- hcs
- one-shots
🇬🇧What I will NOT write:
- romantic big age-gaps ships
- comships in general
🇪🇦Lo que NO escribiré:
- ships románticos con grandes diferencias de edad
- ships de comships/proships en general
🇬🇧Examples of how to request:
- "Hi! Can I get hcs of *character*(fandom) with a S/O with male pronoums who likes shiny things?"
- "Can I request a one-shot of *character 1* who sees *character 2* as a sibling"
- "Hey, can you write *character*, *character* and *character* with an S/O with female pronoums pls?"
- "Can I get *Character* dating hcs? With GN reader pls
🇪🇦Ejemplos de cómo solicitar:
- "¡Hola! ¿Puedes hacer hcs de *personaje*(fandom) con un S/O con pronombres masculinos al que le gustan las cosas brillantes?"
- "¿Puedo solicitar un one-shot de *personaje 1* que ve a *personaje 2* como un hermano"
- "¿Puedo obtener hcs de citas con *Personajes*? Con el lector GN, por favor
🇬🇧I would like to tell you that this is my first time writing and that please be a little patient with me, I hope I can learn from this experience and if you have tips to tell me, don't be shy!
🇪🇦Me gustaría deciros que esta es mi primera vez escribiendo y que por favor tengais un poco de paciencia conmigo, espero poder aprender de esta experiencia y si teneis tips que decirme no os cortéis!
🇬🇧Unfortunately it won't let me add more than 30 # :(
🇪🇦Desgraciadamente no me deja de poner mas de 30 # :(
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How exciting! I did every Friday for all of 2023!
WEEK 1 -- Set The Stage (Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things (TV 2016), T-rating, 504 words)
There's only a couple more hours until opening night starts. And everything's ruined.
WEEK 2 -- Birth Of A Star (Sansa Stark/Ygritte, Game of Thrones & ASOIAF, G-rating, 365 words)
Ygritte longs to steal a maiden’s kiss.
WEEK 3 -- Fine By Me (Raul Cocolotl & Kat Elliot, Wendell & Wild (2022), No Rating, 417 words)
Raúl hears a terrified scream in Sister Helley's classroom and comes running.
WEEK 4 -- Pure Imagination (Artemis Crock/Dick Grayson/Wally West, Young Justice (Cartoon), T-rating, 459 words)
It's good to have their boyfriend-not-boyfriend finally home.
WEEK 5 -- Where Secrets Lie // First Light (Charlie Bradbury/Gilda, Supernatural (TV 2005), T-rating, 600 words)
Charlie abandons what remains of a normal life in search of the one she loves—a good fairy.
WEEK 6 -- Who Are You // Eclipse (Korra/Asami Sato, Avatar: Legend of Korra, M-rating, 700 words)
Asami loses Korra inside the Fog of Souls. She must get her back.
WEEK 7 -- Trapped In The Dark // Earthshine (Kim Possible/Shego, Kim Possible (Cartoon), T-rating, 700 words)
"Come on out, Kimmy… let's finish this."
WEEK 8 -- You're Not Alone // Nuclear Cluster (Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV), E-rating, 1000 words)
Faith accidentally gets sent to another version of Sunnydale. A really messed up Sunnydale.
WEEK 9 -- Sea & Sun (Valerie Frizzle & Ms. Frizzle's Class, Dorothy Ann & Wanda & Arnold & Ralphie & Carlos & Keesha & Tim, Magic School Bus, G-rating, 765 words)
It's a never a normal field trip with Ms. Frizzle. This time, and to everyone's excitement, they head to the beach!
WEEK 10 -- Celestial Bodies (Baelfire | Neal Cassidy/Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Once Upon a Time, No Rating, 603 words)
In their final moments, Neal decides to reconcile with an old friend.
WEEK 11 -- Tree Of Life (Eris | Discordia/Bia, Eris | Discordia/Hesperides, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, M-rating, 300 words)
Eris steals a golden apple, intending to disrupt one of the weddings happening on Olympus. Someone disrupts her.
WEEK 12 -- Filled With Clarity (Derek/Odette, Swan Princess (1994), G-rating, 564 words)
While they're still young, Derek realizes Odette is not what she seems.
WEEK 13 -- Deep End (Damian Wayne & Colin Wilkes, Damian Wayne/Colin Wilkes, Batman Comics, T-rating, 256 words)
As much as Colin would like to think this was forever, he wasn’t dumb—Robin wouldn’t need him eventually.
WEEK 14 -- Cold Object  (Diedrich/Vincent Phantomhive, Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, M-rating, 1123 words)
"Mine at last. Just like I have always wanted."
WEEK 15 -- -Against The Flow (Matsuoka Gou/Mikoshiba Isuzu, Free!, G-rating, 324 words)
Muscles. Men. Meetings with the Iwatobi Swim Club. That's all Gou is supposed to care about.
WEEK 16 -- An Eternal Summer (Jane Bennet/Charles Bingley, Pride and Prejudice (2005), No Rating, 448 words)
Mr Bingley refuses to leave Jane's side long while she's ill.
WEEK 17 -- What Comes Next (Kaneda Shoutarou/Shima Tetsuo, Akira (Anime & Manga), M-rating, 793 words)
When their enemies get the jump on them, It's his turn to save Kaneda.
WEEK 18 -- Didn't Mean It (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III & Toothless, How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), T-rating, 423 words)
Hiccup doesn't want Toothless to think Hiccup is mad at him. Even if the workshop nearly got set on fire.
WEEK 19 -- How Far We've Come (Søstre | Sisters/Prinsesse | Princess/Prins | Prince, Den lille Havfrue | The Little Mermaid - Hans Christian Andersen, E-rating, 576 words)
Because of the prince and his princess, her sister no longer lives. This cannot be.
WEEK 20 -- Comedian's Night (Dick Grayson | Robin/Red X, Teen Titans Animated Series, T-rating, 987 words)
Robin investigates trouble in Jump City's local performing arts center and gets the unlikeliest backup.
WEEK 21 -- The Devil You Forgot (Coraline Jones/Wybie Lovat, Coraline (2009), No Rating, 1489 words)
Eleven years later, Wybie and Coraline return to the Pink Palace Apartments, unlocking their memories.
WEEK 22 -- Yes, Sir!! (Starlight & Sweetheart & Melody & Bright Eyes & Patch & Clover & Bon Bon, My Little Pony Generation 1.5: Tales (Cartoon 1992), G-rating, 339 words)
Sweetheart never learned to roller skate. The other ponies teach her and encourage Sweetheart to overcome her fear.
WEEK 23 -- All The King's Horses And All The King's Men (Ygraine de Bois/Nimueh, BBC Merlin, M-rating, 472 words)
On the eve of King Uther's long-awaited marriage ceremony, Nimueh convinces her lover to flee.
WEEK 24 -- Where The Flowers Grow (Higa Hiromi | Shadow/Oka Shokichi, SK8 the Infinity (Anime), T-rating, 566 words)
In the middle of his break, Hiromi gets an unexpected visit from Manager Oka.
WEEK 25 -- Sink Or Swim (OceanGate Titan Submersible, RMS Titanic, Logitech F710 Wireless Gamepad, Mysterious Banging Noises Coming at 30 Minute Intervals, Angry Spirits of the Working Class Poor on the RMS Titanic, Yacht-Destroying Orcas, Ever Given Container Ship, Titanic 1997's Director James Cameron's Evil Twin, Metal-Eating Bacteria in the Atlantic Ocean, US Coast Guard, OceanGate - Fandom, No Rating, 589 words)
Alright… who did it? Who went ahead and broke it?"
WEEK 26 -- Can We Kiss? (Daisy Duck/Minnie Mouse, Mickey Mouse and Friends, G-rating, 241 words)
For 'What Makes You Happy! Day… Minnie would like to ask Daisy something.
WEEK 27 -- Reporting The Scoop (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Kururugi Suzaku & Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia, Code Geass, T-rating, 1631 words)
Lelouch exposes Suzaku's bullies to the entirety of Ashford Academy without Suzaku's knowledge. It doesn't go over well.
WEEK 28 -- On The Edge (Julie Grigio/R, Warm Bodies (2013), No Rating, 493 words)
While bleeding out, Julie asks R to do something unthinkable for R. But he will. For her.
WEEK 29 -- The Sand Ocean (Kiba/Tsuma/Cheza, Wolf's Rain (Anime), M-rating, 999 words)
After a narrow escape, Kiba lets his pack rest before their journey begins again.
WEEK 30 -- An Old Friend (Margot Robbie's Barbie/J. Robert Oppenheimer, Barbie (2023) & Oppenheimer (2023) Crossover, T-rating, 1037 words)
Oppenheimer remembers Toni's little doll when she was fifteen. But never how remarkable it was.
WEEK 31 -- Gotta Go Fast (Daria Morgendorffer, Jane Lane, Jodie Landon, Michael "Mack" Mackenzie & Brittany Taylor, Kevin Thompson, Angela L, Daria (Cartoon), No Rating, 390 words)
The reception hall for Lawndale High's senior prom has a 24 hour go-kart track across the street. Pandemonium starts.
WEEK 32 -- Ten Years Later (Rafe McCawley/Danny Walker, Pearl Harbor (2001), M-rating, 1544 words)
In the middle of the night, Danny comes to Rafe. Once when they're kids and once before Rafe leaves for England.
WEEK 33 -- Broken Mirror (Princess Bubblegum/Marceline, Adventure Time, G-rating, 458 words)
Marceline accidentally knocks over Bonnibel's newest invention while cooking spaghetti.
WEEK 34 -- Mall At Night (Gregory & Wirt, Over the Garden Wall (Cartoon & Comics), No Rating, 1104 words)
Wirt and Greg end up accidentally locked inside after closing hours.
WEEK 35 -- Found Family (Ellie & Joel, The Last of Us (TV & Video Game), T-rating, 774 words)
"I can't believe you're in prison."
WEEK 36 -- Portal Fiction (Non-magical Fionna-world Marshall Lee/Gary Prince, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, (Cartoon 2023), E-rating, 1297 words)
Fionna goes missing. Marshall Lee and Gary finally meet and theorize about where she's gone… while in bed.
WEEK 37 -- How Do You Use 'It'? (Cornelius/Thumbelina, Thumbelina (1994), G-rating, 579 words)
During a journey in the nightfall, Cornelius encourages Thumbelina to inquire about their world and ride his pet bumblebee.
WEEK 38 -- Under The Night Sky (Chris Washington, Rod Williams, Get Out (2017), No Rating, 355 words)
"What the hell did I tell you, man?"
WEEK 39 -- Blood Is Thicker Than Water (D. J. Tanner & Stephanie Tanner, D. J. Tanner & Michelle Tanner, Kimmy Gibbler & D. J. Tanner, Full House (US TV), M-rating, 1151 words)
Stephanie ends up in the car accident with Gia when D. J. doesn't stop her from leaving. Nobody survives.
WEEK 40 -- Spine In A Twist (Cassia/Milo/Atticus, Pompeii (2014), No Rating, 944 words)
As everything ends, Milo finds comfort in the two living souls he belongs to.
WEEK 41 -- An Empty Grave (Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, The Witcher (TV), T-rating, 1016 words)
Geralt barely survives against Vilgefortz. Jaskier looks after his recovery in Brokilon, washing Geralt's wounds and despairing.
WEEK 42 -- By Candlelight (Jet Black & Ed & Ein & Spike Spiegel & Faye Valentine, Ed & Ein, Cowboy Bebop (Anime), No Rating, 1136 words)
A group of lousy ship-jackers end up on the Bebop. They're screwed.
WEEK 43 -- Torn Veil (Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal (TV), E-rating, 1074 words)
"Chasing shadows in the middle of the night, Will?"
WEEK 44 -- I Can't Tell (Dimitri/Anya | Anastasia Romanov, Anastasia (1997), G-rating, 821 words)
Anya slips on an icy patch of road on their way to Paris and hits her head. The dreams afterward feel familiar.
WEEK 45 -- By Any Other Name (Lottie Turner/Etheldreda Bloodworth, Harry Potter: Magic Awakened (Video Game), T-rating, 200 words)
A rose is a rose, and Etheldreda feels something blossoming once again in her heart… if she had as such.
WEEK 46 -- Sand Of Time (Obi-Wan Kenobi & Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV), No Rating, 814 words)
Out of the middle of the Jutland Wastes, on Tatooine, Leia and Luke happen to meet.
WEEK 47 -- A Form Of Distraction (Peeta Mellark/Finnick Odair, The Hunger Games, M-rating, 1640 words)
With tensions rising, Finnick decides to get Peeta alone for a little bit.
WEEK 48 -- Nebulous Roads (Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Edward Elric & Alfons Heiderich, Fullmetal Alchemist (2003), T-rating, 630 words)
Edward nearly runs over the man who holds a resemblance to his younger brother. Meanwhile, Alphonse wakes up.
WEEK 49 -- Fool Me Once (Asha/Star, Disney's Wish (2023), G-rating, 300 words)
Asha discovers the little star from the heavens she wished on… is actually a boy.
WEEK 50 -- A Promise To Break (Hakoda/Zuko, Avatar: the Last Airbender, E-rating, 1622 words)
Hakoda expects a diplomatic visit from the Firelord may mend some broken ties between their nations. Perhaps foolishly so.
WEEK 51 -- Among Any Option (Madeline Usher/Verna, The Fall of the House of Usher (TV 2023), T-rating, 100 words)
"What do you think, Madeline? Hmm? A kiss or a kill?"
WEEK 52 -- Imperfect Sign (Felix Catton/Oliver Quick, Saltburn (2023), M-rating, 587 words)
Instead of leaving when he poisons Felix, Oliver stays.
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Ok I’m just going to send this out. Instead of overthinking on the inclusion of some contestants. Thank you again to all who submitted in characters!
Anyways I decided matchups will be done pretty much at random. There is a total of 64 contestants though, and am releasing just the line up for now so you guys know who’s going to be in it. I don’t have matchups done yet so again, this is just the line up of characters.
Also feel free to drop suggestions in asks for any picture(s) you’d like me to use for visuals in polls when those get released! Looking for stuff in the characters official media source(s) as I don’t want to accidentally take fanart without permission (unless ofc, if anyone wants to submit in their own fanart for characters- I will credit you if I end up using it)
Fandom - Characters
1. Gravity Falls- Dipper and Mabel Pines
2. The Owl House- Edric and Emira Blight
3. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Leo and Donnie Hamato
4. The Adventure Zone- Lup and Taako
5. Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina- Vex and Vax
6. Sanders Sides- Roman and Remus Sanders
7. The Locked Tomb- Ianthe and Coronabeth Tridentarius
8. Genshin Impact- Lumine and Aether
9. Star Wars- Luke and Leia
10. The Parent Trap- Annie and Hallie
11. Greek Mythology- Apollo and Artemis
12. Black Butler- Ciel and “Ciel” Phantomhive
13. Bob’s Burgers- Andy and Ollie Pesto
14. Ouran High School Club- Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
15. Steven Universe- The Rutile twins
16. Danganronpa- Junko Enoshima and Mukuro Ikusaba
17. Masters of the Universe- Adam and Adora
18. How To Train Your Dragon- Ruffnut and Tuffnut
19. Dungeons and Daddies- Lark and Sparrow Oak
20. Pokémon- Emmet and Ingo
21. Avatar the Last Airbender- Lo and Li
22. Twisted Wonderland- Jade and Floyd Leech
23. Final Fantasy XIV- Alphinaud and Alisaie Leveilleur
24. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody- Zack and Cody
25. Highschool Musical- Sharpay and Ryan Evans
26. Liv and Maddie- Liv and Maddie
27. Disney Fairies- Tinkerbell and Periwinkle
28. Archie Comics- Cheryl and Jason Blossom
29. Sky Children of the Light- The Valley Elders (aka Sah and Mek)
30. Lego Ninjago- Krux and Acronix (The Time Twins)
31. MCU- Wanda and Pietro Maximoff
32. IDOLiSH7- Nanase Riku and Kujo Tenn
33. Super Mario Bros- Mario and Luigi
34. Mother 3 (aka Earthbound)- Lucas and Claus
35. Devil May Cry- Dante and Vergil
36. Animal Crossing- Timmy and Tommy
37. Evillious Chronicles- Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche and Allen Avadonia
38. A Song of Ice and Fire- Jaime and Cersie Lannister
39. Honkai Impact 3rd- Liliya and Rozaliya Olenyeva
40. Red VS Blue- Agent North Dakota and Agent South Dakota
41. The Twelfth Night- Viola and Sebastian
42. The Simarillion- Amrod and Amras
43. Percy Jackson- Castor and Pollux
44. The Penumbra Podcast- Juno and Benzaiten Steel
45. Ace Attorney- Dahlia Hawthorne and Sister Iris
46. Dimension 20: A Crown if Candy- Jet and Ruby Rocks
47. Haikyuu- Osamu and Atsumu Miya
48. All For the Game- Andrew and Aaron Minyard
49. Trigun- Vash and Knives
50. Roman Mythology- Romulus and Remus
51. Blue Exorcist- Rin and Yukio Okumura
52. Transformers- Sunstreaker and Sideswipe
53. Legend of Korra- Eska and Desna
54. Mystic Messenger- 707 and Unknown (aka Saeyoung and Saeran Choi)
55. Ensemble Stars- Hinata and Yuta Aoi
56. Obey Me- Beelzebub and Belphegor
57. Happy Tree Friends- Shifty and Lifty
58. Rugrats- Phil and Lillian
59. Don’t Starve- Wendy and Abigail
60. Identity V- Joseph and Claude Desaulniers
61. Dragonlance- Caramon and Raistlin
62. Re: Zero- Rem and Ram
63. Cursed Princess Club- Gwen and Jamie
64. Ducktales (2017)- Della and Donald Duck
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91062854-ka · 1 year
Katrina (Voiced by: Danielle Harris)
Tumblr media
Biographical information
Nickname: Kat (By Korra, Mako, Bolin and Asami)
Nationality: Southern Water Tribe
Ethnicity: Water Tribe
17 in Book One: Air
18 in Books Two and Three
21 in Book Four: Balance
Born: 153 AG
Physical description
Height: About 5'7" (170cm)
Eye color: Cyan
Hair color: Dark brown
Skin color: Brown
Personal information
Gender: Woman
Love interests:
General Iroh II
Mako (crush: formerly)
(A/N: Since General Iroh is like 36 to 40 years old in the actual show, for the sake of this profile, let's pretend he's 18 years old, so he's a year older than Korra and Katrina.)
Tonraq (father)
Senna (mother)
Korra (older twin sister)
Unalaq (uncle)
Malina (aunt)
Eska and Desna (cousins)
Korra, Amari, Naga, Southern Water Tribe, Order of the White Lotus, past Guardians, Tonraq, Senna, Asami Sato, Mako, Bolin, Pabu, Tenzin, Bumi, Pema, Katara, Zuko, Lin Beifong, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, Rohan, Kya, Tarrlok, Unalaq (formerly), Desna and Eska, Bhanti Tribe, Iroh, Raava, Raina, Suyin Beifong, Opal, Toph Beifong, Baatar, more ...
Amon, Equalists, Tarrlok (formerly), Hiroshi Sato (formerly), Triple Threat Triad, dark spirits, Unalaq, Desna and Eska (formerly), Southern Water Tribe rebels (formerly), Vaatu, Hundun, Red Lotus, Aiwei, Hou-Ting, Dai Li, Kuvira, military of the Earth Empire, more ...
Weapon of choice:
The elements, glider staff, metal
Fighting styles:
Waterbending (Southern and Northern style), earthbending, firebending, airbending, lightning generation, bloodbending (resigned from use), metalbending, spiritbending, energybending
Political information
Profession: Guardian
Daughter of the Southern Water Tribe chief
Fully Realized Guardian
Predecessor: Ceres (as the Guardian)
Southern Water Tribe
Team Avatar
Katrina is the current incarnation of the Guardian and immediate successor of Guardian Ceres. Born and raised in the Southern Water Tribe with her twin sister, Avatar Korra, where she mastered waterbending, earthbending, and firebending, she later relocated to Republic City to attain a similar proficiency with airbending under the tutelage and guidance of Tenzin. With the assistance of Ceres's spirit, Katrina gained the ability to energybend and, after connecting with her past lives, she gained the capacity to enter the Guardian State at will, marking her transition into a fully realized Guardian. 
Katrina started a romantic relationship with the general of the United Forces and, the son of Fire Lord Izumi, a member of the Fire Nation Royal Family, as well as a firebending master and skilled military leader, Iroh II.
Katrina was born to Tonraq and Senna after Korra by five minutes in the Southern Water Tribe following the deaths of Avatar Aang and Fire Lady Guardian Ceres in 153 AG. At the age of four, she and Korra introduced themselves to the Order of the White Lotus as the new Avatar and Guardian by Korra performing water-, earth-, and firebending while Katrina performed water-, earth-, fire-, and airbending before them. She honed her waterbending under the tutelage of Katara, though unlike her twin sister's instinctive aggressive style, Katrina's style is the calm, slow movements the elderly master pass on to her.
After Chief Unalaq learned that his nieces are the Avatar and Guardian, he constantly sought Tonraq's permission to train Korra and Katrina in the spiritual ways of the Water Tribe, but his estranged brother shot him down. Since he secretly desired to indoctrinate Korra and Katrina in the ways of the Red Lotus and coerce them to reopen the long-dormant spirit portals to release Vaatu, Unalaq commissioned Zaheer, Ghazan, Ming-Hua, and P'Li to kidnap them in 158 AG.
However, due to the efforts of Tonraq, Chief Sokka, Fire Lord Zuko, and Councilman Tenzin, the attempt was thwarted, and the criminals were apprehended, although Unalaq's involvement remained unknown. After the incident, Tonraq and Tenzin decided to seclude the Avatar and Guardian in the Southern Water Tribe compound, away from the public eye as they pursued the bending arts.
• Katrina means "Pure" in Greek.
• Unlike Korra, Katrina always carried a water skin everywhere she goes, so she carries three water skins, similar to Katara during the invasion.
• Katrina has a pet Snow Leopard Cat name Amari, whom she met with Naga when she and Korra were young. Since Amari grew up to be the same size as Naga, Katrina rides on her with a saddle just like Korra with Naga.
• Katrina is the first Guardian who has lightning generation.
• Katrina is the second Guardian who can use metalbending, the first is Ceres. Unlike her sister, Katrina carries metal with her wherever she goes.
• Katrina is the second Guardian who can use bloodbending, the first is Ceres. However, while Ceres can only bloodbend during the full moon, Katrina can bloodbend at will without the aid of the full moon, but they both share the desire to never use bloodbending again.
• Like Korra, Katrina is also a healer.
• Since she was a child, even after finding out she is the Guardian, Katrina used to take dancing as one of her hobbies. Because of this, she uses her knowledge of dancing to avoid her enemy's attacks.
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kin-moon · 1 year
I don't post that much, but I reblog a lot! So, if you don't like it, pls don't follow me!
I have a lot of fandoms and interests, but some of my mains are:
1. Animal jam
2. Avatar the last airbender and the legend of Korra
3. Backrooms
4. Bluey
5. Brawl stars
6. Demon slayer
7. Dreamworks
8. Dungeon meshi
9. Furry
10. Five nights at Freddy's
11. Jujutsu kaisen
13. Minecraft
14. My hero academia
15. One piece
16. Pokemon
17. Scp
18. Sonic
19. Spy x family
20. Studio Ghibli
21. Warrior cats
And that's all of them!
I will put more if I get into more fandoms
Also I'm autistic and have ADHD, so pls, don't be rude with me, I'm very sensitive
Have a good day/night, and welcome to my blog! Enjoy your stay here!
Sorry for my bad english
My other social media (besides tumblr):
-> Reddit: u/Lhamazul
-> Pinterest: Kin_moon_0w0
DNI list:
-Xenophobics and racists
-Homophobics and transphobics
-Zoos, rapists and pedos
-Disney or Netflix supporters
-Political blogs
-Ideology blogs
-Nsfw blogs
-Religion blogs
-Pro-war/guns blogs
-Drugs blogs
-Terfs and radfems
-Ai "art" supporters
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gaddaboutgriffon · 2 months
Going to work on turns this into a master post of prompts I’ve made. Prompts I like, and things I alike and would be willing to write things on.
My own Posts. Superwoman AU
Super Phantom DCxDP
Future Son?! DCxDP
Super X-man
DND Young Justice
DPxDC A Tale of Two Jacks
Age Reversal
Teenage Mutant Ninja Wizard
Series and media I like or liked and enjoy fan discussion and fics on (may include Cartoons, Books, Movies or Games.)1 How to train your dragon2 Transformers Prime (cartoons, NOT the movies)3 Avatar the last air-bender. (Not including Korra)4 Teenage mutant ninja turtles (cartoon series)5 Spectacular Spider-man (cartoon Series)6 Redwall (cartoon and book series)7 Pokemon (cartoon and game)8 Sonic the hedgehog (cartoons, and comics.)9 Justice league (the 1990 animated series. NOT the live action movies) And batman animated. 10 My Little pony FIM (G4 cartoon) 11 Marvel Cinematic Universe (before Disney bought it)12 Wings of Fire (books)13 Ben 10 (cartoon)14 Star wars (past liked not present)15 Star trek original series (past liked not present)16 Neo-pets ( Toys. great concept but not the best executed game)17 Kungfu Panda (cartoons)18 Teen titans (original Cartoon, not go)19 Rangers apprentice (books)20 Kim possible (cartoon)21 Lilo and stitch (cartoon)22 American Dragon (Cartoon)23 Big Hero 6 (cartoon) 24 Guardians of Ga’Hoole (books. don’t bother with the movie)25 Epic (animated movie by Blue Sky studios)26 Atlantis the lost Empire (Disney cartoon)27 Big bang theory (TV)28 Lord of the Rings (movies and books.)29 Dragon Quest (games)30 Wild Krats (cartoon)31 The Fluppy Dogs (cartoon)32 Zootopia (cartoon)33 Nelvana Care bears (cartoon specifically the 1985 to 1988 series)34 Last man standing (what can I say he reminds me of my dad)35 Bones (TV)36 Warrior cats. (books only read up until power of three arc)37 Flash (TV)38 Home improvement (TV)39 Steven Universe (cartoon. concept was good but poorly executed story)40 Phineas and Ferb (cartoons)41 Milo Murphy’s law (cartoon)42 Amphibia (cartoon)43 Emperors new groove. (cartoon)44 Harry Potter (books)45 Chronicles of Narnia (books)46 Dinotopia (TV movie, and books)47 Encanto (cartoon)48 Jane and the dragon. (cartoon)49 Gravity falls (cartoon)50 Swat Kats (cartoon)51 Chip and Dale rescue rangers (cartoon) 52 Ducktales (cartoon) 53 Prince of Egypt. (Animated movie) 54 Danny Phantom. (Cartoon) 55 Puss in Boots (dreamworks movies)56 Young Justice (cartoon have not read the comics) 57 Batman Wayne family adventures (web comic. 58 Tower dungeon farmer (web comic)
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loveless-scribes · 8 months
Sorry this is late but I had to think up a writing prompt with the help of Google. I hope you can be able to write some of these in your free time. I love seeing posts from you even if you don't post everyday. I have to do some of these promts for artwork so I know the struggle of coming up with ideas. You don't even have to write daily you can do once a week or once a month just to get in the groove!
Now these can be about any fandom you feel comfortable writing live action or animated. Even movie films can be included. For example:
Anime: AOT, JJK, Demon Slayer, My hero Academia, Naruto, Spy x Family, One Pice, Black Butler, Castlevania, Hunter X Hunter, SK8 the infinity, Beastars, Komi Can't Communicate, Blue Period, etc.
Netflix Animated Shows and Movies: The legend of Korra, Blood of Zeus, inside job, Love death and robots, the midnight gospel, Bojack Horseman, Arcane, and even avatar
Popular live action shows: Stranger Things, The Witcher, Game of thrones, Lord of the rings, The Hobbit, the mandalorian, The boys, Breaking bad, Waking Dead. Etc.
Popular Live action Movies: Everything everywhere all at once, parasite, Squid Game (AU), Star wars, Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean Jurassic Park, Fast and Furious, Mission Impossible, James Bond, etc.
There are many many more but don't limit yourself to one fandom or even one film! They can be short poems, a long script, based in an alternative universe you name it!
You don't even have to do this list in order it can be in what ever order you wish!
1. Day Seven
2. Keynote
3. Red shoes
4. The Team
5. Time
6. Agnes
7. Lost Touch
8. Code
9. Camper
10. I'm done
11. Damp
12. Déjà Vu
13. Porch
14. Speechless
15. Seasons
16. Mother's Love
17. Hurdle
18. Ups and Downs
19. A side of Salad
20. Left on read
21. Too much too late
22. Online
23. Prickly
24. Infant
25. First Time for everything
26. Save me
27. Part Time
28. It blows
29. She never told me
30. Surreal Experience
31. Death
You may have a small following but you do have admirers, they may not always comment or like, but they will see what you write as long as you put yourself out there. Don't worry about impressing anyone just do what you think is best for you!
OMG did you make this prompt list yourself? Thank you so much!
I'm defo gonna refer back to this cause it helps to write something else when struggling between chapters.
Thanks again! ❤️
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