vhscorp · 29 days
Je suis convaincu que s’il y a autant d’étoiles dans le ciel, c’est pour que chacun puisse un jour y trouver la sienne…
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nicoscheer · 28 days
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‘You got a leaning tower of pint pots in your hand’
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flowergirlsimo · 30 days
May this day bring you joy,peace and all the happiness your heart desires.
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mileycyrusguatemala · 2 months
Stop Making Sense A Tribute Album. Miley Cyrus | Psicho Killer. 17 de mayo.
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m-bige · 29 days
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Friday, 17th of May, 2024
Current progress:
Hygiene - Brushed teeth twice today, had a shower, and moisturised my face after my shower.
Physical activity - Nothing today, was a bit too tired to attempt shit.
Eating - Had a burger with Fiend and his girlfriend. My first food in 29hrs and my first full meal in 3 days.
Sleep - About 5hrs.
Selfcare - Went and saw an old friend and spent a good couple hours with her just venting and catching up then and out for dinner with Fiend and his girlfriend.
Academic growth - None today.
Overall mood - Woke up feeling REALLY numb today, which consisted on throughout half of the day but then got anxious and jittery, then sad, then calm and maybe sad again soon.
Been a bit of an out of it day today. Woke up feeling numb and that was sad and odd given the context and how I was feeling the day before.
I started jittering out a bit getting anxious, stressed and overthinking so I went and saw an old friend which was nice to catch up and vent. They tried to get too cozy with me which set of some internal repulsion but once I got over that I was good.
Went and picked up Nugg from school after that and told him the bad news. We both had a cry and I told him that I love him and the person that had the bad news loved him no matter what. I apologised for the bad news (since it was ultimately my fault). After that we got him sorted for the night, dinner, shower and then I dropped him at mum and dads as I’m not really in a good space at the moment.
Fiend came over and hung out tonight then I went out with him and his partner to get a burger. It ended up being a lovely night and made my day a whole lot better!
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justformula1 · 29 days
Which driver hasn’t mowed the grass in that turn yet?
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terastarst0rm · 29 days
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its-target-official · 1 month
my (least) favourite post
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ireton · 29 days
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trans-africa-2024 · 28 days
Yesterday can be split in three parts.
Part 1: We and many others who followed the advice of Bruno to leave early (6:00 o‘clock) got lost already after waypoint 3 in the roadbook. Instead of going south we ended up going northwest back towards the border to Zimbabwe. After a couple of minutes we decided to turn around to find the correct road but missed the turnoff. So after driving in all directions for some 50 km we finally found ourselves on the right track.
Part 2: The correct road turned up to be the nicest drive we have had sofar in Africa: New surface, lush vegetation, winding through the hills up and down in curves and bends. We then ended up on a 50 km stretch of gravel which was not too bad. Again hundreds of kids trying to sell cashews, hot Coke, pineapples and other stuff. At a stop we gave a couple of kids watermelon chewing gum. At first they were very shy but then had big smiles on their faces.
Part 3: The main highway North-South in Mozambique is the N1. We were told it would be bad but after we turned onto it is was beyond anything we had experienced on any of the other rallies before! Right after the turnoff we had to drive across a bridge. The potholes were so big that we could have vanished in one of them easily! We crawled over it at a speed of 1 km/h and it took us 10 minutes to the other side for 150 meters. This continued all the way to Vilankulos with some parts on gravel, broken tarmac and thousands of potholes. Missing one of them meant ending the rally there and then. Even the last 18 km to the very touristy town of Vilankulos was so bad that we had the feeling the car would fall apart. It took a lot of beatings. We arrived in the Bahia Mar Boutique Hotel which was fabulous right at the beach after 10,5 hours on the road. We have now driven from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean by car. Not bad for old Missy the Merc!
The next 2 days we shall spend at the Anantara Resort on Bazaruto Island. It is supposed to be one of the best properties in Africa at the Indian Ocean.
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allthesway · 29 days
real talk, lb. this was a great season. even though i’ve been a bruins fan for a while, this is the first one where i decided to start blogging during games. just want you all to know that you’re FUNNY motherfuckers (lovingly). love you all <3
with all that being said: florida, fuck you. you never fail to make me hate you more
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rainbowgod666 · 2 months
I came up with the yugioh version of "Liar's Dice": The Numeron Game
All number cards from 1 to 99 (excludinc C numbers, F numbers, and the false numbers), shuffled. You call the number and its a best of three game.
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nicoscheer · 28 days
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Via turnered_on
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The last clip is of Aviation (second time he’s played it on this tour)
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argirisliosis The one and only @mileskane brought his "One Man Band" show in Athens last night and everyone in that room went crazy for him ⚡️(as they should)
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flowergirlsimo · 29 days
My universe🤍
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m-bige · 16 days
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Friday, 31st of May, 2024
Current progress:
Hygiene - Pretty slack today but I had a shower at work.
Physical activity - Walked around with Nugg a bit.
Eating - Haven't eaten yet but I will at work.
Sleep - Quite a bit today. Maybe 7? Split up but still.
Selfcare - Saw Greeny, her kids and my cousin (Shamoli) while on my walk with Nugg.
Academic growth - None today.
Overall mood - Um, I'm not sure. Decent I think? Been checking to see if Shooks has been online a lot and really wanting to message her but filled the day up with sleeping and that walk with Nugg before work. Still a bit in my head.
Sorry about not posting the last couple days! Been busy or in my head.
Went and talked to the doctors yesterday. They said I'm doing well although they're still really worried about me. Talked to someone who is supposed to help my mental. Told me to go for a skate more often and will help me with sorting counselling.
Went out for lunch with dad yesterday too which was nice. We don't often see each other, let alone one-on-one time. He's gotten better at understanding his kids feelings even if he's still not 100% good with expressing shit or communicating well.
Today has been alright I think. I slept for majority of it, seeing as I was on shift last night. But got up, picked Nugg up and got on with the day. As it gets later into the night I know my head will play up a bit.
Regardless I saw Greeny and Shamoli today which is always good for me.
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dopingconsomme · 18 days
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